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BIBA02 'l?;crou v'tov

b v\ov THE book of the gen-
yevscrecog ^piarov, Aa/3ioV' eration of Jesus Christ,
BOOK of [the] generation of Jesus Christ; Bon of David, Bon the son of David, th
son of Abraham.
of Abraham.

2 'Aftpad/x lykvvt]CTEV rbv 'Itradic' 'lo~aaK.Sk kykwrjaev rbv

Abraham begat Isaac ;
and Isaac begat
'Iaicw/3" ' tysvvrfcrev rbv 'lovSav Kai rovg dSsXcpovg
Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and brethren 2 Abraham begat
Isaac and Isaac be-
avroif 3 'lovSag.Sk kykvvtfcrev rbv *Papkg Kai rbv Zapd sk ;

gat Jacob ; and Jacob

'his ;
and Judas begat Phares and Zara of begat Judas 'and his
brethren 3 and Judas
rqg Qafidp- <i>apig.Sk tyevvqcrev rbv 'Ecrpcofi' '^apcofi.Sk begat Phares and Zara

Thamar ;
and Phares begat Esrom ;
and Esrom of Thamar and Pha- :

c res begat Esrom and

rbv'Apdfi\ 4'Apdfi.Sk iy'svvrfGZv rbv 'AfuvaSdf3'^ Esrom

ty'ivvt]<jzv begat Aram

begat Aram; and Aram begat Aminadab 4 and Aram begat A- ;

'AfiivaSdf3 KSk tysvvrjcTEv rbv Naaww'

'Naacrcrojv-Sk tysvvt]-
minadab and Ami-
nadab begat Naasson

aud Aminadab begat Naasson ; and Naasson be- and Naasson begat

csv rbv d Salmon 5 and Salmon

SaXjuwv 5 2aX/.iiov.Sk tytvvrjasv rbv Bot>" Ikt rfjg
begat Booz of E.achab;

g.'.t Salmon and Salmon begat Booz of

and Booz begat Obed
d ,
'PX/3' Bo. ?.5c tykvvijaVTdv e 'Q(3i)S n lKTrJ Pov9- e
of ;
and Obed
2 begat Jesse 6 and
Rachab and Booz begat Obed of Ruth 0bed ;
; ;
Jesse begat David the
Sk lykvi'rjGEv rbv'lsaaai 6 'Leo~tTai.Sk sykvviftrev rbv h Aaf3iS n king ;
and David the
'and begat Jesse and Jesse David king begat Solomon
; begat of her that had been
h (
rbv f3ao~cXka. Aaf3iS^.Sk b f3atriXevg
tysvvrjtrev rbv S'EoXo- the wife of Urias;
the king. And David the king Solo- 7 and Solomon begat
Roboam and Roboam ;

juwvra" sk rrjg rov Ovptov 7 2oXoficov.Sk ly'sv- begat Abia;

and Abia
mon of the [one who had been wife] of Urias ;
and Solomon be- begat Asa; 8 and Asa
begat Josaphat and ;

vriaev r6v'Poj3odfi' 'Pof3ocifi.Sk ly'svvr\o~tv rbv'Af3id' 'Af3id Josaphat begat Jo-

gat Roboani ;
and Roboam begat Abia ;
-Abia ram and Joram beerat ;

h " h Ozias ;
9 and Ozias
Sk kykvvrfoev rbv 'Ao~d 8 'Ao~d^.Sk sy'swrftrsv rbv'lcocratpdr' begat Joatham and ;

'and begat Asa ; and Asa begat Josaphat Joatham begat A- ;

chaz and Achaz be- ;

icotracpdr.Sk sykvvqtrev rbv'Lcopdfx' 'Lcopdfi Sk sysvvqtrev rbv

gat Ezekias 10 and ;

and Josaphat begat Joram ;

and Joram begat Ezekias begat Manas-
x ses and llanasses be-
'Ot,'iaV 9 )'0%iag ll
.Sk iyevvi)o~EV rbv '' 'lujc'cQafx.Sk gat Amon; and Amon

Ozias ;
and Ozias begat Joatham ;
and Joatham begat Josias 11 and ;

" Josias begat Jechonias

kysvinfirev rbv A^aZ,' "A^aK.Sk iy'svvqtrzv rbv n
'HZ,SKcav and his brethren, about
begat Achaz ;
and Achaz begat Ezokias ; the time they worq
n carried away to Ba-
10 E%Eiciag .Sk tyswrjaev rbv Mavatrai)' Mavao~o~ijg.Sk sykv- bylon : 12 and after
and Ezekias begat llanasses ;
and Manasses be-

yrjosv rbv m 'Aficov"~ m

'Aficuv .Sk

iykwijffEv rbv
'liooiav' 11

gat Amon ; and Amon begat Josias ;

11 'Icoucag".Sk iyevvr]0~EV rbv'Leypviav Kai rovg deeXtpovg

and Josias begat Jechonias and ^brethren

avrov, sttI rr)g fieroiKEoiag Baf3vXiovog. 12 Msrd.Sk

'his, at [the time] of the carrying away of Babylon. And after

Evnyye\iov Kara. Ma09alov (MarO. GW) GLTrW ; [Euay.l Kara Ma6

a A Kara Mo.99.
; T.
b Aavl'5 GW AauelS LTTrA.;
'Ajaeu/a5a/3 A.
d Bob? LT r Boes TA. ;
'Iw/3rj6 LTTrA.
6 j3a<TiKev<; LTTrA. S 2oAo|Utt>fa GTTrAW. h 'Oetou' LTTrA,
'Ao-a^ LTTrA.

'0eia$ LTTrA. k
'E&neCav L. l
Ee/Ci,'as L,
m 'A|Uws LTTrA. "'Iwcreiay LTTrA-
o'lwo-ei'as LTTrA.
2 MAT9A I 2. J,

bZZ ^oailiS
T7]V ProiKBffiav
tne carrying- away
BaflvXZvog, 'U X oviag
of Babylon, Jechomas
tov Sr/Xrt-
begat Salathiel ;

ie '
X 2aXa9u)X.Sk *iykvVr)GZV* TOV Zopo/3af3e\' 13 Zopo/W-
bavf; i3 aufLrob*: tnie l ant* Salathiel
be! begat Abiud ;
and ! begat Zorobabcl ; -Zoroba-

a^na BliaMm bJgat A-

^ fX ^ ^tytVVT]Gev
tov Af3iovS'

'Af3iov6.Sk iy'svvriOEv TOV

zor and Azov begat bel and
be " :lt Abiud; and Abiud begat

Sa-loc;audSadoc begat 'EXtafCflU* 'EXlClKEtuM yWI?ffV TOV 'A'(bp' ~ 14 'A&

Aehini; and Actum be- & and Ehakim Ebakim , ,
, -n-,. .
, .
begat Azorj and Azor ;
', ,'

g:>t.Eliud;15andEliud ^ ^ ^ ^

begat Eleazar; and lykwnGEV TOV 'EaSwK' SdSuJK.Sk ly'tVVTlGEV TOV 'AyflU' 'Avf/tt
te *
begat Jacob; 16 and Sk lye VV1]G(. V TOV 'EXlOvS' 15 FJXlOvS.Sk iykwi]GtV TOV 'EXf Ct-
J .cob begat Joseph
^ '
, ( ^,, J^l *
; a.
ind bogat Eliud .
and Eliud begat E1
the husband of Mary, t , , , ,
of whom was born T
Mar9av' r
tysvvt]Gev tov
4ap* EXa4ap.<3 Mar0ar".of tyeV-
S Wh called " zar i
andEleazar begat Matthan ;
and Matthan be-
Chr" t

vtjgsv rov'Ia/cw/3

16 'la.Kiuf3.Sk tyevvr]GEv tov 'lioa>}<p tov

gat Jacob ;
and Jacob begat Joseph the

vg iyewriQrj 'irjGovg o Xeyo/Jtvog XpiGTng,

dvSpa Napiag, t
17 So all the gene- husband of
Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who
rations from Abraham
to David are fourteen 17 UaGcu.ovv Cll yEVECli
is called Christ,
enrb AfSpad/x eiog 3 Aaf3'tS v
>/- .1

generations and from goto all David the generations from Abraham
David until the carry- , , , ,
ing away into Babylon yEVEai CEKClTSGGapeg KCU CtTTO "ActpiO. flog 7V/C fliTOlKeGtag
ire fo.urtecn genera- "generations 'fourteen; and from David until tbn carrying away
tions and from the -n o \ ~
; < > ' >
carrying away into JiapwAWVOg, yVGti CEKaTtGGapEg' KCU O.1T0 Tt\g [Ki.TOlKE.Giag
Babylon unto Christ of Babylon, fenerations 'fourteen; and from the carrying away
are fourteen genera- t, a \ - " - - > t>

tions. BapvAivvog swg tov xptcrroi', ytvtai ceKaTsaaapeg.

18 Now the birth of
Jesus Christ was on
of Babylon
no t>
I OV.dt.
Christ, "generations
Ir]G0V XP^TOV 1) yVVT]Gig OVTtxjg 7/1'. MVrj-
n y" t ~<' 11

thiswise: When as his Now of Jesus Christ the birth thus was. 'Having
mother Mary was es- _ n ' w ~ > ~ -in '
~>t ' '
j 11 1

poused to Joseph, be- 6(TTEv9ElGT}g Vrtp" Tl]g./.(t]Tpog.aVTOV MapiCtg T<{) I(VGt](p, 7rpiv.y)
fore they came to- bcen 'betrothed for his "mother -Mary to Joseph, before

gether, she was found _. \ a ~

wwAtltiv >__'-.,' ifl ' " ' >

with child of the Holy aiTOwf svpsdr] t.v.yctffTpi.txovffa ik irvevfjtdTog

Ghost. 19 Then Joseph "came together 'they she was found to be with child of [the] "Spirit

?nnt S an
a nd not^i- ^Lyiov. 19 'IbitTrjQ.Sk o.dvrjp.aiWng, Siiccuog
ling to make her a 'Holy. But Joseph her husband,
wv, kcil pr) QkXwv
"righteous 'being, and not willing
eX m X
minded to put her aw")v 7rapafciy/Mm'<rat," if3ovXi]9r] yXdOpa" dirokvaai aV>/v.
away privily. 20 But ^ er to expose publicly, purposed secretly to put -'away 'her.
these thin f h
h0U h
u ^ TCtvTct.Sk
Aud s these G things 'when
"he ''had "pondered, behold, an angel of [the] Lord
avTov.kvQv/xrjO'svTog, ISov, dyyeXog Kvpiov
the ano-el of the Lord
appeared unto him in KaT ^, "
vap Uavtl oi'Tio, Xsytov, 'icoantb, v'iog
Aa/3iS, n
a dream, saymg, Jo- r '
*.* '

m ' '
, A T ,'"' - ^
a ^c 21111 appeared to hnu,
. . ..

thou son of saying, Joseph, son of David, -"not

David, fear not to (ftoBnOng 7rapaXaf3eiv Maptdu r.iv.yvvalKci.aov' To.ydp Iv
thy w"fe: formal
to take to [thee]'^ Mary- thy wife, for that which in
which is conceived in
avry yZVVTjQlV tK TTVEVflCtTOg iGTtV CtytOV. 21 TE^BTai.Sk VtOV,
Ms "Holy. And she shall bring forth a son,
is begotten -of [ the] 'Spirit
Ghost* ^And^he hcr
shall bring forth a Kdl KClXsrTEig 'll)(T0VV' aVTOg.ydp fflbffEl TOV
son and thou shalt an i thou shalt call
his name
call his name JESUS
for he shall save his

Jesus; for he
shall save

TixiV .ClfiapTlOJV .CtVTUIV'.
-, , \. ^
22 ToVTO.Vt
~ ,

people from their sins. =
pe0 ple
r 'his from their sins. Now this all
22 Now all this was , . ,. , , _, ,,.,- H
done, that it might be ytyOVZV, IVCl TrATJpMUy TO pi]VtV VTTO 'TOV KVptOV
fulfilled which was came to pass, that might be fulfilled that which was spoken by the Lord
spoken of the Lord by 00
16 't?
, , A / '
O' <

the prophet, saying, 01CI TOV TTpO(p)]TOV, AtyOVTOq, ICOV 1} TTCtpUeVOg IV

23 Behold, a virgin through the prophet, saying, Behold, the virgin ''with
shall be with child, v t/~ < f / > x / ,

tmd shall bring forth yaGTpi.St,El KCU TSt,TCll VIOV, KCU KCtAtGOVGlV TO OJ'0/.ia
a son, and they shall "child 'shall'-'be, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call -name
l v
yevrq begets A.
r ~Ma90dv
LTTrA. Aav'i'5 Gw; AaveiS LT'l'rA. s
'Irjcrov Tr. yeveait
rjLTTrAW. w v *
TOV {read the |)
yap foi'LTTr[A]. 5tffy/naTicrat LXTiA, AaOpa L. |

call his name Emma-
avTov 'E/ifiavovfiXy o tvnv nE9pp,r}VEv6fivov, Mef?' j/juwj/ nuel, which being in-
Emmanuel, which ''With us
'his is, being interpreted, terpreted is, God with
b c us. 24 Then Joseph be-
*o" 0Eog. 24 Aieyep9eig .Se o" n
'lu>o))<p cltto tov 'vttvov, tTroi-
ing raised from sleep
'God. And "having 'been ''aroused 'Joseph from the sleep, did
did as the angel of the

tjoev wg TTpoatra^Ev avT(j} 6 dyyEXog Kai TrapsXaj3Ev Lord had bidden him,
and took unto him his
as had ordered him the angel of [the] Lord, and took to [him]
wife 25 and knew :

25 icai ovK.iyivioo-KEv avri]v eivg ov her not till she had

Trjv.yvvcuKa.auTov, brought forth her
his wife, and knew not her until
firstborn son aud lie :


v\6v ai)T>~ig tov TrpioToroKOV'" icai iicdXscrev called his name JK-
she broui ht forth "son 'her the firstborn ;
and he callad SUS.

Tu.ui>0[Aa.avTOV 'h]<70vv.
his name Jesus.

2 Tov.SL'lrjaov yEvvyfiivrog iv Bn9XE(fi rrjg 'lovSaiag,

Now Jesus having been born in Bethlehem of Judaea,
IT. Now when Jesus
iv y'if.i'spaig 'BpoiSov tov fiaaiXewg, ISov, fidyoi dirb dvaToXwv was born n Beth leheni

of Herod the from east of Judaea in the daj-s of

in [lie] days king, behold, magi [the]
Herod the king, be-
7rapEykvovTO rig 'lepoaoXv/xa, 2 XsyovTeg, Tiov Iotiv 6 te\- hold, there came wise
men from the cast to
arrived at Jerusalem, saying, Where is he who has
Jerusalem, 2 saying,
Oeig j3a(TtXevg tuiv 'lovSaiiov; riSo[.iEv yap avTov tov darkpa Where is he that is born
been born Xing of the Jews? for we saw his star King of the Jews ? for
we have seen his star
iv ry dvaToXy, Kai i"iX9ofiEV Trpfocicvvt)crai avT<ji. 3 'Aicovoag in the east, and are
in the cast, and are come to do homage to him. 'Having "heard come to worship him.
3 When Herod thoking
Si 'Bpu)St]g 6 fiaciXevg^
STapdxOr], icai Tcdoa 'lepoaoXv/xa had heard these things,
but ''Herod "the king he was troubled, and all Jerusalem he was troubled, and
all Jerusalem with
fiET avTov' 4
icai avvayayihv irdvTag Tovg dp%ipE7g icai him. 4 And when he
with" And having gathered together all
him. the chief priests and had gathered all the
chief priests and
ypafi/.iaTig tov Xaov, t7rvv9dvETO Trap' avT&v, ttov 6 %pio~Tog scribes of the people
scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ together, he demanded
of tnem where Christ
yEvvarai. 5
O't.Si %el7rov n ovtoj, 'Ev Ij0\/i
Trjg 'lovSaiag. should be born. 5 And
should be born. And they said to him, In Bethlehem of Judaea :
they said unto him, In
Bethlehem of Jndrea :
o'vriog.ydp yiypaizTai Sid tov 7rpo(p)]TOV, 6 Kai <jv B7j9Xee/j,, for thus it is written
for thus it has been written by the prophet, And thou, Bethlehem, by the prophet, 6 And
e! iv ro~ig i)yEfioaiv 'lovSa' iic thou Bethlehem, in the
yij lovSa, ovSapwg lXa\iaTi) 2 land of Juda, art not
laud of Juda, in no wise least avtamoug the governors of Juda, out the least among the
oov ydpi%EXvcTaii)yoviJ.vog,oGTig of Juda for
TOV.Xaov.fiov princes
TtoijxavEi out of thee shall come
of 'thee 'for shall go forth a leader, "who shall shepherd my people a Governor, that shall
h rule my people Israel.
tov 'lapatjX. 7 Tore 'HpuSng XdQpa
tcaXiaag Tovg fidyovg,
7 Then Herod, when he
Israel. Then Herod, ''secretly 'having called the magi, had privily called the
rjKpifiwGEv Trap' uvtwv tov %povov tov cpaivo/nsvov daripog' them
wise men, inquired of
them the time of the 'star. diligently What
inquired accurately of "appearing time the star appeared.
8 Kai irk fii^ag av-ovg rig B7)9XEt/x eTitev, HopEv9ivTEg 'dicpi- 8 And he sent them to
And having sent them to Bethlehem, he said, Having gone, accu- Bethlehem, and said,
Go and search dili-
(3<2>g i^ETaaaTE^ TTEpi tov TraiSioV iTrdv.Si EvpiiTE, gently for the young
rately inquire for the little child and when ye shall have found [him] child and when ye ;
have found him, bring 1

dwayyEiXaTE fioi, OTrwg icdyu) iX9iov Trpoo~KVvi]0~uj avT<ji. me word again, that I
bring word back tome, that I also having come may do homage to him. may come and worship
him also. 9 When they
9 Qi.Si dtzovaavTEg tov f3aaiXiojg i7ropEv9t](jav Kai (Sov, 6 had heard the king,
And they having heard the king, went away and behold, the they departed and,; ;

lo, the star, which they

d(TTr]p,'6v eISov TrpoijyEv ai'TOvg siog
ivTydvaToXy, iX9a>v saw in the east, went
star, which they saw iu the east, went before them, until having come before them, till it
came and stood over
crrr;" tTrdvu) ov
. iiv to TraiSiov. 10 loovTEg.Si tov do~Tspa, where the young child
it stood over where was the littlechild. And having seen the star, was. 10 When they saw
they the star, rejoiced
i\dpi]aav \apdv jXydXi]V vcpoSpa' 11 Kai iX96vTEg Eig with exceeding great
thry rejoiced [with] joy
great 'exceedingly. And having come into joy. 11 And \vh"n they
a b c oT. d rov {read a S"n) i.ttva
6 l. eyepOel? having risen lttta.
e f
6 )3acriAeu5 'HpuiSns LTTrA. tlnav T. h AatW I*
avrrj? tov TTpuiTOTOKOV I.TTtA. S
iv7a6t} LTTrA.
t^fTOCraTe api/3u>s LTI'A.
M AT 9 A I 2. II.
were come 9
T^ v 0li''iav i svpov to Traitiiov /J-Erd Napiag ;
house, they 'saw the little child with
young child with Mary the house, they found the Mary his mother,
his mother, and fell Kol
down, and worshipped and
TTEcrdvTEg TrporsEKVvt]aav aliTcp Kal dvo'i^avTEg TOVQ
having fallen down' did homage to him: and having opened
him and when they

had opened their trea- QnoaVOOVC aVTWV fllTW Siopa, Xpvauv KCci
sures. thev -nvesented 3 ' '
sures, they presented ,., ., ,' .

to 1dm and
(into him gifts
treasures their they ottered gifts gold ;
gold, ;

and frankincense, and

\ij3avov Kal Gjivpvqv. 12 Kal
myrrh. 12 And being frankinoense and
X9 r)f-iaTl(y ^^ VTi Q KCIT
myrrh. And having been divinely instructed in
warned of God in a l
dream that ocov
should not return to bvap j.ii] dvaicap\pca TTpOQ KpwSl]V, 8l dX\7]Q
a dream not to return to Herod, by another way
Herod, they departed
into their own coun- <Tav S 'Q
avex i0 P r l T})v.xit>pav.av7U)V.
try another way. they withdrew into their own country.
13 A.vaxwpr]Gd.vTii)}'.S avrwv, Ifiov, dyye\og KVpiov
2s ow -having ''withdrawn 'they, behold, an angel of [the] Lord
13 And when they
were departed, behold, m n

the angel of the Lord (paivErcu tear 6vap Tcp'lwafil), Xeywy, 'EytpOtig 7rapa\a/3e
appears in a dream to Joseph, saying, Having risen take with [thee]
appeareth to Joseph in
T))v.p,i] , Kal (pevys Eig A'iyvrrTOV,
a dream, saying, Arise, to TraiSiov Kal
and take the young the little child and his mother, and flee into Egypt,
child and his mother,
and flee into Egypt. Kai t(T0t ekeX siog dv e'Ittij) aol' jxeXXel 'Hpwdrig ^ijteIv rb
and be thou there until and 3 yap =
be there until I shall tell theej is*about 'for to seek ihe
I bring thee word: for
Herod will seek the 7Tai0lOV, TOV CLTTOkiaai CtUTO 14 'O.Sk tyEpOElg 7rapsXaj3v
young child to destroy little child, to destroy him. And he having risen took with [him]
him. 14 When he arose,
he took the young to iraiS'iov Kai Ti)v-p.rjTipa.avTov vvKTog, kol avExwpiiGEv tig
child and his mother the little child and his mother by night, and withdrew into
by night, and departed
into Egypt: 15 and was A'iyv7TT0v, 15 Kal tjv ekeI eojg Tqg teXevt^ 'HpwcoV M'rt
there until the death Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod that :

of Herod: that it might

be fulfilled which was TrXi]poj9rj rb p>]9kv vtto n T0V U Kvpiov Sid TOV
spoken of the Lord by might be fulfi'lled tLat which was spoken by the Lord through the
the prophet, saying,
Out of Egypt have I Trpo(p)]TOV, X'syovTog, 'E KlyviCTOV EKaXEaa Tov.vlov.pov
called my son. 16 Then prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.
Herod, when he saw on
that he was mocked of 16 Tors 'Hpiodrig,
(S<l>v lvE7raix9r] inrb tu>v pdywv,
the wise men, was ex- Then Herod, having seen that he was mocked by the magi,
ceeding wroth, and aveXXev
sent forth, and slew t9v[Mo9r] Xiav, Kal dirovTEiXag TrdvTag Tovg
all the children that was enraged greatly, and having sent he put to death all the
were in Bethlehem, ev Bf/SXes/i Kal iv Trdaiv loXg.ipioig.avT^g aTrb
and in all the coasts TrasSag Tovg from

from two boys that [were] in Bethlehem and in all its borders,
years old and under, SiETOvg Kal KaTWTEpit), KaTa tov xpovov ov r)i:pi(3u)-
according to the time time which he had accurately
which he had diligent- two years old and under, according to the
of the wise
ly inquired
Then was ful-
cev irapa tu>v jiayiov 17 Tore t7rXr]pu)9r] to pi]9iv
from the magi, Then was fulfilled that which was spoken
filled that which was inquired
spoken by Jeremy the y7ro" 'lEQEu'lOV TOV TTOOcbriTOV, XkyOVTOg, 18 $>U)Vt] EV 'Papa
prophet, saying, 18 In Jeremias the A voice in Rama
Kama was there a voice by prophet, saying,
heard, lamentation, ffKovaQt], v 9prjvog Kal* KXav9ubg Kal cSvppbg TroXvg, 'Px?)X
and weeping, and great was and 'mourning 'great, Rachel
heard, lamentation and weeping
mourning, Rachel
weeping for her chil- KXaiovtra ra.TEKva.avTrJ, Kal ovk i/'/^Xfj/

dren, and would not
s be comforted,
weeping [for] her children. and not 'would
be comforted, because
they are not. OTl OilKMfflV.
bcoanse they are not.

19 But when Herod 19 lEXEVTT]aavTogM TOv'HpwSov, ISov, dyyEXog KVpiOV

was dead, behold, an 3
But 'having died 'Herod, behold, an angel of [the] Lord
angel of the Lord ap- n 20 Xsywv, 'Eyep-
T(p Tw<7//0 iv AiyvirTip,
peareth in a dream
KaT ovap $aivETai
to Joseph in Egypt, in a dream appears to Joseph in Egypt, saying, Having
20 saying, Arise, and
take the young child 9Etg 7rapdXa(3E to 7raiSiov Kal T-))v.}ii]TEpa.avTOv, Kal xopEvov
take with [thee] the little child and his mother, and SO
and his mother, and go risen

m nar' ovap eoSanj in a dream appeared l kclt' ovap

elSov they saw gltttaw. ;

4>aiverai Tr.
- tov (read [the] ) ltivaw. S^ through LTXrAW. p
Opnvos /ecu LTTi a.

^aiVerat KaT' bvap LTTrA.

9 rj6e\r)<TiV L.
V 'IcpariX' r^9n']Kacnv.ydp ol into the land of Israel:
f'C Y'~1 Zvtovvteq tt)v \pvx>)v for they are dead which
into [the] land of Israel : for they have died who were seeking the life
sought young
tov 7raiSiov. 21 'O.Si tyepQeig 7rapsXa/3ev to TratSiov Kai child's life. 21 And ho
arose, and took the
of the little child. And he having risen took with [him] the little child and and his
T>)i'./.l7]TEpa.aVT0V, KCtl
eig yifv 'IcrparjX. 22 aKovaag mother, and came in-
to the land of Israel.
his mother, and came into [the] land of Israel. -Having- 'heard
22 But when he heard
that Archelaus did y
8f oti 'ApxtXaog (3aaiXevei tTri" rijg 'lovdaiag avrl 'HpioSov
'but that Archelaus over Judaea instead of Herod reign in Judaea in the
room of his father He-
Tov.7rarp6g.avrov,' i<pof3i)9r] t/ci cnreXOelv
he was afraid to
xP 7U' aTl(7 rod, thither: notwith-
his father, he was afraid there to go 'having "been 'divinely go ;

standing, being warn-

9eig dk tear ovap, avtxts)pr\os.v eig rd fiept] Ti)g FaXiXaiag, ed of God in a dream,
instructed 'and in a dream, he withdrew into the parts of Galilee he turned aside into :

the parts of Galileo :

23 kcil iX9wv rroXiv v a
23 and he came and
KaT<{JKii(7v elg Xeyojikvqv 1iaZapaT'
and having come he dwelt in a city called Nazareth dwelt in a city called ;

Nazareth : that it
07Ttof 7rX?ipuj6?j to pi)9ev SlCl TUIV 7Tp0(p}]TU>V, OTI might be fulfilled
so that should be fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophets, that which was spoken by
the prophets, He shall
Nawpaio KXijOijaerai. be called a Nazarenw.
a Nazarsean shall he be called.

3 Taig.ijfi'epaig.tKHvaig TrapayiveTai 'lajdvvtig 6

Now in those days comes John the
n In those days
ficnrTiGTrig, Ki]pva<yu)v iv ttj ept)p:qi Trjg'lovoaiag, 2*Kai Xkyujv,
and came John the Baptist,
Baptist, proclaiming in the wilderness of Judaea, saying,
preaching in the wil-
MeravoelTe' i'jyyiKev.ydp r) (3acnXeiaTU)vovpavu>v. 3 OiTog.ydp derness of Judsua, 2 and
Repent, for has drawn near the kingdom of the heavens. For this saying, Repent ye: for
thekingdom of heaven
ioTiv 6 pii9eig {i7r6" -
'Hoatov tov TrpofriTOv, XkyovTog, is at hand. 3 For this
is he who was spoken of by Esaias the ishe that was spoken
prophet, saying,
of by the prophet K-
Qiovr) /3oujVTog iv ry ipt)p(p, 'Erot/xacrare Tt)v bSbv kv~ The voice
saias, saying.
of one crying in the
[The] voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of [thCj
wilderness, Prepare
piov ei>9eiag ttoieIte rdg^Tpifiovg.avTOv. 4 AvTog.oe 6 'lojdvvrjg ye the way of th
Lord, straight make his paths. And "himself 'John Lord, make his paths
straight. 4 And the
elx EV To.ivSvfxa.avTOV a-irb icafu)Xov, Kai wi'?jv Cep- same John had his rai-
had his raiment of hair of a camel, and a girdle of ment of camel's hair,
7 n
and a leathern girdle
tiarivriv Tr(.pi Ti)v.6<y<pvv.avTov' y.Se Tpo<pi) ai'T0v t)v aKpideg about his loins and ;

leather about his loins, and the food of him was locusts his meat was locusts
and wild honey.
<ai p.kXi dypiov.
and "honey 'wild.
5 Tors i^S7ropeveTO Trpbg ovtov 'lepocroXv/ia Kai irdaa t)
Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all
5 Then wont out to
lovdaia Kai trcwa him Jerusalem, and
?} Trepix^pog tov 'lopSdvov 6 tcai t/3a7rrt- all Judsea, and all the
Judaea, and all the country around the Jordan, and were bap-
region round about
ZiOVTO* iv f(j) 'lopSdv?j vtt' avTOV, i^ojxoXoyovpevoi Tag uuap- Jordan, 6 and were
tizod in the Jordan by him, confessing -sins baptized of him in Jor-
dan, confessing their
riag avTwv. 7 7roXXovg twv Qapiaaiojv Kai UladSov- sins. 7 But when lie
'their But having.seen many of the Pharisees and Sa-ddu- saw many of the Pha-
and Saddncees risees
Kaiwv ipxop.ivovg iiri Tb.(3aTTTio'p:a. avT0v,
<: u
to his baptism, elwev avTolg, come
cecs to his baptism, he said unto them, O he said
coming to*them,
generation of vipirs,
VevvquaTa ixidviov, Tig vTrsSei^ev vluv ipvyelv d-irb Ttjg jxeX- who hath warned you
Offspring of vipers, who forewarned you to flee from the com- to flee from the wrath
to come ? a Bring forth
Xovarjg bpyfjg ; 8 iroajoaTE ovv ^Kapirovg d%iovg Trjg pera- therefore fruits meet
ing wrath ? Produce therefore fruits worthy of repent- for repentance !l and :

think not to say within

voiag' 9 Kai ixi).S6,r)T Xkyeiv iv eavT0i~g, Harzpa txopev yourselves, We have
ance : and think not to say within yourselves ["For] ^father 'we '""have Abraham to our fa-

entered LTTrA. rffi 'low. over JucUea)
6 l
el<rri\8ev rl (read lt[t: a] tov narpos
Nafape'0 LTT W.
* v
aiiToii 'Hpajoov LTTrA. /cat Lx[T Ja. 6ta through fcTT AW.
jjl> auToi} LTTrA. a +
[7raiTes-J ull L. b
+ TTOrafxio river LTTrA. aVTOV (read tll
ba^tiain) i,t[TiaJ. Kapir'ov a^iov fruit worthy
6 M A T 9 A I v
jrij IV
ther: for T say unto
rev' \fioad/.r Xryw.ydp, on cvvarai b 9eoc Ik 7uivXi9(ov
you. that God is able 'Abraham
of those stones to raise
: fur 1 say to you, that able is God from 'stones
up children unto Abra- tovtmv iyslpai t'ikvcl 10 e
ham. 10 And now also Ttp'AfSnaa/i. 7"]St].ck r) a%ivq
the axe is laid unto
'these to raise up children to Abraham. But already also the axe
the root of the tres :
Ttpbg t))v ptt,av twv S&vcpwv Kiirac ttciv ovv Ssvvpov /.iq
therefore every tree to the root of the trees is applied :
-every 'therefore tree not
which briugeth not
forth good fruit is 7T010VV KCtpTTUV KClXoV iKKOTTTETai Kai Eig
hewn down, and cast TTVp j3dX\ETO.l.
producing -fruit 'good is cut down and into' [the] fire is cast.
into the fire. 11 I in-
( n
deed baptize you with 11 'Eyw j.uv j3clt7ti'C^ v[idg iv vdari tig \iETavoiav' o.St
water unto repent- I indeed baptize you with water to repentance but he who
ance but he that

coineth after me is OTTIGW poV kpXOj.(iVOQ HTXVpOTSpOQ f.lOV tGTLV, OV OVK-ElfMl

mightier than I, whose after me [U] coming mightier than I is, of whom I am not
shoes I am not worthy
to bear: he shall bap- 'iKavug rd. v7roc))fxara fiaardGaC avrug Vfidg
/3a7rriaei iv
tize you with the Holy fit the sandals to bear : he you with [the]
'will 'baptize
Ghost, and with fire:
i'J whoso fan is in TTVEv/iiart dyiip kcii rrvpi. 12 ov to tttvov iv tv Yfipi
his hand, and lie will 'Spirit 'Holy and with fire. Ofwhom the winnowing fan [is] in 'hand
throughly purge his
floor, and gather his avTOV, Kai liciKciQapiH Ttjv.ciXwva.avTOV, Kai o~vvdt,Ei
wheat into the garner; 'his, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather
but ho will burn up
the chaff with un- rbv .GiTOV.avToi) etc t*)v a.7toQr}KT]V^ to.cSe d^vpov KctTaKavati
quenchable fire. his wheat into the granary, but the chaff he will burn up

TTVpl Clofi'iGTtf).
with fire unquenchable.
13 Tots irapayivETai b 'lr\Govg otto t7]q TaXiXaiag iiri tcv
Then comes Jesus from Galilee to the
13 Then corneth Je-
eus from Galilee to 'lopSdvi]v 7rpbg Tov'lwdvvrjv, tov fiaTTTto-Qt'ivai vtt' aurov.
Jordan to Johja, to be baptized by him.
Jord:.n unto John, to
be baptized of him. h
14 u.tjf. 'lwaw/jg" SiekwXvev <xvt6v, Xiywv, 'Eyw xpEiav i\w
14 But John forbad was hindering him,
But John saying, I 'need 'have
him, saying, I have
need to be baptized of virb gov
and comest fhou ficnrTMrOrivai, teat ov tpxy irpog ue ; 15 'Attokpi9e\^
thee, to be baptized, and 'thou 'comest to me? 3
to me? 15 And Jesus by thee Answerinj
answering said unto St b 'lr\o~ovg e~l7tev irpbg avTov^ apTi'
him, Suffer it to be so 'but 2
"A<psg ovTwg.yup
Jesus said to him, Suffer [it] now; for thus
now : for thus it be-
cometh us to fulfil all
Trp'nrov tOTiv j/jutV TrXripwaai irdaav liKaioavvqv . Tore
righteousness. Then becoming it is to us to fulfil all righteousness. Then
he suffered him. IGAnd
Jesus, when he was d(pu]Giv avTov. 16 JKat [3aTrTt(r6Eig
b'lqaovg ^dvifii)
baptized, went up hesuffers him. And Jesus went up having been baptized
straightway out of the
water: and, lo, the fi)0iV" aTrb tov vdctTog, Kai iCoi, l dvtjJx9>l<Tciv u m avrtp n o't
heavens were opened immediately from the water: and behold, were opened to him the
unto him, and he saw
the Spirit of God de- oi'pavoi, Kai eIcev "to irvevfia tov^ Qeov Kara[3ah>ov wad

scending like a dove, heavens, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as
and lighting upon him: v Kai n
17 and lo a voice from TTEpiGTEpdv, EpXI'j-tEVOV iTT CWTUV. 17 Kai tdoV, (j>wvi)
heaven, saying, This a dove, and coming upon him and lo, a voice :

is my beloved Son, in
whom I am well tK twv ovpavwv, Xiyovaa, Oi'Tog ioTtv b.v'iog.fiov b dya-
pleased. out 'of the heavens, saying, This is my Son the be-

Tri]Tog, iv
>p ioo/cj;o"a .

loved, in whom I have found delight.

IV. Then was Jesus 4 Tore 6" 'lqcrovg dv)]\0)\ Eig ti)v tpijfxov virb tov ttvev-
led up of the Spirit in- Then Jesus was led up into the wilderness by the Spi-
to the wilderness to be
tempted of the devil. fjaTog, 7rEipaG0i]vai vtto tov SiafioXov. 2 Kai vr]GTEvaag
2 And 'when he had rit to be tempted by the devil. And having fasted
fasted forty days and s n l n

forty nights, he was af- 7/j.ispag TEO<japaK0VTa Kai vi>KTag TEG<rapdK0VTa, 'vaiEpov
terward an hungred. *days 'forty and nights 'forty, afterwards

e Mat LTTrAW. f
vuos /3a7rTiu> s
LTTrW. +
avrov (read his granary) LT.W. J1
(read he was hindering) I.t[Tia]vv. avrui L. fia-n-Tio-Oeis Si LTT:AW. tvBvs ave^ri LTTrW.

>j ><<:(,; x'0r}o-ai> L.
m aiiTol l]t.
- "
to (read [the]) t[a]. tov t[aJ. p Kai lt [lrh\
Teo-o-epafcoi'Ta vvktos T ; vvKTas Tecro-ep. TrA.
s l
S ijuookijo-o T. '
6 A. Teo-o-epaKOvra. Ti'iA.
67T(Vcr6v. 3 Kai n
6 irapaZ,wv eIttev
7rpo(Te\6<ljv Ei 3 And when thotempt-
er came to Jiim. he ,
he hungered. And having ccnie tohiui the tempter said, If
saia, If thou be the
viog el tov 9eov, eiVe 'iva oLXiOoi.ovroi aproi ykvwvTai. Son of God, command
Son r thou 2 art 3 that these stones be
of God, speak that these stones loaves 'may 'become. made bread. 4 But ha
4 'O dt cnroicpiQdg eIttev, TtypaTTTai, Ouk Itt aprip fiovip
answered and said, It
But he answering said, It has been written, Not

by bread alone
is written, Man shall
not live by bread alone,
^YjaErai *av9pioiT0Q, dXX' 7i7ri ttclvti prj/ian tK7ropsvo/J,ivq) Sid hut by every word that

shall -live 'rnan, but by every word going out through proceed eth out of the
n ~ - _,, . , ,

crouaTOQ veov. o yore 7rapaXa/xfjavEi avrov o dia/ooXog Eig the devil taketh him
, mouthofGod. 5 Then , , .
% -.


[the] mouth of God. Then takes "him 'the -devil to up into the holy city,
and settetb him on a
z n
T))v dyiav ttoXiv, Kai 'iGTt]Giv avruv Irri to TTTEpvyiov TOV pinnacle of the temple,
the and sets him the 6 an(i sa 'th unto
holy city, upon edge of the him,
T ~ n ~ r, ,,. -If thou be the Son
Upov, 6 Kai \Eyft avTqj, Ei* 3vlbg TOV VEOV, fjaXe fff.av- of God, cast thyself
temple, and says to him, if Son 'thou art of God, cast thy-* down: for it is

He shall give his
On >

/-> i -.

angels charge con-

self down: ior it nas been written, To hjs angels he cerning thee and in :

their hands they shall

TeXeiTaL 7repi gov, Kai iTri \Eipu)V apovoiv ce, hear thee up, lest at
wiil give charge concerning thee, and in [their] hands shall they bear thee, any time thou dash
thy foot against a
HljTTOTS. TTpOGICOlpJJg TTpOQ X'l&OV TOV.7r6oa.GOV. 7 "E<pT] UVTlp stone. 7 Jesus said
thou strike s
lest a stone thy foot. Said Ho^him. unto him, It is written
6 'l?]GOVg, IJaXH,
'Jesus, Again it

ykypaTTTai, Oi'K.iKTTEipaGEig
has been written, Thou shalt not tempt [the] Lord
tov ffpt ^w
God. 8 Again, the devil
taketh him up into an

Oew gov. 8 TiaXiv TrapaXafifiavei clvtov 6 SidfioXog elg

"God 3 exceeding high moun-
'thy. Again takes him 'the -devil to tain, and sheweth him
all the kingdoms of
opog Xiav, Kai Se'ikwgiv aiVfp xaGag Tag {3aGi~
v-^riXov the world, and the
u mountain ""high 'exceedingly, and shews to him all the king- glory of them r 9 and -

h saith unto him, All

\siag tov KOG/J.OV Kai Trjv.So^av.avTuiv, 9 Kai \'syei
avTift, these things will I give
doms of the world and their glory, and says to him,
thee, if thou wilt fall
TavTa TvavTa cot" iav ttegmv down and worship me.
Siogoj, 7rpoGKVi'f]G?jg 10 Then saith Jesus
'These ^things 'all to thee will I give if falling down thou wilt worship
unto him, Get thee
fioi. 10 Ton; Xkysi avnp 6'lrjGovg, "Y7rayE , GaTava' hence, Satan for it is :

me. 2
Then 3
him Get thee away, written, Thou shalt
says 'Jesus, Satan;
worship the Lord thy Kai God, and him
yiypa7TTai.yap, Kvpiov 7CpoGKVvi)GEig, shalt thou
for it has been written, [The]- Lord thy God shalt thou worship, and
11 Then the
avToZ fxovijj XarpevGEig. 11 Tore d(ph]Giv avTov 6 Sidj3oXog' leaveth him, an'd, he-
3 4
him alone shalt thou serve. Then leaves him 'the 'devil,
hold, angels cacie and
ministered unto him.
xai iSov, ayyrXoi 7rpoGt)X9ov Kai Sit]kovovv avTtp.
and hehold, angels came and ministered to him. 12 Now when Jesus
12 ' e ]]
on av- had heard that John
6'lr]Govg 'lojdvvijg 7rapeS69r], was cast into prison,
But "having ''heard 'Jesus that John was delivered up, he he departed into Gali-
%wpiiGEv Eig ti)v TaXiXaiav. 13 Kai KaTiiXi7ru)v n)v fNa^ajOr," lee 13 and leaving

withdrew into Galilee: and having left Nazareth, Nazareth, he came and
dwelt in Capernaum,
>nn i f n n > % i
which is upon the sea
iX9tov KarojKrjGEv Eig %KaTTEpvaovfi ti\v 7rapa9aXaGGiav,
coast, in the borders
having come he dwelt at Capernaum, which [is] on the sea-side,
of Zabulon and Neph-
tv opioig ZafiovXwv Kai ~NE(p9aXeiix, 14 iva 7rXripoj9y thalim 14 that it

in [the] borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim, that might be fulfilled might be f ul filled
w-hich was spoken by
to pi]9iv did 'HGaiov tov wpocprjTOV, XkyovTOg, 15 Tt) Esaias the prophet,
that which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Land saying, 15 The land of
-. -. ~
T r\ \ ( *' n \ '.. . ~ Zabulon, and the land

AapoVMOV Kai yy) Ns^faAEI/t, OOOV 9a\aGGH}g TTtpaV TOV of Nephthalim. 6)/ the
of Zabulon, and land of Nephthalim, way of [the] sea, beyond the way of the sea, beyond
'i \ '
n - -ir><\' a' Jordan, Galilee of the "

lOpCllVOV, 1 aKlKaia TlOV tVVOJV, lb O AfiO O KaUrjfXEVOg Gentiles; 16 the peo-

Jordan, Galilee of the nations,* the people which- was sitting pie which sat in dark-

avT<3 TTrA. w + aura) 10 him LTTrAW. * + 6 LTTrAW. ? ev LTrA. *
icrTqaey set LTTrA.
a el-rev said L. b ei7rei' said LTTrA. c ravrd croi navra TTrA. A
+ cnrtaui ixov behind
me g[l]w.
e o 'Ljo-ovs f
Na^apd^ Nazarath l ; Is'a^apsd v; ; Naapa Nazara TTrA.
f Kao>api/aov/A LTTrAW,
8 M AT A I 2. IV, V.
Tiesssaw great light ; h
ffK6m n
and to them which sat
elce cpuJQ fxiya, Kai toiq Ka9rjfiivoig iv
in the region and in darkness has seen a -light 'great, and to those which were sitting in [the]
shadow of death, light ical dvsTStXev aiirolg. 17 'Atto
issprung up. 1" From %wpct and shadow
CKiqi. Oavarnv, (f>u>g

that time Jesus began country

of death, light has sprung up From
to them.
to preach, and to say, tote b 'IqadBg Ki]pva<yeiv Kai Xeyeiv, Meravoeire'
for the king- i"ip^aro
Repent :
that time began Jesui to proclaim and to say,
dom of heaven is at Repent ;

f/yyiKev.yap if (3am\eia twv ovpavuJv.
for has drawn near the kingdom of the heavens.

18 UtpnrariiJv-H 'o 'li]!Jovg


irapd ti)v 9dXaooav rijc VaXi-

And -walking 'Jesus by xh-3 sea ci Gaii-
18 And Jesus, walk-
ing by the sea of Gali- Xaiag eleev cvo dSeX<porc, Si'/.-wj/a tov Xeyo/xtpov Usrpov, Kai
saw two brei
lee, lee he saw two brothers, Simon who is called 'Peter, and
Simon called Peter,
and Andrew his bro- 'Avdpsav TOv.dEeXtybv.avTov. fiaXXovrag dfirpi/3Xi]crTpov elg
ther, casting a net Andrew his brother, casting a large net into
into the sea for they :
were fishers. 19 And Tt)v OaXavvav i]<yav.ydo aXielg. 19 Kai Xsyei avrolg, Aevts
he saith unto them, the sea, for they were fishers: and he says to them, Corns
Follow me, and I will
make you fishers of b-jriuu)
fxov, Kai Tron](Jio vadg dXieig dvQpww. 20 01. eh
men. 20 And they after you and I will make
me, And they of men.
straightway left their
nets, and followed evOkiog eHpkvrtg rd c'iKTva rjKoXov9r]aav avrtp. 21 Kai
him. 21 And going on immediately having left the nets, followed him. And
from thence, he saw
other two brethren, 7rpo/3dg iKeWsv, eleev dXXovg evo actXcpovg, 'laKiofiov rbv
J arues the son of Zebe- having gone on thence, he saw other two brothers, James the [son]
dee, and John his
tov Z,ej3e8ai6v Kai 'lu)dvvr\v Tov.ddeX(pbv.avTOV, iv rip irXoap
brother, in a ship with
Zebedee their father, of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the ship
mending their nets ;
and fisrd Zefiedaiov T0v.7rarpbg.avru>v, KarapriZovrag rd SIktvq
he called them. =
22 And they immedi- with Zebedee their father, mending nets
ately left the ship and avru)v' Kai iKaXeaev 22 to
their father, and fol- avrovg. .tvQewg d<pevTeg
lowed him. 'their, and he called them and they immediately having left the

7rXoTov Kai'Tuiv i)KoXov9i]oav ai>T<fi.

ship and their father followed him.
23 And Jesus went
about all Galilee,
23 Kai irepiriyev '6Xi]v rr\v TaXiXaiav b 'li]oovg } cicdvKiov
i n

teaching in their syn-

And 2 went 3 about *all
Galilee 'Jesus, teaching
agogues, and preach- iv
ing the gospel of the ralc.tTVvayioya'ig.avToJv, Kai Ktipvaacov to evayyiXiov Tqg
in their synagogues, and proclaiming the glad tidings of the
kingdom, and healing
all manner of sickness
and all manner of (3amXeiag, Kai Oeoairiivwv Trdoav voaov Kai Trdaav p.aXaKiav
disease aihong the peo- kingdom, and healing every disease and every bodily weakness
ple. 24 And his fame iv r<^> Xatp. 24 Kai aTrr{X9ev ij aKorj avTov eig oXrjv rnv 2u-
went throughout all
and among the people. And went out the fame of him into all Sy-
Syria :
brought unto him all piav' Kai 7rpoarjveyKav avruj TravTag TOvg.KaKwg.txovTa g,
sick people that were
taken with divers
ria. And they brought to him all who wore ill,
diseases and torments, 7roiKiXaig voaoig Kai m
and those which were
(iaadvoig vvvexotikvovg, jsai" SaifioviZo-
with by various diseases and torments oppressed, and possessed by
possessed devils,
and those which were fisvovg, ical GeXr\viaZ,oj.dvovg, Kai TrapaXvTiicovg' Kai iOepd-
lunatic, and those demons, and lunatics, and paralytics and ha ;
that had the palsy ;

and he healed them. TTfvaEv avTovg. 25 Kai r)KoXoi<9i]<yav avTfft o^Xot 7roXXol airb
25 And
there followed healed them. And 3
him -crowds 'great from
him great multitudes
of people from Galilee, Tijg FaXiXaiag Kai Aeica7rAXeojg Kal'lepocoXvfiwv Kal'lovfiaiag
and from Decapolis, Galilee and Decapoli; and Jerusalem, and Judea
and from Jerusalem,
and from Judaea, and Kai Ttipav tov 'lopbdvov.
from beyond Jordan. and beyond the Jordan.
V. And seeing the
multitudes, he went 5 Toi<g byXovg, dvifir) elg to bpac' Kai Ka9i<jav- 3
up into a mountain But seeing the: crowds, he went up into the mountain; and ^having sa
and when he was set,
his disciples came un- Tog avTov,
"tt pocrjX9ov' avT(p' oi.fia9i]Tal.avTCV. 2 Kai[

to him 2 and he Mown 'he,
came to him his disciples. And having
CTKOTta <d>S elev I.TrA J
cncorei $to? eloei' TW. .w i><r OLTTiAW.
o, 'Ijjo-Ovs; -f [6 'Irjcrovj]

is L. '6
6 'Iijcovs
'Itjcovs bArj TaAiAaio
FaAiAata L
tt/ ; 'Itjctou?) Tr (
[6 'Irjcrou?) 6 'Itjo-ous
'Ir Ta) iv bArj rrj raAiAcu'ji
rip FaAi/Way W. m
VakiXaiav Vf. " A. " Trpoo Q

TTi A. ;
6'Itjo-oOs bAiji' Tt\v
okx]V Kai i-Ti
LXiA. 7rpoo-i)A0a'
!)/ TXr, aVTW L
opened his mouth, and
tag rb.aroaa.avrov iSidarrKEv avrovg, \yan>, 3 Natcdpioi ot taught them, saying,
opened his mouth he taught them, saying, Blessed [are] the 3 Blessed are the poor
in spirit for theirs is
7rrw\'0( ripTTVEvuan' on avrtov icnv i] fiaoikz'ia rwv ovpavwv. the kingdom of hea-

in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens. 4 Blessed are

poor ; ven.
4 ol on avrol 7rapaKXi)97]crovrai. they that mourn for :

Pfiaicapioi ttevOovvteq' they shall be comfort-

Blessed they who mourn ;
for they shall be comforted. ed. 5 Blessed are the
oi on avrol KXTjpovo/xrjaovaiv n)v
" meek for they shall
5. ficiKcipioi TrpaeiQ' yrjv. inherit the earth.
Blessed the meek fctr they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are they
which do hunger and
6 "* jiciKapioi
oi 7rEiya>vreg Kal SiiptovrEg n)v SiKaioo-vvtjV 'on thirst after righteous-
Blessed who hunger and thirst after righteousness for
they ;
ness :for they shall
avrol \opraa9iiaovrai. 7 jxaKapioi oi iXErjuovEg' on avrol be filled. 7 Blessed are
Blessed the merciful for the merciful for they :

they shall be filled. ; they

shall obtain mercy.
l\?T)9i)aovrai. 8 fiaicapioi
oi xaQapoi ry KapSia' on avrol rbv 8 Blessed are the pure
Blessed the in heart for in heart for they :
shall find mercy. pure ; they
shall see God. 9 Bless-
Qeov liuWrm. 9 uuKapioi oi Eipr)voTroioi bri- q airo" viol 9eov ed are the peace-
God =
'shall see. Blessed the peacemakers; for they sons of God makers for they shall,

be called the children

Kki)Qi)aovrai. 10 uaKaptoi oi SESaoyusvoi evekev Sitcaio- of God. 10 Blessed are
shall be called. Blessed they who have been persecuted on account of right- they which are per-
secuted for righteous-
oi<vr\g' on avrtov ionv fiaaiXEia
rwv ovpavwv. 11 [xaicapioi ness' sake for theirs :

eousness; for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens. Blessed is the kingdom of
heaven. 11 Blessed ara
tare, orav ovEtfiiawriv vudg ical Siw^wcriv, ical e'ittiogiv rrdv ye, when men shall
are ye when they shall reproach you, and shall persecute, and shall say every revile you, and perse-
cute you, and shall say
x n
irovi)pbv pr}ua ica9' vawv^EvbduEVOi"
evekev iuov. 12%ai- all manner of evil
wicked word against you, lying, on account of me. Re- against you falsely,
for my sake. 12 Re-
fers Kal ayaWiaoOE, on b.jxw9bg.vixwv 7roXvg iv rolg
ovpavolg' joice, and be exceeding
joice and exult. for your reward [is] great in heavens; glad : for great is. your
reward in heaven for :

o'vrwg.ydp rovg rrpofo'irag rovg

iSiw^av rrpb vfiwv. so persecuted they the
for thus prophets who [were] before you.
they persecuted the prophets which were
before you.
13 'Y/xElg tare rb aXag rrjg yi'ig' idv.Si rb UXag uwpav9y, 13 Ye are the salt of
Ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt become tasteless, :
the earth but if the :

l salt have lost his sa-

iv nvi aXio9r)OETai; Eig ovSiv to^uei * rl ei'-juj) /3X?j- >

but to be vour, wherewith shall

with what shall'it be salted ? for nothing has it strength any longer, it be salted? it is
T thenceforth good for

tw, /cat" KaraTrarE~io9ai vrrb rwv dv9pwTrwv. 14 'Yuslg

and to be trampled upon men. Ye nothing, but to be cast
cast out, by out, and to be trodden
tare rb <pwg rov koguov' ov2vvarai ttoXic Kpvfirjvai irrdvw under foot of men.
3 14 Ye are the light of
are the light of the world, cannot 'a "city be hid on
the world. A city that
15 ovSe Kaiovcnv Xvxvov Kal n9iaaiv avrbv is set on an hill cannot
KEifi'evi]' be hid. 15 Neither do
a mountain situated. lamp and
Nor do they
put it light
men light a candle, a

V7rb rbv fiohov, dXX' ittI r>)v Xvxviav, Kal XduTTEi rrdaiv rolg and put it under a
bushel, but on a can-
under the corn measure, but upon' the lampstand and it shines for all who and it ;
dlestick; giveth
iv ry 16 o'vrwg \au\pdroj rb.tpwg.vuwv l\nrpoa9Ev light unto all that are
before in the house. 16 Let
[are] in the house. Thus let shine your light
your light so shine be-
rwv av9pto7ru>v. OTUog 'Ldwaiv vuwv ra
KaXa tpya, Kal 8o,a- fore men, that they
men, so that they may see your good works, and may may see your good
works, and glorify
owaiv rbv.7rarkpa.vuwv rbv iv rolg ovpavolg. your Father_which is
Father who in the heavens. in heaven.
glorify your [is]
17 Think not that I
17 M-n.vojiiaqrE on rjX9ov KaraXvaai rbv vbfiov t) rovg 7rpo- am come to destroy,
Think not that I came to abolish the law or the pro- the law, or the pro-
I am not come
18 durjv.ydp phets

py)rag' ovk.t)X9ov KaraXvaai, dXXd rrXrjpwaai. to destroy, but to ful-

phets I came not
: to abolish, but to fulfil. For verily fil. 18 For verily I say
unto you, Till heaven
Kal t) yt), icora 'iv tj and earth
Xiyio vuTv, swg.av TzapkX9y b ovpavbg pass, one jot
Isay to you, Until shall pass away the heaven andthe earth, '"uota 'one or or one tittle shall in
no wise pass from th
uia KEpa'ia ov.ur) 7rapiX9y drrb rov vbfiov, swg.av rrdvra law. tillall be fulfilled.
one tittle in no wise shall pass away from the law until all 10 Whosoever there-

p Verses 4, 5, transposed LTTr. 1 avrol (read kAtjStj. they shall be called) [i.]t[tia].
having been cast LTTrA.
p>?M a O'tud [thing]) LTTrA.
i//cvcofAej'oi L. /3Ai)0ei/
" Kal LTTrA.
10 M AT A I 2. V.

fore shall break one

yEvrirai 19 og.ldv ovv Xvay iiiav twv.IvtoXwv.tovtwv twv
of these least com- Whoever then shall break one of these commandments the
come to pass,
tnandixients, and shall
teach men so, he shall i\avioTWJ', KCll SlSa^V OVTWC TOVQ aVvpWTTOVg, iXaX^GTOg KXl]-
be called the least in * a

least shall
and shall teach so 'men,
the kingdom of hea- '
, , _ , ,
ven: hut whosoever QiyJETClL EV
T?) pacriAEia
shall do and teach" he called in the kingdom of the heavens; but whoever shall practise and
them, the same shall
be called great in the Steady, fikyag KXr]BrjGETai iv ry fiaaiXEia.
oi)Tog twv
kingdom of heaven. shall teach [them], this [ono] great shall bo called in the kingdom of lha
20 For I say unto you, w Cikcuo-
That except your ovpavwv. 20X'syw.ydp vluv, on,7) irEpiGGEvay ??
righteousnoss shall heavens. For I say to you, That unless shall abound nght-
exceed the righteous-
ness of the scribes and gvvt] ipv 11
7tXe~iov twv ypa.iifxa.Ttwv Kai <Papi(raiwv,
Pharisees, ye shall in eousness 'your above [that] of the scribes aad Pharisees, in no wise
no case enter into the
kingdom of heaven. EiGiXOrjTE elg ttjv fiacriXeiav twv ovpavwv.
21 Ye have heard shall yc enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
that it was said by
them of'
time, old 21 "HKOvffaTE OTiHpptQr} Wo~iQapxoioiQ. l

Thou shalt not kill: Ye have heard that it was said to the ancients, Thou shalt not commit murder;
and whosoever shall
22 iyw.Sh
kill shall be in dan- ogj'.dv (povevffy, ivoxoQ 'ioTai ry Kp'iGEi.
ger of the judgment: but whoever shall commit murder, liable shall be to the judgment. But I
22 but I say unto you,
That whosoever is Xiyoj iiiiiv, oti irag 6 opyitdfxEvog Tti-dcE\(p(^-avT0v yji'/c/j"
angry with his brother say to you, That every one who is angry with his brother lightly,
without a cause shall
be in danger of the Ivoxoq 'ioTai ry apian' og.d'.dv znry T.^.doEX^.avTOVy
judgment and who- liable
shall be to the judgment: but whoever shall say to his brother,
soever shall say to his z
brother, Raca, shall be 'Pa(ca," ivoxoc; tGTai r<p GWEOpiw' og.S'.dv Eiwy, Mwp't,
in of the coun- Raca, liable shall be to the Sanhedrim: but whoever shall say, Fool,
n)v ykvvav tov irvpog 23 'Eav ovv
shall say, ^Tt^l .^o X oQ larai e! Q
shall be in danger of liable -shall bo to the Gehenna of fire. If
hell fire. 23 Therefore
<*p?7C T0.dwp6v.a0V S7TI TO OvGiaGTTjpiOV, KCUcti flVlJoOyg
at the and there shalt remember
iothealtar?Ld there Lilt offer thfgift altar,
rememberest that thy <^ Tl Q adEX6og.GOV Tl KaTCl GOV, 24 dtyEQ EKfA. TO fiwpoV
tha t thy brother has something against thee, leave there -gift
against tto; 2^1eave ^

there thy gift before aQV

the altar, and go thy'
lairpoaQtV TOV QvGiaGTl)pioV, Kal VTTayE, TZpwTOV diaX-
before the altar, and go away, first be
way ;
first be recon-
ciled to thy brother, tote irpoGcbEpE ToSwpov icai iXQwv
and then come and XdyqOi T<^.dcEX(p(f).(TOv,
to thy brother, and then having come offer
offer thy gift. 25 Agree
with thine adversary gov. 25"Ia9i eiivowv ry. dvTiSiicw.Gov ra%i>, swq.otov eI
quickly, whiles thou 'thy. Be agreeing with thine adverse party quickly, whilst thou art
art in the way with
bim lest at any time
Ty oSy Hv
LIET ailTOV," (li)TTOTE GE TTapaS((i 6 aVTidlKOQ
s 2
the adversary deliver in the thee 'deliver 'the ad verse -"party to the
thee to the judge, and
way with him, lest
the judge deliver thee
Kpiry, Kal 6 Kpirfjg G 7rapao<p" v7D]pETy, icai Eig (pvXaxijv ry
to the officer, and thou deliver to the and into prison
judge, and the judge thee officer,
be cast into prison.
26 Verily I say unto f3X)]Vt]GJ} 26 dfirjv Xiyw goi, ov./xt) iZiXQyg ekeWev,
thee, Thou shalt by thou be cast. "Verily I say to thee, In no wise shalt thou come out thence,
no means come out OUt ,
- ^ , r. /

:nce, till thou hast twg.av a7T0Cq)g TOV tGXCLTOV K06paVTl]V.

paid the uttermost until thou pay the last kodrautes.
farthing. I
27 'HKovaaTE

27 Ye have heard oti tppk9T}


*ToTg dpxcdoig. Ov.Lioixtv-

that it was said by Ye have heard that it was said to the ancients, Thou commit
shalt not
them of old time, Thou
shalt not commit adul- GEig' 28 Lyw.dg \fya vixiv, on nag 6 fiXkirwv ywa~iKa -xpbg
tery 28 but 1 say adultery: but I
: say to you, that every one that looks upon a woman to
unto you, That whoso- d
avTrjv iv ry
ever looketh on a to iiriOvLiijaai avTi~]g, 7]dr] elioix^vgev
woman to lust after lust after her, already has" committed adultery with her in
nduite'fwiThTr'ai- icapSia. avTOv.
29 EiM o.otiOaXfiog.aov 6 fclibg OKavSaXi&i
in his havrt. 'heart >his. But if thine eye, the right, cause to J offend
frfi d
p\fck i t
>ut, and cast it from
^ ey 8
*"& X avTbv KCti
pluck out it and
cast [it]
Afrom a d

Ll<pEpEl: ydp GOI 'iVU
profitable for thee that
it is

" * *
V(X.C)V 7) SiKaiOOVVrj TA.
eppriB-q LT-AW. y euo) LT^TrA]. fax* T. fJ-ef
(turov ev T17 65u> LTTrAW. b <re 7rapa5a> LTTtJ. TOtJ apx<"OlS GLTTrAW. a, ij'*

LirAW ; auTTjs T. eavToi L.

V. MATTH E W. 11
thee for it is profit-
Ttov.fte.\wv.oov, icat ui} oXov fiXrfOy

oTrnXrimt t7>
able for thee that one
slijulil purUh one of thy members, and not "whole 'thy body he cast of thy members should
fic yhvvav. 30 m< el r).Se%id.(Tov
%s/p GKavcaXic,ei at,
perish, and not tluit
thy whole body should
into Gefienna. And if thy right hand cause -to -'offend 'thee,
be cast intocutoff

avrrjv Kai [SuXe c'tirb gov' Gv/Kpspei.ydp Got 'h'a cnroXijrai 30 And if thy right
it and cast [it] from thee: for it is profitable for thee that should perish
hand offend tliee, cut
from it off, and cast it

iv TuJv.fisXwv.Gov, Kai urj oXov rb.Gu>ftd.Gov f

/5X?jf9?) tig yEEvi>av.
v thee for it is profit-

one of thy members, 3

and not "whole able for thee that one
'thy body be cast into Gehenna.
of thy members should
31 g
'Ej0(0ft9^ 8e,

on !l

ug.dv a7roXvGij riji'.yvvalKa.avTov, perish, and not that thy

It was said also that whoever shall put whole body should t3
away his wife,
cast into hell.
cdrio avry dwoGTaGtov. 32 iyw.Si Xkyoj vfCiv, on 6g.dv 31 It hath been said,
let him give toiler a letter of divorce : but I say to you. <:hat whoever Whosoever shall put
away his wife, let him
cnroXvoy* rriv.yvvcuKa.avTOV, TraptKrbg \6yov Tropveiag, 7roteT give her a writing of
shali put aAvay on account of fornication, causes divorcement 32 but I
his wife, except :

say unto you, That

avri)v /xoi%ac7t?a(
Kai vbg.idv n diroXtXv}iivi]V '"yafajGy, whosoever shall put

her tocommit adultery; and whoever her who has been put away shall marry, away his wife, saving
for the cause of forni-
/.loixarai. cation, causeth her to
commits adultery. commit adultery and :

whosoever shall marry

33 riaXn' i]Kovaa.T, on %ipps9)^ rolg apxaiotg, OvK.tTriop- her that
divorced is
Again, ye have heard that it was said to the ancients, Thou shalt not committeth
Kr (jiQ, cnrodwaeic.Sk 34 iyoj 33 Again, ye have
Kvpiip TOvg.opKovg.GoV
r<p heard that it hath
forswear thyself, but thou shalt render to the Lord thine oaths. "I
been said by them of
di Xiyuj iifuv fit) bjioaai oXojg, fir/re iv rep ovpavtft, on Bpovog
old time, Thou shalt
'but say to you hot to swear at all, neither by the heaven, because [the] throne not forswear thyself,
but shalt perform unto
ioriv tov Qeov" 35 fiijre iv t?j yij, on vttottoviov Icttiv tu>v the Lord thine oaths:
of God 34 but I say unto you,
it is nor by the earth, because [the] footstool
; it is
Swear not at all nei- ;

KocCov.avTOu' /.u'its slg 'lepoGoXvua, on TroXig hrrlv tov ther by heaven for it ;
of his feet nor by :
Jerusalem, because [the] city it is of the is God's throne: 3. nor >

by the earth for it is ;

UeydXov fSaGtXiwg' 36 /.trjTe iv Ty.KetpaX?j.Gov bfioGyg, on his footstool neither :

great King. Neither by thy head shalt thou swear, because by Jerusalem for it is ;

n the city of the great

ov.Svvaaai fxiav roi^a Xevi:>)v ij fikXatvav Troii]Gat.^ 37 otw" King. 36 Neither shalt
2 5
thou art not able oue hair white or black to make. Let be thou swear by thy
head, because thou
Si b.X6yog.i<nwv, vai vai, ov ov' 'rb.Si irzpiaabv tovtojv iic canst not make one
3 4
'but your word, Yea, yea Nay, nay but what [is] more than these from hair white or black.

37 But letyourcommu-
rov iroinjpvv ianv. nicatiou be, Yea, yea ;
evil is. Nay, nay: for what-
soever is more than
38 'KKovffare on zipp'iQq* 'OtpQaXubv dvrl bp9aXuov, Kai these cometh of evil.
Ye have heard that it was said, Eye for eye, and 38 Yo havo heard
that hath been said.
\iyoJ vulv
bSovTa. avri bSSvrog' 39 iyoj.Ss fit) dvTtGTt\vai np An
tooth for tooth to you not but I
to resist eye for an eye, and
; say a tooth for a tooth :

aXX' p n 3'Jbut I say unto you,

TCovi\pi^' oo-Tig ge pa7riaei iiri^TrjV-SE^idv.^Gov Giayova,
but whosoever thee shall strike on ye resist not That
evil; thy right cheek, evil: but whosoever
shall smite thee on
CTpiipov avT<p Kai r>)v dXXt]v' 40 Kai r<p QiXovri gol Kpi-
turn to him also the other; and to him who would with thee go thy right cheek, turn
to him the other aluo.
6>~)vai Kai rbv.xiTuJvd.rrov \af3eiv, dtfieg avTtp
Kai to iftdnov 40 And if any man will
sue thee at the law,
to law and thy tunic take, yield to him also [thy] cloak ;
and take away thy
41 ku'i oo~Tig ere
dyyapevaei fiiXiov 'iv, inraye fiST avroii Svo. coat, let him have thy
and whosoever thee will compel to go J mile 'one, go with him two. cloke also. 41 And
whosoever shall com-
42 -<p aiTovvTi ge T SLdov n Kai Tov.OiXovTa dirb gov s Savei- pel thee to go a mile,
To him who asks of thee give; and him that wishes from theo to bor- go with him twain.
42 Give to him that
oao-Qafi fif/.aTroGTpatpyg. asketh thee, and from
row thou shalt not turn away from. him that woald bor-

yhvvav Gehenna go aw.iy LTTrA.
aneXOri into S tppi707) I/TrAW. b Sn LTTrA.
7rcL? 6 oiiTokvbiv every one that puts away LTTrA. k
/uoixv0i}i'ai LTTrA. o be who l.
n be
^ya/Mrjaas has married L. 7roivjo-ai 17 nekaivav LTTrA. taron. shall LA. Ppajri'ei eij
strikes upon LTTrA. 1 ffiayoi'a <rov LTrA ; *
o-ov (read the right cheek) T. 60s LTTrA,
* 6an'o"a<76ai T.
12 MAT9AI0!. V, VI.
* Urn not
thou away*
^3 'HKoiKTare on HpptOt]," 'AyaTrt]<reig Tov.TrXrjaiov.aov Kai
43 Ye' have heard Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and
tnat hath been said,
fuarjaElQ TOV.kxdpoV-CTOV 44 tyoJ. Ot XiyiO i'fJUV, 'AyaTTCLTZ TOVQ
and hate hate thine enemy. But I say to you, Love
neighbour^ ( , ^
thine enemy. 44 But 7
l>Xoytr TOvg KaTapiO/lSVOUg VflClQ, KaXiOQ
I say unto you, Love =i^QpovQ VfJ,U)V,
enemies 'y ur, bless those who curse you, ''well
your enemies, bless
them that curse you, 7T01HTS w TOVQ UKJOVVTCLQ VUag, " KOI
, , I ,

7rQO6"i;X<T0 VTVtO TlOV ]

do good to .them that do to those who >

hate and frr' tho-.e u ho
hate you, and pray for you,
' pray '
, -.._,, n ,

*ETrT}pEaC,OVT())V VfXag Kai" ClltlKOVTWV Vfiag' 40 07TWC yiVl]<JV

l^ein which despite-
fully use you, and per- despitefully use you and persecute you so that ye may bo ;
secute you 45 that ye ; ,
, ,, v \ - , , , .

may be the children of VIOL TOV.TTaTpOg.VjlloV TOV tV OVpCLVOlQ' OTl TOV.JjXlOJ'.aVTOV

your Father which is Kons of your Father who [is] in [the] heavens for his sun :

in heaven forhe mak-: ,. . ,

, , _ ~ , , , , , , , ,

eth his sun to rise on aVUTSAKei STTl TTOVTjpOVg KClt CiyaVOVQ. Kai /3|0EYl 7Tl OlKCtlOVQ
the evil and on the he causes to rise on evil and good, and sends rain on just
good, and sendeth rain */ ,/-
< > ~ ^ ~ t > \ '

on the just and on the Kai actKovQ. 4o sav.yap aya7rr]or)T TOvg ayaTtwvTag vpag,
unjust. 46 For if ye and unjust. For if ye love those who love you,
love them which love /->> < > \ ~ > mi . \ < >

you, what reward have TIVCL JXIGVOV

do not even the what reward have
Kai 01
^Iso'the Hax
TtKlOVai 'TO aVTO u 7T010VGIU J
'the "same 'do?
ye? ye? "gatherers
publicans the same 1 An \ \ r, > * \ <
> ' >
_. < '

47 And if ye salute 47 Kai tav acTTraatjcrVE TOvg.aceX<povg.vfiwv jxovov, ti Tnpicr-

your brethren only, and if ye salute your brethren only, what exiraurai-

MhersfdorioteTenihl OOV TTOlflTV, OV^l Kai 01 5 TE\wiW

z K
48 taSdOs
r 7
'"'Xot ^alsoHhe tax 'gatherers
publicansso? 48 Be ye nary do ye? so 'do? 's.liail "'be

as^ou^F^Thlr which * v "j"'f \aoi, ^(TTEp ci.7ron)p.i/jiuv 'o iv toTq ovpavolg"

your Father who [is] iu the

is in heaven is 'therefore ye perfect, even as heaveU3
rkXeioQ ioTiv.
VI. Take heed that d e n

U Q ITj00O-%r TTjV. eXrilJlOCFVVT]V .VfXU)V jJLl)

foremenfto teseenof
Be ware your alms not to do before
, ^ ^
them: otherwise ye rtov
7rpbg.Tb.9ea9ijvai avTolg' ei.H.m'jye, uioQbv

have no reward of your av9pw7rujv,

in order to be seen ' them
by otherwise reward :
Father which is in hoa- '
, j , f,
ven. 2 Therefore when tV To7g OVpavolg. 2 OTUV

thou doest thine alms, OVK.tXETE TTapO. T<p-7TaTpi.V^lOV TCp

who [is] in the When
do not sound a trum- ye' have not with your Father heavens.
, , , ,
n ,

pet before thee, as the oiv 7TOl7jg tXerjj-lO(TVyT]V, flij-lTaXirKTyg ipLTTpocrBiV 0~OV y
hypocrites do in the therefore thou doest alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee,
synagogues and in the , , , , , ,

streets, that they may W(T7Tfp 01 VKOKplTai TT010V<JIV tV Taig OVVayioyUlQ KUl IV Taig
have glory of men.
Verily I say unto you,
They have their re- pVfiaig, OTTlOg
? n

the hypocrites do
in the
TWV avUpiDTTtOV .''-\'
ap]V KiyiO
n ,
and in the

ward. 3 But when

thou doest alms, let

not thy left hand know

that they may have glory from
r n> ^~o~ men.
,, -


what thy right hand to you, they have their reward. But thou doing
doeth 4 that thine
: i < / < > ' '
_~ "
r_s ''
alms may be in secret 7].apl(TTEpa.OOV Tl 7T01U r/.C^ia.(TOU,
^oaVVt]V, lX7).yVWTixi
and thy Father which alms,
let not know 'thy 'left 'hand what does thy right hand,
ShaU reward thee 4 OITLoq
%y (TOV
^.IXenpoaVVT]" ivT$KpV1TT$- Kai b.TTaTTip.CTOU
*alms in secret: aud thy Father
openly. so that may *be
h n
avTbg cnroSioaH
] '

6 fiXkiriov tv Tifi Kpv7TT<ii erot 'Lv.T<o.(pavp<p.

5 And when thou who sees in secret himself shall render to thee openly.

r y
are: for they love to
hSocri tes 5 Kai '6 T av

And when
^poaEV XV
thou prayest,
, ol'K.iay
thou shalt not be
w<T7rep< ol vrroKpirai,
as the hypocrites,

fynagogu^d^ the on Kai iv

(piXodmv iv ralg ovvayioyalg and in Taig ywviaig tCov
corners of the street*, for they love in the synagogues the comers of the

w tcis iml<tov<tlv f
fiicrotn'Tas v/xas LTTrA.
. . v/ JW.
epprjQr) ei>\oyeiTe
a to
eirr]pea^6vTWV i/ota? oiiras SO LTrA. * edvLKol heathen GLTTrAW
ai LTTiA. J
the same lttyaw. h
w? as i.tT'A. c 6
oupaytos the heavenly LTTrA.
Sk but tT ]. +
8iicaio<ruvT)v righteousness gltt. aw.
e toIs T. 817 trou eAerj/xocrvi'r) 17 T. aurbs k e ovk iatcrOt ws shall not
LTTrA. '
iv (fravepu apo(Tivxvc^ > ye pray, ye
be as LTTrA.
7rXareiCJv (GTwregs TrpoatvyiaQai,
r A 07rwc l
dv n .(bavwGiv role that they may be seen
.. r ..
r "of men. Ycrilv I sar
streets standing to pray, so that they may appear unto yon, They have
m ort" dw'i yovgiv rov uioQbv t loir reward. 6 But
dv9pioiroig' duy)v Xeyoj vu7v,
^'^ *%*%&
tomca. I say to you, that they hare
Verilj ^reward
avrJ)v. 6 gv.Ss, orav TrpoGEvxy, e'igeX9e Eig rb^rapiEtov' .gov, closet, and when thou
But thou, when thou prayest, enter hast shut thy door,
'their. into thv chamber, .

i, , n , / P ra 7 t0 thy Father
- - ,

KClt KAEtGag TljvMl'pav.GOV, EV which is in secret and

7TpOGEVt,ai Ttp-TVaTpi.GOV Tip ;

and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [isl" in thy Father which seeth
, < , ,
. , , - . ,
m secret shall reward
Tip KpVTZTtp' Kai 0.7TaTl]p.G0V O pXiTTUJV tV Tip KpVTTTlp WTTO- thee openly. 7 But
secret and thv Father who sees in secret ye pray, use
will when
Ciogei goi

, ~ ~u _ , ., ,
~ .not
vain repetitions,
tv.T<p.(pavptp 7 IipoGEvxopEvoi.cE p.i]. paTToXo-
the hoathen efo: as
render to thee openly. But when ye pray do not use vain for they think that
/ H ., < i/i / ~ (.it > -v / they shall be heard for
y>]G))TE, UHJTCZp 01 EVl'lKOl' COKOVGLV.yap OTl IV nj WOKvAOytq.
their much speaking,
repetitions, as the heathens : for they think that in- 'much speaking 8 Be not ye therefore
> -. > r\i o ' t <
n~ ~ . like unto them : for
ai'TUJV ElGaK0VGU1)G0VTai. b p.)j
OVV OpOKOVtjre aVTOig y our Father knoweth
'their they shall be heard. 'Not ^therefore 'belike to them : what things ye have
f *.. % * * r / >r \ ~ t ~ need of. before ve ask
ouev.yap o.Tramp.vpcov wv XP eiav l
X^ T rrpoTOWixag him. 9 After tbi man-
for -'knows 'your ''Father of what things "need 'ye "have before ye ner therefore pray ye:
airnaai avrov. 9 ovnog ovv 7rpoaei>x^9e
ask him.
pray ye Our Father Thus
he thy name. 10 Thy therefore
llarep-vpuv i^^en, Sowed
b iv rolg ovpavolg, ayiaaOrjTio Tb.ovopa.GoV 10 ^tX9irui n w nf te one^n eartif
who [art] in the heavens, sanctified be thy name let come nR ^ j n heaven! ;

Kai J *f f. 1 lv us his
ij.fiaGiXEia.GoV yvii9t]Tio TO.9s\t]pd.G0V, (hg iv ovpavip, a fo ^"d
thy kingdom; let be done thy will as in heaven, [so] also f or g[ Te us our debts
r n as we our debt-
liri rfjg yrjg' 11 rb-y.aprovJipu>v rov iiriovoiov dog i)p~iv at]- forgive
upon the our bread the needed give us *- not into
earthy ^ ^
tiepov' 12 Kai debse iiaiv
y rd.dcheiXnuaTa.iiuuJv, wc Kai wueTc but deliver us from

our debtors

prj.EiGEvtyKyg rjpidg Eig
lead not
'as also

^ into eJ er
er, and the glory, for
Amen. 14 For

ye forgive men their


,~ ~ ~ ~ - if
, , XN , , , , t ,

ireipaGpov, aXXa pvaai i/pag

airo rov irov^pov. ort gov tGTiv trespasses, your hea-
but deliver us from evil.' For thine is Father will also
temptation, yenly
n . ,, ? , , ,,, , ,-. >'u forgive you: 15 but if
ye forgive not men
ij paGi\sia Kai ij cvvapig Kai >/ ovt,a eig rovg aiojvag. aprjv.
the kingdom and the and the glory to the Amen, their trespasses, nei-
power ages.
, . i_ , , , . n , , ~ ther will your Father t ,

14 hav.yap a<p)]T roig ai'vpioiroig Ta.irapaTrTiopara.avTUJV, forgive your tres-

For if ye forgive men their offences, passes.

d<pi]GEi Kai vpiv b.7raTi)p.vpov 3 6 ovpdvwg' 15 idv.dh 3pf/

wili 6 forgive "also 7
you 'your -Father the ^heavenly. but if not
u n
ovSt 6
d(pi]TE Tolg dv9pL07roig Td.irapa7rTiopaTa.avroJv,
'ye "forgive men their offences, neither

TraTi)p vpuiv
d<pi]GU Ta.Trapa7rrwpaTa.vp,uJV.
Fathcr -your 'will forgive your offences.
16'Orav.Sk v)]Gtevi)te, ]UJ/.ytVecrf9 w<T7rp" oi v7roKpirai
And when ye fast, be not as ,
the hypocrites, i6 Moreover when ye
^ ^ ^
v n
fast, be net, as the
GKv9pui7T0i d(paviZoi'GlV.ydp fd.7rp6G(j07ra. 'aVTU)V } hy-
flowncast in countenance pocntes, of a sad coun.
for they disfigure their faces,
, /

\ '
tenance for they dis-
) ' \

'd7nxjg (paviOGlV TOlg dv9piOTTOig Vt]GTEVOVTEg' apl7]V XsyU) figure their faces, that
so that they may appear to men fasting. Verily I say they may appear
< - x" ' ' - ,, ' men to fast, Verily I <r
x '
11 fl'
GV.Ot unto
VpiV, 07t a7TSX 0VffiV TOV.piGuoV.UUTUJV. 17 V)]GTEV(jJV say you, They
to you, that they have their reward. But thou, fasting, have their reward.
, / , / , , a " 17 But thou, when thou I -i

aXttyai GOV TtjV KE(paX)]V, Kai r0.7rp0GU)7r0V.G0V Viyai' lO 07T0)g fastest, anoint thine
anoint thy head, and 2
thy "face 'wash, so that head, and wash thy
, ~ ' ,, t n t i ' face; 18 that thou ap- n>\\>~
rotg avUpw7roig vi]gtevo)v, aXXa rip warpi pea r not unto men to
thou mayest not appear to men fasting, but to 'Father fast, but unto thy Fa-

apLTTrAW. m OT'.LXXrA. n TafJieiQyTA.- ev Ttf (fravepu LTTrA. P /SaTXaAoyrJcrrj-i.' TA.
q iXOdrio Tl r
tt)s ltti-aw. 8
a^ijKiafiei/ have forgiven ltti-a.
T( ao to end of _ , ,

OLXIrAW. u to. TraoaiT. O.VTWV X. v

WS LTXrA, w av7y' , x OTlIiTXrA. * vq<T. tois avOpii. I-.,
14 M A T B A I O 2. VI.
0U T <? T^KpHTTT^ Kid O.TTa^p.GOV flXtTTWV iV T$
anTthyFath^.w^h ftn J" w ho
in secret, shall [is] in secret; auJ thy Father who soea in
reward thee openly. ClTToSwGEl Got Hv.TOJ.(pavEp<p. [[

secret will render to thee openly.
Lay not up for
19 , , _ , , , -
yourselves treasures Lit
M7}_Ul)Gai'plLETE VUIV VllVavpOVQ ITTl Tljg y//C, OTTOV
upon earth, where Treasure not up for yourselves treasures upou tho earth, where
moth and rust doth <0
( ~ 'v \ ' > < '

corrupt, and where &>) KU( pOWGig a<paviC,H, KCll 07TOV KAE7TTai ClOpi'GGOVGlV KCll
thieves break through moth and rust spoil, and where thieves dig through and
and steal: 20 hut lav -\
n 'v t n /-> > > >

up for yourselves trea*- KAE7TTOVGIV U7]GaVpiC,ST-CE VfXtV- UljGClVpOVg EV Ol'pClV(t),

sures in heaven, where but treasure up for yourselves
steal: treasures in heaven,
neither moth nor rust
doth corrupt, and
a -
07rov 0V T <"? OVTE_ pploGLQ
"_' j. 'y " ^' \J
> > '

where thieves do not where neither moth nor rust spoils and where thieves do not

steal*: Sl^or^where OpVGGOVGlV OVOE kX'eITTOVGIV. 21 OTTOV.Jlip EGTIV 6 ^i\GClvpog

your treasure is, there dig through nor steal: for where ''Ms ^treasure
^r1 ^^
Ka ^ V :apcia b 22 *0 Xirp/oc rov
tKel tarai u/iwv."
body""is the eye if :
'7*, therewill be also "heart 'your. The limp of the
therefore thine eye be d- e
ffuuciTOg EGTIV 6 6<h9ciXu6g iav OVV n f
single, thy whole body ',
bo ''y ,

u . ,
' '
. - . . - '.-
shall be full of light. the e? e lf therefore
t ;
23 But if thine eye be '6X0V TU.GoiUli.GOV EGTCll' 23 tClV.Ss 6
cnrXovg y,"
,^' /^ *" -thy/body
will be.
But if

ness. If therefore the

light that is in thee be '
thine eye evil be, ''whole thy bod v v. ill be.
darkness, how great is , / *

that 'darkness 1 El OVV TO <j)iog


If therefore the light that [is] in thee darkness is, the darkness how great
24 No man can serve 24 OvVElg SvVClTCtl SugI KVptOig SovXevEIV l].ydp TOP Era
two masters: for ei- No one is able two lords to serve ;
for either the one
ther he will hate the , , , , , < ,

, ,./ ,

one, and love the other; fllGrjGEl, KCll TOV ETEpoV ayClTDjGEl' 1] El'Og ClvUi,ETUl, KCll
or else he will hold to he will hate, and the other he will love; or [thej one he wiil hold to, and
the one, and despiso ~ , , ,
, f ' /i >n ~ \ ' ?> >

the other. Ye cannot TOV ETEpOV KClTCl(ppovr]GEl.

serve God and mam- the other he will despise. Ye are not able =
God Ho "serve and mam-
mon. 25 Therefore I > n n. > i ~ \ ~ ~ ' < ~ I

say unto you, Take no fMOVQ.." 'ZO ClCl TOVTO XsyOJ VfllV, ^.UEpiflVClTE Ty .^ V \y .V f.HV %
thought for your life, mon. Because of this I say toyou, be not careful as to your life.

what ye shall " 0r^/

or^ what ^"i" '" irU]TV\ fitfe TOJ.GOJ^ClTl.i^lwV,
nor yet for your body,ye should eat and what ye should drink ;
nor as to your body
Fs'not the Hfrmore " ivCVG^Qs. OV X V tyxt ^"OV i EGTIV T?K TpO^g KO.I
than meat, and the what ye should put on.
Not the 3
more 'is than the food and

^ehotThe'oXof Ha rov EvtvixciTog; 26 S/x/3Xtya a' C rd, rcertiva roO

the air: for they sow the body than the raiment? Look at the bird3 of the

not, neither do they q TL oV.GTTEipOVGlV, OvSk QEp'lZ,OVGlV, OVCE GVVCiyoVGlV

g ^ i,p avov
heaven, that they sow not, nor do they reap, nor do they gather
barn's yet your hea-
venly Father feedeth
V aTToQilKClC, KCll 6.7rClTl)p-VUU>V 6 OVpdviOQ TpidEl UVTCl' Ol'Y

into granaries, and your Father the heavenly feeds them: 'not
bett'er than tZw
27Whichofyoubyta"k- v, lfJg udXXoV OlCKpEpETE aVTUIV, 27 Tig.$E i| VUWl' f.lEpi-
mg thought can add
one cubit unto his sta-
ture? 28 And why take

ye thought for rai- careful
mucil are better than they ? But which out of you bybting
"cubit 'one?

is able to add to Ids stature
ment? Consider the # / ~ > r\ >

lilies of the field, how 28 KCII TTEpi EVCVj.lO.TOg Tl f.lEpiflVClTE', KaTa/XClUETE

they grow; they toil an a about raiment why are ye careful ? observe the lilies
not, neither do they ., " _^ ,
Q . ,


, , ... _. ,
ZV AE- K ,
l , ,

spin 29 and yet I say

: TOV CiypOV, TTOjg VT]UEl
unto you, That even of the field,
they grow: how
they labour not nor do they -pin "I :

Solomon in all his >s>-n\,< ' ~r'f < '

glory was not arrayed yiO OE VjJ.IV, OTl OVOE ZOAOfllOV EV ITClGy Ty.Ooty.ClVTOV TTtpiE-
like one of these, "say 'but to you that not even Solomon in all his glory wns '

30 Wherefore, if God ,^ /
so clothe the grass of paXETO log EV TOVTWV. 30 El-CE TOV X
tho field, which to day clothed as one of these.

Butif the

grass of the
- ,^ - /
0V T0V aypOV.G)]j.lEpOV
field. to dny
. . , ,
W .

z a b c kcu
thy LTTrA. thy

Kpvibaiu) LTTrA. ev tu) (/>avepu> Gr.TTrAtV. o*ov L. -f trot) L.

e f 8 fj-afxeovq GLTTi AW. h or LTr \ai T-
OVV T. job<b6a\fj.6<; crov aJrAous LTA. v) ;

k LT m
kottiovith' irA. vrjdova-iv LtliA,
tC jri'jjTe T. avf 6.vovo~<.v LTXrA. KOiriwcriv ;
and to morrow is
ovra, Kal avpiov Eig KXi/3avov flaXXopEvov, 6 9ebg ovtojq is,
cast into the oveu, ahull
'which is and to-morrow into an oven is cast, God thus he not much mora
ctolhe you, ye of lit-
dfKpuvvvaiv, ov iroXXip pdXXov v/xag, bXiyoTnaroi; 31 p) tle faith? 31 Therefore
arrays, [will he] not much rather you, O [ye] of little faitji? '-"not
take no thought, Buy-
What shall we
XtyovTEg, Tt <pdyu>jjiEv. ri ing,
olv rj iriwfXEv,
'be careful, saying, What shall we eat? or what shallwedrink? eat ? or, What shall we
drink ? or, Wherewith-
ri 32 Trdvra.ydp ravra rd tQvr) t7ri- al shall we be clothed?
f) 7rtpi{3a\wiJie9a ;
or with what shall we be clothed? For all these things the nations seek 32 (For after -all these
things do the Gentiles
?/m-" olbev.ydp b.Trarr)p.vfiCjv b ovpdviog on XPV& T seek:) for your hea-
Father kooweth
after. For knows your Father the heavenly that ye have need venly
that ye have need
tovtojv a7rdvrojv' 33 ^ITeiteJe trpCjTov rt)v fiaoiXeiav rov of all these things.
f "these ''things 'all. But seek ye

first the kingdom But seek ye first the

kingdom of God,' and
Oeov Kal ri]v.SiKaioavvijv .avTOV, Kai ravra rrrdvra irpoa- his righteousness and ;

and "these Hhiugs 'all shall all these things shall

of God and his righteousness,
be added unto you.
TE9ii<TETai' vfiiv. 34 jjtj
ovv P/iEot/fv^o-jjre" Eig rr/v avpiov' 34 Take therefore no
be added to you. "!Not 'therefore 'be careful for the morrow thought
: for the mor-
row: for the morrow
i).ydp avpiov fispifivriaei ^rd* 'eavTrjg^ apKErbv ry shall take thought for
for the morrow shall be careful about the [things] of itself. Sufficient to the the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day
t'lfiEpq, j) Ka/ci'a avrfjg. u the evil thereof.
day [is] the evil of it.

Mr/.tcpivere, 'iva ix^.Kpi9rjrE' 2 iv 3

7 yap Kpi pari KpivEre, VII. y Judge not, that
be not judged.
Judge not, that ye be not judged: "with what 'for judgment ye judge, ye
2 For with what judg-
s n
Kpi9i]<TE<r6E' Kal iv
fitrpy /xetpeXte, dvTijj,ETpri9))<JETai ment ye judge, ye shall
be judged: and with
yeshallbejudged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured again
what measure ye mete,
v/juv. 3 Ti.Ss fiX'sTTEig to Kaptyog rb iv t<{> b<p9aXii(p TOV it shall be measured to
to you. But why lookest thou on the moto that [is] in the eye you again. 3 And why
beholdest thou the
ddE\<p, Iv ry.ovp b<f>9aX[Mj> Sokuv ov-KarCtvoEig ; mote that is in thy
of thy brother, but the "in 3 thine [*own] eye 'beam perceivest not ? brother's eye, but con-
siderest not the beam
4 rj TroJg ipElg Tip.dSEXftiJ.aov, "AtyEg iKfidXio to that is in thine own
Or how wilt thou say Suffer [that] I may cast out the
to thy brother, eye? 4 Or how wilt
thou say to thy bro-
Kaptyog '071-6" rov.b<p9aXfiov.(Jov' Kal ibov, / doiibg iv ry
ther, Let me pull out
mote from thine eye and behold, the beam [is] in
: the mote out of thine
v eye and, behold, a
6(p9a\jxo}.aov ; 5 vTTOKpird, rr)v Sokov Ik beam is in thine own

/c/3aXe irpairov
thine [own] eye hypocrite,
I cast out first the beam out of eye? 5 Thou hypocrite,
v first cast out the beam
roi>.bcp9aXiiov.<jov, Kal tote 3ia/3Xs\l/ig ek(3oXeTv to Kaptyog out of thine own eye

thine [own] eye, and then thou wilt see clearly to cast out the mote and then shalt thou
see clearly to cast out
iK rov 6<p9aXjj.ov TOv.dSeX<pov.cov.
the mote out of thy
out of the eye of thy brother. brother's eye.
6 Mrj.SuiTE to uyiov T<ng Kvalv' jM)Sk f3dXriT rovg 6 Give not that which
Give not that which [is] holy to the dogs,' nor cast
holy unto the dogs,

r&v w /edra- neither cast ye your

fxapyapirag :vjxujv 'ifiirpoodEV ^otpcjj/, pqiroTE hefore swine,
"pearls your before the swine, lest they should pearls
lest they trample them
orpaty&VTEg under
Kai their feet,
irarri<7uj(Tiv" avroyg ev T0ig*7T0OlV.aVTuJV, turn again and rend
trample upon them with their feet, and having turned
pij'u)3iv viidg.
7 Ask, and it shall be
they rend you.
given you seek, and ;

7 AIteTte, Kal vf.iiv' So9f)OETai ye shall find knock,

Z,f]TE~iTZ, Kal evprjaETE' ;

Ask, and it shall be givim to you and ye shall find and it shall be opened
: seek, :

unto you 8 tor every :

KpovETE,Kal dvoiy))(TETai vjxiv. 8 rcag.ycip 6 airojvXa/j.f3dvEi, one that asketh receiv-

knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone that asks receives, eth and he that seek- ;

eth findeth and to ;

Kal 6 Z,y\Twv EvpivKEt, Kal Tip KpovovTt ^dvoiyijaErai." him that knocketh it
and he that seeks finds, and to him that knocks it shall be opened. shall be opened. 9 Or

n L ; tov 9eov (read its right-

eiruJVjTovcrc.i' lttta. ttji' SiKaio<r\ivr)v Kal tji> jSacriAeiai'
eousness) lt[a] p /aepiju-njcreTe e. n ra (omit the [things] o1')ltT'-aw. r avrijsA. s /aerpjjftj-
o>-Tai it shall be measured gltttaw. * e<c out ofLTT'-. e< tov 6<0aA/xou crov nji' Sot:6u
' w *
KaTan-ciTTJo-ovo-i.j' they shall trample upon LXirA. avoiyeTai. jt is opened tTr.
what man is there of n
whom if his sou 9
rig ?tOTiv
f) t% bfxu>v avOpwirog, ov tav n VnY^o-y" bvlog
ask bread, will hegi\e Or what "isHhere *of 5 you 'man who if "should 'ask "son
him a stone ? 10 Or if
avrov aprov, fi7]\i9ov b
he ask a fish, will he
tTriSioaei avnp; 10 Kal iav ix9vv
him a serpent ? 'his bread, a stone will he give him ? and if a fish
1 If ye then, being n
iiriSuou abry; 11
know how to give airt)(Ty, yu) o0n> ei olv vjxugiroviipol
heshouldask, a serpent will he give hin? If therefore "evil
good gifts unto your ye,
children, how much ovrsg o'tSars
more shall your Father SSfiara dya9d fiu>v, irooip
which is in heaven give'being, know [how] -gifts
'good give to to your children, how much
good things to them fjiaXkov b-iraTrjp.vfiCiv 6 iv rolg ovpavolg Stbaei
that ask him ? more Father who
your [is] in the heavens will give good things

rolg aWovaiv avrov;

to them that ask him ?
12 all 12 Udvra uvv '6cra. av Y

Q&\r)Tt "iva iroiwaiv vj/iv oi

things whatsoever ye All things therefore whatever ye desire mat
yeaesire that "should 3
'to 6 you
do 'toyou
'should -ao
would that men should
do to you, do ye even d.v9pio7roi, ovruig Kai vfislg Troidre avTolg' ovrog.ydp ioTiv b
so to them for this :
'men, .so also "ye 'do to them : for this is the
isthe law and the pro-
phots. voficg Kai ol 7rpo<pi)rai.
law and the prophets.
18 d E(cr\0er" Sid rijc orevtjg irvXtjg' on irXaTeia ?) 7n'\?j"

Enter in through the narrow gate for -wide the g.ite ;

13 Enter ye in at
the strait gate : for Kai evpvx^pog i) bSbg t) aTrdyovaa elg ttjv diroiXuav, Kai
wide is the gate, and and broad the way that leads to and
broad is the way, that
f s
leadeth to destruction, ttoXXoi slaiv oi eiGepxonevoi Si avrqg' 14 '6r^ otew) r)
and many there be many are they who' enter through it: for narrow the
which go in thereat :
14 because strait is the xvXrf Kai TtOXin/Asvi] ?'/ bSbg >/ dirdyovaa elg Tt)v Z,wi)v, Kai
gate, and narrow is the gate and straitened the way that leads to life, and
way, which leadeth un-
to life, and few there cXiyoi elalv ol
evplaKovTeg avrr\v.
be that find it. few are they who find it.
15 Beware of false
prophets, which come
15 ITjOO(T%re- h <l
dirb ru>v ipEvSo7rpo<pi]Twv, oiriveg tpxovTai
toyou in sheep's cloth- But beware of the false prophets, who come
ing, but inwardly they
are ravening wolves. Tcpbg vp.dg iv ivSvfiaciv 7rpoj3dr<jJV } taw9iv.Sk etaiv Xvkoi ap-
16 Ye shall know them to you in raiment of sheep, but within are "wolves 'ra-
by their fruits. Do 16 drrb Tu)V.Kapirwv.avTu>v s7riyviooEc9 abrovg' f.u)ri
men gather of 7rayeg.
thorns, or figs of pacious. By their fruits ye shall know them.
thistles? 17 Even so "
every good tree bring-
avXXsyovaiv dirb dKav9aiv ^aracpvXyv ff rpi/3i')Xwv ai'Ka\
eth forth good fruit ;
Do they gather from thorns abunchof grapes, or from thistles figs?
but a corrupt tree 17 ovruig irdv SivSpov dya9bv Kapivovg KaXovg 7roiu' to. St
bringeth forth evil
A So every "tree 'good 'fruits "good produces, but the
fruit. 18 good tree
canuot bring forth evil voisi. 18 ov.Sbvarai
fruit, neither can a cor-
oairpbv SevSpov Kapirovg irovrjpovg
corrupt tree "fruits 'bad produces. 'Cannot
rupt tree bring forth n
good fruit. 19 Every SkvSpov dya9bv Kapirovg 7Covi]povg 7roiHv, }
ovSt Sh'Spov cra
tree that bringeth not 'a3
"fruits evil nor a -tree 'cor-
good produce,
forth good fruit is
jewn down, and cast Trpbv Kap-rcovg izaXovg ^iroiCiv.^ 19 7rS.v Sjkvcpov /.it)
into the fire. 20 Where- rupt fruits 'good Every tree not producing
fore by their fruits ye
auall know them. KapTcbv koXov soroVrEroi Kai eig irvp j3dXXe~ai. 20 'Jpayg"
"fruit 'good is cut dowu and into fire is cast. Then surelj
m a7ro u
rUbv. Kap7ra)v.aurCJv imyvi!xna9t abrovg.
by their fruits yc shall know them.
21 Not every one
that saith unto me, 21 Ob Trdg b X&ytov pot, Kvpie, Kvpit, FtatXsvaETai tig
Lord, Lord, shall enter Not everyone who says tome, Lord, Lord, shall enter iuto
into the .kingdom of
heaven but he that
t.)v (3acnXsiav rCov ovpavdv' dXX ttoiCjv to 9iXi)j.ia
b tov
doeth the will of my the kingdom of the heavens, but he who does the will

a b
cunjcrei shall ask LTTrA.
e Kai lx6vv oiTT70-t OF
y OTii' LTr [aJ. cac LTTrA. 7/

also a fish shall ask LTTi a. c iav T. d eicreAQare LTTrA. e 17 7rvA7j l[tJ.
ti how GLTr.
* h
[tj 7rv'Arj] lt.
Se but lt [TrA]. ' grapes LTTrA. J
iveyntlv bear t.
+[ovvj now L.
k '
in L.
apa ye LTrA..

rraTpog.fiov rov sv n ovpavolg. 22 7ro\\ol spovrriv fxoi iv

who [is] in [the] heavens. will say tome in
^^er ^'^n^wiil
of my Father Many Ra y to me m. that day
tKtivy T7) riuspa, Kvpis, Kvpie, ov TiZ.atti ovouart 7rpo80r- i-^"',. Lord, have we
that* 3
not HhroughTthy 'name 'did^we P
.day. Lord, Lord, me ? and i^ thy
Kai Kai name have cast out
* * "
'prophesy, and through thy
riji-Gtji 6v6f.ia.Ti
cast out, and "evils? and m thy
, ,
name done many won-
iroWdg 23 Kai dcrful works? 23 And
rtp.crtp 6v6/.iari dwa/isig tiroirjaaiiEV',
through thy
* name "works of power 'many perform? And then will I profess un-
3 4

, , . , ., , ~ to them, I never knew

, ,
tots ofioAoyticroj avTotg, otl ovcsttots tyviov Vjxag' airo X u)psiTS. you: depart from me,
then will I confess to them, Never knew I you depart ye J tbat wori iniquity. :

enr tfxov, ol tpya^ctftsvoi Tt)v dvofiiav.

from me, who work lawlessness.

24 C n oiv vans aKovsi fiov Tovg \6yovg

VtiAtovq,* .^SSaailS:
Every one therefore whosoever hears ^ijr words 'these, ings of mine and
Kai Tvoiei ai'TOvg, ^ofioioxrof ai)Tov avSpi fpovi[t<i), ogtiq (;jkoS6- ff^ hi^unto^ wise
and does them, I will liken him to a '-'man 'prudent, who built m;m which built his
T use pon
7rsTpav 25 Kai
l[ l :
T))v.oiK:iav.avTOV t7ri Tt)v
pi7]uev KctTsfitj j; !?f H ii %, f
is house upon the rock: and came down the ^ e(j an(^ t jj e fl 0(icj s
came, and the winds
fipo X r) Kai ?}\6W Ot TTOTafXoi Kai STTVSllaav Ol d.VSfJ.01,
raiu, and -came and tha7noSc- andi^fcli
the streams, and blew the winds,
7rO0CTS7r<TOV TlJ.ollcia.lKUVy, Kai OVK.STtSGSV' TS&EflsXLwTO.ydp not: for it was founded
t 11

fell upon that house, and it fell not: for it had been founded upon a r ?? k i" 6 An d
, , , z
eve one tna t heareth ~ < , / / y '4. ,

S7Tt T))v
upon the
7TTpaV. 26 Kai
, ,
and everyone who
UKOVOJV UOV TOVg X6yOVg these sayings of mine,
and doeth them not,
shall be likened unto
W ,

TOVTOVg Kai fl7].TT0ll0V aVTOVg, OflOllOVTjGETai aVCpl UUjpip,

a foolish man, w.hich
'these and does not do he shall be likened to a -man buili his house "pon
them, ^foolish,
s >
v , , . , , > _ the sand: 27 and the
y , ~|, , ,

OffTig lf}]C!SV T)]V.OlKiaV.aVTOV STTl Tt]V JlflflOV


27 Kai rain descended, and

who built his house upon the sand : and the floods came, and
a ' a \ n- -r-\ < \ > <
the winds blew, and
KaTsptj -r/ ppo X i) Kai r/Avov 01 irorafioi Kai eirvevoav 01 beat upon that house;
came down the rain, and came the streams, and blew the and it fell and great :

> i i
~ > / , * , T was the fall of it.
aps/xoif Kai 7rpo0Eicoyav Ty.oiKiq-iKEivy, Kai tirsasv, Kai tjv
winds, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and 5 was
?) 7TTU)(7ig avTrjg fisydXr].
'the "fall ^ofit great.
28 Kai lysveTO bn "ovveTsKeoev* 6 'h]vovg roig \6yovg J* .^he.JVesus'had
And it came to pass when ''had "finished 5
'Jesus words ended these sayings,
ToiTovg U-vrXiwovTO ol 6 X Xoi LttI Ty.Si8a X y.avTov- 29 ft v "gOT OT*rii
'these astonished were the crowds at 3
his teaching: "he was 29 for he taught them
yap SiSaaKiov avTovg <hg tS-oveiav t
X uv, Kai ovX &Q ol
'for teaching them as -authority 'having, and not as the scribes.

O y avT<p" a7ro tov opovg, r}Ko\ovUi]0'av
a ~
avTip come down frommill-the
VIII. When he was

And when -had 3 come Mown 'he from the mountain, followed "him mountain, great
" \ _ ^\ '. o ~ titudes followed him.
>z ' \ Z )\/T ' '


1\VU)V" TrpOGSKVVSl aVT(t), 2 And, behold, there
crowds 'great. And behold, a leper having come did homage to him, cam e a'lepur and wor- '
37- ' > n'\ *> ' t\ i c\ ir v shipped him, saying,
Xisyujv, R.vpis, tav vsAyg, cvvaoai fie Kavapiaai. o Kai Lord, if thou wilt, thou
saying, Lord, if thou wilt thou art able me to cleanse. Aud canst make me clean.
/ , .. >-.<>!, . v> 3 And Jesus put forth
SKTZlVag TT]V. X tipa l)yaTO aVTOV O IlJGOVg," ASyiOV, his hand, and touched
having wretched out "touched 3 him 'Jesus, [his]saying, hand him, saying, I will; be
t\w, KaQapioQrfTi. Kai svQ'so)g h tKa9api(r9r] n ai)TOV r) \e7rpa. mediately his leprosy
I will, be tho u cleansed. And immediately was cleansed his lepro y. was cli-msed. 4 And ,

a -+ Tots the LTTrA.

eirpo<}>r]Tev<JaiJLV LTTrA. P [toiJtovsJ LTr. 1 6/n.o(.iof7Jo-eTai lie .sh.lli lie
likened LTTr. r avTovryv oitciav LTTrA. B rjAGav Tr. l Trpooiirat<Ta.i> struck against l; irpoo--
eireaav TTrA. T a'>rov w iri\eaev LTTrA. x +
rr\v oiniav LTTrA. avroov (read their scribes)
LTTrA ; + Kai ot $apio-aio: and the Pharisees l. y ko.i Ko.To.fia.vros ovtov L ; Karafic.vTo% 6e
avroi; ir. *
-npoa-iXBiav having couie to fhim] LTirAV/. 6'Iijo-ous (read he touched)
i TTrA. b tKa-Oe
pia(hi t.
18 M .a re a i os. viil.
Jesns saith unto him,
Sen thou toll no man;
4 Kal Xtyet airy b'h]Govg,"Opa fii]Ssvl
dXX' n V7raye,
Imr. go thy way, shew And "says :
'to *him 'Jesus, See . no one thou tell ; but go
tln-cclf to the priest, d
treavTuv fcltiov rtfi lepeX, Kal 7rpoGkvByKS to Su>pov
o 7rpoG-
an I offer the gift that
Moses commanded, for thyself shew to the priest, and offer the gift which "or-
a testimony unto them. tra'iev e n
Mu>Grig, etg fiaprvpiov avrolg.
dered 'Moses for a testimony to them.
5 { Ei(re\66vTL n .8k s T( h
r> And when
Josua p Ijjcrow" tig Ka7repvaovn," TpoGijXOev
was entered into Ca-
And "having "'entered 'Jesus into Capernaum,
piruaum, there came avT(^ ^Karovrapxog^ irapaKaXZv avrbv 6 Kal Xsycov, Kvpit,
unto him a centurion, Ho 5
him 'a ''centurion, beseeching him and saying, Lord,
bexxx-hing- him, 6 and
saying-, Lord, ser- my o-Tralg.fiov l3sj3XrjTai iv ry oiicia
TrapaXvTiKog, Seivwg /3aGa-
vant lieth at home sick
of the palsy.grievously
my servant is laid in the house paralytic, .
grievously tor-
tormented. And Jesus viZofiEvog.
7 7 Kat" Xsyei avrif) b'IriGoug u 'Eyuj iXOojv 9epa-

saith unto him, I will nicnted. And "says to 4 hirn :1

come and heal him. 'Jesus, I having come will

8 The centurion an- 7rev<Tw ox>t6i>. 8 m Kal cnroicpiBsig^ 6 'f/caroi'rapxog" t$?/, Kvpte,
swered and said, Lord, heal him. And ^answering 'the "ceuturiou said, Lord,
I am not worthy that
thou shouldcst came ovK.i[iliicav6g'ivafiov7rbT))v<TTyr)i' elatXOrjg' dXXd fiovov
unler my roof: hut I am not worthy that "my "undeS roof thou shouldest oonie, but ouly
>peak the word only,
and my servant shall sitts "Xoyov," mi iaQijazrai o.Tralg.fiov. 9 icai.yap iyu> dv~ .

be healed. 9 For I am speak a word, and shall be healed my servant. For also I a
a man under authority,
having soldiers under 9poj7r6g ei/ji into i^ovGiav ,. k\ix)v vtt hpavTOV arpctTuorag'
me and I say to this man
: am under authority, having under myself soldiers ;

man, Go, and he goeth;

and to another, Come, icai Xsyoj Tovr(t>, IIopEvOijTi, Kal iropwErac Kal dXXoj, "Ep\ov,
and he cometh and and I say to this [one], Go,
and he goes and to another, Come, ;

to my servant, Do Kal
this, and he doeth it. tpx^rai' Kal
Hoitjgov tovto, Kal ttoih. ro~j.SovX(p.i.iov,
10 When Jesus heard and he comes; and Do this, and he does [it]. to my bondman,
it, he marvelled, and
said to them that fol-
10 'Aicovffag.Bk 6'h]Govg Wav/j.aaev, Kal &ttev ToXg aKoXov-
lowed, Verily I say
And "having 3heard 'Jesus wondered, and said to. those follow-
unto you, I have not 6ovo~iv v
found so great faith, , 'A/j.rjv Xsyw v/mv, ^ovSt iv T<p 'iGpai/X ronavrrfv
not in Israel. ing, Verily I say to you, Not even in Israel so great
IIAnd I say unto you, tt'iotiv} 11 on
ttoAXoi airo avaroXwv
That many shall come tbpoy. v/ilv,
from the east and west, But I say
faith have I found. east to you, that many from
and shall sit down with Kal ijZovmv, Kal dvaKXi9i]Govrai fierd 'Afipadjx Kal
Abraham, and Isaac, and
west shall come, and shall recline [at table] with Abraham and
and Jacob, in the king-
dom of heaven. 12 But 'loactK Kal 'JaKw/3 iv ry fiaaiXtia tu>v ovpavwv' 12 ol.Si viol
the children of the Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens but the ; sons
kingdom shall be cast
out into outer dark- rrjg fiamXeiag T tKfSXi]Qt]Govra^ tig to otcotoc to eksl
ness he of the
there shall
kingdom shall be cast out into the darkness the outer : thero
weeping and gna-hing
of teeth. 13 And Jesus tGTai 6 KXavQpog Kal 6 flpvyfibg tu>v oSovtwv. 13 Kal e'lTrev
said unto the centu- shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth. And "said
rion, Go thy way; and s n
as thou hast believed, 6 'lr)Govg T(p tKaT0VTdpxw, "Y7raye, '/cat" dig iTr'iGTEvaag
so be it done unto thee. 'Jesus to the centurion,. Go, and as thqu hast believed
And his servant was y w iv
healed in the selfsame .
yevi]9f]T<t) coi. Kal idOrj b.7raig. avT0v

ry lopq,
hour. he it to thee. And was healed his servant m "hour


14 14 Krti
And when iXOwv
Jeans 6 'h]Govg aig rijv oiKiav Tl'tTpov, eWev
was come into Peter's And having 3come 'Jesus to the house of I'etcr, saw
house, he saw his wife's
mother laid, and sick TrfV.TrevOepdv.avTov fizfSXrm'&vriv Kal irvpiGGOVGav, 15 Kal
of a fever.. 15 And he his wife's mother laid and in a fever; and

d e
a\\a TrpoaeveyKOV LTTrAW.
c F.GtTTrA. MiovoSjs LTTrAW. tlcriKdovTO'; LTTrA. 8 avT<3
he c.w; avTov he LTTrA. Ka$apvaovn LTTrAW. eKaTovTapxy: ^- XL
' r

m n
6 'Irjcroiis (read he says) lt[ti]a. anoKpi6el<; Ss LTTr. Adyw by a word gltttaw.
+ TflCO"0"6ju.evos placed L. P + avra> him Lr 1 trap' ovSevl Tocrav-nqi' ttCcttiv ev to> 'lapar/\
with no one so great faith in Israel ltia. efeAevVoi'rat shall go forth t. s
CLTTrAW. 1 Kal LT[Tr]Ai v avTOU (read the servant) LTT.[aJ. w anb
rjji <iipas exeuiji
from that hour l.
touched her and
tftparo rfjg %Hpbc;.a.vri\Q, teed aftJKev avT>)v 6 rrvpErog' teal the fever lefthand,
her and
hn touched
ha her hand.
hand, and
aud J lnft *hr
*her 'tha
'the -fever:
-fever; nml
and she

and min- arose,

x istered unto them.
/cat Si?]k6vei avTol.g."
she arose and ministered to them.

16' 16 When the even wag

yEi'0/.ievrjg TrpoaijVEyKav aiiTip Sai/joviZopivovg
And evening' being come, they brought to him -possessed-'with 'demons
come, they brought un-
to him many that wera
iroXXovg' Kai e&l3aXv ret irvsi>[xara
}.-6yp iravrag Tovg
/cat po-sessed with deviis:
'many, and he cast out the spirits by a word, andall who and he cast out the
spirits with his word,
Kaicutg ivovrag IQepaTTEvaEv' 17 07rujg ir\i]p>jj6rj to^ and healed all that
"111 'were he healed:. So that might be fulfilled that which were sick: 17 that it
might be fulfilled
pi]9tv Sid 'Haeitov tov irpo(p?]rov, Xsyovrog, Avrog rag which was -poken by
wan spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself the Esaias the prophet,
saying, Him-elf took
derOet'eiag r//iwj/ eXafiev, Kai Tag vooovg ejSuaraaev. our infirmities, nd
infirmities of us took, and the diseases bore. bare our sicknesses.
18 '1Sujv.Se 6 'Iqaovg ?7ro\\ovg bxXovg Trepl avTov, eke-

And -seeing 'Jesus great crowds around him, he com-

Xevgev aTreXOeiv slg to rrkpav. 19 Kai TrpoctXQwv tig 18 Now when Jo6us
mauded to depart to the other side. And having come to [him] one saw great multitudes
about him, he gave
ypafij-iaTEvg^lrrEV avToj, AiSdaKaX l aKoXov9i]<ju) aoi oirov.tav commandment to de-
ascribe said to him, Teacher, I will follow thee whithersoever part unto the other
a certain side. 19 And
20 Kai XsyEi avTijj 6 'Ii](Jovg, A'i
dXwrrEKEg (pwXeovg scribe came, and said
thoumayctgo. And *say.^ ''to ''him 'Jesus, The foxes -holes unto him, Master, I
will follow thee whi-
\ovaiv Kai Tc\ ttethvci tov obpavov KaTaGKijvwcjEig, o.Se vlug thersoever thou goest.
'have, and the birds of the heaven nests, but the Son 20 And Jesus saith un-
The foxes have
tov dvOpioTTov ou/c.t^et ttov ti)v K(f>aXi)v kX'ivij. 21 "ETzpog to him,and the birds of
of man has not where the head he may lay. "Another the air hare nests: but
eIttev aliTip, K/^p/e, Itt'itp^ov fxoi the Son of man hath
Si Tu>v-iiaQ))Tiov_ auTov ]i

-and of his'disciples said to him, Lord, allow me head.where to lay his
21 And another
& of his disciples said
irpu>Tov dveXOeiv Kai 9dipai Tbv.7raTSpa.fiov. 22 'O.S'e. 'lr]crovg
unto him, Lord, suffer
first to go and bury my father. But Jesus me first to go and bury
Ei7Tv^ avTiii, 'AkoXovQei /xoi,
Kai my father. 22 But Je-
afeg rovg vEKpovg Qdipai sus said unto him,
said to him, Follow me, and leave the dead to bury
Follow me; and let the
TOvg.eavTuJv VEKpovg. dead bury their dead.
their own dead.
23 Kai tfi/3dvTi axiTip Ei'g to^ 7rXolov, rjKoXov9>]ffav ai)T(p
And '-'having 'entered 'he into the ship, ^followed hini

oi.fia9>]Tai auTov. 24 Kai iSov, cracy/o^ fisyag tysvETO lv' tjj 23 And when he was
'liis "disciples. And lo, a 2 tempest 'great arose .in the entered into a ship, his

9aXda<jTj, wore to tcXoIov KaXviTTEaQai tujv KVfiaTuiv' vb disciples followed him.

24 And, behold, there
sea, so that the ship was covertd by the waves; arose a great tempest
n e in the sea,' insomuch
auTdg.ce. ekuQevSev. 25 Kai TrpoueXOovTeg ^oi
/xa9i]Tai auT0v"
him that the ship was co-
but lie was sleeping. And having come to [him] the disciples of
vered with the waves :

t but he was asleep.

t"iytpav avTov, XeyovTEg, KiipiE, cruJaov

7)fia.g ) a7roX\y/.(0a. 25 And his

awoke save we perish. disciples
him, saying, Lord, us; came
to him, aud
2G Kai XeyEi avToXg, Tt SeiXo'i Iote, him, saying,
bXiyoTriOTOi; Tore awoke
And he says to them, "Why fearful are ye, Lord, save us: we per-
[ye] of little faith? Then,
ish. 26 And he saith

tyepB'eig 'e.7rETi^)TEi> Tolg dvkjxoig Kai 777 9aXdcr6ij, Kai unto them, Why are
having arisen he rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was ye fearful, O ve of
little faith? Then he
yaXt/VT} fXEydXrj. 27 oi.Se av9pu)7roi Wavfxaaav, XeyovTEg, aro e, and rebuked the
a -calm 'great. And the men wondered, saying, winds and the sea; and
there was a great calm.
HoTarrog eotlv ovTog, oti &Kai o'l dvEfioi Kai r/ 9dXacraa 27 But the men mar-

What kind [of man] is this, that even the winds and the sea velled, saying, What
manner of man is this,
^VTraKovovaiv aj'.'ro);" that even the \

obey him ? and the sea obey him I

x avTtL to him LTTrAW. y

oxA.oi' a crowd l,. s
avTov (read the disciples) LTTr. a 'Irjcrous
(read he said) t. b Aeyei says ltti-aw- c to (read a ship) LTrA. oi fxaGr/rcl [h liTr,
* ~- O.UT01J OT.TTi Kai 1. h axjTfH V1ta.KQVQVCri.V
avToO GLTXrAW. f X/Alis LTTrAW. g KaX I. aVT<ji ivrxrA.
20 MAT A f O 2. VIII, IX.
SS And when he was 28 Kal 'sXGdz Tl (IVTI{) '

come to the other side tig r"o Trspav tig rrjv %wpav
into the country of the And when =had u come 'he ,to the other side to the country of the
Gergcsenes, there met Svo
h in t wo possessed with
^FtpytGrjvwv^ viri]VTr\aaV-a.vT<ji
8aifivvi%6utvoi Lk tCov
Gergesenes, met "him 'two possessed 3 by ''demons out of the
devils, coming out of
the tombs, exceeding
fivrjfieiojv k^en^cfievoL, ^;aXe7roi \iav,
wars fit) la^vetv nvd
fierce, so that no man tombs 3
coming, -violent 'very, so that not was 'able 'any '-'c>ne
might pass by that
way. 29 And, behold, TraptXQtiy did Tiig.bdov.tKtivijg' 29 Kal idov, tKpa^av Xkyovrtg,
they cried outlaying, to pass by that way. And lo, they cried out, s.iying,
What have we to do
with thee, Jesus, thou Tf i)u~iv Kal go'i, ''I/jaou," vis tov Qsov ; yXOsg wds Trpu
Son of God ? art thou What to us and to thee, Jesus, Son of God? art thou come here before [the]
come hither to torment T
us before the time? Kaipov jSa<ravicrai t)f.iag', 30 Hv.$i fiaKpav air' aurwv dytXri
30 And there was a time to torment us? Now there was far off from them a herd
good way off from
them an herd of many %oipwv ttoXXCov '(3ooKO{ievt]. 31 dai/.wvtg TrapsKaXovv
swine feeding. 31 So of a swine 'many feeding And the demons besought ;

the devils 'besought m

him, saying, If thou avrov, Xeyovrsg, Ei SK(3dXXsig fj[iag t tirirpsipov i/fxiv aTrtXOslv^
cast us out, suffer us him, saying,' If thou cast out us, allow us to go away
to. go away into the
herd of swine. 32 And Big n)v aytXrjv tCjv xoipwv. 32 Kal ti7rtv avroig\ 'Tirdytrt.
he said unto them, Go. into the herd of the swine. And he said to them, Go.
And when they were v
dome out, they went1
Ol.Se t^sXGSvrtg a7r/}X0ov" tig rrjv dysXrjv ru>v xoipiov'^
into the herd of swine: And they having gone .out went away into the herd of the swine:
and, behold, the whole
herd of swine ran Kal idov, u>pfi7}OEv Trciaa r) dyeXy] iruJv %o'pwv" Kara rov
2 3
violently down a steep and behold, 'rushed 'all the hcrd ''of Hho "swine down .the
place into the sea, and
perished in the waters. Kpi]fJ.vov
tig n)v QdXaooav, Kal dir'iQavov iv rolg vcaaiv.
33 And they that kept, steep into the sea, and died in the waters.
them and went 33
their ways into the (SoGKOvrtg tipvyov, Kal aTrtXOovrtg tig rt)v irdXiv
But those who fed [them] fled, and having gone away into the city
city, and told every
and whrtt was
airriyytiXai' irdvra, Kal rd
befallen to the pos- ru>v.daifioinZoiuevu)v.
sessed of the devils.
related everything, and the [events] concerning those possessed by demons.
34 And, behold, the T s
34 Kal idoi, iraaa >) rroXig it^XOsv tig Gvvdvri]Giv

whole city came out And all the city went out to meet
to meet Jesus : and behold, Jesus;
when they saw him, Kal idovrsg avrov, rraptKaXtGav v n
67rojg fisrafiy
they besought him that and seeing him, they besought [him] that he would depart from
he would depart out of
their coasts.
their borders.
9 Kal kfifidg tig rb n rrXolov ditir'epaGSv Kal ))X0sv tig
IX. And he
And having entered into the he passed over and came to
into a ship, and passed ship
over, and camo into his rr)v.ldiav ttoXiv. 2 Kal idov, ""irpoasipspov" avrip wapaXuriKov
own city. 2 And, be- his own And behold, to him a paralytic
city. they brought
hold, they brought to
him a rnah sick of the IttI KXivrjg fitfiXiintvoV Kal tdiov 6 'lijGovg ri)v.Tr'iGTiv.avrCjv
palsy, lying on a bed: on abed lying; and ''seeing 'Jesus their faith
and Jesus seeing their
faith said unto the tlittv rw 7rapaXvriK(p, Qdpasi, t'skvov, ?d(pswvrai

sick of the palsy, Son, said to the paralytic, Be of good courage, child; have 4 been 5 f orgiven
be of good cheer; thy
sins bo forgiven thee. yaoia'i.di-iapriai eov.
3 Kal idov, riveg rwv ypa^ifiarkiov tiTrov
7 11

3 And, behold, certain 6

thee 'thy^sins. And lo, some of the scribes said
of the scribes said a
within themselves, sv tavrolg, Oiirog /3Xacr0r)/<B 4 Kal idoJv
6 'lrt o~ovg rag
This man blasphem- in themselves, This [man] blasphemes. Aud 2 perceiviug 'Jesus
eth. 4 And Jesus know- v 'lva.Ti ] 1

ing their thoughts ivdv^ir]atig.avTu)v, eIttsv, ^vfitig^^ ivOvj-itiGOe Trovi]pd

6aid, Wherefore think their thoughts, said, Why *ye 'think evil
ye evil in yoiir hearts ?
5 For whether is easier, iv Talg.Kapdiaig.v/xwv; 5 ri.ydp SGTIV tVKOTTWTtpOV, tl7TtlV t
to say, Thy sins be for- in your hearts ? For which is easier, to say,

Yepacrr\vwv L Ta.Sapr)vaiv Gadarenes TTrA. 'Irjo-ov GLTTrA.
eAflofTOS avrov LTTr. ;

m aTroo-TeiXof ^ju.a? Send US GLTTrA. "

+[6 'Irjcrovs] JeSUS L. ^ airrjKeav LTr. P tous

XOi'pov? the Swine GLTTr. I 1W X^?^ v GLTT (a].

vno.VTt]<TlV LTTr. "TOUT.
to (read a Ship) ltti{a].
w x

iQUvrai are
* Iva l. Trpoa-^ipova-iv they bring l.
% flirav IT- * ei&ws knowing LTr. b '1vo.tL
forgiven LTTr. y aov at a/aapri'at lttiA.
VU.ils LTTrA.
d e
<roi" h r Eyapai" Kai given thee; or to say.
Have 'been 'forgiven
duapriai' e'nreXv,
7Tpi7rarsi; 6 iwii
'thee [>thy]

otl i^ovaiay tvei 6 uioc; rot)

'L,, or to say,
av- mau the " on of hath
walk? But that ye may know that authority has the Son power on earth to for-
, i
ittl Tt]Q
, - -.'
yi)g aipisvat afiapriag' tote
, , w ( then 8ftlth
he to the sick of the
T(f) trapa-
^ lve sms >

man on the earth to forgive sins then he says to the

: para- P,
aiST >)- -^ise. take up
\ ~ <r'i7 a ' " '
\ / < , , thy bed, and go unto
apov aov

\utik({J, hyepueig rijv kXivtjv, Kai rov thine house. 7 And he

virayE eig
lytic, Having arisen, take up thy bed, and go' to arose, and departed to
t /
n rr n ' ' - > ~x/-> . v
his house, 8 But when
oikov <rov 7 Kai sytptfEfc airi]kmv Etg

tov.oIkov.clvtov. the multitudes saw j'<,

"house 'thy. And having arisen he went away to his house. they marvelled, and
y< ' < " \ h>n ' >r>'v glorified God, whi<i
icovrEg.OE oi o^Aoi "ttfavfxaoav," Kat tCo^aaav rov
ii v < ,1
had given such power
And 3 having "seen 'the -crowds wondered, and glorified God, unto men.
tov dovra t^ovatav roiavnjv rolg di>9pu)7roig.
who gave "authority 'such to men.
9 Kai 7rapdyu)v 6 'Irjaovg eke79ev eldev av9ptDirov KaOqfievov '

9 And as Jesus passed

And "passing 'Jesus thence saw a man sitting forth from thence, he
h7rir6rEX^vtov, Mar9a~tov XEy6 tiEvov,KaiXEyEi avry, 'Ako-

at the tax-office, "Matthew and to him,

Fol- the receipt of custom
'called, says :

Xov9ei jioi. Kai dvaardg
i)KoXoi'0';<x/ avrQ. 10 Kat kysvEro SSn^'S* ^nd'he

low me. And having ari.-en he followed him. And it came to pass arose, and' followed
avroi> dva/CEifiivov" iv ry oi'/c/a, m Kat" iSov, xoXXot rsXiovai
at his
reclining [at table] in the house, that behold, many tax-gatherers meaMnThe'house be-
<ai d/iaprioXol tX96vrEg avvavsKEtvro rw 'iijrrov Kai ho ld manv publicans '

and sinners having come were reclining [at table] with Jesus and sat doTO with hbn and
apraloi "sIttov* ? disci pies. ir And
ToXg.uaQi)Ta"ig.avTov. 11 Kai Idovreg oi
his disciples.
Aiari n uErd ruiv teXojvuiv
his disciples, eat-
rotg.pa9)]ra~ig.ahrov, duap-
eT Ma

to his disciples, U1 '

St r witl
Why with the tax-gatherers and sin- ^Jl/ , ?
n'i*' \ i

0.oL v n
publicans and sinners?J
12 Bu * when
o.cioaGKaXog.vnuJv; 12 heard tfa he saidnu-
It]aovg"' aKovaag Jesus
ncrs eats your teacher?
having heard * But Jesus
EI7TEV lavTOig,
n ~ '

n n
> them, They that be
whole need not a phy-
./ >

xpttav t^OVOlV
ICJXVOVrEg tarpov,
he said to them, have 'they "who 3 are 4 str0nsr of a physician, sician, but they that?
Xot Veed 5

r'W'il - f to nt m /n >
are sick. 13 But go ye
aAA 01

KaKwg t^OVTEg. 13 7ropEvUtVTEg Ct JXaVETE ri tOTlV, and learn what that "

but they who ill are. But having gone

learn what is,
meaneth, I will have
s"u\ Q'\ ii n \ n \ *v meroy, and not sacri-
> > ' < i '
j\EOV VEAW, Kai OV VVffiav" OV 7I\U0V KaXsaai ClKawvg, fice f or I am riot come
I desire, and not sacrifice *not 'for "I 3 came to call the righteous,

Mercy to call righteous :

\\>n a > / but

^ sinners to repeut-
aAA a/iaprijjXovg y Etg fiEravoiav. ance.

[ones], but sinners to repentance.

14 Tors irpoo-kpxovrai avTifi oi fiaOijrai 'luidvvov,XEyovrEg,
14 Then came to him
Then come near to him the disciples of John, saying,
* r ,
t" e " ls ciples of John,
Kai oi saying, Why do we and
J ^>api(ra'ioivr](7rEvofXEi' 7roXXa, oi-dt.aaQt]-
Why we 3
and "the Pharisees 'do fast but tho rhlir i s ees fast oft,
much, "disci- ,
,r T -
, , , ~ ,
r ~ ,, , thy disciples fast
rai.aov](TTEvovcriv', 10 Kat eittev avrotg o li]trovg } not?
Mr) unt0 And
Jesus ss id
pies 'thy
fast not?

WfJ.(pu>VOg TTEVVEIV t<p -0(TOV flET

"said 3

them, Can
children of the bride-
chamber mourn, as
Can the sons of the bridechomber mourn while with them long as the bridegroojn

tariv o vvf.i(ptog; iXEvaovrai cttjfispaioraj'

/ ,, , ,,, , ,. ~ is with them? but the

aTrapBy days win come, when

is the bridegroom ? 3 will 4 come 'but "days when will have been taken away the bridegroom Ehall
i ~ > > / '/
, n ,, , ,, . / te taken from theiu,
air avruiV O Kai TOTE VT)OTEV(TOVOIV. lb OVCEig.OE and then shall they
from them the bridegroom, and then they will fast. But no one- fast. 16 No man put-
, '

'/3\ ' '



/ \~ teth a piece of new
cloth unto an old gar-
P'Jts a piece of "cloth 'unfulled on an old garment: ment, for that which
a<\>Uviai are forgiven LTTr. e aov
(read thy sins) gltti-aw. f eyeipe ltTiaW. k eyeipe
arise LTr. ifpoPrjOrio-av were afraid lttia.
Ma.66cu.ov lttia. 17/cnAov^t t-
ndvov avToi L. ,u Kai t. n Sea ri LTrA. P 1
eAeyoe LTT: 'Irjaous lt[i i-Ja. . aur^rt
LIT. A. '
oAAa LTr. "'EAeos LTTrA. '
dAAd ITrAW. v ei? itfra.uoi.av GLTT.AW. "*
2-2 m at e a r o 2. IX
is put" in to fill it up curb tov \fiariov, Kai ^eiuuv
taketh from the gar- alpfi yapri}.7r\!ji>Mj.ia.avTui)
ment, ami the reut ;
'take- ''away 'for "its 'filling up from the garment, aud a worse; worse. 17 Neither

do men put now wine aXKT^ia yiverai. 17 ovSt )3dXXov(nv olvov v'tov elg dcKovg
into old bottles el-e
take-, place. Nor put they -wine 'new into -kin.->

the bottles break, and ol CLffKoi,Kai b o'ivog t/tyarat,

the wine runneth out,
iraKawvg' sLSL^irj-yepriyvvvTai
'old, otherwise 1
''are' bur.-- 1 'the -skins, and the wine is potted out,
ami the bottles pcrisli:
but they put new wine kcli ai aoKoi ^cnruXovi'Tai' 11
dXXd zj3dXXovcnv dlvov v'tov tig
into new bottles, and and the will be destroyed but a
skjns ; they put wine 'new into
both are preserved.
a n
aoKovg^ Kciivovg, teal avvrqaovvTai.
skins 'new, and both are preserved together.
18 While he spake b c v
these things unto IS'Tavra avrov.XaXovvrog abrolg, ISov, dp\ujv tX9ujv
them, behold, there 5
These 'things 'as -he to them, behold, a ruler
'is Speaking havingcome
dime a certain ruler,
and worshipped him, ttoogekvvu avTip, Xsywv, "0rt" y.OvyaTifp.fiov dpTt tTtXtv-
sajing,My daughter . did homage to him, saying, My daughter just now has
iseven now dead but
come and lay thy hand Ti]aev
upon her, and she shall died;

having come
tTriOeg Ti)v.xeipd.crov
lay thy hand
lire. 19 And Jesus a- e
roe, aud ,
/)rjcrai. 19 Kai iytp9tig b'ltjaovg i}KoXou9i)<7sy
him, and SO did his she shall live. And having arisen Jesus followed hiiu,
Kai ol.fia9t]rat.auTOu.
20. And, behold, a
and his' disciples.
woman, which was
di eased with an issue 20 Kai iSov, yvvij' SibdtKa
of blood twelve years,
a'ifioppoovaa trrj, TrpoaeX-
came behind him, and
And woman having hada tiuxof blood twelve years,
behold, a having
touched the hem of his 9ovaa 0Tna9ev i'^aro tov KpaoTrtoov Tov.ifiariov.avTou.
garment : 21 for she come behind touched the border of his garment.
said within herself, If
I may buttouch his 21 tXeyev.ydp ev tavry, Edv /xovov uipwfxai tov ifiariov
garment, shall be
I For >he said within herself, If only I shall touch ''garment
whole. 22 But Je6us
turned him about, and avrov aoj9i}aof.iai- 22'0-St. { 'lr]aovg n ^tTrtaTpafeig" Kai idiov
\\ hen he saw her, he 'his I shall be cured. But Jesus nnd having seen
having turned
said, Daughter, be of
food comfort thy ; avTi)v et7rev, Odpmi, Ovyarep' i).TriaTig.aov ctvioKtv oe.
faith hath made thee her he said, Be of good courage, daughter; thy faith hath cured thee.
a> hole. And the wo-
man was made whole Kai iaio9i] /
yvvi) dirb r^g.iopag.tKeivrjg.
from that hour. And 3
was 4 eured 'the "woman from that hour.

23 And when Jesus 23 Kai LX9iov b lijcrovg elg t>)v otKtav tov dp\ovrog,
came into the ruler's Anil ''having
comc 'Jesus into the house of the ruler,
house, and saw the
minstrels and the peo- Kai liHwv Tovg av\r}Tag Kai tov b\Xov 9opvf3ov/.iepov,
ple making a noise, and having seen the flute-players and the crowd making a tumult,
21 he said unto them, '
Give place: for the 24 Xtyei abTo7c, Ava\iopuTB' oh yap awkOavev to Kopdaiov,

maid is not dead, but says to them, Withdraw,

not 'for 4
is ''dead "the 'damsel,
sleepeth. Aud they
laughed him to scorn. dXXd KaQsvSei. Kai KaTSytXojv ai'Tov. 25 6te.Se i^f3Xij9i]
ih But when the people but sleeps. And they laughed at him. But when had been 'put e out
3 <

were put forth, he

went in. and took her b bxXog, e!oeX9u>i> tKpaTnoev T)jg-xeipbg.avT)~ig, Kai i)y'tp9i)
by the hand, and the 'the -crowd, having entered he took hold of her hand, and 'arose
maid arose. 20 And
the fame hereof went to Kopdaiov. 26 Kai tfiX9Ev i).(pl]^ir].avT)] elg oXrjv ti)v
3 4
abroad into all that 'the ''damsel. And wcnt out 'this 'report into all
27 And when Jesus ypjv
land 'that.
departed thence, two
Kind men followed 27 Kai Trapdyovri IkeWev ti^'Itjoov, riKoXovdnoav *avrtji*
him, crying, and say- And ''passing 3 on ''thence 'Jesus,
followcd "him
ing, 1 liou Sou of Da- k
vid, have mercy on u, Svo rvtyXoi, ...
Kpd^ovTeg icai X'tyoi'TEg, 'EXeijgov i/pag, w
28 And when he was *two blind ['men], crying and saying, Have pity on us, Son
come into the house,
the blind men came to Aa(3iS.
28 elg ti)v oiKiav,

avrui o\
him: and Jesus saith of David. And having come iiKo the house, came to him the

y airoWwrai are destroyed LTTr. oicoc viov eic aeneous pdWovaiv L.* a
ad a certain
-+- et? (read
ruler) gliv. Trpo<Te\9ioi> havingcome to [him] l ei<je\0iov ;

having entered taw. d bnT. e

ijKoAovflei LTTrA.
'Irjcrou? T. g crTpaeSti? LTT A.
e\eytv said LVtrx.
avTU) I-CTrJ. k vibt Aaufi'6 I.TTrAJ vie AavtS GW. TTpo<rt)kQav LTr.
Kal Xeyei avrolg 6 'Irjoovg, TIio-tevete oti cvvafxai unto them, Believe yo
rvtpXoi, 4 that I am abla to do
thart I am able
blind [men], and '"says to theiu 'Jesus, Believe ye this? They said un-
to him, Yea, Lord.
A'tyovaiv avrip, Nai, KvpiE. 29 Tore t'jiparo
rovro 7roi)<Tnt ;"
29 Then touched he
this to do? They say to him, Yea, Lord. Then he touched their eyes, saying, Ac-

Ttj}v.o<f>QaXfiix)v.avTCjv,\'iyu)v, Kara Ti\v.TvicTiv.v\iibv yevrj- cording to your faith

be it unto you. 30 And
their eyes, saying, According to your faith be
their eyes were opened ;
Qt]TU) vp.iv. 30 Kai dvEqjxOr]aav
avriov ol 6<p6aXpoL' Kal and Jesus strait ly
it to you. And were opened their eyes; and charged them, saying,
See that no man know
o 31 But they, when
ai>Tolg b 'irjcrovg, Aeywv, 'Opare fj.rjdeig

tvE(3ptpr)aaT0 yivui- it.

'strictly charged *them 'Jesus, saying, See !
no 3 one 'let they were departed,
spread abroad his
er/cErw, 31 HZeXQuvteq StEcpifpicav avruv iv 'oXy ry fame in all that coun-
know [it]. But they having gone out made -known 'him in all try.

yy tKEtvy.
"laud 'that.

32 p
t^pxo/.tsviov, ISov,. 7rpo<n']VyKav ai)Ttp dv- 32 As they went out,
And as they were going out, behold, they brought to him a behold, they brought
to him a dumb man
BpUtTTOv" KUHpOV SaifXOVlZofJIEVOV. 33 Kal tK(5\T)B't.VTOQ possessed with a dcviL
man dumb, possessed by a demon. And 3 having 4 been scast "out 33 And when the devil
tov daipoviov, tXaXrjaev 6 Kwtpog' Kal iOav/jaaav oi o\\oi, was castand out, the dumb
2 s spake: the multi-
'the demon, spake 'the "dumb. And 3 wondered 'the 2 crowds, tudes marvelled, say-
q "On ovSettote ing, It was never so
Xeyovre^, ttpavr] ovTiog iv Tip 'lapaijX. 34 OLde seen in Israel. 34 But
saying, Never was it seen thus in Israel. But the the Pharisees said, Ha
casteth out devils
<>apioaloi tXeyov, 'Ev Tip dpxovri rwv Saif-toviivv iK/3aX\ei through the prince of
Pharisees said, By the prince of the demons he casts out the devils.
to. daifiovia.
the demons.
35 Kal irEpiyyEV b'lyaovg Tag 35 And Jesus
7t6\eiq irdaag Kal Tag Kiojxag, about all the citieswent
And *went about
'Jesus 'the "cities "all' and the villages, and
villages, teaching in
StSdoKujv iv Talg.avvayioyaig.auTCJv, Kal Krjpvaaiov to Evay- their synagogues, and
the gospel of
teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the glad preaching
'> ~ a \ > vn i - ' \
the kingdom, and
ysAiov tijq paaiXEtag, Kai VEpairEviov irauav voaov Kai izaaav healing every sickne-s
and every
tidings of the and disease and disease
kingdom, hcalin; every every
among the people.
fiaXaKiav *ev Tip Xaip. 36 (' tovq oxXovg l]

e- 36 But when he saw .

bodily weakness among the people. And having seen the crowds he was the multitudes, he was
moved with compas- s
airXayxviodt] 7rept ovtCjv, oti T/aav tKXEXv[ikvoi Kal sion on them, because
moved with compassion for them, because they were wearied and they fainted, and were
t v scattered abroad, as
ippippkvoi^ o><Tei"
jrpopaTa fj,y txovTa iroipuva. 37 tote Xeyei sheep having no shep-
cast away as shoep not having a shepherd. Then he says herd. 37 Then saith he
unto his disciples, The
ToiQ.^iaOrjTaTQ.avTov, 'O piv QEpiGfibg rroXvg, ipydrai harvest truly is plen-
to his disciples, The 'indeed 'harvest [is] great, but the workmen teous, but the labour-
ers are few 38 pray :

6Xiyof 38 dE>)9r)TE ovv tov Kvpiov tov GEpiapov > OTTlog y e therefore the Lord
[are] few; supplicate therefore the Lord of the harvest, that of the harvest, that he
will send forth labour-
EKfiaXy ipydrag Eig Tov.QEpiapbv.avrov. ers into his harvest.
he may send out workmen into his harvest.

10 Kat 7TpouKaXEo-dfiEvog Tovg du>SEKa u,a9r)TCig avTovy

And having called to [him] ^twelve rdisciples 'his

tStOKEV avTOig i^ova'iav 7TVEVU,aTliiV wore X. And when he had

he gave to them authority over 'spirits 'unclean, so as called unto him his
twelve disciples, he
eic/3aXXeiv avTa, Kal QEpaiTEVElV Ttdaav voaov Kal irdaav gave them power a-
to cast out them, and to heal every disease and every gaiTist unclean r-pirits,
to cast them out, and
fiaXaKiav. to heal all manner of
bodily weakness. sickness and all nian-
2 dwde/ca a7ro&-roXtov Ta ovopaTa - ner of disease. 2 Sow
ttJTlV TaVTa the names of the twelve
Now of the twelve apostles the names are these :
apostles are Those; The
1TOUJO-CU touto L. rfvz^x^o-av LTrA : ei^pt M ,}0T) LTTrA. v
av9pu,nov (read [one])
L^Tri]. OTI GLTTrAW. r
ei/TOj A.acu GLTT.AW. 6
harassed gltijAW.
US Ir.
24 M A T A T O S. X.
first, Sircon, -who is 6 XEy6/j.Evog Jl'trpog, Kai 'Ai'Sp'tag 6
called Peter, and 7rpjTog "21jx(ijv dEX<pbg
Andrew his brother;
first Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew -brother
James the son of Zeb- avrov' w 'ldicu>f3oQ 6 rovZefSeOaiov, tcai'lwavvrjg 6 auiXrpoQ
edee, and John his James the [son] of Zebedee, and John -brother
brother 3 Philip, and 'his;

Bartholomew; Tho- avrov' 3 Qi\nnrog, Kai BapOoXopalog' Ow/.idg, Kai Mar0aTo"
mas, and Matthew the 'his; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew
publican; Janies the
son of Alphjeus, and 6 TzKdJwjQ' 'laKwfiog 6 rov 'AXcpaiov, Kai y Ae/3/37o 6
Lebbasus, whose sur- the tax-gatherer; James the [son] of Alphams, and Lebbnaus who
name was Thaddseus; z
Oacdalog'" 4 Zifiwv b Kaj'ai'irT)g, Kai lovdag
4 Simon the Cauaanite, t7riK\r]6elg
and Judas Iscariot, wassurnamed Thaddreus; Simon the C'auauite, and Judas
who also betrayed a h n
him. 'l(TKapiwTrjg, b kai irapaSovg aurov.
Iscariote, who also delivered up him.
5 Tovrovg rovg dudeica cnrsaTeiKev 6 'Irjtrovg, TzapnyyEiXag
These twelve "sent forth 'Jesus, having charged
avroig, Xtyiov, Eig 65ov IQvCjv fii).d7r'tX9i]TE, /cat Eig
them, saying, Into [the] way of the Gentiles go not off, and into
Q n
5 These twelve Jesus x
7r6\iv '2apapeirwv /^?}.ei'o-e\#)J7-' 6 7ropeve( fidXXov
sent forth, and com- '""a city of [the] Samaritans enter not; but go rather
manded them, saying,
Go not into the way of Trpbg ra irpofiara rd aTroXojXora o'ikov 'lapai)X. 7 tto-
the Gentiles, and into to the sheep the lost of [the] house of Israel. 2
any city of the Sama-
ritans enter ye not pevo/jLevoi $k KripixTtJEre, XsyoPreg,
iiyyiKEv "On
t) (3acn\eia
6 but go rather to the ing 'and proclaim, sayiug, Has drawn near the kingdom
lost sheep of the house d
of Israel. 7 And as ye Toiv obpavwv. 8 aodtvovvTag 9epmrEVETE, \s7rpovg Kadapi-
go, preach, saying, The of the heavens. Sick heal, lepers cleanse,
kingdom of heaven is n
at hand. 8 Heal the ere, vtKpovg tyEipETE } daifioina t/cfiaWere. Supeav iXdftETE,
sick, cleanse the lepers, dead raise, demons cast out: gratuitously ye received,
raise the dead, cast out
devils : freely ye have Swpedv Sote. 9 Mr)-KTi]m](r9E \pvaov, \ii]Ze dpyvpov, jj,t]Sk
received, freely give. gratuitously impart. Provide not gold, nor silver, nor
9 Provide neither gold,
nor silver, nor brass in XoXkov Eig Tdg.Zwvag-v/jiCjv, lOjur) Trijpav Eig 6S6v, fit]^e
money in your belts, nor provision-bag for [the] way, nor
your purses, 10 nor
scrip for your jour- Svo ^trwi/af, e n

ney, neither two co,ats> fxrjSk V7roSt)fiaTa, fn]St pd/3dov' d%iog.yap 6

neither Ehoes, nor yet two tunics, sandals, nor a staff: for worthy tha
staves for the work- 11

ipydrj]g Trjg.Tpo(pfjg.avTov 'icrriv." JLig.rjv.S'.di iroXiv ?)

man is worthy of his
meat. 11 And into workman of his food is. And into whatever city or
whatsoever city or Iv avry d%iog iariv' KaKEi
town ye shall enter, KWjii]v ELGtX9r]TE, i^srdtTaTE rig
village ye enter, inquire who in it worthy and there
inquire who in it is

worthy; and there a- Ewg.dv IZ,eX9t)te. 12 EitJEpxdfXEi'oi.dE Eig ri)v oiKiav,

bide till ye go thence. /.lEivare, But entering
remain until ye go forth. into the house,
12 And when ye come
into an house, salute d(J7cdaa<y9E
avn'jv. 13 /cat idv \i\v y ?) oiKia d%ia, ^tX9tToj
it. 13 And if the house 3
salute It: and if indeed be 'the "house worthy, let come
be worthy, let your
peace come upon it 7j.Eipt)vr].vfxu)V E7T avTi)V
: firj.y dt,ia, t'l.Eiprjvtj.v^wp
but if it be not worthy, but if it be not worthy, :

let your peace return

your peace upon it; 'your 'peace
to you. 14 And whoso-
Kpbg vfidg iiziarpa^>r\Tiii. 14 Kai '6g. h kdv n p:i).o'it,i]Tai vfidg,
ever shall not receive to
you 'let "return. And whoever will not receive you,
you, nor hear your
words, when ye depart pride dxovay rovg.X6yovg.v^.h)V, i^Epxa/xEvoi 'rijg oiKiag f; Trig
out of that house or nor will hear your words, going forth of [that] house or
city, shake off the dust v
of your feot. 15 Verily TroXEujg tKEivrig, tKTivd'iarE tov Koi'ioprbv tu)v.ttoSu)J'.vjxCov.
I say unto you, It "city 'that, shake off the dust of your feet.
shall be more tolerable
for the land of Sodom 15 dpi)v Xtyio Vftlv, dvEtcroTEpov tarai yy EoSSfxtov
and Gomorrha in the Verily I say to you, More tolerable it shall be for [the] land of Sodom
day of judgment, than i n
for that city. 16 Be- Kal To/.i6ppiov tvi'ifispq, KpiaEujg, t) Ty.TroXEi.tKEivy. 16'lSov,
hold, I send you forth and of Gomorrha in day of judgment, than for that city. Lo,

w +
xai and LT. * Ma00cuos LTTrA. y Ae/3/3aios 6 t-TTiKArjfleis LTi ; 6 en-iKAnfltts aS-
SaiOS TA. * Ka.vai/aios Canana:ail LTTrA.
a + 6 the EGLTAW. b 'lo-KapiioO L. c Sa/xapirwi' T.
pa^Sovs staves w.
d e t
veKpov<; iyeCpere, Aen-pous Ka6ap<'eTe GLTTrAW. eo-Tii- {read [is])

ltt a. e i\6a.Tu TTr. h av ltxi a. + e"to out lit. a. k + e/c (read from your feet] i.x,

Tojaoppas TrA.
-yd) CLTTOVTiXXo} VflO-C (OQ 7Tp6f3aTa tV fltfftf)
\VK(i)V y'lVEaQE as sheep in the midst
of wolves be ye there-
X send forth you as sheep in [the] midst of wolves: .
be ye

fore wise as serpents,

OVl> h)Q 01 Kai OX and harmless as doves.
typOVqiOl 6<plQ, CUCSpCllOl (bg TTi.pKSTi.pai. 17 But beware of men:
therefore prudent as the serpents, and harmless as the doves. for they will deliver
17 7rp0asxSTe.Se ccttu rwv avdpwiriov TrapaStoaovaiv.yap v/.iag
you up to the councils,
But beware of and they will scourge
men; for they will deliver you
you in their syna-
Eig trvvkopia, Kai tv Taig.crvvaytoyaig.auT^v fiaariyiocFovaiv gogues; ISand yeshall
to sanhedrims, and in their synagogues be brought before go-
they will scourge
vernors and kings for
vfictQ' 18 Kai iiri
r)yE/.i6vag St Kai (3am\eig cix^^oeoQe my .-ake, for a testi-
you: and before governors also and kings ye shall be brought mony against them,
and tho Gentiles.
evekev tftov, tig /.lapTuptov abrolg Kai rolg tOi'Ecriv. 19 But when they de-
on account of me, for a testimony to them and to the nations. liver yon up, take no
thought how or what
19 orav.vt ^apaStSioaiv
ye shall speak for it
vf.idg, in).f.iEpifiv!}ai]T(. rrwg i] ri :

But when they deliver up you, shall be given you in

be not careful how or what
m that same hour what
\a\>)(T>iTE' So6f]<7erai.yap Vfuv tv ekeiv-q Ty iopq.
XaXij- ye shall speak. 20 For H
ye should speak: for it shall bo given you in that hour what yeshall it is not yc that speak,
but tho Spirit of your
<T6-'' " 20 o'v.yap vfieig eare ot XaXovvTEg , dXXa to 7rrev^a Father which speaketh
speak: for "not 'ye "are they who speak, but the Spirit in you. 21 And the
brother shall deliver
Tov.7rn~pog.v^u>v to XaXovi' tv v/xiv. 21 HapaSiocrEi.Ss up the brother
of your .Father which speaks in you. But 2 will 'deliver 4 up and the father the
and the chil-
ctctXtpug aCE'\<pov tig Qavarov, K<\i rraTijp t'ekvov Kai t7vava- child:
dren shall rise up a-
'brother brother to death; and father child: and will gain^t their' parents,

GTi'jcrovTai Tcicva tTri Kai OavaTUxrovcnv auTovg. and cause them to be

yovtXg, put to death. 22 And
-'rise *up 'children against parents, and will put to death them. ye shall be hated of all
22 Kai IGEaQt
<JE<7Us vivo -xavTiov Sui
out men for my name's
[.iKjonjievoi TO.ovoj.ia.iiov sake but he that eu-

Andyewiiihe hated by all onaccountof my name; dureth to the endshall

be saved. 23 But when
o.Se VTiOf.iEii>ag tig TtXog, ovTog oioQifaErai. 23 OTav.St
but. he that endures to he shall be saved. But when they persecute you in
[the] end, this flee into city, ye
n p another:
v/iag tv Tij.TToXti.TavTy, (ptvyETE Eig
SiwKioaiv for verily I
they persecute you in this city; flee to another: say unto you, Ye 6hall
not have gone over the
cities of Israel, till the
a.Ln)v.ydp X'tyto vluv, ov.fni} TtXttyijTE Tag TroXEig man be come.
Sou of
for verily I say to you, In no wise will ye have completed the cities
24 The
disciple is not
Vov" 'Icrpai)X 'iwgJav'* t\dy 6 viug tov dvOpiorrov. 24 Ovk above his master, nor
of Israel uutil be come the Son of man. 4
jSot the servant above his
lord. 25 It is enough
icjTiv [.iaOi}Ti)g vir'tp tov SiSdtjKaXov, ouSe SovXog vnkp for the disciple that he
"*is 'a -disciple above the teacher, nor a bondman above be as his master, aud
the servant as his lord.
Tov.Kvpiov.avTOV . 25 apKETQV t<7j
^iaO)]T?) iva ytvt]Tai ojg If they have called the
his lord. .Sufficient for the disciple that he become as master of the house
3 Beelzebub, how much
o.SiSdaKaXog.auTov. Kai 6 SovXog wg b.Kvpiog.avTov. e! tov more s/iall they cull
3 them of
his teacher, and the bondman as his lord. If the his household ?
26 Fear them not there-
o!koSe(j7t6t)P^ BfA^e/3oii\ ^-tKaXErrai'," vocrio /idXXov fore for there is no-

'master "'of the 7 houso ^Beelzebul 'they -called, how much more thing covered, that
v n
'! not be revealed;
Tovg oiKiaKovg .avTov; 26 M?) oi>v<pofi)]9>JTE avrovg and hid, that shall not
those of his household? >>ot ''therefore 'ye a shoul f ear i tliem ; be known. 27 What I
tell you in darkness,
ovStv.ydp i<JTiv
KKa\vfi[Xtvov o ovK.a7roKaXv<pQi)ntTaC th/tt speak ye in light:
for nothing is covered which shall not be uncovered, aud what ye hear in
ear, the that preach
Kai KpvTCTin> o o v.yi>w(r9))(TEt ai. 27 -o Xtyio v/iiv tv ry
ye upon the housetops.
and hidden which shall not be known. What I tell you in the 23 And fear not them
<jK0-ia EiTcarE tv tm tpioTL' Kai Elg to
o ovg cikovete kij-
darkuess speak in the light; and what in the ear ye hoar pro-

pv'ia.TE tm tmv co>h(itujv. 28 Kai w ju?}.0o/3/;0i/-" enro

claim upon the housetops. And ye should not fear because of

TrapaSaxTif they shall have delivered LTTr. m [&oOrj. yap Vfjlv iv exet'i^j rrj iopa ri A<xAj.] T

XaAv70T)T ye should speak TTYa. ttjv irepav the next ni.TTr.
D k<xv lv rrj irepa (i<av +
fyevyere et? rijf a\\r)v and if in the next (and if from this) they
k ravirjs G) Si<l>Kcocriv vp.a.s,
persecute you,,tlee to another g|l|. tov ltta. r ai> ta.
tu> oiKo&to-Trorri l. '
keo-a.i> they have suruamed GLTXrAW. w fear ye not gltttw.
rot? owaa/cois l. jutj <o/3eicr0e
26 MAT A I O 2. X.
which "kill the body, ru>v ^cnroKTU ivovruv" to trw/ia, rijv.Si -tyvxvv
but are not able to kill fii).8vvafiivh)v
the soui but rather those who
kill the body, but the soul are not able
fear him which is able cnroKT&vai' y di ]l
rov. Svvdfievov KaV

to destroy both soul (pof3l]9)]TE. fidXXov

and body in hell. to kill; but ye should fear rather him who is able both
29 Are not two spar- Kal awjjia airoXzaai iv yeivvy. 29 ov\l ovq
rows sold for a farth- i\>vx>)v and body 2
soul to destroy in Gehenna. Not Hwo 4 sparrows
ing? and one of them
shall not fall on the" 7rioXeirai ; Kai iv ,i% avTutv ov.7r8<jtirai iiri t>)v
ground without your e for 7 an "assarion 'are "sold? and one of them shall not fall to the
Father. 30 But the
very hairs of your yrjv civEv 30 vfiwv.Si Kai al rplx^g t7}q
head are all numbered. ground without TOv.TraTpig.v/iu>v But of you even the hairs of the
your Father.
31 Fear ye not there-
fore, ye are of more K(pa\)js warrai rjpi9pi]ftivai eicriv. 31 fii) ovv a 0o/3?/0/)r"'
value than many spar- head all numbered are. 3
Not Hherefore 'ye ^should 4 f ear;
rows. 32 Whosoever
therefore shall con- 7roXXu>v arpovOiiov diacpiptre. vfieig. 32 Hag ovv oa-
fess me before men, than many sparrows better are ye. Every one therefore whoso-
him will I confess also
before my Father rig bfioXoyr]Gi iv ifioi tfi7rpoa9ev tujv dv9pu)7ruiv,
which is in heaven. ever shall confess me before men,
''will conf ess
33 But whosoever shall
deny me before men, Kayu) iv clvt({> ifxwpoaBtv rov.Trarpog.fiov rov iv b oiipavolg
him will I also deny also'I him before my Father who [is] in [the] heavens.
before my Father 33 oarigSS' av n ruiv avBpwiriov,
which is in heaven. dpvijtrrjTai fie ifXTrpooOsv
34 Think not that I am But whosoever shall deny me before men,
come to send peace on d
eai Lh I came not to
: dpvi)<yofiai avrbv /cdyw" tfnrpo(r9ev rov.Trarpog.fiov rov iv
send peace, but a will 4 deny s
him *also 'I before my Father who [is] in
sword. 35 For I am e
come to set a man at ovpavoig. 34 Mi)-i>o/ji'<7Jjr on i]X9ov fiaXtiv eipt)vi]v iiri
variance against his [the] heavens. Think not that I came to place peace on
father, and the daugh- dXXd fidxaipav. 35 i]X9ov
ter against her mother, rrjv yijv ovK.f]X9ov (3aXsiv sipf]vr]v,
a 3
and the daughter in the earth : I came not to place peace, but a sword. I came
law against her mother
in law. 36 And a man's yap Sixdaai dv9purKov Kara rov.irarpbg.avrov Kai 9vya- ,

'for to set at variance a man against his father, and a daugh-

foes shall be they of
his own household. Kara *
Kal Kara rrjg rrev-
37 He that loveth fa- r'tpa rijg.fnirpbg.avriig, vvfupi]v
ter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against -mother-
ther or mother more
than me is not worthy 36 icai oi oiiciaKoi
of me: and he that Bepag
aurrjg" ixBpol TOV.dv9pu)irov
in-law 'her. And enemies of the man [shall b] ''household
loveth son or daughter
more than me is not avrov. 37 'O iraripa ovkJutiv
(piXaiv rjfirjTSpa vrrip ifii
worthy of me. 38 And 'his. He that loves father or mother above me is not
he that taketh not his
cross, and followeth fiov d%iog' Kal 6 <piXu>v vlbv rj 9vyarkpa virip i/xi ovk
after me, is not worthy of me and he that loves son or above mfl 3
worthy ; daughter
of me. 39 He that find-
eth his life shall lose it: ioTiv fiov d%iog' 38 Kai og ov.XafifSdvei rbv.cravpbv. avrov
and he that loseth his 'is of me worthy. And he that takes not his cross
life for my *ake shall
find it. 40 He that re- Kai dKoXo'v9el bir'iah) fiov owk larw fiov d%iog. 39 b evpihv,
eeiveth you receiveth and follows after me "not 'is of me worthy. He that has found
me, and he that re-
ceiveth me receiveth ri)v.ipvxv v - a vT v a7ro\fo-ei* avrrjv' Kai b aTroXiaag m)v
him that sent mo. his life shall lose it ; and he that has lost
41 He that receiveth a
prophet in the name ipvxdv avrov eveKtv ifiov evprivsi avrqv. 40 '0 Ssx^fi^vog
'his on account of me
of a prophet ;-hall re- life shall find it. He that receives
ceive a prophet's re- '
ward ;and he that vfidg ifiidix erai Kai if^i oexbfievog 8sx STai T0V drro-
receiveth a righteous you me receives and he that mj ;
receives receives him who sent
man in the name aruXavrd 41 b dexbfizvog 7rpo(f>T)Ti)V elg
of a righteous man fie. ovofia 7rpo-
shall receive a fight- me. He that receives a prophet in [the] name of a
eous man's reward. { H
fiio~9bv 7rpo<pi]TOV Kai b Sexbfitvog
42 And who-oever <pr)vov Xrj\f/Erai-
shall give to drink un- prophet [the] reward of a, prophet shall receive and he that receives ;

to one of these little

diKaiov SiKaiov
diKaiov tig ovofia fii(r9bv
ones a cup of cold
a righteous [man] in [the} Dame of a righteous [man] the reward of a righteous
42 Kai dgSidv n
irorimj 'iva rCov
[man] shall receive. And whoever shall give to drink to one little ones

^ojSeicrfle fear ye TA.

% atroKTevvovTUiv LTTrA. > z
anoKTevouTuiv G', [/fat] L. <}>ofZei(T9e
fear ye b
+ rots the i|TrjA. c St LTrA.
zedyw avToy LTTrA.
+ tois the j^TiJa.
A^M^tTttl LTTjA. g av LTr.
roi'-iov irorijpiov ipvxpov water only in the name
fxovov sig ovofia /j.adrjrov, of a disciple, verily I
'of^tliuse, a cup of cold [water] only iu [the] name of a disciple,
say unto you, he shall
in no wise lose his re-
ct}u)v X'tyto bfilv, ct7ro\e(TT/ Tbv.ftiG9bv.avTov.
verily I say to you, in nowise shall he lose his reward. ward.

11 Kai
iykvsTO ore tTtXsGSv 6 'hjGovg SiaraGGiov rolg XI. And it came to
And it came to pass when 2 had J finished 'Jesus- commanding pass, when Jesus' had
made an end of com-
SioSsKa fiaOriralg avrov, [xsts(3t] tKsWev tov diSaGKSiv ical manding his twelve
'twelve ^disciples 'his, he departed thence to teach and disciples, he departed
thence to teach and to
K7)nv<T(TSLV tv raig.7r6XsGiv.avTuiv. preach in their cities.
to preacli in their cities.
2 Now when John had
2 'O.SL'lu)dvvt]g ciKoixrag tv Ttp SeG/xu)TT]pl(p ra tpya tov heard in the prison the
Now John having heard in the prison the works of the works of Christ, lie
h n sent two of his disci-
Xpiarov, Si>o Ta>v.f.ia9r,Tuiv.avTov , 3 slirsv
rrk/.i^ag avriS, ples, 3 and said unto
Christ, having sent two of his disciples, said to him, him, Art thou he that
should come, or do we
St'.eZ a tpxdfisvog, rj 'irspov 7r/uo(x<WwjUi> ; 4 Kai
ctTTOKpi- look for another? 4 Je-
Art thou the 2
coming [ono], or another are we to look for ? And
answer- sus answered and said
unto them, Go and
g b 'lt](Tovc sIttsv avrolg } Hopsvd'ivrsg
airayysiKciTS. 'Iiodvvy shew John again those
uig 'Jesus said to them, Haviug gone relate to John things which ye do
a cikovsts icai j3Xsttet' 5 TV<p\oi dvafiXkirovGiv, l n hear and see 5 the :
Kal -

blind receive
what ye hear .their
and see blind receive sight,
: and and the lame
k walk, the are
\wXoi TiSpnrarovaiV Xsttooi Kadap'iZ,ovrca, /cot" lepers
Kuxpoi cleansed, and the deaf
lame walk; lepers are cleansed, and deaf
hear, the dead are
k raised np, and the poor
aicovovcnv' x

vsKpoi iysipovrai, Kai n 7rrwY0t svayysXi^ovTai'

have the gospel preach-
hear dead are raised, and poor are evangelized.
ed to them. 6 And
6 Kai fj.aKa.pwg Lgtiv, oc. m tav" n>).GKavcaXtG9y tv ifioi.
blessed is lie, whosoever
And blessed shall not be offended
is, whoever shall not be offended in me.
7 Toiinov.St Tropsvop.tvojv yp^aro 6 'h]Govg Xeysiv rdig
But as these were going *began 'Jesus to say to the

oyXoif -nrspi 'lojdvvov, Ti H,i]X9sTE n sig 7 And as they de-

ti)v ipi]f.wv
crowds concerning John, What went ye out into the
wilderness parted, Jesus began to
say unto the multi-
9sd(ja(Tdai ; KaXap.ov vtco dvsp.ov go.\sv6/.isvov ;
8 dXXd tudes concerning John,
to look at ? a reed by [the] wind shaken ? But What went ye out into
][ n the wilderness to see ?
ti "tt,i]X9sTS iSsHv;
dv9pn)Trov tv ftaXaKolg if.iaTioig ij/xipisG- A reed shaken with
whut went ye out to see ? a man in soft

garments ar- the wind? 8 But what

rd fiaXaKa went ye out for to see ?

n'tvov; iSov, oi tpopovvrsg tv roig oiKoig A man clothed in soft
rayed? Behold, those who the soft [garmentsj wear in the houses raiment ?
behold, they
n that wear soft cloth iitg
tujv fiaGiXsiov v elffiv a 9 dXXd ti i,t)X9sT ^idslv;. Trpo- are in

kings' houses.
of kings are. But what went ye out to see? a pro-
9 But what went ye
Kai out for to see ? A pro-
(pr'jTijV ;" vai, Xiyw vfiiv, irspiGGOTSpov irpotyiiToV I say unto
phet ? Yea, I say to you, and [one] more excellent than a prophet. phet? yea,
you, and more than a
10 oi< Tog. T ydp n lgtiv nspi oi yeypaTTTai, 'Idov, *lydi
prophet. 10 For this is
1'or this is [he] concerning whom it has been writtenj'Behold, I he, of whom it is writ-
ten, Behold, I send my
dn-oGTtXXuj Tbv.uyysX6v-j.wv Trpb Trponojivov.aov, vog u Kara- messenger before thy
send who which shall pre-
my messenger before thy face, shall face,
pare thy way beiore
gksvugsi ti)v. bdbv.Gov i/j.7rpou9iv gov' 11 'Afxi)v Xiyui vfiiv, thee. 11 Verily I say
prepare thy. way before thee. "Verily I say to you, untoyou, Among them
that are born of wo-
oi'K.iytjyspTai iv ysvvijTolg yvvaiKutv j.isi%u>v 'laidvvov men there hath not
there has uoi, risen among [those] born of women agreater than John risen a greater than
John the Baptist not- :

TOV f3a7TTlGTOV' b.Ss fllKpOTSpOg tV T?J fiaGlXsiO. TU)V withstanding he that

the Baptist. But he that [is] less in the kingdom of the is least in the kingdom
v of heaven is greater
ovpavCJv'Cwv dvrov toriv." 12 ditb.di twv i)[.ispu)V 'Iwdvvov than he. 12 And from
heavens greater than he is. But from the days of John the days of John thn

h 5ca by (his disciples) LTTrAW.

+ ical and [l]ttta. m
[/cat] LTr. [/tai] L.
' '
t.Tr. ejrjA0aTe ltt a. ijixaTioi? {read [garments][l]tt a. P
) elaiv (r

[are]) t[aJ. Trpo^vj-rnv [Self

; (read But why went ye out? to see a prophet? ta.
v<ip for t[lt.a].
[evai] l.
/cai (read and he shall prepare) L. v
ivriv ainov a.
28 MAT8A I O S. XI.
Baptist until now the
kingdom of heaven oi>pavu>v filCl- T) ftaffiXEia TU)V
saffereth violence, and the Baptist until now, the kingdom of the heavens is taken by
the violent take by ferai, Kai
force. 13 For all the
fiiaGrai apTzdXovoiv avri)v. 13 7rdvr?g.ydp oi
violence, and [the] violent seize it. For all the
prophets and the law
prophesied until John.
14 And if ye will re-
7Tpo<pi]Tai Kai 6 vo/xog 2 Eiog 'liodvvov ?TrpoE<pi)TEV(Tav'^ 14 <cai
prophets and the law until John 'prophesied. And
ceive it, this is Elias,
which was for to come. 8i 9eXete Sk,a(j9ai, avrug ianv ^HXi'ag b 11

15 He that hath ears to

/.lsXXojv 'ipxtcrOcu.
if ye are willing to receive [it], he is Elias who is about to come.
hear, let him hear.
Hi But v.'hereunto shall 15 6 f%wy lira ydKovEiv," aKovkria. 16 TivuSt bfioiajaio
1 liken this generation? has let him hear. But
He, that ears to hear, to what shall I liken
It is like unto children
z a
sitting in the markets, TrjV.yevEav.TavTrjv ;
buoia iariv TraiSapioig
iv dyopalg
and calling unto their this generation ? ^ike 'it '-4s to little children in [the] markets
fellows, 17 and saying, b
We n '

have piped unto Ka9ijpsvoig, /cai TrporripiovovGivTolg.iTaipoig.avTCjv, 17 Kai

you, and ye have not sitting, and calling to their companions, and
danced; we have
mourned unto you, Xsyovciv," B.u\i)actfji^v iiulv, Kai ovK.ujpx>'l<?a<T9c' IBpijvyjaafiev
and ye have not la- saying, We piped to you, and ye did not dance we mourned ;
mented. 18 For John c
came neither eating VfiiVj" Kai ovtctKoipaaQe. 18 *H.X9ev.ydp '\iadvvi\q pt'jrE LaOiwv
nor drinking, and they to you, and ye did not wail. For ''came 'John neither eating
say, He hath a devil.
19 The Son of man- ui]te 7r'ivujv, Kai Xiyovrriv, Aai/j-oviov tx f '- 19 i)X9tv b vibg
came eating and drink- nor drinking, and they say, A demon he has. 'Came 'the ^Son.
ing, and they say, Be-
hold a man glutton- tov avOpo'jTrov to9iu)V Kai 7rivoiv, kccI Xiyoixriv, 'iSov,
ous,and a wincbibber, of *nun eating and drinking, and they say, Behold,
a friend of publicans
and sinners. But wis- di'9pi07rog <pdyog icai oli'OTroriig, TeXwviov
(piXog icai
dom \i justified of her
a man a glutton and a, wine bibber, of tax-gatherers a friend aud
dfj.aprco\u>v. icai airb tuiv.'Wekviov^ avrrjg.
LSacaiw9i] '/ <Jo<f>ia
20 Then began he to of sinners. And "was justified 'wisdom by ^children 'her.
upbraid the cities
wherein mo4 of his 20 Tore i'lp'iaro bvEiSi&iv rag TrbXEig iv alg iyivovro
mighty works were Then he began to reproach the cities in which had taken place
done, because they re- al 7r\ioTai on ov.p,fTEv6>]o~av. 21 Ovai
pented not 21 Woe
: vvvdpEtg.avrov,
unto thee, Chorazin the !
most of his works of power, because they repented not. Woe
woe unto thee, Beth-
Xopa<V" ovai aoi, li-q9aa'iSdv' on el. iv Tvpip icai
e f a
Baida! for if the mighty
which were to
thee, Chorazin woe to
thee, Bethsaida! for if in.
Tyre aud !

done in you, had been Sidwvi al al iv v/iiv,
done in Tyre and Si- tykvovTO dvvd/iEig yevoftevai
Sidon had taken place the works of power which have taken place in you,
don, they would have
repented long ago in ftdXai dv iv ad/dap icai cnrodip fiETEvmjaav. 22 X>)v Xkyia
sackcloth and ashes. in sackcloth and ashes they had repented. But 1 say
22 But 1 say unto you,
long ago
It shall be more toler-
able for Tyre and Sidon
vfitv, Tvpcp icai Y,lSCjvl
dvEKTOTEpov iarai iv I'lfiipoi KpiaEojg
to you, For. Tyre and Sidon niore tolerable shall it be in day ofjudgment
at the day of judg-
ment, than for you. rj vfiiv. 23 Kai av, ^ILaTTEpvaovfi^ 'V;

rov^ ovpavov
23 And thou, Caper- than for you. And who to the heaven
thou, Capernaum,
naum, which art ex- k
alted unto heaven, i/^w0f7o-a," 'iojg gJSov
KaTaf3i/3aa9))ay^ on el iv HoSo-
shalt be brought down hast been lifted up, to hades shalt be brought down : for if in Sod-
to hell for if the
m n
at iv aoi, l[

mighty works, which /.loig iyivovro SvvduEig a't."yEv6pvai

have been done in om had taken place the works of power which have taken place in thee,
theen had been done in
Sodom, it would have fieivav .av
^XP 1
Tijg.aij^Epov. 21 7rX>)v Xiyio, on
remained until this it had remained until to-day. But I say to you, that
day. 21 But I say unto
you, That it shall be yy "Eodouojv avEKTorepov tarai iv im'(po: KpiaEwg
more tolerable for the lor [the] land of Sodom more tolerable shall it be in day of judgment
land of Sodom in the
day of judgment, than i) aoi.
for thee. than for thee.

w x 'HAeias y aKoveiV t[ty]a. z

iraiStois GLTT. AW.
eirpo4>iJTV<Tav LTTrA. T.
ayopd (market) L Ka.0T7p.fVoi? ev reus ayopcus TTiA.
/ca#n/xeVois ev ;
Trpoo-<$>ii>vovvTa. rot?
e-rou'pois who calling to the companions (erepots
read calling to the others Tl'rJ + [ai/rwi-J (

= d e
their a) Ae'yovcrii' say LTTi a. LTTi a. TTr. Xopa^etV TTrA.

ep-ycot^works Bi)#-
8 KaQapvaovfA LTTrAW. h k
fi7} LTTrA, V w. roll LTTrA. '

|0-at'5a LTr. vtpu>8r}<rri ;

shalt thou be lilted up? LTTrA v>//a>0T)s w. ; Kara^jjcnj thou shalt deseuud LTr A. '

m iyivri0ri<xav tn.A, n et> aoi

yevoixevcu L. HvLtLVtv LTXrA.
25 'Ev
tice'tvy rep
Kcupy cnroKpiOeig 6
'lt]<!oug eIttev, "E.t,ojxo-
Jesus I
s J a^ W ertd aLTJia"
answering j t h iul k thee. O Fa- said,
he Lord of ieaTon
Kvpie rov ovpavou Kai rijg ylCi * ,rt ! d

Xoyoufiai aoi, TtdrEp, L

praise thee, O Father, Lord of the heaven and the earth, that \-^ on jj'ast 'hyj t nes^
ravra enro aocpujv /cat ovvertbv, Kai cnrEKaXvipag tilings from the wise
tliou didst hide thesathings from wise and prudent, and didst reveal
r"veakd them unto

aura vi)7t'ioiq. 26 vai, b 7rar>ip, on o'vrwg ^tyevero EvdoKia" tabes. 26 Even so, Fa-
it was
ther f ? r s ** seemed
them to babes. Yea, Father, for thus well-pleasing -

good in thy sight.

inrpoaQkv <jov. 27 Ildvra juoi 7rapeS69q inrb Tov.warpog.fiov 27 All things are de-

me were delivered by hvercd unto me of my

beforo thee. All things to my Father.
Father and nd man
,*, , / , t \ > v < > *> \

Kai oi'OEiQ tTTiyil'lOOKEl TOV VIOV El.fJl))

O TVarrjp' OVOE TOV knoweth the Son, hut
And no one knows the Son except the Father: nor the ,the Father; neither
, , , , , , , , , r i >
knoweth any man the
jrartpa Tig t7TiyiVlGKei ei.flt) O VlOg, Kai (p.eaV. Father, save the Sou,
Father -2
any 'one 'does know except the Son, and he to whomsoever an d he to whomsoever

r, />
. > >
A i i
no A - / . / the Son will reveal
pov\i]Tai o viog aizoKaXvyai. .28 Aevre irpog ue, icavreg Jam. 28 Come unto.
*may *will 'the -Son to reveal [him]. Come to me, all me, all ye that labour
, , , > i ) / < and are heavy laden,
oi KOTTiwvTfg Kai 7Tf(popTiGfisvoi, Kayio avairavoii) vuag. and I will give you
ye that labour and are burdened, aud I will give "rest 'y u - rest. 29 Take my yoke
~,-, \ y i
./ > , < > r r\ , > y ~ tr , upt/u you, and learn of
21) apare rov.c,vyov.uov e<p vuag, Kai fiaOETE air kflOV, OTl me; for I am meek and
Take my yoke upou you,- and learn from me, foij lowly in heart: and ye
~ u ' $.' > shall find rest unto
* \ < / > ,

7rpaog" eiui Kai rairEivog Ty.Kapcig.' Kai evprfaerE avairavaiv your'souk. 30Formy
meek lam and lowly in heart ; and ye shall fiud rest yoke is ca^y, and my
cn 1Slg t-
ralg.ipvxriQ-vjJ-iov. 30 b.yapXvyog.uov \pj)ar'og Kai to tyopriov
to your souls. For my yoke easy aud burden
uov iXa(ppov tanv. XII. At that time
'my light is.' Jesus went on the
, ft , , ,
'A , ~ >
'r - ~ * 'GO sabDath dit y through
s u II

Y& Va> hKeiVlp Tip Kaiptfi lITOpEVVT) O 1 7] ffO V g TOig OappaOlV thecorn;andhisdisci-
At that time went Jesus on the Sabbath pies were an hungred,
*, / c t>i /v \ > ~ > > < and began to pluck the
Cia TUJV ffTTOpl/XUJV Ol.OE.jiaVrjTai.aVTOV' tirUVaOaV, Kai ears of corn, and to
through the corn-fields; and his disciples were hungry, and eat. 2 But when the
,. .,
.-. N / > t /v - ^ ^ ~
2 Qapiaaiot
< Ebarisees saw it, they
iipt,avro ara-^vag Kai tovteiv. said unto him, Behold,
began to pluck [the] ears and to eat. thy disciples do that But the Pharisees
>r.- t
x t ii > ~ > T ? ' n ~ which is not lawful to

icovreg enrov n at>rc/>, lcov, oi.fiav>]rat.<rov ttoiouoiv o ,jo upon the sabbath
said to him, are doing whai day. 3 Bnt he said un-
oiiK.t^eani' ttoieiv tv cra/jpary.
thy disciples
o <r\ v
o u.oe
? them. Have vc not
EiTrev avroig, (jvk read what i) av id did,
it is not lawful to do on sabbath. But he said to thein, !Not when he was an huu-

*ye 'have read
ri iwoirjttv "Aa/SiS,* ore STreivavev "aurbg" Kai
what 2 did 'David, when he huugered himself and ^e entered into the
ol vet
those with
4 Trwg eI^XQev elg rov oIkov tovBeov, Kai
How he entered into the house of God, and
w hich
was not lawful
rovg dprovg
ovk t%bv
the loaves
of the
TrpoOeaEiog *t<payEv,"
which 3
not 4
lawful 'it'^was
|rthm winch were
presentation ate, -^ith him but only for
the priests? 5 Or have
avTiji <payE~iv,ovck ralg uet' avrov, ei-U-i) ro~ig 'lEpEvaiv uovoig ;

for him to eat, nor for those with him, but for the priests
howthat on the sab- only?
5 "H OTl Tolg ffcifilSaaiV Ol lepeig hath days the priests
OVK.ClVEyVUJTE iV T'p VO/^<f>,
the priests i? the * em P le P' *?
Or have Jye not read .in the that on the sabbaths
the sabbath, and are
tv T({> iep({i to cra/3/3rtrov (3ei3t]\ov<Tiv, Kai dva'inoi eiaiv ; blameless? 6 But I say
law,' '

in the temple the sabbath and guiltless are ? unto you, That in this
, w . ~, - _
T v
m ' S< P lace 1S one &reater
ei.Ce than the temple. 7 But
, ,

AeyoJ.Ot VfllV, OTl TOV.iepOV /J,eiC,lOV


But I that Hhan 'the 5 But if if ye had known what



you, is here.

a ,,x n'^
h\fov" weAw Kai ov vvaiav, ovk av have
-in' 'Z"5 meaneth, I will
mercy, and not;
ye had known what is, Mercy I desire and not sacrifice, "not sacrifice, ye would not

P 1 r * etrrav LTTrA.
e/cpui/zas I.TTrA. evSoKia eyevero LT. 7rpai5s LTTrA. craj3j3aT(H5 L.
r iiavei'6
LTTrA ; AauiS gw. " avrbs QLTTrAW. *
eoSayov LT. y LTTrA. x
30 M A T A I 2. XII.
hnve condemned - b
the KaT0iicaaaT rovg dvairiovg 8 Kvpiog.ydp egtiv /cai"
puiltless. 8 For the
condemned the guiltless.
For Lord is 'also "of -"the
Son of man U Lord 'ye "tmil
even of the sabbath
oaj3i3uTOV 6 vibg rov.c'iv9pto7rov.
"sabbath the son of man.

9 And when he was

U Kai /.iEraf3dg ekeZ9ev, 7j\Qev tig rr}v.<JVvnywy))v.avrwi'.
departed thence, he
And having departed thence, he went into
. their synagogue.
wtiii, into their syna- 10 icai idov,- av0piD7rog c r)v r>)v A X^P a *X W,/ fypdv' Kai
gogue 10 and, behold, a man 2
'having withered. And

there was a man which

And bcho'ld, there was the -'hand
ha^l his hand with' rod.
avrov, Eilfceoriv rolg
And thoy a-^ked him, 67rr)phJTii(Tav \tyovrtg, odfifiaoiv
they asked him, saying, Is it lawful on the sabbaths
saying, Is it lawful to
heal on the sabbath d
9epaTrtveivY 'iva Kavqyopiicruxnv avrov. 11 *0.8e EirfEv avroig,
days? that they might to heal? that they might accuse him. But he said to them,
accuse him. 11 And he
said unto them, What Tig trrrai tt

t% vfiwv dv9p<jJ7rog, og 'e%ei Trpofiarov ev,

man shall there be What -shall 'thero 4 be 5 of "you 'man, whoshallhave a sheep 'one,
among you, that shall
have one sheep, and if Kai iav tfX7TEay rovro rolg o~df3f3acriv tig (369vvov, oi'%t <

it into a pit on
fall and if -fall 'this on the sabbaths into a pit, willnot
the sabbath day, will f
he not lay hold on it, KpClTi'l<7El aUTO Kai kyEpEl j" 12 dv- 7TO(T^J OVV Sia(pfpEI
and out? 12 How
lift it
lay hold of it and will raise [it] up? How much then is 'better 'a
much then is a man
better than a sheep? 9pu)TTog 7rpof3drov ; wore t&artv roigZadfifiaaiv^ icaXutg
Wherefore it is lawful, -man than a sheep? So that it is lawful on the sabbaths well
to do well on the sab-
bath days. 13 Then ttoieIv. 13 Tore X'tyEi rip. dv9pw Trip, "Ekteivov *ry)vxE~ipd
saith he to the man, 'to "do. Then he says to the man, Stretch out *hand
Stretch forth thine
hand. And ho stretch- cou." Kai t%iTivev, Kai 1
a7roKarEard9ri n vyu)g tug r)
ed it forth and it was; 'thy, And he stretched [it] out, and it was restored sound as the
restored whole, like as
the other. dXXrj.

