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1. Whilewritingyourpaper,whatdidyoulearnabouttheresearchprocess?


2. Howwastheresearchrelatedtoyourmentorhours?

Some categories I researched in my paper that related to my mentor hours were colleges, necessary
qualities for a teacher, advantages and disadvantages ofthejob,and thedailyactivitiesofateacher.Duringmy
mentor hours my mentor discussed with me possible colleges for an elementary education degree. Mymentor,
Mrs. Wentzel, attended Appalachian State University and spoke highly of their education program. Mrs.
Wentzel also discussed important qualities for a teacher like patience, leadership, and empathy. During my
mentor hours I saw how important these qualities are when running a classroom. Mrs. Wentzel told me the
things she liked about her job, such as the student teacher relationship, and things she did not like, suchasthe
pay and long hours. Finally, I was able to see Mrs. Wentzels daily routine in the classroom. I helped Mrs.
Wentzel with science, reading, and lunch time. I also was able to see how to prepare the classroom for a
substitute. Combined, my research and mentor hours allowed me to gain aneducatedperspectiveofacareerin

3. Summarizethementorhoursthatyoucompleted.

Altogether, I worked with my mentor for eight days. I spent the first fivedaysobservingtheclassroom
and assisting Mrs. Wentzel. During these days the children learned about the scientific method, sound, pitch,
and safety sounds. I helped Mrs. Wentzel explain directions, pass out worksheets, answer questions, andclean
During the first lesson plan day I showed the children a presentation on memory, including videos and
interactive activities.Ialsogavethestudentsapretesttoexaminetheirmemorycapacity.Duringthesecondday

In order to teach visualization I showedthestudentsapictureandthenhad them draw itfrom memory.Finally,

on the last day I gave the children the posttest and played more fun memory games with them! One of the
children's favorite games was the name game. For this game I passed out name tags to each studentandasked
them to make up a new name for themselves. Then, each student told the class their made up name and as a
classroom we tried to remember everyone's new name. The students seemed to enjoy my lesson plan. I loved

4. How did working with yourmentoraffectyourunderstandingofthetopicandyourdevelopment


Before my mentor hours I had a limited understanding of what teaching in a classroom would truly be
like. I understood the research I hadgatheredbuthopedtogainabetterunderstandingofthehandsoncareerof
a teacher. As IworkedwithmymentorIwasabletounderstandhowchildrenreacttoteaching,howtospeakto
the children, and how to hold their attention. As I watched Mrs. Wentzel teach I learned that it is importantto
break the lesson down into manageable units so that the children can understand and follow along. I also
learned that in order to hold the childrens attention you need to provide positive reinforcements. During my
work with Mrs. Wentzel I was able to see what level of information the children work with and how Mrs.
Wentzel formulates her lesson plans. I used this information to develop my lesson plan on memory for the

5. Howdidcreatingaproductandcompletingthehourschallengeyoupersonally?

My product creation andmentorhourschallengedmepersonallybecauseIwasforcedtobealeaderand

speak in front of a classroom. Typically, I get very nervous when I have to take charge and speak in front of
others. However, throughout this process I became more comfortable with speaking publically. I feel that this
process provided a challenge and helped me become a better individual. The skills I gained from this project

6. Doyoufeelpreparedacademicallyandemotionallyforthepresentation?

Academically I feel very prepared for my presentation. I feel that my english classes, public speaking
class, and work with my mentor have helped me develop agreatpresentation.Ialsofeelemotionallyprepared.
A year ago I would have been very nervous.However,mymentorhours,productcreation,andpublicspeaking
class have helped me become comfortable with presenting my project. I plan on rehearsing mypresentationin

7. Howdidtheentireprocessstretchyouasalearnerandasanindividual?

This processstretchedmeinnumerousways.AsanindividualItendtobeanintrovertedpersonandthis
project allowed me to step out of my comfort zone.Speakingpublicallyhasalwaysbeensomethingthatmakes
me nervous. By speaking in front of a classroom and preparing for my presentation I was able to push myself
As a learner this process stretched me by forcing me to act as a teacher. It helped me realize that
understanding information and teaching it are two different things. It also allowed me to put myself in the
teachers shoes which has helped me understand my current classes better. Overall, I feel that this process has

8. Describeanobstacleyouencounteredandhowyouovercameit.

The main obstacle I encountered during my Pride Project was time. In order to create my product I
needed to use my mentors classroom time to teach and test the students. This meant I had to condense my
lesson plan in order to fit it all in. In order to overcome this obstacle Isatdownwithmymentorandwroteout
everything I wanted to accomplish and the time I had. After a while I was able to figure out how to condense
each partof mylessonplan intomanageableunits.AlthoughtimeprovedtobeachallengeI believebyworking

9. Whatlifeskillsdidyouacquireandhowwilltheyhelpyouinthefuture?

Overall, the Pride Project taughtmehowtoperformcredibleresearch, publically speak,bealeader,and

look at information from a different perspective. The Pride Paper helped me learn what information was
credible and how to effectively use it. In the future, this life skill could help me conduct research as a college
student, within my career, or for personal use. Both my Pride Product and preparing for my presentation have
advanced my public speaking skills. Standing in front of a classroom forced me to become comfortable with
speaking to others. Being able to publically speak is a skill that will helpmethroughoutmylife.Iwillusethis
skill in college and my career. Creating myproductalsoallowedmetotakechargeandbecomealeader.Being
a leader is very important in any career. In order to be successful I will need to be able to take charge when
needed. Finally, creating a lessonplantaughtmetolookatinformationfromadifferentperspective.Beingable
change perspectives is a crucial lifeskill.Iwillusethisskillinmypersonallife,collegeclasses,andmycareer.

10. Ifyouhadtogobackanddopartsoftheprojectagain,whatwouldyoudodifferently?


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