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Bondurant-Farrar Community Schools

Artifact Title: Class Voted Upon and Signed Rules
Portfolio Author: Christina Cornia
Date: October 27, 2015
Iowa Teaching Standard 6 Demonstrates competence in classroom management.

a. Creates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active

engagement, and self-regulation for every student.
b. Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible
student behavior.
c. Develops and implements classroom procedures and routines that support high
expectations for student learning.
d. Uses instructional time effectively to maximize student achievement.
e. Creates a safe and purposeful learning environment.

I chose this artifact to show:

X strength and competency in this standard
Evidence to support attainment of this standard:
Description of artifact and how the artifact meets the standard:
During the first week of school the class and I worked together to create classroom expectations for the school year.
These expectations lined up with the Bondurants BEST we practice in our district. The students brainstormed several
ideas, I wrote them down, and we voted on these ideas. They voted on their top three choices, I wrote them on our
poster, and we all signed the poster. This is our way of stating we created the expectations, we agreed upon the top
three, and we will all follow these expectations for the year. I believe having the students take ownership in the
expectations is more effective than creating expectations by myself and telling the students they will be followed.

Reflection on artifact:
Each year I plan to do this activity with my students. I anticipate that each class will come up with expectations unique
to the group. My class this year created different expectations from my class last year. One expectation I was surprised
to see the class come up with was that well all make mistakes and that is okay. I feel it is a great expectation and one I
have reminded students of this year. We discussed how each expectation correlates with Bondurants BEST and the
poster is hung alongside the BEST posters. Ironically when I was writing these expectations on the poster I made an
error on this expectation. I pointed out that we all do indeed make mistakes, and we will accept them and move
I enjoy this activity each year. The expectations students come up with is very telling about the group of students as a
whole. It allows me to see the personalities of my students, their similarities, and their differences. Next year I do plan
to change the activity slightly. Instead of the repeated voting I will ask students to write down their three favorite
choices and I will tally the votes this way. The three ideas with the most votes will become our expectations for the
school year. This will be more efficient and students wont have to keep track of how many times theyve voted. The rest
of the activity I will keep the same.

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