1 4 Then the Pharisees

14 k O(.$ QapiGalot avfifiovXiov tXa/3ov icar avrov e%eX-
went out,' and held a But the Pharisees a ^council "held' 'against "him 'having
council against him, avrov 'diroXkaiooiv. 15 'O.Sk.'lt]o-ovg yvovg
how they might de- Oovrsg," oTrojg
stroy him. 15 But "gone "'out how him they might destroy. But Jesus havingknuwn
when Jesus knew it, i0 (7EV ekeX9ev icai i)KoXov9?]o~av avrt^i
l n

he withdrew him elf dvEX P'1

6xXoi rroXXoi,
from thence: withdrew thence, and followed him- crowds 'great,
great multitudes fol- Kai WtpdirEVGEv avrovg rrdvrag' ]6 Kai ErrEri^aEv avrolg
lowed him, and he and' he healed them and strictly charged t'nem
healed them all; 16 and
charged them that iva \ii] (f>avepbv avrov ttou](ju)Giv 17 oVwf" irX)j-
they should not make 3
that not "publicly 'known
him 'they Should "make. So that might
him known: 17 that
it might be fulfilled
pwt'rj ro pt]9iv did 'Hca'iov rov 7rpo<py']rov. Xkyovrog,
v/hijh was spoken by be fulfilled that which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,
Esaias the prophet,
saying, 18 Behold my 18 'iSov 6.Tra"ig.p.ov ov "yp'tnaa," 6.dya7rr)rug.p:ov "elg
servant, whom I have Behold my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in,
chosen; my beloved, in
whom my soul is well 02/" p
y).^/vx>)-f^ov 9i)gio TO.TTVEVjid.fiov tV
pleased I will put my
: whom has "found ^delight 'my -soul. I will put my Spirit upon
spiritupon him, and
he shall shew judg- avrov, Kai Kpiaiv rolg Wveoiv d~ ayygXti* 19 ovK.tpicEi
ment to the Gentiles. him, and judgment to the nations he shall declare. He shall not strive
19 He shall not strive,
nor cry; neither shall ovSk KpavyaTEi, ovSk aKovcEi rig Iv ralg rrXarEiaig r>)v
any man hear his voice nor cry out, nor shalPhear 'any -one in the streets
in the streets. 20 A 20 ttdXa^iov Kai
bruised reed shall he fiovrjv.avrov. avi>rErpi/.ifj.Evov ov.KarEa^Ei,
not break, and smok- his voice. A "reed 'bruised he shall not break, and
ing flax shall he not Xivov
quench, till he send rv<p6j.u:vov ov-ofikaEi, Vwg.dv tKJidXri Eig vIkoc r\)v
2 3
forth judgment unto flax 'smoking he shall not quench, until he bring forth unto" victory 'the
victory. 21 And in his 21 Kai liv" r(^.6v6j.uiri.avrov eXttiovpiv.
name shall the Gen- Kpiaiv. i'9vr]
'judgment. And' in his name [the] nations shall hope.
tiles trust. ,

b GLTTrAW c d f
Kai fy rr\v LTTrA. Qepanevcrai ;
T. icrrat Tta. eyeipet lie
raises S o-a|S/3drot? L. h o~ov L^TrA. ' i.TTrAW.
[it] up l, rrjv X^-P -
tfeAfloyTes 5e ot $apio-aiot. o-u,uj3ou'Ai0f eA.a/3of k<xt' avrov LTTrW.
oi^Aot {read noWoi
m 'iva that LTTrA. n Tr. "svulr; eij la. P ijOoo/cn-
aiany) LT[TrA]. -qpiri-o-a.
aev TTr. 1 ev (read [on]) GLTTrAW.
XII. M A T T H E W. 31
22 Tors T n a Then was brought
7rpucn]vtx^ t) urtp 8ai/AoviZ,6[ievog, rucpXbc unto him one posi i

Then was brought tohiin one possessed by a demon, blind

with a devil, blind,
Kal Ktu^/i^*" Kal iOtpcnreiKjiiv avrov, tand dumb: and ho
ojctte toi' TtJ<pXbv Kai" healed
and dumb, and he healed so thiit the 'blind him, invocation
and that the
him, blind and
/cat" \a\e~iv Kal fiXtrreiv. 23 Kal IXiaravro irdvTEg dumb both spake and
dumb both and saw. And 4 were "amazed 'all
saw. 23 And all tho
spake were amazed,
w >

oi 0%/Voi Kal t'Xeyov, M/yn ovTug t<JTii> b v'ibg A/3<o ;" said, Is not this
"the "crowds and "This 'is the son' of David?
the, .Son of David?
24 But when the Phari-
24 O'l.St ipapifraloi ciKovcavT'g eIttov, Ovrog ovK.tK[3dXXEi sees heard it, they said,
But the Pharisees having heard This casts not out This fellow doth not
said, [man] east out devils, but by
ra Sai/.i6via ei./.u)iv t) WeeX^e^ovX dpxovri twv Sai^oi'iojv. Beelzebub the prince
the demons except by Beolzebul prince of the demons. of tho devil 25 And .

x JcsUv knew their

25 EiStoQ-St o'lt)rroT>Q
Tdclv9vp.i](TEig.abTu)v dirty avroUg, thoughts, and said
But "knowing- 'Jesus their thoughts hesaid to them, unto thorn, Every
kingdom divided a-
Hci(ja (3a(Ti\da j.iepirT07<7a KaQ' iavTi'ig tprj/iovrai' Kal gainst ii self is brought
Every kingdom divided against itself brought to desolation, and to desolation
is and ;

every orty or house

Tcaoa irbXig 'rj.oiKia fizpirrQuaa Kad' iai>T?ig ouMTaOijaerai. divided against itself
every city or house divided against itself will not stand. shall not stand :2(J and
if Satan ea tout Satan,
2G Kal u 6 oaravag tov aaravav K/3aXXei, i(j>' tavrbv tfxe- he is divided against
And if Satan Satan 'casts -out, against himself he was himself; how -hall
then his kingdom '

pioQt]' ttioq ovv <TTa9r](TETai 7).(5acnXeia.avTov ; 27 Kal iyti) stand ? 27 And if 1 by

divided. How then will stand his kingdom? And if I Beelzebub east out
iv BeeX^fj3ovX t/f/3a\Xw to. daifiovia oi.v'iol.vfioJv iv t'lvi devils, by whom do
your children cast
by Beelze'oul cast out the demons, your sons by whom them out? therefore
Sid tovto avroi ^v/juiv toovratKpirai. they shall be your 11

tKfiaWovaiv ; judges. 28 But, if 1 cast

do they cast out ? on account of this they of you shall be judges. out devils by the Spirit
28 el.Sk z tyu) iv TrvEvfiaTi 9eov" iKfidWoj to. dai/iovta, dpa dom of God is come
of God, then the king-
But if 1 by [the] Spirit of God cast out the demons, then unto
you. 29 Or else
how can one enter into
t<p9aoev i<p' vfiag i) fiaviXeia tov 9eov. 2D tj ttCjq dvvarai a
has come the of God. Or how able strong man's house
upon you kingdom is .

his and goods,

Tig eioeX9hv elg ti)v oiKiav too iaxvpov Kal rd okevtj except he fir-t biud the
and then
goods strongman?
anyone to cuter into the house of the strong [man] and he will his house. spoil
avrov *ciapirdaai,' ]

edv.fir) irpCJTOV cV/crjy

tov iaxvpov;
that is not with 30 Ke
'his to plunder, unless first he bind against me; and
the strong [man]? me is
he that gathereth not
koi tote rtiv.oiKiav.avTOv oiap7rdo-EiJ' 30 b fi)).u)v yusr' ifxov with me
and then his house he will plunder. He who is not with me abroad. 31 Wherefore
I say unto you, All
/car' ifinv ioriv Kai 6 fiii.crvvdyiov juet ifxov OKopTri^Ei. manner of sin and
against me is; and he who gathers not with me scatters. blasphemy shall be
forgiven unto men :
31 Aid tovto Xsyio ii/juv, Tldaa d\ia.pTia Kal f3Xao~tpr]p:ia but the blasphemy
Becauso of this I say to you,
Every ein and blasphemy aijainst tho//o///Gho t
shall not be forgiven
o00/yfffrai roig dv9pwTroig' TOv.7rvEVfiaTog fiXaa- unto iucu. 32 And
phall be forgiven to men ; but the Concerning J the 4 Spirit 'blas- whosoever spcaketh
e a word against the
Qijpia oi)K.d<p- 9qo-ETai ^Tolg dv9pwTroig. 32 Kal dg. dv"
eitttj Son of man. it shall
phemy Bhallnot be forgiven to men. And whoever speak* be forgiven him but :

whosoever spcaketh a-
Xoyov KUTa to~< v'iov tov dv9pio7rov, d<p9rjo'Tai avT(j)' gainst the Holy Ghost,
a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven
him;^ it shall not he for-
f given him, neither in
og.S'.dv EiTry Kara tov tcvev parog tov dyiov, ovK.d(pe- this world, noithcr in
but whoever speaks against the Spiiut the Holy, it shall not the world to comet
33 Either make the
Syorerai" ai'ToJ, ovte iv tovtoj Tip aiu>vi ovte iv rep fisXXov- tree and his fruit
be forgiven him, neither in this age nor in the coming
rt. 33 H 7rou](rare to SivSpov koXov *cqi
tov Kaprrbv
[one]. Either make the tree good and -fruit

1 " *
npocrr/veyKav they brought L. Sai/xoi/t^'oju.ei'Oi' Tu<f)\bv Kal K<o<f>6v L. TVc^Abr teal
LTTrA. T Kai LTTrA. w AaiHO GW Aauei'S LTT.A. * 6 'Ivjaov; LTTrA. y
; KptraX
* kv GLTTtAW. a to seize
ecrofrat v/xw LTTYA. irvevfj.a.TL Oiov eya> apiraaai upon l.TT. a.
apiracrei. hef will seize upon l Siapirao-rj he might
; plunder t. c
+ [u/xli/j to you a.
d Tois airdpuTTois LTTr[A]. * ea,c LTTrA w.' /atj a<e0jj in nowise
shall it be Drgivoii j
f ov
32 M AT 6 A I 2. XII.
good; or else make avrov koXov, to SivSpov aayrpov Kai tov Kapirbv
fj Trcu'jcraTi
the tree corrupt, and and
'its good, or make the tree corrupt *fruit
his fruit corrupt for :

the tree is known by

his fruit. 34 O gene-
avTov oarepbv iK.ydp tov Kaprrov to. d&vcipov ywuxyicETai.
'its corrupt : for from the fruit the tree is known.
ration of vipers, how
can being evil,
ye, 34 Tevvrj/xaTa ixidvuJv, irwg Svvao~9e dya9d \oXhv, icovqpoi
speak good things ? Offspring of vipers, how are ye able good things to speak, wicked
for out of the abun-
dance of the heart the ovtsq; iK.ydp rov TrepiaaevfiaTog Tijg KapSiag to aropa
mouth speaketh. 'being?
35 A for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
good man out of the
good treasure of the Xa\ i.
35 b dyaSbg dvOpwTrog i<e tov ayaBov 9t]<ravpov
heart bringeth forth speaks. The good man out of the good treasure
good things and an
evil man out of the

*t7]Q. icapdiag" k/3a\\ei

ra" dyaOd- mi b 7rovrjplg dvOpcj-
evil treasure bringeth of the heart puts forth the good things ;
and the wicked man
forth evil things.
8C But I say unto you, ttoq ek rov Tcovripov Brioavpov iKf5dXke.i Tvovrjpd. 36\iy(o.Ss
That every idle word out of the wicked treasure puts forth wicked things. But I say
that men shall speak, k
they shall give account vjiiv, otl ttclv prjfia dpybv b.Kdv" \a\i)au)mv"
oi avBptoirui,
thereof in the day of to you, that every -word 'idle whatsoever may speak 'men,
judgment. 37 For by diroStoaovrnv avrov iv 37 tic
thy words thou shalt irepl \6yov r'ffispq, Kpiirttog. 2
be justified, and by they shall render of it an account in day of judgment. By
thy words thou shalt Kai tic Tu>v.\6yiov.aov
be condemned. yap Ttov.Xoytov.xsov SiKawjOTiay,
'for thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy wuj ,1s

thou shalt he condemned.
38 Then certain of. m
the scribes and of the 38 Tore drreKpiBjjodv 1 riveg tujv ypapfiaTswv Kai 4>apt-
Thavisees Answered, Then answered. some of the scribes and Phari-
saying, Master, we
would see a sign from octiiov, \syoh>Ttg, AiSdaieaXe, 6e\op.ev otto gov ai]peiov ideiv.
thee. 39 But he an- sees, saying, Teacher, we wish from thee a sigu to see.
swered and said unto
them, An evil and a- 39 'O.Sk d7TOKpi9Fig dnEv avTO~ig, Teved 7rov)]pd Kai /j.ol-
dultcrous generation But he answering said to them, A generation wicked and adul-
seeketh after a sign
077/xaov tTnZ,r]TU" Kai ai]/idov

and there shall no sign X\( and a sign

shall not be given
be given to it, but the terous a sign seeks for, it,

sigu of the prophet to 'Iu>vd tov 40

Jonas : 40 for as Jonas ti.fifj orjutiov 7rpo(pi]Tov. axnrep.ydp Jjv 'iwvdg
was three days and except the sigu of Jonas the prophet. For even as was Jonas
three nights in the
whale's belly so shall
iv t\) KoiXiq. tov Kt]TOvg rptig r)uipag Kai Tpeig vvKTag, o'vrujg
the Son of man be in the

belly of the great fish three days and three nights, thus
three days and three tOTai b vibg tov dv9po)7rov iv ry KupSta. r/}
nights in the heart of
yijg Tpelg
of man heart
the earth. 41 The men shall be the Sou
iu the of the earth three
of Nineveh shall rise
iu judgment with thisyfispag Kai TpngvvKTag. 41" Avcpeg "Nu'Ei/Irai" dvaaTiiaov-ai
days and three nights. Men Niuevites shall stand up
generation, and shall
condemn it because iv Kai KaTaKptvovaii' avTtjv'

Ty Kpiau fXfTaTtjg.yevEdg.TavTi]g,
they repented at the in thejudgment with this generation, and shall condemn it
preaching of Jonas

and, behold, a greater 'otl sig to Ktjpvy^ia 'Iwvd' Kai idov, tt\hov
than Jonas is here. for fxeTSvoijaav at the and behold, more
they repented proclamation of Jonas ;
42 The queen of the
south shall rise up in 'liova w0. 42 j3ao-i\i<roa votov iyfp9))oTai iv Ty Kpiaei
the judgment with than Jonas here. A queen of [the] south shall rise up in the judgment
this generation, and
shall condemn it : for Ti"]g.y!rvedg.TavTt]g, Kai KaraKpivu avrf}V otl r}\9ev
she came from the ut- with this generation, and shall condemn it ;
for she cama
termost parts of the
earth to hear the K tu>v wfpdTOJV Tijg yijg aKovaai Tr)v aoty'iav^oXopioi'Tog' "
wisdom of Solomon; from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon ;

and, behold, a greater

than Solomon is here. Kai icov, 7t\noi' 'Eo\o[.aovTog" loSe. 43 "Orav.Si to aKa9apTOV
43 When the unclean and behold, more than Solomon here. But wheu the unclean
spirit is gone out of
a man, he walketh TTVrijxa i%i\9y dirb tov di>9pioTrov, SiepxtTai Si dvvcpiov
through dry places, spirii is gone out from the man, he goes through waterless
seeking rest, and find-
cth none. 44 Then he T07TOJV, L,r\T0vv dvd-Kavaiv, Kai ovx-vpi(TKi. 44 tots \eyEt,
saith, 1 will return places. seeking rest. and finds not [it]. Then he says,
GLTTrAW. h TO. LTrW. k
8 (read winch) LITrA.
ttjs KapSt'ac eoi/ AaA^o-ovo-iv
shall speak + avTu him lttya.
TTrA.. ' m Kai <I>apt<7ai(oi/ L. n
NirevetTa^ TTrA.
i'E7ri<TTpk\pui Eig rbv.olicov.fiov," '69ev t?}X9ov'
honse from Kai lX9bv into my
I will return to my house, whence I came out. And having come whence I came out ;
and when he is come,
r he findeth it empty,
ei'piaicsi oxo\dZovra, rrecrapiofdvov Kai KEKO(Ffir)i.iEvov. 45 tote
he finds [it] unoccupied, swept and adorned. swept, and garnished.
Then 45 Then goeth he, and
Tropevsrai mi
7rqpaXai-ij3dvEi (.ie9' tavTOV ewtu 'irepa 7rvVfxa.TCt taketh with himself
lie goes and takes with himself seven other seven other spirits
more wicked than him-
TToi'TjpoTEpa iavTov, Kai elrjtXQovTa /caroi/cei IkeI' Kai yivETai self, and they enter in
more wicked than himself and entering in they dwell there and "becomes and dwell there and ;

the last state of that

Tu'tGXCtTa TOV.dvQplOTTOVAKHVOV \EipOVO TtOV TTpiOTWV. 0VT10Q man is worse than the
'the "last 'of 4 that 5 man worse than the first. Thus first. Even so shall it
be also unto this wick-
terra i Kal Ty.yEVE^.TavTij ry Trovi]pa~. ed generation.
itshallbe also to this generation the wicked.
46 *Eri. s <?" avTOv XaXovvTog toIq oxXoig y ISov, 46 While he yet
r) /.i7]TT)p talked to the people,
But -while yet he was speaking to the crowds, behold, [his] mother behold, Ms mother and
Kai o\.dSe\(poi. t avTQV n EivriiKEiaav E%(o t ^rjTOiiVTEg his brethren stood
avTiii Xa~ without, desiring to
and his brethren were standing' without, seeking Ho J him Ho speak with him.
Xfjtrat. 47 eIttev.S'e tiq avTtp, 'l8ov t Tj.firjTrjp.trov Kai en dStXipoi 47 Then one said un-
to him, Behold, thy
'speak. Then said one to bim, Behold, thy mother and
mother and thy bre-
aov e^uj efrrfjKaaivi ^tjtovvtsq aoi \a\rjcrat. 48 '0.8k enro- thren stand without,

an- desiring to speak with

thy without are standing, seeking HoHhee 'to "speak. But he
thee. 48 But he an-
w (V<Wt" swered and said unto
KpiOiiq eIttev r(j> avry, Tig ectiv i).jur}Trip.fiov ; him
said to him who sgoke to him, Who that told him, Who
swering is my mother? is my mother? and
xai riveg Eiaiv oi.aSeX^oi.fiov ; 49 Kai tKrdvag rt)v X^pa who are my brethren ?
and who are my brethren ? And stretching out "hand 49 And he stretched
x forth his hand toward
avTOV n siri TOvg.fia9r}Tag.avTOV ~e1ttev, 'iSov, rj.ixrjrrjp.fiov Kai his disciples, and said,
'his to his disciples hesaid, Behold, my mother and Behold my mother and
my brethren 50 For 1

oi.a8eX<l>oLiJ.ov. 50 oarig.yap dv fTroirjoy" to OeXrjfia tov whosoever shall do the

my brethren. For whosoever shall do tho will will of my Father
which is in heaven, the
7raTpog.fxov tov iv ovpa%>oig, avrog /xov aSfXfpbg Kai same is my brother,
of my Father who [is] in [the] heavens, he my brother and. and sister, and mo-
aSeXtyr) Kai ixi]Tt]p icTiv.
sister and mother is.

z a XIII. The same day

13 'Ei>. (5P
Tg.i]}xhpq,.iKUvy e%eX9u>v 6 'Irjaovg a.7r6"
went Jesus out of the
And in that day 3
"having gone *forth 'Jesus from, and sat by the
sea side. 2 And great
Ti)QoiKiagiKd9r]TOTrapa.T))vQdXa<j<jav' 2 kqi ovvi\x9t)Gav multitudes were gath-
the house sat down by the sea. And were gathered together ered unto together
b him, so that he went
npbg avTov bxXoi 7ro\\ot, wore avTOV elg r6" ttXoXov Ifi- into a ship, and- sat ;
to him "crowds 'great, so that ho into the ship having and the whole multi-
tov aiyiaXbv tude stood on t he shore.
fidvTa Ka9i]o9ai, Kai irag b oxXog ettI tiaTtjKH. 3 And he
entered sat down, and all the crowd on the shore stood. spake many
things unto them in
3 Kai tXdXrjrrnv avroUg irroXXa iv irapafioXalg, Xsytov, 'iSov, parables, saying, Be-
And he spoke to them many things' in a sower went
parables, saying, Behold, hold,
forth to sow 4 and ;

it,))X9ev o cnreipwv tov aiTEipEiv. 4 Kai Ev.Tt^.aTvEipEiv.avTov when he sowed, some

3 seeds the
went "'out 'the "sower to sow. And as he sowed fell by way
side, and the fowls
c n d
a.piv ettegev irapa n)v bSov, Kai rjX9ev rd irETEtud Kai^ came and devoured
some fell by the and
came 'the "birds and them up 5 some fell :

upon stony places,

KaTt<payEv avrd. 5 dXXa.Se etteuev liri rd TTETpi^St] , oirov where they had not
devoured them. And some fell upon the rocky places, where much earth: and forth-
with they sprung up,
OVK-Elxev yi]v 7roXXrjy, Kai tv9e(ijg tZavkrEiXev Sid to because they had no
they had not "earth 'much, and immediately sprangup because of not deepness of earth :
e 6 and when the sun
iX^ lv (3d9og yijg' 6 i)Xiov.8k dvaTEiXavrog tKavnaTiv9q, was up, they were
having depth of earth ;
and [the] sun having risen they were scorched, scorched ;
and becane

1tov oIkov fiov 7ricTTpe^a) LTTrA.
et? r
+ Kal and [l]t. b 5e but LTTrA. ' [avrou] L.
r Verse
i7 in w x avrou (read [his] hand) t. y 770117 A z
] T. Ae'yoi'Ti LTTrA. 5e -

and LTTr\. a K ut of i.T a-n-b (rend ee\. having gcaie out of)Tr.
b to (read a
Ship) LTTri.
rj\$ov LTr; i\66vTa having come A.
/cat A. e
+ rrjs l.
they had no root, they
withered away. 7 And
Kai Sia rb.pi)lx HV piZ,av iir\pav9r]. 7 dXXa.Sk iirtotv iwi
some fell among and because of not having root were dried up. And some fell' upon
thorns and the thorns

sprang up, and choked the

rag aKcivOag, icai avifirjcrav ai ctKavOai Kai fa.7rs7rvi^av n avrd.
them 8 but other fell
thorns, and 3 grew *up 'the 2 thorns and choked them.
into good ground, and 8 ettectev kiri kai iSidov
brought forth fruit,
n)v yrjv ryv KaXrjv, Kapwov,
some an hundredfold,
And some fell upon the ground the good, and yielded fruit,
some sixtyfold, some (Karov, o.Sk kZrjKOVTa, o.Sk rpiaKovra. 9 6* tx ioV
thirtyf old. 9 Who hath one a hundred, another another thirty. He that has
ears to let him
hear. u>ra %dicoveiv l{
10 And
the disciples ears to hear let him hear.
came, and said unto h i
10 Kai et7rov airy, k Atari*
61 pa9r]Tai
him, Why speakest TrpotreXOoj'TEQ
thou unto them in pa- And 3 having ''come Ho [ G him] 'the -disciples said to him, Why
rables ? 11 He answered
and said unto them, Be- iv 7rapdf3o\a7g XaXeTg auroTg; 11 'O.Sk cnroKpiOeig eItzev
cause it is given unto in parables speakest thou to them? And he. answering said
you to know the myste- l
ries of the kingdom of ai)Tolg, "On vpiv SkSorai i{

yvwvai rd {ixJarqpia rtjg

heaven, .but to them to them, Because to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the
it is not given. 12 For
whosoever hath, to him fiacnXeiag T&v.ovpavCov, kiceivoig.Se ov.SkSoTai. 12 oo~ng
shall be given, and he kingdom of the heavens, but to them it has not been given. 2 Whosoever
shall have more abun-
dance but whosoever yap tx h 3 SoQrjaerai
e avrtil, Kai TrEptaaEv9i)aETai' bang.Sk
5 2
bath not, from him 'for has, shall ''be given 'to him, and he shall be in abundance; but whosoever
shall be taken away Kai o ?%et air avrov. 13 did tovto
even that he hath. ovkJx^i, dpOi'jasrai
13 Therefore speak I
has not, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Because of this
to them in parables iv
because they seeing in TrapafioXalg to them I
avroUg XaXio, on j5Xe7rovreg ov-lSXsttovoi}/,

see not and hearing parables speak, because seeing they see not,

they hear not, neither Kai aKovovreg ovK.aKovovoiv, ovSk cvviovviv. 14 Kafadva-
do they understand. and
14 And in them is ful-
hearing they hear not, nor do they understand. And ''is

filled the prophecy of m

irX-qpovrai 7r'" avrolg rj irpo(p7]TEia 'Hcratov, rj Xsyovtra^
Esaias, which saith, By 4
up 'in Hhem the prophecy of Esaias, which says,
hearing, ye shall hear,
and shall not under- 'A/coy

aKoiHTSTE, Kai<Tvvi)TE' Kai (SXkirovTEg fiXe-

stand and seeing ye In hearing ye shall hear, and in no wise understand and
; seeing ye shall
shall see, and shall not
perceive : 15 for this t^ete, Kai ov.fir/.iSrjTE. 15 i7raxvv9rj.ydp >) KapSia tov
people's heart is waxed-' see, and in no wise perceive for G has 'grown 8 f at
the 2 heart :

gross, and their ears

are dull of hearing, Xaov.rovTOV, Kai ToUg uktiv" (3apku)g ijKOvaav, Kai rovg
and their eyes they 3 of Hhis 5 people, and with the ears heavily they have heard, and
have closed; lost at any
time they should see 6tp9aX[xovg.avTwv EKc'ippvaaV prjTroTE idioviv Tolg 6<p-
with their eyes, and their eyes they have closed lest they sh6\ild see with the ;

hear with their ears,

and should understand 9a.Xp.oTg, Kai rolg ojaiv aKovaixxriv, Kai ry KapSiq. o~vv-
with their heart, and eyes, and with the ears they should hear, and with the heart they should
Should be converted, n
and I should heal them. iocnv, Kai E7ri0Tpt\p(t)(nv Kai ldati>ftai avrovg. \Q'
16 But blessed are your understand, and should be converted and I should heal them. But of you
for see and
eyes, they o\ 6<p9aXp.oi, on (5Xettovgiv' Kai rd u>ra Pypv,"

your ears, for they fiaKapioi

near. 17 For verily I blessed [are] the eyes, because they see and the ears of you, ;

say unto you, That on q aKovEi. n 17 dur)v. T ydp n Xeyu vpiv, on iroXXoi Trpotpijrai
many, prophets and because For verily I say to yon, that
righteous men have de- they hear. many prophets
sired to see those things Kai s
which ye see, and have
StKaioi ETTE9vp,r)Gav ISeiv 8. ^Xettete, Kai ovk eISov'1
not seen them; and to and righteous [men] desired to see what ye see, and 2not 'saw ;

hear those tilings which Kai aKovaai il Kai ovK.r]Kovaav.

ye hear, and have not and
to hear what ye hear, and heard not.
heard them.
18 Hear ye therefore 18 'YuEig ol<v aKovvaTE tt/v TrapafioXrjv tov tffTrEipovTog'^
the parable of the *Ye Hherefore 'hear the parable of the sower,
sower. 19 When any
one heareth the word 19 HavTog.aKovovTog rbv Xoyov rr)g fiaoiXEiag Kai jjtr)
of the kingdom, and When any one hears the word of the kingdom and not [it]

B n + avrou
envi^av T. a.Koveti' T[Tr]A. (read his disciples) L. eltrav TTrA.
k Sia. ri LTrA. '
avrois t. m
(read avrois in them) GLTTrAW.
ett' n +
[awui/] (read
their ears) iy. I shall heal LTTrA. P in>v L[TrAJ. q aicovovcr^ LTTrA,
yap for T. (I6av LTr ; ISav T. l
0"Kep<WT0s LTlrA.
uhderstandeth it not.
uvvikvroQ, tpx^Tai 6 TTOviipbq Ktti
dpirdZ,Ei to Emrapixwov then comoth the wu-k-
cornes 'the 2 wicked 3 ono and catches away that which was sown cd one, and- catcheth
away that which was
iv ry.KapSio:MVTOV' oi>rdg tffrip Trapd tt)v bdbv airapEig. sown in his heart.
in his heart. This is he who by the way was sown. This is he whioh re-
20 '0.d( kiri to. 7Trpw<5;/ (nrapEig, oiirog kariv 6 rbvXoyov ceived seed by the way
And ho who upon the rocky places was sown, this is he who the word side. 20 But he that
received the seed into
atcovtov Kai Ev9vg fiera xapag Xap:j3dvu)v avrov 21 ovk stony; places, the same
is he that heareth the 3
hears and immediately with joy receives it ;
word, and anon with
tXtt- 3k pi^av Iv iavrtp, dXXd vrpooKaipog gtlv' yevo[isvr)Q.Se joy receiveth it 21 yet ;

"has "but root

in himself, but temporary is ; but *having Viscn hath he not root in
himself, but dureth for
9Xi^/Eiog 2 r) Siioy/Mov Sid tov Xoyov, Ev9vg okciv- a while : for when
'tribulation or persecution on account of the word, immediately he is tribulation or perse-
cution ariseth because
daXiZzrat.. 22 'O.^e elg .Tag aicdvQag ciraptig, ovrog iafiv of the word, by and by-
offended. And he who among the thorns was sown, this is he is offended. 22 ife
also that received seed
6 TOV \6yov ctKovuiv, Kai r) fi'tpifiva Tov.aia)yog. 1'TOVTOV n among the thorns is
he who the word hears, and the care 6f this life he that heareth the
word and the care of
Kai tf aTca.Tr) tov ttXovtov '"ovfnrviyu^ rbv \6yov, Kai aKap-rrog this

world, and the

and the deceit of Tidies choke the word, and unfruitful deceitf ulness of riches,

x choke the word, and

yiverai. 23 'O.Sk 7r tt)v yr)v rr)v KaXrjv" oirapzig, oiiTog he
becometh unfruit-
it becomes But he who on the ground the good was sown, this ful. 23 But he that
received seed into the
iffviv 6 tov Xoyov aKoviov Kai favvi(i)v' og Sr)

Kap- good ground i3 he that

is he who' the word hoars and understands ; who indeed brings heareth the word,
Tro<popti, Kai ttoieI
b* .fitv EKarov,
b .Sk etirjKOVTa, z b^.dt and undarstandethtt;
z n
which also beareth
forth fruit, and produces one a hundred, another sixty, another
fruit, and-- bringeth
forth, some an hun-
TpiCLKQVTa. dredfold, some sixty,
thirty. some thirty.
24 "AXX.rjv TrapafioXr/v irapkQrjKEV aurdig, Xeywv, 'Qfioiu>- .

Another parable put he before them, saying, "has become
24 Another parable
Or/ fiaoiXeia 3 twv ovpav&v
t) avdp&Tnp ^gite'i joovri" KaXbv put he forth unto
"like 'the
-kingdom of *the 6 heavens to a man sowing good them, saying, The
kingdom of heaven is
Gtrepfia ev T^t.aypifi.avTov' 25 kv.8i.T<[i.Ka9vSeiv
Tovg av9pw- likened unto a man
seed in his field but while slept
; Hhja -"men which sowed good seed
b in his field 25 but
ir&ug t)X9ev avTOV 6 lx9pbg- Kai eo~7rEipEv Z,iZ,dvia dvd fiearov while men slept, his
tt :

came his enemy and sowed darnel in [the] midst

enemy came and sowed
tov o'itov, Kai aTT^XOev. b xoprog, tares among the wheat,
26 OTE.Sk ifSXaarriaEV
and went his way.
of the wheat, and went away. And when
*blade, 26 But when the blade
^sprouted 'the

Kai Kapirbv ETroirjcrEv, tote Ifyavr) Kai rd Z,iZ.avia. 27 7rpoaaX- was sprung up, and
2 3 brought forth fruit,
and fruit produced, then appeared also the darnel. Having come then the appeared
Se oi SovXot tov oikoSegttotov eIitov avrip, tares also. 27 So the
Kvpi } servants of the house-
*to[ him] 'and the bondmen of the master of the house- said to him, Sir, holder came and said
e unto him, Sir, didst
0V%1 KaXbv oirkpfia o\J aypqi; tco9ev o$v not thou sow
'ioiripag^ kv ry
3 6
seed 'didst "thou *sow in
thy field ? whence then good seed
good in thy field? from
Td v Z,iC,avia ; 28 'O.tik t(pr) avToig, 'Ex,9pbg av9pu)7rog whence then hath it
has it And he said to them, "an 'enemy 'a tares ? 28 He said unto
the darnel ?
them, An enemy hath
rouro Eiroir}OEv. 6i.Sk dovXoi n 1eIttov avTift," OeXe ig ovv done this. The ser-
' 5
did. And the bondmen said to him, Wilt thou then vants said unto him,
Wilt thou then that, we
dirEX96vTEg avXXk'iojfiEv aura; 29 'O.Se sfyrt,* Ov- go and gather them
[that] having gone forth we should gather them ? But he said, No up? 29 But he said, ;

Nay lest while ye ga- ;

(jl7]7tote avXXkyovTEg Ta %i%dvia, e/vjot^ojcnjre cifia avrolg tov

ther up the tares, ye
lest gathering the darnel, ye should uproot them
the root up also the wheat
h with them. 30 Let both
cItov. 30 d(pETE avvav%dvsG9ai d/xcpoTEpa fitxpi" tov 9Epiafj.ov' grow together until .

wheat. Suffer to grow together both until the harvest j the harvest and in :

tovtov {read of w TA. *
awie is
life; LTTrA. avvTTvlyei. Ka\rjv yrjv LTTrA. X
LTTr. o LT. aireipavrL [who] sowed LTTrA. enianeipev sowed over LTTrA.
c d to GLTTrAW. SoOAoi (read oi Se and they) a. l avrto
eo-jreipes Tr. * Aeyow*
atv say to hiru LTrA e <j>r)<rw says LTTrA. h iws until LlrA.
; keyovaw avrif T.
36 M AT9 A I S. XIII,
the time of harvest I
will hiiy to the reapers,
Kai iv V^j" Katpa} rov 9epiapov ipw rolg Gepiaralg, ZvX-
Gather ye together and in the time of the harvest I will say to the harvest men, G
first thetares, and hind
them in bundles to Xe^are irpCJrov rd iaz'2, (cat oijaare avrd hig tl

burn them: but ther
first the darnel, and bind thcru into bundles
the wheat into my avra' airov
barn. ^avi'aydyere" fit; n)v
to burn them ;
but the wheat bring together into

my granary.
Another parable
31 31 "AXXrjv 7rapaf3oXi)v Trap'e9t}Kev avroig, Xeywv, 'Ofioia
put he forth unto Another
The parable put lie before them, .saying, Like
them, saying,
kingdom of heaven is iariv ?'/ fiaaiXeia riov ovpavwv kokkw aivdireiog, ov Xa-
like to a grain of the of the heavens to a grain of mustard, whichhaving
is kingdom
seed, which
a man took, and sowed (3ujv avOpoJTrog 'iaireipev iv r^.dypip.ahrov' 32 o
in his field 32 which taken,
a man sowed in his field which less ;
indeed is the least of
all s-eeds : but when it
[lev tariv irai'Ttov ru>v a'nepfxarwv, au^)]9?j
is grown, it is the indeed is than all the seeds, but when it be grown,
greatest among herbs,
and becometh a fiel^ov tujv Xa^dviov iariv Kai yiverai ware
tree, d&vcpov,
so that the birds of greater than the herbs is, and becomes a f.o that
the air come and lodge
in the branches there- iXGelv ret *xereivd rov
ovpavov Kai IV rolg

of. come the birds of the heaven and roost in the

icXaooig avrov.
branches of it.

33 Another parable
33 "AXXtfv 7rapaj3oXt)v iXdXijaev avroig, *0/ioia iariv
spake he unto them Another
spoke he

The kingdom of hea- parable to them, Like is the

ven is like unto leaven, ru>v
which a woman took, fiaaiXeia of the ovpaviov ^,vfiy, i)v Xafiovaa yvv>) ivtKpvxpev
heavens tc leaven, which having taken, a woman
and hid in three mea- kingdom hid
sures of meal, till the eig
dXevpcv vara rpia, eujg.ov 2 iZ,vp,ui9r) bXov.
whole was leavened. in 3
of "'meal 2
seahs 'three, until was ^leavened 'all.
34 All these things 34 Tavra rrdvra iXdXi)aev b Tr]aovg iv 7rapaj3oXalg rolg
spake Jesus unto the
multitude in parables
These ^things 'all spoke Jesus in parables to *^"
*- the m
and without a parable oxXoig, Kai \wpig TrdpafioXijg m 'ovK

iXdXei avroig' 35 biriog

spake he not unto crowds, and without a parable 3
not 'he -spoke to them ; so that
them : 35 that it might
be fulfilled which was 7rXT]pw9y rb pi]9iv #id rov Trpo<r)rov n , Xeyovrog,
spoken by the prophet, might be fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet, saying,
saying, I will open my
mouth in parables ;
I 'Avoi,u) iv 7rapaj3oXalg rb.ar6p,a./.ioV iptv^of.iat KEKpvppeva
will utter things which I will open in parables my mouth I will utter things hidden :

have betn kept secret u

from the foundation aTrb KarufioX^g Kbap.ou.
of the world. from [the] foundation of [the] world.

36 Tore dtyeig rovg oxXovg, i]X9ev eig rqv oiKiav

36 Then Jesus sent Then having dismissed the crowds, -went 3 into ''the 5
the multitude away, p6 1
Tjjaovg' Kai iTrpocv/XOoi/ avrip oi.fxa9r)rai.avrov , Xeyovreg,

and went into the

'Jesus; and came to him his disciples, saying,

house and his dis-


ciples came unto him,

saying, Declare unto
rjplv n)v irapajioXrjv rw ^iZ,av'uov rov dypov.
Expound to us the parable of the darnel. of the field.
us the parable of the
s n
tares of the field. 37 'O aiz^ipwv rb KaXiv
37 He answered and
'O.'Se a7T0Kpi9eig elirev avrolg,
And he answering said to them, He who sows the good
said unto them, He
that soweth the good
iariv 6 vibg rov dv9pwTrov' 38 b.Se dypog iariv b
seed is the Son of man seed is the Son
; of man a.ud the field is tha ;
38 the field is the world;
the good seed are the Koafiog' KaXbv ankpfia, olroi eiaiv oi vioi r^g f3aaiXeiag'
children of the king- world and the good seed, ;
these are the sons of the kingdom ;

dom ; but the tares are

the children of the Z,iZ,dvid eiaiv oi vioi rov irovripov' 39 b.Se ix9pog
wicked one; 39 the but the darnel are the sons of the evil [one]; and the enemy
enemy that sowed l
them is the devil the b orreipag avrd iariv^ b Sidf3oXog'
harve-t is the end of who sowed them is the devil and the harvest [the] com- ;

tw GLTTrAW. J 61? (rert(J[in]) [Tr] A.
crvvdyere LTr. KaraaKrjvolv ltt.a.
m ovSki>
DothinJ i.tti a. n + 'HcrouGv Isaiah t. Koo-fiov LTTrA. p 6 'Iijtrov? be wei
D? (read he went) ltti-a.
n-pocnJA0a>/ LTr.
Stao-dc/jTjcrof explain LTr.
8 avrots LTTiA eo-rte Qffnzipas avr U
v tonv the world and the elatv.
riXsia roi)" aiwvog Qepiarai dyy^Xoi ol.Se ;

reapers are the angels.

pletion of the
age is, and the harvest men angels are. 40 As therefore the
w /cara- tares are gathered and
40 ilocnrep ovv cruXXeye-ai to. Z,iC,avia, Kai -rrvpi burned in the fire so
As therefore is gathered the darnel, and in fire is con-
shall it be in the end

x of this world: -11 The

Kaiercti," ovtojq tffrai' iv ry avvTeXeia Tov.aiu>vog. rovTOV."
Son of man shall send
sumed, thus it shall be in the completion of this age.
forth his angels, and
11 fl7TOC7r\l O VLUQ TOV dl'OpiOTTOV TOVQ dyyiXovg:avTov, they shall gather out
5 3
of 4 inan of his kingdom- all
shall 6 send 'forth 'the "Son his angels,
things that offend, and
Kdi trvXXe^ovffiv sk T>jg.i3a(nXiag.auTov -kavra ra GKavfiaXa them which do in-
and they shall gather out of his kingdom all the offences iquity 42 and shall

cast them into a fur-

Kai tovq TToiovvTag rr\v avoj.iiav, 42 Kai fiaXovaiv avrovg nace of fire there shall

and those who lawlessness, be wailing and gnash- and they shall cast them
ing of teeth. 43 Then
eig rr)v Kctfxivov tov Trvpog' t/cfT iarai 6 icXauOfiog Kai 6 shall the righteous
into the furnace of the fire : there shall be the weeping and the shine forth as the sun
in the kingdom- of
jSpvyjj.6g tujv' odSvrojv. 43 tots, Who
o'i SiicaioL fK\d[iipov(Jiv 6>g their Father.
gnashing of the teeth. Then the righteous shall shine forth as hath ears to hear, let
him hear.
b ijXiog iv ry fiaaiXfiq. Tov.7raTpbg.avTuJif. 'O ix oJV & TCt
the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that has ears
f ClKOV'lV^
to hear let him hear.
z 44 Again, the king-
44 HdXiv n bfioia ioriv r) fiaoiktia tujv ovpavujv Qrjaavpa) dom of heaven is like
Again like is the kingdom of the heavens to treasure unto treasore hid in a
field the which when iv toj dypoj, ov evptvv dvQpioiror tKpvxpev, a man hath found, he

3 4
hid in the .which having found 'a "man hid,
field, and for hideth, joy
a thereof and
icai airo Ting yapag cwtov VTrayu Kai 7rdvTa oua t%ei goeth
sellcth all that he
and for the joy of it goes and all things as many as he has
hath, and buyeth that
7ro>Xst," Kai ayopdZ,u Tov.dypov.iKEivov.
he sells, and '

buys that field.

45 TlciXiv ojioia i<TTiv rj (BaaiXtia tujv

ovpaviov dv9puj7rip 45 Again, the"king-
Again like is heavens
the kingdom .of the to a man dom of heaven is like
b unto a merchant man,
ifXTTopu), Z,i]tovvti KaXovg /xapyapiTag' 46 og evpojv" fva seeking goodly pearls :

a merchant, seeking beautiful pearls who having found one ; 46 who, When he had
found one pearl of
TroXvTip.QV napyapiTTjv, a7T\9wv TTiirpaKEv irdvTa 'baa
great price, went and
very precious pearl, having gone away has sold all things as many as sold all that he had,
and bought it.
s'x^v, Kai riyopaasv avrov.
ha had, and bought it,

47 IlaXiv b/ioia iffTiv ?) ftatJiXeia tujv ovpavwv ffayrjvy

Again kingdom of the
likeheavens to a dragnet
is the

l3X)]9si(7y elg T))v OdXaoaav, icai tK iravTog ytvcwg ^vvaya-

cast into -the sea, and of every kinS gathering 47 Again, the king-

yovay' 48 ip> ore i-rXripujO)) dvaf3tf3d<javTc

c d
iTri tov dom of heaven is like
unto a net, that was
together ;
which when it was filled having drawn up on the
cast into the sea, and
aiyiaXov, /cai" KaQiaavTfg avviXe^av tu KaXd tig ayysTa," gal hered of every kind:
4H which, when it was
shore, and having sat down they collected the good into vessels,
full, they drew to
rd.di 49 o'vrwg inrai iv ry GvvTtXfiq. shore, and sat down,
aaxpd I^uj 'i/3aXov.
ami the corrupt 3
out 'they -cast. Thus shall it be in the completion and gathered the good
into vessels, but cast
row atujj'og' iZtXtvaovTai o'i
dyyeXoi, Kai d(popiovaiv. Tovg the bad away. 49 :-o
of the 3 4 5
and shall separate the shall it be at the end
age: shall go out 'the -angels,
of the world : the an-
vovtjpovg K pkaov rwv
Kai fiaXovaiv avrovc gels shall come forth, SiKa'tuJV,
and sever the wicked
wicked from and them
[the] midst of the righteous,
sluall cast
from among the just,
eig Tt)v Kafiivov tov Trvpog' eke! tarai 6 KXavQpbc Kai 6 50 and shall ca*t them
into the furnace of the fire: there shall be the wailing and the into the furnace of
fire there shall be

fipvyfiig tJ)V oSqvtcjv. wailing and gnashing

gnashing of the teeth. of teeth.

tou {read of [the] ) LTTrA. w Kaierai is bunted GTrA. tovtov (read the age) lttt[ a].
y atcoveiv [l,]t[Ti-Ja. z -
7raAi!'[l.jTTrA. rrioAei 7rai'Ta 6o"a e'x e< LTTrA
evpojv Se GLTT. A-

c d cai 67r't e
+ avrqv it l[ aJ. ror aiytaAoi/'L ; eni Toy atyiaAbi' [/cai j A. ayyif TTrA.
Jesus saith trato
51 ZA'iyei avroXgb. iTjffowf," ravra irdvra\
," TLvvrjKarz
them, Have- ye under- 3
to nhein Have ye understood 2 these 'things 'all?
stood all these tilings? -Says 'Jesus,

They say unto him, Aiyovcriv avrtp, Nat, Kvpi.* 52 '0.3k 'tlTrev" avrolg; Aid
Yea, Lord. 52 Then
said he unto them, They sr.y to him, Yea,
Therefore every scribe rovro ttclq
wkich is instructed un- this
to the kingdom of every scribe

And he said
ypa/.iparei>g /.laOrjrfvOdQ *i'c rrjv (3aaiXeiav
into the
to them, Because of


of the
heaven is like unto a ouoiog Ittlv av9pioirii) o'iKob'to ivory, oarig tK(3a\\u
man that is an house- heavens "like 'is * to. a man a master of a house, who puts forth
holder, which bringeth
forth out of his trea- Ik rov .9r)aavpov .avrov Kaivd Kai iraXaid.
sure things new and out of his treasure [things] new and old.
53 Kai iysvero ore irkXtaev 6 'hjaovg rag 7rapa(3oXdg
53 And it came to And it came to pass when "had "finished 'Jesus Sparables
pass, that when Jesus '

had finished the^e ravrag, p,eri]pev tictWev'

54 Kai iX9<l>v
ig ttjv rrarpiSa.
parables, he departed 'these, he withdrew thence ;
and having come into country
thence. 54 And when
he was come into his avrov, iSiSacrKEV avrovg iv ry.avvayMyy.avriov, tocrre HkttXijt-
own country he taught 'his [-own], he taught
, them in their synagogue, so that were
them in their syna-
gogue, insomuch that rea9ai n avrovg Kai Xsyeiv,Jl69ev rovrip y.o-otpia.avTt) Kai
they were astonished, astonished 'they and said, Whence to this [man] thi3 wisdoin and
and said, Whence hath
this man this wisdom, ai Svvdpeigi 55 ov.x ovrog iariv 4 6 rov rfKrovog viog;
the 6 of 7 the
2 3 e 5
and these mighty the works of power ? not this 'is carpenter son? [Is]
works ?55 Is not this m
the carpenter's son ? oi>x'" r].p.r]Tr\p.avrov Xkyerai Mapiap,, Kai oi.doeX<poi.avrov
is not his mother not his mother called Mary, and his brethren
called Mary? and his a
'la.Kwf3og Kai 'Iioo->jg
Kai Sipuv Kai 'lovSag; 56 Kai at
brethren, James, and and
Joses, and Simon, and James and Joses and Simon and Judas ?

Judas ? 56 and his sis-

ters, are they not all aSeXipai.avTOV oi'X l Trauai
irpbg ypdg elaiv; tt69ev ovv rovrtft
3 2
not 5
all with 'us 'are? whence then to this
with us ? Whence then his ''sisters
hath this man all these ravra 57 Kai iaKavSaXiZ,ovro iv avr<p. '0 SI
things? 57 And they
2 3
were offended in him. [man] these things 'all? And they were offended in him. But
But Jesus said unto sIttbv avrolg, Ovk lariv Trpo<pi)rr}g
'Irjffovg drt/xog ei./xn
them, A prophet is nof Jesus said to them, ''not
is 'a "prophet without honour except

without, honour, save

in his own country, iv v
ry.irarplSi. avrov Kai iv ry.oiKia.avrov. 58 Kai ovk
and in his own house. in and And ^ot
58 And he did not many
his [own] country in his [own] house.
mighty works there tTToir\(jBv tKei Svvdfi'etg TroXXdg Sid ri\v'.airiariav .avrwv.
because of their un- 'he-Mid there 2 works 3 of because of their unbelief.
'power 'many
14 'Ev tKeivoj rip Kiuptp fjKovtjtv 'HpwSi]g o ^rerpdpxTjg
XTV. At that time At that time heard Herod the tetrarch
Herod the tetrarch 2 Kai sXtzzv r o\g. it aiaiv. avrov, Oiirog iariv
heard of the fame of rijv aKoi)v 'Irjaov,
the fame of Jesus, and said to his servants, This is
Jesus, 2 and said unto
his servants, This is
'lu)dvvi\g 6 fia7rriari]g' avrog rjy'sp9r] arrb rwv vsKpwv, Kai
John the Baptist he John the ;
he is risen from the and
Baptist dead, :
isrisen from the dead;
and therefore mighty Sid '
rovro ai Svvdpeig ivtpyovaiv iv avroj. 3 'O yap
works do shew forth because of this the works of power in him. For
themselves in him.
s r
'HpwSrjg Kparrjaag rbv 'Iwcivvrjv tSrjaev avrbv Kai i9ero
3 For Herod had laid
hold on John, and
, Herod having seized John bound him and put
bound him, and put
Aim in prison for iv 0uAaicy," Sid 'HpioSidSa n)v yvvdiKa ^QiXiinrov^
Herodias' his [him] in 4
sake, prison, on account of Herodias the wife Philip
brother Philip's wife.
4 For John said unto rov.dS(X<pov,avTov. 4 tXsyev.ydp y avrtp b 'lojdvvrjg, n Ovk
him, It is not lawful 2 3
'of his brother. Foresaid Ho^im 'John, 'Not
for thee to have her.
5 And when he would t'i(.ariv aoi i\tiv avrt)v. 5 Kai 9iXiov avrbv diroKr&vai,
s 3 a
have put him to death, it "is lawful for thee to have her. 'And wishing him 'to .kiU,

8 h
Ae'yei avTOi? 6 'Iijcrovs LTTrA. Kvpie LTTrA.
Aeyet says L. eP T17
fioicriKeLa. in the kingdom l ; fiaenkeia to the kingdom GTTrA.
I100S)'/) Joseph LTTrA. -f St<j Own T. P avrov
TeTpadpxvs T
(read [his]) LTTrA. 1 - avrbv T. ev rrj ( rjj t) ^vAajcjJ
OLTreOeTO in the prison put [him] aside LTTrA. *
*iAt'n-7rov T 6
[tJa. (

luidvvrjs avTi2 LI.

he feared the multi-
i(po[5i]9rj rov oxXov, on u>
TrpoiprjTrjv avTov dxov. tude, because they
he feared the multitude because as a prophet hiin they held. coun ted him as a pro-
6 "yEVEGLUJV.ds dyofisvtov TOv'Hpiodov,wpx>)<Taro r) Ovyarnp
But a birthday being celebrated of Herod,

"danced 'the "daughter

k e pt
j ne daughter of

7 '69ev Herodias danced be-

r)c3 'H|Ow<?ia<5o tv r<p fikaqt, irai ijpEGEv Tip 'RpwSy and pleased
fore them,
of 4 Herodias in the midst, and pleased Herod Whereupon ;
Herod. 7 Whereupon he
Soiivai o*i-dv airija i]rai. 8 ' promise with an oath

fiiff opKov w/.ioX6y)]<JEV avrrj to give her whatsoever

with oath he promised to her to give whatever she should ask. But she
she would ask. 8 And
Aog wSe. she, being before in-
TrpofiiflaaOtiaa vtto Tqg.jxrjTpbg.avT^g, /xoi, (prjcriv,
being urged on by her mother, Give me, she says, here structed of her mother,
said, Give me here

itriTcivaici tt\v KEfaXrjv 'Iwdvvov rov j3a7rTi(?rov. 9 Kai John Baptist's head
upon a dish the head of John the Baptist.' And in a charger. 9 And the
7 n
king was sorry: never-
yi\v7n']9if 6 (3a<riXEvg' did. Se rovg opKovg Kai rovg theless for the oath's
sake, and them whicL
a was 4
grioved 'the "king; bat on account of the oaths and those who
sat with him at meat,
avvavctKEi^ikvovg IiceXevgev $o9i')7>at.' 10 Kai 7ri[x-^ag he commanded it to be
reclined with [him at table] he commanded [it] to be given. And having sent given her. 10And he
sent, and beheaded
a 11 Kai tjvsx^V
aTrEKEtyaXioev roi>" 'Iwavvrjv iv tij (pvXaKy. John in the prison.
tie beheaded John in the prison. And 3 was 4 brought 11 And his head was
brought in a charger,
7ri, Kai iS69r] Tip Kopaatit)' Kai ?)i>- and given to the dam-
'his "head on a dish, and was given to the damsel, and she sel and she brought

% , ~ t ,-> > /,
' *
n \
_ ~ it to her mothe
E-/KEV Ty./.u]rpi.avr))g. rz Kanrpo<TE\vovTg oi-paUriTat-avrov 12 And his disc i
brought [it] to her mother. And having come his disciples came, and took up the
b c body, and buried it,
ijpap to <7w/xa," Kai Wa^av clvt6"' Kai iXOovTEg d-KqyyEiXav and went and told
took the body, and buried it ;
and having come told Jesus. 13 When Jesus
d heard of it, he departed
Tip 'Ijjctou. 13 /cai aKOvaag" 6 'Irjaovg dv%ap?y(T6v LkeWev thence by ship into a
[it] to Jesus. And 2 3
having heard 'Jesus withdrew thence desert place apart.
iv ttXo'kjj Eig 'ipv)\iov tottov KaT.lSiav.
by ship to a desert place apart.
Kai cLKovaavTEg o\ oxXoi i]KoXov9riuav ai>Ttp
And. having heard [of it] the crowds followed him on foot
And when the people f
dirb twv ttoXeujv. 14 Kai t&X9<i>v
tliereoj, they o 'h]aovg n eIcev ttoXvv had heard
from the cities. followed him on foot
And having gone out Jesus saw grcat
out of the cit ies. 14 And
oxXov, Kai EG7rXayxvi(79>] Sir ZaUTOVg,"Kaiti)Epa7TEV(TEV Jesus went forth, and
a crowd, and was moved with compassion towards them, and healed saw a great multitude,
h and was moved with
TOvg.appwaTovg.avTUJV . 15 'Oxpiag.Sk yEvo^.EW]g 7rpo<TJ]\0ov" compassion toward
. their infirm. And evening having come came them, and he healed
their sick. 15 And
avTtp oi.fia9i]TaiJavTov ," XiyovTEg, "Ep)]/J,6g lariv 6 T07rog, when it was evening,
tohim his disciples, saying, Desert is the place, his disciples came to
saying, This is a
Kai V aipa V ij8i] 7raprjX9EV n uttoXvoov Tovg oxXovg, "wa him,

deiert place, and the

and the time already dismiss the crowds, that time is now
is gone by :
past send ;

the multitude away,

a.7TEX96vTEg Eig Tag Kibfiag dyopaaioaiv (3piofiaTa. that they may go into tavToig
having gone into the villages they may buy for themselves meat. the villages, and buy
16 '0.cL m 'hi<Jovg u eIttev avToig, Ov X9*- iav tX 0V(Tlv a.TreX9Etv' themselves victuals.
16 But Jeaus said unto
But Jesus said
to them, :No *need 'they have to go aw ay:
them, They need not
Sots avToig vuE~ig aayElv. 17 Xkyovaiv avTip, OvK.EXt ltv de P ar *; 1
Sote l
m ^J*,
give =to them
ye to eat. But they say to him, We have / *^ *^ f^
not^ ^y
WOE et.urj 7TEVTE dpTOVg dpTovg Kai CVO cvo ix9vag. IS'O.Se e'lTTEV, (Pip^TE have here tut five
And he said, l a e andd two fishes.
here except five loaves and two fishes. And Bring loaves,
j .^ ^"JfV?

18 He said, Bring them

ojce. 19 Kai KeXEvaag Toiig oxXovg dva- hither to me. 19 And
/not ai)T0vg commanded the
to J me 'them here. And having commanded the crowds to ro- he
multitude to sit down
Tovg -k'zvte dprovg on the grass, and took

KXi9>jvai i-rri TOvg xopTovg," P/cat' Xaj3ojv

cline on the and having taken the five loaves the five loaves, and the

w Se but
yei/eo-tois Se yevo/xeVots LTTrA.
* av LTrA. *
XvirqOeU being grieved LTTrA.
c aVTOV him TTrA. d i/COVO-as Se LTTrA.
a T bLTIrA. b
TTT^fXa Corpse LTTr. b
7T^ol T. t 6 'IrjcroOs (react he Saw) LTTrA. e aVToTs GLTTiAW. 7TpO(ri]\eav LTr.
' avrou {read the disciples; LTTrA/ k
nap^Oey tjStj t. + ovv thereiore l '

m 'Iqcrous (read he said; i. w6e avrov's LTTrA. rov ^6p rov LIIr V Kai GLXXrAW, '
40 MAT 9 A I 2. XIV.
two fishes, and looking Kal
tovq Svo ixdvag, ava(3\sipag etg tov
up to heaven, he bless- and the two fishes, having looked up to the ovpavbv
he blessed
ed, and brake, andgave

the loaves to his dis- Kal eSujkev T0~ig /laOiiraig Tovg dprovg, ol.Sk fia-
ciples and the disci- and having broken he gave to the disciples the loaves, and the dis-
ples to the multitude.
20 And they did all
Qijrai Tolg oyKoiQ. 20 Kal tcbayov irdvTEg Kal i\opTaaQr\<yav
eat,and were filled : 2
And and were
ciples to the crowds. ate 'all satisfied ;
and they took up of
the fragments thatre- Kal
7]pav to 7rEpirraevov twv icXacrufiTiov, S(i>ekci
niained twelve baskets and
they took up that which was over and above of the fragments, twelve
full. 21 And they that
had eaten were about Kocpivovg TrXrjpEig. 21 laOiovreg fjcrav dvopeg iogeI
five thousand -men, hand-baskets fulL And those who ate were men about
beside women and
% W P'C yvvaiKu>v
T n
children 7revTaKi<7xi\ioi, Kal 7raiSicov.
five thousand, besides women and children.
22 Kal s
tuQ'eujg" rtvayKaoEv
'lrjaovg TOvg.^.a9rfTqg."avTov !)
n li

And immediately Compelled 'Jesus his disciples

And straightway
rrpodyEiv avTOV elg to Trkpav,
if.ifi?ivai Eig T0 t\o7ov Kai
Jesus constrained his to enter into the and to go before him to the other side,
disciples to get into a
ship, and to go before
him unto- the other
tuig.oi) airo\i>o~y Tovg oxXovg. 23 Kal cnroXvaag Tovg
until he should have dismissed the crowds. And having dismissed the
side, while he sent
the multitudes away. oxkovg avkfiri elg to bpog KaT.lSiav 7rpoo-Ev%aa9ai. 'Oi//t-
23 And when he had crowds he went up into the mountain apart to pray. *Even-
sent the multitudes
away, he went up into ag Si yei'o/.<h'r)g fiovog f]v ekeZ- 24 TrXoTovijSrj *fieo~ov
a mountain apart to ing 'and being come alone he was there. But the ship now in [the] midst
pray-: and when the n
evening was come, he Tr\g BaXdaar\g f]v, fSao~aviZ,ofiEvov vtto tujv kv/jlAtcov 7]v yap
was there alone. 24 But of the sea was, tossed by the waves, 'was 'for
the ship was now in
the midst of the sea, IvavTiog 6 dvepog. 25 TETapT7j.Sk (pvXaKij Tt)g WKTog
3 watch of the
tossed with waves :
"contrary 'the wind. But in [the] fourth night
for the wind was con- l a
trary. 25 And in the yd.Trr)X9ev irpbg
avTovg t>
TrepnraTwv ettI r//g 9aXdo~-
2 3 on
fourth watch of the went to "them 'Jesus, walking the sea.
night Jesus went unto c
them, walking on the 07/C."
26 h Kal ISovTEg avTov oi fj.aOi]Tal h ettI ti)v 9dXa6nav'i
3 2
sea. 26 And when the And seeing
*him 'the disciples on the sea
disciplessaw him
"Ort cpavTacrfid. ecttiv'
walking on the sea, TTEpiirarovvTa ETapdx9t]0~av, XkyovTEg,
they were troubled, walking were troubled, saying, An apparition it is :

saying, It is a spirit ; d e
and they cried out for
Kai dirb tov (p6j3ov EKpa^av. 27 d'9ktitg n .Se IXoXtjctev av-
fear. 27 But straight- and through fear they cried out. But immediately spoke to
way JesUB spake unto n
rolg 6 Tr}0~ovg, Xkyiov, QapaeiTE, iyuMfit, ixt).^>o(3e 7ct9e.
them, saying, Be of 4 them Be of good courage, I am [he], tear not,
'Jesus, saying,
good cheer it is I
; ;

be not afraid. 2S And {

avTOj 6
Peter answered him 2S.'A7roKpi9elg Se eIttev^ Kvpiz, ei ov.eI, Hhpog
and said, Lord, if it be And answering him Peter said, Lord, if it be thou,

thou, bid me come un- keXevctov ae eX9e7v ettI to. vSaTa. 29 O.Sk eIttev, 11

to thee on the water. fXE %irp6g

29 And he said,
me 3 to *thee 'to "come upon the waters. And he said,
Ad when Peter was 'E\0. Kal KaTa/3dg dirb tov wXoiov "6". YiETpog TTEpiETTa-
come down out of the Come. And having descended from the ship Peter walk
ship, he walked on the
tirl rd vSaTa, lXue'iv TTpbg tov Tjjgovv. 30 j3Xettojv.Se
1 ii

water, to go to Jesus. ttictev

30 But when he saw to go to But seeing
the wind boisterous,
ed upon the waters, Jesus.

he was afraid and ;

TOV dvEfiov k io~X v P uvi t(poj3yi9i],
Kal dp^dfievog KdTa-Kov-
beginning to sink, he the wind strong he was affrighted, and beginning to
cried, saying, Lord,
save me. 31 And Ti%E0~9ai EKpat,EV, X'tyojv, Kipie, owgov jxe.
31 Eu0Wf.<5
immediately JesuB sink he cried out, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately
stretched forth hu
hand, and caught him 6 Ti)0~ovg EKTEivag
. ti)v x~~'P a tTEXafisTO avrov, Kal XeyEi
and said unto him, C Jesus having stretched out the hand took hold of him, and says
r "
iqvKoyrjaev LTrA. TraiSiuv Kai yvvaiKiov L. e"v6dw$ T. '
6 'lrjaovs (redd
he compelled) GLTTrAW. v
auTov (read the disciples) GTTrAW. w to (reada,
ship) Tr.
o-raSious 7toaAovs anb rijs yfjs avslxsv many stadia from the land was dis-
Ii/aovs (read he went) OLTTrAW.
tant Tr. 7
rjXOev LTTr. o tt)v Ba\a.<j(Tav
LTTr-A. *> oi Se fj.a6r]Tal l&6vTt<; avTW L loovres Se avrbv T. ;
tjjs 6aAdo"OT)? LTTr a.
'lrj<rovs avrots L
e o 6 'It)0-ovs T ; avroij [6 'Itjo"OV?J A. *
euOvs LTTr. , o lle'rpos
elrrei' auTa> L. 8 e\9elv 7tpos (7e LTTiA^ 1 -r- 6 illrA. Kai f)\$tV ftOld h(3 W6Ut I,
i-a\vpbv T.
Kai thou
iSioracrag', 32
] of little faith,
auT(p, 'OXiyi'nriaTE, Etg.Ti Hfj.(3avTU>v n hi Tore didst thou
And "having

to him, [thou] of little faith, why didst thou doubt ? 'entered

doubt? 32 And when
avrujv etg to 7r\o7ov tic<)7raaev b dveftog' 33 oi.Sk tv Tip they were come into
into the J
ccased -wind. And the ship, the wind
'they ship 'the those in the
ceased. 33 Then they
m n
that were in the ship
TrXoiip t\96vTEQ 7rpo(reiciii>i](7av avrco, Xkyoj'-Eg, 'AXijOwg came
having come worshipped him,
and worshipped
ship saying, Truly
him, saying, Of a truth
Qeov v'tbg el. thou art the Son of
of 'God 'Son thou art !
n v n
34 Kai Stamp ioavTtq i]X9ov e!g

rf\v yfjv Tevi^](japsT. 34 And when they

Ami having passed over they came to the land of Gennesuret. were gone over, they
come imo the land of
35 icai iiriyi'ovTtQ avrbv oi dvSpEg tov .tottov.Ike'ivov dir'f- Gennesaret. 35 And
And having recognized him the men .of that place sent when the men of that
place had knowledge
OTEiXav elg oA/jy Tt)v.TTEpixiopov.EKEivi]V, Kai TrpoaijvEyKav avnp of him, they sent out
to all that country round, and brought to him into all that country
about, round and
irdvrag rovg KaKU)glx oVTa Q' 36 Kai wapEicdXovu avrbv iva brought unto him all
all those who were ill and besought him;
that that were diseased ;

36 and besought him

fiovov aipwVTCLi tou Kpacnricov TOv.i/jariov.avToii' Kai that they might only
only they might touch the border of his garment and touch the hem of his ;

oaoi garment and as many :

i'l^avTO CiEGioQqaav. as touched were made

as many as touched were cured. perfectly whole.
15 Tore TcpooEpxovrai rip 'lijanv ^oi" dtrb 'lepoToXvpiojv
XV. Then came to
Then come to Jesus the 4 from 5
Jesus scribes and
ypapparE~ig 2Kai $>api(raToi,
Xkyovreg, 2 s Atari" oi fiaOijrai Pharisees, which were
3 3 of Jerusalem, saying,
'scribes and Phariseos, saying, Why disciples
do thy disciples
2 Why
nov Tcapafiaivovoiv. ti\v TrapdSoaiv rCJv TrpE<TJ3vrpojv; ov transgress the tradi-
Hhj 'transgress the tradition of the elders? ,
not tion of the elders ? for
they wash not their
yap v'nrTOvrai
rdg-Xtl pag. avTu)V brav dprov
iaOtioaiv. 3 'O.Sk hands when they eat
for 3
they wash when bread their hands they eat. But he bread. 3 But he an-
swered and said unto
aTroKpiOeig eItcev abrdig, "Atari" 3Kai v/idg -rrapafiaivETE ri)v them, Why do ye also
answering said to them, Why also -ye 'transgress the transgress the com-
mandment of God by
ivroXnv tov Qeov Sid rnv-TrapaSooiv.vfiixJV ;
4 'O ydp your tradition ? 4 For
commandment of God on account of your tradition ? For God commanded, say-
w H ing,Honour thy father
6Eog ^tvETEiXaTO, Aeywv," Tifia Tbv.TraTepa. aov Kai ti)v and mother and, Ho :

God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and that curseth father or
mother, let him die
lirjTspa' Kai 'O KOKoXoyiov Tvar'tpa r\ \m\TEpa, Qavdri^ re- the death. 5 But ye
mother and, He who speaks evil of
father or mother, by death let
say, Whosoever shall
say to liis father or his
Xeurarw. 5 vfiE~ig.Se Aeyere, "Og.dv ei7T{7 r</> -narpi 17 rg mother, It is a gift,
him But ye Whoever shall say to father or thou
die. say, by whatsoever
Kai n mightest be profited
prjTpi, Awpov, o.ldv ipov toxpfXtjOyg,
and by
me 6 and honour
whatever by me thou mightest be profited ;

mother, [It is] a gift :

not his father or his
mother, he shall be
ov.fir) TTifirjay" rov.iraTtpa.avTOV i] TT)V.{J.l]TEpa.aVTOV '

Thus have yo
his mother free.
in no wise honour his father or :
made the
a ment of God of none
6 Kai -nKvphxjaTE T))v tVToXijv" tov Qeov Sid rqv irapa- effect by your tradi-
and ye made void the commandment of God on account of "tra-
tion. 7 Ye hypocrites,
Soaiv vfxoJv. 7 'YTTOKpiTCii, mXiog h TrpoE<pr]TEv<TEv
Esaias pro-
-xepi bfxu>v well did
dition 'your. Hypocrites I well prophesied concerning you phesy of you, draweth
8 This people
GTopart nigh unto me with
'Haatag, Xkyuv, 8 'Eyyiei /zoi" b.Xabg.oiiTog Tip
Esaias, saying, Draws noar with 2 inouth their
to me mouth, $ and
this people
honoureth me with
avTuJv, Kai TOig-XtiXE(M> fiE Tipg,' r).SLKap8ia.avTwv iroppu) their lips ; but their
their, and with the lips "nie 'it ^honours ; but their heart far haart is far from me.

avapavTuv having gone up LTTrA.

e\96vres x[a].m " eni tt-. eU (read at +
Gennesavet) Ilr. P TtwqaapeQ LW. oi LTTr. *apicraioi Kal ypa^ijaaTei? TTr.

8ta Tt LTrA. ' avrojtf (read the hands) T[TrJ.

T elnev said LTr. w (read ow
* J Tt/tl^aet will he honour LTTrA. z
[thy]) GLTTrAW. Kai LTTr[AJ.
V TV" >

txriTtpa avrov i) a].

tov \6yov the^ word LTr toi> voixov the law ta. ;
e7rpo^>jjTevc c'
c d avriiiv Kai GLTTrA.
LTTrA. 'E-yyt'fet p.oi GLTTrA. T(j CTTOjuidTi
42 M A T 6 A .1 2. XV.
9 But in vain they do ^jj-fygj a7r' futH'. 9 UaTTjV.St (TtfioVTa'l /IE,
worship me, teaching .

*J f But in vain they worship mc, teaching [as]

far doctrines the com-
niandnients of men. SldaGKdXldg EVTaXflCLTO. aVVpti>7TU)V.
10 kl (


10 And he called the teachings injunctions of men. And having called to [him]
multitude, and said , , _ / . * -
i i
unto them, Hear, and TUV uyXoi' E'l7TE%> CWTOIC, AKOVETE Kdl (TWISTS. 11 OV
understand: 11 not cro wd he said to them, Hear and understand! not
that which goeth into , , , , 1 / - , ^
the mouth detileth a TO ElCTEpX^pSVOV Sig ro ^TOpa K01V01 TOV aVVplOTTOV
man; but that which that which enters into the mouth defiles the man;
mouth) thifdefilcth a dXXd TO SKirOpEVOfiEVOV fcK TOV CTOflCtTOQ, TOVTO KOIVOI
mun. but that which goes forth out of the mouth, this denies

TOV av9p<D7rov.
the man.
e !
ISThencamehisdis- 12 Tqte TrpoGEXQoi'TEQ o\.fia9r}Tai. avT0V ]i
unto Then having come to [him] his disciples said to hiin.
ciples, and said

that'th^arlsLswere OUdg OTl OL QapiOCUOl aKOlHTCLVTEQ TOV XojOV tffKdl'SdXi-

having heard the were of-
offended, after they Knowestthou that the Pharisees saying
a ovk
But ^e answered ffOtjaaV,
13 6Jk UlTTOKpi0Elg e'lTTEV, Ud(Td (pVTsiri i}v G
and said, Every plant, fended? But he answering said, Every plant which not
which my heavenly
has 'planted
VTivaEV 6.7TdTr]p.U0V b.OVpdVlOg, tKpl^,lo9{](TETdl. 14 d(pfTE
'my father
the -heavenly, shall be rooted up. Leave
ed^shall be footed up"

14 Let them alone $e rvcpXbv

avTOvg' %6S>iyoi siaiv

rix^Xot" TixpXoJv' TV<pXbg

thev be blind leaders
of the blind. And if
them ;
= 3
"=* are blind
-leaders Hhey ^
"7' """"
of blind
ul 3
blind 'and 5 blind

the blind lead the lav OCnyi}, au<pOTEpOl Eig [369vi>OV TTErJOVVTCll. 15 A7TOKpt.9Eig.0i
blind both shall fall
into the ditch. 15 Then
answered Peter and
aff n both into
a pit


wiU f all. And answering
__ ,, 7]j.llV

T)]V-7rCtpapoXl]V . TCtVT7]V ."

,o \ < h
R '

said unto him, Declare Pet r said to him

|, Expound to us this parable,
unto us this parable. ~ - . < y t ~ > i > >
16 And Jesus said, Are lQ O.OE. h]UOVg Ei7TEV, AKpi)V Kdl VUEtg CtGVVETOl
ye also yet without
3 s
But Jesus said, -Still also ^ye without "understanding 'are?
understanding? 17 Do k
, , , , ,

not ye yet understand, 17 OU7Tw" VOElTE OTl TCdV TO EKJTTOpEVOflEVOV Eig TO

2 into the
that whatsoever enter- 3
not*yet 'perceive ye that everything which enters
eth in at the mouth ., _
w ft Kai fl G , >, *.~
, n >\\ . ,, .

goeth into the belly, UTOpia Eig T1)V KOlXlClV % P > dtpEOpwVd Kpa\\.Tdl ,
and is cast out into m0 uth into the goes, and into [the] draught is cast forth ?
those tWngI which 18 TCL.CE IKTTOpEVOflEVd tK TOV OTOpdTOg EK Tljg
proceed out of the But the things which, go forth out of the mouth out of the
h f
Som theTart; Tnd Kdpdidg tUpX^dl, KdKElVd KOlVol TOV dv9pu>7TOV. 19 EK.ydp
thev defile the man. and these heart come forth, defile the man. Eor out of

devifthoughTs! rijg KapSiag ti&pxovrai 8ia\oy,(rpoi irovrtpoi, <p6voi, /"ivrtai.

murders, adulteries, the heart come forth =reasonings 'evil, murders, adulteries,

fahfiwimes's bw
iropveicu, KKoirai, $Evdofia P Tvpiai, (SXaa<p
mies 20 the'e are the fornications,
thefts, false-witnessings, blasphemies.
mdai. 20 tuvto.
These things
things which defile a

are they which defile the man;" but the with 3 unwashed
unwashsn hands de-
fileth not a man. tov
XEpfflv <bayE~iv oi'.KOivol dv9pwKov.
-hands 'eating defiles not the man.
21 Then Jesus went
thenoe, and departed 21 Kai eeX9wv IkeWev 6 'h]vovg dvExo>pr](TEV Eig rd fi'ipt)
into the coasts of Tyre And going forth thence Jesus withdrew to the parts
and Sidon. 22 And,
behold, a woman of TuOOU Kdl SldlOVOg. 22 Kdl 16<V, yVVT] XdVdVdld dTTO
Canaan came out of f Tyre and Sidon ;
and behold, a Voman 'Cananasan from
S C n m dvT<, n
crild Tnto hTm,' s^- Tuiv.op'iwv.&KEivwv f ZeXQovaa HicpdvydOv Xiyovca,
ing, Have mercy on those borders having come out cried to him, saying,

o?CPd7my'*d"h" 'EX^irov [IE, KvptE, vu Aa(3iS- v.9vydTr,p.fxov Kawg 8m-

iei is grievouslv vexed Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David ; my daughter miserably is poa-
h^answerld he'fnotl /iOVlfcmi. 23 *0.^ oi>Kjti**Kpi9n dVTTJ XoyOV Kdl TTpoa-
word. And his disci- sesped by a demon. But he answer ed 3 not 'her a word. And having
e _ avTov (read the disciples) lta. f
X.eyov<xi.v say ltt. a. b tv<!>\oC elat-v 66rjyol
h '
IrjaoCs (read he s.\id) LTTrA. ov not LTTr.
ravrqv (read the parable) ltti[a].
m o.vtc LTTri..
eKpa$ev LTr ; !/coa>/ T.
XV. M A TT II E \V. J 3
n pie-; came and be-
tX96vTEg o',a9>]rai.aurov "l'l(JWTU>l/ ccvtov, XsyovTEg, sought
eouie to his disciples asked him, saying,
[him] hiin, saying, Send her away; for she
h.Tto\vaov avrrjv, on Kpd&i utthtBev j'/juwv"
24 'O.ot (XTTOKpi- crieth after us. 21 But
he answered and said,

Disniiss her, forshe cries after us. But he answer- I am not sent
but unte
Oflg eIttev, OvK.d.7r<TTaXj}v ei:lh) eiq to. 7rp6/3ara til d.7roXwX6ra the lost sheep of the
I was not sent house of Israel. 25 Then
ing said, except to the sheep the lost
came she and worship-
oikov 'lapafjX. 25 'H.Je tXOoixra TTpovEKVVEi abrtp, ped him, saying, Lord,
of [the] house of Israel. But she having come did homage to him, help me. 26 But he
answered and said, It
Xkyovaa, Kvpte, (3ot)9el fioi. 26 '0.8e a7roKpiOeiQ eIttev, 3 Ovk is not meet to take the

saying, Lord, help me But he answering I

said, Not children's bread, and ,

to cast it to dogs.
v 'iara> icdX6v n tov. And she said,
Xci(3eZv dprov tlov tekvlov, Kai fiaXEi'v 27 Truth,
'it -'i3 good to take the bread Lord yet the dogs eat
of the children, and to cast [it] :

of the crumbs which

roig KwapioiQ. 27 'K.dt eIttev, Nat, Kvpis; Kai.ydp rd Kvvcipia fall from their mas-
to the little dogs. But she said, Yea, Lord: for even the little dogs ters' table. 28 Then
Jesus answered- and
LaUiti aico tlov ipixitov tlov imttovtlov d7rd"riig said unto her, O wo-
eat of the ' crumbs which fall from the table man, great is thy faith:
be it unto thee even as
Tuiv-icvpiwv.avTLov. 28 Tore dnoKptBEig 6 'li](jovg eIttev
avry, thou wilt. And her
of their masters. Then answering Jesus said to her, daughter was made
whoio from that very
Q yvvai, LiEydXt) aov rj iz'mjtiq' ytvijOrjTU) ool Log 9'eXeiq. hour.
O woman, great [is] thy faith : be it to thee as thou desirest.
Kai id9rj i).9vydrT]p.avT)}g drcb T7]g.Lopag.EKEivt]g.
And was healed her daughter from that hour.
29 Kat
nETCtfidg ekeWev 6 'h\o~ovg t]X9ev irapd tj)v 9dXaa- 29 And Jesus depart-
And having departed thence Jesus came towards the sea ed from thence, and
came nigh unto the sea
<rav rijg TaXiXaiag' Kai dvafidg Eig to opog EKa9r]T0 of Galilee and went ;

of Galilee ;
and having gone up into the mountain he was sitting up into a mountain,
and sat) down there.
ekeT. 30 (cat
TTpOL7)]X9ov avTiji 6%\ot ttoXXo'i, kxovTEg 30 And great multi- iie9'
there. And came to him ^crowds 'great, with tudes came unto him,
having with them those
LavTLov xwXovg, TvcpXovg, tcuxpovc, KvXXovg, Kai ETtpovg ttoX- that were lame, blind,
theru lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and -others 'many, dumb, maimed, and
n t n many others, and cast
Xovg, Kai iippiipai> avrovg irapd rovg 7rodag tov 'Ir)oov' them down at Jesus'
and they cast down them at the feet of Jesus, feet and he healed

s n them 31 insomuch that

Kai WEpd-KEvaEv avTovg- 31 logte rovg 5)(Xovg
the multitude wonder- 9avLidaai,
and he healed them ;
so that the
when they saw the crowds wondered, ed,
' dumb to speak, the
j3Xt7rovTag Kuxpovg XaXovvrag, KvXXovg vyiElg, xcoXovg 7TEpi- maimed to be whole,
seeing dumb speaking, maimed sound, lame walk- the lame to
walk, and
y the blind to see : and
TcaTOVvTag, kciI TV(pXovg fiXkirovTag' Kai iS6^a<rav tov 9eov they glorified the God

ing, and blind seeing ; and they glorified the. God of Israel 32 Then
Jesus called his disci-
'l(Tpat)X. 32 'O.SL'h](Tovg TrpoaKciXEac'ijiEvog Tovg jxa9i]Tug ples unto him, and said,
of Israel. But Jesus called to having [him]
I have compassion on ^disciples
avTov eLttev, 2,7rXayxvi%0Liai otl iiri
the multitude, because
tov oyXov,
am moved with compassion they continue with me
'his said, I crowd, because towards the
already now three
days, and
v n
have to eat :
i'lfispag TpEtg Trpouiikvovaiv lloi, Kai ovk.ex ov(TIV tl fdyio- and Inothing
will not send
-days 'three they continue with me, and have not what they may
them -away fasting,
siv Kai diroXvoai ai'Tovg vi'jGTEig ov.9eXoj, jui/7rore ekXv9loltiv lest they faint in the
eat; and to send away them fasting I am not willing, lest they faint way. 33 And his dis-
ciples say unto him,
h' ry 6ctp. 33 Kai Xkyovatv avTy o\.Lia9i]TalJi avTOV , U69ev Whence should we K[

in the way. And 3

say, *to 5 him 'his ''disciples, Whence have so much bread in
the wilderness, as to
i'iluv Lv tpi]jx'ia dpTOi ToaovToi ioote xopTaaai b\Xov tooovtov; fill so great a multi-
to us in a desert loaves so many as to satisfy a crowd so great ? tude? 34 And Jesus
saith unto them, How
34 Kat XkyEi avTolg 6 'lijtrovg, lloaovg dpTovg i%6re ; 01.8k many loaves have ye?
And 2 says 3 to ''them 'Jesus, How many loaves have ye? And they And they said, Seven,
and a few little fishes.
elirov, 'E7rrd, Kai oXiya ix9vdia.. 35 Kat ^tKsXEvaEv ToTg 35 And he commanded
said, Seven, and a few small fishes. And he commanded the the multitude to sit

rjpwTovv LTTrA. P ij;ea~Tii' it is allowed lta. . i

epul/av T
avrov Of him LTTrA. 8
+ w
SxAof the crowd TA. and
' T
K<xi LTTrA. e<56aoi' T. tj/xepat GLTTrAW. auTou
(nud the disciples; [L}r[ir]A. >
7rapavyttAas rai 6rxA.u) having commanded the crowd i/m.
44 MAT9AI0 2. XV, XVI.
down xm the ground.
y\ ol g\\ dvaTtEGEXV ETtl TT)V y\)V 36 Veil Xa/3wy" Toi>ejEirT&
36 on the ground and having taken the seven
crowds to recline
^c-'aves^nd the ;

tKkaaev Kal icu)KEv n
and brake them, and aprovQ Kal Tovg ixQvag* EvxapiGTrjoag and
loaTes and tne fishes, having given thanks he broke gave
gave to his disciples, y t ,
u ,

and the disciples to the TOlg.liaO^TOic^aVTOV^ '

Ol.0 l_iaV)]7ai
TOJ OX^OJ- 37 Kat
multitude. 37 And to nig disciples, and the disciples to the crowd. And
they did all eat, and , n - ,

were filled: and they ttyayoV ITCIVTSQ, Kai TCL(y ^ 1 l <7av Kai Vp^V TO lX9
took up of the broken ^
a ji alm were satisfied and they lookup that which was over
( ;

meat that was left _ , ,,, , ~ /

00 j. ,
. .

teven baskets full. 0~VOV TLOV KkaGjXaTUJv" E7TTa OTTVpiOag TTAljOEig. OO 01.06
'Si And they that did an(j above of the seven baskets full and they who
fragments ;

eat were four thousand , n -r , /-. ? <

men, beside women EO-QlOVtEg 1](TaV TETpaKlGX 1 * 101 avdpSQ, X P yvvaiKWV Krtt
0) l
and children. 39 And ate were four thousand men, besides women and

and came into the
fh WiW."
39 Kal rovg o X \ov S
And having
dismissed the crowds
elg to
he entered into the
coasts of Hagdala. h
^OlOV, Kal 1]\9eV El Q TO. OOICI Mei.yaAd."
XVI. The Pharisees ship, and came to the borders of Jlagdala.
16 Kai irpoaE\96vTE Q oi 4>ap o-7ot ( Kai ZaSSovniioi
him that And having come to [him] the Pharisees and Sadducces
ing desired
he avrbv orifieiov Ik too

wouw^shew^hema jfs^aZovTeg 'fcTnjpwnjffav ovpavov

asked him a sign out of the heaven
"h* answered and tempting .[him]
said unto them, When

^^^ avro l(. 2 O.St d7T0Kpl9tig EL7TEV aVTolg,
But he

W Evening
to shew them. answering said to them,
/V^f weather) ^ ^
for the sky is red.
yevouevng XeyETE, EvSia- irvppa&i.yap 6 ovpavog. 3 Kal
l^M te^weS ^vinf come y/say, Fine weather

_ ^
for H*a "heaven.
to day: for the sky is 6 ovpavog.
TrpuA, 1,i]u.'pov yEiLiuiV 7rvppatEi.yap oTvyvaL,wv
red and lowring. Oye
hypocrites, ye can ais-
at oraing <f storm f or Hs 'red 1 :


> ~

cern the face of the TO lllv
but can ye not *V7T0KpiTaU
OvpavOV yil'ixIGKETE
ye know [how]
sky ;
Hypocrites I the 'indeed 'face of the *heaven
dtscera.the signs of the , _ , * , n u' <

times? 4 A wicked and 4 yEVEa

OiaKpivEiv, Ta.cs o~r]fiEia twv Kaipwv ov.cvvacvE;
adulterous generation to discern, but the signs of the times ye cannot ! A generation
Beeketh after a sign ; , j , y , -. '
X Q'
and there shall no sign Kai
irO%'t]pa Kai flOl\a\ig C^]jXUOV kTVll,1]Ti.l' ai)fii.lOV 0V.0OO)]-
be given unto it, but wickjd and adu terous a sign seeks, and a sign shall not be
the sign of the prophet ,, _ , ^ T ~ n . , ,
n tr '

Jonas. And he left OSTai dVTy. 6' .fifj TO lUJVa 'TOV TTpO(pr]TOV."
them, and departed. given to it, except the sign of Jonas the prophet. And
ra\t7Tiv ArijA**.
other side, they had leaving
them he went away.
to take
oi.u.a9i)Tal."avTOv" Eig to ir'tpav t7re\d6ovTO
5 Kal k\Q6vTFg
And 'having* come to the other side they forgot

'his "-disciples
safd'unto them, Take
heed and beware of '-
aOTOVg XaBtlv. 6 O.SL'lriCfOVg eItTSV avrolg, 'OpClTE Kttl TtpOO
'to.^take. And Jesus saidtothem, See and be-
r^rindofttlar ^
7 And they eyete a.Ttb
T7]g Z,v\ir\g twv <$>apioaiiov KalSaSSovicaiiDV. 7 Oi.ce
reasoned among them- ware of the leaven of the Pnariseea and Sadducees. And they
Belves, saying, It is be- , ,
cause we have taken
no bread. CtEKoyi^OVTO tV EaVTOig, AsyOVTEg,
8 Which
KJTl apTOVg OVK t,\a- 3
not 'we
when Jesus
he said unto them, O
pOflEV. 8
among themselves, saying,
Because loaves
li cia-
~t ,~
ye of little faith, why Hook. And having known [this] * Jesus said to them, "Why rea-
reason ye among your- . , n >>, / , - <i >

because ye have \oyiC,ECV EV EaVTOig, O\iyO7Tl0-T0l r OTl apTOVg OVK
brought no bread? son ye among yourselves, O [ye] of little faith, because loaves not
9 Dove not yet under- ',, fo n .. ~ ? / , , , .
p n
Btand, neither remem- t\aj3ETE\
bar the five loaves of 'ye 'took ? Do ye not yet perceive, nor remember the five

aXaflev be took + Kal and lt. b iSCSov ttt. c avrov (read the disciples)
LTTr. tt

d the crowds TXrA. Trepio~o~evoi> rdv K\ao-fxa.riav ^pav LTTr a.

e to
[l,]T[TrjA. TOis o^Aots to
ave^rj he went up gtvaw. agauan LTTrA.
ttch&luji' xal yvvatKoif t. k
M.ayaSdv >

vrroKpiToi LTTiA ; + tai

* k to end of verse 3 [ta]. '
errnptorcov T. 'OiVi'aj . . . .

and r m toO Trpo^rov LTTrA. n auTov (read the disciple^) LTTrA. avTois
OLiirA. v x eTC y have L.
xvr. MATTHE W. 45
dpTOVQ TWV TTtVTClKMTXlkiiOV, TTOdOVg KOty'lVOV'C; IXct f3frf K(l\ ,
the thousand, and
how many baskets vn
loaves of the five thousand, and how many hand-baskets ye took [up]? -
took up? 10 Neither
10 ovSe roi'Q irrrd dprovg ru>v TerpaiaoxiXioov, Kai ttocciq the seven loaves of the
nor the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many four thousand, and
how many baskets ye
iXdfSere; 11 mog ov.vof.7re on ov
topk up? 11 How is
it that ye do not un-
baskets ye took [up] ? How perceive ye not that not concerning
derstand that I spake
r n
dproy f'l7roi>
Vfiiv *TrpoGtxfiv dirb rijg Kvfirjr rCjv (Papinaiujv it not to you concern-

bread I spoke to you to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees ing bread, that ye
should beware of the
teatTZaSSovKa'uov; 12 Tore avvtjKaj' on ovK.eliTev 7rpoaex e iv leaven of the Pharisees
and Sadducees ? Then they understood that ho said not to beware .and of the Sadducees ?
12 Then understood
OTTO TtlQ ^vjjlt]Q
rov dprovg aX\" a7r6 rrjg Sidaxfig rwv they how that he bade
of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the them not beware of
the leaven of bread,
Qapioaiiov Kai 2aSovKaiojv. but of the doctrine of
Pharisees and Sadducees. the Pharisees and of
the Sadducees.
13 ' 6 'liiaovg eig rd ji'epi) Kaiaapeiag rrjg
And "having 3 come 'Jesus into the parts of Cassarea

fyiX'nnrov i)pwra rovg./ja9t]rdg.avrov, Xeyojv Tiva >e"

Philippi he questioned Whom his disciples,
13 When Jesus came

Xiyovaiv oLdv9pu)7roi elvat rov vibv rov dvQpujTrov 14 0'i.Si into the coasts of Ca?- ;

'do 3 pronounee 2
men 9
to 10 be Hhe G Son 'of^man? And they sarea Philippine asked
his disciples, saying,
*elirov, 0'i.f.dv 'lojdvvrjv tov ficnrriffTyv ydXXoi .Si 'HXiav
z "
Whom do men say that >[

Some John the and others I the Son of man am ?

said, Baptist; Elias;
14 And they said, Some
irfpoi.Sk 'Ispf^iaV) f/ 'iva rwv irpo^rutv. 15 Asyei avrolg,* say that thou art John
and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He says to them, the Baptist some, E- :

lias and others Jere-

h n ;

'T/xelg.Sk rivet /us

fie Xeyere elvai; 16 'AiroKpi9elg.Sk 2i- mias, or one of the
But ye whom 'me 'do 2 yea
pronounce to be? And answering Si- prophets. 15 He saith
unto them, But whom,
fiiov Ilirpog elrrev, 2w el 6 XP l<TT Qi viog rov Gfov rov say ye that I am ?
mon Peter said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of God the 16 And Simon Peter
c answered and said,
Z,u)vrog. 17 Kai aTroKpiQfig" 6 Ti]aovg elirev aviip, Maicdpiog Thou art the
living. And answering Jesus said to him, Blessed the Son of the living
d God. 17 And Jesu3
el, 'Eifiiov Bdp 'iwva," on adpS, Kai alfia oi'K.ci7reKdXv\ptv answered and said un-
art thou, Simon Bar-Jonas, for flesh and blood revealed [it] not to him, Blessed art
Simon Bar-jona:
col, dXX' 6.7rarr)p./xov 6 iv c roig" ovpavoig. 18 Kdyoj.St thou,
for flesh and blood
to thee, but my Father who [is] in the heavens. And I also hath not revealed it

gol Xsyw, on ov el Uirpog, Kai unto thee, but my

IttI ravry ry irirpq oIkoSo- Father which is in
to thee say, That thou art Peter, and on this rock I will
heaven. 18 And I say
also unto thee, That
ui'jeroj fiov rrjv fKKX7]<riav, Kai TrvXat q,8ov ov.Kari(7X V(70V(TtV
thou art Peter, and
build my assembly, and gates of hades shall not prevail against
upon this rock I will
avrfjg. 19 frai" Scoau) aoi rag &KXeZg n
rrjg fiaaiXfiag rwv build my church and ;

the gates of hell shall

it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of the
not prevail against it.
h 19 And I will give un-
ovpavaiv' Kai o. idv
Srjtryg S7ri rrjg y//c, torai deSe/iivov to thee the keys of the
neavens : and whatever thou may est bind on the earth, shall be bound
kingdom of heaven :

iv rolg ovpavoig' Kai d. l idv" iiri rrjg yrjg, iarai and whatsoever thou
Xiayg shalt bind on earth
in the heavens; and whatever thou mayest loose on the earth, shall be
shall be bound in hea-
XeXvfievov iv rolg ovpavoig. 20 Tore ^SiearfiXaro rolg fJiaOtj-
ven and whatsoever :

loosed in the heavens. Then charged he

dis- thou Rhalt loose on
earth shall be looserl.
ralg avroi>
l u m H
'iva nqdevi e'iirwaiv onavrog icrnv 'lr](Jovg in heaven. 20 Then
ciples 'his that tonoone they should say that he is Jesus charged he his disci-
ples that they should
6 xpio-rog. tell no man that he
the Christ. was Jesus the Christ.

cr<f>vpi8a.'; l. r
aproiv loaves LTTrAW. ; (the question
ends at you) npocrexeTe fie but
beware LTTrA. l
tuv aproiv of the loaves ltta ; riov "tapio-ouW Kai SafifiouKcuW of the
Pharisees and Sadducees t. v aAAa tttaw. w
* tlwav ltti-. y oi l.
/ne [i,]TTrA. .

'HAei'av T. a + [o 'IrjiroC?] Jesus (says) L. Kai anoKpidels W. bc

a.TroKpi0et<> fie LTTrA.
d e f S icAerfias LTTrA. h av LTrA.
r.afnon'a LTA. TOis (read [the] ) I/[Tr]. zeal t[aJ.
av *
Tr. 7reTtjai?aei/ he earnestly charged L. '
ai/rov (read the disciples) LTTrA.
m 'IrjeroOs UI/TTrAW,
21 From
that time 21 'Arro tote fip'a.TO n
6" 'Iriffovg Seikvveiv ToTg fiaQriTaiq
forth began Jesus to
shew unto his disciples, From that time began Jesus to shew to ''disciples
how that he must go
unto Jerusalem, and avTov,
oti SeX avrbv "cnrtkBCiv sig *lpo<7oXt/jua," Kai
'his that it is necessary for him to go away to Jerusalem, and
suffer niauy thing* of
the elders and chief- TroWa ira9tiv dirb ru>v TrpExr(5vTkpuJv Kai dpy/Epswv icai
priests andscribes, and to suffer from the and chief priests and
be killed, and be raised many things

again the third day. icai diroKravdtjvai, icai ry Tpfay ri^kpa iyEpOijvai.
22 Then Peter took ypafi/naTEUiv, and to be killed, and the third to be raised.
scribes, day
him, and began to re-
buke him, saying, Be 22 ecu TrpocXafibnEvog avrbv 6 IiErpoc iV/plaro" HirvrifiqLV
it far from thee, Lord: And having Haken s to [ 6 him] *hini l
Peter to rebuke
this shall not be unto
thee. 23 But he turned, avTifi, Xgywr," "IXe&h; goi, KvpiE' ov./xrj tGTai &oi
and said unto Peter, him, saying, [God be] favourable to thee, Lord in no wise shall be to thee :

Get thee behind me,

Satan :thou art an tovto. 23'O.^t OTpa<peig ei7rej> Tip UsTpif), "Y7rayE biziuto pov,
offence unto me for this. : But he having turned said to Peter, Get behind me,'
thou savourest not the T
things that be of God, craTava, aicavSaXov fiov eZ"" oti oi'.fpovElg to.
but those that be of Satan: an offence to me thou art, for thy thoughts are not of the things
men. 24 Then said
Jesus unto his disci- tov 9eov, dXXd to. tu>v dv9po}7ru)v. 24 Tore 6 'Irjcrovg eTttev
ples, If any man
will <3f God, but the things of men. Then Jesus said
come after me, let him
deny himself, and take Tolg.fiaOrjTaig.avTov,
Ei Tig GsXei oTriceu) jxov IX9eiv, dirap-
up his cross, and follow to his disciples, If any one desires after me to come,
me. 25 For whosoever
will save his life shall VTjaaffBoj kavTOv, icai dpaTit> Tbv.ffTavpbv.avTOV, icai dico-
lose it and whosoever him deny
: himself, and let him take up his cross, and let
will lose his life for
\ov0eitoj fxot. 25 bg.ydp. s dv n 9tXy Tr}v.\pv\y)v.avTov gwgul,
my Eake shall find it.
26 For what is a man him follow me. For whoever may desire his life to save,
profited, if he shall aTroXzaEi eveicev
gain the whole world,
avrr)v' og.S'.dv aTroXeay rfjV.ipvxr)v.avTOV
and lose his own soul ? shall lose it ;
but whoever may lose his life / on account of
or what shall a man 26 Ti.ydp ^^eXelrai" dv9poj7rog, lav
t/iov, EvprjGEi avrfjv'
give in exchange for shall find For what is profited *a -man, if
his soul? 27 For the me, it."

Son of man shall come tov koctuov oXov

in the glory of his 2
KEpSrjoy, T7)v.fiL\pvxW-avrov QnfiiwBy; fj
the world 'whole he gain, and his soul lose ? or
Father with his angels;
and then he shall re- ti dii)0i dvQpujTrog avTaXXayfia Trfg.i^vyrig.avTOV ; 27 yiiX-
ward every man ac- what will 3 give 'a -'man [as] an exchange for his soul ? For 5 is
cording to his works.
28 Verily I say, unto Xtt.yap 6 vibg TOV.dvQpunrov epxE&9ai iv ry 86y tov iraTpbg
you, There be some G
about 'the
of *man to come in the glory 3
standing here, which
shall not taste of aiiTov fiETa T(bv.dyykX(x)v.avTOV' icai tote dirobwffEt ffedory
death, till they see the 'of *his with his angels; and then he will render to each
Son of man coming in v
bis kingdom. KaTa rr)v-irpdt,iv.avTov . 28 A/j.r)v Xsyw vfiiv, eiffiv
according to his doing. Verily I say to you, There are

TivEg twv u>Se Earr]K6TijJV, dirivEg QavaTov

ov.fii) ytvauvTai
some of those here standing who in no wise shall taste of death

iojg dv i$b)o~iv tov v'ibv tov dvtipiiirov ip^ofiEvov iv ry

until they have seen the Son of man coming- in

bis kingdom.

XVH. And after six

17 Kai /jle
tjfispag ?
7rapaXanf5dvEi 6 'irjffovg
tov UtTpov
And after 2
days 'six
*takes s with [ nim] Jesus Peter
days Jesus taketh
Peter, James, and John Kai 'ldicu)fiov Kai 'Iwdvvrjv rbv.dSEXcpbv.avTOV, Kai dvapkpEi
his brother, andbring- and James and John his brother, and brings up
eth them up into an
high mountain apart, avTovg Etg bpog v\Li)Xbv KaT.lSiav. 2 Kai fXETEfiop^toBr]
2 and was transfigured them into a ^mountain high apart. And he was transfigured
before them and his :

face did shine as the t/nrpoaBEV ai'Tuiv, Kai tXaf.i\pev Tb.TrpooioTrov.avTOV wg b rjXiog,
sun, and his raiment before
them, and shone 'his ^ ace as the sun,

n 6 L[Tr]A. ei? 'Iepocr6\vfj.a aneKOelv LTTrA. P 1 avTu 7TITI/Ual>

rjpgo.TO A.
Afrytoi" l ; Ac'-vet avT<2 sttltlixmv says to him rebuking [hiruj A r
ifiov LTTrA.
LTTrA. '
j<eAr}0rjo-exai shall be profited LTTrA. v
OTL that LT. +
w rdv wOe i(TTioTuiv
i6e t(7TWTe$ W,
was white as the light.
Ta.8e.ii.idria-a.vTov tykpEro XsvkA ujg to <pCJQ. 3 Kai ISov,
u><p- 3
and his garments became white as the light . and behold, 4 ap- And, behold, there
appeared unto them

n z
avrolg fMworjg" 2Kai 'HXiag,

avrov Moses and Elias talk-

avXXaXovvrEg. ing with him. 4
1 '-

0))<yav *-/
5 s
to them 3
'Moses and Elias "with 'him 'talking.
answered Peter, and
4 cnroicpiGeig.Sk oYlirpog eIttev r<p 'Ia/ctou, Kvpis, KaXov tanv
said unto Jesus, Lord,
And answering Peter said to Jesus, Lord, good
it is good for us to be
.it is
here : if thou wilt, let
Vfidg (LSe dvai' wce us make here three
ei K
9s\Etg, rroiT]Gu)i.iEv toeIq GK>]vdg,
fur us here to be. If thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles: tabernacles ; one for
c d thee, and one for Mo-
col j.iiav,
Kai Mwery" j.iiav, ical uiai> 'HXicr." 5*Ert avrov ses, and one for Elias.
for thee one, and for Mo.>cs one, and one for Elias. While yet he 5 While he yet spake,
e n
behold, a bright cloud
XaXovvrog, iSov, vE<pk\i] (pa>rEivt) iTTEGKiaoEv avrovg' Kai overshadowed them :

was speaking, behold, a -cloud 'bright overshadowed them: and and behold a voice out
of the cloud, which
ioov, <pu>vi) Ik rijg vE<ptX>]g, XiyovGa, Ovrog egtiv 6.vi6g./.iov said, This is my be-
lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my Son loved Son, in whom I
am well hear
6 dyarr^rog, tv (ft
%avrov cikoveteJ 6 Kai ye him. pleased

6 And when

the beloved, in whom I have found delight :

him 'hear = ye. And the disciples heard it,
]> they fell on their face,
ciKcvcrm'TEg ol i.iaB))Tai irri
7rpuGu>7rov.avratv y Kai and were sore afraid.
hearing [it] the 'disciples fell upon their f-ee, and 7 And Jesus came and
1 n k touched them, and
i(po O))0)jC7av G(pc?pa. 7 Kai TTpoGEX9iov 6 'It]Govg /'/T//aro" and be not
said, Arise,
were terrified greatly. And having come to [them] Jesus touched afraid. S And when
KaV ]

e'Lttev, 'Ey'cp9t]rE, Kai ^/y.^of3s7<70e. 8 'ETrdpavreg they had lifted up

and Kise up,
and be not terrified. "Having 3 lif ted 'up man, eyes, they saw no
them, said, save Jesus only.
TOvg.6<p9a\fiovg.avTwv ovStva elcov Ei-pr) rov Iijgovv
'and their eyes ^no *one 'they -saw except Jesua


9 Kai Kara/3aiv6vrhjv avrwv m drr6 n rov opout; sVereiXaro 9 And as they came
as were 'descending from the mountain 2 down from the moun-
'they charged Jesus charged
avroTg o'ltjaovg, Xtyiov, Mrjdevi EirnjTE to opa^a, swg.ov 6 them, saying, Tell the
them To no one tell the until the vision to no man. until
'Jesus, saying, vision,
the Son of man be
viug tov di'Opiorrov ek vekou>v "aj/aory." 10 Kai t7r/j- risen again from the
Son of man from among [the] dead be risen. And 3
ask- dead. 10 And his dis-
ciples asked him, say-
pwri]Gav avrov o\./.ia9ijraLavrov Xsyovreg, Tt ovv Why then say the
oi ing.
1 ypafi-
ed scribes that Elias must
''him 'his "disciples, saying, ^\~hy then "the "scribes
first come ? 11 And Je-

XtyovGiv on
p 'H\tai/" 8eI eX9eIv 7rpwrov, 11 '0 6t sus answered and said
'say that EUas must come first ? And untothem, Elias truly
shall first come, and
T n
'Irjaovc;" drroKpi9Eig eIttev avrolg, ^HXiaf" filv tp\erai restore all things.
Jesus answering said to them, Elias indeed comes 12 But I say unto you,
That Elias is come al-
Vpwrov" Kai drcoKaraGr^GEi ce vfiiv rrdvra'
ready, and they knew 12 Xsyut on
first and shall restore
ail things. But I say to you that him noi, but have done
T unto him whatsoever
?iX9ev, Kai ovK.E7reyinoGav avrov, aXX" kiroir]- they listed. Likewise

'HXfrt^ i]S))
Elias already iscouie, and they knew not him, but did shall also the Son of
man guffer of them.
oav iv avr(p oaa r)9iXtjGav' ovru>g Kai 6 viug rov dv9p<i)7rov 13 Then the disciples
to him whatever they desired. Thus also the Son of man understood that he
spake unto them of
fiiXXei iraG\Eiv vtt' avrutv. 13 Tore avvt'jKav oi f.ia9rjrai on John the Baptist.
is about to suifer from them. Then understood the disciples that
concerning John the Baptist he spoke to them.
14 And when they
14 Kai tX96vr(jJV w avrwv n Trpug rov o\Xov 7rpoGijX9ev were come to the mul-
And shaving ? come 'they to the 3
crowd came titude, there came to

x y Mojvotjs LTTrAW. x a crvAAaAovirec

<L<07j LTTrA. 'HAet'a? T. (crvvKaX. t) /ier*
avrov LTTr. b TTOiri<TOi I will make LTA. c Mcoucret LTTrA
Mtovo-77 W.
d 'HA.1'0
('HA<Fto t) ;

fju'cp LTTrA.
e f 8 6lkovT avrov LTTrA. h eTrecrav
(/kotos Of light G. rjvSoK-qaa LTr.
7TpocnjA(9ei> came to LTTr.
w Kai
LTTrA. aipduevos and touching' LT Kai r)^>aTO Tt. ;
koIlt. m ex GLTTrAW. n be raised LTTrA. ovtou (read the
eyep^T) disciples)
'Irjcrous {read he said) LIT.A.
LTTr. p "HAciav T. 1 r
avrois LTTr[JAj. 'HAeias T.
npiiTOV LTTrA, dAAa TrA, w ai'TWl' LTTrA,
him a certain man, z n
15 Kai
avr({> dvOptoTrog yovvTTETiov avr(^, Xf-ywi', Ki'pte,
kneeling down to him, Ho "him l
a "man kneeling down to him, and saying, Lord,
and saying, 15 Lord,
have mercy on
for he is lunatick, and
my sou :
t\h]Gov jxov tov viov, on aeXijviu'C^nzi Kai ?KaKujg 7t(t^''"
have pity on my son, for he is lunatic and miserably suffers :

sore vexed for oft-


times he falleth into tt'itttei Eig to Kai 7roXXdKig etc to vdwp,

the fire, and oft into 7roXXdKig.yup 7ri)p,
for often he falls into the fire, and often into the water.
the water. 16 And I
brought him to thy 10 Kai 7rpo<n']i>EyKci ovtov TO~ig.pa9i]Ta\g.aov, Kai ovK.rjSvvi)-
disciples, and they And I brought him to thy disciples, and they were not
could not cure him.
17 Then Jesus answer- 9f]crav avTov Qtpainvaai. .17 'A7roKp1Odg.Se 6 '\i)Oovg e'Ittev,
ed and said, O faith- able him to heal. And answering Jesus said,
less and perverse T
generation, h'ow long Q yeved drriaTog Kai SiECTpa/JHEvt], twg tcote
shall I be with you? O unbelieving and perverted, until when shall I be
how long shall I suffer
you? bring him hither fteO' vfiuiv," tug ttote avt^o/xai hjiwv; <ptpET }ioi ai)Tov wbe.
to me. 18 And Jesus with you ? until when shall I bear with you ? firing to me him here.
rebuked the devil and
he departed out of 18 Kai iTrtTipr]GEv avnp b'lrjoovg, Kai k%ij\9tv air' avTov to

him and the child

: And -rebuked 3
him "Jesus, and went out from him the v

was cured from that

very hour. 19 Then daifiovwv, Kai WEpa7TEv9r} 6 iralg dirb T)~)g.ojpa-jAKsiv7]g,
canie the disciples to demon, and was healed the boy from that hour.
Jesus apart, and said,
Why could not we cast 19 Tote irpoafXQovTEg 01 [laQrjTal Ttfi'li]Gov KaT.lSiav eIttov,
him out? 20 And Jesus Then ^having 'come 'the -disciples to Jesus apart said,
said unto them, Be- a n
cause of yourunbelief :
A<ari" r'jfislg 0VK.r]Svvi]9)]j.LEv tk-fSaXdv avTO ;
20 '0.<5eyii,(rovg
for verily I say unto Why 3
we 'were 2 not able to cast out him ? And Jt^us
you, If ye have faith eJ7tev
Aid T))v d7naTiav vfiuiv. d/iriv.ydp Xsya>
u d n
as a grain of mustard aiiTolg,
unto said to them, Because of -unbelief 'your. For verily I say
seed, ye shall say
this mountain, Re- EUV tXljTE TTKTTLV to KOKKOV OlVaiTEWg, tpElTE T<j) OpEL
move hence to yonder VfilV, 3
as a grain of mustard, ye shall say ruountair
place and it shall to you, If ye have faith

remove and nothing e

Toi'T(p, METaj3))6i evtevQev* ekeH, Kai pETaji^dETai- Kai ovoiv
shall be impossible and nothing
unto you. 21 Howbeit Ho Hlns,
Remove hence thither, and it shall remove ;

this kind goeth not 21

dSvvaTi)crEt iffilv. hovTO.Sk.TO-yEvog ouK.iKTropEVkTat
out but by prayer and But this kind
shall be impossible to you. goes not out
iv 7rpoGEV)(y Kai v)]crTEia. i]

except by prayer and fasting.

22 And while they
abode in Galilee, Jesus
22 %'AvactTpE<poi.tev(ov u .Se avTutv iv tij YaXiXa'iq, e'Ittev aiiTolg
said unto them, The And while -were 3 abiding Hhey in Galilee, \aid HoHhem
Son of man shall be b
into the 'lt)oovg, MsXXet b vibg tov avOpihwov TrapaSiSoadai Eig
betrayed a
is '"about Hhe "Son
of b man to be delivered up into
hands of men 23 and :
they shall kill him,
and the third day he %Elpag dv9pw7ru>v, 23 Kai drroKTEVovGiv avTov, Kai ry Tpiry
hands of men, and they will kill him and the third
shall be raised again. [the] ;

And they were exceed- h

Kai tXv7n)9t]oav o<popa. l

ti/upg. iyEp6r-iGETaiJ
ing sorry. he shall be raised up. And they were grieved greatly.
24 And when they 24 'YLXQovTW.hi avTwv l [

Eig Ka7rEpvaovix' 7rpocri]X9ov ol

were come to Caper- And J 2
-having come Hhey to Capernaum "came 'those
naum, they that re- k
ceived tribute money r SiSpaxfia Xa^ifSdvovTEg rtp llirp^ Kai B7rov," 'O diSda-
came to Peter, and Hlie 5
didrachmas -"received to Peter and said, -Teach-
said, Doth not your
master pay tribute ? KaXog Vf.i)v ov.teXeI 'rd" fiiSpaxpa : 25 Aya, Nat. Kai
25 He saith, Yes. And er 'your does he not pay the diilrachmas ? He says, Yes. And
when he was come into m or
EiG^X9ev Eig t>)v oiKiav 7rpot<p9aoEv uvtov 6 Irjffovg,
the house, Jesus pre-
vented him, saying, when he entered into the house -anticipated him 'Jesus,
What thinkest thou,
Simon ? of whom do Xsyojv, Ti goi.SokeT, ?if.iu)v ;
oi /3aaiXE~ig rrjg y))g dirb tivojv
the kings of the earth saying, What thinkest thou, Simon ? The kings of the earth from whom
take custom or tribute?
of their own children, XanfidvovGiv TtXi] r) Ktjvaov] dirb Tu>v.viu>v.avTu>v } r/ dirb
or of strangers ? 26 Pe- do they receive custom or tribute ? from. their sons, or from
1 z a 5ta ri LTTrAW.
aVTOV GLTTrAW. y kolkws l^ei is ill LTr. /xeO' VjU.wi' ecrojaai LTTrA.
b c be Says LTTrA. d e
'ItjctoOs LTTi A. Ae'yei o^iyonLCTTiau little faith LTTrA. MeTci/Sa
-vo-Tpe^ojaeVtoi' were abiding together LTTr.
Zvdev LTTrA. f
verse 21 t[tiaJ. 8
h he shall rise ag;tm l. ' k elnav htTvA. *
avao-Tijo-erat KcKpapvaov/j. LTTiAW.
eifftAdovra entering lt ; iAOovra having come TiA.
n unto him, Of
twv dXXoTpiwv ; 2Q, Asya 3avno
b Uerpog," 'Atto twv dX- ter saith
4 strangers. Jesus saith
the strangers? "says to hini 'Peter, From the stran- unto liim,Then are the
children free. 27 Not-
XoTpiwv. "E(prj avTip b 'IijGovg, P'Apays" kXtv9epoi sigiv 01 lest we
the withstanding,
ffers. "said to 4 him 'Jesus, Then indeed free are
should offend them,
27 thou to the sea, and
eig go
viol. n
' fiT).iGKavSaXiGw/j.ev aurovg, 7ropev9rig,
But that cast an hook, and take
sous. we may not offend them, having gone to
up the fish that first
r/)v" 9a\a<j<rav (3dXe dyKurrpov, Kai rbv d.vaf3dvra TtrpwTOV cometh up and when ;

the sea cast a hook, and the 3 coming 'up -first

thou hast opened his
mouth, thou shalt find
ixOiiv dpov' Kai dvoitag TO.GTOfia.avTOV svpijGtig ara-
a piece of money that :

'fish take, and having opened its mouth thou shalt find a sta- take, and give unto
them for me and theei
r7)pa' IkeXvov Xa/3wv dbg avTolg dvrl kfxov Kai gov.
ter; that having taken give -to them for me and thee.
18 'Ev tKEivy ry wpo:
TrpoGi]X9ov oi fiaOtjTal Tip 'irjaov,
In that hour came the disciples to Jesus,

Xsyovreg, Tig apa XVIII. At the same

egtiv tv Ty /3aGiXeict twv ov-
\xriZ,wv time came the disci-
Who then [ 2 the] ^greater
saying, Ms in the kingdom of the hea-
unto Jesus, say- ples
pavwv; 2 Kai TrpoGKaXtGa /xevog '6 n
'lrjG0vg Tratbiov, egt7}gev ing,Who is the greatest
veus ? 3 4 ;
And "having called to [ him] 'Jesus a little child, he set in the kingdom of
heaven ? 2 And Jesus
avro tv fXEGip.avTwv, 3 Kai Airtv, 'Afii)v X'syu) v/xXv, kdv./jii] called a little child
in and said, Unless unto him, .and set him

it their midst, Verily I say to you,

in the midst of them,
<TTpa<piJTe KaiyV7](r9eh)QTd 7raiSia, ov.fii) dasXOrjTE elg 3 and said, Verily I say
ye are converted and become as the little children, in no wise shall ye enter into unto you, Except ye
be converted, and be-
ti)v (3aGiXriav twv ovpavwv. 4 OGTig oiv v Ta7rEivwG?i n come as little ohildren,
the kingdom of the heavens. Whosoever therefore will humble
, ye shall not enter into
the kingdom of hea-
tavrbv wg TO.Traidiov.TovTO, ovTog egtlv 6 [iei^wv kv tij fiaoi- ven. 4 Whosoever
himself as this little child, heking- therefore shall humble
is the greater in the
himself as this little
Xtia twv ovpavwv. 5 Kai n
SshjTai 3*7raiSiov toiovtov child, the same ia
dom of the heavens j 4
and whoever will receive little child "such greatest in the king-
ev" tiri Tip.bv6[xaTi.fx,ov, tut 8e)(ETai' 6 bg.o'.dv
dom of heaven. 5 And
whoso shall receive
'one in my name, "me 'receives. But whoever shall cause to 'offend one such little child in
&Va TWl'.fUKpwV.TOVTWV TWV TTIGTEVOVTWV Eig my name recei veth me.
, GVfitpEpEl 6 But whoso shall of-
'one "of 3 these ''little 5 ones who believe in me, it is profitable fend one of these little
n ones which believe in
avTip 'iva
KpefiaaO?) uvXog oviKog ?k7ri tov were better for
e me, it
forhim that should be hung *a ^millstone turned 'by s an 9 ass 'upon him that a millstone
were hanged about his
Tp&xifXov.avTov, Kai KarairovTiaOg kv Tip irtXdyu Trig OaXda-
and neck, and that he were
"his neck, he be sunk in the depth of the sea.
drowned in the depth
7 Ouai Tip koctu^j dirb twv UKavSdXwv' of the sea. 7 Woe unto
oi]g. ctvdyKt].ydp the world because of
Woe to the
of the world because
offences for it must
offences I For necessary

t(TTiv H eX9eXv Ta GKavSaXa, 7rXt)v ovai Tip.dv9pwTrw. kKEivw K needs be that offences !i

it is
to 'come 'the woe to that man come but woe to ;
"offences, yet that man by whom
b\' o5 to GKavfiaXov LpxETai. 8 rj b.irovg.Gov
the offence cometh !

ij.xrip.GOV Wherefore if thy

by whom the offence comes ! And if thy hand or thy foot
hand or thy foot of-
GKai'SaXiZa ge, ekko-^ov. aurd" Kai f3dXe dirb crow
koXov fend thee, cut them
cause "to 3 offend 'thee, cutoff them and cast [them] from thee; good off, and oast them from
thee it is better for

Got kcTiv e'igeX9eXv eig tj)v Z,wi]v c

^wX6v r\ kvXXovJ ff thee to enter into life
for thee it is to enter into life maimed, [rather] than halt or maimed, rather
lame or
than having two hands
6vo xeipag r) Svo irodag tyovTa fiXriOrjvai rig to Trvp to aiwviov. or two feet to be cast
two hands or two feet having to be cast into the fire the eternal. into everlasting fire.
9 And if thine eye of-
9 Kai ri
b-bcp9aXii6g.GOV GKavbaXiZ,u ge, t%EXE avTOV Kai (3d\e fend thee, pluck it
And if thine eye 3
cause "to offend 'thee, pluck out it and cast out, and cast it from
thee it is better for
awb gov' KaXov gol Igt'iv fiov6ip9aXfJLOv rig t>)v Z,wi)v

thee to enter into life

[it] from thee ; good for thee it is one-eyed into life with one eye, rather

einovTos oY and LTTr.having said 6 ITeTpo? LTTrA. P
"Apa ye TrA. <J <TKav-
T. (read [the]) LTTrAW.
rr)V r)H.ipa day L.
Ta7reii'u>o-ei w av I.Tr.
LTTrAW. * eV jratSt'oi/ toiovtov
( v T) LTTrA. y 7rep) aboui LTTr;
eis to a. e'o-Tii' {read eiVo> b a
[it is]) LTrA. <?(ceiVa> (read to the man) l/m-.
it (and cast [it]) LTTrA. K?iAAnv jj jffiiAnp JLT:

than hnving two eyes cvo v^OaXfiovg t\ovra ftXt]9i)vai tig rqv
cast into hell
M<reX0etv, r)
to be be cast into the
to enter, [rather] than two eyi having to,
fire. 10 Take heed that
ye despise not one of yitvvav tov Trvpog. 10 'OpciTt p/./carappoi'rjcTjre ivbg Tujv
these little ones for one
Gehenna of the fire.
See ye despise not
I say unto you, That
in heaven t)heir angels
[.lucpuiV-TOVTiov' Xtyuy.yap vfiiv, oi.dyytXoi.avTwv "tv on
do always behold the of these little ones, for I say to you, that their angels in [the]
face of my
which is in heaven. ovpavoig^ Sid.TravroQ (3X't,7rovffiv To TrpotJuJirov T0u.7ra.Tp6g.n0v
II For the Son of man heavens continually behold. the face of my Father
is come to save that e
which was lost. 12 How TOV tv ovpavoig. 11 rjX9ev.'pdp 6 v'ibg tov dv9pu>7rov
think ye? if a man who [is] in [the] heavens. For is come the Son of man
have an hundred '

sheep, and o"ne of them owai to a7ro\w\6g. n 12 Ti Ofxiv.doicei ;

idv ykvr)Tai
be gone astray, doth to save, that which has been lost. What think ye ? If there should be
he not leave the ninety
and nine, and goeth tivi avOpwirtf) Ikcitov 7rp6/3aTa, Kal 7cXavr)9y tv t avTwv,
into the mountains, to any man a hundred sheep, and be gone astray one of them,
and seeketh that which { n
67ri to.
is gone astray? 13 And oj/% d<pdg Td'SlvvevrjKOVTaEvvsa bpi]
if so be that he find it, [does he] not, having left the ninety-nine on- the mountains,
verily I say unto you, h 13 Kal idv yivrjTai
he rejoiceth more of 7ropEv9elg /jret TrXavtofiei'ov; to
that sheep, than of the having gone seek that which is gone astray ? and if it should be
ninety and nine which

went not astray. tvptlv ai>TO, dfiriv Xiyw vj.iiv,

on X ai P H avT<{> fidXXov
* 7r

14 Even so it is not that he find it, verily I say to you, that he rejoices over it more
the will of your Fa- 14 ov-
ther which is in hea- tj t7Ti ToXg zivvEiniKOVTaevvsa" Tolg p].7rtTvXavi]fuvoig.
thanover the ninety- nine which have not gone astray. So
ven, that one of these
ones should tov
ipTcpootitv tov 7raTpbg 'u/xwv"
Tiog ovkIotiv 6tXr]f.ia
perish. it is not [the] will before "Father 'your who [is]
k n
iv ovpavoig, 'iva cnroX-qTai ei
15 Moreover if thy in [the] heavens, that should perish one of these little ones.
brother shall trespass m fcai'
against thee, go and
15 "EdvM anapTT](Ty
(Tt" b.dStXfyog.oov, virayt
3 thee and
tell him his fault be- But if sin *against 'thy ^brother, go
tween thee and him avTOv idv gov aicovey,
alone if he shall hear
: tXty^ov avrbv fitTa^v o~ov Kal iiovov.
him between thee and him alone. If thee he will hear,
thee, thou hast gained reprove
thy brother. 16 But if tov. dStXrp6v.GOV' 16
he will not hear thee, eKSpSrjaag ixrj.aKOVGy, TrapaXajit
f/ientake with thee one thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear, .take
or two more, that in Gov OTOjia-Tog Svo
tri 'iva ri 8vo, "iva 7ri uaprvpiov
the mouth of two or ^jxeto.
with thee besides one or two, that npon [the] mouth of two witnesses
three witnesses every
word may be estab- ttccv pr)f.ia. 17 idv.Si ai>TuJvt
lished. 17 And if he
t) Tpiwv GTaQy rrapaKovo-g
or of three may stand every word. But if he fail to listen to them,
shall neglect to hear
them, tell it unto the P (7T"
ry iiacXrjoiQi' idv.Si Kal Tr)g iKKXi]oiag 7rapaK0VGy,
church but if he neg-
tell [it] to the And if also the assembly he fail to listen
assembly. to,
lect to hear the church,
let him be unto thee 6 18
as an heathen man and
to~TU) goi wGTTtp 6 WviKog Kal TtXwr>j]g. 'Afxr/v Xsyu>
let him be to thee as the heathen and the taxgatherer. .
"Verily I say
a publican. 18-Verily
I say unto you, What-
'6(raMav n eV/o-^rs IttI rrjg yr)g, iarai StStfiiva iv r r<p"
soever ye shall bind on to you, Whatsoever ye ehall bind on the earth, shall be bound in the
earth shall be bound
in heaven and what-:
ovpavtp' Kal ooaAav \vgt]te IttI Trig yr)g, taTai XtXvixiva
soever ye shall loose heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on the earth, shall be
on earth shall be loosed s
in heaven. 19 Again I iv *T(p ovpavifi.^ 19 ITd\iv" Xkyw vfuv, oti lav Svo l v/.iu)V
Bay unto you, That if in the heaven. Again I say to you, that if two of you
two of you shall agree ]i

on. earth as touching GVfi<p(ovr]Gu)Giv iirl Trjg yijg 7rtpl TravTog TrpayiiaTOgov.idv'

any thing that they may agree on the earth concerning any matter whatever
shall ask, it shall be
done for them of my aiTtjaojVTai, ytvrjGtTai avTolg irapd TOv.7raTp6g.fiov tov
Father which is in they shall ask, it shall be done to them from my Father who [is]

d iv to heaven [l]a. e verse 11 LTr r [A].

ovpavip in the
a(/>ijo-ei (read will
he not leave) r/rr. e kvevr)KOVTa. kvvea LTTr; evevrqKovTaevvea W. h 4- Kal and LTr.
ju.ov k ev LTTr. 1
ei? ere LT[a]. m .
Kal GLTTrA. n
orou l; jaera creavTOV with thyself t. + /'a o"Ou L. p ein'ov T. 1 av i.TrA.
ra> I,T[Tr]A. djujji/ verily L ; 7raA<.i> a/arj^ TrA. *
jtv^wkjo"wo-iJ' cf vfx^v L.

uviMpujiiiaovaiv t vfj.>v of you shall agree TTrA.

heaven. 20 For where
iv oupavdig. 20 ov.yap Ei<rn> 8vo rpeig avvrjyfisvot
i) tig two or three are gal ii-
in [ the J* heavens. For where aro two or three gathered together unto ered together in my
t<> ekeT ei/xI sv fiaatp avriov. name, there am I in
kfibv 6vof.ia, the midst of them.
my name/ there am I in [the] midst of them.
21 Tore TpoGzXOidv av~ijj 6 Ilkrpog eittev," Kvo'ie, TroaaKig
Then having come . to him Peter said, Lord, how often.
afiaprqaEi eig e/xe 6.aCE\(f>6g.u.ov
dcprjcrii) aj'/r<p; Kai.
sojg 21 Then came Peter
shall sin 'against
me and I forgive
'my "brother him ? until to
him, and said, Lord,
kiTTOKig', 22 Asy avr(p 6 'lrjaoug, Ov.Xsyu) aoi sag ErrrciKig, how oft shall my bro-
seven times? J 3
to "him I not to thee until ther sin against me,
Says 'Jesus, say seven times, and 1
forgive him ? till
T cXX " seven times ? 22 Jesus
siog e(58o jxiiKOvrciKig etttci. 23 Aid.rovro
but until seventy times seven. has 'become "like saith unto him, I say
Because of this -8
not unto .fhee, Until
q fiaajtXEia 3 tmv ovpavwv avBpio-Kip /SatrtXel, og .rj6t\T)<JEV Beven
times : but,
the "kingdom of *the 5
heavens to a man a king, who would Until seventy times
seven. 23 Therefore is
<rvvaoai.\6yov jxETaTtov-SovXoJv.avTOv. 24 dp^a[xsvov.8E avrov the kingdom of hea-
take account with

his bondmen. And "having 3 begun 'he ven likened' unto a

w x certain king, which
n n
avi'aipEiv, 7rpoat]7'Ex9rj avr(p eig ocpEiXerrjg [ivpuov would take account of
tq' reckon, there was brought to him one debtor of ten thousand his servants. 24 And
when he had begun
mXdvroJV. 25 uf).EX 0VT0 Q-^t avrov airocovvai, 3 I- to reckon, one was

talents. But -not 3 having 'he [wherewith] to pay, com- brought unto him,
which owed him ten
keXevgev avrov b.KvptogJ avrov irpadrfvai, Kai rrjv yvvcuKa thousand talents. 25
manded him 'his "lord to be sold, and "wife But forasmuch as he '

l a had not to pay, his

ai>TOV n Kai ra tekvo., TEKVO., Kai Tzavra oaa %^,".Kat aTrodo- lord commanded him
'his and the children, and all as much as he had, and payment to to be sold, and his
wife, and children, and b
Oijvai. 26 7TE<70JV OVV 6
TTpOVEKVVEl avriji, all that he had, and
be made. Having fallen down
did homage therefore the bondman
to him, payment to be made.
c d e 26 The servant there-
\eytoVf Kupt," ^aKpo9vu,i]aov ett t^ot," Kai irdvra
fore fell do wn.andwor-
saying, Lord, have patience with me, and all *to thee
shipped hihi, saying,
fl7ro^c.jffoj." 27 OTrXayxviaOEig.&E 6 icvptog rov 8ovXov Lord, have patience
3 with me,, and I will
And having been moved with compassion the lord
I "will ''pay. bondman pay thee all. 27 Then
EKtil'Ov" dlTE>-V(JEV avrov, Kai to SdvEiov acpfjlCEV avrcft. the lord of that ser-
3 vant was moved with
'of "that released him, and the Moan 'forgave "him.
compassion, and loosed
28 'E,e\9ljv.ce d.Gov\og%kKE'ivog n E$pEv 'iva tCjv avv8oi)Xujv him, and forgave him
3 the debt. 28 But the
But having gone out that bondman found one fellow *bondmen
servant went same,
and found one of
avrov, og uxpEiXEV avrqi ekcitov Sqvdpia, Kai Kparrj^ag avrov out,
'of "his, who owed him a hundred denarii, and having seized him fellowservants,
which owed him an
h and
EirviyEV, Xsyojv, 'A7roooc,\ 'o rt" 6<pEi\Eig. 29 7TE- hundred pence :

/toi" ,
8 he laid hands on him,
be throttled [him], saying, Pay me what thou o west. E
Having f alien
and took him by the
awv oiv b.avydovXog.avrov Eig TOvg.7r6Sag.avroii^ irapE- throat, saying, Pay
'down ^therefore 3
'his "fellow bondman > at his feet be- me that thouowest.
29 And his fellowser-
kciS ei ett
l n
Kai m 7rdvra n vant fell down at his
avrov, Xeytuv, MaKpoOv/iriaov E/j,oi,
sought him, saying, Have patience with me, and all feet, besought
saying, Have him,
arcolidjcTU) aoi. 30 '0.8k ovk.i)9eXev,
cnrEXOuJV kflaXEV patience with me, and
I,will pay thee. But he would not, but having gone he cast I will pay thee all.
30 And he would not :
avrov Eig tyvXaiajv, 'iojg.ov n drroScp to 6(pEiX6fiEVOv. but went and cast him
him into prison, until he should pay that which was owing. into prison, till he
should pay the debt.
31 idovTEg p oe oi.avvSovXoi.avrov to. 31 Sk> when his fellow-

'Having seen 'but "his fellow ''bondmen what things had taken place, servants saw what was
G 3

n done, they were very

l\vTci)dy]Gav atyodpa' Kai E\96vrEg ciE<jd<pi]Gav 'r^.Kvpi^. 'avrwv 6orry, and came and

were grieved greatly, and having gone narrated to their lord told unto their lord all

D 6 T aAAa w was Conducted LTrA. * els avrw

IleTpos el^ey aura) LTTrA. LTrA. Trpocrnx^ T.
f avrov (read [his] 'lord) TTrA. * avrov (read [his] wife) t[a}. a
^ et h e has LTrA.
+ eKeivos (read that, bondman) T. c
Kvpie LTTrA.
ejae' Tr.
e atroS&crto ffoi ([crol] a)
LTTrA. f
eKeivov (read of the
bondman) L. e cAcetyos (read the bondman) l.
LTTrAW. el ti if anything GLTTrAW. k '

el; TOVS 7r65a? O.VTOV OLTTr[A]. ejae
LTc A. m navTa [lJttiAW. n dAA' eg. ov LTTi a. P ovf (therefore) avrov oi crv'i/-
$oi>Aoi l ovv oi cnii'6'ovAoi avToO TTrA.
i ywoiixva. were taking place T. r eavTiiv lit. a.
62 MAT 9 A I 1. XVIII, XIX.
that was done. 32 Then
his lord, after that he
TcavTa ra 32 Tore irpoGKaXEadpEvog aurbv b
3 4 6 7
had called him, said all that had taken place. Then 5
having called to [ him] him
unto him, O thou wick-
ed servant, I forgave KvpioQ.avrov
XtyEi avrip,' 2 AovXe 7rovr]pe, Traaav n)v 6fei\i)v
'his lord says to him, Bondman 'wicked, all debt
the;: ali that debt, be-
cause thou desiredst 33
me 33 shouldest not EKElVt]V CKpfJKOL O01, i7Tt TTapEKaXEUag flE' OVK.eSeI Kai
since thou besoughtest me not behove 2 also
'that I forgave thee, did it
thou also have had ;

compassion on thy fel- ae tXtijaai rbv.cvvSovX6v.aov, log s Kal iyw" ae 7]\kr]aa\

lowservant, even as I 'thee to have pitied thy fellow bondman, as also I thee had pitied 1
had pity on thee?
34 And his lord was 34 Kai opyiaQdg b.Kvpiog.avrov 7rapkSwKEv avrbv toiq f3aaavi-
wroth, and delivered And being angry his lord delivered up him to the tormen-
him to the tormentors, t n T "
till he should pay all aralg , EWQ. ov a7roS(p irav to 6<pEiX6fiEvov i>r<p 35 O'vrujg
that was due unto toVs, until he should pay all that was owing to him. Thus
aim. 35 So likewise
shall my heavenly Kai b.TraTTjp.jxov b ^kirovpdviog" ttoitjctu vfiiv tav-f.ii) a0/)r6
Father do also unto also my Father the heavenly will do to you unless ye forgive
you, if ye from your
hearts forgive not EKaarog T(p.d8e\(p(^.avTov cnrb Tun.Kapdi^.vjj.oJv *ra irapa-
every one his brother each his brother frpm your hearts of-
their trespasses.
Trrwjxara aiiruivJ

fences 'their.

XIX. And it came 19 Kat iykvero ore ETEXeaev b 'lifaovg roi'g \6yovg
to pass, that when And it came to pass when ^had 3 finished Je^us
' 5
Jesus had finished- n
these saying's, he de- rovrovg, fiETijpEv d7rb^rr)g TaXiXaiag^Kai J]X9ev Eig rd opta
he withdrew from and came to the borders
parted from Galilee, *these, Galilee,
and came into the
2 Kai ))KoXov9?)aav
coasts of Judaea be- rj\g 'lovdaiag irkpav tov 'lopSdvov. auTifi
and of Judsea beyond the Jordan : and followed *him
yond Jordan ;
jreat multitudes fol- Kai idepdirevaev avrovg ekei.
lowed him and he 2o%\oi 7To\Aoi,
healed them there.
crowds 'groat, and he healed them there.
3 Kat irpoarfkdov avrip' oi" <&apidaioi ireipdZ,ovTeg avrov,
3 4
3 The Pharisees also And came to "him 'the Pharisees tempting him,
came unto him, tempt-
ing him, and saying Kai Xsyovreg
avrtfi, Ei_eotiv h dv9pw7T(f) diroXvaai ti'jv }i

unto him, Is it lawful and saying to him. Is it lawful for a man to put a,way
for a man to put away
his wife yvvalKa.avrov Kara Traaav airiav ; 4 'O.dt airoKpideig elirev
for every
cause? 4 he an- And
his wife for every cause? But he answering said
swered and said unto c d
them, Have ye not avroTg,
OuK.dvkyvojre on b 7roir)aag air dp-

read, that he which to them, Have ye not read that he who' made [them] from [the] begin-
made them at the be- e
Kai 9i)Xv E7rpir)aEv avrovg, 5 Kai eIttev, "Ei>EKev n
ginning made them Xijg dpaev
male and female, 5 and ning male and female mads them, and said, On account of '

Bald, For this cause rovrov rbv Ttarkpa Kai rt)v firjTEpa , Kai
shall a man leave fa- KaraXeitpei
3 avOpiorcog
ther and mother, and this shall ''leave 'a man father and mother; and
shall cleave to his wife: l
ry.yvvaiKi.avTOV, Kai 8laovrai oi 2Svo eig
and they twain shall 7rpo0KoXX?]9r]CFTai
be one flesh 2 6 Where- shall be joined to his wife, and shall *be 'the two "for
fore they are no more 6 ware ovk'sti eiaiv fivo, dXXd adpZ uia' o
twain, but one flesh. adpKa fi'iav

What therefore God

'flesh one? So that no longer are they two, but "flesh one. What
hath joined together, ovv b9ebg .'erw. 7 Kkypvaiv
let not man put asun- therefore
gvv'e^ev^ev,. dv9pd)irog
God united together, 3
let not separate. They say
der. 7 They say unto n
him, Why did Moses avrip, Tt ovv ZMwai)g EVEreiXaro Bovvai /3ij3Xiov drro-
then command to give to 2
'did command
him, Why then Moses to give a bill of di-
a writing of divorce-
ment, and to put her araaiov, Kai diroXvcai^avri}v" 8 Asyei avro~ig, ^M'uxrrjg^ "On
away? 8Hesaithunto vorct, and to put away her ? He says to them, Moses
them, Moses because of
the hardness of your irpbg Tr)v.aKXi]poKapoiav.vfj.wv iTTErpexpev vfTiv diroXvaai
hearts suffered you to in view of your hard'heartedncss allowed you to put away
put away you* wives :

tut from the begin- rdg.yvvalKag.vfiuJV air' apxHg Se ov.yiyovEV ovriog.

ning it was not so. your wives ; from [the] beginning however it was not thus.

s LTTrA. *
ov L. v auTco LTrA. w
<cayu> ovpapios LTTr ; [eTrJovpavto? A.
1 a
to. TrapamdifxaTO. avriov GLTTrA. y rr)s E. oi LTrA. aiiTiii LTTrA,
av9pu>TTw (read nue's wife) lta.
ai/rots LTTrA, u
Krtcras created Tr. e *Efa
LTlrA. f
LTTrAW. 8 Mouuo-ijc LTTrAW. t ai'rnv LTTr.
/coAAj^jja-erat ,
XIX. M A T T H E W. 53
9 And
say unto you,
9 Xsyio.Sk vjxiv, 'on." oqmv cnrokvoy TTijv.yvvalica.avTov Whosoever shall put
And I say to you, that whoever shall put away his wife
nwny his wife, except
k X
m K(ii it be for fornication,
H" flfj 17TI TTOpVUCf.,^ leal yap:i]<jy dXXi]V, jUO(Xrar and shall marry au-
not for and shall marry another, commits adultery and
if fornication, ;
other, committeth a-
o 10 Atyovaiv dultery : and whow
4 G
ya/.a)<rag /70<xYai" marrieth her which is
he who her[- that is]
away 'marries commits adultery.
'put Say
put away doth commit
n 10 His dis-
avrtp oi./(0)/raL ai'roD," Et ovnog egtIv r/ atria rov avQpto- adultery. unto
2 ciples say him, If the case of the man
'to "him 'his disciples, If thus is
the case of the man be
7rov 11 'O.Se eIttev so with his wife, it is
pErd ti]Q yvvaiKoq, ov.avp<p'fpEi yapijcrai. not good to marry.
with the wife, it is not profitable to marry. But he said
11 But he said unto

avrolg, Ob irdvrEg x oj P ovaLV Tbv.X6yo".rovrov,

dXX' them, All men cannot
to them, Not all receive this word, but [those] receive this saying,
save they to whom it

olg diSoTai. 12 elah'.ydp evvovxol oinvEg Ik KoiXiag is given. 12 For there

to whom it has been given for there are eunuchs who from [the] womb are some eunuchs,
which were so born
tyei>i'))9tiaav b'vriog, Kai e'ktlv evvovxoi oiriveg from
their mother's
of [their] mother were born thus, and there are eunuchs who womb and there are :

some eunuchs, which

EVVOVXlcQ^GO-V V7T0 TU)V CtvdpMWltiV, Kttl flfflV EVVOVXOI OlTlVEg were made eunuchs
were made eunuchs by men, and'thereare eunuchs who of men and there be :

eunuchs, which have

Evvovxivav tavTovg did n)v fiaGiktiav twv ovpaviov. made themselves eu-
made eunuchs of themselves for the sake of the kingdom of the heavens. nuchs for the kingdom
of heaven's sake. He
6 dvvdpEvog X'P EIV xwpei'rw. that is able to receive
Be who is able to receive[it] let him receive [it]. it, let him receive it.

13 Tore v v

"iva rag x^~9 a Q 13 Then were there

irpo<7r)vkxQr] abrip TaiSia, l

unto him
Then were brought tohim little children, that [his] hands brought
little children, that he
avTolg, Kai 7rpo<JEvlir]Tai' o' /.laOrjrai lirETipwav should put his hands
7ri9y on them, and pray and
tV3 might lay on them, and might pray but the disciples rebuked :

thej disciples rebuked

avToig' 14 bJk.'hjaovg eIttev'1 , "AQete rd Kai /xt] them. 14 But Jesus
Suffer the little children, and not said, Suffer little chil-
them. But Jesus said,
dren, and forbid them
avrd IXOeIv not, to come unto me
- "
kioXvete Trpog ^ ro>v.ydp.TOiovTu>v iariv t) :

'do forbid them to come to for of such is the for of such is the
vcinnA kingdom of heaven.
fiaeiXEia tujv ovpavoJv. 15 Kai tmOEig
avTo7g rag' x^'P a Q 15 And he laid his

kingdom of the heavens. And having laid upon them [his] hands hands on them, and
departed thence.
kirooEvQi) ekeIBev.
be departed thence. 16 And, behold, one
16 Kai eIttev avrtp,"
Aidd<TKaX came and said unto
idov, Eig 7rpo(TEXQojv Good Master^
And behold, one having come to [him] said to him, -Teacher what good thing shall
w w" WJ) V aiibviov I do, that I may have
"aya^t," tL dyadbv 7rot/jcrw 'iva f'x ;
eternal life ? 17 And
'good, what good [thing] shall I do that I may have life eternal ?
he said unto him, Why
x Ti callest thou me good ?
17 '0.c? eIttev. av np, jxe XsyEig ayaQov; ovfeig dya9bg there is none good but
And he said to him, Why me callest thou good? no one [is] good one, that is, God : but
b 6Eog. eLSe ygiWXfcTv Elg rijv tt
if thou wilt enter into
ti.jx-n Eig, QiXsig Z,w7]v,
except God. But if thou desirest to enter into life, keep the com-
one, life,
mandments. 18 He
z a b
Aya 'O.cL'lr]- saith unto him, Wb-V

Tt)pr](T0v' rag EvroXdg. 18 avrifi} Tloiag;


the commandments. He says to him, Which ? And Je- Jesus said, Thou -?ci t
do no murder, nuiu
aovgEl-nrEV, To, shalt not com it a-
ov.Qoi'SVGEig' oi>-UO(X E '',,Ta C
sus said, Thou shalt not commit murder; Thou shalt not commit adultery; dultcry.Thousi.altnot
steal, Thou shalt not
ov.KXsxpEig' ov.ipEvdoixaprvpi](TEig' 19 rifia rov irarEpa bear false witness,
f ather l!l Honour thy father
Thou shalt not steal ; Thou shalt not bear false witness Honour ;

and thy mother :
(7ou" Kai ttjv [xrjTspa' Kai ayaTrrjaEig Tbv.TrXrjcriov.oov wg Thou shalt love thy
Hhy and mother ;
and Thou shalt love thy neighbour as neighbour as thyself.

1 k
Sri ltya. GLTTrAW. except for cnuse of
el wapeKTcx; \6yov 7ropi'ei'a? for-
nication L. m
Kai b djroAeta/jueVrjv ya/mjera? wotxarai T[t ]. n avrov (read the
o P Trpoo-Tjfe'x^rjcraj' LTTrA. i +- atirots to them T. r
disciples) T[a]. [tovtov] l. e/xe T.
Tas X e 'P a avTOts LTTrA. c v w * Ti
avra> elnev LTTrA. ayadi I.TT A. (T^O) LTTrA.
/*. tpwras vepl rov ayaOov els earir o ayaflos Why askest thou me concerning the good?

One is good (+ bOeos God W) GLTT\AW. y

ets.Trji/ wrjv eiaeKQe'iv LTTrAW.
rnpet LT.A.
i<t>V ovT(j he said to him l ;
b + c
\eyei aurw T. ^JjatV he says T. aov QLTTrAW.
20 The young man atavTuv. 20
2(J As- aurio o vtaviOKog, ^Unvra Tavra"
saith unto him, All Jteyu
4 5 2
thyself. y.-vys to "him 'the j-ouug ^man, All these
these things have I
kept from my youth e V f
K VtOTlJTOC-lloV" Tl tTLV(TTSpu)]21 S"E0?j" avTtft
up: what lack 1 yet?
i<pvXaKdpi]V 2
have I kept from my youth, what yet lack I ? Said 3 to 4 him
21 Jesus said untu hi:n,
If thou wilt be perfect, 6 'll](70VQ, E( TsXtlOg ih'Cll, TTU)Xl]o6v GOV TO.
ti'iXf.ig VTVClyE
go and sell that thou 'Jesus, If thou desirest perfect to be, go sell thy
hast, and give to the
and thou shalt h
poor, v7rapxovra Kai Sbg irrwxo~ig, Kai ac Qt]Gavpbv iv
have treasure in hea- and to [the] poor, and thou shalt have treasure in
property give
ven and come and

follow me. 22 But

Stvpo CLKoXovOei fioi.
22 'Atcovcrag.Ss 6 vsaviGKOi,
when the young man heaven; and come follow me. But 4 having 5 heard'the 2young' man J

heard that saying, he

went away sorrowful :
k 7W \6yov
n '
a.7rr)\6sv 'Xvirovfisvog, ljv.ydp.'l^v Krij^iara
for he had great pos- the word went away grieved, for he had possessions
23 Then said Jesus 23 'O.Sk 'lrt (T0VQ &TTV
nnto his disciples,
TOlQ.fiaQ^TaiQ.avTOV, 'AfJLTfV X'tyub
And Jesus said to his disciples, Verily I say
Verily I say unto you,
That a rich man shall on. m Sv<TKo\wg
vjiiv, '7rXovGiog eiGtXtvasTat elg rrjv (3a<n-
hardly enter into the to you, that withshall enter into the
difficulty a rich
king- man '

kingdom of heaven. n
24 again I say. Xiiav rSrv ovpavCjv. 24 7rdXiv.Sk Xsyw vpXv, evK07ru)rep6v ianv
nnto you, It is easier dom of the heavens. And again I say to you, easier is it
for- a camel to go
through the eye of a Kafii]\ov Sid Tpviriiparog patyiSog diiX9Eiv, r) ttXov~
needle, than for a rich a camel through [the] eye of a needle to pass, than a rich
man to enter into T

the kingdom of God. giov p tig ri]v jSaGiXdav q rov 9toi> datX9elv. n 25 AK0v<yai>ng [[

2o When his disciples man into the kingdom of God to enter. J

^Having heard
heard if, they were & n
exceedingly amazed, Si o\.^.aQi]Tal. avrov ltTrXi)<jaovTO Gcpodpa, Xkyovrtg,
saving, Who then can 'and [this] his disciples were astonished exceedingly, saying,
be'saved ? 26 But Jesus
beheld them, and said Tig apa Svvarai awOrjvai ; 26 ' 6 'lr]Gov<;
unto them, With men Who then is able to be saved ? But looking on [them] Jesus
this is impossible but ;

wiih God all thinga tlTTtv avrolg, Uapd avOpwTroig rovro ativvarov Igtiv, irapd.S't
a/re possible.
said to them, With men this impossible is, but with
t n v
066J 7rdvra Svvard tcrrtv."
God all things possible are.
27 Then
Peter and said unto 27 Tore cnroizpiddg 6 UtTpog elTrev avrip, 'iSov, fjfielg depi)-
him, Behold, we have Then answering Peter said to him, Lo, we left
forsaken all, and fol-
Trdvra Kai rfKoXovOrjffafisv aoi' r'i apa tarai rjfxTv ;
lowed thee what shall ica/iEV
all things and followed thee; what then shall be tons?
we have therefore ?
2S And Jesus said unto 28
'O-Ct-'Iiiaovg t~l7Ti> avrolg, 'A^ir/v Xsyw v/xiv, ore v/j.eig oi
them, Verily say And Jesus
unto you, That ye said to them, Verily I say to you, that ye who
which have followed tv ry v, 7raXiyyva(ria. n orav KaQiay
a.KoXov6)j(javTsg fioi,
me, in the regenera- have followed me, in the regeneration, when shall sit down
tion when the Son of
man shall sit in the 6 vibg roii dv9pu)7rov t7ri 9povov Sotrig.ctvrov, KaQiotodz
throne of his glory, the Son of man 3 4
upon [the] throne of his glory, shall sit
ye also shall sit upon x H
twelve thrones, judg- Kai tiri SwctKa v/j.elg Qpovovg, Kpivovrer rag SwosKa 0vXdc
ingftHhe twelve tribes 2
also 'ye on twelve thronos, judging the twelve tribes
oAn<? r ael. 29 And v z
every one that hath rov '\<jparfK. 29 /cat ?bg dcpiJKtv
irdg oiKiag, tj" dSeXcpoii'g,
forsaken houses, or of Israel. And every one who has left houses, or brothers.
brethren, or sisters, a n
or father, or mother, y) dSeXtpdg, 77 irarkpa, 1 ij
'/ "/<:*,
/xijripa, <|
jj yvva\Ka,
^1/^u.n.ui, 7) riKva, rj
or wife, or children, or sisters, father, or mother, or wife, or children, or
lands, for my name's b n
sake, shall receive an aypovg," 'ei>EKi> TOv.^ovoparog.fxov^^tKaTOvraTrXaaiova
hundredfold, andshall lands, for the sake of my name, a hundredfold
d TO.VTO. iravra. LTr. e f
e0uAafa LTTrA.
Ik feornros jjlov LTTrA. B Ae'yei says L.
h + k
tois to the LTrA.
oiipavois [tlie] heavens TrA. tov \6yov T. '
[tovtoj'] +
(read this word) la.^ 7taovo-io5 ovctkoAcos LTTrA. n ori that T. ela-ekOelv to enter +
gtt. a. p +
eio-A6>eii/ to enter l[ti]. <i rH>v
ovpayuv of the heavens ltti a. r
ltt A. s avrov (read the disciples) GLTTrAW. ' ^u^ara iravra. t. T icniv (read [:n-ej)
GLTTrAW. w Trahivyevecria T. x avTOi yourselves TTr. y 6crTt? LTTrAW. z
7) yvvaxKa LTTrA.
+ r) oi/a'as Or houses TTrA. e ei'exa
T. da
e^ {;
61/6/J.aTOS *-
TToWan^aaiova Ajju.i//Tai many times more shall receive lttia.
xrx, xx. MATTHE W. 55
Xi'/iI/Erai," Kui &o))v atiomov
o0 But
30 TtoXXoi Si
life eternal shall inherit ; but many
life. many
shall receive, that are first shall be
last and the last shrill
ioovTcu 7Tpu>T0i tax aro h Kai taxaroi rrpCJroi. 'Oj.ioia.yap be first. XX. For the 20 ;

"shall be 'first last. and last first. For 'like
kingdom of heaven is
like unto a man that is
iariv )) fiaaiXria tojv ohpaviov dv9pw7T(p oiKoBecnrort), otrrig an
4 s
master a who householder, which
is 'the -kingdom 'of the heavens

to a nian a of house, went out early in the

iUjXBzv tifia Trpio'i fitaOwaaaOaL Lpyarag elg
rbv dju7TEAwi'a morning to hire la- '

bourers into his vine-

went out with [the] morning to hire workmen for "vineyard
yard. 2 And when he
abrov. 2 had agreed with the
crv^KpjJi'i'jirag.Cs [itrd tCjv Ipyaruiv Lk dijvapiov rt)v labourers for a penny
'his. And having agreed with the workmen for a denarius the
a day, he sent thsin
j/pspav, a.Trs<TTu\e.v clvtovq rig rbv.dp7raXiova.avrou. 3 Kaiints his vineyard.
And3 And he went out
day, he sent them into his vineyard.
about the third hour,
{ n
t^eXBuju 7T8pi rt]V rpirrjv {opav, tldev dXXovg ecrriorag and saw others stand-
having gone out about the third hour, he saw others standing ing idle in the
n place, 4 and said unto
iv ry dyopol apyovg' 4 =KciKtiyoig iIttev, 'Y7rdyre ical them ;
Go ye al-o into
in the marketplace idle ;
and to them he said, Go also the vineyard, and
whatsoever is .right I
v^irig rig rbv dfnrtXuJva, Kai o.tdv y Sltcaiov c?u><7w vfiiv. will give you. And
ye into the vineyard, and whatever may be just I will give you. they went their way.
5 Again he went out
5 aTrijXdov. Hci\iv it,tX9ujv 7rzpi SKrrjv icai about the sixth and
And they went. Again having gone out about [the] sixth and ninth hour, and did
likewise. 6 And about
HvvdrTjv* utpav, iiroii]atv axravrojg. 6 ITepL^f n)v ivOEKarr\v the eleventh hour he
ninth hour, he did likewise. And about the eleventh went out, and found
others standing idle,
k^/uvuV l
iarwrag dpyovg, Kai Xsys;

*iopau 1^eX9u)v si'pev dXXovg and saith unto them,

hour having gone out he found others standing idle, and says Why stand ye here
all the day idle ? 7 They

abroTg, Tt uSe tan']Kare oXrjv rt)v t'l'/xspav cipyoi', 7 Xfyovaiv

say unto him, Because
to them, Why here stand ye all the day idle ? They say no man hath hired us.
"On He saith unto them,
avroj, oudeig r'j^ag l/.iia9ibrraro. Xiysi avrolg, 'Ywdysre Go ye also into the
to him, Because no one to
'has "hired. Go He says them, vineyard ;
and what-
soever is right, that
kcii vj-ieig tig rov d.tdv y Sikcuov \r/- shall
a^n ye receive. 8 So
also ye into the vineyard, and whatever maybe just ye shallwhen even wa^; come,
\pirr9t." 8 'Oxjyiag.St yVOj.ikvr\g Xkyu 6 Ki'piog rov a/iTreAwi'oc; the lord of the vine-
receive. But evening being come "says 'the "lord J of *the 3 yard saith unto his
steward, Call "the la-
TijjliriTpoTrip.avTOV) Kaktaov rovg lpyarag, Kai c'nroSog "au- bourers, and give them
their hire, beginning
to his steward, Call the workmen, and pay them from the last unto the
rov /xtaQSv, dp^dfitvog curb ruv Ier%aYwj/ sojg twv first. 9 And when
they came that were
from the last unto the
[their] hire, beginning hired about the e-
9 Kai tXOoi'TEg oi
leventh hour, they re-
Trpiorujv. 7repi rr\v tvdeKarijv ceived
first. And 'having "come 'those ["hired] "about ''the "eleventh every man a
penny. 10 But when
wpav th.afiov dvd drjvdpiov. 10 ^tX96vTeg.Bs 01 7rpd)T0L the first came, they
"hour they received each a denarius. And ^having come 'the -first supposed that they
shouid have received
IvofiKjav on 7rXeioi>a Xt)\povrai'" Kai tXafiov Kai avroi
T s
more and they like- ;

they thought that more they would receive, and they received also themselves wise received every
man a penny. 11 And
avd Sip'dpiov." 11 Xaf36vT(.g.C8 lyoyyv^ov Kara rov when they had receiv-
each a denarius. And having received [it] they murmured against the ed it, they murmured
against the goodman
OtKoSeaTTOTOV, 12 Xsyovrsg, '"On" ovroi oi
fiiav of the house, 12 say- to"xaroi
master of the house, saying, one ing, These last have
These last
wrought but one hour,
htpav nroirjaav, Kai taovg ///in' avrovg" i.iroir}aag, roig and thou hast made
hour have worked, and 5 equal to 'us *them 'thou 2 hast 3 made, who them equal unto us,
borne tha
w 13 b.Be which have
fSaoraaaaiv to fidpog rqg rjpspag Kai rbv Kavacjva. burden and heat of the
have borne the burden of the day and the heat. But he day. 13 But he an-
x u
swered one of them,
a7T0Kpi9rig iIttev tvi avru>v, 'Eralpe, ovic.ddiKio cte" oi'xi 3
and said, Friend, I do
answering said to one of them, Friend, I do not wrong thee. .Not thee no wrong didst :

(read [the]) gltttaw.
tt}v 8 cai eKeiVois TA. h + 5e and (again) TTrA. '
* UiftrLV T.TTrA
iopav LTTrA. 1
apyot/'s GLTTrA. m + [juou] my (vineyard) L. n Kai
o 1 Kai e\96vre<; TrA.
eavj) SCkouov \r/\j/e(T6s LTTrA. eA^pi're? 6e L.
aurots T[TrA]. P
irKeiov A.^/xi//oi/rat LTrA ([to] a) dra 8r)vapiov Kai avroi TTrA.
TrAei'oi'a 8 to
; kr)jx\\jovTai T.
on LTT;-[a].
ai/rovs ^/iif lt. w
; (read
hast thou made, &c. 1) x evi avruv dtrev x. u
5G MAT6A10S. XX.
not thoa agree with 14 doov TG.OOV tca'i
J fyvapiOV OVVf<pwV7]odg
2 4 4
'for 8 a "denarius 'didst thou agree with 'me? Take thine o mi and
TiT'AT that thine is,
and go thy way I will n
Sovvai z
vrraye. 9s\ioJdt tovtoj log Kai -ooi' 15

T riji t(j\dr(j} f/"

fT ena^ tothee.lfls Bt I will to this las. give as also to thee : or

f a ^
it not lawful for me 0VK.f^fOTlV 7TO(//(7at O 9f\(jj
tV TOig
H 11

to do what I wiU with is it not Uwful f or me
fUO~lC) .

to do what j wiU in that which [is] mine ?

mine own? Is thine f / f n > , < , ,

eye evil, because I am O.O^aXjXog.OOV TTOVT]pog fOTlV OTL tyu> CiyaQog ElfU) 16 OVTtog '

good? 16 So the last *thine 3eye "evil 'is because I good am? Thus
shall be first, and the , ,
first last: for many be tOOVTai 01
f(T%arOt TTOitJTOl, Kai 01 TtplxJTOl tO\aT0f TV oXXoi .y aft
caUed, but few chosen, shall be the- last first, and the first last: for many

tloiv K\r)roif dXiyoi.Sf IkXektoi."

are called, but few chosen.
17 A
d e g 17 * aj
up to Jc rus aiern t ooI dvapaivtov 6 'Itjoovg tig 'UpoooXv/ia rraokXajlw
the twelve disciples And
"going *up 'Jesus to Jerusalem took
TOV Jq StoSfKa lUa9)]Tag= n KCtT J L IV

apart in the way, and e


y OCOJ, KCti" fllTEV CtVToTr,
said unto them, 18 Be- ... ._ ,. , ^ ,, j -j ,_

hold we eo ud to Je-
twelve disciples apart in the way, and said to them,
rusalem; and. the Son 18 'idov, CLVaBaivoUSV UQ 'If pOOoXvua, Kai 6 VIOQ TOV dvOou)-
of man shall be be- we go up

to and the Son of man

trayed unto the chief
priests and unto the 7rov
~ ~> Kai ypajijiaTfvoiv, Kai
( 7capa.co9r)(TETai ToTg ap\ifpfvoiv
scribes, and they shall. will be delivered up to the chief priest's and and
condemn him to death, _ -
, , , , , , ,

KaTttKpiVOVOLV aVTOV 9avaT<>, 19 Kttl TTapdoiOOOVOlV aVTOV S

19 and shall deliver
him to the Gentiles to they will condemn him to death, jmd they will deliver up him
mock, and to scourge, , , , , ,

and to crucify" him: TOIQ tVVEOlV fig TO ffJ,7Tai%ai Kai [XaOTiyOoOai Kai OTavpwOai'
and the third day he to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify ;

Bhall rise again. > ~ , < / / ,,

Kai tij TpiTij t]\xfpa %avaoTt]OETai."

and the third day he will rise again.
20 Then came to him ctr\ rn ' ~-\/i > - ' - ' ~ rr n s ' \

the mother of Zebe- "" * or6

irpO(T)]\VeV ai'TltJ rj f.l7]TTJp TLOV VIUJV LfpfdaiOV UtTU
dee's children with her
sons, worshipping Aim, -v
and desiring a certain TOJV.VlWV.aVTT)g, TTpOOKVVOVOa Kai
to him the mother of the sons
of Zebedee with
~ ,,/ aiTOVOU TL
h >u
> ~

thing of him. 21 And her sons, doing homage and asking something from him.

^uihouT sheath 21 oM
dyrev av T y, Tt Qk\H Q ; Akyu avT& Ei-rrk 'iva
unto him, Grant that
these my two sons may
it, the one on thy
right hand, and the
And he said to her, What dost thou desire 1 She says to him, Say that
Ka Qi ait} (JlV ^SrOt" 01 SvO VIOL f*
may B sit 'these J
UOV etg= *JC folWV.
Kai ElC
two 'sons "my one on thy right hand and one
^ .
th^kin'dto. ^But ^
Iv Ty .(5aOlkua.GOV. 22 'A7TOKpt9tig.C o
Jelus^nsweVed" and on l th ?l left in th 7 kingdom. But answering
said Ye know not SvvaaOs ttiuv to
'\naovg e17tev, OuK.o'iSaTE tL aiTEi<r9e.
able to drink of the
d esus said, Ye know not what ye ask for. Are ye able to drink the
cup that I shall drink O iyUJ fxtWu) TTIVELV, KO.l TO fidTTTUT/ia O tyuj m
of and to be baptiaed TTOTrjpiOV
which I am about to drink,' and Hhe G
baptism 'which . I
with the baptism that
I am baptized with?
A'iyovoiv ai)Tip, Avvd-

n ,
j5aTTTia97]vai ;"
They say unto him We am io bapti2ed ri i with ] i to = be 3 baptized [4 with ] ? They say to him
are able. 23 And he , , , ,
n >
saith unto them, Ye fiEua. 23 Kttl AEySl ai'TOlg, To fltV 7TOTr)QlOV uov 7risa9e, '

shall drink indeed of a ble. And he says to them, 3 3

Indeed cup ^my ye shaU drinK,
my cup. be bap- \ , , , ,
Q ,
tizedwith the baptism, Kai TO fjaiTT 10 jJ.a O lyix) paiTTll,OjXai pa7TTiOm]Oi.O<dV
that I am baptized, an<i the baptism which I am baptized [with] ye shall be baptized
with: but to sit on , , , , ,. , , , , _ , ,,

my right hand, and on T0.ti.-Kavioai SK. 0Et,lU)V.flOV KOI ft, f.VLOVVfJ.OIV.^fJ.OV OVK
my left, is not mine [with] but to sit on my right hand and on my left "not
, to give, but it shall be n

,,>^\> .~
r / r

given to them for whom tOTIV fflOV^ OOWat, a\K Oig t/TOlflaorai V7TOTOV
mine to give, but [to those] for whom it has beeri prepared by
it is prepared of my 'is

Se but W. * - '6 6e\w

b or EGLTTrAW. c
y >J LTr[A]. 7roiijo-ai LTTrA. rj iroAAoi yap
elaiv kAtjtoi, oAc'yoi 5e ckA6ktoi T[TrA]. d e /cat av f
^.aSijTas TTr. rrj 6Sa> LTTrA. el<;
66.VOLTOV T. 8 eyep^rjo-erat ho shah be raised TTrA. h an' LTrA. ' k
[outoi] L. cro
{read [thy] right hand) lt. crov thy (left) gltttaw.

+ m Kai to ^a7TTto-/xa,
o eyoj /3a7TTi(Jb|, PaTTTiaOrji/ai. GLTTr 4. n Kai LTTrA. Kai to ^a7TTicr/ia o eyci)
/3a7rTt'^ /3a7TTio-0>jo%o-0e GLTTrA.
P UOV ()tad [my,! lift) LT'TrA. 1 -f 7OUT0 lllis
(is not mine) ta.
r Father. And when
iraTQOQ.aov. 24 Kat ol c*s/ca 24
aKowcraj/rsg" r)yavaKTr\aav
my Father. And having heard [this] were indignant were
mov?d withinthe ten

7TEOI TlOV SvO CtStXcpiZv. 25 O.dL'llJCJOVg TTpOO'KaXEadj.lEVOg dignation against the

about the two brothers. ,
But Jesus 2 3
V10 called
having called to L[ hinl]J Je>us i^TJl
25 Bx
them unto? '

avrovg eIttev, Oidare tin 01 apxovrEg ru>v Wvuiv and said, Ye know
KaraicvpiEvov- #,
Ye knowthatthe rulers that the princes of the of the nations
'them- said, exercise lordship
- Gentiles exercise do- ~
, 1 /\ >y y . -r. ,

GIV aVTWV, KOI 01 jXEyaKot KaTEt,OVGia^OV<nV aVTixJV- 2b Ol'X minion over them, and
over them, and the great ones exercise authority over them. Not they that are great ex-
.j, Mu
tvrai 11' iv
- .
vfxiv a\X og. v'Y
eav n>\
' ercl9e authori t7 u P on
them. 26 But it shall
'W <

thus however Bhall it be among you . ;
but whoever would among not be so among you :

~ v 11
n _v
I t(rrw
1 ~ j 11
< <
. oi- v .. , , M but whosoever will be
Vfiiv {Jttyag yevsvvai, vfiwv ouiKovog
great among you, let
27 /cat og.-tav'

and whoeve'r him be your minister ;

let him be your

you great become, servant ;

/v\ 1 < ~ -r
~ i"
z -~ s> c\cs " 27 and whosoever will 11 .

m\y EV V/J.IV ZlVCll 7Tp(x)TOg, t(TTl0" VjlUJV COX'Xog' 28 lOCnrep be chief among you,
would among you be first, let him be your bondman even as let him be your ser- ;

< <\ ~ > n ' > t\/i. j n~ '\\is> vant 28 even as the :

Viog TOV aVVptOITOV OVK.l]AVEV CiaKOVJ]V)}Vai, a\\a OiaKOl'l]- Sonof man came not
the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, to be ministered unto,
\ $ ~ / > -* % r 3 \ -\ > ~ but to minister, and to
aai kcu Sovvai rnv.^vxw.avTov Xvrpov avrt ttoXXwv. give his ufea ransom
and to give his life a ransom for many. for many.
29 Kai tKTToptvonkvuJV avriov and ^iEpt^w" ijKoXovGrjcrEv ^ 4f
as they de-
And as ''were going *6ut 'they from Jericho "followed mu^inX
^eat fol-
avrto ovXog iroXvg. 30 Kai ISov, Svo rvdXoi lowed him. 30 And,
KaOt)uevoi two blind men
'him 'a^crowd "great. And two blind [men]J behold,
behold, sitting
sitting by the way
side w hen they heard
vapa rfjv odov, aKdvaavTEg on 'Irjaovg irapayu iKpa,av, .

that Jesus passed by,

beside the way, having heard that Jesus is passing by cried out,
h c d
Aaj3l5J 31 'Ojt.OxXog Have mercy on us, d
[l n
XkyOVTEg, 'EXh](TOV y)fldg, KVpiS, Vl6g
saying, Have pity on us, Lord, Son of David. But the crowd L.,ra "">" son of Da " >

31 And the mul-

' ,

, ',
tlTETl^l](yEV aVTOig iva GlOJTrrjrnodlV. Ol.Ce flSl^OV /cpa-
titude rebuked them,
rebuked them they that they should be silent. But the more cried because they should
ll V p rV ~ up
Xtyovreg, EXti]oov y/fiag, Kvpie, '-viog
a l
< ' v ii /3's,i <*c*
32 ir
hold their peace but
Kat they cried the more,

out, saying, Have pity on us, Lord, Son of David. . And saying, Have mercy
i < ._ ~
/w.. on us,0 Lord, thouson

ueAere of David. 32AndJe-

, , / y , mli /

arag o liqaovg i(pioin](TEv avrovg, kch enrev,

having stopped, Jesus called do ye desire sus stood still, and call- them, and said, What
~ / .,
nn i , ~ Tr i <i n- ed them, and said,

33 AtyOVGlV awq), Kvpie, iva n aV0lXUU)(7lV" What wild ye that I

y. ||

7T01T]CFW VfJ.LV \
1 should do to you? They say to him, Lord, that 3 may ''be "opened shall do unto you?

V''j/i-\ a S" t ~ " / 'Mo^v^

(OV 01 0(pVaAfXOl." 34 2.7rAay%riO"y(C-0f O lljCOVg ?]\paTO Lord, that our
33 Thev say unto him,

'our eyes. And moved with compassion Jesus touched may be opened. 34 So
Tu>vH<peaXiiu>v".avro~>v Kai sWewg
avzpX^av 'abrZv 4
^r^m?1in dTou ched
and immediately received sighf 'their and im-

Kai nKoXovQnaav avrcp.
and they followed him.
they f n owe d him.
their eyes-

JJgg ^
21 Kat ore I'lyyiaav tig 'Lepoo-6Xv/.ia Kai rfXBov stg Bt]9- xxi. And when they
And when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Beth- " rcw nigh unto Jern-
salem, and were come
m u , , , , , ,

<Payi] 7Tpog" TO Opog riOV tXaiWV, TUT O h]OOVg aTTiO~THXEV to'Bethphage, unto the
phage towards the mount of Olives, then Jesus sent mount of Olives, then
., _ , - - ott , '
ovo /xaurjrag, 2 Aiywv avToig, HopEvvt]TE" eig ri)V klo{.iy)v rt}v pies, 2 saying unto
seut Jesus two dlsci "
'OH' '

two disciples, saying to .them, Go into the village, that them, Go into the vil-
g. .
n - n n> < " J i lage over against you,
< ii
< '
' <

*a7reVaVTr VflWV, Kai lEVVStjjg" EVpT]<yETE OVOV CECE\LiVr]V, Kai and straightway ye
opposite you, and immediately ye will find an ass tied, and shall find an ass tied,
~> > , ~ > / _.
T& , / >nn , , , and a colt with her:
ffWAOV flET aVTt]g~ XvaaVTEg ayayETE flOl. O Kai tav i 30se them, and bring
a colt with her ; having loosed [them] bring [them] to me. And if thevi unto me. 3 And

r T av LTr. w
VfidiV of you A,
8 5e GLTTrA. l
d/eovo-ai/Tes 5e TA. 0"tIi/ is it LTr.
eo-Tai he shall be LTTrA. ecrrai he shall be LTTr. a b
'Iepetx"" T y av LTTrA. z
Kvpte, -

e\et)crov LTrA ; Kvpie T. c vie LT. d Aavi'S

; Aauei'5 LTTrA. e
eKpafav LTTrA. GW
f h
8 + [ii/a] that la. avoiyiocriv LTTrA.
Kvpie, eAe'no'oi' Tj|U.a; LTTrA. oi b4>6a\fxol
r/ju.>Li' LTTrA.
6/x^aTioi' LTTrA. OAJTuiV oi 6i^)0aA/aot LTTrA. m LTTrA. l

> a. t. o P KaTeVai'Tt LTTr. 1 evSvs T. ra

liopevevde LTTtA. dyere LTrA.
If any man say onprht
tiq rt, Ipslre, "On b id'piog 3 avrwv \peiav
unto you, ye shall say, vfiiv e'irry
The Lord hath need of any one to you cay anything, ye shall say, The Lord oi *them Tieed
them ;
straight- ev9ewg
t n
.bt ^aTTooTeKtV 4 TovTo.Si n '6\ov n avrovg.
way he will send them. t'xt'
'has. And Immediately he will send them. But this all came
4 All this was done,
that it might
filled which was spo-
yov&v "tva he ful-
TrXi]pw6y rb pi]9lv Sia tov -jrpocpTjTov,
to pass that might be fulfilled that which was spoken "by the prophet,
ken by the prophet,
saying, 5 Tell ye the XeyovroQ, 5 EiVare ry Qvyarpi Snov, 'Ibov, b.^aoi\evg.aov
daughter of Sion, to the daughter of Sion, Behold,
saying, Say thy king
Behold, thy King Com- T w irwXov
eth unto thee, meek, ipjffrai <7Qi, irpavg ai" e7rii3ef3rjKU)g e-rrl bvov Kal
and sitting upon an comes to thee, meek and mounted on an ass and a colt [the}
ass, and a colt the foal
of an ass. 6 And the viiiv vTro^vyiov. 6 Ti.opev9svTtg.Sl oi ua9t]Tai, Kal -noiijoav-

3 i
disciples went, and did foal of a beast of burden. And having gone 'the *disciples, and having
as Jesus commanded x
them, 7 and brought rsg Ka9u)Q 7TjOO(Trav" avTolg b 'Irjaovg, 7 ijyayov t>)v
the ass, and the colt, done as -ordered them 'Jesus, they brought the
and put on them their
clothes, and they set bvov Kal
rbv 7rio\ov, Kal tTrk9i]Kav itiravufi avriov to. IpaTia
him thereon. 8 And a ass and the colt, and put upon them ^garments
very great multitude z a
ai'Twv, Kal d7TKa0icrej'" eiravw avTu>v. 8 b.b'e 7rXeioTog
spread their garments
ic the way others cut 'their,
and he sat on them. And the greater part [of the]
down branches from eavTwv to. 'ifiaTia ev Ty bSip, tKOTr-
the trees, and strawed ox^og tGTpwaav
them in the way. 9 And crowd strewed their garments on the way, and others were cutting
the multitudes that b n

went before, and that tov kXucovq

enrb tuiv bevbpojv Kal to-Tpwvvvov ev Ty
down branches from the trees and were strewing [them] on the
followed, cried, say-
ing, Hosanna to the 9 oi.Se bxXoi ol TzpodyovTeg c Kal ol aKoXov9ovvTeg
son of David Blessed boy. :

is he that cometh in way.

And the crowds those going before and those following
the name of the Lord A
XeyovTeg,'Qcravva ; vi< Aa/3iS'" evXoytjpevog
Hosanna in the high- eKpa^ov, r<p
10 And when he-
were crying out, saying, Hosanna to the* Son of David ; blessed
was come into Jerusa- 'Qaavvd iv Tolg
lem, all the city was
6 epxbpevog ev bv6p.ari KvpioW
[be] he who comes in [the] name of [the] Lord.
Hosanna in the
moved, saying, Who is
this? 11 And
vipicrTOig. 10 Kal elaeX96vTog.avTOv elg 'lcpoa6Xv/j,a
titude said, This is And as he entered into Jerusalem 'was s moved
Jesus the prophet of
Nazareth of Galilee. Traaa y TroXig, Xiyovcra, Tig Iotiv- oi<Tog'} ll'O'i.St o^Xot
the 3
city, saying, Who is this ? And the crowds
tXfyov, Ovrog, SOTLV ' Irjaovg o TTpofrjTyg, o curb f
said, This is Jesus the prophet, he who [is] from Na-
Zap'eT Ti]g FaXiXaiag
zareth of Galilee.

12 Kai eiai}\9ev So" 'lr)oovg elg to lepbv h"TOV 9t ov. Kai

12 And
Jesus went And ^entered 'Jesus into the temple of God, and
into the temple of God,
and cast out all them l^ej3aXev irai'Tag Tovg 7rioXovvTag Kal dyopci^ovTag tv "'?
cast out all those selling' and buying in the
that sold and bought
in the temple, and
Kal Tag TpaireZ,ag rwv koXXv(3io~tu)v KaTevTpexf/ev, Kal.
overthrew the tables "

temple, and the tables of the money changers he overthrew, and

of the money changers,
and the seats of them Tag Ka9ebpag twv 7tojXovvtiov Tag irepiGTepag. 13 Kal Xeyei
that sold doves, 13 and the seats of those the doves. And he says
said unto them, It is
written, My house avToig, TeypaTTTai, 'O.oZ/coc./.iou olKog- irpoaevxug kXi]9t]-
Bhall be called the to them, It has been written, My house f a house of prayer shall be
house of prayer but ;

ye have made it a den ceTaV avrbv HiroiyoaTt^ GTryXaiov XycrTwv. 14 Kai
of thieves. 14 And the called; but ye it have made a den of robbers. And
blind and the lame
came to him in the TrpocrijXOov 5 avTy
rvfpXol 2 Kal x^Xol ev T(p iepifi, Kal Wep/nrev-
temple and he healed
; 'came to hirn "blind and -*lame in the temple, and he healed
thorn. 15 And when
the c\ief priests and cev avTOvg. 15 ' oi
apx^peig Kai 5 oi ypapparelg
scribes taw the won- them. But 'seeing 'the 2 chief 'priests
*and the seribes

l he sends G. oAov LTTrA. v (cat A w + effi Oil

evflus TTr. a7roo-Te'AAei
LTTrA. *
(rvvfraijcv did direct LTrA. y en-' LTTrA. z
ai TWV [LjTTrA.
they set [him] e. b
icrrpayaav strewed T. + avrbv him LTTrA.
c d AavtS GW ;
LTTrA. e b Trpo^r/T-qq 'Irjcrovs LTTrA. NaapkO ELTTrAW." S 6 LTTrA. TOU
G&ov LTr. '
irouire make LTTrA.
XXI. MA T T H E W. 59
rd Bavfidoia a Kai tovq TralSag^Kpa'Courag iv rep
derful things that lit
the /wonders whioh he wrought, and the did, and the children
children crying in the
crying in the temple,
and saying, Hosanna
KaWkyovrag, 'Sloavva
i n
Upip. Tip v'up Aa(3iS, jjyavdKTtjGav, to the Son of David
temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David, they were indignant, ,

they were sore dis-

10 Kai m elTrov avrip, 'Akovuq ][

tl ovtoi XkyovGiv; ''lt]- pleased, 16 and said

and said to him, Hearest thou what these say ? And Je- unto him, Hearest thou
what these say ? And
govc XeyEt avrolg Nai' ovSs7tote dvbyi>ivTE,"OTi Ik
cro//a- Jesus saith unto them,
sus says
to them, 2
Yea;, never 'did ye read, Out of [the] mouth Yea have yo never ;

read, Out of the mouth

rog vi]7riuv Kai 9i]Xa%6vTwv KaTTjprirno alvov; 17 Kai of babes and suck-
of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? And lings thou hast per-
fected praise ? 17 And
KrrraXnnov avrovg i,tj\Qev to
T))g irdXEUjg tig BijOai'iav, Kai he left them, and went
haying left them , he went out of the city to Bethany, and out of the city into
Bethany ; and he lodg-
ijvXiaOr] ekeI. ed there.
passed the night there. 18 Now in the morn-
18 "Ylpixjiag^Se t7rar'ayu)v
iroXiv iirEivatiEv, ing as he returned into
tig Tr\v the city, he hungered.
Now early in the morning coming back into the city he hungered,
19 And when he saw a
19 Kai Idujv gvk^v fxiav liri Tijg bdov, i)X9ev i-rr avrrjv, Kai fig
tree in the way, he
and seeing fig-tree 'one by the way, he came to it, and came to it, and found
nothing thereon, but
obSiv EvpEV iv avry Kai XiyEi aurrj, leaves only, and said
tl-p-ri (pvXXa fiovov'
nothing found except on only. ithe says to it, unto it, Let no fruit
leaves And
grow on thee hence-
MyjKsri tK gov Kaprrbg yivi]Tai elg Tov.aiuJva. Kai i^i]pdv9r) forward for ever. And
Nevermore of thee fruit let there be for ever. And *dried up
presently the fig tree
withered away. 20 And
irapa\pr\pa2 '/ gvki]. 20 Kai iSovreg ol /xaOr^rai iQavp,aaav, when the disciples saw
'immediately the 3 fig-tree. And they marvelled, say-
seeing [it] the disciples wondered, it,
ing, How soon is the '

XiyovTEg, rioJg irapa-^prfna t^oavBi) i) gvkT) ; 21 AiroKpiQdg fig tree withered a way I

saying, How immediately isdriedup the fig-tree! "Answering 21 Jesus' answered and
said unto them, Verily
$4 6 'h]Govg eIttev avrdig, 'Ap,i)v Xiyuj v/.uv, lav f%>/re tt'igtiv, I say unto you, If ye
'and Jesus said to them, Verily, I say to you, If ye have faith, have faith, and doubt
not, ye shall not only
Kai jj,i].3iaKpi9rire, ov fiovov to rijg GVKtjg 7roir)GETE } do this which is done
and do not doubt, not only the [miracle] of the fig-tree shall ye do, to the fig tree, but also
if shall say unto
dXXd Kav Tip.opEi.TovTip EiTrrjTE, "ApOijn Kai (3iXi)9rjrii thisye
mountain, Be thou
but even if to this mountain ye should say, Be thou taken away and be thou cast removed, and be thou
cast into the sea it
Eig ti)v QdXaaaav, yEvi']GETai' 22 Kai iravra oaaj^dv^ shall be done. 22 And

into the sea, it shall come to pass. And all things whatsoever all things, whatsoever
iv T ye shall ask in prayer,
alrfj(Tt]T tij 7rpoGEvxy, iriGTEvovTEg, Xr)^EG9E. believing, ye shall re-
ye may ask in prayer,. believing, ye shall receive. ceive.
23 And when he was
23 Kai *tX96i'Ti.avT(p eig to lEpbv Ttpoa7)X9ov avrip
come into the temple,
And on his coming into the temple there came up to him, [when] the chief
priests and
of the peo-
BiSciGKovTi oi dpxitpElg Kai oi TroEGj3vrEpoi tgv Xaov, Xiyov- the eldersunto him as
ple came
teaching, the chief priests and the elders of the people, say- he was teaching, and
'Ev TToia o vGia TavTa Kai goi eSojkevt^v said, By what autho-
TEg, i TroiElg ; Tig
rity doest thou these
ing, By what authority these things. doest thou? and who to thee gave things? and who gave
24 b'li]Govg elttev avrolg, thee this authority ?
i^ouGiav.TavTijv; 'A7roKpi9Eig. Sk 24 And Jesus answered
this authority ? And answering Jesus said . to them,
and said unto them, I
also will ask one
v/xag Kayuj
Xoyov e'iva, ov idv eIttiit'e [xoi, Kciyoj thing, which ifyou ye tell
Will 4 ask s
you 'I also 'thing one, which if ye tell me, I also
me, I in like wise will
V/.UV ipui iv Troia i^ovGio: Tavra tcoiCj. 25 to fidirTiGpa tell you by what autho-
to you will say by what authority these things I do. The baptism rity I do these things.
25 The baptism of
T 'iwdvvov
7t69ev rjv i%. ovpavov, fj s dv9pw7ru)v
', ; John, whence was it ?
of John, whence was it ? from heaven, or from men ? from heaven, or of
men ? And they rea-
iavTolg, XiyovTEg, 'Edv Eiira)- soned with themselves,
0'i.Sk StEXoyi^ovro *7rap'
And reasoned with If we should saying, If we shall
they themselves, saying,
x say, From heaven he ;

'E ovpavov, IpEl i)fJiiv,
Atari" ovv ovK-i-rriGTEVGaTE will say unto us, Why
say, From heaven, he will say to us, Why then did ye not believe did ye not then be-

who were) GW m
k + tovs (read LTTrA. '
AaviS ;
AaveiS LTTrA.
eiirav LTTrA.
ITpiiH TTr. eTrai'ayaycol' LTA.
P + Oil LT[a]. <i eav Tr. kr\jJ.^eo-9e LTTrA,
w iv * ii ri
kkQovTos axiTOv LTTr. '
6g and L. " + to that LTTrA. among LTr. LTTrA.
lieve him? 26 But if
we shall say, Of men ; avTip; 26 idv.Si eItti.ou.ev, 'E dv9pu)7ru)v, (pofio>'<n$a tov
we.f ear the people for
him? but if we should say, From men, we fear the

all "hold John as a pro- y n

o-\\ov' TvdvTEg.ydp l'%ovcriv Tov'Ibjdvvrjv ibg 7rpo<piiTt]v.
phet. 27 And they an- multitude for all hold John as a prophet.
swered Jesus, and said, ;

We cannot tell. And 27 Kai airoKpiB'iVTEQ r<'lf/crou z eIttov" OvK.o'ioapiEv. "E</>?;

he said unto them, And Jesus We know not.
answering they said, Said
Neither tell I you by
what authority I do avrqig Kai aVTOQ, Ovok iyCj Xsyw vjj.1v iv TTola i^ovaia
these things. 28 But *to 5 them = also
'he, Neither -I 'tell you by what authority
what think ye ? A cer-
tain man had two ravra 7ro(w. 28 TLSe vuav.SokeX', dvQptDTTOQ e!\EV b 3,

sons and
he came to these
things I do. But what think ye ? a man had ^children
the first, and said,
n c
Son, go work to day in 8vo, Kai" TrpoaeXdiov T<p 7rpu>r<^ eIttev, T'ekvov, viraye
my vineyard. 29 He 'two, and having come to the first he said, Child, go
answered and said, I d
will not but after- <rr]/.iepov ipydZ,ov
: iv Ti().dfiTreXu>vi. fiov . 29 'O.di cnroicpt9eig
ward he repented, and to-day work in my vineyard. And he answering
went. 30 And he came e n f
vo~TEpov. Si /xera/x^XriOslg a7rij\9ev 30 Kai

to the second, and ciTrev,Ov.6s\u)

said likowise. And he but afterwards having repented
said, I will not ;
he went. And
answered and said, I
T(p zdevTspf^ eIttev oxjavTiog.
o.di cnroKpi9tig
go, sir and went not. TrpoaEXOujv

31 Whether of them having come to the second he said likewise. And he answering
twain did the will of
his father ? They say sTttev, Eyw, KVpie'
Kal ovK-aTrqXBEv. 31 Tig itc tujv Svo l-nroir)-
unto him, The first. said, I [go], sir, and went not. Which of the two did
Jesus saith unto them, h H
oev to 9k\r)na tov vaTpog; Aiyovaiv aur^>, ''O 7rpu>Tog. 11

Verily I say unto you,

That the publicans the will of the father ? They say to him, The first.

and the harlots go into 6 'Irjuovg-, 'Aju?)v Xiytt) vfiiv, oti ol Ts\u>vai Kai
the kingdom of God 2Atyei 3 avToig 4
Says to them "Jesus, Verily I say to you, that the tax-gatherers and
before you. 32 For
John came unto you al
in the way of right- tropvai TTpodyovGiv vfxdg eig tt)v /3acn\aiav tov 9eov.
the harlots go before you into the kingdom of God.
eousness, and ye be-
lieved him not but 32 v
'Iu)dvvT)g iv

the publicans and the- rjX9Ev.ydp irpbg vpag oSifi SiKaioavvrjg,

For 2 came 3
to ''you 'John in [the] way of righteousness,
harlots believed him :

and ye, when ye had Kai ovK.iiriGTEVGaTE avT(p, ot.Se reXwvai Kai at Tropvai
seen it, repented not and but the tax-gatherers and the harlots
that ye ye did not believe him, -
Might believe him. liriarvjaav avT(p vu.Eig.$k idovreg ov v .u.ete[xe\7]9i]te varEpov
believed him but ye having seen did not repent

tov iriGTEvaai avrcp.

to believe him.
" m n
33 Hear another pa- 33 *AA\r/v 7rapaj3oXrjv AvBpioirog Tig r/v aKovaarE.
rable There was a
Another parable hear.
man 'certain there was A
certain householder, Kal <ppayf.ibv avTqi
which planted a vine- otKodErnroTrjg, oaTig i<pvTEVffEv dfjnrEXui'va, 3
a master of a house, who planted a vineyard, and 4 a 5 fence it
yard, and hedged it
round about, and dig- Kal iv Kal
ged winepress in it,
wpv^EV avT<{> Xrjvov, <^KoS6fiT]<TEi
a winepress, and
and built a tower, and 'placed about, and dug in it built
let it out to husband- Kai "i&SoTo" avTov yEwpyoig, Kal aTTE^rjurjffEv.
men, and went into a a irvpy'ov,
tower, and" let out it to husbandmen, and left the country.
far country 34 and :

when the time of the 34 twv Kapwwv,

fruit drew near, he
'6te.Se riyyiaEv 6 Kaipog a,TTto~TEi\EV rovg
sent his servants to
And when drew near the season of the fruits, he sent
the husbandmen, that dovXovg.avTOV
TrpogTOvg yEwpyovg Xo-/3e7v TOvg.Kap7rovg.avTOV.
they might receive the his bondmen to the husbandmen to receive his fruits.
fruits of it. 35 And
the husbandmen took 35 Kal Xaj36i>Tsg oi yEiopyol TOvg.dovXovg.avTOV, ov./xiv
his servants, and beat And 3 having 4 taken 'the 2 husbandmen his bondmen, one
one, and killed an-
other, and stoned an- tfcipav, '6v.Se cnciKTEivav, ov.Sk iXi9of56\i]rrav. 36 rrdXiv
other. 36 Again, he they beat, and another they killed, and another they stoned. Again
sent other servants
more than the first cltteo-teiXev dXXovg SovXovg irXEiovag tCjv 7rpwT0JV,Kal ETroir]-

and they did unto he sent other bondmen more than the first, and they

y d>s Trpo4>r)Triv rbv 'Iwdvvriv LTTrA.

el-n-av T. *
+ tc? {read a certain man) l.
b Svo tskvo. <ai t.
l. d c
ju.ov (read the vineyard) TTrA.
8e but [l]t.
'6 lio-repo? he who
f S erepoi Other GTAW. h avTiZ LTTrA.
TTpoo-e\9iov 5e LTTrA.
afterwards [obeyed] LTr. '*
'liaavvrjs n-pbs v/uas LTTrA. ovSe (read did neither l

" "
repent) LTr ; ov\_Se] A. tis GLTTrAW. ef e'Sero TA.
xxr, xxrr. M A T T H E W. 01
nav avrotg waabriog. 37 vanpov.Si cnreaTEiXev irpbg avrovg them likewise. 37 Bit
last of all he sent unto
ilid to them iu like
at last manner.
he sent to And
them his son, saying,
will reverence
rbv.v'ibv.aorov, Xiyujv,
'EvrpaTrt'jaovrai rbv.v\6v.p:ov. They
his sou, saying, They will have respect for my son. my son. 38 But when
the husbandmen saw
38 O'l.b^i ysiopyol ibbvreg rbv vlbv ilrrov iv tavrolg, Ovrog the son, they said a-
But the husbandmen seeing the son said among themselves, This mong themselves, This
is the heir come, let

ianv b KXi)pov6j.iog' 8evt, airoKTHVbjjXiv avrbv, Kai Kard- us kill him, and let us
is the heir ; come, let us kill him, and gain pos- seize on his inherit-
ance. 39 And they
cr^w/iEj/" Ti)v.K\i]povo^iiav.auTQV. 39 tear Xaj3bvreg avrbv caught him, and cast
session of his inheritance. And having taken him him out of the vine-
yard, and slew him.
ilij3aXov t^uj rov a /.i7TE\iovocKat a.7TSKTivav. 40 orav ovv 40 When the lord
they cast [him] out of the vineyard and killed [him]. When therefore therefore of the vine-
yard cometh, what will
t\9y b Kvpiog rob d/xTrsXCbvog, ri
7rou)<Ti ro~ig yewpyolg he do unto those hus-
shall come the lord of the vineyard, what will he do ^husbandmen bandmen? 41 They say
unto him, He will mi-
iK^ivoig ; .41 Aiyovcnv avrtp, Kaicovg Kaicuig drroXkau serably destroy those
'to -those ? They say to him, Evil [men] miserably he will destroy wicked men, and will I

let out his vineyard

avrovg, Kai rbv dfJurtXibva K$o<7rai" dXXoig yeojpyolg, unto other husband-
them, and the vineyard he will let out to other husbandmen, men, which shall ren-
der him the fruits in
oirii'tg c'nrociixrovcriv avr<p rovg Kaprrovg iv rolg.KaipoXg.avrwv. their seasons. 42 Jesus
who will render tohim the fruits in their seasons. saith unto them, Did
42 AiyEi avrolg ye never read in the
a 3
b 'itjaovg,'iyvMrE tv raig ypa- scriptures, The stone
Says to ''them 'Jesus, Did ye never read in the scrip- which the builders
A'i9ov ov dTTi-SoKij-iaaav oi rejected, the same is
oiKodopiovvrsg, ovrog become the head of
tures, [The] sLone which rejected 'those 2 who 3
build, this the corner this is the

Lord's doing, and it is

tyev>l9i) tig KS<paX))v yiDvlag' Trapd KVpiov a'vrr), marvellous in our eyes?
is become head of [the] corner : from [the] Lord was this, 43 Therefore say 1 unto
Kai ianv Oavfxaari) iv b(p9aXp.oTg.r'ifj.u>v 43 Aid rovro Xkyio you, The kingdom of
and it is wonderful in Because
our eyes

of this I
God shall be taken
? say from
you, and given
Vfiiv, on dp9t)aerai d<p'
to a nation bringing
fiaaiXeia rov 9eov, Kai forth the fruits
v/iwv //
to you, that 3 4 5
'from 2
and there-
shall ue takcn you the kingdom of God,
of. 44 And whosoever

So9>)o-rai tOvei -koiovvti rovg Kaprrovg avrijg. 44 ^Kal shall fall on this stone
it shall be given, to a nation producing the fruits of it. And shall be broken : but
on whomsoever it shall
b 7T(Tu>v iirl rbv.Xi9ov.Tovrov ovv9Xa<j9i]aErai' i<p
.ov.S'.dv fall, it will grind him
li< who falls on this stone shall be broken ;
but on whomsoever to powder. 45 And
when the chief priests
iriaij, XiKfirjoet avrbvJ 1

45 Kal aKOvaavreg" oi and Pharisees had

it shall fall it will grind to powder him. And 'hearing 'the heard his parables,
they perceived that he-
dpxiEp&g Kai oi Qapioaloi rdg.TrapaftoXdg.avrov iyvwoav spake of them. 46 But
"chief "priests 'and Hhe "Pharisees his parables knew when they sought to
lay hands on him, they
bri mpl auTwv Xeyti. 40 Kai Z,t]rovi're.g avrbv Kparfjaai, feared the, multitude,
that about iliem he speaks. And seeking him to lay hold of, because they took him
s nt for a prophet.
itpoj3i]9i]<yav rovgoyXovg, i7vsidi) wg
7rpo<pr]r}]v avrbv e7%oi>.
they feared the crowds, him they held.
because as a prophet

22 Km
aTTOKpiOtig b 'hjoovg TrdXiv i7rev "avroUg iv irapa- answered and
XXII. And Jesus
And answering Jesus to them in spake
again spoke para- unto them
againby pa-
(ioXaXg," Xiywv, 2 'Qfionb9i] t) fiaatXtia rwv ovpavwv rables, and said, 2 The
bles, saying,
Has 'become s like 'the ^kingdom 3 of 4 the 5 heavens kingdom of heaven is
like unto a certain
king, which made a
dv9pwTT(p fiaatXel, 'bang iTroli]o~tv ydpovg T(p-v\<fi.avrov'
to a man a king, who made a wedding feast for his son : marriage for his son,
3 and sent forth his
3 Kai d7r'trsruXi.i> rovg.BovXovg.avrov KaXkaai rovg kekXtj- servants to call them
and sent his bondmen to call those who had been that were bidden to
the wedding and they :

pivovg eig rovg ydpovc, Kai ovk.7)9eXov 4 UdXiv would not come. 4 A-
invited to the wedding feast, and they would not come. Again gain, ho sent forth
other servants, say-
aTr'tareiXev dXXovg SovXovg, Xiyiov, Ei7rare rolg kekXj]- ing, Tell them which
he sent other bondmen, saying, Say to those who had been are bidden, Behold, I

CTX <^/ULel/ ' et us pOSSCSS LTTrA. P ExSwcreTai Gi-TTrAW.

p i verse 44 [l] T. aKOV(ravT(i
e7rci TTrA. l v kv
&k T. eis for LTTrA.. 7rapa/3oA.ats avTOis LTTrA.
62 M A T A I 2. xxir.
have prepared my -Sin-
ner my oxen and my ftsi'Oig,
loot/, To.apiOTuv.^nv ijTotfiaact oi.rttvpni.^iou Kai
fat, liu;rsure killed, and invited, Behold, rny dinner 1 prepare d, my oxen and
all thingsarc ready Kai Trai'Tct 'iroij.ia' Sluts tig tovq
tci (titkttci

come unto the mar- the fatted beasts, rf.dvj.iiva,

are killed, and all things [are] ready; come to
5 But the
riage. they
made light of it, and
went their ways, one ydpovg. 5 OUt
dj.itXi](jai'TEg ctTrijXOov,
o"./ty Eig tov
to his farm, another
wedding least. But they being negligentof [it] went away, one to
elg Ti)v.linropia.v.abTOV. 8 oi.St Xoittoi
to his merchandise 'iciov y b".8k
6 and the remnant
hisow,n field, and another to his commerce. And the rest,
took bis servants, and
entreated them spite- KpaTi](JavTEQ Tovg.covXovg.avTov vfipiaav Kai airkicTtivav.
fully, and slew them. laid hold of his bondmen, insulted and killed [them].
7 But when the king-

heard thereof, ho was 7 *'Aicou(jaQ-8e . 6 j3aoi\Evg topyitjQt], Kai Trsptpag rd

wroth and he sent
: And having heard [it] the king was wroth, . and having sent
forth his armie3, and
destroyed those mur- aTpaTevfiaTauivrov cittioXecfev Tovc.(povsic.tKkivovg, Kai tt\v
derers, and burned up his forces .he destroyed those murderers, and
their city. 8Thensaith
he to his servants, The iruXiv.avrwv kv'kTrpi)<Tkv. 8 Tors \'tyu To7g.8ovXoig.avrov, 'O
wedding is ready, but their city he burnt. Then he says to his bondmen, The
they which were bid-
den were not worthy. f.dv ydfiog 'iroi/.t6g tariv, o't.Sk K/c\///tih'cu ovK.ijaav
9 Go ye therefore into ^indeed 'wedding ''feast 'ready
is, but those who had been invited werenot
the highways, and as
many as ye shall find, tiptoe 9 7ropEvt(j9e ovv iiri Tag 8itt,bSovg tojv bStov, Kai '

bid to the marriage. worthy; Go therefore into the thoroughfares of the highways, and
10 So those servant-; b
went out into the oaovg av' -EvpriTE f KaXsrraTE eig rovg ydfiovg.
10 Kai
highways, and gather--, as many as ye shall find, invite to the wedding feast. And
ed together all as many
as they found, both 3 l^e\06vTf.g oi.duvXoi.tKsivoielgTag
bSovg avvijyayov Trdvrag
had ivnd good and the having"gone out 'those bondmen into the highways brought together all

wedding was furnish- oaovg Evpov, 7rov>]povg re Kai dyaOovg' Kai kTrXijCi9rj 6
ed with guests. 11 And
when the king came in as many as they found,
evil 'both and good; and 4 becanie s f ull 'the
to see the guests, he c v
6 fiaoiXsvg Qedaa-
saw there a man which 2 ydfxog dvaKUn'tvwv. 11 ehjeX9iov.ce
had not on a wedding we.Uling -feast
of guests. And 'coming 4 in 'the "king to see

garment 12 and he oQaiTovg dvaKtifisvovg e!8ev IkeT dvOpioTrov ouk evSeShj-isvov


saith unto him, Friend, beheld there a man not clothed

the guests
how earnest thou in
hither not having 'ivfivfia ydiiov\ .
12 Kai Xkyu avrqi 'EraTpe, irwg
a wedding garment ? with a garmerit of [the] wedding feast and he says to him, Friend,
And he was speechless.
13 Then said the king elffijXQeg wSe fxr) -*%wv evdv/ia yd/iov ; '0,8k
to the servants, Bind didst thou enter here not having a garment of [the] wedding feast? But he
him hand and foot, and
take him away, and k<pipio9r]. 13 tots d dirEv 6 fiacriXEvg" roig SiaKovoig, A))<jav-
cast him into outer was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, Having
darkness there shall
ho weeping and gnash- Teg avTOV jroSag Kai x tl P a G *dparE avrbi' Kai" tKj3dXeT
ing of teeth. 14 For bound his feet and hands take away him and cast out [him]
many are called, hut ekeI itJTai 6 KXavO/xbg Kai b
few are chosen. Eig to (TKOTog to t"t;u>rpov'
into the darkness the outer: there shall be the weeping and the tuv 686vtu)V. 14 7ro\Xoi.ydp eictiv KX>)Toi,-6Xiyoi.oe

gnashing of the teeth. For many are called, but few
15 Then went the
Pharisees, and took 15 Tore TropEvO'svTEg ol Qapicaioi ovj.if3ovXiov tXai3ov o7rwg
counsel how they Then having gone the Pharisees ^counsel 'took how
might entangle him in
his talk. 16 And they avTov 7rayi8Evauj(nv iv Xoyqj. 16 Kai dirooTeXXovtnv aiirt^i
sent out unto him their him they might ensnare in discourse. And they send to him
disciples with the He-
rodians, saying, Mas- .T0vg-f.ia9})Tag.avT6Jv pETd tujv 'HpioSiavioi', ^yovTEg^ At8d-~ %/

ter, we know that thou their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Teacher,
art true, and teachest
the way of God in (tkoXe, oi8afiEv on
dXr]9r}g eI, Kai T))v bobv tov 9eov Iv dXr)9f.ta
truth, neither carest we know that true thou art, and the way of God in truth

w x OS LTTrA. y oc LTTrA. *
r)TOL/xaKa I have prepared LTTrA. eiri LTTrA.
6 o^/SacriAeus axoucras L ; 6 Se )3ao-iAevs TTrA ; Kai aKOutras 6 /Sao". W. b eav LTTrA W.
c d e
wfupiov bridechamber T. 6./3ao-iAevs elnev LTTrA. apart avrbu Kai LTTrA.
'+ avrbi' him LTTrA. 8 Aeyoi'Tas LTTr.
ooi Trepl oi>S*v6g, ov.ydp thou for any man : for
dicuaicELc, Kai ot'j
fitXei ftX'eTreig
a thou regardost not the
leachest, and there is care to thee about no one, for not 'thou -lookest
person of men. 17 Tell
h *

wpooiovov avQpiinrwv 17 eiVf" ovv i/p^v, ri ooi >is therefore, What

men J thinkest thou? Is it
on [the] appearance of ;
tell therefore us, what thou
lawful to give tribute
SokeI; t^eoTiv dovvai Ktjvoov Kaioapi i] o'v ;
18 Tvovg.ce unto Cfesar, or not ?
'thinkest? Is it lawful to give tribute to Ca?sar or not ?
But knowing IS But Je^us perceived
their wickedness, and
6 'li]oovc Ti)v.7ro)'7]pia}'.avTuip elnev, Ti pie Treipd^eTe, vtto- said, Why tempt ye
Jesus their wickedness said, Why me do ye tempt, hypo- me,
Shew me
hypocrites ?
the tribute
Kpirai 19 't7nc?eiare fioi to voj-iiopa tov Ktjvoov. O'
money. And they
crites? Shew me the coin ox the tribute. And they brought unto him a
peuuy. 20 And he
TTpoot'jveyKav avTip Srjvdpiov. 20 Kai Xeyei aurolg 1
, Tivog saith unto them, Whose
presented to him a denarius. And he says to them, Whose [is] is this image and su-
perscription? 21 They
r)MKihv.a.VT7] Kai r) e7Tiypa<pij; 21 Asyovtriv^avrip," Kaioapog. say unto him, Caesar's.
this image and the inscription ? They say to him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto
them, Render therefore
Tore Xiyet avroig, 'AttoSote o(>v rd Kaioapog Kaioapi, unto Csesar the things
Then he says to them, ltender then the things of Caasar to Caesar, which are Caesar's ;
and unto God the
Kai tov 9eov rip 9eip. 22 Kai ciKovoavTeg i9avpaoav'
things that are God's.
and the things of God to God. And having heard they wondered ; 22 When they had
heard these ivorits,
Kai afivTSC avTov ^Tri/X^oi'." they marvelled, and
and leaving him went away. left him, and went

23 'El' Lkbivij
m ot" their way.
Ty ijpepa irpoo'i'jX9'ov avTtp "SaSSovKaloi,
On that day came tohim Sadducees, who'

XtyovTeg pij.elvai dvdoTaoiv, kcu tTTtjpioTtjoav avrov, 24 Xe- 23 The same day
there not a resurrection, and they questioned came to him the Sad-
say is him, say-
ducees, which say that
yovreg, AiSdoKaXe, "Miooijg

e'nrev, 'Edv Tig cnroQdvg /.it)

there is no resurrec-
ing, Teacher, Moses said, If any one should dio not tion, and asked him,
24 saying, Master, Mo-
t\iov TiKva, irriyapfipevoEi d.dSeXrpbr.avTov ti)v yvvaiKa ses said, If a man die,
3 4 6
having children, shall marry 'his "brother wife having no children,
his brother shall marry
avrov, Kai dvaorijoei OTTepjxarip.ddeXipip. avrov. 25^ his wife, and raise up
'his, and shall raise up seed to his brother. Now there were seed unto his brother.
v 2oNow there were with
ijpiv tirrd dSeXipoi' Kai 6 ttoZtoc

nap yaprjoag treXevrrj- us seven brethren: and

wnh us seven brothers; and the first having' married died, the first, when he had
married a wife, de-
OEV, Kai t\iOV OTTtppa *Tl)v.yVl'OAKa.avT0V Tip
fll) dcp^jKEl' ceased, and, having no
and not having seed left - his wife
issue, left his wife unto
his brother : 26 like-
d ceXrp< tov. 2G o/xouog o rpirog,
Kai 6 devrepog, Kai
wise the second also,
to nis brother. In like manner also the
and the third, second,
and the third, unto the
seventh. 27 And last
'Log riov tTTTa. 27 iravriov dir&Oavev ^xaV* r) yvvi). of all the woman died
unto the seven. And last of all died also the woman. also. 23 Therefore in
2S ev ry r ovv dvaordoei rivog tiov titTU eorai yvvi); the resurrection whose

In 3 the 'therefore resurrection of which of the seven shall she be wife ? wife shall she be
2 of the
seven ? for they all
29 6 elrrev had her. 29 Jesus an-
irdvTeg.ydp lo\ov ctvrrjv. ' 'ltjoovg '
swered and said unto
for all had her. And Jesus said answering
them, Ye do err, not
avroiig, II\avdo9e, jxi) eidoreg Tag ypaipdg, scrip-
the power of fitjde rt)v dvvapiv knowing
tures, nor
to them, Ye err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power
God. 30 For in the
tov 9eov. 30
iv.ydp ttj dvaordoei o'vre yapovoiv ovre resurrection . they nei-
of God. For in the resurrection neither do they marry nor. ther marry, nor are
w given in marriage, but
^iKyapi^ovrai,^ aXX' log dyyeXoi 9eoi>W ev Vou
ovpavip are as the angels
ar" given in marriage, but as angels of God in heaven God in heaven. 31 But
as touching the resur-
elaiv. 31 Trepi.Se rrjg dvaordoeiog tiov veKpwv, ovK.dv'tyviore rection of the dead,
they are. But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read have ye not read that
which was spoken unto
to ptj9ev vfilv vtto tov 9ecv, XkyovTog, 32 'Eyio elpi you by God, saying,
that which was spoken to you by God, saying, 1 am 32 I am the God of

etTTov t. + 6 'Iijcrovs Jesus (says) lt.
avTtS t[a]. 1
anfjXQav LTTrA.
oi(read saying) i/fiya.
Mwuo-rjs LTTrAW. + Iva. that l. P y>j/ixas LTTrA.
Kai T[Tr]A. r " t
1 avaaracrei ovv LTTrA.
ya.ju.aJei'Ta;. LTTrA. TO y LTTrA.
tfeou LTr[A], * tw the LTTrA.
Abraham, and tke God Itrauic Kal 6
of Isaac, and the God
b Osbg 'Aflpauu Kal 6 Osbg 6ebg 'laKwfi; olac
of Jacob ? God is not
the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jaeub? "Not
the '.God of the dead, x aXXa
toriv ci 6ebg
vekqCov, Zibvnoi'. 33 Kai c'ikov-
but of the living. And having
33 And when the mul-
'God God of [the] dead, but of [the] living.
titude heard this, they
Gavrtg o't
o^Xoi ^7r\//crffovro Wi ry.cicaxy.avrov.
were astonished at his the crowds were astonished at his teaching.
34 Oi.ct <t>api<Tcuoi atcovaavrtQ on itpijttxJGEv tovq "2aS-
34 But . when the But the Pharisees, having heard that he had silenced the Sad-
Pharisees had heard
that he had put the SovKaiovg, ovi>i]x9i]<yccv e7rt.rb.aur6, 35 Kal Imipwrrjaei^
Sadducees to silence, !0
ducees, were gathered together, and Questioned [ him]
they were gathered z
together. 35 Then one dg t avriov voftiKog, 7XHpdZ,t)iV avrov, Kai Xsywj',"
of them, which was a 'one'of 3
them *a s
doctor of 'the 8 law,
tempting him, and saying,
lawyer, asked him a
question, tempting 36 AidaGKaXe, rzoia tvroXt) /.isydXr] Iv rip v-b\i.ti> )
2 3
him, and saying, Teacher, which *commandment l
[ is the] great in the law?
36 Master, which is &
Kvpiov rbvQsbv
the great command- 37 'O.Ss .'li)Govg direv avrti), 'AycnrtiGEtg ?
ment in the law ? And Jesus said to him, Thou shalt love [the] Lord God
37 Jesus said unto him, b n
Thou shalt love the o~ov iv 6\y r?j .Kap$ia gov, icai Iv oXy rrj.xpvxy-aov, Kal iv
Lord thy God with all 'thy with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with
thy heart, and with all 38 tGrlv c
Kal fisydXi]
thy soul, and with all oXy rij.diavoia.GOV. a.'vri]
thy mind. 38 This is all thy mind. is [the] first great
the first and great com-
mandment. 39 And the ivroXi'i. 39 devrkpa.^St" b/toia airy, 'Ayam'iGEig rbv
second is like nnto it, commandment. And [the] second [is] like it, Thou shalt love
Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself.7rXrjGiov.G0v <jjg Geavrov. 40 iv ravraig ralg Cvgiv ivTo\aXg
40 On these two com- thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments
mandments hang all e n
6Xog b vbfipg Kai or 7rpo<pr)rai Kp'sj-iavrai.
the law and the pro-
all the law and the prophets hang.
41 " rStv QapiGaitov t7rt]pwrriGEV
41 While the Pha-
But 3 having 4 been ^assembled "together 'the ^Pharisees "questioned
risees were gathered
together, Jesus asked avrovg b'l7]Govg, 42 Xkywv, Ti vuiv Sokh 7rspl rov xp*tov ;
them, 42 saying, What 9
,them 'Jesus, saying, What 'ye 'think concerning the Christ ?
think ye of Christ ? {
whose son is he ? They rivog v\6g igtiv ; AkyovGtv avrt^, Tov. Aa(5id. 43 Aeyft [i

gay unto him, The Son ofwhoni 3 son 'is 2 he? They say to'him, Of David. He saye
of David. 43 He saith
unto them, How then abrolg, Ylwg ovv Aaj3i8 iv 7rvev /.lari g Kvpiov abrbv KaXsl;"
s n

doth David in spirit to them, How then 2 David 3 in 4

spirit 'Lord him 'does 5 call ? ,;

call him Lord, saying,

h 6" KdOov Ik
44 The LORD said unto Xsytov, 44 EIttev Kiipiog rtfJ-Kvpu^-fiov, fcZtwv.fiov
my Lord, Sit thou on 3 J
saying, Said on hamnd
'the Lord to my Lord, Sit my right
my right hand, till I
v7T07r6l,iov" rwv. 7rodtov.G0v.
make thine enemies itog.av rovg.txdpovg.Gov
thy footstool? 45 If until I place thine enemies [as] a footstool for thy feet.
David then call him
Lord,how is he his 45 Ei oiv f
Aa/3(<5" koXu abrbv Kvpiov, Trtog viog.avrov
son? 46 And no man If therefore David calls him Lord, how his son
was able to answer k
him a word, neither Igtlv, 46 Kai ovdsig tdvvaro avr<i> aTTOKpiOfiixii" Xoyov,
durst any man from is he ?' And no one was able him to answer a word
that day forth ask
obSi rig air iKsivijg rFjg ijn'spag tTrepwriJGai abrbv
him any more ques- kroXjxriGkv
tions. nor dared anyone from that day to question

any more (lit. no more).

