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We, the members of Model United Nations, to fully realize our purpose, do hereby adopt and establish
this constitution as the guiding instrument of our organization.
ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose
Name: North Gwinnett Model U.N - NGMUN
The purpose of organization is to involve interested students in debate about current issues that affect the
international community, and educate them about the organization of the United Nations.
ARTICLE II : Membership
Section 1. Membership in Model United Nations shall be limited to persons officially connected with
North Gwinnett High School.
Section 2. Membership in Model United Nations shall not be limited to persons based on their race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status.
Section 3. Active membership in Model United Nations shall be conferred upon those members who, in
addition to the above requirements, have paid dues before the established deadline, maintain a high level
of attendance at scheduled meetings, and are actively involved in fund-raising activities.

ARTICLE III: Structure

Section 1. The officers of Model United Nations shall be elected by active members. Any student seeking
to hold or holding office must maintain the cumulative GPR requirement for graduation and remain in
good standing in their respective college.
Section 2. The elected officers of Model United Nations shall consist of a Secretary-General, Head
Delegate, Under-Secretary-General, Secretary, Treasurer, and Fund-Raising Chair, who shall serve as the
Executive Committee.
Section 3. Elections:
A. All officers shall be elected on or before April 1st of each year, and shall serve one-year terms. Newly
elected officers will take office at the end of each academic year.
I. Should there be any vacant offices, an election for only those offices will be held on or before May 1st.
Officers elected at this time will serve for the remainder of the academic year.
II. In the event of the resignation or removal from office of an officer, other than the Secretary-General,
the candidate with the second most votes from the most recent election shall take his place. Should this
candidate decline to fill said office, or be otherwise unavailable, elections shall be held within two weeks
of the original officer's resignation or removal from office.
B. All officers shall be elected by a simple majority of the votes cast by the existing Executive
Committee, as well as with the Faculty Sponsor..

Section 4. Officer Duties:

A. The Secretary-General shall preside at Model United Nations meetings and act as a spokesperson for
the organization, and have the authority to appoint all committee chairpersons and to create new
committees should the need for new committees arise.
B. The Under-Secretary-General shall attend all meetings, unless unable as a result of an unavoidable
conflict in schedule, for the purpose of remaining informed about the current proceedings of the
organization. The Under-Secretary-General shall preside at Model United Nations meetings in the event
of the Secretary-General's absence. Should the Secretary-General resign before the completion of his term
of office, the Under-Secretary-General shall serve as Secretary-General for the remainder of the academic
C. The Secretary shall be responsible for documenting all Model United Nations business and
correspondence. Such responsibilities of the Secretary include, but are not limited to, recording minutes at
all Model United Nations meetings and maintaining up-to-date files for all members, which will include
meeting attendance, fund-raiser participation, conference performance, and adherence to deadlines.
D. The Treasurer shall handle all financial transactions of Model United Nations, including, but not
limited to, the collection of dues, the payment of fees associated with attending conferences, the purchase
of materials necessary for maintaining meeting efficiency. The Treasurer shall record all transactions both
in a tangible logbook and an electronic document.
E. The Fund-Raising Chair shall be responsible for formulating plans to increase club revenue, and
presenting these ideas, and those of others in the organization, to the members of Model United Nations.
After fund-raising plans have been debated and approved by both the members and the Executive
Council, it shall be the responsibility of the Fund-Raising Chair to oversee their effective implementation.
F. The Head Delegate, is to be in charge of reserving the local chapter for any conferences that are
deemed right by the Executive committee, and shall be in charge of communicating with the different
chapters in the region, and with the local chapter itself. If any disturbances or issues are to occur in the
local chapter, the Head Delegate has the authority to presume Leadership position, only until the issue at
hand is resolved.
Section 5. The Faculty/ Staff Advisor must be selected from full-time faculty or administrative staff
members at the school. The Advisor, along with the Executive Committee, shall serve as a liaison
between Model United Nations and the North Gwinnett High School administration. The Advisor will be
invited to and notified of all Model United Nations meetings and activities, though attendance is not

ARTICLE IV: Dues and Finance

Section 1. The Executive Committee will establish the dues for Model United Nations within the first
month of the fall semester. The Treasurer must receive payment of dues within two months of the first day
of the fall semester in order for a student to be an active member of Model United Nations. The Secretary
shall maintain a record of students who have paid dues before this deadline.

Section 2. Model United Nations will finance its activities through membership dues, fund-raising
projects, and may apply for funds from the Senate Finance Committee after it has been registered for one
year and has become eligible for such funding.
Section 3. Should dues and fund-raising not sufficiently cover the fees required to attend a conference,
members planning to participate in the conference may be asked to provide additional funding later in the

ARTICLE V: Meetings
Section 1. The first meeting of the fall semester shall be held within two weeks after classes start.
Section 2. Regular meetings shall be held at least twice per month during the school year at a time set by
the Executive Committee and Faculty Sponsor.
Section 4. Action on any business, old or new, requires a quorum of one-half (1/2) of the active members
of the organization.

ARTICLE VI: Removal from Office

Section 1. Any Model United Nations officer whose dereliction of duty adversely affects the operations of
the organization shall be subject to disciplinary action or removal from office.
Section 2. A written request stating the reasons for dismissal and signed by at least three- fifth (3/5) of the
active members of the organization must be submitted to the Secretary-General or the Under-SecretaryGeneral before the Call to Order at a regular meeting. After the Adjournment of that meeting, the
Executive Council, minus the officer whose removal is being deliberated, shall vote upon the validity of
the request. A simple majority is required to accept or reject the request for dismissal.
I. Upon the acceptance of a request for dismissal of an officer, a copy of the request must be submitted
within two days to the Faculty / Staff Advisor.
Section 3. At least three days before the date of the next regularly scheduled meeting, written notification
of the request and reasons for dismissal must be given to the offending officer, who should come to the
next meeting prepared to defend his dereliction of duty.
I. The offending officer will be given at least ten minutes before the meeting to present his case before the
Executive Council.
II. All Executive Council members must be present for the offending officer's hearing, and the Secretary
shall be responsible for accurately and objectively recording the defense presented by the offending

III. After said hearing, the Executive Council shall present to all members the written request for
dismissal and a summary of the hearing. The offending officer will then be given no more than five
minutes to present his case to the members present at the meeting.
Section 4. A one-half (1/2) vote of the Executive Council, a one-half vote (1/2) of all present members,
and the approval of the Faculty / Staff Advisor is required to remove the officer from office.

ARTICLE VII : Constitutional Amendments

Section 1. The Constitution is binding to all members of Model United Nations but is not binding unto
Section 2. Amendments to the Constitution may be submitted in writing by any active member of Model
United Nations before any regular meeting.
I. Proposed amendments must be accepted by a simple majority of the Executive Council and approved
by the Faculty Staff / Advisor.
II. Following the approval of an amendment, all active members will be notified of its submission and
asked to attend the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 3. A proposed amendment shall be presented at the first meeting after its submission at which
two-thirds (2/3) of the active members are present.
Section 4. A proposed amendment will become effective after receiving a three-fourths (3/4) majority
vote at a meeting at which at least two-thirds (2/3) of the active members are present. Such a vote cannot
take place under at least five days after the presentation of the amendment.

ARTICLE VIII : Ratification

The undersigned student(s) of North Gwinnett High School, after a three-fourths (3/4) Majority Vote of
active members, do hereby agree to follow the guidelines of this Constitution
Signed: ____________________

Date: ____________________

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