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Week of November 30th

Small Group Reading Plan Day 1

Grade 3/ Level J/ Red Group
Book: I Broke It
SOLs: 3.5 m) Reading with fluency and accuracy, 3.5 b) Making connections
between previous experiences and reading selections, 3.5 i) Identify the main
idea, 3.5 j) Identify the supporting details
Students: Lucas, Jashay
Lesson Focus/Time
Reread to develop
(3 minutes)
Word Work/Word
(5 min)
Patterns: i, iCe , oddball
Note: Intro this weeks
New Read
(3 minutes)

Instruction (Teacher
Give students the fluency
passage The Nest and
review the components of
Give the students their
words without the
headers and have them
determine what they
think the headers are
going to be this week.

Before Reading:
Making Connections:


During Reading
(6 minutes)
Note: Students can use a
sticky note to write down
words that are confusing.
After Reading
(3 minutes)
-What was the main idea?
-How should the details
be summarized?

Decoding Strategy:

Students will.
Read the passage silently
to themselves. We will
read it aloud together
focusing on rate.
Students will sort their
words without the
headers and come to the
conclusion that there is a
short I, long I, and
oddball. Students will
write their sort into their

Week of November 30th

Small Group Reading Plan Day 2
Grade 3/ Level J/ Red Group
Book: I Broke It
SOLs: 3.5 m) Reading with fluency and accuracy, 3.5 b) Making connections
between previous experiences and reading selections, 3.5 i) Identify the main
idea, 3.5 j) Identify the supporting details
Students: Lucas, Jashay
Lesson Focus/Time
Reread to develop
(3 minutes)

Word Work/Word
(5 min)
Patterns: i, iCe , oddball

New Read
(3 minutes)

Instruction (Teacher
Teacher will remind the
students of the
components of fluency
and the students will tell
what each is and what
they are expected to do.
-Review word study
features of i, and iCe,
Have the students use
their passage The Nest
to find words that fit their
headers. Have them
highlight with two
different colors the short I
and long I vowel patterns
they find.
Before Reading: Pass
out the Making Self-toText Connections chart
and remind them what we
can use this graphic
organizer for. Teacher will
do a think aloud to model
how to fill out if a
connection is made while
Making Connections:
Remind them that good
readers will make self-totext connections as they
read to help them better
understand and
remember what they

Students will.
Students will whisper
read the fluency passage
The Nest

Students will go through

the fluency passage and
discover the short i words
and long i words,
highlighting each with a
different color.

Students will make

predictions of the story
by using the cover pages
and title. Have them
decide what the genre of
the text is. Students will
describe what it means to
make self-to-text
connections with a story.

have read. It helps to give

you a more complete
understanding of the
story when you make
inferences about what the
author doesnt clearly say.

During Reading
(6 minutes)

Vocabulary: Intro the

Blame, fess, punishment,
scolds, shame, slumps
Inform the students that
they will read pages 3-7

Note: Students can use a

sticky note to write down
words that are confusing.

Decoding Strategy:
Remind students that
while reading they should
use context clues if they
come to a word that they
dont know

After Reading
(3 minutes)

Remind them that we

were going to try to make
self-to-text connections
with the story.

-Can you connect or

relate to anything that
has happened in the story
so far?

Model by doing a talk

aloud making a
connection from the text
for yourself.

Use the glossary to define

new vocab words.

Whisper read the text.

Students will write down

any connections they
made with the story in
the graphic organizer

Week of November 30th

Small Group Reading Plan Day 3
Grade 3/ Level J/ Red Group
Book: I Broke It
SOLs: 3.5 m) Reading with fluency and accuracy, 3.5 b) Making connections
between previous experiences and reading selections, 3.5 i) Identify the main
idea, 3.5 j) Identify the supporting details
Students: Lucas, Jashay
Lesson Focus/Time
Reread to develop
(3 minutes)

Word Work/Word
(5 min)
Patterns: i, iCe, oddball

Instruction (Teacher
Teacher will remind the
students of the
components of fluency
and the students will tell
what each is and what
they are expected to do.
-Review word study
features of i, and iCe,
Dictate the following
sentence to the students
to write in their word
study journal:

Students will.
Students will whisper
read the fluency passage
The Nest

Students will write the

sentence in their word
study journal and they
will identify the long i
words and short i words
in the sentence.