XXIII. Then spake 23 T" r " 'hjGovg tXaXriGEV rolg ox~Xoig Kal roTg./.iaOrjra'it,
to the crowds and to -'disciples
Jesus to the multitude, Then Jesus spoke
and to his disciples, l 11

2 saying,The scribes avrov, 2 Xsytov, 'Errl rijg MwGEU)g KttOedpag tKc'idiGav 01

and the Pharisees sit 'his, saying, On the 2
Moses 'seat have sat down the
in Moses' seat 3 all

QapiGaioi' 3 Txdvra ovv oGa.^dv^ i7rw-

therefore whatsoever ypanparsig Kai 01
all things therefore whatever they may
they bid you observe, scribes and the Pharisees j

x _ 6 fobs (read he is not) T. ? 0ebs LTr[A]. z Kai Aeycui/ LTTr.

6 5e 'Itjo-ovs

i(prj avrtZ G ;
6 5e e<f>r)
avru LTTrA ] e^rj 'IrjcroOs W.
aira [rrj] A. fxeydXr] Kai
LTTr AW. d 6e and T. e
Kpe/xaTaL nal oi 7rpocSr}Tai LTTrA W. f
AaviS GW ; Aavei'S
7rptoTr) h
LTTrA e Ka\el avrbv tcvpiov LTrA ; KaAei Kvpiov avrov T. 6 (read [the]) LTTrA
k LTTrA MV(Tfe>s LTTrA w. m iay TW,
wiroKoTW under (thy feet) LTXrA. ajroKOt^i'at avT<2
av vyav "Tripeiv," "njpei -e icai ttoifits.-"
* <s v. \

Kara.oi ra.epya.avTwv that observe and do ;

tell to keep, and But after but do not ye after

you keep do. their works
their works for they :

p>>.~ otelre Xkyovsiv.ydp ov.ttowvgiv. 4 SeGj.ievovaiv ydp

icctl p n
say, and do not. 4 For
do hod ; for they say and
do not.' -Xhey^ind 'for they bind hnavy bur-
dens and grievous to
ipofjTia (3apka *
V< dvofidaTaKra, ical tTrinQkaaiv t7rt rovg be borno, and lay them

on men's shoulder*
burdens heavy and hard to bear, and lay [them] on the ;

but they themselves

T n
topovg tCov ai'Ooi'oTrwi''
8e.daKri\<t).avT<jbv r<>) will not move them ov.QeXovgiv
shcuildcrs but with their own finger
of men, they will not
with one of their fin-
gers. 5 But all their
Kivi]<rai avTci. 5 Trdvra.Se T<kJpya.avruiv ttoiovgiv irpbg to works they do for to
move them. And all their works they do to be seen of men they :

make broad their phy-

usaOtjvai- To7g av9p(i)iroiQ. ttXcitvvovgiv *Sk' ru <pvXaicrr)pia lacteries, and enlarge

be seen "They make "'broad 'and

by men. "phylacteries the borders of their

t u garments, 6 and lovo '
avrujv, teal [xeyaXvvovoiv to. KparnreSa TuJv.\pariwv.avTwi the uppermost rooms

thcir, and enlarge the borders of their garments, at feasts, and the chief
v in the syna- seats
6 (piXovaiv rs" t\v irpcoTOicXiGiav iv roig Sei-n-voig, teal rag
gogues, 7 and greet- '

"love 'and the fir t place in the

ings in the markets, suppers, and the
and to be called of
TTpcuroKaOfSplag iv rciig ovrayojyalg, 7 Kal rovg ctGiraG^iovg iv men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
first seats in the synagogues, and the salutations in 8 But be not
ye called
w Rabbi for one is your
ra7g ayopalg, icai KctXelvQai viri rwv avOpwTrwv pf/3/3t, pafiiBi' Master, even Christ
9 :

the market-places, and to be called by men Rabbi, Rabbi. and all ye are breth-

8 vpelgSe /}.fcX?;0i/r

y ren. 9 And call no

*pa{3j3l'' etg.ydp iariv vfxtjv b ica9i]y7]Tfjg^ man
But ye 'be -not called for one your father upon
Rabbi; is your
the earth for one is leader, :

o xpioTog'^ your Father, which is
v/.ietg dStXfpoi tore. in heaven. 10 Neither
the Christ, and all ye brethren are.
be ye called masters
And father ''not

eiri Tijg yf/c' elg.yap iariv

for one is your Master,
K(iXea7]re v/xuiv b.TvaT))p.vfxCJv^
5 1 4 even Christ. 11 But he
'call your[ any one]on the earth; for one is your father, that is greatest among
b iv Tolg ovpav6ig. A 10 uijdk ic\r]9iiTfi Ka.6ijy7]ral' c tlg.yap you shall be your ser-
who [is] in the heavens. Neither be called leaders ; for one vant. 12 And whoso-
ever shall exalt him-
vpiov iariv 6 Ka9>]yr]T)]g, 6 \piGTog. 11 /xeit^wv v/aujv
self shall be abased ;

''your 'is leader, the Christ. But the greater of you and he that shall hum-
ble himself shall be
iGrat vi\iix)V Sidicovog. 12 '6cTig.Se vipwoet eavrbv TaireivwOt)- exalted.
shall be your servant. And whosoever will exalt himself shall be

oerac ical oarig Tcnreivojaei eavrbv vip(jj9>]Grai.

humbled; and whosoever will humble himself shall be exalted.
13 04) Oual. e Se* vjxiv, ypafx/iarelg ical Qapioaloi, VTroicptrai, 13 But woe unto you,
But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, scribes and Pharisees,
on KaTea9ieTE Tag oiiciag tujv X'lP&v, ical hypocrites! for ye shut
Trpotyaaei 2 fiaxpd
f up the kingdom of
for ye devour the houses of widows, and as apretext at *gr^- ^length heaven against men :

Sid tovto for ye neither go in

TTpouevxoi-ievoi' X//t//Eo"0 TrepiGGorepov .^pi'/ta."
yourselves, neither suf-
'praying. Because of this ye shall receive more abundant judgment. fer ye them that are
1 i (13) Oval 1 vfilv, ypa/xfiarelg teal QaptGaloi, inroKpirai, on entering to go in.
Woe to you, scribes and '

Pharisees, hypocrites, for 14 Woe unto you,

scribes and Phari.-ces,
(cXei'fre ti)v [3aaiXeiav tujv ovpavwv efi7rpoa9ev ruiv dv9pw7rwv hypocrites! for yc de-
of the heavens vour widows' houses,
ye shut up the kingdom before men;
and for a pretcu.e
v/:ielg.ydp ov/ceiaepx^^e, ovSe rovg
eiGepx^j-dvovg d<pieT make long prayer :

for ye do not enter, nor even those who are entering do ye suffer therefore ye shall re-
ceive the greater dam-
6iVfiXt?7v. 15 Oval vuiv, ypaixfiarelg teal Qaoioalot, vwoicpiTai, nation. 15 Wop unto
to enter. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, you, scribes and Pha-
risees, hypocrites! for
071 Trepidyere rt)v 9dXao~oav ical ti)v Zypdv iroiijocu 'eva ye compass sea and
for yc go about the sea and the dry [land] to make ono land to make one pros-

n t- nqpelv LTTrA P Se but LTTrA. 1 icai 6vcr/3acr-

TTOi-qcraTe (cat TT)petT6 LTTrA.
roucTa t[ti]a. avrol ok to SaKruAo) avTo>v but they themselves with their finger LTTrA.
pa^/3et T ;
Tciy t/aanW avrdv LTTrA. oh LTTrA. pa/3/3i LTr
6 *
yap for LTTrA. ;

pa,3i [pa/3|8t] A. pa/3/3ei T.

v oioacncaAos teacher LTTrAW. l
* o LTTr. h 6 the heavenly LTTrA. c OTt
v/j.u>t> ecrrLf el? LTTrA.
Vfj.ii>v TTarrifr ovpaiHOS KatfrjyTJTTjs
-f 6 but (woe) KLTTrA,
* VemlZ e Se but E. f
placed after 14 e ; verse 13 litta,
elyte,and when he is Kal orav 7roi?Tre aurbv v\bv ye-
made, ye make him 7rpom)\vTov, and when he yivrfTai,
twolold more l1>c child proselyte, has become [so], ye make him a son pf Qe-
of hell thanyour- ivvijg 16 Oval u/juv, bSi]yol rv(p\oi y oi
selves. Woe unto henna
16 SnrkoTEpov vpuiv.
twofold more than yourselves. Woe to you, "guides 'blind, who
you, ye blind guides,
which say, Whosoever "Og.dv iv r<p va<p ove'tv ioTiV og.o'.dv
shall swear by the tem-
Xtyovreg, bpoay y

say, Whoever shall swear by the temple, nothing it is; but whoever
ple, it is nothing- but

whosoever shall swear

bpocry iv Ttp XP V<T V T0V va v> 6<pei\u. 17 ptopoi Kal rv<p\oi"
by the gold of the tem- shall swear by the gold of the temple, isa debtor.' Fools '
and blind,
ple, he is a debtor !
v h
and blind
Ye fools LctiP, 6 %pi/cri>, b 6
17 :
%Tig .ydp uei^u)v >/ vabg 'ayid^wv"
for whether is greater, for which "greater 'is, the gold, or the temple which sanctifies
the gold, or the temple
that sanctifieth the tov'' xpvaov ; 18 Kai, tdv" bpoay iv T(p QvmacrTijpiip,
gold? 18 And, Who- the gold? And, Whoever shall swear by the altar,
soever shall swear by
the altar, it is nothing; ovSkv iortv' og.S'.av bpoay iv T(p So'jp(p T(p tTrdvco avrov,
but whosoever swear- nothing it is; but whoever shall swear by the gift that [is] upon it,
eth by the gift that is l

upon it, he is guilty. 6<pEikei. 19 fiwpol Kal TvpXei, t'i yap psl^ov, to diopov,

l'J Ye fools and blind: is a debtor. Fools and blind, for which [is] greater, the gift,
for whether is greater,
the gift, or the altar rj to Ovaiaarrjpiov to dyid^ov to Suipov ; 20 b ovv bpocrag
that sanctifieth the or the altar which sanctifies the gift? He -that 'therefore swears
gi ft ? 20 WhobO there- iv
fore shall swear by the Tip OvGUKXTTipiq) bfivvei Iv avT<p Kal tv Tracriv Tolg tTrdvoi
altar, sweareth by it, by
the altar swears by it .and by all things that [are] upon
tiuj. by all things thore-
on. 21 And whoso shall
auTov' 21 Kal 6 opecrag tv t</j va(p bpvvei tv avTtp Kal iv
swear by the temple, it. And he that swe:irs by the temple swears by it and by
sweareth by it, and ra
KaTGiKov%'Ti n avTOV 22 Kal b
by him that dwelleth him T<p bpoaag iv T(p oi<pav(p
ther in. 22 And he that
who dwells in it. And he that swears by the heaveu
shall swear by I*eiven, iv r<p Qpovip tov Qeov Kal iv Ttp Ka9r]piv<p tTtavit)
sweareth by the throne bjivvH
swears by the throne of God and by him who sits upon
6f God, and by him
that sitteth thereon. av-ov. 23 Oval
23 Woe rcnto
vplv, ypapparelg Kal Qapiaaloi, vwoKpiTai, oti
you, it. Y7be to you, scribes and for
scribes and Pharisees, Pharisees, hypocrites,
hypocrites! for ye pay a.7rGC!<aT0VT to ijfivocpov Kal to dvijOov Kal to kv/xu'ov, Kal
tithe of mint and anise tithes of the mint and the anise and the cummin, and
and cummin, and have ye pay
omitted the weightier di^Kare rd flapvTtpa tov v6;iov, ti)v Kpicriv Kal "tov
matters of t,he law, ye have loft aside the weightier [matters] of the law, judgment, and
judgment, mercy, and
faith these ought ye* Aov" Kal TT)V wiffTiV raura
: idei 7roirjarai, KaKtlva pfj
to have done, and not mercy and faith these it behoved [you]
: to do, and those not
to leave the other un-
24 Ye blind p n
24 bdqyol rvf\oi, lot" divXi^ovreg tov Kwvio7ra f
done. d(pdvai.
guides, which strain at to be leaving aside. "Guides 'blind, who filter out the gnat,
a gnat, and swallow a
camel. 25 Woe unto Tnv.Sk Kdfit]Xov KaraTrivovTig. 25 Oval vplv, ypapparelg Kai
you, scribes and Pha- but the camel swallow. Woe to you, scribes and
ri>ees, hypocrites! for
ye make clean the out- $apioaloi, V7T0KpiTai, oti Ka9api%TE to tZwOev tov ttottjoiov
side of the cup and of Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye cleanse the outside of the cup
the platter, but within r
Kal Tt\g irapoxf/id'og, t<jw9?.v.Sk yipovaiv t'' ap7rayi]g Kai
they are full of ex-
tortion and excess. and of the dish, but within they are full of plunder and
20 Thou blind Pha- s
aKpaaiag. 26 fbapuxale TV<pXs, KaQdpiaov 7rpu>TOV to ivTog

risee, cleanse first that

which is within the cup incontinence. "Pharisee 'blind, cleanse first the. inside
and platter, that the roil t
Kal to iKTog
outside of them may 7roTt]p'iOv KalTfjg 7rapo4>ldog,^'iva 6 yivr\Tai 6
be clean also. 27 Woe of the
' cup and of the dish,
that may 'become fiiso the "outside
unto you, scribes and v auTo>v" KaQapov. Oval 27 Kal
vplv, ypapparelg $apio>j(ioi y
Pharisees, hypocrites! 3
of 'them clean. Woe to you, ncribes and
for ye are like unto Pharisees,
whited w
which indeed appear 'vTroKpiTai, oti 7rapo/iOia^r" rd<poig KEKOviapivotg, o'lTivtg
.hypocrites, for ye are like ^sepulchres 'whited, which
beautiful outward, but
are within fuil of dead f wf}r piv <paivovTai wpatot, tffujOev.ds yipovoiv barktitv
men's bones, and of all but within are full of bonea
outwardly indeed appear beautiful,

h av LTTrA. l
8 Tt L. ayido-as sanctified LTTrA. fxoopol leal []TrrA.
fiel^ov L.
m Karoi.KT)o-o.vT<. dwelt in gttaw. a to eAeo? LTTrA. Si but (JLTtaw. p 6^>itm-i + '
to leave aside LTTrA. i oi {read filtering out. swallowing) lt.-a. . . .
| l [tt}
diKt'a? unrighteousness QW. '
Kai rtjs frapoi/u'o? ia, avrov of it LXTra.
6/aoid^ere Llr,
uncleanness. 28 Even
v Kpwv atcaQapmag.
teal trdar]g o'vtioq Kai iifieTg ioj9ev so ye also outwardly
of [the] dead and of all unclcarmess. Thus also ye outwardly appear righteous unro
x meu, but within ye are
ixtv (paivzoOe rolg dvOpw-n-oig Biicaioi, iaoj9ey.Se fxearoi tare" full of
hypocrisy and
indeed appear to men righteous, but within *full 'are
iniquity. 29 Woe unto
icai 29 Ouai Kai <pa- you, scribes and Pha-
vpXv, ypapfiarelg
V7roKpiaeojg avoptiag. risees, hypocrites! be-
of hypocrisy and lawlessness. Woo toyou, scribes and Pha-
cause build the
rwv tombs of the prophets,
piacuoi, VTTOKpirai, otl otKoSopetre rovg rdtpovg 7rpo(pi]Tu>v, and garnish the sepul-
risees, hypocrites, for ye build the sepulchre* of the prophets, chres of the righteous,
30 30 and say, If we had
Xkyere. El

Kai KQfffielre rd fivtifieia riov Stiaziojv, teal ^/jei/

and adorn. the tombs of the righteous, and ye say, If we had been been in the days of our
fathers, we would not
iv raig ovK-avJfifiev" Koivwvoi have been partakers
i)f.ikpatg Ttov.Trartpojv.yfioJv, with them in the
in tJif days . of our fathers we would not have been partaker.-;.
blood of the prophets.
avToJv a Iv r(p aifiari ro~>v Trpo<pi]Tu>v. 31 wore fiaprvpelre 31 Wherefore ye be
with them . in the blood of the prophets. So that ye bear witness witnesses linto your-
selves, that ye are the
iavroXg, iin v'wi ears tCov <povevadvT0Jv Tuvg Trpoffjrag- children of them which
to yourselves, that sons ye are of those who murdered the prophets; killed the prophets.
32 Fill ye up then the
32 Kai ifielg TvXi]pu)oaTe
to pkrpov ruiv.7raTepwv.vfj,u>v. 33 btpeig, measure of your fa-
and ye, fill ye up the measuro of your fathers. Serpents, thers. 33 Ye serpents,
ye generation of vi-
ex^SvoJv, irwg airb r// Kpiaeojg rtjg ye- pers, how can ye escape
yewrjpara <f>vyr)Te
offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape from the judgment of Ge- the damnation of hell ?
34 Wherefore, behold,
'tvvt]g ;
34 Aid tovto,
ISov, tyoj diroaTfXXoj repbg vfidg Trpo- I send unto you pro-
henna? Because of I send
this, to
behold, you pro- phets, and wise men,
and scribes and some
Kai ypafifiarelg' a /cai"

(pjjrag Kai aofovg

s avroJv diro- of them
ye shall kill
phets and wise [men] and scribes and [some] of them ye will and crucify and some

of them shall ye
Krevelre Kai aravpojaere. Kai s avrotv [laartyojaere iv ralg
scourge in your syna-
kill and crucify, and [some] of them ye will scourge in gogues, and persecute
them from city to city:
ttvvayojya~tg.vp.wv, Kai Stoj^ere airb TroXeojg eig iroXtv'
and will persecute from to
35 thatupon you may
your synagogues, city city ; all the righteous come
blood shed upon the n
35 OTrojg i\9?j e<p'
ttclv alp.a SiKaiov earth,
from the blood
so that should come upon you all [the] ^blood 'righteous poured out of righteous Abel unto
em c
Ttjg yijg, airb rov^ a'ip.arog *A/3e\ rov SiKaiov, 'iojg rov the blood of Zacharias

upon the earth from the blood of Abel the righteous, to the son of Barachias,
whom ye slew between
and the
aifiarog Za^api'ou viov Bapaxiov, ov efovevaare fierd^v rov altar.temple
36 Verily I say
blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye murdered between the
unto you, All these
vaov ' Kai tov 9vaiaarr\piov. 36 aprjv Xkyoj v/mv, a i'j^ei things shall come upon
4 5 this generation. 37 O
temple and the altar. Verily I say to you, shall come
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Tdvra Travra n eiri Ti)v.yevedv.Tavri]v. 37 'lepovaaXr'jp,, thou that killest the
*these 3 things 'aU upon this generation. Jerusalem, prophets, and stonest
them which are sent
r) diroKreivovaa rovg Trpo^i]Tag
'lepovaaXrj/x, Kai Xi9of3oXovaa unto thee, how often
Jerusalem, who killest the prophets and stonest would I have gathered
thy children together,
rovg aireaTaXjievovg Trpbg aurijv, TroaciKig i]9e\i]aa liriavv- even as a hen gathereth
those who have been sent to her, how often would I have gath- her chickens under her
! n wings, and ye would
ayayeiv Ta.TSKva.aov, ov.toottov 3 eTTiavvdyei 6pvig to. not 38 Behold, your
, I

ered together thy children, in the way gathers ^together 'a -hen house is left unco you
desolate. 39 For I say
voaaia.ZeavTtjg^ vrrb rag irrepvyag^, Kai ovK.rj9eXt]aare\ unto you, Ye shall not

her brood under [her] wings, , and ye would not see me henceforth, till I

shall say, Blessed is

38 ISov, a&ierai vpiv b.olKog.vfiwv 1 iprjpog. n/ 39 Xeyw.ydp ye he that cometh in the
Behold, is left to you your house desolate for I say name of the Lord,

vfiiv, 0#p7
fie tSrjre cltt'
'.apri eojg.dv ei7rr)TE, EuXoyrj-
to you, In no wise me shall ye soe henceforth until ye say, Bless-

H'evog b kp\6fxevog iv 6v6jj,aTi Kvpiov.

ed [is] he who comes in [the] name of [the] Lord.

x tare ixearrol LTTrA GLTTrAW.

y T);ue0a z ailTUiV KOIJ/WVOI LTrA. s KOU LTTrA.
i.a\vvv6fi,evov LTTrA.
c T W
ofi d -(- onthat
e iravTa ravra LTrA. f
L. h + her
iirt<rvvdyei LTTrA, f.j*VT)}S T[TrJAW ; eavTJjs (read [her]) [awr^sj (wings) l.
epij/tos L.
XJIV. And Jesus Kai I^eXBujv b 'lt]aovQ k t7ropevs-o enrb tov
ft'L-nt out, and departed
24 n
lepov, Kai
froin ihe temple and :
And going forth Jesus went away from the temple, and
his disciples came to
him for to shew him 7rpoG7]\Qov 5 ol..pa9r]Tai.avTOv LtficeiZcu aury Tag oiKoSofidg
"came *to
'his "disciples to point out to him the
[ him] buildings
the buildings of the
temple. And
Jesus tov
2 2 b.Ss. l 'l>i<7ovg n eivev avTolg, Qv.fiXiTZETE fVavrai
said unto them, See ye
of the temple. But Jesus said to them, See ye not /all
not all the-e things ?
verily I say unto you, tcivtu ;" dprjrXeyio vpUr,>) dipt9y wSe XiBog tTriXi9or
There shall not be left these things ? to not at all shall be stone upon stone
Verily Isay you,
here one stone upon
a n
auothcr, that shall not og ov- fii) -KaTa.\v6ti<TErai\ 3 Ka9i]fi'erov.Si abrov tTri tov
be thro ivn down. 3 And which shall not be throwu down And as -was "sitting 'he upon the
as he sat upon the
mount of Olives, the bpovg tujv tXaiwr irpoa^XBor avrip 01 fia9r}Tai KaT.iciav } Xk-
disciples came unto mount of Olives "carnc^to 5
him 'the "discip'.es apart, say-
him privately, saying,
Tell us, when shall yovrsg, EiVt yfiiv, tvote rav-a tcrai; Kai ri rb aij/xelov
these things be? and ing, Tell us, when "these ^things 'shall be? and what [is] the sign
what shall be the sign p
of thy coming, and of Ttjg.atjg Trapovviag Kai r//c" gvvteX: iag tov aiutvog ',
4 Kai
the end of the world ? of thy coming and of the completion of the age 1 And
4And Jesus answered
and said unto them, awoKpiOetg b 'lijaovg ElwEr aiiTOic, BXs7nre, pr\ rig vueig
Take heed that no man answering Jesus said to them, Take heed, lest any one you
deceive you. 5 For
come in my 7rXavii(jrj. 5 7roXXoi.ydp tXivooi'TCii Itti Tip.or6u.aTi.fiov, Xk-
many shall
name, saying, I am 'mislead. For many .will come in my name,
Christ; and shall de-
ceive many. 6 And ye yovrtg, Eyio tipi b ^piarog' Kai TroXXovg TrXavqoovGiv.
shall hear of wars and saying, I am the Christ and many they will mislead. ;

rumours of wars see 6

MeXX))(jete-S'e clkovuv TroXkfiovg Kai aKoag TroX'epujr. bpare,

that ye be not trou-

bled for
: all these
But ye shall be about to hear of wars and rumours of wars. See,
things must come to ^7ravra A
pj).9poiGQv Sel.ydp
pass, but the end is not be not disturbed for it is
ysvtaOai' dXX' ovttio
necessary all [these] things to take place, but not yetf
yet. 7 For nation shall

rise against nation, iarlv to riXog. 7 'Eyep6r)aerai.ydp iQvog Ti" iQvog, Kai
and kingdom against is the end. For "shall J rise 4 up 'nation against nation. and
kingdom and there :

shall be famines, and
(3aciXeLa i7ri fiaciXeiav Kai taovrai Xipoi Kai Xotpoi v
pestilences, and earth- kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences

quakes, in divers
places. 8 All these ar-e Kai auafxoi Kara TOTrovg. 8 irdrTa.Si ravra dpx>) woi-
the beginning of sor- aud earthquakes in [different] places. But all these [are] a beginning of
rows.. 9 Then shall
they deliver you up to vixjv. 9 Tots irapaSwaovair vpdg slg BXivinr, Kai clttoktei ovair
be afflicted, and shall throes. Then will they deliver up you to tribulation, and will kill
kill you and ye shall

be hated of all nations bfidg' Kai taecrQe fiiaovpsrot V7rb irdi'TUJv 'rwi" i9vwv Sid 11

for my name's sake. you ; and yo will be hated by all the nations on account of
10 And then shall
many be offended, and To.bvojid.jxov. 10 Kai tote OKavSaXia9i]GOVTai ttoXXoi, Kai
shall betray one an- my name. And then will be offended many, and
other, andi shall hate
one another. 11 And dXXi)Xovg irapaSwoovcnr Kai fiiar'iaovair dXXrjXovg' 11 Kai
many false prophets one another they will deliver up and will hate one another ; and
hall rise, and shall
deceive many. 12 Aud iroXXoi i\/svSoTrpo<prfTai iyep9)]<T0VTai, Kai KXavriaovaiv iroX-
because iniquity shall many false prophets will arise, and will mislead
abound, the love of 12 Kai <5ia
many shall wax cold. Xovg' Tb.TrXr}9vv9i')vai Tt)r dropiar, xpvyijaETai
G 7 8
13 But he that shall many and because shall have been multiplied
; lawle^sness, will grow cold
endure unto the end,
the same shall be Tr) dyawr] twv 7roXXwV 13 b.oe virop.ti.vag elg T&Xog,
saved. 14 And this
'the ''love 'of * the 5
many but he who endures to [the] end ;

gospel of the kingdom oiiTog a<o9t)aSTai. 14 Kai

shall be preached in KT]pv\9riaETai TOVTO.rbsvayytXiov
all the world for a
he shall be saved. Aud
these glad tidings there shall be proclaimed
witness unto all na-
Tifg fiaoiXeiag tr o\y ry oikov fiery, Eig papTvpior irdaiv To7g
tions; and then shall of the in all the habitable earth, for a testimony
the end come. 15 When kingdom to all tho
ye therefore shall see iQvtoiv' Kai tote }/ei to TeXog. lo'Orav ovr 'IStjte to
the abomination of When therefore ye shall see the
nations; and then shall come the end.
desolation, spoken of
by Daniel the prophet, (3SeXvypa T)~]g epr]pibcrEwg, to pi]9er Sid AarujX tov Trpo-
stand in the holy place. abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the pro-
k airb (K Otlt (if L) tov lepov tnopevero LTTrA.

dn-o(cpi0ei.s answering (he said) LTTY'A.

m ravra iravrrx. l.TTrA . n GUT AW. + [avToi)] Ot him L. P
/J.T) rrj? LTTr^.
S .ravra lth[aJ. ' ' l
in' T. Kai Xoifioi L'i'f.A, E.
tOTQQ" IV (whoso readeth, let hhu
O v VOEl-
<p1]T0Vf dvayiVUHJKOJV
TOTTtp ayap' understand :) 16 then
phet, standing in [the] "place 'holy (he who reads let him un-
let them which be in
7-w" 1G tote ol iv Ty 'lovdaio: ([>EvyiT(jJO~a.v x S7ri" to. Judiea flee into the
then those in Judea let them flee
mountains 17 let him :

derstand), to the
which is on the house-
top not come down to
n z
opt]- 17 6 iwi tov Sto/xaf og firiJKa.Taf3aiveTw apai ri"
mountains he on the let him not come down to take anything
take any thing out of
; housetop
his house 18 neither :

tic Ti]^.o,uciag.avTOv' 18 Kai 6 iv r<p dyp<p in).iiriOTpr.i\/a.T(u let him which is iu

out of his house,; and he in the field let him not return the field return back
to take his clothes.
u7rimo apai a rd i/xdria" avrov. 19 oval.St Taig iv.yaiTpi.i- 19 And woe unto thorn
back to take "garments 'his. But woe to those that are with that are with child,
and to them that give
\ovaaig Kai. toaq 9r]Xa'^ovc>aig iv tKeivaig Taig tj^iipaig. suck iu those days!
child and to those that give suck in those days. 20 But pray ye that,
your flight be not iu
20 irpooEvxEa&E.Si iva. fit).yivr)Tai i)-<]>vyr).vu.jv ^eijuwj/oc, fiijSi the winter, neither oil
And pray that 3 may 4 not 5 be 'your "flight in winter, nor the sabbath day: 21 for
b c then shall be great
tv" (ra/3/3dry. 21 "EtTTai.ydp tote OXi^ig jiEydXr], oia ov tribulation, such as
on sabbath: for there shall be then "tribulation 'great such as "not was. not since the be-
ginning of the world
dp\T)gan kcg/xov ewg tov vvv, ovo.ov.fii) to this time, no, nor

'has been from [the] beginning of [the] world until now, no, noiever ever shall be. 22 And
except those days
ytv7]Tai. 22 Kai Ei./ur) *Ko\of3io9)iaav at.i'i/jipai.kKelvaL, ovk should be shortened,
shall be; and unless had "been 'shortened 'those "days, "not there should no flesh
be saved: but for the
dv.iowBr) irctaa aap%' did.Si Tovg IkXsktovq elect's sake those days
"there 'would ha ye been saved any flesh, but on account of the elect shall be shortened.
23 Then if any man
Ko\o(3u)9rjaovTai ai.r'mspai.tKelvat. 23 Tore lav Tig Vfiiv shall say unto you, Lo,
shall "be Shortened 'those "days. Then -if anyone to you here is Christ, or there;
d believe it not. 24 For
(i7ry,'ldov, uiSe XP ,ITr > ^ w^,/t}. 7ri(Trfi;i7qn." 24,'Eysp- there shall arise false
say, Behold, here [is] the Christ, or here, believe [it] not. "There 'will
Christs, and false pro-
Orjoovrai yap ypsvSo^piaToi Kai ipevSoTrpocprJTaL, Kai Swaovaiv phets, and shall shew
"arise for false Lhrists and false prophets, and will give great signs and won-
ders insomuch that,
e if it were possible, they
/xEydXa Kai Ttpara, wars dvvaTov, Kai

7rXavi}^ai ti
(jtjfxeJa ,
and wonders, shall deceive the very
"signs 'gTeat so as to mislead, if possible, even
elect. 25 Behold, I
TovgtKXeKTOvg. 25lSov, 7rpoetpr]Ka v/j.7i>.26idv ovv utt<oo~iv have told you before.
they say 26 Wherefore
if they
the elect. Lo, I have foretold [it] to you. If therefore
shall say unto you,
vfilv, 'Ifiov, iv tt) ipj]jX(j) iariv, fxi).i'ilXdr]TV 'icov, iv Behold, he is in the
to you, Behold, in the wilderness he is, go not forth :
Behold, Pie is] in desert go not forth

behold, he is in the
rolg Ta/xeioig, nr/.Trio-TEvarjTE. 27 loawep.yap if aaToa-m) i^ip- secret chambers be- ;

the chambers, believe [It] not. For as the lightning comes lieve it not. 27 For as
the lightning couieth
X Erai a7ro dvaToXuiv Kai <f>aivtrai kwg Svau.wi>, ovTwg out of the east, .-Mid
iorth from [the] east and appears as far as [the] west, so shine.theven unto the
west so shall also th
tOTai Kai { a
i) Ttapovaia tov v'iov tov dvQp^rcov. 28 oxov%ydp n coming of the Son of
shall be also the coming of the Son of man. For wherever man be. 28 For where-
soever the carcase is,
idv y to TTTuifia, t/ceT cvvax9>)aovTai oi atToi. 29 Eii- there will the eagles
may be the carcase, there will be gathered together the eagles. "Iinmedi- be gathered together.
29 Immediately after
Giojg Si fierd t?)v OXiipiv Tu>v.yjnepu>v.iKeiv(jJV 6 i'jXiog gkoti- the tribulation of

atelyv but after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be those days shall the
be darkened, and
rai, /cat r) ceX^vt] ov.Siooei To.fiyyog.av.Ttig, Kai oi sun
the moon shall not
darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the give her light, and the
h a7ro" stars shall fall from
aaTspeg TrtoovvTai tov ovpavov, Kai ai SvvdfJEig twv
heaveu, and the powers
stars shall fall from the . heaven, and the "powers of the
of the heavens shall be
30 /cat tote to shaken : 30 and then
ovpavwv aaXsvOrfffovTai. (pavrjasrai aijfitiov shall appear the sign
heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in
tov v'iov tov dvdpioiTov iv W(p n ovpavtji' Kai ^tote" ko- heaven: and then shall
of the Son of man in the heaven ; and then shall

eo-T(i>s eg. w voeirix) does he understand ? ty. x eic ltt. v
k<xt<x/3otu> i.tty
Ta the things GLTTrAW. TO ifxariov garment LTTr. b iv GLTTrAW. c 0J(C

7rAaiT}#v)i'cu t; Trkai'aadai (read so that will be misled) Tr.

d mo-revere L. e
leycVeTO T.
I.TTrAW. via h of T. k
< leal LTTrA
(Cat W. g
yap for LTTrA. * OUt Of
eje T. 7<l> liTIlA, TOT T, *>
70 MAT 9 A I O 2. XXIV.
all the tribes of the Traaat ai <pvXal rfjc Kal u\povTat tov v'ibv tov
earth tnouru, and they if/ovrai Son
wail all the tribes of the land, and they shall see the
shalf bck the Sou of
maa coming in the dv9pW7rov,
clouds of heaven with tp\n/jisvov iirl rwv vetysXiov ToV obpavov pera dv
of man, coining on the clouds of heaven with
power and great glory.
31 Ar.d he shall send tcai do%rjQ ttoWi'iq. 31 Kal d7ro(TTe\~i rovg dyyiXovg
his augels with a great and 2 glory And heshallsend
power 'great. "angels
sound of a trumpet,
aud they shall gather avrov fjTOL adX-iriyyog l (paivi']g n fisydXt^g, Kai t-jri<Tvvdtovcnv
together his elect from 'his
4 5
with "of a trumpet 2

'great, and they shall gather together

the four winds, from
one end of heaven to TOvg.tKXsKrovc.avTOV tK ruivT(Tcrdpu)vdvku(jj'i'.d7r aKpwv
the other. 32 Mow learn his elect from the four winds, from [the] extremities
a parable of the fig m
tree ;
When his branch ovpavuJv eojg aicpwv avriov. 32 'Airo.Si rijg avK^g
is yet tender, and put- of [the] heavens' to [the] extremities of them. But from the fig-tree
teth forth leaves, ye
know that summer is fidQers ti)v Trapaf3oX>)v' orav t) t] b.KXddog.avrrjg ykvi^rai
nigh : 33 so likewi-e ,
learn the parable: When already its branch is become
ye, when ye shall soe
all these things, know diraXog, ical rd <pvXXa "sjc^iuy," yivwGKere oti tyyvg to
that it is near, even at tender, and the leaves it puts forth, ye know that near [is] the
the doors. 34 Verily I
33 o'vrwg Kal Vfielg, orav ivi]T Trdvra 1

say unto you, This 9kpog'

generation shall nod
summer. Thus also ye, when ye see ( all these things,
till all these 9
he fulfilled. yivwviceTt oti tyyvg io~Tiv iirl Ovpcug. 34 dpiriv \eyu> vfuv,
3. ) Heaven aud earth know that near it is, at [the] doors. Verily I say to you,
shall pass away, but ravra
my words shall not Inov.fJ.r) TvapsXQ-g ii.yeved.avri] 'iwc-dv Tvdvra
3(1 But of
no wise will have passed away this generation until all thesethinga
pass away.
that day and hour 35 u

knoweth no man, no, shall

ykvr\rai. 'Q obpavbg Kal ?'/ yi; i7rapEXev<jovrai f
have taken place. The heaven and the earth shall pass away.
not the angels of hea-
ven, but my Father o'l.Ss^XSyoi./xov 'ov.fnij Trap&XQiomv. 36 Uipi.Sk rtjg i/fiipag
only. 37" Bui as the 2
but my words in no wise shall pass away. But concerning day
days of No were, so r
shall also the coming ticiv7jg Kal T7jf" wpag ovcelg olbev, oudf oi dyyeXot twv
of the Son of man be. 'that and tho hour no one knows, not even the angels of the
2< For as in the days
that were before the ovpavojv,
a x
el.fir} b.TraTitp- jxoxt^ uovog.
37 "Qmr{p. T (te" al i)^tpai
flood they were eating heavens, but my Father only. But as the days
and drinking, marry- w /cai
ing and giving in mar- roi'.Nwf, ovTwg torai ) irapovaia tov viov tov dv9pw-


riage, until the day of Noo, so shall bev also the coming of the Son of
that Noe entered into x n
the ark, 39 and knew iroo. "-38 w<T7rsp" yap fiaav iv Taig iifxipaig^ *TaTg irpb
not until the flood man. *As 'for they were in the days which, [were] before
came, and_ took them
all awrvy 'so shall also tov
; KaTaicXvo'f.iov, TpioyovTsg Kal . irivovTtg, yap.ovvTg Kai
the coming of the Son 'the flood, eating and drinking, marrying and
of man he. 40 Then
shall t wohe in the field ; HKyap.iZ,ovTtg,* d^pi r/gJifiipag e!crFiX9tv NaJ eig m)v Ki{3ui~6v,
the ona shall be taken,, until the day when -entered
givaug in marriage, 'Koe into the ark,
and the othsr left.
41 Two women shall be
39 Kal ovK.tyvwcrav, twg iiXOsv b KdraKXuafibg Kal ijoev
3 a
grinding at the mill ;
and they knew not till camc. 'the flood and took away
the one shall be taken,
airavTag, ovrutg tarai Va" >) Trapoi'oia tov viov tov dvOpiinrov.

and the other left.

42 Watch therefore: all; ^thua shall bo also the coming of the Son of man.
for ye Icnow not what """"'-" " iv d
hour your Lord doth
40 Tots c Svo tOOVTai" ,T(f> dyp({i (V'. eig
But know Then two will be in the field, the one is taken,
come. 43
this, that if the good- d e
Kal o" etg
d(f>iTai. 41 dvo i
d\i}0ovo-ai iv T<^ fivXu>vi' p.ia
nuu of the house had
and the one at the one
is left ; two[women] grinding mill, i

jrapaXanfidvErm, Kal \i'ia atpie'Tm. 42 Tp/jyopsirs ovv, oti

is taken, and one is left. Watch therefore, for
l n
oi'K-oidaTt iroia ti>pa b.KVpwg.iifiwv tpx iTai '.
43 tKsh'o.Si
ye-know not in what hour your Lord comes. But this

(read a great trumpet) t.
+ TMi' the Tr. n
iicfyvrj are put forth LTr a.
ravra iravra P + on that LTr TrapeXeHaerai GL1T- A. r
T-ijs GLTTrA.
TTr. 1
+ ov6e 6 vlbs nor the son lt. l
fiov (read the Father) GLTTrfx]. yap for (as) LTr.
w Kal LTTrA. x
fe)5 as LTA ; ebs 80 Tr. 1 + eareiWts (read those
days) l[tt}
* rots irpb (read of the flood) a. *'<res L ya/j.CovTc<; T. cai LTrA. ;

d o LTTrA. ^.vAoj LTT.A.

icrovrai hvo LT. Tjy.tpa. day LTTrA.
yivu>(TKTe } ySei el b Troia (pvXaKy kr.own in what watcn
tte thief would come,
know, that *f "had 'known 'the 2 inaster 3 of 4 the "house in what watch he would have watch-
b KX'srrrqg 'ipx ETa h iyp^yctpr)Giv.av, Kai ovk av.eia.GEV %io- ed, and would not have
the thief comes, he would have watched, and not have suffered 3 to ""be suffered his house to ba '

broken up. 44 There-

ry)v.oiKiav.avrov. 44 Sia.rovro Kai v/ielg yiveaOe fore be ye also ready
5 6 for in such an hour as
dug through 'his 'house. Wherefore also ye 'be
h ye think not the Son
'iroifioi' (in y. wna ov-8oK'iT n
b vtbg rov avQpojirov 'ipxerai. of man cometh. 45 Who
ready, for in what hour ye think not the Son * of man comes. then is a faithful and
wise servant, whom
45 Tig apa IotIv 6 ttkttoq biiiXog Kai <ppovtij.og, ov Kar'e- his lord .
hath made
Who then is the faithful"bondman and prudent, whom ''has ruler over his house-
k n n
hold, to give them
6epa7reiag .avrov, rov Si$6vai
c!7)]oev u.Kvpioc^aorov" t7rl rijg. meat in due season ?
sct 'his ^lord over his household, to give 46 Blessed that ser-

vant, whom his lord

avrolg rr)v rpotyiiv tv Kaipifi ; 46
fiaicapiog b.Sov\og.lKli>og, ov , when he cometh shall
to them the food Blessedin season ?
that bondman, whon find so doing. 47 Verily
I say unto you, That
t\6ojv'TOv evpt)oet m iroiovvra o'vrojg." 47 Xfir)v he shall make

3 4
having come 'his "lord will find doing thus. Verily- ruler over all hisgoods.
48 But and if -that evil
Xkyw vfuv, otl trri rtacnv rolg.v7rapxovmv.avrov Kara<7r!]o~ei. servant shall in '
I say to you, that over all his property he will set his heart, My lord
avrov 48 'Edv.Se 6 KaKog dclayexh his coming
n n
tKeivog tv ry 49 and shall begin to
e"i7TT} cov'Xog
him. But if 4 should 'say -evil 3
boudruan 'that in smite his fellowser-
w p vants, and to eat and
KapSia.avrov, XpoviZ,ei
tX9eXv," 49 Kai dp^ijrai drink with the drunk-
his heart, Delays 'my lord to come, and should begin en SO the lord of that ;

rvrrreiv rovg avvSovXovg*1 , T ta6ieiv".i)e Kai s 7riveiv n fiera ruJv servant shall come in
a day when helooketh
to beat [his] fellow-bondmen, and to eat aad to drink with the not for him, and in an
jxeOvovrcjv, 50 r),ei 6 Kvpiog rov.8ov\oi> Ike'ivov Iv iifi'tpa hour that he is not
8 7 3 5 aware of, 51 and shall
drunken, will come 'the "lord of ''that bondman in a day
cut him asunder, and
y Kai tv 51 kai appoint him his por-
ov.7rpocrSoKc2, lopef. y ov.yivwcKei, tion with the hypo-
in which he does not expect, and in anhour which he knows not, and
crites there shall be :

ZiXorojiriGei avrov, Kai rb.fitpog.avrov fiera rwv viroKpirCbv weeping

and gnashing
will cut 2
in 3 two 'him, and his portion with the of teeth.
Ql)(rec tKei iarai 6 KXavOfibg Kai 6 [3pvyfibg tCjv bSovroiv.
will appoint: there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.

25 Tore bfioii>)Gi]<7?rai r) fiaaiXeia riov ovpavuiv btKa

2 3 5
Then "will 'be "made like 'the kiugdom of 'the heavens [to] ten

irapOkvoig, airtveg \aj3ovaai rag.XafnraCagJavruJv" i&jXQov XXV. Then shall the

virgins, who having taken their lamps went forth kingdom of heaven be
rov vvfupiov. 2 7rkvre.Se "fjovrv t avrwv likened unto ten vir- ]i

gins, which took their

to meet the bridegroom. And five 3
were 'of 2 them
lamps, and went forth
x z n n to meet the bride-
0p6iHjuoi," Krri ^ai" 7rtvre fxojpai. 3 *a'lriveg fiwpal, Xa-
2 And five of
prudent, and five foolish. They who [were] foolish, hav- groom.
them were wise, and
b n
fSoixrai rag.Xa/j.7racag. tavru>v, ovK.eXafiov fieQ' iavrwv five were. foolish.

ing taken their lamps, did not take with themselves 3 They that iceie fool-
i-h took their lamps,
tXaiov' 4 (ppovifioi
and took no
tXa(3ov tXaiov tv roig ayyeioig them oil with
4 but the wise
oil ; but the prudent took oil in ^e scls :

took oil in their ves-

c d
avrwv l

fiera, roJv.Xa/j,7raSiov. avruJv.

5 rov sels with their lamps.
'their with their lamps. But "tarrying 'the 5 While the bride-
groom tarried, thoy
vvfMplov, Traaai Kai tKaQevSov. 6 .fievtjg.Sk
tvvara^av all slumbered and
"bridegroom, they "became Mrowsy 'all and But in [the]middje slept. 6 And at mid-
night there was a cry
vvKrog Kpavyy yeyovev, 'iSov, 6 vvfi<j>iog e tpxTai, n -t%ep-
made, Behold, the
of [the] night a *cry 'there w.%s, Behold, the bridegroom comes,
go bridegroom cometh ;

h ov SoKelre iopa LTTrA. l

avrov {read LTT A.
8tcpvx8r)vait. TTr.
oiKe-reca? LTTr^I Scvvai. GLTTrA. m ovtojs 7roiovi/T<x LTT' A. " - e/ceiro?
(read the
evilbondman) t. //.ov 6 /cuptos LTTrA. p eKOelv LTTr. i + avroO his (fellow
bondmen) LTTrA W. *
ecrQir) should eat oLttpaw. s
ttLvt) should drink GLTTrAW.
iavTuv LTrAavroiV TW. v x "
vTravrr]Ti.v LTTrA.
; ef avriov rjaai' LTTrA. fJ-Oipal Foolish
a at 6k but the
<p6f(./ioi prudent LTTrA. l; at yap for those
vvho Tr ; yap for theat
TA. b avroiv G\v
avTtoi' LTr'A ; eavTtov T. *;
'aiiTwyiread tha
d iaVTWf e
Vessels) LTTrA. LT; auTWf TrA. ep^erat, LTTrA.
72 M- A T9 A I O 2. XXV.
go ye out to meet him. f
avrovJ 7 Tors irauai at
7 Then all those vir- X<T0 eiQ-cnravTiYTiv i)y'ip9i]aav
forth him. to meet Then arose all
gins arose, and trim-
med their lamps. 8 And icai EKoafxrjaav n
8 ai.St
the foolish said unto 7rap9'svoi.sicdvai, Tdg.XainrdSag8avTu>v.
those virgins, and trimmed their lamps. And the
the wise, Give us of
your oil for our lamps fj.wpal ralg (ppovifxoiq h e't7rov, n
; AoYe Ik Tov.kXaiov.vpwv,
are out. 9 But rj/xlv
gone foolish to the prudent said, Give '

us of
the wise answered, say- your oil.

ing Not so; lest there, otl a\.\ajXTTa()EQ.7)[.ih)v 9


ofi&vvvvTai. 'A7Ticpi6?io-av.k at
be not enough for us for our lamps arc going out. But ^answered 'the
and you : hut go ye .

1 v
rather to them that Mr)7roTe ouk
<pp6vL/.ioi, Xkyovaai, dpKEtry t'/fuv Kai v/jjiw
and buy for your- 3
selves. while 10 And -prudent, saying, fNo.] lest not 'it "may suffice for us and you:
k ]

they went to buy, the 7ropsv(j9s. Se' fiaXXov irpbg rovg irwXovi'Tag, icai
bridegroom came and but go rather
; to those who sell, and buy
they that were ready
went in with him to iavralQ. 10 aTrapxofisvujv.dt ai'rwv dyopdaai, 7)X9ev o
the marriage and the for yourselves :
But as -went away Hhey to buy, 3
came 'the
door was shut. 1 1 Af-
terward came also the vv/xtpiog' icai al etoijxoi ilaitXQov jxet avrov elg tovq yd-
other virgins, saying, -bridegroom, and those ready went in with him to the wedding
Lord, Lord, open to n
9vpa. 11 vGTEpov.Se tp-^ovrai Kai al

us. 12 But he answer- povg,Kai ekXeic79t) j)

ed and said, Verily I feast, and was ''shut 'the Moor. And afterwards come also the
say unto you, I know \otTcal
you not. 13 Watch Trap9tvoi, Xsyovoai, Kvpie, icvpie, dvoi^ov iffiiv. 12 'O.Ss
therefore, for- ye know other virgins, saying,. Lord, Lord, open to us. But he
neither the day nor the
hour wherein the Son d7TOKpi9eig eIttev, 'A/xti)v Xsyw Vfiiv, ovK.olSa Vfj.dg. 13 Tprj-
of man cometh. answering said, Verily I say to you, I do not know you. Watch
on m tv
yopE~LTE ovv, ovK.o'iSarE tttjv yj/xtpav ovSe ti)v uipav
therefore, for ye do not know the day nor the hour in

14 For the kingdom 6 vibg rov dv9po)-rcov tpxETai. a

of henven is as a man which the Son of man comes.
travelling into a far '

country, who called

14 QcnrEp.ydp dv9pi07rog dirodn/Xhiv EKaXeaev TOvg.iSiovg
his own
servants, and For [it is] as [if] a man leaving the country called his own
delivered unto them
hi* goods. 15 And unto SovXovg, icai TrapsSwtcEv avroig rd.vTrdpxovra.avrov. 15 ml
one he gave five ta- bondmen, and delivered to them his property. And
lents, to another two,
and to another one u>.jiky tSaiKEv tt'evte rdXavra,
; ip.Se Svo, <p.Ss sv,
to every roan accord- to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one,
ing to his several abi- Kara n
lity and straightway itcaartf)
rrjv.iSiav (Hvvajiiv Kai aTTECr]iir]<7Ev Ev9kuig.
took his to each according to his respective ability and left the country immediately.
journey. ;

16 Then he that had n

16 rd tt'evte rdXavra Xajiujv p ['pyat7uro"
received the five ta- 7ropf.v9Eig .Sh 6
lents went and traded And "having 3 gone 'he who the five talents received trafficked
with the same, and ev avroig, Kai ^ettol^ctev' 1

dXXa 7TEvrE T
rdXavraJ 17 loaavrojg[

made them other five

talents. like- 17 And with them, and made other five talents. In like manner
wise he that had re- s
KaV [

6 rd dvo l
EKspdrjcrEv icai avrbg^ Svo.
ceived two, he also also he who [received] the two 3
"also 'he other two.
other two. gained
18 But he that had re- 18 o.Sk to vT Xaf5ihv
dirEX9<l>v ajpvfy tv ry yy," /ecu
ceived one went and But he who the one received having gone away dug in the earth, and
digged in the earth,
and hid his lord's x
d.7TEKpvipEv to dpyvpiov rov.Kvp'iov. avrov. 19 Mfrd.cii ?X9=0V0V

money. 19 After a long hid the money of his lord. And after a time
time the lord of those
servants cometh, and
reckoneth with them.
7roXi'v" tpx (rcu Ki'ptog twv-vovXwv.ekeivujv, Kai ovvaipEi
'long comes the lord of those bondmen, and takes
U0 And so he that had
z n
received five talents fXET avTtov X6yov. 20 Kai 7rpoGEX9wv 6 rd tt'evte rd-
came and brought "with 3
them. 'account. And "having come
'he who the five ta-
other five talent-, say-
ing. Lord, thou deliv- XavTa'Xaj3tl>v, 7Tpoar]VEyKEv' dXXa tt'evte rdXavra, Xtywv,
eredst unto me five lents received, brought to [him] other .five talents, saying,

avrov (read [hilll]) TA. S eavrwv LTTrA. h elnav TTrA. '
ov jut) not at all LTrAW.
Se but GLTTrAW. '
/cat l[ttJ.
m iv fj 6 wibs TOU ai/^pujirou ep^erai GLTTrA.
ren-eSvj/xTjcrei'. tv0e'u>s TropevBels left the country. Immediately having gone t. Stand
i.JT[Tr]. P iipya.a-a.TO TA. ei:ipSr)0-ey gained LTr.
rdXavra LTrf a]. s

Kai av-rbs ltt:[aj. + rdWavrov talent l. v *

[Ut. -y^v [the] earth TTtA,
x *
kKpvtyzv LTTrA, y ttoKvv xpovov LTTrA. Aoyoi' per a,vriiv LTTiA,
Kvpte, TTtvrs. raXavra /.ioi irapeSioKag' ISe, dXXa tt'evte talents: behold, I have

Lord, five talents to me thou didst deliver: behold, other five

gained beside them five
talents more. 21 His
h c
*rdXavra" tKspSrjGa avroTg.* 2l"E<prj. Si avT<p b Kvpiog
n lord said unto him,
Well thou good
talents have 1 gained besides them. And 'said 4 to "him "lord and done,

faithful servant;
avrov, EC, SovXe ayaQi Kai ttigt'e, t7ri oXiya fig
thou hast been faith-
'his, Well! bondman good and faithful, over a few things thou wast ful over a few things,
I wilL make thee ruler
TTKTTOg, 7Tt 7To\'\u>V GE HaTCMJT >]GLO' e'l(reX9s IQ Tt)v %apdv over many things en- :

faithful, over many things thee will I set enter into the ter thou into the joy
of thy lord. 22 JHo
rov.Kvpiov.GOv. 22 npoGeX9iov. d ce w Kai 6 ru Svo rd- also that had received
of thy lord. And having c meto[him] "also 'he who the two ta- two talents came and
said, Lord, thou deliv-
Xavrd e
eIttev, KvpiE, Svo rdXavrd eredst unto me two
p.01 rrapcSojKag'
lents received said, Lord, two talents to me thou didst deliver
talents behold, I have ;

b gained two other ta-

ice, dXXaSvo raXavra tKapdrjtra 7r'
23 "Rfirj lents beside them.
behold, other two talents have I gained besides them. 3
Said 23 His lord said unto
T him, Well done, good
auT(p b.Kvpiog.avrov, Et ;, SovXe dyaOe Kai Triers, tiri and faithful
*to "him 'his "Lord, Well! bondman good and faithful, over thou hast been faith-
ful over a few things,
oXiya rig irurrog, ttoXXCjv ge km
KaraGri)G(jj' eiGEX9e I will make thee ruler
a few things thou wast faithful, over many things thee will I set : enter over many things :

enter thou into the joy

tig rr)v a P (lvx TOV-Kvpiov.Gov. 24 IlpoGeX9iljv.Sk Kai 6 of thy )ord. 24 Then
into the joy of thy Lord. Andhaving come to [him] ''also 'he who he which had received
the one talent came
to 'iv rdXavrov ilX.7jp1.og eTttev, KvpiE, eyvujv .ge GKXrjpbg and said, Lord, I knew on
the one talent had received said, Lord, I knew thee that ''hard thee that thou art an
eI dvOpuJTrog, Oepifrvv orcov ovK.tGTreipag, Kai ovvdyojv hard man,
where thou
hast not
3 5
'thou "art a inan, reaping where thou didst not sow, and
gathering sown, and gathering
uOev ov.SieGKopiriGag- 25 Kai <poj3t]9eig, a7reX9ojv where thou hast not
tKpvipa strawed 2.'> and I was :

whence thou didst not scatter, and being afraid, having gone away I hid
afraid, and went and
ro.ToXavTov.Gov iv ry yy' 'iSe, ix ei G 26 'Atto- hid thy talent in the
earth lo, there thou:

thy talent in the earth ; behold, thou hast thine own. *An- hast that is thine.
i His lord answered
Kpi9eig Si o.Kvpwg. avrov elirev avnp, Ylovrjpi SovXe n
Kai 2S5

"his 3 Lord 3 and said unto him,

sweriug 'and said to him, Wicked boudman 'and
Thou wicked and sloth-
ful servant,thou knevv-
OKvrips, ySeig bri9epiL,ioo7rov ovK.iG7rEipa,Kai.Gvvdyu> '69ei'
knewest that est that I reap where
"slothful, thou I reap where I sowed not, and gather whence
I sowed not, .and ga-
ov-SieGicopTTiGa ;
27 tcei &ovv ge" j3aXeXv h rb.dpyvpi6v .fiov [

ther where I have not

scattered not behoved "therefore 'thee to put strawed 27 thou
I ;
it my money :

oughtest therefore to
roUg ^rpaTreZiiraig kul iX9wv iy<l> iKopiGdfj.tjv.dv have put my money to gvv
to the money changers, and coming I should have received mine own with the exchangers, and
then at my coming I
roKif). 28 dpare ovv air' avrov rbrdXavrov, Kai Sore tijj should have received
interest. Take therefore from him the and give [it] to him who mine own with usury.
28 Take therefore the
i-Xovri rd SeKa raXavra. 29 T^.ydp k\ovri rravri So9ij- talent from him, and
has the ten talents.- For""who has 'to "every 3 one shall give it unto him which
a hath ten talents.
Gerai, Kai TrepiGGev9ijGeraf ^dirb St rou
nr).'t\ovrog, Kai 2'J For unto every one
be given, and [he] shall be in abundance; "from 'but him who
has not, even that hath shall be
and he shall
o t%eL dp9i)Gerai air' avrov. 30 Kai rbv dxpelov SovXov' given,
have abundance but :

that which he has shall be taken from him. And the useless bondman" from him that hath not
shall be taken away

eig to GKorog rb i^wrepoV Ikel tGrai b KXav9pbg even that which he

cast ye out into the darkness the outer : there shall be the weeping hath. 30 And cast ye the
unprofitable servant
Kai b' [ tujv oSovtxdv. into outer darkness :

and the gnashing of the teeth. there shall be weeping

and gnashing of teeth.
31 "Ofav.Si tX9y b vibg rov dv9pio7rov iv ry.So^y. avrov, 31 When the Son of
But when comes 'the "Son 3
of 'man in his glory, man shall come in his
ra glory,and all the holy
Kai iravreg 01 ayiot" dyyeXoi fier avrov, tote Ka9'iGEi irri angels with him, then
and all the holy angels with him, then will he sit upon [the] shall he sit upon the

a b
['TaJ Tr. err' avrois LTTr. Se and gltttaw. Se and t. e
f AovAe % ere ovv TTrA. h ra
fliyj (r.ead [received]) LTTrA. Troyrjpe l- apyvpid T.
Tpa?re^tVats T. k rov Se but of him Who LTTrA. iK^dKere GLTTi AW
m a'7101

74 M AT 9 A I 2. XXV.
throne of his glory n
tjnrpooQtv avrou
dpovov dofyiQ-avrov, 32
tcai crvvax9t]tyTai
32 and before him shall
bo gathered all na- throne of his glory, and shall be gathered before him
tion.-, and he shall
iravra ra kcu n
avTovg cltz dXXiiXwv, uhjtted 6
them one 'iQvr), d(popitl
separate all the nations, and he will separate them from oue another, as the
from another, as a
shepherd divideth his
Troiptjv a<popiZ,H to. 7rpof3a.TCi enru tiov ipitpiov, 33 icai crr/crei
sheep from the goats :

shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and he will set
33 ;md he shall set the
sheep on his right 'tu fxtu 7rp6f3aratK Se%iujv avTOV, rd.Se tpicpia t Evwvvpojv.
hand, but the goats on the sheep on 2 right 'hand 'bis, but the goats on [his] left.
the left. 34 Then shall
the King say unto 3-1 Tore kpei 6 fiaoiXevg ToTg Ik Se^aov avrov, Aevte, oi
them on his right 3
Then will*say 'the "king to those on '-'right
hand 'his, Come, the
hand, Come,yebles-ed
of my Father, inherit tvXoynpkvoi Tov.Trarpoci-j.iov, KXi]povopr}0~aTE ti)v JiTQipao~p'tvT)v
the kingdom prepared blessed of my Father, inherit the "prepared
for you from the foun-
dation of the world :
vpTv f3acn\eiav enrb KaTa(3o\r)g Koapov. 35 t7rEiva.aa.ycip,
35 for I was an hun- Hor'you 'kingdom from [the] foundation of [the] world. For I hungered,
gred, and ye gave me
meat I was thirsty,
Kal tdioKaTt p.oi cpayelv ici^i}(7a, Kai i7rorirraT& pv %,'tvog
and ye gave me drink : and yegave me to eat Ithirsted, and ye gave *to 'drink 'me; a stranger

I was' a stranger, and

Kal crvviiyaysre pe 36 yvpvog, kcu 7repie/3Xe7- pe r)tr9t-

ye took me in : 36 na- i'lprjv,

ked, and ye clothed I was, and yetook -in 'cm naked, and ; ye cloLhed me I waa ;

me I was sick, aucfye

visited me I was in : vrjaa, kcii i7TEGK.tyaa9k pe' tv fvXaKy yp-rji', kcu ?)\0ere" 7Tpdg
prison, and ye came sick, and ye visited me in prison I was, and ye came
unto me. 37 Then shall
the righteous answer p.e. 37 Tote cnroKpiOrjcrovTai avTip oi SiKaioi, XtyovTEg, Kvpte,

him, saying, Lord, me. Then will answer him the righteous, saying, Lord,
when saw we, thee an Trore at ^e'iSoptv" 7Tivu>VTa, Kai tOptipapw, r] Si^wvTa, Kai
hungred, and fed .

thee? or thirsty," and when thee 'saw we and and

hungering, fed [thee]? or thirsting,

gave thee drink
t7roTicrapv; 38 a
3s When saw we thee
ttote.S'e EidopEv %svov, Kal o~vviiydyopv\
3 2
a stranger, and took gave [thee] to drink ? and when thee 'saw we a stranger, and took [thee} in ?
thee in ? or naked, and Kal 39 7r6TE.Sk ce EtSopEv t do9evij, n
clothed thee? 39 Or
r) yvpvov, 7Tpi(5d\opv ;
when saw we thee or naked, and clothed [thee] ? And when 3 thee 'saw "we sick,
or in prison, and came tv cpvXaKrj, 40 Kat
unto thee? 40 And
f; /cat
f]X9opv Trpog ere; d7TOKpi9eig 6
or in prison, and came to thee ? And answering the
tho King shall answer
and say unto them, fiaaiXEvg tptl aiiTolg, 'Apijv
\tyio, itp'.oaov tTTOirpiaTE
Verily I say unto you, king will say to them, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as ye did [it]
Inasmuch as ye have
done it unto one of tVl TOVTCOV TU>V-dceX(pU)V.p,OV TIOV iXa\lGTtJJV, tpol i7T0U)~
the least of these my me
to one of these my brethren the least, to ye
brethren, ye have done
it unto me. 41 Then oaTE. 41 Tore tpei Kat rote f Eviovvpiov, IlopeufcrOe air
shall he say also unto -did [it]. Then will he say also to those on [the] left, Go from
them on the left hand, l n
Depart from me, ye ipov, oi KaTrjpapkvoi, elg to irvp to alwvtov, to ijTOtpa-
cursed, into everlast- me, the cursed, into the fire the eternal, which has been
ing fire, prepared for
the devil and his an- upkvov T<p 8ta[36X(p KatTolg.dyysXoig.avTov. 42 7rEiva(ja.ydp,
gels 42 for I was an
prepared for the devil and his angels. For I hungered,
hungred, and ye gave
mo no meat I was Kal ovKJSuiKaTS fioi tpayEiv tdiipijcci, Kal
ovK.ETroTiaaTS pe'
thirsty, and ye gave and ye gave not tome to eat; Ithirsted, and ye gave not Ho Mrink me ;

me no drink 43 I was
a strauger, and ye took 43 ^tvog Vftrjv t Kai ov.o~vvt]ydyTS

pe' yvpvog, Kal oi.7repie/3d-

me not in : naked, and a stranger I was, and ye took "not 3 in 'me naked, and ye did not ;

ye clothed me not Xer

p.e' do9evr}g f Kal tv <pvXaK-g, Kal ovK.TTtTK\pacT9

sick.ani inprison.aud jue.

clothe me ; and in and ye did not visit me.
ye visited me not. sick, prison,
44 Then shall they y
also answer him, say-
44 Tore d7roKpi9r)o~ovTCU ai/T<p Kal avroi, Xtyovreg, Kipie,

3 5 2
ing, Lord, when saw Then will 'answer hini also 'they, saying, Lord,
we thee an hnngTed, 7t6t ae
or athifst, or a stran- ei&opev ireivcovTa, ri diipcovTa, if Z'tvov, rj yvpvov, ?/
when 3 thee 'saw ! we hungering,- or thirsting, or a stranger, or naked, or
ger, or naked, or sick,
or in prison, and did
not minister unto
do9Evrj, i] tv (pvXaKy, Kal ov.SinKovrjo-aptv aoi; 45 Tore a7ro-
sick, or in prison, and did not minister to thee? Then will
thee? 45 Then shall he
answer them, saying,
I unto
Kpi9iiaTai avTolg, Xeytov, 'Apt)v Xtyio vplv, t<p''.oaov ovkAttoi-
Verily say you, he answer them, saying, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as ye did not

D r
avvaxdrjtrovrai LTTrA. a^opiVei T. P rj\9a.Te LTTrA. 1 tlSa/xev Tr. aadevovvT*
XiTTrA. Ituiv d6A<ue lxov\ L. * oi X. T
avT<ji QLTXrAVT.
xxv. xxvr. MATTHE w. 75
T/cya-E ivi tovtiov rwv tKaxiartav, ovdt kfiol tirou'ieare. 4G Kal as yc did it
not to oue of the least
[it] to one of these the least, neither to rue did ye [it]. And of these, ye did it not
arreXevaovTai ovtol Eig KoXacriv aitoviov oi.dt diicaioi etc %io>)v to me. 40 And theso
shall go away into
"shall "go *away 'those iutopunishmcuc eternal, but the righteous into life
everlasting punish-
aiioviov. ment : but the right-
eternal. eous into life eternal.

26 Kc kysvSTO ote ItsXectei' 6 '1?i<jovq Trdvrag tovq XXVI. And it wne

And it came to pass when "had 3 finished 'Jesus all to pass, when Jesus
had finished all these
Xoyovg.TovTovg, eIttev Tolg.ixa6))'Tov. 2 O'ifiarE oti {.ieto. sayings, he said unto
these sayings he said to his disciples, Ye know that after his disciples, 2 Ye know
that after two day- is
Svo yf-iipag to iraa\a yivETai, Kal 6 i>'tug tov dv6piu7rov the feast of the pass-
two days the passovor takes place, and the Sou of man
over, and the Son of
3 Tor? o\
man is betrayed to be
irapncieorai eig.TOMTavpojQijvai. avvif\Oi)aav crucified. 3 Then as-
is delivered up to be crucified. Then were gathered together the sembled
together the
tov Xaov chief priests, and tho
apXizpslg '"Kal oi ypaupaTElg" Kal ol 7rpE(Tj3vTEpoi scribes, and the elders
chief priests and the scribes and the elders of the people of the people, unto tho
tig T))v av\i)v tov dpxiEpkiog tov Xeyoj.ikvov Ka'idtpa, 4 Kal palace of the high
priest, who was called
to the court of thehigh priest who was culled Caiaphas, and
Caiaphas, 4 and eott-
x n
Gtn'EfiovXEvaavTO iva tov 'Itjgovv KpaT>)<Tio<TLv d6X(t). sultcd that they might
took coxiusel together in order that Jesus take Jesus by subtilty,
they might seize by guile, and kill him. 5 But
Kal airoKTEivtocnv. 5, M// iv rj? iopTy,'iva /} they said, Not on tho
and kill but they Not during the that 'not feastdiii/, lest there be
[him]; said, feast,
an uproar among the
Oopt'lSog ykv))Tai iv Ttp Aa<p. people.
*a Humulc among the people.
'there "be

6 Tov.St.'ltjaov yevo^'ivov iv B>]9av'ta iv oiKia ^,'ip.ojvog

Now Jesus being iu Bethany in [the] house of Simon
6 Now when Jesns
tov XE7rpov, 7 TrooaFjXOev avTto yvvt) ^aXdiiatrrpov f.iipov was in Bethany, in
3 4
the leper, caine to "him
'woman, an alabaster flask of ointment the hou-eof Simon the
[[ z n A v leper, 7 there came
t\ov(Ta j3apvTi/j.ov, Kal KaTi\eev i-tri
T>)v.KE<paXi)v. avTov unto him a woman
having, very precious, and poured [it] on his head
having an alabaster
b box of very precious
dvaKEtfxii'ov. 8 oi./j.aOt]Tai. avTov r/yavaK-

he rocliued [at table]. But seeing ointment, and poured

[it] his disciples became it on hi^ head, as he
c n fat at meat. 8 But
Ti)aav, \kyovTEg,F.lg ri i).dTrt!jXEia.a'vTr] ;9 i)duvaTo .ydp touto when his disciples saw
indignant, saying, For what this waste? for 'could 'this
it, they had indigna-
a e tion, saying, To what
Tii.fivpov irpaOi'ivai ttoXXov, Kal SoQijvai TTTOJxolg.
"ointment have been sold for and have been given to [the] poor. purpose is this waste?
much, 9 for this ointmeut
10 Vvovg.Sk 6 'Irjcrovg eIttev avToXg, Hi Koirovg might have been sold
TrapkxtTe for much, and given to
But knowing [this] Jesus said to them, Why trouble do ye cause 10 the poor. When Je-
Ti) yvvaiKi; tpyov.ydp KaXuv -JpydaaT0^ eig i/ik. 11 irdv-
sus understood it, he
to the woman ? for a -work
she wrought towards ine. said unto them, Why
'good "A1-
trouble yc the womau ?
TOTe yap Tovg TTTio^ovg *x sr M f 9 iavTwv, ov ixdvTOTE for she hath wrought
ways 'for the poor ye have with you, but me not always
a good work upon me.
11 Forye have the poor
t^ETe. 12 fiaXovaa.ydp alWr] TO./jvpov.TovTO ettI tov always with you; bub
ye have. For ''in ''pouring 'this [''woman] this ointment on me ye have not al-
ways. 12 For in that
GWfiaToc.fiov -irpbg TO.ivTa<pidaai.fie iiroiqaev. 13 dp)v Xkyio she hath poured this
my body for my burying she did [it]. Verily I say ointment on my body,
she did it for my burial.
i'fih*, Kt]pv\9y To.evayytXiov.TovTO iv oXy
13 Verily I say unto
to you, Wheresoever shall be proclaimed you, "Wheresoever this
these glad tidings in all
roj Kuapif), XaXijOijGETai Kal gospel shall be preach-
o iiroii](TEv avrr}, eig ed in tho whole world,
the world, shall be spoken of also that which 3
did 'this ["woman], for there shall also thin,
that this woman hath
fivi]p6<jvvov ai>T>ig. done, be told for a
a memorial of her. memorial of her.

w Kai oi -ypafi/uaTEis LTTrA. x

SoAco KpaT^<Tia<Tiv GLTTrAW. ? I^ovo-a a\a^a<jTpov
ixvpov LTTr.
z a b atiTOti (read the discip es)
TToAvTi'/jtow LT. rij? KecpaArjs LTTr.
toy'varo ta. d to iivpov GLTirAW. + toIs (read to the poor) LW.
76 M AT e A r O S. XXVI.
14 Then one of the 14 Tore
irooEvQtig slg tu>v Sojfetca, 5 6 XeyouEvog 'louSag
ilcariot, went unto '
ThL n B'
3 '

"gone 'one of the "twelve, who "was 'called
ha "Judas
the chief priests, 15 and
l(jKaOUOT)]g, TVQUQ TOVQ CtpX^P^g, 15 E~L7TEl', Tl-
6i\ET& fJ.01 '

w ill y" give me, and L 9Is cariote, to the chief priests, said, What are ye willing -me
will deliver him unto g TraoacuKTb) clvtov O'l.Si 'io~Tl]OClV ai'T(f)
Sovvat, /cttyoV' i'/uv ;
you ? And they coye- to --Vi ve and I to you will'deliver up
hiin? And they appointed to him
muted with him for , v, , , , / , ,

thirty pieces of silver. TpiaKOVTCt Ctpyvpta. 16 Kill CITTO TOTE tC,l)TEl EUKClipiCLV
la And from that And from that time he sought an opportunity
t'.-irty pieces of silver.
time he sought oppor- , , ^ ^
tunity to betray him. tVa O.VTUV TTCtpadlj).
that him he might deliver up.

17 Now_the first day 17 T?J.dt TTpWTy TWV .aZ,V fllOV TrpOff7}\9oV 01 ftaOi)-
of the feast of un- Now on the first [day] of unleavened [bread]
the came
leavened bread the x ,^,
n > - M tt ~ n'\ ' ' ~n<
> '

disciples came to Je- TOl Tljl IrjffOV, AtyOVTEg O.VT<{)," VVOV VtAEtg tTOlflCtCWflEV
mis, saying unto him, pies to Jesus, saying tohirn, Where wilt thou [that] we should pre] lai 'a
Where wilt thou that r / -i o <r\ s< * "v ' '

we prepare for thee <t

(payElV TO' TZanxa \ 18 O.CE HTTiV, 1 7TClyETE Etg Tl/U
to eat the passover? for thee to eat the passover ? And he said, Go into the
the city to snchaman ttoXiv Trpbq tov.SeTvo., Knl e'ittclte avTiji, 'O SiSaaicaXog Xtyei,
and say unto him, The city unto such a one, and say to him, The teacher says,

iyyvg ianv' icobg ah woid to ira<yX a fisra

Uathand-twlfikSp 'O.icaipog.fiov with thee with
the passover time
at 'near
'is ^>' ;
I will keep the passover
lTAndYhe lis- Twv.jia9ijTSnf.fiav. 19 Kat ETrohjaau ol /.laOrfTCii wg avvsra^ev
pie" 2 4
ciples did as Jesus had my disciples. And 3
did 'the disciples as "directed
appointed them and ;
avT0 c 6 'irtffovg, Kat ilTOluaoav TO 7TrtC7Y(Z.
they made ready the ...
s t
5 x
' a' .
r a. .

passover them Jesus, and prepared trie passover.

20 'O-iptag.St yEVOfikvifg civskhto ftETci tu>v SioSekci'.

ov-lr. '^H !?, >,f And evening being come he reclined [at table] with the twelVe.
sat down with the 21 oQlOVTli)V.a.VTU)V eItTEV,
KCli AfltjV XsyiO VfltV, OTl Eic i
And as they were eating he said,
Verily I say to you, that one of
dideSt, he said, Verily
I say unto you, that
Vfiwv Trapadu)0~U fXE. 22 Kai XvWOVflEVOl atpodpa i'/p'^ai'TU
one of you Bhall be- y 0U . w jh deliver up me. And being grieved exceedingly they began
tray me. 22 And they -. v , ' / > <
KVpI.E J 23 O.0E
were exceeding sor-
an4 began to say tohirn,
AytV EKCl(TT0g QVTWV," Ml]Tl ty<i) El fit,
each of them, -I "am [he], Lord? But lie
every one of them to . , _ , ,
_ , , , . , ,

.-ay unto him, Lord, is ClTTOIcpiUEig ELTTSV,


tjipai^ag fXET tflOV EV T<p TpvftXup O ,

23 And he au-
it I ?
hwered and
dippeth his hand TT)V \Etpa,
He who dipped with me
in the dish

fl 7Tapa0UJ(TEL.
-, a
24 O
. , ,

fllV VlOg TOV ai'tfpto-

,, _,,
with me iu the dish, [his] hand, he me will deliver up. The 'indeed Sou -'of man
the same shall betray < / ,-,1 / , , ~ , , ^,
me. 24 The Son of man TTOV WUyEl, KQUajg ytypctTTCll TTEpi CIVTOV, OUClt.Ot T(fJ
gocth as it is written as it has been written concerning him, but woe
of him but woe unto>/-i'

that man by whom the aVVpti)7Tlp.tKElV(f} Ot

OV O VlOg TOV avtipt07TOU TVapaC iCOTUl'
~ n '
? '

Son of man is betray- to that man by whomthe Sou of man is delivered up

ed it had been erood
! ^^ t > >> '
n tw ri ' ~

for that man if he KO\OV 1]V CtVT<{)

OVK.tyeVVtfUr] 0-Ul>UOL07rog.tKE.lVog.
had not Vieen born, good were it for him if had "not 5 been c born that -man.

ed and said Master is
25 'AiroKptOsigM
And answering
'lovdctg 6
irapaStdovg av T ov
who was delivering up him,
d, m)n

him^io^hasi'air ty*
f>> ,
'am [he],
26 'E<r9t6vTwv.dLai)TU)V,
"# Rabbi?
? *7*
He says f^
to him v Thou hast

6 'lt]<rovg D rbv n
\aj3wv aprov,
26 And as they were And as they were eating,
having "taken 'Jesus the bread,
eating, Josus took . / > >
n>5"5- ~ n -
p Kaitn
bread, and blessed it, km tvAoyiiaag, tK\a.OE.V Rat
TOtg fiaVr)TCttg,
and brake i', and gave and having blessed, broke and gave to the disciples, and
it to the disciples, and T / ry . ,i
~/ \ * , _ ,.
said,Take, eat this is ELTTEV, AcipETE, (pdyETE
TOVTO iCTTlV TO.ffiOfia.flOV. 27 Krtl
my body. 27 And he said, Take, cat ;
this is my body. And
took the cup, and gave \ /d ' n Ml '
~ ' '
* >

ACtflwV Vo" 7TOTt]ptOV,

thanks, and gave it to
KCll EVXapKTTTfaag, tSwKEV at>TOtg r

them, saying, Drink having taken the cup, and having given thanks, he gave [it] to them,
S kol eyi) T. h avroj i/tt aw. + fxa6rjTu>v disciples I.T.
el? ck-o-to, e:'ch
One LTTA, '
il' TO) Tpv/3At'a> LTTi A. m pa^/3et T. n TOf LTTrfAJ. cSov,
TT)1' \iipa-
having given LTTr. p koX LiXr. i to {read a cup) tx.-a. .
r Kat Utr].
Xiycov, Titers \ clvtov irdvTtg' 28 rovro.yap " Igtiv ro.alud.uov, T^allotit: 2 for this
-Drink 3 of7 i-i i ii i Tj ii
1 R niv blood of the ', ,
saying, "it 'all.
Fortius is my blood, new testament, which ^
v shcd
Vo" rqg /cn^/yc" " SuxOtjkijq, to irepi TroXXuiv^tKxvvojj.evov" elg f many is OT
that of the new covenant, which for many is poured out for
29 VuI
acpeaiv cijxapriCjv. 29 Xtyto.ct vfxlv, '6ti ov.jxi) 7n'w air I win not drink hence- ]i

rcuiission of sins. But I say to you, that not at all will I drink hence- f rth of this fruit of .

/ ~ , L i
tne Tme > until that
dprt fcK roirou row y yEi-W/paroc"
" r)/ duTrtXov, tug T))g y/utpag day when I drink
forth of this fruit of the until
U n w wi tli yo " in
vine, 'day mv ^ iV
Father ,

, , /
n , , , ~ .
s kingdom.
i.KEtv)]g brav avro ttivui pe9 vfidjv Kaivuv tv -rg paaiXua rov 30 And when they
'that when I drink with now in the h ad sun '
an hymn,
it yotf kingdom' ,
w ent
/ , . / 'v~\n > i >' ~ they out into
TrarpoQ-jjLov. v/jivi^aavreg 30 Ka
tt,i]X9ov eig to opog tiov the mount of Olives.
31 Then saith Jesus
of my father.
,. , ,
And having sung a hymn they went out to the mount
v V
*Att(ojy. 31 tots XtytL avroig o lrjaovg, liavreg Vjxug OKavca- be offended because of
unto them. All ye shall

Then -says 3 to "them will be me this night for it

of Olives.
, ~
, ,
~ ,/ ,

, is written,! will smite
the shepherd, and the

tfioi Ty.vvKTi.ravry.
offended in me during this night. For it has been written, sheep of the flock shall
, v , I . , R r\> ii i > a De scattered abroad.
Wara^O) TOV 7T0iptVa, KCtl*0UtaKOpTTl0~vr]O~ETai TO. TrpopaTO. 32 But after I am risen
I will smite the shepherd, and will be scattered abroad the sheep again, I will go before
on 1?" n~ 'y ' <~ you into Galilee. 33 Pe-
T)\g troipvr\g. 32 fitra.St To.tyepUr) 7Tpoa,u) Vfxag '
ter answer ed and said
of the flock ; ,but after my being raised I will go before you unto him, Though all

slg Tt)v raXtXaiav. 33 'A7TOKpi9tiiJt 6 UtTpog sIttsv

airy, ^l^l^tlt^cl

into Galilee. Andan.wering Peter said to him, will be I never offend-

Et irdvTtg <jKavSaXio9ri<J0VTai unto
iv vol, iyu ovSsttots nfmfverUyVsly
If even all will be offended
in thee,
thee, That this night,
I never

OKavSaXi<j9>)<rop,ai. 34"E(/>rj avT(p 6 'lr)aovg, 'Ap.r)vXkyu 001, thou^snal^den "me

2 3 4
will be offended, Said to him 'Jesus, Verily Isaytothee, thrice 35 Peter said
oti tv u lto l1 T *
tcivtt) ry vvktI, Trpiv aX'tKTopa (piovrjaai, h ii ^' >h'th Tpig
that during this night,, before [the] cock crows, _ et ^^i j not thrice
the Likewise aisc
cnrapvi)(jij /j.e. 35 Atyet airy
2 3 4
6 UtTpog, ~Kdv c'ty |-
fie sald * U thc dlS0l le3
thou .vilt deny me. Says to him 'Peter, Even if it were needful for me '

(tvv aol b
diroQaveiv, ov.fii) <T
cnrapv/}<yofiai. 'Ofio'iivg icai
with thee to die, in nowise thee will I deny. Likewise also

TrdvTtg 01 jxa9rfTa\ tl-KOV.

all the disciples saW.
36 Tore ip X erai fier outwv 6 'Iqvdvg tig X up<ov Xeyopevov 36 ^ . .
Then comes with them Jesus to a place called BU8 with them unto
d e a P lace called Geth-
Kal Xtyei To7g fxa9)]Ta~ig ,
KaQ/aarf ovtov, eug.oi .

Gethaemane, and he says to the disciples, Sit here, until

7rpoatv^wfj,at IjccT." 37 Kort TrapaXafiuv t6v here ^ hiIe l so and >

having gone away I shall pray yonder. And having taken with [him] E 7 ^t^th h^' ^P^
Yl'trpov Kal rovg Svo vlovg ZiefieSaiov, ijp^aTO Xv7re'l(r9ai Kal
ter and the two sons
I'eter and the two sons of Zebedee, -he began to be sorrowful and f Zebedee, and began
, , (
, . ,
, to be sorrowful and
aOlj/JOl'tlv. 38 TOTS Xtytl aVToIgS, UtpiXvTroc ttfTIV ?f.\pVXV-POV very heavy. 38 Then
Then he says tothein, Very sorrowful is saith he unto them,
deeply depressed. my soul U
r t - i
n ir < y soul ls eiceedlD g
twg aavarOV fltlVaTE W0 Kai ypi]yoptlTE jJ-tT tflOV. Oi) sorrowfnl, even unto
even to death remain here and watch with me. And death tarry ye here,

1 -v/i'i

vx and watch with me.

39 And he went a little
. > /' ,


having gone forward a little he fell upon his face pray- farther, and fell on
nis face, and prayed,
tt '
- /> r ' > \ /V

ptvog, Kai Xtyatv, HaTSpJ/j.ov, a dvvaTov tOTiv *7rapeAVtTU) saying, o. my Father,

-v i ii l< ii

and saying, my Father, if it be possible, let

>>i~< / -
> >
it is
> /T-\
let pass
aiT tjXOV TO.TTOTrjpiOV.TOVTO' 7T\t]V OV% wg tyu) VtAW, aAA (Og nevertheless not as I
this cup pass from me:

from me this cup nevertheless not as I will, but as will, but as thou wilt.

T w %
TO LTTrA. KCLivris T[a], J
LTTrAW. a Kal GLTTrAW. b and
HCLTOS oia<TKop7rto-(9>jo-ovTai LTT'A. -f- Se
(likewise) w. c
Te6cn}fxavel LTrAW ; Te6o-y)fj.ayei T.
d + avTOV of him L. + av L.
6<cei 7rpoo-evfa) LTTrA. .
s + 6 '\r)<T<x.v<> Jesus (says) w. irpo<reA9div having coma
towards [them] k
Tir. >
u.ov my ,TL T '"J' " L oeA0aTu> LTTrAv
78 M A TB A T 2. XXVI.
40 AndhocomcthMnto 40 Kai
the disciples, aud find-
<rw. 'ipxtrai irpbg Tovg j.ia9i]Tag Kai Evp'urKH avrobg
eth theai asleep, p.nd thou. And he comes to the disciples
. and fiuds them
taith unto Peter, What, Kai XsyEt r<p Ukrptp, O'vTcjg ovKAo~%v(jaT fiiav
could ye not natch KaOt-uSovrag,
with ine one hour ?
sleeping, and says to Peter, Thus were ye not able one
41 Watch and pray, 41 yp>iyopEiTE Kai irpoau^ade.,
that ye enter not into aipav ypriyopijuai. fier tfiov ;
hour to watch with me? Watch and pray,
temptation the spirit :

indeed is willing, but iva ini].t(rk\9r]TE Etg TTEipaapov. to /.iev irvEVfia 7rp69v/.iov,
weak. 42 He
the-flcsh is thai ye enter not into .
temptation: the "indeed 'spirit [is] ready,
went away again the
second time, and pray- rj.SL crap? qoOEvrjg. 42 UdXtv tK-fievrkpov a.Trt\9i'in>
ed, saying, O my Fa- but the flesh weak. Again a second time having gone he
ther, if this cup may 1
not pass away from i]v%aTO, Xkywv, HaTEp.uov, ei ov.ftvvarai tovto to Trori'ipiov' 1

me, except I d!rink it, prayed, sayiug, my Father, if ^cannot 'this *cup
thy will be done. m dir'
43 And he came and 7rapE\9eh' tpov tdv./nn avrb ttiuj, yEin]9l)Tio to 9iXi]pd
found them asleep pass from me unless it 'T'drink,
be 'done 'will
again for their eyes

were heavy. 4 1 Aud gov. 43 Kai k\9tov "EvpicKEi avTOvg irdXiv Ka9i.voo\>Tag,
he left them, and' went thy. And having come he finds them again sleeping,
away again, aud pray-
ed the third time, say- fiaav.ydp avTu>i'.oi.6<p9aXnoi l3ij3apr]fj,voi. 44 Kai cupeig
ing the same words. for "were 'their -eyes .
heavy. And leaving _

45 Then Cometh he to p
his disciples, and saith avTOtig, cnrE\9iov 7rdXiv

Tpocryjf^aTO tK.TpiTOV,'' top avTuv

unto them, Sleep on them, having gone away again he prayed a third time, thei 'same.
now, and take your 6i7Tfey q 45 tote tpxETai irpbg T0vg./.ia9i)Tdc. T avT0v, n
rest heboid, the hour Xoyov

is at, hand, aud the "thing 'saying. Then he comes to his disciples
Son of man is betrayed Kai Ka9Ei>CETE s
To".\onrbv Kai avaTravHjQE"
into the hands of sin- XtyEi ai'ToTg,
ners. 46 Rise, let us and says to them, Sleep on now and take your rest ;

be going: behold, he
is at hand that doth
tfow. i}yyiKEv '/ u>pa, rai 6 v'tog tov dv9p(07rov 7rapaSido-
has "drawn 5 near 'the "hour, and the Son of mau is delivered
betray me.
Tai Eig XElpag dpapTioXwv. 46 EyEipE<j9E, dyujuEV icov,
up. into [the] hands of sinners. Rise up, let us go ; behold,

J'lyyiKEV 6 Trapadiiiovg fie.

has 'drawn "near 'he who isdelivering up me.
47 Kai eti avTov.\a\ovvTog, ISoi'i, lovdag Eig twv dtofikKa
47 And while he yet And "yet 'as -he
i< speaking behold, Judas, one of the twelve,
spake, lo, Judas, one avTOV bxXog 7roXvg
of the twelve, eatne, i)X9ev, Kai /xet fiErd [ia\aipwv Kai iivXojv,
and with him a great came, and with him a "crowd 'great with swords and staves,
multitude with swords airo twv 48 b.H
aud staves, from The dpxiEpiujv Kai TrpEd fivTipwv tov Xaov.
chief priests and elders
from the chief priests and elders of the people. And he who
of the people. 48 Now uvtov ecwkev avroig "Ov.'dv"
he that betrayed him irapacidovg ai]pEiov, Atywi/,
was delivering up him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever
gave them a sign, say-
Whomsoever I 40 Kai
shall kiss, that same (piXijcrto, ai'Tog IotiV KpaHjaaTE avrov. EvQkwg
I shall kiss, he it is : seize him. Aud immediately
is he : hold him fast.
49 And forthwith he
7rpo(TEX9iov T(p 'Xvaov eIitev, XafriE, pa/3i3i,
Kai KftTtfiiXifetv
came to Jesus, and
having come up to Jesus hesaid, Hail, Rabbi, and ardently kisned
said, Hail, master ;
w oj
and kissed hiru. 50 And avTOV. 50'l7](Tovg Elirrv avTtp, 'Er-aipe, t0*

Jesus said unto him, him. But Jesus said to him, Friend, for what, [purpose]
Friend, where/ore art
thou come ? Then.caine 7rapet; Tore 7rpo<TEX96vTEg ETrtj3aXov rag %Eipaq i-iri

they, and laid hands art thou come? Then having come to [him] they laid bauds on
on Jesus, and took
him. 51 And, behold, tov Irjaovv, Kai EKpaTi^av aiiTov. 51 Kai iSov, Eig twv
one of them which Jesus, and' seized him. And behold, one of those
were with Jesus
stretched out his hand, fiETa 'h)oov, iKTEivag Trjvx^p a aTr'fOTraoEv Tr)v fxdxai-
and drew his sword, with Jesus, having stretched out [his] hand x drew ''sword
and struck a servant
of the high priest's, pav avrov, Kai TraTa^ag tov ooi'Xov tov dpxiEpkwg dcptlXEv
and smote off his ear. 'his, and smiting the bondman of the hi^h priest took off.

to norqp'ov LTTrA. m aw' ejaov [LJXTrA. " TraAif
evpei/ avrov? again he
found them LTTrA. TraAtv aiT/\6iou LTTrA. P e/c TptVov l] A. <) -r TrdAiv
to [irJA. '
again t. r avrov {read the disciples) LTTrA. r.av i'v.
pafifiei T.
avrov to
52 rors Xtya auT<p
Then "says to *hitu
t jjy
up* into hi
aov ti)v [xdxaipav 11

7ra.VTEg.ydp ol Xa-
tig TOV.ToTrov.avTrjg' P^^hT
e sword^hali
thy sword to its place ;
for all who
p g rj sh J^
t e BW0 ^d .

fiovTSg n&xaipav iv yttavat'oa 11

a-iro\ovvrai. 53 So- w Thinkest thou that
an C W* y

sword by [the]
shall perish.

presently give
Or think-
^ ^
th d
ov.Svvcificu apri rrapaicaJCeaai T6v.7raTipa.fiou,
est thou that I am not able now to call upon my Father, j^jo^s of angels?
\eywvag ay- ^
But how then rhaU
Kt Tranaa-i)TU fioi
a b
7rX? t'ovg 11
1 u

and he will furnish to me more than twelve legions of

^ nifed?t^SiUniMt
yt\ojv} 54 7rwt,* oi5v 7cXi]pu)9CJoiv at ypapai oti ovnog be?
angels ? How then should be fulfilled the scriptures that thus
oel yevkadai ;
it must he?
55 'jV h:Hvy ry 65 In that same how
topa eIttev 6li]aovg ToTg oxXoig, 'Qg
sa 'd Jesas to the mul-
In- that hour said Jesus to the crowds, As against
\ < p>j"\^
e i
titudes,Are ye come
- <
-'> \\ o~
at)(tt)]v t^t]Kuere fiETa p.axaipojv Kai ^vaojv avWapeiv /te; out as against a thief
a robber are ye come out with swords and staves to take me? with swords and staves
n, r , .
r\ v '
?.*' ' <~ii>
~< ~n f r to take me ? * Bat
KaV .l/fltpav 7Tpog V/Xag *tKa9EC,0fl1]V OlOaaiCWV iV T(p lEp(p," daily with you teach-

Daily vtith you I sat teaching in the temple, ing in the temple, and
, , , ,_ ~ t,, ,.-. , ye laid no hold on me. i < -.

Kai ovK.iKpaTi]<yart fiE. 5b tovto.ce o\ov y&yovtv iva ttKi]- But all this was m
and ye did not seize me. But this all is come to pass that may done, that the scrip-
n~ , ~ . rn ' i\ <h > ' tuxes of the prophets
puivtooiv at ypafai tojv 7rpo<prjTU)V. I ote ol fiaUtjTai" TravTEg might be fulfilled.
be fulfilled the scriptures of the prophets. Then the disciples all Then all the disciples
> . j y i . forsook him, and fled.
atytvTEg avTOV apvyov.
forsaking hiin fled.

KpaTi)<ravTEg tov 'Irjaovv a.7n']yayov Trpbg Kat-

57 Ol.Sk
But they who had seized led [hi m^ away to Cai- 57 And they that had
u<}>av Tiv apxxpia, ottov ol ypafXfia T ug Kai
aphas the high priest, where the scribes
ol TrpEOjivTEpoi
and the elders
Jjj y calaphas
t he high priest, where
ft ^
were gathered together.
58 'OM-XlirpoQ
And Peter
him ^tto"
paxp6- x
afar 5S jj ut p e ter followed
Oev,' 'iujc
b Tnc avXiic tov
,b . dpviepHog' = kui ic>e\9u>v taw iica9t]T0 hjni afar off unto the
', A, ,"A. ". , hieh iiriest s pa'lace, . .

and havingentered within he sat


even to the court of the high priest and went in and sat ;

kKai ol with the servants, to

//Era twv VTrr]p8Tuiv iStiv to AXog. 59 apx P 'C
i? s
with the officers to see the end. And the chief priests and the ^o ctuef"
priests, and
and aU Urn
TTOiafivTlOOj}* Ka'l TO ffWiSpiOV oXoV tZllTOVV IptvSofiapTVpiaV elders,
council, Bought false

elders and the "sanhedrim 'whole" sought false evidence

witness against Jesus,
KaTCt TOV 'h}G0V, 07T(x)g aVTi)V OavaTWaioOlV,^ 60 Kai Ol>X to put him to deathX

and 60 b 1 found none:

against Jesus,' so that him they might put
r to death, "not ^
though many false yea,
m Kal u
7ToXXu>V n r
witura ses came, yet
, ,

SvpoV 3 \pV()OfiapTVplOV TTpOae.XOol'TOJl'' OVX found At

'found any]: even many false witnesses having come forward 3
not they none.

61 VCFTEpOV.Ot 7TpOG.X96vTEg OVO p \jjEV0OfiapTVpg'
< //t>/ the last came two fal>e
witnesses, 61 and said,
This, fellow'said, I am
'they -found [any]. But at last having come forward two false witnesses
- t i \~ > < n ~ able to destro v tbe
~ -

s/ttoi', Avi'apai KaTaXimai tov vaov

Ovtoq t<pr\,
tov Ueov, temple of God, and to
I am able of God, build it in three days.
< -v 1
This [man] said,
to destroy
the temple
Kai cia Tpiwv i/fizpiov ^oiKooofirjaai avTOV. b-i Kai avaarag
i ~.

arose, and said unto

62 A nd tne b 'o n priest /-> ' ' -

and in three days

to build
o apx'tpvg enrev avTqj, Ovctv aTTOKpnnj
,_ And having stood up him, Answerest thou
ri ovroi aov w /uc
nothing? what is it
these witness
<>-* '

' '


the high priest said to him, Nothing answerest thou ? What "these thee against thee? 63 But

a +
dpri 110W TTr v
y *
apri TTr.

TT)f LTTrA. /utaxat'prj LTTrA.

udxaipdv o-oti
b 7rXet'u> d c e LTTi A. f
iread [than]) [lJTTiA.
LTTrA. Xeyuavoiv T. _ er)AQaTe
17 7rpbs
vuaj t[ti JA e iKa9e6fJ.r)v et> tco iepai 8t6dcTKai' L iv ra tepco eKafle^o/xr)!/ SlSol(TKIxiv TTrA. ;

-+ ainoi) of him [lJ. avrbv
h airo T. Kai ol TrpeafivTcpot. ITT; A. '

Oavaraiaovcnv LTTrA OavaTwavicriv avrov W. m Kai GBTSr. n

; rrpoazAOovjitiv
P i|/evoo/idpTVpeS TIrA. 9 auroi'
\jj(:v6op.apTvpo>v LTT.A. evpov G[L]lTrA. OXJ\
oi-Kot>op.r]aai. T ; avTOV IrA,
Jesus held his peace.
And the high priest KaTafxaprvpoibiv; 63 '0.8L'h]&ovg io-iojira.
Kai'tairoKpiBelg^ a
3 4
answered and said un- 'do witne s And against?
answering the But Jesus , was silent. .

to him, I adjure thee

by the living God, that apxiepevg dirtv avr(p, 'EopK:<u> ok Kara tov 9eou tov Zuivtoq,
said to him, 3
thou tell us whether high priest I adjure thee by God 'the ^living,
tjfiTv uiryg,. el o~v d o xpivrog, 6 viog rovOeov. 64 Atyet
thou be the Christ, the 'iva
Son of God. 64 Jesus
that us. thou tell if thou art the Christ, ?he Son of God. 2
saith unto him, Thou

hast said: nevertheless

auTip 6 Itjaovg, Zi> Elirag. TrXt)v Xtyuj v/xlv, cnr'.apTi c\1/e(t9e
I say unto you, Here- 3 to 4 hiin 'Jesus,-, Thouhastsaid. Moreover I
after shall the say'to you, Henceforth yeshallsce
ye see
Son of man sitting on tov vwv tov dv6p(jj7roi< Ka9r\\iEvov *: Se^iujv rrjg Svvd/j.Eojg kci'i
the right hand of the Son of man at [the] right hand of power, and
power', and coming in
the clouds of heaven.
tpXOftevov liri tmv vec]>
c Xujv tov oitpavov. 65 Tore 6 dpx^ptvg
65 Theathebigh priest on clouds
coming the of heaven. Then the high priest
rent his clothes, say-
ing, He hath spoken SispprjZav rdA/jLana-avTOVf Xtywv, '"On" ifi\ao-<pi)}iT]GV ri
blasphemy what fur- ; rent his garments, saying, He has blasphemed why ;
ther need have we of
witnesses? behold, now in' xP eiav txo/.iEv fiapfvpwv J iSe, vvv rjKovuaTE ri\v /3Xacr-
ye have heard his blas- anymore need 'have 3 we of witnesses? lo, now ye have heard the blas-
phemy. 66 What think v
ye i
They answered <pT)fiiav avrovJ 66 ri vluviSokeI ; Oi.Ss diroKpiQkvTEQ eXttov,
and said, He is guilty phemy of him. What do ye think f And they answering said,
of death. 67 'Chen did-
they spit in his face, "Evoxoq Oavdrov iariv. 67 Tore ivk-KTvaav Eig to TrpocnoTTov
and buffeted him and Deserving of death
he is. Then they spat in "face
others smote him with
the palms of their avTOV, teal EKoXdtpiaav cxvtov, o'i.Se ^tppAirioav^
hands, 68 saying, Pro- 'his, and buffeted .him, and some struck [himl with the palm of the
phesy unto us, thou
Christ, Who is he that 68 XkyovTEQ., Ylpo<pr)TEV(Jov v/mv, xptcrre, tiq toriv 6
amote thee ? hand, saying, Prophesy to us, Christ, Who is he that

nalrsag ce ;
struck thee ?

69 'O.d't .YlETpog *tu) EKd9r}T0

iv Ty avXjj, teal
69 Now
Peter sat But Peter 3
without 'was fitting in the court, and 3
without in the palace:
and a damsel came avT(p p,ia.7rai8icricr] } Xtyovaa, Kal xrv i]o~9a fxETa 'li]Gov tov
unto him, saying, Thou *to h'ira 'a maid, saying, And thou wast with Jesus the
also wast with Jesus
of Galilee. 70 But he TaXiXaiov. TO'O.o^ rjpvijaaTO Epnrpoo9Ev 7rdvTwv, Xiywv, Ouk
But he denied before 3
denied before them all, Galilsean. all, saying, Not
saying, I know not 7
what thou sayest.
olSa ri XkyEig. 71 'E^eXQSvtclSe avTbv elgrov 7rvXu>va ]l

71 And when
he was
1 "know what thou sayest. And "having "gone 4 out 'he into the porch
gone out into the eISev clvtov dXXr], Kal XsyEi & b
Kat" oi'Tog
porch, another maid
Tolg" t/ceT,
saw him, and said unto saw 'him 'another ["maid], and says to chose there, And this [man]
them that were there, tov TSa^wpaiov. .72 Kal wdXiv
This fellow was also ifv fiETa 'Itjctov ))pi"i]<jaTO
with Jesus of Na- was with Jesus the Nazarasan. Aud again he denied
zareth. 72 And again c
he denied with an oath, yue0'" op/cow, ovK.oida tov dvOpujirov. 73 Men* piKpov.dt
with an oath, I kuow not the man. After a little also
I do not know the man,

73 Aud after a while

7TpOO-E\66vTEQ 01 EGTUtTEQ eItTOV np TiiTCHO, \Xtj9.og
came unto him they G 7 3
that stood by, and
"having come to["him] 'those'-who stood''by said to Peter, Truly
said to Peter, Surely Kal ov i% avT&v el' Kal.ydp r).XaXid.aov 3 dijXov oe iroid.
thou also art one also thou of them for even manifest 'thee 'makes.
art, thy speech
of them for thy;
speech be wrayeth thee. 74 Tore Tjp^aTO KaTavadEfiaTiZ,Eiv^ Kal dfivvEiv, "On ovk.oJcu
74 Then began he to Then he began to curse and to swear, I know not
curse and to swear,
e n
saying, I knownotthc tov av9p<oirov. Kal Ei)9kwg dXe/crwp i(pwvi](TEv. 75 Kal
man. And immedi- the man. And immediately a cock crew. And
ately the cock crew. {
75 And Peter remem- Efivi)cr9r)
6 YlfTpog tov pi)j.uiTog T0v\'lr]0''bv EiprjKorog %ai>T$\
bered the word of remembered 'Peter the word of Jesus, who had said to him,
Jesus, which said unto
him, Before the cock ,7rplv "On
dXtKTOpa. (pwvijaai, Tplg aTrapvi]o-y' Kal
crow, thou shalt deny Before [the] cock crow, thrice thou wilt deny me. And
me thrice. And he
went out, and wept e,sX9wv tli) EKXaVVEV 7riKpu>g.
bitterly. having gone out he wept bitterly.

w *
inoxpiOels Tr. OTl LTTrA. <xvtov [l]tTtA. epd.Tncrav LTTrA. eKadrjro
them o. a
If to LTTrA. y + o.vTiav z
avrbf [l] Tr. aiirot? to them aw. b Kai T.
MTa LTTi A. d
KaTa&e/naTl'^CH' GLTTrAW. iV&Vi Tr. f
XXVII. When the
^7 ripwiac-^f yEvo/.iEvr]g, ovufiovkiov tXafiov 7rdvTEg ot
morning was como, all,
the chief priests and
oi TrpEa[3vTEpoi tov Xaov Kara elders of the people
apxtepat," icai
took counsel against
tov 'hjuov,
c e '

'chief "priests
and the 'elders of J the '"people against Jesus,
Jesus to put him to
ioare Qavarwaao avTov 2 icat Zi]aavrEg avrbv cnrrjya- death had2 bound and when :

and having bound him they him,

so that they might put to death hiin they led
they led him away,

k and delivered him to

yov kcci 7rapsdwKav avrbv^ Iioj'ri<^" ITiX l

Vary" Tip Pontius Pilate the

away [hir*] and delivered up him, to Pontius Pilate the
3 Tore m n
avrbv on kclt- Then Judas, which
Lb'wv 'JovSag 6 wapaSiCovg 3
Then 6
having 'seen 'Judas a who ''delivered 5 up 4
him that he was had betrayed him,
when he saw
that ho
fK-pi'0?/, iAeraj.ieX7]9dg "a7rarpE^Ev" rd rpiaicovTa dpyv- was condemned, re-
returned the of pented himself, aud
eondemned, having regretted [it] thirty pieces
n brought again the
pia roig apxitptvatv KCtl roig 7rpEa[3vTtpoig, 4 Xsyiov. thirty pieces of silver
silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, to the chief priests and
elders, 4 saying, 1 have
p d9u>ov [] dirov, Ti sinned in that I have
^Hfiaprov -KcipaSuvg alpia
I sinned delivering up
blood 'guiltless. But they said, What [is that] betrayed the innocent
blood. And they said,
npog yfiag ; av
Kai piipag rd apyvpia What is that to us ? see
to us? thou wilt see [to it]. And having cast down the pieces of silver thou to that, ft And he
n cast down the pieces
tv Tip vaip avExiopr}<ytv ) Kai cnrtXQwv a7r/jyaro. 6 Oi.Ce of silver in the temple,
in the temple he withdrew, and having gone away hanged himself. And the and departed, and
s n went and hanged him-
ap^iepag Xafiovreg rd apyvpia drrov, OvkJe^eotiv (SaXelv self. 6 And the chief
chief priests having taken the piecesof silver said, It is not lawful to put
priests took the silver
pieces, and said, It is
abrd tig tov icopfiavdv, tird Tifit) a'ifiaTog Igtiv. 7 Sv/i- not lawful for to put
them into the treasury, since [the] price of blood it is. *Coun- them into the treasury,
because it is the price
fiovXiov Si Xa(36vrsg, ))y6pacrav t avrwv tov dypbv tov of blood. 7 And they
sel 'and 2
having taken, they bought with them the field of the
took counsel, and
dg rolg %'tvoig. 8 Sib ekXt]9t] 6 bought with them the
Kepa/J.swg, racpt/v potter's field, to bury
potter, for a burying ground for strangers. Wherefore 3 was "called in. 8 Where- strangers
9 tots fore that field was
aypog.tKEivog aypog aifxaTog 'iiog rfig-oiJi-Ltpov.
called, The field of
'that field 'Field of blood to this day. Then
blood, unto thin day.
to ia 'lepe/zi'ov tov 7rpo<pr)TOV,Xsyov- 9 Then was fulfilled
t7rXr]pio9ti pt]9ev that which was spoken
was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremias the prophet, say-
by Jeremy the prophet,
rot , 1
Kai tXafiov rd TpiaKOVTa apyvpia, Tt)v Tip)v tov saying, And they took
lng, And I took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him who the thirty pieces of
silver, the price of him
ov tTiurjcravTO durb viu>v 'itrpa/yA, 10 Kai that was valued, whom
whom they Set 7 a "price 9 on' of [ 2 the] 3 b0ns "of 5 Israel,
was set a price on, and they of the children of
Israel did value; 10 and
tdiuKav avTa elg tov dypbv tov KEpafttivg, Ka9d avv'tTa'ikv gave them for the pot-
them ^directed ter's field, as the Lord
gave for the field of the potter, according as
appointed me.
fioi Kvpicg.
"rue ['the] "Lord.

11 'O.Se.'lrjaovg i tartf tfnrpoaOEV tov i/yEfiovog' Kai irnripw-

and 11 And Jesus stood
But Jesus stood before the governor ; ques-
before the governor :

T1]GEV avTov O rjyE^iojv, XtyixJV, 2ii eI b J3a(riXEvg tCjv and the governor a^ked
tioned "hini the "governor, saying,
Thou 'art the king of the him, saying, Art thou
the king of the Jews?
v. 12 Kai And Jesus said unto
'lov8aiu>v\ 'O.SL'IritTovg t(pr] ury," 2i> XsyEig.
Jews ? And Jesus said to him, Thou sayest. And him, Thou sayest.
w rwj/" 12 And when he was
iv.Tip.Kari]yopEia9ai avrbv vtto tujv dpx^p^v Kai 7rpE<r- accused of the chief
when = was 3 accused 'he by the chief priests and the el- priests and elders,
he answered nothing.
fivTtpwv, ouofv aTTEKpivaro. 13 tote XsyEi avrip b x niXaTog, l{
13 Then said Pilate
ders, nothing he answered. Then 2 says 3 to 4 him 'Pilate, unto him, Kearest

ai/TOV LTTrA. k i
netAara) m wapaSovs bad delivered up LTr.
IIoi'Tttf) TTr. t.
n TTrA. tois LTTrA. P d6(Zov LTA. 1 r
LTTrA. els Toy yaov
IcTTpei/zei' oi/zrj
into the temple TTr. v ' w tuv
elirav VlTr. icrraOri LTTrA. a.VT<p T. t|a].
* LTiAaTOs
LTr; IleiAttToy x.

thou not how many aov
things they witness
Ovic.aKoveiQ Troaa Karauaprvpovaiv ;
14 Kcu
And Hearest thou not how many things *thee 'they "witness
against? Ami
Rgainst thee ? 14
lie answered him to ovde ev pijfiaf uxyrE Gavfidfeiv rbv
never a word inso- ovK.airi.Kpi9t) avrtji 7rpbg
much that the gover- he did not answer him
to even one word, 3
ao that wondered 'the
nor marvelled greatly. Xiav. ?)yettoVa
"governor exceedingly.
15 Now at that feast 15 Kard.Sk koprrfv eiwOei 6 rjyefiwv onroXvEiv sva
the governor was wont Now at [the] feast 3 was ''accustomed 'the "governor to release one
to release unto the
people a prisoner, T<p t>%\<^ deajMGV, ov ))9eXov. 16 eIxov.Se tote bsa-
whom they would. "to 3 the 'multitude 'prisoner, whom they wished. And they had then a"pri-
16 And they had then a
not able prisoner, call- fllOV Xeyopievov Bapaf3(3av. 17 GWt\y\iEvuiv
ed Barabbas. 17 There- soner 'notable, called Barabbas. .'Being 'gathered Hogether
fore when they were
gathered together, Pi-
ovv avrtov eTttev avrolg 6 niiXarog," Tt'va OsXere o.tto~
late said unto them, "therefore 'they
'said 6
"to them Pilate, Whom will ye [that] I
Whom will ye that
I release unto you ?
Xvau) hfiiv ; 'h]aovv rbv Xey6p,evov ^piordv ;
Bapa/3j3aVf rj

Barabbas, or Jesus release to you ? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ ?

which is called Christ? 18 y8ei.yap on Sid <p96vov Trapkdtoicav avrov. 19 KaOrj-
18 For he knew that
for envy they had de-
For he knew that through envy they delivered up him. "As *was
livered him. 19 When 8e avrov
'OV ettI rov aTrecrrEiXEV abrbv
he was set down on fisyov 'but 3 he
on the judgment seat sent ''to him
f3rjfxaroc 3 irpbg 6

the judgment seat, his ^sitting


wife sent unto him, vrov, XtyovGa, *
MijSev teal rqi Sacaitp am
6nying, Have thou his "wife, saying, [Let there be] nothing between thee and "righteous
nothing to do with
that just man for I 'iiraQov GTJflEpOV (car ovap oi
have suffered many
'that [man]; for many things I suffered to-day in a dream because of
things this day in a
dream because of him. avrov. 20 OL^
dpx'EpEiQ /ecu oi rrpeafivrEpoi tirEiaav rovg
20 But the chief priests him. But the chief priests and the elders the persuaded
and elder3 persuaded
the /multitude that b\XovQ"iva alrrjaiovrai rbvBapaf3fiav, rbv.Sk.'lrio-ovv cnroX-
they should ask Barab- crowds that they should beg for Barabbas, and 3 Jesus 'should
bas, and destroy Jesus.
21 The governor an- EGioGiv. 21 cnroKpiOEtgib^ b r/yeiiwv eJttev avrolg, Tiv.a OkXEre
swered and said unto "destroy. And 3answering 'the "governor said to them, Which will ye
them, Whether of the
twain will ye that I dizb rwv Svo a-KoXvou) bfxiv ; Ol.Se z eIttov u , hBapaf3)3av.
release unto you ? They of the two [that] I release to you ? And they said, Barabbas.
saut, Barabbas. 22 Pi-
late saith unto them, 22 A'syEi. avrolg b ^IliXdrog,
Ti ovv 7toit)o-<jj 'Iyjaovv, rbv
"Says to Hhem
What shall I do then 'Pilate, What then shall I do with Jesus, who
with Jesus which is h
called Christ? They&ll XEybpiEvov xpiarov'y Atyovtriv 3 avr(p" 7rdvrEQ, SravpioOiirio.
say unto him, Let him is called Christ? They "say to ''him 'all, Let [him] be crucified.
be crucified. 23 And the
23 '0.8k cr)yEy.(ltv Ep7], Ti yap icaicbv E7roir)<JEv ; Ot.<$

governor said, Why, And the governor

what evil hath he said, What "then 'evil did he commit? But they
done ? But they cried 24 ' b
out the more, saying, TTEpiaawQ Etcpa^ov, XtyovrEg, 'ZravpojQrjroj.
Let him be crucified.
the more cried out, saying, Let [him] be crucified. And "seeing
24 When Pilate Baw
yiliXarog" on ovSev dXXd
that he could prevail wQeXeI, fidXXov 96pv(5og yivsrai,
'Pilate that nothing it availed, but rather a tumult is arising,
nothing, but that
rattier a tumult was d
Xa(3u>v vdu)p drrEviibaro rag yEtpag aTTEvavn rov o^Aou, >]

made, he took water, having taken water he washed, [his] hands before the crowd,
and washed hands

before the multitude, c
Xeyojv, 'A9u>6g
dirb rov atfiarog {rov.8iKaiov.rovrov n
Baying, I am innocent saying, Guiltless I am of the blood of this righteous [man] ;
of the blood of this
just person see ye to vfiElg bxpEaQs-
: 25 Kat a7roKpi9Etg rrdg b Xabg .eIttev, To
it. 25 Then answered ye will see [to it]. And ^answering 'all "the 3 people said,
all the people, and
said, His blood be on alua.avrov 1 0*
i)fiag icai kiri rd.r'tKva.t)fiiov. 26 Tors drrsXv-
us, and on our chil- His blood [be] on us and on our children. Then he re-
dren. 26 Then released
he Barabbas unto <tev airdig rbv Bapa/3j3dv rbv.8L'lr]0~ovv tbpayEXXwaag
them and when he leased
: to them Barabbas ; but Jesus 'having "scourged
had scourged Jesus, he
delivered him to be 7rapsS()JKEv "iva <jravpu)6y.
crucified. he delivered up [him] that he might be crucified.
1 riiAaTOS LTr; IleiAaTOS T. 1 elnav TTr. a
+ TOy TTr. - avTiii I.TTrA.
and he d Kcnevavrt. LTr. e 1
rfye/jiiiiv [read said) TTrA. a9w6$ LTA. TOl/TOV [tOU
fiixai'ovj lj tow 6icaiov (read of this [man] ) TlTrjA.
27 Then the soldier3
27 Tore ol orpanwrai tov i/yefiovog, 7rapaXaf36i'Tg of the took
Then governor
the having taken with [them] Jesus into the common
soldiers of the governor,
tov avrbv oXtjv hall, and gathered un-
'lr)0~ovv eig to irpairtopiov, avvrjyayov iir'
to him the whole band
Jesus to the prffitorium, gathered against him all
28 And
of soldiers.
h they stripped him, and
rt]v aireipav 28 Kai SiicFvaavrec;* avrbv 7repie9i]icav avro)
him put on him a scarlet
the band and having stripped
; they put round him robe. 29 And when
\\afiv3a K0KKivi]V 29 Kai rfXk^ai'Teq t atcavQwy they had platted a ors<pavov
a cloak 1
scarlet And having platted a crown of thorns crown of thorns, they
put it upon his head,
i7rt9t]Kav twl i

TT}<pa.\))v .aurov,

Kai Ku.Xap.ov k t7ri rr/v and a reed in his right

and a reed hand: and they bowed
they put [it] on his head, in
the knee before him,
dtliiav" avrov' Kai yovv KErijaavTEg 'ifXTrpoaOev avrov l lvs- and mocked him, say-
"right ^hand 'his and bowing the knees before him they ing, Hail, King of the
30 And they
7raiov" avrtp, XkyovrEg, XaToe, m 6 /3acn\evg ra>v 'lovdaiwv spit upon him, and

mocked him, saying, Hail, king of the Jews took the reed, and I

smote him on the head.

30 Kai ip.TTTV(javT(.Q Eig avrbv tXafiov rbv KaXa/xov Kai etvtt- 31 And after that they
And having spit upon him they took the reed and struck had mocked him, they
took the robe off from
tov tig rr)V.KE<pa\7)v.avrov. 31 Kai ore h'STrai%av avrip him, and put his own
[him] on his head. And when they had mocked him raiment on him, and
led him away to cru-
"iZecvcrav" avrbv rr\v \XapvSa, Kai n tveSvaav avrbv ra cify him.
they took off him the cloak, and they put on him 32 And as they came
out, they found a
ipdria.avrov' Kai cnrriyayov avrbv elg rb.aravpuxrai. man of Cyrene, Simon
hisown garments ;
and led "away 'him to crucify. by name : him they
compelled to bear his
32 'E^Epxop.evoi.5t evpov dv9pu>Trov Kvprivalov, ovopan cross. 33 And when
And forth going they found a man a Cyrenamn, by name they were come unto
a place called Gol-
Hipiova' rovrov -qyydpEvaav "iva dpy rbv.aravpbv.avrov. gotha, that is to say,
Simon him; they compelled that he might carry hi3 cross. a place of a skull,
p 34 They gave him vin-
33 Kai lX96vreg tig rorrov Xeyoutvov roXyot?a,"
ianv i'6g
which egar to drink mingled
And having come to a place called Golgotha, is
with gall and when :

T n
34 tSwKav avnp 8
7neTv" t he had tasted thereof,
\ty6^evog a Kpaviov r6irog, 6%og"
he would not drink.
called 3
of a "skull 'place, they gave him to drink vinegar 35 And they crucified
Kai yEvadpEvog 0VK. 7]9eXev "TTIEIV. him, and parted his
fitrd xoXfJc /xepiypEvov' garments, casting lots:
with gall mingled and having tasted he would not drink.
that it might be ful-
35 avrov spo- filled which was
SravpwaavTEg.c'E ra.ifiaria.avrov, ken SiE/JEptaavro
And having crucified him
his garments, by the prophet,
they divided
They parted my gar-
"fidXXovreg" KXrjpov *iva 7r\jjpa0y to pi)9iv vrrb ments among them,
and upon my venture
casting a lot that might be fulfilled that which was spoken by

did they cast lots.

tov 7rpo<pr)TOV, AiEj-LEpiaavro Ta.lpdrid.pov iavroTg, Kai 36 And sitting down
my garments among themselves, and there watched him
the prophet, They divided 37 and set up ;

Tbv.\pariap.6v.p.ov ?(3aXov KXi)pov." 36 Kai Ka9i]fiEvoi over his head his accu-
for my vesture they cast a lot. And sitting down sation written, THIS
irrjpovv 37 Kai irr^rjKav iirdvn> rrjg KING OF THE
avrbv ekeI.
they kept guard over him there. And they put up over JEWS. 38 Then were
there two thieves cru-
KE(paXr]g.avrov n)v. air Lav. avrov yeypappikvijv, Oirog iartv cified with him, one
his head his accusation written : This is on the right hand, and
another on the left.
'lT)aovg b fiacriXevg raiv 'lovSaiiov. 38 Tore oravpovvrai avv
Jesus the king of the Jews. Then are crucified with

avrip Svo Xyarai, elg Ik de%i<x>v Kai Elg 1% evujvvfiujv.

him two robbers, one at [the] right hand and one at [the] left.
39 And they that
Oi.Sk TraparrooEvopEvoi tf3Xaa(pi)povv avr6i>, Kivovvreg passed by reviled him,
But those passing by railed at him, shaking wagging their heads,
40 and saying, Thou
Tag.KE<paXdg.avrwv, 40 Kai XtyovrEg, 'O KaraXvwv rbv vabv that destroyest the
their heads, and saying, Thou who destroy est the temple temple, and buildest

xAa/u,v5a kokklvtjv TrepiiO-qxav avrw LTTrA.

h '
having clothed L.
K ei/o'vcrcu'Tes ttjs
k ei/ m /SacrtAeu O king LTr.
Trj Seia LTTrA.
#ce$aA7)s TTrA. evenaigav T.
n /c6vo-ai'T?
having taken off t. Kai t. p
To\yodd Tr. o GLTTrAW. "

* " veil? T. *
olvoy wine LTf r. T
Kpaviov T07T0S AeyrWfOS LTTrA. Yi9e\r)arLI> LTTr;
w ca3t LTA. x
iya to end of verse GLTTrA.
iOikricrev a. /3aA6VTes having jrArjpwflj)
84 M A T 6 A I 2. XXVII.
in three days, save

If thou be
icai iv rpicsiv t'i/.iEpaig oiKodofiwv, awaov oeavrov. ti v'tog
the Sou of God, come and in three days buildest [it], save thyself. If son.
down from the cross. tov 9eov, n z
tov aravpov. 41
41 Likewise also the
?sl Karcil3i]9i drrb 'Ofto'iug
2 3
chief priests mocking thou art of God, descend from the cross. In like *manner
him, with the scribes *Si kou ot dp\iepeig ifiTrai^ovreg f.ierd tu>v ypaj-i/xarewv Kai

and elders, said, 42 He

'and also the chief priests, mocking, with the scribes and
saved others himself ;

he cannot save. If he 42 "AXXovg taojaev, tavrbv ov.Svvarai

be the King of Israel, 7rpe(Tl3vTspu>v iXeyov, Others he saved, himself he is not able
elders, said,
let him now come
down from the cross, (Tuxrai. b a" (3aai\evg 'Io~pai)X lanv, Kara(3drw vvv cnrb too
and we will believe to save. If of Israel he is, let him descend now from the
hiru. 43 He trusted in
God let him deliver aravpov, Kai c 7ri<JT?v<70fiv n d avr(^. n 43 TT87roi9ei' tirl e rbv 9e6v^

him now, if he will cross, and we will believe him. He trusted on God :

have him for he said, :

I am the Son of God. f>vad(r9u) vvv avr6v, ei 9eXel
avrov. H7rev.yctp,"Ori9eov
44 The thieves also, lethimdeliver 2 now if he will [havejhirn. *Of 5 God
'him, Forhesaid,
which were crucified
with him, cast the el fit v'tog, 44 Tb.S'.avTO tcai o\ Xrjcrrai ol
'I am Son. And [with] the same thing also the rebbers
2 3
same in his teeth. who were crucified to-
il h
" ^ V ~- > '
i > II


gether with him reproached him.

45 Now from the 45 'Arrb.di ekttjq topag gkotoq 7ri -kclociv ri)v
sixth hour there was Now from ''sixth ['the] hour darkness was over all the
darkness over all the
land unto the ninth yrjv ewg wpag ^ivvdrrjg
4G 7repi.Si n)v l ivpdri]v" wpav
hour. 40 And about land until [the] "hour 'ninth and about the ninth hour ;

the ninth hour Jesus m n

cried with a loud voice> dvef36i](Tev 6 'h]aovg (pwvy fxeydXy, Xsyujv, "HXi, 'HAi',"
2 3 5 6
saying, ELI, ELI, cried out 'Jesus *with a ''voice loud, saying, Ell, Eli,
NI ? that is to say, My AiTjud" aaf3ax9avi ;"
rovr tctriv, Qei'fiov, 9eL/.iov, itvari" /us
God, my God, why lama sabachthani ? that is, My God, my God, 'why me
hast thou forsaken T n
me ? 47 Some of them iyKariXnreg ; 47 Tivkg.Si rwv t/cfr io~riorwv dicov-
that stood there, when hi;st thou forsaken ? Aud some of those who there were standing having
they heard that, said, s
'HXiav v cbivvti ofrrog. 48 Kai ev9k<og
This man calleth for cavreg, tXeyov } "Ori
Elias. 48Andstraight- heard, said,
Elias 3
calls 'this ["man]. And immediately
way one of them ran, tig iS, avrtov Kai Xaf3wv OTroyyov, 7rXi]<
and took a spunge, and Spa/jtojv
filled it with vinegar, 'having
run 'one 2 of ^hem and taken a sponge, and filled [it]
and put it on a reed, Kai 7repi9fig rcaXa/xy, Itt6tiZ,ev avrov: 49 oi.df
and pave him to drink. oovg 2 3
49 The rest said, Let
with vinegar and put [it] on a reed, gave to drink 'him. But the
be, let us see whether Xonroi t
"Atpeg, 'iSw^iev ei ipxerai 'H\<af" owawv
Elias will come to save
rest said, Let be letus see 'Elias to save
him. ;

50 Jesus, when he 50 irdXiv
had cried again with a '0-di-'\r](T0vg Kpd",ag ebbivy fieydXy acbiJKEV
loud voice, yielded up
And Jesus again having cried with a -voice 'loud yielded up
the ghost. 51 And, be- to irvevfxa. 51 Kai ISov, to Kara7TEraafia tov vaov iaxia9r]
hold, the veil of the And behold, the veil of the temple was rent
[his] spirit.
temple was rent in w x
Ewg Kano-
twain from the top to i Si>o a7ro" avii)9ev Kai yf/>'/ ioeio9i], Kai
the bottom and the into two to bottom from and the earth was shaken, and
top ;
earth did quake, and
the rocks rent 52 and at irirpai ia\ia9r](jav, 52 Kai rd fivr]jXEia dvEt^x9r}aav,
the graves were open- the rocks were rent, and the tombs were opened, and
ed and many bodies

of the saints which nroXXa aw/xara rwv] /iei>wv dy'nov ya r)yEp97], 53 Kai

= 3
slept arose, 53 and many bodies of the fallen asleep 'saints arose, and

y 6eov el L. 1
+ Kai and lt. a
[Se] Kai TrA; 2e kcu [L]T. b el TTrA.
TritTTevofxcv we believe l, 7rto-Teucrwju.ei' let us believe t. d in'
ayTOC Oil him TTr ;
w. e to) 6t (2 L.
avrov T[T']. b o-vi
S f h + aiiv
clvtio <ruvo-Tavpco8<[vTS LTTrA.
with (him) LTTrA. '
avrov GLTTrAW. k
ivdrrjq LTTrA kva.n)v LTTrA.
m e^6rj(Tev
cried Tr. 'HAi l^Al LA 'HAel rjAti T. Ar;/u.a L ; \efxa TTrA
P aafiaKdavi L ;
r 8 ' tllTav LTr.
crapaxOaveC TTr. 1 iVa ri A. ko-rrjKOTtnv TTr. HAei'ar T.
v w eis 6v'o * an Tr anb T. y & -qyepOrjaav
'HAetasT. placed after k6.tid TTrA. ;

fXe\96vreg Ik rw jur/j/ze/wj/ fiird TTjv.tyepoiv-avTov,ei<Tt~iX- came out of the graves
after his resurrection,
having gone forth out of the tombs after his arising, entered and went into the holy
9ov city, and appeared
sig ti)v dyiav ttoXiv Kai tvE<pavi(r9>i<jav iroXXolg. unto many.
into the holy city and appeared to many.

'O.Sk z tKar6i'Tapxog
n 54 Now when the
54 Kai oi fxer avrov T7}poin>Teg
But the and they who with
centurion him kept guard over centurion, and they
that were with him,
tov'Iijgovv, ISovrsg tov aeta^ibv Kai ra *yav6/.ii'a,
watching Jesus, saw
the earthquake, and
Jesus, having seen the earthquake and the things that took place, those things that were
i(po(5i)Qrjoav c<l>6dpa, X&yov-eg, 'AX)i9wg
9eov v'tbg^ r)p olrog. done, they feared
3 God's = greatly, saying. Truly
feared greatly, saying, Truly "Son was 'this.
this was the Son o
55 Haav.Sk LkeZ yvvdiKEg woXXai enrb [ictKpoQiv Bewpov- God.
And there were there *wouien 'many from afar off looking
55 And many women
erai, a'iriveg r)Ko\ovdr\Gav ny were there beholding
'l?;crov airb Ti)g TaXikaiag Sia-
cp, who followed min- afar off, which fol-
Jesus from Galileo
lowed Jesus from Ga-
Kovovaai avr<p, 56 tv alg i]v Mapia rj MaySaXrji'T), Kai lilee, ministering unto
stering to him, among whom was Mary the Magdalene, and him 50 among which :

was Mary Magdalene,
Mapia 7f tov 'la/cuj/3ot icai 'lw<rij" j.ll]T)lp, Kai 1} l^]T1)p TOJV and Mary the mother
s 3 5
and the mother of James and Joses,
Mary the of James *aud Joses 'mother; of the
and the mother of
viwv Ze(3eSoIov. Zebedee's children.
sons of Zebedee.

57 ^Oxpiag.St yEvo/.dv7ig r)X9ev av9pco7rog TtXovaiog airb

And evening being come ''came 'aJ
man =
rich from 57 When the even
e n
was come, there came
^'ApipaBaiag," Tovvofia 'Iwaijcp. og tcai avrbg if.ia9t)Tev(rev a rich man of Arinia-
Arimathea, by name Joseph, who also himself was discipled thaja, named Joseph,
who also himself was
r<p 'Itigov. 58 ohrog
7rpo<re\9u)v r<p 'iliAary" yrrjffaro
to aH)j.ia Jesus' disciple 58 he :

to Jesus. fle having gone to Pilate


begged the body went to Pilate, and

b begged the body of Je-
tov l/jtrou. tote 6 sHiAarog eksXevvev aTroSoOijvai r6 o-w/ia." sus. Then Pilate com-

of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded to be given up the body. manded the body to be
delivered. 59 And when
evetvXi&v avrb
59 icai Xafithv to aaifia 6'Iu)cn)<p aivSovi
Joseph had taken the.
2 3
A.nd having taken the body Joseph wrapped it in a linen cloth body, he wrapped it in
a clean linen cloth,
Ka9opa", 60 /cai t9i]Ktv avrb- iv T(^-Kaw^.ai>T0V fivnfid(j> o
60 and laid it in his
'clean, and placed "it in his new tomb which own new tomb, which
Xi9ov he had hewn out in
l\aTOjj.r](rEv tv ry v'tTpq, /cat TrpoaKvXioag f.ityav the rock and he rolled
he had hewn in the rock; and having rolled a stone 'great
a great stone to the
ikei Mapia" door of the sepulchre,

t?j 9vpa tov fxvT]u,dov aTD~)X9av. 61 and departed. 61 And

to the door of the tomb went away. And there was there Mary there was Mary Mag-
r) MaycaXijvr/ icai r) dXXi] Mapia, Ka9i]f.tEvai airkvavTi
tov dalene, and the other
the and the other the Mary, sitting over a-
Magdalene Mary, sitting opposite
gainst the sepulchre.
62 tiravpiov, tcrriv 62 Now the next day,
t'/Tig juera tt\v 7rapao-KEvt]v,
Now on the morrow, which is after the that followed the day
preparation, of the preparation, the
m ITi- and Pha-
apxitptTg Kai
ot oi chief priests
ovvr]x9r]0~av ^apicraloi irpbg came together
were gathered together the chief priests and the Pharisees to Pi- risees
unto Pilate, 63 saying,
Xarov," 63 XtyovTEg, Kvpie, t/xvijcBrj/xEv OTl tKEivog Sir, we remember that
we have called to mind that that that deceiver said,
late, saying, Sir,
while he was yet alive,
6 TrXavog eItcev in u)v, Metcl rptTg r)f.iEpag iyeipo/iai. 64 ke- After three days I will
defceiver said whilst living, After three days I arise. Com- rise again. 64 Com-
mand therefore that
Xevvoi' oJiv aa<paXia9i~}vai tov tckj>ov tiog T7)gTpiTt]g i/fXipag' the sepulchre be made
maud therefore to be secured the sepulchre until the third day, sure until the third
n day, lest his disciples
fiijTTOTS iXBoi'TSg oi.fia97]Tai. avTov n
j'VKrbg^ K^Eipioaiv avrov, come by night, and
lest coming 'his
diseiples by night steal -away 'him, steal him away, and

a b c
kica.TOVTapxr\<; T. yivofxeva were taking place LTTi a. vtbs Oeov LTi-A. _ 'Ia>o->)(|>
d e f
ITfiAaTO) T. IIiAaTOS LT.- j
Joseph T. 'ApiixaOeias W. efJ-aO-qrevOr] LTTr.
IleiAa-ros T. t
to <ro}fxa (read [it]) t[ti-].
+ h> in (a linen cloth) TrA.
+ enl
over (the door) l. '
Mdptaju. t. m EIiAaroi' LTr ;
ileiAaroi' f. n atiToO (read the
disciples) T. warls GLTTrA.
s-ny nnto the people, Kai elTTtuniv T<p Xaul, 'HytpOrj enrb riov VEKpwv' Kai
II e is risen from the
dead : so the last error and say to ihe people, He is risen from the dead and ; *shall 5
shall be worse than
the first. 65 Pilate r) taxarr} ttKcivi] x P wv r '7C
irpurriQ. 65"0tj.
p Jj"
said unto them, Ye 'the -last Meception worse than the first. And "said 3
to *them
have a watch go your 6 :
iTliXctrog^ "Extre vrraysre aotycikioaoQE Cog
way, make it as sure Ye have a guard Go make [it as] secure as
as ye can. 'Pilate,66 So they

went, and made the o'iSarE. 66 O'i.Se TvoptvQtvrtQ ^GtyaXiaavro rbv rcupov
sepulchre sure, sealing know [how]. And they having gone made 3 secure 'the 'sepulchre
the stone, and setting ye
a watch.
GfpayioavTEg rbv Xi9ov, /.tera
rrjg Kovarwfiiag.
'sealing "the 'stone, with s the guard.

XXVIII. In the end

28 Oi^f-de <ja/3(3dru)V, Ty.tiri<pu)<7K0V(Ty Eig fiiav
Now late on Sabbath, as it was getting dusk toward [the] first [day]
of the sabbath, as it
began to dawn toward oafifidruiv, ))X9ev Mopia" MaySaXiyvfj Kai rj dXXt]
the first day of the of [the] week, came Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary
week, came Mary Mag-
dalene and the other Osiopjjaai rbv rdtyov.
Mary to see the sepul- to see the sepulchre.
2 Kai ISov, cEiffj-ibg lyh'Ero /.dyag' dyyeXog.ydp Kvpiov
And behold, a Earthquake 'there '""was 4 great ;
for an angel of [the] Lord
KarafSdg j
ovpavov, 7rpoaeX6uJv cnrEKvXicTev rbv Xi9ov
having descended out of heaven, having come rolled away the stone
2 And, behold, there
was a
great earth- 'otto rijg 9vpag, Kai iKa9r]ro irrdvui avrov. 3 ijv.Sk i) y icta v

quake for the angel:

from the door, and was sitting upon it. And 3 was "look
of the Lord descended
from heaven, and came avrov wg a<yrparzr\, Kai rb.'ivSvj.ia.avrov Xevkov "oxrei" %wv.
and rolled back the 'his as lightning, and his raiment white as snow.
6tone from the door,
and sat upon it. 3 His 4 cnrb.Sk rov <poj3ov avrov EoeitrOriaav ol rijpovvrEg, Kai eyk-
countenance was like And from the fear of him 'trembled 'those "keeping 3 guard, and be-
lightning, and his rai-
ment white as snow :
vovro wfffi" vEKpoi. 5 'ATroKpi9Eig.Sk b
ayyEXog eIttev rale
4 and for fear of him came as dead [men]. But 3 answering 'the angel said to the
the keepers did shake,
and became as dead yvvai%iv, M}}-0o/3s7<t0 v/j.Elg' olSa.ydp on 'Irjaovv rbv larav-
men. 5 And the angel women, Fear not ye ; for I know that Jesus who has been
answered and said un-
to the women, Fear piofiEvov Z,i]Te1te. 6 ovK.'iariv u>Se' t)ysp9r].ydp, Ka9<l>g eIttev.
not ye : for I know crucified ye seek. He is not here, for he is risen, as he said. .

that ye seek Jesus, v

which was Sevte 'twere rbv tottov ottov ekeito 3 '6
7 Kai Kvpiog. raxv
6 He is not here : for Come see the place where 3 was*lying 'the "Lord. And "quickly
he risen, as he said. e'ittute roTg./.ia9)]TaXg.avrov, on fiykp9r] dirb ruiv
Come, see the place TropEv9E~iGai
where the Lord lay. 'going say to his disciples, that he is risen from the
7 And go quickly, and
tell his disciples that VEKpwv Kai ISov, irpodyEi v/xdg slg rr\v FaXtXaiav' ekeX
he is risen from the dead and behold, he goes before you into
Galilee there ;

dead and, behold, he avrov 7 n


gocth before you into

o\pEo9E. ISov, eIttov vfiiv. 8 Kai t^EX9ovaai raxii
Galilee there shall ye
him shall see. I have told ye And having gone out
Lo, you. quickly

see him lo, I have artb rov fivij/xEiov fiErd (p6/3ov Kai x a P a Q M^y^Xrjg, ESpafxov

told you. 8 And they

from the tomb with fear and "joy 'great, they ran
departed quickly from
the sepulchre with drrayyElXai rdlg.}ia9i]ra~ig.avrov. 9 *togM iiropEvovro
fear and great joy to tell to his disciples.
But as they were going
and did run to bring
word. aTrayytiXai rolg.na9t]raXg.avTOv, Kai ISov, b 6" 'hjaovg K aTTT)v-
his disciples
9 And as they went to to his disciples,
tell his disciples, be-
to tell [it] "also 'behold, Jesus mot
hold, Jesus met them, rrjOEvW avraXg, Xsyiov, XaipErE. A'i.Se 7rpo(TEX9ovcrai EKpd-
saying, All hail. And them, saying, Hail And they having come to [him] seized

they came and held

him by the feet, rr\aav avrov rovg rroSag, Kai irpoo-EKvvi]o~av avr(p. 10 tote
and worshipped him. hold of his feet, and worshipped him. Then
10 Then said Jesus un-
to them, Be not afraid X'tyEi avraXg 6 'lr/aovg,
M/}^o/3aa0' VTrdyere, drrayyEiXare
go tell my brethren "says to *them 'Jesus, Fear not :
Go, tell

P 6"e and GLTTrAW. <1 IltAaTOS LTr+ Kai and TTr.'

; IleiAaTOS T. r
Mapia/m T.
1 ajrb TTJs 6vpa<; LTTrA. elSia TTr.LTTiA. ? 6w tos LTTrA. *
t"yenJ0T)cra!' <os
Kvpios (read he was lying) t[Ti-a]. * aireK6ovtrai.
having departed TTrA. oi? 5
b 6 TA. c
eropevoi'TO aTrayyeiAai toij /Aa0T}Tais avrov LTTrA. virqvrqaev TTr.
d that they go into Ga-
Toic.dSiX(poig.p,ov "iva a.7r&\9iooiv Eig ri\v FaXiXaiav, /caKt" jue
lilee, and there shall
my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there me they eee me.
shall they see.

11 ahriov, ISov, rivlg Tr\g icovo~TioSiag IX- 11 Now when they
were going, behold,
And as 2 were J going 'they, lo, some of the guard hav-
some of the watch
Oovreg eig ti)v itoXiv a7r/'/yya\av" TO~ig dp^itpivcnv airavTO. came into the city,
and shewed unto the
ing gone into the city reported to the chief priests all things chief priests all the
to. ytvoiitva. 12 icai avva^Q'tVTEg/xerd twv 7rpea- things
that were done.
ihat were done. And having been gathered together with the el- , 12 And when they were
assembled with the
fivTtpiov, <7v/.ij3ov\i6i>.TE. Xaf36vTg, dpyvpia iicavd t^wKuv elders, and had taken
ders, and counsel having taken, -money 'much they gave counsel, they gave
large money unto the
toiq aTpciTiwratc;, 13 XkyovTtg, EiVare otl o\.pa0i]Tai.avTOV soldiers, 13 saying,
to the soldiers, saying, Say that his disciples Say ye, His discipies
came by night, and
1JJ.IMV KOljUDfXiVUiV' stole him away while 14 KCU
by night having come stole him, we being asleep. And we slept. 14 And if
this come to the gover-
tUV ClKOVoQy TOVTO f 7Tt" TOV iiytfXOVOQ, rifltlQ 7TiGOfJ,EV ZauTov" nor's ears, we will per-
if "be 3 heard 'this by the governor, we will persuade him suade him, and secure
you. 15 So they took
vpag Trou'jooptv. 15 Oi.St Xafioi'TEQ ret the money, and did as
4 dpepi/ivovg
and 3
free ^froin care 'will -make. And
they having taken the they were taught and :

this saying is com-

Kai h oie<pt]fj.iiyOr] 6 Xoyog

apyvpia iTToii](jav wg tfiiSax9)]aav. monly reported among

money did as they were taught. And 3 is "spread 'abroad "report the Jews until this
l day.
elrog 7rapd 'lovcaioig ju^XP 1 T ^K o-))pepov .

'this among [the] Jews until the present.

16 Oi.St 'ivdeKa fxaQ)}Tcd tTropevOijaav dg ti)v FaXiXaiav,
But the eleven disciples went into Galilee,
16 Then the eleven
e'tg to vpog ov , tTa^aro aiiTolg 6'Irjoovg. 17 (cat iSovreg away went
to the mountain whither "appointed 3
them 'Jesus. And sceiug disciples
into Galilee, into a
avrbv Trpoaf.KVvi]<7av
atT<p'" o'i.ei. tliaraaav. 18 Kai irpoa- mountain where Jesus
had appointed them.
him they worshipped him : but some doubted. And having 17 And when they saw
eX&wi' 'ESoOi] him, they worshipped
6'hjoovg tXdXijaev aliTolg, Xkywv, pot him but some doubt-
saying, -'Has "been given to me
5 6 7 :

cometo[them] Jesus spoke to them,

And Jesus came ed. 18
and spake unto them, m ovv"
Tcdaa t^ovaia tv ovpawji Kai t7ri yrjg. 19 TropevOtVTEg

and on therefore saying, All power is

'all in heaven earth. Going
"authority given unto me in hea-
19 Go
paO^TSvaaTa irdvTa tcl tOvr], "j3a7TTiZovTeg^ avTovg tig to ven and inearth.
them to the ye therefore,
and teach
disciple all the nations, baptizing all nations, baptizing
tov ayt'ov them in the name of
ovofia tov 7raTpbg icai roil vioii Kai Trve.vfJ.aTOQ,
the Father, and of the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ;

Son, and of the Holy

20 SiSdaKovreg avTovg Tt]pfiv Travra ova ivTeiXdpi]v Ghost 20 teaching

them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded them to observe all

things whatsoever I
Vfilv' Kai iSoiy tyw fisO' vfiiov eljjii -ndaag Tag ypitpag e<og Ttjg have commanded you:
you. And lo, I with you am all the days until the and, lo, I am with you
alway, even unto the
cvvTtXeiag tov aiuivog. end of the world.

completion of the age. Amen. Amen.

d Kai eicel T. * announced t. f

virb LTr. e avrbv (read [him]) t[ty].
cji) is spoken of x.
+ qixepas day ltfa. k <xvto> lttia. l
r>)s the ltia.
m p + <""<*
ovv G[L]T[TrjA. /SaTrrio-avres ha"ing baptized Tr. 'A^v GLTTrA,
~M.a60a.iov according to Matthew TrA.


THE beginning of 'APXH tov evayyeXiov 'Itjanv xpiarov, ^v'tov Tov9eov' n

the gospel of Jesus BEGINNING of the of Jesus Son of God
glad tidings Christ,
Christ, the Son of God

2 as it is written in 2 c wc" yiypmrrai iv d ro7g7rpo<pr)raig, [r e n

l$ov, tyu) drroo-rsXXuj
the prophets, Behold, as it has been written in the prophets, I send
t send my messenger
before thy lice, which rbv.dyyiX6v.jj.ov irpb irpoaw7rov.Gov, og icaracrKevdoei n)v
shall prepare thy way before thy face, who shall prepare
3 The
before thee.
voice of one crying in f ifj.7rpoa9sv cou." 3 <Pu)v)) j3ou>vrog iv ry ipifpip,
the wilderness, Pre- thy way before thee. [The] voice of one crying in the wilderness,
pare ye the way of the
Lord, make his path.3 'Eroi/xdaare rijv bdbv Kvpiov, ev9siag Troulrs rag rpi[3ovg
straight. Prepare the way of [the] Lord, straight make paths

g h
i John did baptize 4 'Eytvero '\u)avvt]g (3a7rriZu)v tv ry tp^pw, (ceu"Krjpva-
in the wilderness, and Came 'John baptizing in the wilderness, and proclaim-
prech the baptism of cuiv 5 Krai
repentance for the re- fidrrrio-pa peravoiag elg atpeaiv dpapriujv.
mission of sins. 5 And ing [the] baptism of repentance for remission of sins. And
there went out unto
him all the land of t,e7rop8 vzro rrpbg avrov rcdca '/
'lovSaia %wpa, /cat oi '"Ifpo-
went out to him all the of'Juda;a 'country, and they of Je-
Judsea, and they of
Jerusalem, and were k ]i
Hv rtp'lopSdvy
all baptized of him in (roXujuTrat," /cai i(3a7rriZovro rrdvreg wora/xt^
rusalem, and were ^baptized 'all in the "Jordan 'river
the river of Jordan,
confessing their sins. vtt' avrov,," k^oLioXoyovpevoi rdg.d/.iapriag.avrwv. 6 m I]v.$i n
6 And John was cloth- their sins. And 2 was
ed with camel's hair, by him, confessing
and with a girdle of a n
skin about his loins
'l(i)dvvr]g LvSeSvpsvog rpix<*Q Kafii]Xov, Kai wvjjv tpLiarivT)v
'John clothed in hair of a camel, and a girdle of leather
and he did eat locusts
and wild honey 7 and ; Kai Q iff9iiov ]l

cucpiSag icai LikXi dypiov.

7r?pt rrjv.ocrtyvv.aurov,
preached, saying, There about his loins, and eating locusts and -honey 'wild.
cometh one mightier
than I after me, the
latchet of whose shoes
7 Kai Xkyuv, "Epx^rai 6
iKrjpvcrotv, iaxvporepog fiov orriou}
And he proclaimed, saying, He comes who [is] mightier than I after
I am not worthy to
stoop down and un- liov, oi> ovK.Eifii iKavbg Kvipag Xvvai rbv \\idvra
loose. 8 I indeed have having stooped down to loose the
me, of whom I am not fit thong
baptized you with p n
water but he shall
Twv.v7rodi]iidr(DV.avTOV. 8 iyd> piv ij3d7rri<Ta Vfiagikv" vSari,
bapt ize you with the of his sandals. I indeed baptized you with water,
Holy Ghost. T n
avTogSk fiaTrrian vjidg tv Trvtvpan dyiw.
but he will baptize you with [the] ^Spirit 'Holy.

9 "Kai" ty'sviro iv tKsivaig raxg r)p.ipaig i]X9ev 'Jj]o^vg

9 And it came to pass And it came to pass in those days [that] "came 'JesUs
In those days, that Je- v
sus came from Naza- drrb

TaXiXaiag, Kai I(3a7rric9ri v7rb 'Iwav-

'Na^aptr rijg
reth of Galilee, and from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by
was baptized of John r w n x
in Jordan. 10 And vov e!g rbv \opSdvr)v. n 10 Kai v9iiog dvaflaivwv d7r6" row
straightway coming in the Jordan. And immediately going up from the
up out of the water, rb
he saw the heavens vSarog, slSev aXiKopsvovg rovg ovpavovg, Kai
and the
he saw the
parting asunder heavens, Spirit
opened, and the Spirit water,
like a dove descending
and there yw<TEi" Trepiarepdv KOTa(3a~ivovHir'"
avrov' 11
uponhim : 11 Kaijpuivp^iyivi-
And a voice
came a voice from as a dove descending upon him. .

vlov tov 0eoi> T ; tov LTrA. b
EvayyeAioi> Kara MdpKOv GLTjAW ; Kara Mapicov T.
d tc5 Isaiah the prcphet
ra [Trjow) 'Haata t
c Ka6w according as TTr. ( irpo<j>-ijrr)
e lt.a. ep-wpoaOiv trov GLTTrAW.
f 8 + 6
GLT.irAW. eyw read anocr. I 'send)

TfrA h __ Ka \
[t. ]a. 'IepocroAv/xeiTCU T.
navres, Kai e^aTTTi'foi'TO GLTTrA.
vtt' avTOV ev tio" 'lopSdvr, norap.<3 TTrA.
m Kai fy LTTrA. + 6 TTrA. ea6uv TTrA
P i ev (read vSan with water) T[TrjA.
r ev (read wvevp-aii with [the]
p.ev [L]TTrA'.
ei? tov 'lop&dmnv vnb 'Iwawov I.TTrA.
Spirit) '[LTr]A.
[Kai] L.
HaapeO ETrW.
"evfivsTTrA. * K OUt of LTTrA. > <i)S GLTTrAW. els OU LTX A. eyeVeTO
{read [came]) T.
MARK. 89

ro* U
out of tho
rwvovpavwv, Si
o.viog.fiov 6
Thou art my Son the
d dya^rog,
in whom
V b

in whom
y S i

I have found delight.
12 Kai
ev0vg rb irvzvua avrbv l/c/3aXX eiQ n)v tpi]-
M And immediately
And immediately the Spirit
d u
'drives out into the wilder- [^
And he was there in
^ ,

uov. 13 Kai r\v K6t iv rn eofypip 7)u.ioa~g ruroapaKovra,*

And he was" the wilderness Mays
ness. there in 'forty,
and was with the
rrtioaToatvog virb rov caravd, Kai r\v yard rCJv 6r]piwV Kai tan;
and was with the beasts; and
iempted by Satan,
01 dyysXoi Su]k6i>ovv ay-oj.
the angels ministered to him.

14 'Msra.di rb.7rapado9i'irai rbv'Iwdvvrjv i]X6ev b


And 4
after was delivered up 'John came Jesus 14 Now after that
s ri)g
, ,, /.. ir~/OA'U. "hn was put in prison,
elg rr)v TaXiXaiav, Kijpvaaojv to tvayyiXiov pacriAsiag Jesus came into Gaii-
into Galilee, proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom lee, preaching the gos-
~ n - , - k > pel of the kingdom of ' , ..

rovGeov, 15 "/cat Xtyojv, On

x ii^-k . ' ' '

TrtirXripwrai o Kaipog, kch i/y- God, 15 and saying,

of God, and saying, 3
Has 4 been s ful filled Hhe 2 time, and has The time is fulfilled,
,,-,., n ,,. ~ and the kingdom of
Veov fieravosire, Kai marevire tv Tip/ God is at hand repent
, / i

yiKSv t] (3ao~iXeia rov :

drawn near the kingdom of God repent, and believe, in the ye, and believe the ;
~ 16 Now as he

> -./-.; ,-r

-v i ~ * n A \ r> gospel. > '
' -

evayyeXiip. 16 wapa rt]v UaKaaaav rr]Q

La\i- Wll iked by the sea of

glad tidings. And walking by the sea - of Ga- Galilee, he saw Simon
and Andrew his bro-
75. t,/
elctv ^.ijiiova Kai
> '
J j,-\ k~'_r." \fc/.\

Avcpsav rov adeXcpov *avrov j5a\-

' ' , '

t hercasting a net into

lilee he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of him cast- the sea : for they were

"d^X^rpov faav.ydp "aXi^" ^?d


Xovrag" iv ry QaXdaay lZl

a large net in the sea for they were
ing ;
ye a ft e r me, and 1 will
17 Kai dirtv avrolg b 'lt]aovg, Aevre orriiyw /xov, Kai rroajau)
g^ers oTmen. iTlnd
And *said 3 to ''them 'Jesus, Come after . me, and I will make straightway they for-

vfidg yeveo-9ai
you to become
dvGpwTTiov. 18
And immediately having left wnen j,e had gone a
fishers of men.
Kai eii9swg
dtpivrsg ^^ ^% 1* l

little farther thence,

Td.SiKTva.fauTwv^ rjKoXovQijaav avrtp. 19 Kai -xpofidg
theirncts they followed him. And having gone 011 Qf
Zebedee> and John
UkeIOhv" bXiyov tUev 'laKivj3ov rbv rov Zefiebaiov, Kai his brother who also
thence a little he saw James the [son] of Zebedee, and P
^"tndr nete! 2Tnd
'ludvvnv rbv.dceXipbv.aurov, Kai avrovg iv rip rvXo'tip straightway he called
m: a n d
John his brother, '
and these [were] in the
. , ,
father Zebedee ^Jf"
Karapri^ovrag rd Sucrva. 20 Kai ev9ko}g
tKaXtatv avrovg' in the ship with the

the nets. And immediately he called

koi aiptvTtg tov 7ranpa.avTiDV Zef3soaXov tv rip rrXoup /.isra

went , -. , ~, ;

hire(i servants,
after him.

and having left their father Zebedee in the ship with

rwv airifXdov O/riffw avrov.
the hired servants, they wentaway after him. . , , .,
/ - > >

' < '/i' - 21 And they went

21 Kai aiGTroptvovrai sig s Kairepvaovfi' l[
Kai l
roig into Capernaum ;
And they go into Capernaum ;
and immediately on the straightway the on
sfilibi^th dfiv riG
v w u
22 Kai
elg rr)v avvayinyi}V tdia(TKev.

od0(3acriv (.!(TiX0ijjv into the synagogue,

sabbaths having entered into the synagogue he taught. And and taught. 22 And
,.., ,,,.,.,> ~,-. T <?5.' > \ they were astonished
tt,7r\7]ff(JOVTO iTTl r?J.l)tdaXy-avrOV Ip'.yap ClOaCTKOJV avrovg at his doctrine for he :

they were astonished at his teaching for he was teaching them : taught them as one
, K / ~ 1 an T/- v t v , . t ' that had authority,
b)g tkovmav fX WJ/ Krtl 0V X W C 0l YpajUjUarl . Z6 Kai
t\V and not as the scribes.
as ^authority 'having, and not as the scribes. And there was 23 And there was in

b 0-0! c d GLTTrAW. e
thee LTTrA. evfle'ios LW. e/reaaepaKOvra ^/xe'pos TTr ;
fKai jae7a LTrA. 8 Kai Myuyv T ; Kai A. h
T)/Jiepas Ttcrae. A. tijs ^acriAei'as [LJTTrA.
Kai Trapa-yaii' and passing Oil LTTrA.
k rov 2t/X(0V0S of Simon L ; "2,Lij.u>vo<; TTrAW. a/a-

m "
<f>ipd\\ovTa<; casting around GLTTrAW. a^i^Xr^o-rpov (read [a net]) TTrA. dAeeis ta.
I r
cuSvs T. P auTtic (read the nets) LTTi[a]. eKelOcv [L]TTrA. ev0v<; TTrA.
T K eSiSao-Kev tus
Ka^apvaovfji LTTrAW.
l eicreXOiai' T[Tr]A.
ei/Ovs T. rr)V o-vraywyij^
riji/E. +
[aviTw^] (read their scribesj l. f evflvs imnaediately ta. +
their synagogue a man
ry.avvayojyy.avTwv dv9pwjrog TTVBvuaTi.aKaBdpTtp, Kai tv
with an unclean spirit
and he cried out, in
their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, and
24 saying, Let us 24 ri ij/xlv Kai <roi. 'byrrov Na^ap^ri;
alone what have we avitcpaZev, XBywv, ^Ea,"

to do with thee, thou

he cried out, saying, Ah! what to us and to thee, Jesus, Nazarene ?
Jesus of Nazareth?
i)\9eg cnroXirrai y'ifidg', a o7<5d" <re rig bI, 6 liyiog
art thou come to de-
art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy [One!
stroy us I know thee
who thou art, the Holy tov Oeov. 25 Kai iTTBTijx-qaBv avry 6 'Irjaovg, b Xsyojv, ]l

One of God. 25 And 2 <J>(^tw-

of God. And rebuked 3
him 'Jesus, saying, Be
Jesus rebuked him,
saying.Hold thy peace, 6t]Ti, Kai t,B\9e t% aiirou. 26 Kai avapd^av
and come out of him. silent, and come forth out of him. 5 e
And having thrown "into Convulsions
26 And when the un-
clean spirit had torn abrbv to TrvBvjia to aKciQaprov, Kai c Kpd%av H cpwi^y fxeydXy,
him, and cried with 'him 'the
spirit *the 4
unclean, and having cried with a 2 voice 'loud,
a loud voice, he came
out of him. 27 And b^XObv t^" avTov. 27 Kai t9a/nf3r)9i]ffav e TravTBg,' ware
they were ail amazed, came forth out of him. And 2 were 3 astonished 'all, so that
insomuch that they t n n h
questioned among avZ,i]TBiv z-n-p6g avroi>g," XkyovTag, Tt idTiv tovto:
themselves, saying, they questioned together among themselves, saying, What is this-?
What thing is this ? l
what neWvdoctrine is rig r) SiCaxrj r\ Kaivq avrrj, ort" Kar a,ov<riav Kai Tolg irvev
this? for with au- what teaching new 'this, that with authority even the spirits
thority commandeth
he even the unclean fiaaiv Toig a.Ka9dpT0ig Ittitcioobi, Kai inraKOvovaiv avT({j ;
spirits, and they do the unclean he commands, and they obey him I

obey him. 28 And im-

mediately his fame
28 ^'E^fj\9fv.Si^ rj ctKoi) auTov l Bv9vg m Big oXrjv t))v TTBpi-
spread abroad through- And went out the fame of him immediately in all the 2
out all the region
round about Galilee. vojpov Tijg TaXiXaiag.
'country Galilee.
29 And forthwith, n
29 Kai Bu9tatg Ik Trjg <Tvvay(t)y7]g n
IKbX96vteq r]X9ov

when they were come And immediately out of the synagogue having gone forth they came
out of the synagogue,
they entered into the Big Tr\v oiKiav Sifiiovog Kai 'Avfiptov, jxbtci 'laKOJjiov Kai Iwdv-
house of Simon and into the house of Simon and with James and John.
Andrew, with James
and John. 30 But Si- vov. 30 7].Se 7TBv9Bpd "Eifiuivog KareKEiTO irvpioGovaa' Kai
mon's ijfife's mother And the mother-in-law of Simon was lying in a fever. And
lay sick-of a fever, and
anon they tell him of p n
31 Kai 7rpooBX9il)v
Bv9so}g Xeyovmv avTty 7TBpi avrrjg.
her. 31 And he came immediately they speak to him about her. And having come to [her}
and took her by the
hand, and lifted her ijyBipBv avTtjv, KpaTTjaag TTJg.xeipbg.^avTiig'" Kai a<p)]KBV
up and immediately
he raised up her, having taken her hand. And left
the fever left her, and T n
she ministered unto avrr/v 6 Trvptrbg Bi>9twg, Kai dtrjKovEi avrotg. 32 'OiPUtg
4 2
them. 32 And at even, her 'the fever immediately, and she ministered to them.
when the sun did set, s
they brought unto Sb yBvopsvrig, otb tdv n 6 i]Xiog, t<pBpov 7rpbg avTov
him that were dis- 'and being come,
all when went down the sun, they brought to him
eased, and them that
were possessed with TravTag Tovg Kaicwg txovTag Kai rovg Sai/LioviZofiivovg' 33 Kai
devils. 33 And all the all who "ill 'were and those possessed by demons ;
city was gathered to- t

gether the door.

at t) 7r6Xig oXtj ETricrvvT)yiJ.h>r) fjv" 7rpbg n)v 9vpav. 34 Kai
2 3
34 And he healed many the city 'whole *gathered Hogether was at the door. And
that were sick of di-
vers diseases, and cast 7roXXovg KaKCjg.i\ovTag iroiKiXatg voaotg, Kai
out many devils and he healed many that were ill of various diseases, and

Buffered not the devils

to speak, because they Saijuovia TroXXd i&fiaXBv, Kai ovK.yfiiEv XaXsHv rd Saifiovia,
2 3
demons 2
knew him. 'many he cast out, and suffered not to*speak 'the demonsl
otl ydtiaav avrov.
35 And in the morn- because they knew him.
ing, rising up a great y
while before day, he 7rpan 35 Kat
ivwxov^.\iav dvaffrdg I>/\0ej/ Kai
went out, and departed And very early while yet night having risen up he went out and

1 "Ea LTTrA. a T.
b we know
XeyuiU T.
Qaiinjcrav TTrA. arr
from L. e
a7T<xVTe? TTrA.
avv^rjTiiv LTTrA, Bf
7rpo; T. auTOus E eauTOvs
SiSa\r] Kaivrj a new teaching LTTrA.
I/TrAW. > k Kai
eri\9ev LTTrA. [evflus] Tr.
m + iravraxov everywhere T[Tr]A.
evdvs LTTrA. i^eXOoiv r)\9ev having gone forth
he came LTr. p evOvs LTTrA. 1
avTTjs (read [her] hand) LT[Tr]A.
evfle'us TTr.
iSwrev LTrA. ' *
^1/ oAn r) 7roAis irrt.<rvvr)yixevri LTTrA. iyyv\a LTTrA.
i, IT. MARK. 91
w Kra(C6i" 36 Kai into a solitary place,
aTT))\Qev Eig iflVfiov roirov, Trpoffrjix^TO. and there prayed.
departed into 'desert 'a place, and there was praying. Aid 36 And Simon and
icaTEdiojav n avrbv y 6
Si'juwv Kai oi fJ.IT
avrov' 37 Kdi that were with him
followed after him.
"went 'after "him 'Simon "andHhose *with 5 him ;
and 37 And when
they' had
"On found they said
EvpovrEg avrov Xkyovaiv avrtp,
irdvrEg "ZrjTOVffiv ff." unto him,
him All seek thee. him, All men seek
having found they say to him, for thee. 38 And he
' h said unto them, Let us
38 Kai Aiya avroig, Ay tvfiEv elg rdg EXOfitvag KuifioiroXEig,
And he go into the next town*,
says to them, Let us go into the neighbouring country towns, that I may preach
d n
'iva /eafca"
Ktjpv'^u)' elg rovro yap t,t\i)\vQa. 39 Kai there also : for there-
3 I come forth. And fore came I forth.
that there also I may preach 'for this 'because have
39 And he preached
e n
oXrjv rrjv TaXi-
n f in their synagogues
ijv Ki]ovaau)v tv ralg.ovvayu>ya~ig .avriov elg
he was in their synagogues in all Ga- throughout all Gali-
lee, and cast out devils.
40 And there came a
Xaiav, Kai rd Saifiovia EKfidXXwv.
lilee, and the demons casting out. leper to him, beseech-
ing him, and kneeling
40 Kai 'ipx erai ?rpbg
avrov Xt7rp6g, TrapaicaXiov avrbv %icai down to him, and say-
And ^comes *to
him 2
'a leper, beseeching him and ing unto him, If thou
b wilt, thou canst make
X&yujv avrip,"Ori kdv OtXyg Svvacrai
yovv7reru)v avrov," icai me clean. 41 And Je-
kneeling down to him, and saying to him, If thou wilt thou art able sus, moved with com-
passion, put forth his
fie KaQapiaai. 41 x
'OM.'lt]Govg^ owXayxviaOug, ek- hand, and touched
me to cleanse. And Jesus being moved with compassion, having him, and saith unto
him, I will be thou
reivag rt)v x 'l
a k i]4' aT0 avrov n Kai Xkyei avr(ji, ,
l {{ ;

clean. 42 And as soon

stretched out [his] hand he touched him, and says to him, as he had spoken, im-

GeXtu, Ka9apLa9j]Ti. 42 Kai m e'nr6vrog.avrov, u n

mediately the leprosy
departed from him,
I will, be thou cleansed. And he having spoken, immediately depart- and he was tileansed.
43 And he straitly
9ev air' avrov i) Xkirpa, Kai eKa9apia9i].
43 Kai Efifipifirfad- charged him, and

ed from him the leprosy, and he was cleansed. And having strictly forthwith sent him
p away 44 and saith
fievog abrtp, tv9sujg
s^k/3aXev avrov, 44 Kai Xiya avr<p,

unto him, See thou say

charged him, immediately he sent away him, And says to him, nothing to any man :
r but go thy way, shew
"Opa firjSevi i/iridtv" e'iirrig' a\\" vTraye, ceavrbv dei^ov
thyself to the priest,
See to no one anything thou speak ;
but go, thyself shew and offer for thy
(lit. nothing) cleansing those things
r<p ispei, Kai rrpooEVEyKE rrzpi rov.Ka9apiGfiov.oov B. Moses which
to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing manded, for a testi-
what 2
mony unto them.
f-ra^ev "Mukt/jc," tig fiaprvpwv avroig. 45 'O.Sf i^,eX9wv 45 But he went out,
dered 'Moses, for a testimony to them. But he having gone out and began to publish
if much, and to blaze
ffp^aro KrfpvGGeiv 7roXXa Kai Siacpripi^Eiv rbv Xoyov, wars abroad the matter, in-
began to proclaim much and to spread abroad the matter, so that somuch that Jesus
could no more openly
fiTfKkrt avrbv Svvao9ai }<pavEpCJg elg ir6Xiv n e[geX9e1v enter into the city, but
no longer he was able openly into [the] city to enter ;
was without in desert
T wa lv" places and they came

a\A" t%<i) ipiffioig r67roig "i/v,

Kai ijpxovro irpbg avrbv to him from every
but without in desert places was, and they came to him quarter.
*a n
II. And again he
7ravrax69v. entered into Caperna-
from every quarter.
za aa
um, after some days ;
2 Kai 7ra\iv a'erfjAf)^ sig
Ka7Tfpvaoi;/i" St rffiepoJv,

and it was noised that

And again Capernaum after [some] days,
he entered he was in the house.
da 2 And straightway
ba KaJ" c& "
r}K0vo9r] '6ri slg o1k6v u
iariv 2 Kai f v9swg ovvrf- many were gathered
and it was heard that in [the] house he is and immediately were together, insomuch ;

that there was no room

yfirjGav iroXXoi, aiare fit]KEri.x^ptlv fxtfb'E
rd to receive them, no,
gathered together many, so that ihere was no longer any room not even not so much as about

" Kai i<el L. x

KaTeSiaifei" T. J 6 T^TrJA. evpof avrov Kai found him and TTrA.
+ aAAaxov elsewhere ttta. c cai eicei aw. d
ir)\0ov I came forth
6 b
creXyTovo-iv lw.
TTrA. e he went TTr. f
eU rds avvay(i>y6.s GXTTrAW. s kox yoia7reT<In'
h *ai and LTIr. k avrov
koX t[a]. rixj/aro LTTrX.
avrov L[TrA] ; atiTOv T.
T. m ei7roi'TOS avToO LTTr. n evfli/s TTrA.
eKa0pia0T] TA. P eiiOv?
LTTrA <l
/nrjSeJ/ L[Tr].
aXAa LTTrAW. 8
Mwucrfj? LTTrAW. '
eis nroAii' ^>ai^pd)s T.
aAAa LTrA. wa 7r' TTrA. la
[^v] L. ^ a irdvToBev LTTrAW. el<rr)kOtv irakiv LW ;
aa ba
el<7\Qoiv iraXiv he having entered again TTrA. Ka^api/aov/x LXTi aW. koX
[L]TTi A kv oi/cv LTTr. ev64u)S [LTr]T.

^poQ Tt)v Qvpav icaitXdXEi avTolg TuvXoyov. 3 Kai tp\OVTai

preached* ^he^^ord
unto them. 3 And they a* *he door; and he spoke to them the word. And they come
come unto him, bring- e^oAc aVTOV, TTapaXvTlKOV 0SOOVrC," aiOOUEVOV "
ing one sick of the I
to i_-
him a "j i-
"a -'paralytic U
palsy, which was borne

of four. 4 And when 4 Ka [ (

TOV OxXoV, f
^jj SwdflEVOl 7TpO(Tyy((7at" dl'Th)
nicrh unto him" forthe
not heing- able to come near ^^
to him on account of the crowd,
press, they uncovered
the roof where he was: aTTEGTiyaGClV
Tt)v GTEy\)V 07T0V f)l>, KCll topv,aVTEg Xa ~
uncovered. the* roof where he was, and having- broken up [it] they
and when they had they f u r r (
broken it up, they let XuiGlV TOV 6 TrapakvTlKOQ KCtTEKElTO.
down the bed wherein let down the %Kpdfijia.TOV^couch
H(f)' ^j"
on which the was lying,
the sick of the palsy paralytic
.,-,-,,..,, , v f ^ , ,

lay. 5 When Jesus saw 5 'lOWI'-Ot' O I?JO"Ol> ri}v.7Tl(TriJ-'.ai'ra' V T(p TTapaXvTlKli}, Ayl
their faith, he said
unto the sick of the
-seeing 'Jesus their faith ^a
says to the paralytic,
., , ,..
, , T , , .

palsy, Son, thy sins be 1EKVOV, "-CMpSlOVTCH" '<JOl

forgiven thee. 6 But Child,
have 4 been 5 f orgiven 6 thee 2
'thy sins. But there were some
fcll(?rG "W6I"G t i
i* f ; 1 1
1 of
the sitting tuiv ypa/nparsuiv ekeX Ka9r)f.iEvoi, Koi
diaXoyiZS/uEvoi tv TCtlg
there,and reasoning in of the scribes there 'sitting, and reasoning in
their hearts, ,7 Why _ _,, - , ,
\ % ~ m ,3\ j '

dcth this man thus Kapciaig.nvTOJV, 7 liovTOQ ovTwg XaAEi pXaG(pi)j.uag ;

speak blasphemies? their hearts, Why = this [ 3 man] "thus 'does 5 speak blasphemies?
wno can forgive sins >_,' < ' \ ? '?' < n ' n -ir <

but God only? 8 And Ttg dvvarat cKptevai afiapTiag, (_// tig, OVEOC\ 8 Kttt
immediately when Je- who is able to forgive sins, except one, [that is] God ? And
sus perceived in his n >/v ~ - ~ " n " n n
' '
't ' '


it II

spirit that they so

reasoned within them- immediately knowing 'Jesus in his spirit that thus
^Z :^y reLTye SuAoyiZovrat
reasoning within themselves,
iv iavrolg, idm-V avTolg, Ti ravra Sta-
these things in your are they said to them, Why these things rea-
et 9 V
it Slrier to
t ,

to thl Sy *yiSEff06 lv TCUQ-KCipSiaiQ.VpG>V \ 9 H EGTIV EVKOTTlOTEpOV,

sick of the palsy, Thy 80n 7 e m y ur hearts ? which is easier,
sins be forgiyen thee ' ~ *' s
T('Z TTCtpaXvTlKtO,
E l7rf iv " AtitlOVTCti" (TOl" rt "
or to say, Arise, and .

to say to the
J ..
Have 4 been 5 f orgiven J . ...
thce [thy]
r ,., ., ,r.
take up thy bed and -'sins,
lk? U t at y n
ma know th at the ** f ' 7re '''j '"EyEipai," KCli dp6v '"GOV TOV KpafificiTOv" KOI

S^of ma^hath power or to **> Arise and take up thy couch and
on x ^ ^
earth to forgive
7rfp(7rari" ;
10 'Iva.Sk EiSrJTE l^nvGinv i\El O VI OQ on TOV
walk ? but that ye may know that Authority 5 has 'the^Son
sick of The palsy )
li I say unto thee,*
ar9pi07rov ^OKpisvai ettl Ttjg yfjc" dfiapTiaQ, XsyEi T(p irapa-
Arise, and take up thy 3
ot man
to forgive on t he earth he says to the
sins, r
bed, and go thy way _ t f t
z &
into thine house.
XvrtfCfp, 11 Soi Xfydl, tyElpai,
Kal V apOV T6l' g Kpaf5(3aTOV n
12 And immediately

lytic To thee j arige and take , -'couch

he arose, took up the , , , , , , ,
, n,
bed, and went forth GOV Kttl VTTCtyE EIQ TOV.OLKOV.GOV. 12 t]yEpQl] EvQtUJQ, Kttl' Kai
before them all inso- And he arose immediately, and
'thy and go to ;
thy house.
much that they were , ao ..
n L
,., , .,

all amazed, and glori-

(IpaQ TOV %Kpappa.TOV Et,r}XvEV tV<ZVTl01>" TTCll'TMV,
fied God, saying, We having taken up the couch went forth before all,
never saw it on this ,, , ,',, y ,n ,w , , . ,',

fashion. IOGTE
tt,lGTa.GUai 7raVTO.Q, KCtl 0OZ aZ ElV TOV UEOV, "XtyOVTCtQ,"
> >

so that 2 were 3 amazed 'all, and glorified God, saying,

ea fa
._ . , , , ,
Never thus did we see [it].
13 And he went forth ,

r~ n n ,^ ~
again by the sea side ;
lo Km , ,

bt,l]XVEV 7TaXll>


, ,, , , ,

and all the multitude And he went forth again by the sea, and all the
resorted unto him, *. ,/ , ,, , ,, _._ , , , . ,

and he taught them. OX^Og TjpXETO TTpOg aVTOV, Kai ECIOCCGKEV aVTOVg. 14 Kai
14 And as he passed crowd came to and he taTight them. And

7rpb? avrbj' (ftepovTes TTapakvTiKov LTr ; <^epovreq npbs avrbv n-apa^VTiicbv TA.
Trpoa- '

s Kp6.fia.TTov ltti aw. h o7rou where

evdyKat, to bring near t. LTTrA. koX "Suic t. '
k are
acjiievrai forgiven LTTt. o"Oi al ajaopn'at GTT' A ; croi ai a/napn'ai [o"ovJ L.
m ; /3Aao-<p7) does this [man] thus speak ? he blasphemes.) LTTrA.

(read Why "

LTTt a. p + avfol they (arc ovrtos L. q
reasoning) o| aJw. Ae'-yet says tti-a.
r s
crov thy (sins) GTTrAW.
'A^i'ei'Tai are forgiven LTTr. "Eyeipe
'Eyeipov TrA. ;

T w rbf
Kp6.fia.TTOv o~ov LTTrAW.
Kai. G[Tr]AW. x y iirl rrjs
iinaye go T. y^s ac^teVai
GLTT.-A W. a Kai b /cai "
eyeipe G[I.JtTiAW. eu6vs TTi A. e^wpoo-dev T.
* ea ovtios ovSeiroTt TTrA. fa ea
Aeyoj/ra? [lJa. etSa^iev LTTi A. e is to T.
II. MA R K. 93
'AeviV rov' A\(paiov Ka9>]ptvov trri rb *? LeTi * ho
irapayuiv eXStv 7-0^
^aj'T r

passing on he saw Levi the [son] of Alphseus sitting at the

a?\he raerpTof cus^
rtXu'jviov, Kai Xtyei avriS, 'AkoXovBei uol Krrl avaaroc J;*?'
a rt
said unt0
tax office. and say.
15 Kat
to him,
15 And it came
And having arisen
i}Ko\oi'd)]atv avrtji. tysvero ^tv.rt^-KaraKtACjQai.av- *

lie followed
,,,,_ him. And
IV Tij.OlKin.aUTOVf Kai TToXXoi TtXwVai Kat Cl[inprUJ- house, many publicans
it came to pass
as he reclined pass, that, as Jesus
,-v~ v; sat at meat in his

sin- and sinners sat also


[at table] in his house, that many tax-gatherers and

, n , ~ ~ together with Jesus ^ , _ , .. >

\oi OVVaVlKtlVTO T0ig.f-iavr]Taig.aVTOV and his disciples for T(> l)\aOV ICai :

uers were recliuinq- [at table] with his disciples there were many, and Jesus and ;

t >a 1> 'a ~ ip m 'II thc ? followed him.

' > \ '

tjnav.yap ttoXXoi, kul i]koXov viiaav ai'Tip. lb Kat or ypa/.i- if. And when the
1 n 11

for they were many, and they followed him. And the scribes scribes and Pharisees .

T >?< , n ,
n' saw him eat with pub- I, ' ' > <

khi v avrov taviovra ll

ot Vapioaioi," tdovreg \itra licans and sinners,
and the Pharisees, having seen him eating with they said unto his dis-
~ ~ .< ..
%~ii"\ - n ~ ~ ciples, How is it that '

TWV ItEAWVWV Kai afiapTl0Alt)V, (AiyOV rOig.jiaUl)ratg.aVTOV t heeatethanddrinketh

the tax-gatherers and sinners, said to his disciples, with publicans and
,,.,/n .i > ~ a
~ > '
~ sinners? 17 When Je-
O', t <
J' oti i-tera rujv r\wi'wi' Kai a/jiaprujAoJV"

sus neard it he 8nith '/cat
Why [is it] that with the tax-gatherers and sinners ho eats and unto them, they that
17 Ki 3
aKovoag 6 'lijffovg Xsyu avrolg, G Ov XP^av
need of the phyltcian"
drinks? And "having heard 'Jesus says to them, Not nced but they that are sick :

iX ovm V
''have 'they
io X vovTZQ
strong of a physician, but
iarpov, aXX'
tX ov-
i repentance.
reg. ovK.iiXOov KaXicrat SiKaiovg, dXXd a/xaprwXovg *eig
I came not to call righteous [ones], but sinners to
18 Km yaav oi paOiirai'Iioavvov Kai w o ru>v $apiaaiu)v n
And '"were 'the "disciples 3 of 4 John 6
and "those 7 of "the 'Pharisees
Kai tpxovraiKai Xsyovaiv avrtp,* Atari" ol /xaOr]- A the disciples
vticrrtvoi'reg' f\^?
and they come and
fasting,- say to him, Why 2 the 3 disci- Pharisees used to fasti
TOl 'loJClVVOV Kai OC y tCjV <bapioailOV Vr]GreV0VGlV, Ol St Vol and they come and say
pies 'of'John 'and 'those 'of "the '"Pharisees but thy
>*rt,^ ZTipllT'oiIJohn and
uaOijTai ov.vnorevovGiv; 19

Svvavrai ol
fast not

rov vv/Mpwi'og.
Kat drrav avrolg b'lt]Govg, Mr)
to 'them
'Jesus, 6 vv/Mpiog fisr avrwv

no\V V
of the Pharisees fast,

said unto them. Can
the children the
Can the sons of the bridechamber, while the bridegroom with them of
/ ,t , n > < ~ <
bridechamber fast,
iariv, V)]<Jrtvtiv, baoi'.xpovov /.ie9 tavrwv txovoiv rov vvjx- while the bridegrroom
with them is with them? as long
is, fast? as long as ' have the
they bride-
, , , , ,
as they have the bride-
<piov," ov.cvvavrai vqartveiv' 20 tXeuaoi'rai.ct rj/xspai orav groom with them, they
But will come when cannot fast. 20 But
groom, they are not able to fast. days
> n - > > i ~ < \ r the days will come,
air avrwv o vvficpiog, Kai rore vr\-
atrapHy when the bridegroom
will have been taken away from them the bridegroom, and then they shall be taken away
/ ., ~ ni h . vii o\ / >' < ' from them, and then
arevaovaiv tv a tKtn'aigraigt)iJSpatg. n 21 <cai ovceig tTripXrjfia

shall they fast in those

will fast in those days. And no one a piece dayB. 21 No man also
f /
> / , J-,
a > . / M , , .i
e \ ~||., > i ' seweth a piece of new
pciKovg" ayva(i>ov t7rippa7rrei tin ifiari^.iraXai^ ej.of.jur;, cloth on an old gar-
Of -cloth 'unfulled sews on an old garment ; otherwise, ment : else the new
> / - 1.,
na ) ~i| < > - - \
piece that filled it up
aipH TO 7TAf/pWjUaS aVT0i;" TOKO IVOV rOV 7ra\aiOV, Kai taketh away from th
4 s 6
'takes "away 'the "filling up of it "new from the old, and old, and the rent is

h Aeveiv TA. '

comes to pass TTrA. k 'ev rw '
yCverac it T[Tr]. rjKokovOovv they
were following TTrA. m oi t. n toii' <bapi<raiu>v of the Pharisees TTr. -f Kai
also [l.JTTr.
P 6rt e'crSt'ei L ; oti rjaOiev that he was eating TTr. 6.^aprio\uiv Kai <J

r '
TtAiovojV LTrA. Tt TTrA. a/aapTwAaii' Kai Totv rcktoviiiv LTr.
s L.
[cai 7riVei]
w * Ala Tl LTrA. ;

"tapio-aioi the Pharisees GLTTrAW.

ets lardvoiav GLTTrAW. Ol
y + fxaSrjTal (oi t,he) disci[)les TTrA.
exov a iv rov vva^iov fxer avriov (fj.e6' eavrOiv L) LTTrA.
8 ^ Kai GLTTrAW. c d
exeitTj rrj TJjue'pa that day GLTTrAW. paKKOVS L. eTTipa7TTei
TTi A. e
ijuariQi/ jraAaioi' LTTrA.
+ a7r' avrov from it A. 8 + an from LT.
ha -^ atiTOV
94 MA P K O S. TT, TIT.
made worse. 22 And ytfpov ay'mixa yivE-ai. 22 Kai ovSeiea BdWei oh'ov vkov etc
no man nufctcth new /x /v i / / i
wine into old bottles
a rtut takes '
place. And no one puts wine 'new into
else the new wine doth 9 k n
CHJKOVQ TTaXaiOVQ' El.8e.flfl, ^fjCTffEl bolvog 6 VEOQ TOVg CMJ-
o'nh ^
the wine is spilled, and
olu !

otherwise, 'bursts 'tbe 3
wine "new the skins,
the bottles win bo
Kovg, Kai 6 oIvoq 't/e^Eirai mi oi aaicoi a7ro\ovi>Tai'
marred: but new wine and the wine is poured out, and the skins will be destroyed : but
must be put into new _ , , , ,
bottles. 01V0V VEOV Eig CtGKOVQ KCllVOVQ B\t]TEOV.^
wine 'new 3 into 5 skins ''new is to be put.

23 And
it came to 23 Kai syevETO "TrapairopEVEaQai.avTOV Iv TOig adj3f3acriv

pass, that he went And it came to pass that he went on the sabbath
through the corn fields
on the sabbath day;
? , ~
Old TWU (nropifiWV, Kai o l)pZ,aVT0 Ol.LiaUtJTai.avTOV" 0C0V
>n"v > rt >~n n
v ?
and his disciples began, through the corn-fields, and 3
began 'his '"'disciples [their] way
as they went, to pluck
~ n <-\ \ < ' ct t
24 Kai
> i
* -.

the ears of corn. TiKKovTtg tovq OTayyaQ. <Papiaaioi tAeyov

24 And the Pharisees to make, plucking the ears. And the Pharisees said
said, unto him, Behold, > - *T j i ~ n > ~ 'fin r
why do they on the O-VTtj}, Tl TT010VGIV lOE, %V \t

sabbath day that to him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath that which is not lawful ?
25 And* hesaid unto ^5 Kai T aVTOQ n s i'Asyv" aVTOlQ, OvCETTOTE CtV&yVbJTE TL ItTOII]-
them Have ye never And 3
he said to them, Never 3
'did ye read what "did
d D
whe nhehad nred,an d <""
* OTS X p'av 1<T X BV Kai ItCEivaOEV, aVTOQ Kai 6k
was an hungred, he 'David, when need he had and hungered, he and those
th r
with hlm? 26 Sow PF avT0V '->
26 1TlOQ
he went into the house w tn him? ' how he entered into the house of God in
iU da S w rou" Kai
iV^th *th "h *h
'ABiaOap apxitpewg, roiig dprovg rijg
tne ^ ays of ^ Abiathar the high priest, and the loaves of the
priest and did^eat the

shewbread, which is x
irpodkauog tfayev, ovQ ovkJ^scttiv tpayfiv eLfii) ro1g hpev-
resentation ate which it is not lawful to eat except for the priests,
for the and P

gave also to them <jiv, Kai tSioKEV Kai Tolg GVV aVTOJ OUffiV ; 27 Kai iAtyev
which were with him? and even to those who with him And he said
27 And he .-aid unto , , , , ,
them, The sabbath was avroTg, To oappaTOV 8id tov dvOpwirov lytVZTO, 7 oi>\ o
made for man, and to them, The sabbath on account of man was made, not
for the sab-
28 therefore the aVupuiTTOg
_ .
, ,
TO O~af3(3aT0V>
til <

Son of man is Lord also man on account of the sabbath: so then Lord is tha
of the sabbath.
vibg tov a.v9pu)7rov Kai tov <ra/3/3aroy.
Son of man also of the sabbath.
III. And he entered Q
** ] a j tlanAQev 7rdAn' elg
z n a
again into the syna- , .
= , III' kox
T))v avvayioyhv.
e eri ered
. , . .


