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Red Encabo, Ian Rasch

Macomb Mathematics Science Technology Center
Mr. Acre, Mrs. Gravel
9th Grade
GAT & Class Section 9B
4 March 2014

Encabo-Rasch 1

Measurements of a Cube Octahedron

What is a cube octahedron? A cube octahedron, also known as a cubo, is a threedimensional Archimedean solid, or a polyhedron composed of two or more regular polygons,
formed by the following two platonic solids: a cube and an octahedron. A cube and an
octahedron are dual pairs and give the cubo an overall 14 faces; eight equilateral triangles and six
squares make up all of the cubos faces. In a cubo, the vertices of the inner platonic solid are the
center points of each of the faces of the outer platonic solid. Four vertices meet at each vertex
and there are a total of 12 vertices in a cubo. There are various methods in finding the surface
area and lengths of a cube octahedron, as well as the dimensions and volumes of certain prisms,
pyramids, and other shapes which are helpful in finding the dimensions of a cubo.
To begin, there are many ways in finding the surface area, volume, and dimensions of a
cube octahedron. Note: the surface area is the sum of the areas of all faces, including the bases;
the volume is the amount of space a three-dimensional figure takes up, and is calculated by
multiplying the length, width, and height. An important step in finding a cubos dimensions is to
find the side lengths of a cube octahedron first, which will be done step by step.
Cubos Edge/Side Length & Surface Area:

Encabo-Rasch 2

Figure 1. Creating the Side Lengths

Of course, before finding the lengths of the cubo, they must be first created. As seen in
figure 1, connect the midpoints of each side in the base of a cube from one midpoint to the next
midpoint of that from an adjacent side. The arrow shown above is pointing at a side of a cube
octahedron. Once connected, the sides of the cube octahedron are formed. In this case, the sides
of the cube will measure 16.8 cm. Reminder: all sides of a cube are congruent.

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Figure 2. Finding the Side Lengths

Figure 2 shows that each side has been cut into two equal sides since they were bisected
by midpoints used to form the sides of the cubo. To find half of one side, divide the length of the
side by two. As said before, 16.8 cm is the length of the cubes side. If divided by two, a cubes
side would have a length of 8.4 cm. Algebraically, 16.8 cm / 2 = 8.4 cm.
In a cube, since the shape of the faces is a square, it can be justified that all angles are
congruent and measure 90 degrees, or all sides are congruent and that adjacent sides are
perpendicular to form right angles. Two perpendicular segments that bisect each other can be
formed by midpoints of opposite directions. They are congruent to the sides of the cube.
According to figure 2, one side of a cubo can be seen as the diagonal of one of the four
smaller squares (formed by the congruent perpendicular bisectors) knowing that the diagonal
connects from one midpoint to another midpoint from that of an adjacent side. The 45-45-90
triangle formula can be applied to find the length of one side of a cubo because the diagonal
forms two triangles with at least one right angle and two congruent legs. Knowing that half of
each created segment has a side length of 8.4 cm, the legs of a triangle have a side length of 8.4

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cm. The length of the hypotenuse, which is also the side of the cubo, is 2 the length of
the two legs. In this case, the hypotenuse measures 8.42 cm long,
thus, the side length of a cube octahedron is 8.42 cm.

Figure 3. Surface Area of a Cubo: Square Faces

To find the surface area of a cubo, first find the area of the
square face. All of the square faces are congruent in a cubo. As seen
in figure 3, the side length of a square in a cubo is 8.42 cm.
Multiply the base and height to get the area of the square face. The
base and height both measure 8.42 cm. If the area equals the base
times the height, or in this equation, A = (b)(h), 8.42 cm
multiplied by 8.42 vm is 70.56(2), simplified as 141.12 cm.
According to figure 3, there are 6 square faces in a cubo, which was

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also mentioned in the introduction of this essay. Multiply the area
by the number of faces; in this case, as said before, there are six
faces. The area, 141.12 cm, multiplied by the number of faces, 6,
equals 846.72 cm. The surface area of a cubo, excluding the
triangular faces, is 846.72 cm.

