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-2- 2aBeGB Pratt & lhitney Coaplaints several applicants ahead of her ho could not uso hore Sho wee told by interviewer that it would bo. sematino before sho could get her placed and that df che wanted to cet om sooner to send her nane dn by someone working at the plant to some forexon who would ack for her appointnente | T+ MeUaniel, Annie Mac 2683) Trnoy, Kansas City, Missouri \/” q “ si January 29, 1965 Applied at the City lmploysent Cffiee for work as trainee, Told by interviewer at Desk #1, there were no openings excopt in cafeteria works Applied several tines pricr to this but each tine I have ‘been routed to the sane interviewer who-tellas xe each tine there are no openings except in cafeterias At difforont times while I have been in the office, white wonen havo been interviewed and zany of then hired. REFUSAL TO RENTRE f B. Wilkins, Clotelle 2449 Ogrfiel Mey 16, 1944 Beployet in Prott ¢ Whitney Training School and in Plast as turret lathe operators also learned to operate gear grinding machines Vorvenber 19,144 Quit work for hor confinenent with eligibility to rehire six weeks after the birth of her child. January 27,'45 Applied for rehire, Miss olycross wrote to the foreran of her department who state’ he had no mings Miss Holycross told her that hor record "Osi." ond that it was just that there were no openings, As the company was calling for workers in the newspapers ani over tho radio, hiring inexperienced white workers and sccepting trainces, applicant be- Aieves she would have ben rehired had it not been -fer her color. te Deceuter 48 Referred by USES as operator trainees Told no openings excopt in cafeteria, ao accepted this works Jum 16, 1044 Voluntarily terminated to cet into production works June 50, 194 Referred by USES as operator traincos Told at Clty Office that she nust have atetesent of availability, but that even with such a atatenent she could be hired only for cafeteria work as the policy of the company was no to suploy anyone in production work who previously had worked in the cafeteria. Kansas City, Masourd Li, 3962 /,, 9, REFUSAL TO MIRE FORMER CAFBT-RIA (6) 5, Carr, Zotella 1612 Ey Mth, Kancas City "ilssourd Yee—taGs (|”” Yr. Business Couree in Junior College {

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