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April Bandell

UDL Planning Cycle

Lesson 3

Topic: Writing Addition Sentences in order to Solve Addition Word
Description of Lesson:
Students will learn the new vocabulary word addition sentence,
plus, and equals. They will also lean what symbol represent plus
and equals.
Students will learn how to solve addition word problems by
writing addition sentences through modeling instruction, guided
practice, and independent practice.

Description of Class:
I will be implementing my planning cycle in a general education
classroom of 20 students. Within this class of 20, two of the students
have an Individualized Education Plan. One student is identified with
Autism Spectrum Disorder and the other student for Specific Learning
Disability. There is also another student who is identified as having a
504 plan for ADHD.

April Bandell

Student #1: Will
Disability: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Verbal communication
Reading fluency
Passion for science and social studies concepts
Motivated by completion and independent study
Reading comprehension (particularly related to abstract concepts)
Collaborative group work (interactions among peers)
Sustained attention during whole group teaching
Student #2: Destiny
Disability: Specific Learning Disability
On grade level in mathematics
Group work and leadership skills
Sight word identification and general vocabulary
Phonics and phonemics awareness skills (basically a non-reader)
Copying skills required for notes or worksheets
General reading comprehension

April Bandell

Student #3: Xavier

Disability: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder
Motivated by self-selected rewards and reinforcements
On grade level in most academic areas
Identified as a leader among peers in the classroom
Attention and distractibility, particularly during seated instruction
Desire for immediate gratification or reinforcement
Behavioral impulsivity
*This student is responding positively to an individualized behavioral
chart that provides self-selected rewards for behavioral goals.
Yesterday students learned how to solve addition word problems by
pictures. Today students will take the new skill they learned yesterday
and the day before and solve addition word problems by writing addition
Purpose for Learning:
Students will learn how to solve addition word problems by writing
addition sentences in order to apply this skill for a variety of life skills.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Purpose: Classroom Instruction

April Bandell

Grade: First
Content Area: Math
Common Core: Mathematics
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.A.1 (grade 1): Use addition and subtraction
within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to,
taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with
unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and
equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the

Instructional Goals:
Students will learn the new vocabulary word, addition sentence, plus,
and equals. They will also learn the symbol that represents plus and
Students will be able to write addition sentences from the given
addition word problem.
Students will solve addition word problems by writing addition

April Bandell

The addition problems and all instructions will be read aloud. This
will help students who are auditory, have trouble reading, have
comprehension problems, english language learners, and the
students with disabilities in my class.
When the students are sitting on the carpet for the beginning of the
lesson, Will, Destiny, and Xavier will sit in their assigned
seat. Xavier will also bring his cushion to sit on.
Xavier's behavior chart will be implemented during this
lesson. Xavier may sit or stand when doing guided practice work
and independent work. The lesson will be chunked into sections and
will offer short movement opportunities.
Will will be tapped lightly on the shoulder in order to remind him to
pay attention.
Will, Destiny, and Xavier may have extra time to work on their
independent practice worksheet if needed.
Support will be provided to WIll, Destiny, and Xavier when making
up an addition problem on the post-it note. They can also verbally
tell me and I can help write or write it down for them.

Formative Assessment:
Students will solve addition word problems by writing addition
During the guided practice portion of the lesson students will be
assessed for understanding of the new skill. They will be observe

April Bandell

through answers they give, facial expression, and glancing at their


Summative Assessment:
The independent practice worksheet will be the summative assessment.
Instruction Methods:
Have students sit on carpet in front of the promethean board.
Read slide one. Write the students word problem on the board. Have
students help you solve the problem.

Introduce New Knowledge
Read Objective (slide two)
Read slide three. Talk about and explain the new vocabulary words.
Then go over the example of an addition sentence that is provided on
the slide.
Model New Skills and Knowledge
Make up addition sentences using slide four. Ask students to tell you
what numbers to use.

April Bandell

Guided Practice:
Pass out guided practice worksheet. Put one of the worksheets on the
Elmo to use. Guide the students through the problems and have them
show and explain their answers by showing it on the Elmo.
Independent Practice:
Pass out independent practice worksheet. Read over each problem as
the students complete it.
When students are done with their independent practice worksheet
have them turn it into the math basket.
Already on the students desk is a post it note. Have students write
their name on it and them come up with their own addition sentence.
Promethean board
Flip Chart
Guided practice worksheet
Independent practice worksheet
Post-it notes

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