Figure 4. Surface Area of a Cubo: Triangular Faces

Seen in figure 4 is the triangular face. Figure 3 also shows an
equilateral triangle, a triangle in which all three sides are equal
and also is equiangular, meaning that all angles are congruent. To
find the area, multiply the side length of the equilateral triangle
by the height and then divide by 2. To find the height, first divide

Encabo-Rasch 6
the side length by two to get 4.22 cm. Remember that in an
equilateral triangle, the altitude bisects the perpendicular side and
the angles it touches. The angles of an equilateral angle are all 60
because they are equal in an equilateral triangle and have a sum of
180. The altitude bisects the top angle, as mentioned, to make the
smaller angles measure 30, since half of 60 is 30. Since the
altitude is said to be perpendicular to the side it touches, the
altitude and the perpendicular side intersect to form a 90 angle.
The 30-60-90 triangle method can be used because two triangles are
made, each having one 30 angle, one 60 angle, and one 90 angle, as
seen in figure 3. When the 30-60-90 triangle is used, multiply 4.22,
half of one side, by 3 to get the height or altitude of the
triangle. 4.22 cm x 3 cm = 4.26 cm. Use the area formula of a
triangle, A = (b)(h) in which A = area of the triangle, b = base,
and h = height. Substitute those variables to come up with the
equation (8.42)(4.26), which equals

35.283 cm. Figure 4 also

shows using the area formula step by step.

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Figure 5. Surface Area of a Cubo: Final Calculations

According to figure 5, there are eight triangular faces in a
cubo, also mentioned in the introduction. 35.283, the area of the
triangular face, multiplied by the number of faces, which is 8,
equals 282.243 cm. The surface area of a cubo excluding the square
faces is 282.243 cm.
Add both answers together to get the total surface area of the
cube octahedron. The total surface area of the cube octahedron in
this case is (846.72 + 282.843) cm.
Case 1: Corner Pyramid

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Figure 6. Dimensions of the Corner Pyramid

Figure 6 shows the net of the corner pyramid in a cube
octahedron, the side lengths, and the areas of the faces. Note that
the algebra used to find the areas of the faces will not be discussed
in this essay, excluding the area of the base (which will be
important for laters math problems.) The side length of the
equilateral triangle seen in the center of the net of figure 6 comes
from the sides of the cubes face of the cuboctahedron which was
already seen in figure 2. Since the base is the shape of an
equilateral triangle, knowing that the sides and the angles in the
triangle is equal, and that the sides of the equilateral triangle are
all from the sides of the cube faces of the cuboctahedron, the length
of the sides are all equal and therefore measure 8.42 cm. Here is a

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surprising fact: the altitude of a triangle is perpendicular to the
side it touches, and because in figure 6 there are three right
isosceles triangles, the altitude or height of the corner pyramid is
8.4 cm.

Figure 7. Area of the Base

Seen in figure 7 is how to find the area of the faces. The area
of the base will be necessary to find the volume of the corner
pyramid. The base of the corner pyramid is an equilateral triangle,
meaning that all sides and angles are congruent. Multiply the side
length of the equilateral triangle by the height to get the area of
the base. However, the height is missing; to find the height, first

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divide the side length, which is 8.42, by two to get half of the
side length, 4.22 cm. The angles of an equilateral angle are all 60
because of the base being an equilateral triangle. The altitude
bisects the top angle to make the smaller yet equal angles measure
30. The altitude is perpendicular to the side it touches, and
therefore form a 90 angle. The 30-60-90 triangle method can be used
because two triangles are formed, as seen in figure 6, because both
triangles have one 30 angle, one 60 angle, and one 90 angle. Using
this method, multiply 4.22 by 3 to get the height of the triangle.
4.22 cm multiplied by 3 is 4.26 cm. Now use the area formula of a
triangle, A = (b)(h), in which A = area, b = base, and h = height.
Substitute and the equation would be (8.42)(4.26). If simplified
or multiplied correctly, the area of the base of the corner pyramid
is 35.283 sq cm. Figure 7 also shows using the area formula step by

