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Lesson Plan: Samira Awadallah

Teaching Basic Shapes

Length of
Two Half Hour Sessions
All children draw and interact with shapes on a daily
Overview/Rati basis, without realizing the mathematical importance
these shapes hold, let alone their names. This lesson will
introduce students to basic shapes (squares, circles,
triangles, rectangles, octagons, hexagons, etc.) and allow
them to become accustomed to the name and number of
sides of each shape. In order to have students make a
worldly connection with shapes students will be asked to
bring in various objects from around the house and
identify the shapes that make up the object. To cement
the concept, children will be asked to create variations of
the shapes learned using Kidspiration.
Michigan Common Core Standards for 1st Grade Math
G.GS.01.01: Create and describe shapes
1. G.1: Reason with shapes and their attributes
Students will learn the basic form of different shapes
Students will be able to identify shapes in the world
around them
Students will be able to draw basic shapes
Students will use Kidspiration to complete their final
Students will use Kidspiration to
Search for or draw their assigned shapes then use
the layout options to personalize their assignment
Objects from home
Computers/ access to internet
Kidspiration Program
Document Camera
1. Teacher will initiate discussion about shapes,
reeling the students into thinking about the shapes
around them
2. Teacher will use the document camera and draw 8
basic shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle,
octagon, hexagon, trapezoid, and rhombus), while
pulling information from the students prior
knowledge about the names and number of sides

Lesson Plan: Samira Awadallah


for each shape, filling in the gap where there is a

lack of information
3. Once the students are comfortable with the shapes
they will present by table the objects they brought
in from home, and as a class determine what shape
they are
4. Teacher will have students use Kidspiration to either
search for or draw their four assigned objects and
lay them out on the page along with them name
and number of sides each object contains.
Students will be assessed on their participation
based on whether or not they brought in objects
from home
Students will also be assessed based on a rubric
evaluating their printed out Kidspiration shapes

Example of what students should create using Kidspiraton

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