' >V" tffi
and there was there

eogue and there was

again synagogue,
a man there which had 2 Kai b
avdpwKOg" i%,t]pauukvi]V fVWJ/ T>)v YE?pa, 7Tap-
a man 'withered 3
th"y watched
whether he would heal
mS ,
n ;
'having [^his] hand,

STr)pOVV aVTOV 61 ToTg odfifiaGlV 6epa7TVOL


wero watchin ? him whether on the sabbath he will heal him,
day" that* theym^ht
3 And he e n
accuse him. "wa KaTT)yopr]<Ju>(Tiv avTOV. 3 Kai A&yei T(p dvQpwirip
saith unto the man in order that him. And he says to the man
which had the wither- .
they might accuse
,7 , , , ,
ed hand, stand forth. Tip 't^rjpafifie vi]v f%ovTi tt)v x
%apa," Eyetpat Eig TO
4 And he saith unto w h 3
withered 'had z
the hand, Arise [and come] into tha
them, Is it lawful to , , , , , -,_ .
n ,

do good on the sabbath fisixov. 4 Kat Xsyst avToig, EZegtiv TOig aappaaiv ayauo-
days, or to do evil? to midst. And he says to them, Is it lawful on the sabbaths to do
save life, or to kill? _ , , , _ , %

But they held .their iroirjcrai, t] KaKOTTOii^aai ; yvxT]v cwcrai, >/ airoKTEivai ; Ot.ce
peace. 5 And when he good, or to do evil? 3
life 'to ''save, or to kill? But they
had looked round a-
bout on them with ECOOTTlxlV.
t -. oi I '
O Kai 7rEpip\E\^af.lEV0g

aVTOVg flET Opyijg, (TUA-

i >-;,
anger, being grieved were silent. And having looked around on them with anger, being
pjjf ei will burst LTTrA.
6 pe'os LTTrA. '
anoWvTat. Kal oi cmtkoI is destroyed.
and the skins ttya. m aWa. . . ^ArjTeof T[Tr]A. n atn-bi/ ev
tois ad^^acnv napa- .

7ropeveo-0ai (SianroptveaBai. LTr) LTTrA. o /^.aflrjTat avroO Tjpfaj/ro LTTrA. P o6oTroieic L.

\eyei he saj'S LTTr.
iv LTTrA. avT05 [L]TTr. l
Aavet'5 LTTrA AauicS UW. ;

[Trtoy] TrA.
w tou LTTrA w. *
tous tepeis T. y xal and TTrA. +
ttjc (read
[the])T[Tr]A. ?iv (read [was]) L[Tr].
rrape-rqpovvTO L.
+ ev on (the) t. A
ireuet he heals T. e shall accuse LTr. f
they rrjf \eipa ix" TL ("tpi" t-TrA J
Tiji' j}pay xP
exovn T. 8 Eyeipe QLTTrA.
dya^bv jroiqaat T.
(Tv^Aun-ov/xet'os TA.
in. MARK. 95
far the hardness of
XvrrovLievog" 7ri
ry rriopibaEi rtp rfjg.Kapdiag.avTwv,
their hearts, ho saith, \syu
grieved at the hardness
of their heart, he says to the unto the
man, Stretch
Kai t^sreivsv, Kai forth thine hand. And

dv9pio7r^), "Etcreivov rr)v.x^pd. (Tov. he stretched it out :

man, Stretchout thy hand. And he stretched out [it], and and his hand was re-
m 6 Kai ttX- stored whole as the
^cnroKaTEGTaQr)" Ti-Xtip.avrov vyi7jg tl)g y dXXr).

6 And the
^as restored 'his ''hand sound as the other. And having other.
Pharisees went forth,
n and straightway took
96vteq 01 &apicraioi"vOojg Litrd Twv'Upojdiavatv o~V[if3ov\iov counsel with the He-
gone out the Pharisees immediately with the Herodians "counsel
rodians against him,
tTToiovv n tear' avrov, oiruyg avrov arroXefftoaiv. how they might de-
'took against how him they might destroy.
him, stroy him.

7 Kttt 6'I77(Toug p drxwpJJ(TVjU7-d^w^'-^a0r/^ou llq 7rp6e


And Jesus withdrew with his disciples to 7 But Jesus with-

drew himself with his
Tt]V QdXaaoav Krtl TToXv 7rX?)0OC CLTTO rr]g TakiKaiag disciples to the sea :

the sea ;
and 2
great and a great multitude
'a multitude from Galilee
from Galileo followed
t)Ko\oi<6l](TaV Kai airb Tyg'lovdaiag, 8 Kai enrb 'Is- him, and from Judaea,

followed him, and from Judea, and from Je- 8 and from Jerusalem,
and from Idumsea, and
poao\vf.i(j)v> Kai drrb rye 'lSovLtaiag, Kai irkpav tov 'lopddvov from beyond Jordan ;

rusalem, and from Idumea, and beyond the Jordan and they about Tyre ;

and Sidon, a great

Kai t oV TTpl Tvpov icai "EiSiova, TrXrjQog 7ro\v, ''aKOvvavrtg^ multitude, when they

and they around Tyre and Sidon, a multitude 'great, having heard had heard what great
w 7rott" rt\9ov things he did, came
'boa rrpbg avrov. 9 Kai dftev T0~ig.fxa9r)- unto him. 9 And he
how much he was doing cme to him. And he spoke tohisdis- 6pake to his disciples,
that a small ship
ralg.avrov, 'iva irXoidpiov should wait on him
rrpOGKaprtpy avr<p did tov
ciples, that a small sliip might wait upon
because of the multi- him, on account of the
avrov. 10 TroWovg.ydp ffltpd- tude, lesthim. they should
bxKov,'lva fir).9\ij3ujcnv throng 10 For
crowd, that they might not press upon him. For many he he had healed
many ;
insomuch that they
itEvatv, ware trrnr'nrrttv ai>r<p, 'iva avrov aipiovrai, oaoi
pressed upon him for
healed, so that they beset him, that him they might touch, as many as to touch him, as many
as had plagues. 11 And
dxov iidanyag' 11 Kai rd irvev para rd dmOapra, orav avrov unclean spirits, when
had scourges and the spirits the unclean, when him
they saw him, fell
n z down before him, ard
avry, Kai 7tKpaZ,ev , \kyovTa^"On ov cried,

'kQeiopei, irpoakTrnrrev saying, Thou art

they beheld, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou the Son of God. 12 And
6 v'ibg tov 9eov. 12 Krti 7roXXd he straitly charged
ft l7Tripa abro~ig,'iva p)
art the Son of God. And much he rebuked them, so that ^ot them that him
they should
not make known.
n b c
*avrbv <pavtpbv 7rotrjffwo'iv" .
him manifest 'they 2 should *make.
13 Kai dvafiaivei tig to
Kai TrpoffKaXeirai bpog,ovg 13 And he goeth up
And he goes up and
into the mountain,
calls to [him] whom into a
mountain, and
avrog' Kai avrov. 14 Kai calleth unto him whom
i]9e\ev dTri)\9ov wpbg tTroiijaev
'"would 'he and they went to him. And he appointed he would and they :

came unto him. 14 And
dujdsKa 'iva woiv per avrov, Kai 'Iva d7ro<rrs\\y avrovg he ordained twelve,
twelve that they might be with him, and that he might send them that they should be
with him, and that he
Kt]pvGOEiv, 15 Kai ixeiv i^ovcriav 9epa7TEveiv rag vooovg /ci" might send them forth
to preach, and to have authority to heal diseases and to preach, 15 and to
have power to heal
e l
iKfidWeiv rd Saipovia. 16 Kai iirk9t]Ktv r<p "Sipojvi bvopa^ sicknesses, and to cast
to cast out demons. And he added to Simon [the] name out devils 16 and Si- :

mon he 8urnamed Pe-

Yl'trpov' 17 Kai 'Id/cw/3ov rbv tov Zefiedaiov, Kai 'IwdvvrjV ter 17 and James the ;

Peter ; and James the [son] of Zebedee, and John son of Zebedee, and
John the brother of
tov dt\<pbv tov 'laKiofiov' Kai k7rs9r]Kev avro7g bvo/xara James and he sur- ;

the brother of James and he added to them [the]

names named them Boan-
k <rov (read [thy]) hand T[Tr]A. '
aTTeKaTeo-ra8r) Gl.TTrAW.
vyir]<; u>? r) dAArj
GLTTrAW. n eiiOvs TTrA. T eSiSovv gave TrA. P [jura, ruiv /JiaOr)Tu>v avrov
e7roi7jcrai' ;

avex<*>pri<Tev GLTTrA. <l

eis GLT. r
^(coAoiitfrjcrei/ LTrA ; r)Ko\ov6y)(jav 'placed after
" * t
'Iovoata? T. aVTtu' [t/JTTrA. ot [l]TTt[a]. atcovovres hearing LTTrA.
w 7roiec he is y enpafrv LTTrAW.
eGeuipovv, npocriirnrrov LTTrAW.
* z
doing TrA. Ae-
yovre<; T.
(j>avepbi> avTbv GW.
b iroio>(Ti.t> TTrA. c
[on -gSeicrav rbv xpiOTbj' avrbv etyai] +
because they had known him to be the Christ L. d ras vocrov; Kai TTrA.
koI tn-oi'rjcrei' roi/s Siu5eA.a, and he appointed the twelve t. [
ovo/xa r<j 2i/*wvt TTrA.
98 M A P K O 2. III.
which is The kGTlV 18 Kai 'Avfy'tClV, Kai
erges, v'loi
gBofU'Epyf g ," fipOVTrjg"
Boanerges, which is and Andrew, and Sons of thunder
Andrew and Philip ;

and Bartholomew, and h n

and Thomas $i\nr7T0V, Kai BaoQoXofialoV, Kai Mar0a7oV, Kai QtiifiaV,

Matthew, Philip,
"' and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas,
ard James the son of / > , t.^
Alph.xus, and Thad- Kn l 'laKlofioV TOV TOV A\([>CUOV, Ktti QciCCaloi', Kai Xi/XtoVa
daeus, and Simon the
d j. inles the [son] of Alphseus, and Thaddsens, and Simon
Canaanite, 19 and Ju- u ir \ ' '* v ' '

das Iscariot, whicli roV YLaVOVlTr\V^ 19 KOI lovCav K lo~KaOUOTI]V,


Og KUl TTapl-

also betrayed him the :

and Judas Iscarioto, who also deliver-
Swkev avrov.
ed up him.
Kai 'tpxovrat" elg olieov' 20 Kai ovv'epxtTai rraXiv m c>xXoc,
3 4 E
And they come to a house : and comes together again 'a "crowd,

And they went into oxjte dprov <paysh>. Kai Akov-

an house. 20 And the so th at ixrj.SvvaaOai.avTovg^fiijTE^

they are not able so much as

brcad Ho -eat. Aud having
multitude cometh to- , ( , , _ , ,

gether again, so that aaVTtg 01 Trap avrov t,t]XVOV Kparijrrai CLVTOV

they could not so h eara [ f it], those belonging to him went out to lay hold of him ;

much as eat bread.

21 And when his
On ,

tt,E<JTr). 22 Kai
, ,

oi ypaiiiia.Tt.ig oi
, ,

friends heard of it, f or they said, He is beside himself. And the scribes who from
they went out to lay
hold on him for they
. , a , ,~
_ \fl ^
besA^epovA t%t
ItpoaoXv/xojv KaTapavTtg tXtyov,
said, He is beside him- Jerusalem came down said, Beelzebul he has and

self . 22 And the scribes _ - >/3'-\\ ' '

which came down On ,

tV Tip apXOVTf.
from Jerusalem said, By the prince of the demons he casts out the demons.
He hath Beelzebub, ,-. T, \ . / >
ft \ \
*\ > ~
and by the prince of 23 Kai TTpOGKaAEGafltVOQ aVTOVg tV TTapapoAaiQ iXtytV
the devils casteth he And having called to [him] them in parables he said

M them ^rSohim, avToTg, IIug Suvarat

and said unto them in to them, How can
aaravag aaravav
'cast "out ?
24 Kai
taTciTt to? Sa"a n?
*" /SaffiXcta If eavTrjv pepurOy,
oradrjvai i)

24 And if a kingdom if a kingdom against itself be divided, is not 5 able 6

to 'stand

ifsel/' ttuu kfnrdom /3acri\f

ia.tKt ivt]' 25 Kai lav oiKia
bf tavrrjv fxtpiady, ov
cannot stand. 25 And Hhat "kingdom : and if a house against itself be divided, ''not
if a h us
. ?
e div
t ^e lf 8vvarai np
i^ (JTa9rivaii).olKiaAKeivr]'
2&Kaiei otraravag av'taTt]
house cannot 'stand. is
able Ho 'stand Hhat "house : and if Satan has risen up
26 And if Satan rise taVTOV ^KOl n
OV.CVVarai r
^' LltfXf.pLaTai, OTa0*J3'aj,"
and be^di vfded he can- a8' ains '; himself and has been divided, he is not able to stand, but
not stand, but hath an T S n y
iAOQ Xl. 27
OV.SvVarai.OvSeig TCl OKtVT) TOV IffXVpOV,
end. 27 No man can
enter into a strong
man's house, an spoil i

, h

tig rriv.oiKiav'KavTov,
,,,,,,,, No one in any wise is able the
c tapir aa ai ,
of the strong



his goods, except he to plunder, unless

~ entered into
having his house, '
will first bind the ( i r ( , , , , t

strong man and then tov lO~XVpoV 07]<T1J, Kai TOTS. Tl)v.O\KiaVJ:iVTOV OiapTTaOtl. 28 a-

he will spoil his house, the strongman he bind, and then his house he willplunder. Ve-
28 Verily I say unto , /
jfl '
you, All sins shall be fii)v Aeyio v/xiv, oti iravTa a<p0)](jTat ra u/.iapTr]fiaTa Toig
,. >
forgiven unto the sons r ji y I say to you, that all
shall 4 be = forgiven 'the -sins to the
of men, and bias- , _ , ., , _ , .

Kai * pAafTiprjfiiai 'oaag'Jai'" p\aa-

, ,

phemies wherewith vioig tu)V avtipcoTriov,"

soever they shall bias- sons of men, and blasphemies whatsoever they shall
pheme 29 but he that

blaspheme a- (pr)pr)(7UJ(TlV'
29 OQ.O .ttV pAa(T<pllfl7)mj tig TO 7TJ'l'^a TO
__ ,
m "
' > < ~ >

gainst the Holy Ghost have blasphemed but whosoever shall blaspheme against the Spirit the ;

hath never forgive- v, >~ a'-vs'n"

B > .
h' ,.
n > v

ness, but is in danger UylOV, OUKr.%t a<p(TlV Eig TOV ailDVa, ttA\ tV0XC t(TTlv"
of eternal damnation Holy, has not forgiveness to
eternity, but "liable to 'is
30 because they said, c n /-v >/> >
tt ~ <
'n >
^ '

He hath an unclean CHWVIOV ^KpiCTElog 30 OTI tAEyOl', ilVEV[Xa.aKaVapTOV tX E '-

6pirit. eternal judgment; because they said, An unclean spirit he has.

K jSoavrjpye's LTTrA. h MaGOaiov ltttA. i

Kavavaioi' Cananrean ltTi-aw. k
m + 6 the (crowd) LTrA. n fxi)8e LTrAW. o ov SviojaeTai
LTTrAW. epx Tat ^ e Comes T.

e/j.epio-0r)y Kai he IS
will not be able TTrA. P l^ oiKt'a eKei'n) o-T0.6rjvai (o-Tr\vai TrA) LTTrA. 1

divided, and T. r
o-rrji'ai TTrA.
+ oAA' but TTrA. '
ovSeis Svfarai GLTrW. v
eis rqv
OLKiav tov o"Xvpov elaeAOiov Ta 0"Kevrj TTr. w toi? tiiois Ttor ai'dpwiruiv to. a/JLapTrj fj.ara
GLTTrAW. + al the GLTTrAW. y ocra LTTrA. z
eav TrA. a dAAa LTTrA. k earai
shall be t. aixap-njixaTos sin {read guilty of eternal sin) LTTrA.
ill, IV. MARK. 97
d" n e 31 There came then
31 'Epxovrai.ovv ol aSeXtyoi Kal i/.UTjrrip-avTOv ,
his bi-ethren and his
Then come [This] bretliren and his mother, and
mother, and, stand-

tw {
ioru)T n
ditiaTtiXav rrpbg avrov, %<p(ovovvrEg n
avrov. ing witjiout, sent.unto
him, calling him.
wir,hout 'standing sent to him, calling him.
32 And the multitude
32 Kal tKciGijTo ''ti^Xog Trepl avrov n
'ei7rov.^f" clvtq, 'Idov, sat about him, and
And 3
sat 'a "crowd around him: and they said to him, Behold, they said unto him,
Behold, thy mother
if.f.u]Tr]p-Gov Kal oi.aSeKtpoi.aov k ta> sqrovaiv ae. 33 Kal and thy brethren wi th-
and And out seek for thee.
thy mother thy brethren without seek thee,
33 And he answered
ddeX- them, saying, Who is

a7TEKpi9i] avrolg, \sya>v," Tig iariv f).fxi)rr)p.p,ov ol

he answered them, saying, "Who is my mother a
breth- my mother, or my
brethren? 34 And he
; 34 Kal -KEpifiXEi^dfiEvog KVic\q) rovg 7Tpi looked round about on
ren \,
'my? And having looked around on 3 in 4 a s circuit 'those 2 who around them which sat about
p him, and said, Behold
avrbv" ica9)]ph'ovg, Xkysi, ol aSeKcpo'i my mother and my
I$e," i)-fii)rr)p.uov Kal
him were sitting, he says, Behold, brethren brethren 35 For who-
my mother' and !

soever shall do the

uov 35 bg .^ydp".dv
rroiffy rb f)e\j]^a" rov 9eov, ovrog dSsX- will of God, the same
'my : for whoever shall do the' will of God, he bro- is my brother, and my
sister, and mother.
(pog uov Kal dtkXcpfjJuov" Kal )if)rr)p iariv.
ther my and my sister and mother is.

4 Km rrdXiv ypZaro SiSdaKEiv rrapd t))v OdXaacrav' Kal

And again he began to teach by the sea. And
n IV. And he began
ai>v"f)-)(9r) rrpbg avrbv bxXog *7roXvg, n uxjte avrov ^iu- again to teach by the
was gathered together to him a crowd 'great, so that ho having sea side : and there was
gathered unto him a
fidvra elg to 7t\o7oi>" Ka9ija9ai iv ry OaXdacry, ical 7rdg 6 great multitude, so
entered into the ship sat in the sea,. and all the that he entered into a
n ship, and sat in the
oxXog irpog rf)v 9dXao~o~av iiri rrjg yf)g *r}v. 2 Kal iSiSaaKEv sea and the whole
crowd close to the sea on the land was. And he taught multitude was by the
sea on the land. 2 And
avrovg iv rrapajioXalg 7roXXd, Kal 'iXfyev avrolg iv ry di- he taught them many
them in parables many things, and said to them in -teach-
things by parables, and
said unto them in his
Saxy-avTOV, 3 'Akovete' ISov, i^,f)X9ev b oirEipoJv ^rou oirtipai

doctrine, 3 Hearken ;

ing 'his, Hearken: behold, went out the sower to sow.

Behold, there went
4 Kal out a sower to sow
iv.r^.o-Trdpeiv, o.fiiv etteoev

iysvero napa rijv bSov, 4came to'pass,

and it
And it came to pass as he sowed, one fell by the way, some fell
as he sowed,
Kal 7)X9ev rd tteteivu rov ovpavov" Kal Kari<payv
. avro. by the way side, and
and came the fowls of the air
the birds of the heaven and devoured it.
came and devoured it
5 "dXXo.cTt" tTTecTEv inl to b ottov up. 5 And some fell on
7reTp<x>Seg, ovk.&xev 2 yfjv
And another fell upon the rocky place, where it had not earth stony ground, where
it had not much earth ;
c da and immediately it
',toX\?'/j>" Kal i0wg" i^avirFiXev, Sid r6.jui).s%tv/3a0og
'much, and immediately it sprang up, because of not having depth sprang up, because it
had no depth of earth:
yijg' 6
f)Xiov.Se dvartiXavrog'* HKavjxaTiG9i)^ Kal did l
6 but when the sun
of earth and [the] sun having arisen
; it was scorched, and because of was up, it was scorch-
ed and because it had ;

rb.fir). t%uv piZ,av iE,i)pdv9i). 7 Kal dXXo erreaEV elg s rdf" no root, it withered a-
not having root it withered away. And another fell among the way. 7 And some fell
among thorns, and the
aKav9ag' Kal dvi^i)aav al aKavBai, Kal avv'errvi^av avro, Kal thorns grew up, and
thorns, and ^grcw 'up 'the '^thorns, and choked it, and choked it, and it yield-
ed no fruit. 8 And
Kaprrbv ovkJSioksv. 8 Kal hha d\Ao" t7TEGV Eig T1)V yt)V T1]V other fell on pood
fruit it yielded not. And another fell into the ground the ground, and did yield

d LTrAW e
al ZpxovTau Kal ep^erai T. rj p-rj-nqp avrov
/cat oi aSe\<$>ol avrov GLTTrW j ol
avrov Kal * h
aSe\<}>oi avrov A. cnjKoi'Tes TTrA.
i) fxrjTrjp 8 Ka\ovvres LTTrA. nepl avrbv
oxAos LTTrAW. ai \eyovo~iv and they say LTTrAW.
' k
+ Kal al ( at w) a.Se\4>at gov
and thy sisters lt[a]\v. i
an-oKpitfeis avrols Ae'yet answering them he says TTrA.
m Kal
and LTTr. n
|itov [Tr]A. tovs 7repl avrbv kvkKio LTTr. P 'ISou L. 9
for hi [tt]a. r
ra 6e\rnj.ara (read the things God wills) a. s
/uov LTTrA. my
t w eis to (
o-waytTai is gathered together ltti aw. 7rAeto-T09 very great TTrAW. to
r\crav Were TTrA.
TTi -W) irAotoi' ep.f36.vra LTTrW. V tov LT[Tr]A. l TOU ovpavov
GLTTrAW. a Kat aAAo LTTrA. b
+ Kai and [LTr]A.
euOvs LTTrA. + T7JS I..
ea Kat ots
ivereikev o ijAto? and when the sun was risen LTTrA. f*
sKavp.ario~8rio-av tUey
were scorched ir, ea ra% c, *>*
a\\a. others ta.
fruit that sprang up
aucl increased and ;
KaXrjv' mi
tSiSov Kao7rov dvaf3aivovra Kai
'av^dvovra," Kai
brought forth, some good, and yielded fruit, growing up and and
thirty, and some sixty, k
and some an hundred. 'itpepev 'fV rpictKovra, Kai ev" i^ijKovra, ical k ev" ticarov.
9 And he said unto
bore one thirty, and one sixty, and one a hundred.
them, He that hath 9 Kai eXtyev avroTg, H m '0 ^wv" UITCI CLKOVeiV ClKOVtTOJ.

ears to hear, let him

hear. 10 And when he
And he said to them, He that has ears to hear lot him hear. alone, they that 10 n "Or.c? n iysvero^Karapovag," P )]pu)rr)aav" avrov ot i,

wore about him with And when he was B

alone, 'asked hira 'those about
the twelve asked of
him the parable. avrov avv rolg SwSeica V?)i> 7rapaf3oXi]v. 11 kui tXeyev K

11 And' he said unto 3

him *with 5 the s twelve [as to] the parable. . And he said
them, Unto you it 13 T
gi ven to know the mys- avrolgj ' Sedorai yvwvai to p,vari]piov rqg (iaaiXdag ]]

tery of the king !om of to them, To you has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom
G-o.t but unto them

that are without, all tov Qsoif kKEii'OigSs rolg tw, iv napafioXaXg s ra n .7ravra
these things are done of God but to those who are without, in all things
in parables 12 that

seeing they may see, yivsrai' 12 "tva (3Xt7rovTeg (iXkirioaiv, Kai pr) "iSwoiv" Kai
and not perceive and are done,; that seeing they may see, and not* perceive ;
hearing they may hear,
and not understand CIKOVOVTEQ ClKOVU)(JLV, Kai pi) CWlWGlV pT]TTOT
; ITTlVTptxl'lO-
lest at any time they hearing they may hear, and not understand, lest they should be con-
should be converted,
and their sins should viv, Kai atpeOy avrolg Vd dpaprijpara." 13 Kai
be forgiven them. verted, and 3 should 4 be ^forgiven 6 them ['their] *sins. And ,

13 And he said unto

avrolg, OiiK.o'idarE T))v.7rapal3oX>]v.ravrt]v; Kai rewg
them, Know ye not Xkyei
this parable? and how he saysto them, Perceive ye not and how
this parable ?
then will ye know all
parables? 14 The sower
Traaag rag 7rapa(3oXdg yvwaecrQE ; 14 6 o-wsipajv tov Xoyov
soweth the word. all the parables will ye know ? The sower the word
15 Aad these are they
o-Treipei. 15 ovtoi.Ss sitriv o'i Tcapa rf). 6S6v, ottov OTrt'iptTai
by the way side, where And these
the word is sown but sows. are they by the way, where is sown

when they have heard, 6 Xoyog, Kai OTttV aKovv<o(Tiv, v evdkcog n tp^erai 6
Satan cometh immedi- oaravag
the word, and when they "hear, immediately comes Satan
ately, and taketh away
the word that was tov Xoyov rov iarrapp'svov w iv
sown in their hearts. aipei ralg.KapSiaig.av-
and takes away the word that has been sown in their hearts.
16 And these are they
likewise which are TOJV." 16 Kai ovto'i eicriv opoiiog" oi .11
Itti to.
sown on stony greund And these are in like manner they who
upon the rocky places
who, when they have
heard the word, imme- o~7reipopavoi, o'i, orav aKovawaiv tov Xoyov, ?v9ku)g perd [[

diately receive it with are sown, who, when they hoar the word, immediately with
gladness 17 and have

no root in themselves, X^pag Xapf3dvovtriv avrov, 17 Kai ovkA\ovo~iv plZ,av iv iav-

and so endure but for joy receive it, and have not root in thern-
a time afterward,

when affliction or per- dXXd irpooKaipoi do~iv' dra yevopivrjg 6Xi\psujg jj

secution ariseth for selves, but temporary are then having arisen tribulation or

the word's sake, im-

mediately they are of- Stiwypov Sid tov Xoyov, y ev9t wg" GKavdaXiZovrai. 18 Kai
fended. 18 And these persecution on account of the word, immediately they are offended. And
are they which are z n n
sown among thorns uaiv
ovroi o'i *eig olroi
rag aKavOag airEipopsvoi,
such as hear the word, these are they who among the thorns are sown, these
19 and the cares of this b n
world, and the deceit-
siaiv o'i tov Xoyov aKOVovreg, 19 Kai al nspiuvai rov
fulness of riches, and are they who the word hear, and the cares
the lusts of other c n
tov ttXovtov
things entering- in,
aiatvog. TOvrov Kai dirdrr]
Kai at TTE.pi
choke the word, and it of this life and the deceit of riches and the "of
becometh unfruitful. rd.Xoi7rd iiriQvpiai EiarropEvopEvai ^ovpirviyovoiv^ rov Xoyov,
20 And these are
theyj 3 choke
which are gown on other ^things 'desires entering in the word,
good ground such as Kai
aKaprrog yivtrai. 20 Kai o5roi" e'icnv oi 7ri tt)v
and unfruitful it becomes. And these are they who upon the ground

av^avo/xevov LTTrAW.
k els A 61? UntO TTr.
avTOtS GLTTrAW. m os ext LTTrAW.
n cal ore LTTrA. Aara juofa? LTTr. rjptoruiv LTrA
P 1 ras 7rapa/3oAas
ripwTOW T. ;
B l
yviovai LTTrA
r to ju.uo~n)pioi/ Sectoral TTrA.
the parables TTrA. ;
to. T. T<x
evOvs TTrA. w ev avrots in them t eh avrous
(read [their sins]) [L]TTrA.
aixaprriiJ.aTa ;

in them TrA. *
bfxoimq elalv t. y ev8vs LTTrA. aAAoi others GLTTrAW. a enl about T.
aKoucrafTes heard TTrA, tov'tov this GLTXrA. <rvvnvLyQV<Ti.v TA SKSlt'Ot
those TTrA.
IV. MARK. 99
aKovovaiv TOV \6yov Kai hear the word, and
Tt]V KCtXrjv ijTraptvrtc, oiTLveg recoive and bring
the good have been sown, such as hear the word and forth sojio
Kai KapTTCHpopovcnv,
Kai some sixty,
7rapa8tx OVTai *
TplCtKOVTCt, ev"
and some an hundred.
receive and bring forth fruit, one thirty, and one
[it], 21 And he said unto

t^Kovra, Kai 21 Kai tXeyev avTolg, %Mi]ri h

tKarop. them, Is a candle t>

and one a hundred. And he said io them, -The brought to be put un-
sixty, der a bushel, or under
Xv^VOQ tpxtrat" iva vtto tov fioSiov TtOy rj inro rnv a bed ? and not to be
set on a candlestick ?
lamp 'comes that under the corn measure it may be put or under the
22 for there is nothing

kXivt]v ; ov% "iva iiri ttjv Xvxviav s7^^^0y ; 22 ov.yap hid, which shall not be !l

couch ? [Is it] not that upon the lampstand it may be put ? for not manifested neither ;

was any thing kept

k m ovdi secret, but that it
rt" kqvtttov, 'o" kdv.fir) (pavEpu)9y'
"is 'anything hidden, unless it should be made manifest, nor should come abroad.
23 If any man have
dXX' 'iva n eig <pav?pbv

cnroKpvcpov, 'iX6n. n ,ears to hear, let him

tytvero 24 And he said
hitsitaken place 'a "secret 'thing, but that to light it should come. hear.
unto them, Take heed
23 Elite X E ' ^)TCl ciKoveiv, aKOvkrio. 24 Kai i\eyEv avro'ig, what ye hear with :

If anvxnio has ear3 to hear, let him hear. And he said to them, what measure ye mete,
it shall be measured
BA7rcre ri aKovere. iv (p fisrp^ fiErpEire /xErpi]9t'i<yErai to you and unto you

Take heed what ye hear : with what measure ye mete it shall be measured that hear shall more

Kai TrpooTtm]aETai vp-iv" p TOig

aKOvovaiv." Zo
n i be given. 2ft For he
v/xiv, og.yap *av lim shall
that hath, to hi
to you, and 6 shall "be 'added 'to -you 3 who
*hear ;
for whoever be given and he that

hath not, from him

^X 7?'" doQ)](TETai avTtp' Kai bg ovk-ex ei > Kai o ix ei shall "be taken even
'shall be 6 given 'to "him and he who has not, even that which he has that which he hath.
may have, ;

dpOi](TETai air avTOV.

shall be taken from him.
r n 26. And he said, So is
26 Kai tXeyEV, OvTwg eotiv fiaoiXeia tov Qeov, ujg ldv the kingdom of God,
And he kingdom
said, Thus
of God, as' if as if a man should cant
is the
seed into the ground ;

dvOpoJTroq fidXy tov OTropov iiri rrjg yfjf, 27 Kai Ka0E.vdy 27 and should sleep,
a man should cast the seed upon the earth, and should sleep and rise night and day,
seed should
vvKra Kai rjfiEpav, Kai 6 OTropog *f3\a<JTavy n and theand grow up,
and rise night, and day, and the seed should sprout he knoweth not bow.
t 28 For the earth bring-
/xrjKvyrjrai wg ovk.oISev avTog' 28 auTO/xdrr] ydp" r) yr\ eth forth fruit of her-
2 3
and be lengthened how "knows 3 not 'he
'he; ;
, of Htself
"of itself for the earth self first the blade,

ara" then the ear, after that
T0V )

an then
Tc\i]pr\ the fuil corn in .the
brings forth fruit, first blade, ear, full
ear. 29 But when the
sm nrAvti'i x fruit brought forth,
aiTOv" #11
ev t/.~
Tip o~Ta\vi. 29 OTaV-Sk 7TapaS(p
O Kapirog,

corn in the And when 3

offers ''itself 'the - immediately he put-
"fruit, teth in the sickle, be-
aTTooTEWEi rb dpsiravov, otl TtapkajriKEV 6 OEpia/xog. cause the harvest is
he sends the for has come the harvest. 'come.
'immediately sickle,

30 Kai z
TiVt" 6p.oiiixrujfiEv tt)v (SaaiXEiqy tovQeov; 30 And he said,
eXsyev,- shall we
And To what Bhall we liken the
he said, kingdom of God ? Whereunto
liken the kingdom of
rj iv iroiq 7rapa/3oX?j wapa^dXwfiEv ai>Ti)v ;" 31 wg ^kokk^ God? or with what
or with what parable shall we compare it?
it ? As to a grain comparison Bhall we
compare jt ? 31 It is
unmTTEiijg, bg, brav airapy iiri Ti}g yrig,
/xiKpoTEpog' like a grain
of mus-
of mustard, which, when it has been sown upon the earth, less tard seed, which, when
it is sown in the earth,
TravTixiv tiov OTTEpfiaTiDV d; "egtiv" ""twv E7ri Tr\g yi]g"' 32
'6"Z Kai is less than> all the
than all the seeds is which '[are] upon the earth, and seeds Vhat be in the
earth: 32 but when it
OTav oirapy, dvaf3aivEi, Kai yivtTai
TrdvT(i)v tCjv \aX (l viov is sown, it groweth up,
when it has been sown, it grows up, and. becomes 2
tham 3 all 'the 6
herbs and beoometh greater
than all herbs, and
ii('^wv. Kai ttoiei KXdSovg fiEydXovg, mote SvvaaQai vtto shooteth out great
and produces "branches 6 7
so that the
^greater, 'great, so that are able 'under branches :

{ ev in. TTr. e + on that TA.

epxerai 6 Av'x^os LTTrA
reOrj LTTrAW.
k Tt
(read it is not) [l]ti[a], m + 'iva that lt[a].
o LTTrA. n
eAflfl els (pavepov TTr a.
e^ei has LTTrA. eav TTrA.
Kat. irpoa. vfjav G. P roi's d/coiiovcrtv GLTTrA. 1
w *
v elrev T.
napa&ol LTTrA.
j3Aao"Ta LTTrA. yap LTTrA. ffAjjprjs (titos LTTrA.
y evOvs TTrA. LTais how TTrA. a rivi
avTt)v TrapafloXrj 9i>p.ev what parable shall we
b kokkov a c -
represent it? LTTrA. gi ain glti-aw. p-iKpurepov bv being less LTTrA.
d eaTiv LTTrA. e
fxei^oiv (jJ.elov T) rrdvTDiv tu>i/ \axavinv LTTrA.
[nop e7rt rijs y^s] L.
100 M A P K 2. IV, V.
fowls of the air may OKiav avrov rot TTETUVa TOV ovpavov Kara.aKr}vovv.
lodge under the shar 'the 'shadow 5
*of it the bird3 of the heaven to roost.
dow.of it. 33 And with
many such parables 33 j a roiavraig 7rapa/3oXa7c 7roX\aTg iXdXei avrolg tov
Aad with 2such parables 'many he spoke to them the
them as^they
able to hear it. 34 But 34
\6y0V, Ka9d)Q ^fjlvvaVTO^ CLKOVilV, \iiip\Q.Si 7rapa/3oX>7C
word, a3 they were able to hear, but without a parable
he not unto
them and when they ovK.iXdXei avrolg' Kar'.idiav.Sh
T0~tg-fia9tiralg.avT0v" iTrkXvev
were alone, he ex- spoke he not to them and apart to his disciples be explained
pounded all things
bis disciples. TravTa.
all things.

KaiXsyei 35
iKHvy ryi)fxipa, oipiag yevofxivrjg, avTOig iv
And the same day,
And he says to them on that
when the even was day, evening being come,
come, he saith unto to irkpav. 36 Kai tov byXov,
AieXOioftev eig depivrtg
them, Let us pass over Let us pass over to the other svde. And having dismissed the crowd,
unto the other side,
36 And when they had
7rapaXafif3dvovffiv avrov ojg f)v iv T<p ttXo'k^' Kai dXXa
sent away the multi him he was the 2
also 3
they take with [them] as in ship ;
tude, they took him
k avrov
even as he was in the 'c't TrXoiapia
l^ v [lT
37 Kai yiverai XaiXav// ll

Bhip. And there were 'but small ships were with him. And comes a 2 storm
alto with him other
37 And m
n n
to irXo~iov
little ships.
dvifiov /xeydXr)^ rd:$t tcvfutTCt tTr'sj3aXXev eig y
there arose a great 3 4
of wind 'violent, and the wavei beat "into the ship,
storm of wind, and p
the waves beat into wore "avTO i)$r\ yejut^(T0ai." 38 Kai i]v avTog 7ri'

ry 7rpu-
the ship, so that - it it
already was 60 that
was filled. . And "was 'he on the stern
now full. he 38 And
was in the hinder part fivy to 7rpo(TKE<pdXaiov im KaQsvSujV Kai ^oisyeipovo-LV n
of the ship, asleep on on the cushion sleeping. And they arouse
a pillow and they
aoi on

awake him," and say avrov, Kai Xiyovaiv avrfp, AiddoKaXe, ov-fxsXei
unto him, and to him, Teacher, is it no concern to thee that
Master, him, say ,

carest thou not that

Beri*T IndhS diroXXv^a; 39 Kai heye 9 9eig iTrerlppev ry ave^y,
arose, and rebuked the we perish And ? having been aroused he rebuked the wind,
wind, and said unto Kai iKorrao-ev 6
the sea, Peace, be still. kcu sIttzv ry QaXdaoy, 2iw7ra, Trecpifiioao. 3
And the wind ceased, and said to the sea, Silence, be quiet. And fell the
and there waB a great 40 Kai enrev avTOig,
calm. 40 And he said avtfiog, fcai yaXt)vr) fieydXt].
and there was a 2 calm 'great. And he said to them,
unto them, Why are "wind,
so fearful? how is T
ou/c" t xe re tt'httiv; 41 Kai i<po-
?-e that ve have no
Ti SeCXoi i<jfe o'vriog\ rrwg
Why fearful are ye thus? How J
^not 'have' ye faith? And tliey
faith? 4"l And they
feared exceedingly, Kai Tig
and said one to an fH]9t]aav <po(3ov fikyav, tXeyov Trpbg.dXXriXovg,
feared [with] "fear 'great, and said one to another, Who
other, What manner

dpa olrog kanv, on Kai
of. is this, that 6 dvefxog Kai 1) QdXaocra v7raKovov
even the wind and the ,J
that even the wind and the sea obey
htm then this 'is, ,

sea obey ?

aiv avT(p" ;
Kai rjXBov eig to ir'tpav ri)g 9aXd<j<jr)g, eig rr\v x^P av
T. And they came And they came to the other side of the sea, to the country
over unto the other
Bide of the sea, into twv tradaprjiiuiv." 2 Kai HKeX96vTL.avry n tov 7rXo<ou, U
the country of the Ga- of the Gadarenes. And on his having gone forth out of the ship,
darenes. 2 And when w
he was come out of ei>9eiog
v n
airy Ik twv fivrj/jeiwv dv9pwrrog
the ship, immediately immediately' met him out of the tombs a man
there met him out iv
of the tombs ft man iv Trvev}iaTi.aKa9dpTy, 3 og tt\v Karo'iKrjaiv eix^ T0~ig\
with an unclean with. an unclean spirit, who [his] dwelling - had in the
who had his dwelling x a h n
r)Svvaro avrov
3 n z
Kai ?ovre dXvae<nv" ovCEig
among the tombs and uvr)neiaig-" ;
with chains anyone was able him
no man could bind him, tombs ;
and not even
(lit. no one")
no, not with chains:
* irAota
jaa0r}Tat5 to his own disciples
B e&vvavro LTr b rot? tSiois TA. Se lt.-[a].
m (J.eyd\r) ave'jdov LTTrA. n Kai T<x LTTrA.
rjS-q yefJ.C^a6at
Ships GLTTrA lijo-ai'T.
to ntelov already was filled the ship LTTrA. p iv in GMTrAW.
iyeipovaiv they awake ttfa.
ovttco not *yet LTr. olvtw vnaKovei. T viraKovei avTtp TrA. TepacrrjVMvGeTase-nca ;

LTTr Tepyeovivuv Gergesenes A*. u ie\e6pTOS ovtoj) LTTr. eveajs L evBvs T[Tr]A. ;

aAvcrei With a Cham

" ' v OW) GLTTrA w-. y ovSe LTTrAW.
VTnjfTTjcrej' LTTr. fj-vrt^atriv (
b sSvyaTQ LXirA.
LTTrA. ovKeri. '
+ no longer; LTTrAW.
any longer {lit.
V. MARK. 101
Snirai, 4 cia TrkSaig Kai AXvgegiv Se- * because that he had
to avrov ttoWcikic
' ' . ,. , ., '_.,,
, , .." , , , , been of ten bound with
. .
to bind, because that he often with fetters and chains had fetters and chains and
SiEGTrdodai vir avrov Kai the chains had been
SicOai, icai rag dXvaEig,
been bound, and 3 had 4 been Horn 6 asunder 7 by 8
him 'the ''chains, and him and^he
Tag 7rkdag avvTETpi<p6ai, icai ovdelg al>Tov 'icrxyfv" Saudcai' *broken
c in pieces nei- :

the fetters had been shattered, and no one, him was able to subdue. tame her could an
, / m *n
him. 5 And al-
/ ,

5 Kai ^SiaTTaVTOg^ VVKTug icai f][lpaQ EV TOig e bpECriV ICai EV ways, night and day,
And the mountains ami in i* e was in 3tne m oun-

rotg fivrj/xaaiv
night and day
'n %
Kpac,iov icai KaTaKorrTwv tavrov Aivoig. tombs, prying, and
talns aud the >*

- m

tombs he was crying and himself with cutting himself with



n 11
* <
stones. 6 But when ha
ECpa^lEV ICUl TrpOCT- saw Jesus afar off, he

And having seen Jesus from afar, he ran and did rilQ and worshipped
, _ .. _ , , _ ' v t m' > >
llira > 7 a.rxA cried with
Kai Kpat,ag (pWVy fJ.EyaXy n EtTTEV, It E/XOl
, ii
KVVt]<7EV aVT({>," 7 a loud voice, and said,
homage to him, and crying witha = voice 'loud he said, What to me What have I to do
, > T ~ t ~ n ,


V < i , t/ with thee, Jesus, thou
KUl O01, lt]ffOV, 0pKlC,U> OE TOV Son of the most high
and to thee, Jesus, Son of God the Mo High ? I adjure thee -.t God? I adjure thee
n, i r r> o "\ i ~ nr ^ no EAEyEv.yap avry,

to mentmenot.
by God, that thou tor-
Veov, /it] /ae paoavicryg. EE,eXve, s For he
by God, not "ine 'torment. For he was raying tohiin, Come forth, the said unto him, Come
^ >
j n > ~ '
a '
t\ ir ' ' ' out of the man, thou
7rvfVfia to aicavapTov, ek tov avupiovov. i) Kai E7n]pioTa unclean spirit. 9 And
spirit the unclean, out of the man. And he asked he asked him, What
avTdv, Ti Kai ^yew" t^^Sy^S
him, What
my name
TToXXd, iva Ut)

thy name ?

on woXXoi
many we are.
avTOVC n d.7r0<JTElXn lu> TilC
VWOaC. 11 J1V.Se
,b A
1 A

that he would not send

them away out of the
10 Kai

he besought

, K^ ^
name is Leg ion : for

u .u
he would send out of the country. Nowtherewas country.
that not[ ,
.%. . r. T , ,1
much, them was there nigh unto
the mountains a great
EKEl TTpbg dytXt] ^Ot'pwV
JXEydXlJ j3oO-KOlXEVTf 12 Kai
tA bpif
there just at the mountains a "herd 'of swine 'great feeding; and jo And all the devils :

irapElcdXEOaV aVTOV ^TVaVTEg Ol daiUOVEg, XkyOVTEQ, HeuiLoV besought him saying,


f f
sought =him 'all
Hhe Menaons,
spying, sCmi
13 Kai them 13 Aud forth-
rifiag Eig Tovg xip ov G) iva ei C avrovg eio~'eX9iuuev.
us into the swine, that into them we may enter. ^ lth JAnd
And leave. su
f j l
ave t lem ,


r\> <> ~
Ij/ffOUf." Kai

E^EXOoVTa Td spirits went out, and

the unclean < >a' 4

"allowed 3
them immediately 'Jesus. And having gone out the entered into the swine.
, , , ~\ n i-
and tne aer(i ran vio- > * i

TTl'EVfiaTaTd UKaOapTaEKTtjXOoV Eig TOVg XOipOVg' Kai 0)plxr](7EV lently down a steep
the unclean entered into the and 3
rushed place into the sea,
spirits swine, .

, ,, , , , _, - . (they were about two .

t] ay EAT} KaTa TOV r

Kpl]j.lV0V Eig Tl)v VaAaGOaV l)aai> CE" thousand;) and were
"the -herd dewn the steep ^into the sea, (now they were choked in the sea.
r /-. > / > ~ n -. / , . s ., , 14 And they that fed
OJg dKJX'AlOl' Kai E-KViyOVTO EV Ty daXaacriJ. 14 Ol.CE" the swine fled, .and
about two thousand), and they were choked in the sea. And those who told it in the city, and
l t ^ ' ii
" . \ ~
v i i > ii
> i in the country. Ana
POGKOVTEg T0Vg XOipOVg" EcpvyOV, Kai aVt)yyElAav Eig TIJV they went out to see
fed the swine fled, and announced [it] to the what it was that was
>\ *>
TTOAIV Kai Eig TOVg aypovg. Kai w S^JjAt70V" ICEIV Tl EGTIV TO
> > / 'w>>-~\/-iii>5>~ ' i done. 15 And they
come to Jesus, and see
city and to the country. And they went out to see what it is that him that was possessed
;', ir .ii T ~ ~ devil, and with the
yEyovog 15 mi EpxovTai irpog tov hjaovv, Kai Oewoovgiv
/i > v > ^

had the legion, sitting,

has been done. And they come to Jesus, and see and clothed, aud in
tov Sai/joviZouEvov x
mjU ngl m l

Kadi)fiEvov ifiariffusvov Kai atotppo- t n p y WO ro afraid.

the possessed by demons sitting and clothed and of sound 16 ^nfl they that saw
vovi'Ta, rbvAoxtlKOTa tov y XEyEu>va'
Kai E(po[3f]9t]aav. 16 Kai
mind, him who had the legion : and they were afraid. And
- '
_ . * y

" d
icrxvev avrov LTTrAW. 5ta7racTb5 AL^ fii^fiao-iv ( v GW) Kai evtoIs opso-iv GLTTrAW.
1 Kai i$u)v TTrA. h
Aeyei he says LTTrAW.
S avrov A. ' k
ovofxd croi LTTr,A. \iyei
he Says to him ULTTrAW. m + eariv is L. n ailTO. TTr.
AeytWI/ LTTrA.
6pei the mouutain GLTTrAW. p Travres gw[l] jfoj-rcs ol Sat/xoves (read they ;

eufle'ws 6 'Irjo"ovs (read he allowed) [l]tt.[a].

besought; TTrA. i rjo-av oe [L]TTrA.
s v
Kai ol LTTrA l
avrous them GLTTrAW. a7njyyeiAai/ told GLTTrAW, rjt\do
thuy went lttiaw. * al LTXiA. f Aeyw*'* LTTrA,
102 MAPKOS. V.
it told them how it oi Sai-
befell to him that was 8iT)yfi<javTO avrolg iSovrsg,
iy'svtro roy 7rwf
e 2
who 3 had 4 seen[ s it] how
them it happened to him
related to 'those pos-
possessed with the de-
vil, and also concern-
Hovi^ojxki'if), 7r?pi Kal
ruiv %oipwj/. 17 Kal yp^avro irapa-
ing the swine. 17 And sessed by demons, and concerning the swine. And they began to be-
they began to pray
him to depart out of KaXuv avrbv cnrtXOeiv rnrb ruiv.bpiojv.avTwv. 18 Kal
their coasts. 18 And
seech him to depart from their borders. And
when he was come into
z n
the- ship, he that had
i,fx(iavTOQ avrov eig to tt\o1ov, 7rapeica\Ei avrbv 6
been possessed with 2 3
into the 9
him 'he *
the devil prayed him
having entered 'he ship, "besought
that he might be with daifjoviaOeig, 'iva *y per avrovj 19 ^b dk
him. 19 Howbeit Jesus 3 had 4 been 5 possessed G by 'demons that he might be with him. But
suffered him not, but
'\i]<jovQ oi'K.cKpiJKBv avrov, dXXd Xsyet auTqi, "Ylraye sig rbv
c n
saith unto him, Go
home to thy friends, Jesus did not suffer him, but says to him, Go to
and tell them how A e
great things the Lord rrpbg r.ovg.Govg, kcii drdyyeiXov avrolg
hath done for thee, thy house to thine own, and announce to them how much for thee
and hath had com-
passion on thee. 20 And o Kvpiog'
7ro('rjcrv," Kal i]X'ii]Gtv ge. 20 Kal d.7rrjX9Ev Kal
he departed, and began the Lord did, and pitied thee. And he departed and
to publish in Decapolis
how great things Jesus i'jpZaro KripvGGUv iv ry AsKa7roXet, ogo. iTTOU]GtV
had done for him: and began to proclaim in Decapolis, how mi had 3 doue 5
*for him
all men did marvel.
'ItjGovg' Kal 7ravTQ i9avf.iaZ,ov.
'Jesus ;
and all wondered.
21 Kal StampaGavrog rov'h]Gov iv r(p 7rXo<<> *7ca\iv elg
And "having 3passed "over 'Jesus in the ship again to
21 And when Jesus "
was passed over again TO 7TSpaV, Gvvifx^l
ITT avrovj KOI i)V
by ship unto the other the other side, *was gathered 'a crowd great to him, and he was
side, much people ga- h
n)v OdXaGGav.. 22 Kal
thered unto him : and rrapa tdoi>, tp^rai elg.rujv
he was nigh unto the by the sea. And behold, comes one of the rulers of
sea. 22 And, behold,
there cometh one of Gvvaywywv, ovofxart laeipoc, Kal lS<l>v avrov, 7vl7ttsl
the rulers of the syna- the synagogue. by name Jairus, and seeing him, falls at
gogue, Jairus by name;
and when he saw him, TOvg.TToCag.avTOv'
23 Kal 7rapsKciXsi avrov ttoXXol, X'sywv,
l n

he fell at his feet, his feet ; and he besought hini much, saying ,

23 and besought him

greatly, saying, My
"On rb-Qvydrpiov-iiov 'iva iX9u)V i(T^arajc.t%l*
little daughter lieth My little daughter is at the last extremity, [I pray] that having come
at the point of death :

J pray thee, come and iiriQyg *avry rag %ET|Oag," 'oTrtof" ow9y /cat
thou wouldest lay on her [thy] hands, so that she may be cured, and
lay thy hands on her,
that she may be heal- m 24 Kai aTrijXOev iitr avrov, Kal rjKoXoiOti avr<fi
ed and she shall live. %r)Garat.W

24 And Jesus went

she shall live. And he departed with him, and 'followed . him

with him and much 25 Kal yvvf) n

bxXog 7roXvg, Kal Gvvs9Xif3ov avrov.
people followed him, 'a'crowd 2 great, and pressed on him. And a *wornan 'certain
and thronged him.
25 And a certain wo- oxiGa iv pvGEi a'1/xarog trt] Ow^fra,". 26 Kai 7roXXd rraBovGa
man, which had an being with a flux of blood 'years 'twelve, and much having suffered
issue of blood twelve '

years, 26 and had suf- ii)7rb rroXXwv iarpCJv, Kal SaTravijaaca rci.Trap yiavr-iiq*
fered many things of under many physicians, and having spent
2 3
her means
many physicians, and
had spent all that she Trdvra, Kal fxi]Siv h)<l>eXr}9eiGa aXXa /xdXXov eig TO-xtipov
had, and was nothing 'all, and in no way having benefited but rather 3
to ''worse
bettered, but rather
gTew worse, 27 when iXQovGa, 27 ciKovGaGa 7rept rov 'h]Gov, iXQovGa iv
she had heard of Jesus, 'having "come, having heard concerning Jesus, having come in
came in the press be-
hind, and touched his r<{> oxX^ottigQev, i']\paro rov.'ij.iarwv.aijrov 28 tXsyt v.ydp,
garment. 28 For she the crowd behind, touched his garment ;
for she said,
said, If I may touch
but his clothes, I shall "On r Kav Twi'.tLiarnoj'.avrov ax^wfiai.

owQi'iGOLiai. 29 Kai
be whole. 29 And If but his garments I shall touch, I shall be cured. And

b Kal and
eufSatvovros [was] entering LTTrAW.
ixer avrov rt LTTrAW. GLTTrAW.
-- d e o
'Iijcrovs [read he did not suffer) G[L]TTrAW.
airdyyeiXov tell LTTrAW. Kv'pids
S ei? to neaav TTaXiv T. h
Trenoi-qKev has done GLTTrAW.
f ISov [l]tTia.
o-oi TTrA.
ra<; x e ^P a ? a-vTJi ltt a.
k '
'iva in order that lttia.
irapaKaKel he beseeches TTrA.

m rj0-7) may live LTTiA. " ns LTTr|A]. fio>6e<co eTTJ T. V

ai/Tris GLTrAW.
t + T<i the things t[a]. '
iav ad/w/xai kclv ru>v Ifxaritav auTOU TA.
V. MAR K. 103
straightway the'foun-
u9tojg" ttypavOi] i) Tn]yi) Tov.a'iuarog.avriig, Kai tyvu) tain of her blood was
immediately was dried up the fountain of her blood, and she know dried
up and she felt ;

acoficiTi on
s in her body that sho
rot (ittotTiq fiaanyog. 30 Krai
'iarat v9eojg was healed of that
in [her] body that she was healed from the scourge. And immediately 30 And plague. Jesus,
o lijaovg, iTTiyi'ovQ tv taVT(p ti)v t avrov duva/xiv immediately knowing
4 in himself that virtue
Jesus, knowing in himself [that] the "out :
'of him 'power had. goue out of him,
iEeX9ovaav, tTriarpatyEic tv to) oxXoj, tXeyev, Tig /xov ijiparo turned him about in
the press, and said,
had gone forth,having turned in the crowd, said, Who of me touched Who touched my
tCjv ijiar'uov; 31 Kai t\tyov avrt^ oi.[Aa9i]rai.avrov f BXs7reig clothes? 31 And his
the garments? And 3 said 4
to s him 2
'his disciplcs, Thou secst disciples said untohim,
Thou seest the multi-
rov oxXov avi>9Xi[3ovTa trs, ical Xsyeig, Tig uov ijiparo ;
tude thronging thee,
the crowd pressing on thee, and sayest thou, Who me touched? and sayest thou, Who
touched me? 32 And
32 Kai 7Tptf/3As7rro iSelv Tt)v tovto rroujaaaav. 33 rj.St he looked round about
And he looked round to seo her who' this had clone. B;it the to see her that had
done this thing. 33 But
yvin) (pofiiiQfTaa Kai rpijiovaa, eivvTa o y'&yoi'Ev '6^'" the woman fearing
woman being frightened and trembling, knowing what had been done upon and trembling, know-
ing what was done in
ai'Ty, i)X9ev Kai wpoatTrEaEv avr(p, Kai eIttev avry rrdaav her, came and fell
her, came and fell down before him, and told him all down before him, and
v v n
told him all the truth.
rtjv dXtjOeiav. 34 o.Se eIttev avry, QvyarEp, 11.7riang.aov 34 And he said unto
the truth. And he said to her, Daughter, thy faith her, Daughter, thy
faith hath made thee
a&aioKtv av inrays eig elptjnjv, Kai 'iaOi vyir)g drro ri)g fidan- whole go in peace,

has cured 2
thee ; go in peace, and be sound from scourge and be whole of thy
plague. 35 While he
yog aov. 35 "En avrov.XaXovvrog, tpxovrai dp^i- yet spake, there came curb rov
'thy. [While] yet he is speaking, they come from
the ruler of from the ruler of the
synagogue's house cer-
avvaytjyov, XtyovTEg,"On ii.9vydri]p.aov cnriOavav ri tn tain which said, Thy
the synagogue's [house], saying, Thy daughter is dead ; why still daughter is dead why; :

thou the
aKvXXng rov SiSdaKaXov ; 3Q'OM.'h]aovg *ebQk<og n y<xKov- troublest Master any further ?
troublest thou the teacher? But Jesus immediately, having 36 As soon as Jesus
rov Xoyov XaXobfiEvov XkyEi ry dpxiavvayioy^),
11 hoard the word that
trae M?) was spoken, he saith
heard the word spoken,
says to the ruler of the syuagogue, Not unto the ruler of the
37 Kai ouK.drpiJKEv obekva z synagogue, Be not
<pofiov' jxovov Triareve. avr^
And afraid, only believe.
'fear; only believe. hesuffered no one him 37 And he suffered no
*avvaKoXov9>jaai, ei./.it} Tltrpov Kai 'Ydicu>fiov Kai 'laidvvrjv man
h tt
to follow him,
save Peter, and James,
to accompany, except Peter and James and John and John the brother
tov dS(.X<pbv 'IaKOj/3ov. 38 Kai c 6p^67-ai" eig rov oIkov rov of James. 38 And he
the brother of James. And he comes cometh to the house of
to the house of the
the ruler of the syna-
Kai d
dpxurvvayi'oyov, OewpeX 96pv/3ov, KXaiovrag Kai gogue, and seeth the
ruler of the synagogue, and he beholds a tumult, [people] weeping and tumult, and them that
wept and wailed great-
a\aAa'ovrc7 rroXXd. 39 Kai EiaeX9wv XkyEi avrolg, Ti ly. 39 And when he
wailing greatly. And having entered he says to tlicm, Why was come in, he saith
unto them, Why make
9opvfSeHa9E Kai KXaierE ;
to Traiciov ovK-CLTrkQavEv, dXXd ye this ado, and weep?
make ye a tumult and weep? the child is not dead, but the damsel is not dead,
but sleepeth. 40 And
Ka9Ev0Ei. 40 Kai KarEykXiov avrov. e
6 n Je k-/3a\wv 'unav- they laughed him to
sleeps. And But he having put out
they laughed at him.
scorn. But when he
had put thsrn all out,

Tag, 7rapaXan(3dvEi tov rrarkpa tov Traiciov Kai rr\v he taketh the father
take3 with [him] the father of the child and the and the mother of the
damsel, and them that
fii}TEpa Kai Tovg jiet avrov, Kai EiaTropevErai ottov ijv to were with him, and
mother and those with him, and enters in where 'was 'the eutereth in where the
damsel was lying.
rraiiiov ZavaKEifXEvov^ 41 Kai r?ig Xftput; tov 41 And he took the
"child lying. And having taken the hand of the damsel by the hand,
h and said unto her.
rraiSiov, Xsya avry, TaXiQd, Koi//xi\" o tanv fiE0Ep/jijVEv6- Talitha cumi ;" which
child, he says to her, Talitha, koumi which being in ter-
; is, is, being interpret-
eu0u; TTrA. en' (read toiler) [LjTTrA. v
+ Jesus L. w LTrA.
'Irjaovs QvyaTqp
(JLUT avrov with him
eufle'ojs TrapaKovaas having disregarded TTrA.
a b + tov TTrA.
epxoi'Tat they come LTTrAW.
TTrA. a.Ko\ov9?)aai to follow l. c
d + Kal and
Gl.TTrAW. etWTOS LTXr. {
7JWTOS GUTrAW S avvKiipsvov G(i.JtTta
koJ/x T J koO/x TrA.
104 1IAPKOS. V, VI.
flEVOV, To Kooamov, cotXsyti),

42 Km k
42 And straightway prctcd, Damsel, to thee I say, arise. And immediately
the damsel arose, and Kai 7TpiE7rdrEi, yv.ydp Ituv iw^Exa.
waited for she was avkoTi) to Kopdmov '
arose the damsel and walked, for she was J years twelve [old]. '

of age of twelve
years. And they were KCU
astonished with a And
fj.eyci\?j. 43 SiErrTEiXaro mi
astonishment. they were amazed with amazement 'great. And he charged
4.1 And he charged auToig 7roXXd "iva fiijSEig m TOUTO' KO.I EL7TEV
them straitly thai, no them much that no one should know this; asid he said [that some-
man should know it ;

and commanded that 8o9rji>ai avry (payeTv.

something should ho thing] should be given to her to eat.
given her to cat. n n

VI. And he went Q Kai 1%J]\9ev IkeWev, Kai I]X9ev Eig T))v.TraTpica.avTov'
out from thence, and
And he went out thence, and came into his [own] country ;

came into his own Kai dKoXovBovciiv 2 Kai ysvofitvov

country* and his disci- and 3
follow him 'his "disciples. And "being 'como ;

ples follow him. 2 And

when the sabbath day iv cinder KEtv'
Kai p 7roXXoi
was come, he began to (Taj3f3ciTOV i'jpZaro ttj avvaywyy
'sabbath he began in the synagogue to teach ;
and many
teach in the syna-
gogue : and many ciKovovTZg l^E7rXr]ac;oPTO, XsyovTEg, Tl69sv tovt<j) ravra;
hearing him were as- hearing were astonished, saying, "Whence to this [man] these things.'
tonished saying, From .

man Kai Tig So9eX<ya iaur<p," r ori Kai

whence hath this r) <jo<pia t)
these things? and what and what the wisdom that has been given to him, =
that even works 3 of 4 powcr
wisdom is this which
isgiven unto him, that toiuvtul fita Tibv-Xtipojv-avTou yivovTai ;" 3 ov\ ovrog ianv
even such 3
mighty 'such by his hands are done? "not this 'is
works are wrought by
his hands? 3 Is not 6 viog^lapiag^aSeXtpbg.ot^'laKUjf^ov Kai'"'lu)(Ti'i
o tektcov, li

this the carpenter, the the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James and Joscs
eon of Mary, the bro-
ther of James, and Kai 'lovda Kai 'S.ijion'og ; Kai ovK.Eiaiv ai.ddEX<pai.avrov u>t)e
Joscs, and of Juda, and and Judas and Simon? and are not his sisters here
Simon? and are not x >
his sisters here with irpogiinag; Kai IcKavSaXiZovTO iv aiiTip. 4 tXeyv.0 6 avTolg

3 4
us? A,id they were of- with us ? Aud they were offended in him. But "said to them
fended at him. 4 But
Jesus said unto them, 6 'lijcrovg, "On ovk eotiv 7
atipog, Ei.pir) iv ry
A prophet is not with- 'Jesus, "Not is a prophet without honour, except in
out honour, but in his
own country, and a- TTCtTpiSiJavTOv^ Kai iv ToTg -ouyyEvsaiv" /cat

mong his own kin, and his [own] country and among [his] kinsmen and in
in his own house. oiKia. b avTOv n 5 Kai ovk <!

5 And he could there r}o"yi>aro" iKEl ^ovCEj-dav Svvafim .

do no mighty work, his [own] house. And he was '-"able 3 there 'not any work of power .

save that he laid his u

hands upon a few sick 7roii](jai,}) oXiyoig dppiouTOig iiriBEig Tag x^pag
folk, and healed them.
to do, except on a few infirm having laid [his] hands
6 And he marvelled 6 Kai e n
because of their un- i9EpciTTEVGEv. i9avfiaZ,Ev Tr)v.ainaTiav.av-
belief. And he went he healed [them]. And he wondered because of their unbelief.
round about the vil-
Kai TTEpir)yEV Tag KUJfxag kvkX(^} diddffKWV.
lages, teaching. And he went about the villages in a circuit teaching.
7 And he called unto 7 Kai 7rpoc7/caXirai Tovg dtJSEKa, Kai ypZuTO avToi'g
him the twelve, and And he calls to [him] the twelve, and began them
began to send them
forth by two and two aTTOGTiXXEiv Svo.Svo, Kai iSiSovavTolg iZovaiav tCjv irvEVfid-

and gave them power to send forth two and two, and gave to them authority over the spirits
over unclean spirits ;

8 and commanded twv tuiv aKa9dpTojv' 8 Kai iraprjyyEiXEv avTolg iva firjciv
them that they should the unclean and he charged them that nothing ;

take nothing for their

journey, save a staff aipoJTiv Eig ooov, Ei-fir} papvov jiovov ju>/ "iri]pav,
only no scrip, no they should take for [the] way, except a staff
; only no provision bag, ;

bread, no money in
their purse 9 but be j.u) dpTov," }u) Eig T))v Z,(jjv)}v \oXkov' 9
: VTiOCECEjxivovg fU'"
shod with sandals and nor bread, nor in the
belt money but be shod ;

k + m
eyeipe glttyaw. ev&vs TTrA. LTTrA.
' '
tiiOvs immediately t[tt-]a. 71-01
epxerat comes TTrAW. SiSdaKetv ev rfj crvvaywyfj TTr. P + oi the t[a]. 1 tovtcu
to this [man] TTrA. r
yivoiJ.ei'a.1 Tr.
+ Tijs TTrA. ." KoX
a6VA$6s LTTrAW L
'Icootjtos ltti A.
" Kai ekeyev and "-aid i.TTrA. >'avToO i.TrAW ;
iavToi) T. - *
ovyyevev&iv Tlr.
+ avrov his (kinsmen) [L]iTrA b avTOv LTTrA W.
tcWaro TTiA. ''
TTOiii<ra.f. ovStfj-iav SvvajJ.i.v LTTrA.
ido.vuavei> T, f1 ,

apjov, prf
jrrjpo.1/ TTrA, 6 iAAa LTTiaW,
VI. MAR &. 105
not put on two coats.
oavddXia' ml n^.HvSvaijtrd^ Mo x^CJvag. 10 Kai iXeyev 10 And be said unto
with sandals ;
and put not on two tunics. And he Bald
them, In what place
av soever ye enter into
avroTg, "OTTovMav" elak\9t]Te Eig oUiav, ticei
fievETE swg an house, there abide
them Wherever ye enter into a house, there remain until
to till ye depart' from
11 ml Kaoi.dv n that place. 11 And
#X0jJre ekeIOev. prj.8sSu>vTai vpag, p,r]Sk whosoever shall not
many as will not receive And
yon, as nor
ye go out thence. receive you, nor hear
aKovowaiv vuwv, iicTropevosxEvoi ekeWev, iierivdZan rbv x^ v you, when ye depart
shake ofi the dust thence, Bhake off the
hear you, departing thence, dust under your feet
tov vtcokcitlo, Eig fiaprvpiov avroig. aur)v for a testimony a-
Verily gainst them. Verily
which under your feet, for a testimony to them.
6ay unto you, It shall
iv be more tolerable for
Xsyo) vuiv, dvEKTOTEpov torai *2o86p,oig i) Tnfioppoig in iin'tpq.
Sodom and Gomorrh
I say to you, moro tolerable it shall bo for Sodom or Gomorrha day
in the day of judg-.
12 Kai m
icpiGEwg, Ty.TTokEilKEtvT}.^
r, tK))pv(y- ment, than for that HeXQovteq
for that city. And having gono out they pro- city. 12 And they
of judgment than.
went or.t, and preached
oov n "iva D
13 8ai;.i6via7roX\ak'!is[3a\\ov m:
7 that men should re-
claimed that [men] should repent. And -demons 'many they cast out, pent. 13 And they
cast out many devils,
Kai ij\Ei<pov tXaiip 7rcX\ovg appdJorovg WspaTrEvcv. ml
and anointed with cil
and anointed with oil many infirm and healed [them]. many that were sick,
and healed them.
14 Kat {jkovoev 6 j3a(ji\Evg 'Hpwdrjg, .<pa.VEpbv.yap
And "heard 2 the 3
king 'Herod [of him], for public

lykvETO To.ovojxa.avTov, Kai i\EyEV,

"On 'liodvvijg 6 /SctTr-
became his name, and he said, John the Bap-
14 And king Herod
t(wi/ p K
vEKpuiv riykpOr}^ mi Sid tovto ivEQyov- heard of him ; (for his
tist from among [the] dead" is risen, and because of this *ope- name was spread a-
broad :) and he said,
civ al SvvdyiEig Iv airy. 15 "AXXot- tXEyov, "On T'HXiag n That John the Baptist
rate the
1 2
works 3 of "power in him. Others said, Elias was risen from the
dead, and therefore
iog Eig t&v
s 11

kariv oXXoi.Se tXEyov, "Ore 7rpo<j>y)Tt]g Otu>," 'j} mighty works do shew
it is ;
and others said, A prophet it is, or as one of the forth themselves in
v w him. 15 Others said.
16 'AKovaagM b 'RpcJSrjg Z7rv," ov And
"On^"Whom That it is Elias.
prophets. But having heard said, others said, That it is
a prophet, or as one of
iyuj a7rEKE<pa\i(ra 'liodvvtjv, ovrog HariV avrbg^ rjyspQrj the prophets. 16 But
I "beheaded 'John, ho it is. He when Herod heard
thereof, he said, It is
?ek vEicptiv." 17 Avrbg.ydp b 'Hooicfyg cnrooTEtXag John, whom I behead-
from among [the] dead. For himself 'llerod having sent ed he is risen from

z the dead. 17 For Herod

tKpctrriffEv tov 'lujdvvtjv, Kai tSi](Tv avrbv ev ry'

<pv\aK7j, himself had sent forth

seized John, and bound him in the prison, and laid hold upon
John, and bound him
did 'HpioSidSa rr\v yvvalKa QiXiTnrov Tov.dSEXtpov.avTov, in prison for Herodias'
On account of Herodias the wife of Philip his brother,
sake, his brother Phi-
on '

18 iXEyEV.ydp b 'Iu>dvvt]g lip'swife : for he had

avri)v f.ydp.rj(TEV married her. 18 For Tip 'Hpwdy,
because her he had. married. For "said 'John to Herod,
John had said unto
'On It is not law-
ovK-t^eariv 'iyjEiv ti)v yvvaltza Tov.dtJeX^ov.aov. Herod, thee to
It is not lawful for thee to have the wife of tby brother. ful for have
thy brother's wife.
19 'HSL'HpiDdidg eveI^ev avnp, Kai HJOeXev^ 3 avrbv aTro- 19 Therefore Herodias
But Herodias * held it against him, and wished him to had a quarrel against l

him, and would have

KTEivaC Kai ovK.^Svvaro. 20 b.ydp.'Hpdjdrjg l(po/3eTTO tov killed him but sha ;

and was not able for Herod feared could not 20 for Herod :
"kill, :

feared John, knowing

'iwdvvrjv, Eidojg avrbv di'dpa dimiov Kai uyiov, Kai that he was a just man
John, knowing [to be] a man just Mm
and holy, and and an holy, and ob-
served him and when
b ;

ovvETTjpEi avrbv' Kai dtcovaag avrov, iroXXd 7roii," Kai he heard him, he did
kept ''safe 'him ; and having heard him, many things did, and many things, and

h evSvo-acrOat. E. av av twos jitrj Se^tou whatsoever place

J bsLTr, eapfor av L
Will not receive TTrA. no\ec e/cetVrj G[L]TTtA.
' m exrjpi/fai/ TTrA,
.... rrj
d/xrji/ Ae'yeo
neTavowo-iv LTTrA. cAeyoy they said I>. P
iyrjyeprai. (has risen) /c veKpwv LTTr ; e
ViKpOiV O.Ve(fTT\ A. 1 + 8% also LTTrAW. 1
'HAei'a; T. s
eariv [l]tTia. *
kktyev TTrA. "On LTTrA. - eo-Ttf avrbs G[L]TTrA. ? K vacpwi' T[lrjA,
yaopei. was at a loss [about] t.
1 G LTTr AW. a b
TJJ eV}Tei sought h.
106 MA PKO 2. VI.
heard !lnm gladly.
y$'e(x) g avTOv j'/kovev. 21 icai y:vop.tvi]g ytJtpag.EVKaioov , ur"
a 3
S^lj him heard. come ''day, when
vLfe^daywa S comc; Andjbeing ^'opportune

iierod his
birthday made a sup-
per to his lords, high

~ Tolg.yEveaioig.avTov

on his birthday

a supper

avTOV Kai TOIQ \L\iapXOlQ Kai TOig

hi3 and to thc cllief c .Jp ta ins

and to the
first [men]

7roti" Tolg fiEyiara^iv
made J

-' to -great

I ahlhaidQ,
of Galilee

22andwheruheda\igh , _ ,
j 'j > ~ ~ tt
terofthesaidHerodias, 22 KVTI EKJEWovaTjg T)]C VVJCLTpOQ3 aVT)]Q Tt]Q lipWCiadog, Kac
came in, and danced, 7 s
and "having corne in 'the
'daughter of herself *Herodias, and
and pleased Herod aud ,
, , , h t TX / *. %

them that sat with OpX^ajAkV^Q^ Kai apE(Taff)]g n Tip tipioOy Kai TOt CTt/WT'a-
him.thekingsaidnnto having danced, and pleased Herod and those reclining
the damsel, Ask of me , t , < n \ \ n '
a " '

whatsoever thou wilt, Kl/l?'0lC, 'ElTTEV O [3a<Jl\EVg" Tip KOpaGlU), AlTT}(T0V flE
and I will givo f< thee, [at table] with [him],
said Hha 'king to the damsel, Ask me
23 And he sware unto >/>'%
O.tav KCLl
\ *> '

> "
16 Kai IxJflOffEV CtVTIJ, "n
ro UTl

her, Whatsoever thou ue\yg,

shalt ask of me, I will whatever thou wilt, and I will give to thee. And he swore to her,
h^l of my' kingdom oMv flE atY/^C, SwM ffoi, %W S VfliiTOVg T^ j&.WlXl'aC
24 And she went forth, Whatever me thou mayest ask, I will give thee, to half of 'kingdom
thtr.tha^uYask? fiov. 24 *H.& i&XOovaa elTTEVTy-^rplavrng Ti alr,)-
And she said, The head 'my. And she having gone out said to her mother, What shall 1
It And
c ame
in COfJiai^ 'RM sTtTSV, Tt]V -0aX)v 'loJCCVVOV TOV WairnOTOU..*
with ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist.
b e k' n
nd askcd sa in I
^5 Kai l<JE\9ovaa k f vQ'iOJQ^ /XETO. <T7TO?;0/}c TTpOQ TOV fictaiXsa,
will that tho^give'me &n& having entered immediately with haste to the king,
1 h C har er x
iZ-avrrjg" ini irivaKi
h^i" 7 t T fi yrf)oaTO,'Xsyovaa, GeXu* 'iva /xoi
I desire that to me thou give at once upon a dish
Baptist 26 And till she asked saying, >

king was exceeding T7\ v K (h a \rjv 'llOClVVOV TOV BaTTTKTTOV. 26 Kat irEpiXvTTOC
E ;
r 80
and for thcir the
Bakes which sat with

him, he would not re- r3 whilel * mado
of John
6 8a<Tl\Evg,
the Baptist
And 6 very "sorrowful

'the 'king, on account of the oaths and those who

ject her. 27 And lm-

mediately the king m n n , , ,

OVK.r)9sXl]GEV avrr)v auETtjffai. 27 Kai

( ,

sent an executioner, rec lincd

[at table] with [him], would not 'her 'reject. And
and commanded his
bead to be brought
Ev9fwg aTTOCrTttXag : O (SaClAEVg v O"ITEK0V\aTWpa
\' n
r ^->^^r. \\ ' '

and he went and be- 4

'having sent 'the 'king a guardsman ordered
headed him in the
. Ml , , , , >, ,

Tt]V.KE<paXl]V.aVTOV . 20 O.0t' a7TE\UlOV a7TEKE-

prison, 28 and brought ^tVEx9))Vai
his head in a charger, t he brought his head. And he having gone be-
am! gave it to the dam- , 1> 1W
sel: and the damsel (pClAHJEV ai'TOV IV TTJ (pVACtKy, KOI 1/VEyKEV T>)V-KE<pa\)
^ ,N> . ~,-.~ >

gave it to her mother, headed him in the and brought his head
29 And when his disci- ,,*
>^ ~
Kai tdltJKEV aVTTJV T<{J KOpaiTllp Kai TO KOpaGlOV
'_ < >>
pies heard of it, they E7TI TTIVCUCI,
came and took up his upon a dish, and gave it to the damsel, and the damsel
P and lai<J '* iU
ato mb. tSwKev avrijv Ty-fiTjrpLavTrJe. 29 Kat aKovcavTEg ol paQipcA
gave it to her mother. And having heard [it] 'disciples
avTOV 'tjXQov," Kai i]pav;roi) ; Kai t9r]Kav ai/ro"
'his came, aud took up his corpse, aud laid it

iv Tip nvii/uiEitj).
in the tomb.
30 And the apostles _, ,_ , , . > / % < * >
T t

gathered themselves 30 Kat (JVVayOVTai 01 aiTOGTOkOl TTpOg TOV lt](TOVV, Kai

together unto Jesus, are 4 gathered together 'the 'apostles
And 3 to Jesus, and
and told him nil things, i * ~ /
w /cat"
Ml " ,' '
~' x
ooa ETTOirjaav Kai oaa a ll

both what they had aTT7]yyEi\av avTtjJ 7ravTa,

done, and what they they related to him all things, both what they had done and what

Baw'unfo'themtcome ISiSa^av. 31 Kai ^eZttev


avTolg, AevTz VflElg avToi

ye yourselves apart they had taught. And he said to them, Come ye your-elves

d f
ripeutv she pleased LTTrA. ei7rei' 8e o j3acriXevs L
c o T L. LTTrA. e o Si /3aeri-
7rou]cr6f ;

e Kai and TTrA. h

Aev? eljrei/ and the king said TT a. ainjo-iojuai. should I ask i.ttiaw.
k m ayaKeifieVous reclined
jiairriCovTO'; TTrA. ev9v<; LTTrA. efcjvriys Sw<; uol LTTrA.

n ev0i)<; TTrA. P cnr<-KOv\a.Topa LTT- AW.

at table] TTrA. aQeT^crat avTrjv TTrA.
i ei-eyxai [him] to bring TTrA. '
+ [e7rt wiraKi] on a dish L. B /cat
(read and having
gone lie beheaded) LTTrA.
TJAflai/ tita.
u avTou him t. t to> (read a tomb)
KGLTTrAW. " Kat LTTrA W. x ocra T. 3 Avei he says TTrAW.
VI. M.A K &. 107
Kar'.lSiav Eig 7 u
tprfjuov tottov, Kal -dva7ravG0a uXiyav. Herar "Ho a desert pW, ami
l for
apart intp -desert 'a place, and rest a little. 'Were ^l*J^, I ;

, , , , , , , ,
N , ,
Yrtf 'Ol-
.tp^QOflEVOt KCtl 01 VTTCiyOVTEQ iroXXoi, KCll OVOt (payUV Bomg,
and they had
'for 'those 3 coming \and 5 those "going many, and not even to eat f lei sure o so "vuchas .

eat- 32 And tlie y

& ' > ~\ /-i i h ' > '

1]i)KaipOVV. 32 Kttl a7T))XUOV Eig tpl]pOV TOirOV rip departed

into a desert
had they opportunity. And they went away into desert a place by the PbAebyship privately.
33 And the people saw

\ '
*' no ir '
7J , , /
t \ u <

irAoiip" KO.T -tciav. oo Kai eloov avrovg vrrayovrag ot o%Aoi," them departing,, and

ship apart. And 3 saw "them 5

'the. crowds.
man y knew him, and;
, . r , , n > / , ~,1 7 \ ^ ran afoot thither out
Kai "tiriyvuxrav" e avrov 7toaaoi, Kai 7tec,7j citto ttcmsmv
of all cities, and out- twv
an'd 'recognized
him 'many, and on foot from all the went them, and came
/> /j i . i < /]
/ ~x together unto him. .

7TOAEWV aVVtbpap.OV EKEl, ICCll 7rpor]AVOV aWOVg," 8/cai 0~W))X- 34 And Jesus, when he
cities ran together there, and went before them, and came to- came out, saw much
r, \ > > c*a ' p \ n hfj <>t ~ -\ < people and was moved
> '

VOV irpog dUTOV."


34 Kai Et,EXt)li)V -EiOEV lr\(J0Vg


with compassion to-
gether to him. And having gone out saw 'Jesus ward them, because 'great
* \ \ , > \ '
r\ > 5 ' 11 ' they were as sheep not
oxaov, Kai
lawXayxviwrf ett ^avroig," otl r\aav having a shepherd:
moved with compassion towards them,
a crowd, and was because they were and he began to teach
t >
,i * y_ * * ' them many things.
\ >f i * t \ .

big TTpopara ;/ E\OVTa TTOlfJLEVa Kai ilptaro ClCClffKElV aVTOVg 35 And when the day
as sheep not having a shepherd. And he began to teach them was now far spent his
iroWa. 35 Km ijSr, &pag.iro\\rj S *yEVO[*Evr,g, irpooeK- ^gfd sam^ThTis
many things. And already a late hour [it] being, com- a desert and now
OovrEg avry

to him
his disciples

\syowiv, "OTiipvfi6g kanv


Desert is
that they
may go into
C0 7 d
6 roTrog } Kal ijSri
a1pa.7roX.X1)' 36 c'nroKvaov avrovg, 'iva
a b \u a nd into th

the place, and already [it is] a late hour ;

dismiss them, that villages, and buy them-
a we X96 vrEg tig rovg kvkXuj n avf notTmg o ^aT dypovg Kal Koipag, ayopaawmv
4 6 3
having gone country and villages, they may buy 37 jj e answered and
to the 'in 'a circuit
p n n 1
iavrolg dprovg' <pdyui(Tiv
ovK.tx ov(Tlv - ri
^themto"'^? A^I vp" '

for themselves bread; 'something 'for to eat they have not. they say unto him
Aore avrolg shall we go and buy
37 'O.Ss dTTOKptOEig eIttev avrolg, vuE~ig <hayE~iv.
r '
two hundred penuy-
But.,he ., ,, ., ... ', .

Give 'to 3 them


answering said to them, 'ye to eat.

wort h of Drea d and
Kai Xkyovmv avrto, 'A7TE\06vrEg dyopdauifiev T 8iaKo<riuiv give them to eat? 38 He
And to him, shall we buy two hundred 3alth 'Jloaves 11 ' * Ho "
theyJ say J Having gone J
many uaveyo?

drjvapiuiv" dprovg, Kal ^ujpv" avrolg tyayElv ; 38 'O.Sk XsyEi goe
and see. And when
denarii of bread, nd give them to eat? And he says '') y knew, they say,
, , , , Five, and two hshes. ,

avrolg, Tloaovg dprovg exete ; v7rayErE Kal icErE. Kai yvov 39 Add he commanded
l n

to them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And having them to make all sit
1 / r\> e\r\ 1 > v down by companies .
Ka >

rEg AEyOV<TlV , IlEI'rE, Kai CVO IXvVag. 39 '

-KErat,EV avroig upon the green grass,
known they say, Five, and two hshes. And he ordered. them 40 And they sat. down
- -\ * n ranks, by hundreds

_, -\- u > i ' > - i i
avaK\ivai n iravrag o'vp.TToaia.crv^.Troo'ia etti rip ^Awpy T H> - an d by fifties. 41 And xP
to make "recline 'all by companies on the green grass. when he bad taken the '

Af . _ . , , , , , n , .,
, , n five loaves and the two
. , ,

41) Kai *avETTEffov"

Trpaaiai.irpaaiai, "ava" EKarov Kai ~ava" fishes, he looked up to
And they sat down in ranks, by -hundreds' and by heaven, and blessed,
/ ii \ v oi '
- ' i ' t */ and brake the loaves,
irEvrtjKovra. 41 Kai Aopaiv rovg TtEvrt aprovg Kai rovg cvo a nd gave them to his
fifties. And having taken the five loaves and the two disciples to set before
ixdvag, dvaf3\Eipag Eig rbv ovpavov EvXoyqaEv Kal KarEKXa-
fishes, having looked up to the heaven he blessed and broke
oev rovg dprovg, Kai kdiSov rolg./j.aOr]raXg. ZB-avrov [l

the loaves, and gave to his disciples that they might

* a
avairavaaaOe TTrA. evicaipovv LTTrA. Tw jtAoi'o) et? eprjfJLOV \6ttov L. c 0( b ei>

oxAot (read they saw) GLTTrAW. eyvwaav knew LTri. e aurovs them t; avrbv OLTr a. <*

f Ktu Trporj\0ov avrou? G. S Kal (Tvvt)\9ov npbq avrof GLTTrAW. h 6 'Irjcrouc (read
he saw) GTTrAW ; [6 'Irjo-ov?] eT5ev l. '
avxovs lttia. k
yii>ofj.evri<; T. avra T. '

u P
[avrov] L. e\eyov said TTrA. dprov? [L]TTrA. yap [l,]TTrA. 1 oi';ic

Xouo-ii' (read buy for themselves eat) [ljtti-a.

SyvapiiDu Sta/coo-iiov GLTTrAW.
Swao/jLev shall we give LTrA ; Suxraipiev t. + him
6 l t
nai [l]tTi-a. [aiirta] to L.
w * ,a
L. aveireaav TTrA. y Kara LTTrA. avrov (read the disciples) TTrA.
* TraoaTiOwaiv TA.
108 M AP K 2. VI.
them: and the two Q,&IV = CVO ivQvar iu'tpKTEV

s TTcifftV'
fishes divided he a- , ., . , , .
4. v. u dividedi
themall. 42 And

them. And tho two fishes he , ,

among ail.
th y C D a 7 0V tolvteq, Kai j^opraiTf^cFaV 43 /cat
*fiu d! 43 A d '^'P
ijpav /c\at7/.ia-
ate '
a11 and wcre s * tisfi ed. And they took np of frag-
they took up twelve.

l.askcts full of the run'" dwdera c KO<pivovg n 7r\rjpeir,
Kai enrb ru>v i^Bvwv. 44 Knt
frag men ts, and of the mcuts twelve hand-baskets and of the fishes. And
fillies.44 Ana they full,
that. did eat of the e
ifaav 01 (bayoi'TEQ TOVQ UOTOVQ li>(76l" 7TEVTaKI(Tyi\lOl
loaves were about five 7 2 3 4 c
wore Hhoso that ate of Hhe ioaves about five thousand
thousand men. 45 And * r , , , ,

straightway ho con-
avopsg. 45 Kai f
-qvaytcaoEv rovg.jj.aO)]rac.avrov
strained his disciples men. And immediately he compelled his disciples
to get into the ship, , % > / > > t
aud to go to the other SfiptJVCll EIQ TO 7r\oloV, KOLl TTpOayElV EIQ TO TTEpaV TTpbg Bl}9-
side before unto Beth- to enter into the and to go before to the other side to Beth-
saida, while he sent a- ...-, , , ,
. , , , ., , ..

way the people. 46And (TUtCaV, EOJQ aVTOQ zaTTOAVCy" TOV oyKOV 40 Kai aTTOTai^aflEVOQ .

whan he.had sent them saida, until he should dismiss the crowd. And having takeu leave of
away, he departed into , ~ -,, n , , ,
>y n a n ir ;
- >

a mountain to pray. aVTOlQ, a7T)]AVEV EIQ TO opOQ TTpO(TEVt,a(JVai . 47 Kai OlpUXQ

47 And when even was them,' he departed into the mountain to pray. Aud evening
come, the ship was in i t \ \ ~ t r\ \ ' . > / '

tho midst of the sea, yEVOflBVtJQ, 1]V TO 7TA010V BV /XSCrqj T))Q UaAaO'ffrjQ, KUl auTOQ
and he alone on the being come, 3 wasHhe 2 ship in the midst of the sea, and he
land. 48 And he saw , ~ ~ __ l -?
n , v , n v ' . ,

them toiling in row- t^OVOQ ETTl TT]Q yi)Q. 48 Kai

-, ,,

L6Ev" aVTOVQ pao-aviZojuivovg

ing for the wind was
alone upon the land. And he saw them labouring
contrary unto them : > _.~ *\ ' _ v < > ~ m i > >

and about the fourth tV T

. ;



watch of the night he- in the rowing, for 'was 'the 2 wind contrary to them and about :

waTking upon the'se', TETapTtjV (pv\aKl)v VVKTOQ tQXETai wpOQ O.VTOVQ, TTEpiTTa- r%
and would have priced l^e] fourth watch of the night ho comes to them, walk-

theysaw hhrFwaUdrT
T **>V * 71"' T
' on tne
QctXdffOTjQ, Kai T/OeAej/ 7rap\9uV UVTOVQ. 40 Oi.OE
sea and would havepassedby them.
^ But they,
upon the sea they sun- nff >

posed it had been a V

(coVTEQ aVTOV TTEpi7TaT0VVTa tTr'l TlfQ 6a\d(T(Jt]r, ij$0%av
u '

50 for they all saw seem & oim walking on the sea, thought [it]
him and were trou- <hdi>Tao~ua m eh'ai," Kai dv'tKpalLav. 50 7rdi>Tc.ydp avTov
b cd. And immedi- 3 4 a aritlon !..

to be and, \
crled out
* ,,'
for a11 "
n!m -., ',
... .

PP :

ately he talke^ with


tbem, and saith unto "eloov," Kai iTapd\9i]aav. Kai -EvQiioc^ (XdXrjaev /JET ai'TUlV.
them. Be of good cheer: i
saw and re troubled. And immediately he spoke with them,' .

it is I be not afraid. J


And he went up Kai AEyEl aVTolg, ( , , , , n

unto them into the
QapffElTE' tyw (jU, fl?l.(pOJ3E~l<TQE.
J ntl(j says to them, Be of 6
good courage : I am [he] ;
fear not.
ship; and the wind , \ , , , , , ,

ceased: and they were Ol Kai ai'Epr)

sore amazed in them-
o '

And he went up' to them into the ship, and fell 'the
selves beyond measure, -\<
p ~n' ~ n" '

and wondered. 52 For aVEflOQ' KUl

tK.7TEplG(TOV" tV EaVTOiq tt,KTTltVTO,
they considered not wind. And exceedingly beyond measure in themselves they were amazed,
the miracle of the
loaves: for their heart
q icai
\ in > v llr^>^
i ~
toiq ap-oiQ
r r
T inn
Bvavfiac,oi> ov.yap.ffvvijicav yv.yap
was hardened. and wondered ;
for they understood not by the loaves, for 'was
i).Kapdia.avTu>v" 7rE7ru)owiiEvr].
53 And when they i ^
their heart hardened,
had passed over, they ,
. , _ , , ,

l v
came into the land of 53 Kai OiaiTEpaaaVTEQ T]\uOV HTl Tl)v y>/V Te VT]>7aptT,
Gennesaret, and drew And having passed over they came
to the shore. 54 And
when they were come KUl

, _.
54 Kai
the land of Gennes'aret,

out of the ship, and drew to shore. And on thcip-comiug out of the
straightway they knew A ,
f ,
Ql ,, , , , ,
w _ ,

ETTiyVOVTEQ aiT01' , 55 ^TVEpl0pajXOVTEC,

him, 55 and ran 'EVVEtOg 7TA0I0U,
through that whole ship, immediately having recognized him, running through
region round about, .> _ T
z y ~ .
K i
-, 3 , / i , , ,.

and began /to carry OA7]V Tt]VJ TTEpiX^pOV^ .EKEIV1)V 1\pt,aVTO E7TI TOIQ Kpcifif5aTOig"
about in beds those all that country around they began on couches

b c d e GLTTrAW.
KkdcrftaTa A
KO$lv<av TA. ir\r\pd>)x.a.ra TTtA. diael eiiOiiq TTrA.
dismisses LTTrA. h iSiou Kai LTTrA. k
Seeing LTTrA.
a.7roAi;et enl 77)9 SaAaacrrj?
irepnraTovvTa. 1. oti that T.
+ kcrriv it is T. Kai evOvs i.TrA ; m n elSai' TTr.
o 6e evOvs T. P [eK irepicrcroii] Tr. 1 Kai eOavfia^ov [l] TTrA. r
aAA' i)v but was TTr.
avriov ij KapSia LTTrAW. '
erri tt)V yrjv rj\9ov e'is T. v w -f
1'ei'i'T/o-apeT LTTiAW". fjot
avSpts tov Toirov /cetVou] the men of that place l.
7repte'6pajttov they ran through TTr.
viopav {omit around) TirA.
+ Kai and TTr. a
KpapdrTois lttiaw.
VI, VII. MARK. 100
TOVQ KCLkCoQAXOVTOQ 7TEpi<ptpElV , 07T0V )/k6vOV OTL that were sick, wlrcrn
those that were ill to carry about, they heard he was.
where they were hearing that 56 And whithersoever
c d e he entered, into vil-
f(cei" tony. 56 icai oirov av" tiaETropEVETO eig KU)/u,ag f)
lages, or cities, or
there he was. And wherever he entered into villages or
(lit. he is.)
country, they laid the
sick in the streets, and
e f
iroXeig i) dypovg, iv tcuq dyopaig iTi9ovv n rovg aaGevovv- besought him that
cities or fields, in the marketplaces they laid those who were sick, they might touch if it
were but the border of
rag, Kai rrapEKaXQw avrbv iva kclv tov KpaairkSov rod his garment and as :

and besought him that ifonly the border many as touched him
were made whole.
ijxaTiov.avrov uil/ojvrat' /cat oaoi av Sj/tttoito" avTOv
of his garment they might touch ;
and as many as touched him
were healed.

7 Kai avvdyovrai rrpbg avrbv oi Qapioaloi teal tiveq

And are gathered together td him the Pharisees and some
iX96vrEg dwb 'Iepoao\vfHxjv
ruiv ypafxfiarswv, 2 icai iSovreg VII. Then came to-
of the scribes, having come from Jerusalem; and having seen
gether unto him the
Tivag Tiov.fAaQr)Tu> Koivalg \Epo~iv,
tovt tanv^ Pharisees, and certain
some of his disciples "with denied of the scribes, which
hands, that is
came from Jerusalem.
k l[ m u
3 2 And when they saw
aviiTTOig, ia9iovrag l&provg, kfiafi\pavTO' oi.ydp $api- some of his
uu washed, eating bread, they found fault ;
for the Phari- disciples
eat bread with defiled,
craToL Kai n a
irdvrEg ol 'lovSalat, edr./uy irvy[ty viipwvrai rag that is to say, with
sees and all the Jews, unless with the fist they wash the unwashen, hands, they
found fault. 3 For the
Xtipag, ovkAoQ'iovoiv, Kparovvreg ri)v 7rapdSoaiv tuiv irpEo- Pharisees, and all the
hands, ,
eat not, holding the tradition of the el- Jews, except they wash
their hands oft, eat
(3vrepu)V Kai 'dirb n dyopdg, not, holding the tra-
kdv.fir) /3a7rri<rwj/rat
ders ;
and [on coming] from the market, unless they wash themselves dition of the elders.
4 And when they come
ovK.iaBiovaiv' Kai aXXa 7roX\d iariy ii
irapikafiov from the market, ex-
they eat not ;
and ''other Hhiugs 'many there are which they received cept thoy wash, they
eat not. And many
p Kai
Kparaiv, /3aTrTi(rfXovg 7ror7)piujv Kai ^eotCjv Kai \aXKioJV other things there be,
to hold, washings of cups '

and vessels and brazen utensils and which they have re-
ceived to hold, as tho
kXiwv" 5 q t7Ttra"
tTnpojTtliaiv avrbv oi Qapiaaloi Kai oi
washing of cups, and
couches : then question him the Pharisees and the pots, brascn vessels,
* R and of tables. 5 Then
o\.fiaQi]Tai.iyov ov.TTEpnraTOvaiv" Kara the Pharisees and
scribes, Why thy ''disciples 'walk ''not according to scribes asked him, Why
walk not thy disciples
rt)v rrapdcoaiv rwv TrpEafivrepujv, dXXd
t n
dvi7TTOig x^pQW according to the tra-
the tradition of the elders, but with unwashed hands dition of the
trjQiovaiv tov dpTOV ; 6 ' d7roKpi9eig" flirty avroig, w "0n" but eat bread with un-
washen hands ? 6 He
eat bread ? But he answering said to them, answered and said un-
x v to them, Well hath
KaXuig 7Tpoe(pr]TEV(Tev 'Hoaiag irtpi vjiwv tuiv v7roKptru>v, Esaias prophesied of
Well prophesied Esaias concerning you, hypocrites, as it you hypocrites,
Ovrog b Xabg
rolg is written, This people
xeiXeoiv fJte tijxo~, honoureth me with
as it has been written, This people with the lips me honour, their but their
i).de.Kap.ia.avTu>v Troppw aTrt^ei drr' tfxov. 7 fidrr]V.Sk okjiov- heart is far, from mc.
but their heart But in vain they wor- 7 Howbeit in vain do
far is away from me.
they worship me,
rai /is, diddcjKOVTEg diSaatcaXiag kvTaXfiara dv9pu)7rwv. teaching for doctrines
ship me, teaching [as] teachings injunctions of men. the commandments of
men. 8 For laying
8 'Aty'svTEg.^ydp" tt)v ivroXi)v tov 9eov, KpartxTE ti)v Trapd- aside the command-
oor, leaving the commandment of God, ye hold the tra- ment of God, ye hold
the tradition of men,
fioaiv ru>v dv9pu)Trwv, h
fiaTTTiop.ovg %e<ttojv Kai Trorrjpiwv, Kai as the washing of pots
dition of men, washings of vessels and cups, and and cups and many

c Ket LT[Tr]. eav T. + eis into [l]TTrA.
d e
eriOeaav TTrA. f S rnj/avro LTTr.
+ OTi that TTr. '
k eaOiovcriV
they eat TTr.
m e/xe'ui//ai'To (read verses 3 and 4 in parenthesis) GLTTrAW. n nvicva. often t. air' LTrA.
Kai kKivwv T. 1 Kai and LTTrA.
fj.a6r}Tai aov TTrA.
" oi) ireauraTOvai.v ol
P r
Sta rt LTrA.
(cotfai? with defiled GLTTrAW. v
airoKpi6el<; TTrA.
enpo<l>riTevcru On
LTTrA. y + fin T. a b
*'0 Aobs ovtos L. yap for LTTrA. [3air7i.o-p.ovs . . . .

7roieiT T[TrAh
110 MAPKOS. Til.
other such like things Toiavra ttoWu 7rjiir." 9 Kai tXtysj/
dXXa vapo/xoia
ye do. 9 And he said 3
unto them, Full well *o^her ''like [Hhings] such 'many ye do. .And he said
ye reject the com- dOarelre rr\v ivro\i]v, tov 9eov,.!iva ti)v
mandment of God, to avTqlg, KaXCjg
them, Well do ye set aside the commandment of God, that
that ye may keep your
own tradition. 10 For 10 c Mojfrr}g .ydp e'Lttev, -Tipa ll

Moses said, Honour irapadoTiv-v/xuiv TT]pr](Tr]TE.

For Moses Honour
father and your tradition ye may observe. said,
thy thy
mother and, Whoso Tbv.7raTspa-<TOVKaiTi)v.fi7}rspa.(Tov' Kai, 'O

curseth father or mo-

KaKoXoywv irarkpa
thy father and thy mother and, He who speaks evil of father ;

ther, let him die the

death: 11 but ye say, t] fi?]Tipa Oavdrtp teXevtutoj. 11 'Yue~ig.ce Xkyere, 'Edr
If a man shall say to or mother let him die. But ye 3
by death say, If say
his father or mother,
It is Corban, that is to rtp irarpi rf ry ^t]Tpi, Kop;3dv o ioriv, Siupov,
say, a gift, by whatso- 'a*man to father or mother, [It is] a corban, (that is, a git";,)
ever thou mightest be
profited by me he d.edv e% tfiov
; u)<pe\i]9yg' 12 d Kai" ovketl dtpiere
shall be/ree. 12 And whatever from me. thou mightest be profited by and no longer ye sailer :

ye suffer him no more

to do ought for his fa- avrbv ovdev iroiijoai T(^.7raTpi. e avrov n f; ry.fiqrpi^aurou,^
ther or his mother him anything ;
to do for his father or his mother,
13 making the word of (lit. nothing)
God none effect 13
through your tradi- aKvpovvreg rov Xoyov tov 9eov rg.TrapaC^oaei.v^v y
making void the word of God by your tradition which
tion, which ye have
delivered and many
Kai 7rap6fj,oia roiavra 7ro\Ad Troieire.
such like tilings do ye. 7rapeSu)KaTe'
14 And when he had ye
have delivered and -'like [^things] *such ;'many ye do.
called all the people 14 Kai
irpoaKoXeadjxevoQ wdvTa n tov oxXov, tXeyev. avT0~ig x
unto him, he said unto And the crowd, he said to them,
Hearken unto having called to [him] all
me every one of z'AtcoveTe n ftov irdvTEg, Kai h avvieTE. n 15 ovc'ev eotiv tito-
you, and understand and understand :
Hear ye Nothing there is from with-

15 there is nothing
me, all,

from without a man, 9ev tov dv9pw7rov eloiropevofievov .

if, avTOv, o SvvaTai
that entering into him out the man

into which is able

entering him, .

can defile him but :

the things which come uvtov Koivojrjai' dXXd rd


^iKTropevS/xeva d-n ovtov,"


out of him, those are him to defile but the things which go out from
; him,
they that defile the
man. 1G If any man
tKeivd tffTiv11
Ta koivovvtu tov dv9pnnrov 16 m ei .
have ears to hear, let those are the things which defilo the man. If anyone
him hear. 17 And when "
ho was entered into exei u)Ta aKoveiv, d/eovsroj." 17 Kai ore ei<yfj\9ev elg oIkov
the house from the have ears to hear, let him hear. And when he went into a house
people, his disciples
asked him concerning d-irb tov l>x\ov, tTri]pioTU)v avTOV oi.fia9)iral.avTov "vepl T>)g
the parable. 18 And from the crowd, asked "him 'his -disciples concerning the
he saith unto them, a
Are ye so without un- irapaf3oXi)g. 18 Kai Xeyei avrolg, O'vTOjg Kai iifieig devte-
derstanding also ? Do parable. And he says to them, "Thus 3 also ''ye 'without 6 un-
ye not perceive, that Toi egte ov.voeite otl irdv to eicjo-
whatsoever thing from ; i,o)9ev
without entoreth into derstanding 'are? Perceive ye not that everything which from without en-
the man, it cannot
defile him 19 because pEvo/uEVov Eig tov dv9pioirov ol'-dvvaTat avrov, Koivwaai ;
it eutereth not into

ters into -the man is not able him to defile ?

his heart, but into the
belly, and goeth out
19 OTi ovK.EiGTTOpEVETai avTov Eig T))v KapSiav, dXX' eig T))v
4 J
because it enters not of 5 hini 'into "the heart, but into the
into the draught,
purging all meats? KotXiav' Kai Eig rov dtpeEpiova tKTropEVETai, p
Ka9apiZov iravra

20 And he said, That

which conieth out of belly, and into the draught goes out, purifying all
the man, that defileth rd
fipwfxaTa. 20 'E\yev.(5s, to ek tov dv9pio7rov "On
the man. 21 For from And he said, That which out of the man
the food.
wUhin, out of the
heart of men, proceed
EK7T0pEv6fXEV0V, EKEIVO KOlVol TOV dv9poJ7TOV. 21 iffOJVEV.ydp
evil thoughts, adul- that defiles the man. For from within
goes forih,
teries, fornications,
murders, 22 thefts, Ik T?ig Kapdiag tu>v dv9pu>7riijv oi BiaXoyivuoi oi koko'l ek~
covetousness, wicked- out of the heart of men -reasonings 'evil go

TropEvovrai, i/io^iai, 7topveiai. (povoi, 22 vAoTrat," 7rXeov-

forth, ndulteries, fornications, murders. thefts.
c LTTrA W.
MioiicrfiS Kai :.tti[aJ. avrov (read LhisJ) LTTrA. TrdKiu again '

LTTrA. aKOVffare LTTrA.

k (TUl'eTe LTTrA. KOLi'Cicrai avrov T.
Koii'wcrai k K Toil ai'Optjjrrov '

mail m vise
/CTropev6fiei'a from the go out LTTrA. '
knewa. T[Tr]. 10 TflYAj.
n + Tov the
(house) T. tt)V Trapapo\r}V the parable LTTrA. P
KaOapi^ujy LTIrA,
1 iropvelai., nAonai, (/(Oi'oc, ^tot^iai TTrA.
VII. MARK. 111
ness, laseivi-
t$iat 7rovrjpiai, SSXoq, da'sXytia, dcpBaX/xbq irovrjpbq,
;m eye ousness, an evil eye,
desires, wickednesses, guile, licentiousness, wicked,
blasphemy, pride, fool-
fiXaaiprinia, v-7reprj(pavia, acppoavvr]' 23 wavra ravra rd ishness : 23 all these
all these
evil things come from
blasphemy, haughtiness, folly :

within, and defile the

Trovt]pq. tcrioOep tKiropEvsrai, Kai koivoX tov dv9pu>7rov. man.
evils from within go forth, and defile the man.
24 Kai tKeWev^ dvatsraq aTcr\X9i.v tig ra
24 And from thonca
And thence having risen up he went away into the borders he arose, and wont
into the borders of
l n y
Tvpov /cai 2i8u>voq . Kai eio~X9u>v elg tj)v oiKiav, ovSkva ]1

Tyre and Sidon, and

of Tyre and Sidon ; and having entered into the house, no one entered into an house,
and would have no
"yBtXev" yvCJvai, Kai ovK. x t)Svvr)9i] XaOeiv. 25 y aKovaaaa

man know it : but

he wished to know [it], and he could not be hid. 5
*Having heard he could not be hid.
25 For a certain wo-
ydp yvvfj mpi avrov, r)g eixsv TO.OvyciTpiov.avrfjc TrvEVfia man, whose young
'for "a 3 womau about him, of whom *had 2
'her little ^daughter daughter had an un-
a spirit
z clean spirit, heard of
aKciOaprov, sX9ovoa H TrpocrkTrto&v rrpbg TOvg.7r6Sag.avTOi>' him, and came and fell
unclean, having come fell at his feet, at his feet : 2t> the wo-

b man was a Greek, a

26 *f)v.Se rj yvvrj" 'EXXrjvig, 2vpo0O(Vjo cra

r<p ykvu' Kai. Syrophenieian by na-

(now 3 was 'the woman a Greek, Syrophenieian by race), and tion and she besought ;

c n him that he would

qpwra avrbv iva to Satfxoviov SK/3dXXy Ik rijg Gvyarpbg cast forth the devil
asked him that the demon he should cast forth out of "daughter out of her daughter..
avrijg. 27 A 6.cL'lT)<Tovg el7rev n avry, "A(peg irpwrov xopraa- 27 ButLot Jesus said unto
the children
'her. But Jesus said to her, Suffer first to be satis- first be filled for it :

KaX6v toriv" Xafieiv tov dprov twv is not meet to take
BTfvai to. TSicva' ov.ydp the children's bread,
fied the children for not good ;is it to take the bread of the and to cast it unto the
dogs. 28 And she an-
Tticvwv, Kai (3aXelv rolg Kvvapioig." 28 'R.Ss aTteKpiQr] Kai swered and said unto
children, and cast [it] to the dogs. But she answered and
him, Yes, Lord : yet
the under the
Xsysi avT<i>, Nai, Kvpiz' rrjg tabledogs
Kai.%ydp to.
eat of the child- Kvvdpia vwoKaTU)
says to him, Yea, Lord for even
the the little dogs under
ren's crumbs. 29 And
h n
Tpa-n-k&jg ia9iei dirb tuiv ^i^idov tuiv TraiSiujv. (Ittsv he said unto her, For 2&Kai
table eat of the crumbs of the children. And he said this saying go thy
way the devil is gone ;

avry. Aid tovtov tov Xoyov VTraye' i^eXifXv9ev 1 rb Sai- out of thy daughter.
to her, Because of this word go has gone forth the de- 30 And when she was;
come to her house, she
ftnviov i/c Tiiq.9vyaTp6g.Gov." 30 Kai dirX9oi>Ga tig tov found the devil gone
Dion out of thy daughter. And having gone away to out, and her daughter
laid upon the bed.
olKov.avTtjg, evpsv rd Saifioviov t%aXr)Xv96g, Kai rrjv 9vya~
her house, she found the demon had gone forth, and the daugh-
Ttpa fie[3Xr]n&vr]v itti Ttjg KXivTjq. n
ter laid on the bed.
31 And again, depart-
31 Kai irdXiv t^X9d)v tK tujv bpiojv Tvpov 'fcai Sidwvoq, ing from the coasts oi <

And again having departed from the borders of Tyre and Sidon, Tyre and Sidon, h
came unto the sea ol
7)\0sj/" Vpo^" Tnv 9dXao(rav rfjq VaXiXaiaq, dvd uscov Galilee, through the
midsb of the coasts ol
he came to the sea of Galilee, through, [the] midst
Decapolis. 32 And they
tCjv bpitov AeKa7r6Xeioq. 32 Kai tpepovcnv avrtp Kaxpbv bring unto him on
And man that was deaf, and hac
of the borders of Decapolis. they bring to him a deaf
an impediment in hi;
/u.oyiXdXov, Kai TrapaKaXovcnv avrbv 'iva smGy speech and they be- ;

who spoke with difficulty, and they beseech him that he might lay seech him to put his
~ handupouhim. 33 And
ai'irqi tj)v xE P a L ' 33 Kai d7ro\a/3o/ivof avrbv dirb tov he took him aside from
on him [his] hand. And having taken away him from the the multitude, and

r T
ty)v (read a house) LTTrAW.
'EKelOev Se ta. 8 '
Spia LTTr. Kal'StoaJeo? ta.
w t. x y d/\A" evdv? aKovaacra but immediately having heard
i)6e\ri(Tev rjovvacrGr) t.
TTrA. z
eicreKOovcra. having come in T. a
ok ywrj rjv LTA ; 17 yvvri Se rjU Tr.
G LTW ou'tKio"o-a TrA. c GLTTrAW. d a.
(/joii'i/cicro'a ; 2vpooSo(.riKtacra ; 2vpa <l> exfidAr)
eAeyef and he S-
said LTTrA. e eo-ril/ KO.\bu LTTrA. f
rols KVvapCois jSaAeu; TTrA. yaf
for [L]'fTr. h eo~6iovaiv LTTrAW. '
k ttjs Ovyarpos crov to Sainoviov TA. k to Trai&ioi
(the child) j36j3Ar//xeVoi' errl rr\v nkLvriv /cal to SaifJ.oi'iov efeArjAvOds LTTrA. ^A^e^ 6to
ruouu'os he came through Sidon LTTrA. m eis unto GLTTrA. n /coi and LTJ'r. +
/xoyyiA.iAoi' Tr,
112 MAPK0 2. VII, VIII.
put his fingers into his ^y\ ov kcit Jdiav, eBoXev TOvcJ.aKTi'\Gvc^avTOV
eic to. ojtci
ears, and he spit, -and j
crowd a ljartt 1,
hc ut v
hl * fiu =' ers
to 'ea
touched his tongue ;

, j; >
34 and looking up to
ailTOV, KCli TTTVGag 1]l\/aTO T^Q.yKlOGG^Q.aVTOU, 34 KCll ava-
his and having spit he touched
his tongue, and having
anTsaith. nnto' Mm, '

Ephphatha, that is, ^Xk^JCig Eig TOV OvpciVOV tGTcVa^SV, Kai XtyEl aVTlfi, 'Fj<p(pC(6d,
Be opened. 35 And ookc d to the heaven he groaned, and says to him, Ephphatha,
i .

r ' ' ' '

straightway his ears r
, , , ,
were opened, and the O.tGTIV, AiaVOlx"l}Tl. OO Kill ^EVUElog Cn]VO<xO>',Gav ClUTOV

string of his tongue t jj. lt ; bj u G peued. And immedialcly were opened his
was loosed, and he , ,
Q , , , ,

spake p'.ain. 36 Andhe at ClKOCll, KCll EAVtJn O OEGjlOg Ti}Q.y\(iJa<7)]Q.CWT0V, KCll iAilAC-l
charged them that ears, and was loosed the band of his tongue, and he spoke
they should tell no _ n ,
f ,. , , ,

man: but the more he OpVwC. OO KOU ei0TtAarO aUTOlQ IVCt fXT]CEVl l El7ruJGlV l

charged them so much rightly. And he charged them that no one they should tell,
the more a great deal ~ s '*.<>
\ u /\> w~\-v
frhey published it;
37 and were beyond Eut as much as he them charged, exceeding mole abundantly
measure astonished, >
n m KCll > v \ \ < < i > i

Baying, lie hath done EKtJpVGGOV.

61 VTTEpTTEpiGGlog E^E7TAljGG0i'TO, XiyOVTEg,
all things well: he they proclaimed [it] and above measure they were astonished, saying, :

to'hea"' andthe dumb KoAwg 4 3

to speak. "Well all -things 'he -has done: both the deaf he makes to hear,
Kai x roi<g aXaXovg XoXeIv.

and the dumb to speak.

VIII. In those days 8 'Ev EKEivaic.Tcug.ypEpaig ?TraiJ.7r6XXov" oxXov uvrog,

the multitude being in those days very great [the] crowd being,
very great, and having > , , , , , i N /
, , , T
nothing to eat, Jesus Kai fit) f^ovrwV Tl tyayuiGlV, 7TpoGKaXEGaj.lEV0g *J ITJ-
called his disciples and not having what they may eat, ^having ^called Ho [
unto him, and saith ~ n n a ~n

unto them, 2 I have G0V Q Tovg-f.iaOt)Tag. avrou" XEyEi avTOig,
'a' ~ '
t> \ <*
2 ^irXayxvilvjJiai
compassion on the bus his disciples he says to them, I am moved with compassion
multitude. because > * * *\ f *s h '
n - r
L u * ' '

they have now been

7ri T0V OX*OV OTl 1)61]
"i/fXEpag" TpEig TrpoiJfilVOVOlV f*Ol,"
with me three days, on the crowd, because already Mays 'three they continue with me
1 D
eat* : ^ and if ^fend KCLl
have not what they may eat
QayiOGlV' 3 KCll ECIV
shall send
them away fasting to ;
if I away
their own houses, they a e
will faint by the way
' s Eig s oIkOV-CIVTU>J', EKXvdnCFOVTCH tV TV udo}' L TlVEC.yan r
,, c n?
in the way ;
for some

for divers of them fasting to their home, they will faint

came from far. 4 And a {j T C^v i UCIKDoBeV
~ Zi'lKCKTlV." 4 Ka< aTTEKpiQllGClV ClVTlf) 01 UCtQ)]-
his disciples answered ... . , 3 '. 4 .. ",. '.

From whence can ftneto from afar are come. And, .

Answered -him Misci-


him, ^
a man satisfy these ra i h
Yl69EV YOOrflrrai
en aVTOV, TOVTOVg SwrjGETai Tig U)()E
lea ' hi3 Whence these 'shall 3 be -able 'anyone 'here
to satisfy
the wiWernes?? P

5 And he asked them, 5 Kai
apTiiiv ett IpnjJiiag ; ^iirijpuiTo}^ avTovg, ituGOVg i%r
How many loaves have with bread in a desert? Aud he asked them, How many -have 'ye
y f ado tncy brio., . i
, . _ .

Seven. 6 And he com- Of.ot k eZ7roj>, ETrra. 6 Kai 7Trtpj7yytAv" Tip o%Xy
manded the people to agTOvg
4oaves? And they said,
Seven. And he ordered the crowd
sit down on the , _ _ , , , , , ,

ground: and he took avaiTEGElV ETTl TTjg yrjg Kai ACipiOV TOVg ETTTO. UpTOVg,
the seven loaves, and to recline on the ground. And having taken the seven loaves,
gave thanks, and m , >j'^
, - n - - < >

brake, and gave to his Evxapi(TTi]Gag ekXcictev Kai Ecidou TOig./.iaUijTaig.avTOV, iva
disciples to set before having given thanks he broke and gave to his disciples, that
them; and they did _n fl ~ 'a ~ \ n . ,, ,

set them before the Trapavuj(fiv'" Kai TrapEifT]Kav Tip oxXip. 7 Kai
7 And they they might set before [them]. And they set [it] before the crowd. And '

had a few small fishes: n u n >\ , n \ , t
' ' '

X 0,/ iX^ v ^ La oXiya' Kai pa evXoyr]aag

s> .
and he blessed, and i7rv irapa-

3 4 5
commanded to set they had small fishes a few; and having blessed he desired to be set

i r
p avT.ov (read [his] fingers) t. etifle'ws [l]tita. rivoiyqaav LTTrA.
+ ev#v? immediately t.
Xeyoxriv TTrA. avrbs (read he charged) LTTrA w.
w + avTol they LTTrA. *
roil? TTrA. y irakiv ttoaXov again great LTTrA. l
6 'Itj-
OLTTrAW. a avTOv (read the disciples) TTr. b gltttaw. c
a-ovs -rifiepai n 0t
V^(7Tt? T.
e Kai Tlves and Some LTTrA. f
+ anb from (afar) TTrA.
8 r)KOv<ri EW ; elaiv are A. h
+ 6ti TTrA. '
-qprnra TTrA.
k eiTrai/
TTrA. l
he orders LTTrA. m + and n
napaTlGaxriv TTrA.
ye'AAet [/tal] L.
eT^af LTTrA.
P1 -t- rawa tliese L ")
a etn-er
TrapaTe^rji'ai Kai avrd L J avra i7rv Kal Tavra napariddvai TrJ
ciiTa napi9rjKev he set these before fthem] ta..
VIII. M ARK. 113
8 'tyayov.W Kal Kal
9ei vai
Kal ai-ra."
And were filled and thoy And they ate aud
were satisfied.
"before [ them] "aUo 'these.

iirrd *07rvpidag." 9 taoken

fipav icEpiooEvpaTa
4 5
seven baskets.
And were seTell baskets. 9 Aud
tin-} took up 'over and above 'of fraginents
they that had eaHn
(hayoi'Ttc" WC TSTpaKHTYiXlOC
Ul r / => =
, =,
A were about four thou-
those ''who 'had Vaten about

four thousand ;
and he sent "away 'them.
san d and he sent

1 Kal *el>9ku>g ipfidg" tig to ttXoZov fierd tS>v /icrfynDi/
Aud immediately having entered into the ship with 'disciples he entered into a ship
11 Kal i,))\9oif oi with his disciples and
avrov, ))\0i/ elg tcl ukprj AaXparovOd^
'his, he came into the parts of Dalmanutha. And 3 went "out 'the
^aTmanutha? H And
x 11
the Pharisees came
Sfapiualoi Kal i'lplavro <ru?jrii> avr<p, ZijTOVvreg 7rap
Pharisees and to dispute with him, seeking frcmi
_began Jueltion wUh*1iim.
avroii anuelov azro tov ovpavov, 7reipdZovreg avrov. 12 Kal seeking of him a sign
him. And a
him from the
a sign heaven,
_ tempting^ ^ ^
^ j[^&*gj[
dvaarwa^ag ' TuJ.<Ti>Evpa-i.avTov XtyEi, Tt /.y srecLaurTj deeply in' his spirit,
in his spirit he says, Why "this ''generation and saifti, Why doth
having '
, . this generation seek
j ,

Aty^ El.dOtl)](TSTai after asign? verily I

UI]pElOV tTTlfy]Tl ;" a^U//^ V[ilV," T1J
4 s
a sign 'seeks ? Verily I say to you, If there shall be given say unto you, There
, , TA > '. . '
a' /D < shall no sigu be given
yfFsa.rairy orjfteiov. lo Kai cr<pac caroi^, tppag unto this generation.
to this generation a sign. And having left them, having entered 13 Aud he left them,
, ,
, , \ - a y ~\ n ' - &u & entering into the
7TaXlv" mg TO 7T\0L0V n
a7ni\VtV ttg TO irtpav. ship again departed to
into the he went away to the other, side. the other side.
14 Kai t7re\a9ovTO
Xaptiv apTOvg, Kai

u^irj sva
> \ >

aprov had
14 Now
forgotten to take
the disciples

And to take
and except one loaf bread, neither had
, ,
they forgot
n> ' ~>
tai'TUJV tV Tip 7T\0l(p.
\ '
r '\\
Kai 6lE(TTAAT0 them more
they in the ship with
than one
fhey had not [any] with them in the ship. he charged loaf. IS And he charged
ai'Tolg, \syu)v,'OpdTE,
fiXtwETE diro Ttjg ^vpr\g tu>v QapiaaLuSv n
take heed of the leaven of the Pharisees
^'beware 'of the
them, saying, See, leaven of the Phari-
K al rife Wng 'HpMov. 16 Kal SuXoyiZovro irpbg dXXr)Xovg, Ta^ieAuta^
and of the leaven

saying, Because
of Herod.

"On aprove
loaves 3
not 2
ote 'ixopBv.*
'we have.
they reasoned
17 Kal y vovg

And. knowing
one another,


b ^-

Dre ad.

And when
'6 'Ir/tToCe" Xkyei avTolg, Ti SiaXoyifaOe on dp T ovg ovk.
Jesus says to them, Why reason ye because loaves not have no
T6| because ye
tVETEl OVWOJ-VOEITE OvSLoVVlETE Sen" 7rE.7Ttopu)ukvnV bread ? perceive ye not
A '
2 t, j jo? j
vi rj j i, yet, neither under-
"ye have ? Do ye not yet perceive nor understand
Yet hardened .

stand ' have ye your

heart yet hardened?
EXETE T^V.KapSiaV.VfJUiil'; 18 OlpBaXpOVg EXOVTEg OV.f3XE7TETE ;

have ye your heart ? Eyes having, do ye not see? .

nofj^nKving^ar?, _ ^ ^

Kal WTtt tXOVTEg OVK-dKOVETE] Kal OV.flVripOVEVETE) 19 OTE hear ye not? and do
When ?,f tiTv0t re embe f'

and ears having, do ye not hear ? and do ye not remember ?

, ,
19 When I brake the
, , ,
rove ttevte dpTovg EKXaaa Eig rovg itEVTaKiaxiXiovg, iroaovg five loaves among five
the five loaves I broke to the five thousand, how many thousand how many
, ,. , baskets full of
, frag-
Koibivovg 7rXi]pEig ,KXa<rp,aTu>v ' ijpaTE] Asyovaiv avTip, ments took ye up?
hand-baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say to him, They say unto him,
AuJOtKO. onn kSMI
20 Or.C TOVg


^Ta11 *
' '

TOVg TETpaKiaxiAlOVg,
\> Twelve. 20 And when
the seven four among
Twelve. And whan thousand, how many the seven to the four thousand,
7roau)v OTCvpiCitiv
? baskets full of frag-
nients took ye up?
N , % * m/
m f

irXr)pu)p,aTa KAaupaTtov rjpaTE;

of how many baskets [the] of fragments took ye up? And they And they said, Seven.
7 iiti ' -wr - "\
ElffOV, ETTTtt. 21 Kai tXEyEV aVTOig, Hwg" 0V
TiT-r - n n m (TVVIETE;
21 And he said unto
them, How is it that
> '

said, Seven. And he said to them, How s not 'do 2ye understand? ye do not understand ?

ot c^aydi'res {read and they were) T[Tr]A.

r 8 '
cai e</>ayof LTlr. o-(|>vpt'8as L.

" w x
[aVTO?] he L.
ev9i>S LTTrA. <TVV$r]TeLv LTTrA. y
^VjTijt OTJ^.etOJ'
LTTrA. [v^J-lv] A. .

a traAcv b to LTrW ; [ei? ttAoioi'] Tr ;

eju./3<is LTTrA. ets to irAolov (read ejajSas having
embarked) ta. c and l. d ltti a. + .[ko.I']
e have LTrA. Kiyovres exovenv they
6'IncroOs (read he says)T[Tr]A. e In lttta. h + Kai t. '
KAaa/xaTuiv 7rAjp6t?
i.TTrAW.' k
[6eJ TrA ; cai T.
+ [apTovs] loaves L.
m Kai Aryovo-ti' T; Kai
ovTai ana they say to him a nd>s ta. .ovjtw not yet LTTrA.
114 MAPKO 2. Tilt
And he coraeth to
nnd they ^
nn v'o"
i^ C"
- ii'tja *' <-i'
PX fTai 't' Bl]9fTai0aV' Kai (piOOVmv

O.VT<{t ri'CpXuV,
j\ '

bri ng a blind man uuto Ik.' comes to Bethsaida; and they bring to hiui ablin4 i

totoncn hfm^MADd man KCtl TapaicaXovGiv avrbv 'iva avrov aiprjrai. 23 ical
he took the blind man [ l and beseech him '

that him he might touch. Ami

hhnon^of t^t^wn- trriXal36uEVog rng X t>pbg rov tv^Xov ilgifyayev
and when he had spit
taking hold of the hand of the blind [man] he led forth him
'^ w T ^ Q K "V"7> Ka ' ^rvaag
l e t '
his hanfis upon i 1 i','u
sig rd.bpifiara.avrov, iTTiQeig
out of phe vi!!a = c and having spit upon his eyes, having laid
lip axkedhim if he saw >

ought. 24 And he look- rag %E7oag avnp avrbv t ri r n

24 Kai
t7ri]pu)ra j3\tTrei.
menaVtl'4s w'alking;
[Ms] h "" ds "I1 Mo he askeci him if anything he beholds. And
:> After that he put BXettoj rove dvBpwirovc, '6ri <l)g SsvSpa s
m hands dvafiXi\pag tXfyEv,
again upon having looked up he said, I behold the" men, for as trees
his eyes, and made , ..
_ , ,
ii tin look up: and he
opw<\ TrEpnrarovvrdg. 25 E?ra rraXtv t t7TE9))KEv H rag .

was restored and I se e [them] Xhcu he laid [his]

saw every man clearly. walking. again
, , , , , , , ,
, , ,

And he seut him v ,

X f 'P rt S7J"'
rovg.o(l>9aXi.tovg.avrov, Kai tTro(7]OEv avrov ava-_
away to his house, hands and made him
upon his eyes, look
Saying, Neither ffo y. , , . ..
w , ,
n ,_, ,,,,. ,
. ,. , ..

into the town, nor t'iU pAf-dVat." Kai aTroKar(xraUj], Kai ^tvtjjXEipEv" ?rr)Xavywg

U to any iu the to'c. up. And he was restored, and looked -on 'clearly
z v
u7ravrag. 26 Kai cnr'tcrEiXsv avrbv tig *rbv." olKov.aurov,
all [men]. And he sent him to his house,
b c
sig n)v \ciopy\v

' \sycuv, M?/c)f eiasXOyg. t<Jj(" 'Vj7C

saying, Neither into the village mayest thou enter, >
nor mayest tell [it]

rivi tv ry Kiopy.V
to any one in the" village.

27 Kat e^^XQev u 'irjaovg Kai oi.[ia9i]rai. avrov slg rag ku>-

And "went f orth 'Jesus and his disciples into the vil-

Kaioapeiag' rrjgQ>iXi7nrov Kai tv ry bd(p tiagtm]pwra

27 And of Ctesarea
Jesiv. went lages
Philippi. And by the way he was questioning
fnt^the* to^of rovg.^ae^rde.avrov, \kywv a broig* Tiva at Kyovviv oi
Csesarea Philippi and *n s disciples, saying
to them, Whom Jme 'do ^pronounce
d1scT v Lhe saying av9p<avoi tlvcu
"men to be
O'i.Se e aTrtKpi9n<Tav> , e'lujavvrjvrov fiarr-
unto them, Whom do- ? they answered, the Bap-
men say that I am? ri(m '
Ka ; dXXoi h
'HVai/-" v n
dXXoi.ds iva
28And they answered, .. ; '
.. ._,,. . .
John the Baptist but '
a others, iMias ;
but others, one of the prophets.
some say, Eiias and k

unto them, But whom dvai v
*? y y.e 1 that Iam ^ tobe?

A7roKpi9eig t>" b
;^ m

'-Answering , 'and
29 Kai avrbg \kyEi
' TlErpog Myei avr({j,
Peter says
6 xpiarog.
to him, Thou an the Christ.
S s
ai>rot cy
^ 1

'Ype7c.Se riva fit

But e 'me '

'do 'ye 'pronounce

And* Peter answereth # 5 f


and saith unto him, 30 Knrt u n

7TrUJ/fffV avrolg iva fltjSevh' Xsy(D(TlV TTEpi
Thou art the Christ. And he strictly charged them that no one they should tell concerning
30 And he charged v , , , , ,

them that they should avrov. 31 Kat yp^aro cicaffKEiv avrovg on cti ruv
tell no man of him. him. And he began to teach them that it is necessary for the
31 And he began to , _ , _ ^ , .
1 - , ,

teach therri, that the VlOV rOV av9pO)TCQV TToXXa TTaVElV, Kai a7T0C0Klfia(JO))vai,
Son of man must suffer Son of man many things to suffer, and to be rejected
many things, and be O o , > , -
na . ^ i

rejected of the elders, a7ro" ruiv 7rpEapvrEpcov Kai pa Kat v& ypaj.ipartwv, Kai ap^jpwv
anil p/t he chief priests,
and scribes, and be'*
of the
killed, and after three a.7roKravvr]vai }
elders and chief priests and

Kai fisra rpeig rjpspag avaarrjvai

.\~</ >

days rise again. 32 And to he killed, and after three r'days to rise [again]. And .

e t S
And p^ter Trappt]<rig, rbv \6yov iXdXti. Kai 7rpoaXaj36fivog i*avrbv
openly. 3 6
took him, and began openly the word he spoke. And "having taken Ho [ him] *him

p epxovTai they come lttta. <

e^ijveyKev he brought forth ttta. r
/SAeVeis thou
SdvSpa O.
a. fOr}Ktv ti-a.
m 6iej3Ai/(ei/ he saw distinctly. TTrA.
y fiyjAavyois T. z airatna

a.TTtK.a.Tt(TTa.6r) i ; aireKarea-nj TTrA. evefiXenev LTTrA.

a b c d
all things LTTrAW. rbv QLTTrAW. /u}| not T. HySe K(i|iir) T. [avrois] Tr.
ei7rav spake TA. f
+ a-vry Ae'yoi'Tes to him saying LTTrA. B + on TA.
'HAei'ai' T.

emjptoTa aVTOVS asked them LTTrA. + Kai and L. Sk LTTrA.

k '
6ti eis LTTrA.
tittUXnv L. V7TO by LTTrA W. P + TWJ' Of th.e QLTTrAW. *ia 6
to rebuke
iiriGTpaQEig xai
turning and
n ?
and looked"

m -

;, '; "f

iWi' T0vg.fia9r)Tag.avT0V, r 11 s Ies '

ho re -
E7TETifii]GEv T<p Yl'tTptp, \tywj/," v^w^ p?
seeing his disciples, rebuked Peter, saying, thee behind mfj

"Y.7raye ottigu) {iov, aarava' on ret

Satan: for thou sa-
Get behind me, Satan, for thy thoughts are not of the things
that^oe of ^od^but
tov Qf-ov, uXXd ret tOjv avBpwiruJV.
the- things that be of
of God, but the things of men. men -

34 Kai irpoGKaXEadfiEvog rbv b^Xov ovv rolg f.ia9i^Talc

And having called to [him] the crowd with 2
disciples ?* ^ nd
called the people umo
vhen ne had

.u n-\ >\ n

ai'TOV E17TEV aVTOig,


OoTig" 9eXel OTTIGOJ fXOV "tXvElV, Cnrap-

> >
Mm with his disciples

V1]GUg9uJ taVTOV,
he said to them,

, ,,,
desires after

to come, let

also, he said on 10 them,
Whosoever will come
after me, let him deny
him deny himself, anu let him take up his cross, and himself, and take up
n -. ,
n- >< w" h a'\ <
> , ~ his cross, and follow
aKOAoUV(tTU) UOl. Oi) OC.yap.UV
1 '

Vt\y TtiV.^V^tjV.aVTOV me. 35 For whosoever

let him follow me. For whoever may desire his life will save his life shall
_~ \ ft >
t * \ '
" j -ii
lose it but whosoever ' ' ;

Owocu, cnroAtaei aurijv og.o .av ^cnroXtay Ti)vJtyvxW-avTOV shall lose his Ufe for
to savp, shall lose it, but whoever may lose his life my sake and the gos-
~ ~ >
z > ' pel's, the same shall >
-r ii
' >

EVEKEV EfiOV Kai TOV EUUyyEXlOV, OVTog GIDOEl aVTK]V. saTe it. 36 For what
on account of mo and of the glad tidings, he shall save it. shall it profit a man,

30 ri.yup a uxpe\t]<ji n b dv9pw7rov c tdv Kepdfay" tov k6g/j.ov W hoie worid,Tnd lose
For what shall it profit a man if he gain the. "world his own soul? 37 Or
"\ v n A 01 ee3> ti what shall a man give
okov Kai n fuw9y


Tt)v.ipvx>}V-avTOv; 37 r)
^. '._...
dwaei -,i


3 exehallge ^/^
'whole and lose his soul ? or shall give soul ? 38 Whosoever

'a 'man [as]
dvTdAAayfxu Tng.^v X ngav T ov'; 38 'de.ydpMv"
an exchange for his soul? For whoever
mv words in
ana of
this a-
"s sU
may have been a-hamed of
Kai tovc t/iovg
me and my
\6yovg tv Ty.yEVEct.TavTy
word3 in this generation
g^ ra t n f\ $ t
a j so gha.1] the Son of

TIJ /.lutxaXiSl KUi duapTtxiXy, Kai 6 Vlvg TOV dv9pCJTT0V tiraia- man be ashamed, when
the adulterous and sinful, also the Son of man will be
of his Father with the
IX And
\v cijaeTaiauTovora)' tXfty tv ti) Sotiy TOv.irciTpog.avTov holy angels.
ashamodof him when he shall come in the glory of his Father
Verily'i saTunto you
uetu rwv dyyiXujv tuiv dyiiov.' 9 Km tXeytv aurotg, 'Aurjv.
1 there be ome f K^
tb "1 her e >
with the angels
, ,
holy. And he said
to them,
^fP. shall not? taste
Verily which , f ^f ,

Xkyto VfUV, OTl Staiv TlVtg %TU1V aide" t<T7-//fCOroJV, OlTlVEg of death, till they have
1 say to you, That there are some of those here who ?? ? the
e of

, 1 / n " *
' - God come kingdom
with power.'
ov./j.)) yevcrwvTai 9uvutov nug.av tCioviv ti)v paaiXeiav tov
In no wise shall taste of death until they see the kingdom
9sou (Xr]Xv9viav tv Svvdfiei.
of God having come in power.
2 Kai /ife9'" i/jxipag 'iS,
irapaXaufidvEi 6 'lrjaovg tov
And after 'six G 3
Jesus 2 And after six days
-days 'with ''takes
[ him] ,
tt- > . , H T > o ,T, / v , ,
Jesus taketh with him

lltTpOV KCll 'TOV" iUKUipov KUI *TOV H IlOUl'VlJV, Kai avatytptl Peter, and James, and
Peter and James and John, and brings up John, and leadeth
, , h ; > \ >*>/ / ( them up into an hig'
avTOvg eig opog t v\pi]Aov kiit .iciav fiovovg' Kai jufre/iop- mountain apart b>
them into a '^mountain 'high apart alone. And he was trans'- themselves and he :

' n >
a 7 , ". \ < > < - ll
> ' was transfigured be-
floVll tHirpOOVEV aVTlOV, O KUI Ta.ljiaT(a.aVTOV fore them. 3 And hi3 tytVETO

figured before them ; and his garments raiment became shin- became
,o \ v <
\ '
m ' ' t -i ~ ing, exceeding white, \ \

GTiApovTa, XtvKa

Xiav "wy x iw oia yvacptvg etti rqg as snow so as no fui-

'. ;

6hiuing, white exceedingly as show, such as a fuller on the ler on earth' can white .

_ ,

Ae'-yei and says TTrA. Tis If any one LTr.
r toJ LTTrA. 8 Kai * Ei
inpAovBe'ti' to
follow GTTiAW. w eav TTrA. *
6nro\e<Tei shall lose TTrA. y eavTOV v Xh 1' GTiW.
ox^eAei does it profit TA.
+ TOV the (man) LTr[A]W. c
d e ti yap Sol avOptunos (read lor what, &c. ) tt> ;
<rai to gain ta. %y\ixux>9i}vai. to lose ta.
Tt ydp [6uicrei affipcoTros] A. c iav
LTXiA. S u)Se Tutv 'ITrA. h LTTrA. *
k 7 q V QLTiA. '
eycVofTO LTrAW. m <os X'-<^*' r3
red uMotem -fie abJivarai* XevKavat. 4 Kai ><pQr) avToig 'HXLag avv
Elias.with Moses: and earth is not able to whiten. And 'appeared
to "them 'Elias "with
they were talking with PMwl," CO! 1)<JCIV ^GvWaXoVVTEQ^ Tlp'lVCOV. 5 Kai ClWOKplMg
3Moses and they were talking with Jesus. And Answering

!*& ^
answered and saM to >


Master, it

one for EivCtC


Ustqoq Xkyu rw 'Inaov,

to Jesus

kci\6i> i<jTiv

LliaV, KCti PJIw-

iiudc wde
^ns here

thee, and one f or Mo- to be and let us make "tabernacles 'three, for thee one,' and for Mo-
ses, and one for E has.

, ,
6 For he wist not what ffsi" fiiav, KCti
HAia" jiiav. 6 ou.yap.yda n "XaXi]ay'

to say for they were


s es one) am j for E lias one. For he knew not what he should say.
sore afraid. 7 And , , , ,

there was a cloud that ))<7CtV.yap


K(pOpOl. 7 Kai iyf J/rO V(psXT] tTnGKiaL,OVOa

overshadowed them: for they were greatly afraid. And there came a cloud overshadowing
and a voice came out , , TN _ ..
, , ,\ ,

of the cloud, saying, avTOig' Kat *7)\vev" (piovr) tK T)]Q ve(p(Xr)g, yAsyouo-a," Ovrog
This is my beloved them and there came a voice out of the
; cloud, saying, This
Son hear him. 8 And
: , < , , , , -
z , ~ / , , v , , . .,

suddenly, when they KTTIV O.Vlog.pOV O ayaTTlJTOg' aVTOV CIKOVETE " 8 Kai l^ClTTlVa
had looked round a- is my Son the beloved him 'hear ''ye. And suddenly :

bout, they saw no man o\ I ' > ' > ?' t? a "v \ > n * x .

any more, save Jesus TTEpipAtyapevoi OVK&Tl.OVOSVa SlOOV, aAAa" TOV ll)<JOVV
only with themselves, having looked around no longer any one they saw, but Jesus
9 And as they came > n' ~ n btr O' '
S"ll >
c ' 'II >

down from the moun- V-ovov p.w ictvTiov. 9 "ILaTapaivovTCJv.os avrwv a.7T0 TOV

tain, he charged them alone with themselves. And as -were "descending 'they from the
n o mln Vh^things ^pOVg SutTTSiXaTO CL&TOIQ 'ivd fltjS^i d tl- ^y^WVTai
they had seen, till the
mountain he charged them that to no one they should relate what they
C r
^ 0V '" ""/^ Vl G T0V -VdpWTTOV tK VLKpwV TCtV
frTmth^dead. ?0 ind
na(l scen exce Pt when the Son of man from among [the] dead
they kept that saying
with themselves ques- 10 Kai TOV " taVTvVC. e
tiomng one with an- ."e rlseu
' , . .,
XoyOV EKOClTriffdv
i 7TO0C
r s> t GvZn~
~> i
Anii that saying they kept among themselves, ques-
other what the rising

from the dead should t(TTll> TO tOVVTQ


H VKpU>V dvaCfTrjvai.
Sked tioning what is the 2from "
am ir ["the] 'dead 'rising.
him, saying

Whf say the scribes Kai tTT)]pi0T0>V avTOV, XkyOVTBC,

"Ort" XtyOVGlV K 01 VOajU-
that Elias
come? m^the an-
12 And
And th * asked hi '

J "' That '3

* Hhe i^^
swered and told them, [xaTUQ OTl "'HAf'aV
^1 tAOEll/ TTpwrOV *,
12 'O.^t 'a7TO(Cpi0ic
Elias verily couieth that Elias must come And he
firBt ? answering
first, and restoreth all _ , .
tXOiOV 7Tpu)TOV, m a7rOKa9l(TTCt
, ,
things and how it is EllTEV
; CtVTOlQ, YlXlClQ f.ltV"
written of the Son of sa i,j to them, Elias indeed having come restores,
man, that he must . x ,
, , , , , , , , ,
suffer many things, TTaVTCl' Kai Tiog yeypCtTTTai iTTl
and be set at nought, all things ;
and how it has been written of the Sou of man
That Elias is indeed IVa TToXXd TTClOy Kai t?OV^VW0y ." 13 dXXa Xsydi
come, and they have that many things he should suffer and be set at nought but I say :

done unto him what- < ~ ,1 1,1 TT \ r u j\ r\ n > > ~ (

soever they listed, as v,^ l Yi 0Tl Kai n\iag" l\r]AVVev, Kai 7TOlt](7aV aVTlf) ova
it is written of him. to you, that also Elias has come, and they did to him whatever
pa n
lie avTOV.
i)9sXi]<7av, Ka9a>g yiypaTTTCti
14 And when he they desired, him. as it has been written of
came to his disciples, ,
ran ,, xn
" \ \ ', .. , Q ,

he saw a great multi- 14 Kai ia

/oer" oxKov ttoKvv

7rpo<; Tovg j.iadi]Tag

tude about them, and Aud having come to the disciples he saw a \-rowd 'great
the scribes questioning , / , , ~ ._ v ~ n t> > > 1 - < , 11
with them. 15 And ttsoi avTovg Kat ypaj.ipaTf.ig *avfyiT0WTag ai>T0ig." 10 Kai

straightway all the around them, aud scribes discussing with them. And
h t wa aVTOV xa fcg0a^/3/?0/;," Kai

Trag 6 ox^oQ
,l 11

h^id him, were greatiy v9k>og '^wi/

amazed, and running immediately all the crowd seeing him were greatly amazed, and
n 4-
ourto? 'HAei'a? T. P Maivirel LTW ; Mbivcrrj TrA.
thus TTrA. 1 <rvv\a\ovvTe<; T.

aTroKpt'Orj he should answer TTrA.

r t T
'Pa/3/3ei ta. rpels o-Knfds LTTrA. 'U\eiq T.
" for they became greatly afraid LTTrA. T. * Aryovrra
eK<j>oPo<. yap lyivovTO eyeVero
a ei b Kai c s<C L
aKOvere avrov LTTrA. /ixtj
L. KaTafiaivovraiV LTTr. ;
d a. etooi' Siijy^o-(oi/rai LTTrA. e
crW^rfTOVi'Te'; LTTrA.
f '0 Tt wherefore LW. e 01 +
h 'HXeiau T. k 'HAei'asT.
Qapiwaloi cai the Pharisees and [i,Jt.
e<f>i] said TTrA.
p.6i> T[Tr].
m a.iroKa.$i<TTdi'<i t LTTrA. na
; (read and how has it been written, &'c.) LT.
00 P a f)6e\ov TTrA. ra elSov
eov8ei>r)8r) ( 5 a) LTrA ;
eov8ei>w9i ^r.
ek66vTes TTr.
they saw TTr. a
owtflrovvras 1 TrA. te
jrp09 ai/rovs with them TTr. va u6vs W^A
fa i66fT69 LTTrA la V LTTrA.
IX. MAR'K. 117
TrpoGTpkyovTtQ .
ri<nrd^ovro avrov. 16 Kal t7rtipu)rncrsv'?Tovc *? h Jm saluted him.
running to [him] saluted him. And tasked the
^ri^ Wnat tultioa
ypanfiaTtig," Tt z avZ,r]TUT
17 Kai b ct7ro- ye with them? 17 And n
7rpbg avrovg;
on e of the multitude
What discuss ye
scribes, with them? And an-
ariswered and said, '

n v \ ~
11 > c
- > '

KpiUEig* EiQ tIC TOV OX^OV EL7TEV, AlOCMTKOAE, IJVEyKa TOV v'lOV Master,! have brought
swering one out of the crowd
" ' ~
> n
Teacher, I brought
which t
\ may dumb
hath ,
y ,f

uov 7rpog ere, t^ovr a ttvevjxa aXakoV. lo Kai OTrov.av avrov spirit; 18 and where-
to a = spirit and wheresoever him soever he taketh him,
'niy thee, having 'dumb; he teareth him: and
. ,n <, p
e , , .1, v , y ,,, , , , ,

KaraKapy pijcrffEi aurov Kai a<ppiC,Ei, tcai rpiC,Ei rovg hefoameth.andgnash-

it seizes it dashes 2
down 'him and he foams, and gnashes etn wit *1 hi s teeth, and

ocovrag. avrov,
f , .,

, ,
mi >crr r> - P inet h awayii~ and I
Selttov" rotg paVr)raig spake to thy disciples

his teeth, that they should cast
and is withering away. And I spoke to'-'disciples

> > ' o '\ > 1 ini O.oe airo- him ont and they
1" n ,?i 1 ;

iKpaXioaiv, Kai ovK.iox V(Tav - could not. 19 He an-

'thy that it they might cast out, and they had not power. But he an- swerethhim, andsaith,
r, h ~-\\ '
in '
' \ ~ O faithless generation, < <.

Kpiueig "avnp AsyEi, L2 ye^ta amarog, tug ttote rrpogvpag bow long shall 1 be
sw.eriug him says, O feneration 'unbelieving! until when with you with you? how long
" " 1 ' 1
y ' ~ j ' > ' shall I suffer you ?
HTOfiaf, SiOg TTOTE ave^O/Xai VfiUJV ; (pEpETE bring him unto me. aVTOV TTpOg JXE.
shall I be? until when shall I bear with you? Bring 20 And they brought him to me.
" \,r. him unto him and
l\(\ ir
Z<J Km y

avrov rrpog avrov'
* > ' .
Kai idiov avrov 'EvUEiog WDen he saw nLm
, \ : , r\t :

And they brought him to him. And seeing him immediately straightway the spirit
rb irvE^a" avrov, Kal irevuv
threw 2 into -"convulsions and haying fallen
errl rtjg iTtltkZit Hi
spirit 'him, upon the wallowed foaming.
yrjg ekvXieto dtppi^v. 21 E-Kr\pu)rr\GEv rbv.Trarspa.avrov, f ath^f How long^it
earth he foiled foaming. And he asked his father, ag s i nce this came
Uoaog xpovog iarlv wg tovto yiyovEv avnp; '0.81 eIitev,
How long a time is it that this has been with him ? And he said, of ttimes it hatlf cast
TIaiSi69ev. 22 ko.1 7roXXaKig
m avrov Kal
Eig 7rvp
e(3oXev Kal
m and
From And i^o t^Jj^
childhood. often him both into fire it cast and ,j es troy him : but if
n rtX\'"
Eig vSara, "iva cnro\k(jij avrov' gi n Svvaaai,
*? u c nst
^ ? an y
into waters, that it might destroy him: but if anything thou art able s^n^on us* andThefp
us 23 Jesus said unto
fior)Qr)Gov yuiv, cnrXayxviaBEig t<f>' nuag. 23 'O.SL'In- -

[to do],
help us, being moved with pity on
us. And Je-
h im
If ho canst
'heve, all things art
, }, ^ ^
To 8vvaaai^ p possible to him that
tjovg eIttev avrip, ei
7ri(TTevo~ai, rravra ftvvara
sus said to him, "If thou art able oelieveth. 24 And
to believe, all things are possible
, i ( , , straightway the father
rip tuotevovti. 24 iKai n EvOnug'

Kpa^ag 6 Trarr/p rov of the child cried out,

to him that believes. And immediately' out the father of the and said with tears,
., , , , , , Lord, I believe; help
TraiClOV COKpviOV'

HiGTEVU), 'Kcpte," /3o1]9ei thou mine unbelief.

"flETa tXeyfV, 25 When Jesus saw
little child with tears said, I believe, Lord, help
- > , - T r.
> > , , , , ,
that the people came
fAOV.-nj.aTTHTTli-t. Zb ICOJV.OE O l))<T0Vg OTl t7TlGVVTpEX H , running together, he
mine unbelief. But 2 seeing 'Jesus that 3 was ''running 'together the foul .

*\ >

/ ~ / ~ n , spirit, saying unto , ., , ,^

XA ETTETlfJL7]GEV Tip TTVEVpaTl Tip aKaVapTQ, AEyoJV him, Thou dumb an aVTIfJ. I

'a'-xrowd, rebuked the spirit the unclean, saying to it, deaf spirit, I charge
mi.w ~ n "v v/-i thee, come out of him,
LO* w
"\ > ' j ' n. i ' -r i '

7rVEVpa TO UAaAOV Kai K.u(pOV, n *tyW x <T0l t7riraO-<JCO, n it,EAVE and enter no more
Spirit dumb and deaf, I thee command, come into him. 26 And the
'a 1 < ' '
'\ n ' ' /> ir ta ' spirit cried, and rent
avrov. 2b Kai 7AKpa- him
> >

tg' avrov, Kai fir]Ktri .

EioEKvyg Eig sore, and came

out of him, and no more mayest thou enter into him. And having out of him and he :

.. II
Kai TToKKa aa
*& y
n _\ \
' '
' '

5~\ n whs us one dead; in-
Kai 6omUch that niany
tried out, and 3 much 'thrown "into 5 convulsions 2
him, it came out and He is dead.
, ; said,
tyh'ETO ojgeI
vEKpog, mote iroWovg XsyEiv on cnriOavEv.
he became as if dead, bo that many said that he was dead.
yavrovs theua gltti-a. *
avv frjTttTe i.TTrA. a aurov? e. b avTiS answered
him ltt A. c elnev LTTrA. d di LTTrA. e avrov {read [him]) T. f avrov
& elwa tti-a. h avrois theua GLTTrAW. '
rb Trvevfia evOvt
(read [his] teeth) [LJTTrA. ,

LTTrA. k '
+ e< Since LTTrA W. m Kal ets nva avrov TA. n aAAa T.
a-vveo'TTdpatjev LT.
Svi/tj LTTrA.
P irio-Teiio-ai TTr[A]. 1 (Cat [l]t[Ti]a. r
eu6i/S TTrA. fJ.era ,

&aKf>vu>v LTTrA.
Kvpie GLTTrAW.
+ 6 the'(crowd) T. *'
aAa\ov Kal Kuxfrbli
x eViTao-o-w croi ?* a7r' from ta GLTTrAW. *
Trviv/xa LTTrA. TTrA. L. Kpdi-as aTrapdas
GLTT. AW. ba avrov G[LjTTrA. .+ TOVS tha LTTrA
118 M A P KO 2. IX.
27 Hut Jesus took him d avrov
27 o.Si.'lfjoovg Kparr]cag Tijg X *l'" Vytiptv ai:r6v,
by the haDd. and lifted But Jesus, him
him up and he arose.
having taken by the, hand, raised ^up 'him,
Kai aviary
and he arose.
28 And when he was 28 Kai e
t!as\96vra.avT6v 11

ei'c oIkov
come into the house, oi.fMaOqrai.aurov
his disciples asked him
And when ho was entered into a house his di-ciples

privately, Why could STTTipbJTbJV O.VTOV KCCT-lCiav^

not we cast him out 1 VP^G
asked him apart, Because [of what] we 'were not
2$ And he said unto
them, This kind can Brjjxev ;SKfiaXziv avro 29 Kai
y'tvog eZtts)' avrolg, Tovro to
come forth by nothing, able to cast out it? And to them, This kind he said
hut by prayer and n
fasting. iv ovSevi dvi'arai i'^eXBsiv ti.fii) iv 7rpocrvxy ^icai v7j<TTia.
by nothing can go out except) by pr<iyjer and fasting.
30 And they depart- 30 ''Kai IkhBev" iZekOovng TrapS7ropEvovTo" Sid rrjg
ed thence, and passed And from thence having gone forth they went through
through Galilee and ;

he would not that any FaXtXaiag' Kai ovK.t)9eXsv "iva rtc. "yj'w 31 iSidatr-
man should know it. Galilee; and he would not that anyone should know [it]; he 3 was "teach-
31 For he taught his
disciples, and said unto
Tcev yap rovg.p,a9i]Tdg.avTOv, Kai iXeyev avroTg, 'On 6 I'ioq
them, The Son of man ing 'for his disciples, and said to them, The Son
is delivered into the
hands of men, and row di'GpojTrov- Trapacioorai eig yppaq dv9ptoTr<uv, Kai
they shall kill him ; of man is delivered into [the] hands of men, and
and after that he is
killed, he shall rise
aiTOKTZVOVGlV avrov Kai aTTOKravvug. m ry rpiry ij/iEpa"
the third day. 32 But they will kill him ;
and having been killed, on the third day
they understood not 32 O' to Kai i<pof5ovvTO
that saying, and were avaGTi](TTai. -qyv'-ovv
afraid to ask him. he will arise. But they understood not the saying, and were afraid
33 And he came to aVTOV STTEpOJTljGai.
3 2
Capernaum: and beiiig him 'to ask.
in the house he asked n
them, What was it 33 Kai 11

"JjXOev eigKa7TEpvaovfi' Kai iv ry oiKia yzvofitvog

that ye disputed a- Ami ie came to Capernaum; and "in 3 the "house 'being
mrrng yourselves by
th. way? 3-1 But they t7rr)pwTa avrovg, Tt iv Ty 63i<j p 7rp6c
iavTOvg" &EXoyieo"0e ;
held their peace : for he asked them, What in the way among yourselves were ye discussing?
by the way they had 34 Ol. ci tGiio7ru)V 7rooc dXXt)Xnvg yap q iv
disputed among them- 2
selves, who should be But they were silent ;
with one "another 'for they had been discussing by
the greatest. 35 And
he sat down, and called Ty" o$<," Tig /.iei^iov. 35 Kai KaBiaag i<pwi't]irev Tovg
the twelve, and saith the . way, who [was] greater. And sitting down he called the
unto them, If any man 9eXu TrpdJTog dvai, iarai
desire to be first, the Su)$Ka, Kai Xiyzi avToUg, Ei Tig
same shall be last of twelve, and he says to them, If anyone desires first 'to ^be, he shall bo
all, and servant of all. TravTwv t(r%aTog Kai ttclvtiov didicovog. 36 Kai
36 And he took a child, 2
and set him in the
of all 3
'last 'all 'servant. and And having taken
midst of them : and iraiSiov avrb kv fisotp.ctVTutV Kai ivayKaXiad^iEvog
when he had taken alittlechildtamjoev
he set in and having taken ''in [-"his] "arms
him in his
it theirmidst;
he said unto them, avTO elrrsv
avrolg, 37 'Og. lav 'iv tu>v s toiovtu)v ircu5i(dvn 1

37 Whosoever shall 'it he said to them, Whoever one of such little children
receive one of such
children in my name, T
Si%t)Tai , 7r
Tip.6v6j.iaTi.ftov, ipi fixerai' Kai oc. idv" iflt
receiveth me : and shall receive in me receives ; and whoever me
whosoever shall re- my name,
ceive me, receiveth not ^-SiZr/Tai," ovk ifii cS^erm, dXXd tov d-xocTEiXavTa
me, but him that sent shall receive, not me receives, but rum who sent me.
me. 38 And John an-
swered him, saying, 38 'ATTKpiQi].Si ai>T(i> y 6 n 'lu>dvvrigXy oi>, AiSdaKaXe, etoo^isv
" u

Master, we >aw one And ^answered 3 hini 'John saying, Teacher, wc saw
casting out devils in
thy name, and he fol- Tiva* Tifj:6v6iiaTi.ffov licfidXXovTa tiaijiovia, Jog ovK.aKoXovBei
loweth not us and some one
: in thy name casting out demons, who follows not

ttjs x el P5 auTOv his hand LTTr.
e f k<xt iSuzv
eio-eKBovTOS avrov LTT-. eTrrjpwToiv avrov
LTTrA. B'O Tl Wherefore LW. h Kai vymeia T[A]. '
KaKelOev LTTrA. k
eiropevofTO llr.
Y^ot LTTrA.
m ju.eTa Tpe?? -^/Liepas after three days LTTrA.
fj\9ov they came LTTrA.
Ka(f>apvaovft. LTTrAW. P
7rpo5 eavrovs LTTrA. 1 [ev T}J bSw] L. r av
* * n
irototwi' tovtov of these little children t. ^ex^Tai should receive TTrA. a.neKpi6r\
T w x
[Se] L ; ifa spoke (to him) TTrA. 6 GLW. Aeyajf T. U ELTTrAW.
1 os ovk aKoKovQci i} a.
IX. M A R K. 119
Kai 7 A
ori uvkmkoXovQu yutv. we forbad him, be-
r)/?i'-" tKO)\v(raij.ev^ avrov, cause hn followeth not
and we forbade hiui, because he follows not us. 39 But Jesus said.
39 O.os.'Ijjcrowg elrcev, Mij.KwXveTS avrov' ovdeig.ydp iariv Forbid him not : for
But Jesus there is no man which
said, Forbid not him ;
for no one . there is
shall do a miracle in
og. 7roir](Tsi Svvafiiv irri
T<^.b%>6fxari.p,ov , Kai cvrijaerat my name, that can
who shall do a work of power in my name, and be able lightly spcat. evil of
me. 40 For he that
40 og.ydp ovkIgtiv b is not
TCi^i) KaKo\oyi"jcrai pe. ko.9' ujuwv," inrtp on our against 41us is
readily to .speak evil of mc ;
for he who is not against you, for part. For
whosoever shall give
vpiuv" iariv. 41 og.yap.dv -kot'igij vpag 7roTi)piov you a cup of water to
you For whoever 3 J
drink 'you drink in my name,
may give to a cup
because ye belong to
e d
vcarog Iv r<ji
-dv6[iaTL fiov f
on xpurrov tart, ChrUt,
api/v \syto unto verily I say
o. waca: in my name,
because 'Christ's l
ye -are, verily I say you, ho 'shall not
e v
lose his reward. -l'JAnd
Vfitv, ov.fxrj dir6Xkay Tbi>.j.aa9bv.avrov. 42 Kai og.dv whosoever slinli offend
to you, in no wi-e should he lo e his reward. And whoever one of these little ones
that believe in me, it
(TKavSaXicry 'iva rwv fimpCJv
& rwv ^-TTLcrevuvrwv elg is better for him that
m y c.m.-e 'to "o.f^nd 'one
of 3
the 4
little "'ones who believe in a millstone were hang-
ed about his neck, and
kci\6v eariv avrtt) /idXXov el 7reptKSirai Xi9og./.ivXtKbg
he were cast into the
rue, good it is for him rather if is put a millstone sea. 43 And- if thy
hand offend thee, cut
rbv.TpdxrXoi'-auTOV, Kai (3kj3\t)-ai tig ri/v QdXaacav. it off it is better for

"' "it his neck, and he has been cast into the sea. thee to entei into life
4li Kai edv k n
maimed, than having
GKai>SaXi%y )i-xeip.<Jov,d7r6KO\povavri]v' two hands to go into
And if ^should cause 6 to 'offend 5 thee 'thy -band, J
cutoff it: hell, into the fire that
toril/U KvXXbv' m Eig T))v Zco))v el(Te\9e'tV,
KaXoV (TOl
l never shall be quench- ][

ed 44 where their :

good for thee it is maimed into life to enter, [rather] worm dieth not, and
the fire is not quench-
rdg St'o x f <P a tX 0VTCL direXQeiv elg rnv ykevvav, elg to ed. 45 And if
f oof-
than the two hands to go into the into the thy
having away Gehenna, offend thee, cut it off :

Ttrp to dfrfiearov, 44 "oVou it is hotter for thee to

b-OKibXi].avrix)v ov.reXevrql, Kai enter halt into
fire the unquenchable, where their worm dies not, and than life,
having two feet
n to be cast into hell,
ro 7rfv> oi').<rl3&vi'vrai. 45 Kai tdv b.irovg.aov GKavdaXiZy into the fire that naver
the the is not quenched. And if thy foot should cause s to J offend
shall be quenched :

ere, d 6kv\1>ov avrov KaXoy v icmv ctoi" eiaeX9eiv elg tijv 46 where their worm
cut olE for thee toeutor dieth not, and the
lhi-e, it: good it is into
fire is not quenched.
%o)i)v xu)X6v} r) Tovg Svo irbcag txovra fiXi]Qi)vai eig 47 And if thine eye
lite than the two feet to be cast offend thee, pluck it
lame, [rather] having
out : it is better for
Ti/v ykevvav, leig to 7rf>p
ro aer/iserrov," 4G 07rov 6 cf/otoA?/ thee to enter into the
the Gehenna, into the fire the unquenchable, where -worm kingdom of God with
one eye. than having
ov.reXevrq., Kai to vup ou.afi'cVVVTai.^ 47 Kai tdv 6 two eyes to be cast
'their dies not, and the fire is col quenched. And if into hell fire 48 where

their worm dieth not,

b<p9aXp6g_aov aKavSa\iy oe, tKfiaXe avrov' koXov and the fire is not
thine eye should cause "to "offend 'thee, cast out it: good quenched. 49 For every
s one shall be sa ted with I

eariv" fiovocpOaXfiov elaeXOelv elg (3a<riXeiav rov

<xoi n)v and every sacrifice
for thee it is with one eye to enter into the kingdom shall be salted with
salt. 50 Salt is good :
Oeov, rj cvo 6(p9aXfj.ovg txovra fiXtjOnvai elg n)v y'eev-
of God, [rather] than two eyes having to be- cast into the Gehen-
vav tov 1
48 orxov b.aKibXtj^.avrwv ov.TC-Xevrql., Kai to
na of fire, where their worm dies not, and the
ir?p ov.afttvvvrai. 49 Udg.ydp Trvpi dXiaOijaerai, Kai
fire is not quenched. For everyone with fire shall be salted, and
v u
irdaa Qvaia dXi d\n79i)(jerai.
50 KaXbv to uXag,
evvry sacrifice with salt shall be salted. Good [is] the , salt,
a on ov/c i)KoAov8ei ri/JLiv because he wvi9
eKiuXvofxeu TTrA. [on ovkk a. y.Ko\ovdei rifJi.Lv] Tr ;

LlOt f 'llowillg US T. USS EXTrAW

rj/itov E' TO) GLTTrAW. ixov (read [my]) GLTrA.
Sti that [i.JTTrA. f a7roAe'cret shall he lose LTr. s + tovtojv (read of these little ones)
h 7ri'o-7iv
LTTrJA). k\6vT(uv have faith a eis ejue T. 'jauAo? ovlko^, millstone turned by

an ass lttya. \'Sa\ierr) T. iariv ere LTTrA. 1 m eicreA#etv eis rr)v ^tor/v LTTrAW.
< verse 44 t[ty]. + [yap] for L. p eo-riV <re LTTrAW. i eis to niip to ao-fiecrrov
verse 46 T[TrJ. ere eo-Tie TTrA. l
rov 7rvpos LTTrA. u (col
ffacra Ovqla aAi aAtorOrjaeTai T[Ti], v aAa Z
120 MAPR02. IX, X.

l^tWssaltVsttheTe! *fr&
W " Xa
e" avaXon ykvqrai, h t'lvi ahrb apriffsre;
with will ye season it ?
but if the salt saltless is become, with what it will ye season ?

K?ra and hive

one with another
peace ^ TS iV kaVro ~^ X "Xag," Kai
Have in yourselves salt, and
be at peace
Iv d\\l)\oig.
with one another.
y KdiceTcej>"
X. And he 'arose 10 avaorag tpx^rai nigra opia rijg'Iovdaiag,
from thence and com- Andth'ence rising up he tomes into the borders of Judtea,
eth into the coasts of
Judaea by the farther
((j, r0
J|| ir'
mav ,
T0 y 'lopOOLVOV
. .. f
f >
side of Jordan : and y *e otner sl(*e * tne Jordan. And come together again
the people resort unto Krt fU>)dl TTClKlV V*lda<JKl
o\\oi TTpOQ aVTOV, OJQ
was wont

he taught
crowc ' s t0 him, and as he had been accustomed again ho taught
ihemagain. 2 And the aVTOVC. 2 Kai TTQOOiXQoVTtQ b c
Pharisees came to him.
and asked Mm, Is it
lawful for a man to avrbv
put away Aw wife? him

, ^
it is
. n_. i


coming to
yvvaiKa aTToXvacii, 7Ct.ipa'C0VTQ
lawful for a husband a wife to put away,
. Ol" <>apl<JCUOl
[him] the

i> i

tempting him. 3 And ,, < , > ,
- , , x J .

he ansvvered and said ,av~ov. 3 a7roKoi8eig elirev aVTOlQ, Tl VfUl VTlXarO
unto them, What did him. But he said to them, What "you 'did 3
Moses command yon ? . ..
. ,
, ,
. _ , ,
c e
4 And tliey said, Moses M(t)(Tt]Q 4 Ql-06 ti7TOV,'' 'Mwffl/J fjipXlOV OTTO-
j" 7T6rpt//I>
suffered to write a bill =Moses And Moses. allowed a bill of di-
? they said,
of divorcement, and to , , .
, , , ,
_ ,., ,

put Aer away. 5 And aratriov ypaxyai, kcii airoAvnai. 5 sKcu cnroicptveig o" Ifjcoug
Jesus answered and vorce
said unto them, For the
hardness of your heart
to write, and to put away.
, .
17TV aVTOlQ, UpOQ T))l'.(JK\')]pOKapdiaV-V[J.WV typaytV VfllV
he ,wrote you this pre- said to them, In view of
,,__,~ e
answering Jesus
your hardheartedness he.wrote .for you
cept. 6 But from the , / t /-. , > * ~-. / t , .

beginning of the ere- Trjl>.iVTO\l]V.TaVTl]V O CipX'lQ KTHJSUiQ apGEV Kttl

ation God made them this commandment but from [the] beginning of creation male and ;

male and female. 7 For n~\ ''

h n ' h n "
this cause shall a man "^]Xv
> >

7T011](TV aVTOVQ
VEOQ." 7
' '

TOVTOV KaraAfipl\ l
leave his father and female, 2 made them 'God. On account of this shall 3 leaye
mother, and cleave to " n * ' ~ , t
\ *

his wife; 8 and they aVVpOJTTOQ TOV.7TaTpa.aVTOV tCai TTjV jXl]Tpa, KOl 7rp0<TK0A-
twain shall be one 'a -man his father and mother, and shall be

flesh. 9 What
7rp6 C
TVV.yvvcuKaKairov, 8 Kai 3iaovrai
his wife, and shall "be
'the 'two

jofnld^togetlfer ^tet
? <Ta P Ka fUav' WOT6 OVKTl ia\v CVO, a\\a flla <TCZp%. 9
not man put asunder. Bfor
Aesh 6
one so that no longer are they two, ;
but one flesh. What
10 And in the house
fi v fr Q EO

g (jVVZ&V&V, (ivBoiOTTOQ
a'P f
^ rw ' ^ ^ai
again of thesanS therefore God united together, Het 'not separate. in

TToXlV ol-U.aQl]Tai. m aVTOV n

matter. And he T7j n n

5 {K a
7Tpl 7T7J~
soever' sHaU put
the ho1 ^ a ain His disciples
concerning the same thing
his wife, and marry n
11 Kai \syei avTCHQ, "Ogfzav" ctTToKvay
po) T }](rav aiiTOv.
another, committeth kd hi And he says to them, Whoever should put away
adultery against her. w
12 And if a woman
shall put away her
husband, and be mar-
llig ^
12 Kai av
i<tvrov Kai

% , %
yafu)<ry .a\\r]v,
( \
u marry* another, commits
s i 10U
* against
r ,
ried to another, she
avrrjv. lyvvt) aTToXvcT)/ rov.avcpa.avri)Q Kai
committeth adultery. her- And if a woman should put away her husband and
13 And they brought
yaiXl]9y aXXw," [.lOlX^rai.
young children to him, ^e married to
another, she commits adultery,
that he should touch ,.,-, , *' ' '
I > ~
them: and to disci- 13 Kai TTpoGityzoov avrio TTaidia, iva
pies rebuked those that they brought And to him little children, that he might touch, them,
brought them. 14 But ,^, n ,, , i^ >s>< s>< ~ / .

jwhen Jesus saw it, he roig rrpovcptpovcjiv. 14 p.a8}]rai tireri/xcov
|was much But the who brought them. But having seen [it] rebuked those
,aud said unto them,
., T / >7 _ ~_ < ~,
j.- . , . , .

Suffer the little child' o h]oovQ qyavaKr>}<J v, Kai etTTfv avroig, Atptre ra Traicia
ren to come unto me, Jesus was indignant, and said to them, Suffer the little children

w aXa T. x aAa LTTrA. y xal eKeiOev LTTrAW. % ko\ and LTTrA. a

o-vi'Tropevoi-Tai ta.
d e elirav
7rnpaJTa)l/ were asking LTTrA.
b QLTrAW. c Mcoucr^s LTTrAW.
l LTTrA,
8 6 oe but TTrA. h 6 6e6s (read he
eneTpe\pev MtovoSjs LTTrA Mwvcrrj? 67reV. w.
made them) [L]TTnA]. {
Kai irpoaKoKXriOrja-erai T. rfj yvvaiKi L npbs ttji* ;

ei? rr)v oiiciav LTTrA.

' m o-vtov (read, the disciples) [l]tti-[a]. n tovtcv
ywaiKo. T.
this LTTrA. emjpoiTtoi' were askinp; ta. p av LTTrA. i
avrij a7roAuo-ao-a she i>utting
away TTrA. r <ai TTrA. ya/mjo-Tj
akkov should marry another LTTrA.
X. M A R K. 121
OQ )U, 'mi
and *rTjia the m not:
/nrj.KLoXviTS aura.- rwv.yao.Toiovr.uv for ot such is th
to me, aud do not hinder the kin^--
them; tor of such
dom of God. lo6 Verily
itJTIV (iaaiXtia too 9tov' 15 a/j.i)v V/.UV, og.tav I say unto you, Who-
is the kingdom of God. soever shall not receive
Verily I say to you, Whoever the kingdom of God as
)U/}.<%//rai ri)V (3a<n\eiav TOV 9t0 (jjq TraiSiov,
a little child, he shall
shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, in no wise not enter therein.
16 And he took them
eicfikO-g tig avri]v. 16 Kai tvayKaXiadfitvog aura, up in his arms, put
shall ennr into it. And having taken ''in ['his] "'armg 'them,
his hands upon them,
x u
and blessed them.
riOiig Tag %tlpag t7r' avrd i]bX6yti avrd.
having laid [his] hands on them he blessed them.
17 Kai iKTropsvo/AtvovMUTov tig bouv, irpoaSpaj.iujv tig Kai
And as he went forth into [the] way, -running 'up 'one and
yovvTctT^aag avrbv t7n]pu>Ta clvtov, AiddaicaXe dyaO't, ri
kneeling down to him a ked "Teacher
1 7 And when
he "was
him, 'good, what
gone forth iuto the)
7T0lt](T(j) U>a Z,lor)V aiOJVWV Rkt]pOVOfX^aU); 18 OJL'll](J0Vg way, there came one>
shall X do that life eternal may inherit ? But Je^ .is
running, and kneeled
to him, and asked him.
tlrrtv avT(p, Tj Xsytig dya9bv; ovStig Good Master, what
fit ctyaObg
shall I do that I may
said to him, Why me callest thou good ? No one [is] good except inherit eternal life ?
fig, 6 Q(6g. 19 rag tVToXdg olSag, ^Mrj.noixtvGyg- 18 And Jesus said unto
one, God. The commandments thou knowest Thou shouldest not commit : him, Why callest thoti
me good ? there is none
fiij.cpovevatjg'^ fitjlKXk-ipyc' good but one, that is,
adultery ;
thou shouldest not commit murder ;
thou shouldest not steal ; thou God. 19 Thou knowest
the commandments,
fjrf.-il/svCofiaprvpyoijg' fir).aTroGTtpi]Gyg' ri/.ia tov Do not commit adul-
shouldest not bear false witness ; thou shouldest not defraud ;
honour tery, Do not kill, Do
a not steal, Do not bear
7raTtpa.Gov icai rr,v /xr]Ttpa 20 'O.S't dTroKP i9eig^ hlTrtv" false witness. Defraud
t.hj father and mother. And he answering said not Honour thy father

c d n and mother. 20 And he

ovtoj, AiSdatcaXe, Tavra 7rdvra n
t<pvXa%dfxi]v tic veortjrog answered and said
to him, Teacher, "these 'all have I kept from "youth unto him, Master, all
these have I observ-
fiov. 21 'O.St.'IrjGovg i/uj3Xt4/ag avTifi y)ya7n]Gtv abrov, Kai ed from my youth.
'my. And Jesus looking upon him loved him, and 21 Then Jesus behold-

tlTrtv avT(p, "Ev e

crcu" ona ing him loved him,
vGTtptl' VTcayt, t%ttg ttwXi]- and said unto him,
said to him, One thing to thee is lacking :
go, asmuchas thou hast sell One thing thou lack-
go thy way, est sell
gov Kai Sbg
7rr:ti^oi^, Kai %ig 9t]Gavpbv iv whatsoever thou hast,

and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in and
give to the poor,
ovpavijj' Kai Stopo, aKo\ov9ti fj,oi, %dpag GTavpov." tov 22 '0.c>6 and thou shalt have treasure in heaven :

heaven; and come, follow me, taking up the cross. But he, and come, take up the
irri cross, and follow me.
OTvyvdaag to) \oy<^ d7rf]X9tv Xv7rovutvog ili'.yap.txojv 22 And he was sad at
being sad at the word, went away grieved, for he had that and went saying,
Wfi y ri " ed for he
Krfifiara TroXXd. 23 Kai
TrtpifiXt-fydjitvog 6 'IrjGovg Xsyti rolg ?

a possessions.
"possessions 'many. looking around Jesus says And % And
23 A ,? rJ
Jesus looked
round about, and saith
(xa9i)raHg.auTOV, UuJg SvGicoXwg oi rd ^pr'/juara tX 0VTi Q 'C unto his
to his disciples, How "riches disciples, How
difficultly those 'having into
hardly shall they that
Tt)v fiaoiXfiav tov Gtov eIoeXeuoovtch. 24 Oiot fxa9\]Tai t9a/x- have riches enter into
the kingdom of God shall enter And the disciples were as- the kingdom of God 1 !

24 And the disciples

(SovVTQ iiri
Tolg.XoyOig.aVTOV. 'O.St.'llJGOVg TTttXlV dirOKpiOeig were astonished at hia
words But Jesus an-
tonished at his words. And Jesus again answering
, ,
, , , %
swereth again, and
Xtyti avTOig, "Tsrcra,

7rojt,' cvgkoXov igtiv rovg TrtTroiVorag saith unto them, Child

says to them, Children, how difficult it is [for] those who trust ren, how hard is it for
them that trust in
7Tl 7oi' xprjfjaoiv" elg tov Oeov tiatXQtiv. riches to enter into
ti)v l3a(7iXdav
in riches into the kingdom of God to enter the kingdom of God ! I

25 It is easier for a
25 evK07ru)Ttp6v Igtiv Ka(ir\\ov cut V/)f" Tpv/.iaXidg 'r/yg" camel to go through
Easier [for] a camel through the eye of the the eye of a needle,
w +
KaTtvAoyei be blesses [them] TTrA.
T ai/LTTiA. *
KaioTTrAW evAoyei
aiiTa. be blesses tbem LW - TjvAoyet avrd TTrA. > Mr)
;^oveticrri?, jur) ixoi-^ev arj? L.
b l'
thy (mother) LT.
o-ov a av. j/Cfjifiets T. e$7j TTiA. ndi'Ta ravra L.
d <=ivAaa ere thee ta.
- f
rols LTrAW. B apas tov aravpov fL]TTr. reici'la. I..

tous Trerroifloras t7ri. tois xprjf/.acn.i' T. TOIS LTiAW. 1 _ rijs (read an ej of a
QCedlC) LTiW.
122 MAPKOS. X.
than for a rich man m d<TsX9dv, n
to enter into the king- pa^>iS()Q ij dg rr)v )3acriXdavTov9eov
dom of God. 26 And
" needle to pass, than [for] a rich man into the kingdom of God
they were astonished elvsXOdv. 26 Ol.ce
out of measure, saying \'t7rXii<JG0VT0,
7repi<j<ju>g Xkyovng irpog
to enter. And among
they exceedingly
saying were astonished,
among themselves,
Whothen can be saved? m
savrovg, Kii rig cvputui (TOjOijvai; 27 'EfifSXt%Lag. Si avrolg

27 And Jesus looking

And who is able to be saved? But looking on, .* them
upon them saith, With themselves,
men it is impossible, 6 'lijdovg
but not with God: for Xsyei, Uapa dvOpuJTroig dSvvarov, aXX' oh Trapa
with God all things
Jesus says, With men [it is] impossible, but not with
are possible. 28 Then p
Peter began to say
np" Qtqi' irdvTa.yao Sward 2
it<TTiv n Trapa rtp 0s<p. r28 r Kai"
God for all things possible
; 'are with God. And
unto him, Lo, we have
s A
left all, and have fol-
tjp^aTO 6 Tikrpog Xkyiiv avTtfi, 'iSov, t'ifieig d^KajxEV Trdi'ra,
lowed thee. 29 And "began 'Peter to say to him, we left
Lo, all,
Jesus answered and
said, Verily I say unto mi t
trot. 29 Y
'A7roKpi9dg.S'e 6'hjtrovg eIttejV

you, There is no man and followed thee. But answering Jesus said,
that hath left house,
or brethren, or sisters, Aprjv \gyw Vfiiv, ovedg ttrriv dg d.<pi]Kev oitciav, r) dStXtpovg,
or father, or mother, Verily I say to you, No one there is who has left house, or brothers,
or wife, or children,
or lands, for my sake,
7] dSa\<pdg, ; rrarkpa, ?) /ijjrepa," *rj yvvalKa," f] Titcva, jj
and the gospel's, 30 but or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or
he shall receive an
euayyeXiov, 30 t&v.iu).'\aj3y
J rov
hundredfold now in dypovg, 'ii'gicsv. l/xov Kai
this time, houses, and lands, for the sake of me and of the glad tidings, that BhaU not receive
brethren, and sisters,
and mothers, and tKarovTaTrXatriova vvv iv T^.Kaip<p.rovrtp, oiKiag ica'i dStX-
children, and lands, a hundredfold now in this time houses and bro- :

withpersecutions; and z
in the world to come (povg Kal dStXtpag Kai p,i]Ttpag' teal rkxva Kai dypovg, fierd

eternal life. 31 But thers and sisters and mothers and children aud lauds, with
many that are first
shall be last ;
and the SiujyiAuiv, Kai tv T<p auovi ro^Jp^n/.tsi'tp tot)v alwviov. 31 ttoX-
last first. persecutions, and in the age that is coming life eternal. "Many
Xoi Se tapvrat TrptoTot tcyaroi, Kai oV' .to^aroi 7rpwroi. 1

'but 'Shall 'be 'first last, and the last first.

32 And they were in 32 tv ry 6frp dvapaipovreg fig 'lepoaoXv/xa' Kai

the way going up to And they were
in the way to and
going Up Jerusalem,
Jerusalem and Jesus

went before them: and' ijv 7rpo/iy(i)V aiirovg 6 'Irjtrovg, Kai t9apj3ovvro. ^Kai [t

they were amazed and ;

was 3 going ''on "before c them 'Jesus, and they were astonished, and
as they followed, they
were afraid. And he dKoXov9ovvreg l<pof3ovvTO. Kai Trapa\aj3wv ttoXlv rovg
took again the twelve, following were afraid. And having taken to [him] again the
and began to tell them
what things should Siodsica, i]p%aTO avrdig X'tyuv rd ^.tXXoi'ra avrtfi
happen unto him, twelve, he began them to tell the things which were about 3
33 saying, Behold, we
go up. to Jerusalem ; cvfifia'tveiv 33 "On, ISov. dvajiaivofiEv dg 'ItpocroXvfia, Kai
and the Son of man 'to -'happen :
Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and
shall be delivered unto
the chief priests, and 6 v'tbg tov dv9p(t)7rov 7rapafio9>)<TTai ro~ig apxisptvaiv Kai
unto the scribes ; and the Son of man will be delivered
up to the chief priests and
they shall condemn c
Kai KaraKpivovaiv avrov Bai'dry,
him to death, and shall rt>?g" ypafipardxnp, Kai
deliver him to the to the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and
Gentiles : 34 and they
shall mock him, and 7rapadu)(Tovcnv avrov roig Wvegiv, 34 Kai ifnratfiovmv avrtp,
BhaU scourge him, and will deliver up him to the Gentiles. And they will mock him,
shall spit upon him, d
/cat /.latTTiyttHTODOiv avrov, Kai i/nrrvaovaiv awry," Kai drro-
and shall kill him :

and the third day he and will scourge him, and will spit upon him, and will
shall rise again. e f
KTEVovtxiv avrov ]i

Kai. ry rpiry jj/ispa"

kill him ;
and on the third day he will rise again.
33 And James and
John, the sons of Ze- 35 Kai TrpotJTroptvovrat avrtp 'ldK;u{3og Kai 'Iwdvviig &oi"
bedee, come unto him, And come up to him James and John, the

SieXOelv EGLTTrAW. n Se but TTrA. [touto] this [is] L. + P t<3 TTrAW.
r /cal GLTTiAW. s
Aeyeii^ 6 ITsVpos ta.
q eartv {read [;tre]) TTr. r)Ko\ov8r]KafJiev
have followed LTT. aw. v
a.7ro(cpi^eis {omit but) 6 'Irjcrovs elniv GLT. w ; i<f>rj 6 'Irjo-oiis
Jesus said ( clttok. &e) TA.
w LTTrA. *
.17 /xjjre'pa, 17 Trarepa r) yuvaina. LTTrA.
y + eVe/cei/ for the sake G[L]XTrAW. /xrjre'pa mother LTr.
oi glw. *>
oi fie
c a (cat
and these TTr. rot? L. e/ajTTVcroucri.i' avrw, /cat ^.acrTtywcroticrtv avrov LTT A.
/xera rpets ^/xe'pas after three
e avroi' (read [him]) [L]T[ fr]. days LTTrA. g oi a.
MAEK. 123
v'toi ZtfieSaiov,- Xyo?'rf ,
AiSchtk \e, BkXopev "iva o.fav ?aying, Master, we
would that thou
sons of Zcbcdee, saying-, Teacher, we de re that whatever
shouldest do for us
SG'OJt dirtva
9sXete whatsoever we shall >, Ti
niVi}(Tw/if;' 7rnn']iT7jg rjiilv.
desire. 36 And ho said
we may ask thou wouidest do for us. And
tothem, What do ye desire untohe said
thara, What
k x
Trou](Tai /<?" vfiiv\ 37 01. Sk tlirov avr<i>, Abg t'jiuv, 'iva tig ye that I should
''to do 'rue for you? And they said to him, Give to us, that one do for you? 37 They

tK M
at tliy right hand and one
at thy left hand
we may sit
said unto him, Grant
tZ 'EViOVVf.lli>V'- O~0l ,1! KadiaiojiEv. iv unto us that we may
in sit. one on thy right
hand, and the other on
Ty.So&j.aov. 38 'O.Sk.'lr]<rovg eIttev avrolg, Oux.o'iSare ri thy left hand, in thy
thy glory. But Jesus said to them, Yo know not what glory. 38 But Jesua
said unto them, Ye
ai-EiaOe. SvvcktOe ttieIv to 7roTr)pioV o iyh Trivia, i/jai" to know not what ye
ye ask. Ai e yc able to drink the
cup which I drink, and 6 the ask can ye drink of :

the cup that I drink

j3a7TTi<Tixa o tyu) a/3a7rrio^iat, jScnrTiaQTivai ; of ? and be baptized
"baptism 'which "I am '"bapto^d ["with], Ho -be 3 baptizQd ["with] ? with the baptism that
I am baptized with?
'39 O'iae et7roi' v avrtfi, Avvc'iiiEBa. 'O.Sk.'lijaovg eIttev avrolg, 39 And they said unto
And they said to him, We are able. But Jesus said tothem, him, Wo can. And Je-
sus said tmto them,
To s /ih> n TTorrjpiov o lyu) 7nVw, ttiegQe' Kai to (3a7rTiOLia Ye shall indeed drink
The "indeed 'cup which I drink, ye shall drink and the baptism of the cup that I drink ;

of and with the bap-

o lyJj pcnrTiZoiiai, (3airTiG9)]qEtj9e' 40 rb.Sl.Ka9L- tism that I am ;

which I am baptized [with], ye shall be baptized [with] but to sit tized withal shall
yo ;

aai iic SeEuov.uov ^Kai 1% evcijvvliuj'vSliov^ ovK.tcmv iiibv be

u baptized 40 but to
sit on my right hand

at tny ri;.:ht hand and at- my left Wind is not mine and on my left hand
Sovvai, dXX' otg ifToiiiaortii. 41 Kai a.K0vaav- is not mine to give ;
but it shall be given to
to give, but [to those] for whom it has been prepared. And having them for whom it is
SfKa I'lplavro prepared. 41 And when
TEg oi ayavaKTEiv
the ten heard it, they
tteoi 'laKwfiov Kai
heard [this] the ten began to be indignant about James and
began to be much dis-
v James
'liotivvov 42 6.o*.'lj(roi;f TrpocnzakEoajxtvog
2 3
avrovq^ \kyEi and John.with
42 But Jesus
John. But Jesus having called to [ him] 'them says called them to him,
and saith unto them, Wvwv

avrolg, OlSars b]ri ol SoKovvrEg dp\Eiv ruiv

to them, Ye know that those who are accounted to rule over the nations Ye know that they
which are accounted
KaraKvpiEvovGiv avruiv Kai oi.LieyAXoi.avruJv 'KarElovaid^ov- tiles to rule over the Gen-
exsreiso lordship over them and their great one." exercise authority exercise lordship
over them; and their
mv ai'rwv. 43 oi>x o'vriog Sk w t<rrai" lv viCiv' a\X' great ones exercise
over tli not thus however shall it be among you ; but authority upon them.
43 But so shall it not
og.^kdv 9k\ v JyEvkoBai Lisyag tv vp.iv, tarai ciaKovog be among you but :

whoevor de ires to become great among you, shall be ''servant whosoever will be

* ~ b c great among you,


44 K ai og>av" 9eX y v/j.ojv


irpwrog, in ai shall be your minister:

'your ;
and whoever desires of you to become first, shall be 41 and whosoever of
you will be the chief-
rravrmv SovXog' 45 Kai. yap 6 v'tbg rov dvBpo'jTrov ovk.i/X9ev est, shall be servant
2 3'

ot all 'bondman. For even the Son of man came not of all. !5 For even the
Son of man came not
0iaKovi]9~]vai } d\Xa SiaKovijaai, Kai Sovvai rrjv.^v)(i)v.avTOV to be ministered unto,
to be served, but to serve, and to give his life but to minister, and
to give his .life a ran-
Xvrpcv dvri 7roXX>v som for many.
a ransom for many.
d 46 And they came
4(3 Kai ipxovrai
elg 'Jf|0<xw*" Kai i.KTropEvoLiEvov.avTov to Jericho and as he :

And they come to Jericho ;

and as he was going out went out of Jericho
e with his disciples and
a7ro 'Ifp<YW, Kai Tu>v.[xa9)]Tu>v.avTov, Kai bxXov iKavov, a great number of peo-
from Jericho, and his disciples, and a -crowd 'large, ple, blind Bartimasus,
f. ha the son of Timaeus, sat
vtog Tiy.aiov Bapripaiog &o" rntyXbg ekcl9t]to irapa n)v by the highway side
a son of Timteus, Bartiruaeus the blind [man], was sitting beside the begging. 47 And when

h + tO -him [L]TTrA.
o-e thee lttiaw.
7roi7jcra> I should do LTr ; /me
ojo-a> T.
elnav LTTrA. e< 8eiiov TTi A. .
m aov
+ aov thy T. apiancpiov TTrA.
p aov (read [thy] left hand) [l]tti-a. i fj or LTTrA. r el7rai' lttia. s
/xey ttta.
".ov {read [my] left hand) glttiAW. v Kai TrpoaKa.\ecra.fx.i.vo<; ai>rov<; 6 'IrjcroD? LTTrA.
vfj.u>v Slolkovos GI.TTi AW.
it is LTTrA. * a.v LTTr. ? M l

a ec
V as y^vea&at dTTv.
ep^erat he c^mes L.
> GTrA. b hv c el^ai to be LTr. e
vfjilv among you L. 'Iepei^'&j T,
' + 6 the (son) LTTr aw. e - 6 (read a blind [man]) LTTrA. ha
wpoo-amjs a beggar TTr.4* +
124 MAPK 2. X. XL
oSbv' 7TpO(TftlTWV. U 47 Kal ClKOVGCtQ OTl'lr](TOVQ 6 k NrtwpaiO"

^esus^f Nazareth he
began to cry out, and wa y> begging. And having heard that Jesus the !Nazara;aii
v n m

oFbartdX v mere" * aTlv

> VpZ<*TO KpaZsiv kal Xsyeiv, vibg Aaf3iS," 'll]TOV,
on m" 48 And "many T as he be au to cr y out and to say,
Son of David,
' Jqsus, <?

charged him that he ',''

( ** iB )
, , , , ,,.,.,,-
should hold his peace t\S7](T01' pE. 48 Krtl E7TETip<0V ai'TOJ 7TO\Aoi IVCt
but he cried the more have pity on me. And ''rebuked 3
hiru 'many that he should be silent;

a great deal, Thou Son .,; . . __ . ,

o<s-n > ' , ,

of David, have mercy O-'.'f

7ToAAy paAAOV lKpai,EV, lit '"Aapid, i\B)](TOV pE.
on me. 49 And Jesus but he much more cried out, Son of David, have pity on me.

stood still, and com- ir T , >r ~ n t

. , /y~ m v , < >

manded him to be 4V Kai OTttg O lt]GOVg El7TEV aVTOV <p<t)Vr)9l}Vai'" Kai

called. And they call
the blind man, saying
And 2 having 3 stopped
untQ him, Be of good QWOVGIV TOV TVCpXoV,
,\ i
, \
asked for him

to be called.
\ '
comfort, rise he they call ;
the blind [man], saying to him, Be of good courage ;

h^ca^tSfawa^Ms iy*pai,* 0" 50 '0.8k a7ro(3aXwv Tb.ifiaTiov.avTOV,

garment, rose, and rise up, he calls thee. And he casting away his garment,
1 p ava<Tra n
j^nVaifwed tnd S vX9ev Trpbg TQV 'ij/ffoSV 51 Kal ArroKpiMg fXiyn
said unto him What having risen up he came to Jesus. And answering says

b'hiaovg," Ti 'OtXeiQ Troiyaw vol 'O.Se

^""n^tneer'^The 3avrip4
;" TixpXbg
What dost thou desire I should do to thee? And the blind
blind man said unto to him 'Jesus,
m L r( hat I
eIkev avToZ, *'Pafi[3ovi, n 'iva~ dvaf3Xt\pu). 52 'O.&.'lj/-
mi ht r c'eive m man ] sai<l to cim Rabboni, that I may recaive sight. And Je-
surht 5" And Jesus [ >

said unto him, Go thy e'iTTEV

(jOVg UVTCp, "Y7Trty r).7rl(JTig.(T0V
him Go
_ ha And
sus said to th fllith * Sealed thee.
madjthel whole. JTd , ,

', ? ,
l ,
v n _

immediately he receiv- ei)9sii)Q

dl4(5Xs\pEV T(p'll](70V tV Ty OCOJ. % Kal f]KoXov9e.l
ed his sight, and fol- and
immediately he received sight, Jesus in the way. followed
loweu Jesus in the way.
w ,
K r, , , t

XI. And when they 11 iyyiC,ovoiv Eig lEpovoaXtjfi," Hig Brf&ayrj

oame nigh to Jerusa- And when they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage
In"' Be'thanJ'afthe Bif0aiw," irpb-g rb bpoq rwv 'EXaiuv, rAiroerkteei" Svo
mount of Olives, he an<i Bethany, towards the mount of Olives, he sends two
d b WO f
2 Kal Xe 7 ei avrolg,
h dkciSes 2 and rwv.pa971 Tu>v.avTOv,
of his disciples, and to them,
Go' into
tig ty)v
saith unto them, Go says
your way into the vil- K(^,r lrjV TTIV.KaTBVaVTt VUUJV' Kal u9s(DC z

lage over against you:

' ' r a ElO-TrOpEVOUEVOl
r r~ >=

and as soon as ye be village, that opposite you, and immediately entering into
C t e Ut 6
a VT1)V TTwXoV SeSspEVOV, OV OvSflg 11 b
h ll' fi d' lt^fd EVprjOZTE t(p' dl'9pi!)7TWV
whereon never man U ^e wiU find a colt tled ' u P on which no one ofmen
loose him, and KEKCtQlKEV c d n
sat; Xl)0~aVTEg aVTOV'

dydyETE. 3 Kal ECLV Tig VUAV

having loosed it lead [it]. And if anyone to you
anym^ayuntoyou; ^assat:^ ^
e ^ (
Why do ye this? say et7rn, Ti ttoleIte tovto ', E'iirarE, "On" 6 Kvpiog avrov ypEiav
ye that the Lord hath " wh do tMs ? The Lord 3 ^
f 4jt need
need of him; and \ r n> nk" r* t > > > ^/
straightway he will t^ff Kai 'EvBtUig" aVTOV BaTTOdTSAa' OiOE. 4

send him hither. 4 And i
ha3 ' tfnd it he will send hither. And
immediately they departed,
they went theu- way,
. .. .
K , , . ,
la , , ,"L
and found the colt tied K/7/ 81'pOV "rov" 7T(uAoi/ CECEptVOV ITpog D)V UVpaV lE,UJ ETTl
by the door without in and found the colt tied the door
a pi ace where two ways
met; and they loose
_, ,

TOV ap(pUdOV,,Kat AVOV<TlV aVTOV. 5 Kai TlVEg TWV EKEl EOTt}-

^-v' > >
r / ~>~. without, by

him. 5 And certain of the cross way, and they loose it. And some of those there stnnd-
them. that stood there / ~ m- ,.-.
> ^^ yn , / , %

Raid unto them, What KOT(t)V OVTOig, 1 1 TTOIEITE XVQVTEg TOV 7TwXoV Ol.Cf
lAEyOV ;
do ye, loosing the colt ? ing said to them, What are ye doing loosing the colt? And they
6 And they said unto m El7T0V"m
ma >* -r
fl na'
na > n 'r ~
> ~ ' < > >
EVETElXaTO n O llJVOVg' KUl a<f>l)KaV

themeven as Jesus had ai'TOtg KaUojg

commanded and they : said to them as ^commanded 'Jesus. And they allowed
TTftoaairoiV TTrA.
Na^apij^ds LTTrA.
Yt LTTr. m Aavet'5 LTTrA ;
AavtS GW.
tlTTey, (^xonjcraTe auroi' said. Call ye him TTrA. tvetpe GLTTr'AW. P
avonrr)8riaas having
leaped up t/l'TrAW. <1 avrm 6 'Irjcrovs eZirev Jesus said to him TTrA. r 0"0t ^e'At i? rrot^o-to ;
l v aiTo> him w
'PajS^oWi GLTTrAW. ev^v? TTrA. GLTTrAW. 'lepooroAv/aa LTTrA W.
a.neaTei\ev\ie sent L. a
* Kai eis Brj^artav LT. J z
ev6ii<; TTrA. +, ov7ra) not yet (read
no o:ie j'et) LTr. bou^oj T.
. + c \vaare avrbv Kal
loose it and LTTrA. d
bring TTrA. e _'Ort LTTrA. f
ei)6vs LTTrA. S aTrocrTeAAet he sends GLTTrA w.
b -t- 7rdAil/ back TTr. ia ai a.7rjj.\0oi' LTTrA. ka TOJ/ (? ea(i a Colt) GLTrAW. '*
ma ulnay T. na ein-ej/ said
(read a door) TrA. lttta.
XL MARK. 125
c ''


let them go. 7 And
CtVTOVQ "iiyayov 'llJCTOVV' they brought the oolt
them. And they led the colt to Jesus. And to Jesus, and cast their
p ical iKaQiaev iir garments on him ;
f7T6/3aXov" avr<{) Tct.if.idria.avTU)v, iair<p'" and he sat upon him.
they cast upon it their garments, and he sat on it;
8 And many spread
their garments in the
8 r 7roXXoi.Si n TCLifidria.avTiov iarpwcrav elg t))v SSov
and many their garments strewed on the way, and others way and others cut

down branches off the

iKOTrrov n
Ik tu>v "SivSpojv,
w KCll and strawed II

?CT0i(3dSag tVTpiOVVVOV trees,

them in the way. 9 And
branches were down from the
cutting and were trees, strewing
they that went before,
elg Ti)vj)$6v.
9 Kai ol irpodyovTeg Kai they that fol-
ol aKoXovQovv- and
follow- lowed, cried, saying,
and those
['them] on the way. AiiH those
going before
Hosanna Blessed is ;
x "
'Qaavvd' evXoyi]fiivog b he that cometh in the
reg tKpa^ov, XiyovTeg,
Hosanna blessed [be] he who
name of the Lord
ing were crying out,

saying !

