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[ Amaportant: yous have ary rouble with this carkidg, please contact Accolade customer serve | (s6e Customer Service Section pg. 57, for details), EPILEPSY WARNING ‘A very small portion of the population may expenence epileptic selzures when viewing Certain ‘kinds of flashing lights or patterns that are corimortly present in out daily environment. These persons | may experince seizures while watching some kinds of Television pictures or playing certain video Players who hava not had any previous seizures may nonetheless have ant un epileptic condition. Consult your physician betore playing video gemes if you have an epileptic ‘condition. Gonsult your pysician if you experience any of the following symptoms ‘while playing video games; altered vision, muscle bwitching, other involuntary movernents, loss of awareness of your Suftoundings, mental confusion, and/or convulsions. ‘Sega Genesis and Mega Drive are regisiered trademarss ftaric Apcolade, inc is nedher alfiialed with, nar a icerssee of Sega Enlerarises. Lid. or a tor iGui J ons S ANNOUNCES PRMD ALM AtariGuide

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