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Routledge studies in Asian religion and philosophy 1 Deconstruction ad the Ethic in Asian Thought 2 An ntrodnction to Bans Thooght ‘Adon ngage, andes in Zhang ie alo ating poe wae ‘id by a Botta ond Francie Kk Ge Lin Christianity in Contemporary Chinn Stc-atal pepecves| Christianity in Contemporary China Socio-cultural perspectives Edited by Francis Khek Gee Lim RR Powter raat 509 Sansa eg na eatin, nO latina fi T&F rp fr te Sennett mea aecee ‘gn rer Nap ibn pn pete ‘ly tere Ck pegs, om Ree es Ana is wt ay) ‘pSbcngwi ers ae "Steere Soe. chs ‘ieee Fas Bavncssomesta es ie toate ae Se tiny Pte Gp, Tico soe Contents Ls of hcrtone Nasco conters Aebnondgonens ‘Shiels faith: Christy tn contemporary Chien Enchantment 1 Sigur and wonder: Christianity aed tye made in 12 om ‘Christianity ie Chin to Cites Christan ‘hangagparndg nd changhg perspectives Nai story {3 Chratan revival fom witha: Seventh-day Advent a 4 Protea rsetlons othe nels gent ‘contemporary China 1s 8 5 Toyag tomate sent of itor: Chinese Cristian trains of countrcltral belt and sr thelgla and plz nterpreation of pas bd present history ™ ‘Coatenporary Chistian and the righty of popular (Chase cinema ° ‘othe Peoples: Chestanly and ethic in Chass Chri ccety 2 ‘ootemporary Chia ms ‘eponing of instration from the reset? ne oto fit among 11 Christian ees and busines san ethnographic accoant ‘coven tomidee 6 12 ‘Saint, serety and sation: emergence of apiritual-eigous groups in China between 1978. Negotiating boundaries 205 13 Thehowse-

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