10 blessed be the king-

ipX^^evog iv ovo/iari Kvpiov. 10 evXvyrjfxkvt] r] dom of our father ipx~
[the] of [the] Lord. Blessed [be] the com- David, that cometh in
the name of the Lord :

fiki'T] f3aoiXeia
?iv ovofxan8 icv'piov" TOV.TrarpoQ.i]nu)V Homnna in the high-
6 8
in [ the] 'name of [the] 10 Lord 'of our father est. 11 And Jesus en-
ing kingdom
tered into Jerusalem,
z n
AafiiS' ''Qaavvd iv rolg vipiaTotg. 11 Kai eiotjXOev elg and into the temple :

*David. Hosanna in the highest / And entered ^nto and when he had look-

& ed round about upon

'IfpocroXujua o'h](rovg /cat" eig to lepov' Kai Trepij3Xexpafievog all things, and now
Jerusalem. 'Jesus and into the temple and having looked round on the eventide was come,

b n he went outunto Beth-

Trdvra, 6\piag i'jSt] ovarjg rrjg wpag, i%ijX9ev elg Bt)9aviav any with the twelve.
.all thiugs, late already being the hour, he went out to Bethany
fierd roJv SwSeKa.
with- the twelve.

12 Kai ry tTravpiov eJZeXQovTwv avT&v airb BrjOavlag,

And on the morrow "having 3 gone *out 'they from 12 And on the mor-
row, when they were
iireivaaev' 13 Kai IS<jjv ovki]v /iaKp69ev txovaav (pvXXa, come from Bethany,
he hupgered. And seeing a fig-tree afar off having leaves, he was hungry 13 and :

d Beeing a fig tree afar

?]X6ev el dpa evpt]oei n" iv avry' Kai iXQibv stt' off having leaves, he
he went if perhaps ho will find anything on it. And having come to came, if huply "he
e f
l might find any thing
avrijv, ovSiv evpev Kaipog" ovkojv.
eL/lIT) (pvXXa.* ov.yap.i]v thereon : and when he
it, nothing he found except leaves, for it was not [the] season of figs. came to it, he found
h nothing but leaves ;
14 Kai ,a7roKp.iQeig zb'Iricrovg" elirev avry, Mijketi K gov elg for the time of figs
And 2 answering 'Jesus said to it, No more of thee for was not yet. 14 And
Jesus answered and
toi> an.ova l

fU]Seig KapTrbv
Kai i)kovov ol fiadrjTai said unto it, No man
ever "any one
fruit 'let eat. And heard "disciples eat fruit of thee here-
(lit. no one) after for ever. And
avTOV. 15 Kai epxovrai Kai elaeXOwv his disciples heard it.
elg 'lepoo-oXv/xa' 15 And they come to
'his. And. they come and "having 3 entered
to Jerusalem
Jerusalem and Jesus ;

K went into the temple,

o lijaovg elg to lepov
J'jptZaTO iK/3dXXeiv Tovg 7rwXovvrag and
'Jesus into the temple he began to cast out those selling began to cast out
them that sold and
Kai dyopdtovTag iv roj lep<^' Kai rag Tpa-KiZ,ag tuiv koXXv- bought in the temple,

and buying in the temple, and the tables of the and overthrew the
money tables of the money-
fiiGTtov Kai Tag Ka9kSpag twv ttioXovvtwv Tag TrepiGTEpdg changers.and the seats
changers and the seats of those selling the doves of them that sold
doves; 16 and would
KaTk(TTpe\pev 10 Kai ovK.fjcpiev "iva Tig SieviyKy GKevog not suffer that any
he overthrew, and suffered not that anyone s-hould carry a vessel man should carry any
vessel tnrougi the
Sid Tov lepov. 17 Kai idiSaaKEV, ""Xtyutv" "avroic," Ov temple. 17 And he
through the temple. And he taught, saying to them, ."Not taught, saying unto

p enipdWQvaiv they cast upon GLTirAW. i avrov lttta.

(fripovaxv they bring TTrA.
noxf/avres having cut [them] doWD TTrA.
' Kai n-oAAol TTrA. OTij3a8a? LTTrA:
w Kai ecTTpiovwov els rr)v 6S6v TTrA. *
aypuv fields TTrA. \eyovres [L]TTrA.
y zv bvoixaTi Kvpiov GLTTrAW. AaveiS LTTrA ; AaiuS G\v. a 6 'Itjctovs Kai (read he
entered; LTTrA. b
b\j/e r. c
+ airb from LTTrAW. Tt evprjcrei LTTrAW. e
+ [jnofal '

only l. r)v o Katpos LJ 6 yap Kaipbs ovk-jJp TTrA, l. e 6 'Irjo-ovs (read he said)
yap k
-^6 'Itjo-OVS OLTTrAW;
rou LTTrA. 4
GI.TTrAW. els rbv a'tu)i>a ck <rov ovSeis E.
+ TOVS these LTTrA w m Kai Zheyev and said TTrA. avnls [l]a.
126 TVI AP K O 2. XI.
them, Is not 'writ-
it h

ten, My hoube shall yfypanrai, "Ori b.o'lKog.pov blicog

Trpoaevxng fcX^/o-erai
be called of all nations has -it been written, My house a house of prayer shall be called

the house of prayer?

ttckjlv rolg tOvEaiv;
but ye have made it a vfiiiqM Hiroirioar^ avrbv o7n)Xatov
den of thieves. .18 And for all the nations? but ye made it a den
the scribes and chief
priests heard it, and of
Xya-wv. 18 Kai ijKovaave oi
^ypappartig Kai oi aoyiepeig,"
sought how they might
robbers. And 'heard [ it] 'the Scribes 3
and 4 the 5 chief 'priests,
destroy him for they icai i-Z,i]T0vv irwg avrbv T a7ro\taov(Tn>- n
s [

feared him, because ail

and they sought how him i<po(3ovi>TO.ydp avT6v,
the people was asto- they shall destroy ; for they feared

nished at his doctrine. v 6n
7nx u 6 vx\oq v it,nr\i]<T(jZTo" Itti
19 And when even was
because the crowd
all were astonished at his teaching.
come, he went out of
the city. 19 Kai "ore" 6\pk iyevero x tZE7ropevTo" t^u) rrjg TroXeujg.
And when evening came he went forth qut of the
20 And in the morn- city.
ing-,as they passed by, 20 Kai y
7rpait 7rapa7ropivopevoi
slcov r>)v ovkijv
they saw the fig tree And in the
dried up from the
morning passing by they -aw the fig-tree
2l And Peter it',
roots. tt,i]pau.u.kvi)v t/c
pi^wv. 21 Kctl avapvi]adug bU'orpog
calling to remem- dried up from [the] roots. And "having 'remembered

brance saith nntohim, z<
Master, behold, the Aiya avrtp, Pa/3/3<," Ue, t) avK>i 'i)v KarripctTw i^fjpavrau
fig tree which thou says tohim Rabbi. see, the fig-tree which thou cursedst is dried up.
cur-edst is withered
away. 22 And Je us 22 Kai cnroicpiotig *'li]<jovg Xtyn avroUg, "E^ere iriartv 6eov.
answering- saith uuro And ''answering 'Jesus says to them, Have faith in God.
them, Have faith in h '

God. 23 For verily 1 23 dfX7iv. yc(p


Xlyw vplv, en cg.av eiTrg rtS.bpei.rovrip,

say unto yon> That For verily 1 say to you, that whoever shall say to this mountain,
whosoever shall say
unto this mountain, "AoOijti Kai l3\>]9i)Ti fig ri)v OdXaaoav, Kai pt).dta-
Be thou removed, and Bc thou taken away and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not
be thou cast into the
sea and shall not KplQij
iv ry.Kapfia.auTOV, dXXa c
on d a" e Xlya"
doubt in his heart, but doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what hesays
shallbelievo that tho-e {
yiveraf karat abrtp d.idv e'i7ry.
24 Siu.tovto Xkyoj
thing's which he saith
ehal] come to pass he
takes place, there shall be to him whatever he shall say. For this'reason I say

shall have whatsoever Wavra ooaJav 9 1

he saith. 24 Therefore bfuv, ^TcpoatvxojuvoL , airtltrOe.,
to you, All things whatsoever praying ye ask, believe
I say unto you, Wliat
on k
thingssoeverye desire,

Xapj3di'ere," Kai 'iarat vfilv. 25 Kai orav <rr?)K^r"

when ye pray, believe that and [they] shall be to you. And when ye may stand
that ye receive them, ye receive,
and ye shal 1 have them.
TTpoGzvxop-tvoi, cMpiere ei ri *X r Kara rivog' 'iva Kai
25 And when ye stand
praying, forgive if anything ye have against anyone, that also
praying,, forgive, if ye
have ought against b.7tarijp.vp(i>v 6 iv rolg ovpavolg copy vpiy to. rcapa-
any that your Father
your Father who [is] in the heavens may forgive you -'of-
also which is in heaven
may forgive you your TTTwp.aTavj.iiLv. 2G eLSivfxatg ovK.d(piere, ovot b.Trarijo.vpujv

trespasses. 26 But if fences 'your. But if ye forgive not, neither your Father
ye do not forgive, nei-
ther will your Father 6 iv m ro7g' obpavdig d<pi]<yet,u}p. n
which is in heaven for- who [is] in the heavens will forgive your o'ffences.
give your trespasses.
27 Kai ipxovTai rrdXtv elg 'lepoa6Xvp,a' Kai iv rip iep^i
27 And they come And they come - again to Jerusalem. And in the temple,
again to Jerusalem :
and as he was walking TrepnraTOvvTog.avTOV ipxovrai ^pbg avrbv oi dpytepelg Kai
in the temple, there as he is walking come to him the chief priests and
come to him the chief
priests,and the scribes, ol ypaptpareig Kai oi 7rpea/3vrepoi, 28 Kai "Xtyoucn;" abnp,
and the elders, 28 and the scribes and the elders, and they say to him,
say unto him, By what oa u
authority doest thou 'Ev TToia i^ovaiq, ravra 7roielg; Kai rig aoi v:x rr)v i^ovaiav
these things ? and who By what authority these things doest thou? and who thee "authority
gave thee this au- n rrtifrn Trmnr-
ravTi\v t0d)KEV," iva ravra 29 'O.Sk.'l 1]dOVg
thority to do these Koiyg ;
things ? 29 And Jesus 'this gave, that these things thou\shouldst do? And Jesus

o 'On P 7re7roiij/ca.Te have made TTrA.

L. 1
apxiepeiy Kai ot ypap.p.arel<; LTTrA W.
l t
they might destroy LTTr AW.
d7roA.eo-too-if [atiTOf] L. irasyap for all TTrA. i^eTrKrjcr-
k^siropevoi'TO they went forth LTr.
(roiro T. w orav TTr. x
napaTropevofj-tvoi 7rpo)t LTTrA. J'

* + 6 GLTTrAW. b c d o what TTrA.

'Paget' TA. yap for LT[Tr]A. 7Tio-Teiir) Ta.
8 olv ltti aw. TTpocreuxecr^e Kai ye pray and
e AaAei LTTrA. f "o eac
{17177 tTi{a].
o-njiceTe ye stand LTTrA.
k verse '26 Tla
e\d/3eTe ye received LTTrA.
LTTrA. '

m __ TO l s la., n lAeyov they said TTrA. oa ij or TA. P ISwkcv ttjv e^ovcrlav Ta.\iTqv LTr.
XI, XII. HARK. 127
H l
Iva Xoyov, answered and said un-
eIttev abrolg, 'E7rpwrr/(rw *i)}jLa.Q\K&yw
*a.TT0Kpi9etQ to them, I will also
answering said to them "Will 3 ask *yoii ^1 also one thing, ask of you one ques-
icai cnroKpi9i}Tk' fioi, Kai epio v/jXv kv iroiif %ov<riqi ravra tion, and answer me,
and 1 will tell you by
and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority these things what authority I do
TToiu). 30 To fiaiTTuyna v ludvvov it obpavov i)v i) t these things. 30 The
I do : The baptism of John from heaven was it or from baptism of John, waa
it from heaven, or of
av9pu)TT(ov afroKpiQr]TS poi. 31 Kai t\oyiZovro
irpbg tav* men ? answer me.
men ?
And with them 31 And they reasoned
answer me. they reasoned with themselves, say-
w A(ori" ing, If we shall say,
robg,Xk\yavTEg,'Edv eiVujjuev. 'E| obpavov, kpn,
If we should From heaven, he will say, Why From heaven he will
selves, saying, say,
say, Why then did
ovv n oi<ic.k7ri<TTEV(Ta.Te avujj ;
32 ^dXX' eav u 'EK ye not believe him?
then did ye not believe -him? but if From 32 But if we shall say,
we should say,
Of men they feared ;

avOpwTriov, ktpofiovvTO rbv XaoV z

u.7ravT! g".ydp d^ov rbv the people for al 1 men

counted John, that he for all held

men, they feared the, ueople ;

was a prophet indeed.
'\u)avv)]i> '6ri bvriog' irpo(f>T)Tr)Q r\v.
33 [

icai diroKpiOkvrEg \s- 33 And they answered

John that indeed a prophet he was. And answering they and said unto Jesus,
We cannot tell. And
yovaiv Ttp'lriaov," ObK.ofdafXEV. Kai ^b'lr)Oovg diroKpiQEig^X'tyEi Jesus answering saith
say to Jesus, We know not. And Jesus answering says unto them, Neither do
I tell you by wh;it
abrolg, OvSe Eyw Xkyio v/mv iv woia i^ovaia, ravra ttoiw. authority I do these
to them, Neither Hell 'l what
you by these authority things I do. J things. ,

12 Kai f/pZaro avrolg iv TrapafioXaTg \EyEiv." 'A/j7TE\m>a
And he, began to them in parables XII. And he began to say, *A 5 vineyard
e to speak unto them by
i(bvrEV<TEv dvQpioTTOQ^ Kai TTEpieOrjKEv (ppayfiov, Kai <jjpvl,EV A certain
planted 'a -man, and placed about [it] a fence, and dug man planted a vine-
and set an hedge
abrbv yard,
n '
vttoXtjviov, Kai (^KoS6fH)o~EV rrvpyov, Kai s%sSoro about it, and diggeu a '

a wine-vat, and built a tower, and let out it

place for the winefat,
and built a and
yEujpyoTg, Kai a.7rEdi]p:r](TEv'. 2 Kai a7rkorEi\EV irpbg A rovg let it out totower, husband-
tohusbac<lmen, and left the country. And he sent to the
men, and went into a
far country. 2 And at
yEtopyovc r<{) Kaip(ft dovXov, iva Trapd r&v yEwpyiov the season he sent to
husbandmen at the season husbandmen the husbandmen a ser-
a bondman, that from the
Xa- vant, that he might
cittv %roi Kapivov* rod d[nrE\wi>0Q 3 oL^t"
Aa/3.;/ receive from the hus-
he might receive from the fruit of the vineyard. But they having bandmen of the fruit
of the vineyard. 3 And
fiovTEQ abrbv tSeipav, Kai aTrzarEiXav kevov. .4 Kai iraXiv they caught him, and
taken -him 'beat, and sent [him] away empty. And again beat him, and sent Aim
drrkarEiKEv irpbg avrovg dXXov 8cv\oV KaKElvov ^XiOofioXt)- away empty. 4 And
he sent unto
he sent to them another bondman, and him having again
them another servant;
k and at him they cast
oolvteq^ HKEcpaXaiuxrav^ Kai a7rsarEiXav Tyrtjuw/ilvov." and wounded
stoned they struck on the head, and sent [him] away having insulted [him]. stones,
him in the head, and
5 Kai irdXiv dXXov aTriarEiXEV KaKElvov drrsKrEivav
x u
Kai seni him awayshame-
And again another he sent, and him they killed also f ully handled'. 5 And ;

m n m a again he sent another ;

iroXXovg dXXovg, rovg fitv SepovrEg, rovg .Sk diroKTEivov- and him they killed,

many others,
some 'beating, and ^others 'killing.
and many others ;

beating some, andkill-

re." 6 in ovv v 'iva v v\bv {"pi/" dymrtjrbv ^avrov, n ing some. 6 Having
4 5
own, yet therefore one son,
2 3 6
Yet therefore one son 'having beloved . his
his wellbeloved, -he
7rpbg avrovg loxarov^ Xsyiov, "On
dTTEOrtiXEv -
(cat" abrbv sent him also last unto
he sent also him to them last, saying, them, saying, They
ta will reverence my son.
EvrpaTrl]iJovrai rbv.v'iov.fiov. 7 ekeIvoiSe oi yEw'pyoi i7roi> 7 But those husband-
They will have re.-pect for my son. But those husbandmen said men said among them-

a7roKpi0eis ttia.
(cd-yo) vuS? l; Kayw (read eirep. I will ask) TTrA.
+ to ^
LTTrAW. v w Ala. Tt LTrA. * OVV LTrAW. y a\ka (read but
5lAoyi'oi/TO LTTrAW.
should we say) ltTi-aw. TravTes L. a 6i/tco oti TTrA.
b rm 'Irjaov Xeyova-tv TTrA,
c d AaAeiV LTTrA. e
[anoKpiGels] 6 'Incrous L a7TOKpi0eis TTrA.
; avBpumos e<}>VTevcrev X.
h koI and LTTrA.
A<.0o/3oA7JcrGi'Tes LTTrA.
efe'Sero ta. 8 raiv
the fruits TTrA,
k '
GLTTrA. m ous
eKe<pa.\ii0<rav T. TqTipaqaav insulted LTr ; 7)rip.aa-av TA. tt6.\i.v

LT1TA. n
ex 0>v vl ')l' L >
e W ev W' 01taTTrA ' -

ra *
avTOv LTTrA avrou W.
Kai [L]TTrA. SOX<j.tOV Jrpds aiiTOVS LTTrA. 7TpOS
iavrovi elirav TTrA , elrrav npos eavrovs L.
128 M A P K O 2. XII.
selves, This is the heir; ^qqcs eavrovcJ "On oirog iariv ]
6 Kknpovouoc' 8evte, aivo-.
come, let us kill him,
among themselves, This is th? heir
.,,,. ,
let us
. ,, T '

, ^
and the inheritance
^ ^

8 And

KTELVlOLlEVaVTOV, KCll i]j.iCJV IdTai 7) Kk^pOVOj-UCt. 8 KCli XiljioVTEQ

they took him, and kill and ours willbethe inheritance. And having taken
killed him, and cast "him,
him out of the vine- y avrbv d7TEKTivav, Kcii it,sj3a\ov
w u> tov

vard. 9 What shall dprrEXiovog.

therefore the lord of liiin^- they killed [him], and cast forth [him] outside the vineyard.
the vineyard do? he 9 ri x n
oi'V rroiiiaEi 6 Kvpiog tov dp7TEXu>vog; kXevaerat tcai
will come and destroy What therefore will do the lord of the vineyard? He will come aud
the husbandmen, and
will give the vineyard a.7ro\i(Ti rovg
unto others. 10 And will
yEwpyovg, ical Swasi tov dprrEXwva dXXoig.
destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard to others.
have ye not read this
scripture The stone 10 Ovdi
T))v.ypa<pi]v.TavrT)V dvsyvuJTE ;
AiOov bv
which the builders re- 3
Not 4 even 6
this 'scripture
'did ye 5 read? [The] stone which
jected is become the
head of the corner k drrESoKipacrav :
ol oiKo8opoi>VTEg, oi'rog EyEvi]9r] Eig KE(paXi}v
11 this was the Lord's 2 3
rejected 'those who build, this is become head
doing, and it is mar-
vellous in our eyes ? ytoviag. 11 rrapd Kvpiov lyEVETO avrr], ftai lanv 9av-
12 And they sought to of [the] corner from [the] Lord was this and it is
lay hold on him, but \> .n \ ~ tot/- > > ~ y >

feared the people for : pcum] tv cQuaXpoigj/Liiov. iz Kai hL,t]T0vv avrov KpaTrjaai,
they knew that he had derf ul ,
in our eyes. And they sought . him to lay hold of,

tyofifiBwav tov b X XoV tyvtaaav.y&p on irpbg avrovg
left him, and went an<i they feared the crowd; for they knew that against ihein
their way.
rr)v 7rapa/3o\r)v eIkev tcai a^kvreg ahrbv d-Kr)X9ov.
the parable he speaks. And leaving him they went away.
13 And they send 13 Kat cnrocTTaWovcnv Trpbg avrov Tivag tu>v Qapicriiuiv
tmto him certain of
the Pharisees and of And they send to him some of the Pharisees
the Herodians, to catch
Kai twv 'Hpwdiai'uJVj'ivaaurbv ayptvowcriv X6y(>j. 14 *oi.Sk n
him in his words.
14 And when and of the Herodians, that him they might catch in discourse. And they
were come they say t.X96vTEg
XkyOVGlV aVTljj, AlSaCFKaXe, OldctflEV OTL d\)]0r)g EL,
know that thou"' art having come say * nim Teacher, we know that true thou art,
true, and carest for no KCll OV OOl TCEpi OVOEVOg' OV.ydp
man: for thou regard- p'iXEl fiXE7TEig Eig
d .there is care to thee about no one for J not thou -lookest on [the]
est not the person of , > ,

, ,

men, but teachest the 7rp6<TU)7TOV dv9p0JTTOJV, dXX ITT d\t]9eiag T7]V bSbv TOV 9EOV

way of God in truth appearance

of men, but with truth the way of God
Is it lawful to give - ", ~ '

o ~
a T7- n '

tribute to Cassar, or ClOCKJKEig. z Et,EffTlV K7]VCT0V OOVVCtC 7] OV, 15 CwpEV

not ? 15 Shall we give,
teachest Is it lawful tribute to Caesar: to give or not ? Should we give
or shall we not give ? - ., ,-, , ,
, ..
, , , ,

But he, knowing their Tl p7].0U)pEV j O.0E "SlOiVg" aVTOJV-Tr)V-V1fOKpiGLV ELTTEV

hypocrisy, said unto r should we not give ? But he knowing their hypocrisy said
them, Why tempt ye , m/ ,
y ? ' " . , ,

me ? bring me a penny, aVTOig, XI pE 7TEipaC,ETE tptpETS pot 01]VapiOV IVCl 10W. ',

that I may see it. to them, Why me do ye tempt ? Bring me a denarius that I may see [it].
lij And they brought
10 j> * ir n"4
, -
And he saith unto lt> Ol.OE IjVEyKCtV. Kctl ASyEl ClVTOtg, llVOg 7l.ElKWV.aVTt] KCII
' ' < ' '
w '

them, Whose is this And they brought [it]. And he says to them, Whose [is] this image and
image and superscrip- c d n e
tion? And they said 7) iriypa(j)7] ; Ot.5e"- E~L7T0V ClVTlp, lLaiaapog. 17 Kal
unto him, Cassar's. the inscription? And they said to him, Caesar's. And
17 And
AJia Jesus answer- >
n '
mi 'r ~ 7 f ~ &' a 's ir '

ing said unto them CUTOKplVug O" L7]GOVg El7TEV

8 A7TO00TE

TO. Kai-
Kender to Caesar the answering 'Jesus said to them, Bender the things of Cse-

sar^sfandloGodtoe aapog" Kaiaapi, ical tu tov 9eov Tip 9E<p. Kol KQavLicuiav*
things that are God's. sar to Cajsar, and the things of God to God. And they wondered
And they marvelled at tit
him. avToj,
at him.
18 Then come nnto 18 Km
Epxovrcu JZadSovKoXoi 7rpbg avTov, 6'iTivEg Xkyovoiv
him the Sadducees, And "come 'Sadducees to him, who say
which say there is no
Resurrection and they dvdorauiv
i v
; pTj.Eivai' KCti iTr7]pioT7iaav avrov, XsyovTEg,
asked him, saying, a resurrection there is not. And they questioned him, saying,

v aneKTeivav
avrov TTrA. w + avrov him LTTrAW ovv ta. y /cat and (read
they say) lttta.
b ISiov
+ sink ovv
tell us therefore l. a Soivai
Krji'O'Oi' Kat'crapt LTr.
known c d elnav LTTrA. * 6 Si and
having t. [t>l '8e L. (Jesus) i/tita.
t 8 Td KaiVapos a7r65oTe TTrA. h
avroi? A. eOavixa^ov LTrA iedaviJ.aov greatly ;

srondereiiiT^ \
k 19 Master,
19 AidacKciXe, Mwtr^c" typa\pEv i)jx~iv, on kdv nvog clSeK- Moies wrote
unto a man's
us, If
Teacbor, Moses wrote for us, that if of anyone a bro- brother
die, and leave
Kal behind him, his wife
<pog cnroQcivg KaraXiwy yvvaiKa Kal *rsKva
and leave no children, fxr].d(p.7j^
ther should die and leave behind a wife and children leave not,
that his brother should
\va *
avTOV Kal take his wife, and raise m 11

Xo/3j; b.dSEXfibg.avrov t?)v yvvaiKa

that 3 should 'take 'his "brother the wife of him and up seed unto his bro-
ther. 20 Now there
t'iava<yTt](7y (nrkojxa Tfp.aSaXfip.avTov. 20 iirra n dde\<pol were seven brethren :

raise up seed to his brother. Seven brethren and the first took a
wife, and dying left
21 And
fjcrav' ical b 7rpu)T0g 'iXaf^EV yvvaiKa, Kal arroOvrjaicwv no seed.
second took
there were ;
and the first took a wife, and dying her, and
died, neither left he
ovK.a<p)}tce.v oirkpfxa' 21 Kal b fevTEpog tkafiev auri]v, Kal any seed: and the third
left no seed ;
and the second took her, and likewise. 22 And the
seven had her, and left
aTreOoA/ev, ml ovd'e avrbg dtyrjKEv^ cnrepfia' ical 6 rpirog no seed : last of all the
died, and neither he left seed ; and the third woman died also. 23 In
the resurrection there-
22 Kal p
avn/jv" oi tTrrd, Ikou'

ioaavTWQ' iXa[3ov ovK.d^Kav hen they shall

fore, v
3 4 2
likewise. And took her 'the seven, and left no rise, whose wife shall
r she be of them ? for
airkpfia. to~xdrri
Trdvrwv s a.7rs6avev Kal rj yvvr).
23 tv.ry the seven had ber to
seed. Last of all died also the woman. In the wife. 24 And Jesus
ovv v y
'brav answering said unto
dvaardaei, dvatrrwaiv^ tivoq avruiv iarai them, Do ye not there-
theref ore 'resurrection, when they shall arise, of which of them shall she be fore err, because ye
w know not the scrip-
yvvtj ; ol.ydp iirrd taxov avT^v yvvaiKa. 24 Kat airoKQiQ&iQ tures, neither the
wife? for the seven had her as wife. And "answering power of God ? 25 For
6 '\r\o-ovg eIttev avro1g, tt
Ov did.rovTO TrXavdoQz, when they shall rise
ju?) from the dead, they
'Jesius said to them l# Not ^therefore 'do ye err, not
knowing neither marry, nor are
rag ypa<pdg n)v dvvap.iv tovOeov; 25orav.ydp sk given in marriage but ;

/.irjdk are as the angels which

the scriptures nor the power of God ? For when from among are in heaven. 26 And
o'vte n as touching the dead,
vKpu>v dvacrTWGiv, yapovenv o'vte *yap,ioKOVTai, that they rise have :
[the] dead they rise, neither do they marry nor are given in marriage,
ye not read in the book
aXX eioIv wg dyyeXoi ?ol
iv tolig 26 7TEpl.Sk of Moses, how in the
but '
are as angels who [are] in the heavens. But concerning bush God spake unto
him, saying, I am the
tuiv vEKpa>v, on kyEipovratf ovK.dvkyvwrE iv ry j3ij3X^> the
God of Abraham, and
the dead, that they rise, have ye not read in the book God of Isaac, and
the God of Jacob ?
z n a h n
He is not the God
Mw<Tu>g, ettI ri)c" (3drov, <l)g eIttev cvnp bOEog, 27
of Moses, on how 2 3 of the dead, but the
[in the part] the bush, spoke to ''him 'God,
God of the living ye :
c c
Xkyiov, 'Eyw 6 0og 'Afipad/i Kal 6" 0Eog 'laaaK rcai 6" therefore do greatiy
saying, I [am] the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the err. 28 And one of the
scribes came, and hav-
c d
0Ebg 'laKco/3 ; '27 OvkIotiv o" 0Eog vEKpaiv, dXXd 0e6f
ing hoard them rea-
God of Jacob ? He is not the God of [the] dead, hut God soning together, and
perceiving that he had
bj.i7g ovv n
7to\v TrXavdcOe. 28 Kj TrpoaEXQujv answered them well,
of [the] living. Ye therefore greatly err. And 5 having G come 7up asked him, Which is
the first command-
Eig rwv ypapfiarkiov, aKOvvag avrwv i
avZ,i]T0vvTii}v, ^Eic<jjg
ment of all? 29 And

'one 2 ofthe Scribes, having heard them reasoning together, perceiving Jesus answered him,
The first of all the
on KaXivg
ai>Tolg aTZEKpiQr}} iir-qpiorriGEv avrov, Ho'ia egtIv commandments is,
that well them he answered, questioned him,, Which is' Hear, O Israel; The
Vpwrj; Traawv 29

2 3
IvroXif ; 'O.Sk.'lj](rovg aTTEKpiBif
[the] first 'commandment ?
of all And Jesus answered
"On ma 7raTwj/ tu>v
avTip, Trpwrrj
TTplOTT] evtoXujv," Akove,
him, [The] first of aU the commandments [is], Hear,
Mwiicnjs LXTrAW.
/u.jj atpfj
tskvov leave no child ta. m avrov TTrA. n ovv +
theretore ew. /xtj KaTakinutv having left behind
no TTrA. P &aPov avrr^v [L]TTrA.. '

1 r 9 Kal *
Kal TTrA. ia-^aTOV LTTrA. ^ yvinrj airidavtv LTTrA. ovv TTrA.
v w
e$i) avTOts 6 "Irjcrous Jesus said to them TTrA.
orav avaa-rHtcriv [L]Tr. x
LTTrAW. y Ot GLT[Tr]W. *
MloiioreO)9 LTTrAW. a sTOV GLTTrAW. b
c 6 LTrYW. d 0ebs GLTTrAW. e
v/aets ovv (read TrKav. ye errj T[Tr]A.
LTTrA. S seen LTTr. h TTrA. *
<rvvr\-rovvTuv ib~i>iv having aTteKpi&r) avrois
Travroiv ei/roAij GLW e^ToAf, -rrpun-r) navTwv TTrA.
anreKpiOT) 6 'lr)0"Ot)s TTrA.
ma iravTixtv evToKrj GW ; irdvTutv [ejro/bj ea-nv] Commandment of all is LJ ecrriV
{read [The] first is) TTrA.
130 M AP K 2. XII.
Lord our God is one Iot'iv. 30 Kai
Lord 30 and thou 'laparjX' Kvpiog b.9abc.i)iu(ov
Ki'ipiog bTq
,Israel :
[the] Lord our God Lord "one 'is. And
shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, Kvpiov Tbv.9i.6v.aov 1% oXrjq Tiig.KapSiac.aov
and with nil thy soul,
thou shalt love [the] Lord thy God with all thy heartT
and with all thy mind,
and with all thy Kai i% bXrjg Tifg.ilivxqg.aov Kai i% '6Xr\g rrjg.diavoiag.aov
strength this is the and with aU
and with all thy soul thy mind

first commandment.
n n
31 And the second is Kai ig oX??c ri]g.iaxvog.aov. avrr] TTp&Ti) ivroXr).
like, namelythis, Thou and with all thy strength. This [is the] first commandment.
shalt love thy neigh-
KaV p n
bour as thyself. There 31 'Aya7rijaEig tov ttX/j-

Sevrkpa b/xoia lauri;,"

is none other com- And [the] second like [it is] this : Thou shalt love "neigh-
mandment greater
than these. 32 And aiov aov ojg asavTOV. Meiwj> tovtojv aXXr; ivroXr)
the scribe said unto bour :
thy thyself. Greater than these another commandment
him, AVcll, Master,
thou hast said the OVK-IOTIV. 32 Kai eWev ai)T(jJ 6 ypafijuarevg, KaXwc, CiCaa-
truth for there is one there is not.
: And said Ho 'hiva 'the "scribe, Right, teach-
God and none there is s n
I 6t6g, Kai

other hut he 33 and koXe, :

Itt a\i]Viag
d\r]9eiag 'Eiira^ OTl tcTTiv
to love him with all er, according to truth thou hast said that 3 one 2 is 'God, and
the heart, and with
all the understanding,
ovk.eotiv^ aXXog irX))v avrov. 33 Krai to ayarrav avTov it
and wjth all the soul, there is not another besides him and to love him with :

and with all' the Kai s 'fcai si; oXrjg

strength, and to love oXi/c Trig Kapdiag 0X770 Ttjg avv'taEiog
his neighbour as him- all the heart and with all the understanding and with all
self, is more than all n
Kai i% oXtjg r^g ia\vog, Kai to ayairav
whole hurut offerings T>jg \pvxnQ
and sacrifices. 34 And the soul and with all the strength, and to love [one's]
when Jesus saw that tov y
he answered discreet- 7r\7](riov ojg iavrov, 7r\fiov toTii> TravTiov tujv bXoKdv-
neighbour as oneself, "more is than all the burnt
ly, he saidunto him,
Thou art not far from (Stov x avTuv
TcofiaTWV Kai "rwv" Gvatwv. 34 Kai b'lijaovg
thekingdom of God.
offerings and the sacrifices. And Jesus seeing him
And no man after that
durst ask him any oti eIttev Ol) tl
vovvE\wg cnrEKpiQ)], avTip, [/.aKpav
question. that intelligently he answered, said to him, Not far art thou

curb Ti~jg j3aaiXEiag tov 9eov. Kai ovSEig.ovKETi iroX/xa abrov

from the kingdom of God. And no one any more dared him
'to ^question.
35 And
Jesus an-
35 Kai cnroKpiOEig 6 'Irjaovg iXeyEv, SiddaKojv Iv ra ifp'p,
swered and said, while
he taught in the tem- And "answering 'Jesus said, teaching in the temple,
ple, How say the TTwc Xiyovaiv ol ypafifiarelg oti 6 \piaTog viogJiaTiv Aa/3io" ;
scribes that Christ is
the Son of David?
How say the scribes that the Christ "son 'is of David?
36 For David himself 36 ai)Tbg l ydp n &Aa/3i8 n ^eIttev^ iv c ry" irvEi'fiaTi cr<p" ayi^i,
saidhy the Holy Ghost, ^himself 'for "David said the the
The LORD by Spirit Holy,
said to my d e n
Lord, Sit thou on my Ei7rfcV 6" Kvpiog
Kd9ov sk Se^uov-liov Eiog.dv
right hand, till I make 3
Said "the "Lord to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until
thine enemies thy
footstool. 37 David 9u> Tovg.ix9povg.aov Bv7ro7r6Siov n rCJv.7roSuJv.aov.
37 Avrbg
therefore himself call- I place thine enemies a footstool for thy feet. -Himself
eth him Lord and .

h ovv n & ;

whence is he then his Aal3iS' XkyEi avTov Kvpiov' Kai tt69ev ^vibg.avTov

son? And the com- therefore 'David calls him Lord, and ^whence his son
mon people heard him
gladly. iaTiv j" Kai 6 rroXvg oxXog tikovev avTov r'jljEojg.
is he ? And the great crawd heard him gladly.
38 And he
said unto 38 Kai iXeyv avrolg iv Ty.Sidaxy.avTOv," BXettete curb
them in his doctrine, And he said to them in his teaching, Take heed of
Beware of the scribes;
which love to go in tojv ypaj.ifiaTE.ijJV, tujv 9eX6vtojv iv aToXdig TTEpnraTElv, Kai
long clothing, and love the scribes, who like in robes to walk about, and

avrr} Trpuiri) f.t>TO/\rj TA. <cai [L]TTrA. P 6p.oia TA. 1

avrfj (read [is] like
s l
it) LTr. r
i7res t. 0e6s (read he is one) gltttAW. ko.1 ef 6a>j9 -njs ^vxys t'J T -
more TTr. w Tutv GLTrAW. *
> AaveiS
nepiaaoTepov abundantly [avrbi/] Tr.
iariv TTrA ; io-Tiv Aavet'5 L kaTiv AavtS GW. x a Ac-vetS LTTrA
; yap
[L]T[Tr]A. ;

AaviS GW. c tu GW. d e 6 {read [the J; ltta.

says w. Ae'yei says GTr.
f naQuTov TrA. e vnoKaru) (read beneath thy a. h ovv '
aiiTOv iarw
feet) [LJTTrA.
k zv
vios TTrA. rp o"iSaxn avTov eAeyev TTrA,
39 Kal 7rpu)TOKa6tapiag tv tcvq salut.itions in the
cifJira<jjiovQ tv tcuq dyopalg
salutations ia the market -places and first seats in the market-places, 39 and
the chief seats in the
cvvaywyalg Kal 7rpwroKXicriag tv Tolg St'nrvoig' 40 oi '(carfc- synagogues, and the
rooms at uppermost
synagogues and first plaoes at the suppers 40 which de-
who de-
feasts :

6iovrQ rag oiKiag ru>v x>ip<*>v, Kal 7rpotpdaei vour widows' houses,
Tour the houses of widows,' and as a pretext 2 at 3 great 'length and for a pretence
make long prayers :
obroi m n
these shall receive
Trpoaevxojxevoi' Xi]-<povTai TrtpiGGortpov Kpifxa.
'pray. These shall receive more abundant judgment. greater damnation.
41 And Jesus sat
41 Kal u n u
KaOivag 6 'l_i](rovQ KartvavTi tov ya^ocpvXa- over against the trea-
And = having 3 sat 4 down 'Jesus opposite the treasury, sury, and beheld
the people cast money
kiov tOuopti ttCjq 6 oxXog j3dXXei tig to yaZo<pvXd- into ^oXkw the treasury :

he saw how the crowd cast money into the treasury ; and many that Were
'rich cast in much.
kiov' Kal ttoXXoI irXovoioi tf3aXXov 7roXXd. 42 Kal tXOovaa 42 And there came a
and many rich were casting [in] much. And 4 having 5 come certain poor widow,
and she threw in two
uia x*19 a "XTwxfi 'i(3aXtv XstttA Svo, o sariv KodpdvTijg. mites, which make a
*onc 3 widow 'poor cast [in]
lepta 'two, which is a kodrantes. farthing. 43 And he
p called unto him his
43 Kal 7rpecrKaX<7afivoc n
TOvg.fiaRijrdg.auTOV Xsysi avrolg, disciples, and saith
And having called to [him] his disciples he says to them, unto them, Verily I
unto you, That
'A/xiju Xtyw vfiiv, on
a - aVTr r).xhp ttXeHov TcdvTOiv say Trrw^j)
t t) this poor widow hath
Verily I say to you, that this widow "poor more than all cast more in, than all
q tuiv ' n
to ya^ofyvXciKioy. 44 irdv- they which have cast
/3f/3\j7Kej/" (3aX6vT(ov elg into the treasury :
has cast [in] of those casting into the 2
treasury. AU 44 for all they did cast
k in of their abundance ;
reg yap tov rrepiaffsvovTog avroXg tj3aXov avrrj.di but she of her want
'for out of that which was abounding to them cast [in], but she did cast in all that
TrdvTa oaa she had, even all her
Ik TT]g.vo-T(pi]<Tu>g.avTijg
3 6
^X iv tftaXev, 2
out of her destitution all *as much 8 a3 'she 8
had 'cast [ in],

oXov Tov.fiiov.avTrjg.
'"whole her "livelihood.
XIII. And as he
13 Kai iKTropEvofikvov.avTov Ik tov lepov Xtyei ai>T(p went out of the tem-
And as he was going forth out of the temple
says to 7 him ple, one of his disci-
" ples saith unto him,
sTg T&v.fiaBr}Tjv.avTov,
3 3
AiSaaKaXe,' ISe, 7rora7roi Xi0oi /cat
Master, see what man-
'one of his *disciples, Teacher, see, what stones and ner of stones and what

2 Kal l 6 buildings are here I

TTOTairal oiKodofiai. 'Irjcrovg cnroKpiOtig" etirev avT<p, 2 And Jesus answer-
what building3 ! And Jesus answering said to him, ing said unto him,
n Seest thou these great
BXtireig raurag rag /itydXag oiKoSofidg; ov.firi d^>e8y buildings ? there shall
Seest thou these great buildings ? not at all shall be left not be left one stone
XiQog L-iri
og 3* Kai KaOrjusvov upon another, that
Xt0^>" ov.fxrf.KaTaXvdy. 2 shall not be thrown
stone upon stone which shall not be thrown down. And 3
as was sitting down. 3 And as he
ai/TOV tig to opog tujv 'EXaiutv KaTtvavTi tov lepov, w sat upon the mount
t7r?jpaj- of Olives over against
'he upon the mount of Olives opposite the temple, ask- the temple, Peter and
roij/" avTOV Kar'Jdiav Ii'tTpog Kai 'I<aKw(3og Kal 'Iwdvvtjg Kal James and John and
and Andrew
him 2
and 3 6 a asked him,
ed 'apart 'Peter James *and John 4 Tell privately, us,
'Av^psag, 4 ?El7rk n iffu.v ttotz ravra taTai ; Kal rt to when shall these
'Andrew, Tell us- when "these 3things 'shall be ? and what' the things be? and what
shall be the sign when
crj/xdov otclv fi'tXXy irdvTa ravra owTtXtlaQai" ;
all these things shall
when *should 5
be 6 abont 'all
these 3 things to be accomplished be fulfilled? 5 And Je-
sign ?
sus answering thein
A n h n
5 'O.SL'lrjaovg d.7roicpi0tlg ai>Tolg rjpZaTO Xtyeiv, began to say, Take
And Jesus answering tothem began to say, Take heed heed lest any man de-
ceive you 6 for many :

urf Tig vfidg irXavtiay. 6 iroXXoi. c ydp n iXtvaovTai iirl t( shall come in my name,
lest anyone ''you 'mislead. For many will come in saying, I am Christ;
and shall deceive
ovojiaTi-ixoVf XtyovTtg, "Ore lyu) sl/xi'
Kal iroXXovg 7rXavr)- many. 7 And when
my name, saying, I am [he], and many they will ye shall hear of wars

KaTeo-QovTes TrA.
1 m \rjfx\f/ovrai iTTrA. n 6 'Irjo-ovs [L]TTrA. anevavri Tr.
P cl-rrevhe said GLTTr. 1 if$a\ev did CUSt [in] LTr. r
fiaWovTiov LTTrAW. e/c of Tr[A]. +
a.TTOKpi0ei<; 6 'Ijo-5s L ; aTTOKpiOeis TTrA.
" toSe here LTr. v
XiOov TTr. +
w eTrrmoira
TTta. x 6 T. + y eiirbv LTTrA. *
Tauro navTa crvvrekelarOa.). 1 ; ravra o-vvre\.eicrQa.i. ndvra
b *
TTrA. aroxpiSets TTrA. jjpar* Ae'yeij' ftvreis LTTrA. yap for ta.
132 M A P K O 2. XIII.
an<T rumours of wars, ffovffiv. 7 OTav.St A n
aKOvar}Te ttoX'euovq Kal ciKoaq ttoX'ehwv,
for **vch things* must
mislead. But when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars,
needs bo; but the end e
shall not oejet. 8 For
urj.9ooH<j9s' SeI yap" yevkoQaC dXX' 4 OU7TW TO
fe disturbed 2 3
it must "needs 'for come to pass, but not yet [ 3 is] Hhe
nation shall rise a- r T *

gainst nation, and teXoC. - 8 'EyEpd))(TETai.ydp tQvOQ f fc7Ti" tdvoQ Kal (3atji\ia
kingdom against king- =en(J For 2 shall 3 ri s e "up 'nation against nation and kingdom
dom and there shall
^ ^ % , ,


%Kal n t<TOVTttl KaTa.TOTTOVQ, *Kai


be earthquakes in di- tTTl j3a(Tl\siaV OElffj-tOL

vers places, and there and there shall be earthquakes in different places, and
" ns t kingdom;
shall be famines and
troubles: these are


n^ai" OJOll'OJV TdVTCl.
. ,,,,.,-,
Xljiol *Kal rnpa^CU."
the beginnings of sor- there shall be famines and troubles. Beginnings of throes [are] these,
rows. 9 But take heed f f , ~ , ( t i , ,, <
toyourselves: for they 9 VJ.I&Q taVTOVQ. 7TapaCW(T0V(7lvJyap V/J.CIC; !,
shall deliver you up jj ut taie hee(i to Toursc i Tes f r they will deliver up you to .
* '
to councils and in the ; , t , .
, , , , ,

synagogues ye shall be GVl'ECpia KCII EIQ GVl'dyMyClQ' Capi](TE(TOE,

be;iten and ye shall sanhedrims and to
svn.igogues ye will be beaten, and before governors :

be brought before ru- , , > ~ . ,

lersand kings for my KCII jjaaiKEUJV GTamjUEffOE EVEKEV.hj.lOV, EIQ fMOTVpiOV CIVTOIQ
sake, for a testimony an(j kings ye will be brought for my sake, for a testimony to them ;

against them. 10 And , , , n m 0El A~ ,


the gospel must first 10 Kai EIQ TTClVTa TO. tVvr] TTpMTOV" K)}pVXO)) vai T0
be published among all anQ to all the nations must first be proclaimed the
nations. 11 But when , ,. , , .,., _,
O , ,,
j j/
they shall lead mi, EvayyiXiov. 11 "orrtv.ct" ayayiocnv v/.iag 7rapaCidovTEg,
and deliver you up, glad tidings. But whenever they may lead away you delivering [you] up,
take no thought be- ~ ~
< / > \ '
v ? ,\ ,.ll
forehand what ye HV -7rpo/J.Eplf.lV C(TE Tl XaXr]<7T]TE, fX1]Ce fiEAETClTE
shall speak, neither do be not careful beforehand what ye should say, nor meditate [your reply] ;


^a^s^efshaU^be aXK' SoBy ifuv iv kefr9.T7.fip?, tovto AaXejre'

but whatever may be given to you in that hour, that speak;
given you in that hour,
i^not ye\hat s^a" *-7P ^
iflElQ 01 XaXovVTEQ, aXXd TO
but the Holy Ghost, f or
not are 'ye they who speak, but the Spirit the Holy.
12 Now the brother
12 *,rapadu>(TEiJk n ASeX^oq dSeXd>bv eIq OdvciTOV, ml irarrjp
T and father
thertodeat h,^dthe" And 'will -deliver "up 'brother brother to death,
father the son; and f Kvo
K al E7rava<JTi](JOVTai TEKva ettI yovsig, Kal Oavarw-
chili and z 3
will rise "up 'children against parents, and will put to
a^atesT t^r parent i

and shaU cause them aov(nv ai'TOVQ' 13 Kal iaEcQE 111(701) VTTO TrdvTOJV Eld
to be put to death And ye will be hated all on account of
snaii De
ath them by
lo Ajaa ye _
^ 4

/ t

hated of all men for T0 oVOUa.UOV O.CE VTTOLlElVaQ EIQ TEAOg, OVTOQ CWfl/crS-
my name's sake but :

' na me . but he who endures tp [the] end, he shall be

he that shall endure '
rt f ' 3
unto the end, the rat . 14 OraV.CE IC1]TE TO pCEXl'yfXa T1]Q Sp?J/XW(76Wf TO
same shall be saved. Bave(j B ut when ye see the abomination of the desolation which
14 But when ye shall , ; , ..
t , , s -.
Bee the abomination of
desolation, spoken of standing where it should not
by Daniel the prophet,
standing where it
was spoken

f by Daniel the prophet,

TOTE 01 EV TQ lOVOaiq, (piV-

, i~t*'_j,
ought not, Get him (h e wno reads let him understand), then those in Jndsea let
that readeth under- , , - _ _
V 5. n , ~ j / >

stand,) then let them yETCOOaV EIQTU Opt]'

iO O 0E 17TI TOV CtOfXaTOQ \XT) Kaja-
that be in Judaea flee them flee to the mountains, "he 'and upon the housetop not 'let "him
to the mountains : ,
W EIC , 1
v t / n , > , , ,,
? x ' -\ /T
-r >

15 and him
that is (3aT(x)
let T7]V OtKiaV," JUJJOE ElO-EXt)ST<t>" 'apai Tl" EK
on the housetop not come down into the house, nor go in to take any thing out of
codownintothehouse, ^ ,, , ~ r, \ >
O El TOV aypOV Z U)V U ^.EinO-TpE^aTd}
' -. %, ^-nii\
neither enter therein, Tr}Q.OlKiaC;.aVTOV 16 Kai
to take any thing out his house ; and he that in the field is let him not return
let *hUn that Vinthe EtQ Td OTTIGU) dpai T0.lj.ldTlOV.aVTOV. 17 OVal.OE TOIQ
field not turn back to the thmgs behind to take his garment. But woe to those that

Wwment ^But kv.ya(TTplAxOV(TCU Kal Ttt~lQ 9l)XaZ,OVaaiQ EV EKEll'aiQ TCUQ

woe to them that are are with child and to those that give suck in those

d f eir TA. ee Kal TTrA. kcu T[Tr]A. h

aKovexe ye hear of Tr yap T[Tr]A.
jcal beginning LTTr. k
yap for T[Tr]A.
apx^l a
m TTpoiTOV Set '

rapaxai LTTr[A].
LTTrA. n KO.I OTav and When LTTrA. ayuMTiv OLTTrAW.
P ixT}Se fxtKerare [L]TTr[A]
qivL. r Kai trapaSwo-ei LTTrA. s to pt\6i.v vnb AanijA. xov Trpo^^rou g[l]tTia.
EG ecrrnKora TTrA. T &e L[Ti]. w ets rr]i> oiKtaf
eo-rais ; ecmjKOs L ; [lJi,
* firt\6dT(o LTTr. J ti apac TrA.
* wv {read [is]) LTlr.
a with
imipatg. 18 irpoaEvvtaOe.St "iva u.ii.ykvi}Tai )).(f>vy)).viiiov
n cnild > ftn,i t(>

And pray
19 fforrm_yp
ai.iifispai.ticeivai 6Xi\pig, o'ta P? ay y e tha t your
that W'notn* Vour'*fl&xt ^gsT^M
fli h * b? U the
in winter; Hhose 3 days for Shall
tribulation, such as ? H,
be ['in]
, , , ., ,, ,
winter. 19 For in those
, , ,

b n
OV.ytyOl'EV TOMVT7) tt7T 0.pX>lQ KTKTElOg l)g tKTlGEV O days shall be affliction,
has not been the like from [the] beginning of creation which 2 created such as was not from
~ - the beginning of tho
n , ,
cr, ,

VEOg Hog TOV VVV, ICCll 0V./.17) ySV7]TOl. 2U KClt El.fl))

KVpiOg creation which God
'God until and not at shall be and Lord created unto this
btcoAopwoev" rag ttytspag,
; unless
,,, ,

n , , n ~',
Ttaaa oapt,'
time, neither, shall be.
20 And except that the
had shortened the days, there would not have been saved any flesh Lord had shortened
a\\a via
, i>\
Tovg tKAEKTOvg ovg t^tXetaro.
>y > 'y \'/3 those days, no flesh <

i/coAopwerE)/ rag should be saved; but

but on account of the elect whom he chose, he has shortened the for the elect's sake,
/ c,-, tr > / 1 ' < ~ ,)> T 5
u / 11 t > < whom he hath chosen,
tifxepag. 21 Kai tote tav Tig v\xiv eitttj, loov,
wSe o he hath shortened the
days. And then if anyone to you say, Behold, here [is] the days. 21 And then if


hOOV," EKEl,
Behold, there,
ye shall not believe [it]
tyEp9l]<TOVTai you, Lo, here
There 3 will 4 arise
any man shall sav to

or, lo, he
is tliere

false Christs and
^evdoirpo^iJTai, Kai >Su<jov<jiv' arjfXEla
false prophets, and will give

signs prophets shall rise,
Kai TspaTa, irpog to a.Troir\avq,v
and wonders, to deceive
k /cai''
Tovg IkXek-
the elct.
if it were pos-
l n
TOVg. 23 VflEigM (BXeTTETE' lSoi>, TTpOEipr]Ka VfUV TCCLVTa. ^Bu^take'ye hoed*'-
But ye 'take heed :
lo, I have foretold to you all things, behold I have foretold
24 '"'AW' 11
iv EREivaiQ ralg t'lfikpaig, pet' Ti)v.9\i\piv.EKEivrjv } yu all things. ~* 1'
a ft
But in those days, that tribulation, Jhat tribulafio'n, the
6 Kai r/ GEAy'/VT] OV.dlOGEl TO (piyyog sun shall be darkened,
j'jXtOg <Ti;OTlj6l')<JETai,
the sun shall be darkened, and tho moon shall not give 2
light J^t give^er light
25 Kai "tov ovpavov toovrai 'iKTr'nrTOVTEg^ and the stars of
and the
oi ciffTepEg
stars of the heaven shall be
'her falling out,
t&Tpowers that Tre
in heaven shall be
Kai ai Svvd/.iEig al ev rolg ovoavdig aaXEvBijaovTai.
and the powers which [are] in the heavens shall be shaken ;
g^Uhe "see" theSon
26 Kai TOTE TOV v'lOV TOV dv9pU)7T0V ip\6j.lEV0V EV of man coming in
and then shall they see the Son of man in the clouds with great
coming and

t r <. / \ ~ ^ * 1 11
' glory.
7roXXr~]g Kai co^rjg. 27 Kai tote 27 And then shall he
VEipcXaig [HETa ovpafi'-wg'

clouds with 2
power 'great and glory; and then send his angels, and
shall gather together ~
. >y v
, , ,
A n II


T0Vg.ayytKoVg. aVTOV,TOVg his elect from the four
he will send and will gather together winds, from the utter-
his angels,
, , , ,, , ,, most part of the earth
,. ,

EKXEKTOVg.^aUTOV" EK TlOV TE(T(japu)V aVSj.lUJV, air UKpOV to the uttermost part

his elect from the four winds, from [the] extremity of heaven. 28 Now
,1 ~ /,, learn a parable of the , en, , , , ^,
yt)g EWg aKpOV OVpaVOV. 2o AtTO.OE
Tljg OVK)]g fiaUETE n <, tree; When her
of earth to [the] extremity of heaven. the fig-tree learn branch is yet tender, But from
" r
rtjv irapapoXijv otuv avTi\g ?/o-j
}' "r. ^^ / and putteth
o KXaeog anakog ysvi}- i e;lV cs, ye know that
forth ^^/^.||t
the parable when of it already the branch
: tender is be- summer is near 29 so :
^ =>
s ~n > . > > ' "
, ' >
, to in like manner,
< , '

tu <pii\Xa, 1 yipio<jicete" OTi tyyvg to Vspog ^honyo shall see those


Tai, Kai tK<pv7j"

come, and it puts forth the leaves, ye know that near the summer things come to pa.^s,
iajiv 29 ovtwq
is. So
vfteig, orav
these things ye see
WrjTs" yivofteva, e ^'tho^dulw.'
coming to pass, 30 y cr i]y I *ay unto

yivwoKETE oTi iyyvg egtiv

Eiri Ovpaig. 30 'AfiSjv Xiyco vftiv, l^ ^JZt^,
that near it is, at [the] doors. Verily I say to you, till all t ^ ese things be
OTi ov.jii) Trap'tXBy 7j.yFVEa.avTi], jue^pig ov iravra
that in no wise will have passed away this generation, until all

a b c
17 fyvyr) v/iiov (read it may not be) ltti-a. ffv l-TTr. eKoXo^uxrev Kvpio; T.
d ISe
TTrA. e
V TA -
^5 LTTrA. 8 /xr) Trio-reverebelieve [it] not GLTTrAW.
h 5t and T. >
xf/evSoxpio-rot Kai a.
n-oujoroucrtp' will work TA. k Kai t[t.-Ja.
ISov [LlTTrA. m 'AAAa LTTrA.
eaovTai IK tov ovpai/oO nlmOVTes LTTrA. Kai "

oofr)? noWris l. p avrou (read the angels) [l]ttia. i auTov (read the elect) p'-A.

rjoi) 6 KA.a8os avrr)q LTr.

tK^vr) EGT.
yivuHTKCTai, it is known A, *
rai/ra LTTr. ravra navTa TTrA.
134 M APKO 2. XIII. XIV.
done 31 Heaven and Ta y 7a 31 b w 7raoe-
earth shah pass away yivnTcu. a Kal
ovpavbg t) yn
,. , :
., ,,
have taken place. m
The heaven ana, the earth
, . , , . ,~ ,/ ' '. >

but rnv words shall these things shall shall

not pass away. 32 But XsiHJOVTai' x H
oi.8LX6yOl./XOV OV. [tr) >'7TOptX0W(7tV." 32 lit'pl.'Sk

ass awa J"> but my words in no wise shall pass away. But concerning
hour knowjth no man, P ^

no, not the angels

Kai" Tl"]C Wpag, OvSeiQ oloSV, Ovfik a Of dy-
which are in heaven that day and the" hour, no one knows, not even the an-
neuher the Son, but k en i i > ,, , , , , , , ,

the Father. 33Takeye

yeXoi" Ol" IV Ot/paVfp, OVCt O VIOQ, Sl.fX)J O 7TaT7]0. 33 B\.77r,
heed, watch and pray gels
those j^ heaven, nor the Son, but the Father. Take heed,
for ye know not when , , , , ,

the time is. 31 For the aypV7TVSlTS Kai TrpOdSVXSOVS'"

man OVZ.OlCa.TS.yap 7TOT JCaiOO
bon of man is as a 'watch and for ye know not when the time

taking a far journey, ,

who left his house, and SGTIV 34 (OQ avUpiOTTOQ
. ,

a7TOCI]por G(plQ T7]V OtliiaV


, ,
gave authority to his is ; as a man going out of the country, leaving -house
servants, and to every ,* N _ , j ... , , , , , , , ,

man his work, and aVTOV,Kai COVQ TOig.COVAOtg.avTOV Tl/V tt,OVOiaV,Kat


KaCT(p .

commanded the por- 'his, and giving to his bondmen the authority, and to each one
tor to watch. 35 Watch ~ ( ( ~ n ><
x , , ,

ye therefore: for ye TO.tpyOV.aVTOV,

Kai Tip VvpwptjJ SVSTSlAaTO iva 7P?}yopj?-
know not when the and 2 the 3 door-keeper 'commanded that he should watch,
master of the house rr
his work,

35 ypijyopSlTS
~ ~ .
** ' * ' * ~>,
Cometh, at even, or at OVK-OlC.aTS.yap 7TOTS O.KVpiOQ TrjQ OUZUIQ
Watch therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house
midnight, or at the

ing suddenly he find
W. ^S,
comes: at evening, or
at midnight, or
T, dXsKTOp0^iOViag,r,
at cock-crowing,
or morning;

w^ttsay unto y^Tr 30

say unto all Watch.
ming suddenly he should find you
iest c
&PV '*>P"S KaQsvSoVTag.
37 *&M
And what
VfiXv X&yio, ttcwiv Xtyiv, rp?jyopEcr.
to you I say, to all I say, Watch.
XIV. After two days %* t tt

to rraaxa ^ ai ra
/ . ,
*y < y
was the feast of the 14 aZ,vp.a jxsTa dvo
and of un-
eavened bread
fiassover, and
the chief priests and
: e

Now it
was the passover and the
\ ivt
u,i\tovv oi
t >

ap X ispsig 4Kai
[feast of]
unleavened bread after two
~~ 7TIOQ
the scribes sought how days. And 'were Peeking 1
the 2 chicf -'priests and s
the "scribes how
C a h
bT crrftfand Jut > air6v lv S6X V KparhaavrsQ aTTOKTtivumv 2 tXsyov Se,"
= 3
to death.' 2 But they him by guile getting hold of they might kill [him]. They said 'but,
he e
dat' hft ?here be an
M?? lv TV *P TV> A"'" ^Opv{3og faa* TOV Xaov.
upioar of the people. ^ ot ' n the feast, lest a tumult there shall be of the people.
_ 3 Kni ovroc avrov lv BnOavia, tv Siuwvog tov
. .. .

And being in Beth-

. ..
And " belu ? he m ^.Bethany, m . .
' rij
Simon the
any in the house of
Simon the leper, as he
a t t a X7TpOU, KaTaKt}xkv0VMVT0V , l)\Qsv yVVl) tXOVGa d\a-
le P er as he reclined Cat t(lblc l- Jcame
a Ionian having an ala-
a wovmm 'h avi'U g n '

alabaster box of oint-
fiatTTpOV fiVpOV VCtpdoV TTiariKl'jg ' TToXvrsXovg' Kat" OVV-
ment of spikenard b as ter flask of ointment oHnard of great price and having
and she 'pure
* ;
very precious ;

brake the box. and TOtX^aaa 7t>"

f _

ttVTOV m .
KGTa' Tljg
f ,

on his
poured it head. brokcn the alabaster flask, she poured [it]
his 'on
4 And there were some __ _ % , , ,
that had indignation
KS(paXt]g. 4 t)(jav.os Tivsg ayavaKTovi'Tsg 7rpug.savTOvg, Kttl
within themselves, head. And "were 'some within themselves, and
and said, \\ by was , , , , , , , ,
this waste of the oint-
Ay01TE,' ElC^ Tl ll.aTTloXSia.aVT)] TOV pVOOV yiyOVSV ;

ment made? 5 for if

saying, For what -this -'waste of
4 5
the "ointment 'has been made?
might have been sold _,*, ,
~ n n~ ,/ n
for more than three O l)0VVaTO.yap TOl'TO 7TpaU))1'at tlTOl'lO TpiaKOOtWV
hundred pence, and for it was possible [for] to have been sold for above three hundred
have been given to the '
n > e. ~
/i~ ~ ., ,o ~ u <

poor. And they mur- CT)VapHtJV, Kai i]

OOVl]Vai TOIC 7TT(x>X 'Q Kai 1sVSpplU.tOVTO"

mured against her. denarii, and tohave been given to the poor. And they murmured
C And Jesus said, Let > ~ o tj-t ?>
D O.Ot.
> T - 7 1 . > < >~ '

her alone; why trou- aVTy. iTJOOrg Si~ EV, A<pT aVTTjV Tl aVTlJ K07TOVg
hie ye her? she hath at her. But Jesus said, Let J alone 'her; why to her trouble

w x z OV GLTTrAW. a
TrapeKevaerai GW. /j.rj TrA. 7 TTapeXevaovrai TTrA. 17 ayyeAo?
an angel A. b ei TTrA. c Kal 7Tpoo-ev\ecr9e LT[Tr]A. d Kal LTTrA* e
either TTrA. { B o LTTrA. yap for ltti-a. ecrrai '
fxetrevxiKTitiv TTrA.
Bopvfios TTrA.
k Kal TA. '
toi' LTW ; rrjv T' A.
Kara (read avrov on his)
LTTrA. n Kal Ae'yoi'Tes T[Tv]a. + to fJ-vpov ointment GLTTrAW. P &r)vapiwl>
?YHaKOffiW LTTrAW. S ivefipt.ti.ovvTQ T.
XIV. MARK. 135
7rapx?r; KaXbv t pyov eipydoaTO
n s
elg Ijuc." 7 rrdvTOTE.ydp wrought a pood work
on me. 7 For ye have
do ye cause ? a good Work she wrought towards rue. For always the poor with you
TOVQ 7T7U)X0VQ i%Sr fis6' tCLVTUJ}/, Kai OTCIV 9&\l]T Svi'CUjOe always, and whenso-
the poor ye have with you, and whenever ye desire ye are able ever ye will ye may do
them good but me :

t n
ov ttcivtote8 v ye have not always.
avroiig t'x re
v.7roifjcra.c ifit.Se <xsv" 8 She hath done what
thein Ho 2 do good but me not
ye have. What "could
she could : she is come
x n
aforehand to anoint
7rpotXa(3ev fivpiaai>fia elg
she, she did. She came beforeh
beforehand to anoint jny body for my body to the bury-
ing. 9 Verily I say
af.u)vy Xeyio vjjlTv, 07rov. dv
tov ivra^iaafiov. 9 Kripvyfiy unto you, AVheresoever
the burial. I to Wheresoever shall this gospel shall be
Verily say you, beproclaimed
preached throughout
rb.evayy'eXiov*TovTO elg 2oXov rbv k6<t{iov, Kai o e7roi)]<yev the whole world, this
this glad tidings in whole 'the world, also what 3 has 4 done also that she hath done
shall be spoken of for
avTt] \a\t]9r'](TSTa.i elg /.ivij/iocrvvov avrrjg. a memorial of her.
'this [-woman] shall be spoken of for a memorial of her.
b b c d And Judas
10 Kai b u 'lovSag 6" 'l(rtcaptu)Trig," elg tojv Sudeten, 10 Isca-
one of the twelve,
And Judas the Iscariote, one of the twelve, riot,
went unto the chief
e 9
dirr)X9ev Trpbg rovg dpxiepelg, iva 7rapaik<j avrbv priests, to betray him
wcut away to the unto them. 11 And
chief priests, that he might deliver up him,
when they heard it,
ai'rolg. 11 O't.fii aKovaavreg txdpt]crav, .Kal iirt)yyeiXavTO they were glad, and
to ihem. And they having heard rejoiced, and promised promised to give him
money. And he sought
ai'Tij} dpyvpwv Sovvai'
Kai turret 7ru>g fevtcatpcog aurov how he might con-
him ''money 'to -give. And he sought how Conveniently him veniently betray him.

7rapaSt^. 6
might 'deliver up. 12 And the first day
of unleavened bread,
12 Ki ry 7rpu)ryrifJ,epaTwvaZv[j.u)v, ore to 7raff%a when they killed the
And on the first day of unleavened [bread], when the passover passover, his disciples
said unto him, Where
eBvov, Xkyovaiv avrip oi.tia9t]Tal.avTov, JJoii 9kXeig wilt thou that we go
they killed, 'say *to him 'his "disciples, Where desirest thou [that] and prepare that thou
to Trdaxa; 13 Kai mayest eat the pass-
cnre\96i'Teg iTOi/xdaiofiEV 'iva fydyyg over ? 13 And he send-
going we should prepare that thou mayest eat the passover ? And eth forth two of his
disciples, and saith
cnroGT&Wei Svo TOJv.^aB^TtJv.avTOV, Kal X'tyei avrolg, 'T7rayeT unto them, Go ye into
he sendsforth two of his disciples, and says to them, Go the city, and there
shall meet you a man
Kai airavHiaei vfiiv dv9pu>7rog Kepa/xiov vSarog
eig tt)v 7ro\iv* bearing a pitcher of
into the city,and 3 will ''meet 5 you 'a -man a pitcher of water water follow him. :

14 And wheresoever
fiaordZoJV aKoXov9i)<jaTE avT(p, 14 Kai 07rov.^edv n
eiat\9y, he shall go in, say ye
carrying follow him;
and wherever he may enter, to the
goodman of the

The Master
oiKoSearroTy, "On 6 dibdaKaXog Xeyei, Uov saith, Where is the
tiiraTE T(p house,
say The
to the master of the house, Where teacher says, where
itTTiv to KaTaXv/xa ottov to irdaxa /j.erd Tu>v.ixa9>]Tu>v.[xov I shall eat the pass-
over with my disciples?
is the guest-chamber . where the passover with my disciples 15 And he will shew
15 Kai avrbq SeiJiei
l [ ^

you a large upper room

tydyb) ;
3 2
dvojyeov f.ikya orpa>- furnished and pre-
I may eat? aud he you 'will shew an upper room large, fur-
there make
pared :

fiivov fotjuov." t/cfT'


eToijidoaTE I'lfuv. 16 Kai t^fjX9ov ci ready for us. 16 And

nished There for us. And went away his disciples went
ready. prepare
forth, and came into
m n
Ha9r)Tai. avT0v f Kai r)X9ov elg tt)v ttSXiv, Kai ei'pov Ka9tug the city, and found as
his disciples, and came into the city, and found as he had said unt o them:
and they made ready
elnev avTolg, Kai rjToi/xanav to Trac^a. 17 Kai bipiag the passover. 17 And
he had said to them, and they prepared the passover. And evening in the evening he Com-
eth with the twelve.
yevn/uevrig tpxerai uerd tuiv SwdeKa' 18 Kai dvaKeif.dvojv 18 And as they sat and
2 3
being come he comes with the twelve. And as were reclining did eat, said,

iv IfJioL to
ripya.cra.TO T. GLTTrAW. "
; me avrovs *
etrxevavTOts LTrA T. "

OLTfi AW. w
avrri b'ead elxzv she could) [l]t[Ti-]a.
* to
o-d>/ua /uov LTr.
y Se +
a the
and (verily) [LJTTrA.
eav ta. tovto (read glad tidings) (V)TTrA,
'laKapiioO TA.
d o the TTi A. e
irapaSol avrbv L ; avrov na.po.Sol TTrA.
f avTov
evKou'pws napaSol LTTrA ; avTov vk. napaS(Z w. S av LTrA. h
p-ov (read ray +
avayaiov GLTTiAW. [eVoijUOcJ L.
/cai cfcci and
guest-chamber) [r/jTTrA.
there TrA ; xaxei t. "> avrov (read the disciples) T[Tr],
136 MA P K 2. XIV.
Verily I say nntoyotr, avrwv Xsyw icai toQiovTwv "eittev 6 'Irjffovg^ 'Atn}v
One of you which eat- 4 5 and were eating
=th with rue shall be- [
at table] 'they -said 'Jesus, Verily I say
tray me. 19 And they
VjAlV, OTl Eig
began to be sorrowful, to
Vfnov Trapaouxju jue, 6 taQiiov f.lET tflOV.
and to say unto him you, that one of you will deliver up rue, who is eating with me.
one by one, Is it I? 19 Oi.(j"
-i'lp^avTO \v7TEla9ai, fCfti XiyElV CtVTitJ,
dr P/ca$'H Eig,
and another said, Is, And they 'began to be grieved, and to say
to him, one by one,
it I?, 20 And he art\ , * / > n or\ <-*" rT ,.-> < '
, ,


swered and said unto' M>; rt aWoc, Mi] ti z\J O.ct avo-
syw ; tyto ;
them, It is one of the [Is it] I? And another,, [Is it] I? Bin he an-
twelve, that dippeth . , . ,
? ,
with me in the dish. KpiQtlC' ElTTEV avTOlQ, Ei't,' t* TlOV COldfKCl, O tfipctTTTO-
21 Xhe Son of man in-
pwcring said to them, [It is] oue of the twelve, who is dip-
deed goeth, as it is ,-. ,,-,,,a ' i , , <.--!<
v < ~ '


written of him: but [lEVOg J.IET tflOV
woe to that man by pm ping with me in the dish. TheMndeed 'Son of 'man
whom the Son of man ,

is betrayed! good were VTTtiyEl, KCtVwg


ryiypaTTTca Trepi avrov ovai.dt Tip

it for that man if he 'goes, as it has been written concerning him but woe ;

had never been born.

avOpcbTry-iicHvy Si ofr a vlog tov av9pio7rov rrapacicoTai'
to that man by whom the Son of man is delivered up ;

w ?T el
/v" avnjj ovic.lyevin)9i] b.avQpioTrog.lKHvog.
good were it for him if
"had *not 5 been born 'that 2 man.
x ,[

22 And as they did 22 Kal io9i<n'Ta>i'.av-iov, Xaflwv o 'h]>rovg cipTov,

And as they were eating,
"having taken 'Jesus a loaf
eat, Jesus took bread,

f^in^gavc^the^ EuXoy^ffrtC EkXcUTEV, KCti tStOKEV hJtTEV, AajStTE, ClVTOig, KCII

and said. Take, eat having biessed he brake, and
:' gave said, Take, to them, and
this is my 'body. 23 And ~ I .||
TO y^
y TO ^ ffn ,, rb.ffWiUt.UOV. 23 Kal XaSuJV Vo \
1 '

he took the cup, and .

when he had given eat tnis 19 my body. i

And having taken the
thanks, .he gave it to uvtov
^Qj-^pioy^ El'XCipi(JTi](Tag tSioKEV avrolg' Kal ettiov 4
drank of it. 24' And cup, having given thanks he gave to them, and they "drank "of it

he said unto them, a

iravTEg' 24 kcu eIttev avrolg, Tovto egtiv rb.aifia.fiov Tb'

blood of
'all And he said to them, This is my blood that
the new
which is shed for h to c TTEpl ttoXXCjv eicxwo/aevov."
Ti)g Kaiv7}^ .Sia9)']Kr]g,
many. 25 I
Verily say of the '

unto you, I will drink

new covenant, which for many is poured out.

no more of the fruit of 25 OU/V

XiyLO VJ.UV, OTL ovKBTUov-firi into iK tov
the vine, until that
day that I drink it n
J I say to you, that not any more iu any wise will I drink of the
, ,

new in the kingdom yEvin]jxarog n ri)g ainTiXov, sojg Tijg.yn-ispag.iKEtvrjg otccv ovto
, ,,, <

of God. fruit of the vine, until that day when it

irivoj Kaivbv iv tt] jSacTtAfi'^t tov 9eov.
whei. they 1
drink n< w in ha ^ iD S dom of Gc> d
26 And ; t ^ >

had sung an hymn, 26 Kat t%ij\9oV Ug TO bpog TWV 'EXaiWJ'.
they went out into And having sung a hymn they went out to the mount of Olives,
the mouut of Olives. T - / *
27 And Jesus saith 27 KCH X*yl ClVTolg O
< .

On TTClVTEg'ea\lO~U)](TGUt
unto thetn, All ye And 2 S s 4
t0 them 'J es us, All ye will be offended
shall be offended T)e-
causeof me this night: e ,,,/,.,
tV ijXOV
, ,

HaTat,iO TOl
for written, 1 will
stnite the
it is ^ me in this night : for it has been written, I will smite the
shepherd, , ( , , , a ..



and the -hcep shall be iTOijiiva,' icai %eiaoicopiTiG9i]<JETai tci wpofjaTa.

scattered. 2H But after and will be scattered abroad the sheep. But
that I am risen, I will , ,, _ , , <~ > i

go before you into /JiTll TO.tyEp9)]VCll.}AE, 7TpOa^U) VflCig Eig Tt/V
Galilee. 29 But Teter alter my arising, I will go before you into Galilee,
said unto him, Al- -, -u Tr , , , , >.,
/ $ \ r\'
though all shall be 2!J O.Cl.TltTpog tcpl] OVT({>,l^ai El 7TaVTEg OICavda\loH})(TOVTai,
offended, yet will not But Peter said to him, Even if all shall be offended,
I. 30 And Je-us saith ... . , , , /
nr .
T. , . , ~ . >
T ~ . .
^ - t

unto him, Verily I say XA OVK tyiO. 30 K.CII ASyEl 3 CtVTlp O l)](70Vg, Af.O}V Ktyit) OOl,
unto 'thee, That this yet not "-I. And says to ''him 'Jesus, Verily I say to thee,

n 6 iTrevTA. Ot 5e (read r\p^avro they began) ta. p Kara ta. i ai

'Itjo-ovs t

aXAo?, Mjj ti eyai ;
TTr. r
a7roKpiSe't? LTTrA. e< (read twu of the) T[Tt].
+ w
tt) v X e 'P a the hand l. T
+ 6n for x[Tr]A. ?iv [l]t[tt]a.
6 'Ir^crov?
y GLTTiAW. z
TO (read a CUp) LTTrA. a to [l]ta.
ifTrjA.' ^ c
Kaivri<; TTrA". V7rep TroAAcof eicxvvv6fi.evov L; K\vvv6fJ.evov vnip 7roAAoii' TTrA. yeinrj-
TTrAW. e tV e/xoi T^'rA. ei/ ttj yvktI ravrr) fLllTrAW. g '
ftaToq Sia.aKOpni<jdri<TQVTa\
rd.7rp6/3aTaL ; ra.Trp6j3aTa Si.acrKopni<jdri<TovTai. TTrA, 4 Ei (cai TTrA.
XIV. MARK. 137
in this night, a
uti' ffhueoov
' >tv 1

> .
" the oock crow.
i itpiv
r ii
s .
r <jj>'

that to-day in this night, bclore that twice [the] cock

twice, thou shalt deny
k nie thrice. 3i But ho
jue." 31 'O.St
(bujvriaai, rote cnrapi>n<7ij tK.7rEpiaaov tXeytv
r .. L', ' . ,
3 ,
,, 4 spake the more veho- / . '.

crow, thrice thou wilt deuy nie. But he veheinently "said


niently, If I should die

n m n
cvvairoQavilv aoi, ov./nj ae with thee, I will not
uaXXov, 'Ectv /.ie.ctij
Hhe 2 more, it were needful for me
y th e Dy W1SeJ
to die with
, *
thee, in no wise thee
also said r^
, ,
a7rap?'/;(70/./n(. 'Qcrav-tog.ok teal ttcivteq tXeyov.
they all.

will I deny. And in like manner also 3 all "they 'spake.

32 Ka< ipxovrai tie ^{.opiov ov ro" bvoua v ]l

And they come to a place of which the name [is] Gcthsemano ;

Kai Xtysi Toic-f.ia9))Ta~ic.auTOv . KaUicrare lj^e, 'iwg rrpoaEvt,iu-

and he says to his disciples, Sit here, while I shall
32 And they came ^
uai. 33 Km TrapaXauBdi'Si tuv Ylsrpov KaiiTbv 'laKw3ov na
n a P laco which was
pray. And he takes Peter and James
a ^

1 :

snith to his
\ i r n n ~ n
T n> < > ' <

Kai lojam'ijv fie9 tavrav.

tK9af.iptia9ai Kai disciples, sit ye here, Kai yp^nro
s lil ^
and John

acrijiovEiv. 34
him and he began to be greatly amazed and 51.

Xiyti avrmg, IlepiXviTog tcriv ii-yv^j./jov him Peter

33 Aml llc takcih with
and James

,,.,",, , i
, ,

And he says to them, Very sorrowful is my soul and John, and began
deeply depressed.
D r V -qctt's .to be
sore amazed,
Hog VCIVCITOV fXElVUTE WOE KCll ypijyopELTE. TTpOEX~ and to be very heavy ;
even to death ;
remain here and watch. And having gone 34 and
saith unto
, / -,/ them, My soul is ex-
10V' /.HKjpOV
, ,
tTTE(JEV n iTTl T1]g
u ,




ceeding sorrowful un-

forward a little he fell upon the earth, and prayed if to death: tarry ye here,
/, n
> ,

~ -
nr ,

Jo Kai tksyEv,
,/ x and watch. 35 And he
went forward a little,
tariv, 7raptA9y r/ wpa.
possible ,
it is, might pass from him the hour. And he said, and fell on the ground,
a O i3 - o 7raT)]p, iravra
' '
cvvara ooc
' ' < ' au d prayed that, if it
Appa, 7rapn>EyKE to ttoti]-
were possible, the hour
Abba, Father, all things [are] possible to thee take away cup might pass from him.
Y >>> ~ ~
\ '' fl'\
CAA OV Tl tyid VEAlOj a\\a '\\ 36 And he said, Abba, .ii
-v ' ' v


n ' '

piOV a a7T iflOV

av. Father, all things are
froin me Hhis but not what I will, but what thou, possible unto thee ; ;

37 Km tpxETai Kai evpioicei aurovg KadEvSovrag- Kai XsyEi ry f^m ^fLvenheS s

And he comes and finds them sleeping. And he says not what I will but

ILerpv, Siixvv,
to Peter, Simon,
K a9EV0Eig;
sleepest thou ?
oi> K.i<T
wast thou not able
Xv<Ta g fiiav
g g^
a a
! &


yopnaai ;
38 ypijyopelrE Kai irpooevxzoQe, 'iva fir,yEiakX9r]TE

sfmon^sleew thou?
watch? Watch and pray, that ye enter not coulde'st not ", thou
TO 0,f
Va h
Eig 7TEipa(Tfi6v. j.lil> TCVEVpa 7Tp69v/JOV, i).3e 'P^3 s {vatchT nd ra
into temptation. The -'indeed 'spirit [is] ready, hut the flesh i cs t ye enterinto temp-
cnrEX9ojv 39 Kat avrov t!lti&u he sl il it
irxiXiv '

da9Evi)g. Trpoai\vt,aTO,Tbv ^ h h

weak. And again having gone away he prayed, the 3
same fleshis^veakf 39 Vnd '

x he went away,
Xoyoi' eIttwv. 40 /cat VTroa~pe\bag si'pEv avrovg y-rrdXa^ again li

thing 'saying. And having returned he found them again ffi^fword^.405S|

z a
/3e/3ap??uvoi," when he returned, he

Ka9EvSovrag' r)<jav.yap o'i.6d)9aXuoi.avTii>v

for * Were found them asleep a-
sleeping, 'thcir^eyes heavy; their
, , ,' , , , gain, (for eyes
b 41 Kai fjO^Srai were heavy,) neither
KOI OVK.yOEiaaV Tl aVTCp cnrOKpSCoGlV.
and they knew not what 4
him 'they
-should answer. And he comes wist they what to an-
x - , - ,r n '? c 'ii \
swerhim. 41 And he
TO TpiTOV, Kai AtyEl ttVTOig, Kat/EVCETE cometh the third ^TO AOnrOV Kai time,
the third time, and says to them, Sleep on now and and saita unto them,
n , ,
-sn' < " '*' ' S"? Sle P n now and . '

ava7ravEGVE. 1]X9EV T] a7TSY,r

lopa' lOOV, sirapaotOOTai take your rest: it is/
is ^delivered up enough, the hour is
take your enough has come the hour
rest. It lo, is .

<<v ~,^ ,, A \ ~ ac% ' , > come behold, the Son


, ,

O VlOg TOV av9ptx)TTOV Eig Tag XEipag TUJV afiapTtOAWV. 42.yl- of manis betrayed into
3 the hands of sinners.
'the ''Son 'man
of into the hands of sinners.

pE09s, ayiOflEV'
Q .>>,,
r. , i

d "
42 Rise "Pi let us S
i 0) he that betrayetU

let us go ; behold, he who is delivering up me has drawn near. me is at hand.

+ (XV thou GLTTrAW. J
' TJJ WKTt LTTrA. /U. anapvrjo-r] LTTrAW. eKTrepio-aus

i\a\ei LTTrA. m ^.e LTr. oe'ij

T. w L. P Te6<rqp.avel LTTrAW. H rov
' toOto an e
fj.iT avrov LTTrA.
irpoo-e\9u>v Tr.
l 7riTTTei' TA. pod LTTrAW.
w x 7raXii/
eA^uji/ again coming la ; \6iov Tr. y jr&Aii> LtiA.
avTwvo'i. b<p9aA-
UOtT.. Kara^apwonivoi. LTTrAW.
airoKpi.6oiO-i,v a.i>T<$ LTTrAW.
e-roLTrAW. d riyyiaw X.
138 M A P K 2. XIV
43 And
immediately, 43 Kal e Ev9ewc n in. avrov.XaXovvrog 7rapayivErai - 'lo-
while he yet spake,
coineth Judas, one of And ituinediately 4 yet 'as 2 he 3 is speaking, comes up Ju-
the twelve, and with h w2'
ru)v owos/ca, Kal jxet avrov bxXog '-TroXvg^

him a great ruulti-' Sags, =

tude with swords and das, one 'being of the twelve, and with him a ^crowd 'great,
staves, from the chief Kal %vXojv, irapd rwv Kal rwv
priests and the scribes
swords and from
and the elders. 44 And staves, the chief priests and the
he that betrayed him k
icai rwv" 7rpEO-f3vrkpiov. 44 Seowkei.Se
had given them a Ypan[xarsu)v scribes and the elders. Now 'had given 'he who
? 2
token, saying, Whom-
soever I shall kiss, that
Trapacioovg6 avrov avrolg, Xsywv, "Oj'.aj/
same is he -take him, 3 was s
him a sign
and lead him away
''delivering up to them, Whomsoever saying,
safely. 45 And as soon
(piXi)aw avrog iariv' Kparrjaare avrov, KO.I "

as he was come, he 2 ^arrayce/ere

I shall kiss he Ms ; seize him, and lead [him] away
goeth straightway to e
him, andsaith, Master, dotyaXCog. 45 Kal tX9wv, sv9's wg"
7rpo<Te\9iov avroj XkyEi,
master and kissed
; safely. And being come, immediately coming up to him. he says,
him. 46 And they laid n "
their hands on him, 'P/3/3i, pafifii Kal KarE(plXi~TEv avrov. 46 Ol.Si t7rii3aXov n
and took him. 47 And Rabbi, Rabbi and ardently kissed him.
And they laid
one of them that stood
by drew a sword, and f7r' avrov rag x E 'P a Q avru>v, Kal tKpctrrjcrav avrov. 47 EIc.os

smote a servant of the upon him -hands 'their, and seized him. But 3 one
high priest, and cut off
his ear. 48 And Jesus V(t\" TU)V T~]V
7rap<jri]KGT<jJV rnra<jaf.avog fiaxaipav
answered and said 'a 2 certain of those standing by, having drawn the sword
unto them, Are ye
come out, as against nraiGEv rbv bovXov rov Kal a<piXev avrov to dp%ipwf
a thief, with swords struck the bondman of the high priest and took off his
and with staves to take r ' '

me? 49 I was daily wriov. 48 Kal cnroKpiOslg 6 'Irjuovg e'Lttev avrolg, *Qg lirl

with you in the tem- ear. And ^answering 'Jesus said to them, As against
ple teaching, and ye s
took me not : but the A?; OT?))' e)]\9ete" /xtru fxaxatpiov Kal %vXojv avXXa/3di' fit;
a robber are ye come out with swords and staves to take ma ?
scriptures must be ful-
filled.50 And they all
forsook him, and fled.
4'J Kaff'.y/Afpav yfxijv rrpbg vjxag iv roj itpy SiCacKwv, Kal
51 And there followed Daily I was with you in the temple teaching, and
him a certain young ovk dXX' "iva at
iKparr)(Jark /xe~ 7rX])pio9w(jiv ypafai.
man, having a linen ye did not me but that 2
cloth cast about his
seize :
[it is] may *be fulfilled 'the -scriptures.
naked body; and the 50 Kal avrov t n
51 Kal
d(pfvrfg "tig rig 7rdi>reg e<pvyov.
young men laid hold And leaving him all fled. And one a certain
on him 52 and he left

the linen cloth, and veaviffKog" v t)KoXov9Ei n

tied from them naked.
avr(p, 7TEpif3ij3\)jph>og aivbbva IttI
young man was following him, having east a linen cloth about

yv/i vov" Kal Kparovmv avrov w oi i>Eai'i<TKor n 52 b.Si

[his] naked [body] and him 'the -young men,; but ha,
KaraXiirm' rr\v aivZbva yv/xvbg t6vyEV *-cnr' avrwv.'
A +Vio"
lcunri T\tr 2 n^ naked (*>Am
from +Vlf4m
leaving behind
T-\oTi ir*
the' linen cloth
liHGIl cloth, *fli
fled them.
53 Kal cnryjyayoi' rbv 'Iijaovv irpbg rbv dpxiEpsa' Kal
And they led away Jesus to the high priest. And
53 And they led Je- z
avvkpxovrai ?avro) irdvrEg oi dpxispElg Kal oi
sus away to the high irpEofivrpoi
there come together to him all the chief priests and the elders
priest : and with him
were assembled all the Kal oi
54 Kal bTlsrpog dirb j.iaKp69ev rjKoXsi-
chief priests and the and the scribesl And Peter from afar off f ol-
elders and the scribes.
54 AndPeter followed 9t)gev avroy i\.jg taw Etg n)v avXt)v rov dpx^p^og' Kal r\v
him afar off, even into lowed him as far as within to the court of the hiyh priest and he was ;
the palace of the high .
priest: and he sat with CVyKat/lj/J-EVOg fif.ra- TWV V7T)]pETlOV, Kal VEpfiaiVOpEVOg TTpog
the servants, and sitting with the ofheero, and warming himself at
warmed himself at the u u ~ r .-.< *>,
\ i . ~ "\ ^ <v ' t*

fire. 55 And the chief TO' <pwg. o5 Ol.CE apXISpEig KOI OAOV TO OVVEOpiOV tZ,t]T0VV
priests and all the the fire. And the chief priests and "whole 'the sanhedrim sought
council sought for wit- (lit. light).

e LTTrA.
f 6 LTrAW. + S +
6 'IcTKapiaJTr)? Iscariote LT[Tr]A. b up LTTr[A].
5 k ' m n
7roAvs [LJTTrA. Ttbv T. o-vvo~t]^.OV T. aTrdyere LTTrA. 'Pa^/3t LTr J
T A. P ras ai/rbv L Tac
pa)3/3ec J pa^/3ei [pa/3/3ei] eTrej3a\av T. xeipas e7r' ; ^etpa9 avrai
e^rj\9aTe LTTrAW.
r 6
TTrA. tis LTrAW.
wrapiov LTTrA.
e^vyov Trai'Tes TTrA.
u " was following with LTTrA followed W.
veavi<TKO<; tls LTr. , crui'r)KoAoi/0ei ; r)K.o\ovQri<Tev
w x
ot i/eavitrKoi (read they seize) LTTrA. .air avriov [LJTTr. y avrul T.
1 a b to E.
ypapnaTels Kai oi irpecrjivTepoi. h. o~uvKa.6rni.evos T.
XIV. M A R K. 139
ness against Jesus to
icard tov 'Inaov uaprvpiav,
l.r. ' ' s to QuvarCJaac
T ,
Kai ovy
a i put mru to death and
andi ;

.gainst Jesus testimony, to put to death luni, -not f ouna\ n0 ne. 56 For
56 TToXXoLydp iilsvoouaprvpovv kcit avrov. man y bare false mt-
'did c
.,-'. j
nnd t t,
J j ~. ' '
j. ,' .. . ness
, against him, but
[any]. bore false many testimony against him, their ^
itnC3S agTeeri
Kai 'hai ai uaprvpiai ovK.haav. 57 Kai ru'fc avaoravTEQ 57 And
?"* together. '
and alike their testimonies were not. And some .
haying risen up and bar e fftlge witneS g
i\pmSofiaprvpovv icar avrov, Xsyoi'reg, 58 "On r'n-itlg ijKOvaa- against him,
bore fake testimony against him, saying, We heard
^fn ^^0 this
fxev avrov Xzyovrog, "On tyoj KaraXvcru) rbv.vabv.rovrov tov temple that is made
him I will destroy thit temple the with hands, and with-
saying, lu three da y s 1 Will
t * > \ / < < < >

XStp07T0l)]T0V, Kai Oia TplUJV J//ifpd)V aAAOl' aX^ipOTronjTOV build another made
[one] made with hands, and in three days another not made with hands without hands. 59 But
j en it- S' " " t < ' ' ~ neither so did their
OlKOOOjiriGU). OV Kai OVCS OVTOJQ IGt] 7]V r]./.iaprvpia.avrOJV. witness agree toge'ther.
I will build. And neither thus alike was their testimony. 60 And the high priest
,, ,- . < v > > stood up in the midst,
' i
bO Kai avaarag 6 o apxiEpevg ctg

ro" fxtaov kTnjpwrrjaev and asked Jesus, say-

2 3
And 5
''having stood up 'the high priest in the midst questioned ing, Answerest thou
^ , T ~ -v t r^t > i , / '
t '
notliing ? what is it
TOV 11)<70VV, ttTTOKpi7'y OVdiV ; Tl OVTOl GOV which these witness
AiyijJV, OVK
Jesus, saying, Answerest thou nothing? What 2 these *thee against thee? 61 But
ai 'r\ ? ' '
l s>< he held his peace, and ' ' ' '

KaTa/UtpTVpOVGlV] Ol O.CE taaoira, Kai OVC(V aTTEKplVarO. answered nothing/ A-

'testify "against ? But he wa,s silent, and nothing answered. gain the high priest
i ' -

aAiv o apxupevg tirripwra avrov, Kai Xtyet

Again the high priest was questioning him,
/ \ ^ xi'iasked him, and said
avrtp, 2 Sv nnto him /
and says to him, Thou the Christ, the Son of

. * ' )

'arc the
b xpiarog, 6 vibg tov EvXoyiirov
Christ, the Son of the blessed?
; 62 'OJL'hivovg
And Jesus
?*^j\ l

ye shall see the Son of

: tnd

'Eyuj ei/xi. oxjsso-Qe rbv vibv tov avQpiorrov ^KaBrj/nevov m t hand^f Tower6
I am. And ye shall see the Son of man sitting an(j CO ming in the
at r.
de,iuiv Trig dvvauewg,
handi -i
" '
Kai tovouevov
"A uera rwv vttitXuiv 63 Then
"... .,

3 f beaven
the high priest
with the clouds
^^ , .

[.tlie] right power, coming rent his c i othes an(j

tov ovpavov. 63 'O.^g apxiepevg Siappijt,ag rovg.xiTuivag.avrov saitb What eed w e
" ^> ?i
of theheaven. And the high priest having rent his garments
e^Te hare heard
Ti 64 the blasphemy: what
\tysi, tri xptiav t xP- iV paprvpwv ; rjKovffare V?/C thlnk e ? n d th y
says, What any more need have we of witnesses? Ye heard the J ^ him , .

, .
, ,
to , , ,
all condemned
p\a<r(f)iij.iiag'" v/uiiv
ri death.
faiverai; Oi.cte travrzg KareKoivav be '
guilty of
2 a
what to you 'appears? And they all condemned And some began to 65
- s ? lt on hlm an<i to
, , /-l / /-. v > i >ii

avTov l tlvai tvoxov" vavarov. 65 Kai i/p%avro rivsg t/jnrrveiv cover his face, and to
him to be deserving of death. And. s began 'some to spit upon buffet him, and to say
x , ,, , ,
unto him, Prophesy : . ..

avr^>, Kai 7repiKa\v7rTEiv "'TO.Trpoaojirov.avrov, Kai Ko\a- and the servants did
him, and to cover up his face, and to buf- strike him with the
_, y , / v -v i , . , , , , palms of their hands. _
<pic,uv avrov, Kai \zyeiv avrip, Hpo<pr)TEveov' Kai oi VTri]perai
fet him, and to say to him, Prophesy ;
and the officers

pairiGfiaaiv avrov m t/3aXXov."

with the palm of the hand him 'struck.
66 -^ n " as Peter was
. , _ *
, ,..
u , ~ t \ ~ ii /
do Kai ovrog rovTlirpov tv ry av\y Karw," tpxcrai beneath in the palace,
And being 'Peter in the court comes on *bere cometh one of
~ , , ,-,_ , ,,. ~ , , the maids of the high
TlOV TTaiClGKUtV TOV ap%lS|0aig, b7 Kai ICOVOa TOV lltrpOV priest: 67" and, when
of the 'maids of the high priest, and seeing Peter she saw Peter warming
/, /
o\ ~ > ' i > -v i -it- i \ himself, she looked up-
vtpfiaivofxzvov, tfxpAEyaaa avriit Asyei, Kai av pera tov on him, and said, And
warming himself, having looked at him says,
And thou with the thou also wast with
~ n'T
ii]gov rjaua.
- t n n ^.n m
bo O.Se
i i /

rjpviiaaro, Asycjv,
\ r n
p o
> n Jesus of Nazareth.
VK " 68 But he denied, say-
JesUiS 'wast. But he denied, saying, jNot ing, I not, nei-
t n t>mi ' k in \ ' v ~-\ /i "v ther understand I
oica q oi'dt

n vv n Asyeig. t / -rr

iZriXvev tt,u> what thou sayest. And


'I know nor even understand what thou sayest. And he went forth out he went out into the
d f ovk aneKpivaro ov&ev TTr. % Ik.
r\vpi.crKov LTrA. * to {read [the]) glttyaw.
h ' f k avrov to
ht^iiav Ko.Qrifi.evov GLTTrAW. rr)f f3Ka<T(}>7]fJ.ia.v L. ro^ov elvai TTrA.
irpoauinov TTrA.
m efiaAov w ; eAafiov (read received him with buffets) LTTrA. n koltuj
ev T77 avKrj TTrA. toO rjO-Oa 'IrjCTOV LTTrA. P OVT6 neither (know I) LTITA. 9 0U7
nor i.TirAw. r
ov xc lttia.
140 MAPK02. XIV, XV*
porch; ana the cock
ro ^poavAlOV' &
Ka\ aXEKTlop
* td)0)VTl(JV." 69 Kl 7/ iraiSiOKfl

s^^iS^giiS^and^tne Vch, and a cock crew. And the maid

began to say to them l^ovaa clvtov ^dXiv fjpKaro" Xsyeiv rolg *7rapf arr^Koaiv/' "On
wf o f Themf '

Eceing him again be an to say to those Btanding by,

70 And
he denied it again. % CLVTIOV EtJTIV. 70 '0.(~ TTClXlV IJpVHTO. Kai fXETli
And a little after, oilTOQ
This ["onel 3 of "theia 4b. And he again denied. And after
they that stood by said ~ , > ^
again to Peter, Surely ULKpUV TTClXlV 01 TrapEGTWTEg tXtfOV Tip Tl'tTp^t, AXtjOtog
thou art one of them : a little t ho,e said to Peter, Trulv

again standing by
for thou art a Gall- - v in n ~ ,~ -
w Kai \ a ' >

lsean, and thy speech Ei, CtVTWV El' Kai.yap TaXlXaiOg Ei, 1) AaAul
agreeth thereto. 71 But from among them thou art, for both a Galilean thou art, and Speech
he began to curse and , ,. , , -<, - , .

, , , .
to swear, saying, I GOV OfiOiaC,El. 71 O.0E lips,aT0 aVlWE/AaTl^Ellf KOI ^O/XVVElvr
know not this man 'thy agrees. But ha began to curse and to swear,
of whom ye speak. _,, , n _ % _^
72 And the second time
On ,
OUK.OlOa T0V.aVUpU)7t0l>.T0VT0V 01/ AEyETE.

/2 Kai

the cock crew. And I know not this man whom ye speak of. And
Peter called to mind >r> > , -rr>- i n < / ,
the word that Jesus EK.CEVTEpOV aAEKTlxlp l(pl)Vr)OEV. JLcil aV[lVr]<TVT} O LlSTpOQ 70V
said unto him, Before the second time a cock crew. And ^remembered 'Peter. the
the cock crow twice,' ' rii _* .
> ~ <, ~ ^. , > x /

thou shalt deny me p^lf^OTOg OtJ 17TEV auri/J IjICTOl'f, Ort 7TplV aXtKTOpa
2 3 4
thrice. And when he word that said to him 'Jesus, Before [the} cock
there n he ' n b B
weptf" *povri<rcu Slg aTrapvr)o V F e rpi'ff' Kai iiri(3a\u>v
crow twice thou wilt deny me thrice and having thought thereoD ;

XV. And straight- he wept.
*ray in the morning
the chief priests held
15 Kai

c >fl' d>
> >ll
> Q '\

a consultation with And immediately in the morning

a 'counsel 5
*having formed
the elders and scribes it
ol ^PX ie P ei S /^a TixJV 7rpopi'Tfpu)v Kai
- .
-> > , "
and the whole council, ypa^fiartivv Kai
and bound Jesus, and 'the 2 chief 3 priests with the elders and scribes and .

carried him away, u\ ? ?> >t

< - ' * > ' <

and delivered Mm to oXoV TO OVVEOplOV, C1]<Ja%'TEg 70V lljffOVV aTTt^l'tyKav Kai

Pilate. 2 And Pilate whole 'the sanhedrim, having bound Jesus carried [him] away and
asked him, Art thou _ s & ~nn hir \ ' '
ct ' ' < <

"IIlAary." 2 Kai

the king of the Jews ? ^apECOJKav %Tl>) 7TT]pWT>)aV ttVTOV O

And he answering said delivered up [him] to Pilate. And Questioned
"""sSldttS^tel ''K^toq* 6 Si 4 67 6 (SamXevg rwv 'lovSaiuv; 'OJk diro-
priests accused him 'Pilate, Thou art the King of the Jews? And he an- ,>
he aSred^oVhing*
KP l6e ^ k i7rev fi{,r ^>" 2" Xk 7^- 3 Kai KarTjyopovv avrov oi
4 5 G
4 And Pilate asked Bwer ' n o sa id to him, Thou sayest. ^And were accusing him 'rhe
him again, saying An- 7ToXXd- 4 d.St.^lXdrOg^ 7rdXlV k t7nipWT7](TEV laVT6v, ]

swerest thou nothing ? apYteptig

x-X^^f. \ j t>-i * j "'""t
behold how cnief T>"ests urgently.
And Pilate again
questioned him,
things they witness a- Ovk ovSsv TTOCa aov
"\gya>v," diroKpivy ; i'oe,

Jesus" 'yet^'answered say ilx S, Answerest thou nothing? See, of how many things "thea
nothing; so that Pi- m n
te rV N W KaTaixapTVpOVaiV. 5'0.Se.'h)a0Vg d-KEKoiOl),
they 2witne8S a&a mst But Jesus not an y more an 7 thir & answered,
at Sft feast" he r
leased unto them one ware OavuaZeiv Tov "ILXaVoi/." 6 Kard.St Eoprtjv cnrkXvev
prisoner, whomsoever 2
so tha twondered 'Pilate. Now at [the] feast he released
they desired. 7 And , , , _ .. _ r ,,, ,
there was owe named aVTOig EVa CElt/MOV, OV7Tp rjTOVVTO.
Barabbas, which lay to them one prisoner, whomsoever they asked. And
there was the [one] call-
bound with them that t,/->0~
had made insurrection flEVOg Bapappag flETa TWV
v OVOTaoiaOTWV n
,~ ~llft'
with him, who had ed
committed murder in
the insurrection. 8 And oinvEg ev
~ r
\ with
the associates in insurrection
/ ,

ry uraoEi (f>ovov TrE-iToir]KEiaav.

,-, /

, >

the multitude crying
aloud began to desire
him to do as he had
in the insurrection murder had committed.
crying out

VP^ aT0 aiTEioVai

~ fl fl'r'Mi''-
aa" E7riEi
ever done unto them, the crowd began to beg [him to do] as always he did to them,

f/p^aro TraAiv T ;
\_KaXaAinTuip e$u)irr\o~zv] L. irdAiv A. napiaruio-iv TTrA.
" i + filOvs irA
hp.vvvai GLTTi AW.
Kai ^ AaAia (TOV o/xoiacjei LTTrA. *
mediately LTTr.
TO pr,/xa ois LTTrA ; to pt}P-a '6 W. a b
6is ^itiifrjaat LTrA. Tpc's /Ae a.Trapvr\orj LTTrA,
c d eirl to (read 7rpoit early) LTTr[A].
e f
eti^vs TTrA. eTOijaao-aiTes T. -f tojV the T.
h LTeiAaTai T.
T(f> LTTrA. Ae'yei to him says ttta.
E IleiAaTOs T. J avT<5
imnpiura TTrA. Aeycoi' T.
m Karrj-yopovcrii' they accuse LTTrA. IletAaTOV-T '

ov napflToiivTO T. P araaiaoiitiv LTTrA. 4 dca/3d: coming up LTTrA. aeijt

XV. MARK. 141
9 b.SL'TliXdrog" airtKp'iQn OsXere cnroXvou ' 9 But Pilate answered
t>. ti-i i j
' clvtoIc,
'. T , ,, them, saying-, Will Ye
But Pilate
answered them, saying, I should release
Will ye that I release unto you

rbv {SamXta roJv 'lovSaiiov, 10 v. Sia the King of the Jews ? on

viilv 'Eyivioaice yap
to you the King of the Jews? for he knew that through
the chief prilstsliad
aVTOV 01 11 o'l.Se delivered hiru for en-
<p96vOV 7rapa^eSwKl(raV apXlpiiQ. CtpX~
had delivered 7 up c
him 'the a 3
chief r
priests. But the chief vy: ." But ,th ? ch,of
priests moved the peo-
that he should ra-
isptig av'founav rbv oxXov iva fidXXov rbv BapafifSav pie,
theT r ease B ab bn "
priests stirred up the crowd that rather Barabbas
them. 12
, 5
> / i c,, s
/ > n ,
'\ h
enrokvay avrolg' 12
TTaXlv" Pilate answered and
O.0f. II(AdrO" aTTOKpidtig
he might release to them. And Pilate said a " a in un t them,
answering again .

- n >\ ' "hat willye thenthat '

v , /
x > -v ' ii

avrdig, Ti ovv "tfsAere" rroirjOio ov Xtytre I shall do unto him
said to them, What then will ye I should do [to him] whom ye call whom ye call the King
r, \ ~ >r -in r-v !< > '\ f >
t ^ ' '
of the Jews? 13 And
paaiXta tiov lovdaauv; Id Oi.ot 7raAtr ucpa^av, zravpw- they cried out again
King of the Jews ? But they again cried out Cruci- Crucify him. 14 Then
Pi'ate said unto them,
aov avrov. 14 'O.^^Il/Xaroc;" 'iXeyev avrolg, Tt yap ^kukov Why, what evil hath
fy .him. And Pilate said to them, What
then 'evil he done? And they
h c cried out the more
"Lravpwoov av-
n n
s7ro/jj(Te^" ; O'l.Se 7rpi<T<jortpojg tKpa%av, exceedingly, Crucify
did he commit ? But they much more cried out, Crucify him. him. 15 And soPilare,
a willing to content the
rbv. 15 'O.SL^HiXdrog" fiovXopevog r< oxXoj T0 people, released Barab-
8 9 J 6
Pilate, desiring to the crowd that "which [ was] bas unto them, and
u delivered Jesus, when
iKavbv 7roifi<jai, cnr^Xvosv avrolg rbv Bapa/3j3dv Kai rtap'i.- he had scourged him,
"satisfactory 'to do, released to them Barabbas, and de- to be crucified.

SuJicev rbv '\r)Govv, (ppayiXXoiaag, iva oravpajQ?).'

liveredup Jesus, having scourged [him], that he might be crucified.
16 arpariCJrai dir)]yayov abrbv tffuJ o 16 And the soldiers
rijg abXijg, led him away into tne
And the soldiers led away him within the court, which
called Prseto-
loriv irpairiipiov, Kai avyKa\ov<nv^ 2oXqv ri\v oirtlpav' rium; and they call
the whole together
is [the] proetoriuin, and they call together whole 'the band.
band. 17 And they
17 Kai "tvSvOVOtv" aVTOV TTOpfVpaV, Kai TrtpiTlQf.aOlV abrip clothed him with pur-
And they put on him purple, and placed on him P le andJ platted a

crown of thorns, and

TrKk^avrsg aKavBivov ar(pavov\ 18 icai ypZavro aarrd^- put it about his he.d,
'a and they began to sa- 18 and began to salute
having platted [it] thorny crown,
him, Hail, King of the
rtOai s n
rCJv 'lovSaiujV 19 Kai trvirrov Jews 19 And they
avrov, Xaipe, j3ao-iXev !

lute him, Hail, King him on the of the Jews 1 And thev struck smote
x head with a reed, and
, ..

aVTOV TIjV KE(f>a\7)V KaAUj-Hp, Kai IVSirrVOV avT(p, KUl TlUSVreg did spit upon him,
his head with a reed, and spat on him, and bending and bowing their .

knees worshipped him.

ra yovara 7rpo<jKvvovv avrip. 20 Kai ore ivkirai^av avrip, 20 And when they had
the knees did homage to him. And when they had mocked him, mocked him, they took
off the purple from
t&SvGav avrbv rrjv Ttoptyvpav, Kai tvidvaav avrov ra him, and put bis own
they took off him the purple. and put on him clothes on him, and led
" k him out to crucify
ifiaria.raAOia Kai 'i^dyovffiv^ avrov iva '

aravptJGUHJiv" him. 21 And they

his own garments they lead "out 'him
that they may crucify compel one Simon a
who passed
avrov 21 Kai ciyyapevovffiv trapdyovra riva 'Eifiwva Kv Cyrenian,

by, coming out of the

him. And they compel
^passing by 'one, Simon a Cy- country, the father of
m a7r' Alexander and E.ufus,
dypov, rbv irarkpa 'AXs^dvSpov Kai

prjvaiov, tpX(>/J.Pov to bear his cross.

reman, coming from a field, the father of Alexander and

'Pov<pov, iva dpy rbv.aravpbv.avrov .

Rufus, that he might carry his cross.

22 And they bring
22 Kai tykpovoiv avrbv D n
o lanv him unto the place Gol-
irri YoXyoQa toirov,
And they bring him to 3
Golgotha 'a
place, which is gotha, which is, being
interpreted, The place
fxeOep/jiiivEVoiJiEvov, Kpaviov ro-Kog. 23 Kai ISiSovv avrip of a skull. 23 And tiiey
being interpreted,
2 3
of a "skull 'place. And they gave him gave him to drink wine
s v w * of
IleiAaTOS T. l
wdKiv aTTOKpiOeis LXT.A. eAeyei' TT. A. [0e'Aere] Tr.
Ae'yere LTr. y -f rbv the LTTrAW.
saying t,.^ *
+ TToii)<rev KO.KOV TTrA. Ae'yoi'Te;
e (rwi'/coAouo'ii' T.
jroi^crat to iKavbv tw X^V T.
b d
n-epto-crtoc GLTTrAW.
eKpa^ov h.

f GaW. h aVTOV L i5ta avrov T.

ev&i&vo-Koycriv LTTrA. -K 6 /3acriAev; i^idrta '
; l[j.diTi.a
k LTTrA, avrov T. 1

ayouo-tr they lead l. o-Tavpajo-ovfrte they shall crucify


" fbv
ToKyoBav T ; ToKyodav A [tw] roAyo0d Tr.
" a7rb LTi
. ;
142 MA P K O 2. XY.
mingled with myrrh
but he received it not.
o^jyi :
r o'iVOV p l
OVK.tXdfitV. 24 Kal 6M
24 And when they had
, . ,.
lnk "medicated 3 with
^ ,
"myrrh 'wine
. ,
hut ,he did not take ,.,
[it] And,
., , ,.

. .

n T
crucified him, they i(j T
avpi6(mvTc; avrbv n
diE/jipiZ,ov ra.i.jiiana.oriiroD, fiaXXov-
m having crucified him they divided his garments, cast-,
casUng lotr upon
them, what every man TEg KXijpOV E7r' avra, Tig Tl apy. 25 r]V.()
should take 25 And -

a lot on tnem who [and] what [each] should take. Andit was [the]
it was the third hour, .

and they crucified him.

utpCt Tp'lTt], KCli iGTClvptoaav CIVTOV. 26 i\V l) ETTiypa<pri Ka
2o And the superscrip- ah(nu i t and they crucified .
him. And "was 'the inscription
tion of his accusa- ~
, , , -, , '
r /3 ' .
>t 3 '
tion was written over, ri)g.aiTiag.avrov
iovdaiixiv. twv
f his Accusation written up, The King of the Jews.
JEWS. 27 And with , , , , , , ,

him they crucify two 5i7 KfU <7t'I' i/7VJ (TTClVpoVGIV CVO X7J(TTCig, Eva EK CE^JuJl/
thieves the one on his
; And with him they crucify two robhers, one at [the] right hand
right hand, and the' , , , , __ a , , N , ; ,

other on his left. Kai spa kt, ev ojvv j.iiov avrov. zo Kai E7r\r]pioar] i] ypacp>i
28 And the scripture and one at [the] left of him. And was fulfilled the scripture
was fulfilled: which . T/ < , , >\ n nn c\c\ t- -
> > < <

saith, And he was >/ Xkyovca, Kai /j,Era ClVOflWV lXoyi<TV?]. 2i) Kai Of
numbered with- the which says, And with [the] lawless he was reckoned. And those
transgressors. 29 And > >
a\ > r - . > \ , -v

they that passed by TTapaTTOpEVOjXEVOl tj5/\a(J(pr)jiWUV CWTOV, KlVOVVTEg Tag KEtpakag

railed on him, wag -

passing by railed at hiin, shaking -heads

a l""WZ/, Kai XkyOVTEg, t Ovd, n O.KClTClXvwV TOP VO.OV Kai tV
fayfng^Ah^tliou' that
destroyest the temple, 'their, and saying, Aha, thou who destroyest the templo and in
b CSt
30 GUJCfOV OaVT0V> /Cttl KCtTCtfici" W
three dayi 3(/'save
(T < J/
VfiSpaiQ OtKodojjCjV,"
thyself and como three days buildest [it], save thyself, and descend
down from the cross, >l7rQ r0 p T 31 Kai 01 aOYUptlC,r s>> EUlTai-

31 Likewise also the avpOV.

r 'Ollo'uog^VE
t~ = rA J
chief priests niockin"
f rom

the cross. And in like manner also the chief priests, mock-
said among themselves 0VT g Tfpbg a\\i)\ovg /j,tci twv
ypapfiaTk(i)'v } \yov,"A\\ovg
saved Vthers" himself ing among one another with the scribes, said, Others
he cannot save. 32 Let
Christ the King of Is-
toojGEv, iavrov ov.Svvarai auxrai. 32 v^piGTbg 6 (3aai\

rael descend now from

the cross, that we may
hQ saved
YroV n lupat)\
_ ,

is not able
to save.

The Christ the King
iva ISlOfJlEV
see and believe. And f j srae i | ie t him descend now from the cross, that we may sea
they that were cruci- , , '
a ~ > '* y
fied with him, reviled Kai
TrurTEVfJio/xEv . Kai oi ovvEGTavpojfuvor avr<iJ ioveion,ov
him. 33 And when an(j believe. And they who were crucified with him reproached '

the hour was

sixth ,
, ,,,.. , , , . ,

come, there was dark- aVTOV. 33 "rEVO/JlSVrjg.da" Wpag EKTIjg, GKOTOg iyEVETO t(j>
ness over the whole him.
And "being come ['the] bour "sixth, darkness came ovei
land until the ninth , , .

c , , .. . , ~

hour. 34 And at the oXrjv T7jv yi}V, tug wpag tvvaTi]g'" 34 Kai rij ipa. ry
ninth hour Jesus cried all the land, until [the] hour 'ninth ;
and at the hour the
with a loud voice, say- / ,, , l3 , < >
T ~ ~ >. -^ / e> T^\
, ,
e ,, .i
o hjaovg Xywv,"
ing, Eloi, Eloi, la- Evvarif e(3o7](TEV
<po)vy fiEyaXy, '.EXioi,
MA SABACHTHANI ? ninth cried 'Jesus with a -voice 'loud, saying, Eloi,
1 ei
^Xa^xa" *oa(Sa X Qavi o ho-riv fieOeppijvevSpevov,

preled, My Goa.?my 'EXwt, ;"

which is
God, why hast thou Eloi, lama sabachthani ? being interpreted,

stood by,
when they
'OSeoc./xov,. 6.0Eog^ov,
My God, My God,
uq.t'i^ hyKCLrkXiw^
why me hast thou forsaken
35. Kal nvlg
And some
T )V k i[ l n m 'HX('av"
hoid^callethEints" TrapEari]KOTU}V '* ctKovaavTEg iXEyov, 'lSov,
36 And one ran and of those standing by having heard said, Lo, Elias
filleda spunge full of - n 0!l
^ S6 ApauoiV-Ss
"" r r Eig^ Kai yEuiaag 11

airoyyov oovg,
vinegar, and put it on
a reed and gave him he
calls. And3 l
-having run one

. '
1,, j
' '
a sponge with vinegar, ,

to drink saying, Let pa T8"

TTSptfoig KaXafJiy knOTlZEV aVTOVjXsyiOv/AlpETE,
having 3
on 'and a reed gave- to Mrink 'him, saying, Lethe,
therElias/wilT clme
to take him down. KaQtXElv OVTOV.
iSwfJtEV El tpX^ Tal

let us see if -comes^ 'Elias to take down him.
o TTrA.
7rietj/ P 1 Se who however TTr.
(rravpovcriv av~6v, k.o\ they crucify

Siafiepi^ovrai they divide GLTTr aw. Ova t.

him and to-a. r verse 28 t[tt]a.
v LTTrA. w descending LTTrA. Se and GLTTiAW. -'

OtKoSo/atoi' Tpto-lf qjue'pais Kara/Sag

y- TO t,TTr. 2
av7<2 him L. a
+ crvi' with (read crucified along with) lt. +
b Kal c d e
LTTrA. eva.Tr]? LTTrA. eva.rr\ wpa LTTrA. Keymv TTrA.
S Ae/uta LT ; Aa/u.a TrAW. h 1
eyKa.Te\nre<; /j.e ITI'i A
f 'EAwt eAtoii LTA.
<TapaxOa-vel TTr.
napeariiiTwv T. 'Ue TTrA. ' m 'HAeiav T. n Tis TTrA. oa #cai L[Tr] a. ra t
J TTrA. ia 'HAeiasT.
HARK. 143
37 Jesna cried
37 And
'O.SL'Irjffovga<ptiQ (pu)v>)v fiEydXr]v
with a loud voice, and
And Jesus having uttered a cry 'loud expired. gave up the ghost.
38 Kal to KaTairkraafxa tov vaov T 38 And the veil of the
^vo, a.7ro avio- temple was reat in

And the veil of the temple was rent into two, froxn top twain from the
top to
6ev sojg Kario. 39 ' 6 Kevrvpiojv 6 irapEaTrjKujg the bottom. 39 And
to bottom. And e having 9seen 'the 2 centurion 3 who 'stood 5 by
when the centurion,
which stood over a-
i^ivavriag altrov
on n
ovrojg gainst him, saw that
Kpa%ag eIkev,
him thus he expired, he so cried out, and
"opposite that having cried out said,
gave up the ghost, he
6.civ9pwTrog.ovTog" v'wg rjv Geov. 40 ^Raav.Se Kai said, Truly this man
Truly this
man Son 'was of God. And there were also was the Son of God.
40 There were also wo-
yvvaiiceQ o.7r6 /naKp69ev Gewpovaai, iv atg Vjv
Kal Mapia men looking on afar
women from afar off looking on, among whom was also Mary off among whom was

w z k Mary Magdalene, and

T] MaySaXrji'r), Kai Mapia r)" tov 'laicwfSov rov jxiKpov Kal Mary
the mother of
2 s
the Magdalene, and Mary the and James the less and of
of 5
James 'the lesd
r Joses, and Salome i

'lwcrr}' /AT]Tr)p, Kai SaXoijUT/, 41 at 'tccu


ore i\v iv rgTaXi- 41 (who also, when he

'of "Joses 'mother, and Salome; who also when he was in Gali- was in Galilee, fol-
lowed him, and minis-
\aia 1)koXov9ovv avrtp Kai SirjKovovv avrip, Kai dXXai iroXXa tered unto him ;) and
lee followed him and ministered to him, and ^others 'many many other women
which came up with
al trvvavaficwai avTo) tig 'lEpoaoXvfia. him unto Jerusalem.
who came up with him to Jerusalem. 42 And now when .

42 i'jSn oxpiag yevofiivrjg, 7re r)v the even was

7rapanKEvrf, because it wascome, the
.And' already evening being come, since it was [the] preparation,
preparation, that ib,
a h
o ioTiv 7rpo<TCTj8j3aTQj/," 43 TiX9ev" 'lojtrr/tp
6 airb the day- before the
43 Joseph of
that is [the day] before sabbath, came Joseph who [was] from sabbath,
Arimathaa, an ho-
Api[j,aQaiag, evaxW^V j3ov\Evrr]g ) og Kai avrhg fjv 7cpoa- nourable counsellor,
Arimathaea, [an] honourable counsellor, who also hinlself was wait- which also waited for
the kingdom of God,
w c
CE%6fMEvogTrit (5aoC\Eiav tov 9eov roXfxrjffag e,i<Tt)X9EV 7rpog came, and went in

ing for the kingdom of God, having boldness he went in to boldly unto Pilate, and
d craved the body of Je-
riiXarov Kai -gTYiaaro to ToJ/ia tov 'Irjaov. 44 6.SL e Hi\drog sus. 44 Aud Pilate

Pilate and begged the body of Jesus. And Pilate marvelled if he were
already dead and :

iQavfiaGEv" ei ijSr] teOi'tjkev Kal TcpboKakEOcifiEvog

tov calling unto hint the
wondered if already he were dead ;
[him] the centurion, he asked having called to
f him whether he had
KEvrvpiiova tir7)p6)Ti]GEv avTOv el 7mAai" cnrkQavEv' 45 Kai been any while dead.
centurion. he questioned him if long he had died. And 45 And when he knew
it of the he
yvovg airo tov KEVTvpiojvogiSojprtaaTO to ^aoJfia^ tuj gave thecenturion,
body to Jo-
havingknown [it] from the centurion bo granted the body seph. 46 And he
46 Kai dyopdaag b iial n
Ka9e\iov bought fine linen, and
'lwcT](p. oivSova, took him down, and
to Joseph And having bought a linen cloth, and having taken s down wrapped him in the
avrbv linen, and laid him in
Ivei\t](tev ry oivSovi, Kal
ovtov iv a sepulchre which was
'him he wrapped [him] in the linen cloth, and laid him in hewn out of a rock, and
b rolled a stone unto the
^-jxvrjfiEiuj," 7]v \E\aTO\ir\nkvov iK Trirpag' Kal irpoct- door of the sepulchre.
a tomb, which was cut t out of a rock. and roll- 47 And Mary Magda-
eKvXiatv \i9ov lene and Mary the mo-
7ri rrjv Bvpav rov nvr}jxdov. 47 rj.Si.Mapia rj
ther of Joses beheld
ed a stone to the door of the tomb. And Mary the where he was laid.
MaySaXrjvi) Kal Mapia i9e&povv tcov rtf9srat." XVI. And when the

Magdalene and Mary [mother] of Joses saw where he is laid. fiabbath was past, Ma-
ry Magdalene, and
16 Kai SiayEvojxkvov
tov oafifictTov, the mother of ' Mapia i] MaySaXrjvi) Mary
And being 'past
'the James, and Salome,
sabbath, Mary the Magdalene
had bought sweet
Kai Mapta i) "row" 'laKiofiov Kal SaXwfir] r)yopaaav spices, that they might
and Mary the [mother] of James and Salome bought come and anoint him.
2 And very early in
apibfiaTa, \va iX9ovaai dXEitpioaiv ovtov. 2 kai Xiav Trpoj'i the mocning the first
aromatics, that having come they might anoint him. And very early day of the week, they
r <xjr* * T
LTrA. T[Tt]A.
ovtos 6 avOpmiTOS LTTrA. fyfjead [was]) T[TrA.%
TOO LTTrA. * a
[tj] Tr. \J 'laxriJTOS LTTrA. Kal LT[Tr] 7rpbj o-d/3/3aroi' LTr.
b iA8u)v having come LTTrAW. c
+ rbv TTr. d IleiAaTO^ x<- e
LTeiAaros kOavfxa^tv T. "

r?6>7 already LTr. K irTW/ua CC-rpSft LTTrA. * Kal LTTrAW. i(h)Kei> LTr. tt.vriixa.TL X


b 'IfciTTJTos LvrrA. * Tedctrat Lie haa beea laid LTTrA. B tow t[Tt]
144 M A P K O 2. XVI.
came unto the sepul- liri to p avciTti-
chre at the rising' of rriQ jxiac* aaf3Sdrujv ip^ovrai /zv?j^ue7ov,"
of the week come 3
the sun. 3 And they on the first [day] thc-y to the tomb, havins*
eaid among them- \ai>TOC tov yjXiov. 3 Kai iXtyov rrpbc eavrdg, Tig aTTOKvXiaEi.
selves, Who shall roll *risen 'the "sun. And they said among themselves, Who will roll away
Tis away the
from the door of the tov Xi9ov q K" Trjg Bvpag tov fivr]jxuov ; 4 Kai ava-
sepulchre 4 And ijjxiv ?
f or us the stone out of the * door of the tomb ? * And having
when they looked,
they saw that the j3\e\paaai BEwpovaiv
d7roKEKvXiOTai v 6 Xi9og' f/v.ydp on
stone was rolled a- looked that has been rolled away the stone for it was
up they see :

way for it was very


great. 5 And enteri ng utyag G(f>6Spa. 6 /cat s eiae\9ov(Tai' Eig to iAvr]/j.atov, Eloov
into the sepulchre, *great 'very. And having entered into the tomb, they saw
they saw a young man
sitting on the right VEavioKOV KaQrjfiwov iv Tolg Ss%ioTg, 7repi(ief3\r}ixtvov o~to\i)v
side, clothed in a long a young man sitting on the right, clothed with a 2 robe
white garment and
they were affrighted.

Xevktjv' Kai V,E9a\xfir]9r\<5av. 6 Xsyei avraig, Mr)

6 And he saith unto 'white, and they were greatly amazed. But he says to them, *Not
them, Be not affright-
ed Ye seek Jesus of
: lK6a[xj3ei(T9e. 'irjdovv ZrjTslTE tov ~HaZ,apT)vbv tov Igtuv-
3 l
Nazareth,, which was
'be amazed. Jesus ye "seek the Nazarene, who has been
crucified he is risen :

he is not here behold :


pijJjxkvOV l)y&p9T), OVK.tGTIV Ui8e' 'ife 6 TOTTOg 07TOV t9r}KO.V

the place where they crucified. He is risen, he is not here behold the
; place where they laid
laid him. 7 But go
avTov' 7
dXX' u inrdyETE, E'iiraTE Toig.jxa9i]Tcug.avTov Kai toj
your way, tell his dis-
ciplesaud Peter that him. But go, say to his disciples ar.d
he goeth before you
into there Tlkrpii),
Galilee :
oti TTpodyu vjxdg eig tt)v TaXCXaiav ekei uutov
shall ye see him, as he to Peter, that he goes before you into Galilee ; there him
said unto you. 8 And
went out
6^ff0, KaObjg e'Ittev vfiiv. 8 Kai tt,eX9ovaai
they quick- shall as he said to you. And having gone out quickly
ye see,
ly, and fled from the
for they d-rrb tov w oi"
trembled and were a- ifvyov
ht'tj/xeiov ixi/. abrdg Tpofxog Kai .

mazed neither said they

tied from the tomb. And 4 possessed 6 them 'trembling 2 and
they anything to any Kai ovSevt *oi'5kv
man ; for they were 3iKOTatjiQ' and to no one el7tov, t<pol3ovvTo.ydpJ
amazement, anything they spoke, for they were afraid.
(lit. nothing)

9 Now when 9 z 'AvaaTag.d( Trpto'i.

Jesus irptoTy oafi(3d.T0v l<pdmj irpu>-
A'as Now having risen early [the] first [day] of the week he appeared first
risen early the
first day of the week, a
he tov Mapia Ty MaySa\7]i>y, d<p'" rig EKj3ej3Xr]KEi tirTa daifj.6-
appeared first to
Mary Magdalene, out to Mary the Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons.
of whom he had cast
Beven devils. 10 And via. 10 ekeivij^ Troptv9{iaa. dirrjyyeiXev ToUg jxet avTov ye-
she went and told She having gone told [it] to those who with him had
them that had been
7rev9ovaiv Kai KXaiovoiv. 11 KaKElvoi aKovaavTEg
with him, as they voixkvoig,
mourned and wept. been, [who were] grieving and weeping. And they having heard
11 And they, when on Kai i9ed9r] vir avrrjg ijTTKTTTjffav. 12 Mrd.0
they had heard that Z,y
he was alive, and had that he is alive and has been seen by her disbelieved [it]. And after
been seen of her, be- ravra dvaiv
lieved not. 12 After
t% avTuiv 7repi7raTovatv k^avepw9ij iv ETspqi
that he appoared in these things to two of them as they walked he was manifested in another
another form unto 13 KaK&ivoi dvrEXBovTEg dur-
two of them, as they fiop<py, 7ropevojxsvotg eig dypov.
form, going into [the] country and they having gone
walked, and went into ;

the country, 13 And c

>]yyei\av ToTgXonrolg' ovot EKSivoig tTriaTEvcraj'. 14' YoTEpov
they went and told it told [it] to the rest neither them did they believe.
; Afterwards
unto the residue : nei-
ther believed they dvaKSifisvoig avTolg rolg ivStKa e<pai'EpioB>], Kai cjve'i-
them. 14 Afterward as ^reclined ['at *table] 'they to the eleven he was manifested J and ro-
he appealed unto the
eleven' as they sat at' Sivev Tr)v.d7ri<Triav.avTu)v Kai cKXrjpoKapdiav, oti To'ig
meat, and upbraided proached their unbelief and hardness of heart, because 4 those 5 who
them with their unbe- d
lief and hardness of 9eaaanV0ig avTov tyt]yepfxsvov ovK.t7riffTimav. 15 Kai eItev
8 9 J
he.rt, because they be- "had 'seen him arisen 'they ^believed not. And he said
liv.ed nftt them which
bad seen him after he avTolg, HopEvB'iVTEg Eig tov koojiov
uTravra Krjpv^aTE to evay-
was risen. 15 And he to them, Having gone into "the world 'all proclaim the glad

rwv I'Tt TJ7 fJ.ia T<av T P ixvrfixa T.

1 aTrb from LTr. ' dfa/ce/cvAiaTai TTrA.
v w
ikOovarai having gone A.
aAAa LTTrA. raxv GLTTrAW. yap for LTTt.
* oii&kv L. y + Kara
MdpKOv according to Mark Tr ; [euayye'AioyJ Kara. Mdpxov glad
tidings according to Mark a.
l verses 9 to 20 t[a]. Trap' LTr. + 6e and (sbi) u '

d +
and (afterwards) LTr. veKpiov from among [tbej dead h.
-r fi
I. LUKE. 145
ktigei. 16 d iriGTtvoaQ rai eaid unto them, Go ye
y&Kioviraoy ry (3a7rri(j9Eig ffojOfjGE-
into all the world, ad
tidings to a LI the creation. He that believes and is baptized shall be
preach the gospel to
rai' o.Se aTriarqaag KaraKptQljaerai. 17 <j)]fitla.Ss rolg every creature. 1G He
saved, and he that disbelieves shall be condemned. And = signs Hhose c that that believcth and is
baptized shall be saved ;
e n
TTKJTevaaaiv ravra 7rapaKoXov9rjGEi . iv Ti^.uvo^iari.jwv Saj.- but he that believcth
de- not shall be damned.
3 '

believe 'these sha,ll ^follow in my name:

17 And these signs

l H
j.wvia iicf3a\ov(Tiv' yXwaaatg 3 XaXr}<yov<yiv KaivaTg' shall follow them that
mons they shall cast out ; with "tongues
they *shall speak 'new ; believe'; In my name
shall they cast out de-
18 s
u<pEig dpovcnv' Kav Qavavifiov ti wiwcriv,r) vils ; they shall speak
serpents they shall take up; and if Meadly 'anything they drink in no wi^e with new ton i:

up 18 they shall take

h A
avrovg /3Xd4^W ini dppwoTOvg xtipag iizi9r)Govaiv, icai serpents and if they ;

them shall it injure; upon [the] infirm 'hands 'they 2 shall 3 lay, and drink any deadly
thing, itshall not hurt
KaXwg t%ovaiv.
2 3
them ; they shall lay
"well 'they shall be. hands on the sick, and.
1 they shall recover.
19 'O iiiv ovv Kvpiog fiErdrbXaXtjcrai avToXg ^dveXr]-
The indeed therefore 'Lord after speaking to them was taken
19 So then after the
<p6if elg tov oupavov, rat tKaBiaev ek Se%iwv tov Oeov' Lord had spoken unto
up into the heaven, and sat them, he was received
at [the] right hand of God.
up into heaven, and
20 SKUvoi.Sk k^eXOopreg iK7]pv%av7ravTaxov,TouKvp'iovo~vvEp- sat on the ripht hand
And they having gone forth preached everywhere, the Lord working of God. 20 And th y
went forth, and
yovvrog, Kai rbvXayov f3ej3aioi>VTog Sid tS>v iirakoXovQovv- 3
preached every where,
with [them], and the word confirming by the following upon the Lord working with
u them, and confirming
tojv a^fiEimv. l 'Afxr}v. the word with signs
[ it] 'signs. Anien. following. Amen.
m To Kara MdpKOV
EvayyiXiovJ '

The According 'Ho Mark 'glad -tidings.


'EnEIAHriEP ttoXXoI i.7rtxupr}(rav dvaraiaaQai Siriyri&iv FORASMUCH a3
FORASMUCH AS many took in hand
draw up a narration to
many have taken in
7repi ru)V TTETrX7]po<popr]jikvujv iv ijiuv irpayiid- hand order
to set forth in
a declaration of
concerning the which 3 have *been ^fully e believed 'among nis 'mat- those
things which are
tujv } 2 KaOojg irapidovav ol drc' most surely believed
3 B among us, 2 even as
ters, as they delivered [them] to us, they from [*the] beginning they delivered them
avTOTrrai Kai VTT?]pETai yEvojXEVoi tov Xoyov, 3 e6oev unto us, which from
8 the beginning were
"eye-witnesses 'and attendants 'having 2 been of the Word, it seemed good
eyewitnesses, and rnin-
uvujQev -Tramp Ka- i.iters of the word
Kdjxoi, 7rapr]KoXov9)]K6Ti aKpifiwg, 3 it seemed good to me

also to me, having been acquainted from tb.9 first with all things3 aecuraf
accurately, with
having had per- also,
QeU)G cot ypdxl/ai, KpaTiffTE QeocpiXE, 4 iva t7riyv(f>g
fect understanding of
method to thee to write, moEt excellent Theophilus, that thou mightest know all things from the
very first, to write
TTEpl wv KaTrwi)9rig X6yu>v tt)v dotydXEtav. unto thee in order,
concerning 'which "thou wast '"instructed 3 of [ the] things 'the
4 5 2 most excellent Theo-
philus, 4 that thou
5 'EysvETO iv Taxg'ijfi'spaig 'Hpwdov Vou (3a<riXi.u>g Ttjg mightest know the 11

There was in the days of Herod the king certainty of tho e

things, wherein thou
'lovSaiag ispEiig rig bvofiari Za%apiag, i% . i^rjfiEpiag hast been .instructed.
of Judaea a Spriest 'certain, by name Zacharias, of [the] course 5 THERE was in the
c n days of Herod, the
'A/3ta* Kai r).yvv^.avTOV ek tu>v Ovyartpwv 'Aapwv, Kai to king of Jndasa, a cer-
of Abia, and his wife of the daughtars of Aaron, and tain priest named
e ravra L aKoKovOiqcTei. ravra Tr.
f S -+- Kai kv rats
irapa.Ko\.ov9ri<Tei ; /cairais Tr.
X?po-!i> and
in the hands Tr. should it
/3Adi//}7 injure glttaW.
+ 'lr)<rovq Jesus LTr.
ai'eA>j|U.<0T) LTr A.
'A/xjji' EGLTrAW. m To Kara. Mopicof rtisyye'Aioi' EGLrw ;
Kara EiiayyeAioj/ Kafa yidpKOV [a].
Map/coi/ Tr ;
a *
Euayye'Aiof ([Evay. ] a) Kara Aovicdy GLirAW ;
Kara Amttcap T. tov TTr[A].
c atiTw LTTrA
146 AOTKA1 I

Zacharias, of the course 'EXio-dfieT. 6 vaav.Si Simioi dfupuTEpoi *iviit'

of Abia and his wife ovo/'Trjg And they were *just
her name

Elizabeth. 'both bo-

was of the daughters
and her 7r/oV" tovOeov.
TroptvojiEvoi iv Trdaaig tcuq ivroXaig Kai
of Aaron,
name was Elisabeth, fore God, walking in all the commandments and
6 And they were both
righteous before God, 8iKauofia<Tiv tov KVpiov d^EfiTTTOi. 7 koX ovkJ]v avToig
walking in all the ordinances of the Lord blameless. And there was not to them
commandments and
ordinances of the Lord rkitvov, KaQoTt e t) 'EXicajStr fjv" areipa, Kai dpipoTEpoi npo-
blameless. 7 And they a child, inasmuch as Elizabeth was barren, ami both ad-
had no child, because
that Elisabeth was (5z{3i)k6t.q iv Talg.r)fiipatg.avTu>v i}o~av. 8 'EykvEToM iu
barren, and they both vanced in their days were. And it came to pass in
were now well stricken
in years. 8 And it Tqi.lepaTSvetv.avTbv iv ry rd^ei Trjg.i<pt]iJ.Epiag.avTOv tvdvrt y
came to that fulfilling his priestly service in the
pass, order of his course , before *

while he executed the

priest's office before t6v 6eov, 9 iCard to Wog rr}g> hparEiag, tXax^v
God in the order of his God, according to the custom of the priestly service, it fell to him by lot
course, 9 according to 10 ml
the custom of the tov Qvp.idaai e'kjeXQmv elg tov vabv tov KVpiov'
to burn having enter.ed into the temple of the Lord, And
priest's office, his lot incense,
was to burn incense
when he went into the ttclv to TrXijOog {
tov Xaov r)v

TrpoGEvxbfiEvov tw tjj woa

all the multitude of the people were praying without at the hour
temple of the Lord.
10 And the whole mul-
s. II -s. f I

titude of the people TOvQvf.udfxaTog.l\ojfQr]-C(: avrtp dyyeXog 3
were praying without of incense. And ^appeared 'to "him 'an "L(
-angel of ['the] Lord, stand-
at the time of incense. 12
11 And there appeared
vrwg tK S&iuiv tov 6vffiaari]ptov tov GvfiidftaTog' icai

ing at [the] right of {he- altar of incense. and

unto him an augel of
the Lord standing on Kai Qofiog iirkireaev bit clvtov~.
iTapaxOri Zaxapiag idojv,
the right side of the 3
was'nroubled 'Zacharias '^seeing [ him], and fear fell upon him.
altar of incense. J2 And
when Zacharias saw 13 ElftEv.di irpbg avrbv
6 ayytXog, Mtj.Qofiov, Zuxapia'
him, he was troubled, 3
But 5
said *to him 'the 'angel, Fear not, Zacharias,
and fear fell upon him.
13 But the angel said SioTt eujtikovo9i) t).S(i](rig.(T0V, Kai r).yvvt].aov 'EXiffdfiET ytv-
nnto him, Fear not, because has been heard thy supplication, and thy wife Elizabeth shall
Zacharias for thy
prayer is heard and ;
vi]ou viov aoi, Kai KaXicEig To.bvoixa.avTOV &'Iiodvvriv.
thy -wife Elisabeth bear a son to thee, and thou shalt call his name John.
shall bear thee a son,
and thou shalt call his 14 Kai term X a P^ a01 KCLl ayaXXiaatg, Kai iroXXoi kiri
name John. 14 And *
And he shall he joy to thee and exultation, and- many;, at
thou shalt have joy
and gladness ;
and b yEvvr)aEi" mvtov xaprjaovTcti 15 tOTai.ydp fisyag ivwrriov
many shall rejoice at his birth shall rejoice. For he shall be great before
his birth. 15 For he
shall be great in the 'rou" KVpiov' Kai oivov Kai oiKtpa .
ov.p.r) ttitj, Kai
of the Lord, and the and wine and strong drink in no wise shall he drink, and
sight Lord;
shall drink neither
IVi /c KotXiag /j?;rpof
wine nor strong drink 7rve{'fiaTog dyiov ir\r]aBt)<sBTai

and he shall be filled with [the] 2 Spirit 'Holy he shall be filled even from [the] womb
with the Holy Ghost,
even from his mother's avTOV. 16 Kai 7roX\ovg twv viCJv 'lapatjX tiriOTptyEt.
womb. 16 And many ''of^his. And many of the sons of Israel shall he turn to [the]
of the children of Is-
rael shall he turn to Kvpiov Tov-Qebv.auTwv. 17 Kai avTog TrpoEXEixrETai ivwrriov
the Lord their God. Lord their God. And he -shall go forth befor
17 And he shall go be- k
fore him in the spirit avTov iv TTVEVfxaTi Kai Svvdfiei 'HXi'ou," i-KWTpkipai KapSiag
him in [the] and power of Elias, to turn hearts
and power of Ellas-, to spirit
turn the hearts of the iv Sl-
fathers to the children, waTspwv iiri TEKva,'.Kai cnrsiQeig /<ppovr)ffei
ot fathers to children, and [the] disobedient to [the] wisdom '
of [the]
and the disobedient to
the wisdom of the just;
Katlov, eTOi^do-ai Kvpiip \abv KaTEOKEvaopEvov. 18 Kai
to make ready a people Ami
righteous, to make ready for [the] Lord a people prepared.
prepared for the Lord.
Zaxaoiag Trpbg tov ayyeXov, Kara what
18 And Zacharias said eL-kev tL yvuxrofiai tovt'o ;
unto the amjel, Where- 2 shall I know this?-
said 'Zacharias to the angel, By
by shall I know this?
for I am an old man, Kai i\.yvvi].p,ov jrpoflefiriKvia. iv tpxQ
and my wife well iyui-.ydp Eifii irpfffflvrrig, '

stricken in
for I am an.old man, and my wife advanced in
19 And the angel an-
illikpaig.avTTJg. : 19 Kai d-rroKpiQEig 6 'ayyeXoc eIttev airy,
swering said unto him, r .her days. And ^answering 'the -angel said to him,

d evavriov TTrA r\v ri ( ri I^Tr]) 'E\to-dPeT
LTTrA^ %v tov Kaov OLTTrAW.
h " HA^.
l<advnv Tr. Ye^'o-et GLTTrAW. tow (read [the]) GTlTrJvy t,
t. LUKE. 147
6 tvunrtov rov 9eov' Kal I am Gabriel, that
Eyw Et/xt ra(3pij)\ TrapEGTiiKiog stand in the pn
I am Gabriel, who stand before God, and of G''d and am .-tut

Kal aoi to speak unto thee,

(iTTOTa\i]v XaXijaai Tvpug ae, EvayyEXicraaOai
2 3 4 3 and to .^hew thee those
I was sent to speak to thee, and to announce glud tidiugs to' thee
glad tidings. 20 And,
to ora. 20 Kal ISo v, giojtvwv Kal /t;} cvvd/xtvog XaXtjoai behold, thou shalt be
toy dumb, and uot able to
'thdse and lo, thou shalt be silent and not able to <-peak
speak, until the day
that these things shall
dxpi iK-VHp a ykvijTai ravra'. di'O'.wv ouK.kiriorEvoag
be performed, because
till the day in which shall take place these things, because thou didst not believe
thou believest not my
Tolg.X6yotg.fiov, o'lTivtg 7zXi]pu>Qi}oovTaL Eig TOV.Kaipbv.auTiov. words, which shall be
which shall he fulfilled in their season. fulfilled in their sea-
my words, son. 21 And the people
21 Kal r]V 6 Xabg7rpooSoKuiVTbvZaxapiav KalkOavftaZovkv waited for Zacharias,
And 3 were 'the = people expecting Zachurias, and theywondered at and marvelled that he
tarried so long in the
Tifi-XpoviZeiV-avrbv kv r<p vaip.
22 tleX9il>vJe ooK. ))SvvaTo n temple. 22 And when l

his delaying in the temple. he came out, he could

But having come out he was not able
not speak unto them :
XaXFjoat avrolg' Kal iirkyvwoav oti birracriav
they perceived twpaKEv kv and
to speak to them, and they recognized that a vision he has seen - in that he had seen a
vision in the temple :

r<p vaijj' Kal avTog i)V ^tavevwv avrolg,

Kal diffievzv Kio<pog, for he beckoned unto
the temple. And he was making signs to them, and continued dumb. them, and remained
speechless. 23 And it
23 Kal dig kTrXi'ioOijoav al t)fj.kpai Tijg Xeirovpyiag came to pass, that, as
A nd it came to pass, when were fulfilled the days servica soon as the days of his
ministration were ac-
avrov c'nrFiXOEV tig TOV.olKov.avTOV. complished, he depart-
'of "his he departed to his house. ed to his own house.
24 Msra.cif ravrag rag t)fitpag 24 And after those
avi'iXaj3ev 'EXiodfiET t)
day s his wife E lisabet h
Now after these days conceived 'Elizabeth
conceived, and hid her-
yvvij.avTOV, Kal irepitKpvftev tavrrjv jii)vag tt'evte, Xsyovoa, self five months, say-
his 3 wife, and hid herself ."months 'five, saying, ing, 25 Thus hath the
m Lord dealt with me
25"OriovTiog fioi ttetto'i^kev o" Kvpiog kv t'li-ispaig alg in the days wherein he
Thus, to me has done the Lord in [the] days in which looked on me, to take
To",ov' kv
away my reproach a-
tireldev capsXeiv dvOpwirotg. mong men.,
he looked upon [me] to takeaway my reproach among men.
26 And in the sixth
26 'TZv.Ee t$ dirEOTdXr} b dyytXog FafipiriX month the angel Ga-
firjvl Tip 'Ikt<i>
And in the month the
was sent the angel suuh
Gabriel briel was sent from .

v7rb" rov 9eov tig noXiv t>iq TaXiXaicig, y bvofxa p Na- God unto a city of
Galilee, named Naza-
by God to a city of Galilee, whose name [was] Na- reth, 27 to a virgin
to a man
Z.ap'tT^ 27 Ttpbg irapQkvov ^fiE/xv^OTEV /j.Evr)v n dvdpl <p bvo/.ia espoused
whose name was Jo-
zareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name
seph, of the house of
r .11 David and the vir-
'Iwar)(p, k% oikov Aa/3i$'" Kal to bvo/xa rrjg irapdkvou gin's name was Mary.

[was] Joseph, of [the] hquse and the name of the

of Lavid, virgin 28 And the angel came

Mapidfi. 28 Kal eioeXOujv

b dyyeXog n irpbg abrrjv ' eLtteVj^ in unto her, and said,
And 3 coming 'the "angel to -her Hail, thou that art
[was] Mary. said, .

highly favoured, the

v Lord is with thee
K^xapiTijjfisvr}' b Kvpiog
XaTjOS, fiErd gov, EvXoyr)/j.kvt] blessed art thou a-
Hail, [thou] favoured one the Lord [is] with thee,
! blessed [art]
mong women. 29 And
ov kv yvvait,iv. n 29 'H.$ idovoa" SiETapdx9t] kirl when she saw him, she
thou amongst women. But she seeing [him] was troubled at was troubled at his
saying, and cast in her
TtySXdytp.avTOV^ Kal SitXoyiZETO 7roTaTrbg Eir] 6 do7raoj.ibg mind what manner of
his word, and was reasoning of whaf kind might be 2
salutation salutation this should
be. 30 And the angel
ovTog. 30 Kal eIttev b dyyeXog avry, Mi).(poj3ov } Mapid/x' said unto her, thou Fear
'this. And 3 said 'the "angel to her, Fear not, Mary, not, Mary for :

hast found favour

ei'pEg.ydp x a 9 LV ^apd r<p Qeo>' 31 Kai Kal iSov, v ovXXi)^pjj with God. 31 And, be-
for thou hast found favour with God and lo, thou shalt conceive hold, thou shalt con-

ceive in thy womb,

kv yaoTpl Kal rk^y v\6v, Kal KaX'toEig rb.ovofia.avTOV and bring forth a son,
in [thy] womb and bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name and shalt call his name

eSvvaro LTTrA. m 6 (reqd [the]) LTTr[A]. n to ttj[a], airb from TTrA.
P Naape'0 LTW. 1
kft.vy]<yTev)xivt]v LTTr. r AaveiS LTTrA ; AaviS GW. 6 dyyeAos
+ 6 ayyeAos the angel T.
evXoyrjixeyri cru iv yvvai^if T[Tr]A. LSouffd
x eTri LTXiA.
GTTrA. t<# A6yu> oterapdx0J GTTrA. !
248 AQ Y KA 2. I.

JESUS.. shall 32 He 32 ovrog torai

be great, and shall be '\r\aovv. fikydg, Kal.v'ibg vipiarov K\t]6r]oe-
called the Son of the
Jesus. He shall be great, and Sou of [the] Highest shall be be
Highest and the Lord rat'
Kal Bi'ogei b Otbg rbv z 11

God shall give unto called avT(p ia'<piog Qpbvov Aa/3iS

and 'shall 5 give "him ['the] 3 Lord 3
God the throne of David
him the thrpne of his ;

father David 33 and 33 Kal (SaatXEvaEi iirl rbv oIkov 'laKiuS

he shall reign over the
rov.7rarpbg.avTov , Eig
his father ;
and he shall reign over the house of Jacob to
house of Jacob for
ever and of his king- rovg aidvag, Kal ovK.tarai
T)jg-f3aaiXEiag.avTOv riXog.
dom there shall be no the ages, and of his kingdom there shall not be au end.
end. 34 Then said
Mary unto the angel,
34 El7rev.Si rrpbg rbv dyyeXov, Uwg iarai rovro Ittu
shall this be, see- But 2 said 'Mary to the angel, How shall "be 'this since
ing Iknow not a man ?
35 And the angel an- dvSpa ov.yivwoKU) ;
35 Kal a7TOKpi6elg b dyyeXog eIttev avrg,
swered and said unto a man I know not ? And answering the angel said to her,
her, The Holy Ghost
shall come upon thee, YlvEVjia uyiov i7rs\tv<TETai irrl as, Kal ovvap.ig vxplarov
and the power of the [The] "Spirit 'Holy shall come upon thee, and power of [the] Highest
Highest shall over-
shadow thee: therefore ITUGKICIGU OOC CLU Kal TO yEvvwp.EVOv'1 llyiov kXijOi)-
also that holy thing shall overshadow thee ;
wherefore also the boru 'holy "thing shall be
which shall be born of
thee shall be called the aerai v'ibg Qeov. 36 Kal loov, 'EXiadfiET ii^avyytvrig^-aov Kal
Sou of God. 36 And, oalled Son of God. And lo, Elizabeth thy kinswoman "also
behold, thy cousin c n
v'ibv tv i
' l

Kal ovrog
Elisabeth, she hath avn) avvei\r](pv~ia yt)pa.' .avT>]g' \xi)v
also conceived a son 'she has conceived a son in her old age, and this [the] "month
in her old age : and
this is the sixth month tKTog larlv ahry ry KaXovjx'tvy arEipa.' 37 on ovk ddvva-
'sixth to her who called barren for not ^shall "be
her, who was
with is [was] ;

called barren. 37 For e

with God nothing shall Tr)au Trapa r<p 0ty" ttclv ptjfia. 38 E17tev.Se Mapioju,
be impossible. 38 And impossible with 7
God 'any "thing. And "said 'Mary,
Mary said, Behold the (lit. every)
handmaid of the Lord ; BovXr)
'l8ov, if KvpioV y'tvoiro fxoi Kara TO.pijfid.aov.
be it unto me accord- Behold, the bondmaid of [the] Lord ; v be it to me according to thy word.
ing to thy word. And
the angel departed Kal a7rfjXQev an' avr>jg b dyysXog.
from her. And departed from her the angel.

39 Avaardaa.ti Maprdfx iv raigJijJi'f.paig.TavTaig iTropEvQq

And "rising ^p 'Mary in those days went
39 And Mary arose
in those days, and went Eig rr)v 6puv))v fierd aTrovbfjg, Eig ttoXiv 'lovba, 40 Kal
into the hill country into the hill-country with haste, to a city of Judah, and
with haste, into a city r

of Juda 40 and enter-

EiGrjXOev Eig rbv oIkov Laxapiov Kal rjOTrdoaro ri)v 'EXi(jd(3tr.
ed into the house of entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth.
Zatharias, and saluted 41 Kal iykvEro wg ijkovgev rbv dairaafibv rng
Elisabeth. 41 And it h) 'EXi.adi3Er
came to pass, that, And it came to pass as "heard 'Elizabeth the salutation
when Elisabeth heard to j3ps(pog iv Ty.KoiXia.avrijQ' Kal
the salutation of Mary, Mapiag," iaKiprijaEv iirX-qidi)
'the "babe in her womb and "was 3 filled
the babe leaped in her of Mary, leaped ;

womb and Elisabeth

irvevuaTog 42 Kal dvE<j)0)vi]aEV A

was filled with the dyiov

i) 'EXiodfiET, <pbivy
*with [Hhe] 'Spirit Holy 'Elizabeth, and cried out with a "voica
Holy Ghost 42 and :

she spake out with a Kal eIttev, av iv Kal ev\o-

loud voice, and said, fieydXy A'Xoyr]p.kvr} yvvait.iv,
'loud and said, Blessed [art] thou among women, and blcss-
Blessed art thou a-
mong women, and yrifievog 6 Kapirbg riig.KoiXiag.aov. 43 Kal ttoQev juoi tovto,
blessed is the fruit of ed the fruit of thy womb. And whence to me this,
thy womb. 43 And h '

whence is this to me, "iva tX9y r) fir]Tr]p TOV.KVpiov.p.ov irpog /.iE

44 ibov.ydp, ;
I that the mother of my that should come the mother of my Lord to me ? For lo,
Lord should come to
me ? 44 For, lo, as soon <l)g iykvETO rj <pwvy) TOv.daTraaj.iov.aov Eig ra.uirtt.juoi' iaKip-
as the voice of thy as came the voice of thy salutation into mine ears, leap-
salutation sounded in
mine ears, the babe TTfaEv
tv dyaXXidaEi to fipetpog" iv ry.KoCXia.fiov. 45 Kal
leaped in my womb for ed in exultation the babe in my womb ;
joy. 45 And blessed is
she that believed : for fiaKapia rj marEvaaaa, on tarai TEXf'noaig rolg
there shall bo a perfor- blessed [is] she who .
believed, for there shall be a fulfilment to the things
mance of those things
which were told her XeXaX/juevoig avry Trapa Kvpiov
from the Lord. spoken to her from [the] Lord.
Aaveio" LTTrA ;
Aavto" GW. *
[ck o-ovj of thee l.+ crvyyevis LTW. crui'eiAr)-
<F Tr. d
y^pet GLTTrAW.
e TOU 6.0V TTrA. f
rbv 0.0-tto.q-ij.ov ttJs Mapt'as >j 'EAto"d/3eT
b to ^pe'^>os iv ayaAAiao-et GW.
LCTrA. S Kpavyrj with 3. 'cry TTrA. /A T- '
1. LUKE. 149
46 Kal direv Mapia/i, MzyrrXvvei 46 And Mary said,
t).<pvxV-f^ov rbv Ki'jpiov,
A-nd 3
said Mary, Magnifies
'my soul the Lord,
My scul doth ninirnify
the Lord, 47 and my
47 feat kirl r<p Oecjj np.i5oJTiipi-i.iov' spirit hath rejoiced in
yyaXXiaaev Tb.7n'evfid./.iov
2 God my Saviour. 48-For
and ""exulted 'my spirit in God my Saviour. he hath regarded the
48 OTl fc7rl/3\6^8V 7T< T1]V TCLTrfivOJUlV Trjg.SovXl]g.aVTOV' ioov low estate ot his hand-
For he looked of his bon tmaid
2 maiden: for, behold,
upon the humiliation ;
from henceforth all
yap, drcb tov.vvv irdaai al yevaai. 49 generations shall call
from henceforth E
'will "*count G
me blessed 'all
me blessed. 49 For he
'for, fenerations. that is mighty hath
k n
done to me great
ii7ou]Gkv fioi /.iya\t7a 6 dvvarog, Kal uyiov to oi'Oj-ia
*bas done c to 7 mo s great 3 things 'the 2 inighty 3 one, and holy [is]
name things and holy is his;

name. 50 And his

avTov' 50 Kal ro.tXeoQ.aurov elg yei'edg
TOIQ mercy is on them that
'his ;
and his mercy [is] to generations of generations to those fear him from genera-
tion to generation.
(pofiovp'tvoiQ abrov.^ 51 t7roh]aei> KparoQ ev /3pax'ovi.avrov' 51 He hath shewed
fearing him. He wrought strength with his arm, strength with his arm;
he hath scattered the
diecncopTTKrev inreprjipdvovg Siavoia Kapdiag.avTujv. proud in the imagina-
he scattered haughty
[the] in [the] thought of their heart. tion of their hearts.
52 He hath put down
52 KaOeTKev SwdvTag cnrb Qpovwv, Kal 'vxpirjoev Taireivovg. the mighty from their
He put down rulers from thrones, and exalted [the] lowly :
seats.and exalted them
of low degree. 53 He
53 Trtivwi'Tag ivs7rXi](jev dyaOwv, Kal irXovTovvTag hath filled the hungry
[the] hungry he filled with good things, and [the] rich with good things and ;

the rich he hath sent

&aTrt<Trei\ev Kevovg. 54 dvTeXd(3eTO 'l<Tpai]\ Traidbg civtov, empty away. 54 He
he sent away empty. He helped Israel servant 'his, hath holpen his ser-
vant Israel, in remem-
/]oQ>]vai tXeovg, 55 KaQ<i>g tXdXrjcrev irpbg rovg brance of his mercy ;
[in order] to remember mercy, according as he spoke to 55 as he spake to our
m rbv fathers, to Abraham,
TraTtpag.rmuJv, r<p 'kfipadfi Kal nji-O'TrkpfJLaTi.avTOV elg and to his seed for
our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever. 56 And Mary a-
iWa." 56 "E/mi^r-cte Mapidfi ovv avry wo~er fxrivag rpeig, bode with her about
tJiree and re-
ever. 2
And abode 'Mary with her about 2 months 'three, turnedmonths,
to her own
Kal vTrttTTpeipev elg Tbv.olKOV.avTijg. house.
and returned to her house.
57 Ty.SL'EXiffd/3er i-KXijaQr) b XP" V0 G TOv.TEKeh'.avTrjv, 57 Now Elisabeth's
Now to Elizabeth was fulfilled the time that she should bring forth, full time came that she
Kal lykvvr](TZv viov 58 Kal i]Kovaav ol irepioiKOi Kal oi ovy- should be delivered ;

and she brought forth
and she bore a 3
son. And heard 'the ^neighbours
a son. 58 And her and kins-

on and her
}?)'< avrfjg
Ki>piog rb.tXeog.avrov }.ieT neighbours
cousins heard how the
folk 'her that was maguifying ['the] Lord his mercy with Lord had shewed
ai'Trjg, Kal cvvkxnipov avry. 59 Kal kykveTO iv ry 6ydoy mercy upon her and ;

her, and they rejoiced with her. And it came to pass on the eighth they rejoiced with her.
59 And it came to pass,
7]X9ov 7Tfptreju?7v to 7raiSiov' Kal tKaXovv avro that on the eighth day
day came to circumcise the and were they came to circum-
they little child, calling it
cise the child and they ;

T<p ovojiaTi TOV.TraTpbg.avTOi) Zaxapiav. 60 Kal dwo- called him Zacharias,
af ter the name of his father Zacharias. And 3
an- after the name of his
father. 60 And his
KpiOeiaa t'l.fifiTrjpMVTOv ilitev, Oi>x'i, dXXd KXr]9r](7ETai v'lwdv- mother answered and
swering 'his -mother No but he shall be called John. said, Not so; but he
said, ;
shall be called John.
61 Kal il7rov n "On
tv ry 61 And they said unto ianv
v)]g." Trpbg aun;v, ovSeig
is none of
And they said to her, among the her, There No one is
thy kindred that is
cvyyeveia^ gov og KaXeirai 62
TijJ-bvofiari.TOVTQ. 2 'Evkvevov called by this name.
They 'made signs 62 And they made signs
kinsfolk of thee who is called by this name.
lo his father, how ha
pt T(p.7rarpLavTov to.t'i av.QkXoi KaXelaOai s avr6v. would have him called. [[

'and to Bis father [as to] what he might wish 2

to J be
called 'him. 63 A nd he asked for a
writing table, 'and
63 Kal atrrjcrag TrivaKiSiov eypaipsv, Xkyiov, v ']ujdvi'r)g" wrote, saying, His
And having asked for a writing tablet he wrote, saying, John name is John. And
marvelled alL
iarlv t rb u .6vofia.avTOv' Kai IQavpaaav irdvreg. 64 'Av^x^l-^1 they 64 And his mouth was
is his name. And they -wondered 'all. And was opened opened immediately,
Kal yeveas and generations TTiA. m eio? attoro? G.
n LTTr.
fieyd\a LTTr.

avyyeveias from
->}IJi.ipa rrj bySorf LTTrA. P 'Iuai'ijs Xr. 1 el-rrai' TTr. /c
rijs among
the kinsfolk LTTrA. s l TO Tr[Aj.
avro it LTT.A.
150 AOYK A 2.
and his tongue loosed,
anil he spake, and TO.OTOfia.av-ov 7ra'paxprnia Kai >).yXu>o(xa.avTOV, Kid
And his mouth immediately and his tongue and
praised God. 65 [loosed],
fear came on all that iXdXn
dwelt round about svXoyoJv tov Quov. 65 Kai
tykvtTO iirl irdvTag ipdj3og
them and all these he spoke, blessing
God. And ^came ^pon *all 'fear
Barings were noised Tovg TrepioLKOvvrag avrovg' kcu tv bXy ry
abroad throughout all opsivy Tug
those who dwelt around them; and in -whole 'the hill-country
the hill country of Ju-
daea. 66 And all they SieXaXnro
that heard litem laid
'lovSaiag Travra ra.fl///iara.raiira* 66 Kai
of Judaea *were 5 being Halked 'of 'all

-these things. And

them up in their hearts,

Baying, What manner 'IQevto -Kcivng 01 aKovoavrzg iv Ty.mpSig.avToJv, Xi-

of child shall this be I *laid 5 e 2
[ them] up 'all who heard:,
in their heart, say-
And the hand of the
Lord was with him. yovTtg, Tt dpa r6.7raidioi>.Tovro tOTai; Kai w ^?ip
ing, What then this 'little 5
child 'will'^be? And [the] hand
Kvpiov riv /xsr' avroii.
of [the] Lord was with him.
67 Kai Zaxapiag d.7rari)p.avT0v tTrXrjciOr) irvev imtoq
67 And his father
And Zacharias his father was filled with [the] "Spirit .

Zacharias was filled x n

with the Holy G-host, dyiov, Kai 7rpoe(pr)THvo-iiv, Xkyiov, 68 EvXoyrjrbg Kvpiog o
Holy,' and orouhesied.
prophesied, savimr.
saying, Blessed he
Tllesspd be r
[the] Lord the
and prophesied, say-
ing, 68 Blessed be the Btbg
Tov'lapa>)X, on
tTreuKfipaTO t7roii]trev Xvrpwuiv Kai
Lord God of Israel God ; of Israel, because he looked upon and
for he hath visited and wrought redemption
redeemed his people, Tip.Xaip.avroi)' 69 Kai y x

69 and hath rai-ed up

ijyupzv Ktpag acjrtjpiag i/filv tv rip
for his people, and raised up a horn of salvation for us in the
an horn of salvation
z n a n
for us in the house of
OIKll) Aai3iS Toi> .vaiSug.avTOV' 70 KaOiog iXdXi]crsv did
his servant David house of David
; his servant according as he -poke
; by [the]
70 as he spake by the
month of his holy pro- OTOfiarog tojv dyicjv "Twv^.aTT.aiojvog 7rpofpnroJv aurov
phets, which have been mouth holy
since 6 time 'began 'prophets 'of -his ;
since the world began :

71 that we should be 71
saved from our ene-
cnoTiip'tav t
txpuvJ) /.iu>v Kai tK
our enemies

and from [the] hand

X El TcdvTUiV
of all
mies, and from the
hand of all that hato twv ixKrovvriov tjfidg' 72 7roii)aai tXeog fisrd tCjv Trar'spMV
n= 72 to perform the those who
hate us to fulfil
; mercy with fathers
mercy promised to our
fat hers, and to remem- t'lixwv, Kai fiinjffBrjvai diaOijicrjg dyiag avTOV, 73 opKov ov
3 2
ber his holy covenant 'our, ;
and to remember covenant holy 'his, [tlie] oath which
73 the oath which ho
8 ware to our father u>p,oatv 7rp6g 'A.(5padfx Tbv.TraTipaj)jjiCJv }
tov Sovvai iifiiv
Abraham, 74 that he he swore to Abraham our father, to give us [that]
would grant unto us, d
that we being deliver- 74 dipofiwg
tK X ei P Jx9|0ah'- J^uwi' pvoOtvrqg,
ll 1 '

ed out of the hand of without fear out of [the] hand of our enemies being saved,
our enemies might tv Kai tvwiriov avrov
serve him without Xarpeveiv avrip 7.5 ocrion/n SiKaio&vvy
and righteousness
fear, 75 in holiness and weshouldserve him in holiness before him,
righteousness before
iraaag rag rjpspag 76 Kai OV 1
, TraiSiov,
him, all the days of our all the of our life. And thou little child,
life. 76 And thou, child, days
shalt be called the pro-
phet of the Highest : Trpotprjrrjg vtpiarov kX7]61jo-?j' TrpoTcoptvay.ydp 7rpo
prophet of [the] Highest shalt be called ; for thou shalt go before [the]
for thou shalt go before
the face of tho Lord 77 tov Sovvai
to .prepare his ways 7TjOocrw7rov Kvpiov troifidaai vSovg.avrov'
; of [the] Lord to prepare his ways }o give ;
77 to give knowledge
of salvation unto his
yvwiriv Gu>Tt]piag Ti^.Xaip-ai'Tov tv d^taei aixapTiwv.avTutv,
people by the remission knowledge of salvation to his people in remission of their sins,
of their sins,78 through
the tender mercy of 78 Sid
our God whereby the
oTrXdyxya iX'tovg Qt20v.i1p.CJv, tv otg STr-ecKf^aTO
of compassion of our God, in which, has visited
through [the] bowels
dayspring from on
high hath visited us, t)[j,dg dvaroXt) t vrpovg, 79 tTTiipavai Tolg 2tv 3 okqtu
79 to give light to them us [the] day-spring from on high, to shine upon those in darkness
that sit in darkness
and in the shadow of Kai OKiqZ Bavdrov KaOrip'tvoig' tov KartvQvvai tovq
5 6 8 3
death, to guide our feet 'and in [ the] 'shadow of death 'sitting to direct ;

w + T(z (read [the]) LTTrA

yap (read For also) ltttA. *
AavelS LTTrA AaviS GW.
tov LTTrA. TUf TTi A. c TUiV LTTrA.
d of all our days) ultti aw.
r)nu>v (read [our] enemies) [L]TTrA. Tijs <}s (read
+ Se also TTrA.
lit. ,
L UK E. 151
oSbv t e a '

7ri')daQ.i)fiwv eig elpijvijg. 80 To.c^ -iraiSiov tivtnvtv lP, ?

!) ^ Vf 1
pc ^ec,-
our row into [the] way Ami
of peace. the little child
grew ~d waSdrtrong'Tn
Kill Kai l)v tV Talg tprjfiotg tUJg spirit, and was in the
tKpaTCLlOVTO irvtVj.ia.Tl'
and was strengthened in spirit and he was in the deserts until [the]
hL^Ihewing unt^Is-
dvactitiwg.avTOv irpbg rbv'Icrpm'jX. raei.
clay of his shewing to Israel.

2 'Eyh'tTo.dt tv iZ,r~i\9tv H. And it came to

Talg.i'ifitpaig.tKeii'aig Soy/ja
And it came to pass in those day* 3
went "out 'a 2 decree P as s in those days, that
,r , , , , , n ,
there went out a de-
irapa katcrapog Auyovarov, airoypacpeaOai tcaaav ti)v from Casar Au- eree
K u st"s, that all the

froin Caesar Augustus, that should be registered all the

c. ,i ,. , , . ,
' > > ii '
world should be taxed.
J/yf- 2 (And this taxing was
cikovi.uvi]V avr)i-'i) .airoypaty)) 7rnwTi] tytrtTo" "

habitable world; this registration first took place when made when Cyre-
firs t
' - v '
\v '
ii o > > ' nius was governor of
flOl'tVOVTOg T>igZ,Vpiag 'Krpj/VIOU." 3 Kai tTTOptVOVTQ 7CaVTtg Syria.) 3 And all went
-u as 'governor ''of 'Syria 'Cyrenius. And -went 'all to be taxed, every one
_n ' . '
h "*'
t- >\ ii a > a
4 Av e i3)).6t
' 'j m ' into his own city.
cnroypacptoVai, tKaaTog eigT)ji'. iciav".7rcXiv. Kai 4And Joseph also went
to be registered, each to his own city : and 'went ''up also up from Galilee, out

'\woi)(f> citto Ti)g TaXCXaiag tK iroXtug 'Ncr^apsr tig T >)v


'Joseph from Galilee out of [the] city Nazareth to the city of Davie
m e
'lovSlliaV, tig Tt6\ lV
judaea, to a city
of David which
i)t,Q xdMrai B n 9Xtt^
is called Bethlehem, because was of the house and
Sid Tehem ;
Scaie t
TuAvauavrbv i o'i'kov >:ui m n
5 u
cnro- 5 to B be tared* with
irnrpiag Aa(3id, '
of his being . of [the] house and family of David, to re-
Mary his espoused
n n ith
ypa\pao9ai abv Mapiu/i t$ ptnvri<JTEV(itvy avT$ PyuvaiKi,"
giter himself with who was betrothed him
^ui^vIKi* w
Mary to as wife,
that, while the^ were"
ovcry tyKvut. 6 'EysvEToM tv tu>>TOvg
^1 Aay? we^ e
she being great with child. And
it came to pass in the [time] they were shouUl
txtl tTr\r]a9))aav tre- she brought
at im'tpai Tov.TtKth'.avTi'iV 7 Kai 7 And
there ''were "fulfilled 'the and she brought *days for her bringing forth,
a nd ^app^h^in'
KFV Tbv.V(bl>.aUTI}g TUV TTpiVTOTOKOV, Kai tGTTapyi'lVWtJtU swaddling clothes, and
her son and wrapped -iu 'swaddling Vlothes him n a manger

forth the first-born, ;

,, , , , ^ . , i >
because there was no >- '\

UUTOV, Kai UViKXlVS# avruV tV q ry" (paTVIJ, OlUTl OVK.ljV room for them in the
and him lnn
laid in the manger, because there was not

avroiig roTTog tv r<p Ka.Takvfia.Ti.

for them a place in the inn. 8 And there were in
8 Kl Troin'ivzg haw $i> Ty x"P a TJj avry, dypavXovvTtg he^nbS'Tn^he
And shepherds were in the ^country 'same, lodging in the fields fie ],j keeping watch
Kai (pvXuaaovTtg <pv\aKag Te th ei k 7
" t^c vvKTog t7ri T))v.7Toifn'riv.avTujv. t , f ?^ '^
and keeping watch by night over their flock
anfelW the Lordcarie
u p u * h m aud the
^ ^
9 Kai T loov, n dyytXog Kvpiov tTricrrrj avTolg, Kai B6Ka\ ^ Lord shone '

and behold, an angel of [the] Lord stood by them,

and [the] glory
ljoj g >Tf the

round about them :

Kai and they were sore a-

KVp'lOV 7Ttpi'i\aj.l\l/tV t<pofi>)9>]<TaV (j)U[30V
10 And the an-
of [the] Lord shone around them, they feared [with] "fear and
i , .., \ %- a n >* \ & sa unt0 them,
f.uyav. 10 Kai tlirtv avToig o dyytXog, Mij^optlaOa' 2 icov Fear not for, behold, :

3 hrin
\-reat. And said "to 5
them 'the -;LUgel, Fear not bchold \ S /'U good ti- :

, x v > /. , 'ngs Of great joy,

, ,

yap, evayytXi^o/jai Vfxiv \apav fxtya}.r)v, i/Tig torai which shall be to ail
'for, I announce glad tidings to you [of] -ioy 'great, which shall be people. 11 For unto
, ~ S ,, n , , / / .. r you is born this day
KaVTl TO) \aifJ' ai]/.(tpOV COm/p, vg tGTiV
11 OTl lTt\9r] VjMV in the city of David
to all the was born to you to-day
people a Saviour, who for
is a Saviour, which is,
, .. a ,,, in
- <~
, , Christ the Lord. 1.' And
XpiGTog KVptOg, tV TToAEl s A.a[3l0. 12 Kai TOVTO VfUlV thi* shall 6c a sign un-
t-hrist [the] Lord, in [the] city of David. And this [is] to you to you ; Ye shall lind
, n , t
lwv Ktt-
t , i ' tne babe wrapped in
to arifitiov' tvpr)(jf.TE ppttyog toirapyaviojitvov, swad'.iing clothes,
the sign ye shall find a babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes, ly- lying in a Vfnangcr.

s h ' k iavrov (read his city) ltiy.

i) LTTrA. eyevero irpuirt) t. Kvpivov Cyrenns l.
7$a.apa9 L ; Na^apeS TW.
m AauciS LTTrA ;
Aav'iS GW. n
arroypd(j>ecr0ai h.
" *
e;j.i'r}o-Tevnivr) LTTrA. P yvvaiKt LTTvA.
rrj (read a manger) LTTrA. iSoii

tlt-a! Aaveto LiirA ; AautS ass. .

-f- Kai aud [i]xrA. Keitievov X.
152 A O V K A 2. It.

a multitude of the ' u kr > a *' lu iuauger. And suddenly there was with tho
1 ho pr ai *" x n
alvovvTiov tuv 9t6v,
'n^G '! |*
ayyeXip 7rAi]ffof arpariciq ovpaviov,
au; eI a multitude of [the] liost 'heavenly, praising God,
l^Glory'toGodln the >'

highest, and on earth K 0( XsyoVTWV, 14 Aottt *V 17TI

V\ll(TTOlQ Offi, Kttl y?jg
and Bayin => Glor y in [ tne ] mgliest to God, and on earth
warf'mtn? 15And it
came to pass, as the IV ClvBpiOTTOig^ Y EV0OKia. tt
15 Krft ty'&l'ETO, OJQ airijX-
nngcls were gone away p eacCi n men And it came to pass, as 3depart-
good pleasure.
ven, the shepherds said 9oV O.TT aVTU)V l
~ TUl> Ovpctl'bv 01 ciyytXoL,
KO.t 01 dj'9oOJ7TOl^
one to another, Let us ei] <from s
thera e
iQ 7
the i =
that tho men tne a ngels,
now go even unto , ,
. , _, ,

Bethlehem, and see 01 TTOl^liVE Q E i7T0V" TTOOQ aXXljXoUQ ,

AltX(kt)fieV 01] U>f
this thing which is the said to one another, Let us go through indeed as far as
come to pass, which
the Lord hath made
m ,

Kai 1010/lEV TO.ptjjia.TOVTO TO

, -
, , _ , , ,

iintiAEtfi, ytyOVOQ
known unto ns. 16 And Bethlehem, and let us see this thing that has come "to pass which the
they came with haste, / , , _ _. hr\ n ' < , 11

KVplOg lyVlopiGEV IJfllV. \b Kai

and found Mary, and l)X9oV C7TW(7aVTEQ KCIX
Joseph, and the babe Lord made known to us. And they came having hasted and
lying in a manger. r >
lr 11
> T' \ a j \ \ \ , <

17 And when they had aVEl'pOV" Tl)V.TE.Mapl'J.^ Kai T0V lw<TI]<p, KCll TO pptfyOQ KEl-
seen it, they made found both Mary and Joseph, and the babe ly-
a e
"nTwhich was t^d" V-^ov iv ry fciTvy. 17 tSieyvwptaav"
them concerning this ing in the manger. And having seen, they made known abroad
tha^heard^wondered "P T0V ph^TOQ TOV XciXlfikvTOQ OVTOlg TTSpl TOV
at those things which concerning the saying which had been told them concerning
were told them by the
19 But
shepherds. Alary ,.,,, . . ,
., , ., , ,, . .

kept all these things ^^us "t"e child. .And all who heard
> 0n er n ,<
he rhe ^ ^OA d"ti "^P* \aXl\QkvTitiV
returned concerning the things
which had been spoken by the shepherds to
glorifying and prais- ai'TOVC. 19 i>-de.
Mctpiau TTClVTa ovvertipEi Ta.pnuaTci.Ta.VTay
But Mary "all 'kept tLsCsayings
heard and seen, as
it f
o~vu.8dXXovo~a n iv rS.Kapdia.avTrjg.
20 Kai %nrGTpf.yd~v*
was told unto them. her heart. And Returned
pondering [them] in
o\ iroifikveg, SoZciZovteq Kai aivovvTSg rbv Qzbv iiri Traoiv
'the ^shepherds, glorifying and praising God for all things
oXg iJKovoav Kai ei^oi'," Ka9u>g iXaXi)9r] irpbg avrovg.
which they had heard and seen, as it was said to them.
21 And when 21 Kai '6t tTrXricr9n<jav iiu'tpai oktoj tov TrspiTEueiv 'to
d ft
e CC
cir c
And when were fulfilled
uSng -eight for the 'circumcising the 4s
of the child, hisname 'lT)<rovg r TO
TrmSiov," Kai IkXtjOt] TO.ovoixa.avTOV .
whtchwir so named li"le child,
was , caUed ais name Jesus, which [he] was .

of the angel before he Q v V tt T ov ayy'tXov

' 7rpo tov k ffyX\r?00Jjvai" avTov iv T-g
was conceived in the n d bJ th x ^f or9 s
was 3 C0 nceived 'he in th
womb. #

. 1
22 And when the
days of her purifica-
3 , i,
> - n
22 Kai ote t7rXi]tjQt]<7av at t/fispai TOV.KafJapiff/lOvJaVTOJV"
- ..##
> ~ 1 11

tion according to the And. when were fulfilled the days for their purification
law of Moses were _- ><t
Kara tov vofiov m Moj(Tfojf, avrjyayov avTov stg lspooo-
, n . . ' ' v

accomplished, they
brought him to Jeru- according to the law of Moses, they brought him to Jerusa-
salem, to present him , no a x ' '
tv 11

to the Lord 23 (as it Xv/ua 7rapa(TT))Gai Tq) Kvpiii), 16 Kavwg

; ysypaTTTai
is written in the law lem to present to the Lord, as it has been written in [the^
t d
nlie that'op nefhthe icvpiov, Trav cipffSV Siavolyov nvTpav iiyiov
vSu^ "On
womb shall be called law of [the] Lord, That every male opening a womb "holy

snlfmUo offer ^sTcri- Tip Kvpioj K\T)Qi]aeT(ii' 24 Kai tov Sovvai Qvo'iav Kara
5 6 3 and to offer a sacrifice according tc
fice according to that to the 'Lord 'shall "be called :

- j evSoKta<; of good
w ovpavov of heaven Tr.
( recl d a manger)
a e\d\ow T. b
pleasure fcTTrA.
J Ki i a.v6p<i>TT{>i [L]T[TrAJ. fi\9ai> TTrA.

kyvuipiaav they made known~ LTTrA.

e f
avevpav TTr.
d Mapia LTTrA. irvvpd\-
KovcraT. e viriarp^av GLTTrAW. h l&ov T. outok him GLTTrAW. k
rvAA>j/ir/)d^ai '

m Miovo-au9 LTXrAW. n -r to the L.

avr^s (rtud her puriheation) B.
II. L UK E. 153
to which is said in the
tiprjpivov iv romp Kvpiov, Ztvyog rpvyovtov law uf the Lord. A pair
that which has been said in [tlio] law of [the] Lord, A pair of turtle doves of
turtledoves, or two
Svo p young pigeons.
r} veov<jovq TrtpiG-epuiv.
Cr two young of pigeons.

25 Kai 25 behold, there

ISov, /yv
di'9pto7rog^ iv 'lepc.vaaX))n (!)
bvopia was And,
a man in Jerusa-
And heboid, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name
lem, whose name loan
dik'aioc Kai tvXa/3i'ig, Simeon and the same
Hv/Jitiov, kcu b.av'SpioTTOQ.oWoQ ;

and this man [was] and man was just and de-
[was] Simeon; just pious,
vout, waiting for the
7rpo(T^E%oyUvof: TrapaKXt^mv tov 'loparjX, Kai rrvevfia consolation of Israel:
waiting for [the] consolation of Israel, and [the]
the Holy Ghost
wasupon him. 2(> And
ayiov avrov' 26 Kai
J)v" sir i]v avrqi KBxpijpariGuivoi^ vtto it was revealed unto
'Holy was upon him. And it was to him divinely communicated by him by the Holy Ghost,
that he should not see
tov revtvparog rov ayiov fiijMtiv rrpiv^if death, before he had
the Holy that he should not see death
the before seen the Lord's Christ.
27 And he came by the
'iSrj .tov xpirrrov Kvpiov. 27 Kai r)\9sv iv rtp 7rvtvpaTi Spirit into the temple:
he should see the Christ of [the] Lord. And he came in the Spirit and when the parents
brought in the child
tig to itpov' Kai tv.T<o-i<Jayaye7v rovg yovelg to 7rai<)iov 'lt]~ Jesus, to do for him
into the temple and when ^brought ''in
'the -parents the little child Je- after the custom of the
law, 23 then took he
o~ovv, TOV.7rou}aai.avTOVQ Kara rb.ti9iGjAvov him up in hi- arms, and
5 s 8
sus, that they might do According 'Ho what had 'become customary bles-ed God, and said,
2:1 Lord, now le'.test
tov voixov 7Tpi avrov, 28 Kai avrbg iSttaro avrb tig rdgayKa.- thou thy servant de-
B 10
by the "law 'for "him, he also received him into -arms, part in peace, accord-
ing to thy word 30 tor
avTOV, Kai ti'X6yt]Gtv rov 9t6v, KaiflTrsv, 29Nwv cnroXvtig
t n :

\ag mine eyes have seen

'his, and blessed God, and said, Nowthoulettestgo thy salvation, 31 which
Kara thou hast prepared be-
Tov.dovX6v.aov, c'tanora, rb.pijpd.Gov, iv tipr)vy' fore the face of all
thy bondman, O Master, according to thy word, in peace ;
people; 32 a light to
30 on tldov oi.6<p9dXp.oLfiov to. Gtorlip, 31 o lighten the Gentiles,
and the glory of thy
3 4
for have seen 'mine thy salvation, which
people Israel. 33 And

rwv Xawv' 32 Joseph and his mother

ijToipaaaQ Kara. irpoGwirov irdvnov <piug marvelled at those
thou hast prepared before [the] face of all the peoples; alight which were
tig cnroKaXvipiv t9viov Kai $6av Xaov.Gov 'lapaljX. spoken
of him. 34 And
for revelation of [the] Gentile3 and of thy people Israel.
Simeon blessed them,
glory and said unto Mary his
33 Kai 7\v 'lwGt)<p'

Kai ii.pijrTjp.^avrov" 9avpd%ovrtg irri mother, Behold, this

And s were 3
his 4 mother child is set for the fall
'Joseph '-'and wondering at
and rising again of
roXg .
XaXovpi voig Trtpi avrov. 34 Kai ti>X6y)]Gtv many in Israel and ;'

the things which were spoken concerning him. And ^blessed for a sign which shall
be spoken against ;

Svptuiv, Kai dirtv rrpbg Mapidfi rrjv.prjripa avrov, 35 (.yea, a sword shall
them 'Simeon, and said to Mary his mother, pierce through thy
own soul also,) that
iSov, ovrog Ktlrai tig rrruiGiv Kai dvaaramv ttoXXwv the thoughts of many
Lo, this [child] is set for [the] fall and rising up of many hearts may be re-
iv rii>'lapar)X, Kai tig Gi]pelov avrtXtyopevov 35 Kai gov x o"
in Israel, and for a sign spoken against ; (and of thee also
avrrjg Tijvxpvx^v 3 dieXtvaerai pop<paia- o7rtog dv.diroKaXv-
e 4
thy 'soul shall go 'through 'a -sword ;) so that may be re-

ip9ioaiv Ik rroXXiov KapSiwv SiaXoyiapoi.

vealed of many hearts [the] reasonings.
36 And there was one
36 Kai f)v "Avva 7Tpo<pi)Tig, 9vydri]p $>avovr)X, tK Anna, a prophetess,
And there was Anna a prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, of [the] the daughter of Pha-
nuel, of the tribe of
tfvXrjg 'Aarip' avrt] 7rpof3tl3t]KvTa iv y/jspaig 7roXXaTg, Z,i,aaaa Aser she was of a

tribe of Asher, she was advanced in "days 'many, having lived great age, and had
z n
lived with an husband
7f77j fitrd dvdpbg" iirra enrb rr)g. Trap9tviag . avrrjg, 37 Kai seven years from her
"yeara with *a 'husband 'seven from her virginity, and virginity ;
37 and she

+ wj> the LTTr. P i/oo-o-ou? TA. 1 avOpojnos y\v T.

7]V ayiov GLTTi AW.
av T ;
ai< Tr. '

avrov {read [his] arms) [L]T[TrA]. " + o L. b 7raTrjo avrov his
father GTTrA. avrov (read [his] mother,) GTrA. * y fj.era
[&e] LTr. avSpbt
in\ ISXj. jrapQeveias A.
154 A TK A 2. IT.
was a widow of about
X 'lP a
b^-^ii 7 C( tTutv oyvorjKovrartrTfrapwv, f/ aim
3 5
she was ^ a wiUow "about 'years 'of eighty-four, who 'not
years^ which departed

not from the! eru pic, ct(!>ilTTaTQ d 7To" TOV KCli Ce>1G(JlV XctTpFVQVcra
bnt served God with 6 ' , .,
.', .. ,
, ,. , .

de P artod, from with fastings and supplications


the temple, serving

fastings and prayers
night and day. 38 And v {j K ra KO.l 38 e n
J/jU?OaV' KCll CtVT)] CtVT?).T1J u>pci iiriaTaaa

11 11*
da * ^ d *he at the same hour coming np

, ,

wise unto the Lord, f

and spake of him to Clv9lx)fXQXnyLTO KVpt(p," Kal kXctXtl 7Tpi al'TOV WUCriV T<p
Lord, and spoke concerning him
gave praise to all to the
all them that looked / , ,
for redemption in Je- TCi7g s V
7Tp0(TVlX lil 0l Q XvTQMOlV tV 'lepOV(jaXi)fX.
rusalcm. those waiting for redemption in Jerusalem.
'. 39 And when
they 39 Kal wg trtXtrjav 7ravra . rd" /card rbv vo/.iov ll 1

had all
performed And when they had completed all things according to the law
things according to ,
. , , i t-i \ ' .
1 "\ i < '
l n il II

the law of the Lord, KVpiOV, ^V7Ti-<TTpexUav tig T1]V YaXlXaiClV, tig TTjV 7TlXlW 3 '

they returned into of [the] Lord they returned to Galilee, to city

Galilee, to their own ,
n , . .
, ., -, , ,
city Nazareth. 40 And avrwv ria{,aptr. 40 To. St
TTClldlOV t]vt,avtv KUl tKpa-
the child grew,
waxed strong
filled with wisdom: TCUOVTO
in spirit,
'their ['own],

n\' 7rXl]pOVJltVOV

and became

X ri 9 l Q
_, ii

and the grace of God strong in spirit, being filled with wisdom, and [the] grace
was upon him. n ~ r VtOV t)V iTT Ctl'TO.
> > '

of God was tfpon him.

41 Now his parents 41 Kal tTrop c vovTO oi.yovElg.avrov Kar'Jrog elg'ltpnvaaXt)n
went to Jerusalem And 3
went 'his ''parents yearly to Jerusalem
everv year at the feast .. ~ , ~< ,, , t ~ /., . , ,

ofthopassover. 42 And Ty tOpry TOV 7TaT%a. QZ Kai OTk~ tytVtTO 2tTlOV 3 COJOtKa,
when he was twelve at the feast of the ptissovcr. And when he was years [ old] 'twelve,
years old, they went n /D ' n ' - r >i '\ u n > '

ClllTLoV T ttg IfOOffOAiJ/ia" Kara TO tVog I

lip to Jerusalem after ^CLVCtpClVTltiV Tljg

6 7 4
the custom of the feast, ^having gone np they to Jerusalem according to the custom of the
43 And when they had < ~ ao \ ' < , ~> , < .

fulfilled' the days, as io or, JC? 43 Kai Tt\eU0(TaVT(0V rag tlfltpag, tV-Tljt.WKOGTpttytlV

the fea-t, and having completed the days, as -returned

they returned,

chUdJesus^n-iedte- 'i^oSff" 6 TTalg iv 'ltpOVaoX^fl, Kdi

"remained behind "Jesus 3
the ''child in and
and Joseph and his 'they Jerusalem,
t K
OVIC.tyV(t) 'lli)(T))<p KCll l).fir)TT]p.auTOV' 44 VO/.li<TaVTC-0t ClilTUV
him to have been in
knew [ e it] 'not 'Joseph -and 3 his 4 mothcr ; but supposing him
the company, went a, v'
ty TJ*j avvo Sia eh'UL

and TjXOoV 7]Utnag

r jr 6SuV, KCti CLVtZilTOVV
days Tourney .,' j ,, . ,
journey, and
; ,

they sought him a-

ln tla* company to be they went a day's suught
mong their kinsfolk aVTOV tV TOIC OVyytVtGtV Kal W SJ/" TOig * yV(0<TTO?C' 45 Kal
and acquaintance. ^ , .
andj among the acquaintances
and ,
' .

