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Response to Literature

You will create an MLA formatted Google document titled, Response to

The purpose of a response to literature is to state an opinion about a characters
traits, the setting, plot, theme, or moral of the story. View the attached Glossary of
Literary Terms for more information.
Organize the essay with a brief summary of the story, followed by an opinion that
is supported by evidence from the text. Use in text citations. Many responses include
connections to other stories,the world, or the readers own experiences, as well as a
personal reflection that reveals how the story impacted the reader.
Make sure you:
Use the present tense when talking about the events in the book.
Don't assume that your reader has read the book; write a quick,
concise summary in the opening paragraph.
Do not use I statements. We know this is what you think because
it's your paper. Your argument will sound stronger without I think or I feel in front
of your beliefs.
Remember to include a title that indicates specifically what your
paper is about. Do not simply use the title of the book and the author; instead, use
a main idea from your thesis.
Always reread your writing before submitting it. Have two peers
edit your paper throughout the writing process. This helps you discover awkward
sentences that do not have flow. Make sure that all of your evidence supports your
argument. If it doesn't (even if it sounds good), take it out.
Use the planning sheet.

Response to Literature Planning Sheet

Paragraph #1Complete summary
In the story

, written by

, the main

character(s) is/are
The main setting is
In the beginning of the story,

The main problem/conflict in the book is

The solution/resolution is
At the end of the story

Paragraph #2 Makes a judgment and supports it with relevant evidence

Write an opinion about a character or an event in the story and support your judgment with 3
specific facts from the book. (Like Monsieur Bibot is a mean and cruel man because he drags
Marcel around, wont let him bark, and beats him with a newspaper.)

Three reasons for this are (specific facts from the book):

Paragraph #3 Makes a prediction that refers to the book.
Based on your judgment, what is a prediction or insight you have about the story? What might
happen if the story continued, or if an event in the story were different? Could this story have
more than one meaning?

Paragraph #4 Provides a personal connection to the text

Make a connection here between the story and your life. Or, make a connection between this
story and another story you know, or a connection between this story and a story you know from
the news or some other source. (text to self, text to text, text to world)

Paragraph #5 Has a concluding statement that is an interpretation of the text and includes
your opinion.
Write a concluding paragraph in which you talk about the authors message, the theme of the
book, and what you believe the author is trying to teach us. Include your opinion of the book, as

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