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A Summary of Survey Results on Bazan Paintings Job-site Reporting

The purpose of this survey was to collect data to support my proposal on converting
Bazan Paintings current paper based job-site reporting to an all-electronic format. This survey
was directed at both painters and office employees to get an overall view of our current job-site
reporting methods. The survey was also used to gauge our employees level of comfort with
current technology and to explore how that technology might be used to improve the job-site
reporting process.
Over my 12 years at Bazan Painting one of the main complaints that I consistently hear
from our painters is the amount of paperwork that is required to be filled out to report their time
and daily job-site activities. This problem was even more compounded in 2013 with the
introduction of a new daily safety checklist that must be filled out every work day. Filling out
this paperwork is a necessary function that is a critical part of not only reporting daily job-site
activities and time worked, but also providing good data to improve profitability on future jobs.
Therefore, this survey sought to answer how we can improve the efficiency of this process
without sacrificing the current information provided and, at the same time, improve the quality of
job-site related information that we are currently receiving from our painters.
The survey provided some helpful data and eye-opening results. The surveys
demographics were equally represented with 11 painters and 10 office employees/estimators
participating. 71.43% of responders to the survey thought that the current method of job-site
reporting was somewhat efficient and only 19.05% of responders saw the current method as
being efficient. 9.52% thought that the process was not efficient at all. These results tell me that
the current methods of reporting job-site data need to re-tooled and made more efficient.
Technology will play an important role in the revitalization of job-site reporting at Bazan
Painting. Based on the results of the survey, all respondents were comfortable with using
computers. 90.47% of respondents were also comfortable to very comfortable with using smart
phones or tablets. There was one respondent, who made up 4.76% of the overall respondents,
who was not comfortable at all using smart phones or tablets. Withstanding this very small
percentage was the overwhelming 80% of respondents which chose that they would much rather
use a tablet for reporting daily job-site activities than any other method provided. It is interesting
to note that zero respondents chose the method of using a paper based method to provide job-site
data. Also, 84.21% of respondents were either somewhat likely or likely to provide more detail in
their daily job logs given the option of reporting them electronically versus hand written on
paper. Introducing the use of technology in Bazans job-site reporting would therefore not only
be a welcome change, but would most likely provide better job-site data for the company.
Based on these findings it is my recommendation that a proposal be submitted to
management at Bazan Painting to convert the current paper based jobsite reporting methods to an
electronic data collecting process. This change will make the process more efficient and will
most likely provide better and more detailed information about current job-site functionality.

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