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Figure 8. Volume of the Corner Pyramid
The two shorter legs of each of the right triangles are going to be half of the side of the
original cube length because, as seen in figure 8, the sides of the cubo connect from the
midpoints. Remember that half of 16.8 cm is 8.4 cm. The length of the shorter legs in the right
triangles are equal and thus, both of them have a side length of 8.4 cm.
To find the volume of the corner pyramid, use the equation V = (Abase)(h), in
which V = volume, Abase = the area of the base, and h = height. Shown in figure 8 is
the height highlighted in black; there are three segments or sides that are the height of
the corner pyramid. The corner pyramids height is half the side length of the cube,
making it 8.4 cm. A different way of saying this is that one of the isosceles right
triangles were used as the base with 8.4 cm as the height. (This is the part where the
surprising fact can be applied.) If figure 6 is applied in finding the volume, it would
be known that the area of the base is 35.283 cm. Substitute or replace the variables
in the equation with the necessary numbers to get the following: (35.283)(8.4). By
doing the math correctly, (35.283)(8.4) = 98.7843 cubic cm. To conclude, the volume
of this corner pyramid is 98.7843 cubic cm. Figure 8 also shows using the volume
formula step by step.
Case 2: Square Prism and Rectangular Pyramid

Encabo-Rasch 12

Figure 9. Dimensions of the Square Prism

Figure 9 shows the net of the square prism, its side lengths,
and marks to show that certain sides are congruent. The height of the
rectangle seen in the net is 16.8 cm, because the height of the
square prism is congruent to that of the cube (as seen from figures 1
and 2). The side lengths of the bases (square faces) of the prism are
8.42 cm because 1) the side lengths of the bases are also the side
lengths of the cubo, and 2) all sides in a square are congruent. All
of the rectangles opposite sides as seen in figure 9 are congruent.
The bases, applied to all prisms, are congruent.

Encabo-Rasch 13

Figure 10. Dimensions of the Rectangular Pyramid

Figure 10 shows the net of the rectangular pyramid, its side
lengths, and the marks to show that certain sides are congruent. The
longer side of the rectangular base is 16.8 cm because it is also a
side of the square prism from figure 9. The shorter side of the
rectangular base is 8.42 cm because it is also another side of the
square prism. Reminder: the base of the pyramid is the face of the
square prism. The 45-45-90 triangle can be used because the shorter
legs are congruent. If the 45-45-90 triangle method was used to find
the side length of the shorter legs of the left and right triangles,
the side length of one of the short legs is 8.42 cm. The Pythagorean
Theorem, and its proof, a + b = c, can also be applied to find the

Encabo-Rasch 14
height of the left and right triangles. The height of the left and
right triangles is 8.4 cm, which again can be found with the equation
a + b = c. It can substituted as 8.4 + h = (8.42).
The top and bottom triangles are equilateral triangles, and as
said repeatedly again and gain, all of their sides and angles are
congruent. Also said repeatedly is that the angles in an equilateral
triangle measure 60. All sides of the top and bottom triangles are
8.42 cm due to their congruence shown in figure 9. The Pythagorean
Theorem can also be used to find the height of the triangle. The
equation a + b = c can be substituted or used to make the result
(4.22) + h = (8.42). Nevertheless, there is another option:
since all angles are congruent and measure 60 in an equilateral
triangle, the 30-60-90 triangle method can be used. Multiply 4.22 cm
by 3 to get the height of the top and bottom triangles. The height
of the top and bottom triangles is 4.26 cm.

Encabo-Rasch 15

Figure 11. Volume of the Square Prism

The square prisms volume is very simple to calculate. Use the
volume formula of a prism: V = (l)(w)(h) in which V = volume, l =
length, w = width, and h = height. As learned, the sides of the base
of the prism have a length of 8.42 cm, and because the sides of the
base are congruent, this means that the length and width are
congruent. The height of the prism is congruent to the height of the
cube, which equals 16.8 cm. Now the numbers can be multiplied.
Substitute the equation V = (l)(w)(h) as V = (8.42)(8.42)(16.8) and
then multiply the numbers. If the calculations were done correctly,
the volume of the square prism is 2370.816 cubic cm. Note: 2370.816
is the exact number that was calculated, and wasnt estimated; none
of the numbers in this essay will be estimated and are precise.

