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Smart Phones' Effects Our Lives

How has the smart phones affected on our lives? Smart phones have turned to common things in
our community from kids to adults to old people. In addition, smart phones have made our lives
easier by texting and using mobile maps which can save and organize our time. Nowadays,
having the smart phones is the most essential things that anyone would agree with because
everybody becomes aware of having them. Furthermore, our feeling now when we lose our
smart phones is like you lose one of your children. Smart phones have become a major of our
lives. we feel that smart phones is half us. Most people use the smart phones to connect with
others by using social media, which is the most important things that the phone has. Also, social
media has everything that we need to see. For example, politics, sport, and news. In the past,
people were using their laptops and phones because each one had a different services. Nowadays,
the smart phones have everything that a laptops have. Moreover, the smart phones have changed
the way we get the news, we went from the newspaper to the television to the cell phone. Also,
whenever you want to know about anything you can find it by using the phone. However, smart
phone have affected our behavior. For instance, we use the alarm clock to wake us up instead of
depending on ourselves and we use it everywhere. Such as, during our works, meals , and home.
Also, kids can learn a lot of things which are helpful by using the smart phones. For instance,
international kids can learn English by looking to the YouTube or having a program that teaches
English. as there are many benefits for kids to have a smart phones, there are also a negative
impacts. Such as, there are some bad videos in YouTube they might see or even they might love
to speak as the people who are in the videos. As we know, kids like to imitate old people, so if
they see any videos have bad or good things, they might imitate them which is harmful.

Some advantage of using the smart phone

Using a smart phone as an educational tool will help students get any information that is related
to their lessons easily and quickly. They will be able to extend their knowledge and
understanding about their lessons because they will have many different ways of learning once
they can use their smart phones. There are many educational website that can help them to make
their understanding better. In addition, using them can make teacher' tasks easier. In other words,
teaches will not be worried about their students' understanding because they will be able to look
up for finding anything they do not understand it by looking to their smart phones. some students
can not understand each point that their teachers are explained. According to the article4
Benefits of Using Cell Phones in School: Smartphones as Learning Tools it was reported that
Smartphones provide the ability to get answers quickly. In some situations, a student may not
ask for clarification to a question he or she has in an open classroom. Use of a smartphone in a
classroom setting can provide those answers.. Therefore, students should have the ability to use
their smart phones because some of them might face some difficulties to understand each point
that their teachers are trying to explain. There are many benefits from using smart phones that
will help students in class; such as, reading books, articles, educational apps, and watching
videos. Students can reads many books as they want and take advantages of them by using smart
phones in class. As a result, that will help students to like reading because it will be easier and
more interesting for them to have a fun class by letting them use whatever they want as they are
an adults. Changing their educational ways will help them keep going in their studies and
encourage them to learn more. They can read many articles from their phones as well. Teachers
can find an articles on the Internet and ask students to read them, so that can make students
improve their reading' skills by the easiest way which is letting them read by their phones. In

addition, smart phones have become one of the most important devices that everyone needs.
Nowadays, the learning environment should be easier than many years ago.They facilitate the
ideas of getting any details that everybody wants. students have many ways to learn with a new
technology. For instance,in the past, students had only one way to learn which was going to the
class but with these amazing smart phones, we have variety ways of studying in our world right
now. By their cell phones, students can get anything that they want or anything they can not
clearly understand by looking up to it. Changing their educational way can make them devote
some of their time to learn when they are browsing their phones during their normal days. This
new educational way will change the learning environment and make it more developed for
students and more easier for teachers. For example, teachers can share any information easily by
an interesting and educational way. On the other hand, to be clear about my point, there are some
students who might use their smart phones improperly in the classroom. For example, they might
play video games and spend most of their times do that. Using their cell phones can let them
have the ability to play whenever they feel bored. as a result, they might waste their time by
playing instead of doing something helpful. also, using smart phones in class might have some
negative result. Such as, letting an international students to translate each single word and look
up to the dictionary which is in some point can hurt them because they will translate any word
that they do not understand instead of asking their instructors to explain it. According to
Winchester "Last year in one of my teacher preparation classes in Social Studies one of the
students told the class how she vigorously confiscated all the student smart-phones at the
beginning of class and only returned them at the end of the day. Her reasoning was simple: the
students were wasting time texting one another or playing games and weren't concentrating on
her lessons or their assigned work. The smart-phones were taking up valuable learning time that

should be put to good use in the classroom." Therefore, we might need a strict rules about using
the smart phones. For instance, just letting them to use it when the teacher just ask them to look
up for a piece of information. However, students who really want to learn positively will not use
them during all their class time. They will spend only a few minutes to get whatever they need
from them. Therefore, that will help them have two different types of learning, which are their
teachers explanation and many websites that they can get to them from their smart phones. As
there are many disadvantages of using the cell phones while students are in school, there are
many benefits to use it. Such as, reading books, articles, and watching video (Ted Talks). There
are some studies about how teacher and students use their smart phones while they are in school.
"The teachers used their smart phones not only to share knowledge with each other, but also to
create new knowledge by regularly collaborating and communicating "(Doolittle and Hicks
2003). So, as we can see there are a link between students and their teachers not only by just
going to their classes but also, by using their smart phones. Today's teachers have the opportunity
to use technology to support existing pedagogy and meet the needs of their students. "The
appropriate use of technology can potentially revolutionize social studies education"(Beck and
Eno).Therefore, students need to have some rules to use their phones in order to help them use
their phones properly. In conclusion, there are many benefits of using smart phones in class.
Students will be able to get as many information that are related to their lessons as they want
easily. Moreover, the learning environment should be connected with the outside world. It will be
hard for students to separate between their educational lives and their normal lives. People
typically look at their smart phones many times every day. Looking at our smart phones have
become an essential part of our lives. Consequently, students need to use their smart phones in
class in order to make their education way easier. Even though some educators do not agree with

using smart phones in class, they will help them learn more and have many types of explanation.
Also, it makes our live easier. For example, instead of going to some one house to say hi, we just
send s message or call them. No one can not picture him/her self without having their smart

Work Cited;
Winchester, I. (2011). Should we confiscate student smart-phones in our schools? The
Journal of Educational Thought, 45(1), 1-2. Retrieved from
Doolittle, P. E., & Hicks, D. E. (2003). Constructivism as a theoretical framework
for the use of technology in social studies. Theory and Research in Social Education,
31(1), 71103.
2. Beck, D., and J. Eno. Signature Pedagogy: A Literature Review of Social
Studies and Technology Research. Computers in the Schools 29, no. 1/2 (2012): 7094
. "4 Benefits of Using Cell Phones in School: Smartphones as Learning Tools."
Concordia Portland Online. Concordia Online Education, 9 Nov. 2012. Web. 2 Sept.

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