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Grammars of Schooling-
examine to discern differences
from then to now. Or are
Student centered/Teacher
Centered classrooms and their
characteristics. How can you
strive to have a learner-
centered classroom and
experiences for your
students? (Joseph Schwab)

Blooms Taxonomy: To use in
forming instructional
objectives (divergent vs.
convergent thinking)
Theories of Learning: As
teachers, we can ID under
what theory our practice falls.
What kinds of teachers are
we? (Constructivism,
Behaviorism, among others)

Metaphors: value in forming
them and looking to root
metaphors to ID roles of
teachers and students
Assessment- Summative and
Formative, Traditional vs.

Teacher Beliefs

The value in construction of
a teaching metaphor to
articulate beliefs about
what constitutes good
Identifying grammars of
schooling as a way to
break free from what has
The importance of asking
yourself what music
education needs more of
and less of.
How does utilizing aspects
of Educational Theory
(Constructivism, etc..)
influence my teaching and
what does it say about my
teaching philosophy?
Personal Journey Project-
Realizing you have a
starting point and seeing
where youd like to go
Ayers Myths- Reconceiving
some popular beliefs about
the profession and why
they may not be true after
Teachers as Agents of

Educational Frameworks


Frameworks are a way to see

and understand particular
concepts in education. They
are also a way for us to
understand a set of ideas or
Examples of Educational
Frameworks from PME:
Schwabs 4 Commonplaces
(Teacher, Learner, Subject
Matter and Context)
Learning Theory: Behaviorism
and Constructivism (basic
familiarity with each one,
tenets that correlate with the
theory and associated names)
Blooms Taxonomy: A way for
teachers to understand the
differences between
convergent and divergent
thinking AND the importance
of thinking of ways to apply
higher level thinking into your
music curriculum.
Root Metaphors: The value in
identifying a teaching
metaphor in order to articulate
what you believe comprises
good teaching
Grammars of Schooling: A way
to examine and understand the
idea of paradigms and the
value of change in education


2014 National Standards- use
and implementation. How can
we create artistically literate
Planning Decisions-what do
we have to examine when
planning instruction?
Exploring the current Music
Ed paradigm

Ayers, chapter 3- Classroom
affects how students
learn/messages sent
Video Observation-
Traditional instruction vs.
Phil Greco-Teaching
dispositions in the classroom
sets the foundation

Change: the importance of

constantly re-evaluating
what it is were doing and
enacting change when we
feel a need.
Are my beliefs static? Or am
I willing to embrace the
uncomfortable and new
in order to learn more as a

AND the value in looking back

in time to better plan for the

v National Standards: 1994 to

2014. What are the

differences? What are their
value? How are they supposed
to be utilized in the classroom?
How do the new ones allow for
more divergent thinking in the
music classroom?

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