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Figure 12. Volume of the Rectangular Pyramid

Figure 12 displays the few vital clues in finding the height
needed to find the volume of the pyramid. As seen in figure 12, half
of the cubes side length is 8.4 cm, knowing that the side of the
cube measures 16.8 cm. The side length of a cubo is 8.42 cm because
two perpendicular sides are 8.4 cm and can be considered shorter
legs, so if the 45-45-90 triangle was applied because of these facts,
8.42 cm would be the length of the cubo. Remember that the full
length of a cubes side is 16.8 cm. The altitude in the triangle is
perpendicular to the side that it touches and splits the side of the
cubo in half. The four triangles seen in figure 12 are isosceles
triangles, making half of the side 4.22 cm. In this case, the
Pythagorean Theorem can be used, knowing that a right triangle has

Encabo-Rasch 17
been formed and that since 4.22 is the long leg and 8.4 is the
hypotenuse, (4.22) + h = (8.4). If the calculations were
performed correctly, the height of the right triangle and
additionally the rectangular pyramid is 4.22 cm.
To find the volume of the rectangular pyramid use the equation V =
(Abase)(h), in which V = volume, Abase = the area of the base, and h = height. The
area of the base of the pyramid 141.122 sq cm when 16.8 cm is multiplied by 8.42
cm. Multiply 141.122 sq cm by the height--which is found to be measured 4.22 cm.
The result in these calculations should have been 1185.408 cubic cm. Finally, last but
not least, divide by 3, and the volume of the rectangular pyramid is 395.136 cubic cm.
How about the volumes of both the rectangular pyramid and the square prism overall?
The volume of both combined can be found simply by adding the previous volumes together.
Remember: the volume of the square prism is 2370.816 cubic cm, and the volume of the
rectangular pyramid is 395.136 cubic cm. 2370.816 + 395.136 = 2765.952 cubic cm. The volume
of the square prism and rectangular pyramid combined is 2765.952 cubic cm.
Case 3: Tetrahedron and Square Pyramid

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Figure 13. Dimensions of the Square Pyramid

Figure 13 shows the net of the square pyramid, its side lengths,
and the marks that prove that certain sides are congruent. The side
length of the square base is 8.42 cm because it is also the side
length of the cubo. Also seen in figure 13 are the side lengths of
the edges of the pyramid, each measured 8.42 cm. In this square
pyramid, all of the triangles are equilateral, and all sides of this
pyramid are congruent, so all sides of each triangle have a side
length of 8.42 cm.

Encabo-Rasch 19




Figure 14. Dimensions of the Tetrahedron

Figure 14 shows the net of the tetrahedron, its side lengths, and the marks that prove that
certain sides are congruent. Since the following shape is a tetrahedron, a triangular pyramid
having four plane triangular faces that are congruent, all of the sides have the same
length. The length of the tetrahedron side is 8.42 cm because it is
also the length of the sides of the square pyramid seen from figure

Encabo-Rasch 20

Figure 15. Volume of the Square Pyramid

To find the volume of the square pyramid, simply use the equation V = (Abase)(h)
applied on all pyramids, in which V = volume, Abase = the area of the base, and h = height.
Nonetheless, the height of the triangular face, the height of the pyramid, and the length of the
segment on the base (as seen in figure 15) need to be found in order to use this equation
completely. Note that figure 15 already displays the necessary lengths, but algebraic proof is
necessary to confirm that they are correct. One cant just say that it is correct.
To begin with, find the height of the triangular face. Remember
that each side of the triangle is congruent because the triangle is
equilateral, meaning that all sides and angles are the same. Create
an altitude perpendicular to the bottom side. Since all of the sides

Encabo-Rasch 21
are congruent, the altitude will bisect the intersecting segment and
angles. This means that the angles that it bisects now have a measure
of 30 each. The non-bisected angles have a measure of 60. Now all
the dimensions excluding the height of the triangle are found. To
find the length of the altitude, use the 30-60-90 triangle method
knowing that the two triangles formed by the angle bisector have a
30 angle, a 60 angle, and a 90 angle. Using the 30-60-90 triangle
method, multiply half of the side length, which is 4.22 cm, by 3 to
get the height.

4.22(3) = 4.26. 6 cannot be simplified, thus the

height of the triangle is 4.26 cm.