The fish swim in a line

and then hide.
Review the sentence and
discuss the short i and
long i words within the
New Read
(3 minutes)

Before Reading:
Remind them that good
readers connect their
past experiences with
what they are reading to
better understand the
Making Connections:

Students will use their

Self-to-Text Connections

Ask students what it is

called when the reader
makes a personal
connection with what is
happening in the text
Vocabulary: Remind
them of the vocabulary
Blame, fess, punishment,
scolds, shame, slumps

During Reading
(6 minutes)
Note: Students can use a
sticky note to write down
words that are confusing.

After Reading
(3 minutes)
-Why do we make self-totext connections with
what we read?

Inform the students that

they will continue the
book today where we left
off yesterday.

chart to share one of the

connections they have
made with the story so
Have students pick one of
the words and tell the
meaning of their chosen

Teacher will model

reading fluently with
expression, pages 8-11,
as students follow along
in their book.

Decoding Strategy:
Remind students that
while reading they should
use context clues if they
come to a word that they
dont know
Remind them that we can
make self-to-text
connections in order to
better understand the
story, how a character is
feeling, and to make an
inference about what the
author might not say
exactly in the text.

Students will fill out more

of the Self-to-Text
Connections chart with
any additional
connections they have
made to the story.
Discuss and share those
new connections with the

Week of November 30th

Small Group Reading Plan Day 4
Grade 3/ Level J/ Red Group
Book: I Broke It
SOLs: 3.5 m) Reading with fluency and accuracy, 3.5 b) Making connections
between previous experiences and reading selections, 3.5 i) Identify the main
idea, 3.5 j) Identify the supporting details
Students: Lucas, Jashay
Lesson Focus/Time
Reread to develop
(3 minutes)
Word Work/Word
(5 min)

Instruction (Teacher
Give students the fluency
passage The Nest and
review the components of
Read the words to assess
student understanding
and review the patterns of
short I and long I words.

Patterns: i, iCe , oddball

New Read
(3 minutes)

Before Reading:
Students will tell what
fluency is and why it is
Making Connections:
Remind the students that
fluency helps with
comprehension and
understanding of what
they read. Making
personal connections with
the text will also help
them more fully
understand the story.

Students will.
Read the passage silently
to themselves. Then read
it aloud together focusing
on rate.
Students will create their
own sentence using
words with short i and
words with long i.

During Reading
(6 minutes)

Vocabulary: Remind
them of the vocabulary
Blame, fess, punishment,
scolds, shame, slumps
Have them choose one of
those words to define for

Tell the meaning of their

chosen word.

Tell students that they will

be finishing the book

Whisper read pages 1215.

Note: Students can use a

sticky note to write down
words that are confusing.

Decoding Strategy:
Remind students that
while reading they should
use context clues if they
come to a word that they
dont know

After Reading
(3 minutes)

Remind students that it is

important to make self-totext connections when
reading because it allows
you to more fully
understand the story and
how the characters may
be feeling.

Can you make any more
self-to-text connections
with the story?

Students will fill in any

additional connections
that they made using
their weekly story I Broke
They will then share there
connections with the

Week of November 30th

Small Group Reading Plan Day 5
Grade 3/ Level J/ Red Group
Book: I Broke It
SOLs: word analysis skills- word study and 3.5 m) Reading with fluency and
accuracy, 3.5 b) Making connections between previous experiences and
reading selections, 3.5 i) Identify the main idea, 3.5 j) Identify the supporting
Students: Lucas, Jashay
Lesson Focus/Time
Reread to develop

Instruction (Teacher
Give students the fluency

Students will.
Read the passage silently

(3 minutes)

passage The Nest and

review the components of

Word Work/Word
(5 min)

Tell students to prepare

for their word study test
by writing their headers
at the top of the page.

to themselves. We will
read it aloud together
focusing on expression.
Answer the two
comprehension questions
following the passage.
Students will write their
headers and take a word
study test to assess

Patterns: i, iCe, oddball

New Read
(3 minutes)

Before Reading:
Making Connections:

During Reading
(6 minutes)

Decoding Strategy:

Note: Students can use a

sticky note to write down
words that are confusing.
After Reading
(3 minutes)
-What was the main idea
of our story for the week,
I Broke It?
-What are some
important supporting
details of the story?

Teacher will review the

concepts of main idea
and supporting details in
a text.

Students will practice

identifying the main idea
and supporting details for
our story, I Broke It.
They will discuss their
ideas first as a group, and
then they will fill out a
Main Idea and Supporting
Details graphic organizer

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