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Direct Instruction Model- English 10

Subject: AP English 10

Teacher: Mickey Legesse

School: Patrick Henry High School

Student will engage in:

! Independent activates Hands-on
Date: 11-05-15
Cooperative learning
! Whole group instruction
Peer tutoring
! Technology integration
Block: !1 2 3
Semester: ! S1 S2
Class of: 2015-16
Lesson Aim: Read and discuss chapter 4 of Night by Elie Wiesel.
Standards/Objective Met:
10.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze literary texts of different cultures
and eras.
a) Identify main and supporting ideas.
b) Make predictions, draw inferences, and connect prior knowledge to support
reading comprehension.
c) Explain similarities and differences of techniques and literary forms represented
in the literature of different cultures and eras.
d) Analyze the cultural or social function of literature.
e) Identify universal themes prevalent in the literature of different cultures.
f) Examine a literary selection from several critical perspectives.
g) Explain the influence of historical context on the form, style, and point of view
of a literary text.
h) Evaluate how an authors specific word choices, syntax, tone, and voice shape
the intended meaning of the text, achieve specific effects and support the authors
i) Compare and contrast literature from different cultures and eras.
j) Distinguish between a critique and a summary.
k) Compare and contrast how rhyme, rhythm, sound, imagery, style, form, and
other literary devices convey a message and elicit a readers emotions.
l) Compare and contrast character development in a play to characterization in
other literary forms.
m) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process.
Procedures Followed:
20 minutes Bell-ringer
Greek and Latin
Students will practice their daily grammar
Practice their Greek and Latin weekly vocabulary root
20 minutes Review of previously learned material/lesson connections:
Ask students to summarize chapter 2 and 3
Do a quick plicker review

45 minutes Students will listen to an audiobook as they follow along

in chapter 3 and 4 of their books
Stop and discuss the chapter
Have students complete their chap. 3 and 4
worksheet ask they listen
In addition, have students work on their character
and setting worksheet
Listen 13 minutes to finish chapter 3 and discuss
Pg 41 Those were the fist human word what
made this experience more humane compare to
their previous experience?
Listen 10 minutes of chapter 4 and discuss (10:21)
What role did time play in the camp? Is it a force
of life or death? And why?
Culture Awareness discussion:
In the Jewish culture, what do they value the
Why do they value their faith?
They devote most of their time doing what?
Listen 12 minutes of chapter and discuss (22:09)
Compare and contrast Elies reaction the first time
his father is struck on the face to the second time
his father is struck by an iron bar?
Listen 10 minutes of chapter and discuss
On page 61, Elie explains, In the afternoon, we
cheerfully went to clear the ruins. Why are they
so cheerfull?
5 minutes Exit slip
Write 3 thinks I learned while reading
2 interesting facts
1 question I still have
Homework Given: Study for a quiz on chapters 1-4
Teacher Notes: Make sure you give absent students their missing worksheets and give
Annie a copy of chap 2 and 3.
Self Evaluation: Briefly discuss the pros. and cons. of lesson and any changes that need
to be made before teaching this lesson again.

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