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delusion is the mind going the wrong wy.

enemy brings things to mind, grk. working of deception. ander ne led astray n de
1 jn 2:18
anything that takes the place of god in your heart --- delusion
1 jn 4:1
spirit of vagabond
when u alow delision to influence u, what happens is u begin to take on the spir
it of a vagabond. thats a self inflicted curse you put on yourself. wht happens
is u go on ur own way. op. by the spirit of rejection.
not settled, in your mind. genesis talks about the spi of vag, unfruitful. just
wandering and never really settling, never really productive. always living in f
ear, always feeling rejected and suspicious ofthose around u. moving about and n
verer settled, committed, trtus the lord. always in the place of not belong.
make sure the word gets n ur heart.
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