Finding the bottom segment shown in figure 15 is simple; the
bottom segments side length is half the side length of the base of
the square pyramid. Mathematically, divide the bases side length by
2. 8.42 / 2 = 4.22. Therefore, the length of the bottom segment is
4.22 cm.
Finally, the height of the pyramid needs to be found. This can
be done by using the Pythagorean Theorem. a + b = c can be
substituted by the height, bottom segment, and altitude of the
triangular face. Since the height and the bottom segment are

Encabo-Rasch 22
perpendicular to form a right angle, the altitude of the triangular
face is the hypotenuse. The Pythagorean Theorem should look like
this: h + (4.22) = (4.26). Simplify; h + 35.28 cm = 105.84 cm.
Subtract 35.28 from both sides; h = 70.56 cm. The square root of h
is h, and the square root of 70.56 is 8.4 cm. The height has been
found; the height of the square pyramid is 8.4 cm.
Part two of finding the pyramids volume is to the find the area
of the base. Multiply the base and the height of the base of the
pyramid. (8.42)(8.42) = 141.12 cm. The area of the base of the
square pyramid is 141.12 cm.
Lastly, as said in the beginning, simply use the equation V = (Abase)(h) which would
be used on all pyramids, in which V = volume, Abase = the area of the base, and h = height. V =
(141.12)(8.4). If the math was done correctly, the volume of the square pyramid is 395.136
cubic cm.

Encabo-Rasch 23
Figure 16. Volume of the Tetrahedron
Now the volume of the tetrahedron needs to be found. In figure
16, the variable s = the side of the tetrahedron, which has a side
length of 8.42 cm. Figure 16 also shows that to find the height of
the triangular face, use the equation 3(s/2). For the variable s,
substitute it as 8.42. 3(8.42/2) = 4.26. The altitude of the
triangle is 4.26 cm. To find the bottom segment, use the equation
3(s/6), because it is of the altitude (3(s/2)). 3(8.42/6) =
1.46 cm. The length of the bottom segment, or of the altitude, is
1.46 cm. Third, the height of the tetrahedron can be found with the
equation 6(s/3). 6(8.42/3) = 5.63 cm. The height of the
tetrahedron is 5.63 cm.
Next, find the area of the base of the tetrahedron. Since all of
the faces (including the base) in the tetrahedron are congruent, any
face can be used as the area of the base. Multiply the base and
height and divide by 2. The base of the base of the tetrahedron is
s which equals 8.42 cm. A = 1/2(8.42)(4.26); Once the numbers
have been multiplied, the result is that the area of the
tetrahedrons base is 35.283 cm.
The volume of the tetrahedron can be found at last. Use the equation V =

Encabo-Rasch 24
(Abase)(h) which would be used on all pyramids, in which V = volume, Abase = the
area of the base, and h = height. Substitute the area of the base and the height of the
tetrahedron. V = (35.283)(5.63); once the numbers have been multiplied, the volume
has been found. The volume of the tetrahedron is 197.568 cubic cm. If the volumes of
the square pyramid and the tetrahedron are added together, the volume of the shapes
combined is 592.704 cubic cm.
In conclusion, a cube octahedron or cubo is a polyhedron composed of two or more
regular polygons, formed by the following two platonic solids: a cube and an octahedron. Also to
summarize is that this essay has explained how to find the dimensions of certain shapes, from the
surface area to the volumes. Remember, to find the volume of a pyramid or a tetrahedron,
multiply the area of the base and height and divide by 3; multiply the length, width, and height to
find the volume of a prism. The surface area can be found by adding the areas of the faces
There were also some problems that were experienced. Some mathematical errors were
found and therefore they had to be restarted again. Secondly, the work that was done for parts 2
and 3 of the cube octahedron project took away free hours due to some measuring and scaling
errors on the models. Finding the dimensions and nets were difficult for a few shapes in certain
Anyways, this essay found the dimensions and surface area of the cubo given a side
length, and the volumes and dimensions of case 1, case 2, and case 3.

Encabo-Rasch 25
Works Cited
"Platonic Solids - Duals - NLVM." Platonic Solids - Duals - NLVM. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar.
2014. <>.
"The Volume of a Tetrahedron." The Volume of a Tetrahedron. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
"The Cube Octahedron." The Cube Octahedron. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
"Cuboctahedron." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Feb. 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.

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