45 And when thev among the relations :

found him not, they

Jerusalem seekin
zvpovTtg *ai)Tov VTrkaTpti/av tig'ltpovoaXiijx^fyiTOvvrtg^
not having found him they returned to Jerusalem, seeking
him. 46 And it came to aVTOV. 46 Kal z n
TptTg tlpov aiiTOV tV
that after three lytVETO flt9' l)fi'tpaQ
pass, hj And it came to pass after "days 'three they found him in
days they him
found _ w , , , ^ , , , , ,

in the temple, sitting

rip Itpo), KaOt^O/JiEVOV tV fltCJljJ
TU)V SlCaffKaXdJV, Kai aKOV-
in the midst of the t h in [the] midst of the both near-
temple, sitting teachers,
doctors, both hearing \ <> / *n ->y ? ' >

them, and asking them OVTO aVT(V Kai tTTtpiOTWVTa aVTOl'Q. 47 tt,l(JTaVTO. Ot TTUVTtg
questions. 47 And all i ng them and questioning them. And "were c auinzed 'all
that heard him were
astonished at his un-
^ , ,

(JV) lGEl
Kai Taig a7TOKpllTt(TlV f
derstanding and an- 2 those ^hearing <
him at [hi-] understanding and -answers
swers. 48 And when
they saw him, they avrov. 48 Krtl loovrtg
,.,.,,, avTuv
,, ,

> / .,
Kai *7rpug

were amazed md his : 'his. And seeing him they were astonished : and to' him
mother said unto him, < , , ~ T n mi t i < ~ >

Son, why hast thou 1l.p]T1)p.aVTOV tiTTtV, ItKt'OV, Tl bTTOl)](Jag ljj.Hl' Ol'TWg]
thus dealt with us? his mother said^ Child, why hns< thou done tons thus?
auT>j herself TXr A.
eai; up to l,TTi\A.
d atrb (read left not) tti-a. e
avTrj W ;

axiTT) (read avOoi/j-oK. she gave praise) LTTrA. e ev (read f 6ew (read to God) ltti-a.
[ill]) LTTi'LA].
iravTO. TTr. rat >
jTjf LTTrA.
m eavTuif * 1. '
Nafape'6 TTViV}J.arL LTTrA. crania avafiawoVTOiU going "J

up LTTrA. r
ets 'Iepoor6Au/ia t[Ti]a. s
['Irjo-ous] A.
ovk eyfajo-ai/ oi yov^li avrov his
parents knew it not LTTrA.
eli'at iv rrj a-vvoSia LTTrA. if GLTTrAW. avrov
y ai>ar)TOVi>Tes LTTrA. l a eln-er
(read [him]) c[lJtt a. /nerd TTrA. Trp'os avr'of
il /iTjriJp ai/TOU-LTTrA.
IT, 'IT. LUKE. 155
49 Kai behold, thy father and
loov, b.Tra-rip.rrov Kayo} oSvvdifiEvoi t'Ci]T0VfiEV oe. 1 have soujrht thee sor-
behold, thy f.ither and I distressed were seeking thee. A.ud
rowing. 49 And he said
unto them, How is it
*Ittev Trpbq avTovQ, Ti ovic.ydeiTS on that ye sought me?
on t^jTeUrs fiE ;

'no said to them, WTiy [is it] knew ye. not that wist
that ye were seeking rue ?
ye not 'that I
tv TO~g Ssl tlvai fie; 50 Kai ai'Tol must be about my Fa-
z ther's business ? 50 And
.n tb? [affairs] cl my Father it behoves
to be 'rue? And they
they understood not
b iXaXijaEV avTolg. 51 Kai .he saying which he
ov.tjvvi'jKav to pt'ifia Kareftt)
understood not the word which he spoke to them. And he went down spake unto them.
51 And he went down
h n
with and came
(jlet ai'Tuiv Kai r]X9ev eig ~NaapET' Kai i)v vTrora&rrofiEvog them,
with them and came to and he was to Nazareth, and was
Nazareth, subject
subject unto them :
c n 1
avTolg. Kai tj.firfTtfp.avTOV $iETi)pEi. 7TavTaTa.pi]paTa .' Tavra but his mother kept

to them. And his mother all these things all these sayings in
her heart. 52 And Je-
iv Ty.Kap8ia.avT)jg. 52 Kai 'Irjaovg -rposKOTTTEv e fao<pia- Kai sus increased in wis-
in her heart. And Jesus advanced in wisdom and dom and stature, and
in favour with God
r/X/c('cf," Kai %apiri 7capa 0E(p Kai avOpoj-roig and man.
gtature, and in favour with God and men. Now in the fif- III.
3 2E^ tret di TTEVTEKatdEKaTOJ Trjg ifytfiovlag Tij3 e piov teenth year of the
5 3 of Tiberius Cae- reign
In year 'now [ the] "fifteenth of the government of Tiberius
Pontius Pilate
Kaiaapog, riyEfiovevovrog Uovtiov siLXarou" Tijg 'lovdaiag, being governor of Ju-
3 =
"Pontius Pilate of Judaea, daea, and Herod being
Caesar, being "governor tetrarch of Galilee,
Kai ^mrpapxovvTO^ Trjg TaXiXaiag 'Hptofiov, ^i\ tov and his brother Philip
and 2 3 5
"of Galilee and Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and
being tetrarch 'Herod,
of the region of Tra-
h n
aSz\(j>ov.auTov TETpapxovvTog Trjg 'irovpaiag Kai Tpaxujvi- chonitis, and Lysanias
his brother b'eing tetrarch of Ituraea
and of "Tracho- the tetrarch of Abi-
h n lene, 2 Annas and Cai-
TiSog Xwp a C> Kai Avtraviov Trjg'A/3iXr)vfjg TETpapxovvTog,
aphas being the high
Qitis [' the] '"region, and Lysanias of "Abilene 'being ^tetrarch, priests, the word of
" God came unto John
2 Hit' Kai k Ka7a0a," iytveTO
kvva prjfu* the son of Zacharias in
in [the] high-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, came [the] word the wilderness. 3 And (

he came into all the

Qeov l-n-i ''Iwawijv" tov m rou Zax<xpiov v'ibv tv t~) iprffUp' country about Jordan,

of God upon John the of 3 Zacharias 'son in the wilderness. preaching the baptism
n n of repentance for the
3 Kai fj\9ev elg iraaav T?)v 7repix<*>pov tov 'lopbdvov, remission of sins 4 as ;

And he went into all the country around the Jordan,

is written in the
book of the words of
Kripvcratov fia-KTiGfia /xETavoiag eig a<j>E<ni> dfiapTiuiv' Esaias the prophet,
proclaiming [the] baptism of repentance for remission of sins ;
saying, The voire of
one crying in the wil-
4 tog ysypaTTTai iv jiijiXto Xoyojv 'Hffatov tov
derness, Prepare ye the
as it has been written in [the] book of [the] words of Esaias the
way of the Lord, make
his paths straight.
TrpotyriTOV, X'syovTog" Qtovt) fBowvTog iv tij ipr'jfito, 5 Every valley shall be
prophet, saying, [The] voice of one crying in the wilderness, filled, and every moun-
tain and hill shall be
'Ero//<rarE ttjv bSbv Kvpiov evQtiag 7ToieXte Tag Tpl(3ovg brought low and the
way of [the] Lord Straight 'make

Prepare the "paths ;

crooked shall be made
avTov iraaa (pcipayZ irXi)ptoBifo~ETai, Kai ~rdv bpog Kal straight, andtherough
be made
his. Every ravine shall be filled up, and every mountain and ways shall
6 and all flesh smooth ;

taTai okoXicl shall see the salvation

fiovvbg Ta-rELVtoOrjaeTar Kai to.
= 3
of God. 7 Then said he
hill shall be made low and "shall "become 'the crooked [ places] into
to the multitude that
p H
/cat ai rpa%?7ai Eig bSovg XEiag' 6 koi 6\pETai came forth to be bap-
a straight [path], and the into 2 ways 'smooth
3 tized
and shall "see of him, O gene-
rough ration of vipers, who
iraaa aapZ, TO GtoTTipiOV tov 9eov. 7 ViXtyEV oJjv Tolg hath warned you to
flesh the salvation of God. He said therefore to the flee from the wrath to
come? 8 Bring forth
v-k avTov, Tevvij/iara therefore' fruits wor-
EK-TOpEVOflEVOig bxXoig /3a7rTio~9r}i>ai
2 3
coming out 'crowds by him, thy of repentance, and
to be baptized
begin not to say within
txidvtov, Tig v~r's^Ei^,E%' vfiiv ipvyelv drrb Trjg fxEXXovmfg opyijgi yourselves, We have
ofvipeis, who forewarned you to flee from the coming wrath? Abraham to our fa-

Naape'0 TTrAW. = ra
pry/aaTa irai'Ta.L. ~
d ravra these [l]t[a].^ e
+ ev rflin
(wisdom) T. f
rikiKia kol o-o<j>iq Tr. Tlet.ka.TOV T. Terpaapxovvroq T. eirl
TT]V (read
dpxiepeaj? GLTTrAW.
' *<
Kcu<pa L.' 'IwofTJl-
p evdeias straight [paths] LTTrA.
every ctAintry around) ltta. \eyovTO~ LTTrA.
156 A YKA 2. III.

ther for I say unto

8 o?n> KCIOTTOVQ atlovQ T1]Q fieraVOiag' KCtl
7ronirraT fir)
you, That God is able Produce therefore fruits worthy of repentance ;
and not
of these stones to raise
tip children unto Abra-
ham. 9 And now apZ,T}o9e Xeyeiv
ev eavrolg,
Uarepa tx ouev
B 2
3 '

'begin to say in yourselves, [ For] father 'we have Abraham,

the axe is laid unto
the root of the trees :
Xeyut.ydp vfxiv, on Svvarai 6 9ebg Ik riSJv.Xi9(jjv.rovru)v
every tree therefore say for I to you, that -is
able 'God from. these stones
which bringeth not
forth good fruit is lyelpai r'tKva r< 'Afipaa/j.. 9 r)drjM Kai r) d^ivrj rrpbg ri)v
hewn down, and cast to raise up children to Abraham. Eut already also the axe to the .

into the fire. 10 And

the people asked him, piZ,av. tu)v SevSpwv kzitcli' irav oiv S'evSpov fir)
saying, What shall wo
root of the' trees is applied : every 'therefore tree not producing
do then? 11 He an-
swereth and saith unto KctpTrbv
KaXbv n eKKOirrerai Kai elg 7rvp (3dXXerai 10 Km
them, He that hath
fruit 'good is cut down and into [the] fire is cast. And
two coats, let him im-
that hath k-n-rjpioTwv avrbv oi 6x\oi, \eyovreg, Ti oZv *7roir)ffOfisv

part to ;

none and he that hath

asked 4
him 2
'the crowds, saying, What then shall we do ?
meat, let him do like-
wise. 12 Then came
'O t%wv Svo x^dvag pera-
11 ' 'Xlyei avrolg, 11

And answering he says to them, He that has two tunics let him
also publicans to be
baptized, and said unto Kai b
him, Master, what Sorw T<{i firjJ%ovTi' fyiov flpdjpara bpoiiog
shall we do ? 13 And impart to him that has not and he that has victuals likewise ;

he said unto them, Kai

Exact no more than ttoieitio.
12 "HX9ov.Se Kai reXuivai /3a7rTio9ijvai,
2 3
And 'came -also 'tax-gatherers to be baptized, and
that which is appoint- 'let him do.
ed you. 14 And the v eZ7rov" ri
el-rrev }

soldiers likewise de- Trpbg avrov, AicdcTKaXe, iroii]crofiev []13'O.Se

manded of him, say- they said to him, Teacher, what shall we do 1 And he said
ing, And what shall avrovg, ~X\v,Sev irXkov rrapa to Siarerayp'evov
we do ? And he said rrpbg 2 3
more 4 'that "which 7
is "appointed
unto them, Do violence to them, Nothing beyond
to no man, neither ac- vaiv TrpatJGETE.
14 'E7rr]pd>Tcov.Se avrbv Kai o-rparevopn'oi,
cuse any falsely and ; 9 'exact. And asked him also those who were soldiers,
be content with your to'you
w Kai Kai E~i7rev
wages. Xeyovreg, i)j,ielg
ri 7rori)o-op.ev"; 7rpbg avrovg,"
15 And
as the people saying, And we what shall we do ? And he said to them,
were in expectation,
Siaaeiarfre rpjcJe ^vKo^avrriaiqre, Kai dpKeiu9e rolg

and all men mused in Miideva .

2 3
No one 'oppress nor accuse falsely, and be satisfied
their hearts of John,
whether he were the
Christ, or not ;
16 John b^wvioig.iffiuJv.
answered, saying unto with your wages.
them all, I indeed bap- 15 rov Kai rtdv-
tize you with water UpoaSoKwvrog.Se Xaov, SiaXoyiZopevwv
but one mightier than But as 3 were "in Expectation 'the 2 people, and
were ^reasoning all
I cometh, the latchet ru)V ev rov 'lwdvvov, tt

of whose shoes I am
raig.KapSiaig.avriov rrepi /.irj7rore
their hearts concerning John, whether or not
not worthy to unloose :
he shall baptize you
avrbg tit) b xpioroc, 16 aireKpivaro 6 'lojdvvrjg airaaiv,
with the Holy Ghost 2
answered 'John
and with fire 17 whose
might be the Christ, all,
fan is in his hand, and
Xsywv," 'Eyw fiev vSari fiaTrriZ,(x> vftag epxerai.Sf b
ho will throughly saying, I indeed .with water baptize you, but he comes who [is]
purge his floor, and
will gather the wheat
i0X v pbrepog fiov, ov ovKM/ii iKavbg Xvcrai rov \jxdvra rwv
into his garner but mightier ; than I, of whom I am not fit to loose the thong
the chaff he will burn
with fire unquench- VTroSr]fidrwv.avrov' avrbg " hfidg ftaTrrioei ev rrvevf-iari
able. 18 And many of his sandals he 3
you 'will ^baptize with [the]
other things in his ex-
hortation preached he ayi<{> Kai Trvp'r 17 ol rb rrrvov ev ry.xstpi.avrov,
unto the people. 19 But 'Holy and wirh fire ; of whom the winnowing fan [is] in his hand,
Herod the tetrarch, e
being reproved by him Kai SuiKa9apiel
rr)v.uXu)va.avro'v, Kai ^avvatu" rbv
for Herodias his bro- and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the .

ther Philip's wife, and

for all the evils airov elg rr)V.dTTo9r]Kr]v.avrov, rb.Se &xvpov KaraKavcrei
which Herod had done, wheat into his granary, but the chaff he will burn
20 added yet this above
all, that' he shut up TTvpi dofi'eorit). 18 IioXAa utv.ovv Kai erepa irapaKaXibv
John in prison. with fire unquenchable. Many 'therefore 'and other things exhorting

[(caAbv] L. wotTjo-tofiei'
" should
eAeyev we do LTTrAW. * he said LTTrA. T
LTTr. " ri
TTOirja-ofxev (Troirjauixev should
we do taw) Acai ijixels LTTrA.- l ai/Tois to them
* o
LTrA. y i&T}8iva.
no one T. 'Ia>di>ov Tr. 'Iwanj? a^acrw Ae'yuv Tr ; Ae'ywc iraacv 6

b c
'lu>dvvri<; t. +- eis fieTavoiav to repentance l. SiaAcaflapcu to thoroughly purge t.
4 trvvayayely to gather T.
tvijyyeXiZeTO tov Xctov. 19 o e
rs- 21 Now when aiuh*
he announced the glad tidings to the people. But Herod the' te- l* P le wf ru baptisswl,
ll came to
, ,.
, , , , , " pass, that
viz aurou J esu s also being bp-
rpapx'ig tAtyxoiuspog irept Hpioaaoog* rTjg .

lzcu alul vraying, the-

Inuch being reproved by him concerning Hcrodias the >

, . .
. ,

Pl\l7T7rvV" TOV.UOSXfoV.aVTOV,
.,..,_!_ ",
, ,
heaven was opened,
7raj'rwV 22 and the Holy Ghost
wife of Philip his brother, and concerning all
descended iu a bodily
ha Pelikeadoveupou
- '<u 'a >s ai\ mia f
UjV 7TOI?J(TJ' , 7TOV7]pWV O Upwdljf, 20 7T0OOE\'l)KEV ^K(ll him, and a voice came
wnich 5
had 6
done ['the] -evils "Herod, added also from heaven, which
~ h ' b said, Thou art my be-
k ~nn
. > '


TOV i'rItOUVVtjV"n 1
tV TTj
loved Son; in thee I
this to all that he shut up John in the am we U pleased.
. \ ~ 23 And Jesus hiru-
(pvActtcy. self began to be about
prison. thirty years of age, be-
01 , ' ~ o u~ ing (as was
Tf }>
rov >Xaov, kcu the son ofsupposed)
' >
21 Ky&veroJe tv.T<i>-paTrTio9))vai caravra Joseph,
Now it came to pass 5 6
"having been baptized 'all
the 3 people, and which was the son of
'litaov (3a.7rTia0tvrog
Trpoaevxo/.dvov, aveyxOtjvai tov son of^ttnat7which kcu.
Jesus having been baptized and praying, was "opened Hhe was the son of Levi,
ovpavov, 22 nai KUTafi^vai to irvevfia to ayiov o-wjuartKvp Melchi, wMcWas tte
"heaven, and descended the Spirit the Holy in a bodily son of Janna, which
TttpioTtpch, Itt' uvtSv,
a dove upon him, and
ml ^ov,)v
a voice out of
1% ovpavov
of Mattathins, wliisl,

yevko9ai,\kyovoav* Sv el
o.viog.fiov 6 dyam,r6 e iv ,
cot ^IhV^ti^oi
came, saying, Thou art my Son the beloved, in thee Nauru, which was the
n " sim of Esli wnicn wa*
' '

T , , , .,". , the son of Nagge,

I have found delight.,
.2(5 which was the son

2 3 10
And himself was 'Jesus 'about "years [ oldJ "thirty which was /.<; so?i of
r A
apxonevog,"5 *u>v, >g IvojxiZzTO, vwg* 'laxrtjtp, row 'H\t," f^?^ jjJ^V^ h u
to 6 be], being, as was supposed, son of Joseph, P [
'beginning [ of Eli, was e f Juda,
24 tov Mar0ar," rov s
'Aevi," rov v
M\vi 7
rov w 'Iavva," row 27 which was t/ie so/1

of Levi, of Melchi, of Janna,

x u
was " of z
'luHT7]<p, 25 Toii MaTTa9lov, tov' Afiu)g,TOV~NaoviJ.,TOvy'E(T\i,
ie S(Wi r -

of Joseph, of Amos, of Naoum, of Esli,

^ JSD^Urf^hS
to5 Noyyaj, 26 rou Maa0, rov Ma.TTa.9lov, rou z 2euei," rov was the son of Keri,
of Semei,
which was^escnof
%ofNaggai, ofMaath, ofMattathias, $8
Melchi v which Was the
a / ii
~ 1, / * -
~ H ~ < /
tov lojavva," tov Pijcra, TovZopo- son of Addi, which was
lioai](p, lovoa," 27 rov
of Joseph, of Juda, of Joannes, of of Zoro- ^eswiofCosain, which
a' 3 * a ~ \/i-\ ~i / - v ^/Rhesa, ea t>
was ^' e scwi of Elmo-
dam, which waa ^e
papeX, tov 2a\o0tj/\, rov N??pt," 28 rov MfA\;(," rov
AcSL, s n Er 29 which
babel of Salathiel, of Neri, of Melchi,- of Addi, { -

- ir ' ~ t ^ii ~w , ,
was the son of Jose,
rov Kojo-rtyLt, rov EA/xoioayit," tov Up, 2\) tov^ Iwovj," tov E\i- which was rAe son of
of Cosam, of Elmodam, of Er, of Joses, of Eli- Eliezer, which was the
y ~ ,
r , _ I,.,, ^ - m Li, ~ , ,. : , ,,,-, / sa>l f Jorim, which
4fp, TOV IwpfJjU, rOV ^Maryar," rOV AV't," 30 rOV ZV^fail', was the son ofMatthat,
ezer, of Joreim, of Matthat, of Levi, of Simeon, which was the son ot
f ~ ' ~ T ~ t>r ~>x-i\ ~i,-., Levi, 30 which was
roi >tlovoor,
> ' / /
ha n <-.i la
tov lio<rr)<p. tov Iwvav, tov E\faK.^,31 tov Me- the son of Simeon,
of Juda, of Joseph, of Jonan, of Eliakim, of Me- which was the son of
ma rov na oa
Xea," Ma'fVdj/," tov MaTTa9a, rov Na0av," rov Aa- son of ^Jo's^phT which
leas, of Menna, of Mattatha, of Nathan, of Da- was the son of Jonan,
32 a a

Tov'leao-ai, rovP 'Q/3^," rov .

Bo6S," tov "ZaXfiwv," Eulkim^i wMcTwai
"idp of Jesse, of Obed, of Booz, of Salmon, the son of Melea, which

e f h
reTpaoipx^S T. QtKinirov (read of his) GtTTrAW. e[>cai]L. /cal t[a],
'luai'Tjj' Tr. LTTi A. <os LTTrA. m k n
\eyov<rau LTTrA.
rrj euS^Kijira LTTrA.
TrA> P
apxo^ei'O? cuo-ei eniji' TptaKOi/TO TTr. 1 w*/ vio? <os ipofii^ero LTTrA.
r 'HXei
J w
TTrA. MeA^ei THA.
Mat9(?a(9 T. * Aevet
TTrA. 'Iai'i^ai LTTrA.
1 Ma00a0iou Tr. a b 'IwSo TTrA.
'ItoOT, Y Josech TTi A
y 'Eo-Aet TTrA. z
Se/aeeiV TTrA.
c ltt>ai'a' LTTrA. d ea 'A55ei TTrA. f R 'Irjo-OU JeSUS
Nrjpei TT: A. 'EAp.aOcijH LTTrA.
LTTrA. ha Ma09d6 T
; Ma00aT TrA. ia Aevei TTrA. ka
'Ilovap. TTrA.
u MeAea TTr.
a toO Mevi/a
[L]TTrA. ~Sa.6a.fji T. Aaveii LTTrA ; AaviS GW. ^ P Icd^jjS Jobed
LTTrA. * Boos LTTrA. ra 2aAd
158 AOTKAS. Ill, IV,
wa* the son of Mcnan ro
which was the sua of
^ aa atjMv, 33 tov *' Auivat)a3,
-'-' rov^Aodu,"
row v 'E,7w;<."

of Nuasson, of Aminadab, of Aram, of Esrom,

Mattatha, which was
tfce son of Nathan, T0V (paptc, tov 'lovca, 3-i TOV TOV 'loaciK, TOV 'AlSoaau,
ofPhares, of, of Jacob, of Isaac, Of Abraham,
Saiid.T/whXwas _
the son of Jesse, which T0V Q/rpa, TOV NaYtofl, 35 TOV w ErtOOVY, n TQ.v'J> ayav, TOV "PaXilC,
was :he son of Obed f T f ^. whu of S aruch,

of Ragau, of Phalek,
which was the son of m _ , _ 7
' '

.. / r,


Booz, which was Me r oD x tov "Ea\d } 36 row y Ka'ii>av, n tov Aptpa^ac, tov [i

son of Salmon, which

f Eber, of Sala, of Cainan, f Arphaxad,
w.n 'he son of A aasson, / f
.. , ,
33 which was Me son TOV 37 tov MaBovo-aXa, TOV
of Aminadab, which
2?//*, rot) NwE,
f Se m, of Noe,
of of Matbusa'a, of Enoch,
Enox %

was the sou of Aram, _ , , , _ ,
,. , ., ~ , ,
z a b ,-,

which was (Ae soil of TOV IaOSO,'


TOU Mrt> \EI]X,

TOl' Kan.'CO', 38 TOU El^Wf,
Esrom, which was (ne of Enos,
so?! of Fhares, which _,of Jared, ~>t>/
n ~
of Cainan,

was Me son of Juda, TOV?L>)V, TOV AOClfX, TOV VEOV.

34 which was the son of of Seth, of Adam, of God.
Jacob, which was the . , T , , , , , ,,
. > f > <

sonof Isaac, which was 4 Ij/tTOUC-OC -TTvei'/JtaTOQ ayiOV 7rAT]pi]g' V7TS(JTpElpV O.7T0
of [ s the] "Spirit
2 4
the son of Abraham, And Jesus, Holy 'full, returned from
which was the son of ~ > x *, / ,. , -. r a
a > <
Thara, which was the TOV JopOUVOV KCtl IjyETO cV T(t) 7rVEV/.iaTl ElC Tl/U tpt]f.tOV\
gonofNachor, 35 which the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit . into the wilderness
was the son of Saruch, ~
' '
e '
n y ' , '

.3 "\ .

which was the son of 1 IP i

9aQ TtOffCtpUKOVTO., TTtipaZ.OfXEl'OQ VTCO .lapf-XoV
Ragau, which wa. the "days 'forty, being tempted by the devil;

was Me son of' Heber. Kat ovk i'<paysi> oi'fiiv

Iv Ta~ic.tjj.iipaiq.iK(.ivaic, teal GVVTiXea-
which was ik soil of and he ate nothing' in those days, and '-'being
a W
whK-h 3^tautv uvtwv 'iWfpoi/ tTTHvaatv. 3 Steal a'-sj/" avTtji 6 11

wn o"nan,
was theson of Arph&x- ended 'they afterwards he hungered. And 'said 4 to s h'.ui 'the
ad, which wa. the son $U \3 \
of Sem. which was the >' Elviic
0Q fa
tl TOvOeOV, '
HTTfc TW.XlVto.TOVTtp 'iVU '
-J~ If bou thou art
ot God, speak .,
to this stone .,
that , ,
.' .

so of Noe which was "devil,

the son of Lamech b
dpTOC. 4Krt( dTTSKpiOlJ

yfj/J/rai 'lTJ(TOVQ TTpOQ UVTOV," 'Mywj/,

Math usala "which was ** become bread. And '"'answered 'Jesus to him, saying-,
theson of Enoch, which "Oti Ol'K tTt' dpTOJ jAOVlp U (ivVpWTTOC,
wa (/te so/tor J.ired It hTfypa7TTai, ^//(Trai

which was the son of

b ; Tht on b d j '
shall "live 'man, '

Haieleel, which was

aXX' t7ri izavTi pij/iaTi 9sov. n 5 Kat avayuyiov aVTUV l

the son of Cainan, of God 3 s 4

but on ev word Aml leacUn up him i
35 which was the son ot f , , , ^ ,
llm n
Enos, which was the cia^oXog siq bpog vyi)\bv tcet&v avTtp Tzanac Tt'ic [3aat-
son of Seth which was into a ^mountain shewed him the
thesonoi Adam, which
^ devil 'high all king-
, , , , ,. , _ ,

was the son of God. KUaq T)]Q OlKOVp,iVl]Q iV OTtypy XP QV0V

3 4
TV And Jesus being doms of the habitable world in a moment of time. And said to 5
full of the Holy Ghost CiaBoXoe, Eol StoGd) Tl)v.VoVG~iaV.TaVTl}V VLTtaiaV KUl
anTwas led
the devil, To thee will I give "this 'authority and
by "he ^ % ^ n |all
Spirit into the wilder- TTjV.Sozav.avTtoV oti k^ioi 7rapadsdoTat, icai io. tdv n OkXuJ
ness, 2 being forty days their j f t it h b llelivered and to whomsoever I wish
tempted of the devil. , , , T ,
And in those days he dlOtOfXl aVTl]V 7 0~V OVU tilV TTpOCTKVinjCnjq tlHOTTlOV jL10V,"
did eat nothing : and t
give it . Thou therefore if thou wilt worship before
when they were ended, me,
, , , ( , t ,
he afterward hunger- fOTai (TOV p 7TaVTa. 8 Kat aTCOKpiQElQ laVTtp (7T/V O ll]<70Vq, n
ed. 3 And the devil 3
s hall
be Hhine 'all "things. And answering him =said 'Jesus,
said unto him, If thou -
be the Son of God, com-

ffciTCfVa" yfypaiTTai. s yap, l& llpotTKVVl]-
,n '
i tan-
TvayZ ' flOV ,

mand this stone that Get thee behind for it ha.- been written, Thou shalt uor-
be made bread.
And Jesu=. answered <T,'



Km ,,.,"..

him, saying, It is writ- ship [the] Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
ten, That man shall n Va VRjr ^ / _- , ,
Kai 7]yayEV nH ai'TOV EIQ <TlEpOVCraXrifi,
, , ^ > , .,

not live by bread alone, 9 Kttl ItJTIJCEV ^aVTUV"'

but by every word of And he led him to Jerusalem, and set him
v w
'ASjaeiV, tou 'Apvei of Admin, of Arni, ta.
3 <
'A/a.ii/a6d/3 a. 'Ecrpaii' el. Zepovx
GLTTrAW. .* *E/3ep TrA. 'Iaped L ; 'IdpeT T.
y KaiVaju. TA. z b
MeAeAojA T. Kaivd/x T.
c d lv e
7rAjjprjs Jri/evp.. ayiov LTTrA. rrj epij/xco LTTrA. Tecro-epaKOVTa TTrA. vo-repov LTTrA.

5 elnev Se LTTi A. >

avrbv 6 LTTrA. > k dAA'
7rpos 'Irjo-ous Ae'yu>i> TTrA. t^-i nai/TL

(rqp.a.TL Oeov t[ti-]a

6 6id|SoAos (read he shewed) TTrA. m els opos vi/njA6j' [l]ttia.
n a.v LTrA.. P iraaa all GLTTrAW.
e/nov LTTrA W. [6] A exitev avru> o'lrjaovs L ; 6 'bjo-ov ;
1 1


r sa for GLTTrAW. ,a
elney avroJ T. ii7raye 07rt'o-aj juov, o~a.Ta.ra G[L]TTrA. yap KvptOV
tov Oeov <7ov 7rpoo-/cuKi]0-eis LTr. ,a StTTrA. wo avrbv (reati [him]) t[TiJa.
t7ri rb irrepvyiov tov lepov, Kai eJttev X God. 5 And the devtj$
avrtp, Et <V' v'ibg si
taking him up into an
upon the
edge of the temple, arid said to hiin, If the Son thou art
roil Otov,' j3a\e ffeavruv evtevQev kutoj. 10 unto him all the king-
of God, 2 ykypcnrTai.yap, doms of the world in
cast thyself hence 'down; for it has been written,
a moment of time.
'On Toig.dyytXoig.avTOV ivreXetrai -KEpi
6 And the devil
gov, tov cia- unto said
That to his angels he will give charge concerning thee, to him, All this
power will I give thee,
<pvXdai ge' 11 Kai on 7rt
xetpwv apovotv ge, fxr]7roT and the glory of them :

keep and that in hands shall they bear for that is .delivered
thee; [their] thee, lest
unto me and to whom-

7rpOGKo\pyg 7rpoQ Xi9ov T0v.ir6da.GOV. 12 Kai a7roicpi6aig eJttev soever I. will I give it.
thou strike against a stone 2 7 If thou And therefore wilt
thy foot. answering said
worship me, all shall
auTip 6 'lijaovg, "On Eipjjnzi, OvK.tK7Tipdaig kvolov be thine. 8 And Jesus
Ho^him 'Jesus, It has been said, answered and said un-
Thou shalt not tempt [the] Lord
to him, Get thee be-
Tov.9f.6v.aov. 13 Kai GWTEX'sGag rrdvTa
-KEipaapov 6 Sid- hind me, Satan for it :

thy God. And having finished every temptation the de- is written, Thou shalt
worship the Lord thy
fioXog cnrkaTr) air' avTOv dxpi.icatpov. God, and him only
vil departed from him for a time. shalt thou serve. 9 And
he brought him to Je-
14 Kai v7rscrTps\j/ey b'Ir]Govg iv tij .Svvdfisi tov TrvsvpaTog rusalem, and set him
And Returned 'Jesus in the power of the Spirit on a pinnacle of the
temple, and said unto*
Eig rrjv raXiXaiav' Kai <pi)fir\ i^rfXQiv kci9' oXrjg Tr)g 7repi- him, If thou be the Son
to Galilee and a rumour went out into -whole 'the country of God, cast thyself

down from hence :

X^ipov 7rspi avTov. 15 Kai ai)Tog ISiSaGKEv Iv Talg< ovv- 10 for it is written, He
around concerning him. and he taught in *syn- shall give his angels
charge over thee, to
uyujyalg avTuJv, So^aZ6/.iEvog vtto 7rdvT(uv. 16 Kai tjX9ev Eig keep thee 11 and in :
agogues 'their, being glorified by all. And he came to their hands they shall
y z bear thee up, lest at
r//i>". N<:rff|0r," ov S]v *T9papfivog'^ Kai EiaijXOev tiara
where he was. any time thou dash thy
and he entered according to foot
Nazareth, brought up ;
against a stone.
12 And Jesus answer-
Tb.uw9bg.avT<t> iv "qfikpa tujv GafifiaTuJv Eig ty]V o~vvay<oyr]v,
Vy ing said unto him, It
his custom on the day of the sabbaths into the synagogue,
Thou shalt not is said,

17 Kai t7r<j69ri tempt the Lord

Kai.avtOTTi avayvixjvai ktvTtp /3j/3A<oj> God. .13 And when thy
and stood up to read. And there was given .to him [the] book the

devil had ended all the

b c he
''Haa'iov- tov Trpo<pi}TOV ," Kai to

dva7TTv'^ag' fiifiXiov evoev temptation, depart-

of Esaias the prophet, and having unrolled the book he found ed from him for a
Tov n T07rov oi) i]v ysypap/XE vov, 18 Hvsv/xa Kvp'iov 14 And Jes'dsTeturn-
the place where it was , written, [The] Spirit of [the] Lord [is] ed in the power of the
e into Galilee :
t/x, ov. 'ivKv ixpifEV jie

EvayyEXi^EG6ai .
and there went out a
upon me, on account of which he anointed me to announce the glad tidings fame of him
TTTiiJXoig, dirEGTakKkv fiE %id<Taa9ai rovg. avvTETpii-ipkvovg all the region round
to [the] poor, he has sent mo to heal the broken
, about. 15 And he
taught in their syna-
* . gogues, being glorified
ti)v Kapdiav," Ki]pvz,ai aixpaXwTOig a<paiv Kai rvfXoTg of..all. 16 And he came
in heart, to proclaim / to captives deliverance and to [the] blind
to Nazareth, where he
had been brought up
aTTOGTElXai tv d<pEGEf 19 Kijpv-

dvafiXEipiVf TE9pavapki ovg :

recovery of sight, to send forth [the] crushed in deliverance, to pro- and, as his custom
was, he went into the '

ai iviavTov Kvpiov, Sektov. 20 Kai Trrv^ag to synagogue on, the sab-

claim [the} 2 s
of [''the] s Lord 'acceptable. And having rolled bath day, and stood up
year 1;he up
for, to' read. 17 And
f3ij3Xiov, aTroSovg r<p VTrrjpsTy EKa9iGEv, Kai 7rdvrojv there was delivered
book, having delivered [it] to the attendant he sat down, and 3 4
of all unto hint the book of
h n
the prophet Esaias.
t?) avvdyujyp oi 6tp9aXp,oi
i]<rav aTEviZ,ovTEg avT(p. And when he had
in "the 'synagogue 'the eyes were fixed upon him. opened the hook, he
found the place where
21 "HpZaTO.St XLyEiv irpbg ai)Tovg, "On Grj/iEpov 7r7rA?jpwrai it was written, 18 The
And he began to say to them, To-day is fulfilled Spirit of the Lord is
upon me, because he
rj.ypa<pr)-avTT) Iv TOig.ioaiv.vfiwv. 22 Kai iravreg EfiapTvpovv hath anointed me to
this scripture in your ears. And all bore witness preach the gospel to

6 GLTTrAW. y ttjvltcya. z
Ha^apeO ; fia^apd. w Nazara T. a
b Tou 'Hcralov LTTrA. c
avoias having Toy T.
fiecos T. irpo(j>rJTOv opened LTr.
GLTTrAW. evayye\iaacr9ai GLTTiAW. iaaaaOai tous
e eifeKev f S crv^TCTpi/ijU-eVov?
rijf Kapoiav G[LjTTrA. l>6i(Tj <ruva.yuiyfj r/aav ot o<j>6a\fj.oi Lj oi Q(p6aXjj.ol iv rrj
^crav TTrA.
'epoor he hath sent
Kai IQc.VfjLu^ov Liri rolg Xuyoig r7)g x a 9 lT0 Q ro 'C tKtropsvo-
uie to heal the broken- avrtp,
to him, and wondered at the wortls of grace which pro-
hearted, to preach de-
liverance to the cap- ik rov.aroj.iaroc.avrov, Kai iXsyov, 'Ot'^" k oi>rvg itrriv
tives, and recovering

cecded outof his mouth and they said, "Not 3

this 'is
of sight to the blind, ;

to set at liberty them 'iV

vibg 'lwa)]<p" ; 23 Kai eIttev rrpbg avrovg, Hdvrujg spEire
that are bruised, l'J to the son of Joseph? And he said to them, Surely ye will say
preach the acceptable
year of the Lord. /.wi r>)v.7rapa(3oX)}v.ravrr)v, 'larps, dtpcnrevaov atavrov'
20 And he closed the to me this parable, heal
Physician, thyself
book, and he gave it

again to the minister, ova m tv 1

)]Kovaap.Ev ry" "KaTrEpvaov/.i,* tto'ujoqv

and sat down. And the whatsoever we have heard being done in do
eyes of all them that
were in the synagogue Kai usSe Iv ry.7rarpiSi.aov. 24 ~E1ttev.()e, 'AfX))v Xkyw Vfiiv, on
were iastened on him. also here in thine [own] country. But he said, Verily I say to you,
21 And he began to say
unto them, Tins day is ovStig 7rpo(piirr]g Sektoq iariv tv ry.7rarpidi.avrov. 25 iir'
this scripture fulfilled no prophet acceptable is in his [own] country. -In
in your ears. 22 And
p 7roXXat x*ip ai V&av hv ralg yj/nepaig
all bare him witness, a\i]QEiag.t Xsyw vfiiv,
and wondered at the 'but truth I say to you, many widows were in the days
gracious words which r
proceeded' out of his
I'HXiou 11
sv T((i 'lapaijX, ore tKXticrQ)) 6 ovpavbg t7r" try)
mouth. And they said, of Elias in Israel, when 3 was ''shut 5
up 'the -heaven for "years
Is not this Joseph's
son? 23 And he said rpia Kai ufjvag e', wg tytvEro Xipbg fisyag trri ndffav rr)v
unto them, Ye will 'three and -months 'six, when there was a "famine 'great upon all the
surely say unto me 26 koi s
this proverb, Phy- yr)v, 7rpbg ov$Ef.iiav avroJv iirkp.(pBi) 'HXtaf" Ei.pi) eig
land, and to none of them was sent Elias except to
sician, heal thyself :

whatsoever we have v n

heard done in Caper- ^apETTTa^ Ti]g 2,i3u>vog, rrpbg yvvdiKa. xhpav. 27 Kai noXXoi
Sarepta of Sidonia, to a "woman 'widow. And many
naum, do also here in
thy country. 21 And he w 7n 'EXiatraiov rov 7rpo(pt)rov iv toj 'Iopa/jX,
I unto XE7rpoi rjaav 11

said, Verily say

No is lepers were in the time of Elisha the prophet in Israel,
you, prophet
accepted in his own Kai avrwv x u
b 28 Kai
country. 25 But I tell and
ovSeig ticaOapiaO)]>} NEEpdv 'S.vpog.
none of them was cleansed except Kaaman the Syrian. And
you of a truth, many
widows were in Israel
tTrX))aQi](yav TravTEg iv ry
in the days of Elias, 6vp.ov avvaywyy, aKovovTEg
'were 6 iilled 'all 'with "indignation = in 3 the ^synagogue, hearing
when the heaven was
shut up three years ravra. 29 Kai avaardvrEg t^kfiaXov avrov e^oj rfjg
and six months, when these things and having risen up they cast him out . of [the]
great .famine was ;

throughout all the 7r6Aeoj, Kai ijyayov avrbv 'iiog ?rf}g 6<ppvog rov opovg
land 26 but unto and led him unto the brow of the mountain upon
none of them was Elias &
z n
sent, save unto Sa- ov 7i.7r6Xig. avrwv (pKoS6p,y)ro,
Eig rb KaraKpripiviaat

repta, a city of Sidon, which their city had been built, for to throw Mown ^headlong
unto a woman that
/ .

was a widow. 27 And avrov 30 avrbg.Sk SieXOmv Sid jjl'egov

avruJv trropEVEro
many lepers were in 'him but he ;passing through [the] midst of them went away.
Israel in the time of h n
Eliseua the prophet 31 Kai KarrjXQEv Etg K.aTrEpvaovjx ttoXiv rrjg TaXiXaiag'

and none of them was And he went down to Capernaum a city of Galilee,
cleansed, saving Na-
aman the Syrian. Kai fiv SiddoKiov avrovg ev roTg ffdf3j3aaiv. 32 Kai i^E7r\r)<r-
28And they in the and was
all teaching them on the sabbaths. And they were as-
synagogue, when they on
lieard these things,
oovro irri
ry .Sid axy -avrov ,
iv kZovaia tjv b.X6yog.avroi>,
were filled with wrath, tonished at his teaching, for with authority was his word.
29 and rose up, and
thrust him out of the 33 Kai Iv ry avvayioyy y\v dv9pu)Trog tx tJJV ~^vEvp,a Sai/uoviov
And in the synagogue was a man having a spirit of a demon
city, and led him unto
the brow of the hill 34 e H

whereon their city was dKaOdprov, Kai dv'EKpa^EV tytovy fiEydXy, XEyojv, *Ea,
built, that they might unclean; and he cried out. with a "voice 'loud, saying, Ah I

cast him down head-

ri r/jiivKai aoi, 'hjaov T$a%apy)VE ;
But he pass- yfXOsg drroXt(Tait)j.iag;
long. 30 Nazarene? Art thou come to destroy
what to us and to thee, Jesus, us?
ing through the midst
of them went his way, olSd 6 rov Oeov. 35 Kat iirErip.r\<JEv
<T rig t, liyiog
SI And came down I know thee who thou art, the Holy [One] of God. And "rebuked

* k uto? eoTii'
'IeooTj^ oStos TA.
' m eis OVTr; eis TTJI/ TA.
ov\i LTTrA. [hi] Tr.
Ka<j>apvaovfl LTTrAW. eaVTOV T. P OTl that T.
w ev to>
1 'HAetov T. r
+eVi LTr[AJ
StSwrias LTTrA. 'Io-parjA eirl 'EAio-aiou CEAicrat'ov
"HAetas T. 2ape4>0a W.
TTjs read a brow) GTTrA w.
* y z
LT) tov wpo^Tpw Li"rrA. Nainav LTTrA. (
b c
vurtov rrrA &<rrt so aa Q LTTrA. KadSapi'aovM LTTrAW. /\eymv T[Tr Ja.
IV. L UK E. 161

'him 'Jesus, saying, Hold thy peace, and come forth out of nun. them on the sabbath
akaov i^nXOev da y s 32 An
Kai ~
pixbav avrbv ...rb caiuoviov tig= rb" '
f at
were astonished *k?7
, .

And havmg'.,. , _,
., ,,'
2 . . .,
*thrown 5 him
3 .

'the demon into


the midst came out doctrine for his word

fiXdtyav avrov. 36 Kai kykvero
s power.
arc' avrov, /J,i]C(v QdyifioQ
from in nothing having hurt him. And ?came 'astonishment
him, gog^^ was aman"
which had a
t7rt rrdvrag, leal avvsXdXovv rrpbg dXXi)Xovg, Xtyovreg, Tic of spirit
and to one another, What
upon all,
they spoke
paying, ^^TwitTa'Cd
Xoyog ovroQ) on tv i^ovaiq, Kai Svvdfxei smrdo-ffei rolg voice, 34 .saying, Let

word [is] this, that with authority and power he commands the we to do with
m alone what have ;

, ,~<
/ , w xr *> ' thee,
37 Kai tt,eTropevro thou Jesus of Naza-

concerning him
7rvt~v/Jiaoiv } Kai t&pxovrai
and they come out
thee who thou art;
the Holy One of God.
E 'C

^went 4 out

reth ? art thou come to

Trjg TrtpiXWpOV.
of the country around.
, 'destroy us ? I know

35 And Jesus rebuked

_ ,
38 AvaaraQ.Ot
r> ~ < ~\ r\1
' < '
ri]g (ivvayojyqg EiaijXvev etg rt]V oiKiav him, saying, Hold thy
11 ~

And rising up oat of the synagogue he entered into the house peace, and come out of
, _ n f< - ^i' , t,,
him. And when the <

g be tov 2A[xwvog ryv avvexo^v)] devi i had thrown him

Sijuwvoc* 2 >/" irtvmpa
The 3 mother-in-law 'and of Simon was oppressed with in the midst, he came
of Simon.
/.. \ t ' .> y

avrov irtpi avrijg. 6\) on Kai\ out of him, and hurt ,,~
Trvper^ fieyaXy Kai ypwrrjaav '
himnot 36 And they .

a -lever 'great ; and they asked him for her. And were all amazed, and
irrdvio a.vr7)Q iirtrip.t]aEv
over her
rvvpir^, Kai d(p?iKev
he rebuked the fever, and it left her ;
ke a
v e S) s a
word is this for with
ry avrnV ^ ^f ^^ !

TrcrpaxpwaM dvaordoa di^bver

and immediately served arising
unclean spirits, and
And at the going down
TOV ijkioV TrdvKQ
of the sun all as
many as
had [.persons]
out into eTer y place of
country round
daQevovvrag .
vbaoig 7roiKiXaig yyayov avrovg Ttpbg avrov' a^ ut "

sick with diseases 'various brought them to him, .

. , . / , ~ , . hl , 1 ii 1 38 And he arose out

o.ottvi tKaarip 7avTiui' rag x^ P a Q l
emoeig 'tUepa7rev- of the synagogue, and
and he "on 6 oue 5 e?xh of 8 them 'hands 'having -laid healed entered into Simon's
,, .,,.
11 , , 5., <
j , > <
~ house. And Simons
o~t~v' avrovg' 41 ii

tt,i]px ST0 - oe K<XL baijxovia arro rroKkwv, wife's mother was ta-
theni ;
many, ken with a great fever; and -went 3 out "also 'demons from
an(i tne y besought him
GV SZ m O XP lffr0 Q
, v ' ' '

Kpal,ovra Kai XgyOJ'T,

, .. ,
VIU G T0V for her. 39 And he On 11 ,~.

crying out and saying, Thou art the Christ the Son stood over her, and re-
_ ,,_ * 1 \ \ - " s buked the fever and '

\ :
Vov. Kat t7ririjj,ujv
ovK.eia avra AaKsiv on yceioav

it ief t her and imme- :

of God. And rebuking he suffered not them to speak because they knew diately she arose and
, , , \
T ministered unto them.
rov XPWTOV avrov eivai. 40 Now when the sun
2 3
the -"Christ 'him to be. setting, all they was
ac\ -n ' S" '
r \ n '
,'> ^!
:'.. n-.. that
' had any sick with
42 Tevofisvrjg.ct yufpag i^eXOiov iTropivOt] tig tpr)f\iov diversdise ases brought
And 'being 'come day hav ing gone dut he went into a desert them unto him; and
h h
rorrov, Kai 01 b X Xoi
place, and the crowds.
avrov, Kai f,\0ov
him, and came up
to him
e ^te
healed them.
ol ttmfand
41 And

Kai Kard X ov avrbv TOV^.TropeveaOai drr' avrtv. 43 Us aWam^out^

^nd were detaining
clirev Trpbg

said to
that he might not go

Kai raig sApaig rrbXemv

Also to the

TtjV fiaatXeiav rov 6eov'



not to
speak for they knew
tnat ne was emist.
to 5
But he

announce fered them

^ ^X,^
sa yi n g

Xhou art Christ

behoves 3 me, of God; because
'the 'glad
p H
_ , , And when it was
Kat i)V KtJpVO'CrwV T tV raig day, he departed and
, ^42
l'C a7T(TraX//ai."
for this have I been sent forth.' And he was preaching in the went into a desert
- % ' place : ana the people
s T-i ii

cvi'ayojyaig" rrjg FaXiXaiag." sought him, and came

synagogues of Galilee. unto him, and stayed

d av' from LTTrA. e * to o. f <iir6 from TTrA. ? r) (read [the]) GLTTtAW.

h eiTLTi6els k T. '
Kpavyd^ovra LT.
laying LTTrA.
idepanevev TTrA'. e^rjpxovro _
m x p tCTT os GLTTrA.
e7ret,"i}TOVl' Sought after GLTTiAW.
Setue L em LTTrA. 1'

i dn-co-TAni/ I was bcut forth ltxi-a, r

sis rds <rvt>aywya.i iXrA. lovocuas of Judea a.
162 A YKA 2. V
him. that he should iv tov oxXov tTriKelaQat auriji
not depart from them. 5 'EyeveroSk r<jJ
V&.ud it came to pass during the [time] the crowd pressed on him
43 And he said unto
them, I must preach hov ][
ciKoveiv tov Xoyov tov 0oi>, Kal ai)Tog tjv tGTwg irapd
the kingdom of God word that he was standing by
to hear the of God,
to other cities also :

for therefore am I
Tt)V \ijj,i'r)v Fn>vr]aapiT' 2 Kal y
Svo w 7rXoia" tOTwra
sent. 44 And he preach- the lake of Gennesaret and he saw two
: ships standing
ed in the synagogues
x r 1

Of Galilee. 7rpa ttjv \i/]V oi.Ss n;Xietg" airo($avTg air avTu>v'

V. And it came to by the lake, but the fishermen having gone out from them
pass, that, as the peo- z
to. SiKTva. 3 rig ev tCjv irXoiwv
ple pressed upon him washed the nets. And having entered into one of the ships
to hear the word of
God, he stood hy the o i]v ^tov 2i/.iiovog,

rfpii)Tii(JEV auTOV awb Trjg yijg kyravaya-

lake of Gennesaret,
he asked him from the land to put
2 aud saw two ships which was Simon's,
h c
standing by the lake
Kai Ka9i(rag iidacnctv Ik tov 7rXoiou" tovq
but the fishermen were ytlv
off a liitle and having sat down he taught from the ship the
gone out of them, and

were washing their

bxXovg. 4 'Qg.Se tiravaaTO XaXuiv &irv Trpbg tov Si/xwva,
nets. 3 And he enter- And when
crowds. he ceased speaking he said to Simon,
ed into one of the ships,
which was elg to (3a9og km xaXaaciTt Ta.diKTva.vfiCjv elg
and prayed him that 'Erravayaye
Put off into the deep and let down your "nets for
he would thrust out a
little from the land.
dypav. 5 Kal cnroKpiOrig d 6" Stjuaw elirtv e avT<p," 'EiriaTaTa.
And he sat down, and a haul. And answering Simon said to him, .Master,
taught the people out f
of the ship. 4 Now oY '6Xr]g Ti~]g
WKTog KoiridcavTtg ovclv iXdfiofiev'
when he had left 2
through whole Hhe night having laboured, nothing have we taken,
Bpeaking, he said unto
Simon, Launch out in- t7rl.ce Tt{j-p))}.iaTi-GOV \aXaa^ &to Siktvov." 6 Kal toi>to
to the deep, and let but at thy word I will let down the nqt. And this
down your 3ts for a n h 1

draught. 5 And Simon K0i))aavTg avv'iKXtiaav lx9vwv 7rXi)9og" 7roXu' 5ieppt]ywT0

answering said unto having done they enclosed of fishes a "shoal 'great j
was 'breaking
him, Master, we have
toiled all the night,
Se ho diKTVov" avTu>v. 7 Kal KaTevevcrav rolg ptTOxoig
and have taken no-
and 6
net *their. And they beckoned to the partners
thing nevertheless at
: k
thy word I will let rotg" tv ti$ hkpip TcXoiuj, TOV.iXQovrag (TvXXaf3sa9ai avTolg'
down the net. 6 And

ihose in the other ship, that coming they should help them ;

when they had this

Kal 1 i]X9ov, v Kal t7rXr]aav afityoTtpa tci 7rXoTa, wore /3v9iZ,e-
done, they inclosed a both so that
great multitude of
and they came, and filled the ships,
fishes and their net
a9aiavTa. 8 icutvJs Trpoo~kifVJiv toIq yovaaiv

brake. And 'Zifxiov UtTpog

7 they 3 the knees
beckoned unto their ing 'they. And having*seen 'Simon "Peter fell at

partners,' which were

"rW'Ijjffov, Xkytov, "E&X9e cnr e^ov, on avrjp d/xapTioXog
in the other ship, that from me, for a man a sinner
of Jesus, saying, Depart ,

they should come and

help them. And they et/xi, KvpieA 9 Ba/i/3og.yap Trepdax
avrbv Kal iravTag tovq
came, and filled both am I, For astonishment laid hold on him and all those
the ships, so that they Loi>i^|
began to sink: 8 When avv airy, 7r ry dypo: twv Ix9vujv y" ovvkXafiov
Simon Peter saw it, with at the haul of the fishes which they had taken
he fell

down at Jesus'
him, ,

knees, saying, Depart 10 Kal 'I&Kiofiov Kal
'lu)dvvriv t vlovg Z/3ecWov,
from me for I am a ; and in like manner also
John, sons
James- of Zebedee,
sinful man, O Lord.
9 For he was asto- oi rjvav koividvoI Sijawvi. Kal elirev Trpbg tov St/xiova 4 rp
nished, and all that who were partners with Simon. And "said -to Simon
were with him, at the
draught of the fishes P6" 'hjaovg, M>).<po(3ov- cltto tov.vvv av9p'u>7rovg icy
which they had taken:' 'Jesus, Fear not ; from henceforth men thou shalt be
10 aud so was also
James, and John, the Zojyp&v. 11 Kal KttTayaybvTtg to. irXola lirl tt/v yijv, a<psvTtg

sons of Zebedee, which capturing. And having brought the ships to land, leaving
weYe partners with Si-
mon. And Jesus said 97ravra" ijKoXop9i](Jav avTi^.
unto Simon, Fear not ;
all they followed him.

T ISev T. y an avTuyv
7r\otoipta small ships TA.
* icaialso TTrA. *
a.\eelg T.
<x7ro^a.i'Tes inKvvov were Washing LTrA ; eirXvvav T.
z a
.tou LTTrA. b Ka-
c ev (in) toj ir\oiw i&i&a<TKev T en rev 77A01OV e8i&a<TKev A. d 6 TTrA.
0i(rag Se TA. ;

' f a whole LTTrA. S rd SUtvol the nets TTv. h

avTto t. rri<; [reoid night) 7rArjr)'Js

tX^vioi' GTTrAW. fiieprjyi'UTO L

SiepvjcrcreTo TTrA J rd SLktvcl nets
; (read Step, were
brea ving) TTrA. k
to^s [ljttva. 7)k0av T. m tov LTTiaw.
' n Stv Tr.

Tr. P 6 [TrjA. 1 TTavTa LTTr.

V LUKE. 163
12 Kai iy&vtro Iv.Tip.tlvai abrov iv fiia"
ru>v 7t6Xewv, from
henceforth thou
catch men.
And it camo to pass as = was 'he in one of the cities, 11 And when they had
r their ships to
Kal idov, evijp irXi)pr]g Xirrpag' icai idujv n rbv Tr\<Jovv, ttzgwv brought forsook
that behold, a man of leprosy, and seeing land, they all,
full Jesus, falling
and followed him.
tlTL CWTOV, XkyWV, Kvpi, IciV QsXrjQ- And
it came to
when he was in
upon [his] face he besought him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt pass,
a certain city, behold
cvvaaai 13 Kai Iktuvoq a man full of leprosy:
fie KaOapiacu. Ti)v%fipa who
thou art able me to cleanse. And having stretched out [his] hand seeing Jesus fell
on his face, and be-
rj^aro abrov,
QsXoj, Ka9apio9r]ri. Kai tvOsojQ r) sought him, saying,
he touched him, saying, I will; be thou cleansed. And immediately the Lord, if thou wilt,
thou canst make me
Xkirpa a.7r?jX9sv art abrov. 14 Kal abrbg 7rapr']yyaiXsv abrip clean. 13 And he put
from him. And '

he charged him forth his hand, and

leprosy departed
touched him, saying,
ju//^^i eirrdv' dXXa. cnrz\9u)v dfi^ov otavrbv rqi ifpfl, Kal I will be thou clean.

no one to tell ;
but having gone shew thyself to the priest, and And immediately the
leprosy departed from
7TpO(TtVyK TOV.KaOapKTjXOV.ffOV , Ka6<l)Q TTQOCJETat,EV him. 14 And he charg- 'Mw-
offcr for thy cleansing, as "ordered 'Mo- ed him to tell no man:
but go, and shew thy-
<n/f," fig fiaprvpiov abrolg. 15 An'ipxfro.di fidXXov 6 self to the priest, and
ses, for a testimony to them. But was spread abroad still more the offer for thy cleansing,
as Moses
Xoyog rrepl abrov' -Kal <yvvi)pxovro bxXoi 7roXXol dicovuv, according commanded, for a tes-
report concerning him ; and 3 wcre 4 coming = crowds "great to hear, timony unto them.
T 15 But so much the
Kal BfparrfvfaBai w7r' abrov } curb ru>v-da9fvfiu>v.abrwv' more 1

went there a .

and to be healed
by him from their infirmities. fame abroad of him :
and great multitudes
16 i]v vrroxupuv iv rdig ipi)/.wig Kal Trpoo-fvxb- came together to hear,
But he was retiring in the deserts and pray- and to be healed by him
of their infirmities.
fisvog, 16 And he withdrew
ing. himself into the wil-
'l7 Kai' iyh iv /xia r&>v ijfifpuJv Kal abrbg. derness, and prayed.
iyivfro i]V didder-
And it came to pass on one of the days that he was teach- 17 And it came t
w pass on a certain day,
kujv, Kal ri<rav Ka9i]fifvoi ^apitraloi Kal vofiodiddaKaXoi, as he was teaching,
ing, and there were sitting by Pharisees and teachers of the law, that there were Pha-
risees and doctors of
FaXiXaiag Kai

61 ijaav ^iXijXvQorEg iK Trdarjg KUJfjirjg rtjg the law sitting by,

who were come out of every villageof Galilee and which were come out
l of every town of Ga-
'lovcaiag Kal If poixraXtj/x' Kal dbvafiig Kvpiov i]v etg lilee, and Judsea, and
of Jud*a and of Jerusalem : and power of [the] Lord was [there] for Jerusalem and the:

rb ida9ai ?abrovg. 11
18 Kai idov, avdpfg (pspovreg irrl
power of the Lord was
present to heal them.
to heal them. And behold, men carrying upon
18 And, behold, men a couch
brought in a bed a
dv9pw7rov bg r)v 7rapaXfXvnkvog, Kal iZ,r\rovv abrbv 3
eiaevfy- man which was taken
a man who was paralysed, and they sought him Ho *bring with a palsy: and they
kuv Kal 9fli>at z ivwmov abrov- 19 Kal /xi) ebpovreg a did him sought means to bring n

in, and to lay him

in and to place [him] , before him. And not having found by before him. 19 And
abrbv did r,bv bxXov, dvafidvrzg
when they could not
rroiag doEviyKioGiv find by what way they
what way they should bring in him on account of the crowd, going up
might bring him in
irrl rb djjj.a, did riov Kepdfiajv Ka97]Kav abrbv avv r<p
because of the multi-
on down him with the tude, they went upon
the housetop, through the tiles they let the housetop, and let
KXii>idi<{> fig rb jxiaov i].nzpo(r9fv rov'h]<rov. 20 Kal idwv rijv him down through the
little couch into the midst before Jesus. And seeing tiling with his couch
into the midst before
h n
Got Jesils. 20 And when he
rncrriv.avrujv drrtv abr<fi, "AvBptoTre, 3 dipsuvrai
their faith he said to him, Man, have 4 been s forgiven G thee saw their faith, he said
unto him, Man, thy
aLduapriai.Gov 21 Kal i'lp'iavro diaXoyi&aBai oi
ypa/xfiareig sins are forgiven thee.
And to reason the scribes
21 And the scribes and
'thy sins. began
the Pharisees began to
Kal oi Qapiadioi, Xsyovrsg, Tig iariv ovrog bg XaXfi /3Xa<T- reason, saying. Who is
and the Pharisees, saying, Who is this _who speaks blas- this which speaketh
c n
blasphemies? Who can
(pi^iag; rig dvvarai d<pievai dfiapriag, ei-nn /xovog b9f6g\ forgive sins, but God
phemies? who is able to forgive

sins, except *alone 'God? alone? 22 But when

'iSiov Se T. s * LTTrAW. v vn' avrov LTTrA. w + oi the L.
Kiyu>v LTr. Mujuot??
truKeAjjAvSoTes come together l. y avrov him (r.ead was for his healing) ta. + <xvtov
kim A. '* $1.0. GLTTrAW. b
avT<# GLTTrAi a/iaarias d^eiVai LITiA.
164 A YKA 2. V.
Jesus perceived their
22 'F,7riyvovg.cs 6 'Iriaovg rovg.SiaXoyicrfxovg.avToJv A cnro-
thoughts, he answer-
said unto them, But -knowing 'Jesus their reasonings an-
What reason ye in n
8~L7rev Trpbg avrovg, Tt Siakoyi'Ceade. tv raig KapSiaig
your hearts ? 23 Whe- Kpi9eig 2
ther is easier, to say, swering
said to them, Why reason ye in hearts
Thy sins be forgiven V/.10JV ; 23 ri tanv evicoTruiTtpov, tiTreiv, 'Acpiwvrai vol
thee or to say, Rise
which is to say, Have been forgiven thee
and walk? 24 But 'your
that ye may know that n
Kai TrtpnrdrH J4 'iva.St
the Son of man hath
ai.dfiapriai.aov , i) tirrelv, *"Eytipai ;
or to say, Arise and walk? ' But that
thy sins,
power upon" earth to
forgive sins, (he said elSt)re on {
t'ovoiav t'x ei
" vlbg rou apOpionov" trri r^g
unto the sick of the ye may know that has the Sou of man on the
palsy,) I say unto thee,
Arise, and take up thy yrjg ct(pitvai dfxapriag, tlwtv r<fi S7rapa\e\Djiij^," "Soi Xtyio,
couch, and go into earth to forgive sins, he said to the paralysed, To thee I say,
thine house. 25 And h
immediately he rose up tyeipai," Kai apag to.k\ivLSi6v.(fou rropzvov tig rbv oikov
before them, and took Arise, and haviug takenup thy little couch go to house
up that whereon he
lay, and departed to
aov. 25 Kai 7rapa\prijxa dvaardg ivwiriovabrojv, apag
his own house, glorify- 'thy. And immediately havingstoodup before them, havingtakenup
ing God. 26 And they
were all amazed, and i<p' '</>" KartKtiro, ci7r^X9tv elg rbi'.o'lKOv.avrov, SoaZiot>
they glorified God, and [that] on which he was lying, he departed to his house, glorifying
were with fear,
saying, have Weseen tov'Oeov. 26 Kai 'iicnracrig tXaf3tv lirravrag, Kai tCot,aZ,ov
strange things to day. God. And amazement seized all, and they glorified
rbv Btov, Kai trrXi](r9)]aav Qofiov, Xtyovrtg, "On t'ldo/jtv
God, and were tilled with fear, saying, We have seen
7rapaSo%a ai]]xtpov.
strange things to-day.
27 Kai fitrd ravra t^,i]X9tv, Kai iOeaaaro rtXwinjv,
And after these things he went forth, and saw a tax-gatherer,

ovufian JAcuif," Ka9i)ntvov irri to teXwviov, Kai tlrrtv avrto,

by name Levi, sitting at the tax office, and said to him,
27 And after
these k
things he went forth, 'Ako\ov9ei f.wi. 28 Kai KaraXnrojv a7rai'ra," ayaaraQ S/ko-
and saw a publican, Follow me. And having left "all, haviug arisen he fol-
named Levi, sitting at m o"
the receipt of custom : Xov9r)<rtv" avr(p. 29 Kai tTroirjo-tv $ox ) v i
2 5 3 4
dud he said unto him, lowed him. And made entertainment a grcat
Follow me. 28 And he
left all, rose up, and "Asvif" avTij) tv TJJ.olKia.avTOV, Kai t]v bxXog rtXuj-
there was a 2 multitude 3 J

followed him. 29 And 'Levi f or hun in his house, and of tax-

Levi made him a great
feast in his own house
vu>v n
7roXvg Kai
aXXwv oi i\oav per' avrojv KaraKtipti'oi.
and there was a great gatherers 'great and others who were with them reclining
company of publicans 30 Kai. oi. p ypap:ijartlg.avru)V Kai oi <Papi-
and of others that iyoyyv^ov
sat down with them. [at table]. And murmured their scribes and the Phari-
80 But their scribes oaioi
and Pharisees mur- "Og TOvg./.ia6)]-ag.avrov y Xtyovreg, lAiari" per a
mured against his dis- sees his disciples, saying, Why with
ciples, saying, Why do TtXuiv&v s Kai df.iapru)Xu>v u io~9iere Kai irivere; 31 Kai, enro-
ye eat and drink with And
tax-gatherers and sinners do ye eat and drink ? an-
publicans and sinners ?
Kpi9eig b 'JtjTovg elrrev rrpbg abrovg, Ov %ptiav t^ovaiv
*1 AndJesus answer- o'i
ing said unto them, swering Jesus said to them, No need have they who
They that are whole
need not a physician vyian>ovreg larpov,
dXX' ol KaK&g t^ovng. 32 ovk
but they that are sick. are in health of a physician but they who ill are. 3
32 I came not to call
the righteous, hut sin- iXrjXvOa KaXiaai SiKaiovg, dXXa dfxaprwXovg elg fxerd-
ners to repentance. 'I -have come to call righteous [ones], but sinners to repent-
33 And they said unto
him, Why do the dis- voiav. 33 Oi.ot ^elirov* irpog avrov, "Atari oi fia8i)rai
ciples of John fast ance. And they said to him, Why the 'disciples

d e
'Eyeipe GLTTrAW.
f 6
a.TTOKpi6tL<; L[Tr]. vtbs tou av6pu>7rov e^ova-iav e\-ei TTrA.
k irapaXtm/cw paralytic h.
eyeipe GLTTrAW. '6 TTrA. J Aeveif A
; AeveiV TTr.
Jraj'Td LTTrA. '
^/coAouSei LTTrA.
m 6 GLTTrAW.. Aeuets A ; Aevels TTr.
iroAus TeAtoj/wf LTTrA. P
<5apio-atot Kai ot -ypajajuaTcI? avribv ([avrwv] Tr) LTTrAW. t Aia
ri ltia. r
+ rwv the GLTTrAW. kou -'wAwe A. l
LTTrA. w Atd Tt Atari TA.
L[Tr] ;
V, VI. LUKE. 165
x often, and make pray-
and likewise the
*of 5 John 'fast often and supplications make, iu like
disciples of the Phari-
Kai ol tCov <t>api(Taitov, oi.Ss <roi ivBiovaiv Kai sees but thine eat and

flOtOJQ drink 34 And he said

manner also those of the Pharisees, but those of thee eat and unto ?
them, Can ye
mvovcnv 34 'O.St y flirtv 7rpbg au-ovg, M)} SvvaoQt rovg make the children of
3 the bridechamber fast,
drink ? And he said to them, Are ye able the
while the bridegroom
tov O tP.(i) with them? 35 But avrojv tariv is
viovg vi>Li<pu>vog, vv/Kpiog 14fier the
sou8 5 of 6 the 'bridecharuber "while "the days will come,
bridegrooin with :5
them "is
the bridegroom when
Vt]UTVElV 35 ri/nkpai /ccu" qtciv shall be taken away
'to -make
8 9
to fast? But will come "also 'when from them, and then
shall they fast in those
dirapOrj air' ahriov b vv/xtpiog, tote vi)<jtevgovoiv iv days. 3G And he spake
shall be taken from them the then will fast in also a parable unto
away bridegroom, they
them Nomanputteth ;

Iksivchq roue r)Likpaig. 36 "EXeyev.oe Kai Trapaf3oX>)v irpbg a piece of a new gar-
thse days. And he spoke also a parable to ment upon an old if ;

,,,,,-. u . , ~ c '
o '\\ > ' otherwise, then both
tTCipakkU nri thenewmaketharent

aVTOVg, OtI OVOEig kTripAljLia 1/XaTlOV KttlVOV

them, No one a piece of a, garnient 'new puts on and the piece that was
d taken out of the new
.ifiariov Trakaiov
TraXaiov' kui to kciivov ff%i^i," Kai agreeth not with the
'garment 'an -old, otherwise both the new he rends, and old. 37 And no man
e f putteth new wine into
Tip 7raAtt(<p ov.nvLi(poJVET
7rt/3Aiuxa to cltto TOV old bottles the ;
with the old does not agree [the] piece which [is] from the new wine burst will
the bottles, and be
Kaivov. 37 Kai ovddg fidWst. oivov vkov Eig aoKovg iraXaiovg' spilled, and the bottles
2 2
new. And no one puts wine 'new into skins 'old, shall perish. 38 But
eb new wine must be put
EiSi-fiiiyE pi)'u vkog olvog" rovg dcKovg, Kai avTog into new bottles and ;
otherwise *will 5 burst 'the -new wine the skins, and it both are preserved.
38 dXXd olvov vkov 39 No man also hav-
tKxv9i)<7ETai, Kai oi doKoi aTroXovvTaC 2 ing drunk old wine
tvill be poured out, and the skins will be destroyed but wine 'new
straightway desireth
eig daKovg Kaivovg fiXrjTtov,
Koi diKpOTEpot crvvrTipovvrai." new for he saith, The :

2 old is better.
into skins 'new is to be put, and both are preserved together.

39 Kai ovSeig ttiuiv. iraXaibv 'EvQkwg' OiXsi vkov'

And no one having drunk old [wine] immediately desires new ;

XkyEi.ydp, 'O TraXaibg %|0^(7?-orep6c" ia-iv.
for he says, The old ^better 'is.

iv ^EVTEpmrpuJT^ Sia7ro-
' ffa/3/3ar^ 6 VI. And it came to
it came to pass on 'sabbath ['the] -second 'first passed
pass on the second
pfvEaOai ai'Tov did Vwi'" <jTropij.iu)V Kai etiXXov oi sabbath after the first,
5 3 that he went through
'along he through the corn fields ;
and were ''plucking
the corn fields and his )

disciples plucked the

/jia9i]Tai.avT0V "Tovg aTa\vag, Kai i)oQi.ov,^
ears of corn, and did
and were eating,
'his ^disciples the ears, rubbing [them]
eat, rubbing them in
rate XEpviv 2 twv Qapiaaiiov eIitov airo7c,"
p Tt their hands. 2 And
to them, Why
certain of the Phari-
in the hands. But some of the Pharisees said
sees said unto them,
ovK.tfieoTiv ^ttoieHv iv ToXg ffdfifiacriv; 3 Kai Why do ye that which
tcoieIte o
do ye that which it is not lawful to do on the sabbaths? And is not lawful to do on
the sabbath days ?
Ovdk 3 And Jesus answer-
diroKpidEig* irpbg avTovgElTTEV b'li]aovg, TOVTodvkyvioTE,
to them 2
said Not even this did ye read, ing them said, Have
answering 'Jesus,
n t n
ye not read so much
o s7roit]0'Ev Aai3iS,
b7roTE E7rEivaaEV avTog Kai oi as this, what David
that which
did 'David, when he hungered, himself and those who did, when himself was
" , hungred, and they -an
4 W WC" EtcnjXVEV Eig TOV OlKOV TOVVEOV, which were with him
V , ,

UET avrov V OVTEg


with him were ? how he entered into the house of God, 4 how he went into
, , _ n -r\ a , mi j the house of God, and '

Kai TOVg apTOVg TT)g 7TpOU(TEU>g tkapEV, Kar tyayEV, Kai did take and eat the
and the loaves of the presentation took, and ate, and shewbread, and gave
y + 'Ino-ous l a b
-r dnb
mrjcXTevaai TTrA.
'lwdvov Tr. (And) JeSUS TTrA. [/cat] L.
from (a garment) [L]TTrA. c
+ oxiaas having rent (read puts [it]) TTrA. axio-ei he
will rend LTTrA. e oil
will not agree ltti a. l
+ to the TTrA. e 6 oivoq
b l k
b ve'os LTTrA W. Kai a|U</>6Tepoi avirnpovi'Tai T[Tr]A. ei>0eu>s TTrA. XPV~ T f
m tov LTTrA. " Kai
rjaOiov tov? trTa\vas TrA.
good TTrA. '
SevrepoTrpioTu) [l]Ti[a]
+ [avTtoi/] of them L. P avroZ? [LjTTrA.
1 ev T Troieiv iv ,read rois 011 the) LTrA. ;
b 'Incrovs etjrti/ 7rpb? auroiis L; 6 'IijcroO? Trpbs avrovs eintv T.
AavtS GW Aavei.6 L'iXrA. ;

" ia
* ore
LTr. "ovTH hXv. 7rw l; [cosj Xr. kafiav having takeu LTrA.
166 A YKA 2. vr.
also to fhcm that ]l
ovK.tZtffriv (paytlv
were with him; which
tSoiicEv ?icai rolg /jer avrov, ovg ei'.juj)
gave also to those with him, which it is not lawful to eat except
not lawful to eat
it is
but for the priests
rovg 2(0(C ; 5 Kai tXeyev avroig, "On" Kvpiog iVTIV
alone ? 5 And he said jxovovg
And he said 6 s
to them," Lord
only 'the priests? is
Unto them, That the
Son of man is Lord 6 vibg tov avOpioTrov Kai tov oaf3f3drov.-
also of the sabbath. , 2
Hhe Son 3 4
of man also of the sabbath.
& avrov
6 ' icai

iv trkptp (ja.f3f3a.Tii)
6 And it came to And it came to pass also on another sabbath ^entered 'he
pass also on another b n
sabbath, that he en- tig ri)v vvvayioyrjv Kai SiddaKSiV Kai r}V Ki av6pLoirog,
tered into the syna- into the synagogue and taught ;
and there was there a man,
gogue and taught: and c d
there was a man whose Kai i).xtip'-avTov >/ St^id r\v t,t]pd. 7
7rapfrrjpovv .dkt avrbv ]i

right hand was with- and his hand the right was withered. An J 'were 'watching t
ered. 7 And the scribes e
and Pharisees watched o\ ypap/xarslg Kai oi QapiocCioi, iv rtp aaf3f3drt^ 9epa- a
him, whether he would Hhe
and 4 the 5 Pharisees, whether on the sabbath he will
heal on the sabbath f
Karr]yopiav avrov. 8

day that they might 7TEvaei,

iva evpixxriv

find an accusation a- heal, that -they might find an accusation against him. But he
gainst him. 8 But he g h n

knew their thoughts, ySei TOvg.SiaXoyiaixovg.avTwv, Kai E-lTrev' rip dv9pio7rq> rfp

and said to the man knew their reasonings, and said to the roan who
which had the with- to
ered hand; Rise up, fypav 'i\ovri 2 ti)v a
x ^P '"Eysipai,"
f >
Kai arrjdi tig jxtaov.
and stand forth in 'withered 'had the hand, Arise, and stand in the midst.
the midst. And he k '0-o"i" l
ovv n o'lijaovg vrpbg avrovg,
ose and stood forth.
- dvaardg tart). 9 Elirev 3
r Then said Jesus unto And he having risen up stood. Said 'then -Jesus to them,
them. I will ask you m n
hue thing Is it law- 'E7rpwri7<Tw" vp,ag, ri" t,(JTiv "rolg odf3f3ao~iv^ dyaOo-
I will ask you, whether it is lawful on the sabbaths to do
ful on the sabbath
days to do good, or to TTOlTjtJai 1] KaK07rou]aai ; ipvx))v (Tuiaai rj p d7roX'(Tai.11 10 Kai ,

do evil? to save life,

it f 10 And good
to destroy
or to do evil ? 3
life 'to -save or to destroy ? And
looking round about 7repif3\ipd[ivog iravrag avTOvg ZlTTiV dv9pU)TT(p,
upon them all, he said looked around on all them he said to the man,
unto the man, Stretch having
forth thy hand. And "Ekthvov Kai s a7ro- I

Tr)v.xHpd.<70v. '0.8k kTroirjaev "o'vrwg

he did so and his hand Stretch out
And he did and 3
was restored whole as thy hand. so,

the other. 11 And they KaTEdTaOtf ''"*"- T d> I I 11

y'j.xdp.avTov vyit/g t) aXXjj."

were filled with mad- restored 2
'his hand sound as the other. But they
ness ;
and communed
one with another what lir\i)!TQi]Gav dvoiag, Kai SieXdXovv rrpbg dXXrjXovg tL
they might do to Jesus. were filled with madness, and x consulted with one another [as to] what
av w 7roti7<Ttav" r<f 'Irjaov.

they should do to Jesus.

12 Eyivero M
iv Talg.rj/Jispaig.TavTaig *i2,riX9Ei> TO
And came it to pass in those days he went out into the
12 And it came to
pass in those days, that opog 7rpo<TEv%ao~9ai' Kai i)v SiavvKrepevuiv
iv rrj rrpoatvxy
he went out into a mountain to pray, and he was spending the night in prayer
mountain to pray, and
continued all night in rov 9eov. 13 Kai ore iyivero t)nipa Trpooetptovrjaev rovg
orayer to God. 13 And of God. And when it became day he called to [him]
when it was day, he
called unto him his dis-
fia9i]Tag.avT0V' Kai 'tKXeKdfievog
art avrwv SwhKa, ovg Kai
ciples : and of them he his disciples, and chose out from them twelve, whom also
:hose twelve,' whom
ilso he named apo- cnroGToXovg utvofiarrev, 14 2i/xwva dv Kai tovofjaoav Hirpov
stles; 14 Simon, fwhom 3
apostles 'he2
named : Simon whom also he named Peter
ie also named Peter,)
ind Andrew his bro- Kai AvSpiav rbv.ddaXtpbv.avrov, ^'IaKw/Snv Kai "'Iwaiw,"
ther, James and John, and Andrew his brother, James John,and
Philip and Bartholo- a ya aa Mar0aTo>" Kai
mew, 15 Matthew and
y &iXnnrov Kai Bap9oXo/jalov, 15 Boj/udv,
Thomas, James the son Philip and Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas,

y *
Kai LTTr[A]. R b c
Kai LTrA. [on] dV#pto7TOS eicei TTrA.
Tr. irapeTrjpovvTO
Oepaneve i he heals LTTrA.
CTTrAW. avTov LTTrAW. Karyjyopily to accuse TTrA.
e e%7Tv TTrA. a^Spi
C) TTrA. h
'"Eyeipe GLTTimanAW. k Kai LTTrA. l
fit and LTTr.
m 'E7repa)TW I ask TTrA. n i if LTTrA. tw cra/3/3dT&> On the Sabbath LTTrA. P a.TTO-

KTetvai to kill GW. <1 avra> to him GLTTrAW. OVTUS GTTrAW.

r s
T " *
{ryiTjs GLTTrAW.
LiLTTrA. tbs T) aAA>j [L]T[Tr]A. 7roiJjO'aisi' LTTrA. efcA0eci _
aa MadOalov LTTf
ftVTOC he Went OUt TTrA. J* cai and LTTrA.. *
lu&vqv Tr. A,
VT. LUKE. 167
a of Alphaaus, and Simon
'ldicoj/3ov rbv toWAXQciov teal Si'^wra rov ko\ov-
James the [son] called Z'elotes, 16 and
of Alphajus and Simon who [was] cill-
Judas the brother of
pevov Zrj\(t)rf]v, 16 'lovoav Kai 'lovfiav James, and Judas Is-
ed Judas and Judas cariot, which also was
Zealot, [brother] of James, the traitor. 17 Aud he
d e n
came down with

'Icr/cap(wr/jv," og ical
lysvero 7rpoS6rrig 17 Kai Karafidg and stood in the them,
Iscariote, who also became [the] betrayer. And descending and the plain,
company of
fier avrCov tart] t7ri to7tov iteSivov, Kai bxXog f fj.a9nriov his disciples, and a
with them he stood on a "place 'level, and a crowd of 2 disciples great multitude of peo-
ple out of all Judsa.
avrov Kai 7rXi]9og 7ro\v rov Xaov dirb traa^fg rrjg'IovSaiag and Jerusalem, and
2 from the sea coast ol
'his and a multitude 'great of the people from all Judasa
Tyre and Sidon, which
Kai Kai rrjg irapaXiov Kai UliSwvog, o'l came to hear him, and
.lEpovaaXtjfi Tupov
and Jerusalem and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, who to be healed of their
diseases; 18 and they
?lX9ov aKovaai avrov, Kai ia9r\vai curb rwv.vocrujv.avrojv, that were vexed with
came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases, unclean spirits and :

h they were healed.

18 Kai ol
SoxXov/xevoi" i>7r6" irvEVfiaruiv a.Ka9dproJv,
Kal l]

19 And the whole mul-

and those beset by -spirits 'unclean, and titude sought to touch
h n him for there *vent

iQtpaTTEvovro. 19 Kai Iraq 6 bxXog ir]rEi uima9ai avrov' virtue out of him, and
they were healed. And all the crowd sought to touch him ;
healed them all.

dvvapig Trap' avrov t&jpxero Kai iaro -KCLvrag.
for power from him went out and healed all.

^PSO Kai
irrdpag rovg.6<p9aXfiovg.avrov Eig rovgfiaQrj-
lifting up his eyes upon disci-
20 And he lifted up
rdg avrov tXeyev, MaKapwi ol Trru>xvi, on v/ierspa larlv his eyes on his disci-
pies 'his said, Blessed- [are] the. poor, for yours is ples, and said, Blessed
he ye poor: for yours
>'/ fiaaiXtia rov 9eov. 21 fxaKcipioi ol 7reiva>vrsg vvv, on is the kingdom of God.
the kingdom of God. Blessed [ye] who hunger now, for 21 Blessed are ye that
hunger now for ye
Xoprao~9>)(jf(j9e. fxaKapioi ol KXaiovreg vvv, on yeXcKjere. shall be filled. Blessed

ye shall be filled. Blessed* [ye] who weep now, for ye shall laugh. are ye that weep now :

for ye shall laugh.

22 fiaKctpioi tare orav fxiaifaioaiv vpdg oldv9pioTroi, Kai orav 22 Blessed are ye, when
Blessed are ye when 2 shaU 3 hate you
'men, and when men shall hate you,
and when they shall
dtpopiuuxriv vfidg, Kai oveiSiawaiv, Kai EKfidXwoiv rb separate you from their
they shall cut "off 'you, and s'hall reproach [you], and cast out
company, and shall re-
eveko} x
rov rov dv9pioirov'
vloii proach you, and cast
oi'Ofia.vfiaiv ojg rrovr\p6v, out your name as evil,
your name as wicked, on account of the Son of man :
for the Son of man's
23 m xaiper n
tv tKEivy ry i'lfnepq:
Kai OKiprrfo-arE' sake. 23 Rej oice ye in
iSov.ydp, 6 that day, and leap for
rejoice in that day and leap for joy ;
for lo,
joy for, behold, your

n reward is great in hea-

lno9bg.vf.iCJv rroXvg iv reft ovpavo)'2 Kara ravra [i

yap ven for in the like

your reward 3 :
[is] great in the heaven, aceording to "these
Hhings 'for manner did their fa-
tiroiovv 24 unto the pro-
rolg 7rpocp7]raig ol.varkpEg.avruiv. TlXrjv oval thers 24 But woe unto
did to "the "prophets 'their -fathers. But woe phets.
you that are rich for I

Vjxiv rolg irXovGwig, on drr't^ErE ye have received your

rt)v.7rapdKXri<m'.VfioJv. consolation. 25 Woe
to you the rich, for ye are receiving your consolation. unto you that are
25 oval vfilv ol t/x7TE7rXr]<Tfxsvoi ,
on 7reivdaere. oval p full"
for ye shall I

Woe to you who have been filled, Woe for ye shall hunger. to yon hunger. Woe unto you
that laugh now for ye !

oi ysXwvreg vvv. on TZEv9i]aErE Kai KXavatre. 26 oval ^Vfilv^ shall mourn and weep.
who laugh now, for ye shall mourn and' weep. Woe to you 26 Woe unto you, when
all men shall speak
orav KaXwg T vjuag Ei-iruo'iv" *Trdvri.g well of yon! for so
ol dv9p oirof Kara
when well of you speak
According to did their fathers to the
all men,
false prophets. 27 But
"ravra ydp etto'iovv rolg yfyEvSoTrpotyrfraigdi-Trar'tpEg.avriijv. I say unto you which

'these 6 things 'for did 3 4

to the 5 G
false prophets 'their fathers. hear, Love your ene-
do good to
27 ' AXX " Xtyw rolg aKovovaiv, 'AyairdrE rovg lx^9 ov Q mies, them which hate you,
But to you I say who hear, Love 28 bless them' that

+ icai and T. rov TOU TTrA. c
+ Kai and LTTrA. d
'IcrKapiioO LTTrA.
e Kai
LT[Tr]A. + 7roAus great T. s evox^-ov/xevoi TTr,A. " d-rd GLTTr'AW. l
Kai (omit
and they) LTTrA. k
i^TOW TTrA. '
eveKev L. 'jfdprjTe GLTTrAW. n rd avrd the
same things LTTrA + vvv now T[Tr]A. P VfJ.iv TTrA. 1 GJ/n* AW.
' f'tmoa-iv .v/ias T, irdvfes G. *
curse yon, and pray
for them which de- 1'f.llOV, Kcikuig
ttoie~ite roUg f.iffovffiv Vjiaq, 28 evXoydre
4 3
well do to those who' hate you, bless
spitcfully use you. 'your,
29 And unto him that y x
smiterh thee on the tovg tcaraptofitvovQ vfi~iv, Vtti" TrpoaEvx^Oe t7rfp"
those who curse you, and pray for those who
one cheek offer also the
and him that tvtttovti as y 7ri" rr)v Oiayova,
7n;pfa6i'-ojv ifiag. 29
other ;

taketh away thy cloke np

despitefully use you. To him who strikes thee on the cheek,
forbid not to take thy
coat also. 30 Give to e Kai
rr)v dXXrjv' Kai enrb tov a'ipovTog oov to .

every man that asketh offer also the other and from him who takes away thy
of thee and of him

that taketh away thy J.IUTI 0V,
tcai tov
TOV \iru)va
J^lTUJVa }.ir).KwXvayg. 30 iravTi 6i rp"
goods ask them not cloak, also the tunic do not forbid. "To 3 every 4 one 'and who
again. 31 And as ye
would that men should alrovvri ff, SiSov" Kai CITTO TOV aipOVTOQ TCl-CO.,
do to you. do ye also to asks thee, give and from him who takes away what [is] thine,

them For
likewise. 32
if ye love them which 31 Kai KaOojg 9sXete "iva 7roiioaiv vpiv oi
love you, what thank ask [it] not back and according as ye desire that 2 should 3 do 4 to 5 you
have ye? for sinners s
also love those that dvOpwTroi, Kai vj-ieig' 7T0LHTS aliTolg O/LIOIOJQ. 32 Kai 61
love them. 33 And if 'men, also -ye 'do to tliem in like manner. And if
ye do good to them
which do good to you, aycnraTe tovq ayairiovTag vjxag, rroia V/.UV X a P C l i-OTlV

what thank have ye? ye love those who love you, what *to 5 you' 'thank is
it ?
for sinners also do even
the same. 34 And if oi ctfiaprioKoi tovq ayaTriovTag avTovg aycnrwtriv.
Kcu.yap 4 5
ye lend, to them of for even sinners those 3 who love them 'love.
whom ye hope to re- 33 Kai b
tav dya9o7roir]TE
ceive, what thank have
tovq ayaQoTvoiovvTctg hf.idg,
ye ? for sinners also
And if ye do good to those who do good to you,
lend to sinners, to re- TTOUl EtTTlV to avTO
vpiv Xaptg /cat ot ctftapTioXoi
ceive as much again. 2 2 "yap"
35 But love ye your what to 3 you 'thank is it? even!
Hor sinners the same
enemies, and do good, rroiovaiv. 34 Kai tav e $ovE('?jr" ilv eXttIZete
and lend, hoping for *
Trap '

and 'do. And if ye' lend [to those] from whom ye hope
nothing again ;
your reward shall be tcnroXafltiv," iroia vpuv x^P'C ecttiv; Kai Syap" oi"apoprwAot
great, and ye shall be to receive, 3
what "to you 'thank is it ? "even 'for sinners
the children of tho
Highest for he is kind n
Sav(iZovffiv, 'iva cnroXdfiioaiv to. /(7tt." ttXi]v
unto the unthankful apapTu>Xotg
to 3 sinners that they may receive the like. But
and to the evil. 36 Be
l n
ye therefore merciful, ayaTTctTE TOvg.tx9povg.vfiwv, Kai dya6o7rotHTE, Kai daviZETE
as your Father also is love and do good, and
your enemies, lend,
merciful. 37 Judge not,
and ye shall not be- a fir)Sev n n a7^A7r/'o^'r" Kai io~Tai .
b.pi(j9bg.vpiov 7roXvg,
judged condemn not, :
"-hoping for again and 3 shall 4 be 2
your reward great, ;
and ye shall not be
condemned forgive, Kai ioeo9e : vioi Prow" vipicrTOV' otl avrbg xptl"r6g iariv^kTri
and ye shall be for- and ye shall be sons of the Highest lighest ilyior
i^/-for he good 'is to
given 38 give, and

it shall be given tovq axapiOTOVg Kai rroi'rjpoi yi ivtoOe lovv oiKTippovEg,


unto you good mea- the ;unthankful, and wicked, sfl
sure, pressed down, r
and shaken together, Ka9ojg Kai 6.7raTii]p.vpwv otKTippcov toriV. 37 Kai prf.KpivETi,

and running over,


as also your father Compassionate 'is. And judge not,

shall men give into s *
your bosom. For with Kai
ov n .p>) Kpi97)TV jj,i).KaraSiKaleTE, Kai ov.piij /cara-
the same measure that that in no wise ye be judged condemn not, that in no wi-e ;ye be
ye mete withal it shall
38 ciSots, Kai
be i; measured to you SiKaa9iJTE. cnroXvtre, Kai d.7roXv9r)0'o9E'
condemned. Release, and ye shall be released. Give, and

So9r]0~ETai vfiiv. psTpov KaXov ttettieo'pevov

it shall be given to you, '^measure 'good, pressed down and shaken to-

^^VTVEpEKXyVOpEVOV* cioaovcnv Eig tov koXttov

gether and running over shall they give into *bosom

VfllOV tuj yap aiiTlf) /.lETptp fiETOElTE,

<p' aVTi/JE-
3 shall be
with s the for same measure with which ye mete, .. it

T w Kai GLTTrAW. ? is T. z Sk tu> t

Ujaas GLTTrA. 77fpi TA. [Se ra,
[be ;
[Sel tu Tr. a
[Kai v/xei?! l.
yap (read for if ye also) T.
c ecrrlv
+ xapis L. yap T
e f
\afieiv TTrA. S * Ot LTTiA.
8aveLar)Te L ; 8ai>io~r)T T Savti&Te TiA. ; -yap T|Tr]A.
to-a ltaW. k
nySeva T.
m " L. + [^
SuvL^ovrriv T.
Savl(eT T. ai}>eKnioi>Te<;
rois ovpai'OK] in the heavens l. p roi) (rea<l of thej) gltt. aw. i |
ovv ltti-a.
' - Kai i.|t|t> s
'iva .read that ye be not judged) l.
+ Kai and TA Kft<
wa LTTiA a> LTTr,
L'i'TrA. virepe.Kxyi'i'opevoK yap /xtTpcj)
VI. LUK E. iqd
39 EIitev.Se * a& aia 39 And he spake

rp>i9i)<jTai vfjlv. 7raoa/ScX/)y avToig, M/'/rt

measured again to you. And he spoke a parable to them,
' , LuU^blind^ad', 1,1;

Suvarai TvtyXbg rvcpXbv b$r]yE~iv ; oi>xi dj.i(p6repoi elg

blind? shall they not
Is able 'a "blind [ 3 man] a blind [man] to lead ?
~ n.
"not ^boLh
, , . , -,
^\ Tne ?
ditch?J*l}, 40

40 ovk egtiv p,avi}Ti)g virtij tov oicuaica.-


pouvvov 7T(.aovvTai ,
not above his mas- is

teacher Jer : but every one

6 4 3
''a pit 'will fall? not is >a -disciple above the
~ u ~ * ? , that is perfect shall be
\ a > /
y, N
Aov aumv"
KarijpTi'ruevug.ce wag ta-ai wg o GioaoKaXog as his master. 41 And

of him; but periecfed 'every ^one shall be as

' :

"teacher wny beholdest thou

uvrov. 41 Ti.oe
to icap<pog to
, ,

i.v tco
tae mote that is in thy ,/ ~>/i-v~
p\87TEig o<f>va\fiip brother's eye, but ?or-
'his. But why lookest thou on the mote that [is] in the eye ceivest not the beam
~ N ~> r,
?> ,
* \ > ~ ><?, > > n \ J" that is in thine own > .

TOU.adA<pOV.<JOV, TljV.OE OOKOV TT)V EV Tip-lOOp OyVaX/XQ eye? 42 Either how

of thy brother, but the beam that [is] in thine own eye canst thou say to thy
' * Act h n ~ J' \' ~ > ? \ j ~ brother, Brother, U|
ou.tcaTavoEig; 42 dvvacai tt

if wwg
XsyEiv T^-adEXtpoj.aov, me pull out the mote
perceivest not ? or how art thou able to say to thy brother, that is in thine eye

*AfcX0i, d^Eg k/3Xu, rb ku^oq to iv T$ 6p9a\^ n^aes^not^fbeam

Brother, .suffer [that] I may cast out the mote that [is] in -eye that is in thine owii

ffov, auTbg tuv iv TJo).b(p9a\^.G0v

4 s
Sokov ov (SX'ettujv ;
vtto- tllLZ^tthX^
thine, thyself the -in thine [ own] eye 'beam not seeing? Hypo- out of thine own eye,
KpiTa, ek3oXe
' Sokov tK Tov.dcbOaXuov.aov,
r" Kai and th<iU shalt hou ,
see clearly ,f
to pull out
*.. T . , , j..."
cnte, cast out hrst the beam out of thine [own] eye, and t nt DK) te that is in thv

tote e br ott' s eye. 43 For

8ia(3\kypEig kK(3a\elv
to icdpfog to iv r<p 6<p9aXfxcji
then thou wilt see clearly to cast out . the mote that[is]in the eye nof forth corrupt fruit'
i neither doth a corrupt
T0V.dC\(p0V.<70V' . 43 OU.ydp i<3TlV StVCpOV KoXbv iroiOVV
J 4 6 5 e ' bnn f rth good
of thy
J brother. .
For not 'there
"is a tree good producing f
fruit. 44 For every
e tree known by

a "' uit
is his
"fruit nor a treei ?^ -

44 EKa.GTOv.yap V
'corrupt: 'corrupt producing -fruit 'good; *for
.... -"'-- ' -* tno ns men do not
r >

ek tova6lov Kap-rrov yivcooicETai' ou.yap

- / , , ^
OEvepov gather figs, nor of a
"ramble bush gather
for each tree by its own fruit is known, for not
n ~ ,
A ., - >s.>< r
f ~ they grapes. 45 A good
it, aKaVUUJV OVhkEyOVOlV OVKa, OVOE EK paTdV 'TpvywGlV man out of the good
from thorns do they gather figs, nor from a bramble gather they treasure of his heart
, / A _ , , n i| , n r\ , ~ , -~, ' hringeth forth that
<TTa(f>v\rivJ 45 o aya9og av9pto7rog ek tov "ayavou U))aavpov which is good; and an
a bunch of grapes. The good man out of the good treasure
ey il man out of the
t., ,_ , ~,| j i * '
r\ ' < < ev 'l treasure of his
Ttig.Kapdiag.saVTOV" 7TpO<pEpEl '
TO ayaVOV Kai O nOVI)- heart bringeth forth
of his heart brings forth that which [is] good ;
and the wick- that which is evil for :

~ ~ ~
a " n
h ii
' \a of the abundance of
pog av9pu)7rog
ek tov Ttovqpov ^i)aavpov Tijg the heart his mouth
ed man out of the wicked treasure of heart speaketh. 46 And why
.r \ f \ ~ / call ve me. Lord, Lord.
> -mi . k
\r m
CtVTOV* 7TpO(pEpEl TO TTOVTjpoV EK.yap TOV TTEpiGGEV- and do noithe things
'his brings forth that which [is] wicked : for out of the abun- which I say? 47 Who-

jiaro^Vw- KapSiag -\Xa

rb.aTo^a.avTOv.K 46' TLSe
^ ^%J^^^:
dance of the heart 'his 'mouth.
speaks And why me ings, and doeth them,
KaXslTE KvpiE, icvpiE, Kai ov.ttoieIte a Xiyw 47 nag b ip-
^Zmh^sii^I?^ he ;

do ye call Lord, Everyone who

Lord, and
s y^ e a mall which do not what I say? j

Kai aKoixuv fxov.TU)V.X6ywv Kai ttoiwv avrovg, j" 11 house and -

\6pEvog irpog /u.e

8 *^?
is corrfing to me and hearing my words and doing them, the foundation on"a

vTToSeiZu) vuiv rivi iaHv ouotog. 48 ouoiog icTiv dv9pu)7raj l oc \ and 7^ P- the
he :

utowhomhei. like. he is to iTman^ .

Iwillshew^ w ^Like that house, and could
oiKoSopiOVVTl OIKIUV, bg EGKa^EV Kai i(3d9vi>EV, Kai e9t]KEV nofc shake xt for *'
building a house, who dug and deepened, and laid

n n
Ge/xeXiov ini t>)v 7TETpaV 7rX7]jj,fivpag .SE yEvo/xs vr\g 7rpoGEp-
a foundation on the rock ;
and a flood having come burst

b 7roTajxbg T7j.o'iKio:.EKEivy, Kai ovk.'igx v<tev vaXEvaai
upon 'the ^stream that house, and could not shake

a b
y + l
Kai also LTTrA.efJureiTOVVTaL LTTrA. avrov LTTrA. ij T[Tr]A.
eKfSaXelv TA.
eK^aAelv U> cast out TA.
+ iraA.ii/ again [L]T[Tr]A. f OTafyvArfV
h " J
TpvyaxTw Tl'rA. S avrou (read [his] heart) T. avBpanros [L]TTrA. drjaavpov
k TOV LTTrA. ,u
tt)s xapoias avrov [LJTTrA. T>js (read Ot [the]) LTTrA.

o-To^a avTOU AaAei L. TrAij/xjavpns TTrA. 7rpo<re'pi} jv TTr.
170 AOYA-2. VI, VI.
was founded upon a V1
rock. 49 But he that avrfjV eQejifXupTO.yap kirl rrjv 7rkrpavJ 49 b.8k ctKovaa^
for ftr had been founded upon the rock. But he who heard
heart' th, and doethn'ot, it,

is like a man that Kal o koriv dvOpwrrip lolKoboprjotzvri" oliciai

without a foundation and fi7].7roii]oag
did not
like 'is to a man
built an house upon liinnng built a hous,
the earth against km ti)v yrjv X^PLQ T n
6 irora-
which the stream did oe
Q^psXioy' y 7rpoajp0i^ev
the earth without a foundation on which burst 'the -stream
beat vehemently, and

immediately it fell fXOQ, KOI *S.vQkltiQ tTTtOEV

; mi tyevero to pijypa ri)g oiKiag
and the ruin of that and immediately it fell, and "was 'the "ruin 3
of 5 house
house was great.
Ikhvi}Q pkya.^J-
*that great....J--f~

7 ''Ewcl-fle" 7rX//pa>(rev iravra ra.prjparn.ovrov slg rag

And when he had completed all his words in the
Til. Now when he aKodg tov Xaov tiffrjXOev Eig Kcnrpvaoi>fi.
2 'EKarovrdpxov
4 5
had ended all his say- ears of the people he entered into
Capernaum. 0f a 'centurion
ings in the audience
of the people, he en-
rivog 8oi>Xog KaKujg
2 3 8
ijpcXXev teXevt$v, og 1\V tpv
tered into Capernaum. 'and certain a bondruan "ill being was about to die, who was
2 And a certain, cen- 3 aKovaag.bk 7repl tov'1t](Tov dirkuTeiXsv 7rpbg
turion's servant, who avrtp evripog.
was dear unto him, by him honoured. And having heard about Jesus he sent to
was sick, and ready to avrbv twv avrov
die. 3 And when he 7rpetrj3vrkpqvg 'lovSaiuJi', tpuJToJV onujg
heard of Jesus, he sent
him elders of the Jews, begging him that
unto him the elders of tXOujv (Hiaawcrrj rbv.8ovXov.abrov. 4 o'i.8t 7rapaysv6psvoi
the Jews, beseeching come he might cure And they
him that he would having
his bondman. having come
come and heal his ser- Trpbg Tov'l7]aovv 7rope/caXcvi/" avrbv airovba'aag, Xkyovrtg,
vant. 4 And when they to Jesus besought him diligently, saying,
came to
Jesus, they v
besought him instant- "On aiog tariv ip 7rapk^ei tovto' n
5 dyarrd-ydp to
ly, saying, That he 3
that worthy 'he "is to whom he shall grant this, for he loves
was worthy for whom
he should do this: 5 for t9vog.iip.Siv Kid rf)v avvayujyyv avrbg tpKoSoprjcrev i)pTv.
he loveth our nation, our nation and the synagogue he built for us.
and he hath built us
a synagogue. 6 Then 6 'Q.ok.'lrjcrovg k7ropveTO avv avroTg' i'jSrj.St avrov ov paKpav
Jesus went with them. Aud Jesus
went with them but already he ''not 'far ;

And when he was now x

not far from the house, 0VT0<i dm) Tr)g oiKiag, tTrep^tv *b tmrov-

tirpog avrov"
5 =
the centurion sent 'being distant from the house, seut *to him 'the ceu-
friends to him, saying n a K

unto him, Lord, trouble T.ap\og <plXovg, Xkyujv avrip, Kupte, prj.uKvXXov
not thyself for 1 am turion
: friends, saying to him, Lord, trouble not [thyself], "not
not worthy that thou b c
/u iKavbg" iva v7ro rrjv.(rrkyi]v.pov

shouldest enter under yap EiirkXQyg'

thou shouldest come
my roof 7 wherefore 'for ''I 'am worthy that under
my roof ;

neither thought I my- 7 8ib ov8k kpavrbv r)iwoa rrpog <T tXGelv dXXu
self worthy to come 3 4
wherefore neither myself counted I worthy to thee 'to -come but
unto thee but say in:

a word, and my ser- elirt d '

Xoytp, Kai

iaGfj(rarai b.irdig.pov.

8 Kai.ydp kyuj
vant shall be healed. For alo
8 For I also am a man say by a word, and shall be healed my servant. I a

get under authority, dpujiTog elpi V7rb t^ovaiav raaaoptvog, f%wv vir kpavrbv
having under me sol- man am under authority appointed, having under myself
diers, and I say unto
one, Go, and he goeth; VTpaTiwrag, Kal Xkyoj rovrip HoptvGqn, Kal 7ropsvtrai'
and to another, Come, soldiers, and I say to this [one] Go, and he goes ;
and he cometh; and to
my servant, Do this, Kal dXXip, "Epxov. Kal tpx ETCtl KC" rcp.8ovXtp.pov, Uolrjaov

audhedorrthiV. 9 When and to another, Lome, and he comes and to my bondman, Bo ;

Jesus heard these '

things, he marvelled tovto, Kal 7TOti. 9 AKOvaag 8k ravra b 'l>]<rovg IQav-

at him, and turned this, and he does [it]; And having heard these things Jesus won-
him about, and said
unto the people that paoev avrov' Kal (TTpafsig Tip aKoXovGovvri avrip 3
followed him, I say dered at him and turning to the
; -following him 'crowd

P 8id rb (caAois oiKoSop-etaOai (oioSo/u.tJo-0<u t) avnjf because it was well built TTrA.
r B
oiKoSofiovvri buildiiig l. npoaepri^ev TTr. evfius <rvveTTe<rev inlm'ediately it fell
ripuTwv asked t.
together TTrA. 'En-eiSTj after that
' ltti-a. Ka^apvaovfj. LTTrAW.
nape^ji he should grant ltt. a.
x a7ro {read t^? from the)_T. npbs aWov t.
a b
inavos et/ni TTrA. c
(#)iAovs 6 iKar6vTa.pxo<; (inaTOfrapxT)': T) TTrA.
avrtp T. fiov
vn-6 rr\v areyrfv w. iaflTjTw let be healed TTrA.
VII. LUKE. 171
iriariv Evpov. unto you, I have not
ei'7rv, Asyu> v/mv, ovSe iv r<ji'\opafiX roaauri]V found so great faith,
said, I say to you, not eveu in I Israel so great faith did find. no. not in iBraeL
e 10 And they that were
10 Kai viroarptyavrEg- oi 7re^i(p9kvreg Eig rbv o'Ikov

elpov sent, returning to the

And having 'returned 'those -sent to the house found
house, found the ser-
f vant whole that had
rbv d<jQevovvTa" SovXov vyiaivovra. been sick.
the sick bondman in good health.
n h
b v 11 And it came to
11 Kai sysvero iv %ry iifig e%rjg t7ropEVErq
t7ropi>rq" . Eig irokiv
And it came to pass on the next [day] he went into a city pass the day after, that
he went into a city
KaXoi'fievrjv "Natv, Kai ovvErcopEvovro avrfi o'i.fia9i)rai.
avrov called'Nain; andmany
and went with him his 2 disciples of his disciple3 went
called Nain, with him, and much
Kai b'x'Xog iroXvg. 12 ojq^Ss ijyywEV ry irvXy ri)g people. 12 Now when
and a -crowd And as he drew near to the gate of the he came nigh to the
'many 'great.
gate of the city, be-
k n l
proXeiog Kai ISov, i^EKO/xi^Ero hold, there was a dead
rE9vr]Ku>g, v\bg jxovo-
also 'behold, man carried out, the
was being carried out [one] who had died, an -son 'only
m only son of his mother,
yevi)g ry.firtrpi.avrov, Kai avrr] riv Y^/pa* KUl "X
Ao T ^C and she was a widow:
2 3 4
to his mother, and she \vas a widow, and a crowd of the and much people of
" the city was with her.
7r6Xswg ixavbg avv avry. 13 Kai icwv avri)v 6 Kvpiog 13 And when the Lord
'city 'considerable [wsft] with her. And seeing her the Lord saw her, he had com-
n passion on her, and
i<y7rXayxi'iT9r) iir
avry Kai eIttev avry, M/./cAate. said unto her, Woep
was moved with compassion on her and said to her, Weep not. not. 14 Arid he came
14 Kai 7rpooeX9wv r/^aro rr)g aopov' o'uSe ftaardtovrEg and touched the bier:
and they that bare
And coming up he touched the bier, and those bearing [it] him stood stilL And
he Young man,
torr/aav Kai
THeaviOKE, ooi Xsyw, iysp9rjri.
eIttev, 15 Kai I say
unto thee, Arise.
stopped. And he said,
Young man, to thee I say, Arise. And 15 And he that was
dead sat up, and began
dvsKa9i(yey 6 vEKpbg Kai r)p%aro XaXelv Kai eSiokev avrbv ry
to speak. And he de-
3 sat 'the Mead and began to speak, and he gave him
*up livered him to his mo-
16 p u ther. 16 And there
[iTiTpi.avrov. 2
(pofiog arravrag, Kai k$6a,ov came a fear on all: and
to his mother. And seized 'fear all, and they glorified
they glorified God,
tov9eov, Xsyoi'TEg, "Oft irpotyr)Tr\g yi'tyag iEyt)yE0rai iv saying, That a great
God, saying, A 2prophet 'great has risen up amongst prophet is risen up
That among us; and,
f'lfuv, Kai "On iwEffKE\paro 6 9Eog rbv. Xabv. avrov. 17 Kai God hath visited his
us ;
and 2
Has ^visited 'God his people. And people. 17 And this
rumour of him went
f.iir]X9EV b.Xoyog.obrog iv oXy ry 'lovSaig, TTEpi avrov, Kai forth throughout all
went out this report in all Judaea concerning him, and Judsea, and through-
T out all the region
iv u Ttaay ry TTEpixwpy. round about.
in all the country around.
18 Kai cnrriyyEiXav s 'l(t)avvy n oi.fiaOrjral. avrov rrEpi
And "brought 6 word 2
'to John 3
his *disciples concerning 18 And the disciples
iravriov rovrtov. 19 Kai dio rivag ru>v of John shewed him
TrponKaXEadfiEvog of all these things.
all these things. And 2
having called to [him] two 'certain 19 And John calling
l v unto him two of his
fxa9r]ru)v.avrov b 'l waving" E7TE[i\l/EV rrpbg rbv 'Iijffow,"

of his disciples John sent disciples sent them to

[them] to Jesus,
Jesus, saying, Art thou
XiyiDV, Zv.eI o Epxofievoc 'dXXo V" he that should come ?
rj 7rpouSoKU)fiEv ;
or look we for an-
saying, Art thou the coming [one] or another are we to look for ?
other ? 20 When the
20 UapayEv6/.iEvoi.di npbg avrbv ot
y'lwdv- men were come unto
dvdpsg *E~i7rov,
And having come to , him the men said, John him, they said, John
Baptist hath sent us
vrigW b ftairrHjriig diriaraXKEv unto thee, saying, Art
the ' iifidg npog <te, Xtywj/,
Baptist has sent us to thee, saying, Art thou thou he that should
6 spxoftEvog come? or look we
7] dXXov irpoaioKivfiEv ;
21 'Ev z
avry" *Si\ for another? 21 And
the coming [one] or another are we to look for ?
In 3 the 'same 'and in that same hour
he cured many of
ry aipa t9EpaTTEvoEv 7roXXovg dtrb voawv Kai fxaarlyiov Kai their infirmities and
hour he healed many of diseases and and plagues, and of evil

ei? rov oikoi' oi Tre/A$0eVres LTTr.

auOevovvra LTTr[A]. f 8 r<$ Tr. h
e7ropev0ij T-
k m aurrj w'; EGW. n
+ Tjv
ju.oi'oyeiTjs vlbg TTrA.
iKai'oi[L]Tr[A].[Te0iT)Kuas] L. ?jv
Was EGT[TrA]. aVTTJI/ T. P n-aj/Tas GTrA. "3 i3 risen LTTrA. r ev [L]T[Tr]A.
luia.vvei T; 'liodvet. Tr. t T rbv the Lord TTrA. w
* eiTTai/ LTTrA.
'loidi^q Tr. .
y 'Iwdiajs Tr. that TTrA. fi LTTrA.
spirits; and Unto many /cat rt"
that were h lind ho gave 7rvevf.iariov irov'jpujv, 7roXXo1g iy^apiaaro
22 Then Jesus -spirits 'evil, and'many he granted
to -blind
answering said unto c w
j3\t7rtiv. 22 kci'i it7roicpi9ti(j 6 'h]<Toi>Q .d7r v avrolg, Iloptv9tv-
them, Go your way, to sec. And "answering 'Jesus said to them,
and tell John what Having
things ye have seen rec ciTvayysiXare d Iwarry a s'ictTt Kai i'ikovijutS' e (m"

and heard thathow relate to John what have seen and that

the blind see, the lame

gone ye heard;
walk, the lepers are TV(pXoi dvafSX'tirovGiv, xtuXoi TrtpnraTOvaiv, XtTrpol Ka9apioi>-
cleansed, the deaf hear, blind receive sight, lame walk, lepers are cleansed,
the dead are raised, to
the poor the gospel rai, Kiocpoi aizovovaiv, VEKpol iyt.ipovTai,7rTii)\ol tbayytXiQovTai'
is preached. 23 And deaf dead are raised, are evangelized
hear, poor ;
blessed is he, whoso-
ever shall not be of- 23 Kai fxaKctpioQ ioriv bg.idv fit).<TKavda\idOy tv Bfioi.
fended in me. and blessed is whoever shall not be offended in me.
24 'A7r?\06vT(ov-dt twv dyytXwv 'I<oavvov i'lp'Caro i[

And having departed the r' G l
of 4 John he began to speak
24 And when the i n

messengers of John 7rpbg tovq oxXovg 7T8pi 'lcodvvov, Ti Zk%e\i]\v9aTE n elg

were departed, he to the crowds concerning John What have ye gone out into :

began to speak unto

the people concerning T))v tpr]fiov 9tdaao~9ai- KuXafiov virb avkfiov aaXtvu- *
John, What went ye the wilderness to look at ? a reed by .[the] wind shaken ?
out into the wilderness
for to see ? A reed fievov;
25 dXXd ri ^i'a\i)Xv9are

IStTv; dv9pwTrov tv jxaXa-

shaken with the wind? But what have ye gone out to see ? a man in soft
25 But what went ye oi tv
out for to see ? A man Kolg ifiarioig r)fL<pitafiki>ov\\ ivob, ifiariffftip tvdo^q)
clothed in soft rai- clothing arrayed? Behold, they who in clolhiug 'splendid
ment? Behold, they Kai 20 dXXd
which are gorgeously rpvepy virdpxdvrtg tv rolg fiaciXt'ioig uaiv.
and in luxury are living -in the ""palaces 'are. But what
apparelled, and live
delicately, are in kings' s u
courts. 26 But what
tsX)]Xv9are ; Trpocpfjrijv; vai, Xtycj bfxiv.
have ye gone out to see ? a prophet ? Tea, I say to you, and [one]
went ye out for to see ?
A prophet? Yea, I TTtpioooTfpov irpo(p)]TOV. 27 otTog tanv wtpl oi>
say unto you, and more excellent than a prophet. This is he concerning whom it has
much more than a
prophet. 27 This is he,

ypcnrrai, 'iSov, ty<l> d.Tro(TrkXX(o Tuv.dyyt~X6v-f.iov wpb

of whom it is written, been written, Behold, I my messenger send before
Behold, I send my
messenger before thy TTpo(j(t>Tvov.(Tov, og KarciGKiivdaH Ti)v.bci6v.cov 'ijnrpo<y9'tv aov.
face, which shall pre- thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee.
pare thy way before
thee. 28 For I say 28 Akyu) 'yap" Vfiiv, fitiZwv tv yevvrjrolg yvvaiKiov
2 3 2 3
unto you, Aniongthose I say 'for to you, 6 a 'greater 'among [ those] born 4
of 5 women
that are born of women k
7rpo^//rj(;" 'Iiodvvov Wov j3aTrTioTov obdeig tanv
l n u
there is not a greater b.dt
prophet than John the prophet than John the Baptist no one is; but he that [is]
Baptist: but he that is
least in the kingdom fiiKporepog
tv Ty /3aaiXtia rov 9eov avrov tanv. 29 Kai u<wv
of God
greater than
is leis in the kingdom of God greater than he is. And
he. 29 And
all the
7rtt b Xabg dicovcrag Kai oi reXuivai idiKaiujuav rov 9tov,
people that heard him,
and the publicans, jus- all the people having heard and the tax-gatherers justified God,
tified God, being bap-
tized with the baptism j3a7TTia9tvreg to ftd-TTiafia { 'I<xjdvvov' n 30 oLdt 3a-
of John. 30 But the having been baptized [with] the baptism of John ; but the Pha-
Pharisees and lawyers
piaaloi Kai oi vofxiKol tt)v j3ovXrjv rov 9sov rj9tT)jo~av
rejected the counsel of risees and the doctors of the law the counsel of God set aside
God against them-
selves, being not bap-
m dirtv.Ei 6
elg kavTovg, fir) f3aiTTi(79ei'Ttg vtt avTov. 31
tized of him. 31 And as to
themselves, not having been baptized by him. And "said 'the
the Lord said, Where-^
unto then shall I liken Kvpiog," Tivl oiv bfioubau) Tovg dv9pioirovg Trjg yfvtdg
the men of this gene- 2
To what therefore shall I liken the men of "generation
ration ? and to what
are they like ? 32 They TavTT)g; Kai t'ivi eialv o/ioioi; 32 o/joioi tiaiv iraibioig
are like unto children 'this? and to what are they like? Like are they to little children
sitting in the market-
place, and calling one rolg kv dyopd Ka9i]fi'tvoig, Kai 7rpoa<pu)vovaiv aXXr/Xoig
to another, and say- in a market-place sitting, and calling one to another

b TO LTTrAW. c 6 'I^crou? (read he Said) [l]TTtA. d 'lojavvet. T

; 'luidvet Tr.
e on L[Tr].
'lojdvov Tr. g e^rjX6,aT went ye out LTr. h
e-yw {read dirocn.
I send) LTTrA. yap TTiA TTpo^Tqrqs L|TrA],
roil /3a7TTicrrov TTrA.
o> elntv Se 6-/cvpios glttiAW.
VII. LUKE. 173
have piped We
ovK.u)pxh aaa ^'
"/rat icai hiK,
Xfyoj'ffr," HvX-f)(rafiev v/uv, unto yovi, and ye have tQpi]-
and saying, Wo piped to you. nnd ye did nut dance we not danced we have ;

n mourned to you, and

I'ljfra/Mv vfuv, Kal ovK.sicKavGare. 33 kXrjXvOev.yap

P'lwawrjc; ye have not

mourned to you, and ye did not weep.
For *has eome 'John wept.
33 For John the Bap-
b l3aiTTiaTi]Q "i/o'/rs" r aprov io9iiov v s}rf Oll'OV 7TLVh)V, tist came neither' eat-

'the neither -bread nor wine ing bread nor drinkin g

'drinking', wine
'Baptist 'eating and ye say, He ;

Kai Xsye~e, Aai/ioviov ixsi. 34 f-XZ/XjivW 6 clog row avQpioTrov hath a devil. 34 The
and ye say, A demon he has. s
Has G corne 'the 2 Son 3
of man
4 Son of man is come
eating and drinking;
terQiwv Kai -Trimov, Kal X'sySTS, 'ldov, avQpojTrog tpciyng Kal and ye say, Behold a
eating and drinking, and ye say, Behold, a man aglutton and gluttonous man, and :i

winebibber, a friend
oh'oiroTiiQ, Kal a/iapnoXiov. 35 Kal
teXwvwv tpiXog
toi- of publicans and sin-
2 But
a wine-bibber, of tax-gatherers a friend and of sinners and ;
was ners 1 35 wis'doni
is justified of all her
KanoQi) i] Gofia airb ^T&v.TiKVWv.avTriQ 7rdvT(t>v. jhildren.
justified 'wisdom by -her 'children 'all.

36 'HpioTa.cs Tig avTOV tu>v <&apicraiiov "iva r dyg fier 36 And one of the
And asked
'one. 6
him =
of 3 the Pharisees that he should eat with
Pharisees desired him
x n
tov Qapiaaiov ?ave- that he would eat with
avrov' Kal elaeXOihv elg rr)v oiKiav
him And bavins' entered into the house of the Pharisee he re- him. And he went
into the Pharisee's
kXi0jj.II 37 Kai ISov, yvvi) tv Ty iroXei i']Tig r)v house, and sat dowu
and woman in who was to meat. 37 And, be-
clined [at table] ; behold, a the city
a b hold, a woman in
a/.iapT0jX6g, iiriyvovcra on avaKtrai" iv tij oiKta the city, which was a
a sinner, having known that he had reclined [at table] in the house sinner, when she knew
that Jesus sat at moat
rod Qapivaiov, KOfiiaaaa aXdfiaGTpov /xvpov, 38 Kal GTcura in the Pharisee's house,
of the Pharisee, having taken an alabaster flask of ointment, and standing brought an alabaster
c d
box of ointment,
irapa Tovg.7r6cag.avTOv 07r/o-uj" KXaiovua, i']pt,aTO flptxsiv 38 and stood at his
at his feet behind weeping, began to bedew feet behind him weep-
v ing, and began to wash
Tovg.7r6Eag.avTov ToXg.Sa.Kpv(nv, Kal raXg Opi^lv TijgKftpaXijg his feet with tears, and
his feet with tears, and with the hairs of "head did wipe them with the
e v hairs of her head, and
avTijg iisj.iancyev, Kal KaTe<piXei Tovg.7r6Sag.avTov, kissed his feet, and
'her she was wiping [them], and was ardently kissing his feet, anointed them with
Kal 39 ( 6 Qapioaiog when the
the ointment. 39 Now
ijXeifpev T(p fjLVpu). Pharisee
and was anointing [them] with the ointment. But having seen, the Pharisee which had bidden him
saw it, he spake within
o KaXsaag avrov el7rev iv iavTol, Xsywv, Oi'Tog el
himself, saying, This
who invited him spoke within himself, saying, This [person] if
man, if he were a pro-
phet, would have
fjv Trpo(pi]Trjg, lyivojGKSv.av Tig Kal woTaTrri r) yvvr) known who and what
he were a prophet, would have known who and what the woman [is] manner of woman this
i/Tig ciTTTSTai avrov, on djj.apTOjX6g itrriv. 40 Kai airoKpiQelg
is that toucheth him:
for she is a sinner.
who touches him, for a sinner she is. And ^answering 40 And Jesus answer-
b'lijcrovg sIttsv irpbg avrov, t%w ao'i tl eirrelv. ing said unto him,
'Jesus said to I have to thee something to Simon, I have some-
him, Simon, say. what to say unto thee.
'O.oe (pj](riv, AidciGKaXe, (Ve." 41 Avo ^xpsoj^aXIrai" rjaav And he saith, Master,
And he says, Teacher, say [it]. Two debtors there were say on. 41 There was a
certain creditor which
rive 6 elg uJtpeiXev Crjvdpia TrevraKoaia, b.Ss had two debtors the

^SavtMTT?) :

to a -creditor 'certain ;
the one owed 3
denarii 'five "hundred, and the one owed five hundred
pence, and the other
STSpog 7TEVTl]K0VTa. 42 flilJxOVTOJVJSk" aVTUJV fifty. 42 And when CL.TT0-
other fifty. to they had nothing to
But -not 'having 'they [wherewith]
pay, he frankly for-
Sovvai afityoripoig ixapiaaro' Tig ovv avrwv, k ei7rs, u irXelov gave them both. Tell
pay, both he forgave which therefore of them, say, : ''most me therefore, which of
n m
' them will love him
avrbv dyaTTj](rei ; 43 A7roKpidelg}St
6" 2t'/jwv e'nrev, "Xtto- most ? 43 Simon an-
him 'will^love? And "answering 'Simon said, I swered and said, I sup-

Keyovres TTrA. TTr. P 'IoxxtrjS Tr. t
py not TA. r eaQuv
apTOV T-TrA ;
ItrQlwv apTOV T. s '
nivtov oli'ov LTTrA. T
<i'Aos TeAwy&if GLTTrAW. w wavToiv
jUttSc T.
rixiv rinvuiv aVTijs TTTrA. x toj> o\kov LTTrA. y KaretckiOr] LTTrA. *
tjtis yv iv trj iroKet
LTTrA. a +
Kai arid LTTrAW. b Ka.Ta.KeiTa.1 LTTrA. c bnicru)
Trapa. tou? TroSas avroii
GLTTrA. d Tots avrov LTTrA. e At- '

&a.Kpv&i.v 7)pfaTO /3pe'xeii' tows Tro&as iep.a.ev T.

e xpeo^eiAeVai LTTrA. h *
&ao-(caAc, ttre, fyrjalv TTrA. 1. fie [l]T1vA..
k elne LTTr[A]. >
aiirov LTTrA. m 6 T[Tr].
174 A0TKA2. VII, VIII.
that he, to whom
he forgave most. And Xd^avw on
to ttXeXov ixapinaTO. 'O.St eIttev aliTy^
that [he] to whom the Jmore

he 8ajd unto him, Thou take it he forgave. And he said to him',

hast rightly judged.
44 And he turned to 'OpOivg hpivag. 44 Kat OTpa<pEig -rrpbg Tt)v yvvaiKa, Tip .

the woman, and said Rightly thou hast judged And having turned to the woman,
unto Simon, Seest thou
this woman? I entered ~2ljHi)vi t<pt], ~B}Jf7TEig TavTi]v rr)v yvvaiKa ; eiaijXOvi' gov elg
to Simon he said, Seest thou this woman? I entered "thy 'into
into thine house, thou
gavest me no water for
T))v OlKlttV, vSwp
i7ri n

my feet but she hath

rovg.7rudag.fiov ovK.'iSwKag' avTrj-St
washed my feet with house, . water for my^feet thou gavest not, but she
tears, and wiped them rotg SaKpvoiv
with the hairs of her t(3pe%sv fiov Tovg 7rbSag, Kai raxg dpi^iv r?]c
with tears bedewed my feet, and with the hairs
head. 45 Thou gavest
nie no kiss: but this
KEpaXrjg" avTfjg k^kfia^EV. (piXrjfia fioi 45
woman since the time "head 'of "her wiped [them]. kiss to me thou gavest not, A
I came in hath not
ceaseVl to kiss my
feet. auTi].Se cap' rig eIo^XOov ov.vSieXittev" KaTaiptXovvd
46 My head with oil but she from whioh [time] I came in ceased not ardently kissing
thou didst not anoint:
but this woman hath i/tov Tovg iroSag." 46
IXait}) Tr)v.KE^>aXr)v.fxov ovK.fjXeixpag'
anointed my feet with With oil head my
thou didst not anoint,
ointment. 47 Where- t
fore I say tinto thee, avTr].Sk fivpqj jjXeiipsv /jlov rpvg irodag. 47 oi>-xapiv 11

Her sins, which are but she with ointment anointed feet. my
For which cause
many, are forgiven ; a v
for she loved much Xsyto aoi, :
a<]>'iu)VTai ai.afiaprLai.'avTiig al 7roXXai, '6th
but to whom little is I say to thee, forgiven have been her "sins 'many; for
forgiven, the same lov- ttoXv'
eth little. 48 And he i)ya-!ri)(T(.v tp.Sk bXiyov -a^/erai bXiyov ayaird,
said unto her, Thy sins she loved much but to whom little is forgiven
; little he loves.
are forgiven. 49 And 48 EJ.ttev.Se
avry, 'A^lwvrai gov ax d/xaprt'ai. 49 Kai
they that sat at meat And he said to her, Forgiven have been thy
with him began to say sins. And
within themselves, tv l
Who is this that for-
r)plavTO oi avvavaKEifXEVoi AsyEiv kavTolg, Tig olTog
sins also ? began those reclining with [him] tosay within themselves, Who ''this
50 And he said to the 50
tcrru'" bg Kai afxapTiag cap'u]aiv ; ~EIttev.Se irpbg ti)v yv-
woman, Thy faith 'is who even -sins 'forgives? But he said to the
hath saved thee; go in
peace. vahca, 'm.TTi<rrig.crov gegiokev <te' TropEvov Eig Eipi)vT]v.
man, Thy faith has saved thee go in ; peace.

8 Kat jtys veto kv.Ttp.KaQE^q Kai al'Tog SiwSevev

And it came to pass afterwards that he journeyed through
VIII. And it came
to pass afterward, that KaTa.TrbXiv Kai kw/utjv, Krjpvaaujv Kai EvayyfXi'Cb-
he went throughout city by city and village by village, preaching and announcing the glad
every city and village, avv avTto,
preaching and shew- uEi'og tt)v fiacnXuav tovGeov' Kai
oi SioStica
ing the glad tidings of tidings, and the twelve [were] with
the kingdom of God)
the kingdom of God:
and the twelve were 2 Kai yvvalKsg Tii'Eg d'i T)<yav.TE9epqTTEv/.iEvai curb ttvevjicitiov
with him, 2 and cer- and -women 'certain who had been cured from "spirits
tain women, which Kai daOEVEiiov, Mapia r) KaXovj.itvt] MaySaXiji'i),
had been healed of evil 7rov?ipu>v
'wicked and infirmities,
infirmities, Mary who is called Magdalene,
called v
Mary Magda- r)g Saipbvia ettto. e^eX^XvOei, 3 Kai lujavva" yvvi)
lene,outof whom went cap'
seven devils, 3 and
from whom "demons Joanna 'seven had gone out
wife ;
Joanna the wife of Xov^a 'Hpwcou, Kai "Eovnavva, Kai srEpai jroXXai,
Chuza Herod's stew- of Chuza ETTiTpoTTov
a steward of Herod and and "others 'many,
ard, and Susanna, and

many others, which aiTivEg fiirfKoi'OW w aiiTip" x a7r6" Turv.v7rap\6vTtov.avTaig.

ministered unto him who were ministering to him of their property.
of their substance.
4 And when much 4 SwiovTog-Sk b\Xov ttoXXov, Kai twv KaTa.TrbXiv iiri-
people were gathered And Assembling
'a crowd "great, and those who from each city wure
together, and were
come to him out of iropEvofiEVuv Trpbg avTov, eIttev Sid 7rapaf3oXrig. 5 'EU/XOev
3 4
every city, he spake by coming to him, he spoke by a parable. Went out
a parable 5 A sower :

went out to sow his 6 GTTElpWV TOV GTCE'ipai TOV.G.TrbpOV.aVTOV' Kai EV.T(p.GTTEipElV
seed: and as he sowed, 'the "sower to sow his seed and as "sowed ;

some fell by the way

side; and it was trod- avTov o./xev
ettegev Trapd tt\v bSbv, Kai KaTETraTr)9r), Kai TO,
den down, and the 'he some fell by the way. and it was trampled upon, and the

/jlov eVi tovs TrdSas T ; /uoi e7rl noSas TrA. rf)s /ce^aArjs (read with her hairs)
OLTTrAW. P SicAciircp T. )
Toi>s 7r65a? fjiOV L. TOV? 7r65as fJ.ov GLTrA. *
avrff (avrJjs.Tl
al ajuap-ricu lt. *
ianv oS'tos l.
v 'Iwoii'a Tr. w avrois to them TTrA. x
in out of LTTrA.
VIII. l yK E. 175
ntTtivd tov ovpavov Kar'ttyaytv ovto. 6 Kai tTtpov fowls of the air de-
y t7rto~tv n
voured it. 6 And some
birds of the heaven devoured it. And other fell
fell upon a rock and ;

tni ri]v Tr't-pav, did to assoon a.s it was

i&ipuvd)), <pvii> n>)J\ftv, up, it witheredsprung
upon the rock, and having sprung up it withered, because it had not away,
because it lacked mois-
itc^c'iSa. 7 *cai tTtpov tTrtatv tv /Jikatfj
Ti0V ducavOGtv, Kai ture. 7 And some fell
moisture; and other fell in [the] midst of t lie thorns, and among thorns; and the
thorns sprang up with
z n
(yvj.i(f)VH(7ai a\ CLKnvdai cnrsTTVi^av avro. 8 Kai tTtpov it, and choked it. 8 And '

having sprung- up together the thorns choked it and other other fell on good

a ground, and sprang

tirtcjtv t7r(" rr)v yr")V Tt ) v aya9ijv } Kai tyvkv iiroir\atv up, and bare fruit
fell upon the ground the good, and having sprung up produced an hundredfold. And
when he had said these
Kctp-nrbv tKaTOVTairXaaiova. Tavra Xtyiov tywvei, 'O tyuv things, he cried, He
fruit a hundredfold. These things saying hecried, He tha't has that hath ears to hear,
let him hear. 9 And
wra clkovuv okovstio. 9 'ETTripioTwv.Sk avrov oi.fiaOrjTai.avTOV, his' disciples asked
ears to hear let him hear. And asked "him 'his ~di ciples, him, saying, What
b c might this parable be?
Tig tit] j.7rapaj3oX?}.avrq

10 'O.St tlirev, 10 And he said, Unto
saying, What may be this parable ? And he said, you it is given to know
mysteries the of the
'Yu.7v SsSorai yvCbvai rd j.ivo~rt)pia, rrjg /3aaiXeiag tov kingdom of God but :

To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom to others in parables;
that seeing they mic; ht
6tov' Toig.Sk Xonroig tv irapafioXalg, "iva (SXeTroi-reg J p>) not see, and hearing
Of God, but to the rest in parables, that seeing not
they misht not under-
(3\s7rioaiv, Kai clkovovteq nrj.ovviwoiv. 11 "EffTiv.Si stand. 11 Now the pa-
rable is this: The seed
may see, aud hearing .
they may not understand. Now 'is
is the word of God.
6 airbpog tcrrlv t> Xoyog touOfov' 12 ol.St 12 Those by the way
avTfj y) 7rapaf3o\r)' side are they that hear ;
this. 'the The seed is
parable the word
: of God and those then :
cometh the devil,
and away the
Ttapd ti)v bSbv siaiv ol ^uKovovTtg," elra tp\tTai 6 Sid- wordtaketh out of their
by the way are those who hoar then comes the de-
they >hou Id

hearts, lest

fioXog Kai a'ipei tov Xoyov dirb Ttjg.Kapoiag.avTwv, iva./.ii) believe and be saved.
vil and takes away the word from their hdrt, 13 They on the rock
e n
an they, which, when
TnoTevauvTfr ffwGoxriv. 13 o't.St i-n-i Tqg 7rtrpag, oi they hear, receive the
having believed they should be saved. And those upon the rock, those who word with joy; and
thtse have no root,
'otciv dicovoioGtv, itfTa x a P^Q S&x 01 ' T(U T0V Xoyov, Kai ovtoi which for a while be-
when they hear, witli joy receive the word, and these lieve, and in time of
temptation fall away.
piL,av ovicJxovaiv, oi repbg Kainbv TTiGTtvovGiv, Kai tv Kai^qi 14 And that which fell
a root have not, who for a time beiicve, and in tiiu<- among thorns an they,
which, when they have
Tttipaapov cKpiaTavrai. 14 tig Tag d.Kav9ag irtabv, heard, go forth, and
of trial fall away. And that which into the thorns fell, are choked with cares
and riches and plea-
ovtoi eiaiv oi aKovcravTtg, Kai vtto u.tpt/.ivu)v Kai 7tXovtov sures of this life, ind
these are they who having heard, and" under cares and riches bring no fruit to per-
fection. 15 But that
Kai i)$ovwv tov (3iov 7roptvb^tvoi i avinrviyovrai^' Kai ov on the
good ground aro
and pleasures of life moving along are choked, aud -not they, which in an ho-

TeXto~<popov<7iv. 15 To.oi tv tij KaXrj yrj, ovtol tioiv nest and good heart,
having heard the word,
'do bring to perfection. And that in the good ground, these are
keep it, and bring forth
tv KapCia tcaXy Kai fruit with patience.
dyaOy cucovoavTeg tov Xoyov
16 No man, when he
they in a heart right and good
hath lighted a candle, having he.ird the word
covereth it with a ves-
Kai Kapiro(j>opovo~iv tv
KaTt\ovaii>, virojioiy. sel, or putteth it under
keep [it], and bring forth fruit with endurance. And no one
abed; but setteth it on
Xvvvov u\pag KaXvTVTti avrov GKtvti, f) VTTOKaTU) KXiv>]g a candlestick, that they
a lamp having lighted which enter in may see
covers it with a vessel, or under a couch
the light. 17 For no-
TiQi]Oiv' f'n\\'" krri Xv^'iag t7rfr<'0//(TuV iva oi thing is secret, that
shall not be made
puts [it], but on a lamp-stand puts [it], that they who

eiG7roptvbfievoL fiXtirivaiv to <pwg. 17 ov.ydp igtiv

enter in may see the light. For not [anything] is

KpvTTTov 8 ov (j)ai'Fpbv ytvtjatTat' . ovdt cnroKpvtpov 8

hidden which "not ''manifest 'shall "become ;'.;
nor secret which

y Kariirea-ev fell down TTrA. l

crvvfyvtio-ai T.
ei's into Gt.iTrAW.
LTTe[aJ. O.VT1]
t'irj if TrapoRoK-q T. aKOvcravre^ heard XTr.
TTjV ireTpav T.
dAAd h
OJVTtviyovTai TA. S Tidrjaiv LTTrA.

manifest; neither any 1 n
Kal tig tpavtpbv tX9y. 18 ovi>
thing hid, that shall ov.yvbia9rjffsrai /3\fc7rere
not be known and come shall not be known and to light come. Take heed therefore
abroad. 18 Take heed UKOViTE
therefore how ye hear:
TTLOQ og*yap.av" *X{7, So9f]<rerai avrtp' Kai
for whosoever hath, to
how ye hear ;
for whoever may have,
shall 4
be "given to = him
; and
him sh ill be given; og.'av"
KCLl coicel ixtiv apOijatTat air avrov.
and whosoever hath whoever /xi].txV>
not, from him shall be
may not have, even what he seems to have shall be taken from him
taken even that which 19 ni napeyEvovTo'. St 7rpug avrov r] ju/'/r^/p" Kai \ol dSeX-
he seemeth to have. And came him [his] 2
to mother and breth-
19 Then came tohim
his mother and his (poi avrov, Kal ovK.))Svvavro owrvxtiv avrtp Sid tov
brethren, and could
ren 'his, and were not able to get to him because of the
not come at him for 20 Kal d7rtiyytXi} avrip, Xty6vrwv,
n p n i
the press. 20 And it oxKov. 'H.^i]T?]p.<Tov
was told him by cer- crowd. And it was told him, sayini Thy mother ,

tain which said, Thy Kal r n

mother and thy breth- ol.dStXipoi.aov i<JT)]Kaaiv t%w, 2 ictlv <7 6tXoi'Ttg.
ren stand de-
and thy brethren are standing without, to 'see "thee 'wishing.
without, '

siring to see thee. 21 'O.St tlwtv Kal

a7roKpi9tig 'TTpOQ ailTOVQ, M)'iT)jp.fiov
21 And
ho answered And he to
and said unto them, answering said them, My moi her and
My mother and my dStX(poi.i.iov ohroi tiaiv oi tov Xoyov rov 9tov aKovoi'rtg Kal
brethren are these
which hear th word of my brethren ^thoie 'are who the word of God are hearing and
TTOlOVVTtQ avrov
God, and do it.

doing it.

22 Now it came to v
22 Kai tv fiia rwv i)npCJv Kal avrbg h'tfiri
pass on a certain day, And it came to pass on one of the days that he catered
that he went into a
ship with his disciples: tic 7r\olov Kal oi-i.ia9iiTai.avTOv, Kal tlirtv Trpbg avrovg i
and he said unto them, into a ship, and his disciples, and he said to them,
Let us go over unto
the other side of the AitX9uj/.itv tig to Tx'tpav Ttjg Xi/.tvrig' Kal dvr^9))aav.
lake. And they launch- Let us pass over to the other side of the lake; and they put off.
ed forth. 23 But as
they sailed he fell a- 23 7rXt6vriov.o't.avrCJv dcpirrvojutv' Kal Kartj3)] XaiXatp
sleep: and there came And as they sailed he fell asleep came down a storm ;
down a storm of wind
on the lake; and 1hey ai'tfxov tig ti)v \ifivi]v, Kal (Twt7rXt]povvTo, Kal tKivSvvtvov.
were filled with water, of wind on the lake, and they were being filled, and were in danger.

and were in jeopardy.

24 And
they came to
24 7rpo(Tf\96vTtg.St Sn)ytipav avrov, Xtyovrtg, 'EiriGrdra,
him, and awoke him, And having come to [him] they aroused him, saying, Master,
saying, Master, mas- 'O.St
V! n

ter, we
perish. diroXXvptBa.
Then iTTiGTcira, tytp9tig tTreTi/xijmv
he, arose, and rebuked Master, we are perishing. And he having arisen rebuked the
the wind and the rag-
dvij-iip Kal Tip k\vS(i)vi tov vSarog' Kal tTcavaavro, Kal tyivtro
ing of the water: and
wind and the raging of the water and they ceased, and there wan
they ceased, and there ;

was a calm. 25 And

he said unto them, ya\i]VT).
25 d7rtvSt avrolg. Hov *to~Tiv
t).Tri(TTig.Vfiu>v ;

Where is a calm. And he said to them, Where is your faitb ?

your faith?
And they being afraid Tig dpa
$>of3i]9tvrtg-St t9avfxao-av, Xtyovr-tg Trpbg d\Xj)Xovg,
wondered, saying one And to one another, Who then
to another, What man- being afraid they wondered, saying
ner of man is this! for ovrog tarw, on Kal rolg dvtfioig tTTirdarrti Kai Tip vSart,
he commandeth even 2
this J
that even the winds he commands and the
the winds and water,
is, water,
and they obey him. Kal VTraKovoixjiv ai'Tip ;
and they obey him?
26 And theyarri ved at 26 Kai Kar'tTrXtvaav tig rijv %u)pav ruiv yFaSaprjvwv,"
the country of the Ga- And they sailed down to the country of the Gadarenes,
darenes. which is over
again-t Galilee. 27 And IjTig idTlV dvrnrtpav T>)g FaXiXaiag. 27 i^tX96vri.St.avroj

when he went forth to which is over against Galilee. And on his having gone forth
land, there met him a
out of the city a cer- t-Kl Tl]7> ytjV V7TT)VT1)(TEV aiT<p" dvr)p Tig kK Tijg rroXtiog,
tain man, which had upon the land ''met 'him 'a 3 man ^certain out of the city,

ou jut) yvcoadrj in any wise should not be known lttta.

1 k av
yap ttta. eav l. '

m n 4- avrov his T.
dmjyye'A*) fie LTTrA. P
IlapeyeVeTO TTr. XtyovrtiiV LTTi[a].
1 + 6ti T. '
BtKovres ere Tr. E
avTOts L. c
avrov 6LTT1A. eyeVero 6e LTTrA.
w been aroused Tir. * ec-riv (read [is]) LTTrAW. y
cueyepfleis having repacnji'A*
Gerasenes LTrA Tepyecrnvooi' Gergesenes T.
LTrAW T. a avruS
; di/Ti7re'pa ; avTiirtpa
(read [him]} t[tia].
tiii. Luke. 177

*'C f^


a long time,
devils long time, and
ware no clothes, nei-Xpuvu)v.\Kavii>Vi Kai
i/iariov ov^
-not ther a garment
abode in any
ti'E^u^Wfro, Kai iv oiKta oiiK.tpevev, dXX' iv roig pvi'ipaaiv. tombs.
house, but in he t

'was wearing, and in a house did not abide, but in the 28 When ho
saw Jesus, he cried out.
28 IFiov.ot Tov'li}Oovv A Ka\ A Trpoo! neat v at'irui, and fell down before dvuKputac
But having seen Josus and having cried out hefelldown before him, him, and witli a loud ,

voice said, What have

(pioi'y ptydXy HTrtv, Tipoi Kai <roi, 'Ivtov, vis tov I to do with thee, Jesus,
and with a -voice 'loud said, What to rue and to thee, Son thou Son of God most
high? I beseech thee,
9eov tov vxpiarov ; Sc-opai <rov pi) pz tormentmenot. 29(For
ofGod the Mo.t High? 1 beseech of thee not 5
me 'thou -niayest ""torment. he had commanded
e the unclean spirit to
29 napi]yye\\E}>' .ydp [

come out of the man.

Tip nvtvpaTi Tip aKa9dpnp iA(9s(V
For he was charging the spirit the unclean to come out For oftentimes it had
him and he
a7ro tov dv6pu)TroV TToWo'iQ.yap xpovoig <7VVl)piraKl. auruv, caught

was kept bound with

from the man. For many times it had seized him chains and in fetters ; ;

and lie brake the

Kai HSiapt~iTQ, n dXvo-eeiv Kai tr'tdaig tyvXavo-bptvog, Kai Sotap- and was driven bands, of the
arul he was bound, with chains and fetters being kept, and break- devil into the wilder-
ness.) 30 And Jesus
piiaaiov" rd Seapd n)Xav)>tTO vtto tov ^Caipovog^ elg Tag asked him, saying,
xng the bonds he was driveu by the demon into the What is thy name ?
And he
ipr'ipovg. 30 fc7T7/pwr/;<m'.d avrbv 6 'itjoovc, 'Atywv," Ti aoi because said, Legion :

And "asked a
him l many devils
deserts jeus, saying, What -thy were entered into him.
t<TTiv bvopa
' ^siTrev,
on m Scupovia 7roXXd 31 And they besought
him that hewould not
'is name? And he said, Legion, because demons many command them to go
v n n out inlo the deep.
alai}\9sv elg aiiTov. 31 Kai 7rapKaXei avTov iva pi) Itti-
32 And there was there
had entered into him. And he besought him that mot 'he'-would an
herd of many swine
Taly avTolg tig H}v dfivacsov d7re\0Hi'. 32 i]i>.ct hcu feeding on the moun-
command them into the abyss to go away. Now there was there tain and they be- :

sought him that he

x 0l P MV iKavStv
dytXt] j3oo-Kop'tviov" iv Tip upsi' Kai v-irapt- would suffer them to
a herd of "swine 'many feeding. in the mountain, and they be- enter into them. And
he suffered them.
KuXovv n avTov 'iva iTTiTpt-ipr) avTolg tig tKEivovg tiaeXOtlv. 33 Then went the de-
him that he would allow them those to enter vils out of the man,
sought into ;
and entered into the
Kai t7T8Tp\l/Ev avroig. 33 kZ,a\66vTa.$t Ta oaipovia drrb tov swine and the herd

and he allowed them. And having gone out the demons from the ran violently down a
steep place into the
iiaijX9sv tig Tovg %oipovg' Kai lopprjoev i) dy'tXi] lake, and were choked.

dfOpMnov <i

man they entered into the swine, and 3 ru.^hed 'the = herd 34 When they that fed
lliein. saw what was
Kara tov Kpwpvov tig ti)v Xipv7]v, Kai dirtTrviyr) 34 ISovregSi done, they fled, and
down the steep into the lake, and were choked. And 'having seen went and told it in the
city and in the coun-
oi /36<TK0VTg to T ysyevnp8VOV ttpvyov, Kai ^aTTtX- try. 35 Then they went li

3 4
;' those -who fed [ them] what haa taken place fled, an>d having out to see what was
done; and came to Je-

aTniyytiXav eig tvv itoXiv Kai tig Tovg dypovg. sus, and found the
gone away related [it] to the city and to the country. man, out of whom the
devils were departed,
35 iE)~]X9ov.Se iSelv to ytyovog' Kai t

irpbg tov sitting at the feet of

And they went out to see what had taken place, and came to Jesus, clothed, and in
y n his right mind: and
hitrovv, Kai i>pov Ka9))ptvov tov dv9pio7rov dip' oh Ta were afraid.
Jesus, and found seated whom the
the man from 36 They also which saw
v n it told them by what
daipovia 'i^Xr]Xv9ei, ipaTiapsvov Kai oojtypovovvTa, irapd means he that was
demons had gone out, clothed and of sound mind, at
possessed of the devils
Tovg 7r6Sag tov Ivgov. Kai lipoj3Ti9titrav. 36 dviiyyeiXav.Si
the feet of Jesus. And they were afraid. And 'related
avTolg Kai" oi ISovTsg TrCjg tau)9t] b Sai-
9 s 3 6
"to them also 'those who *had 5
seen [ it] how was healed he who had beon po3-

exuv having t. c ko.1
XP l
'<* av V ^K ^Svaaro lixo.ti.ov and for a long time did not
pnt on a garment TTr. LTTrA. d /cat Ilop>jyyetAe he charged kg. f
e&eo-fj.eveTO TXr.
e OLaprjO-o-iov LTTrA. h > k LTTr. l
Saijuon'ov LTTrA. Aeyiov L. oi'Oju.a ecrTiV Aeytoii'
TTr. m eiariKdev Saijxot'ia ffoAAd LT. 7rapaAoui' they besought LTTrA. /3ocr-

KOfiivy] i. P 7r
ape/cd Accra LTTi A. 1 eicrrjAtfoi' LTTi A\V. r
yeyovbs GLTTrAW.
" x
firii'Tss GLTTrAW.
v Kai
fjAdaf Tr. tvpay Tr. <=i}A0ev Went.yut X. LTTi[a].
was healed. 37 Then 37 Kai ?t)pwri]Gav avrbv lircav rb irXijOog rfjg n

the whole multitude of fioviaBeig.

the country of the Ga-
sessed by demons. And asked him all the multitude of the
darenes round about
irtpixwpov ru>v z Fabapr]r>u>v a7rt\9t7v drr' avratv, on <poj3<{i li

besought him to depart around of the Gadarenes to depart from 2

them, for with fear
from them for they country
wers taken with great
fitydXq) ovvtix 0VT0 tpj3dg

elg *rb nXolov

fear: and he went up And he having entered into the
'great they were possessed. ship
into the ship, and re-
turned back again. vTrtcTTpeiptv. 38 b tSeero n .bt avrov 6 dvrjp d<p' ov i^tXi]-
38 Now the man out of returned. And was '"begging "him 'the 'man from whoui
9 3 4 5
whom the devils were
departed besought him XvBei rd dai/iwvia elvai ovv atrip. aTrtXvatv.dt avrbv
that he might be with gone 'the
6 8
dcmons to be [taken] with him. 2
But sent *away 3
him: but Jesus sent Q
him away, saying, b 'Irjaovg," X'tywv, 39 'YTroarpecpE tig rbv.olKov.aov kcu dtt]yov
33 Return to thine own 'Jesus, saying, Return to thy house and relate
house, and shew how d
great things God bath ocra kiroh](TEv aoi n 6 9tog. Kai a7rtjX9Ev, Ka9' oX/jv r>)v
done unto thee. And all that 2 has 3 done H or 3 thee .'God. And he departed, through 2 whole 'the
he went his way, and
throughout TToXlV KTjpvaaOJV 0OO. t7Toi)]aSV aVT<p 6 'll]G0VQ.
published 2 3 4 5
the whole city how city proclaiming all that had done for him 'Jesus.
great things Jesus had 40 e tv" rbv 'lr)0ovv dir-
done unto him. Ey'tvtro bi ro) 'vTroarpeipa^
2 5 8
It 3 came *to pass 'and on "returning 'Jesus, gladly

ebsZiaro avrbv b bxXog' ijaav.ydp wdvreg 7rpoaSoKL~>vr(g

40 And it came to received him the for they were all looking for
when Jesus crowd,
pass, that,
was returned, the peo- avrov. 41 Kai ibov, ?iX9ev dvi)p (p bvofia 'ldetpog, ical
ple gladly received And behold, 'came 'a "man whose name [was] Jairus, and
him: for they were all
waiting for him. &avrbg ap\i>rv rrjg avvayioyijg inrripxtv, Kai irtoiov rrapd
41 And, behold, there he a ruler of the synagogue was, and having fallen at
came a man named h
Jairus, and he was a rovg rroSag rov" '\i]aov rraptKaXti avrbv tlatX9tlv tig rbv
ruler of the syn agogue :
the feet of Jesus he besought him to come to
and he fell down at
Jesus' feet, and be- olKov.avTov' 42 on 9vydrr)p /uovoyev^g r\v avr<p cjg trwv
sought him that he his house, because 'daughter 'an ''only was to him, about years
would come into his
house: 42 for he had Swczica, Kai a'vri) drriOv^aKSv. ^^.inrdyeiv avrbv"
one only daughter, [ 3 old] 'twelve, and she was dying. And as 2 went 'he
about twelve ye;irs of
age, and she lay a dy-
oi o%Xoi avv'trrviyov avrbv. 43 Kai yvvn ovaa tv pvati
ing. But as he went the crowds thronged him. And a woman being with a flux
the people thronged n
him. 43 And a wo- a'iparog drrb trwv SwStKa, yrig *dg iarpovg irpoaavnXwaaaa
man having an issue of blood since "years 'twelve, who on physicians having spent
of blood twelve years,
which had spent all 2bXov rbv3 j3iov
ovk 'iaxvaev m VTr' u ovbtvbq 9epaTrv9ijvai,
her living upon phy- whole living ['her] could by no one be cured,
sicians, neither could 44
be healed of any, 7rpoas\9ovaa brcia9tv i'jxlaro rov Kpaair'tbov rov ipariov
having come behind tduehcd the border of -garment
44 came behind him,
and touched the bor- Kai irapaxpr)pa tart) t) pvaig rov.a'lfxarog.avri'ig.
der of his garment: avrov,
and immediately stopped the flux of her blood.
and immediately her 'his, .

issue of blood stanch- 45 Kai sittev 6 d\pdpt vog [xov ; 'Apvov-

ed. 46 And Jesus said,
b'ltjaovg, Tig 3
Who touched ine ? And 2 said 'Jesus, Who [is it] that was touching me?
When all denied, Feter /.uvojv bt rtdvrwv, sl-n-tv bFlsrpog Kai oi n usr avrov, 'Em-

and they that were iug 'and 2 a

4 6
Peter ^and those 'with
him, Mas-
with him said, Master,
the multitude throng crdra, o\ bxXoi avvt^ovaiv as Kai a7ro9Xij3ovaiv,Kai Xtysig,
thee and press thee, ter, the crowds throng thee and pre^s, and sayest thou,
and sayest thou, Who
touched me? 46 And Tig 6 d-i^apsvog /.iov ;" 46 ''hjaovg ilmv, "H^aro
Je~us said, Somebody Who [is it] that was touching me? And Jesus said, Touched
hath touched me: for I p it,tX9ov<juv
Svvaf.uv drr ]l

perceive that virtue is fiov rig' tyw.ydp tyviov ,

gone out of me. 47 And me 'some one,

4 2
for 1 knew [that] power went out from

v " to
Tepao-niw Gerasenes LTrA
rep-yeo-rjiw Gergesenes t.
r)pu)Tri<Ttv LTrA. ;

i'lijo-oO? tread he sent) [L]TTrA.

b c
(read a ship) ltti-a (Set'no L ;
iSelro TrA.
- croc e
" h rov T[TrJ.
fiToiriaei' LTTrA.
<tol t7roir/uci' li i rA. vn jcroeir
'Ef 6e Tr
ooTf>e^tH' T.
viroo-Tfjifyeiv l. outov this LTr.
Kai e-yei/e-ro ev nopeveaGat avrbv and it came to pass as he proceeded L.
CLTTrAW. '.+ auTijs her L. m air* LTTrA. n
crvi' avrco GI.TX1A. <cai Ae-ycis,

TtS 6 a^aixtvoi pov ; XLTtAj, f e^eAnAuflvcai' h;ld gone out XTtA,

VIII, IX. LUK E. 179
on when the woman saw
tfiov. 47 'ifiovffa.St r) yvvr) ovK.iXaOtv, rpef-iovtra. fj\- that she was not
me. And ^seeing 'the woman that she was not hid, she she came hid,
Kai Si airiav and falling down
9tv, rrpo<T7K(rov(ra avrtp, i)v r/xpaTO before him, she de-
came, and having fallen down before him, for what cause she touched
clared unto him be-
avrov a7ri]yyti\ev 'aur^ tvwTriov Travrbg tov Xaov, Kai wf 11
fore all the people for
him she daclared to him before all the and how what cause she had
touched him, and how
r h
48 tlwtv avry,, she was healed imme-
idOrf Trapaxprina. Odperzi,
she was healed immediately. And he said to her, Be of good courage, diately. 48 And he
said unto her, Daugh-
rrtiruKtv tre' of good comfort:
*9vya-rtp, })-7ri<TTig.<7ov Tropevov elg eipfjvrjv. ter,befaith hath made
daughter, thy faith has cured thee go in:
peace. thy
thee whole go in peace. ;
t n
49 "Eri.avTOV-XaXovvTOQ tpx^Tai Tl Q "^apd tov apxiovi'ayw- 49 While he yet ?pake,
As yet he was speaking comeB one from the ruler of the syna- there cometh one from
the ruler of the syna-
y w a
yov, \syiov ai)T({),""Ori T9vr]Kv y.9vyaT7]p.o-ov
3 2
gogue's house, saying
gogue, saying to him, Has *died to him, Thy daughter
Hhy daughter ; not "trouble
is dead trouble not
tov didaaicaXov. 50 'O.SL'lijcTovg aKovcrag drnKpiOri avTtj> f the Master. 50 But

the teacher. But Jesus having heard answered him, when Jesus heard it,
x he answered him, say-
fiovov ?wiaTVZ
\(yiov," Mr).<j>o(5ov' Kai aojdrjaiTai. ing, Fear not: believe

saying, Fear uot ; only believe, and she shall be restored. only, and she shall be
z H a made whole. 61 And
51 Eiae\9(jJV .St elg rtjv oltciav ovtcdtyfjicav el<TiX9tiv oi>Ssva^ when he came into tho
And having entered into the house he did not suffer Ho J go 6 in 'any 2 one house, he suffered no
(lit. no one) man to go in, save
b and J^mes, and
d.jjLTj Utrpov
icai 'la*cw/3oi' Kai 'Iwawjjv," icai tov Trarkpa Peter,
Peter and James and and the father John, and the father
except John, and the mother of the
Trig 7raii)6g icai ti)v /iTjrtpa. 52 eicXaiov.S'e Travrtg icai maiden. 52 And all
of the child and the mother. And they were 'weeping 'all' and wept, and bewailed her:
but he said, Weep not;
Ikowtovto avTt)v. b.Se diTti', M.r).K\aitTV c ovK n .cnrs9avtv, she is not dead, but
bewailing her. But ho said, Weep not ; she is not dead, sleepeth. 53 And they
laughed him to scorn,
dXXd Ka9v8ei. 53 Ken KarsysXiov avTOV, eidorfg oti dwk- knowing that she was
but sleeps. And
knowing that was dead. 54 And lie put
they laughed at
she him,
them all out, and took
9avev. 54 avrbg.Sk ^tKjSaXcjv t%u) TtdvTag, fcai" icparijaag her by the hand, and
dead. But he having put out all, and having taken hold called, saying, Maid,
arise. 55 And
her spi-
Tr)g-XLp o G-a v T>ig, t(p(iovr]aev, Xkyiov, 'H iralg, iyeipov.
55 Kai rit came again, and she
of her hand, cried, saying, Child, arise. And arose straightway and :

he commanded to give
tirkaTp\pev TO-Trvtvua.avTrjg, Kai dvkarri Trapaxpr)p\.cL' Kai her meat. 56 And her
'returned 'her "spirit, and she arose immediately ;
and parents were astonish-
" ed but he
56 Kai them that th<\ycharged

dura^kv airy t?o9i~)vai (payelv. should

he directed [that] 5
to "her ['something] '"'should 3
be given to eat. And tell no man what was
tt,faT7]aav oi.yovelg.avTtjg" b.ce TraprjyyeiXev avToig fir}Sivi
were 4 amazed 'her ''parents ; and he charged them to no one

i7ruv to ytyovog.
to tell what had happened.
l n s
^vyKa\effd/.isvog .St Tovg &o3tKa na9qTag avTOV kSwKev
9 IX. Then he called
And having called together the twelve disciples of him he gave
his twelve diciple
avToig Svva/.uv Kai i^ovGlav iiri rcdvTa to. Saif.wvia, Kai together, and gave
to them power and authority over all the demons, and them power aud autho-
rity over all devils,
roaovg 9tpairvaiV 2 Kai a.7ri.OTEiXev avTOvg Ktjpvaaeiv ti)v and to cure diseases.
diseases to heal, and sent them to proclaim the 2 And he s-tnt them to
h preach che kingdom of
fiasCXtiav tov 9eov, Kai lda9ai Tovg doOevovvTag. 3 1'
Kai God, and to heal the
kingdom of God, and to heal those being sick. And sick. 3 And he said
unto them, Take no-
tnrtv Trpbg avrovg. Mi]8kv ampere elg ti)v bSoV p.i)re 'pdftcovg," thing for your journey,
he said to them, Nothing take for the way ;
neither staves, neither staves, nor

1 avT<2 LTTrA. r s * y
dpo-et LTTrA. OvyaTqp Tr. cltto- L. avT<i> T[Tr].
" no longer LTTr. *
y 7Ticrrevaw TTrA. * eA#u>i'
jUTjKeTi Aeywi/ ltTi[a]. having
a Ttl'a crvv avTiZ
pone GLTTrW. any one with him LTTrA. b
'ludvvrjv ('Iaion/v Tr) kcu
'ldxojfloi' GLTTrAW. ou yap (read for she is not dead) LTiA. eK^aXiov efiu iravra^
Kai LTTrA. eyeipe LTrA. S p.a9t]Ta<; avrov OTTrAW.
2ui'*:aAea-a^.ei'0S T. TOVJ
io-eeyeis Lhe Sick LL'Ir] ; tous dcrdti'OVVTa.s TA. '
pd/3Soj/ Staff GLTTrA.
frip, neither
bread, u
ne ther money; neither //;- 7njpav, /</'/rt dprov, fiiirE dpyvpiov, ui)rE dvd n
have two coats apiece. nor provision bag, nor bread, nor money,- . nor each two
4 And whatsoever
h~uise ye enter into, XiTwvag f%tv. 4 teat >)v.av oiiclav sioi\9i}-a, ekeX uevete,
tiiere abide, and thence
tunics to have. And into whatever house ye may enter, there remain,
depart. & And whoso- ical ikeWev k%EpxE<T9e.
av fin. Cf^wvrai ityag, 5 teal oaoi l lt

ever will not receive

and thence go forth. And as many as may not receive
you, when ye go out you,
of that city, shake off m
diro Tqg.TroKetoQ.tKeivqt; icai n TOV KOVWOTOV airo
the very dust from
going forth from that city even the dust from
your feet for a testi-
mony against them. Twi>.TroS<jjv.v/j.u)v n a.7roriv<x%aTE, u etc ^.aprvpiov tir' avrovg.
6 And they departed, shake off,
your feet for , a testimony against them.
and went through the
towns preaching the 6 .'E^spxo^Ei'oi.Se dif/pxovTO Kara rag KU)/uag,
gospel, and healing And going forth they passed through the villages, announcing the
every where.
fiei'oi OepcnrEvovrsg Trai'raxou.
glad tidings and healing everywhere.
7 Now Herod the 7 " 'HptbSrig 2 6 rd n
tetrarch heard of all 4 rEtpdpx?l$
And heard of 5
'Herod the 3
tetrarch 'the "things
being "done
that was done by him:
and he was perplexed, v v7r' avrov
avrov" irdvra' Kai did to XkyeoBat vtto
because that it was 8
"by '-him aU, and was perplexed, because it was said by
said of some, that Johu
was risen from the TlViDV, On q
ty/;y?prai" Ik vEKpCjv'
dead; 8 and of some, some, John has been raised from among [the] dead ;

that Elias had appear-

ed; and of others, that 8 VTTO nvon> Of, On "'HXt'ac;

ttydv))' dWcov dk, "On

one of the old" pro- by some also, that Elias hail appeared ; by others also, I h:it
phets was risen again. v w o"
'.And Herod said.John 7rpn(f>i]T>]g
tmv dpxaiwv dv'tori], 9 Ktu eIttev"
have I beheaded : but a prophet one of the ancients had arisen. And "said
who is this, of whom tar iv
I hear such things? 'HnioSijg, 'lu)dvvrjv tyio a7TEKE<pdXioa' ovrog
And he desired to see 'Herod, John I beheaded, but who / IS this
TTEpi oli
dtcovix) roiavra ;
Kai tC.ijrfi iOeiv avrov.
10 And the apostles, concerning whom I hear such things? And he sought to see him.
when they were re-
turned, told him all
10 Kai v7ro(yrpa4^a2'TEg oi dnooroXoi $ii]yi)oavro avnij
that they had done. And 3 having'4 returned 'the 2
apostles related to him
And he took them, and
ooa Kai
went aside privately t7roir)oav' rrapaXafiiov avrovg viTEX P'} tT(LV i'>

into a desert place whatsoever they had done. And having taken .theni he retired
belonging to the % n
Kar'.tSiav Eig rbirov tpi]/j.ov TroXEiog KaXovfiiv?]g BijOoa'iSd.
city called Bethsaida.
II And the people, apart into a -place 'desert of a city called Bethsaida.
when they knew it, 11 oL5t Kai a
followed him and he :
ox^oi yi'ovrEg HKoXovOtjaav avroi'
received them, and But the crowds having known [it] followed him ;
and having
Bpake unto them of fiEvdg" avrovg tXdXti avrolg ri)g fiaaiXEiag rov Qeov,
the kingdom of God, rrepi
and healed them that
received them he spoke to them concerning the kingdom of God,
had need of healing.
12 And when the day
Kai rovg xP^ av kx^vrag 0Epa7TEiag idro. 12 ' J/fispa
and those -need 'having of healing he cured. But the day
began to wear away,
then came the twelve, 7]p%aro kXiveiv
and said \into him, 7rpr>oEX96i>TEg.3k ol cJwcWa eIttov avrtfi, 'A7ro-
began to decline, and having come the twelve said to him, Dis-
Send the multitude a-
way, that they may Xvoov rbv l>xXov, iva aTrEX96vrEg Elg rag icvicXq) Kuy^iag
go into the towns miss the crowd, that having gone into the 2 around 'villages and
and country round a- c
dypovg KaraXvowaiv, Kai Evpwoiv tmoirio\iov' on wSe
bout, and lodge, and rovg
get victuals : for we the country they may lodge, and may find provisions for here ;

are here in a desert

place. 13 But he said iv tpr)ii(f) r6rr({>
eou'ev. 13 EIttev.Se irpbg avrovg, Aote avrolg
= u
unto them, Give ye in desert 'a place we arc. But he said to them, Give "to them
them to eat. And they e n
said, We have no more h'UEig (payElv. l.CE ei7TOJ', Ovk.eIgIv yulv 7tXe1[ov r)
but five and 'ye to eat. But they said, There are not to us more than

[<xi/a] TrL> '
Bi\uivro.i LTTiA.
m Kai [LJTrA. n a.TrOTU>a<rcreTe
TA. TeTpaapxys T.

y\yipQr\ Was raised LTTr.

P ii7r' avrov [L}TTrA. 1 'Io)aK)S Tr. 'HAetas T.
TlS some one TAJ tis Tr. v eln^v 5e LTTrA. " 6 GLTTrAW. ^
'luidvrjv T-.
J 2 a city called TTrA.
eya) (read a.K.ovu> I hear) T[Tr]. ttoA'I' KaAovjUeVrji/ airoSe<i
u c d
(utevos having gladly received LTTrA. ropev^eVres GLTTrA. tovs T[Tr]A. ^aytv
V/ltlS LTA. tlrrav LTTrA.
IX. LUK E. 181
'TTIVTE aoroi %CVO l'X0Uff,' h n two fishes wa
7TOpEv9kl'TEg I'l/l^Q should go except
el. ;

HT]TL and buy

fire loaves and two fishes, unless indeed having gone we meat for all this peo-
14 For they were
ayopaawpEv Eig rruvra TOv.Xabv.TovTov (SciMfxara. 142 H(7av ple. about five thousand
should buy for all this people victuals they 'were men. And he said ;

yap" wcteI dvSpEg 7TvraKi7^i\iot. Ei7TEV.Sk Trpbg rovg j.ia9t]Tag his disciples, Make
them sit down by fif-
'for about racn 'five thousand. But he said to "disciples
ties in' a. company.
KaraKXivare civtovq KXiaiag k ava Kai 15 And they di.d so, and
al'TOV, TrevTrfKovra. 15
'his, Make "recline 'them in companies by fifties. And made them all sit
down. 16 Then he took
k7Toh](jav o'vTojg, Kal avsKXivav n uTravrag. 16 Aaf3wv.Sk
the five loaves and the
they did so, and made 2
recline 'all. fishes, and looking
And having taken two
up to heaven; he bless-
rovg tt'evte
aprovg Kal rovg Svo lx9vag, dpaf3Xk^/ag eig tov ed them, and brake,
the five loaves and the two fishes, having looked up to the and gave to the disci-
ples to set before the
ovpavbv si>X6y)](7Ev avfovg Kal KctTiicXa<JEV, Kal kSicov roUg multitude. 17 And
heaven he blessed them and broke, and gave to the they did eat, and were
m H all filled and there :

[xaOiircug 7rapari6n'ai r<p> o%A</J. 17 Kal tcpayov Kal %op- was taken up of frag-
disciples to set before the crowd. And they ate and were ments that remained to
them twelve baskets.
rciadijaav TzavrEg' Kal yp9i] to TTEpiaaEVGav avrolg
Satisfied 'all and was taken up that which was over and above to them

KXaa/.i('iT(i)V Kc<p>vot SwSEKa.

of fragments 2 har>d -'baskets- 'twelve.

18 Kai ly'ci'i-To kv.-tp.Elvai avrbv TrpotjrvxbfiEvov n Kara-

And it canif. to pass as -was 'he praying a-

/toi'ac," crvvijvav avrl^ 01 fxaBi-jTai' Kal iTTr]pwTJ](TEv avrovg,

lene, were ''with s him 'the "disciples, and he questioned them,
Xkywv, Tiva 19

jus Xiyovcriv o't

o^Xot Elvat ;
saying, "Whom 5 me 4
'do pronounce "the 3
crowds to be ? And they an- 18 And it came to

v pass, as he was alone

KpiQ'tVTEg e1ttov," ^'Iwavvjjv
rev /3a7rrt<m/i>' praying, his disciples
swering said, John the Baptist ;
and others, were with him: and he
asked them, saying,
HA tav" dXX01.Sk, oti 7T.oo&t)rt)g Tig twv dpxaiiov avs<TTT}. Whom say the people
Elias; and others, that ''prophet, 'some of the ancients has arisen. that I am? 19 They
answering said, John
'20 El7rEv.Sk ai'ToTg, 'Yj.iElg.Sk Tiva
the Baptist; but soma
fiE XkyETE Elvai ;
And But ye
he said to them, whom *me 'do "ye "pronounce to be? say, Elias; and others
s say, that one of the
'A7TOKpiOEig.Sk b Utrpog" eLttev, Tov xpiarbv tov Oeov. 21 'O.Sk old prophets is risen
And answering Peter said, The Christ of God. And he again. 20 He said
t unto them, But whom li

k7nTif.u]<yag avTo~ig 7rapi)yyEtXEv jjli]Sevi ei7TEiv tovto, say ye that I am ?

strictly enjoining them charged [them] to no one to tell this, Peter answering said,
22 Ei7ru)v, "Oti SeX tov vibv tov avdpwTrov ttoXXu The Christ of God.
21 And he straitly
saying, It is necessary for the Son of man many things charged them, and
twv commanded them to
TraQnv, Kal a.TroSoKij.iaaQi'jvai citto 7rpE<r(ivTkpwv Kal ap%- tell no man that tiling;
to suffer, and to be rejected by the elders and chief
2'1 saying, The' Son of
Kal Kal Kal ry mau must suffer many
ipEwv ypafijiaTEwv, a.7TOKTavB7]vat, TpWy things, and be rejected
priests and scribes, and to be killed, and the third
of the eiders and chief
y and
*23"EXEyEV.Sk rrpbg wavTag, E< 9eXei priests

Tig scribes,
ypkpq. tyEp9i)vai. and be and be
day to be raised. And he said to all, If ajiy one desires slain,
raised the third day.
O/Ticrw Kal 23 And he said to them
fiov "'eXBeXi', aTrapv'ricfdoBiiJ^ kavTOV, dpdrw
after me to come, let him deny and let him take up all, If any man will
come after me, let him '

x n
Tov.GTavpbv.avTov Ka9 .i]jxkpav, Kal okoXovBeitw jxol. deny himself and take ,

his cross daily, and let him follow me up his cross daily, and
follow me. 24 For
24 og.ydpJdv n
9kXy Triv.ipvxrjV.avTOv awaai, aTroXko-Ei av- whosoever will save
whoever his life shall' lose it:
for may d3sire his life to save, shall lose it ;
but who- oever will lo -e
T7]V og.S'.av aTroXkay Trjv.^v^v.avTOv evekev tfioi), ol'Tog his life for my sake,
but whoever may lose his life on account of me, he the same shaU save it.

aprot 7reVT T. e ix#ves Svo Gl-TTrAW. h

p.r\ Tt LTrA. >
6e Hlld T. k
+ tooVi (read
about fifty KareKXluav TTt.
each) [LTr]A.
m TrapaOeivai TTrA.
l n Kara
fx6va.<; I.TTr.
ol o^AOt. XeyovcrLV TTrA. P elnav LTTiA. l'ltna.vr)v Tr.
'HAeiar T. s
Ile'rpo? Se
v w
Keyetv GLTTrA. avaarTr\va.L to arise LA.
anoKpiOels TTrA. ipxeaQai, apvr)<Ta.<rOu
GLTTrA. x Ka.9' rj/xipa-V U J ear T.
25 For what is a man rnoaei 25 Ti.ydp
avrrjv tl'(peXfirai di-Opanrog. KspSqrjag
advantaged, if he gain shall save For what 'a
the whole world, and it. is 'profited "man, having gained
lose himself, or be cast
26 For whoso-
tov Koa/nov oXov, iavTov.Si d-KoXiaag rj Z,r]jxnjj9iig ;
away? the 3
world 'whole, but himself having destroyed or suffered the loss of ?
ever shall be ashamed
of me and of my words, 26 bg.ydp.dv Kai tovq ifiovg Xoyovg,
of him shall the Son of
iTraia\vv9y ft

man be ashamed, when may have been ashamed of me and

For whoever my words,
he shall come in his tovtov 6 vibg tov dv9pu)7rov iTraia\vvi)r]a(.Tai orav tX9?^
own glory, and in his him the Son of man will be ashamed of when he shall come
Father's, and of the
holy angels. 27 But I IV ry S6y ai<TOV Kai tov iraTpbg Kai tujv dyiiov dyytXiov.
tell you of a truth, and of the Father and of the
in the glory of himself holy angels.
there be some standing
here, which shall not 27 Aiyw.di V/XIV dXtjOwQ, (IfflV TIVZQ TU)V u>$" t(TT>IKO-
taste of death, till But I say to you of a truth there are some of those here stand-
they see the kingdom b
of God. rwv," o*i
ov./j,rj ysvaovTai
QavciTOv iwq.av 'idcornv
ing who in no wise shall taste of death until they shall have seen
rffv fiaaCXuav tov 9eov.
the kingdom of God.

28 'EyivETO.Si fitTa TOVQ-XoyovQ-TOVTovq wffd imepai 6ktu>

And it came to pass after these words about "days 'eight
c d
Kai n n
TrapaXal3<.bv rbv IlsTpov Kai ^liodvvrjv" Kai IaK.u/3ov
that having taken Peter and John and James
28 And it came to
pass about an eight av'tfir) eig to bpog TrpoatviauBai. 29 Kai iyevsTO
days after these say- he went up into the mountain to pray. And it came to pass
ings, he took Peter and
John and James, and kv.Ttp-TrpoasvxEO'Qcti avtbv to Eioog T0V.7rp0O~lO7T0V.aVT0V
went up into a moun- as Sprayed he the appearance of his face
tain to pray. 29 And
as he prayed, the fa- tTtpOV, Kai b.ifiaTio~iibg.avTov XevKog iZaarpd tttmv
shion of his counte- [became] altered, and his clothing whito effulgent.
nance was altered, and
his raiment was white 30 Kai Idov, dvdptg dvo ovvtXdXovv avTqi, oiTiveg ijaav
and glistering. 30 And, And behold, 'two talked with him, who were
behold, there talked
with him two men, 'Mwff^ Kai B'T&Xiag 31 ol 6<p9svTeg iv S6%y fXeyov^ t>)v

which were Moses and Moses and Elias, who appearing in glory spoke of
E lias !1 who appeared

in glory, and spake of i^oSot^avTOV f]V ^fxeXXev" jrXrjpovv iv 'itpovaaXijfx.

his decease which he his departure which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem.
should accomplish at
Jerusalem. 32 But 32 o.SLHsTpog Kai
ol avv avr(p ijaav j3e/3apTj/jsvoi vTri'qt.
Peter and they that But Peter and those with him were oppressed with sleep .

were with him were k n

heavy with sleep: and Siayprjyopijo-avTEgSk

elSov nji'.do^av.avTov, Kai rovg bvo
When they were awake, and having awoke fully they saw his glory, and" the two
they saw his glory, and 33 Kai
the two men that stood Tovg dvSpag avvecrTuiTag avT(p. iysveTO iv.Ttp.via-
men who stood with him. ^.nd it came to pass as J ae-
with him. 33 And it
came to pass, as they 6 HiTpog Trpbg tov
X(i)piZ,t.o~9ai avTovg air' ai'TOV, elirev
departed from him, 'these from *said 'Peter to
Peter said unto Jesus, parted him, .

Master, it is good for Ii)govv, 'E7ri<7rara, KaXdv ioTiv

us to be here: and let rjfidg ibSe elvai' Kai 7roil]mx>i.iev
Jesus, Master, good it is for us here to be and let us make
us make three taber- ;

nacles one for thee, OKt]vag coi, Kai ^wrrel fiiav, u Kai jjaav
and one for Moses, and Habernacles Tpeiq, fiiav

'three, one for thee, and for Moses one, and one
one for Elias not
knowing what he said.
m 'HAia," elSwg o 34 ravra Si
34 While he thus spake,
fii) Xsyei. avTOv.XiyovTog
for Elias., not knowing what he is saying. But these things as he was saying .

there came a cloud,

and overshadowed ve<piXr) Kai "sTreff/ciacrev

avTovg' i(po[3ri9t]aav.d{ iv.Ttp

them: and they feared tykviTO
'came 'a *cloud and overshadowed them, and they feared as
as they entered into n
the cloud. 35 And iK8ivovg tio~eX9siv tig ti)v vi<piXj]v. 35 Kai tyuvi) iyevero tK
there came a voice out .those entered into the cloud : and a voice came out of
of the cloud, saying,
This is my beloved rrjg VB(piXrjg, Xsyovaa, Oiirog ioTtv b.v'iog.fiov b
p [

Son: hear him. 36 And the cloud, saying, This is my Son the beloved ;

a ecrruTutv b c
yeva-aim-ai should taste GLTTtaw.
* avTOv TTrA GLTrAW. [koX] l.
* f h +
[fie] and L.
tov GLTTrAW. e
'lcoavr)v Tr.Movotjs LTTrAW. S 'HAeias T.
->j|ueAAei> T.
* elSav T. ixiav Moio-ei G
fjiiav Ma>i;crel LTTrAW.; '"'HKeiaT.
* eneaKiaev TTrA. Q tiat\9elv avTOus
they entered TTrA. p
lic\ekeyixvos chosen TTrA.
IX. L XJ K E, 183
aKoveri-. 36 Km kv.Tu) ytvtaOai ti)v <pwvi}V tvp(9r)
.when the voice was
past, Jesus was found
him 'hear -ye. And as occurred the voice "was 'found alone. And they kept
Wltjaovg fibvog. Kai avroi Kai ovdsvi a7rt]yyeiXav it close, and told no
t<Tiyi}<rav, man in those days any
Jesus alone : and they were silent, and to no one they told of those things which
iv tKtivaig raTg rjiufpaig ouStv wv T
they had seen.

in those days anything of what they had seen.
37 'EytvETO.Se s
iv" rrj t^i'/g i)fikpq., KarEX96vTUiv.avru)V 37 And it came to
that on the next
And it came to pass on the next day, on their having come down pass, whin
day, they were
drrb tov opovg, gvv)]vti]G.v avTOj '6\\og iroXvg. 38 Kai come down from the
from the mountain, ''met
him 'a "crowd -great. And hill, much people met
him. 38 And, behold,
iSov, dvi)p dirb tov b\Xov dvej36rj(rev, Xsywv, AiFdaKaXe; a man of the company
t n

a man from the crowd cried out, Teacher. cried out, saying, Mas-
behold, saying,
ter, I beseech thee, look
iiouai (tov T t7r<'/3\\|/ov" t7ri Tvv.viov.fjt.ov, oti fxovoyevfig upon my son for he :

I beseech thee look upon my son, for an only child is mine only child.
v ioTiv 39 And, lo, a spirit
fxoi'" 39 Kai Idor'i, irvEVfia Xafifidvu avrbv Kai. e- taketh him. and he
he is to me : and behold, a spirit takessud- suddenly crieth out him and ;

and it teareth him that

ai<pvr}g Kpa^Ei, Kai arrapdaau avrbv fierd dtypov, he foarueth again, and
denly he cries out, and it throws into -"convulsions l
him with foaming, bruising him hardly
departeth from him.
Kai fibyig rt7ro^wpi air' avrov, avvrpifiov avrov' 40 Kai 10 And I besought thy
and with difficulty departs from him, bruising him. And disciples to cast him
out; and they could
idtriQtjv Tojv.fia9r}rwv.oov iva *iKj3dXXwotv^ avrb, Kai ovk not. 41 And Jesus
I besought thy disciples that they might cast out it, and 3 not answering said, O .

T faithless and perverse

41 'ATroKpiQeig.dt b'lrjaovg elirev, Q yeved generation,, how long
'they were able. And ^answering 'Jesus said, O generation shall I ,
>e with you,
and sufter you? Bring
aniOTOQ Kai ttote toofiai irpbg vjidg Kai
fiitOTpafifikvr), ku>g thy son hither. 42 And
unbelieving and when shall I be with
perverted, untilyou and as he was
yet a com-
42 'Enif him ing, the devil threw
dv't^ofiai vfiwv; irpoodyaye. fioSe Tov.v\6v.oov. and tare
bear with hither 4 down,
But yet him. And Jesus re-
you ? Bring thy son.
avrbv rb Kai avv- buked the unclean
2 J
tpprj^ev Saifioviov and healed the
'as he was coming near 3 dashed 5 down 4 him 'the ''demon and threw spirit, and
child, delivered .

b ruZ toj him again to his fa-

ecnrapaZtv' kireTiuijatV-ck Irfaovg 7rvevpart ther. 43 And they
[him] into convulsions. And ^rebuked 'Jesus the spirit the
were all amazed at
9dpraj, Kai Ideraro tov TralSa, Kai a7rt8u)Kv avTov Tip the mighty power of
unclean, and back him to God.
child, gave
Trarpi.avrov. 43 i^TrXrfaaovTo.Sk iravreg t7ri ry fityaXaortfTi
his father. And 3 were 3 astonished 'all at the majesty
of God.
1 n a
TIdvTujv.df 9avfiaZ,6vru)v iiri rraaiv dig t7roir)ffv
And [as] all were wondering at all which
But while they won- 'did Je-
dered every one at all
wpbg Tovg.fia9j]rdg.avTOV, 44 Qta9s vuelg
crovg, tliriv
which Jesus did, elg rd

to he said things
bus, his disciples, Lay "by ye into he said unto his disci-
tov ples, 44 Let these say-
wTa.vp.Cjv TOvgXoyovg.TOVTOvg' b.ydp.vibg dv9pu>Trov fikX- sink down into
your ears these words : For the Son of man is a- ings
3'our ears for the Son

Xei Trapadiooa9ai sig 45 of man shall be de-

\iipagdv9pil)iTOiV. ffyvoovv
bout to be delivered up into [the] hands of men. But they understood not livered into the hands
of men. 45 But they\fj.a.TOVTO, Kai f]v irapaKEKaXvfifikvov air' avruiv iva understood not this
this saying, and it was veiled from them that saying, and it was hid
from them, that they
b avTov
prj.a'i(j9u>VTai avro' Kai ityofiovvro tp.wrJj<Tm" perceived it not and :

they should not perceive it. And they feared to ask him they feared to ask him
of that saying. 46 Then
77-fpi tov pripaTogTOVTOV. 46 ~Eiirr]X9ivM SiaXoyifffibg tv there arose a reasoning
concerning saying 'this. But came *up 'a ^reasoning among among them, which of
them should be great-
aiiTolg, to, rig dv sijj fit
iwv avruiv. 47 b.Se.'lrfcrovg Q
iu>v n est. 47 And Jesus, per-
them, this, who might be greatest of them. And Jesus having seen ceiving the thought of

' ' T
1 6 LTTrAW. iJipaKav TTrA. iv T[TrJA. e/16r)(Tev LTTrA. e7r(./3Ae'i//<u
GTTrAW. w LTTrAW. * GLTTrAW. 7 top viov crov <I>6e GW. * e7rou<
/u.oi eo~ril/ iicfi6.\<i><Ti.v
GLTTrA. a 6 'Irjaovs {read inoUi. he was doing) TTrA. b c eioi>s t.
eTj-epwTTfO-oi i,
184 A YKA 2. IX.
their heart, took a
rbv SiaXoyiGfibv Trig.Kapciag.avriJjv, trriXaj3d^i'og d
him by 7ra(cw'ot;"
child,and set
the of their reasoning taken hold heart, having of a little child
him, 48 and said unto
them, Whosoever shall avrb 48 Kai eLttev e
receive this child in
t<TT7]<rsv Trap' iavr^i, avrolg, "Oe. iav"
he set it by "him, and said to them, Whoever
my name receiveth
me : and whosoever SsZnrat rovro to Tradiov Eiri
shall receive me re- shall receive ri{}-bvopari.ii.ov, tfxk ^iyfraf
ceiveth hiiu that sent
this little child in my name, me receives ;

mo for he that is least Kai bgJtdv e/ue

difyrai, Se^Erai rbv cnrotJTuXavTa /j.e.
among you all, the and whoever me shall receive, receives him who
same shall be gTeat.
49 And John answered sv rrdoiv viiiv vttciq-^ujv orrog St'orai"
and said, Master, we For he who fiiKporspog
*lcs 3
all 'you he shaUbo
saw one casting out
devils in thy name ; fikyag. 49 'A7roicpi9E(C-8k h 6" l 'lwdi'vi]g n eIttfv, 'Errwrdra,
and we forbad him, great. And answering John said, Master,
because he followeth
not with us. 50 And e'Ico/jev riva im To^.bvop.ari.'yov tK(3dXXovra
rd' Suiuovta'

Jesus said unto him, we saw some one in thy name casting out the demons,
Forbid him not : for
be that is not against Kai iKujXvcrafitv avrov, on ovk.ukoXov9eI fxz9' t)j
i iwv''50 Kai l

as is for us. and we forbade him, because he follows not *

with us. And
17761'" TTpbq avrov m o" 'lr}covg, Mij.kivXvets' og.ydp OVK
2 3 4
said to him 'Jesus, Forbid not ; for whosoever "not
tCTiv icav
"7I/.IWV." virtp "r)j.twv" tariv.
'is against ns, for us is.

And it came to
51 51 ' lv.r<j~j.Gvi.nrXr}povo9ai rag fj/jt'spag rijg
pass, when the time And it came to pass when were being fulfilled the days of the
was come that he
p n
dva\ii^pSiog . avrov, Kai avrbg r6.7rpocra>7rox'. ai/roi) ^iarrj-

should be received up,

Le stedfastly set his receiving him up, that he his face sted-
face to go to Jerusa-
lem, 52 an'd sent mes- piev" tov 7ropzvo~9ai tig 'lEpovo-aXt]jJi. 52 Kai drrEO-rEiXEv
sengers before his face: fast ly set to go to Jerusalem. And he sent
and they went, and
entered iuto a village dyytXovg vpb 7rpo<r<t)7rov avrov. Kai 7ropEv9vrsg s!<xi'iX9ov
of the Samaritans, to messengers before =
face 'his. And having gone they entered '

make ready for him. r

Kw/.u]v 2,apapEtru>v, ware tTotLidaai avT(p. 53 Kai ovk
53 And they did not elg
receive him, because into a village of Samaritans, so as to make ready for him. And 3 not
his face was as thotigh
he would go to Jeru- tSfZavro avrov, otl rb.7rp6<jwTroi'.avTov f/v rropEVu-
salem. 54 And when Hhey -did receive him, because his face was [as] go-
his disciplesJames 54 s

and John saw this, jxevov 'lepovcraXtj/j.. ol.[ia9r]ral-

they said, Lord, wilt ing
to Jerusalem. And teeing [it] his disciples
thou that we command Kai l'lwi'F^" w st7rov," KvpiE, OeXeic e"i7T(o-
fire to come down 'laKu>l3og
from heaven, and con- James and John said, Lord, wilt thou [that] wo should
sume them, even as *a7rt>" tov ovpavov,icai di>a\w<yai avrovg,
Elias did? 55 But he fitv 7n~p Karafiijvai
call fire to come down from the heaven, and consume them,
turned, and rebuked f
them, and said, Ye ?u)g Kai R\iag tTroit]crEv u 55 'ZrpacpEig.CE E7rErip7]aev avrolg,
know not what man- as also. Elias did?
But turning he rebuked
ner of are of.
spirit ye
56 For the Son of man T
Kai eTttev, OvK.o'ioare o'tov irvEvuarog tart vfielg' 56 z b.ydp
isnot come to destroy and -Ye know not of what 2
are For the
said, spirit 'ye.
men's lives, but to save
them. And they went v'tbg tov dv9pu)Trov ovkJiX9ev tpvxaQ dv9pi!>7rwv aTroAf'erai,
to another village. Son of man did not come [the] lives of men to destroy,

d\Xd o~u>o~ai.
Kai tTropfv9r]aav Eig krspav kioliijv.
57 Ann it came to but to save. And they went to another village.
pass, that, as they went
in the Way, a certain 57 'Eyei'ETQ.i 7ropEvopvu)i'.avrujv ti> j-tj bSifidirsv
;t n
man said unto him, And it came to pass
as they were going in the way
said 'some oiie
'Lord, I will follow b v c
thee whithersoever, repbg avrov, 'AkoXov9))(juj aoi orrov dv dTrtp\ri, Kvpt.a.

thougoest. 58 And Je- to him, 1 will follow thee wherever thou mayesr, go, Lord.

a TTaiSiov TrA. au '

av T. K LTTrA. h 6 LTrA. *
'IwaiTjs Tr.
L. jotiv is
ra LTTrAW. 1
elirev 6"e LTTrA. m 6 T[a]. n
vp.u>v you GLTTrA. afaAjj^.i//ea;s
LTTrA. p
[atirov] LTrA. i
iaTripiaev TTrA.
ttoXiv 1afj.api.Twv a city of Samaritans T.
avrov (read the disciples) t[TiaJ * K elnav TTrA. x e/c out of l.
'Iu>aKr/<; Tr.
7 to? Kai 'HAt'as eTroir)<jei> TTi[a].
aal clirev (verse 55) .... crdcrai (verse 56) LTTrA ;
6 yap .... awaai G. " Kai klld TTrA. b idf LTrA. c
Kvpie LTTt[aJ.
IX- X. LUKE. 185
58 Kal elnev avrip 6 'Itjrrovg, At dXioTreKeg (pcoXeovg txovffiv, ruk said unto him,
2 3
And 'him Foxes have hoies. and"

said to 'Jesus, The foxes holes have, birds of the air have
ml rd rrereivd rov ovpavov KaraaKijvwcreig' b.St vlbg rov nests ; but the Son of
and the birds of the heaven nestB but the Son
man hath not where to
lay his head. 59 And
av0pw7rov ovk!x h 7r0 " T) ) v KB<pn\))v icKivy. 59 El.7rev.Si. he said unto another,
Follow me. But he
of man has not where the head he may lay. And he said
said, Lord, suffer me
rcpbg erepov, 'AkoXovQei fxoi. 'O.Se elrrev, Kvpie," sTrirpeipov first to go and bury
to another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, allow my father. 60 Jesua
said unto him, Let the
juoi ^aTveXQovTi 7Tf)wroy" Qdi&ai rbv.rrar'epa.nov.. 60 EATvev.Sk dead bury their dead:
me going away first to bury my father. But ''said but go thou and preach
{ n
" the kingdom of God.
avrtp b'h](rovg, Atyeg rovg veKpovg Qd^ai rovg eavrCov 61 And another also
3 4
to hini 'Jesus, Leave the dead to bury their own said, Lord, I will fol-
low thee but hit me ;

veicpovg' cv.Sk drreXOaJv SidyyeXXe n)v fiaviXeiav rov deov, first go bid them fare-
dead; but thou going forth declare the kingdom of God. well, which are at home
at my house. 62 And
61 Eiwev.Se Kal erepog, 'AKoXovQijaoj
7rpC0r0v.Sk Jesus said unto him, croi, Ki'pie'
And 2 -aid also 'another, but first No man, having put I will follow thee, Lord,
his hand to the plough,
t7rifpe\f/6v fioi arrordEaryOai rolg elg rov.o2ic6v.fiov. 62 El7rev.Sk and looking back, is fit
allow me to take leave of those at my house. But -said for the kingdom of
h God.
%7rpbg avrbv 6 'I?/<tow," OvSeig k7ri/3aXoJv

3 4
to him '
Je^us, No one having laid his hand

dporpov, Kal fiXsTruiv elg to. orricrco, evOerog tariv "

upon [the] plough, and , looking 'on the things behind, *fit 'is

*elg t>)v (3acnXeiav

tov Qeov.
for the kingdom of God.

