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Written Argument
On The Issue of Dog and Cat Meat Consumption across the World
Carlos C. Ramirez
University of Texas at El Paso


The ongoing issue of dog and cat meat consumption has the whole world at awe and shock, some
feel offended and others feel attacked. It is an issue that is unknown to some and very
heartbreaking to others in the west side of the globe, while the east feels like their culture is
being attacked they go on and keep their so called tradition and culture going. This written
argument provides my take on the issue and advocates on the ban of dog and cat meat
consumption, not only because it is something that is seen as morally wrong, but also thinking of
public health and the innocent animal lives.

Written Argument on the Issue of Dog and Cat Meat Consumption across the World


The issue of dog and cat meat consumption has been going on and off throughout time across
the world. What the west sees as pets is also seen as food on the opposite side of the globe. The
consumption of dog and cat meat is a problem that not only countries such as the US or Mexico
see as heartbreaking and not just that, but against their own morals. Many countries such as
China, South Korea, Africa, and many others have been involved in the consumption of this type
of meat, some cause of their culture and some cause of the revenue (business). I am presenting
this argumentative paper in order to advocate for the ban of dog and cat meat consumption in
every country around the world, an action that will keep our beloved animal friends away from
human stomachs.
How are these animals seen around the world have you ever wondered? Does everyone else see
the friendly side of your pet Charlie? Does everyone else see how amazing it is to feel your cats
warmth when he lays with you on the couch? Well, sad to know but some people around the
globe keep their feelings out of it when it comes to their diets. Next thing you know theres a
couple of hundred restaurants serving canines and felines from day through night. Recipes are
mainly served as liquids or soups known as gaesoju (Podbersceck, 2009, p. 619). Who wouldve
thought right? It is a heart-crushing reality that I am here to inform about, and of course try and
do something about it.
African people are involved in the issue as well, for example we have Mr. Umoh from the
country of South Africa. Mr. Umoh has certain beliefs that have kept him consuming and even
selling dog meat (Murray, 2007). In an interview with BBC News Mr. Umoh states "Dog meat
also improves your sex life. And if you eat dog meat, you cannot be poisoned."(Murray, 2007).
Mr. Umoh is driven by the beliefs that have been surging throughout time in his country, the
business which he runs is a cuisine of dog meat that is always on high demand also because of


the necessity of the people around his city. A proof that people in Africa see this action as a
matter of culture is shown in this same article But dog is different. So, eating dog meat is a
question of culture for me says Nigerian Mr. Nnkwo. We now understand part of the issue,
and that is the beliefs that some people carry either from their surroundings or their history.
Simple to say and express their opinions, but many animal rights organizations do not agree
with the excuses that dog and cat meat consumers may come up with. We have the Korea Animal
Rights Advocates (KARA), an organization who is strongly against the consumption of dog and
cat meat. This organization provides with strong facts and history to advocate the ban of the
consumption of this type meat. For example, as stated in the history section of the website, The
argument of tradition for the dog-meat industry is a delusion. Dog meat supporters continually
miss the point, too busy labelling Western critics as hypocrites and racists. It is not tradition that
matters in the debate, it is morality and common decency. (Yim, n.d.). This organization makes
it clear that supporters in this issue have lost a sense of mind and are currently caught up in
supposed history form an organization of people who were less educated thousands of years ago.
In the research I conducted I came across the opinions of professionals who know about the
true effects of dog meat. Coming from a consultant at Nigerias University of Maidiguru
Teaching Hospital, Dr. Yakubu Nyandaiti states, "Dog meat, to the best of my knowledge, is not
any different from any other meat. The claim that it cures malaria is definitely not true," (Murray,
2007) we cannot simply take his words for a simple statement. Here I prove that the cultural
beliefs of medical use of this type of meat can sometimes be a lie, is it even worth it to take a
pets life to see how it will benefit your immune system?... when the technology nowadays has
advanced to an amazing level and most importantly in the medical field?


Asian people are responsible for one of the biggest takes in consumption of dog and meat.
Podberscecks (2009), calculations show that 13-16 million dogs and 4 million cats are eaten
each year. The outrageous number of dogs and cats slaughtered each year prove that the culture
and business of the dog and cat markets are only expanding in their horizons. The cause and
effect that I am implying here is the history and the customs that have been carried throughout
the years. From a conducted survey the results show that: the reasons given for eating dog meat
included to be sociable (25%), for the taste of it (30%), and for health reasons (32%)
(Podbersceck, 2009). The people have, in simpler terms, gotten used to eating this certain type of
To respond to the crazy statistics coming up in world news, government bodies in Asia decided
to finally take action. Such as the South Korean government who decided in 2007 to finally let
these animals be known as pets (Oh, 2011, p. 40). A pet registration system was enacted by this
law. The time advancement in animal rights in other words has been slow, the recognition of
these animals as pets should have surged sooner. It is ridiculous to know that in the US dogs and
cats have been a mans/womans best friends while in the other side of the map these two types
of animals have been treated to the worst conditions and treatment as preparation to their own
Had enough with the atrocities of the practice of eating such beautiful animals? What many
restaurants and sellers forget to show their public is the process which they put the animals
through. Dog and cat sellers do not take any of their products for granted. Some of the animals
sold in meat markets are even stolen and sellers dont have a single idea of the health status that
the dog may even be in. Once the animals are transported they are kept in horrible conditions,
horrible conditions which include no food or water, tight space which keeps them suffocated,


