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Chapter 19 Lecture Notes

Sectional Crisis Time Line


1819 Missouri applies for statehood (11-11 slave to free

o Tallmadge Amendment proposed
Slaves couldnt be brought into the state but the kin of current
slaves could be slaves
1820 Missouri Compromise
o Balanced out slave with free with Maine turned into a free state
o Makes the line at 36 30 everything above it is free
1828 Tariff of Abominations
o Lead to the nullification crisis
1830 2nd Great Awakening
o Gives rise to strong abolitionists rooted in religion
1831 - Nat Turners revolt
o This would result in stricter laws on slaves
o This struck fear into the hearts of the Southerners
o Abraham Lincoln thought that the slaves should go back to Liberia, to
1832 Nullification Crisis
1845 Texas Annexation
o Many times empires and countries began to have issues when they
start to expand
This often leads to conflict
1846 Oregon agreement at 49th parallel
o It was an issue for the Northerners because they only got half the land
since the U.S. had to split it with Britain
1846 Wilmot Proviso
o Any Mexican territory gained is free states
1846 The Mexican-American War began
o America has a huge drive to expand
But when it comes to what belongs there, sectional issues came
1850 Compromise of 1850
o Popular sovereignty in the territory acquired from Mexico
o California wants admission to be the 31st state
This is an issue because it will put the slave-free state issue out
of balance
So they tell the south that they can have stricter slave laws

Transnational Railroad

California was beneficiary to the North but they needed a railroad to reach it
To go through the North, they would have to go through unorganized territory
o So the Northerners propose a place

Harriet Beecher Stowe


Uncle Toms Cabin - 1852


Biggest selling book in American history besides the Bible

Influenced Northerners to hate slavery
Had an impact of change that put an idea in peoples head

The Know-Nothings (The American Party)


1849- secret order of the star-spangled banner created in NYC

Nativists and anti-Catholic
o Would start a movement of Catholics making schools and university

1852 Presidential Election


Franklin Pierce Democrat

o Supported the idea of the slavery
o Image of compromise and that is why he is popular
Gen. Winfield Scott Whig
John Parker Hale Free Soil Party

Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854


Have to organize it to have a railroad

Popular sovereignty in Nebraska would mean nullifying of the Missouri
o But without making Kansas or Nebraska a slave state, the South
wouldnt let go of the railroad
o Ticks off Northerners because they thought the rule was clear
o Ticks off South because for a while it looked like Kansas will not
become a slave state
But the Southerners are able to just jump right over the border
of Missouri to make sure that there are more pro-slavery people
than not
The South will be set in now to bully others

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