10 Merd.Sk .ravra dvkoei^ev b Kvpiog Kal er'epovg t[3So- x n

Now after these things Appointed

3 6 6
'the L~rd also others "teeven- X. After these things
the Lord appointed
///j/coj'ra KaL a7Tk<7Tuktv avrovg ava.cvo
, irpo rrpoo-wTrov other seventy also, and
ty, and sent them two and two before ''face sent them two and two
avrov, elg iraaav ttoXiv ml tottov oi>
before his face into
"epeXXev" avrbg every city and place,
'his, into every city and place where he was about himelf whither he himself
HpXeadai. 2 "EXsyej' o(V 7rpbg avrovg, 'O fikv Qepiapbg
would come. 2 There-
fore said he unto them,
to come. He said therefore to them, The "indeed 'harvest [is] The harvest
truly is
TroXvg, ol.Sk kpydrai ovv rov great, but the labour-
bXiyoi' Sei)9i]re Kvpiov ers are few pray ye
great, but the workmen [are] few. Supplicate therefore the Lord

therefore the Lord of

rov p n
rbv depiapbv the harvest, that he
Oepi(jp.ov, OTrwg tK/3dX\y epydrag elg
would send forth la-
of the harvest, that he may send out workmen into -harvest
bourers into his har-
avrov. 3 'IVa-vere" ISov, l|
6yu>" aTrorrreXXa) bfiag u>g dpvag tv vest. 3 Go your ways:
'his. Go I send forth as lambs in behold,
I send you
lo, ; you forth'as lambs
fiso-ip Xvkmv. 4 fit] f3aard^ere (3aXdvriov 7zr\pav
fif] Carry wolves. 4 nei-
[the] midst of wolves. Neither carry purse uor provision bag ther purse, nor scrip,
uor shoes and saluto :
fii]Sk" vTrodi'ipiara' '/cat"
fir/csva Kara rijv bSbv dcnrdcnjo-Oe. no man by the way.
nor sandals, and no one on the way salute. And into whatsoever
r house ye enter, first
5 E(c.i)v.S'.dv oiKiav e!o-epx>}cQe,
rrpCJrov Xeytre, Eii)i'|i'i/ r<p say, Peace be to this
And into whatever house ye may enter, first Peace house. 6 And if the
son of peace be there,
o'iK<jj.rovr(ji. 6 Kal idv "/uiv

y tKel fvlbg elprjvrjg, ^eTrava- your peace shall rest

to this house. And if indeed be there a son of peace, J
shall upon it: if not, it shall
turn to you again.
TtavaeraC lit avrbv ii.elpi]i'7].vfiwv' ^iye, tcp' vudg 7 And in the same
5 6
Vest upon it 'your -peace ; but if not so, to you house remain, eating
z n
and drinking such
dvaKd/A\pei. 7 kv avry Sk ry oiKia n'evere, ea0iovreg Kal things as they give: for
= 3 4
it shall return. In the samo 'and house abide, eating and the labourer is worthy

d e *
Kupie T. Trpunov air^kdexv first to go away l ; Trpuirov a-KekQovri TTr. 6
'Irjo-ovs (read he said)[L]TT a. e o'lrjcroi/? 7rpb? aiirov LTr ; np'os avrbv A.
eirifiaAKwv L.
' k m + two n
[aviToO] Tr. Tfj ^atrtAeia LTTrA. [kcuJ TiA. rt/xeWtv LTTrAW.
[Svo] L.
Se and (he said) LTTrA. p K[id\r)
epydra^ GLW
epydrag eK^d.\r] TTrA.
eyui (read
I send forth) LTTrA. r
J3aAAdi>Ttov ltti aw.
/u.rj TTrA
Kal T. i<r'A0i7T
oUiav TTrA w *
+ 6 the (son) E.
; olkLo-V etcre'ASrjTe L. jaec GLTTrAW, 7 iiraia-
7raTJo-eT<u-T. o-0otTej LTTrA.
186 AOYKA 2. X
of his hire. Go not
from house to house. TrlvovrtQ to. irap' auruiv' d^iog.yap' 2 6 3ipyarqc,
8 And into whatsoever drinking the things [supplied] by them ;
for worthy the workmatj
city ye enter, and they Hanv. n

receive you, eat such^ov

4 s 6
nrj-jXETafiaivETE 1% oiKiag Eig oiKtav.
of his hire 'is. Remove not from house to house.
things as are set be-
fore you 9 and heal h
8 Kai Eig rjv. uotpxrivQe, Kai Sex MVTai *V*C>
8'".av ttoXiv
thesick that are there-
and say unto them, And ye may enter, and they receive
into whatever -also 'city you,
The kingdom of God iaOiere to. 9 Kai OepcnrEVETE Toi>g iv
is come nigh unto you. TrapariOefieva vfTiv,
eat the things set before you, and heal the ^in
10 But into whatsoever
city ye enter, and they avry chtOeveIc;, icai XiyETE avrolg, "RyytKEV l<f vfiag j) (3a<Tf
receive you not, go 3
and to them, Has drawn near to
it 'sick, say you the king-
your ways out into the
streets of the same, Xsia tov 9eov. 10'.dv ttoXiv c ('crpx'jcr0e," Kai p.rj
and say, 11 Even the dom of God. But into whatever city and 3 not
ye may enter,
very dust of your city,
which cleaveth on us, SsX WVTCLl ^cfCj is\96vT8g Eig Tdg.TrXarEiag.avTrjg, HTrare,
we do wipe off against 'they "do receive you, having gono out into its streets, say,
you notwithstanding

be ye sure of this, that 11 Kai tov Kovioprbv tov KoWrjOtvra r)fiiv Ik Trjg rroXEiog
the kingdom of God is Even the dust which clung to us out of "city
come uigh unto you. d
12 But I say unto you, vfiwv a.7rofj.aaa6fie9a vfiiv ttXijv tovto yivwcrKETE, on
that it shall be more 'your we wipe off against you yet this know, ; that
tolerable in that day e
for Sodom, than for i/yyiKEv t<f>' vudg
t) (iainXeia tov9eov. 12 Xkyw. {St n v^iiv,
that city. 13 Woe unto, has drawn near to you the kingdom of God. And 1 say to you,
thee, Chorazin woe
unto thee, Bethsaida on 'ZoSo/j.otg ev Ty.y't^dpa.EKeivy aVEKTOTEpOV iCTTai i) ry

for if the mighty works that for Sodom in that day more tolerable it shall be than
had been done in Tyre
and Sidon, which have TToXEl-EKElVy. 13 Ovai <roi, SXwpa^iV," ovai o~oi, B^OaaiSd'
been done in you, they for that city. Woe to thee, Chorazin woe to thee, Bethsaida I !

had a great while ago on ci iv Kai "EiSuivi "tytvoi'TO" ai ai

repented, sitting in Tvpy cvvaf.iEig
sackcloth and ashes. for if in Tyre and Sidon had taken place the works of power which
14 But it shall be more iv, TrdXai av iv ocikkoj Kai arroitp
tolerable for Tyre and ytvufisvai
have been taking place in you, long ago in sackcloth and ashos
Sidon at the judg- '

ment, than for you. l

HETtvorjoav. 14 7rX))v Kai SiOwvt dvEK-
15 And thou, Caperna-
Ka9t)fiEvai^ Tupqt
sitting they had repented. But for Tyre and Sidon more
um, which art exalted
heaven, shalt be TOTEpov tarai iv Ty VfiLV. 15 Kai av,
ry KptffEl
thrust down to hell. tolerable will it be in the
kpiffEt 7] Ka7TEp~
judgment than for you And thou, Caper-
16 He that heareth ' " *

you heareth me and vaovfi, - '})" twg

ii it

ovpavov "v\pu)9Et(Ta," twg qonv
he that despiseth you to the heaven hast been lifted up, to kades
naun, ,viho
despiseth me and he ;

that despiseth me de- Ka.Ta[5ifiao9riGy 16 *0 aKoucov v/joiv iuov clkovei' Kai

spiseth him that sent thou shalt be brought down. He that hears you me 'hears, and
6 o.9etCjv vfidg i/ii ci9eteI' i).di iflE 6.9etwv A9eteI TOV
ho that rejects you me 'rejects, and he that "me 'rejects rejects him
'cnroarEiXavTa fiE.
who sent mo.
17 'YTTtOTpE^av.v'E oi tfi$onr)KovraV [xetcl %apag, XiyovrEg,
17 And the seventy 2
returned again with
And 3 returned 'the seventy with joy, saying,
joy, saying, Lord, even KvpiE, Kai rd dai/,i6via V7roraa<jErai ifixiv iv nji ovofiari
the devils are subject even the demons are subject to us through 'name
unto us through thy Lord,
name. 18 And he said (row. 18 WL7TEV.Se avrolg, 'E9twpovv tov uaravdv ojg d<7rpa7rr)v
unto them, I beheld And he said to them,' I beheld Satan as
'thy. lightning
Satan as lightning
fall from heaven. K TOV OVpaVOV TTEOOVTa 19 iCov, Idid'ujp.i" vplv tt)v OZovaiav
19 Behold, I give unto out of the heaven I the
falling. Lo, give you authority
you power to tread on
serpents aud scorpions, tov iraTEiv iivdvii) o<pEiov Kai OKOpTTOiJV, Kai irri irdoav tijv
and over all the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the
of the enemy and :
nothing shall by any Svvafiiv tov i\9pov' Kai OV6EV Vfldg ov.fir) a8tKr]<yy.

means hurt you. power of the enemy, and nothing you in anywise shall injure.
(lit. in no wise)
* i<TTlv (read LTTrA. b 6" also LTTrA. c LTTrA. d + els TOVi
[is]) el<rik9-r\Tt
wdSas to the feet(+[i7M ^ I'] f us A 1 LTT, A (
e *<' "M^s gltt. a. ' f
- Seand g[l]ti-aw.
B Xopo^tV EOLW ; Xopa^eiV TTrA. h
i.yevri9r\<Tav LTTrA. KaOijjjLeyoi LTTrA.

vaovp. LTTrAW. '

LTTrA. m TOV LTTr. n
Vv//u>0)7C7J wilt thuU be lifted up? LTTrA. ;

+ tov the TrA. P + [Svo] two h. s HSuKa I have given iirA, r

5cKjjo-et ELTTrA,
LUKE. 187
20 Notwithstanding in
20 TrXr/v tv tovtijj p).xaiptTt, on to. Trvtvfiara hfiiv viroTaG- this rejoice not, that
Yet in this rejoice not, that the spirits to you are sub- the spirits are subject
Gtrai s
on t unto you hut rather
\niptrt.St /j.aXXov" Ta.ov6f.iara.vfxijjv typd(pj]

because your
jected, but rejoice rather that your names are written names are written in
tv Tolg ovpavolg. 21 'Ev avry.Ty woa i/yaAAiarraro np heaven. 21 In that
3 4 hour Jesus rejoiced in
in the heavens. In the same hour ^rejoiced in the
and said, I thank
7rvtvf.1a.Ti Kai dirty, 'E^ofioXoyovfiai goi, Trdrtp, thee, O Father, Lord
6 'lt]Govg,
of heaven and earth,
^Spirit 'Jesus, and said, I praise thee, O Father,
that thou hast hid
Kvpit tov ovpavov Kai Trjg yj)c> on a7rtKpv\pag ravra cnrb these things from the
Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that thou didst hide these things from wise and prudent, and
hast revealed them un-
ootyCJv Kai GvvtTwv, Kai aTrtKaXv^/ag aura vifTrioig' vai, 6 ira- to babe^: even so, Fa-
wise and prudent, and didst reveal thejn to babes :
yea, Fa- ther for so it seemed ;

good in thy sight.

rrjp, on o'vtujq ^ly'tvtTO evSoKia" tfnrpoaQkv gov.
22 Kai 22 All things are de-
ther, for thus was it well pleasing before thee. And livered to me of my
a Father and no man

GTpatptig 7rpo rovg fiaBrfTctg httzv,^ Tlavra 7raptS69rf fioi knoweth who the Son
having turned to the disciples he said, All things were delivered to me is, but the Father; and
who the Father is, but
v7ro Tov.7raTp6Q.fiov Kai ovStig yivwGKH Tig ioTiv 6 v'tbg the Son, anr" ,
he to
by my Father, and no one knows who is the Son except whom the So~\ will re-
h veal Aim. 23 And he
o 7raT>ip, Kai Tig ianv 6 Trarifp, ti.fxr)
6 viog, Kai if>.
tdv n turned him unto his
the Father, and who is the Father, except the Son, and he to whomsoever disciples, and said pri-
vately, Blessed are the
fiovXrjTai 6 viog cnroKaXvipai. 23 Kai GTpatytig wpbg eyes which see the
may ''will 'the ''Son to reveal [him]. And having turned to things that ye see :

24 for I fell you, that

rovg fiaQr]Tag KaT.iSiav dnrtv, MaKapioi oi ofOaXftoi many and
disciples apart he said, Blessed [are] the eyes kings have desired to
see those things which
oi f3Xt7rovTtg & f3\s7rsTE. 24 Xtyu).ydp vfiiv, on iroWoi see, and have not
which what ye see. For ye
see I say to you, that many seen them ; and to
Kai iSCiv a hear those things
KpotytfTai fiaGiXtig ifBiXrfGav vfitlg f3Xt7rtre, which ye hear, and
prophets and kings desired to see what ye see, have not heard them.
c n
Kai oi>K eISov' Kai ciKovaai a cikovete, Kai ovK.ifKovGav.
and saw not ; and to hear what ye hear, and heard not.
25 Kai ISov, vofUKog Tig dv'tGTi], tK7rtipdZ,<.ov
And 4
behold, a ^doctor of the
! 5
law 'certain stood up, tempting
d 25 And, behold, a
avrov, Kai''
Xtyujv, AiSctGKaXe, Ti iroiifvag Z,i)i)v auoviov certain lawyer stood
him, and saying, Teacher, what 'having Mone life eternal
up, and tempted him,
26 O.Sk dwev irpbg avrov, 'Ev ti saying, Master, what
KXifpovofiifGio ; r<p vofjup shall I do to inherit
shall I inherit ? And he said to him, In the law what eternal life ? 26 He
said unto him, What
y'typaitTai ; irjg dvayiVioGKtig ;
27 'O.St cnroKpiBtig tiirtv, is written in the law ?
has buen written ? how readest thou? And he answering said, how readest thou ?
e 27 And he answering
'Ayairifatig Kvpiov Tov.Btov.Gev t oXifg rjjf" KapSiag
2 said, Thou shalt love
Thou shalt love [the] Lord thy God with all heart
the Lord thy God with
gov Kai oXrjg Tijg.\^v\iig.aov Kai t% '6Xr]g Tiig.tGxvog.Gov
i% thy heart, and with all

'thy and with all thy soul and with all thy strength thy soul, and with all
thy strength, and all
Kai Sf '6Xi]g T>]Q.ciavoiag .GoV Kai TOv.7rXrfGiov.Gov <l>g osav-
n with all thy mind; and
and with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thy- thy neighbour as thy-
self. 28 And he said
tov. 28 El7rfv.dt ai>T(f>, 'O'pBCjg cnrtKpiOifg' tovto tto'ih, unto him, Thou hast
self. And he said to him, Rightly thou hast answered this do,
answered right this :

do, and thou shalt live.

Kai ^ifyy. 29 'O.St BtXwv h SiKaiovv tavrbv ei7rev Trpbg 29 But he, willing to 11

and thou shalt live. But he desiring to justify himself said to justify himself, said
unto Jesus, And who
rbv'ltfGovv, Kai Tig iariv fiov 7tXijgiov ;
30 'YTroXa/Stov.'o^

is my neig hbour ?
Jesus, And who is my neighbour ? And taking [it] up 30And Jesus answer-
ing said, A certain man
b'ltfGovg tl7rtv," AvdpujTTog Tig Kar'tfiaivtv aTro'ltpovGaXiffi went down from Jeru-
Jpsns KaiH
said, \ "man 'certain was going down from Jerusalem salem to Jericho, and

ixakkov GLTTrAW. *
evyeypairrai have been inscribed t ewe. TrA.
+ iv in (the) t. ;
w + the Holy LTTrA.
tio ayia> * 6 'Incrovs (read t]ya\. he rejoiced) LTTrA. > ev&oicia
* a
iyevero LTrA. Kai o-Tpa</>els 7rpbs tovs juafJrjra? elnev EGTi[a]. juoi n-apeS60T) GLTTrAW.
b iv LitA. c d e f
l8avT; eZ6ai>TiA. KatT[Tr]A. [r^?]Tr. iv 6\f) rfj i//v,\]7 crow
/ecu kv 0A17 S iv 6A.rj rff oiavoia LTTr. h SiKcuaicrai LTTrA. cjc aud X.
tj] icr^vi LTTr.
188 AOYKAS. X.
fell among thieves, k KCti EKOVCjaVTEg o'l Kttl
,*g 'Ifp>^W," \yiTTOlQ TTEpiETTEGEV,
which stripped him Jericho and 3
r'obbcrs 'fell 'among, who both having stripped
raiment, and _
of his , _ fl , ,

wounded Wot, and de- a {, r0 j; KHt TrXl^yCig ETTlQiVTEQ aTTljKtfOV, CityiVTZQ iifxiUavr]
parted, leaving- him ,
and WO unds having iniiicted went away, leaving [him], half dead
half dead. 31 And by , ,
s , , ,

chance there came 'rUVYWOlTa. 11

31 Kara OVyKVplClV CE
lE^Evg T(C Kar-
e 5
down a. certain priest certain went 3
a "coincidence 'now a 'priest
that way: and when he ,
Bawhim, he passed by efiaivEv ev


* '

Ty.odio.EKEivy, '

on the other side. a 0WI1 in that road, and having seen him he passed by on the op-

^when^was^ 9ev 32 6fioiujQ.Sk /cat ^Aevtrr^ "ytvSfitvoQ* /card rbv

the came and and in like manner also a Levite, being at the
place, posite side';

^^Jtfcotta Kai ISwv l\9v

tottov, dvri7rap."jX06V. SajEa-
A Sa-
33 But a cer-

he was :
a e

Lre flop
and when he maritan
d C
having come and having seen passed by on the opposite side.

C *&*
'but 3 certain journeying, came to
T """'
" &
and| having
W" '

A0^ Karkhmvra
*ctvTov iaiz\ay Xvio-9 r,' 34 /cat o<7
paIsion"an^OT: 34 and
jwent to Th'm.and bound him was moved with compassion, and having approached bound up

fne^riiTnd wTe" rpavfiara.avrov, ETri X su>v tkawv /cat olvoV HmpifiaffagM"

him on his wounds, pouring on oil and wine and having put
and set his ;

own ' s
TTavSo X ElOv" Kal
1 1
a ^ rov t7r i TO.'lSlOV KTYjVOg liyayEV aVTUV EIQ
him on his own beast brought him to an inn, and
fook care of htm.

36 And on the mor-

^nfXhBii avrov. 35 Kai Eirl rnv a'vpiov t
iE E.\6h)V, n
> tKfia\ll)l>
of him. And on the morrow taking out
and them to the
took care
going forth,
v >l

gave fi vo ^vapia iSujKEV Tip 7TavSo X EX," Kai eTttEV ai>T<[J,

tw0 denarii he gave [them] to the innkeeper, and said to him,
.Wm.'Takecareof him
and 'whatsoever thou avrov- Kai o.ri.av TrpooSaTravxioyg, tytl)
spendest more, when I
come. again, I will re-
pay 36 Which
now of these three,
T k
Tl^.ETTaVEp X Ea9a'l.flE
t //*'of h

an(J wftat3oever

a7rodu)<T(i) (TOt.
thou mayest expend more.
36 Tig
m' x


my com i ng back -

will repay thee. Which therefore of these

thinkest thou, was \ r i
- > >

neighbour unto him rS)V TpiWV ?COKEl 7C\1](TlOV (TOt yEyuVEVai TOV EllTTEGOVTOg
that fell among the three seems to thee "neighbour Ho -have 3 been of him who fell
thieves? 37 And he , .. , , , -.

said, He
that shewed Eig

tovq Kijaraq ; 37 O.iiE

eLttev, O 7TOlt)<Jag TO tAEOQ
mercy on him. Then among the robbers ? And he said, He who shewed .compassion
said Jesus unto him, ,
, , ~ n
usr avrov. El7TEv z ovv u
, T ~
avroj o hjaovg, llopsvov, Kai
,~<> , >

Go, and do thou like- '

wise. towards him. ^aid therefore "to 5him 'Jesus, Go 'and

OV 7T01EI OflOlWQ.
'thou do likewise.

38 *'EysvEro.dE-Ev n TuZ.TcopEVEaQai ai'rovg b /cat" avrbg eiV/yA-

t _
38 t.l\ow it came to

pass, as they went, that


And it came to pass

KtOfirjV TWO.'

yVV1J.CS Tig

'they that he


he entered into a cer- e(j into a ^village 'certain : and a 'woman 'certain byname Martha re-
;ain village : and a , , > * a > ~ nn > ~* - * > >
sertain woman named EOE^aTO aVTOV Eig TUV.OlKOV". aUT1jg- n 39 Kai TTJOE.ilV aOA(j)l)
tfarthareceived him ce i ve(i him into her house. And she had a sister
ntoherhouse. 39 And , , , f n , ,.
, ,.
;ho had a sister called
KaXov/Jevt] Mapta,
Kai x 7rapaKa(Jio'ao-a^7rapa n TOvg7ro6ag
Mary, which also sat called Mary, who also having sat down at the fee*
it Jesus' feet, and ,
a _ , .. , . , , ,
._ , -, , -
heard his word. 40 But TOV lr)(JOV
1)KOVEV TOV.AoyOV.aVTOV. 40 Tf-dE. MapVa
Martha was cumbered of Jesus was listening to his word. But Martha
about much serving, _ \-^t- ' > ~ ?>'t -wr > ,

and came to him, and TTEpiEGTTaTO TTEpi 7T0\\)jV OlOKOViav ETTiaTacra-CE ELtTEV KvniE, ,

said, Lord, dost thou was distracted about much service ; and coming up she said, Lord,
not care that my sis- n *.>^\./ / '\" /^ n
OOl OTL 1].aCE\(p1}.IJ.OV j.lOVl]V J.IE 1 KaTEAl7TEV CUl-

ter hath left me to OU.jUSAft 3 2

jerve alone? bid her is it no concern to thee that my sister alone me - 'left to

'Iepet^to T.
Tvy\avovra LTTr[i].
m AevetTTj? TTi A. n yevofxtvos Tr. + avrbi.
him L. P 2o/iaptTTjS T. <1 avrhv [L]T[Tr]A. r
Kai e7Ti/3i/3do-as L. s

7rai'5o/<:ioi' T.
tl-e\6u>v LTTi[a]. v Trav&OKel T. w aiiT<Z [L]TTi[A]. x
ovi' [L]T[Tr]A. y
i irK^aiov
fioxei o-ot gtttaw. 6e 'and ('Jesus) gi/itia. a 'E^ 6e as Tr. And [ai] LTr.
d e
OLKiav T. atiT-^s (rtad the house) T[Tr],
rr)V Maptaja T. napaKaOeaOelaa
h rov
TTrA. e 7rpb"s against TTrA. Kvpiov of the Loid LTTrAW. Ka.TtAet.nev TrA.
x, xr. LUK E. 189
Kovtiv; fiVe" o$v
"iva fioi <jvi'ai'Ti\aj3)]rcii.
avry 41 'Atto- therefore that she help
me. 41 And Jesus an-
serve? Speak therefore to her that me she may help. 3
Au- swered and said unto
KpiQdg Sk ~l7rtv
avry b 'lrioovg, n her, Martha, Marl ha,
MapOa, MdpOa,
4 e 2 thou art careful and /xepi/jirdg
swering 'but said Ho her Martha, thou art careful troubled about
Jesus, Martha,
Kai m ri'pf3dZy H 7roXXd 42 tarn' iia
things 42 but one '

7repi XP Mapia is needful: aud

Mary thing
troubled about many things but of one there is need a

Mary hath chosen that ;

"vi u n)v dya9i)v /xepica t^tKi^aro, i'jric ovK.d<paipf9r)(jTai pood part, which shall
'and the good chose, which shall not be taken not be taken away
from her.
a7r' il

from her.

11 Kai tyh'tro tv.Tip.flvai avrov tv Toirip rivl Ttpoo-

And it came to pass as "was 'he in a 3 place 'certain pray-
ti'XOjiivov, oj tTravaaTO, t'iirkv Tig Tu)V.pa9rjrCJv.avT0V Trpbg
ing, when he ceased, said one of his disciples to

avrov, Kvpie, SiSa^ov yfidg TrpoGvxv9ai, Ka9il)g Kai p Tu)dv-

him, Lord, teach us to pray, as also John
V7]Q ibibat,ev Tovg.jia9)]rdg.avrov. 2 ElTrtv.St avrolg, "Orav
his disciples. And he said to theru, When XI. And it came to
pass, that, as he was
7rpo(rsi'x>]<y0e Xsyert, Tlarep ''//fiwi' 6 iv rolg ovpavo~ig, n
praying in a certain
ye pray say, "Father 'our, who [art] in the heavens, place, when he ceased,
u s n
one of his disciples ;iid
r t
ayiacrOijTix) Tb.QVOj.ia.Gov' tX9sru)
yvrj9r)r(t> unto him, Lord, teach
sauctified be thy name ;
let come
let be done us to pray, as John also
thy kingdom ;

" v taught his disciples.

tb.9i\>i j-ia.Gov, wg tv ovpavif, Kai kiri rtjg yfjg. n O TOV 2 Aud he said unto
thy will, as in heaven, [so] also npon the earth. them, When ye pray,
Our Father which
dproi'.yifxiov tov irnovaiov cibov ijixiv rb.Kaff .ypspav 4 Kai say,
art in heaven. Hallow-
Our bread the needed give us daily and ed be thy name. Thy ;

w n kingdom come. Thy

atytc >)i-uv Ta.g.dfxapTiag.t)fj,wv, Kai.ydp 2 avroi d(pit;xtv will be done, as in
forgive us our sins, for 3 also ourselves 'we forgive heaven, so in earth.
3 Give us day by day
rrai'ri btytiXovri
fffjXv Kai (irj.Eiosvsyieyg y^ae slg Trupavpov, our daily bread. 4 And
everyone indebted tons; and lead not us into temptation, forgive us our sins; for
a\A.a pvvai rjiidg drrb tov Trovijpov." 5 Kai (Xttev rrpbg we
x al>o forgive every
one that is indebted to
but deliver us from evil. And he said to us. And lead us cot
into temptation but
avrovg, Tig i' ipiXov, Kai TroptvGErai Trpbg deliver us from evil.

vpiov e%ei
them, Who among you shall have a friend, aud shall go to 5 And he said unto
avrbv iitvovvKriov, Kai y t"nrjf avrc), <t>(A?, xPU rr v J" 01 Tp^G them, [ Which of you
shall have a friend, and
him at midnight, and say to him, Friend, lend me three shall go unto him at
dprovg, 6 t7Tic>/} <pi\og yiov. irapty'tvtTO i bdov 7rp6g lis, midnight. and'Bay unto
him. Friend, lend me
loaves, Bince a friend of mine income off a journey to me, three loaves 6 for a ;

Kai o 1 t<Tio9ev friend of mine in his

oi/K-t^w Trapa9i)G(x) avrip' KaKtivog
and I have not what I shall set before him and he from within journey is come to me,
and I have nothing to
a.TT0Kpi9e.ig Mfj uoi Koirovg 7Tp?x" i]dr) r] 9vpa set before him ? 7 And
ti-rry, he from within shall
answering should say, 3
Not mo "trouble 'cause :
already the door
answer and say, Trou-
ble me n'ot the door is
KSjeXeiTrat, Kai rd.TraiSia.fiov /uer* ipiov tig Tt)v koittjv tiaiv now

has been shut, and my children with me in bed are shut, and my chil-
dren are with me in ; dvaardg bdvvai 001. 8 A'tyio vlxTv, si Kai 3 ov bed; I cannot rise and
I cannot rise up to give to thee. I say to you, if even not give thee. 8 I say unto
z you, Though he will
Siugei avTip dvaardg, Sid to.eIvcu avrov <piXov, n not rise and give him
'he wili give to him, having risen up, because of [hjs] being his friend, because he is his friend ,

a yet because of his im-

Tt]v. dvaibtiav . avrov
n tytp9dg dioaei avr^i portunity he will rise
yeL because of his importunity having risen he will give him and give him as many
as he needeth. 9 And I
OGUiv XPV& 1 - 9 viuv X'tyio, Alrelre, Kai So9t]Gsrai say unto you, Ask, and
as many as he needs. And. I to you say, Ask, and it shall be given it shall be given you ;

k tlnbv T. '
6 icvpios the Lord t. m 6opvj3ari agitated lttta.
-yap for t [SeJ a. ;

an [L]T[TrA]. P 'Iaianjs Tr. rmtov 6 if TOts ovpavol<; GTTrA.

1 r
eA0aT(o TTr.
yem)8riT<D to 0eAij|ua ctou GTT.A. Kai eVi ttjs
* f oi)pav<L
crov ri 0ao-iAeia O.
w * a\\a piiaat. anb tov irovy\pov GTTrA,
yfj<; G[L]TTrA. 6.<)>iop.ey I.TTrA.
S *
TTrA. a ciuatOiai' T.
epet L. <j>i\ov olvtov
190 AOYKA2, XI.
and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall

10 For every one that \0

asketh receiveth and
he that seeketh find-
be opened unto you. ^"J""i

For ev
and ye
> shall find

6 airioV Xcififjavtl'
one that asks receives
KCtl O
aroiy>/(Trat" UjLllV.
and it shall be opened to you.

Z,t]T^)V EVptGKEl' Kill

and he that seeks finds

,-,/*> ;

11 rn/a.oe u VflWV TOV

__ rt
eth and to him that
: r f> jcpouorn
knocketh it shall be to him that knocks
it will be opened. And which of you who [is]
opened. 11 If a son , t , ,
. _ ,
- ,
, , ,

shall ask bread of any TzaTEpa aiTtJOSl O VlOQ (ipTOV, fit) \lVOV ElTWbKJEl ai'T(f) ;
of you that is a father, a father shall 3 ask 4 f or 'the "son bread, a stone will he give to him?
will ho give him a , , , , , * , r, *. / > ~n i n "
, , , ,
stone? or if he <u a El" KCtl txOl>V, fit) CIVTI IX^VOQ 0(P IV ^TTIOIDOH ClVT({i'; II)}
fish, will he for a fish if a ls a fish, instead of a fish a serpent will he give to him ? or
give him a serpent? ., , u
h / , , , \ ? / .. . . i o ' ,, > .

12 Or if he shall ask an KCll i ll J'"


egg, will he offer him a also if he should ask an egg, will he give to him a scorpion ? If
10 I y t
be'inl evii!'k no w how olv ifieig irovrjpol virdpxovTEQ o'ISaTS hiyaQct. dSficiTa*
to give good gifts unto therefore ye, "evil 'being, know [how] good gifts
k 6
much more^hall yoJ StSoval Tol^.TEKVOtQ.VflWV, TTOOOJ fldWoV 6 7Tttr?}p

heavenly Father give to give to your children, how much more the Father who [is] of
1 t them ahovfftv aurov;
thafa^khim? o^aj^ou ^oio-a irveupa tiyiov TOig
heaven will give [the] -Spirit 'Holy to those that ask him ?
14 Kat r)i> tKJSaWiov oaipoviov, '/cat avro r)v Kw<pov'
And he was casting out a demon, and it was dumb ;

m tt

14 And he was cast-

lyEVETO-Sk TOV.SctlflOVlOV hZ,t\B6vTOQ, k\akr)<JV 6 KlxHpOQ'
ing out a devil, and it
aulj t came t o pass on the demon
; having gone out,
spoke 'the "dumb,
was dumb. And it , .
, ,
came to pass, when the Ml EVaVfiadaV 01 O^ACH. *" TlVEQ.Cl it, ClVTHtV "E17T0V,
, ,,,,>.,_
devil was gone out, j^d 3
wondered 'the "crowds. But some of them said, By
the dumb spake and Vi * v
; \ n ~ ? o'\\,/-> y < > < '

the people wondered. BsSA^epovX ILpXOVTl Tlx)V CCllflOVIhJV tKpaAAEl TO. CaiflOVia.
15 But some of them Beelzebul prince of the demons he casts out the demons, ,

said, He casteth out -,.-, r-i >y ~ n

' > ~ 'V 'y
devils through Beelze- 16 LTEpOl.CE TTElOa^OVTEQ OTJfiHOV 7TCip aVTOV EL,l)TOVV li,
bub the chief of the And others, tempting, a sign from him were seeking from
devils. 1G Andothers, ~ > ii n
-. S< _'S a 'J ,T_. ' ' '

tempting Ami, sought ovpaj-'ou." 17 Ai/ro^-Of fwwc; Icivtujv TaoiavotipaTa" elttev

of him a sign from hea- heaven. But he knowing their thoughts said

untothem, Every king- to
n5<xa ^acTtXa'a
Every kingdom
kavT,)v 8uifiS P Lo9el<Ta*
itself 'divided
is brought to

ftself If bfought^to povrai-

olicog Itti oIkov TriirTEi. 18 6 oaravag
icai eUi mi
dcsolation-andahouse desolation; and a house against a house falls. And if also Satan
divided against.ahouse
falleth. 18 If Satan
u' tavT0V SiEuipio9n,
T .. ,,
also be divided against against himself
, ',."., . '
be divided,
how . ,,

ttCoq aTa6ij(jSTaL r).8aaiKeia.avrou ]

shall stand
his kingdom o?
i_- v
himself, how shall his
# rt XeyErc, sv BssX^/Soj'jX iK/3d\\uv.[X To. Saijiovia. 19 dM
because ye say, by Beelzebul 1 cast out -the demons.
wufey?say\\ atlca ^
^Andif _
out devils through v BEt\Z,El3ov\ Ol .VlOl.VUlOV IV

|y^ { JC/3aXXa> TO, SctlUOl'ia,
X by Beelzebul cast out the demons, your sous by
devils, by whom do TOVTO KpiTO.i VllttlV OVTOl EOOV- t
TlVl tKJ3dXX0V<yiV ; 8ld
your sons cast them w lom do they cast out ? on account of this
] judges of you they shall
out? therefore shall , , .
? , , ,

OeoV v fc/cpaAAa) T(l CCtlflOVld,


they he your judges, rat." 20 il.OE El' OClKTVAlt)

20 But if I with the fc e- But if by [the] finger of God I cast out the demons,
finger of God cast out _ ~ n ~
ett " , , , ,

devils, no doubt the apa tlpVCMTEV VflClQ 1/ paoikua TOV VEOV. Zl OTO.V O
kingdom of God is then is come upon you the kingdom of God. When the
come upon you. , r\ \ ,->' , > < ->>/ .

21 When a strong man HJX v pOQ (pvKaaoy TljV.EaVTOV.aVMJV^ EV

armed keepeth his strong [man] being armed may keep his own dwelling, iD
palace, his goods are in > / > , . ~~ / _ , , v . < ., > /

peace: 22 but when a Eiptjl'y kGTIV Ta.VTrapXOVTCt.aVTOV 12, ITTUVXE o' IGXl'OO-
stronger than he >ha!l peace are his goods ;
but as soon as the stronger

ai>OLxQr)<r<:TCU TA.
avoLxdrio-erat LTAW.
+ ef LTTrAW. e
or GLTTi AW.
avTw e7ri5u>o-ei TTrA. h
a'iTq<Tei he sba.ll ask ETTVA.
f B eav TTi[a], '
GLTTiaW. k
+ vixaiv (read your father) l. avrb TiA. m e- '
ayaOa [/cai rji-2
" Pet
pkr)9ei>To<; liaving been cast out l. t7rai' TiA. + r<2 the lttiaw.
ovpavov throve rrap' avrov LTT-AW. to. Siavorj/J-ara avruiv L. SiafxepiaOeicra :<ff ")

iavTrjv T. oi l
aiiTol vjuwi' xpirai iaovrai. LA
l.. avrol Kpirai caoi'Tai vp.tuv T ; ',

aiiToi. /cptTal vfj.tuv ecrovTai Tr. v

+ Xr. w 6 (reaci a stronger; LTXrA.
XI. LUKE. 791
come upon him, and
TEpog avTOu ette\9ojv viKt)ajj oi'Tov, rr\v iravo7rX'iav overcome
= him, he tak-
shall overcome him,
than he coming upon [him] panoply eth from him all his
avrov ettetto'iBei, Kai rd.aKvXa.avTov Sia- armour wherein he
alpei k<f>' y trusted, and divideth
'his he takes away in which he had trusted, and his spoils he
his spoils. 23 He that
SiSioaiv. 23 6 fi7]-wi' fitr efxov icar' tfxov tariv Kai o is not with mo is
divides. He that is not with me me and he that against me
and he

that gathereth not

24 "Orav to aKciQaprov with me scattereth.

firf.awdyiov per kfiov atcopiriZ,H. CtQapTt.

24 Wnen the unclean
gathers not with me scatters. the When unclean
spirit is gone out of
t^'iXBy dirb tov av9pu)Trov, SispxETai aviiSpiov a man, he walketh
spirit is gone out from the he goes through waterless through dry places,
x seeking rest; and find-
TOTTIOV, Zrjrovv avcnravaiv Kai fxff EvpiaKov XkyEl, 'Y7V0- ing none, he saith, I
places, seeking rest ;
and not finding [any] he says, I will will return unto my
house whence I came
aTptyixJ elg tov.oIkov.jxov o0ei/ i&i\9ov
25 And when he 25 Kai e\96v out.
return to my house whence I came
cometh, he findeth itout. And havjng come
swept and garnished.
(VpiaKEl aeaapiofievov Kai KEKoaf.ii)HEvov. TTOpEVETai 26 Then goeth he, and 26 TOTE
he finds [it] swept and adorned. Then he goes taketh to him seven
other spirits more
kui 7rapa\a[x(3avEi ^E7TtA ETEpa irvEvf.iaTa TrovrjooTEpa EavTOii," wicked than himself ;
and takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself, aud they enter in, and
dwell there and the :

Kal EiaEXdovra kotoikeX ekh' Kai yivETai to. toxara tov last state of that man
and having entered they dwell there and becomes ;
the last is worse than the first.

EKElVOV X^ l 9 0va TU)V 7TpWTWV. 27 'EyEVETO.Sk 27 And it came to pass,

avOpdjTTOV as- he spake these
man 'of "that worse than the first. And it came to pass things, a certain wo-
avrbv ravra, z [i man of the company
tv-Tip-XeyEiv lirapaaa Tig yvv?) <pwv>)v lifted up her voice, and
2 4 2
as spoke 'he these things,
lif ting up certain 'a
woman [her] voice said unto him, Blessed
Ik tov oyAou eIttev avTifi, KoiXia is the womb that bare
MaKapia rj i) fiaardaaaa and the paps
from the crowd said to him, Blessed the womb that bore
which thou hast suck-
eIttev, Mev
Kai 28 AvrogSk ed. 28 But he said,
eg, paaToi ovq WrjXaaae.
thee, and [the] breastu which thou didst suck. But he said. Yea Yea rather, blessed are
they that hear the
Akovovteq tov Xoyov tov Kai word of God, and keep
owye fiaKcipwi oi 9e<$v
rather blessed they who hear the word of G?6d and it.

b n
<pv\daaoi>TEQ ai)Tov.
keep it. 29 And when the
people were gather-
29 Tujv.Se oxXojv ETraQpoi^o^iEVOJi' fjp%aTo\syEiv, 'H yEVEa ed thick together, he
But the crowds being thronged together he began to say, -generation began to say, This
d is an evil generation:
Trov^pa ionv
a'i'Ti] aij^Elov 7n>/7et," Kai a)]p.E~iov ov they seek a sign and ;
'this 'wicked is a sign ;
it seeks after, and a sign *not there shall no
sign be
e given it, but the sign
coQlfaErai avTrj, eLfir) to aiytE~iov 'Iojvo. -ov Trpocp^Tov^ of Jonas the prophet.
'shall bo given to it except the sign of Jonas the prophet. 30 For as Jonas was a
30 KaQiog.yap f n sign unto the Nine-
iy'tvETO 'lojvdg cr?//(fTov rolg ~NivEv'(Taie, ovtwq viti s, so shall also the
For as was Jonas a sign to the Kinevites, thus Son of man be to this
tarai Kai 6 v\6g tov avOpivirov Trj.yErEa.TavTy. 31 BaaiXiaaa generation. 31 The
shall be also the Son of man to this generation. A queen queen of the south
shall rise up in the
votov with the
h/EpBtjaETai iv tij Kpiari /.ietcc tu>v avSpwv Tijg judgment
men of this generation,
of [the] south shall rise up in the judgment with the men
and condemn them :

yivEac.TavTrjQ, Kai KaraKpivn avrovg' on ii\9ev ek tmv for she came from the
of this generation, and shall condemn them for she came from the utmost parts of the
earth to hear the wis-
irepcLTtov T^g yijg ctKovaai ti)v aotyiav
ISov, dom of Solomon; and,
2oAo//wrro," Kai
ends of the earth to hear the wisdom and behold, behold, a greater than
of Solomon,
Solomon is here. 32 The
7tXe1ov ^XoXo/.twPTog n wSe. 32 civSpeg Nn'et/t" dvaarrjaovTai men of Kineve shall
more than Solomon here. Men of Nineveh shall stand up rise up in the judgment
with this generation,
l.v T7j KpiaEi f-iETci Tr)g.yEi>Edg.TavTi)g, Kai KaraKQivovaiy avTtjv and shall condemn it:
in th judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it, for they repented at

+ [. ToVe] then L. v
eTepa nvevixara. novripOTepa iavrov en-rci TTrA.
(fxuvrfv yvvr) LTA.
ixevovv TTr ; /xev ovv A.
b auToi/ {read [itj) uLTTrA. c
+ yevea a generation lttya.
d it seeks TTrA. e toC GLTTrA. f
TOts Ntz/evetVat? Ntrevirais TrA)
Gyrel Trpo^jjrou I

o-rj/xeioi' TTrA. s 2oAo/ut(oi'os GLTTrA w. HtvevT) a; Nivtvirai Ninevites LTrw;
192 AO \ K A 2. XI.
the preaching of Jo- ^_ to
jiFTv6l]Gav SIQ Kl)pvy/.ia IlOVCt. KCU l$0V, TrXslov
greater than Jonas is
t>( -' cause they repented .it the proclamation of Jonas : and" -behold, more
here. 33 No man, when 'l wl ,a w0. 33 OvSei^}Sk n iilpag
k n

te I
than Jonas here. Secret But no one a Lamp having lit in
dfe^puttith in
secret place, neither Tl9)]Gll', OvSt VTTO TOV l
d\X'" fcTTl T))v XvYvidV,
but on jlOOlOV,
under a bushel, i *
uor under the corn . easure but m -

a candlestick, that M
sefcs lt ' upon the lampstand,

t > f
m ,
they which come in iva 01 HGTTOp(.VQ]XVOl TO (pyyog joXtTTWGlV. W34 6 \v%VOQ '

may see the light, that they* who enter in the light* may* see.
The lamp y
34 The light of the _ .
, ,

body is the eye there- TOD GMfMTOQ tGTIV O O(pUa\fl0Q

, ,
, , t

fore when thine eye is -of the body is the eye: when therefore thine eye
single, thy whole body , T
v Kai"
w , , , , . .,
also is full of light; aTTAOWt; y, OAOV TO.UljJI.ia.GOV (pUJTELVOV iGTIV k7Tav.ct
but when tftme eye
evil, thy body also
full of darkness.
Single 'be,
,t' << JJ,-

~/ Hhy body


but when

35 Take heed there- evil it be, also thy body [is] dark. See therefore
fore that the light ' < ~ > > > >
an ' > ~ > ~
which is in thee be not P7 *"0 0a>C

OVV TO GlOfia TO tl> 0*01 . GKOTOQ tcW. 35 .

darkness. 36 If thy lest the light that [is] in ^body thee "darkness Ms. If therefore
whole body therefore ~ *'-\ , ' n ' n . \ * '

be full of light, having

ou oXov tyMTUVOV, fit] t^OV ^rf fiepog" GKOTHVOV , tGTai
no part dark, the whole 'thy whole [is] light, not having any part dark, it shall be
a fU
as ^hen theVr\|l\t' <t>0>TlVOV oXoV, W OTCIV 6 Xl)XVOQ Ty.ClGTpaTTy <pU)Tt%y <T.
shinin? of a candle light 'all, as when the lamp with [its] brightness may light thee.
doth.give thee light. r s n
rjpwTa avTbv QapiGaTog Tig
37 'Ev.dLr({~>.XaXfJGcu l

37 And as he spake, Now as "was ^speaking ['he] asked him 'a ^Pharisee Certain
a certain Pharisee be- , , , , , , , ,

sought him to dine 07TWQ apiGT1]Gt] Trap ai>Tl[J' b~l<7\VL0V.0t~ aVtTTEG^V.

withhim: andhewent that he would dine with him: and having entered he reclined himself.
in, and sat down to , . ,., n , ._ , , ,

meat. 38 And when OO O.0 QaOlGatOQ 100JV tVUVfiaGfV OTl 0V 7Tp(0T0V tfklTTTlGVr]
the Pharisee saw it, he But the Pharisee seeing [it] wondered that not first he washed "

marvelled that he had r ~ or T ?( / , , ^. T ~

, . < , , <

not first washed before 7TpO TOV apiGTOV. dV SnTEV.Ct O KVpiog TTpog VflZig aVTOV,Nw
39 And the before the Now
Lord said unto him, _
Now do ye Pharisees Ol<vapiaaiOl

j>, n
tZ,lO\j V
But said the Lord
to him,
TilVaiCOQ KaUapi&Tt.,
- > ,~,
make clean the outside Pharisees the outside of the cup and of the dish ye cleanse,

platter;but yoifr in! toM tGw9ev vfuov ys/JH cipTray^Q Kal 7rovi]piag. 40 ciippoveg,
ward part is full of ra- hut the inside of you is full of plunder and wickedness. Fools,
vening and wicked- '
Q 7r0 inaac TO t^loQev Kal TO tGwOtV tTTOVimtV 1
ness. 40 re fools, did _,.,. ?, who
made ,,
the ...
outside ,
... make ? ,
' '

not he that made that [did] not he also inside

which is without make 41 irXnv TCiivovTa .... cots tXznuoGVvnv Kal ISov,'
that which is within ,,
. ... ... '. '
and ,lo,
But [of] the things which are within give

also? 41 But rather alms,

alms of such v
give -ftavTa KaQapti v' tGTiv. 42 aX\'' oval vfui' Tolg QapiGaioig,
bSrif^Wngs^re all things clean to you are. ^
to you Pharisees,
clean unto you. 42 But q TI diToSkKaTOVTe TO
woe unto you Phari- f
sees! for ye tithe mint
ye pay tithes of
tjCVOGflOV Kal TO 7T1]yaV0V Kal 7TO.V
and the rue
and rue and all man- Xdyat'OV, Kal TZ a Of. p^CiUi. Tt]V KpiGlV Kttl T)]V aya7Tt]l> TOV Osoil'
ner of herbs, and pass
over judgment and the
pass by the judgment and the

and every

of God
/ * < <

TaVTa w
, , , ,

love of God: these


tOEl 7C0lt]GCtl, KaiCtLVa ]il] ^a<f>tsvai.

ought ye to have done, These things it behoved [you] and those not to be leaving aside,
and not to leave the ._,,,
to do,
other undone. 43 Woe 43 ovai vj.uv joig <PapiGaioig, otl ayaizaTE Tt]V 7rpioTOKaUscpiav
n * ' .> >

unto you, Pharisees

for ye love the upper-
nioet seats in the syna- iv
\y e to you
Pharisees, for ye love the

Taig Gvvaywyaig Kai Tovg aG~aGjxovg tv Taig

first seat
~,,, ,,-, ayopaig{.
gogues, and greetings in the synagogues and the salutations in the market-places.
in the markets. 44 Woe . .
unto you, scribes and 44
> < < ~ ,
z ~ , ~j< '
n 1 ^

ovai vfiiv, ypa]i]jiaTEig Kai <PapiGaioi, viroKpiTai," oti tan

Pharisees, hypocrites! Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are

&e but TTrA. k
KpVTtTT\v Secret place EGLTTrAW.
aWa. EW. m <})(os I.TrA.
+ erov(read thine eye) LTTrA. ov>i' lttia. p Kai l. q
/neposn {[n] a)
LTrA. r
+ avrbv be L. 8
epiorq asks LTA ; epura Tr.
T15 TTrA. dAAa T.
w + Se 110W * to LTTi y +
[L]Tr. irapeiJ'ai Jiass by A. Tas 7rpa>TOKAto-ta.5 ef TO15
St invent'] and the first places at the suppers L. *
-ypap.p.aT<:Is Kal <J>apio-aioi v7ro-
cpiTat QtLJTTrA.
XI, XII. LUKE. 103

rd pvriptia rh Mrjka, Kal ol avOpwTroi oi"
the 2 touibs 'unseen, and the men who
walk the men that walk over

' * jr 'a
ovK.owamv. Qr JJ _,,,
tiq twv
--/~ii/ Trim-- them are not aware o/
vopi fhem 45 Then answe /_
over [them] do not know [it]. And answering one of the doctors oi the e(j one of the lawyers,

KuvXsyeiavT&AiSdvKaXe, ravra MyuvKaifyasJppiZeig.

2 J&.f^.Jgj
law to him, Teacher,
says these things saying also 'us thou insultest. thou reproachest us
'OM on aisc ,46 And he said
eIttev, Kal vpiv role
he said,
vopimlg ovai,
Also to you the doctors of the law woe, for
(boOTia SveBdffTaKTCLy Kal avrol tVl men with burdens grie-
ye burden
j" ^ u
/, J

nien [withfburdens heavy to bear, and yourselves with one

of your lingers
do'not touch
47 0<;ai
Woe W
the burdens with one

0^ CE 7TCt- the sepulchres of the
VLUV, OTl OlKoSoilElTS TO. pvmiEia TU>V 7TpO(pt]TU>V, 2 and your
to you,' for ye build
J the tombs of the prophets, and fa- prophets
/ , , ,.
, fathers killed them.
TfOEQ VUlOV mtEICTeiVaV' avTOVg. 4o (Ipa ^/dapTVpElTE KCtl 48 Truly ye bear wit-
thers 'your killed them. Hence ye bear witness and ness that ye allow
,, , < -. ,i > i < the deeds of your fa-
)XtV thers for they indeed

to the works of your fathers

awEKTSivav avrovg, vpEig.dE oiKodopEiTE

>/<~*x>~H>~ ;
for they indeed killed them, and ye
-~~ build their sepulchres.
"avTiov ra pvr]j.iEia. 49 Therefore also said

killed them, and ye build their tombs. the wisdom of God, I

... r. ( - < < ,/ n~ ~ t '
a r \ ,~. <..' will send them pro-
4.) dia tovto taxi if <jo(pia tov Veov elttev, AitogteXw etg P h e ts and apostles, and
Because of this also the wisdom of God said, I will send to someof them they shall

aliTovg Trpo^rag Kai cnroaroXovg, Kai tg aiiToiv airoKre- I^ThaTW^bTood^oi

them prophets and apostles, and [some] of them they will a ii the prophets, which
drive out,
50 'iva
may be required
ro alpa iravrcov
the blood of all
J ^nA n f ^
fr m

W orld, may be required

rCov irpo^rCov
the pouredwt
dwo ho hXvv6pevov"
Kara(3oXijg KOtrpov t
from [the] foundation of [the] world, Abgl untQ the ^ ooi
of this
s n of Zachariaa, which
qirb Tng.yEVEag.TavTrjg, 51 enrb &rot/" a'lparog"'Aj3eX Ewg Tov

of /his generation, from the blood of Abel to the

say unto you,
a'iuarog Za\apiov tov cnroXopkvov pera^v tov dvaiacm}piov verily I
It shall be requured of
who between the altar
blood of^acharias,
Kal tov o'ikoV vai, Xe yo) vplv, EK^T^QjjOETai

ri/c yEVEag
. ,
~ this generation. 52 Woe
unto you, lawyers! for
and the house; yea, I say to you, it shall be required of feneration ye have taken.away the
, , f ,/ , key of knowledge ye \

TaVTTjg. 52 Oval Vp7v Tolg VOpiKolg, OTl -r)paTE TrjV entered not in your-
Hhis. Woe to you the doctors of the law, for ye took away the selves, and them that
..^ . / h '\ n < <
were entering
> > ye ii
' ' m
KAgtOa Tt]g yVW(TE(x)g' aVTOl OVK.EiarjXUETE, Kai TOVg ElGfp- hindered. 53Andashe
of knowledge yourselves did not and those who were said these things unto
key enter, j

, . , , ro ., ~ ~ ; them, the scribes and

, , ,

XOpEVOVg EKWM'CraTE. OO 'AtyOl'TOg.dE aVTOV TaVTa lipog the Pharisees began to

entering ye hindered. And as -was 3 saying 'he these things to urge him vehemently,
,,,, , ,
at'TOVC 1]pt,aVTO Ol ypapj.iaTEig Kai Ol <Papl<jaiOl CElVlug
~ and to provoke him to
EV- speak of many things
, >

them the scribes and the Pharisees urgently to press 54 laying wait for

-y \ i >v
'.,- - him, and seeking to
EVE ca t c h something out of
upon [him], and to make ''speak 'him about many things watch- his mouth, that they ;

Ik tov
mi s ht accuse him -
SpEvovTEg *avTbv '/cat "^rowrec" QijpevtTai

ing him and seeking to catch something out of

n iva XII. In the mean
OTopaTog.avTOV KaTt]yopi)<JW(Tiv avTOV.^
w^ en the'e were tim e

12 El' Oig
, _
they might accuse

ETTKTVVaxUEKJUJV TU)V pvpiaoiOV TOV innumerable

gathered together an
-v^~ ~

During which [things] being gathered together the myriads of the tude of people, imo-
. >' v \ ~>\n'-
r < much that they trode '

OXXOV, WGTE KaTaiTUTElV a\Arj\0Vg, T\pt,aTO KEyElV TTpog TOVg onc upon another, he
crowd, bo as to trample upon one another, he began to say to began to say unto his

/xdpTvpes eare witnesses ye are

a b Kal oi T. c
{read Trepnr. walking) l[a]w.
TTrA. d avrutv ra /xnjjueia [LJTTrA. e
[<ek]oiu>ovo-iv TrA.
TO KXVVv6[J.evov LTA ;
to eKKexv/xivov which has been poured out Tr. s toD {read [the]) LTTrA. elaiq^Oare
OLTTrA. KaKelOtv e$e\96vTOi avrou and as he went out thence TTrA. avrov T.
Kal GLTTrAW. m n IV<X aVTOV T[Tr]A.
^TfTOVVT^'i l[Tr]A. KO.Tt\yopi]<7(aaiV
194 A YKA 2. XII.
disciples first of all,
UpoffExtrz Z,vfirig tavTo'ig enro Tt)g
Beware ye of the lea- HaQr} irpCJTOV, Take heed to yourselves of the leaven
his disciples first,
Ten of the Pharisees,
which is hypocrisy. TWV
<bapiGClitx)V, TjTlQ
2 For there is nothing which is hypocrisy but nothing ^covered
of the Pharisees, ;
covered, that shall not
be revealed ; neither tariv o ovK.aTroKaXv(p9i)aETai } Kai Kpinrrbv o ov
hid, that shall not be
Up 'is which shall not be uncovered, nor hidden which not
known. 3 Therefore
whatsoever ye have 3 avO'.wv orra iv rg okoTia dirare, iv r(p
spoken in darkness 'shall be known ;
wherefore whatever in the darkness ye said, in the
shall be heard in the
light and that which a.KOVoQr\ciETai' Kai o irpbg to ovg iXaXiicrare iv Toig
ye have spoken in the light shall be heard ;
and what in the ear ye spoke in
ear in closets shall be
the irci tu>v diofxaTwv. 4 Atyw.dt vfxlv
proclaimed upon rctfieioig, Kripvx9r]0'ETai
housetops. 4 And I say chambers, shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. But I say to you,
unto you friends, my enrb twv p cnroicTiv6vTU)v n
Be not afraid of them ToUg^iXoig.fiov, Mr/.<pof3ti9>JTe
that kill the body, and my friends, Ye should not fear because of those who kill
after that have, no
more that they can do. to oiopa, Kai fiErd ravra
fn).t-)(6vTOJV ^TTEpiryaoTEpov^.Ti
5 But I will forewarn the body, and after these things are not able anything more
you whom ye shall 5 riva (pofSr)Qr\Tf
fear Fear him, which iroitjoai.
vttoSei^io.Se (poj3))B)]re
after he hath killed to do. But I will shew you 'whom ye should fear : Fear
hath power to cast into T n
hell yea, I say unto
TOV fXETCl TO CLTTOKTElVai i^ovcriav t%ovTa ifj,f3aXETv Eig t)}v
you, Fear him. 6 Are him who after having killed, authority has to cast into the
not five sparrows sold 6
fortwo farthings, and yEEvvav vai, Xiyio ifxiv, TOVTOV (po/3l]9l]TE. Ol)X<- TTZVTE
2 2 3
not one of them is for- gehenna ; yea, I say to you, him 'fear. Not five

gotten before God ? s

7 But even the very arpovOia 7rwXTrat" daaap'uov Svo ;
hairs of your head are
are sold for -assaria 'two ? of and oue them not
allnumbered. Fear not tffTIV iv(*)7TlOV TOV 0EOV' 7 dXXd.Kai ai rpix^Q
therefore ye are of kTTl\E\l]<JjXEVOV

'is forgotten before God. But even the hairs

more value than many
sparrows. 8 Also I say Trdaai r)pi9fir]VTai. 'oftr" <Po(3e7<j9e'
unto you, Whosoever T)]g.icEfpa\r}Q.Vjj,wv 2 2
all 'have been numbered, Not theref ore
of your head 'fear,
shall confess me before
men, him shall the Son 7ToXXu>V GTpOv9lWl> SlCHpEpETE. 8 AtyW-dk Vfllv, TI(XQ OQ.CLV
of man also confess be- than But I say to you, Every one whoever
fore the angels of God: many sparrows ye are better.
9 but he that denieth iv ifioi Efnrpocr9Ev tujv dv9pio7rujv, Kai b v'tbg tov
me before men shall be bfxoXoyifay
may confess me before men, also the Son
denied before the an-
gels of God. 10 And dv9piOTrov bjjoXoyrjaEi iv avTtp Ejj,7rpoa9ev twv dyysXwv tov
whosoever shall speak of man will confess him before the angels
a word against the Son
y n
of man, it shall be for- 9eov' 9 b.CE dpvrjadfievog fie ivu)7riov tu>v dv9pio7riuv
given him but unto of God
but he that has denied ,
me before men
him that blasphemeth
against the Holy Ghost a.Trapvr)9r]<JETai ivwiriov tuiv dyyiXwv tov 9eov. 10 Kai 7rag
it shall not be for- will be denied before the angels of God and ; every one
given. 11 And when
they bring you unto og ipEi Xoyov Eig tov vibv tov dv9pioTrov, d(pE9r]0~Erai
the synagogues, and who shall say a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven
unto magistrates, and
powers, take ye no auTtp' Ttfi.di Etg to liyiov -KVEVfia (3Xa(j(prjfi7)aavTi
thought how or what him but to him who against the Holy
; Spirit has blasphemed
thing ye shall answer,
11 OTav.Sb w 7rpo(T<p'fpwGiv Vfiag t7ri Tag

or what ye shall say 0VK.d<pE9r]aErai. :

12 for the Holy Ghost it will not be forgiven. But when they bring you before the
shall teach you in the x n
same hour what ye avvaywydg Kai rag dpxdg Kai rag i'ovaiag, firj.fXpifj,vaTe.
synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, be not careful
ought to say.
y r" t'i 12 to. yap
TTUig >) diToXoyi]ai](y9E, r) ciwj/re"
how or what ye shall reply in defence, or what ye should say ;
for the

liyiov irvEVfxa Sifidt,Ei vfxdg iv avTy.Ty iopq, a SeZ

Holy SDirit will teach you in that same hour what it behoves [you]
to say.
13 And one of the
company said unto 13 T&Ittev.S'e rig avT<p ek tov c^Xou," AiftdaKaXe, eitte Tip
him, Master, speak to And 2 said 'one to him from the crowd, Teacher, speak
P cnvoKTtvovTUiV G ;
airoKrevvovTutv LTTrA. 1 nepicrcrov L. r
e^oi^Ta efovcrtW LTTrA.
' v w *
nut\ovVTOLt. TTrA. eiATrpoo~9ev L. eicr^epwenv TTrA. ^lij

/tteptyxiojaTjTe ye should not be careful Tir. y [rj tL] TrA.

* K TOV 6;(A.ov avT<j> I.
XII. LUKE. 195

dStXtptp-fiov n^picraaOai fiET e/jov ri)v KXrjpovopiav.

14 'O.di my brother, that he
divide the inheritance
to my brother to divide with, me the inheritance. But he with me. 14 And he
" v said unto him, Man,
kv9pu)TTE, rig [* KaTEcrrr]crEv *diKao-Tr)v r) fxEpia-
e'Lttev avriii, who made me a judge
said to him, Man, who Hue 'appointed a judge or a di- or a divider over you ?
15 And he said unto
tt)v i<p' VfjiaQ ; 15 Elirev.Se irpbg aliTovg, 'Opare Kai (f>v\d<T- them, Take heed, and
vider over you? And he said to them, See and keep your- beware of covetous-
b n
on ovk iv ness for a man's life
asaOt cnro rfjQ TrXEOvE^iag- T<ji Trtpioatvuv :

abundance consisteth not in the

selves from covetousness for not in the
abundance of the .

Tivi t)Zwir).avTOv ianv ek tCjv v7rapxbvTiov. avTOv. li
things which he pos-
3 10 6
'of "that 3 which
he possesses. sesseth. And he 16
'to "anyone his life is
spake a parable unto
16 'AvQpunrov them, The
EIttev.Se 7rapaj3o\7)v irpbg avrovg, Xkywv, saying,
And he spoke a parable to them, saying,
0f "a 'man ground of a certain
rich manbrought forth
rivbg irKovoiov
forth '"abundantly 'the Aground.
'/ xP a '
17 Kai plentifully 17 and he
And thought within him-

'certain rich "brought

self, saying, What shall
SitXoyi&ro iv, tavT<ji, Xkyiov, Ti TT0ii]Ou), on ovk.ex^ I do, because 1 have no
he was reasoning within himself, saying, What shall I do, for I have not room where to bestow
my fruits ? 18 And he
ttov (Tvvd^oj T0vg.Kap7r0vg.fi0v; IS icai do I
d-aev, To nro 7ron](TU)' said, This will I :

where I shall lay up my fruit ? will pull down

and he said, This will I do : my
barns, and build great-
KaQeXui Kai fiEiZovag oiKodo/xrio-u}, Kai er; and there will I be-
fjiov rag cnroOriica.g,
I will take away my
granaries, and greater will build, and stow all my fruits and
e f goods. 19 And I my
avvci^u) IkeI irdvra ra.yEJ';'//xara". /iOti
Kai rd.dya9d.y.ov, will say to my soul,

will lay up there all my produce and good things, Soul, thou hast much my
iroXXa goods laid up for many
19 Kai ipu Ty.ipvxypov, *X ( ^vxh,
years take thine ease, dyada ;

and I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast many good things eat, drink, and be mer-
ry. 20 But God said
KH/xtva eig 2 irt] ttoXXcl' dvcnravov, (pctye, tt'ie, eifpaivov. unto him, Thou fool,
laid by for years 'many take thy rest, eat,;
drink, be merry. this night thy soul
be required of
20 rfwEV-de avT({J 6 9e6g, s" A0pwiV' ravrg rgvvKTi rrjv^vxhv shall thee then whose shall :

But s said Ho *him 'God, Fool, this night *soul

those things be, which
tivi thou hast provided?
aov ^cnraiTOvaiv^ cnro aov' yToifiaaag
Hhy they require of thee and 5 what G thou 'didst "prepare Ho Hvhom 21 So is he that layeth
up treasure for him-
self, and is not rioh

iarai.; 21 oi'Twg 6 OijaavpiZojv tavn^, Kai jur) eig

s 4
shall be? Thus [is] he who treasures up for himself, and not toward toward God. 22 And he
said uuto his disciples,
9eov ttXovtu>v. 22 EIttev.Se 7rpbgT0vg.fia9t]-dg. avT0v, Aid Therefore I :>ay unto

God is rich. And he said to his disciples, Because of you, Take no thought
for your life, what ye
m shall eat; neither for
tovto v[xiv Xeyw,
1 '

fi>).fiEpifivaTE Ty.4/vx()- vf*wv" (pdyrjre,

Be not careful as to your life what ye should eat, the body, what ye shall
this to you I say,
put on. 23 The life is

fii)e T({i cwfiaTi" ri tvduaria9E. 23 ) ipvxn wXtiov Iotiv more than meat, and
nor as to the what ye should put on. the body is more than
The life more is
raiment. 24 Consider
Trig TpoQrjg, Kai to awfxa tov LvSv/maTog. 24 KaravoijaaTE the ravens for they :

than the food, and the body than the raiment. Consider neither sow nor reap ;
which neither have
Tovg Kopam.g, p oi>" on
aTTEtpovaiv ^cvSi QtpiZ,ovaiv, olg storehouse nor barn ;

the ravens, for 3 not

they '-'sow nor reap, to which and God feedeth them:
how much more are
ovk.Igtlv Tafxuov ovSe diro9i)Kr}, Kai 6 9tbg Tp&<pei avrovg' ye better than the
there is not storehouse nor granary, and God feeds them. fowls ? 25 And which
of you with taking
[xdXX.ov vueXg SiaiptpfTE twv tteteivujv ; 25 Ttg.St
7T'ofTip t
thought can add to
How much more
n,- Hre
"ye 'are better than the birds ? And who of his stature one cubit?
r w n 26 If ye then be not
iifiwv fiEpi/uvu>v dvvarai "7rpoa9ut>at Irri Tr)v.r)XiKiav.avTov able to do that thing
you [by] being careful is able to add to his stature which is least, why
v n take ye thought for the
7rr)xvv tva ; 26 i ovv
l n
oi)TE tAa^iorov 8vvaa9s, rest ? 27 Consider the
Hubit 'one? If therefore not even [the] least ye are able [to do], lilies how they grow :
ti 7TEpi tCjv \oi7ru)V fiEpifivaTE ; 27 Karavo/jtrarE Ta Kpiva,
why about the rest are ye careful ? Consider the lilies,

yevvrjixara E
a b c d e to.
KpiTrjv LTTrA. 7raa7)S all LTTrAW. aura) LTTrA. r)i)<f>6pr)<Tev L. ;
k h
toi/ o-ifoi' the wheat Tr. {
/uou Ti[a] aura* T.
S a<f>poi> [av- GW. alrovaiv TrA. ' -

1 TrA.
vp.wv (read as to the life) LTTrA.
n +
[vp-tov] (read your
-rov] L. Ae'-yco
o + r
body) l. [yap] (read for the) LTrA. p oure neither ta. i oure TA.
fjuep ijiii>u>f J A
l v ovSi LTTrA.
tiri. Tt\i> i)Kt.Kiav avrov Trpoadilvai. A. eVa {read a. cubit) TJTrjA.
196 A YKA 2. xrr.
they toil not. they spin w rt)'ai'l* oi'St

not find yet 1 say unto

7T0JQ ov.KOTriq., Aeyw.^e vfilv*
they grow they labour not, nor but I saydo they spin
to you,
you, that Solomon in
; ;

all his glory was not AvSk SoXopiov iv irdffrj r?).S6^y.avrov TZEpiEfidXEro wg 'iv
arrayed'" like one of
was clothed
Not even Solomon in all his glory as one
these. 28 If then God
so clothe the grass, rovrojv. 28 ei.Si y rbv xoprov iv rtfi dypip criifxtpov ovra, H Kai
which is to day in the of these. But if the grass
in 4 the 5 field 6
to-day 'which '4s, and
field, and to morrow is
cast into the oven how avpiov
Eig ic\if3avov j3aXX6fXf7>ov, 6 6ebg ovru>g a\i^>i'tvvvaiv^
much more will he to-morrow into an oven is cast, God thus arrays,
clothe you, O ye of .lit-
tle faith? 29 And seek rroGip fiaXXov vfidg, bXiyomoroi ; 29 Kai ifiEig /irjXrirE'ire
not ye what ye shall how much rather you, O [ye] of little faith ? And ye seek ye not
eat, or what ye shall a
driuk, neither be ye of ri 0ay7jrs >)" ri rrii]rE, Kai/jij./AeTewpi&tjQe. 30 2
doubtful mind. 30 For what ye may eat or what ye may drink, and be not in anxiety these 3 things ;

all these things do the b n

nations of the world yap rrdvra rd fflvt] rov KOGfiov k7rityirai' v/j.a>i>.Si 6 7cart)p
seek after and your for
: all the nations of the world seek after and your Father ;

1'ather knoweth that

ye have need of these
oJSev on xpye7- rovrwv. 31 ttXijv tyrElrE ri)v ficKjiXeiav
things. 31 But rather knows that ye have need of these things. But seek ye the kingdom
seek ye the kingdom of c n d
God and all theserov6Eov, Kai ravra 7rdvra n 7rpoart9i](rerai vjxiv. 32 firi
of God, and 3 these 3 things
be added 'all shall be added to you. ''Not
things shall
unto you. 32 Fear not, rb fiiKpbv rroipviov' on
little nock for it is <po/3ov, evS6kt]Gev b.7rarrfp.vjiwv
for 3 took 4 delight
little 'your "Father
your Father's good 'fear, flock,
pleasure to give you Sovvai
the kingdom. 33 Sell n)v fiaoiXeiav. 33 moXrjGarE rd.v7rdpxovra.v/jwv,
in giving you the kingdom. Sell your possessions,
that ye have, and give
alms provide your- Kai Sore e n

wax iXEi]f.i0Gvvr]v' 7roiijcrare eavrolg (3aXdvna fiij

selves bags which and alms make
give to yourselves purses not
not old; a treasure in ;

the heavens that fail-

eth not, where no
rraXaiovpEva, Qriaavpov dviKkEircrov iv roTg ovpavolg, o7rov
growing old, a treasure unfailing in the heavens, where
thief approacheth, nei-
ther moth corrupteth. /cX7tt?7C ovK.tyyi.lH, ovSk Gr/g
Sia<pQeipEC 34 o7rov.ydp ioriv
34 For where your trea- thief does not draw near, nor moth For where
destroy. is
sure is, there will your
heart be also. ,35 Let b.9)]<javpbg.vfiu>v, s/ci ical i).icapdia.vp,u>v terai. 35 "Ectriovav
your loins be girded your treasure, there also your heart will be. Let be
about, and your lights f
v/j.wv ai 6o-<pveg TTEpiEZuGpkvai Kal oi \i>xvoi Kawfievoi' 36 Kai

burning 36 and ye

yourselves like unto your loins girded about and lamps burning and ;

men that wait for their

lord, when he will re- v/ueig ojxoioi dv9pwTroig 7rpooSexopsvoig rbv.Kvpiov.iavrwv,
turn from the wed- ye like to men waiting for their lord,
ding that when he n
ttote %dvaXvGEi

cometh and knock- Ik ru>v ydfitov, "iva iXOovrog Kai Kpov-

eth, they may open whenever he shall return from the wedding feasts, that having come and having
unto him immediately.
37 Blessed are those oavrog, EvOtojg dvoi^uoiv avrip. 37 fiaKapioi oi SovXoi
servants, whom the knocked, immediately they may open to him. Blessed ''bondmen
lord when he cometh
shall find watching
EKEivoi o'iig iXQiov b Kvpwg EvpijGEi
: Evpijaei ypi]yopovvrag. afit/v
verily I say unto you, 'those whom coming the Lord shall find watching. Verily
that he shall gird him-
self, and make them to Xkyw vfiiv, on 7TEpiZ,wGErai Kai dvaKXivel avrovg, Kai
sit down to meat, and
I say to you, that he will gird himself and will make 2 recline 'them, and
will come, forth and h
serve them. 38 And if TrapeXBoJv SiaKovrjGEi avrolg. 38 Kai idv iXdy iv ry Ssvripq.
he shall come in the se- coming up will serve them. And if he come in the second
cond watch, or come in n
iv ry rpiry <j>vXaKy 'iX9y, /cat e'vpy
the third watch, and <pvXaK?j, Kai ovrwg,
in the
watch, and
third watch he come, and find [them] thus,

find them so, blessed

are those servants. e'igiv 'oi SovXoi iKslvoi." 39 rovro.dt yivioGKEre, on
39 And this know, that fiaKapioi 2
blessed are bondmen 'those. But this know, that
if the goodman of the
house had known what ei b biKoEEGTTorrig rcoia wpa b KXeTrrrjg ipxErai,
hour the thief would if e had 'known 'the "master 3 of 4 the 5 house in what hour the thief is coming.

w ovre
vrjOei ovre v<j>a[vei they neither spin nor weave ta.
[on] that l. + y iu
aypui tov \oprov ovra a-fifxepov TA ; rov \6prov crquepov ev ayp<Z ovra LTr.
a.p.<f>t.dei l;
a kcu and b c avrov
ap.<j)U^L ttia. ttt. etTi^rjTovo-iv TTrA. (read his kingdom)
LTTrA. d e f at
irdl'Ta [L]TTrA. /SaAXarria LTTrAW. oo-</)ves vp.U)V L. S
be may returnJLTTrA. >>
koci' iv
rfi Sevrepa,
Kai' and if iu the second and if iirA,
\ [oi 6ovA.ot] exetvot TrA ; ot fiovAot, eKtlvoi {read are they) X.
XII. LUKE. 197
t* l
ovK. */ ." m come, he would have
av, Kai"

^typriyoprjGSV av".a<pt]KEV diopvyt)vai" watched, and not havo

he would have watched, and would not have suffered to be dug through Buffered his house to be
TOV.o'lKOl'.aVTOV 40 Kai v/ieig "oijv yivE(j9s 'iroif/oi' on broken through. 40 Be

his house. And therefore be ye for ye ready al-

ye ready so for the Son of man ;

41 cometh at an hour
y wp^ ov.SokeIte, 6 viof tov avdpuyirov tpx?.Tai. Ei7Ti/.cj
when ye think not.
in the hour ye think not, the Son of man comes. And "said 41 Then Peter said un-

6 Jlirpog, him, Lord, speakest to

KvpiE, irpbg r'lfiag Ti)v.7rapaf3oX))v.TavT)]v thou this parable unto
to him 'Peter, Lord, to this parable
us, or even to all ?
Kai irpbg Trdvrag; 42 p El7TEV.8i n o Kvpiog, Tig 42 And the Lord said,
Xeyiig, jj

speakest thou, or also to all ? And said the Lord, Who Who then is that faith-
ful and wise steward,
<ppovip,og, ov Karaarrjcrei whom his lord shall
IcTiv 6 q /cai"
dpa Triarbg oiKOVofxog
then is the faithful steward and prudent, whom 3 will 4 set make ruler over his
household, to give tliem
6 Kvpiog tTTi, T rov n dido rai iv Kaipip
ro" their portion of meat
J in due season? 43 Bless-
'the Lord over his household, to give in season the
ed is that servant,
airo^itrpiov; 43 [xaicapiog 6.Sov\og.ticeivog ov iX9wv whom his lord when he
measure of corn? Blessed that bondman whom 3
having ''come cometh shall find so
doing. 44 Of a truth I
o.Kt'pioc.avTov evprjffei ttoiovvtcl ovrug. 44 aXrjOwg Xiyio vfxiv, say unto you, that he
'his -Lord will find doing thus. Of a truth I say to you, will make him ruler
over all that he hath.
on trri Traaiv Toig.virdpxovGiv.aoTOV KaraGrijGEi avrov. 45 But and if that ser-
that over all his possessions he will set him. vant say in his heart,
45 'Edr.o'e iv Ty.Kapdiq.avTov, My lord delayeth his
E'lTry b.dovXog.iKEivog Xpo-
3 coming; and shall be-
But if
should*say 'that 2 bondman in his heart, De- gin to beat the menser-
vants and maidens, and
viZ,Ei u.Kvpi6g.f.iov ipxEo9ai' Kai ap&jrai tvttteiv rovg to cat and drink, and
lays 'my Lord to come, and should begin to beat the to be drunken 46 the ;

lord of that servant

7ra~iSag Kai rag rraidioKag, ioB'iEiv.rE Kai tt'ivelv Kai fi- will come in a day
men-ervants and the maid-servants, and to eat and to drink and to be when he looketh not
BuGKHrQaf 46 6 rov.dovXov.'tKEivov iv for him, and at an hour
?}%ei Kvpiog
2 3
r'lfx'fpq: when he is not aware,
drunken, will 7 corne 'the Lord of 'that 5 bondman in a day and will cut him iu sun-
y ov.TrpoacoKq., Kai tv iopa y ov.yivwtJKEi, Kai der, and will appoint
he knows not,
him his portion with
in which he does not expect, and in an hour which and the unbelievers. 47 And
SixoTOjj,r](jei avrov, Kai rb.p,(pog.avTov jxetcl tCov a7ri(rrwv that servant, which
will cut "in two and his portion with the unbelievers
knew his lord's will,
'him, and prepared not him-
Oi]<JEi. 47 6 dovXng b yvovg to 9iXt]/.ia tov self, neither did accord-
will appoint. But that bondman who knew the will ing to his will, shall be
beaten with many
n v
KvpiovMavTOv, Kai f.u).iTOif.idcrag fit]di" ivou}<5ag 7rpbg stripes. 48 But he that
of his Lord, and according to knew not, and did com-
prepared not nor did
mit things worthy of
TO.OiXrifia.avTOV, dapi]<7ETai TroXXdg' b.di fir/ stripes, shall be beat-
his will, shall be beaten with many [stripes] but he who -not en with few stripes. ;

For unto whomsoever

yvovg, 7roir)(Tag.di a,ia TrXriyCov, daprjcrETai oXiyag. much is given, of him
'knew, and did [things] worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few. shall be much requir-
ed: and to whom men
TravTi-Cf <j> id69>] 7roXv, ttoXv ^ijrrjOijo'ETai Trap' aiWov' have committed much,
And everyone to whom was given much, much will be required from him of him they will atk ;

the more. 4'Jlamcome

Kai Trap't9EVTO ttoXv, KEptatroTEpov air^aovaiv avrov. to send fire on the
and to whom was committed much, the more will they ask of him. earth; and what will
if it be already kin-
49 nf'p i)X9ov fSaXeiv w Eig n ti)v yi)v, Kai ri 9'eXio e'i i)dq I, dled? 50 But I have a
Fire I came to cast into the earth, and what will I if already baptism to be,baptized
with and how am
dvi)<p9t] ; 50 i3d7rTK7fia.dE txio j3a7TTia9)ji'ai, Kai 7rcog avv- straitened till it beI ;

it be kindled? But a baptism I have to be baptized [with], and how ami accomplished! 51 Sup-
51 SokeIte on eiprjvrjv rrapE- pose ye that 1 am cone
i-Xopai Eiug*ov TE\Ec9y. to give peace on earth?
straitened until it be accomplished Think ye that peace I I tell
you, Nay; but ra-
ther division 52 for
dovvai iv Aeyw Vfuv, dXX'

yEvo/xrjv ry yy ; oi'^i, f)
came to give in the earth? No, I say to you, but rather

eypr)y6pyi<rei> av, Kai (read he would not have suffered) T. av TrA. Siopv-

a ovv LTTrA. avrw LTr[A]. P Kai ei7r' TTrA. 1 6 the I.TTrA

XO'OVai TA. '

Kai 6 and the w. tov L[TrA]. 8 to (read a measure of corn) TrA. *
v or " evri * QTOV LTTrA
LTTrA. jj T. up> 11 LTTrA W. W,
from henceforth there
shall be five in one $ia]iEpio~f.i6v. 52 taovrai.ydp aizb , tov.vvv tt'evte iv Jo'iki^
division for there will be from a
house divided, three ; henceforth five in house
against two, and two ivl li
tiri dvoiv Kai Svo tiri
against three. 53 The Siap,EpEpi<jp.kvoi, rpeig rpiiriv.
father shall be divided 'one divided, three against two and two against three.
against the son, and a
the son against the
53 SiaptpurOhcrfTai" irarrjp t(p'
v'up, Kai vibg t7ri Trarpi
-Will be Mivided 'father against son, and son against father
father the mother a-
gainst the daughter, fii]T7]p kiri Kai 9vya.Tt)p iiri c fir}rpi' n 7TEv9spd'

and the daughter a- mother against daughter, and daughter against mother mother-in-law
gainst the mother the

mother in law against d H

7Ti ti)v vvp.(p7)v ai>Trjg s Kai vvfupT] 7rt rr/j.
her daughter in law, 2
and daughter-in-law against
against daughter-in-law 'her,
and the daughter in
e n
law against her mother 7rev9epdv ai>Tr)g.
in law. Mother-in-law 'her.
{ n
54 "EXe ytv.Se jcai Tolg o^Xoic, "Orav 'idr]Te TrjV VE<pkXr]v
54 And he said also And he said also to the crowds, When ye see the cloud
to the people, When ye h
Bee a cloud rise out of avarkWovaav SaTro" Svap.uJv, ei>9swg XkyETE, "Ofifipog
the, west, straightway rising up from [the] west, immediately ye say, A shower
ye say, There cometh a
shower and so it is.
; ip%traC Kai yivtrai ovTotg. 55 Kai orav votov irvkovTa,
55 And when ye see is coming and it happens so. ;
And when a south wind [is] blowing,
the south wind blow,
ye say, There will be \syere,
"On kuixtujv tccrai' /cat yivsrat. 56 vrroKpirai, to
heat and it cometh to ye say,
Heat there will be and it happens. Hypocrites, the ;

pass. 56 Ye hypocrites, Kai tov ovpai'ov o'iSare

ye can discern the face TrpaaioTTOv rrjg yrjg SoKipd^EiV
of the sky and of the appearance of the earth and of the heaven ye know [how] to discern,
earth; but how is it 1
57. ti.Se Kai
that ye do not discern Tov.SLKaipbv.TOiiTov 7ru>g ov.SoKi/j.a'are" ; d<p"
tbis time? 57 Yea, and
but this time how do ye not discern ? And why even of
why even of yourselves iavrtjv ov.KpivETE to SiKaiov; 58 wg.yap virayeig /xerd
judge ye not what is For as thou goest with
right ? 58 When thou
yourselves judge ye not what [is] right ?

goest with thine adver-

sary to the magistrate,
Tov-dvTiSiKoy-Pov tir' dp\ovTa, iv ry~' bSiji Sbg ipyaaiav
thine adverse party before a magistrate, in the way give . diligence
as thou art in the way,
give diligence that
d7rrjX\dx9ai air avTOv' ju//7ror Karaavpy as wpbg
thou, mayest be deli- to be set free from lest he should drag away thee to
Tered from hiru lest he him,
hale thee to the judge, TOV KplTT)V, Kai 6
Kpirfig 7rapa^^}" r<p irpaKTopi, Kai
and the judge deliver the and the judge thee should deliver to the officer, and
thee to the officer, and
the officer cast thee in- 6 "KpaKTwp as ^fidXX?/* sig <pvXaK7]V. 59 Xsyw ooi, ov.fiiY
to prison. 59 1 tell thee, the officer thee should cast into prison. I say to thee, In no wise
thou shalt not depart
thence, till thou hast i%sX9yg skeWev 'iugJ^ov" Kai to toyaTOV Xetttov
paid the very last mite. shalt thou come out . thence until even the last lepton

thou shalt have paid.
Xin. There were
13 tiveq iv avTtp.Tifi Kmp<{> dirayyiXXov&g
present at that season
some that told him of present And *were 3 'some at the same time telling
the Galilseans, whose
avTip TTEpi tCjv TaXCXaiwv^ wv to alfia HiXaTog
blood Pilate had min- him about the whom the blood Pilate
Galileans, of mingled
gled with their sacri-
2 And Jesus
fXETa Ttbv.9vaiJv.avTwv. 2 Kai dTTOKpt9tig
fices. b 'Iz/crorc" e'Ittev
answering said unto with their sacrifices. And answering Jesus said
them, Suppose ye that
these Galilasans were avTolg, Aokeite on oi.TaXiXaioi.ovroi dfiapTuXoi 7rapd 7rdv-
Burners above all the to them, Think ye that these Galileans sinners beyond all
Galilajans, because
such Tag Tovg FaXiXaiovg iyivovTO, on
p TOiavra n 7rEir6v9aaiv ;
they suffered
things? 3 I tell you, he Galileans were, because such things they have suffered ?
Nay but, except ye

lav ^j/.^jujravojyre," TrdvTEg r waav-

repent, ye shall all 3 oi>xh Xtyu)' dXX' 3
likewise perish. 4 Or Ko, I sa^y to you but ye repent not, ;
all like

rptcriv StaixtpiaOria-ofTai' (read three will be divided :) LTTrA.

y evi 0iK<a LTTrA.
a b c d e
7ri Ovyarepa LTTrA.
TTrA. ft.r)repa T ttjc p.r)Tepa LTrA avnj? T. ; avT77S
-(- on that [L]TTrA.
f B ini at T. h ovk ol&are
TTrA. t\)v (read a cloud) LTTrjA].
SoKip.aeiv know ye not to discern? Tr. napaSuia-fi shall deliver LTTrA. pd\r) gw ;
'* '

0aAei shall cast LTTrA.

m o5 TTr. n IleiAaTos t. 6 'Ir)o-ov9 (read he said)
[L]TTrA. p ravr* these things TTr. Q fieTai'OTJaTjTe L. o/xouus LTTrA.
s H those eighteen, upon
rwg" diroXtToQe. 4 r\ Ikhvoi oi SeKa.Kai.oKT(x) l<p' ovg whom the tower in
manner 'ye shall perish. Or those eighteen on whom Siloam fell, and slew
them, think ye that
ineaev 6 Tvipyog ev r< "SiKwd/i Kai aTTZKreivev aurovg, SoKeire they were sinners a-
fell the tower in Siloam and killed them, think ye bove all men that .

T dwelt in Jerusalem ?
on t
ovToi n b<peiXeTai lyevovro Trapa Travrag dv9poJ7rovg 5 I tell you, Nay: but,
that these debtors were beyond all men
except ye repent, ye
w n aU
rovg KaroiKOvvrag ev 'lepovaaXTf/x 5 ovxh Xeyw vfiiv dXX
shall likewise

who dwelt in

Jerusalem ? I say to you but perish.

No, ;

tdv jttJ/-x /xeravojjre," Trdvreg ybpoiug" d7roXeHa9e.

if ye repent not, all in 3 like 1 inanner 'ye shall perish.

6 "EXeyf vM Tavrr\v ttjv 7rapa/3oXr}v' 6 He spake also this "2vKt)V ?%V Tig
And he spoke this parable A certain man
A 6 fig-tree 4
had 'a'-certain ;

had a fig tree planted

iv T<t>-dfi.7r\u)v i.avTOv Tretpvrev/.ievrjv" Kai t)X9ev ^nctpwvv in his vineyard; and he
[ man] in his vineyard planted ; and he came fruit came and sought fruit
thereon, and found
&lTU)v iv avry Kai ovx-evpev. 7 el7rev.8k Trpbg tov dfi- none. 7 Then said he
Beeking on it and did not find [any]. And he said to the vine- unto the dresser of
b his vineyard, Behold,
7reXovpyov, 'iSov, rpia trt] ipxofiai ?jrwv Kapirbv iv ry these three years I
dresser, Behold, three years I come seeking fruit on come seeking fruit on
c d this fig tree, and find
ivari n
GVKy.ravry Kai ovx-evpiaKio' tKKOipov avTi]V (cat none : cut it down ;

this fig-tree and do not find [any] : cut Mown 'it, why even why cumbereth it the

8 b.Se ground ? 8 And he an-

H)V yi]V tcarapyel ; d7roicpi9eig X'eyei avrqi, swering said unto him,
the ground does it render useless ? But he answering says to him,
Lord, let it alone this
tovto to trog, 'iwg.oTOV year also, till I shall
Kvpie, d<f>eg avrirjv Kai oicd\p(i) 7repi about it, and dung
Sir, let *alone 'it also this year, until I shall dig about dig
it : 9 and if it bear
e l fruit, well: and if not,
aurrjv Kai /3d\o> K07rpiav'
9 Kav filv 7T0ii\ay Kapir6v then after that thou
it and put manure, and if indeed it should bear fruit ;
shalt cut it down.
ei.Se p/ye, fikXXov .
eKKoipeig avrfjv.
but if not, hereafter thou shalt cut ''down 'it.
10 And he was teach-
10 ^Hv.fie SiSdaKiov iv [iioZ ru>v avi'a'yajyuJv iv ToXg adp- ing in one of the syna-
And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sab- gogues on the sabbath.
T 11 And, behold, there
(3aai,v 11 Kai iSov, yvvtj s? jv"
7rvev/ia txovaa do9eveiag was a woman which
baths. And behold, a woman there was "a 3 spirit 'having of infirmity had a spirit of infirmi-
t tt)
s n
Kai r\v h avyKV7rrovaa v Kai fi)).Svvafievr) ty eighteen years, and
SeKa.Kai.oKTUi, was bowed together,
"years 'eighteen, and she was bent together and unable
and could in no wise
lift up herself. 12 Arid
dvaKv-tyai eig.TO.TravreXeg. 12 ISoJv.Se avrrjv 6 'Irjaovg when Jesus saw
3 And seeing her
to *lift 5 up "herself 'wholly. Jesus he called her to him,
Kai elirev avry, Tvvai, aTroXkXvaai * and said unto her, Wo-
7rpoae(f>u)vy]Gev thou art loosed
called to [her] and said to her, Woman, thou hast been loosed from man, thine
from infirmity.
13 Kai 13 And he laid his
Ttjg.da9eveiag.aov. e7re9r]icev avry rag xelpag' hands on her and im-
thine infirmity. And he laid upon her [his] hands,

mediately she was

Kai Trapaxpt]jxa dvojp9oj9ri,
Kai koo^a^ev tov 9e6v. made straight, and

and immediately she was made and glorified God. glorified God. 14 And
the ruler of the syna-
14 A7roKpi9eig.Se 6
dpxiavvdywyog, dyavaKfwv oti gogue answered with
But "answering 'the 2
ruler of3 4
the ^synagogue, because indignation, because
that Jesus had healed
(7a/3/3dry b 'Irjaovg, k\eyev r<p ci^A^, on the Sabbath day,
T<{> i9epa7revaev and said unto the peo-
on the sabbath 'healed 'Jesus, said to the crowd,
There are six days
iv m rav-
"E tj/xepai eiaiv, kv atg del ipyd^ea9ai' in which men ought to
Six days there are, in which it behoyes [men] to work ;
in these work in them there-

fore come and be

raif" ovv tpxop-evoi 9epa7tevea9e, Kai /ny ry t'mepg. tov healed, and not on the
therefore mm; "
coming be healed, and not on the day sabbath day. 15 The

Se'/ca [/cat] oktoj LTrA

+ tous the LTTrA. w ef
Se/caoKTW T. *
avrol they LTTrA.
(read [in]) Tr A. TTrA.
li-eTavorja-qre LTTrA. 7re<vTevjU.eVr}i' ev toj y ajo-aiirtos
ajarreAwi i clvtov LTTrA. ^rjrwi' Kapirbv GLTTrAW.
+ a^)' OV since (three years) TTrA. b
c + ovi' therefore d
Konpia EGLTTrAW.
e f
(cut) L. iva tl LTrA. Kapwbi> eis to /ue'AAoi'*
el Se M*?Y e (read bear fruit hereafter; but if not) TTrA. s h o-vvKvnrovo-ci. t,
yv LTTrA.
+ anb from li. k
6.vopQu)0r\ Liir*. >
oti that ta. a.vra.1% them LTTrA. +
200 AOT KA 2. XIII.
Lord then answered 15 ovv n 6 Kvpiog, Kai elirev,
him, and said, Thou, (Ta/Sfiarov. 'ATTEKpiQr) aiiTip
'sabbath. ^Answered 'therefore 5
hini "the 3 Lord, and said,
hypocrite, doth not
each one of you on the p ov.Xvei tov
'T7rofcptra," &kcigtoq v/jwv Tip aaf3f3aT({>
sabbath loose hi* ox or each one of you on the sabbath does he not loose
his ass from the stall, Hypocrite,
and lead him away to r) tov uvov arrb rijg (parvt]Q, Kai
watering ? 16 And j3ouv.aurov a7rayaywv
his ox or ass from the manger, and having led [it] away
ought not this woman,
Deing a daughter of 7ro7(a; 16 ravT7iv.Se 9vyarepa 'Aftoadp ovoav,
Abraham, whom Satan give [it] drink ? And this [woman], 2 a ^'daughter 4 of "Abraham 'being,
hath bound, lo, these
eighteen years, be fjv tStjGev 6 oa.Ta.vaQ, ISov, SsKCi.icaLdicTij) trrj, ovK.tSei
loosed from this bond whom 2 has 3 bound 'Satan, lo, eighteen years, ought [she] not
on the sabbath day ?
17 And when he had \v9>jvai dirb TOv.SeGpov.TOVTOv ttj j'lfikpq, tov <7a/3/3arou ;
said these things, all to be loosed from this bond on the -day 'sabbath ?
his adversaries were
ashamed and all the 17 :
TavTO. KaV
X'eyovTag.avTov KaTyGxvvovTO TrdvTeg o't

people rejoiced for all And *these s things 'on 2 his ^saying 'were "ashamed 6
all who
the glorious things

that were done by him. avTiKf.ip.evoi avTip' icai Trdg 6 ox^og ixaipev Itti tugiv
were opposed to him ;
and all the crowd were rejoicing at all

rolg ivS6'oig yivop.kvoig vtt avTOV.

the glorious things which were being done by him.
18 Then said he, Unto q
what is the kingdom 18 "EXeytv #e," Tivi bp,oia Igt'iv i) j3am\eia TovOeov;
of God like ? and
2 3
He said 'and, To what 2 like 'is the kingdom of God ?

whereunto shall I re-

semble it? 19 It is like
Kai t'lvi bp.oidi)Gio avrr)v} 19 bpoia Lgt'iv kokki^ aivcnrewg,
a grain of mustard and to what it ? it is to a grain of mustard,
shall I liken

seed, which a man T

bv n eig kijttov lavroV Kill
took, and cast into his XafBiov
which 3 having taken 'a man cast into 2 garden 'his; and
garden and it grew, ;

and waxed a great tree icai lykvero eig SevSpov *ueya,

Kai to. Trereivd tov
and the fowls of the air r)v,)]Gev
it grew and came into a "tree 'great, and the birds of the
lodged in the branches
20 And again he 20 'Kai
KaTeo-Ki'jvujaev lv Tolg.KXaSoig.avTOV.
ovpavov ttclXiv
said, "Whereunto shall heaven roosted in its branches.And again
I liken the kingdom of
.God? 21 It is like lea- elire v, TiVi bpoa'oGio ; ty\v fiaaiXeiav tov Oeov 21 bjio'ta
den, which a woman he said, To what shall I liken the kingdom of God ? Like
took and hid in three v n
measures of meal, till Igtiv Zvpy, r)V Xafiovoa yvvi) iveKpv\l>ev eig dXevpov
the whole was lea- it is to leaven, which 3 having 4 taken 'a 2 woman hid in 3 4
of meal
oetTa Tpia, 'iiog.ov tvpw9r) oXov.
seahs 'three, until 2 was 3 lcavened 'all.
22 And went
22 Kai Kara
through the and
Steir o'peveTO TroXeig Kai Kiopag SiSaGKUJV, Kai
And he went through by
teaching, and ,
cities and villages teaching, and
journeying toward Je- 23 Tig avTip,
rusalem. 23 Then said 2Tropeiav Troiovpevog eig ^lepovaaXi'ip."
one unto him, Lord, progress 'making towards Jerusalem. And said one to him,
are there few that be el ol 'O.Se elrrev rrpbg avTovg,
saved? And he said Kvpie, oXiyoi
aojZ.6p.evoi ;

unto them, 24 Strive to Lord, [are] few 'those 2 being 3 saved ? But he said to them,
enter in at the strait 24
'Aywvi'CeaQe elcreXOelv Sid rrjg o-Tei'ijg *7rvXiig n on
gate for many, I say
Strive with earnestness to enter in through the narrow gate for
unto will seek to

enter in, and shall not

TroXXoi, Xtyo), Z,t]ti)govgiv elveXdeTv, Kai ovk.Igxvgovgiv.
be able.. 25 When once I say to you, will seek to enter in, and will not be able.
the master of the house
is risen up, and hath 25 b Kai aTro-
dip'.ov.dv 6 eyep9tj olKoceGTroTtjg,
shut to the door, and 7 9 2 3 5
From the time shall have "risen up 'the master of *the house, and .shall
ye begin to stand with-
out, and to knock at KXeivrj rt)v Qiipav, Kai dpZrjaOe t^oj ecrrdvai Kai Kpbveiv Trjv
the door, saying, Lord, have shut the door, and ye begin without to stand and to knock at the

Lord, open unto us ;

and he shall answer Ovpav, XeyovTeg, Kvpte, ?Kvpie, avoiov t)puv' Kai aTroKpiOeig

and say unto you, I door, saying, Lord, Lord; open to us and he answering ;

know you not whence

ye are 26 then shall
epel, Ovk olla iroBev eGTe. 26 Tore dpt,ea9e
ye begin to say, We will say to you, I do not know you whence ye are. Then will ye begin
have eaten and drunk
in thy presence, and Xkyeiv, 'E(j)dyop.ev kvw7n6v.GOV Kai iiriopev, Kai tv toZq
thou hast taught in to say, We ate in thy presence and drank, and
;5e but ltt rA. p
hypocrites lttyaw. q oSi' therefore ttia. o e.
* z
Kai W, v
TTrA. w *
/tieya [L]T[TrA]. eKoi/i/zej' 'IcpocroAv/u.a T, QCpo.% uour.
GLTTrA. f Kvpie [L]TTrA,
our streets. 27 But he
7r\aTtiaig.)ifitiJV t8i8a%ag. 27 mi tpH, Atyuj vfitvj 3ovk shall say, 1 teU you, I
our streets thou didst teach. And he will say, I tell you, Not know
you not whence
ol8a z
kaov 7rdvreg ye are depart from
vjnag^ tc69ei> tars' airoGTiire air' ;

all workers of
me, ye
'I do know you whence ye are depart from me, all [ye]
iniquity. 28 There shall
28 s/ca iv-ai 6 /carbe weeping and gnash-
tpyarai r//c" dSiKiag. KXav9pbg
the workers of unrighteousness. There shall be the weeping and ing of teeth, when ye
shall see Abraham, and
c and Jacob, and
b fipvyfibg tmv oSovtwVj orav o\pija9e

'A/3paa/t icai 'lactate Isaac,

all the prophets, in the
the gnashing of the teeth, when ye see Abraham and Isaac
kingdom of God, and
Kai 'laiaofS /cat Trdvrag rovg 7rpo(pi)rag kv rij flaaiXeia. tov you yourselves thrust
md the out. 29 And they shall
Jacob and all the prophets in kingdom
come from the east,
9eov, v/xdg.8k iKflaWopevovg ew.
ifeovaiv enrb and from the west,
and from the north,
29 icai
of God, but yourselves being cast out. And they shall come from
and from the south,
dvaroXiov /cat Svaj-iwv, Kai d a7ro" (3oppa KaL vorov, Kai ava- and shall sit down in
east and west, and from north and south, and shall the kingdom of God.
30 And, behold, there
K\i9i](rovrai Iv ry fiaaiXsia tov 9eov. 30 /cat ISov, Eiaiv are last which shall be
recline in the kingdom of God. And lo, there are first, and there are first
which shall be last.
'iaxaroi o'l taovrai TTpuiTOl, icat ektiv 7rpwroi oi toovrai
last who shall be first, and there are first who shall be
31 The same
rivsg QapuraToi, there came certainday
n e {
31 'Rv.avTy ry Trpo<yf]\96v i)fxkpq}

On the same came to [him] certain
day Pharisees, the Pharisees, saying
"E?\0e Kai on unto him, Get thee out,
XsyovrEc aiiTy, iroptvov Ivtev9ev, 'HpwSijg and depart hence for :

saying to him, Go out and proceed hence, for Herod Herod will kill thee.
jab rre ciTTOKTEivai. 32 Kai e'Lttev avrdlg, HopEv9kvTEg 32 And he said unto
desires 3 thee 'to -kill. And he said to them, Having gone them, Go ye, and tell
that fox, Behold, I cast
(7rar /cat idaEig out devils, and I do
Tij.dXcJTrEKi.ravry, 'l8ov, tKj3aXX(o dai/xovia
say to that fox, Lo, I cast out demons and cures cures to day and to
h morrow, and the third
Sfc7rirf\w" ai'ifiepov Kai avpiov, Kai ry Tpir?j reXeiovfiat. day I shall be per-
1 complete and and the third I am fected. 33 Nevertheless
to-day to-morrow, [day] perfected
I must walk to day,

33 7rXt)v 8e2 jue (n)f.iEpov

Kai avpiov Kai ry ixofikvy and to morrow, and
but it behoves me to-day and to-morrow and the [day] following the day following: for

it cannot be that a

tfopeveoOai" oti oi>K.tvoex erai Trpo<p))rt]v diroXko9ai tto prophet perish out of
to proceed ;
for it is not possible [for] a prophet out of Jerusalem. 34 O Je-
to- perish
rusalem, Jerusalem,
'lepovaa.Xrjj.1. 3-4 'lepovaaXij/x, 'lepovaaXij/x, r) diroKTHvovo-a which killest the pro-
Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who killest phets, and stonest them
that are sent unto thee;
Tovg irpO(pi]Tag, Kai Xi9o(3oXovaa rovg dEaraXfi'svovg Trpbg how often would I have
the prophets, and stonest those who have been sent to gathered thy children
together, as a hen doth
avri']V, irooaKig i)9iXi)(ra twiavvd^ai rd.TEKva.oov, ov.rpoirov gaJier her brood un-
her, how often would I have gathered thy children, in the way der her wings, and ye
n k l would not! 35 Behold,
*6pvig rr}j/" tavTijg vo&cnav" viro Tag irTspvyag, your house is left unto
a hen [gathers] her brood under [her] wings, you desolate: and veri-
/cat ovK-j)9e.X>)<TaTE 35 ly I say unto you, Te
(Sov, d<piErai vfiiv o.ol/coc-vp^ ^tpt]- shall not soe me, until
and ye would not. Behold, is left to you your house de-
the time come when ye
'" nII
p n shall say, Blessed is he
flog 2
dp7)v 8k Xsyw" v/xiv, ori" ov.fxi] pe 'i8r)TE swg.iav" that cometh in the
solate verily 'and I say to you, that not at all me shall ye see until
name of the Lord.
r n
i]%y, *OTB n UTrrjTE, FwXoyi]fikj>og b lpxop.Evog iv bvo-
it come when ye say, Blessed [is] he who comes in [the] name
f/ari Kvpiov.
of [the] Lord.
XIV. And it came to
14 Kai tykvETO Iv T<plX9Hv.avTOV Eig oJkov Tivog rwv
pass, as he went into
And it came to pass on his having gone into a house of one of the the house of one of the
a b c
TTrA o\pt<r6e ye shall see TTr.
VfxSs [L]TrA. Ol TYI% LTTrA. "
d ano [L]T[TrA]. oipo hour TA f
TTpooijXOdv TTrA. S a770TeAd) LTTrA. h
[17/J.e'pa] +
m n
Kiybi he GLTrAW ;
k TO. L.
i '
day l. opv.$ t. vocrcria. L.
OTI [L]Tl[Aj. J>
ZoTjTe' /u,e LTTrA, av TTrA. iji shall

Come LT[TrA].
Lore] TrA.
chief Pharisees to eat t ]i

bread oil the sabbath dpybvrwv ru>v <&api<raiujv oafifiaru) (payelv uprov, icai avroi
rulers of the Pharisees on a sabbath to eat bread, that they
day, that they watched
him. 2 And, behold, avrov. 2 icai
there was a certain
rjaav 7tapari]povpevoi iSov, dvOpwrug rig
watching And behold, a 2 man him.
man before him which
had the dropsy. 3 And r\v vhpuiiriKog ijxvpoaBev avrov. 3 icai dwoicpiO'-'tg b'lijoovg
Jesus answering spake there was before him. And Jesus
dropsical answering
unto the lawyers and
Pharisees, saying, Is direi' Trpbg rovg
v w
it lawful to heal on the
vofxiicovg icai Qapioaiovg,
Xfyov," Ei"
spoke to the doctors of the law and to [the] Pharisees, saying,
sabbath day ? 4 And
x y 4 Oi.Se t'lffv-^aaav. li

they held their peace. t%eariv r<p <xa/3/3ar^ 9epa7reveiv ;

And he took him, and Is it lawful on the sabbath to heal ? But they were silent.
healed him, and let
him go 5 and an- icai eTTiKafiofxevoQ
Idoaro avrov, Kal aTreXvoev. 5 icai
swered them, saying, And taking hold [pf him] he healed him, and let [him] go. And
Which of you shall z & n h n
have an ass or an ox d7roKpi9sig" Trpog avrovg el7rev, Tivog v/auiv bi>og ri j3ovg
fallen into a pit, and answering to them he said, Of which of you 2 an 3 ass 4 or 5 an 6 ox
will not straightway c
pull him out on the rig (ppiap ^u7rcrtrai," icai ovk ev9s(og crvaGTrdoei avrbv
sabbath day? 6 And "into ^a pit
'shall 'fall, and 3 not ''immediately 'he 2 will pull up him
they could not answer d e
him again to these ti/" ry r)fi'epo: rov oafifidrov ; 6 Kou ovic.'ioxvoav dvrairo-

things. on the ''day 'sabbath ? And they were not able to re-
Kpi97]vai air<p" irpbg ravra.
ply to him as to these things.
7 And he put forth a 7 "EXtyev.ce rrpbg rovg KEK\7]/>ovq TrapafloXrjv, lirex^v
parable to those which And he spoke to those who were invited a parable, remarking
were bidden, when he
marked how they chose TTuig rag rrpwroicXioiag e^eXeyovro, Xeyiov rrpbg avrovg,
out the chief rooms ; how the first places they were choosing out, saying to them,
saying unto them,
8 When thou art bid- 8 "Orav K\r)6?jg vtto rivog elg yd/xovg, fir).KaraicXi9yg
den of any man to a When thou art invited by anyone to wedding feasts, do not recline
wedding, sit not down
in the highest room ; elg riiv irpwroicXioiav, fi^rrore evrijxorepog gov y.iceicXr]-
lest a more honourable in the first place, lest a more honourable thau thou may have
man than thou be bid-
den of him 9 and he ; fikvog V7r' avrov, 9 icai eX9<l>v b oh icai avrbv tcaXeoag
that bade thee and him been invited by him, and having come he who thee and him invited
come and say to thee,
Give this man place ; epel ooi, &bg rovrq> tottov icai rore dpZy'

and thou begin with shall say to thee, Give *to this *one 'place, and then thou begin with
shame to take the low-
est room. 10 But when aicrxi'i'ijg
rbv ta^arov rbrcov Karsx iV 10 dXX' orav kXtj- -

thou art bidden, go and shame the last place to take. But when^ thou art
sit down in the lowest
rropevOdg ^dvaireoov^ elg rbv eoxarov rbirov 'iva
room that when he 0Tjg,

that bade thee cometh, invited, having gone recline in the last place, that
he may say unto thee, orav b iceicXi)>cwc oe,
iXQy e'i7ry^ ooi, QiXe, rcpoo-
Friend, go up higher :
who has invited thee, he may say to thee, Friend,
then shalt thou have when he may come coma
w orship in the presence avd[3ii9i dvoirepov' k
rore tcrai ooi Sofia ivonriov rwv
of them that sit at meat Then shall be to thee glory before those who'
with thee. For who- up
11 higher.
soever exalteth him-
self shall be abased
ovvavaiceipevojv ooi. 11 on nag b v\pu>v iavrbv raxe ivcj~
recline [at table] with thee
for everyone that exalts himself shall be
he that humbleth
himself shall be ex- 9i]oerai' icai 6> rarreivuiv tavrbv vipu)9r]oerai.
alted. and he that humbles himself 6hall be exalted.
12Then said he also 12"EXeyev.Sk icai r(f> KicXiiic6ri~avr6v,"Orav rroiyg
to him that bade him, And he said also to him who had invited him, When thou makest
When thou makest a
dinner or supper, dpiorov fj Celirvov, fii).<pii>vei rovg.<pi\ovQ.oov firfSe rovg dSeX-
not thy friends, a dinner or a supper, s
call call not thy friends nor breth-
nor thy brethren, nei-
ther thy kinsmen, nor <povg gov fi7]Sk TOvg.Gvyyeve~ig.Gov p/iTi yeirovag TrXovoiovg'
thy rich neighbours ren 'thy nor
; thy kinsfolk nor "neighbours 'rich,
lest they also bid thee m Goi
icai avroi *oe dvrucaXeouioiv," icai yevrirai
again, and a recofn- firjTTore
pence be made thee. lest also they thee should invite in return, and 'be 4 made 5 thee

T w Ei TTrA. x
+ or not
OepaTrevcrcu LTTrA. y jj ov
[iw] A. [\4yuyv~] L.
anoicpiBels LTr[A]. ei7rev 7rpbs avrovs L. vtb? a son LTTrAW.
c TrecretTai LTTrA d on the) e f
avTai TTrA. S fxera
ev (read 177 [L]Tr. T77 T.
LTTiAW. h avanreacu G ;
avdneae LTTrAW. ipel he will say TTr k
+ navTOiV all
LTTrA. l
ovTucaAe'o-uxriV ae LTTrA. m dTan-65o".d am TTrA.
XTV. LUKE. 203

dvTarrodofia" 13 dXX' 'orav noiyg So XVV, /caXet 7rru> X ovg, J t^HS

'a ^recompense
"dva^povg,^ X u>Xovg,

but when thou
rnakest a feast,
14 /cat
and ^apwg
blessed thou shalt be ts^t^iess^

for they cannot recom-


poor, the maimed, the

or, ovK.l X ovmv avTcnrotiovvai cor avrarroSoO^rai ^J* S

2 3 4
for they have not [wherewith] to recompense thee shall be Recompensed at the
resurrection of
iv ry dvaordcrEi tujv diKaiivv. the just.
'for thee in the resurrection of the just.

15 'AKOixjctg.Ss rig twv owavaKEiueviov rav-

3 4 6 8 7 8
And "having '"heard 'one of 3 those reclinmg [ at table] with [ him] these
ret eIttev
airy, Maicdpiog of" <pdyEra.i dprov iv ry 15 And when one of
said [he] who shall eat bread
to him, in the them that sat at meat
n ., in t ~ * *
_, n with him heard these t . > '

paaikuq rov Oeov. Id O.ct eIttev to airy, AvVpioTTog

A 2 man
rig things, he said unto
'certain him, Blessed is he that
kingdom of God. But he said him,
,,1 *~ ,,/
11 \\'.-if7 shall eat bread in the 11
' '

%7roiriGEV"0Enrvov u.Eya," /cat ,iKa\Eo-fv TroWovg' 1/ Kai enrs- kingdom of God.

made a 2 supper great, and invited
many. And he 16 Then said he unto

gteiXev TovJovXov-avrov ry
his bondman at the hour
uipa rov Seittvov eitteIv rolg
to say o those who
^^ a gr en t^uppo
of the many: 17 and
W'W." supper and bade

had been invited,
kv 0l g, "EpxevOe, Sn
Come, for now
sroi H d
fa is all.
18 Kai it
And thtm that were bidden, ^LH^
ZpZavro 3drrp ^idg 5
-began with "one [
s 8
consent] to 'excuse themselves
1 w 6
I he first
t hcy all with one con-
x sent began to make
rog eIttev avrui, 'Aypbv r)yopaaa, Kai *xw dvdynjv" C " 3<
said to him, "A Afield 'I "have "bought, and I have need f* f \im, I have
liitXdtlv ISeTv avrov' ge eye ue Trapyrmiivov. bought a piece of

19 Kai ETEOOg
go out
and to see


thee hold

me excused.

^ Sf^
Kai I pray thee have me
\ =

And another said,

Pairs 6
of 'oxen 'I
have "bought 4
five, and excused. 19 And ano-
, , , , ,
th*r said, I have
7ropEvofiai ooKiuaaai aura' tpwrw ge ue- irapyr)}\iivov. bought five yoke of
XE and
I go to prove them: I pray thee hold me excused. oxen, I go to prove
_ j,
- them: 1 pray thee have , ,

20 Kai ETEpog eIttev, TvvaiKa tyrjjxa, Kai oia tovto me excused. 20 And
And another said, A wife I have married, and because of this another said, I have
, r> ~
, ,rn >-> ? ~\ 7' ~ married a wife, and % ' ' < 11

OV.OVVauai tXVElV. 21 Kai irapayEVOUEVOg O.OOVAog/EKElVOg therefore I cannot

1 am unable to come. And having come that bondman come. 21 So that ser-
, ~
, .. ~ mvote n _
/vant came, and shewed
i ' > > '

mniyyEiXEV T-y.Kvpitjj.avTov ravra. opyiGVEig o his lord these things.

reported to his lord these things. Then being angry the master Then the master of the

Uta-xoTtK eIttev ry.SovXy. avrov, "V&\9* ra X iu>g fig rdg ^hTs^an^G^ut

Of the house said to his bondman, Go out quickly into the
quickly into the streets
TtXarEiag Kai pvpag t7k irdXEug, Kai rovg Trru) X ovg Kai dva- and^^g^nlitherthe
streets and lanes of the city, and the poor and crip- poor, and the maimed,

Triipovg" Kai \10X0bg /cat T v<pXoi>g" efo&yaye J>8e. 22 Kat eIttev

^nd^i^d'the sir!
pled and lame and blind bring in here. And said V ant said, Lord, itns
o c
Kai tn done as th'ou hast com-
SovXog. Kvoie, ytyovEv oc"
* iirkraZag,
3 _." '...'/ , ., ,.-, j 1 isn manded, and yet there
command, and

the bondman, Sir, it has been done as thou didst still

jg room 23 And the
T07roc iariv. 23 Kai eIttev 6 tov SovXov, lord said unto the ser-

there is.

"E,eX9e Eig rag udovg Kai <ppayuovg, Kai dvdyKaoov eweXQeIv,

And said the
to the
^ W ays TnVnedg*!
and compel them to
come in that my house
Go out into the ways and hedges, and compel to come in,
it ~ a T / ~ < ~ < > '
ma y ^ e nIled 2i For -

tra yEfiiavy a o.olKog.p,ov. 24 Xsyu).yap v/xiv, on ovoEig tojv

.-I < 1 s-
i say unto you, That
that may be filled
. ,
my* house for
I say to you, that


~ ?

,, ,
none of those men
which were bidden
shall taste of my
of those men who have been invited shall taste of my supper. supper.

avaneipov; LTrA. oe but T. P oo"Tis whosoever TTrA. 1 e7rot'ei
' s eio-ti' navres irapatrelcr0ai t
fieyav h. are T. * iravra (read [all]) [i,Jt[Tta].
w + y ee\db>v having gone out TTrA.
and L. av6.yKT)V X W L
LTTrA. x -
a b
eiceivos (read the bondmanl i.TTrA. ai'aTrei'povs LTrA. tv^Aovs Kai xwAoiis
LTTrA. c 6 Which TTrA. d 6 OlKOS TTrA.
25 And there went 25 2vi>E7ropEvovro.St
great multitudes with 4 5
Kai arpafdg auTift
e 3
ti^Xoi 7roXXoi*
him : and he turned, And were going with him
and having turned crowis 'great ;

and said unto them, eIttev TTpbg avTOvg, 26 Ei rig tpxerai irpoq fie, Kai ov.juiou
26 If any man come If any one comes
he said to them, to me, and hates not
to me, and hate not his
father, and mother, Tov-TrarepaSe avrov
Kai H]v fir\rspa Kai rrjv yvvaiKa Kai rd
and wife, and children, his father and mother and wife and
and brethren, and sis-
ters, yea, and his own TEKva Kai tovq dSsXtpovg Kai Tag dSeX(pdg, fVi.^t" Kai ri)v
life also, he cannot be children and brothers and and besides also
my disciple. 27 And h
whosoever doth .not tavTov.i\jvx>)v, ov.Svvarai fiov./j.a9i]Tng elvai'" 27 *Kai n oang
hear his cross, and his own life, he cannot my disciple be ; and whosoever
come after me, cannot
be my disciple. 28 For ov.fiaord'Cu TOV-aravpm>yavTOV^ Kai epxErai oiriato f.wv,
which of you, intend- carries not his cross, and comes after me,
ing to build a tower, n
bittuth not down first, ovSvvarai uov dvai x
fiaQrjTrfg. 28 rig.ydp i% v/xuiv 9sXwv
and counteth the cost, cannot -my _
'be- disciple. For which of you desiring
whether he have suffi-
cient to finish it? Kvpyov oiKodoj.ii]<Tai, ovyi TrpiLrov
B 6
KaQiaag \pi](pi^ei ti)v
'having sat Mown ^counts
29 Lest haply, after he a tower to build, not first the
hath laid the founda- m n n

tion, and is not able to

Sairdvrjv, ei t^Et ra" 7rpbg dirapTHJjxov', 29 'iva ju?';7rore
if he has the [means] for [its] completion ? that lest
finish it, all that be- cost,
hold it begin to mock
Q'&VTog avrov 9e{xeXlov Kai firj icxvovrog eKreXkaai, Trdvreg
him, 30 saying, This
man began to build, having laid of it a foundation and not being able to finish, all
and was not able to oi n
30 XEyovr?, "On
finish. 31 Or what king, who Oewpovvreg dp^iovrai EjXTraiZ,Eiv auTift,
see [it] should begin to mock at him, saying,
going to make war a-
gainst another king, oi'Tog 6 dvOpwirog yp^aro oiko8oj.ieIv, Kai ovk.Ioxihjev EKrekkaat.
Eitteth not down first, This man to and was not able
and consulteth whe- began build, to finish.

ther he be able with 31 "H rig (3a<nXevg TropEvo^iEvog p <TVfxj3a\eiv Ireptp j3a<ri-
ten thousand to meet Or what king proceeding to engage with another king
him that cometh a-
gainst him with twen- Xei

eig ttoXe^ov oi>xi Ka9i(rag irpwrov <*(5ovXEVErafi

ty thousand? 32 Or in war 6
not 'having sat Mown
*first B
takes 'counsel'
else, while the other r
is yet a great way off, ei fivvarog loriv ev deKa x<Aia<7iv diTavri']aai
r<p /ierd
he sendeth an ambas- whether able he is with ten thousand to meet him with
sage, and desireth con-
ditions of peace. 33 So UKocri %iXta^wr Epxofx'tvi^ ett' avrov, 32 ei.Se fii'iye,
likewise, whosoever he twenty thousand who comes against him ? But if not, still
be of you that f orsak-
eth not all that he hath, "avrov -iroppio" ovrog, TrpEfffiEiav aTTOOTEiXag ipiorq, rd
J 3
he cannot be my disci- 'he *f ar off being, an embassy having sent he asks the [terms]
34 Salt is good
o'vrujg, oiv
ple. 33
but the salt have
if Trpbg Eipi]vi]v. irdg e% vfi&v og 2ovk drco-
lost his savour, where- for peace. Thus therefore everyone of you who not 'does take
with shall it be sea- t

soned ? 35 It is neither
rdcrGErai itdaiv role eavrov virdp^ovaiv, ov.Svvarai /j,ov
fit for the laud, nor
leave of all that he himself possesses, cannot -my
yet for
the dunghill ; rival". fia9r)Trjg. 34 KaX6v y
to w aXag' n x
to '"aXag n
out men cast it out.
He that hath ears to 'be disciple. Good [is] the salt, but if the salt

hear, let him hear. liwpavQ'g ev t'lvi dprv9i](7Erai ;

35 o'vte eig yijv ovre
become tasteless with what shall it be seasoned ? Neither for land nor

eig KOirpiav evQetov eariv' e%(o fiaXXovviv avro.

'O e%<*)V
for manure fit is it : "out 'they ''cast it. He that has
wra y aKoveiv n aKovsrio.
ears to hear let him hear.
XV. Then drew near r z n
unto him the pub-
.ill 15 Hcrav-de tyyi%ovrEg avr(p iravreg oi TeXwvai Kai
licans and sinners for And were drawing near tohim all the tax-gatherers and
to hear him. 2 And the &
Pharisees and scribes oi dfiaprioXoi ukoveiv avrov' 2 Kai SiEyoyyv^ov oi &apiaaloi
murmured, saying, the sinners to hear him and murmured the Pharisees ;

f aVTOV LTTrA. S TC LTrA h elvaC Kai T.\ k eavrov
ftov jaa0rjr)js TTrA. >
LTA. '
clval fxov TTrA. (read [the means]) GTTrA.
to. el? to Gi.TTrAW.
" avru)
e/u.TrauJeii' LTTrA.
P erepij) fiaaihel o-u/u./3aAeu' LTTjA. )
fZov\eva<:Tai will take
counsel T. r
vnavrr\crai LTTrAW.
iroppio avroii W. l
eli'at fj.ov LTTr. v
+ ovi'
therefore T[Tr]A. " aAa t. x
+ kcu also LTTrA. y d/coveic t. * clvtu eyy^oi'TS
tTTrAW. a -r T both (the) LTTrA.
XV. LUKE 205
K al 01 yprt/i/iarecc, Xkyovreg, "On oWog dfiapTOjXoig ^rs^and^Lu-tn
and the scribes, saying, This [man] sinners witll tneln- 3 ^n U he
TTpocrdfXETai Kal
receives and
eats with
3 ElmrJe Trpbg aiiTOvg
And he spoke to them
4 -yyhat
^mail of^voul


tywv tKUTOV irpoBaTd, Kai

this parable,

4 T<


one of
t avrwv,

having an
e lose

the ninety and nine in

one of

having a hundred having lost them,

_ ^not ^-^erne^andjo
Kara\8L7rsi Td ivvav}]KOVTavvta n tv ry Kanropevsrai until he find it? 5 And

tltl TO

ninety nine
,, ,,_><i
in the wilderness

and when he hath
he layeth it on his
shoulders, rejoicing.
found it,

after that which has been lost, until he find it? And having found [it] 6 And when hecometh
vn v e ~nn a Kai tXVUJV
>\a' . - home, he calleth toge-
tlZl TOVg.0JjiOVg. taVTOV X a, P wv
, , ,

i7TlTl9l](7lV > ther his friends and

Eig tuv
... belays
[it] on
his shoulders

-v ~
and having come
\ i >\
(piXovg Kai tovq yEirovag,
- < ' /

Xs- me
neighbours, saying un-
to them, Rejoice with
for i haTe found
to the house he calls together friends and neighbours, say- my sheep which was

yiov avrolg, SSt/yxapj/ri


on evpov TO.TrpoBaTOV.fiov that lLew'ise'joy^haU
ing to them, Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep be in heaven over one
rb &iro\u>\6 S . 7 Xlyw ifuv, on o'vTiog .
X apd Kot<u iv t$ st\nolT:^i
that was lost. I say to you, that thus joy shall be in the and nine
just persons,

over one
evI apapTioXv fiETavobvvrt,
sinner repenting, [more] than over
r, iirl Hvvtvr,-
ninety wonlan
^ slithT^vh^
having ten
of silver, if she
KOVTatvvka" ciKaioig, oinvsg ov yptiav
txnvaiv uETavoiag, peces
nine righteous ones, who -no need 'have
ij] lt a cand i e andof repentance.

8 "H Tig yvin) dpax^dg Exovtra SeKa, ictv airoXkay sweep the house, and
Spaxprjv g
Or what woman "drachmas 'having -ten, if she should lose -drachma
ghe find i' ? 9An^ when
Uiav, OVxl-UTTTEL \{)XVOV Kal Oapoi TT/V OlKiaV Kal iWl- she hath found it, she%r)TE~l
house and seeks calleth /ier friends and
^one, lights not a lamp and sweeps the care-
, , , f \ ~ ii
r nel ghbours toge-
" Ewg/OTOV"
U(\u>g EVpy 9 Kal evpovoa ^VyKaAElTai" ther, saying, Rejoice
fully until she find [it]?

and having found [it] she calls together with me fori have j

i , u , , i -, r in ,/
found the piece which
Tag <pi\ag Kai Tag yiiTovag, Xtyovtra, %z.vyx a P rl T z 10 ^
ti I had lost. 10 Likewise,
friends and neighbours, saying, Rejoice with me, for I say unto you, there
^ , ,v .
/> n\ " \' ' ~ is joy in the presence of
ei'pov Tt)v cpaxi-it/v r)v airioKtoa. iv ovTiog, \syu) vfiiv, the angels of God, over
I have found the drachma which I lost. Thus, I say to you, one sinner that repeni-

XaPa ytvfrai" hnornov twv ayy'ikwv tov 9tov lirl tin d/xap-
joy there is before the angels of God over one sin-

ro>\<p fiETavoovvn.
ner repenting.
11 ~El7rEvSs, "AvOpioTTog rig e?%fv Svo v'tovg' 12 Kal eIttev n jLnd he gaid A
And he said, A -man 'certain had two sons and said certain man had two ;

o vetoTepog avTu>v ITarep, dog jioi to linBaX-

hunger of them s*d
the younger r<j>Tpi,
of them to [his] father, Father, give to me that -fall- ^ f a tber Father
m Kal m
to 4
p'zpoQ Tt)Q oiiaiag.
me] 'portion of the property. And

he divided to them
avTvlg rbv Biov. giv
the living. %*P
j +w S ^^ ?*
^nd he i
13 Kal uet ov TroXXdg n
ti7ravTa n unt0 th e'm his living.
r'nispag avvayaywv
And after not


days having gathered together
gathered all together, fig X^) 9 av [laKpctV, Kal
j^ ^

son went away and there ? nid to ^- his j ourue y
, ,,, ,
into a ^country 'distant,
TtJV-OVGiai'.aVTOV, Z,OJV a<TlOTli>g.
- ,
into a far country, and

14 OaTTai'i]- there wasted his sub-

wasted his property, 3 stance with riotous
living dissolutely. Having
*, , , , , . , , ,
, living. 14 And when
CaVTOg C aVTOV TCaVTa EytVETO Xl/XOg iaxVpog he had spent all, there, Kara
spent 'but he all there arose a "famine throughout arose a mighty famine
t it Kai
\ , k v , - n
i i- in that land and he , ;

Tyi'-Xupav.iKEivrjv, avrog i/p^aro vtrrepEicruai. 15 Kai began to" be in want.

that country, and he began to be in want. And 15 And he wont and
a7roAe'o-Tj should lie lose Tr. c e
atnw d
eV TTrA.evevrjKovra kvvia LTTr.
e avrov
TTrA. f
avvKa\el T. 8 awxo-pr\T* T. h kv r<Z ov Tr. k
ovpavio e<TTat TA.
' Tas LTTrA,
* m 6 os LTrA. n navra LTrA.
yiverai ^apa TTrA. i<r\vpa LTTrAW
joined himself to a Evl TWV TToXlTlOV Trjg.Xlopac.EKEivTJC,'
^op^yQ^g EKoXXr)9r)
ancfhe^sen* hiin^nto having gone he joined himself to one of the citizens of that country,
his fields to feed swine. Ka l aVTOV
hare filled his belly
and he Tent him into his fields to feed swine
with the husks that the IGkoi yE/xio-aiTrjv'.KOiXiav.avTov cnrb twv KEpaTiiov
swine did eat and no :
And he was longing to fill his belly from the husks'
man gave unto him.
17 And when he came wv ijaOiov ol x^P 01
Kai ovSelg tdidov avTip. 17 Eig
to himself, he said, which 3
'the and no one to him. 4
were*eating "swine; gave
How many hired ser-
vants of my father's tnvrbv dh eX9u>v p Ho&oi liigvioi tov TrarpoQ
r7Ti'," jxi.a9ioi
have bread enough an 5 !
himself 'but ^having 3 come he said, How many hired servants 3
to spare, and I perish
n T s
with hunger 18 I will fiov i7rEpia<7vuv(Tiv
dpTiov, tyoj.ds Xiptp cnrnXXvpai ;
arise and go to my 'of my have abundance of bread, and I with famine am perishing?
father, and will say
unto him, Father, I 18 ctvacrrag TropEvvofxai irpbg Tbv-7ra.Tipa.fxov, Kal Epio
have sinned against Having risen up I will go to my father, and I will say
heaven, and before
thee, 19 and am no avT(p, TiaTEp, ypapTOV eiq tov ovpavbv Kal tviomov aov
more worthy to be to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee ;

called thy son make

me. as one of thy hired
19 'rat" ovk'eti d^iog Kki]Bqvai vlog.Gov TroirjGov lie
eiliI tog
servants. 20 And he and no longer ami worthy to be called thy son make me : as
arose, and came to his 20
father. But when he
'iva Tiov.fxiG9iwv.GOv. Kal avatTTagJ]X9ev Trpbg tov ita-
was yet a great way one of thy hired servants. And having risen up he went to fa-
his father saw him,
off, tavrov.' "Eti.Se avTov LiaKpav d7rE%ovTog eISev avrbv
and had compassion, repa 3 3
and ran, and fell on his ther 'his But *yet 'he *far being distant saw *him
neck, and kissed him. b.TraTTqp.avTOV Kal EGTr\ayxv'tG9r], Kal dpa/xibv ettettegev
21 And the son said un-
'his '"father and was moved with compassion, and running fell
to him, Father, 1 have
Binned against heaven, ETrl 21
Tbv.Tpa^ljXoV.avTOV Kal KaTE<pi\T]GEV aVTOV. EL7TEV.Se
ight, and nls ueck and ardently kissed him. And
am no more worthy to upon u

be called thy son. ^avTtp b v'iog, YlciTEp, i'j/xapTOV Eig tov ovpavbv Kal ivio-
22 But the father said *to5
him 'the
son, Father, I have sinned against heaven and be-
to his servants, Bring
forth the best robe, and 7ri6v aov, x /cat" ovk'eti eiliI dS,tog ic\r]9rjvai vwg.Gov. 22 EIttev
put on him; and put
it. fore thee, and no longer am I worthy to be called thy son.
a ring on his hand, v
and shoes on his feet: b y n
rrpbg TOvg:Sov\ovg.avTOV,
7ra,Tr]p 'E%EveyKaTE T>}v
23 and briug hither but the fatherto his bondmen, Bring out the
the fatted calf, and
kill it ; and let us eat, GToXijv rr)v 7rpioTt]v Kal IvSvaaTE avTov, Kal Sote daKTvXiov
and be merry 24 for : robe the best and clothe him, and give a ring
this my son was dead,
and is alive again he ;
Eig Tr)V.XEipa-avT0v Kal v7rodr)/xaTa Eig Tovg woSag' 23 Kal
was lost, and is found. for his hand and sandals for the feet ; and
And they began to be
merry. 25 Now hi3 *ivEyKavTEg [x6g%ov
9v<raTE, (payoi'TEg tov gitevtov Kal
z '

elder son was in the having brought the calf fattened kill [it], and eating
field : and as he came
and drew nigh to the Ev<ppav9j/xEV 24 on oi'Tog b.vlog./xov VEKpbg 2
i)v, Kal dvkr)-
let us be merry for this my son dead 'was, and is alive
house, he heard musick
: .

and dancing. 26 And <7EV b Kal Kal Evpf9rj. Kot

he called one of the cnroXtoXiog jjv," ijp^avTO ev-
servants, and asked again and lost 'was,
and is found. And they began to i

what these things

meant. 27 And he said
(hpaivEa9ai. 25 ^Hv.Se b.v'tbg.aiiTOv b TrpEaBvTEpog kv dypai'
unto him, Thy brother be merry.
And *was_ his son 'T.he 'elder in afield;
is come; and thy father Kal lb
g Ep^OLlEVOg IjyyiGEV TtJ OlKia fjKOVGEV GV fXtplOViag
lla t X lle(^ f tt i
ii vl ^f. t *i an<l as
calx, because he hath
coming [up] he drew near to the house he heard music
^-v^\ , ' ~ ?, > ~ u
*. < '

Kai XopioV 26 Kai TTpoaKaXEcraiiEVog Eva Tiov.7raioiov. c avTOV,

and dancing. And having called near one of his servants,

ETTVv9d.VET0 tL d e'Ltj TavTa. 27 o.ce eLtvev avTip, 'On

he inquired what might be these things. And he said to him,
o.ddEXtpog.oov j')kei' Kai k9v(Tv b-TraTrjp.trov toi fxotrxov tov
3 2
Thy brother is come and killed 'thy -father the calf

P eo&T7 T. 1 Trepto-crevoi'Tai TrA. r

-f wSe here GTrA. 8 a)5e + here LT. Kai
GLTTrAW. v 0.VTOV LTTr. w 6 1UOS aVTto A. x Kai LTT;A. y + Ta\v Quickly
a lttta. a ttta b LTTrA
L[Tr]A. (read robe) ^epere bring r\v a7roA.oA.ijs
diroA. ty w.
e _ avTov (read the servants) EGLTTrAW.
+ av [L]Tr[Aj.
28 received him safe and
gitevtov, (in vyiaivovra avrbv
a7rs\a/3ev. 'QpylcrOt]
He 3 was 4 angry
2 sound. 28 And he was
'fattened, because safe and wjell him 'he ^received. angr angry, and would not
e go in therefore came
o rcari/p avrov his father out, and in-

8t Kai OVK.f]Qs\V eige\9e"iv. ovi>"

'but and was not willing to go in.
The 'therefore father of him
treated him. 29 And
he answering said to
i&XQwv 7raptKa\u avrov. 29 b.Sk airoKpiQuq eittev T$.ira-
to H a- his father, Lo, these
him. But he answering said
havinggone besought many years do I serve
neither trans-
'lSov,roaavra tTT} Sovktvu) aoiKai oi)SB7rore evtoXi)v
( thee,
Tpi ,
gressed I at any time
ther['his], Lo, so many years I serve thee and never "commandment
thy commandment :

and yet thou never

gov TtaprfKdov, Kai t/xoi ovSettote ttiojicag tpitpov iva pETO.
that with gavest me a kid, that I
thy 'transgressed I, and to me didst thou give a kid
3 never
might make merry
Tu>p.<pi\u)V-[xov eixppavOoJ- 30 ote.Se o.v' ovrog with my friends :

but when 'this 30 but as soon as this

my friends I might make merry ; '-'thy ''son
thy son was
% tOvaag
6 Karafaywv gov rbv fiiov fiEra
Kopvutv i]X9ev,
harlots thou didst kill
which hath devoured
thy living with har-
who devoured thy living came,
lots, thou hast killed
aVTtp TOV "flOG^OV TOV GITEVTOV. 31 b.St eIttev avrip, Tekvov, for him the fatted calf.
for him the 2
calf 'fattened. But he said to him, Child, 31 And he said unto
Son, thou art ever
(TV TravroTE ixEr Efiov ei, Kai iravra ra tfia 2 o~a
egtiv. him,
with me, and all that
thou always with me art, and all that [is] mine thine 'is. I have is thine. 32 It
was meet that we
32 Ev<ppavQ7)vaiM mi x a PU vai toEi, on b.ddEX^og.Gov should make merry,
2 3
But to make merry and
rejoice becoming, because brother
thy and be glad for this :

l n k 11
Kai thy brother was dead,
ovrog vEKpbg 4 nv, Kai dvsZf]GEV' /cai" cnroXojXojg 'fjv, and is alive again and
'dead was, and alive again and *lost 'was, and was ;

lost, and is found.

'this is ;

is found.
m n

16 "EXeyEv.Sk Kai irpbg Tovg.^a9i]rdg. avTOv, kv9pojirog

And he said also to his disciples,
XVI. And he said
A man

also unto his

Tig l\v irXovaiog, ?x fv o'ikovojiov' Kai ovrog Sie- There was adisciples,
og certain
4 5
'certain there was "rich, had who
a steward, and he was
rich man, which had a

l3Xr]9t] avrip wg ciaGKopn-i^txtv Ta.inrapxovTa-avTOV.

2 Kai steward; and the same
accused to him as waiting his goods. And was accused unto him
that ho had wasted his
(pioinjffag avrbv eIttev cikovio TTEpi
aiirip, goods. 2 And he called
Ti rovro
him he said I hear concerning him, and said unto
to him, What this
having called [is]
n u him, How is it that I
gov ; cnroSog rbv Xoyov rrig.oiKovo^iag.GoV ov.yap. 8vvf)Gy hear this of thee ? give
thee ? render the account of thy stewardship for thou canst not an account of ihy ;

stewardship for thou ;

ETl OIKOl'OjIElV 3 EIttevM ev Eavr<{> o oiKovofiog, mayest be no longer

any longer be steward. And 3 said 4 within 5 himself the 2 stow.lrd, steward. 3 Then the
steward said within
Tt TroirjGo), on b.Kvpiog.fiov cupaipElrai r>)v oiKovo/.iiav air' himself, What shall I
What shall I do, for my lord is taking away the stewardship from do ? for my lord takcth

tpov okcittteiv ovk.igxvm, eiraiTtlv aiGX^'vofiai. 4 tyvojv away from Ime the
; stewardship :

me? To dig I am unable to beg ;

I am ashamed. I know
dig to beg I am ;

ri 7roirjGii), 'iva, orav /jEraGra9oJ rrjg oIkovo- ashamed. 4 I am re-

solved what to do, that,
what I will do, that, when I shall have been removed [from] the steward- when I am
put out >.-f

fiiag, Sk^wvrai jjle Eig Tovg.o'iKovg.

v avru>v." 5 Kai irpoG- the stewardship, they
me inLo
call- may
ship, they may receive me into their houses. And their houses. 5 So he
iva ekugtov tu>v q xP W(P iXetwv^ rov Kvpiov called every one of his
KaXEGa\iEVog 2 3 lord's debtors unto him,
ing to [him] one 'each of the debtors lord
and said unto the first,
iavrov 'dXEyEv rip Trpwnp, Uogov otpEiXEig rtjJ.Kvp'utJ.nov ;
How much owest thou
'of his he said to the first, How much owest thou to my lord ? untomy lord ? 6 And
he said, An hundred
6 'O.Se x e17TEv, 'EKarbv \iarovg LXaiov. Kai" eIttev avrtjj, measures of oil. And
And he said,- A hundred baths of oil. And he said to him, he .--aid unto him, Take

s thy bill, and sit down

&E%ai gov rd ypafifia" Kai Ka9iGag raxkwg ypaipov ttevti)- quickly, and write
Take thy bill and sitting down quickly write fifty. fifty. 7 Then said he

c oe but LTTrA. f
+ avrov his LTrA. 8 + iw the
LTrA. h vnevTov
y.6o-\ov TTrA.
(read a.7roAtoAcbs had been lost) LTTrA.
k l
efro-ev is alive TTrA. Kai t.
m avTov {read the disciples) TTrA. n
6vvj7 TTrA. +- e/c from Ll]tita. p kavrutv
1 r 8 TO bills LTTrA..
TTrA. X))eoit>^"Uf LTTrA, 6 S LTTrA.
208 Ao y K A s. xvr.
to another, And how Kovra. 7 "E7T?tra irkpui Uttev, "2.v2e ttcxtov ixpEiXEig ;
much owest thou? And Then * to another he said, And thou how much thou
oivest ?
he said, An hundred t n
measures of wheat. 'O.S'teIwev, 'Ekcitov Kupovg airov. Kai XkyEi avrift, AsEai
And he said unto him, And he said, A hundred cors of wheat. And he says to him, Take
Take thy bill, and
write fourscore. 8 An d gov rb ypdfX[j.a
Kai ypdipov vyCofjKovra. 8 Kai etttjuegev
the lord commended thy bill and write eighty. And 'praised
the unjust steward,
because he had done b Kvpiog tov oikovojxov rijg dSiKiag on <f>povijxu}Q tTroit]-
wisely for the child-
'tho -lord the 'steward 'unrighteous because prudently he had
ren of this world are in
their generation wiser gev on ol viol Tov.aluJvog.rovrov <ppovijxu)TEpoL virip tovq
G 8 3
thau the children of done. For the sons of thi age more 'prudent than the
light. 9 And I say un-
to you, Make to your- viovg tov
<pu)TOQ Eig Trjv yEVEav TTji'JavTuiv eigiv. 9 v KayuV'
selves friends of the "sons "of '-the ''light "in feneration their 'own 'are. And I
mammon of unright- w
eousness that, ; vjjIv Xiyw, aavroTg" (piXovg ek tov fiafuovd Tijg
ye fail, they may re- to you say, Make to yourselves friends by the mammon
ceive you into ever- x
'iva oTav kK\i7rr}TE
lasting habitations. adiiciag, vfxag ilg Tag
10 Hethat is faithful of unrighteousness, that when ye fail they may receive you into the
in that which is least
is faithful also in alduviovg GKi]vdgf. 10 'O -KiGTog iv iXaxiGT(i> Kai
much and he that is
eternal dwellings. He that [is] faithful in [the] least also
unjust in the least is iv IotiV Kai b iv dciKog
ttoXXci) TriGTog iXa\iGT(ii
unjust also in much. in much faithful and he that in [the] least
11 If therefore ye have is; [is] unrig'.iteous .

not been faithful in Kai iv 7ToXXoj tOTiv. 11 e< ovv iv T(p dbucip
the unrighteous mam-
also in much unrighteous is. If therefore in the unrighteous
mon, who will commit
to your trust the true TriGToi ovK.iyki'etjQe, to dXrjQivbv Tig bffiv ttigteugei;
riches? 12 And if ye jxa^novq,
mammon faithful ye have not been, the true who to you will entrust ?
have not been faithful
in that which is ano- 12 Kai iv Tip aWoTpiip a tcigtoi ovK.iyivEGQt, to
ther man's, who shall And if in that which [is] another's faithful ye have not been,
give you that which is z
your own ? 13 No ser- bfisTEpov Tig bjxlv dwaei;" 13 OvCEig oiKtTrjg cvvcitcii iivgi
vant can serve two your own who to you will give? No servant is able two
masters for either he :

will hate the one, and Kvpioig SovXeveiv f)-ydp tov 'iva ixigi)gei, Kai tov ETEpov
love the other; or else lords to serve, for either the one he will hate, and the other
he will hold to the one,
and despise the other. ayaTrrjGEC fj ivbg dvOe^ETai, Kai tov iripov KaTaippovijGEi.
Ye cannot serve God he will love or one he will hold to, and the ;
other he will despise.
and mammon.
ov-CvvaaOe Qe<^ SovXevelv Kai \ia\iiava~.
Ye 5
are unable God 'to serve and mammon.
14 "HkovovSe ravTa irdvTa "mill ol Qapiaaloi, <pi\ap-
And 4 heard "these ^things 'all aL>o the Pharisees, covet-
And the Pharisees
Kai ai>Tov. 15 Kai eIttev
also, who were cove- yvpot inrupxovTEg, itEpivKT^pi^ov
tous, heard all these
ous 'being, and they derided him. And he said
things and they de-
diKaiovvTEg iavTOvg evwttiov tujv

rided him. 15 And he avTolg, 'Tu-Eig egte oi

said unto them, Ye are to them, Ye are they who justify themselves before
yourselves before men
dv9pu)7rwv, o.dLOEog yivwGKU Tag.KapSiag.v/.iu>V on to ev
but God knoweth your

men, but God knows your hearts for that 'among ;

hearts: for that which

is highly esteemed a-
fidaXvy/ia iviorriov tovQeov "ioriv."
men 3
'highly thought of an abomination before God is.
mong men is abomina-
tion in the sight of 16 O 'Wf" 'Iwdvvov' dwb
vSfiog Kai oi 7rpo<pf]Tai

God. 16 The law and The law and ths John from
prophets [were] until :
the prophets were until
John siice that time
: tote j3aGiXEiaTr) tov 9eov EvayyE\ic.ETai, Kai nag eig
the kingdom of God is that time the kingdom of God and everyone 2
is announced,
preached, and every
man presseth into it. avTrjv /3id^ETai. 17 ~EvKoirwTEpov.$k 'egtiv tov ovpavbv Kai
37 And it is easier for 3
But heaven and
it 'forces. easier it is [for] the
fieaven and earth to
pass, than one tittle of tvjv yrji' TrapE\0Elv, fj tov vofiov fiiav KEpaiav -kege'iv.
the law to fail. 18 Who- the earth to pass away, than of the law one tittle to fail.
soever putteth away
his wife, and marrieth 18 Hag drroXiiov Tr/v.yvvalKa.avTOV Kai ya/.iu>v ETepav
another, committeth Everyone who puts away his wife and marries another
4 Kai LTTrA. u to. v w eavrst?
ypdfj.ti.aTa bills LTTrA. /cat eyu> TTrA. 7rai?jcraTe TA.
* shall fail LTTrA. y + [avruf] (read their eternal dwellings) i,. l
K\iirr) it
V^v 1 7c. Kai tti[a]. ecTTt.y (read |,isj) GLTTrAW.
> c
ne^pi. ttja. 'Iwdi'ov r r
LUKE. 209
e n
adultery and whosoi
Kai 7rag 6 diroXeXvp.ivr]v airb avopog

ever marrieth her that

lomniits adultery and everyone who 2
her 3 put 4 away 5
froin 'a 'husband is
put away from her

husband committeth a-
ycijxujv fioi^tvei.
marries commits adultery. dultery.

19 "Av9pU)7rOg.$k TIQ i]v ivkovaiOQ, icai tveoiSvcncBTo

Now 3 a s man 4 certain there 2 was 5
rich, and he was clothed in
7rop(pvpav Kai j3vaaov, evcppaivopevog Ka6'.i)/.ispav Xafiirpwg.
purple and fine linen, making good cheer daily in splendour.
f n
20 rig i]v ovofian Ad^apog, &og

And a -poor 'man 'certain there was, by name Lazarus, who was laid
h n
7rpbg rbv.7rv\a>va.avTOV i)XKiopevog, 21 Kai iiTi9vpCJv x9~
19 There was a cer-
at his porch being full of sores,
be tain rich and desiring to
man, which

"a<y9)jvai c'itto tujv ipi\iu)v rwj/" ttitttovtojv airb rfjg rpcnrtZtig was clothed in purple
satisfied from the crumbs which fell from the table
and fine linen, and
fared sumptuously
tov ifKovty'iov' ciXXd icai oi Kvveg ipxopevoi k a7riXeixov' to. every day: 20 and there [

of the rich man but even the dogs was a certain beggar
; coming licked
named Lazarus, which
tXKrj.avrov. 22 tyevero.Ct cnro9av{iv tov tttw^ov, Kai was laid at his gate,
his sores. And it came to pass ''died 'the 2 3
and full of sores, 21 and de-
poor nian,
siring to be fed with
dTrevExOijvai avrbv virb tu>v dyyeXcov eig tov koXttov tov 1 i]
the crumbs which fell
-was 'carried 4 a way 'he by the angels into the bosom from the rich man's
table moreover the

'Aj3padp,' d7rt6avev.Sk icai 6 7rXovcriog, icai tTdtyr). 23 icai iv dogs came and licked
ofAbraham. And died also the rich man, and was buried. And in his sores. 22 And it
came to pass, that the
Tip q,Cy nrapag rovg 0$ laXfiovg.avrov, virdpyuv iv j3a- beggar died, and was
the hades having lifted up his eyes, being carried by the angels
in tor-
into Abraham's bosom:
advoig, bpq, "Vov." 'A(3padfi ' dTrb.paKpSQev, icai AdZ,apov iv the rich man also died,
ineuts, he sees Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in and was buried; 23 and
in hell he lift up his
Toig.KbXifoig.avTOV' 24 Kai avTog (putvijoag elirev, Udrep
eyes, being in tormnnts,
his bosom. And he crying out said, Father and seeth Abraham
afar off, andLazaivts in
'Af3pad/x K iXei]a6v fie,
Kai Trkfxipov Ad'apov,'iva (3dtpy his bosom. 24 And he
Abraham, have compassion on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip criedand said, Father
to dicpov TOV.datcTvXov.avrov vSarog, Kai Karaipvzij ti)v Abraham, have l.iercy
yXwa on me, and send Laza-
the tip of his finger in water, and cool tongue rus, that he m :
,y dip
adv pov' on 68vvu>p,ai iv Tij.cpXoyi.TavTy. 25 El7rev.Se the tip of his filler in
and cool my
'my for I am suffering in this flame. But -said water, for I a.n tor-
tongue ;

'Af3pad/j, TtKi'ov, p:i')]rj97]Ti oti aTreXafSeg "OV" Ta mented in this flame.


2 3 25 But Abraham said,

'Abraham, Child, recollect that didst fully *receive 'thou
Son, remember that
Ta.KaKa thou in thy lifetime
dyaOd.aov 'tv TyX^y.aov, Kai Adc,apog bfxo'njjg receivedst thy good
thy good things in thy lifetime, and Lazarus likewise evil things.
things, and likewise
viiv.Se 6Se n TrapaKaXeirai, cv.Se oCvvdaai. 26 Kai p i7ri II
Lazarus evii things :
But now he and thou art suffering. And but now he i> comfort-
is comforted, besides
ed, and thou art tor-
iraaiv TOVTOig, p.Ta?,v Kai i)pu>v %o<Tyua u'eya iaTi'iptK- mented. 26 And beside
all the between us and you a -chasm 'great all this, between us and
iese things, has been
you there is a great gulf
OiXovTEg Sia(3rjvai %VTeu9ev
rai, oTrwg oi '
fixed : so that they
so that they who desire to pass hence to which would pass from
fixed, you hence to you cannot ;
fiil.SvvwvTai, jxi]Se *ot EKeWev 7T, Tpog i]jjidg dia7repu>aiv. neither can they pass
2 4 J to us, that would come
are unable, nor they thence *to "us 'can pass
from thence. 27 Then
27 EItTEV.Ss, 'EpOJTU) ovv ae," Trarep, \va Tri\ii\iyg he said, I pray thee
And he said, I beseech 2
then 'thee, father, that, thou wouldest send therefore, father,, that
thou wouldest send
ai)Tov eig tov oIkov Tov.iraTpog.nov, 28 txw.ydp tteite dSeX- him to my father's
him to the house of my father, for I have five bro- house 28 for I have :

five brethren ;
that he
<povg' OTrojg diafiaprvprjTai aiiToXg, 'iva Kai avTOi may testify unto them,
thers, so that he may earnestly testify to them, that "not 'also 'they lest they also come in-

7ras I.TTrA. f
[L]TTrA. S OS [LJTTrA. h eiAxcoueVos LTTrAW.
[read ru>u that which) [l]ta ; [tojv i^x"01'] t&v Tr. k
^ix'w ,/

m rbv LTTrA. n en-e'Aeixoi' lttta.

TOV GLTTrAW. 0"V (read d7re'Aa/3es thou didst fully receive) GTTrA.
Se here (read napaic. he is comforted) LTTrAW. p ev before T. evOev OMTrAWo "J

oi (read Sian\ can they pass) l[a]. * <r ovy LTrAW,
to this place of tor- v
ment. 29 Abraham
tXQlOGlV Eig T0V.T07T0V-T0VT0V T)]Q fidGClVOV 29 XkyEi 1
= 3 4
saith unto him, They may come to this piace of torment. Says to him
have Moses and ihe
A(5padn,"E\ovGiv "Mwirk"
/cat Tovg 7rpo(pt)rag ctKovaaTUjauv
prophets let them

hear them.' 30 And he 'Abraham, They have Moses and the prophets : let them hear
said, Nay, father Abra- ai'Twv. 30 'Oit tlTrtv, Otn^i, Trdrep 'A/3padf.i' dXX tdv Tig
ham :but if one went
them. But he father but
unto them from the said, No, Abraham,
dead, they will repent. C17TO VEKpwV avrovg
31 And he said unto TropEvOy 7rpbg lAtrai'oijaovfjiv.
from [the] dead should go to them. they wiil repent.
him, If they hear not
Moses and the pro- 31 El7rfv.Sk ai>T<p, El MW0-6W" KCtl TlOV TTpo<pl)TUJV OVK
phets, neither will they And he said to him, If Moses and the prophets
be persuaded, though
ore rose from the dead. CtKOVOVGlV, ?ouSk* -lav Tig . tic
vEKpCJv avaary 7teig6)i-
'they -hear, not even if one from [the] dead should rise will they

be persuaded.
XVn. Then said he
unto the disciples, It is 17 El7rev.Sk Trpbg rovg f.iadr]Tag, z 'AvevSektov egtiv Vou"
impossible but that of- And he said to the disciples, Impossible it i3 that
fences will come but h :
n c
woe unto him, through fX}).kX9e~iv to. <jicavCa\a' ovai.Sk Si o5 tpx era <- ,]

whom they cornel 2 It ^should not "'come 'offences, but woe [to him] by whom they come.
were better for him
that a millstone were
2 XvgiteXei avTip ei ^pvXog 6viKog
TTEp'iKEiTai Ttepi
It is profitable for him if a millstone turned by an ass abouc
hanged about his neck, is put
and he cast into the
Kai 'ippiTTTcii fig- t>)v OdXaaaav, r) iva
sea, than that he should TOv.Tpdx>)Xov.avTov,
offend one of these lit- his neck, and he is caoi into the sea, than that
tle ones. 3 Take heed e
to yourselves: If thy mcavSaXiay 'eva
rwr.jU(/cpwj'.roj;rai/." 3 7rpOGXETE
brother a- he should cause e to 'offend 'one ''of
'these ''little ones. Take heed
gainst thee, rebuke kavrolg. tdvJSk' 1
s Eig ge a
him; and if he repent,
4 5 e
to yourselves and if should sin against thee 'thy ^brother, re-
forgive him. 4 And if

he trespass against thee Kai tav lAETCivoijay, acpeg avTip. 4 kcii iav
seven times in a day, Tlj-ll}G0l> ai'TtjJ
and seven times in a
buke him : and if he should repent, forgive him. And if
dav turn again to thee, k '
tTTTUKig ri]g ijfitpag "a/xapry" etg ge, Kai ETrraKig r^g
saying, I repent thou ;
seven times in the day he should sin against thee, and seven times in the
shalt forgive him.
n l tt

t']fikpag ETTiGrpsipg $7ri os, Xeywv, Meravow, d(pi)GEig

day should return to, thee, saying. I repent, thou shalt forgive

5 And the apostles him.
said unto the Lord, In- 5 Kai el7rov oi
01 cnroGroAoi
aTTOGToXoi Tip Kvpiip, HpoGQeg i'i/mv
crease our faith. 6 And
the Lord said, If ye had And said the apostles to the Lord, Give more -to 'us
faith as a grain of mus- tt'igtiv. 6 El7rEv.Sk 6 Ei "('xre" 7tigtiv, wg kokkov
tard seed, ye might say Kvpiog,
unto this sycamine 'faith. But 3 said 'the "Lord, If ye had faith, as a grain
*ree. Be thou plucked Kai
GivcnrEbtg, kXsyETE.dv T-g.GVKafxivip.Tavry, 'EKpi^wdrjTi,
up by the root, aud be of mustard, ye might say to this sycamine tree, Be thou rooted up, and
thou planted in the sea;
and it should obey you.
cpvTEv9t]Ti kv Ty QaXdoGy' Kai V7ri']KovGEv.av v/xlv. 7 Tig.Sk
7 But which of you, be thou and it would obey But which
planted in the sea, you.
having a ser van t plow-
ing or feeding cattle, i4" vfioJv SovXov dporpiuJVTa rf ?pv
7roijiaivovra, og
will say unto him by 3
and by, when he is
of you ''a bondman 'having ploughing or shepherding,
come from the field, Go eigeXOovti Ik tov dypov ipet p
^evOeloq, naps\0u)v"
and sit own to meat ? [to him] come in out of the field will say immediately, Having come
8 And will not rather
T n
Bay unto him, Make ava7rEGai 8 dXX' ouxi.kpEl avripi 'EToij-iaGov ri
ready where with I may recline [at table] ? but will he not say to him, Prepare what
eup, and gird thyself,
and serve me, till I SEi7rvi]Gii), Kai TTEpiZioGcifiEvog SiaKovEi fioi, eojg fdyoj Kai
have eaten and drunk- I may sup on, and girding thyself about serve me, while I eat and

+ oe (read but Abraham) LTTrAW. T avriS T[TrA]. w Moivo-c'a LTTrAW.
Mcou- x

tre'oic LTTrAW. y 0116' LTrA. z

+ O.VTOV (read his disciples) LTTrAW.
TOV E. a
b to.<TKavSa\a ixr) e\9elv TTrA. woec *
a millstone
Tr\r)v oval yet LTr. At'0os fj.vKiKOq
LTTrA. e T<oi' ^ - S
|tAiKpu>i/ tovtiov
eva. TTrA. 8e aild LTTrA. ets o~e LTTrA.
a^apTqayi LTTrAW. + [civ] it' L.
' k
r)s ijfj.epa<; LTTrA. 67ri ere G 7rpby aa
m n P + avToi to him [LjTTrA.
LTTi AW. elnu.v LTTrA. ex tTe y e have TTrA. ? [ef J Tr.
q Ei9du>s 7rapeA6cui' (nad Huviug come immediately recline) LTTiA, r avdmo-e LTTrAW.
XVII. L U VL K. 211
ov 9. en; and afterward thou
TTIIO' Kai uErd ravra ihayscrat Kai vieGai ; Mr) shalt eat and drink ?
3 4 6 'thou?
drink and after these things -shalt eat and drink 9 Doth he thank that
Siard- servant because he did
*X a P lvl X u
t to.
OTl iiToir]Gv the things that were
Tt^.SovX(p. iKlV({^ the things com-
Is he thankful to that bondman because he did commanded him ?' I
w ov.SoKu>. n orav trow not. 10 So likewise
10 OlITOjg ical VflEig, when ye shall have
)(BkvTa i
Thus also when ye,
manded him? I judge not. ye, done all those things
x Sov- which are commanded
irdvra.Ta Siarax9tvra iftiv, Xlyere, "On"
7rou;c7jre 2
Bond- you, say, We are un-
ye may have done all things commanded you, Bay,
profitable servants: we
have dene that which
Xoi dyoeloi ioptv yon" o uxpeiXopsv 7rotr>ai ireiroiti- was our
we have duty to do.
men 'unprofitable are we, for that which we were bound to do

11 Kai eyevZTO lv r(j>.7ropevc<T9ai-'
avTbv tig'UpovvaXr)p

And it came to pass in his going up to Jerusalem

b 11 And it came to
Kai'avTbg Siijpx^o Sid "peoov* 2apapeiag" K ai TaXt- pass, as he went to Je-
midst of Samaria and Gali-
that he passed through [the] rusalem, that he passed
c n
through the midst of
Xaiag. 12 Kai eiaepxonzvov.avTOV tig nva Ku>p.t]v d7n)vrr]0-av Samaria and Galilee.
lee. And on his entering into a certain village *met 12 And as he entered

SUa Xe-n-poi dvSpeg, ot tarrjaav 7r6ppio9ev' 13 Kai into, a certain village,

5 3 who stood afar off. And there met him ten men
him 'ten "leprous men, that were lepers, which
avroi npav <pwvi)v X'eyovTEg, 'li]<rov, i-Kiardra, IXsjj- stood afar off: 13 and
lifted up their
they lifted up [their] voice saying, Jesus. Master, have compas- they
voices, and said, Jesus,
oov imag. 14 Kai ISljv zIttiv avroXg, UopEv9evreg Master, have mercy on
eionon us. And seeing [them] he said to them, Having gone us. 14 And when he saw
them, he said unto
tTTihi^aTE iavrovg rolg izpzvaiv. Kai iytvero tv ry inrd-
them, Go shew your-
unto the priests.
And it came to pass in go- selves
shew yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass,
15 LK avrStv, iSCov on that, as they went,
ye.iv avrovg iKa9apia9i)aav. elg.St
ing 'their they were cleansed. And dne of them, seeing that they were cleansed.
15 And one of them,
idQrj, VTr'iGTpi-fytv, fxzrd <pu)vrjg fieyaXrjg So%dZ,Luv tov when he saw that he
he was healed, turned back, with a 'voice 'loud glorifying was turned
back, and with a loud
dtov 16 Kai tnwev t7ri Trpoawirov irapd TOvg.Trocag.avTOV, voice glorified God,
God, and fell on [his] face at his feet, 16 and fell down on
e n his face at his feet, giv-
Kai avrbg -qv ing him thanks and 17 aTTOKpiOtig
zvxapHJT&v avr<fi' 2a/J.apeirr)g. z

giving thanks to him : and he was a Samaritan.

he was a Samaritan. Answering
17 And, Jesus answer-
St b'lrjbovg ElTrtv, 'O^xi" oi tKa9apia9r](7av ; oi.sSt" Swa
ing said, Were there
and Jesus said, 'Not 3 the *ten 'were cleansed? but 3 the not ten cleansed? but
dovvai where are the nine ?
ivvka 7roii; 18 ovx-tvp'tOrjaav virooTp^avng to 18 There are not found
*nine 'where [ 2 are]? Were there not found [any] returning give that returned to give
19 Kai dirtv glory to God, save this
So^av rep 9e(p tl.fxri b.dXXoytvijg.ovrog J ahrtp, 19 And he
glory to God except this stranger? And he said to him, stranger.
said unto him, Arise,
go way t.hy faith
'Avaarag TropzvoV rj.TrioTig.Gov fftffwKf <xe. thy :

hath made thee whole.

Having risen up go forth ; thy faith has cured thee.
20 And when he was
20 'E7Tpu)T7]9eig.Ss vtzo t&v apiaaiujv, 7t6te tpx^rat / demanded of the Pha-
And having been asked by when is coming the risees, when the king-
the Pharisees, dom of God should
tov Kai Srai V come, he answered
flacnXeia 9eov, cnrEKpi9r) avrolg elTrtv, OvK.tpx
kingdom of God, he answered them and said, 5
Comes "not 'the them and said, The
kingdom of God Com-
eth not with observa-
ftaaiXeia tov3 9eov piErd TraparrjprjiyEujg' 21 ovfik tpovaiv,
of 4 God with observation lior shall they say, tion 21 neither shall :
say, Lo here! or,

'idov wSe, f} iSov n Ijcfil* ISov.ydp, 1) (SamXeia tov9eov ivrbg
lo there for, behold, !

Lo here, or Lo there; for lo, the kingdom of God in the midst the kingdom of God is

within you. 22 And he

iifxwv tariv. 22 ElirEv.St Trpbg Tovg /jia9r)rdg,
'EXevaovrai said unto the disciples,
of you is. And he said to the disciples, 'Will come The days will come,

ex eL X-P tv LTTrA. *
e/ceiVo) (read the bondman) LTTrA.
v avroi GLTTrAW.
oil OOKUJ [L]TTrA. x oTi l. r on LTTrAW. z a.v to v (read in the going up)
a b d
t[Ti a]. jueow LTTrA .
2a/aapi'as T. v tit) vty) era v T. c axn<Z (read [him] ) L[TrA].
2aju.aptTT7S T.

LTr. e fie but LT[TrJ.

h iooi/ ta. +
auToG {read Ins
disciples) h.
212 A"0 YKAS. XVIL
when ye shall desire to rati' ii/itpwv tov v'tov rov av-
Bee one of the days of fjuepai, ore i7riQvfir)<r?T fiiav
the Son of man, and ye 'days, when ye will desire one of the days of the Son of
shall not see it. 23 And 23
9pli)7TOV IStiv, KCti OVK.O^EGQt. Ktti ipOVOlV VfUV) iSoV
they shall say to you, man to see, and shall not see [it]. And they will say to you, Lo
See here; or, see there:
go not after them, nor *WC, 7) iSov ekei'" jxrj .air'i\9i)TS. [i.7idi $i<l)r]T(..
24 ioairep.ydp
follow them. 24 For as Lo nor follow. For a
here, or there ; 'go not forth
the lightning', that
'"V7r "
lightencth out of the aarpaTTTOVcra tK Ti]g ovpavov
ii cMJTpcnri) '/
one part under hea- the lightning which lightens from the [one end] undei heaven
ven, shineth unto the
other part under hea- tig ttjv vtt ovpai'bv Xap7rEi, o'vtojq tarai "/cat" o
ven;' so shall also the to the [other end] under heaven shines, thus will be .also the
Son of man be in his
day. 25 But first must v'ibg roii avQpwirov iv TyJi/xipa-avrov.
25 irpwroV-H cti
he differ many things, Son of man in his day. But first it behoves
and be rejected of this
generation. 26 And as avruv 7roXXa rraOeTv, Kai a7rooiapa<70/]i/ai dirb ri)g ytvti"tg
it was in the days of him many things to suffer, and to be rejected of feneration
Noe, so shall it be also
in the days of the Son ravrrjg. 26 Kai kciOujq iyiveTO iv toiq t)j.iipaiQ p rov" Nwfi,
of man. 27 They did 'this. And as it came to pass in the days of Noe,
eat, they drank, they
ovTiog term Kai iv TaXg 7)fiipaig ^rov vlov tov avQpwirov.

married wives, they

were given in marriage, thus shall it be also in the days of the Son of wan.
until the day that .Noe -
entered into the ark, 27 ycrOiov, lirivov, iyd/xovv, Ji^eya-
and the flood came, and They were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being
destroyed them all. n
28 Likewise also as it j.iiZovTO, <*XP L VG-VH-tpftG tioi)\9ev slg rr)v KifSwrov,
was in the days of Lot: given in marriage, until the day ^entered 'Noe into the ark,
they did eat, they Kai J)\6ev 6 KaraKXvGfjtbg Kai cnrtoXenEv s u.7ravTag. u 28 b"fioiu>g
drank, they bought, and destroyed z
In 3 like "manner
and came the flood all.
thty sold, they plant-
ed, they builded; 29 but l
Kai wg" iv ralg Awr' fjtrOiov, tni-
the same day that Lot tytvETO t'ifispaig
went out of Sodom it 'and as it came to pass in the days of Lot they were eating, they were

rained fire and brim- vov, tTrwkovv,

stone from heaven, and iiy6paZ,ov, ifyrevov, ifjicoSo-
drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were
destroyed them all.
30 Even thus shall it
fiovv' 29 7)}.ispqi it,i)\9ev Awr dirb SoSo/jwv i'fipt&.v
be in the day when the but on the day 2
went 3 out 'Lot from Sodom.

it rained
Son of man is revealed. building;
31 Iu that day, he
Trup Kai 9tiov air' ovpavov Kai diroiXEaev s uiravTag J 30 Ka- '

which shall be upon the fire and sulphur from lteaven and destroyed all. In ,

housetop, and his stuff v

in the house, let him Ta. Tai>ra
tarai 7j.rjfj.tpa 6 vibg tov dv9pw7rov airoKaXvir-
not come down to take this way shall it be in the day the Son of man is revealed.
it away and he that is

in the field, let him TSTai. 31 iv tKUVTj ttj I'l/jspa oc, turai iiri tov SwfxaTog, Kai
likewise not return In that day [he] who shall be on the housetop, and
back. 32 Remember
Lot's wife. 33 Whoso- Td.GKEvri-avTOV iv ttj oiKia, fj.7].Kara[5dToj dpai avTO.'
ever shall .seek to save his goods in the house, let him not come down to take away them j
his life shall lose it w
and whosoever shall
Kai 6 iv r<p" dyptp'uog p?)J7n<7rpEi//aroj eig rd bir'tob).
lose his life shall 'pre- and he in the field likewise let him not return to the things behind.
serve it. 34 I tell you, ill
that night there shall 32 fivrifiovevETB ri/g yvvaiKog Awr. 33 og.idv Z,7]rr\G7j tt)v
be two men in one bed; Remember the wife of Lot. Whoever may seek
the oue shall be taken, n n z
^v\r)v.avTov *oojaai t diroXiaei avri]v' Kai bgJidv

and the other shall be a7ro'\ia7j \

left. 35 Two women his life to save shall lose it and whoever , ; may lose

shall be grinding to- a


Zojoyovt'jrju ctvrriv. 34 Xeyw vfiXv, TaiiTTj ry wkti

gether the one shall

be taken, and the other it, shall preserve it. I say to you, In that night
b c d
taovTai Sio t7ri K\iv7]g pl
o" tig 7rapaX?700?7<7-
there shall be two [men] upon -bed 'one ;
the one shall be ta-
Tai," Kai b STepog d(pE9))cjaTai.
35 Svo taovTafl s d\r)-
ken, and tne other shall be left. Two [women] shall be grind-

k i5ov loSe TTrA. J

r) TfTrAl.
m V7TO TOV tinder the LTTrA. n Kai
eKfi, r) ( 17 TTr)

G[L]lTrAW. ev Tfl rjixepq aiirov L. P tov GLTTtAW. tov E. *

eyaixl^ovro <i

LTTrA. s
iravTas i.TrA. l
KaOios according as TTrA. ravTa in the same way glw ;
to avra. in the same way TTrA. to (read a field) TTrA. *
irept.TTo>.rjo-aLo-Oai to gain.
shall lose a - h
TTrA. y au TrA. '
aTroAe'cret T. avrrjv (read [it]) [t.jTJrA.
ai/TTjv [l.JTJrA. jjixidslli.
a e eaofTai 5>Jo iTTrA.
c o qittiAW. TtapaXnp.(tidr}creTP.L LTTrA.
LUKE. 213
' h
Kai //" left. 36 Two men shall
Oovaai 7n rb.avTO' /diet STrapaki^Qqatrai"
ir'spa be in the field; the one
one shall be taken, other shall be and the
together taken, and >he

j ng ;

other left. 37 And .they

d<pe9>i<JETai. 37 Kai '

d7TOKpi9h>-eg X'eyovaiv aurip, Uou, answered and said un-

shall be left. And answering they say to him, Where, to
him, Where, Lord ?
And he said unto
<voie ; 'O.Se dirtv avrolg, "Ottov to oufia eiceZ i<rvvax9r)- Wheresoever the them,
LoYd? And he said to thein, Where the body [is] there will be gathered thither will the is;

Govrai ol aerot." eagles be gathered to-

together the eagles
18 *-E\ysV-dt */cni" TxapafioXijv avToTg XVIII. And he spake
And he spoke also a' parable to thern to the purport that it behoves
a parable unto them
irav-OTZ -irpoaevx^Qai,
Kai p) ""i/emKeTz/,
2 Xeywv, to this end, that men,

to *pray ['them] and not to faint, saying, ought always to pray,
and not to faint; 2 say-
KpiTtjg Tig
r)v t.v nvi TroXei, tov 9ebv p) tpoftdvpevog ing, There was in a city
A God not a judge, which feared
'judge 'certain there was in -certain 'a city, fearing
not God, neither re-
dt'9pu)7rov p) ivTpznofievog. 3 xVP a -dt
garded man 3 and
r)v iv ry :

and man not respecting. And there was a widow in

a widow there was in
that city and she came ;

ir6Xei.l)ceivy, kui t"ipx

ro 7rpog aurov, Xeyovtra, 'Etco'ucijaov unto him, saying, A-
that city, and she was coming to him, saying, Avenge venge me .of mine
n adversary. 4 And
dirb TOV.avTioiKOV./wv. 4 Ken ovtc. ))9eXriuev tni he would not for a xpovov
me of mine adverse party. And he would not for a time ; while but afterward :

he said withiu himself,

fierd. SLravTa elirev iv laury, 'El (cai tov 9ebv ov.tyofiovfiat. Though I fear not

but afterwards he said within himself, If even God I fear not nor regard man; 5 yet
because this widow
iical' dvOpujTTOV ovk ivTp'eirofiac " 5 ]] to 7rapex eLV poi trbubleth me, I will a-

and man 2
not 'respect, yet because ^causes me venge her, lest by her
continual coming she
kottov T>)v-xi]pav.TavTr)v ticSiKijffo) avTt]v, '>) elg.reXog
2 weary me. 6 And the
"trouble 'this widow I will avenge her, lest perpetually Lord said, Hear what
the unjust judge saith.
IpXOfdvr] VTtd)-KidZ,Tj fie. 6 EJ7rev.Se 6 Kvpiog, 'Akovgcite t'l 7 And shall not God
coming she harass me. And said the Lord, Hear what
avenge his own elect,
o jcpiTtjg Tt~ig dSiiciag 7 b.ei.Qebg which cry day and
\yer 7ron;<xei"
nigh tun to him, though
the 'judge 'unrighteous says. And 'God -not .'shall
h<' bear longwith them?
execute the
LicSiiojcnv ToJi'.tKXeKTiov.avTOV tmv (Soiovtojv
s 8 I tellyouthathewill
7rpbg ai>TOV avenge them speedily.
avenging of his elect who cry to him
Nevertheless when the
Xiyio shall he man
t n Son
I'lptpag icai vvicTog,. icai fxaKpo9vfiu>v lir avTolg ; 8 of cometh,
them ? find faith on
day and night, and [is] being patient over I say
the earth ?
vulv, on
TToit'jaei ti)v eKSiKijaiv avTu>v tr.ra%et. 7rXt)v
to you, that he will execute the avenging of them speedily. Nevertheless

6 v'ibg tov av9pi!)7Tov iX9tov apa evp>i<jei t))v tt'kjtiv

the Son of man having come indeed 'will -he find faith

iwi Tqg yt~ig ;

on the earth ?

9 TJTrev.Se v Kat" Trpog Tivag Tovg 7Te7Toi9oTag t<f>' eavTolg

And he spoke also who themselves 9 And he spake this
to some trusted in
parable unto certain
on eialv Cikcuoi icai i^ov9ei'oi<VTag Tovg Xonrovg t>)v Trapa- which trusted in them-
that they are righteous and the
rest selves that they were
despised -para-
righteous, and despised
fioXrjv tcivtt)v. 10 "Av9pL07roi Svo dve(3i](rav elg to tepbv others: 10 Two men
ble 'this: 2
Men 'two went up into the temple went up into the tem-
ple to pray the one a
w 6" 116 Pharisee,

7Tpoaeu^a(j9aL' elg <&rrpi(ra~iog icnl b e~epog TeXwvtjg and the other

to pray ;
the one a Pharisee and the other a tax-gatherer. The a publican. 1 1 The Pha-
risee stood and prayed
*7Tpbg iavTov Taiira Trpoaiji'xeTO, O 9eog, thus with himself,
tyapiatiiog (TTaOeig
Pharisee standing, with himself thus was prayiug, God, God, I thank thee, that

+ r]
the EGLT[Tr]A. e napaK-q^OricreTaL LTTYA. h
r) Se TTrA.
+ verse 36, Avo
ecrovTCLi eV tc3 aypa>' 6 els jrapaArji^^rjo'eTai, <al o eVepo? a^eOrjaerat., Two [men] shall be in the
field : the one shall be taken, and the other left e. avfaxOrjaroyTat [koI also] oi aeroi l ;

tai oi aeroi i-Kicrvva)(Qrj<xovTaL TTrA. k (cal LT[TrA]. '

+ aVTOUS them LTT'AW.
m eyKaKelv LTrAW ; ivicaKelv T. n
+ tl? certain E. r^QeKev LTTrAW. P ravra Se TrA.

i_ou6e ai/Qpunov nor man ltti-. r 6 l

jrotrjcrjj ltti-a. aurcp ttia. fj.aKpo9viJ.el is patient
" l
LlTiA. [ical] L. 6 LTrA. tclvta jrpbs eauTov Tr ; irpbs eaUTOV T.
214 A YKA 1. XVIII.
I am not as other men on
are, extortioners, un-
i>xapi(TTu> aoi ovK.elfj,i ywcr7Tp" ol \oittol tuiv avdpioTruiv,
or I thank thee that I am not as the rest of men,
just, adulterers,
even as this publican. aStKOt, poi^oi, i\ /cat wg oI'toq 6 reXioi'tig. 12 v ?/-
12 I fast twice in the upivayeg,
rapacious, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this tax-gatherer. I
week, I give tithes of
that I possess. orevn) dig tou z
aaj3l3dTov, a.TroSeKaTU)' Travra oaa KTuifiai. ]i

13 And the publican, twice in the

fast week, .1 tithe all things as many as I gain.
standing afar off,
would not lift up so 13 a Kat 6" TtXwvijQ fiaicpoOtv IotCjq ovk i)9sXev ovdk tovq
much as his eyes unto And the tax-gatherer afar off standing would not even the
heaven, hut smote up-
on his breast, saying, ocpOaX/xovg b eig rbv ovpavov errdpai^' dXX' ejviTTev c eig" to
God be merciful to me eyes to the heaven lift up, but was striking upon
a sinner. 14 I tell you, d
this man went down to ori}Qog. auTOV f
] '

Xsyu>v, "O 9eog, iXdaBtjri /not np apaprojA<p.

his house justified ra- his breast, saying, God, be propitious to me the sinner.
ther thau the other :
for every one that 14 Asyoj vfj.Tv, KciTtfir] oi>rog ce3iKdiuJi.isvog elg rbv oIkov
exalteth himself shall I say to you, Went down this one justified to -house
be abased and he
that humbleth him-
avrov !
>) eKelvog.
on ircig b '/uiv iavrbv
uyo Tcnreivuj-
self shall be exalted. .'his rather than that. For everyone that exalts himself shall be

Oyaerai" raTTHvuJv iavrbv v^^oBtjaeTai.

humbled ;
and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.
15 And they brought
unto him also infants, 15 Upoascpepov.Se avr<p Kai ra fipecpr], iva avTu>v u,7CTr\-
that he would touch And they brought to him also the. babes, that them he might
them but when his rai'
: b
o\ /.ia9i)rai k7reTifiiiaav n: avT0ig. 16 b Se
disciples saw it, they
rebuked them. 16 But touch but haviug seen [it] the disciples
rebuked them. But
Jesus called them unto aiird elrrev, u *A(peTe rd
and Suffer 'lijaovg TrpoaKaXeadfievog
him, said, 3
little children to come
Jesus having called ^to [ him] 'them said, Suffer the little children
unto me, and forbid Kai aura'
them not for of such tpXea9ai
to come
irpug jxe, fir).Koj\vsre
is the kingdom of God.
to me, and do not forbid for of such ;

17 Verily I say unto lariv

y) j3aai\eia rov9eov. 17 djj.r)v Xsyoj vjxiv, dg. k edv u firj
you, Whosoever shall is the kingdom of God. Verily I say to you, Whoever
not receive the king-
dom of God as a little SefyiTai r//i' fiaaiXeiav rov 9eov uig TcaiSiov ov.fjtt] eiaiXOrj
child "shall in no wise 'shall receive the of God as a little child in no wise shall enter
enter therein.
elg auT))v.
into it.

18 Kai iTT7]pMT7]criv Tig avrbv ap^wi/, X'eywv, AiSdaKaXe

5 3 =
18 And a certain ruler And ''asked 'a ^certain him ruler, saying, Teacher
asked him, saying, ri alwvwv 19 El-rev
Good what dyaQs,5 Troii)<rag Z,on\v KXr)povofi)]au> ;
shall I do to inherit 'goo'tl, what 3 having 4 done life eternal shall I inherit ?
eternal life? 19 And
Jesus said unto him,
St avTtp b 'li](jovg, Tt fie X'ty>-ig dyaOov ; ovdeig dyaObg
me 'but 4 5
to him -Jesus, Why me callest thou good ? No one [is] good
Why callest thou
good ? none is good, el. /.a) elg,
l n
b 9eug. 20 Tag tvroXdg o'iSag- Mr/.fioi-
save one, that God.
God. The commandments thou knowest Thou shouldest not
20 Thou knowest the except one,

commandments. Do
not commit adultery, Xtv<T7jg'
firj.tpoj'evarjg' n)}-icXs\pyg'
commit adultery thou shouldest not commit murder thou shouldest not steal
Do kill, Do not
not ; ; ;

steal,Do not bear false [i,i).\pevSo/.iapTVpi)ayg' Tip.a Tbv.7rarfpa.aov Kai r?)v

witness, Honour thy thou shouldest not bear false witness ;
honour thy father and
father and thy mother.
21 And he said, All m aov. n 21 'O.Se el7rev,*TavTa iravTa
ur]Tspa. 2
these have I kept from And he These 'all have I kept from
thy mother. said,
my youth up. 22 Now ' p Tavra n n
when Jesus heard these veoTi}Tog b 'h]aovg eljcev
uoy. 22
And having heard these things
things, he said unto youth Jesus
'my. said
him, Yet lackest thou
one thing sell all thai avTi{j, "En
ev aoi Xei7rei' iravTa uaa txeig ttvjXti-
thou hast, and distri- to him, Yet one thing to thee is lacking; all as much as thou hast sell,
bute unto the poor, T
and thou shalt have aov, Kai ^SidSog" TTTOJ-volg, Kai et,eig 9t]aavpbv iv ov~ '

treasure in heaven: and distribute to L tho] poor, and thou shalt have treasure in hea-

* (X7ro5e/<aTeva) T. a 6 oe rbv ovpavov TTrA. c b

y 10s
LTr. eVapat T. eis LTTrfA]. elg
nap' ixeivov LTrA ; 17 yap eKiii'OS GTW. S Kai 6 L.
d eai/TOU TrA. e
[oti] that L. +
h eireTiuuv LTTrA. '
Trpoo-e/caAe'o-aTO aura \eyiv called
them to [lnui] saying TTrA..
k av LTTrA. '
6 TA. m <TC V t ll V LTl A W. n
i<j>v\aa LTTrA. ixov T[Tr]A.
ovpavols 1 "rots oupai-ois the heavens LTrA.
P TavTa LTTrA 1 So? give L. ',
ravra 23 and come, follow me.
pavip'" Kai SEvpo
aicoXovOei juoi. 23 '0.8k cucovaai
And when he heard
ven, and come follow nie. But he having heard these things
this, he was very sor-

iiv.ydp rrXovcnog ocpoSpa. 24 'iSiov.Si rowful for he was very :

2-1 And when Je-

very sorrowful became, But "seeing rich.
for he was
rich 1
sus saw that he was
avrov Svctko- very sorrowful, he said,
o'lijcrovg 7TEpiXv7rov yEvopiEvov" eIttev, Uivg
3 him e 5
How How hardly shall they
'Jesus very 'sorrowful ''having become said, diffi-
that have riches enter
Xojc ol rd \pi]para i^ovrEg v eiae\evaovrai elg rr)v (3aGi\uav into the kingdom of
shall enter into the kingdom God 25 Ftjr it is easier
cultly those -riches 'having
for a camel to go
tovQeov.^ 25 EvKornorEpov.ydp icrriv KaLiijKov Sid
w through a needle's ej e,
rpvpaXidg than for a rieh man to
of God. For easier it is a camel through an eye
enter into the kingdom
d(7\9eiv n tcXovctiov Eig rr/v (iaaiXn'iav rov 9eov
j) of God. 26 And they
of a needle to enter than a rich man into the kingdom of God that heard it said,
Who then can be
eiosXQhv. 26 yEl7rov .Sk aKovaavrEg, 2 Kai rig Svvarai
oi saved? 27 And lie said,
to enter. And said those who heard, Then 'w"ho is able The things which are
impossible with men
ouOijvai ; 27 'O.Si eIttev, Td aSvvara 7rapd dvBpibiroig are possible with God.
to be saved? But he said, The things impossible with men 28 Then Peter said, Lo,
a we have left all, and
Sward z
iariv Irapd rep BEtp.
28 E1ttev.Se
followed thee. 29 And 6" Ukrpog, 'ISov,
"possible 'are with God. And
he said unto them, -said 'Peter, Lo,
b I say unto you,
t'lptlg d<pr]icafXEV
irdvra Ki" rjKoXov9)]<Tap:iv aoi. 29 'O.Si Verily
There is no man that
we left all and followed thee. And he hath left house, or pa-
c or brethren, or
eIttev avrolg, 'Ajxyjv Xiyio, on" ovSeiq icrriv og dcptJKtv rents,
wife, or children, for
said to them, Verily I say to you, That no one there is who has left the
kingdom of God's
oiKiav d i] yovElg r) dcEXcpovg fj yvvaXica" r/ tekvcx e
evEKEV n sake, 30 who shall not
receive manifold more
house or parents or brethren or wife or children for the sake of in
this present time,

rijg f3aaiXEtag rov 9eov, 30 og f oyll pir/ZaTToXafij/ ttoX- and in the world to 1

of God, who shall not receive

come life everlasting.
the kingdom mani-
XaTrXaaiova iv rip.Kaipip.rovrip, icai iv rip aiwvi rip.ipxojxkvcp
fold more in this time, and in the age that is coming

C^wrfv alwviov.
life eternal..
31 Then he took unto
31 UapaXaf3ujv.SE rovg SioSsKa the twelve, and eIttev irpbg avrovg, him
And having taken to [him] the twelve
said unto them, Be- he said to them,
hold, we go up to Jeru-
ISov, dvafia'n>op,Ev Eig ^'lEpocroXvLia^ Kai rEXEoOrjcjErai salem, and all things
Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and 3 shall 4 be 'accomplished that are -written by
the prophets concern-
triivra rd yEypappsva Sid ruJv Trpocpiiriov rep v'up rov ing the Son of man
'all -things which have been written by the prophets about the Son shall be accomplished.
32 For he shall be de-
dvQpioirov. 32 TrapaSo9i]cjErai.ydp rolg eBveoiv, Kai iinrai- livered unto the Gen-
of man ; for he will be delivered up to the Gentiles, and will be
tiles, and shall be
xQljGErai Kal vfipiaOrjcrErai Kai ipTrrvcr9i)C7Erai. 33 Kai iia- mocked, and spitefully
and spitted
niocked and will be insulted and will be spit up5n. And having entreated,
on 33 and they shall :

oriywaavrEg airoKTEvovaiv avrov' Kal r?j imipq. ry rpiry him scourge him, and put
him and on the May to death: and the
6courged they will kill 'third ;
third day he shall rise
dvacrri'icjErai. 34 Kal avroi ovS'tv rovrcov ovvfJKav, Kai again. 34 And they un-
he will rise again. And they nothing of these things understood, and derstood none of these
things :'and this saying
iiv rb-piipa.rovro KEKpv pip-kvov aw avriov, Kai ovK.iyivojOKov was hid frfjin them,
("was 2
'this hid from and they knew not neither knew they the
saying_ them,
things which were spo-
rd XEyopEva. ken.
that which was said.
35 And it came to
35 'EysvEro.Si iv. rip. iyyiZ,Eiv. avrov eiq l 'Ieptx(i," rvcpXog pass, thatas he was
And it came to pass as he drew near to> Jlericho,
a blind come nigh unto Je-
k rieho, a certain blind
rtg EKdB)]TO irapd rrjvpSov 7rpocrairi7)V
36 aKoiaag man sat by the way
3 2 J
[ man] 'certain sat beside th# Vay begging'. Having heard side begging 36 and :

s * v tov 6eov
.eyevrjOri TTrA. TreptKvTTdv yeiv/xevov ,T[Tr]A, eis rr\v /3ao-iAeiai' elo-rrb-

pevorrai TTrA. w * SieAOeiV to pass L. ? ei7raf T. l

Tpryjuaros" /3eAoK>)S LTTrA. irapa
TaJ ;^- t<{) L[Tr] ) dew io-riv LTTrA. a 6 TfA^W. b
aipii'Tes to. ISia having left our own
LIT A. c on T. J
ij yvvcuKa 57 a$t\<povs tj yovets TA. e e'lveitev
T. (
ov^i TA.
* h k LTTrA.
A<i/3g Lj 'ItpovaaXrjix TTrA.
'IepYw T. 7raiTO)J'
216 A O Y K A 2. XVIII, XIX.
P^heiSed^hf! & S XXou Itairopevoiiivov Imnti&vtro rP dv rovro.
it meant. 37 And and a crowd passing along he asked what 'might 3 be 'this.
37 lX a Q 6 Na^paTofTrapfpxsrat.
And he
38 say- cried,
And they V'J
him, Jesus the Nazarasan is passing by.

ing, Jesus, thou Son of

38 Kal tf36i)OEV " Xsyojp, VU m 'irjOoV,US. Aa/3lO,
mr39And thywhich And heca lied out saying, Jesus, Son of David, hare pity on me.
went before rebuked 39 Kal 01 n
7rpoCiyOPTEg i-KiTljJUOV ClVTtZ U'a Ol(i)7rr}<77)'"
And those going before rebuked him' that he should be silent,
hold hiTpcace- buthe
cried so much the more, aVTOg.CE 7To\X(p /xaXXoP EKpa^EV, Y'lE
Art/3tO," kXh](TOP UE.
Thou Son of David, but he much more cried out, Son of David, have pity on me.
have mercy on me. - ., <u t ~ >'\ \ n , . (

40 And Jesus stood, and 40 2-TaVElC.VE o" lrjffOVQ EKeXEVO~EV avTOV

a)(9r}vai 7TOCC
commanded him to be And ^having "stopped 'Jesus commanded him to be brought to
brought unto him: and
when he, was come aVTOV
, , ,

^, , _ , , > / ,,
near, he a-ked him, him. And having drawn near he asked him, say-
41 saying, What wilt ..
mll '
,i>\ t _ *, - ,. ,
thou that I shall douu- JMP," (SOI VsAEIQ 7T0ir)<JW ; O.0E EIttEP, KvpiE, IPO.
to thee? And he said, ing, What to 7 2
thce 'desircst thou
shall 5 do? And he Lord, that
Lord, that I may re- > m i
42 Kai
* <
't ~ - <
~ > k ',:>- i

ceivemysight. 42 And apapAiXp'.O. lt]<JOVg E17TEP auroj, AvapAEXpOV'

Jesus said unto him, I may receive sight. And Jesus said to him, Eeceive sight:
Receive thy sight: thv ' Ad ~
faith hath saved thee' r].7ri<TTiQ.aov
' '

aeawKsv <te. 43 T/ > '

> r r>\

irapaxprina avE(3\E\pev,
43 And immediately thy faith hath healed thee. And immediately he received sight,

rifying God: and all an,i followed him,
air*?, So^wv rbv Qeov
the people
the people when they
saw it, gave praise un- , r jn
dlPOV '^
',to ,-T,
. .
rw 0<.
to God. having seen [it] gave praise God.

19 Kai eioeXOujp SirjpyEro- rr)v I'lfpi^w'" 2 Kal Icot,

entered pass-
Jesus ../
avtjp ovofxan
having entered he passed through

ap\i- ijv

ed through Jericho, a man by name called Zacchaeus, and he was a chief

2 And. behold, theve \ ' r
T t 7 h \ / .03 *

' y ' > .> ~ ,

KKtsamanmmedZac nAwj/IJC, Kttl OVTOg TJJ/" 7T\OV(Tt0Q- Crtl(^)TEl

chaeus, which was the tax-gatherer, and he was rich. And he was seeking to see

caSandTewas^ch: '^ovp rig e<ttiv, K al ovKJov'paro airb rod 6 x \ov, ore ry

3 Aud he sought to see Jesus who he is and he was not able for the crowd, because

Cou Id uo tforthe press*! /XlM>ftpA'c W>- 4 Kal irpoopapwv 3 >7TpOff0V avkfa
because he was little of in stature small he was. And having run forward before, he went up
stature. 4 And he ran aVTOV OTl T l'" EKElVnC
^J A '

" r
aVKOUMOaiaV, "iPa iCli
before, aud climbed up
. .

into a syeomore. tree lnto a sycoraore, that he might see him, for by that [way]
to see him: for he was
JjiieXXev SiEoy^Oai. 5 Kal wg r]XdEV iirl TOVTOTTOV, dva-
wZn'je^usTarneto he was about to pass. And as he camo to the place, look-
the place, he looked up,
R\i\L, a g 6 'InoovQ ^eJSev OVTOV, Kal EiTTEV Tipbg aVTOV,

and saw him and said r

unto him, Zacchajus, fc *

make haste, and come ZUKYCHE, OTTEvaag KaTCLj3t)9l' GTjjlEpOV.yap tV TOJ.o'iKlp.GOV.
down for to day I
must abide at thy
conells making ^
6 haste come down, for to-day
in thy house
house. 6 And he made CEl p pU'(7t. 6

GTTEVOag KaTEpt] Kai V7TEOit,aTO Km

ha-te, and came down, it behoreth me to remain. And making haste he came down and received
an. received him joy-
, ,
. , ,

fully. 7 And when they aVTOV X n 'P wv ClEyoyyVi,OV, -


saw it, th;-y all

i^^ mnr-
rejo:cing. And [it] murmured, having seen all
mured, saying, That he ., , - s -> fl , ^~ , . . .

was gone to be guest XtynvTEQ, Tcapa afiapnoA^) avepi EiatjAUEV KaraAvom. On ,

with a man that is a With a sinful man he has entered to lodge.

sinner. SAudZacchas-
- -
us stood, and said un- 8 ZraVElQ.OE LaKX m0 Q EiTTEV TTpog TOP
' t* '
- v '


to tlu- Lord; Behold, But standing Zacchxus said to the Lord, Lo, the
Lord, the half of my
goods l give to the
. 11 /
aJ'S - - .11
KvpiE, "dlCWfll roig 7TTlOX0ig

poor and if I have

half of my possessions, Lord, I give to the poor,

+ [ai>] LTr. m AaviS GW ;
Aavet'S LTTrA. n
o-tyijcrrj LTTrA. [o] Tr.
Adyuv 1'ltpeixu) T.
T[Tr]A. aurb? ( ?iv [LJTrA) LTrA ; oto? T. + ei? r s

cvKoixopiav EGTTrAW ; crvKop-upeav L.

l T
to to the (read ifxirp. front, t[a]. 1
GLTTAW. w elSev ai/rof, Kai TTr[A]. s
7rai'Tes 3 r][i.i(Ta LJ ^iaeca TTrA.
T(uv TTiA. a TTrA.
jaou VTrapxovTWV 701S JTTiu^OtS SiSu>lJil
XIX. LUKE. 217
ri taken any thing from
Kai ei tivoq IffVKotyc'tvTiiaa, aTroSiSiofii rerpa- auy man
and took by false accusation, by false a*,'cu-
if of anyone anything I I return f our-
I restore
Bacion, him
ttXovv. 9 FJ-7K( avrov 6'h]Govg,"On G^tEpov fourfold. 9 And Jesus
trpbg GtoTrjpia said unto
fold. And -said 3
to 4
him salvation him, This
'Jesus, To-day
day is salvation come
KCtBori KCCl to this house, forso-
much as he also is a
to this house is come, inasmuch as also he a son of Abraham
son of Abraham. 10 For
h Sou of man is come
iGTiW u 10 ijXQEv.ydp 6 vwg tov dvOpiorrov fyiTtjuai Kai ouxrai the
is :
for came 'the "Son
3 4
of mau to seek and to save to seek and to save that
which was lost.
to aTCoXojXog.
that which has been lost.

