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25. A Federal Court in Delaware has approved a new desegregation plan allowing Negrees to enter white schools in September at all grade levels, Total desegregation is planned by 1970 under a now school code which would eliminate schaol disteiets which laok any ono of graden 1-12, end thereby reduce the munber of Delaware districts fron 91 to 29, Only the public schools of the states of Mississippi, South Carolina and Alabana vill remain vholly segregated in Septenbar, 1961, 48 compared with 17 states and the District of Columbia eight years ago. Court action 4g pending in Misslestppi on the admission of a Negro transfer student +o the State University, Ascording to the Southern Schooh Youn, Nogroes vill attempt to register at public colleges in Alabama and South Carolina. In institutions of higher learning, Negroes were admitted far the firet time to summer sessions at the University of Mani, Wake Forest, St, Petersburg Junior College, Texas Tech, and the University of Tennessee's Martin Branch, This Fell Mars Hi22 College, Duke University, UNIVERSITY PROGRESS, 1961. and Davidson Collegs, all in North Carolina, Georgia Tach and Oklahoma Christian College will desegregate. Two Negro students becane the firet of their race to recetva Ph, D, degrees fron the University of Kentucky in June, 1961, At the University of North Carolina, a Negro student haa boon chosen editor-in-chief of the Lay Review, acknowledging hin se'o leading wan in his class.

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