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Adouw einesor i eee is _ regional idenfiy beng presen using ia following In ths clip. vegiona dentthy is relat ih venous ways. kis wm Comer — She's, editig, sound and — Beene, Tom We start ot the Clip Wwe is a tid Gh used as the plumber is sab Cc dawn. (ns is used — outline his wert as he conned stnd the os s_—_asictant Qe Maytm. Regional idleniily iS USeol Ware ag people —liing an the Coat 2am otter be Portrayed os ‘ceing lozy. As Yoo Moin walks Lnrough the camiuaniy Gnmediotely begins Lallaing’ & oo middle woman” A two shot “és Used — whilst in Conversation b> show how tt a clore CL sommunily. A close Community is more x “ bo be Quay from big cites, Ms cs haw regjonod lary ~ ts Shown. la TV Drama lene is diegebic anal non-dlé scund used. Degelic “Soundl ae ts Sound rat Gre drama stdh and — fon Wegekic Sound ts ul Outside Ure Cup. sudh as music. Whilst Doc Marhn i anes fa” wee or bic Sdunds é SO.QUMS. ne Viewer & palma Chol tz — deshnatian is by te em Spl on ta oak ohn a Siegekic i ole is used — Quidel, dawn a eek ik me fost fakedl well : fells We Quuchienea at rr A = tok he hove had oa a day. We is cle now & the dedinolisn So ¢ Shows Moy be ing to ft in 6 dla “ ies nS ue bbe ge UN ome Degebic sound = hearel ie rs as Doe Mowtiny lordly, unknown “eon he ae gens “ond Cres os Nac Os he ws (ot oe ounger. — ae that We clog 3 __ used a involved — waits Cong people, te k is alten perceived that village commutes ue Uke His, Anroughout the clip the face ot eati is te allaus He Ghaclsens fe leet! 6S Wrong Here wont be io deal at action. if tis dma was set tn by rewever tae eeliking would be. quicke as it 1S busier. the . =. editing file in with the oe what tu is olen libe ciara Se = close Commynily. on screen fom — props At We shore ot We extract we are tokely — welconed & Ge plumbers whe wear simple overalls. Aus Shows hou tneir Solo may be Seen as io minded, his gece wall regorol lt because these hypes ot ick are chen lone by people. who don't live ia large ches, te Clans ey ot he a ts rok Mey, lead a normed lite in a loay Cannmiusnity. Doc Martin suk Saat RE Aer terete, eT a protessinal, a More, pastel to lot of G Plumber weonng ol . Doo Mortin is cles being new bp qe ren ie & - ia elothing, Nos oraay from elsewkere —_ mnahaes ee mare. hot be us Mar go against the — Sterechye. Regionol enki, is forroyed in an advo ra con Hn Ws audience — undlarskcurel sevicly ot diilterent tnings. ib. is Clear He hos mei boa & oc hen QUeo and Uren he is Straggbiog & fk th.

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