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Kristin Jenson
Professor Nielson-Williams
29 July 2015
Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra, also known by its Sanskrit name as Vishuddha, is
located at the base of the throat. You can feel where it is located by pressing
your fingers against the pit where your collar bones meet. As this Chakra is
located on the throat, its associated sense is Sound, though Ether is also
attributed to this Chakra. Sound is an incredibly important element, as the
Hindus believe that the universe itself is made of sound. All sound is a
vibration, and all things, living and nonliving, have a unique vibration. At this
level, we do not see the world as individual things or their activities but as a
complex interwoven net of energies with characteristic vibrational rhythms.
The element of Ether is equated with Space, inner as well as outer, and is the
pure medium through which sound travels. It is the crossover between the
physical world and the world of Spirit. Metaphorically, it represents a
person's relationship with their space, or the scene that is playing around
The Seed Mantra, also known as the Bija Mantra, for the Throat Chakra
is "HAM". "HAM" is written in white upon the chakra, and is pronounced as
HUM, like in humming. The vibrations from HAM will help open your throat
chakra so your communication energy can flow strongly. The main objective
of this Chakra is learning to take responsibility for one's own needs and
expressing them in a positive and constructive way both for yourself and the
people you are communicating with.


The color assigned to this Chakra is Sky Blue, as this color is associated
with trust, wisdom, loyalty, and faith. This color is created by mixing the
indigo or purple of the sixth Chakra, the Third Eye, with the green of the
fourth Chakra, the Heart.
The parts of the physical body governed by the Throat Chakra are the
vocal cords, esophagus, neck, shoulders, mouth, and trachea. Within the
endocrine system, it is associated with the Thyroid gland. The Thyroid gland
secretes hormones that are important for the optimal operation of most
organs and cells in our body. These hormones help to regulate the body's
metabolism and the functioning of our organs. Our heart rate, body weight,
energy level, skin texture, memory, muscle tone and the regularity of
womens' menstrual cycles are regulated to a large extent by the this gland.
On a metaphysical level, the Throat Chakra is associated with
communication and creativity. It governs self expression, whether that
expression is through spoken word, written word, or thought. Expression can
also be artistic, such as an artist painting, a dancer dancing, or a musician
playing music. Whatever the form of expression, it must bring outside into
the world what is within ourselves and our soul.
When unbalanced, the Throat Chakra can exhibit physical issues, such
as thyroid dysfunctions, voice problems, neck problems, jaw issues,
laryngitis, a sore throat, swollen glands, problems with gums and teeth,
hearing problems, and ear infections. This Chakra can become unbalanced
by feelings of guilt, feeling irritation towards others and voicing that irritation
in a negative way, by lying, and by not speaking up for your inner truth.
When your Throat Chakra is imbalanced or under-active, you will be unable


to express yourself and will often be misinterpreted or misunderstood by

others. You will probably be wishy washy or considered flakey or
unreliable by the people in your life. You will also experience difficulty with
telling the truth and being honest with yourself. If its closed, you will find
yourself frequently frustrated as you cannot voice your needs and desires,
which will close yourself off to opportunities and having your needs met.
There are many options available to help open the Throat Chakra. You
can begin to use your voice by singing, chanting, humming, whistling,
laughing, or even screaming. You may also recite Positive Affirmations, such
as saying "I speak freely and with confidence. It is now safe for me to
express my feelings and to create the life I desire. Everything I do is an
expression of Love". You can also express yourself creatively, such as
playing an instrument, sculpting with clay, or drawing or painting. You can
also take up journaling, such a personal or dream journal. If journaling
routinely is hard for you, you can also write notes or letters. Journaling not
only externalizes your feelings but also makes it easier to examine the
causes behind them. Speaking the truth is also very helpful to opening this
Chakra, however if the truth is difficult or painful, you must be patient and
speak gently and compassionately. Speaking the truth in anger or spite will
only hurt you and the person you are trying to communicate with, and will
cause your Throat Chakra to become even more unbalanced. You may also
use tools associated with the specific Chakra to help open it, such as
essential oils, crystals or gemstones, colored candles, aromatherapy, sound
therapy, and nutrition.



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