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Study Plan

Expressing Interest in a Field of Study


1. Stating how long one has been
interested in a particular field
or topic

An article I read in The Journal of Civil Engineering
during my junior year in university on the latest
biotechnological applications aroused my interest in this
rapidly developing area, eventually leading to my pursuit
and successful completion of a post-graduate degree in
this field.

A book by a leading authority on earthquake-proof
construction practices aroused my curiosity during
university to obtain more information about civil

Civil engineering has fascinated me ever since I
participated in a university-sponsored summer camp. My
interest eventually led to my decision to acquire a
bachelors degree in this discipline.

My interest in construction engineering stems from my
conviction developed as an undergraduate student that
economic development, while improving our lives, should
adopt as many sustainable development practices as

My fascination with civil engineering can
be traced back to adolescence when I
often attempted to understand complex
phenomena commonly found in

2. Describing the relevance of
ones interest to industry or

My interest in sustainable development-related practices
in construction engineering stems from its potential for
significantly impacting our lives in unimaginable ways.

In the information era, learning is a lifelong adventure
that allows individuals continuously to upgrade their
knowledge skills, to remain competitive in the tight labor
market and avoid redundancy in the workplace.

With construction engineering among the fastest growing
industries in newly industrialized countries, Taiwan is
widely anticipated to become a hub of development in
this rapidly evolving sector.

The Taiwanese government has restructured local
financial markets in recent years. Numerous
opportunities for growth expansion in the construction
industry explain my interest in investment within the hi-
tech sector.

With Taiwans recent accession to the World
Trade Organization, solid design and
manufacturing capability aside, as well as
financial expertise in global markets, will be a
necessity for Taiwanese companies. I am
especially interested in the financial aspects of
how local construction firms will become globally

Further details can be found at

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