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Research Submission Form

Name: Gilbert Silva

Per. 4th

Internship Location: Arabic Immersion Magnet School

Scope of Proposed Topic:

Library- The effects of literacy in elementary schools.

General areas of study that area closely related to your topic (check all that apply):
Language arts
Computer science
Social studies
___ Mathematics
__Personal/social development

Reasons for selecting this topic:

1. It assists the school with providing literature for students and promotes reading.
2. Having some knowledge with creating a library from HAIS, it would be beneficial to assist
AIMS with a library of their own.
3. Im intrigued with the effects of literature in young students versus not having a literary
resource like a library.
Use facilities (libraries, etc.), literature (periodicals, journals, etc.), and technology (computers,
Internet, software) for your primary (5) and secondary resources (10). You also need (4) personal
interviews with experts to conclude your research. These are the minimum requirements. If
using articles, they need to be at least two pages in length. You need to have at least 3 books.
Primary Resources (5): (MLA format, annotated) insert lines as needed
Mosiman Renee, Mosiman Mike. The Smarter Preschooler Unlocking Your Child's Intellectual

Potential. Mesa: Brighter Insights, 2009. Print.

This resource is Renee Mosimans viewpoint, who has a masters degree in marriage and family therapy. She
writes about the decisions that parents should make to ensure their child grown in an enriched environment. She
also provides her research on how to expand a childs intellect.
Herring, Mark Y. Are Libraries Obsolete? An Argument for Relevance in the Digital Age. Jefferson,
N.C.: McFarland, 2014. Print.

This resource gives perspective on the discussion of libraries and the internet. It shows how
libraries excel, and conceded on how the internet provides certain resources. The author clears
the misconceptions abound the libraries. The author even believes that the internet be-all and end-all

enthusiasts are no more useful than librarians who urge fellow professionals to be all things to all people. This
relates to the topic by providing information on both the libraries and the internet.
Gee, James Paul. The Anti-education Era: Creating Smarter Students through Digital Learning. New
York City: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Print.

This resource provides the authors conclusion when reviewing childrens growth. Their
dependence and use of technology can stymy the next generation's ability to resolve deep global

challenges. The author explains that digital tools are useful, but are not always suitable. Students must be
able to manage the changing ideologies and organization problems through a method called synchronized

intelligence. This relates to the topic at hand because libraries can help bridge the gap for technological
prowess. It will also allow for human creativity and interactional performance.

4. Allington, Richard L. No Quick Fix: Rethinking Literacy Programs in America's Elementary Schools. New

York: Teachers College, 1995. Print.

This resource talks about the methods that elementary schools are implanting now. It assists my
report by providing information on the current practices that people teach in schools. Literacy
is an important topic to discuss within education today. This resource will help prove that
certain practices are/ should be implanted.
5. Guzzetti, Barbara J. Literacy for the New Millennium. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2007. Print.
This resource provides ideas and ideologies that would provide insights on literacy. Its no secret
that education is lacking within America. This resource would supplement ideas for future
education. This relates to the topic by providing the information necessary for a change in the
education system.

Secondary Resources (10): (MLA format, annotated) insert lines as needed

1. McGuinness, Diane. Early Reading Instruction What Science Really Tells Us about How to Teach Reading.

Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 2004. Print.

This resource is an analysis from different outcomes of research put together. It provides a
detailed report on the different methods towards teaching literature to young children. It has also
seen observations on what it takes to have a successful impact on the childrens learning. It
relates to my topic due to its research on different methods of learning. I plan to analyze the
methods and benefits to young students with access to literature at an early age.
2. McKenna, Michael C. Promoting Early Reading: Research, Resources, and Best Practices. New York:

Guilford, 2010. Print.