eventually leading them to death (Vaughan, 2003). Leaving the issue to the side, we look back at
the very own human health, once the dog meat is stocked at the markets or restaurants the buyer
is not aware of what they are exactly putting into their mouths! According to Peter J. Li, a China
policy adviser with Humane Society International, some of the dog traders in China have
admitted that the dogs and cats in the trade do not have a quarantine inspection certificate which
is required by the Ministry of Agriculture (Huang, 2015). The public health comes to a high risk
when exposing to this type of meat.
An event that is famous and known worldwide happens every year, the name of this festival is
the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. In this festival the traditional and cultural ways of Chinese people
are at it once again. It is performed every year during the three hottest days of the summer, the
beliefs that are acted upon this festival are eating dog and cat meat to prepare their bodies for the
cold days of winter. In 2015 there was an estimated number of dogs and cats that would be
slaughtered to be processed for sale and consumption, the expected number was 10,000 for this
year. This event brings in various numbers of activists that try and fight against these inhumane
ways (Fullerton, 2015). This event is seen as the biggest setting of the consistent battle between
the supporters of the consumption of these two types of meat and the ones who think clearer and
try to stop them.
The Yulin Dog Meat Festival not only brings out the rage of non-supporters, but the nastiest of
the ones who are on the other side of the issue. Peter J Li makes an appearance in an article
dedicated to the Yulin Dog Meat Festival where he also was present says The internal organs
piled on the grubby floor were evidence of this. I saw cat and dog intestines and carcasses
strung up, he says. Workers were blow-torching the carcasses to make them shiny and ready
for shipment to restaurants. There were some dogs still alive in wire cages, but they looked


exhausted, emaciated and dirty. (Fullerton, 2015). The unfair treatment of these animals comes
to shock the many who reside in the west side of the globe. At this same time, the Chinese do not
take public health into account! The same internal organs which are piled on the floor are the
same ones that end up being sold and served.
These atrocities have been at sight for governments in these certain countries, but by the look
of it not in a significant way. In Fullertons dog meat festival article we get a look at one of the
effects that government action have caused They have, however, clamped down on dogs being
slaughtered in public, resulting in slaughterhouses being moved to inconspicuous locations
(Fullerton, 2015). The slaughtering has been sadly hidden but not stopped, this is exactly where
we should take action.
Attempts are on full action all across the world, walks, protests, many events are on full speed
in order to stop this unfair issue. It will only be a matter of time before governments in every
country or at least where this issue is performed the most, that will ban the consumption of these
poor animals. Countries will not be affected as many may think, here we have an example, Peter
J. Li in the question and answer article with Sinosphere states the impact of shutting down the
dog meat trade would not be remotely significant for the Chinese economystopping pig
farming there would hurt the local economy (Huang, 2015). The effect of stopping this horrible
tradition is as insignificant as it seems, but very significant for others, these being mainly the
poor animals. Why would it be necessary to treat yourself and your body with foods that might
even affect your health, the believed benefits can turn out to be a lie and instead leave you with a
very severe stomach infection! History might be true and the traditions might be strong, but this
is the present, just as it is known that from history we learn in order for it to not be repeated, I
suggest that this is the time to stop and look at the disaster that is happening due to the


consumption of what can provide love and affection to us; the human race. I provide with the
alternative of looking over to new ways of diet, trying new foods, and always keeping in mind
your health, and what these animals go through before they are served in a soup or hung for sale
in meat markets.


Associated Press (Producer). (2012). Activists stage performance to protest against dog meat
consumption [Streaming video]. Retrieved from Associated Press Video Collection
Fullerton, J. (2015, June 19). Yulin dog meat festival: netizens rally in defense of event that will
see 10,000 cats and dogs slaughtered. Independent. Retrieved from


Huang, S. (2015, June 18). Q. and A.: Peter J. Li on the clash over eating dogs in China. The
New York Times. Retrieved from
Murray, S. (2007, March 6). Dogs' dinners prove popular in Nigeria. BBC News. Retrieved from
Oh, M., & Jackson, J. (2011). Animal Rights vs. cultural rights: exploring the dog meat debate in
South Korea from a world polity perspective. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 32(1), 3156. doi:10.1080/07256868.2010.491272
Podbersceck, A. (2009). Good to Pet and Eat: The Keeping and Consuming of Dogs and Cats in
South Korea. The Journal of Social Issues, 65(3), 615-632.
Vaughan, C. (2003). The walk-a-thon for Koreas cats and dogs. Animals Today, 11(1), 15.


Yim, S. (n.d.). The History of Korea's Dog Meat Industry. Retrieved from

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