This resource describes different methods to enhance early literacy skills in young children. It promotes oral
language, phonemic awareness, conducting read-alouds, and setting up effective classroom environments. This
provides for a well-rounded program that helps students transition to reading easier. This relates to the topic by
providing methods and programs to promote early reading. Using this resource, I can explain certain methods
that teachers use to prepare students to read.
3. Pinkham, Ashley M. Knowledge Development in Early Childhood: Sources of Learning and Classroom

Implications. New York: Guilford, 2012. Print.

This resource ties in the experiences of children who have gone through early literacy programs.
It shows how young children acquire knowledge in the real world and describes practical applications using

them. This provides evidence-based approaches to helping young children acquire knowledge. This assists my
topic by showing the proof of using different teaching methods and how they are effective. This allows me to
provide examples on how different ideas work and how they worked in the past.
Brooker, Elizabeth. The Sage Handbook of Play and Learning in Early Childhood. London: Sage
Publications, 2014. Print.
This resource offers different perspectives from different professors across the globe. The guidebook looks
further into the historical and social context of early education. It explores methods that are combined efforts
and ideologies from different parts of the globe. This resource relates back to the topic because it can help

bridge the gap on certain educational techniques. Understanding these perspectives of information may help to
provide a better education and learning environment for children in school.
Falk, Beverly. Defending Childhood Keeping the Promise of Early Education. New York: Teachers
1College, 2015. Print.
This resource informs teachers that a learning curriculum is not the only thing needed to effectively teach. There
are methods that need to go with that curriculum such as neuroscience and psychology. Students must learn
about the perspectives of different disciplines, and teachers must see what must be done to ensure that all
children gain access to the support they need. This relates to the topic because of the encouragement for
teachers to provide more opportunities and ideas for their students. Using this, I can provide detailed
information about contributing to childrens education.

6. Lyman, Helen H. Literacy and the Nation's Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 1977. Print.
This resource explains the history behind libraries in the 1970s. How they improved literacy
rates among communities where they were located. Programs soon sprang out from these
libraries as colleges began to support their goals with improving literacy, which included one-toone tutoring sessions as well as reading guidance for nonreaders.. This relates to the topic
because this provides historical evidence on how libraries have supported education for all. This
would help me provide context in my explanation on any records that prove that libraries assist
in education.

Ller, Aage R. The Malleable Brain Benefits and Harm from Plasticity of the Brain. New York: Nova
Biomedical, 2009. Print.

This resource is more about the science behind early education. The idea is that the brain is able
to change, and is easier to change at an early age. With the principle of malleability, it can be
shown if younger individuals learn at a faster rate than older individuals. This resource provides
information on the purpose of providing an early education in literacy for young students.

8. Freakley, Mark, and Gilbert Burgh. Values Education in Schools a Resource Book for Student Inquiry.

Camberwell, Vic.: ACER, 2008. Print.

This resource involves the different viewpoints in teaching education. It provides a range of
different practices that has been performed on previous students. It works for many subjects and
has a focus on the ethics of teaching. This relates to the topic by providing updated values
towards education for students. This provides a context on how the status quo is on the subject
of education.
9. Rosenfield, Sylvia A. Implementing Evidence-based Academic Interventions in School Settings. Oxford:

Oxford UP, 2009. Print.

This resource is different in terms of providing information. Instead of giving us data, it provides a
method to process said data. This book helps define research and apply to the real world.
Essentially, it allows people to learn how to understand, judge, and make use of the research being

produced to full effect. This resource applies by providing a bridge from the data to the real world. It will help
to decipher what data on literacy in schools translate to in the real world setting.
10. Saracho, Olivia N. Contemporary Perspectives in Literacy in Early Childhood Education. Greenwich, CT:

Information Age Pub., 2002. Print.

This resource analyzes research studies related to the critical skills, environments, and interactions that
contribute to young childrens literacy development. This resource also focuses on the reformation that has
emerged in the language and literacy education of young children. It debates on which literacy programs work,
and which do not work. This relates to the topic because it provides reasons on why programs work/fail.

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