11 'Akovovtlov 3e avTiov ravra, TrpoaOdg eIttev irapa- 11 And as theyheard

2 3
But as were hearing 'they these things, adding he spoke a para- these things, he added

fSoXtjV, did to tyyvg c

o.vtov Elvai 'lEpovGaXr)fi, n Kai Sokeiv and spake a parable,
3 2 because he was nigh to
ble, because near 'he was Jerusalem,
, and "thought and be- Jerusalem,
cause thc-y thought
avTovg on TrapaxpiJi-ia /.ieXXei } /3eriXaa tov 9eov ava- that the kingdom of
'they that immediately was about the kingdom of God to be God should imme-
12 eIttev diately appear. 12 Ho
<paive<y9ar vi>v, "AvBpioTrog tig EvyEvrjg iTropevOi] 'said th'-.refore, A cer-
manifested. He said therefore, A "man 'certain high born proceeded tain nobleman went
into a far country to
sig \ti)pav fj,aKpdv, XafieTv kavr<^ j3aai\siav Kai virooTpkipai.
and receive for himself a
to a "country 'distant, to receive for himself a kingdom to return.
kingdom, and to re-
13 KaXkaagSi CEKa SoiXovg.EavTov eSwkev avTolg Stica fivdg, turn. 13 And he called
And having called ten of his bondmen he gave to them ten his ten servants, and
delivered them ten
d n
Kai eIttev 7i"j>Cf auTovg, ipxofiai. pounds, and said unto
YlpayfiaTEvaaaQE su>g
and said to them, I come. Trade
them, Occupy till I until
come. 14 But his citi-
14 Oi.SLTroXlratMVTOi) Ifi'iGovv avrov, Kai cnr'taTEikav TTpEG- zens hated him, and
But his citizens hated him and sent an em- sent a message after
him, saying, VVe will
faiav OTriauj uutou, XsyovTEg, Ov.9eXo/iev tovtov not have this man to
bassy after him, saying, We are unwilling [for] [man] reign over us. lo And
it came to pass, that
fiaoikEvaai. lysvETO kv r<p
t<f>' t'jfxcig. 15 Kai IrravEkdElv when he wa- returned,
to reign came to pass on
over us. 3
-coming back again having received the
then he com-
ai)Tov XafiovTa ti)v fiaoiXfiiav, Kai eIttev fcovrjO^vai avT^ kingdom, manded these servants .

'his having received the kingdom, that he directed to bewailed to him to be called unto him,
e n to whom he had given
TOvg.SovXovg.rovTOvg' olg tSwKEv to- dpyvpiov, 'iva the money, that he
these bondmen to whom he gave the in order that
money, might know how much
{ n u
16 7rapEyiVET0.SE 6 every man had gained
yv(j) Srig.H SiETTpay/jiaTEVGaTO. by trading. 16 Then
he might know what each had gained by trading. And came up the came the first, saying,
Lord, thy pound hath
ripwTog, Xeytov, KvpiE, ii-i.ivd.Gov ^rrpoGEipyaGaTO $/ca" fivdg. gained ten pounds.
first, saying, Lord, thy mina has produced ten minas. 17 And he said unto
17 Kai e'I-kev 11 him, Well, thou good
SovXe' otl ev
avro), 'Eu, aya9i servant because thou sAa^'crr^
And he said to him, Well! good because in a Tery little bondman
hast been faithful in a ;

iriGTog tyevov, \g9i it,ovGiav 't\b)v tirdvio Sena tt6Xe<ov- very little, have thou
faithful thou wast, be thou Authority 'having over ten cities. authority over ten
cities. 18 And the
18 Kai i)\0ev 6 SEVTtpog, Xsyojv, k Kun(S, if.fivd.GOV^ 17toiijgev second came, saying,
And came the second, Lord, thy pound hath
saying, Lord, thy mina has made
gained five pounds.
tt'evte fivdg. 19 ~FAttev.Se Kai tovtii), Kai gv ^yivov E7rdvio n 19 And he said likewise
five minas. And he said also to this one, And "thou 'be over to him, Be thou also
over five cities. 20 And
TTfVTE 7Tt')XElOV. 20 Kai m tTEpog i)X9ev, Asywx', KvpiE, icoi) i) another came, saying,
five cities. Lord, behold, here is
thy pound, which I
fivd.Gov, i)v El\ov dTTOKEifikvrjv iv Govfiapii})' 21 i<pojSovfU]v have kept laid up in a
thy mina, which I kept laid up in a handkerchief. -I 'feared napkin : 21 for 1 fear-
ed thee, because thou
yap ge, otl dvBptoTTog avGnjpug eV a'lpEig
6 art an austere man :

'for thee, because a man harsh thou art thou takest up what thou takest up that :

b c
eaTif (read [is]) T. elvai avrov 'IepovaaKr)fj. L elvai '\epovaa\r}ix cu/to; ttva.

d ev
u LTTrA. e Se5aj/cei he had f S ri SienpayixaTevaai'TO
given LTTrA. yvol LTTrA.
what they had gained by trading iva. h oYk<x
TrpoarjpyaaaTO (npocmip. TrJ LTTrA. eBye

well done ltTiA. k '> yivov XA. m + 6 the (eVepos
17 ^va <rov, (cvpie, TTrA.
Other) LTTrA.
STS2?S!?SS mi OcpKac 3 ofoimpa* 22 A* r
didst not sow. 22 And tnou jj^lftiicac
t didst not lay down and thou reapest what, thou didst not sow. He saya 2 3
he saith unto him, Out n^il avT( "
of thine own mouth ,, p
, ,, . .,' .
_.',,.. ,
. 'r Soi'-

but to hi:n 0ut of thy mouth

, .

I wiU judge thee, wicked


-vill I judge thee /Aok bond-


wicked -servant. Thou \. on syw avQpioTrog avOT-qpog elfxi, a'ipcjv o

yottg 2 3
nian : thou knewest that * a "man harsh 'am, taking up what
austere man, taking
up that I laid not Kai Qepiu)v o 23 Ktil diari^
m ovK-'ioTTupa.
t^W ^j ^
that I did not sow
ca P ? I did not
"lay down and
, f
reaping what I did not sow
, ,
and why
, >

23 wherefore then gav- 11 r
OVK.i OWKCtQ ^TO.apyvpiOV.UOV 7Tt ^T7]V
] '

rpa7raV, Kai yu>"

est not thou my money didst thou not
into tue bank, that at , _ ,
give my money to the hank, that I

my coming I might i\uii)v


TOKtp av.*t7rpat,a
avTO ; aw ,

24 Kai roi Traps-

have required mine coming with interest might have' required it?
with usury ?
And he said unto GTUJfflV E17TEV,
to those stand-

them that stood by, ing by he said, Take from him the mina, and give [it] to him who
Take from him the < > ~ or -ir * t f n ~ t^ '

pound, and give ii to TCIQ CSKa ftVClQ t^OVTl. Zi)Kai l

Et7T0V " aUT<f), KliptE, i;\;l
nirr that hath ten the ten minas has. (And they said to him, Lord, he has
poinds. 25 (And they <j>
~ or . . r _ , ,, < , , ~ ,,

said unto him, Lord, VilCa fXVaQ. 20 AsyOJ. yap" Vp.IV, OTl TZaVTl TijJ t\OVTl 00-
he hath ten pounds.) ten minas.) For I say to you, that to everyone who has shall be
2i For I say unto you. r\ ' .
S" - < " > " >
That unto every one VT)<JETai -aiTO-dE TOV flJJ.tXOVTOg, KCII O t^" apViJffETCll
wliich hath shall be given; but from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken
fhrL th nore ve". Wfrom
*D. 27.lL\,>V TOi,Q.i X 0p6S-f">V '*kKeivOVQ TOVQ
that he hath shall be him. Moreover ""mine.'enemies 'those who
which would
mies, not
were unwilling [for]
(3am\ev ai
to reign
dydyere wde
bring here
that' I should reign
/ca KaT ao<haaTE ?
?U7TpO(T0V U0V.
bring . ," ," ,

hither, and slay them

and sla y t them ] -,
boore me -

> (
before me. 28 Kai e'nrojv ravra Ittooevzto E/XTrpoaOev, avaj3aivujv
28 And when he had And having said these things he went on before, going up
thus spoken, he went > < T '\ an v
2 JKai
' '
.' _
WC l)yyTEV
t> /i
before, ascending up f'C lepOffoXvpa' lytVETO B:]9-
to Jerusalem. 29 And to Jerusalem. And it came to pass as he drew near to Beth-

hew^comT niS^o <l>a V ) Kai *B,,9aviav,

and Bethany,
towards the mount
rb vpog to koKov^vov
of Olives,
Bethphage and Beth- pbage
a th U n
caned <Ae mo^ of
avkanCKsv Svo Tu>v.feiQriTwv*avrou > SOhiTruv," 'YnayeTe eiq
Olives he sent two of uc KCn t two of his disciples, saying, Go into
d S iPleS S
*n" G 'int th"
in which
Klopi]l'' 7J

viflage over against tiie ^opposite [^yoti] 'village, entering ye will find
you ; in the which at ttCoXov SeCEUSPOV, 0* OV OVCElC TTOJTTOTE av9l)W7rtOV kKClOlOEV
r s~
your entering ye shall ..
a colt , , ,
3 4
on which no one ever yet 'of "men sat:
. ,

find a colt tid, where- tied,

on yet never man sat : c ~\{jaaPTEC CLUTOV

kZMh%. M
any man
ask you, Why d Atari n Xvete ;
31 icai idv TIQ VUCLQ tpwrd,
" bring

And if anyone
W 6

do ye loose Aim? thus 'awry,"
shall ye say unto him,
, do ye loose [it] ?w thus shall ye say to him, Because the -Lord
, , , V> , , , ,

Because the Lord hath aVTOV

%pEiaV *X f * $2 A7TeX6oj'TE(;.0E 01 aTTEffraXpEVOl
need of him. 32 And 3 of 4 it *'
ne od 'has. And having departed those who had been sent
they that were sent , _ , , ^
went their way, and EVOOV tcatfojg SlXEV '
found even as he had f U nd as he had said to them. Aud on ihoir loosing the colt
said unto them. 33 A ud ,_
as they were loosing EllTOV

It \VBTe TOV 7Tw\ov;

.- < >/ m-^' >'~x
the colt, the owners E 3 4
sil id 'the -masters of it to them, Why loose ye the colt ?
thereof said unto them, _. ^ - ,_. , , _ _. ,. , ,

Why loose ye the colt? 34 Ot.of E<7rov, z O icvpioc avTou


xpFiav t%i. do Kai i/yayov

l u

34 And they said. The And they said, The Lord ^of it -need 'has. Aud they led
Lord hath need of him. T > ~ v
v,' n ! ~ n r ' > > >
< >

35 And they brought aVTOV TTpog TOV \)]<JOVV Kai "tiripptyaVTEQ" l taVTit)V n Ta t/itt-

him to Jesus: and they it to Jesus; and having cast their gar-

8k but 6ta tl LTrA. P
/aoi) to dpyiipioi' LTTrA. 1 tt)v (read a bank)
LTTrAW. r * "
Kayoi LTTrA. ctVTO tnpa^a LTTrA.
s clrra.!/ LTTrA.
yap for [L]T[Tr]A.
K a7r' avrov f LjTA. x
tov'tovs these TTrA. ' + avTOVS tlieai TTrA. "
Brj^aj/ia A. ati-
Tof> (read the disciples)
LTr. c
+ /cai and TTrA. d 5id ri LTrA. e avT(i>
elffaj/ LTTrA. S + OTl because LTTrA. 7Tipii//ai'TS LTTrA. '
avTUiV LlTrA,
XIX. LUKE. 219
their garments cast
Tia 7rt rbv itiokov, iirefiifiaaav rbv 'Irjcrouv. 36 7T0QEV0-
3 upon the colt, and they
merits on tho colt, tuey put -on [ it] 'Jesus. set Jesus thereon.
- fr *.
n 36 And as he went
fikvovSLavTov vTrearpuvvvov TaAfictTia. avru>v iV
0C({). their
they spread
And as he went they were strewing their garments the way. clothes in the. way.
37 'EyyiZovTog.Se.alrrov ySi] Trpbg ry Karafiaazi tov bpovg 37 And when he was
of the mount
come nigh, even now
And as he drew near already at tho descent
at the descent" of the
rujv iXaiwv i)p,avro a-rrav to ttK^Qcq tCov f.iaQr)r(ov ^aipov- mount of Olives, the
whole multitude of the
of Olives began all the multitude of the disciples, rejoic-
disciples began to re-
joice and nraise Ood
reg aivelv rbv Gebv ipiovy fieydXy 7repl
Tramov utv
which with a loud voice for
ing, to praise God with a "voioe 'loud for all
all the mighty works
eldov Swd/xeiov, 38 Xiyov.Ttg, EvXoyrj^iivog b that they bad seen ;

7 3
they had "seen ['thej "works of ''power, saying, Blessed the 38 saying, Blessed be
the King that cometh
^ipxo/ievog" fiacrtXevq iv bvopari KvpioV eipr)vr\ tv in the name of the
'king in [the] uiame of [the] Lord. Peace in Lord peace in hea-

ven, and glory in the

ovpaviji" Kal ho^a tv v\pi<TTOig. 39 Kai Tiveg tCjv <S>api(Taiu>v highest. 39 And some
heaven and glory in [the] highest. And some of the Pharisees of the Pharisees from
among the multitude
eiTrov n Trpbg avTov, Aidd(TKaXe, i7riTif.u)<Jov

cnrb rov/b^Xov said unto him, Master,

from the crowd said to him, Teacher, , rebuke rebuke thy disciples.
40 And he answered
Tolg.fia9r)TaTq.<jov. 40 Kai airoKpiQelg el-rev p auro7f," Aiyu) and said unto them, I
thy disciples. And answering he said to them, I say tell you that, if these
T n s n should hold their
vfxiv, ^on" idv ol)TOi o~no7rri<TUJO~iv oi Xi9oi KtKpd,ovTai. peace,the stones would
to you, that if these should be. silent the stones will cry out. immediately cry out.
t ]l 41 And when he was
41 Kai wg i]yyioEv, idd)v rr\v iroXiv t/cXavcrev tic dvry, come near, he beheld
And as he drew near, seeing the city ho wept over it, the city, and wept over
it, 42 saying, If thou
Xtyojv, "On d
y n
42 tyviog Kal av, Iv ry yf^tpa hadst
known, even
saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, even at least in day thou, at least in this
x thy day, the things
*<rou" ravTy, rd 7rpbg eipi)vr)v crov" vvv.8e tKpvfir] airb
which belong unto thy
thy 'this, the things for "peace Hhy : but now they are hid from but now they
peace !

43 on oh Kal are hid from thine

b<pQaXfxu)v.aoV ri^ovtriv r]fj.ipai hirl JTrepifia-
3 3 eyes. 43 For the days
thine eyes ;
for "shall come 'days upon thee that shall "cast
shall come upon thee,
Xovaiv" oi.ix9poi.oov Kai TrepiKVKXwoovoiv that thine enemies
5 7
x c'tp aica
(T0 ')
shall cast a trench
about 'thine "enemies a rampart thee, And shall close around thee
about thee, and com-
Kai ovvi^ovoiv oe Txdvro9ev, 44 Kal i<Ha<piovoiv pass thee round, and
and keep in thee on every side, and shall level "with
3 4
the ground keep thee in on every
side, 44 and shall lay
oe Kal Td.TBKva.aov tv ooi, Kal ovK.dipijoovotv iv aol XiOov thee even with tho
'thee and thy children in thee, and shall not leave in thee a stone ground, and thy chil-
dren within thee and ;

\iQ(p'!? dvG'.wv ovK.tyviog rbv Kaipbv rfjg iTTioKOTrijg they shall not leave in
ipon a stone', because thou knewest not the season of "visitation thee one stone upon
another; because thou
7f>V. knewest not the time
'thy. of thy visitation.

45 Kai eioeX9oJv eig to lepbv -qp^aro iK@dXXe.iv Tovg 45 And he went into
And having entered into the temple he began to cast out those
the temple, and began
irojXovvrag Hv avT(p Kal dyopd^ovrag^ 46 Xhywv avrolg, to cast out. them that
in and to them, sold therein, and them
selling it buying, saying
that bought; 46 saying
b c n
TtypaTTTaif 'O.olKog.pov o'lKog TTpooev\rig ioriv vfielg.Si unto them, It is writ-
It has been written, My house but ye ten, My house is the

a house of prayer is ;

house of prayer: but ye

aiiTOv tTTOirjaaTe OTTrfXaiov Xijotujv. 47 Kai f/V SiSdoKUJV have made it a den of
it have made a den of robbers. And he.was teaching thieves. 47 And he
taught daily 'in the
rb.KaO .rifispav iv Tip doxiepetg Kal oi
lepip' ypaujuanig temple. But the chief
day by day in the temple and the chief priests and the
scribes priests and the scribes

k eavritiv Tr. '

navTutv LTr. m epx6fj.evo<; T.
n ev
ovpavui elpr)vr\ TTrA. ei7rai>
LTTrA. P auxoi? T[Tr]A. 9
[oti] Tr.
(TMnrl oova<.v shall be silent LTTrA.
* v w
avrrjv LTTrAW. Kaiye GT ;
Kpa^ovcnv TTrA. Kai ye [L]Tr[A]. erou LTr[A].
* y Trapeix^aKovaiv shall place near-Tj z
\C9ov eirl KiQov (Ai#o> L) ev croi
[o-oi>] LTrA.
LTTrA. ev avni Kal ayopdovTa<; TTrA, b
+ on L ; + Kal lorai and shall be TTrA,
iariv TTrA.
and the chief of the avrbv
QrjTOVV curoXkcrat, Kai oi
rrptbroi rov Xaoi>- 48 Kai
people sought to de- 8 9
stroy him, 4S and eouid
'were seeking "him to '"destroy, 'and "the 4
first of the G
people, and
not find what they d
to ri e [[

oi'X- i'p'OXo*'" 7ron)cn,j(Jiv, b.Xabc.yap iirrag k'^Kpsfiaro

ruigdit do: for all the 2
found not what 3
they might do, for the people 'all 5 were 6 hanging 7 od
people were very at-
tentive to hear 'him. avrov CIKOVOJV.
"him ''listening.
XX. And it came to Ken 20
tv pip Twv.y'ftepiovJiickiviov," didavicnv-
that on one of
pass, And it came to pass on one of those days, as 2 was 3 teach-
those days, as he taught
the people in the tem- toq avrov tov Xaov kv Kai
rtp leptp evnyye\iL,ofih'ov,
ple, and preached the ing 'he the people in the temple and announcing the glad tidings,
gospel, the chief priests
and the s'cribes came i7ri<TT)]o-av oi %apxitp~ig" Kai oi
ypapfiaTCiQ avv ro~tg TrpEtrfiv-
upon him with the el- came up the chief priests and the scribes with the elders
ders, 2 and spake unto h
him. saying, Tell us, Tipotg, 2 Kai i7rW Vpog
avrov, Xtynvreg," Et7TE i)/uv tv

by what authority do- and spoke to him, saying, Tell us by

est thou these things?
or who is h^ that gave ttoiol t%ovtjiqi ravra ttoieiq, f/ Tig tariv 6 Sovg aoi ri\v
thee this authority ? what authority these things thou doest, or who it is who gave to thee
3 And he answered and '

said unto them, I will t^ovaiav.ravr))v ; 3 AiroKpSiigM eIttev rrpbg avrovg, 'EjOW-
also ask you one thing; thi.; authority? And answering he said to them,
and answer me: 4 The n
Kayto 'iva Xoyov, Kai eiVare juof 4 To- fia.rrriG\ia

baptism of John, was rrjtruj i'/icig

it from heaven, or of *ask
yu one
'I -also thing, and tell me, The baptism
men ? 5 And they rea- ni
'l(octvvov v
' l

soned with themselves, ti; ovpavov i)v ij t

ctv9piorruJV ;
5 Oi.dt
saying, If we shall say,
of John from heaven was it or from men ? And they
From heaven he will O
say, Why
then believ-

ovvkoy'ic-avro^ Tcpbg tavrovg, Xtyovreg, "On lav ("nriofitv

ed ye him not ? 6 But reasoned among themselves, saying, If we should say
and if we say, Of mn; p lAmri" T
ovi> n
all th^ people will
'E ovpavov, tpeT ovKAmGrEvaarE avrifi ;

stone us: for they be From heaven, he will say Why then did ye not believe him ?
persuaded that John 6 iav.Sk 'E s
7rag 6 Xabg KaraXi9do~Ei

was a prophet. 7 And E'irvtDj.iEv a.vQpu)7rwv,

But if we should say From men, all the people will stone
they answered, that
they could not tell ijfiag'

whence it was. 8 And 7re7TEi(Tfisvog.yctpJ.<TTiv rrpo<pi]r>jv
Jesus said unto them, us; for they are persuaded [that] John a "prophet 'was.
Neither tell I you by 7 Kai cnrEKpi9)]iTav n>).Ei&rai ttoQev. 8 Kai 6 'li]<yovg eIttev
what authority I do And knew not whence. And Jesus
these things.
they auswer-jd they said

avrolg, Oi'St tytli Xsyw iifxlv

tv rzoia tZovcria ravra ttoiCj.
'9 Then began he to to them, Neither I 'tell you by what authority these things 1 do.
spc-.k to the people Se "rrpbg rbv Xabv

this parable; certain A 9'HpZaro XsyEii' r))v.7rapaf3oX>)v.ravri]V

man And he began to the people to speak this parable :

planted a vine-
yard, and let it forth *ng l n
Kai y Et.sooro n avrbv
to husbandmen, and ^"ArOpM og itpvTEvazv aj.nvEXu>va,
went into a far coun- A 2 man 'certain planted . a vineyard, and let out it
try for a loug time.
yEtopyoJg, Kai a7TEV7]/.u](Tv xpovovg.tKavovg. 10 Kai tv n

10 And at the season

to husbandmen, and left the country for a long time. And in [the]
he sent a servant to
the husbandmen, that
Katpiii d.7rs(JTEiXEV 7tpbg rovg yEiopyovg SovXov, \va curb rov
they should give him season he sent to husbandmen a bondman, that from the
of the fruit of the
n a
vineyard: but the hus- KapTrov rov djLiTTfXwvog avrui' ot.fiE 5wcnv
bandmen beat him, fruit of the vineyard they might give to him but the husbandmen ;

and sent him away h

empty. 11 And again CEipavrEg avrbv ti.air'i(JTEi\av' kEvov. 11 Kai rrpoirtOEro
he sent another ser- having beat him sent [him] away empty. And he added
vant and they beat
him also, and entreat- TTEfiipai 'irEoov' SovXoV Se koCkeIvov Seipai'TEg Kai ari-

ed him shamefully, to send another bondman; but they *also him 'having -beat and dis-
and sent him away d
empty. 12 And again paaavrEg l^arcknrEiKav kevov. 12 Kai ttpoo'eQeto ~E/.i\l/ai
he sent a third and honoured [him] sent [him] away empty.
: And he added to send

d e f
eKeCvwv (read one (if the days) lttta.
rjvpiaKov I.Tr. eeKpefj.TO T e tcpet?
h el-iray k Elrrbv TT'A.
priests ta. TTrA. Ae'yoi'Tes 7rpo? avr'oi> LT Ae'yov-es TrA.

eW (rend fone]) LTTrA. m + to t. n 'Itudvov Tr.
(TvveKoyi^ovTO I..
P -f i7M tf/ to us I.. Ala tl ELTrA. 'l r ovv [l,]TTrA. s
6 Aab? a7ras TTrA. l
'luiainrju Tr.
v "
Ae'yeti' 7rpb? rb^ Aabi' L. 'A/z7roAu>i'a i&vTtvo'ei' a.vQpiaiio'; L x
ns G(.TTi-aW.
a Stocrovcrir
cfe'SeTO TA. they shall give
3' kv (raid icaipw at [tile J eeasoli ltt. a.
LTTrA- b icaniaTii.\av ai/Tui' c d
6cioai7res TA. erepov Td)j.'4/a.t LTTrA. rpirav Tre'/xJ/ai LTTrA.
XX. LUKE. 221
n e
tovtov* they wounded
Mm alao,
rpirov' o't.Ss ical
TpavftariaavrEQ l&fiaXov. and cast him out.
3 -wounded
a third ;
and they *also him 'having cast [him] out. 13 Thon said the lord
of the vineyard, What
13 eIttev.Ss b KVpiog tov d[.i7rsXu)vog, Ti Troirjaio ; Treuxpu) shall I do?I will send
And said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do ? I will send
my beloved son: it may
l be they will reverence
rbv.vlbv.fxov rov dyaicr\Tbv , 'iaa>g rovrov iS6vrg" tvrpa- him when they see
my son the beloved ; perhaps him having seen they will him. 14 But when the

14 'lS6vrec.Sk avrov ol husbandmen saw him,

Tri]<jovrai. yewpyoi sditXoyiZovro'
But having seen him the husbandmen reasoned they reasoned among
respect. themselves. saying,
h This is the heir: come,
Ovrog tanv b KXt]povonog' ^evre'

Trpbg tav,TOvq," Xiyovreg, let us kill him, that

among themselves,

saying, This is the heir come

the inheritance may ba
Iva ours. 15 So they cast
cnroKTEiviofiev avrov, i'h-iCjv
5 3
ykvi]rai r) Kki~ipovojj.ia.
him out of the vine-
let us kill him, that ours may 'become 'the inheritance.
yard, and killed him.
15 Kai kKJ3a\6i'rEQ avrov t%oj tov dfnreXwvog cnr'iKruvay. What therefore shall
And having cast forth him outside the they killed the lord of the vine-
yard do unto them ?
Tt ovv 7roi^(Tt avrolc b Kvpiog rov dfnreXuivog ; 16 He shall come and
[him]. "What therefore will do to them the lord of the vineyard destroy these husband-
men, and shall give
1G IXtixJErai Kai cnroXsaei Toi'g.yEivpyovc.rovrovc, /cat S(bo~ei the vineyard to others.
lie will come and will destroy these husbandmen, and will give And when they heard
it, thev said, God for-
rov afiireXuiva dXXoig. ^AKovcravreg.d^ 'j/ttov," j\T>) bid. 17 And he beheld
the vineyard to others. And having heard [it] they said, Not them, and said, What
this then that is
yevoiro. 17 'O.St IpifiXtyag avrolg ei7rev, Tt ovv tanv rb written. The stone
'may "it be ! But he looking at them sa;4, What then is "that which the builders re-
jected, the same is be-
ytypapji'svov rovro, AiOov bv dneiOKi^aaav ol
come the head of the
3 4 5 2
has been written 'this, [The] stone which ""rejected 'they that corner? 18 Whosoever
fall upon that
OLicodofxovvTEg, ovrog tyEvrjOrj elg KecpaXiiv yioviag ; 18 Ylctg shall
stone shall he broken;
build, this is become head of [the] corner ? Everyone but on whomsoever
it shall it will
6 7ro*wv &rr ikhvov tov XiOov avvBXaaQqaerai' him to powder. kcp'.bv.S'.dv

that falls on that stone will be broken, but on whomsoever grind

19 And the chief priests

avrov. 19 Kal m ol and the scribes tho


ntcy At/cp'ycrei 'tZrjrr)Gav' same hour sought to

It may fall it will grind ''to powder 'him. And 'sought 'the.
Lay hands on him; and
a fat ol n
87r' avrov Tag x^P a g they feared the people:
3 5
y pa
jj /jiareig t7rif3aXiiv 2 3 for they perceived that
"chief priests *and the scribes to lay on him 'hands
he had spoken this pa-
tv avry.rijMpa, Kal k<po/3))9r]oav tov XaoV tyvwoav.yap on rable against them.
in that hour, and they feared the people for they knew that ;

Trpbg avrovg T^v.7rapal3oXr)v.ravr7]V &ttv.^

against them this parable he speaks. 20 And they watched
20 Kai irapaTYlprjoavTEg dirk<jTuXav v kyicaB't.TOvg^ viro- him, and sent forth
spies, which should
And having watched [him] they sent secret agents, feign- feign themselves just
tavrovg SiKaiovg elvai, Iva men, that they might
tcpivofikvovg i.TriXdjibJVTai take hold of his words,
3 2
iDg themselves righteous 'to be, that they might take hold that so they might de-
avrov iXoyou," T
avrov ry dpx% liver him unto the
elg to" TrapaSovvai ,
of him in discourse, to the [end] to deliver up him to the power and power and authori-
ty of the governor.
i^ovaia tov ifyffiovog. 21*/cai t7TT]pu)Ti)o~av avrov, Xkyov- 21 And they asked
to the authority of the governor. L And they questioned him, say- him, saying, Master,
we know that thou
TEg f AiSdoKaXe, o'iSajxtv on bp9a>g X&ysig Kai SiSdaicEig, Kal sayest and teachest
we know that rightly thou sayest and teachest, and rightly, neither ac-
ing, Teacher,
ceptest thou the per-
ov-Xan(3dvig Trpoaunrov, dXX' iir dXt]9uag rr\v bSbv son of any, but teach-
accoptest not but with truth the est the way of God
[any man's] person, way
truly 22 is it lawful

tov 6eov SiSdcFKEig. 22 t%onv s

7//m/" Kaioapi <f>6pov Sovvai for us to give tribute
of God teachest: is it lawful for us unto Caesar, or no ?
'*to 'Caesar ^tribute 'to 2 give
23 But he perceived
r) ov ; 23 Karavorfaag.Se avroJv rr/v Travovpy'iav drrev Trpbg their craftiness, and
or not ? But perceiving their craftiness he said to said unto them, Why

e KaKelvov L 1 tSoj/res LTTr[A]. s SieKoylaavTo l. dAAryAov? one another ttt-a.
Sevre LTTrA. k O' 5 e a.KGi/crai'Tes L, elirav LTTrA. ' m e{r)T0vv L.
Cat oi a,o\'(.epei5 LTTrA i7rei' TTji/ TTCLpapSo\rii/ TauTTjf LTTrA. P eyfcatfcTOVS X. Aoyoi'

r so as
\read oi' his discourse j Tr. wore LTTrA. 17/xii TTrA.
222 AOYKA 2. XX.
Shew v
t^mpt ye mo? 24
T/ ue 7re ipd^ere
24 t7T/(^i^ar" uoi foii'dpta!'-"'
STa g e anTs'upeS! thou,, Why L , do ye tempt ,

a denarius s

hath it?
' '
n x n
tion They t IVO q t'% ei eiKova Kcti kTrtypacpTjv ; ATTOKpiQsvrt -dt ?E~lTrov,
nS r ed U al
whose *has 3 it 'image "and 'inscription? Anil answering they said,
c -ar' s 25 And he
said unto them, Ren- 25 'O.Ss eIttev z avTOig, na, 'A7r6SoT TOlVVv" rd
unto Kaiaapog.
der therefore
Caesar the things which
C a;sar's.
be Caasar's, and unto KctKTCtpOQ
And he said to them,

Bender therefore the things

TOV VEOV Tl{i UE({J. 26 Kai

( ,,>.._
God the things which of Caesar t0 Csesar, and the things of God to God. And '

beGod's. 26Andthey , , ,, ,

could not take hold of OVKAGX V(Tav ETTlKapEO'Vai avTOV".pr]uaTog evcivtiov TOV
his words before the they were not able to take hold of his speech before
people: and they mar- , , ,

veiled at his answer, ACIOV KCti VaVfXaaaVTEg ETTl T7J.a7T0KpiCrEl.aVT0V tfftyj/crai'.

, ,
and held their peace. people and wondering at ;
his answer they were silent.
27 Hpotj\96vTeg.8e riveg tu>v SaSdovicaiojv, 01 dvTi-
27 Then came to him
-^ n ^ naT n g' come
' to [him] some of the Sadducees, who deny
certain of the Saddu- avaoTctaiv urj eIvcii, lirnpdjrnaav avruv, 28 Asyov-
cees, which deny that Xsyovrec" 3a resurrection r Hhere "is th ey.questioned him,
there is any resurrec- say-
* '
, '

tion; and they asked TE g Ai^drr/caXe, Mwcr^" EypaxpEv rj/xiv, lav Tivog ddsXtpog

him, 28 saying, Mas- .

Moses wrote to us, If brother

Bl '
^ Teacher, anyone's
ter Moses wrote unto , T , , ,

us, If any man s bro- aTTOuavy t%ojj/ yvvaiKd, Kai ovTog arEKVog enrovavy, iva
ther die, haying a should die having a wife, and he childless should die, that
wife, and he die with- , ., , , _,- , ,

out children, that his \ajj?j o.aoEAtpog.avTov ti)v yvvaiKd Kai Et,avaoTr}<7y (TTrepua
brother should take should 4 take 'his -brother the wife and should raise up seea
his wife, and raise up ~ i * * i - nA , , T j \
. > t > < > ,

seed unto his brother. T({)-aCE\(p(p.aVTOU. 29 E TTTO. OVV abEAtyOl Tjaav KO.I Q TTpufTOQ
29 There were there- to his brother. *Seven 3 then 5 brethren 'there " were; and the first
fore seven brethren: _ ,., ,
Q ,

30 Kai StAapev" o on , ,. .,

and the first took a yvvaiKa aiTEVavEV arSKVog

wife, and died with- having taken a wife died childless and 'took 'the ;

out children. 30 And *, / n

~ ~ '
n v * .11" oi < < >

the second took her CEVTEpOQ T7]V yVVCMCCl, Kai OVTOg aiTEVaVEV ClTEKVOg 31 Kai
to wife, and he died "second the woman, and he died childless and ;

childless. 31 And the "\ o ' i

' '
J> ' ' >
K '
' '

third took her; and in TpiTOg EAUpEV aVTTjV (jJCraVT(ji)g..0E Kai 01 ETTTa OV .KO.T-
like manner the seven the third took her and likewise also the seven did not

a t le n m aTTE-
chUdr en? ana die d sXlTTOV TEKVU, K Cti dveBttVOV 32 VffTEpOV 8e irdvTUv"

32 Last' of all the leave children, and died "last 'and of all died ;

a e n
33Th erefore in the're- Q av * v Kai V yWT)." 33 EV.Ty.oW dva<JTa(TEl TlVOg CtVTUIV

surrection whose wife als0 tne woman. Therefore in the resurrection of which of them
of them is kitrd 34 Kai
^J^* yivErai yvvrj; ol.ydp tV^ov avrfjv yvvcuKa.
34 And Jesus answer- does she become wife? for the seven had her as wife. And
ing said untothem, The a7TO/COlt9EC" eItTEV O.VT01C d'lllCTOVC, Ol viol TOV.aiUIVOg.TOVTOV
answering "said Ho nhem 'Jesus,' The sons of this age
in 35 but p n
35 Ol.^f KctraZiioQEvrEg TOV
yapOVGlV Kai tKyapi(7Kovrai'

they which shall be ac- marry and are given in marriage but those accounted worthy :

counted worthy to ob- , 1 , , ~, , ,

tain that world, and aliOVOQ.EKEivOV KCti Tl]g CLVaOTClOELOg TY]g EK

the resurrection from 3
that ''age 'to "obtain-'and the resurrection which [is] from among
the dead, neither .
, ,
marry, nor are given VEKpuJV OVTE ya\lOVGlV OVTE ^kKyafllOKOVTac" 30 2 OVTE
in marriage: 36 neither
can they die anymore:
for they are equal unto yap aTTOVClVElV
^ ,

- ,
-nor are given in marriage


, / ,. ;

the angels; and are the 6 6 4 3

f r die any 'more they can for equal to angels they are, and
children of God, being s
~ ' << - u~. >

the children of the VLOl EHTIV T0V VEOV, TX\g CtVCMTTaffEujg VLOl OVTEg. 37 OtI.OE
resurrection. 37 Now eons are of God, 'of "the Resurrection
sons 'being. But that
that the dead are rnis- ,- <
01 VEKpOl, KCU
/ PTlT
e ~ > > ,">-.
E7TI T7]g
1 >.

ed, even Moses shewed EyEipOVTdl Mwff)/f EflT)VV<7EV

at the bush, when h o are raised the dead, even Moses shewed [in the p art] on the
t w + and
Sei^are GLTTrAW.
* Tt /u.e Tretpa^ere TTrA. [ot 6 '
efieif av. /cal ei7re/J
they shewed [ltj. And he said l. * oi
(read and they said) t. y elnav TTrA. *
avTous TTrA. a TotVui' a.noo'oTe TTrA. b
+ tu> Tr. c tov (read [his]) a. d
(read who say there a resurrection) Tr.
is not e
Miovo-Jjs ltttaw.
should be
LTTrA. B Tr)V yvvaiKa, kou ovtos airiOavev areKVO<; TTrA.
e\o.j3ev TTrA. + [cirrav- *

tu)?] likewise even E.

L. fc l
-|- al8e navTOtv LTTrA. m Kai r) yvvr\ anedavev TTrA.
rj yviTj ovv
ev rfj the woman therefore in the ta. aTro/cpi^eis i.TTrA. p
LTTrA. * yau liberal LTTr yaixiaKOVTai A. * ov&k LTrA.
8 row TTrA.
XX, XXI. LUKE. 223
calleth the Lord the
B6.T0V, wg Xtyu Kvpiov tov 9ebv 'Aj3paaji Kal Vov" 9ebv God of Abraham, and
bush, when he called [the] Lord of Abraham and
the the God God the God of Isaac, and
the God of Jacob.
'lactate iccti Vol/" 9ebv 'IaKw/3- 38 9ebg.$k ovk.egtiv vfxpuiv, 38 For he is not a
of Isaac and the God of Jacob ;
but God .he is not of [the] dead, God of the
dead, but
of the living for all
aXXa Z,)VTtov. jrdvTEQ-yap avrtp X,toaiv. '
2 live unto him. 39 Then

but of [the] living for all for him live. Answering certain of the scribe3
v n Mas-
reg Ss rtveg Ttov ypap.fidTi.o)v ei7rov, AtdciffKaXe, KaXtog answering said,hast well
well ter, thou
'and some of the scribes said, Teacher, said. 40 And after

eliraq. 40 Ovk'&ti *Se ItoX/xuiv i.irtpix)Tav

avrbv that they durst not
z him ask him any question
thou hast spoken. Not 3 any *more and did they dare to ask
at all.
(lit. nothing.) f y K t\

41 E'iTrev.Se irpbg avrovg, Tltig Xeyovatv tov %prrov ?vtov

41 And he said unto
And he said to them, How do they say the Christ Son them, How say they
elvat" ; 42 "W 2
n z
Aa(3ld" Xtyei Iv /3i/3X^ son ? 42 And David
that Christ isDavid's
of*David 'is? and hiniself 'David says in [the] book himself saith in the
book of Psalms, The
4/a\pu)V,- EL7TEV
6" Kvptog Ttp-Kvpiw.fiov, Ka9ov Ik SE^twv.fjtov,
LORD said unto my
3 2
of Psalms,. Said 'the Lord to my Lord, Sit on my right hand, Lord, Sit thou on my
twv .it oft right hand, 43 till I
43 sojg.av 9> Tovg-lx^povg.aov vttottoSiov
make thine enemie3
until I place thine enemies a footstool for feet.
thy footstool. 44 Da-
d e vid therefore calleth
44 z Aa/3l8 ]l
oi'V Kvptov avrbv" KaXel, Kal 7rwg vlbc.avrov n
him Lord, how is he
David therefore 3
Lord 2
him 'calls, and how his son
then his son?
is he?
45 Then in the audi-
45 'AtcovovrogSt iravrbg tov Xaov e?ttv rolg /j.a9r]TaTg
ence of all the people
And as were listening all the people he said to 2 disciples
he said unto his disci-
46 IIpcxytxerE airb t&v ypap,/.iark(xjv rCJv 9tX6vrm> ples, 46Beware of the
Beware of the scribes who like scribes, which desire
to walk in long robes,
Iv ra~tg and love greetings in
irspiiraruv iv aroXalg, tcai <piXovvTu>v aff7rafrpovg the markets, and the
to walk in robes, and love salutations in the
highest seats in the
ayopalg tcai
Trpu)roKa9eopiag Iv raXg
Kal rrpto- synagogues, and the GwaytoyaUg
and first chief rooms at feasts ;
market-places and first seats in the synagogues
47 which devour wi- K
TotcXiaiag iv Tolg Sei7rvoig' 47 o l KareaOiovoiv^ rag oiKtag dows' houses, and for
places in the suppers who devour the houses a shew make long

h n prayers the same :

twv %r/pwj', Kal 7rpo<pa<TH fiaitpa Trpoo~n<xovTai. oiiroi shall receive greater
2 3 4
of widows, and as a pretext at great length 'pray These damnation.

'X^ovrai" 7repiff(roTspov Kpijxa.

shall receive more abundant judgment.
21 ' dSev rovg (3aXXovTag ^Ta.Stopa.avTtov XXI. And he look-
2 4
And having looked up he saw the casting 'their gifts
ed up, and saw the
to n
2 eiSev.Se 'teat rtva rich men casting their
eig ya%o(pvXaKtov rcXovaiovg'
into e
the and he saw also a certain gifts into the trea-
'treasury 'rich,
sury. 2 And he saw
av irivixpav fiaXXovGav s/cei
m 0vo X7rra -11
3 Kal elnev, also a certain poor wi-
2 dow casting in thither
widow 'poor casting therein two lepta. And he said,
" two mites. 3 And
AXr)9wg Xkyw vfilv, on t) X*lP a aVTT]" 7tXe7ov !I
he said, Of a truth
Of a truth I say to you, that 3
widow 2
'this I say unto you, that
this poor widow hath
iravTiov /3aXV 4 a7ravTeg".yap 0VT01 tK TOV TTEOtG- cast in more than they
all: 4 for all these have
than all cast in ; for all these out of that which was
of their abundance
S&pa Vov
Gtvovrog avTolg ifiaXov eig to. 9eov, avTrj.di cast in unto the offer-
abounding to them cast into the gifts of God ;
but she ings of God but she :

rbu LTTrA. * v y filial Aave'io" vlov TA.
elirav LTTrA. yap for TTi-A.
1 AauiS GW a avrbs = b + tcov the L. c
AaueiS LTTrA. yap for himself T. 6
d e axnov f
{read [the]) LTrA. avrbv Kvptov TrA. vtos TTrA avTou (read the disciples) ,

TTr irpbs avTovs to them a. g oi /caTeo-flioires tho'se devouring l. "

; 7rpocrevxo|uei'Oi
eis to yao<j>vkd.Kiov ra Saipa avriov TTrA.
ATj^^/oi'rai LTTrA.
praying l. f/ccxt^
riva l. TLva [kou] a ;
Kal TTr. m Asttto. Suo Tr. "
aiirrj r\ mwxq LTrt jrAeiai LTA,
P iravT&z h. 1 tow 0eou T[Tr]A.
224 A OY K A 2. XXI.
of her penury hath
cast in all the living
K TOV.VGTtplff-iaTOg.aVTIfQ 'uTTCLVTa" TOV (3i0V OV
that she had. out of her poverty all the livelihood which she had

did cast.

5 And as some spake 5 Kai tivwv "XtyovTiov ttzoi tov lEpov, on Xi9oig KaXolg
of the temple, how it And as some were speaking about the temple, that with -"stones 'goodly
was adorned with s
goodly stones and Kai di>a9i]fiaGiv KSKOGpifrai, elmv,
6 Tavra a fJsw-
gifts, he said, 6 As and consecrated gifts it was adorned, he said, [As to] these things which ye are
for the e things which
ye behold, the days par?, tXevaovrai ifji'tpai tv dig ovK.d<pi9i]o-Erai XiOog trri
will come, in the which beholding, -will come 'days in which shall not be left stone upon
there shall not be left l
Xi9a> og oiKKara\vdi](TETai. 7 'Ernfpu)r)]0'at'.St avrov, As-
one stone upon an-
other, that shall not stone which shall not bethrown down. And they asked him, say-
be thrown down.
7 And they asked him, yovreg, ALOcicricaXe, ,7t6te ovv Tavra tarai; Kai ri to
saying. Master, but ing, Teacher, when then 2 those 3 things 'will be? an I what the
when shall th. se things
vrav Tavra 8 ' eIttev,
be? and what sign ai]pe7ov fi'sXXy yivtoQai ;
will there be when sign when 3 are ''about 'these "things to take place ? And he said,
these things shall come
to pass ? 8 And he said,
BXsrrerE fj,r).7r\av7}9fjr' 7roXXoi.ydp tXnxrovrai irri r<p
Take heed ye be not led astray for many will come
Take heed that ye ;

be not deceived for :
6v6fj.aTi.fiov, 'OXkyovrEg, tyw etf-ii' Kai, U Kaipur ?/y-
many shall come in
my name, saying, I [he]; and, The time is
my name, saying, I am
Christ: and the time IKEV. fit]
"OVV ,!l

TTOpeuQi'lTS OTTirJiiJ al'TlOV. 9 orav.^E

draweth near go ye :
Irawn near. 3
Not ''therefore after them. Ami when
'go "ye
not therefore after
them. But when yo
9 aicovcniTE iroXtpovg Kai ciKaTaaraaiag, 9
pi/. tttoi] tjrE Sei
shall hear of wars and ye shall hear of wars and be not terrified 4
commotions, ;

commotions, be not n
terrified : for these yap *Tavra ysvtc9ai rrpwrov, dXX' oi'K EvQewg to
things must first come 'for theso
things take place first, but not immediately [is] the
to pass: but the end is
not by and by. 10 Then TtXog. 10 Tors tXeyev avroTc, 'EyEpOifGErai t9vog ys7r"
said he unto them, end. Then he was saying to them, -Shall -'rise up 'nation against
Nation sbmll rise a-
gainst nation, and t9vog, Kai /SacnXaia iiri fiaaiXEiav' 11 GEiGfioi.TE peyaXoi
kingdom against king- nation, and kingdom against kingdom also -earthquakes 'great ;

dom 11 and great z

a n b
earthquakes shall be Kard TOTrovg feat"
Xifioi Kai Xoip.oi laovrai, d>6fitf-
in divers places, and in different places and famines and pestilences shall there be, fearful
famines, and pesti- n
ts. Kai
air n
iorcu. 12
lences and fearful 3rpa
2 3
ovpavov fiEydXa Yipo
sights and great signs sights 'and and signs from ''heaven 'great shall there be. ''Before
shall there be from d
heaven. 12 But before
8k tovtmv a7ravrwv" imfiaXovcfiv l<p' Vfxag Tag X^P a Q
4 3
all these, they shall 'but these Hhings all they will lay upon you 'hands
lay their hands on you, Kai diu)Zov(?ii>, e
and persecute yoil, de- avruiv, TrapadioovrEg elg avvayioyd^ Kai
'their, and will persecute [you], delivering up to synagogues and
livering you up to the ,

synagogues, and into ! n

E7ri j3aatX(.Tg Kai ijyEfiovag , evekev
prisons, being brought
(pvXaKag, dyopsvovg
prisons, bringing [you] before kings and governors, on account or
before an d ru Icrs
for name's sake.
my 13
13 Andit shall turn to
TOV.6v6fiaTog.fiov. d'.rofiijGETai.Sok'* vfiiv slg jxaprvpiov'
you for a testimony. my name ;
but it shall turn out to you for a testimony.
14 Settle it therefore 14 h
0C0" ovv
'Eig cltto-
Tag Kapviag .Vfiwv
firf 7rpofiEXirdv
in your hearts, not to not to premeditate to make
meditate before what
Settle your hearts therefore in

ye shall answer: 15 for Xoyi]9ijvar 15 tyw.ydp Swtrio vfiiv ardfia Kai ao<piap, y
I will giveyouamouth a defence for I will give ; you a mouth and wisdom, which
and wisdom, which all
your adversaries shall ov.Svi'ijcrovTai ^dvTinrtiv 'oi'jos' avriGrffvat^ '7ravreg 01
not be able to gainsay 6 shall G not 'be 8 able ^to '"reply "to 1J nor ''to
M resist 'all those
nor resist. 16 And ye
shall be betrayed both dvriKEtfiEvoi vfiiv. 16 7rapaoo9))aEG9E.SE Kai vizb yovtwv Kai
by parents, and breth- opposing you. But ye will be delivered up even by parents and

ndvra LTr. avaBefi.acn.v lt.
+ SiBe here l. v on [l]t[Ti a].
w ovV LTTrA.
x z
Kai Kara, tottovs TTrA. a
yevdcrOat. Tavra. A. y e7r' LTTi A. Aoijaot Kai At/aoi LTrA.
<f)6lir]9pd LTrA. ovpavov cnjjaeia L.
c oltt d ndvTwv GLTTrAW. e
ras the TTj[a].
1 h
a7rayoju.eVovs leading [you] away IT A. S fie but T[TrA], 6zre LTTrA. ev rat? '

Kapfiiais LTTrA. ai'TicrT^i'at ovbe avreiireiv L ; dvricrTrjvai ij a^rein-ecv ([ij dvreur.] Ti)TTrA.
or o. m anavr<; TTrA.
XXI. LUKE. 225
ren, and kinsfolks, and
dSeXcpiov Kal cvyyEi'wv Kal Kal OavariooovGiv
(fiiXtov, fri- nds; and some of
brethren and relations and and they will put to death [some] you shall they cause
to he put to death.
jxianvfiivoi biro ttc'ivtojv Oia
i'/iwv 17 Kal i'(7(70
17 And shall be
frotu among you, hated
and ye. will be by all becau-e of hated of ye all men for
diro- my name's sake. 18 But
TO.ovof.ia.fiov. 18 Kcii Oplt. tK T?jg.HE(paXrig.bfj.oJv ob.fu) there shall not an hair
my name. And a hair of your head in no wise may of your head perish.
19 In your patience
\\t\rai. 19 iv Ty.vTtofxovg.vfiiJJV "KTrjcraade" Tag.ipvxdg.bfiibv.
possess ye your souls.
perish. By your patient endurance gain your souls. 20 And when ye shall
2Q"0-av.!)i icijte icvkXov/.IcI'1]v vwb <TTpa.T07rsdu>vT))v 'lepov- see Jerusalem com-

But when ye see "being ^encircled 4

with 5
arniics 'Jeru- passed with armies,
then know that the de-
aa\i]n, tote yvwre on i/yyiKEV r/.eprifxwo'ig.aiiriie.
21 tote solation thereof is

salem then know that has drawn near her desolation. Then nigh. 21 Then ler them
which are in Judaea
o'i iv rij'lovla'ia (pEvytTwaav Etg to. bp>} Kal ol iv flee to the mount i i

those iu Judaea let them llee to the mountains ;

and those in and let them which are
in the midst of it de-
fiko-y.avTifQ tKX(opeiTU)Gp.V Kal ol iv ralig x<j>paig fu) ctVepjft- part out; and let not
her midst let them depart out, and those in the countries 'not 'let -them th that are in the
countries enter there-
cOioaav Eig avri)v. 22 on rjptpai iuciK))auog avTai eigiv, tov into. 22 For th< se lie
enter into her ; for days of avenging these are, the days of vengeance,
that all things which
iravra to. yeypafifdva. 23 orai.^t Ta7g are written may be
that may be accomplished all things that have been written. But woo to those fulfilled. 23 But woe
unto them that are
iv.yaGTpl.lxovoaig Kal Talg Qr]XaZ,ovaaig iv iKEivaig ralg i)pi- with child, and to
with child and to those giving suck in those days, them that give suck,
T n in those days! for there
paig' tGTai.ycip avayKt] fiEydXt] iirl rqg yijg Kal bpyi) iv shall be great distress
for there shall be "distress 'great upon the land and wr.,th amoiig in the land, and wrath
s n upon this people.
r(fi.\a<p.TOVT<{). 24 Kal
tvecovi'tui arouaTi fiaxaipag, Kal 21 And they shall fall
this people. And they shall fall by [the] mouth -of [the] sword, and by the edge of the
Kal 'isoovoaXiju sword, and shall be
a:xi ia ^ w Ti(rdi]<7ovrai eig irdvTa tci t6vi]'
l n
led away captive into
shall be led captive into all Jerusalem
the nations ; and allnations and Jeru- :

V w salem shall be trodden

tcrrai TraTOVfiim) vwb iOvujv XP 1

""A'JpwfVJl'crii/ down of the Gentiles,

shall be trodden down by [the] nations until be fulfilled [the] until the times of the
x u Gentiles be fulfilled.
Kaipoi iGvwv. 25 Kal tarai oi]fitia iv j/Xitp ical aeXfjvy
25 And there shall be
times of [the] nations. And there shall bo signs in sun and moon
signs in the sun. and
Kal darpoig, Kal im
Ti~ig yrjg <rvvox>) iOvwv iv in the moon, and ifl
ci7ropia, the stars and upon
and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, the earth ; distress of
y [

Kal 26 nations, with per-

}IXv<7)ig' Ga\da(n]g eaXov, cnroi^vxovTbiv
J 4
dv6pd>- the sea and
roaring of [the] sea and rolling surge, ^fainting at heart 'men plexity ;

the waves roaring;

7ra>i/ enrb Kal
ipofiov twv
2t> men's hearts failing
i7rEpxofiiva>v t?j
from fear and expectation of that which is coming on the them for fear, and for
looking after those
oiKovfikvy ai.ydp Swcifxeig twv obpavwv oa\EvQi]G0VTai. t lungs which are com-
habitable earth ;
for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. ing on the earth: for
the powers of heaven
27 Kal tote bx^ovTai tov v'iov tov avOpunrov ipxofiEvov iv shall be shaken. 27 And
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in then shall they see The
Son of man coming in
veQeXij fierd Kal So^g TroWijg. 28 'ApxofJ.kv(i)v.Si
SwdpEwg acloud with power and
a cloud with
power and "glory But, beginning great glory. 28 And
when these things be-
Tovrixjv yivEoQai dvaKir^aTE Kal iirdpaTE Tag KEpaXag gin to come to pass,
'these things to come to pass look up and lift up '-'heads then look up, and
life up yotir heads ;
Vfiuiv' Sioti iyyi'Cei I'l.affoXvTpuHng.vuiov. eIttev for 29 Kaf
your redemption
'your, because draws near your redemption. And he
spoke draweth nigh. 29 And
he pake to them a pa-
7rapa/3oXi)v avTolg, "ISete ttjv gvkijv Kal ttc'ivto to. vkvdpa. rable; Behold the fig
a parable to them : Behold the fig-tree and all the trees tro and all the trees; :

30 orav 7rpoj3dXiJGiv t)drj, j3Xi7rovTEg iavruiv 30 when they now

cap' shoot forth, y<j see and
when '''they sprout 'already, looking [on them] of yourselves

n p rrArjo-Sjji'ai oltti-aw. 9 Si
KTqaeo-Qe ye shall gain lti-a. ttjv LTTrA.
but I.TTrA. r ev (read to this people) GLTTrAW. s
jaaxeup^s TTr. TO. iOvrj
Trdi'Ta LTTrA. "
L. w -f OV LTTrA. * SQ-QVTQ.I, LTTrA. >'
^X ov afc Lthej
226 ,A
know of own on
S m y t j/w(T/ceT ijSrj kyyvg to Bzpog eoriv. 31 ovrwg /cat
now^n^h* at hand* ? e knov '' that alr eady near the summer is. So also ye,
31 So likewise ye, when
yiV.OfliVa yiVOJCXKETE OTl Eyyvg EOTIV 71
orav 'idljTE TCLVTOL
ye see these things w jjen
coming to pass know that near
ve see these things
is v the
come to pass, know ye *
, . , t . ;<
that the kingdom of
paoiAeia row aeou. 32 a/jrjv Asyii) vjj.iv, oti ivap-
God is nigh at hand,
32 Verily 1 say unto

you, This generation saOij


shall not pass away, passe(

of God.

7i.yfVEu.avTr] eiog.av iravTa

Verily I say to you, that in no wise will have

shall have taken place.
63 o

,,,,/ '

r j a wav this generation until all

till all be fulfilled. , , ,
~ . , . ,
^ , > ,

33 Heaven and earth OVpUVOQ KOI 7) yij TTapEAEVffOVTai, Ol.CE-AoyOl.j.lOV OV./jr,

shall pass away: hat heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words in no wisa
my words shall not 2
34 And
,.. . ... - '

34 IIp0<7XfrE-fc taVTOlQ, ^TTOTE apapwVlO-

/i n- 1
_ / < <

pass away. 7raps\0iOaiV.

take heed to your- may pass away. But take heed to yourBcives, lest be laden
selves, lest at any time u ,, t" h '> ,,
'a < ^ < ' '

your hearts be over- fftv" "v/JWV ai mpOiai

IV Kpai7Ta\y Kai [lEVy KUl /JEpl/JVaiQ
charged with surfeit- your hearts with surfeiting and drinking and cares

pWiKalg, ml
SSS^rf'SS^ ai<pviciog i<f v t idg lirwTif i).7)fispa.EKEivrj-
and so that come day of life, and suddenly upon you should come that day


it come on all them

35 u>g.**ay\g.ydp
for as a snare
fcreXetorerai" iiri
shall it come

Travrag T ovg K a9
ill those
w kvov S
a We th e
36 dypVTTVElTE e
0VV tt
of \he whoe e anh? TTpOOOJTTOV TCa^g Tt) S y7, Q .
36 Watch ye therefore, upon the face of all the earth. Watch therefore at
a r
rn?a %e Iec o unted
1 yS T^' Kaipy feojXEVOl, "iva KaTa?lU)9)]TE
IKtyvyUV TttV-

all every seas'on praying, that ye may bo accounted worthy to escape ''these
wortriY to escape
these things that shall naVTa
ra TCL JjkWoVTa yWEoQai, KUl GTaOijVai EjJTTpO-
things 'all which are about to come to pass, and to stand before
stand before 'the Son
of man. G Q ev T0V v [ ov T0V av6pU)TTOV.
the Son of man.
f 37 And in the day 37 Hl^.^e Tag.r)uEpag %V T^J t?0<p Cl8aO~KU)V'
time he was teaching
m the temple; and at
^ ^
hQ wag
* d

iQ the temple teaching,
, , v ,

and by night
,.. ,

night he went out, and i^pyoilEVOg 7]VAlC,ET0 Etg TO opog TO KaAOVjXEVOV EAaiwV'
abode in the mount .

t h lodged on the mount called of Olives

that is called themount
BU s ;

, ,. , r> v < > ' > ~

Of Olives. 38 And all 38 KOI TTag O Aaog U)pVpi(,EV TTpOg aVTOV EV T({>
the people came early and a ^ t he people came early in the morning to him in the
in the morning to him
in the temple, for to

hear him. temple to hear him.

22 XEyo/JEvq
of unleavened bread
XXII. Now the feast . * "Hyyi&i'-tfs
A '^ th

EOpTTj TU)V.dZvjJh)v
f t of
^^e^ t
[ brea d]
which [is]

drew nigh, which is Traffva' 2 Kai eZ,7itovv oi ap\iEpElg Kai oi ypaj.ifjaTE~ig

called the Passover. .
and 'were Peeking 'the 2 3
chief priests
and 5 the 6
*" r
2 And the chief priests '
, , . , ,

and scribes sought ro.7rwg avEAojaiv avTov EfopovvTO.yap tov Aaov.

how they might kill &s to how th m g ilt pu t =to 3 death 'him, for they feared the people, j 1

him for they feared _._,,.._

; ., ~ T , :, . , , . , /
3 Then 3 EimjAVEV-OE n o craTavag Eig
the people. lovoav TOV E7TlKaAOVI.lEVOV n 1

entered Satan into Ju- And ^entered '.Satan into Judas who is surnamed
das surnamed Iscariot, ,
- ^ - , - v , ,
. , >

being Of the number I(TKapUOTl]V, 01'Ta iK TOV apiVjlOV TiOV OWCEKW 4 KUL aiTEA-
of the twelve. 4 And being of the number of the twelve. And having gone
he went
communed with
his way, and
the VwV

~>apXlEpEVGlV - B

chief priests and cap- away he spoke with the chief priests and the captains
tains, how he might v ^ m avTov , ,
}> \ - i 1 r > ' ^

betray him unto them. T0.7TU)g irapcn (^


avTOig." 5 Kai Exapi]oav, Kai

6 And they were glad, as to how him he might deliver up to them. And they rejoiced, and
and covenanted to > A > ~ ' ' s ~. a 11 _' ' y \ ' ,!

ctpyvpiov cowai a Kai


give him money, ovvevevto avT(ji ^WJltoAoyr](T^," Kai

6 And he promised, agreed
liini ''money 'to "give. And he promised, and

a b at
fiapr)Qh)cnv GLTTi-aw.
1 LTTrA.
Trape\ev<xoprai shall pass away /capSt'ai
ai<f>vi&ios emo-Ti'} </>' ii/ia? L ; iin.o-rff </' v/uas a'upvi&ios TTrA.
VftStV LTr. 7rayiV
7rtcreA.evo-Tat -yap (? ea(/ that day as a snare: for it shall
in) LTTrA.
e Se come but (wa ch)
f r * SiHdaKtov es h 6 GLTTrAW.
LTTiA. KaTiaxvo-qTeye maj prevail TTrA. Tip iepui Tr.
KaKov/xiVOV is called TTrA. k
+ Kai rots ypafjiixareuaLv and the fcji ibes L. '
rot? TXiA..
avrois 7ropa6cIj aviov LTTrA. n tat titop-oAoYijcrev (/euu! he sought) L,
and sought opportu-
iZ,r)TU evKciipiav tov rrapaSovvai avrbv avTolg drp nity to betray him
sought opportunity to deliver up him to them away from [the] unto them in the ab-
sence of the multitude.
T p lv n
7 HX9ev.Sk 7) r)f.ikpa Tuv-atv\uov l$U 7 Then came the day
of unleavened bread,
And came the day of unleavened [hread] in which was needful
when the passover
OveaOai to irdaxa. 8 Kai cnrtarttXtv likrpov Kai ^lhidwi\v^' must be killed. 8 And
to be killed the passover. And he sent Peter and John, he sent Peter and John,
Baying, Go and pre-
eiTTivv, UopevQevreg eTOifidaare i/jiiv to irdvxa-, pare us the passover,
'f-va <pdyio-
for us the passover, that we may that we may eat. 9 And
saying, Having gone prepare
they said unto him,
fiev. 9 OiJt r t7rW avTip, Tlov 9'tXf.ig tTOifiaauj^v* J Where wilt thou that
eat [it]. But they said to him, Where wiliest thou we should prepare ? we prepare ? 10 And
he said unto them,- Be-
10 'O.Sk &TTEV aVTOlQ, 'iSoi), ElG\96vTWV .V /XUJV l T))v TtbXlV hold, when ye are en-
.And he said to them, Lo, on your having entered into the city - tered into the city,
there shall aman meet
<SWaVT7]GU vuav avOpojTroQ Kepd^uov vdarog (3a(TTaZ,ujv' dico- you, bearing a pitcher
3 4 s
of water of water follow him
will meet you 'a ^mau, a pitcher carrying fol- ; ;

h into the house where

Xov9))aare avT(^ dg Tiiv- oiKiav ov" EiotropzvzTCii 11 Kai he entereth in. 11 And
low him into the house where he enters ;
and ye shall say unto the
aoi b Stdda- The Master good man of the house,
epeiTB r<p oiKoSe(nr6Ty Ti)g oixiag, Akyu
3 2
saith unto
yo shall say to the master of the house, Says Ho Hhee 'the teach- thee, Where is the
guestchamber, where
KaXog, Uov lanv to KCLTaXvfxa oirov to Trciaya fierd tCjv I shall eat the pass-
Where is the guest-chamber where the passover with over with
er, my disci-
12 KaKtivog deiZei
v n
ples ? 12 And he shall
fia9)]Tatv.fiov (pdyu) ; v/xXv
3 6
dvi>jyeov shew you a large up-
my disciples I may eat ? And he you 'will -shew upper .'room per room furnished :
iicei 13 'AireXOovTegSk ei>pov there make ready.
jiteya taTpiopavov tTOi/ndaciTe. 13 And they went, and
a Harge furnished : there prepare. And having gone they found found as he had said
9 w n unto them: and they
aUu>g e'ipi]icev avTolg' Kai i]Toi]xaaav to iraaxa made the
as he had said to them ;
and they prepared the passover. ready pasa-
14 Kai ore iykv^TO r) wpa avsneafv, Kai oi SwdeKa n
And when was come the hour he reclined [at table], and the twelve
cnrooToXoi avv 15 Kai e'l7rev 14 And when tha
avTijJ. repbg avTOvg, "EirSvu'iq,
apostles with him. And he said to them, With desire hour was come, he sat
down, and the twelve
iiri.9i<u.i)(ya tovto to 7Tarr)(a <payuv fj,e9' v/xutv ivpb TOV./j.e.7ra- apostles with him.
I desired this passover to eat with you before" I suf- 15 And he said unto
z them, With desire I
9iiv 16 Xsyio.ydp vfilv, oti Jovkzt^ ov.jxi) <pdyu) t% have desired to eat
fer. For I say to you, that 4 any 5 more 'not "at 3 all will I eat of this passover with you
(lit. no more) before I suffer 16 for :

avToii n twg.OTOv 7rXr)pio9y iv ttj fiaaiXeta- tov 9eov. 17 Kai I say unto you,
I will
not any more eat
it until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. And thereof, until it be
a fulfilled in the king-
Si^dfievog 7TOT7]piov, evxapiGTrjrrag elirev, AdfisTE tovto, dom of God. 17 And
having received a cup, having given thanks he said, Take he took the cup, and

Kai <5ta/ipto"are b c
gave thanks, and said,
iavTolg' 18 Xkyw.ydp[]

vfiiv, ort" ov.fir) Take

and divide to you, that not at all this, and divide
[it] among yourselves. For I say
: it among yourselves
e H 18 for I say unto you,
7riio dirb tov ytvvr)fiaTog Trig d/nrsXov 'iuigJorbv^ /
will I drink of I will not drink of the
the fruit of the vine until the
fruit of the vine, until
fiaoiXeia tov 9sov iX9y. .19 Kai Xafiwv dprov, evxapicrTt)- the kingdom of God
kingdom of God become. And having taken a loaf shall come. 19 And he
having given
took bread, and gave

crag tKXaatv, Kai eSujkev avroUg, Xkyaiv, Tovto Igtiv to awfid thanks, and brake it,
thinks he broke, and gave to them, saying, This is
body and gave unto them,
saying, This is' my
flOV, TO VTTtp VflUtV dldS/JlEVOV' TOVTO TTOIHTE ^Eig TTjV Iflt/V body which
1 '

is given
'my, which for you is given this do in the 2 of 3 me
for you: this do in re-
h membrance of me.
dvd\.ivrtrsiv. 20 v
'Q<ravTwg Kai to iroT7]piov fiETa TO.Ssnrvi]- 20 Likewise also the
'remembrance. In like manner also the cup after having supped, cup after supper, say-
dVep o^Aow auToi; LTTrA. P Iv {read t) in which) TrA. 1 'Itodtrqv Tr."
w eiprjicei
LTTrA. 3
[o-ot] for thee l.
* :
ei? f)v in Wli'ich LTTrA.
avdyaiov GLTTrAW.
LTTrA. x o'tooV/ca LTTrA. >' oviteri. [LTi]A. z
aiiTO it lttiA. a to the (cup) L. +
eis eaVTOVS LTTrA. OTI TrA. d;
+ arrb tov vvv henceforth T[TrA]. yeiojf-iaTOS
LTTrAW. OV TrA, S [eis] A. 11
KaX TO 7TOTnpioy (IxravTWS TTrA.
228 A TKA 2. XXII.
ing, This cup W the acu \ey(oV, TovTO TO 7TOTTipiOV l) KaiVT) SiaBriKT) IV TUJ
KWSSf "-S Thi eup [is] the new *
for you. 21 But, be- TO V7TSO VflWV l kKXw6flVOV. V
?yi1*' f . , . , ,

hand of him d'lfiaTL.jXOV,
UXijV iSoV,
hold, the d wh i cn for you w
is poured out.
that betrayeth rue w Moreover, behold,
, , , , _ ,
, ,

with mo on the table, jy ^jjp T0V TTClpaClOOVTOQ

flE flET kfXOV fc7Tl T)~]g Tpcnrk%r]g.
22 And truly the Sun the haud of him me [is] with me on the '

delivering nt table ;
of man goeth, as it e ( , , _ , , , ,
was determined: but 22 KCll O.[Xli'.Vl0g TOV dVupiOTTOV l TT0pVTO.t KCITO. TO
woe unto that man by and indeed the Son of man according as
whom he betrayed
is I
x , ~ ,.,
n ,
, ,. ,

, , -,,_
23 And they began to wpi<J/XV0V" 7TA)]V OVai TCfJ-avtipOJTTlp-tKUVtj) 01 Ot TTCipa-
iuquire among them- it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom he ib de-
which of them

was that should do ClOOTCtl.
23 Kl , , ,
CtVTOl l)pi,aVTO
m y ~ n '

it (7VC,)]TaiV TTpOQ tCtVTOVg,

this thing. .
Jivered up. And they began taquestion together among themselves,
to, tiq cipa fh] t aiiTujv 6 tovto jUtAAwi' TtpdoGEiv.
who then might it be of them who this was about to do.
a strife
there was
>t> ' *<



' > ~

them, which of them And there was also a strife among them, this, which of them
should be accounted j - T 'Y as. * t a. '
r\' /3 \ -~
the greatest. 25 And OOKEl ElVCll j.lElL,li)V.
he said .unto them, is thought to be [the] greater. And he said to them, The kings
C k t }
exerci^ lord slu'p TUJV Wv'MV
?ile s KVpiEVOVGlV CtVTWV, KCll 01 k^OVGld^OVTEg
over them; and they of the nations rule over them, and those exercising authority over
e e '
av V EVEpySTCll KUkoVVTCU. 2G VjxlQ.U 0V\ OVTiDQ' d\\'
upon tnem arecalled them '

benefactors. 26 But ye well-doers are called. But ye not thus [shall be] ;
shall not be so; but he :

Q ~ 7 WV
( iV

yuiv n
VJ-'i(T0w" (if 6 VEWTEOOC" KCll 6
that is greatest among ,.
let liim be as
and he that
, , ,

you let him be as tAe greater among you younger,

younger; and he th.i t
U)Q 6 SlClKOVUJV. 27 Tig.ydp 6
iiyovjXiVOQ /.lEl'^WV,
doth se'ive 27 For
leads as he that serves. For which [is] greater, he that
whether is greater, he 6 o
dvaKEij-iEVOQ Tj SiCtKOVwV, oi'x'i dvaKEi/J.E-
reclines [at table] or he that serves ? [Is] not he that reclines
or he that serveth ?
isnot he that sitteth tV 6 dldKOVWV.
at moat? but I am
yog ; kyUJ-Ss El/.ll fXEGqj Vf.lU>v" CJQ
L table]?
J But I am L J midst
in [the] of J
you as he that serves,
among you as he that
serveth. are 23 Ye 28 L<TT 01 iJUOV IV Tolg
Y/.te7g.() diaue/iev^KOTtg fiCT
they which have con- But ye are t hey who have continued with me in
tinued with me in my _ f , ( ( t
temptations. 29 And 7T6 29 KCtOojg CI&OetS
I appoint unto you a
ipaa^ldig-lLOV KCtyOJ ClCtTlOtfiCH VjUV,
my temptations. And I appoint to you, as "appointed
kingdom, as my Fa- , , _ , , ,

30 IVCL v l(TVU]T
ther hath appointed jUOl paaiAtlCtV, KCll
O-TTClTllp-HOV , TTll'lJTE
unto me 30 that ye ;
to 5 me 'my ^father, a kingdom, that ye may eat and may drink
may eat and drink at , , 'v > ~ o n > / i n* u ) i

my table in my king- tTtl

T)ig.TpClTrtC,7]g.H0V l>
Ty-pafflAeig-./lOV, KCll ^\W<07/<7t/

dom, and sit on thrones at my table in
' my kingdom, and may sit on
judgiug the twelve ri ' \ !> ' * ,\> ~ >r '\
tribes of Israel. VpoVWV, KpiVOVTtg Tag CWCEKa (pVACig TOV IffprnjA.
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Z7TEi'.P 6 Kvoiog, Eiuwv, r</<w)', iSov} 6 oaravctQ
Simon |imon,b;hoM:
And Hhe '^Lord, Simon, Simon, lo, Satan
Satan hath desired to i,7JT7](7aTO TOV OlVld<JCtl T0l> oItoV 32
Juwe you, that he may* i'Ucig, U>g tyoi
demandcd t0 have you for the sifting [you] as wheat; -I
sift you as wheat : ,

, , t ,
, , , < ,

32 but I have prayed s

Ot idet]9))V 7Ttpi OOV, iva
y).Tri(JTtg.(rOV' KCll (TV
for thee, that thy faith i
jXl). kKk(.l7nj
DU fc.
besought for thee, that may not fail ..thy
' faith; and ^hou
fail not and when :
a , ,
, ,

thou art converted, 7TOT6 33 0.06
t7ria~pnpag GT)]plt,OV TOVg.ClC A(f>OVQ.OOV.
strengthen thy breth- 'when hast turned back conarm "thy brethren. And he
reu. he said
33 And - , ^ , , , , , , ,

unto him, Lord, I am l7TSV ClVTlp, KvpiS, [lETO.

GOV tTOlUOg El/xl
KCll Eig
ready to go with thee, said to him, Lord, with thee ready 1 am both to "prison and
both into prison, and ,
a ,
n ,
OA , -,, - , ,

to death. 3t And he. 'C VCIVCITOV 7TOpVEOVai. 34 O.0E ElXEV, AtyiO (701, UeTpf,
said, I tell thee, Peter, to death to go. And he said, I tell thee. Pck.r.

iKxvvv^ixevov LTTia. (for) 6 nibs fj.ei> TTiA.
k on
Kara to topto'/aeVoi' 7ropeveTai LTTrA. '

HI 1
0~vv$riTelv LTTrA. ya>eo-9<x> TTrA. e^ ue'ero) v/xiov et/ou TT:A. P iaQ-qre LTTrA.
1 Ka6io-f(i8c
ye shall sit glW
KaOyjaeaOe ye shall sit TTr ; Kadrjo-ds a. ;
EIttsv Se y '

vpiOS T[TrjA', t i/cAinr) LTTrA. l
CTJLtcroe LTTrA.
KlipiOS i/cAiny arq^VOV
the cock shall not
ov. v fiif <pu)vr]ffH &r)[itpov aXeKTiop *airap- crow this day, before
in no wise shall crow to-day [the] . cock before that thrice thou wilt that thou shalt thrice

elSkvai fie." deny that thou know-

vtjcrg Jjuj) est me
deny knowing me..
35 Kai elrcev avroTg, "Ore a.7rt<TTei\a vficig
z And he Said unto
urep f3aXav- them, When I sent you
'^And he said to thorn, When I sent you without purse without
" purse, and
riov r Kal -

Kal v7rod))udru}v, fit) Tivog vcTeptfcrare ; scrip, and shoes, lacked

and provision bag and sandals, anything did ye lack?
b c
Ovcev6gJ 36 El7rev oiv avroTg, 'AXXa 36 ThenBut
O' "elirov," said he unto '

A.'nd they said, Nothing. He said therefore to them, -However them, now, he
that hath a purse, let
vvv tvwi/ d f3a\dvTiov">,
6 bpoiwg Kai 7rijpaV him take it, and like-
'npw he'wLohas apurse let him take [it], in like manner also provision bag; wise his scrip: and he
that hath no sword,

Kal O UVj.tXbJV 7rw\)]0~aTlO TU.lfiariOl'.aVTOV teat ayopaoa-W let him sell his gar-
ami he who has not [one] let him sell his garment and buy ment, and buy one.
__ ... , ,
/ < 37 For I say unto you,
e ./ (

fxaxa-ipaV 37 Xsy<o.yap vfuy, on

that this that is writ-

trc tovto to yey pa pfievov

a sword ;
that has been written ten must yet be ac-
for I say to you, that yet this
n _ .. i , t / >> ,
a . t jomplished in me, And
n rr
< v . >

oei re\ea9)]vai tv tfioi^ro" Kdi fiera avofuov tAoyto-y?/'- he was reckoned a-

must be accomplished in me, And with [the] lawless he was reckoned: mong the transgres-
sors : for the
7repi r"
Ifiov TtXog i'%B 36 OLds enrov, concerning me things have

for also the things concerning me an end have. And they said, an end. 38 And they
said, Lord, behold,
'O.Se e'iTrev avroig, here are two swords.
fici\aipai tlSe 2
Kvpie, lcov
Lord, behold, "swords 'here [ are] 3 two. And b said to them. And he said unto them,
It is enough.
'itcavov eartv.
Enough 'it -is.

39 Kal t%,eX9tov iiropev9rf Kara to Wog elg to opog

And going forth he wenjs according to custom to 39 And he came out,
the mount
and went, as he was
tiv tXaiuiv rjicbXovOriGav-Oe avTqi Kal ol.fiaOijTaiJavrov.^ wont, to the mount of
of Olives, and followed him also his disciples. Olives; and his disci-
ples also followed him.
40 iirl tov tottov elirev avTo'ig, UpootvxecrOe 40 And when he was
And having arrived at the place he said to them, Tray at the place, he said

fii/.elryaXOelv elg 7reipa<jfi6v. 41 Kai avTog cnrecnraoQ)] air unto them, Pray that
enter not into temp-
not to enter 1 into temptation. And he was withdrawn from ye
tation. 41 And he was
avribv utael XiOov fSoXijv, teal withdrawn from them
Oelg.Tci.yoi'aTa .Trpoatfi'xerOf about a stone's cast,
them about a stone's throw, and falling on [his] knees he prayed, and kneeled down,
42 Xiywy, TLarep, el fiouXei
to iroTypiov and prayed, 42 saying,
thou art willing to take
2 Father, if thou be
saying, Father, if away cup remove this
air *" '
" cup from me never- aXXd m :

epov 7rX))v fit) TO.Q'eXi]fLa..fiov, 7

'this from me ;
but not be theless not my will,
my will, but thine
but thine, be done.
v'ioQuj. 43 u "Q<p9rj.8i: avrtp dyyeXog air^ ohpavov tvKy\vwv 43 And there appeared

done. And appeared to him an angel from heaven strengthening an angel unto him
from heaven, strength-
aitTov. 44 Kal yevopevog tv dyuiviq. tKTeveaTepov 7rpoa)]vx^TO. ening him. 44 And
bim. And being id conflict. more intently he prayed. being- in an agony he
prayed more earnestly:
Veykvero.Si p* .idpojg.avTOv wvel 9p6fif3oi aifiUTog ^Kara- and his sweat was as
falling it were great drops
And became his sweat as of blood of
great drops
blood falling down to
fiaivovTeg* 7Tl Tt)V yt)V. 45 Kai dvaGTcig curb Tt~]g the ground. 45 And
down to the earth. And iiaving risen up from when he rose up from
t s prayer, and was come
IX9Cjv izpbg Tovg fXa9i}TCig evpev aurovg Koiftut- to his disciples, he
prayer, coming to the disciples he found them sleep- found them sleeping

w e<os until ltti-a. x

v. jatj (read shall not crow) tt-a. /u.e a7ra.p1/7j07)
S [m>}] A. a elnav LTTrA.
l b Ov9tv6s TTrA.
elSevai LTr. fiaWavriov T.TTrAW.
A * on
c 6 Se elirev buthe said T ; elirev Si Tr. BoL.KKavTi.ov LTTi aw. e en LTTrA. L.
s [yap] LTr. h to that
(concerning me has an end) TTrA. avrov (read the dis-
* take tovto to
ciples) TTrA. TTapei/e'-y/cai T ; TraptVeyxfe away LTr. TTOTTjptoi' TTrA.
m n verges airb tou from llie LTr. v Kal
ytveaOoj TTrAW. 4H, 44 in [ iydvero
r 6
6 ( [6] a) ta. 1 KaTafiaivovTos ta. -(- avTOv (read his disciples) E. /roi/iw/AeVovs
230 A YKA 2. XXII.
for sorrow, 46 and said ]]
cnrb rrjg XvTrrjg, 46 Kai direr avrolg, Ti KaOevcere ;
unio them, Why sleep nh>0VQ and he said to them, Why
ing from grief, sleep ye?
ye ? rise and pray, lest "
ye enter into temp- avaarcwreg TrpoaevxeaQe, iva [*V-eio-kX9i]re elg Treipacrfiov.
tation. not enter
Having risen up pray, that ye may into, temptation.
47 "Eri-'"$" avrov.XaXovvrog, icob bxXog, Kai b~ Xeyo-
47 And while he yet A.nd 4 yet
'as *he was speaking, behold a crowd, and he who was
spake, behold a multi- v
tude, and he that was H*.voq 'lovSag, elg tu>v SwSeKa,
rrpoijpxero avru)V, KCtl
called Judas, one of called Judas, one of the twelve, was going before them, and
the twelve, went be-
fore them, and drew fjyyioev T('\i]<yov 0tX//<rai avrov. 48 *b.Se . Iijtjovg" eiTrev
near unto Jesus to drew near to Jesus to kiss him. But Jesus said -

kiss him. 48 But Jesus

said unto him, Judas, airtp, 'lovSa, <piXr)fiari tov vlbv tov dvBpi'oTrov rrapaSiSujg',
betrayest thou the Son to him, Judas, with a kiss the Son of man deliverest thou up ?
of man with a kiss ?
49 When they which 49 'l8uvreg.Sk oi rrepi avrbv to taofxevov ^elitov^
2 3
were about him saw And 'seeing 'those around him what was about to happen said
what would follow, a
fiaxaipa ; 50 Kai 6lira-
z tv n
they said unto him, ai>Tij}^ Kvpie, si Trard^ojxev
Lord, shall we smite to him, Lord, shall we smite with [the] sword? And smote
with the sword? SO And h
e% ovtCjv rbv SovXov tov dpxiepsiog, icai
one of them smote the rat,ev elg rig
2 4 E
servant of the high
one'a certain of them the bondman of the high priest, and
priest, and cut off his c
avrov to ovg n to Se^iov. 51 b li]Oovg
right ear. 51 And Je- a<puXev
sus answered and said, took off his
ear 'right. And answering Jesus
Suffer ye thus far.
And lie touched his enrev, 'Eare 'euiQ.rovrov.
Kai>ap.evog tov ujtlov J airou"
ear, and healed him. said, Suffer thus far. And having touched the of him
52 Then Jesus said
laaaro avTOV. 52 Bl7rev.St e 6" 'Irjaovg Trpbg
unto the chief priests,
Tovg Trapa*
and captains of the he healed him. And 2 said 'Jesus to those who were
teuiple, and the elders, f
lTT avTov Kai tov
which were come to yevopevovg apxiepeig o~rpart]yovg lepov
come against him, chief priests and captains of the temple
him, Be ye come out,
as against a thief, with Kai %i%> eXr}Xv9are v'

Trpeo-fivrkpovg, 'Qg 7ri

XyuTi)v fxera,
swords and staves ? and 'As a robber have ye come out with
elders, against
63 When I was daily
with you in the tem- 53 KaB '.I'm'epav bvTog.fiov fxe9' vfiuiv
lia^aipiov Kai %vXu)V
ple, ye stretched forth swords and staves ? Daily when I was with you
no hands against me:
but this is your hour, kv rip ieptfi ovK.e^ereivare rag x^~'P a C ""' kfie. d\A'"
and the power of dark- in the temple ye stretched not out [your] hands against me ; but
avTT} ^vfioJv tcTTiv
,11 .
/ wpa, Kai yj k%OV<jia TOV GKOTOVQ.
this your 'is hour,
>ur, ana the
and power of darkness.

54 Then took they

54 HvXXaf36vTeg.Se avrbv iiyayov, Kai earrjyayov
And having seized him they led [him away], and led
him, and led him, and
brought him into the rrtfrr
avrov" eig 'tov oIkov" tov dpx^epeiog'
b.Se.Ylerpog ijKoXovOei
high priest's house. him r
into the house of the high priest. And Peter was following
And Peter followed
afar off. 55 And when
fiaKpoOev. . 55 m d\pavriov .Se
ttvj) tv fx'taip rijg avXfjg,
they had kindled a fire afar off. And having kindled a fire in [the] midst of the court,
in the midst of the
n n
avru>v n eKaOrjTO b ITsrpof Ptv-jukoi^
hall, and were set Kai
down together, Peter and ^having 3 sat 4 down Hogether 'they
sat "Peter among
sat down among them.
56 But a certain maid avrCJv. 56 iSovaa.Se avrbv iraiSicKi] rig KaOrj/xevov Trpbg
beheld him as he sat them. And *having 5 seen 6 him 'a 3 maid certain sitting by
by the fire, and earn-
estly looked upon him, to <pu>g, Kai arevicraaa atrip, t~nrev, Kai otirog cvv
and said, This man was the light, and having looked intently on him, said, And this one with
also with him. 57 And T
he denied him, saying, avrifi t)V. 57 'O.Sk i)pvi]<7aro ^avrov/ Xeyojv, Tvvai, ovk
Womau, I know him him was. But he denied him, saying, Woman, 3not
not. 68 And after a
little while another olSa avrov. n
58 Kai fierd fipaxb 'irepog iSihv avrbv t<pr},
saw him, and said, I 2 do know him. And after a little another seeing him 6aid,

5e and LTTrAW. -
w avrov? GLTTrAW. x 'Incrov; <5e TTrA. J ei7rai/ LTTrA.
a b TOV apxiepe'tos rbv SouAoi' TTrA c TO OVS avrov LTTrA.
avTw TTrA. /Aavaiprj TTrA.
d e f S t frjAflare Came ye out LTt. h dAAd TrA.
ovtou TTrA. o LTTrA. 7rpbs T.
kcrTiv V/Jiwv LTTrA. k
auroj' (read [him]) LTTrA. '
rr\v oiKiav TTrA.
m TTfpiaxj/dvTiav
2TrA. n
nepiKadiffavrijiv, having sat
around L ; o-vvKaQia-avroiv T. avian- LTTrA.
V fleVoc TTrA. 9 avrbv LTr[A], * ovk oI6a avrov, yvyat. TTiA.
s Thou art also of them.
Kat av et, avrtov el. 'O.^LTlirpoQ l7TV," tivOpOJTTE, And Peter said, Man,
And thou of them art. But Peter said, Man, 1 am not,. I am not. 59 And a-
bout the space of one
59 Kai SiaaTaarjg uxrei lopag fiidg, dXXog3 4
Tig Si'ioxypt&TO, hour after another
2 5
And havingelapsed about hour 'one, other a certain strongly affirmed,
confidently affirmed,
saving, Of a truth this
avrov 1)V Kai.ydp TaXi-
Xiyuiv, 'E7r' dXi]9siag /cat ovtoq jier
fellow also was with
saying, In

truth also this one with ;

a Gall- him
him: for he is a Gali- was for also
60 And Peter 0?a
ioriv. 60 El7rev.Se 6 Ilsrpog, "Av9pix>7re, on. O lsean.
Xmog I know not what said, Man, I know not
lean he is. And -said 'Peter, Man, what thou sayest. And
Kai irapaxpUfia, 'in XaXovvTog.avTOV, tfiovrjo-ev immediately, while he
Xkytig. = 3 yet spake, the cock
thou sayest. And immediately, yet 'as he was speaking, crew
crew, til And the Lord
turned, and looked
ClXtKTOjp' 61 Kai arpacpfig 6 icvpiog tvefiXe-ipev ry
'the -cock.' And having turned, the Lord looked at Peter; upon Peter. And Peter |
remembered the word
Kai lure/ivi'iaOr] 6 Yl'trpog tov Xoyov tov KVpiov, wg e~l7rev avry, of the Lord, how he
and ^remembered 'Peter the word of the Lord, how he said to him, had said unto him,
Before the cock crow,
T 62 Kai shalt deny me
"On Trpiv aXsKTopa (pwi'ijaai cnrapvr)c?y jie rpig. thou
Before [the] cook crow thou wilt deny me thrice. And thrice. 62 And Peter
went out, and wept
iw w6
l%eX9wv Utrpog" eKXavvev TvucpCjg. bitterly.
having gone forth outside Peter wept bitterly.
63 Kai oi dvSpeg ol avi^xovreg toV 63 And the men that

And the men who were holding ^
heldJesus.moeked him, mocked
and smote him. 64 And
avTip, Sepovreg' 64 /cat 7repiKaXv\^avTeg avrbv ytTtnrrov when they had blind-
him, beating [him] ;
and having. covered up him they were striking folded him, they struek
him on the face, aud
avrov to 7rpoou)7rov, Kai tTCtlplOTWV "avTov, Xsyovreg, Ilpo- asked him, saying,
his face, and were asking him, saying, Pro- Prophesy, who is it
that smote thee r
ipTjTtVOOV, rig iOTIV O Tzaiaag ut
(7E , 65 Kat STepa TToXXd 65 And many other
phesy, who is it that struck thee ? And 2 other ^things 'many thing's blasphemously
spake they against
($Xa<7(pi)fjiovvT.g eXeyov tig avTov. him.
blasphemously they said to him.
66 Kat wg 'kykveTO i)fie pa avvrixOr) TO 7Tp(TJ3vTpiOV 66 And as soon as it
And when it became day were gathered together the elderhood was day, the elders of
the people and the
tov Xaov, dpxiepelg.TE Kai ypa/n/iaTEig, Kai 'amjyayov avTov chief priests and the
of the people, both chief priests scribes, and scribes came together, and they led him
b and led him into their
sig to avvtSpiov iavTu>v, Xeyovreg, 67 Ei' gv el 6 xpidTog, council, saying, 67 Art

into sanhedrim 'their, -saying, If thou art the Christ, thou the Christ ? tell
C us. And he said unto
/V" y)[juv. 'Et7rev.Sk avTolg x 'Edv v/xiv eiTrio, OV./X1] them, If I tell you ye
tell us. And he said to them, If you I should tell, not at all will not believe: 68 and
if 1 also ask you, ye
7rnTTEVo~i]Te' edv.Se d KaV ipwr^rxw,
68 ov./j,r)

drroKpi- will not answer me,

would ye believe ; and if also I should ask [you], not at all would ye nor let me go. 69 Here-
e after shall the Son of
OrJTe /xoi, r) d7roXv(xr]Te. a7rd.Tov.vvv tOTai o viog tov man sit on the
69 right
answer me, nor let [me] go. Henceforth shall be the Son hand of the power of
dv6pu)7rov Ka9t}[xevog tK tov 9eov. God. 70 Then said
de^iCJv Ttjg vvdf.iewg
of man at [the] right they all, Art thou then
hand of the of God.
sitting tin Son of God? And power
70 ZEl7rov".dk 7rdvTeg, 2u oiv el o viog tov 9eov ; 'O.Se he said unto them, Ye
And they 2 said Thou then art the Son of God ? And he say that I am. 71 And
they said, What need
7rpbg aiiTOvg t(j>ri, 'Y/xelgXeyeTe, oti iyio eijxi. 71 0'iM el7rojV' we any further wit-
ness ? for wc ourselves'
to them said, Ye say, that I am. And they said,
have heard of his own
Tt in *xP
iav i v papTvpiag XM ', avTOi.yap i)Kovaajxev mouth.
What any more need have we of witness? for ourselves have heard
airb TQV.GTOfiaTOg.aVTOV.
from his [own] mouth.
XXIII. And the
23 Kai dvaoTdv uTrav to irXrjOo'g avTcjv yyayev" whole multitude
and led
And having risen up all the multitude of them led them arose,

% OLTTrAW. T + w 6 Ue'rpos
e^rj TTrA. 6 {read [the]) cnjju.epoi' to-day TTrA.
(read he wept) GTTi[A]. avrbv him LTTrA.
" y Htvittov avrov to TTpocroinov, Kai [L]TTrA.
a b avrHiV TTrAW. c elnbv TTrA.
I avrbv TTrA. arr-qyayov they led away TTrA.
d Ka \ LTTrA. e
Mi V aTro\vcn}re T[TrA]. l
+ 5e however LTTrA. g ihcay TTrA.
' TTrA. k OLTTrAW.
*> tliTOLV LTTrA. exo/Aci' fxaf rvptas xpetai' ij'ya'yoi'
ril te 2j ' ^ a ^' T0V * 7r * tov Ui\arov. n l
2 fjpZctVTO.ds KCiT^yopCivSavTOv,
th "be f *if
him. sa'ying, We 'Tound
him to Pilate - And they began to accuse him,
this fttlow perverting n u
^ Thi [raaB] wefuuud Perverting the nation, and
lidding iogiTeLributo ; , f
to Caesar, saying that KioXvOVTCt
imS f h 4 5
Ktli<japi (p6pOVg Sl86vai,V\ty0VTCt tdVTOV VplffTOV
forbidain to Ca;sar tribute 'Ho "give, saying himself ^Christ
Kin And Pilate
asked him, saying, Art ficLGlkka elvCU, 3 'O.SL^niXciTO^ T E7TT]pWTT] 1

thou the King of the 3 a 4 ki aVTUV, XsjlOV,
is> And pUate questioned him, saying.
Jews? And he answer- , _ \ \
" ~ > <- / < ^v , >

ed him and said, Thou Z,V Ei O f3aGlAliQ TUIV loVOClUOV 0.68 aTTOIcpiOsiQ aVTtjJ ',

sayest it. 4 Then said s

Thou 'art the . king of the Jews? And he answering him
Pilate to the chief , , ., , _ , , , ,

priests and to the peo- E(j)i), 2.V XEyEig. 4 O.OE.^illXaTOg EllVEV TOVQ apx^pElQ
pie, I find no fault in said, Thou saye=t. And Pilate said to the chief priests
this-man. 5 And they A n)!,f , ~ , n .,
, < , ,

were the more fierce, Kai TOVQ OX^OVQ, OVOEV ZVpiOKli) CtlTlOV EV T(p.avVpOJ7r<i)-TOVT({).
Baying, He stirreth up and the crowds, Nothh r find I blamahle in this man.
the people, teaching r ri' f ' '
> '
/a > > n r> * '

throughout all Jewry, & Ol.CE t7Tt(r%lOV, XiyOVTEQ, UTl avaiJElEl TOV Xaov, ClCClO-
beginning from Ga- But they were insisting, saying, He stirs up the people, teach-
lilee to this place. r\> > ~ >t ? '
b >
y ' > - -n
6 When Pilate heard Kwv
Kai) 1Q T1}Q lovdaiCtg, ap^a^lEVOg aitO Tt]Q TaAt-

of Galilee, he asked hig throughout whole 'the ;
of Judasa, beginning from ti&.U-

rGamae.amTXnTS Xaia Q &S <^e - 6 UliXdroc".** aKovaag TaXtXot'av 11

soon as he knew that l ee even to here. But Pilate having heard Galilee [named]

*Z1A% iirwurnw
sent him to Herod,
h a
asked whether 'is
7 Kai im-
and having
avBpuirog YaXtXalog
man 2
a 3 Galilean

at JeruAem atthat 7
V0 ^^ Tl tK TVQ t%OVoiag 'Hf>WCW)U SOTIV, aVETTEllll/EV CLVTOV
time. (T And' when ^ nown tnat from the jurisdiction of Herod he is, he sent *up 'him
Herod saw Jesus he v
OVTCl Kai ai'TOV EV kV
S e C e n a -jj-pog *E.ptodr]V, 'lEpOaoXv/.lOig TCLVTCll^
for he w as de sfrous to
to H 'od, 'being
also 'he at Jerusalem in those
, ^ ^ ^
see him of a long
raig rjfupaig. 8 ISwv Tov'lrjffovv txapr] Xiav
'm^hing S
him; and he hoped to
/ da s-
, f
And Herod
have seen some mi- f rjV.yap
racle done by him.
9 Then he questioned
with him in many
or he was wisuing

f or long
to see
because of

many things concerning him :
* some
and he was hoping sign to see *by
words; but he answer- , , ,
, T i / -

edhimnothing. lOAnd aVTOV yiVOfXEVOV. 9 E7Tt}plOTa.oi allTOV IV XoyOig IKaVOlQ'

tae chief priests and 3
n im in words And he questioned him =
'done. 'many,
scribes stood and ve- ~
,, , ,
hemently accused him. aVTOg.OE OVCEV aTTEKpiVUTO aVT<j). IV EiaTr)KElO~aV.CE 01
' ,
X* > > ' >

11 And Herod with his but he answered him. And 7 had "stood 'the 2 chief
men of war set him at , , x _ , ,

nought, and mocked lEQEig Kav 01 ypa^jUCfmC, EVTOVlog KaTT)yOpoVVTEg aVTOV.

him, and arrayed him 3 priests 4 and Hhe 6
scribes; violently accusing him.
in a gorgeous robe, __ , n , ., , _ , TT , \ , , ,

and sent him again to 11 tt,ovvEvr}<jag.CE avTOv 7 o Hpojd)]g ovv Toig aTparEv^aijiv
Pilate. 12 And the And -having set at nought him
3 5 6 4
'Herod -with
same day Pilate and *< -^ >~ o-\ l
\ ,

7TEpipa\iov avrov 2t(Td)]Ta Xap,~

Herod were made avTOV, Kai Ejiiraitag,
friends together: for 'his, and having mocked [him], having put on him apparel 'splen-
beforeth^y were at en- i ~.
av avsTTEfiyEv avrov t(jJ MliXttry." \ ' >
n i o >

12 EyEvovro.OE j< j > i >


n ' '

mity between them- "xp (piXoi

selves did he sent "back 'him to Pilate. And became friends
b.TE. YliXaTog Kai 6 'HpwSrjg" ev avry.ry yidpa iiet aXXrjXcjv'
both Pilate and Herod on that same day with one another ;

irpov7rfjpx ov -y a P tv tX@P a ovteq irpbg
for before they were at enmity between -
13 And Pilate, when no ,
13 nTT
. ,
,, j, n
ri ,,
, ,

he had called together iFLiXaTng' .6e (wyKaXE(TaLiEVog rovg apx^peig Kai tovq
the chief priests and And Pilate having called together the chief priests and the
the rulers and the peo-
pie, 14 said unto them,
apXOVTUg Kai TOV XaoV, 14 EL7TEV TTpog avTOvg, Hpoar]VEyKaTE
' tt ' '

Ye have brought this rulers and the people, said to them, Ye brought

IleiAaTOf T. m evpajaei/ TT. A. (read our nation) LTTr[A]W.
<fiopov? + rt/J-iov

Kat'crapt LTTrA. P -+ Kai and

[t.]TTr[A]. IletAaTO? T. r
rjpa>Tr)crev TTrA.
+ Kai 1

even TTr[A]. * TaXiAaiav t[aJ. + tbv l.

e^ iKavlliv xpovwv 6i\u>v many times
wishing LTTrA. x 7roAAa TTrA. + Kai also t.
J z
avTou (read [him]) [t.Jt[ti-]a.
b c d
IleiAdTW T. 'Hpc66is xai, 6 IIiAaro? (IletA. T) TTrA. avrov? TTrA. WVKa\%Qa^(.VQ% X
r rbv.avGriioTTOi'.TOVTOV,' <br arrocrpz&ovra
r r Kai mfl ? unto mf\?;8 ne
rbv Xaov'
. . that perverteth the

this man, as turning away the people; and

people: and, behold, I
0U()tv" el'OOV tV r<ti examined him
v c
before you, have found
i. n_-
- if \c
you having- examined [him] -nothing 'found in
no f au [ t in this man
-i -i

avQp(.o7r({j-rovT<) a'iriov wv tcarr)yope~iT

those things
ye accuse him:

this>man blamable [as to the things]

" J of which J ye bring accusation 15 no, nor
yet Herod:
KCIT ailTOV' 15 ClXX -OvSk 'HpioSrjg' aVETTEp^a.yap VjXCig 7Tpbg fori sent you to him;
agp.inst him nor even Herod, for I sent J up
; 'you to ?
d ' nothing wor- '
' >

, ,\ >* / , *. v
a ' thy of death 1S don9 ' - '

aurov, Kai icov, ouctv a^tov aavarov tariv 7TE7rpayfiEvov unto him. ig i will
him, and lo, nothing worthy of death is done therefore.chastisehim,

avno. -,(.
, ~
t rraitEvaag
j >
^ >\-
17 B AvayKijv
17 (For of necessity
release him.
by him.
Having chastUed 'therefore him I will release [him]. "Necessity must release one unto
*, i > > / i > ,i
. , r, i,
a , , I, ; them at the feast.)
oe eix^v aizoKvuv avroig Kara Eoprrjv sva." 18 avs~ is And they cried out
'now 2 he J had to release to them at [the] feast one.
they all at once,, saying, A-
y tn. k n n
ii t ~ i. '\ w -v
' '
ay with this man,
tcpat,av" ct 7ran7rAT)Vsi, AEyoi'reg, Alps rovrov, a7roXv- and release unto us
cried *out 'but ' in a mass, saying, Away with this [man], *fe- Barabbas: 19 (who for
^>'~ t>*
on- in" , * *
s ' ' a certain sedition made
ifp.iv rovBapappav' ly oariq i)v cia uraaiv ia the citTi and for
lease 'and to us Barabbas; who was on account Of insurrection murder, was cast in-
riva yevoftEvriv iv ry tt6Xei Kai <p6vov ^e^Xijpivog
'a -certain made in the and murder cast
tig theSo^wEung^to
city into release Jesus, spake a-
20 UaXiv m ovv" 6 n
11 21
prison. Again therefore Pilate
called to
SS&rf iSi n <55
[them], him, crucify 'him"
c if y

6iXu)v cnroXvaai rov'liiaovv. 21 o'i.ce Andh sai d nt0

... ', J _, . ,
' '
I b .
them , , /?
the tlnrd time,

wishing to release Jesus. But they wore crying out, saying, Why, what evil hath
p 22 'Ojt eIttEV he done? I have found
2,Tavpu>(T0V, (TTavpU)(TOV aVTOV. rp'tTOV
Crucify, crucify him.
And he a third [time] said ^fY will therefore
irpbg avrovg, Tt yap KaKov iiroir\OEv obrog oiiSiv chastise him, and let
2'6 And they
to them,
What then 'evil did ^commit 'this ['man]?
l j No nim go
were instant with loud
v \ ^ r
airiov Oavarov zvpov iv avrip'
TraiSevaag ovv avrov voices, requiring that
cause of death found I in him. Having -chastised 'therefore him he might be crucified.
, , ',.,,,, ,
And the voici sof them ,
airohvauj. 23 Oi.ce ettekeivto <pu)valg fiEyaXaig, alrov- and of the chief priests '

will release [him]. But they were urgent with 'Voices prevailed. 21 And Pi-
'loud, asking
, , _ . , , , gave sentence that
jiEvoi avrov aravpw^^var Kai Kariaxvov ai (pojvai avruiv should be as they
for him to be crucified. And prevailed the voices of them requirod. 25 And he
~ n S>-n nn > ' ' released unto them
24j rr'/-w
' > '
ii t\ ii


apXlEOEU>V." ".IllAarogU ETtEKpiVEV yEVEaOai him that for sedition
adjudged to "be done and murder was cast
and ofvthe chief priests. And Pilate 5

>~ c\r >

25 aTTE\vaEv.CE' s avroig
'\ ^>>~n rov cia ]l

had desired but he

> ?.\ into prison, whom they

'their ^request. And he released to them him who on account of delivered Jesustotheir
ardenv Kai (j>6vov (3e/3\)]^.evov eig
<pvAaKi)i>, ov
insurrection and murder had been cast into the prison, whom
yrovi'ro' rbv.cL'lrjcrovv irapEdujKEv r(ji.9EAr]p:ari.avru)v.
they asked for ;
but Jesus he delivered up to their will.
ZO v
Of> ' ' ' ' '
-3' i,ti' / 26 A nd as they led
- -
Kat U)g am]yay0V avrov, iTTlhapofXEvOl

Z.lj.l(j}V0g him away, they laid

And as they led
away 'him, having laid hold on
Simon hold upon one Simon,
_ r
-w '
w r0V'
~i ' '
x '
'ii 'n 'a Cyrenian, coming
EpX^ vov

riVOg Kvpt]Vai0V a7r a 7P0V,

ETTtdl)KaV out of the country, and
'a ^certain a Cyrenian from they put upon on him they laid the
aVT(p rOV aravpov (pSptlV
*_,' "
~>x -^-^ j
cross, that he mi^ht tti//
h]<T0V. 27 HkoXOVVEI bear it after Jesus.'
him the cross to bear

[it] behind Jesus. *Were following 27 And there followed

rC a P
Si avrtjj 7roXv TrAijQog rov Xaov Kai yvvaiKutv, a'i ?KaV l

of^eopi e andof wo^ !

'and him a great multitude of the people and of women, who also men, which also be-

e!reix\pev yap olvtw 7rpbs ^/ua? for he sent him back to us
ov9lv TTr. t.
* verse 17 [L]TTr[A]. h k
aviitpayov TTrA. TTavirA-rjdeL T. /3Ajjeet? ([/3A.7jfleis] a)
iv rrj <f> TTrA. m 6e however LTTrA. n
IleiAaTOs T. avrols thera n. +
P Iravpov aravpov LTTrA. Kai juiv ap^iepe'tov [L]T[TrA]. ' koX b
LTTrA. avrois
G[L]TTrAW. '
ri\V LTTrA.
~2.lp.uiv6. Tlva Kvpr)valov ep\6p.tV0V LTTrA.
ano. L. y Kai LTTrA.
234 A O TK A 2. XX 11 1.

wailod and Ian 28 GTpa^ElQ.OE TTpbg

him. 28 But Jesus turn-
were bewailing and lamenting him. And tnrning to them
ing unto them Raid,
Daughters of Jerusa- *6" '1))<tovq '~'
lem, weep not for me,
Et7rsv, Qvynrspeg 'iFpovaaXij/i, n)).K\aire /<!,
hut weep for your-
Je^us said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me,
selves, and
for your 7rX//l' t(p' tClVTUQ KXrnETE KCll ETTl TCL.TEKVa.V UWV 29 OTl IfioV,
children. 29 For, be- but "for "yourselves and for
'weep your children : for lo,
hold, the days are
coming, in the which EpXOvrat iijiipai tv alg tpovatv, Maicapiai al aretpai
they shall say, Blessed are coming days in which they will say, Blessed [are] the barren
are the barren, and
the wombs that never Kai*Koikiai a'i ovK.EyswrjGav Kai fxaoroi ol ^ovk sO^Xacrav. 1'

bare, and the paps and wombs which did not bear and breasts which gave not suck.
which never gave suck. c
30 Then shall they be- 30 tote apZovrai Xkytiv toiq opeoiv, rifr7re" t<p' i/fiag
gin to say to the moun- Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall upon us ;
tains, Fall on us and d

to the hills, Cover us. icai rolg fiowolg, ~K.a\v;par i'lfiag.

31 ei tv rf/>" vyp'p on
31 For if they do these and to the hills, Corer us: for if in the green
things in a green tree,
what shall be done in %v\(jj Tctvra ttoiovgiv, ev tlo ^,i)pi^ Ti ykvtjTai] 32"Hyoa'ro
the dry ? 32 And there tree these things they do, in the dry what may take place? Werc 3 led
were also two other,
malefactors, led with
St Kai eteooi Svo tcciKovpyoi gvv avrip avaipa9)ji>ai. 33 Kai
him to be put to death. 'and also "other 'two malefactors with him to be put to death. And
33 And when they were e
come to the place, o~ 7rJ)X0ov'' t7rl tov to-kov tov ko.\ov/.ievov Kpai'iov ekeJ
which is called Cal- when they camo to the place called a Skull there
vary, there they cru- Kai tovq Katcovpyovg, ov.fitv ek
cified him, and the EGravpuHjav abrov, Se^uov
crucified him, and the malefactors, the one on [the] right
malefactors, one on they
the right hand, and {
the other on the left.
ov.Se e% apuJTEpCjv. 34 b.SL'li]aovg tXEyEv, HdrEp, dcpEg
34 Then said Jesus,
and one on [the] left. And Jesus said, Father, forgive
Father, forgive them;
for they know not
avroig' ov.ydp.o'ifiaGiv ri 7roiov<nv. Aia/.iEpt,o[.iEvoi.3k rd
for they know not what they do. And dividing
what they do. And them,
they parted his rai- i/xaTia.avrov t-fSaXov ^/cXz/pov." 35 icai e'igttjkei b Xabg 9eu>-
ment, and cast lots. his garments they cast a lot. And "stood 'the "people behold-
35 And the stoodpeople
And n
dp^ovTEg gvv
beholding. the /caJ" ol
rulers also with
pwv' eXej.ivktiipiCov.Se
them ing,
avroig,'' Xkyov-
and *were ^deriding "also 'the rulers with them, say-
derided him, saying,
He saved others let ; TEg, "AXXovg egwgev, GuxyctTU) iavTov fit oi'Tog egtiv b xpiGTog
him save himself, if ing, Others he saved, let him save himself if this is the Christ
he be Christ, the cho- k n
sen of God. 36 And 6 tov 0EOV n EK\EKTog. 30-
Eve 7raiov .Sk ai)T(p Kal 01
the soldiers also mock- tho "of "God 'chosen. And mocked him also the sol-
ed him, coming to m Kai n
him, and offering him rtwrat, 7rpoGEpx6fiEvoi o.og 7rpoo<pEpovTEg avT<t>, 37 Kai
vinegar, 37 and saying, diers, coming near and "vinegar 'oifering "hini, and
If thou be the king of
the Jews, save thyself. XeyovTEg, "Ei'

gv b flaviXEvg tuiv 'lovSaicjv,

e~L gwgov GEav-
38 And a superscrip- saying, If thou art the king of the Jews, save thy-
tion also was written c
over him in lettors of tov. 38 ^Hv.Se Kai ETriypatyi) yEypaf.i/.iEvr]
Greek, and Latin, and self. And there was also an inscription written over him ,

Hebrew, THIS IS
Kai Kai
THE KING OF THE Vypcij.if.iaGn> 'EXXj/vikoi
Greek and
JEWS in letters and Hebrew :

lOvrog egtiv b f3aGi\Evg twi> 'lovSaiwv."

This is the king of the Jews.

39 And one of the 39 twv KpE/.iaG9evTiov KaKovpywt* i{3XaG<pr]HEi

malefactors which Now one of the "who "'had 4 been 5 hanged 'malefaotors railed at
were hanged railed on T u s
him, saying, If thou abrov, Xtywv, Ei gv e! b xptcrrof," gwgov GEavTov koI
be Christ, save thyself him, saying, If thou art the Christ, save thyself and
and us. 40 But the '

other answering re- t'lfldg. 40 A7r oKpiQEig.Se b 'irepog ^-ETTETifxa avTt^, Xtywv,"
buked him, saying, us. But answering the other rebuked him, saying,

z o xTrA. a
+ a.1 the TTrA. ovk <L9pe\pav nourished not LTTrA. c neVare TTrA.
d e '
[o 5e 8 KAijpovs lots TA. h Kal LT.
[t<Z] Tr. rjkQov LTrA. . . . .
7ro<,o0o-(.i'] L.
<rvv avTOts [l]TTi A. k tov 6eov 6 TA. '
kvina^av TA. m Kal [i.JlTrA.
ye-ypajujute'i'rj TA.
[Et] L. e7rtyeypa^|tieVr; l[ti] ; ypajau,ao"ij' .... 'Eppa'iKoZi
1 6 ^aaiAevs roi' 'IovSaiajf oi/tos r
[l,]TTr[A]. ([ovto^J l) LTTrA. Myuiv T[TrlS.
Ox>xl o-\j el 6 xpio"t6s ; Art uot thou the Christ? TTrA. '
en-iri^icii' avra! <jj rebuking
him said TTrA.
/-v > ^< a- f\ ' "
on ev
_."; ~'.~,~. />im/v<*i cT Dost not thou fear
OvSe <f>o(3y (tvtovOsov, rip. avry Kpi^ari (I, ,

od> seeiag thou art

Not 'even'dost 3 icar 4 thou

God, [thou] that under the Bame judgment art? in the same condem-
41 Kal tfieig
And we
StKai> Q
justly; for 3 a 4
due "recompense e of 7 what ^p/^v
we did SYustiVT'oT
receive the due reward

we -receive
hut this
; [man] "nothing
ovSkv aroicov I,rpa&v. 42 Kal
amiss 'did. Ana amisg
Iv unto jesus, Lord,
42 And he said
tXeyev rw" 'Inaov, MvhaQnri UOV, orav iXQyg
he said to Jesus] Remember me,'
Tv.l3amXela.o-ov. 43 Kai elver avrui
when thou comest
'Aurjv y\eyu) dom.

43 And
% Jesus

And "said 3t0 . h im untoW, Verily

^Thy kingdom.
iter euov ev
^Je sus, Verily I say
day shait thou be with
cot," arjuepov 'iffy rq> 7rapaSei(j(p.
to thee, with me thou shalt be in Paradise. me in paradise.
44 zT
Hr.^" uael wpa
iicrr], Kal GKOTog eyivero e<p' oXrjv 44 And it was about
And was about the sixth hour, and and darkness came, over "whole
it [the] "hour 'sixth,
. . , there was a darkness
, .. _ h
n ,'\ , , <
a *

45 Kai kaKOTKTOrf O JyAtOf,


T1]V yi]V SU)g wpag twaT1]g over all the earth until
'the land until [the] "hour 'ninth; the ninthhour. 45 And and 3was*darkened'the "sun;
,/ i ~ ~ '
~* the sun was darkened,
ag Kai
icai tax 1 *7 1!

T0 KaraireraayLa tov vaov fieaov 4b and the Teil of the


and "was 'rent 'the "veil 3

of *the Hemple in [the] midst. And temple was rent in the
/ '> T ~ t tt ' ' ~ i midst. 46 And when
<pu)vr}<rag <pm>y [ityaXy o lr}oovg

elrrev, Uarep, eig %eipag JesU3 had cried ^^

having cried with a "voice 'loud Jesus said, Father, into "hands a loud voice, be said,

gov *TrapaQnooiiai* rb.Trvevfid fiov.

And these
raW dirwv Jf^^^J^:
'thy I will commit my spirit. things having said and nav ing said thus,

kHeTTvevo-ev. 47 'it&vM 6 UKarovrapxcg* to yevbpevov ^g^Xn^hfcen*!

he expired. Now 3having*seen'the centurion that which took place turion saw what was
done he
etddZaaev" tov Oeov, Xkyuiv/Ovrojg b.dv9p(owog.ovTog Siicaiog ^y%lf's

God, saying, Indeed this 'just

man^ ^
^Trighte^s man.
fiv. 48 Kcrt irdvTeg ol h
Gvu7rapayevouevoi ovXot n
eirl Tr\v 48
And ail the people
'was. And all SrereVome Wether 'crowds to
the_*who ^ came^toge^
l the things which were

Btdip'iav.TavTriVy yevo/xeva, rvirrovTeg
this sight,
*eai'Tiov n rd o"rf]9t] v7reGTpe<pov.
the things which took place, beating
49 e'iari]Keiaav.Sk Tcdvreg 49 And an his ac-
their breasts returned. And 6stood 'aU quaintance and the
n m
-11 , n ~ women that followed '

at "aw- him
, 1 ,

yvwcTOi avTov
01 fiaicpoVev. Kai yvvaiKeg
from Galilee,
those ^who *knew "him afar off, also women who fol- stood afar off, behold-
aicoXovVricracrai" avTiy arro rrjg
ll~>^~^.^^' <~
TaXiXaiag, opwcai ravra.
- ing these things.

lowed with him from Galilee, beholding these things.

50 Kai
behold, a
dvnp 6v6^aTi
man by name
(3ovXevTVQ v7rdp X iov, w ^
a counsellor heing,
^ '^n nS a

Joseph a counseller

51 ovTog ovxJfvPavyKaTaTe9ei}.dvog
and he was a iman,
dvrip dyaQog Kal Siicaiog, goo^d
a man good and samehad not consent! (he had not assented
just, ^ ^ ^ ^
ed to the counsel and
ry (3ovXy Kai ry irpd^ei avTwv, dirb 'Api[xa9aiag 7r6Xeujg
to the counsel and the deed of them,) from ArimathaBa a city
f ^^athaa rity
TU)V 'lovSa'lOJV, dg.^KaV 7rp0(TeCiX eT0 Ticai O.VTOg rf)V j3aai- of the Jews : who also
of the and who 3 was 'waiting 5 for 'also "himself the king- himself waited for
- n
' - to t -\ n
- tt \ ' ' '
the kingdom of God.
Xeiav tov Veov, o2 ovrog Trpoaekvwv r^t "lltAary " yrrjvaTO to
52 This man went unto
dom of God, he having gone to Pilate begged the Pilate, and begged the
~ T ,
n \ -cot
l '\ y
avTO eveTv\ic,ev avTO
< ' < > 11
' body of Jesus. 53 And
ewj-ia tov It](tov. oo Kai KaUeXojv he took it down, and
body of Jesus. And having taken "down 'it he wrapped it wrapped it in linen,

t<2 (read he said, Jesus, remember) TTrA. w * o 'Incrov?

Kvpte [L]TTrA.
(read he said) t[ti-]a.. %v Tjon ([^6tjJ TrA) and it was now LTTrA.
y croi Aeyto TTrA. z Kal

yXiov eKknr6vT<y; (darkness came), from the sun failing T.

b tou
ei/dnj; LTTrA.
e Ka \ tovto and this L-
TrapariOeixai I commit LTTrAW.
c Se T. d tovto 8k TTrA. ;
enaTom-apxris TTr. S e&o^a^ev LTTrA. <rvvTrapayev6p.ivoi. TA. Oeajprjo-arTes having
seen LTTrA. k eavriov (read the breasts) TTrA. avToi LTTrA. m + anb from lt. '

n <rvvaKokov9ovo-ai TTrA. + Kal and T. P o-vi'KaTaTi06'ja '/ os I av^KarareOeiixevo'; A. ',

<! kol and LTTrA. r Kai aurbs LTTrA. s IleiAdTw T. l

aurb (read [it])
236 AOYKAS. xxiii, xxrv.
and in a sepul-
laid it aivdovi KCti t9i]KEv avrb n iv \ivr)\iari Xa%Evro~J, o'6
chre that was hewn in in a linen cloth and in a tomb hewn
placed it in a rock, in which
stone, wherein never
man hefore was laid. ovk r)v '"oudtTTw.ovStig KEipevoe. 54 ical
y/iipal i]v Trapa-
M And that day was 3
was 'no -one ever yet laid. And May it -was 'pre-
the preparation, and

the sabbath drew on; otcei;)/, Kai aafifiarov siretpojaicsv.

paration, and Sabbath was coming on
55 KaraKoXov9i]aaaai.ok ^kcei" yvvaiKtg, CLITIVEQ l]ffav
And the ttomen
55 And 3having followed =
also 'women, who were
also,which came with a b
him from Galilee, fol- avi'nXi]Xv9inai aiT'p" iic
rijQ TaXiXaiag , IQeaoavTO rb
lowed after, and he- come with him out of Galilee, saw the
held the sepulchre, and Kcd (hg iri9t]> fia.avTov. 5G
how his body was laid. fiv)]fiE~iov,
56 A'jd they returned, tomb, and how was laid his body. And having returned
and prepared spices ical pvpa. Kai rb-/.iki>-adPi3aroi' ijavjfa-
and ointments and rjToifiaaav apw/nara
sabbath they prepared aromatics and ointments, and on the sabbath

rested the remained

to aav Kara
the commandment.
according ri\v kvroXrjv. 24 TySt fuol rioi> cto/3-
quiot, according to the commandment. But on the first [day] of the week
XXIV. Now upon the
c d n n
first day of the week,
(3dra>v 6p9pov. [3a9iog i)X9ov ini rb fAvrjfxa, (pipovffat d
very early in the morn- at early dawn they came to the tomb,
bringing which
ing, they came unto
the sepulchre, bring-
iiroijxaaav apiopara, Kai rivsg avv avralg. u 2 Ef-
ing the spices which 3 they "had 5 prepared 'aromatics, and some [others] with them. 'They
they had prepared, and
certain others with pov Sk rbv Xi9ov cmoKtKvXiffjiivov drvb rov pivtjpEiov, 3 ficai
them. 2 And they afoond'and the stone wiled away from the and
found thevStone rolled
away from the sepul- elaeXQovaai" oi>x-i'pov rb aajpia rov Kvp'iov 'Ivaov. 4 ical
chre. 3 And they en- having entered they found not the body of the Lord Jesus. And
tered in, and found n
not the body of the iv.Ta~)Sdia7rope7a9ai avrag rrepi rovrov, Kai ISov,
Lord Jesus. 4 And it it came to pass 2 3
as were perplexed 'the3
about this, that behold,
came to pass, as they l

were much perplexed *Suo avSpeg" i7riffrr\ffav avraXg iv ia9i]ffffiv ciffrpa7rrovffaig.


thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in ^garments 'shining.

two men stood by
them in shining gar- 5 ip([>6[3u)i> Sk yevofiEVtov avrwv Kai KXivovffwv k rb nrpuffw^
3 5
ments 5 and as they And filled *with fear ^becoming
: 'they and bowing the facd
were afraid, andbowed l
down their faces to the
7T0V " tig ri]v yrjv, el7rov v 7rpbg avrag, Ti ^jyreTre rbi> Z,u)vra
earth, they said unto to the earth, they said to them, Why seek ye the living
them. Why seek ye the m dXX'"
living amongthe dead? /.[Era
rSiv vsKptov, 6 ouK.tffriv wde, i)yip9ri' ^ivr)ff9ijTe
6 He is not here, but is with the dead ? He is not here, but is risen remember
remember how On
ojg kXdXrjffev hfiiv, tri wv iv
risen :

ry TaXiXaia, 7 Xiywv
he spake unto you how he fpoke to you, yet being in
when he was yet in Galilee, , saying,
Galilee, 7 saying, The del rbv vibv rov av9pii)7rov n

Son of man must bo 7rapaSo9t')vai eig %e7pag

It behoveth the Son of man to be delivered up into hands
delivered into the
bands of sinful men,
and be and dv6p<x)7ru)V afj.aproj\iov, Kai ffravpoj9tjvai, Kai ry rpiry y'/fiipo:
crucified, of 2 men 'sinful, and to be crucified, and the third day
the third day rise a-
gain. 8 And they re- 8 Kai i/jLvrja9r]ffav rix)V.pi]p:drtov.avrov' 9 Kai
membered his words, to arise. And they remembered his words and ;
9 and returned from
the sepulchre, and told inroffrpiipaaai drrb rov \ivr\]iuov cnrriyyuXav ravra 7rdvra n
these things unto 2
having returned from the .tonib they related these 3 things 'all
the eleven, and to all
rote h'SiKa Kai Txaniv roig Xonrolg. 10 i]ffav.Sk rj MaySaXrjVT]
the rest. 10 It was
Mary Magdalene, and tthe eleven and to all the rest. Now it was 2
Joanna, and Mary the r
r.utther of James, and Mapia Kai ''Iwowa Kai Mapi'a
laxioffov, Kai at Xonrai ffbv
other women thativere 'Mary and Joanna and Mary of James, and the rest with
.vith them, which told s H
these things unto the avrdig, a'i 'iXtyov, rrpbg rovg d.7roffr6Xocg ravra. 11 Kai
apostles. 11 And their them, who told *o the apostles these things. And

T avrbv him LTTrA. w ovSeis ovSenoti T ovSelg ou7rto LTrA x

; 7rapao-Kev7}? LTTrA,
y Kai i.TTi-AW. *
+ ai the LTr. a^
-f- avru him TA.
avTio T[Tr]A.
r LTTrAW. & enl to Kai nves T. e f
^a6c'o)9 /JLvrifxa yXOov crvi/ ai/Tai's LTTrA. t IcreK-
iovaixi 5e LTTrA. S airopelaOai LTTrA. ai'ope? Svo GLTTrAW.
ecrd^Ti, ao-Tpairrovo-T]
k to. nootnona the faces TTr.
shinintf raiment LTTrA. elirav ltt. a. " dAAa ttia. '

toi' t'tbi' rov av6pu)irov on Sel T'frA. irai/TO. raiira T. P [rio~av
8eJ TrA. 1 lotdva Tr.
r + T] the [. ..] LTTr[A]W.
ai LTTr[A].
ifydvifodv evmttiov avruiv uxrei
ed t m
5 6
Xrjpog Td.pifjxara 'oinrwv," 7s fdie^ai and ?h
^appeared ''before them like 'idle "talk 'words 'their, believed them nou
Kai 12 y 12 Then arose
i)irioTovv avralg. 6.Sk.U6Tpog dvaardg tdpaptv Peter,
and they disbelieved them. But Peter having risen up . ran
chreT^and stooping
67TI TO fXVI]flElOV, Kal i3\E7TE(. TO. cQeVia down, he beheld the
to the tomb, and having stooped down he sees the ? ea cl thcs uDu
L riGim SGI Gbj
L, ld
linen clothes

v 1

Kai a.TrTfkds.v 7rp6g. x tavrdv Oav/xdZutv to parted, wondering in


Keif.iev,a fiova' himself at that which

lying alone, and went away home wondering at that which was come to
, pass.
yEyovog." .

had come to pass.

13 Kai idol), Svo e avTcov ?i](rav Tropiv6f.ii.voi

iv avTy tij
And lo, two of them were going on same 'the

J7jUEj0p" Eig Kutnijv'airkxovaav CTaciovg E^rjKovTa anb 'Upov- 13 And, behold two '

day to a village being distant 'furlongs 'sixty from Jeru- f them' went that

aaXrjfX, y bvofia 'E/ufuaovg- 14 Kai avrol ufiiXovv irpbg cXdEmmaus w^fh

salem, whose name [is] Emmaus ;
and they were conversing with was from Jerusalem
15 Kai " bm threes or e f " r "
dXXriXovg TTEpi
one another about
rravTOiv tu>v crvfijSEjSijKOTiov tovtojv.
which 4 had 5 taken u place 'these 'things. And
^ ^
talked tr "ethe- of ill
these things which had z a
ev.Ttp.bfjLiXeiv.avTOvg Kai ovZ> >)Ttiv i Kai avrbg o"
'' [

LyivtTO '
lo Arid it
it came to pass as they conversed and reasoned, .
that -himself happened,
cmqig to pjiiSSj 1 1 1 , .1

llJOOVQ 16 Ol.Se while they communed

tyyiaag OVVETTOpEVETO ai'TOtg' 6(p9aXuoi and
'Jesus having drawn near

went with
, ,
but the eyes together reasoned,
Jesus himself drew
and went with ft)) ETTiyvCjVai UVTOV. 17 El7TEV.CE

of them wereholden But their eyes not know him. And he said thorn. 16

avTOvg, ling
01 Koyoi
[so as]
were holden that they
ovtoi ovg avTipaXXETE rrpug should not know him.
< \ '
- > ri'\-\ -

to them, What -words [are] these which ye exchange with 17 And he said unto
>.. i~. -. -, v> n them, What mann.r ' > 1 11

a\Kl}\OVg TTEpiTTaTOWTEg, KUl tOTi GKVVpuJTTOl ; of communications are


one auother as ye walk, and are downcast in countenance ? these that ye have one
10 i '
c a e T
16 o" eig , qt uvofia
" n*$'c'uvAr
n t/-\ ' 7 to another, as ye walk, 11 v

KXeoTrag, el-rrev rrpog an a are sad? 18 And

And answering the one, whose name [was] Cleopas, said to the one of them, whose
>' vi* ' ~ f 11 > '
< 1 name was Cleonas, an- * 1
z,v fiovog irapoiKEig hv"
auTov, lEpovo-aXtffi, Kai ovK.eyi'wg swering said unto him,
'Thou 3 alone

the things which are come to pass in

'sojournest in


avTij iv Taig.
and hast not known Art thou only a stran-

epaig.Tav Taig
trov in Jerusalem and
I as t no? tooX' the ',

it in these days ? things which are come

19 Kai eIttev avToXg, Tiola ; OUe sdirov n avT<, Ta
And he said to them, What things ? And they said to him, The things un to them
^f #2^*
TTEpi 'Irjaov tov Naw,oaiou,." bg eykvETO TrpotprjTrjg, ^tThii^c^^fn*

concerning Jesus the Nazarsean, who was a man a prophet, Jesus of Nazareth
SvvaTOg iv epyy Kai Xoyip ivavTiov tov Oeov Kai iravTog tov w hich was a prophet

mighty in deed and word .

before God and aU the ^fHefore God and
^ (

Xaov' 20 biriog.TE *7rapiSojKav avTov^ oi dpyiEOEHc Kai oi al1 the people: 20 and
people;- and how 'delivered *up 'him 'the 'chief 'prierts *and
him to be con-
and o^ rulers S!
dpxovTEg.rjfxiov Eig Kpifjia Oavdrov, Kai io~Tavpwaav avTov' cred
demned to death, and
cur G rulers to judgment of death, and crucified him.
, . ., ,. ,

, , ,

eittiv o
, , ~n have crucified him.
21 But we trusted that
rjf.iEig.6E r)\7riZ,ofiev avTog " /xeXXivv XvTpovaOai
But we were hoping who it had been he which
he it is about to redeem *

TOV lUpaifK. >t'\>\a''ii

aKKa.jE 0~w
- /


should have redeemed
Israel: and beside all
Israel. -But then with all these things 3
"third this this, to day is the .third
''_ "
m r '

TavTa tyEVETO. 22 aXXa.Kain

11 ' .
> ~ 5/ ^.^ >^^. > day since these things
ayei aty .ov a)ffiepov were done. 22 Yea,
day ^brings since these things came to pass.
'to-day And withal and certain women
~ ' ~ 1
> 5. 1y x ~ , also of our company

yvvaiKeg TivEg e% ijfxiov kt,eori](>av rjfxag, yEvofiEvai ma de us astonished,

'wo men 'c ertai n from amongst ns astonished 113, having been which were early at
Tavra these LTTrA. T verse 12 [i.]t[Ti]. w A Ket'/xeva Tr.
_ [/cet'ju.ei'a juofa] J
x avrbv Tr. y ei> avrrf 2 a
o-u^^nTeii' LTTrA. 6 TTrA.
rrj ^fxe'pa ^aai' 770pevo/xevoi T.
; Kal eo a.] a) <TKv9poiTrni. {question ends at walk) And they stood down-
/cai e<TTa.6r)crav ([ ;

cast in countenance. TTrA. - 6 LTTrA d

+ [e atnwj of them l. e bvo/xaTL by name
T A.
Iv (read [in]) GTTrAW. g etn-aj/.TTr.
4 T> a^aprfvov TTrA. '
+ [ei/] in U
axnbv TTaatl&wKav l. -)- Kai'also ltita. '
<rqfiepov (read it brings) t[ti-a].
238 A0YKA2. XXIV.
the sepulchre 23 and
when they found not "opQpiai" 7ri to }ivr]jXiiov' 23 Kal fiyj evpovtrai To.o-uj^a. avrov

his body, they came, early to the tomb, and not having found his body
saying, that they had Kal UTrratriav dyykXanv ewpaicsvai, di Xejovciv
also seen a vision of i)X9ov, Xiyovcrai
came, declaring also a vision of angels to have seen, who say
angels, which said that
he was alive. 24 And avTov 24 Kal a.Tri]\96v rivEg tujv triiv t)fiiv IttI to
certain of them which Kyv. 2
he is living. And "went 'some of 3 those 4 with his to tho
were with us went
to the sepulchre, and KCtl EVpOV 9ioc jeai" at yvvalKEg eIttov,
fosnd it even so as the fll'tJ/XElOV
tomb and found [it] so as also the women said,
women had said : but T
him they saw not. avTov.Sk ovk.eISov.
Then he said unto but him
25 Kat avrbg eIttev trpbg avrovg, Q
they saw noli. And he said to them, O
them, fools, and s-low
of heart to believe aH dvorjToi Kal
that the prophets have senseless
(Spadtig ry Kapdia tov ttioteveiv E7rl icdmv oTq
and slow of heart to believe in all which
spoken 26 ought not

Christ, to have suffered iXdXr)vav ol

irpotyriTai' 26 ov%l ravra eSel
these things, and to spoke the prophets.
Not 10 2
these "things 'was it ''needful 5 f or
enter into liis glory ?
27 And beginning at iraQtiv tov xpiorov, Kal eioeXBeXv elg rr)v-c6^av.avrov ;
Moses and all the pro- 8 to 9 suffer 6 the 'Christ, and to enter into his glory ?
phets, he expounded p Mai<Twc" Kal dirb
unto them in all the 27 Kat ap^d/xevog enrb irdvrwv rwv 7rpo~
scriptures the thing's And beginning from Moses and from all the pro-
concerning himself. q n
28 And they drew nigh <pr]Twv b\i]p/jrjvEVEv avrolg iv rrdaaig rate ypacpalg to.
unto the village, whi- phets he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things
ther they went and he I
made as though he

7rspl tavT0i>. n 28 Kal yyyivav eig ti)v kco/uijv ov

would have gone fur- concerning himself. And they drew near to the village where
ther. 29 But they con-
Kal avrbg s 7rpo(jTroiE Tro" ^TtoppwrEpu)^ TropEVEoBai.
strained him, saying, ettooevovto, 4 3
Abide with us for it they were going, and
he appeared farther 'to "be going.
is toward everting, and 29 Kal TrapEjiidaavro avrov, XkyovrEg, MeTvov on
the day is far spent. [ie9' rffiijv,
And he went in to And they constrained him, saying, Abide with us, for
with them. v
irpbg kvirhpav tar'tv, Kal kekXlkev t) y/jEpa. Ei<jf)X9EV Kal
30 And it came topas,
as he sat at meat with
towards evening it is, and has declined the day. And he entered in
them, he took bread, tov
fXEivat ovv avrolg. Kal zy'svETO 30
and blessed it, and to abide with them. And it came to pass =
as reclincd
brake, and gave to
them. 31 And their avrbv fiET avTwv, \aj3ihv tov dpTOv ^EvX6ynoEv, ]>

eyes were opened, and [ 3 at *table] 'he with them, having taken the bread' he blessed,
they knew him ; and
he vanished out of Kal KXdoag e7teSiSov avroTg. 31 avr& di7]voix9)]oai' oi
their sight. 32 And and having broken he gave [it] to them. a
And their were 'opened
they said one to an-
other, Did not our 6<p9aXfioi ko.1 iirkyvwoav avrbv Kal avrbg d<pavroc.tyEVEro
heart burn within us, 'eyes and they knew him. And he disappeared
while he talked with
us by the way, and drr'a/iToJv. 32 Krrl ^eIttov^ TTpbg dXXtjXovq, Ovyl i) KapSla
while he opened to us from them. And they said to one another, "Not *heart
the scriptures ? 33 And
they rose up the same iffxCjv KaiofXEvt) i]v
y lv
)/uv" wg IXdXEi tjfiiv iv Ty bcip,
3 s
hour, and returned to our burning 'was in us as he was speaking to us in the way,
Jerusalem, and found 7
Kal [i
33 Kal dvaordvTEg
the eleven gathered ojg Sir]voiyEv t)fiiv Tag ypatpdg ;

together, and them and as he was opening to us

scriptures the
rising up ? And
that were with them, a
84 saying, The Lord is avry.ry inrEorpEipav elg 'lEpovoaXrjfj,, Kal avpov
wpa ovvrj-
risen indeed, and hath the same hour they returuod to Jerusalem, and they found gathered
appeared to Simon. n
'ivdEKa Kal rovg ovv avrolg, 34
35 And they told what 9poio-f.iEvovg Tovg Xkyovrag,
the eleven and those with them,
things were done in together raying,
the way, and how he h n
Kat 35
was known of them in
"Qti r)yEp9r) b Kvpiog 6vTioe, Kal uitpBr] "Si/jkovi.
3 4 2
Is risen 'the Lord indeed, and appeared to Simon. And
breaking of bread.
avTfil l^rjyovvTO rd tv Ty bd<{>, Kal <vg tyvu)a9i] avTolg
they related the things in the way, and how he was known to theta
iv ry fcXncret tov dprov.
in the breaking of the bread.

bpOpival LTTrAW. Kal LTrA. P Mojv o-eta<; LTTrAW. 1
Siep/ooji'e^ei/ L ; Step-
r avrov EG 8
7rpoo-7rotrjo-aTO LTTrA.
avroii LTY. l
i.i.rjvevo-ev ; TTOppwr^pof LT'A.
w 1
+ tjo'tj already [l]ttia. tjiiKoyqa-ev l. 1770.1/ TTrA. y [t'l' 'Jjp.ti'] TrA.
z Kal
LTTrA. b 6 KlipiOS LTTrA,
:.TTr&, /}^oicr^,eVovs gathered OJ'TWS 'iye'pejj
c 36 And as they thus
36 6 'Irjffovc tarri kv spake, Jesus himself
1 avTiov.XaXgvvTtov, avrbq

And these things as they were telling, ^himself 'Jesus stood in stood in the midst of

avrcov d Kai Xkyu avrolq, Eipi)v>] v/uv.

a e
37 TLTorjOiVTiq them, and .saith unto
ii'icfip them, Peace be unto
^midst Hheir and says to them, Peace to you. ^Terrified
you. 37 they were
kdoKovv terrified and affright-
ok Kai tfifpofioi yivbfxivoi TTVivfxa Quopuv.and supposed hat ed, t

'but ''and 'filled "with 7 fear *being they thought a spirit they beheld.
they had seen a spirit.
Kai f diaTi dta- 38 And he said unto
38 Kai s'Lttsv avrolq, Ti Ti.Tapayfxi.vot Lcfts ;
Aud he said to them, Why troubled are ye ? and wherefore 2 rea- them, Why are ye
troubled ? and why do
XoyiOLioi dvafiaivovoiv kv %Taig Kapdiaiq" vfiwv ;
39 idiTi thoughts arise in your
hearts see hearts ? 39 Behold my
sonings 'do come up in 'your ?

h n
hands and my feet,
Kai Tovq.7rodaq.Liov, iin avrbq kyu> tl/u. that it is I myself :
Taq.xiipaq.jJ.ov 3 handle me, and see
my hands and my feet, that he 'I 'am. ;

for a spirit hath not

odpKa Kai oaTta ovk
1 n
in Kai IdiTi' 6tI irvivf,ta flesh and bones, as ye
Handle me and 'see, for a spirit flesh
and bones not see me have. 40 And
when he had thus spo-
tX h B KciOujq ifik OibjpilTS. txovTa. 40 Kai tovto iiircov ken, he shewed them
'has, as 3
me 'ye
see having. And this having said his hands and /lis ieev.
41 And while they yet
rdq X e ^P a G Kai rovq rrooag." 41

avTolq believed not for joy,

he shewed to them [his] hands and feet. But yet and wondered, he said
m n unto them, Have ye
aTiiOTOvvTutv.avTwv a.7rb Ttjqx a P a KCtl Qavfj.a'6vTLov, diriv here any meat? 42 And
while they were disbelieving for joy and were wondering, he said they gave him a piece
of a broiled fish, and
fioitHTifiov tvOudi ; 42
avrolq, "Exirs Tl krr'idioKav of an honeycomb.
to them, Have ye anything eatable here? And they gave 43 And he took it, and
n did eat before them.
avTtji ix3 V0 C otttov fi'ipoq Kai cnrb LiiXiGcriov.KrjpiovJ 43 Kai 44 And he said unto

5 4 '

to him -of a fish broiled 'part and of a honeycomb. And them, These are the
words which 1 spake
Xafiwv kvwmov avnov tcpaysv. 44 ~E~i.7nv.di avroTq, a unto you, while I was
having taken [it] before Hheni 'he -ate. And he said to them, yet with you, that all
OiiTOt oi X6yoi p ovq kXaXtfca rrpbq vfiaq in tov avv vfxiv, things must be ful-
filled, which were
These [are] the words which I spoke to you yet being with you, written in the law of
on del TrXifpwOiivai iravra to. yiypcififikva kv Tip vofiuj Moses, and in the pro-

that must be fulfilled all things that have been written in the law phets, and in the
psalms, concerning
r me. 45 Then opened he
'Mwff6W(,'" Kai 7rpo(pi]Tatq Kai ipaXfioiq mpi kfiov. 45 Tore
of Jloses and prophets and psalms concerning me. Then their understanding,
that they might under-
dtifvoiKiv avrwv tov vovv tov ovviivcu raq ypa<piiq' stand the scriptures,
he opened their to understand the 46 and said unto them,
understanding scriptures.
Thus it is written, and
40 Kai i'nTiv avroiq,

On o'vrioq yiypaTrrai,
Kai ovrioq thus it behoved Christ
and said to them, Thus it has been written, and thus to suffer, and to rise
from the dead the
Tra&iiv tov xptcrroj/ Kai dvaarifvat iK viKpwv third day 47 and that

3 4
it behoved to sulfer 'the "Christ and to rise from among [the] dead repentance and remis-
sion of sins should be
ry TpiTij i'ifitpa, 47 Kai Ki]pi>x$wai kiri .

Ttp.bvofian.avrov preached in his name

the third day ;
and should be proclaimed in his name among all nations, be-
u ginning at Jerusalem.
ilq Tvcivra to. t&vi],

piTavoiav '/cat
a<piaiv dfiapruov upt,d- 48 And ye are wit-
repentanee and remis-ion or sins to all nations, begin- nesses of these things,
v n 49 And, behold, I send
fiivov^ cnrb 'lepouaaXrjfi. 48 i>fj.iiq dk kari fidprvpiq tovtiov. the promise of my Fa-
ning at Jerusalem. -Ye 'and are witnessesof these things. ther upon you but :

49 w icat idov, kyto n x a7roaTE\Au/' rt)v krrayyiXiav tov irarpoq Jerusalem,tarry ye in the city of
until ye be
And lo, I send the promise of '^Father endued with
KaQioari kv ry 7r6Xu i'IipovoaX>)fi tt from on high.
fxovk(p' vficiq'
'my upon you ;
but J ye 'remain in the city of Jerusalem
z n
iwq.ov kvdvcijaOe dvvap.iv k% 'vipovq.
till ye be clothed with power from on high.

c 6 'Ijjo-ovs GLTTrA. d *cal Aeyei auTOis, Etpjyio) v/nti/ T. <

am u V ' eiu.i
1. ' . ' '

[he], tear not l. Kapota heart LTTrA.

f Sid. -s ttj

I ti ltta. eyu> avros lttya.

crapas T.
k verse 40 T[Ti ]. '
eSeiev LTr ; [7r]g'Seif ey A.
m <cal dav/J-a^ovTiav ana
t.,s X a P-'; L - KaL a7ro {^^'O'O'iov Kripiov LT[TrA]. 7rpo? avrovs TTrA. P nov (read +
s -
my words) [l]TTi-a. I Mioi/cre'a>s LTTrA w. r
[toZs] the Tr. +
zeal ovtuis eSei [l,]TTrA.
tcayw and I T
1 u v Se (read [are]) TTrA.
eis to T. apfap.ej/ot TTi A. <=crre ([ecrre] Tr)
e^ajroaTt'AAw scud out TTrA, X "Iepovo-aAvjp. GLTTrA, it; vtpovs Svya^if TTrA,
240 I Q AN N H 2. I.

50 And he led them

50 a

'Eh'jyoysv. ck

out .as far as to Beth- avrovg kojg ^e'ig B)]0aviav, kci'i

any, and he lifted up

And lie led them out as far as to Bethany, and
his hands, and blessed 51
them. 51 And it came kirdpaq rdg.x^pag.avrov svXoytjaav avrovg. kci'i

to pass, while he bless- having

lilted up nis hands he blessed them. And
ed them, he was parted avrbv avrovg air avrCov
kykvtro^ ki'.np.EvXoytiv
from them, and car- it came 2
to pass as was 3 bleising 'he them he was separated from them .

ried up into heaven.

52 And xhey worship- c K(d
dvecpkpero dg rbv obpavbv." 52 Kal avroi ^irpoGKVvq-
ped him, and returned and was carried up into the heaven. And they having wor-
to Jerusalem with
great joy: 53 and were aavreg avrbv" invkorpi-fyav elg 'IepovaaXt)n pierd x a P a peyd-
continually in the him returned to Jerusalem with J joy
shipped 'great,
temple, praising and e {
blessing God. Amen. Xtjg' 53 Kal i]aav cia7ravrbg kv r<p iep(p, aivovi>reg Kal [[

and were continually in the temple, praising and

evXoyovvreg rbv9eov.
1 '

blessing God. Amen.
h T6 AovKav evayykXiov.^
The ''according ''to Luke 'glad "tidings..


IX the beginning was EN a PXV 71 V
the Word, and the ~Xuyog, Kai b \6yog t/v rrpbg rbv 9t6v,
Word was with God, In [the] beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. Kal b 2 kv a PXV
2 The same was in the
9ebg 7]v Xoyoq. ovrog l)v ""P^ff T01/
and God 3wai
'the -Word. He was in [the] beginning with
beginning with God.
3 All things were made 9ebv, 3 Ildvra Ci avrov Kai x i0 P avrov
kykvsro, l

by him and without

God. All things through him came into being, and without him
him was not any thing
made that was made. kykvero ovSt ^'kv b y'tyovev. 4 tv 11

4 In him was life and

avrtji <>?)
; came into being not even one [thing] which has come into being. In him 2
the life was the light
of men. 5 And tholight 'rjy," Kai V % i,J) l hv to' <pu>g rCov dvdpibirbjv' 5 Kal rb <pa>g kv
shineth in darkness and the life was the light of men. And the light in
and the darkness com-
prehended it not. ry (TKoria <palvei t Kal i) GKoria avrb ov.KarkXafiev.
the darkness appears, and the darkness it 'apprehended not.
6 'Hyki'sro dv9pioTrog cnrtaraXfikvog 7rnpd 9eov, bvofxa
6 There was a man a man
There was sent from God, "name
Bent from God, whose m i]

name was John. 7 The avrtp 'lojctvv7]g. 7 ovrog i)X9ev elg fiaprvpiav,
same came for a wit- 'his John. He came for a witness, that he might
ness, to bear witness rov <pu)r6g,'!va rravreg TTKTrtvGLOGiv Si avrov.
of the Light, that all pZ/cry 7rfpt "
witness concerning the light, that all might believe through him.
men through him
might believe. 8 He 8 ovkJjv tKtivog rb (pojg, dXX iva uaprvprjay roii
was not that Light, a
but was sent to bear
Was 3 not 'he the light, but that he might witness concerning the
witness of that Light. 9 i]v rb <pjg to aXijOivov o ndvra
9 That was the true (j>u)r6c. *Was 'the 3 light 2
that which lightens
light. every
Light, which lighteth
every man that cometh dv9pw7rov ipxofitvov elg rbv koctuov. 10 kv rip Kocrp<p l)v,
into the world. 10 He man coming into the world. In the world he was,
was in the world, and
the world was made Kal 6 Koapog Si avrov kykvero, Kal 6 Koapog avrbv
by him, and the world an< the world through him came into being, and the world him
knew him not. 11 He
came unto his own, ovk.tyvo). 11 elg rd.'iSta i]X9ev, Kal o'l.'lcioi avrbv ov.iraokXa-
and his own received knew not. To his own he came, and his own him received not ;

him not. 12 But as n

many as received him, j3oV 12 oaoi.Sk iXa/3ov avrbv iSojkev avrolg kt,ovaiav

to them gave he power but as many as received him he gave to them authority

a b c
/cat avefyepero eU rbv ovpavcv T. d
e^ui [L]TTr[A]. 7rpbc LTTrA. TTpacrKvvrj-
e Sta 7rai'Tbc LA. f
traKTec avrov T. [aii/owrec Kai] e\>\oyovi/Te<; Tia; Kal euAoyoyPTes T.
S h Kara. AovKav TrA To Kara AovKav euayye'Atoi' F.GLTW.
'Afj-Y/y G[LJTTrA. ;

^ ev. o
oivioi' E Eua'yye'A.toi' Kara '\uiavvr\v (lu>avr]V Ti ) GLTt-AW ; Kara. '\it>6.vvy\v T.

iv {read one [tlnng]. That which was in h;m was Lfe) Lir, '
i<rriv is LI.
m 'lii>dvri<; Tr n eAaSai' Xr,
J H N. 241
to become the sons of
rekva 9eav yev't(j9ai, rolg to ovoua God.
even to them that sig
children of God to be, to those that believe on "name believe on hi<3 name :

IS which- were born,

abrov' 13 61 ovk t
aifxaruiv oboe Ik QeX^iaTog aapKug oboe not of blood, nor of
'his ;
who not of bloods nor of will of flesh nor the will of the flesh,
nor of the will of man,
9eXrjparog dvSpbg dXX' t/c 9epv lyevvi]9>}0~av. but of God.
of will of man but of God were born.
14 Kai b Xoyog odpt, iykvero, Kai tw'ji'ajoev iv tjfiiv,
And the Word flesh became, and tabernacled among us, .

Kai tOeaaa/itOa Ti)v.S6^av.avrov

, 86%av tog uovoytvovg Traaa
(and we discerned his glory, a glory as of an only-begotten with
14 And the Word was
x a P lT0 Q Kai dXi]9eiag. 15

Trarpog, 7r\r]p?]g 'luavvi]g jiaprvpel made flesh, and dwelt

a father, full of grace and truth. John witnesses
among us, (and we be-
ov elTrov, held his glory, the
irepi abrov, Kai KSKpayev, Xtywv, Ovrog ijv
glory as of the only
concerning him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I said,
begotten of the Fa-
'O enrioo) uov tpx<J/.ievog, tu.irpoa9kv
u.ov ykyovev on ther,) full of grace
and truth. 15 John
He who after me comes, ^precedence of 'me 'has, for
bare witness of him,
16 p Kat" tK and saying, This
jrpiurog fjov i]v. T0v.7r\iipw/xaTog.avT0V r)ueig was cried,
he of whom I
before me he was. And of his lulness we
spake, He that cometh
KavTig tXdf3opey, Kai X"P IV aVTl X"P' rci 17 on 6 vSfxog after me is preferred

and For the law before me for ho was :

all received, upon
grace grace.
before me. 16 And of
Bid X (l P Kai dXt)9eia Sid 'Itjaov his fulness have all we

^'Mojaewg tSoOrj. t)

through Moses was given ;

the grace and the truth through Jesus receive'd, and grace for
grace. 17 For the law
Xpiorov tysvero. 18 9tbv ovbeig eivpaicev ttmitotV o" fxovo- was given by Moses,
5 3 but and truth
Christ came. God 'no "one has ''seen at any time ;
the only- grace
came by Jesus Christ.
6 wv tig rbv koXttov tov 7rarpog, kKHvog
i%t]- 18 No man hath seen
begotten Son, who is in the bosom de- God at any time the
of the Father, he ;

yfjffaTO. 19 Kai a'vrrj toriv r/ fiapTvpia tov ^lwavvov," which begotten Son,
is in the bosom
flared [him]. And this is the witness of John, of the Father, he hath
declared him. 19 And
'6t d7TE<JTtiXav'' ol 'lovcaloi 1% 'lepoaoXvf.iu>v \epelg Kai this is the record of
: 2
when eni '.o Jews '
from Jerusalem priests and John, when the Jews
sent priests and Le-
^AeinTag," "iva tpcoTrjaojaiv avTuv, Si/ Tig el; 20 Kai vites from Jerusalem
Levites, that they might ask him, Thou who art thou?- And to ask him, Who art
x thou? 20 And he con-
wpoXoyijGEV Kai ovK.i'jpvi'jcraTO, Kai wfioX6y))&ev, o<!>/c
eifxi fessed, and denied "On
he con;e.-.aed and denied not, and confessed, ^Not "am but confessed, I not; am
kyoj' b xpiriTog, 21 Kai rjpwTr]Gav avTov, J'Ti o$v ; 'HXiag not the Christ. 21 And
th y asked him, What
''I the Christ. And they asked him, What then ? Elias then? Art thou Elias?
el cv ; z Kai" Xeyei, OvK.elpi. 'O TtpocprjTijg ov ; Kai And he saith, I am not. a
art thou ? And he says, I am not. The prophet art thou ? And Art thou that prophet?
And ho answered, No.
a b 22 Then said they unto
d7reKpi9q, Ov. 22 ElTrov'' oiv avTip, Tig el'
'iva ]l
he answered, No. They said therefore to him, Who art thou ? that an him, Who art thou ?
that we may give an
kohtiv owfxev ToTg irkfiipaow i)pdg' Xeyeig 7repi
answer to them that n
answer we may give to those who ^ent us: what say et thou about sent us. What savest
thou of thyself ? 23 He
ceavTOi) ; 23 "E$?7, 'Eyw <p^vf] j3owvTog lv ry tpijp^), said, I am the voice of
thyself? He said, I [am] a voice crying in the wilderness, one crying in the wil-
derness, Make straight
~RvQvvaT ti)v bebv kvo'iov' Ka9ujg elirev 'Haatag b 7tpo- the way of the Lord,
Make straight the way of [the] Lord, as. said Esaias the pro- as said the prophet
E-aias. 24 And they
<t)i)-T]g. 24 Kat pi" > dire GTaXuivoi -t]aav l/c twv <i?api- which were sent were
phet. And tho.-e who had been sent were from among the Phari- of the Phnri-ees.
25 And they asked him,
caiwv. 25 Kai ypwTrjcrav avTov Kai d
i7rov ;i

avTip, . T/' oiv nnd said unto him,

see-s. And they asked him and said to him, Why then AVhy baptizest thou
e n l e then, if thou b^ not
fia-n-TiZ.Hg, 6i qv ovtc.el b xpiordc, oi>TE 'R\iag," ovTe" that Christ, nor Elias,
baptizest thou, 'if thou art not the Christ, nor Elias, nor neither that prophet?

Tr. P ort for GLTTrA. 1 MuiiaEaiS LTTiA W.

6 (read [the]) Tr. ^05
God Tr. T
+ w AeveiVas TTrA.
Trpbs avrbv to him LTrA.
1 '
'Iwafov Tr. *
eyio ov<
y tI ovv ; 'HAei'as el T : ti ovv ; crv 'HAta? et ; Tr cv ovv ri ; 'HA.t'as el ; A.
eiju.1 LTTrA. ; :

Kai. T. * tlirav LTTrA. ?""-" b ovv L. c oi {read r_thuse whoj) ttia. enrav
LTT.A. e ovSe lit:
a. f
'HAei'as T.
242 tQANNHl
2ii John answered
o 26 Atve Kpi9t) avroitg 6 %'Iu)ain'tig \kybJV, 'Eyti n

them, saying, I bap- the Trpri(pi)ri]c


prophet? -Answered 3
th m 'John saying, I
tize with water hut :

there standeth one a- h

/37rn'w lv I'dari' fieoog. 5k n bfiu>v
'orriKEV^ ov vftsig
mong you, whom ye baptize with water; but in [the] midst of you stands [one] whom ye

know ho it
not ; 27 is,
wlio coming after me oi'K.o'ioaTS 27 k aurog ioriv" '6" brriota pov ip\6j.iti'og, ni og
i- preferred before me, know not who after
he *it is ; me comes, who
whose shoe's latehet I
am not worthy to un- t/.i7rpn(j9tv /.iov ykyovev' n ov tyw" ovk a'iog 'iva
loose. 28 These things 3
of 'inc of whom I 2
not 'am
precedence 'has, worthy that
were done in Beth-
abara beyond Jordan, \vffio avrov rbv Ijiavra rov VTTO^f]u.arog. '
28 Tavra iv
where John was bap- I should loose of him the thong of the sandal. These things in
iykvtro Tripav tov 'lopdavov, ottov 2 t}v
* ''iwdv-
Bethabara took place across the Jordan, where was 'Jonn

29 The next day
John serth Josus com-
29 Ty liravpiov jS\'f~a s 6'lu>avvriQ^ rov'lrjaovv fpxfivov
ing unto him, and
On the morrow -sees 'John Jesus coming
saith, Behold the Lamb
of God, which taketh irpbg avrov, Kal \tyei, "iSe b duvbg rov 9eov, 6 a'lpwv
to him, and says, Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away
away the sin of the
world. 30 This is ho 30 olrog ianv t
r>)v dfiapriav rov kogu.ov. ou tyoj

7n pi:

o.whom I said, After the sin of the world. He whom

me eometh a man it is concerning 1

which is preferred be- tiTToi>, 'OiriGio

fore mo: lor he was
fiov tpxETai dvyjp, bg ifiTTpoaOsv pov yryovev,
31 And I
said, After me coiues a man, who "precedence 'of J nie 'has,
bcl'or. me.
knew him not but OTl
TTpioTOQ }XOV 1)V. 31 K(\yiO OVK.lJiilV CIVTOV' il'fl! XV
that ho should be made because before me he was. And I knew not him but that ;

manifest to Israel,
therefore am I come
\apai)\ Sici.tovto Iv 'rw' 1

(pciPtpwO/j' Ttii >)\9ov i-yw

bapLiziug with water. he might be manifested to Israel, therefore came I with
32 Ami John bare re-
cord, saying, I sawthe 'veciTi /3<77rnojy. 32 Km tfxaprvpj)(S(v ^IiodvvijQ

Spirit descending from water baptizing. Ad -'bore ''witness 'John saying,
heaven like:i dove, and w oj<ret"
it abode upon him. TtffUtftai to Trvev/xa Karaf3ah-ov Tttpiarepdv t! ov-
33 Ami I knew him I have beheld the Spirit descending as a dove out of heu-
not: but he that sent
me to baptize with pai'ov, Kal ifjieivev iir' avrov. 33 Kciyto ovK.yduv avrov a\\'
water, the same said ven, and it abode upon him. And I knew not him but ;

unto me, Upon whom

thou shalt see the Spi- 6 Tr'ep\pag fte fiairriZEiv iv vSan, tKslvog /.wi d~fv, 'Eo'
rit descending, and re- he who sent me to baptize with water, he tome said, Upon
maining on him, the bv av to 7rrevpa Karaf3a7vov icai /.ifvov in'
same is he which bap- 'icyQ
tizeth with the Holy whom thott shalt see the Spirit descending and abiding on
Ghost. 34 And I saw,
ioriv 6 /3rt7rr<wi> tv
and bare record that avrov, oi'Tog irvzvfxari ayiio.
this is the Sou of God. him, he it is who baptizes with [the] -Spirit 'Holy.
34 Ki'tyth iwpaica, Kal fxe/.taprvprjKa on ovrog to-nv 6 vtbg
Audi and have borne witness that
have seen, this is the Sou
rov 9eov.
of God.
x 6"
35 Ty iiravpiov irctkiv fiffn'/wi 'Iwdinnjg," Kal Psr
35 Again the next 2
On the morrow again was 3 standing 'John, and "of
day after John stood,
and two of his disci- rwv.na9t)Tioi'.avTou cvo. 36 /ecri
infi^iilag rip Ij/ctoD irepnra-
ples; 36 and looking
his "*disciples 'two. And looking at Jesus wa';k-
upon Jesus as he walk-
ed, he saith, Behold rovvTt, XiyEi^, "ifc o cifivbg rov 9ov*. 37 z Kal" iJKOvaaw
the Lamb of God !
ing, he says, Bellold the Lamb of God ! And -"heard
37 And the two disci- a
ples heard him speak,
auTov o\ Sino f^iaOijTal

\a\ovvrog, Kal t)Ko\ov9))o-av T<p

and they followed Je- him 'the "two ''disciples speaking, and followed

8 'IaxiKr)? T.. h
Se but TTrA. ' k
crnjKet a*TrA. auros ecrTii' G[L]TTrA. '
[6] TrA.
m '

'6s tfJLirpca-Gei/fiov ye'yoi'ei/ G[l]TTia.

eyw [L]TTrA. eyia I t[t].\, P Btj- +
0aj3apq E J BijSai'i'a Bothilliy OLTTrAW. <1 6 LTIr[A]. r
'Itoavn? Tr. s
6 'Iaximj?
(read he tw
sees) gltti-aw. vntp ltti-a. '

lttTa]. us gltt^aw x
LTiA. 1 + |
6 aipcor Tr/v o/uaprtaj' tov koct/xouJ .wllu lakes UWHy tilt; alU ut die Wulld L.
* Kal r. a oi Ovo ixaOrjTai aurou T.
f. JOHN. 243
c rus>. 38 Then JesU3
'Irjcrov. 38 arpatpsig 6 'Iijaovg, Kai 6t ]]

Oeavd^Evog abvovg turned, and saw them

4 them
Jesus. ''Having turned 'but -Jesus, imd beheld following, and saith
d7rov n unto them, What si ek
cLKoXovOovi'rag, Xtyei ahroTq, 39 Tt Zi]teTte; Oi.St
ye ? They said unto
following-, snys to them, What seek ye? Ami they said
him, Rabbi, (which is
ai!T({j, 'P<7/3/3t," o ^Ksyerai
Sic/t a KaXe, ttov to say, being inter-
to him, Rabbi, which is to say being interpreted Teacher, where preted, Master,) where
dwellest thou ? ;S8 He
pwif 40 ; AtyEi avTOiq,
suith unto tliem, Come
Epx^ds. Kai &uWe."
and see. came
abidest thou ? He says to them,. Come and bee. They went and saw They where he
l k
icai elSov ttov fievei' Kai Trap avTip t/.iEivav ri/v i^iEpav dwelt, and abode with
and saw where he abides and with him they abode "day
him that day: for it
was about the tenth
l n
Hv m hour. 40 One of rhe
kKEtv)]V u>pa fik i\v u)Q Sekcitt]. 'Avdpiag
'that. ['''The] ^hour 'now was about [the] tenth.
. 'Was 'Andrew two which heard John
speak, and followed
6 aet\<pbg ~2if.nsJvog Tlkrpov elg ek tuiv Svo tuiv cikovg/ivtiov him, was Andrew. Si-
"the ^brother *of Simon
5 6
Petcr one of the two who heard mon Peter's brother.
41 He fir-t findeth his
Trapd 'lujdvvov,
Kai d.KoXov9i-jadvT(ov avruj. 42 svpiaicEi own brother Simon,
[this] from John, and followed him. Finds and saith unto him,
We have found the
ovtoq Trpu>TOQ tov ddeX(pbv Tovuciov ^ipnuva, Kai XiyEi Messias, which is, be-
'he *first
'brother his own Simon, and says ing interpreted, the
Christ, V2 And he
avTij), EvprjKafiev tov ftEcrcriav, ioriv o fii9EpfX7)VEvapEvov brought him to Jesus.
to him, We have found the Messias, which is being interpreted And when Jesus bo-
po held him, he said, Thou

xpHTTog" 43 ^KaV 1

iiyayEv avruv Trpog tov 'Irjaovv. art Simon the son of

the Christ. And he led him to Jesus. Jona thou shalt be :

called Cephas, which

avTOj 6 'Irjaovg eIttev, 2i> el ~2ifiu)v 6
IfifiXsif/ag/St" v'tbg is by interpretation, A
And looking at him Jesus said, Thou art Simon the son stone. 43 The day fol-
'Iwra*" av b ip/JijvEVETai IltTpog. lowing Jesus would go
K\i]9i)<yy Ki]<pdg, forth into Galilee, and
of Jonas thou shalt be called Cephas, which is interpreted Stoue.
findeth Philip, and
l saith unto him, Follow
44 Tt/ trravpiov rj6t\i](Jtv 6 hjaovg" ee\9eiv tig ti)v me.
On the morrow ''desired 'Jesus to go forth into
TaXiXaiaV Kai evoigkei $>iXnnrov Kai XtyEi auTq> f 'AkoXov9ei
Galilee, and he finds Philip and says to him, Follow
45 'Hr.Of b$iXi7nreg curb Bi]9ffa'iSd, Ik Tijg 7t6Xeu)q
me. Now -was 'Philip from Bethsaida, of the city -

44 Now Philip wasof

'AvSpsov Kai Ilkrpov. 40 EvpiffKEi <$>LXnr7rog tov ~Na6ava>)X Bethsaida, the cily of
of Andrew and Peter. -finds 'Philip Nathanael Andrew and Peter.
Kai XzyEi aur({), "Ov eypaiptv w Moj(j);c" iv Tip vb^it^ Kai 45 Philip findeth Na-
and saith
and says to him, [Him] whom "wrote 3 of 'Moses in the law and thanael,
unto him, We have
x whom
ol TrpocpTiTai, EvpijKapEV, iijuovv r<V viov tov 'lw<j))<p TOV found him, of
in the law, and
the prophets, we have found, Jesus the son of Joseph who Moses
the prophets, did write,
airb yNa%apsT.
. 47 Kat' elttev avT(p ~Sa9avai]X, "Ek Jcmis of Nazareth, the
[is] from Nazareth. And 3
to him 'Nathanael, Out of son of Joseph. 46 And
Nathanael said unto
^Na^apfr" dvvaral ri ctya9bv e'ivai; AkyEi aiiTip QiXtTrirog, him, Can there any
Nazareth can any good thing be? 2 3 4
Says to hini 'Philip, good thing come out
of Nazareth? Phi!ip
"Epxou Kai 'Ice. 48 EiSev 6" 'irjaovg tov ~Na9ava))X Ipxo^Evov saith unto him, Come
Come and see. ^Saw 'Jesus Nathanael coming and see. 47 Je^us saw
Nathanael coming to
Trpog avTov, Kai XeyEt TTEpl aVTOV, "l<5e ctX>]9uig 'l<Tpa>]X- him, and saith of him,
to him, and says concerning him, Behold truly an Israel- Behold an I.-ruelite in-
deed, in whom is no
ite;," tv o) ooXog ovkJgtlv. 49 AsyEi avruj ~Na9avaij\, guile 48 Nathanael !

ite, in whom guile is not. -Says

3 4
to him 'Nathanael, saith unto him, Whence
da knowest thou rae? Je-
IIoOev jue yivwvKEig; 'A-rrEKpl9r] t" 'Iijaovg icai eIttev uvtoj, sus an>wered and said
Whence me knowest thou ? "Answered 'Jesus and said to him. unto him, Before that

e e f
g T eln-ai/ LTTrA. 'Pa/3/3eiT. /u.eSepjurji'euo/xei'Oi' LTi A. 8 6\I/ecr6e ye
shall see ttia. h
ri\Qav TTrA.
+ ovv therefore [lJtti-a.
k el&ai> LTTrA.
Se '

CLlTrAW. m + [6eJ and h

a 'ludvov Tr. -rrpHnov LTrA. P 6 GLTTrAVT.
4 Kai [L]TTrA. r
6e and GTTrAW. Itoai'ou of John LTi- ; 'Itoavvov TA. l
he desired) glttiaw T
+ w
'IrjaoG? (read b'lrjaovs Jesus (finds) ltti-aw. Mwi/o-rjs
- tov EGW. a
* TOV LT[Tr]. y NagapeQ * Kai T. 6 LTrA. b
iI/!T;AW. TTr. da 6 GLTTrAW.
I Q ANN H 2. I, II.

Philip called WTO. V7TO

thee, $>iXl7riTOV
when thou wast under 3
(plOl'ijffCll, Tl)v GVK^V,
the fig tree, I saw thee. Before that
thee 'Philip "called, [thou] being under the fig-tree,
4y Xathanael answered sldov ere. 50 { h< :

and saith unto him, 'A7TKpi9if ~Sa9avai)\ ical Xiya' ^avrw," Pa/3/3i."
I saw thee. "Answered 'Nathanael and says to him, Babbi,
Rabbi, thou art the
Sou of God thou art gv
; 6 v'ibg Toil 9eov, d gv hi 6 l3aGiXtvg n tov 'l<rpm)\.
the King of Israel. thou art the Son of God, thou art the of Israel.
50 Jestis answered and King
said unto him, Because 51
AmKo'iBr} 'li]Govg Kai (.Itcev avrui, Uttov goi, ^EiSov "On
I said unto thee, I saw ^Answered 'Jesus and said to him, Because I said to thee, I saw
thee under the fig tree,
believest thou ? thou as vTOhcario r//c GVKtjg, 7riGT8veig ; //<<*> rovrwv
shalt see greater things thee under the . fig-tree, believest thou? Greater things than these
than these. 51 And he
saith unto him, Verily, 'oi^Jl.

52 Kai XeyEi avnp, 'A/<?/J/ Asyw V/.UV,

verily, I say unto you, thou shalt see. And he says to him, Verily verily I say to you,
Hereafter ye shall see
heaven open, and the 'CLTT MpTl 5fc<r9e tov ovpavov avetjjyora, icai tovq ay-
angels of trod ascend- Henceforth ye shall aCe the heaven opened, and the an-
ing and descending
upon the Son of man. ykXovg tov Otov avaj3aivovTag Kai KaTajiaivovTag Itti tov
gels of God ascending and descending on the
II. And the third day v'ibv tov av6.pw7rov.
there was a marriage Son of man.
in Cana of Galilee ;
and the mother of Je- 2 Kai Tij rmkpg, Ty rptry" yafiog iykvero iv Kavo3
sus was there 2 and :
And on the -day 'third a marriage took place in Cana
both Jesus was called,
and his disciplos, to TijgTaXiXaiag' Kai ; i)v pr)Ti]p
>/ tov 'Ij/c GOV bKH. '2iK\l)9l]Jf
the marriage. 3 And of Galilee, and was 'the -mother 3 4
of Jesus
Ji there. Aud J was 4 invited
when they wanted
wine, the mother of Kai 6 'h]Govg Kai o'l
ftaOijTai.avTOV eig tov yapov. *
3 kcu
Jesus saith unto him, also 'Jesus and his disciples to the And marriage.
They have no wine. p n
4 Jesus saith unto her, vGTSpt]auvTog o'lvov Xsyei pr]Trip>) tov 'Itjgov irpbg avrov,
3 4
Woman, what have I being deficient of wine "says 'the "mother of Jcsus to him.
to do with thee? mine
hour is not yet come.
lOlvov ovK.'ixovaiv. K 4 TAsyei airy b 'li]Govg, Ti tpoi Kai
2 3
5 His mother saith un- Wine they have not. Saj's to *her 'Jesus, What to me and.
to the servants, What-
soever he saith unto Got, yvvai ;
ovtzu) ijKtiy.topa.pov. 5 Asya i]./.ii]T)]p.aiiTOV
thee, womau? not yel come mine hour. his 2 inother
you, do it. 6 And there to is Says-
were set there six ' T

waterpots of stone,
role SiaKovoig, O.n av Xsyy vpTv, 7rori)GaT. 6 H<ra7'
= 3
after the manner of to the servants, Whatever he may say to you, do. Therc \vere
the purifying of the t n
fit tKel *vcpiai Xi9ivat [i

'i% K(ifisvai kutcl tov

Jews, containing two 3 3
or three firkins apiece. 'and there water-vcssels of 'stone 'six standing according to the puri-
7 Jesus saith unto tojv 'lovdaiwv t
ava vo
them, Fill the water- piGj.ibv
, xiopoi'Gai fxZTpi]Tag ij Tpeig.
with water. And fication of the Jews, -holding 'each metreta? two or three.
they filled them up to 7 XiyEi avToXg 6 'IrjGovg, TEuiffciTE Tag voaTog.
the brim. 8 And he 3
-Says to ''them 'Jesus, Fill the water-vessels with water.
saith unto them, Draw
out now, and bear unto Kai avTag8 Kai X&yei avroig, 'Av-
'iiog avio.
the governor of he ly'sjiiGav
And them unto [the] brim.
they filled And he says to them, Draw
feast. And they bare
"J When
it. the ruler TXijGaTf. vvv Kai (pipere T<p apxtTpiKXii'if). *Kai" i/veyKav.
of the feast had tasted out now and carry to the master of the feast. And they carried [it].
the w-ater that was
made wine, and knew 9 kyevoaTO 6 cipxiTpiKXivog to vScop oh'oi' ysyej'q-
hot whence it was : But when "had 'tasted 'the -master 3 of"*the 5 f east the water "wine 'that -had
(but the servants
which drew the water n'tvov. Kai ovK.ySei 7r69ev Lgtiv oi.ct Siukovoi ySziGav oi
knew ;) the governor ^become, and knew not whence it is, (but the servants knew who
of the feast called the
bridegroom, 10 and i)i'TXi]KOTeg to vSiop' fwvel tov vv/.i(piov 6 apxtTpiKXivog
B 7
saith unto him, Every had drawn the water,) calls the "bridegroom 'the "master 'of 4 the 5 feast :

man at the beginning

doth set forth good 10' Kai Xsyei avTip, Hag av9pw7rog 7rpwT0v tov koXov olvov
wiue ;
and when men and says to him, Every man first the good wine

+ atiT(3 him f
Kai Ae'yei [L]TTrA.
[L]TTrA. S avriZ LTTrA. h
'Paget' T.
6 ^ao-tAcvs el L ^acriAeus el TTrA. ;
-f oti that LTTrA. '
6j/t) GLTTrAW.
m an
apri LTTrA.
Trj Tpirr) rj^epa Ti A. ELTTr. P olvov ovk KaM
ix ov > Tt o-vvereXeaOi}
6 olvos tov yd/lov. elra wine they liad not, for the wine of the marriage feast was finished.
Then t. olro? ovk eo-m' wine there i< not t.
+ Kai and (Jesns) l]t-a. s \i0Lvai |

i&picu LTTrA.
jcci/iEfai jjiaced after 'lov&nioiv TTrA.
oi 6e ;md they (carried) TTrA.
n. J H N. 245

rl9qaiv s Kai hrav ^vaQCJaiv

t6te" tov skaooW have well drunk, then
that which is woric :

when they may have drunk then the inferior but thou hast kept
sets on, and freely ; tiie
good wine until now.
av rETi)p)]icag tov KaXbv oh'ov 'iojg apri. 11 Tavrrjv ettouigev
11 This beginning of
hast kept the wine until now. This did miracles did Jesus in
thou good
irrjv" apxWr <*>v (T7]^hwv 6 'It]aovg iv
Kavq? rr)g TaX\aiag, Cana of Galilee, and
manifested forth his
2 3 4
Jesus in Cana of Galilee,
'beginning of the signs .
glory; and his disci";

Kal ETziarEvaav Eig avTov pies believed on him.

kui l&avepuHJEv Trjv.So'^av.avTOV- 5
and manifested his glory ;
and 3
believed him

'his "disciples.

avTog kcu
12 Msrd tovto kute/37] e!g "YLarrEpvaovji," t)
After this he went down to Capernaum, he and
(ii}TT)p.avTov teal ol aSt\<f>ol
avrov n Kai ol.fiaQijTai.avTOV, Kai
his mother and brethren 'his and his disciples, and
ka tfieivav ov 7ro\Xdg t)fispag. 13
Kai lyyvg in'
12 After this he went
to ttchtxo.
there they abode not many days. And
was the passover down to near
14 Kai he, and his mother,
tCov 'lovSaiiov, Kai avEpy] Eig 'lEpocoXvpa o'lijaovg. and his brethren, and
of the Jews,
and went 'up 4
to 'Jerusalem
'Jesus. And his disciples: and they
continued there not
ti'pev iv Tip lEpip Tovg rrtxjXovvTag (36ag Kai 7rpo/3ara Kai many days. 13 And the
he found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and '

Jews! passover was at .

irepiGTEpag, Kai Tovg KEpfiaTiaTcig Ka9i]p'tvovg'

15 Kai jrovq- hand, and Jesus went
doves, and the money-changers sitting and having up to Jerusalem, Hand
found in the/ temple

ek ek TOV those that sold oxen

aag (ppay&XXiov gxoiviujv rrdvTag e,e[3o.Xev
made & scourge of cords *>11
'he -drove out fromfrom the and sheep and doves,
and the changers of
lepov, tci.te TtpofiaTa Kai Tovg (56ag. Kai twv koXXv{3hjtwv money sitting 15 and :

and oxen and of the when he had made a

temple, both the the

sheep' money-changers

scourge of small cords,
liXEEV to Kspfxa n Kai Tag TpairkZ,ag avkoTpE^Ev. 16 Kai he drove them all out
he poured out the coin and the tables overthrew. And of the temple, and the
sheep, and the oxen ;

raiig Tag- TTEpiOTEpag ttojXovgiv eTttev, "Apare Tavra and poured out the
to thse who the Moves 'sold he said, Take these things changers' money, and
overthrew the tables;
ivrevQev' /x)).7roiElTE tov oJkov TOV.7raTp6g.fiov olkov ifi- 16 and said unto them
hence ;
make not the house of my father a house of naer- that sold doves, Take
e these things henee ;

17 oti ye- make not my Father's

TTOpiOV. 'Efivt)(rQi](Tav- 5k' oi.paU)]TatavTOV
chandiie. And ^remembered 'his -disciples that writ- house an house of mer-
i n chandise. 17 And his
ypafifisvov eut'iv, 'O &}Xog icaTf(payEv /.is. disciples remembered
ten' it is, The zeal of thine house has eaten -up 'me. that it was written,
The zeal of thine house
Ti hath
18 'A7TEKpi9i]vav ovv ot 'lovSa'ot Kai %eIttov" avTijj, eaten me
^Answered therefore 'the Mews and said to him, What 18 Then answered up.the
Jews and said unto
<7r\pElov CiEiKvvEig rjfuv oti Tavra ttoleIc ; ATTEKpi9)J
2 him, What sign shew-
Answered est
sign shewest thou to us that these things thou doest ?
thou unto us, see-
6" 'h]aovg Kai eIttev avToig, Avaare Tov.vabv.TovTOV, Kai iv ing that thou doest
1 u

these things? 19 Jesus


'Jesus and said to them, Destroy this temple,

answered and said un-
and in

avrov. 20
^Elirov"' ovv to them, Destroy this
Tpia\vi)j.ikpaig iyEpoj oi'lovcaloi,
three "Said therefore 'the temple, and in three
days I will raise up it. Mews,
days I will raise it up.
k Then said the Jews,
Kai etegiv ^j/co^o/i ?';#>/" b.vabg.ot>rog, Kai 20
Forty and six years was building this temple, and Forty and six years .

was this temple in

and wilt thou
trv iv Tpicriv rjptpaig iyEpt7g avrov ; 21 'EKE~ivog.CE iXEyEv building, rear it up in three
thou in three days wilt raise up it ? But he spoke
days ? 21 But he spake
7TEpi tov vaov Tov.dMjiaTog.avTov. 22 ote ovv riyip- of the temple of his
concerning the temple of his body. "When therefore he was body. 22 When there-
fore he was risen from
6rj ek vEKpiov Efivqadrjcrav 0i.jJ,a9i]rai.
avrov oti the dead, his disciples
3 remembered that he
raised up from among [the] dead remembered 'his -disciples that'

x TOTe [L]T[TrA]. y LTTrA. *

Kava ELTTr. a LTTrAW,
ttjv Ka(j>apvaoviJ.
b d and
auTOU c
ra Kep/xara the coins TrA.
[L]Ti[a]. + [kouJ and L. e 6" [LJTTrA,
KarafydyeTai Will eat Up GLTT AW. 6 LTTrAW.
1 S etnav LTTiA. Tr.
k '
TtaaepaKOVTO. TTrA. oi/co6o/i>j0} T.
24fi IQ.4NNHS. II, III.
had said this unto Tovro m K
th in ; nnd they b>- tXsyev avTo?g, icai iTz'iGTtvryav ry ypatj>y icai rip
licve'd the scripture, this he had said to them, and believed tho scripture and the
nnd the rvord which "oV
elTTEv b 'lijaovg.
Jesus had said. \6yq)
word which "had 'spokon 'Jesus.

23 'Qg.Se i]v tv 'lepoaoXvuoig sv Tip Trac^a* p iv" rn

23 Now when ho was
But when he was in Jerusalem at tho passover, at the
in Jcrusalcii at the
pis-over, in the feast tnpry, TcoXXoi tTriarsvcrav elg Tb.bvona.ariTov, Oeojpnvj'rec avrov
d'tif, many bclieTod in on
his name, when they
feat, many believed his name, beholding his
saw themiracles which to. o~>]ueia a STroisi. 2-4 avrbg.dt i^ 'lijnovg ovkAtt'hjtzvsv

ho did.
_'l But Jr^w.^.
signs which he was doing. Cut -himself 'Jesus did not trust
diii not commit him-
self unto them, be- 'tai'Tov" avrolg, Sici rb.avTbv.yirwcncEtv TrdvTag, 2o icai
cause he knew all men, himself to them, because of his knowing all [men], and
2') and needed not that

any should testify of on oil xptiav tlyfr ret Tig uaprvpijcy

& ]l

Tttpi roi> dv9p<o-

man for he knew that no ''need 'ho "had that any should testify concerning

what was in man.
7T0V avTog.yap tyiriotricev ri i)v tv Tip dv9pu}Tr<i>.
for he knew what was in man.
3 Hv.Si ai'OpioTTog tic rUbv $apitjai(t>v, "SiKxidiijiog bvoua
But there was of the a
Pharisees, Nicodcmus "name
av-ip, dpXMv Tiov'IovdaiioV 2 ovTog ijXOev irpbg Tuv'li;<rotv"
'his, a ruler of tho Jews he came to Jesus
TTT. Thero was a ;

man n y
vviCTog, icai eirrsv ai'Tip, 'PaSj3i. ota/<?j' oti enrb Qeov IXrj-
of tlio Pharisees,
named Nieoderaus. a by night, and said to him, Rabbi, we know that from God thou
ruler of. the Jews :

2 the same came to \v9ag

w Tit ai)UHa Ivi'a-ai* rura
di8a<TKci\oQ' ovSeig yup
Jesus by night, and hast come a teacher, for no ono these signs is able
said unto him, Rabhi,
we know that thou art Tvoiii)' it av Ttoing iav.p.)) y 6 9sbg f.iST avrov. 3'A7rKpi9r)
a teacher come from
to do which thou doest unless "be 'God with him. An^wercd
God for no man can x

do these miracles that 6" 'lijtTovg icai sIttEV avrtp, 'AfxfjV dft))v Asyoj Got, tdv.uf)
thou doest. except God 'Jesus and said to him, Verily verily I say to thee, Unless
be with !iim. 3 Jesus
answered ami said un- Tig ysvm]By avioBtv, ov.Svvarai ISelv ti)v fiaviXtiav tov
to him. Verily, verily, anyone be born anew, he cannot see tho kingdom
1 sviy unto thee, Except
9eou. 4 Atyei Trpbg ai'rbv y t>" SvvaTai dv-
a man be born again, NiicoPt]pog, Uilig
ho cannot see the king- of God. -Says ''to "liim 'Nicodemus, How can a
dom of God. 4 Nico-
demus saith unto him, Bpiorrog yii'in)97ivai y'spiov we; ui) duvaTai elg ttjv r.oiXiav
How can a man bo man bo born '"'old 'being? can he into the womb
burn when he is old ?
can heeniertho second T>'ig.fn]Tpbg.avTOV PevTspov Et<T8X9eiv
yevvi]9i)vai; 5 'Att-
time into his mother's of his mother a second time enter and be born? ''An-
womb, and bo born ? 7
o" 'Jj/ffof'C, lav. pi) Tig yvri)9y
5 Jesus answered. Ve- Kpi9i] 'A/ujv dprjv \tyio <toi,
swered 'Jesus, Verily verily I say to thee, Unless anyone be born
rily, verily, I say unto
tine, Except a man
be born of water and
t vdaTog icai Tmi'parog ov.Si'vaTiu e!aeX9ui' elg rt)v (3am\?iav
of water and of Spirit hctannot cuter into the kingdom
q/'t ho Spirit, he cannot
a h
enter into the kingdom TOV (rknv.^ 6 to yyet>ri]fizi>oi'"
tic TFjg aapicbg ccip'ii taTiV
of God. That which of God. That which has been born of the flesh fic'sh is;
is born of the flesh is
and that which b too TTVivfiaTog irvtvud ianv.
flesh ; icai to yfyej-'j'////r)'Ov"
is horn of the Spirit is
and that which has been born of tho Spirit spirit. is.
Spirit. 7 Marvel' not
that I said unto thee, 7 tiirov croi, AfT vudg ytvv)]9>']vai
Ye must be horn again. pn.Qavudayg'ori
Do not wonder that I said to thee, It is needful for you . to bo born
8 The wind bloweth
where it listeth, and di'toGf.v. 8 to Ttvtvua oirov BtXa rrvel, icai Ti)v.<pi.ovr)\
thou nearest he sound atiew.
The wind -whero 3 it ''wills 'blows, and its" sound
thereof, but canst not d
ciKOveig, 'XX'" oiitc.nJPag 7r69ev tp\Tai Ka(" /row
toll whence it coraeth, .
and whither it goeth: thou heavest, but knowest not whence it comes and where it goes :

so is every one that is

born of the Spirit. o'vTitig toriv Trag b yiys.vvi]pkvog Ik tov TrvtvfiaTog. 9 'A7re-
9 Nicodemus answered thus is everyone that has been born of the Spirit. *An-

m auTOic GLTTrAW. ov LTTiA. + toU GI.TTrA. P [cv] I.Tr. 1 6 LTTr'A.

ai/ibv I.TTrA. tov L. auTOi' him GLTTrAW. v
'Pa/3/3t T.
w Svi
ft-arat tclvto
o Tr. a Tmv ovpavuiv ol
Tn. cnj/Jielo LTT:A. 6 LTTrAW. y
'.~~ OLT[TrAjW.
b c aAAa d or h.
tbc lieaveilS. T. 7eyti'j)fAe'i'Oi' E.
Tr. i)

. 247
rnvra and said unto him,
jcpith; ~SiKo5t]f.iog
tea! sl7T6i' ai'Tif), Titog Svi'arai ytvs- How can

these things
swered 'Nicodenius and said lo him, How can these tilings be? be? 10 Jesus answer i
Ei 6 and said unto him, Art
c9ai; 10 'A7rtKpi0r] o" 'hfoovg kcii direv avrto, Z
thou a master of Is-
"Answered 'Jesus and said to him, Thou art the
rael, and knowest not
ravra 11 these things? 11 Veri-
diddoicaXog rov'lopaijX, icai ov.yivhXTKEtg ; dp) i> ly, verily, I say unto
teaclier of Israel, and these things knowest not ? -Verily
thee, IVc speak that we
ori o olSafiev icai o do know, and testify
dpyi' Xsyio trot, XaXovpev, tujpd- that we have seen
vorily I say to thee, That which we know we and that which
speak, we ;

and ye receive not

icai r>)v.fiapTvpiav.t)[ioJv ov.\apj3dvET. our witness. If I 1:,* fiapTvpov/xsv have told you earthly
have seen we bear witness of and our witness ye receive not.
things, and ye believe

12 el rfxov vjmv, icai ov.ttuttsveti-, ttwc tdv eiirio not, how shall ye be-
If earthly things I said to you, and ye believe not, how if 1 say lieve, if I tell you
of heavenly things?
Vfiiv Ta-iTTovpavia icumvairi \
dvajStftiiKtv 13 13 ical ovSelg And no man hath
to you heavenly things will ye believe ? And no one has gone up ase mded up to heaven,
but he that came down
tov b ek tov ovpavov Kara(3dg, b vibg from heaven, even the
eig ovpavbv a'.p)
into the heaven except he who out of the heaven came down, the Son Son of man which is
l n
in heaven. 14 And as
tov dv6pu)TTQV b u>v iv Tip ovpavio' 14 icai teaOug M<uat}g Moses lifted up tho
of man who is in the heaven. And even as Moses serpent in the wilder-
en so must tho \

v-^woev rbv bepiv tv T7j tpi]/.i(f), ovrtag vyto97)vai oh Son of man be lifted
liitcd up the serpent in the wilderness, thus to be lifted
that whoso- up it behoves up: lo
ever believcth in liim
rbv vibv tov dvOpw-xov' 15 'iva irag b- irioTEvujv Seig ctvrbv"
should not pvrish,
the Sou of man, that everyone that believes on him
but have eternal life.
h 10 For God so loved
p).a7roX//rai, dXX'" 'i\y Z,it)v aiibviov. 16 ovrujg.ydp the
world, that he gave
may not perish, but may have life eternal. For -so his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believ-
b 9ebg rbv koo/jiov ioote Tuv.inbv.'avTOV' rbv fiovo- cth in him

should not
loved 'God the world that h> Son the only be-
perish, but have ever-
'iva o ttiotevwv avrbv lasting life. 17ForGod
ytvi) iSiokev, irdg tig p)_d7n>X?;rai, sent not his Son iDto
(rotten he gave, that everyone who believes on him may not perish, the world to condemn
dXX'" 17 b rbv the world ; but that
t\V Z,(*h)v aiiiiviov. ob.ydp.d.7rkoTEiXEv Gebg
'God tho world through him
but may have lifo eternal. For -sent 'not
might be saved. 18 He
v\bv. avTov' tig rbv[

'iva rbv dXX' that believcth on him

k6o/j.ov icpivy KOOfiov,
his Son into the world that he might judge the world, but is not condemned: but
he that bi lit \ eth not
'iva ou)6y b jcoo/xog Si avTOV. 18 b ttioteihov eig is -condemned already,
that 3 might *be "saved the -world, through him.
l -
He that believes on because he hath not
believed in tho oarae
avrbv ov.Kpiveraf m n
b. dk of the only begotten
[X}).7tiotevujv ySt] KSKpiTai,
him is not judged but he that believes
not already has been judged, Son of God. Hi nd A
this is the condemna-
on sig to bvo/xa tov povoytvovg vlov tov tion, that light i: come

because he has not believed on the name of the only begotten Son into the world, and
men loved darkness
Osoii. 19 avrri-Ss iariv i) Kpioig, to (pu>g iX))Xv9ev Eig on
rather than light, be-
of God. And this is the judgment, that the light has come into cause their deeds were
evil. 20 For ever,7 on>
tov KOOfiov, teal r/ydrryoav oi dvdpioTzoi fiuXXov to OKorog that doeth evil hatetb
5 3
the world, and -loved 'men rather the ''darkness the light, neither -:orj-
eth to the light, lest
to (piog' ijv.ydp "irovi)pd avru>v rd tpya.
20 irag.yap his deeds should bo
than the light ;
for "were 'evil their. works. For everyone reproved. 21 But ha
that doeth truth Com-
6 tyavXa Tvpaooiov \iioei to fwg, ical oi'icj p%rai 7rpbg to eth to the light, that
that evil does hates the light, and comes not to the his deeds may bo
made manifest, that
'iva -fir/.tXeyxdy rd.tpya.avrov' 21 b.St 7roiu>v ryv
<j>u>g, they are wrought in
light, that may not bo exposed his works j
but he that practises tho God.

dX))9Hav tpxerai ivpbg to (pu>g,

iva (fiavepioGij avrov to.
. truth comes to the light, that may be manifested his

tpya on tv 6e(p

works that in God they have been wrought.
22 After these things
22 Merd ravra yXOev b 'lijoovg Kai o\.fia9r}Tat.avTov eig came Jesus and his
After these things came Jesus . and his disciples into disciples into the .land

e _ 5 GLTTrAW. MtDVonjc LTTi A\V. K 7r' avTOV L J eV avTiii ill

f him TTrA h
k aAAa
aToAnrai dAA' [l]ttya. '
avTOV (read tho Son) r. Tr. 1
avTov (read the

Sou) t|Ti A].

m Se but [LjT|T. JA.
n avTWV
7rop-npd 1/fTrA.
248 I ii A NNK S. in.
of Judasa; and there Kai tKU Sit-rpifitv /jst
he tarried with them, ttjv lovSaiav.yrjv. abrutv Kai tfiair-
and baptized: 23 And the land of Judiea ;
and there he stayed with them and was bap.
John also was bap- 23 ical

tv Alvtov iyyvq
ti'Czv. rjv.St 'lwavv7)Q (5cnrTiZ,iov
tizing in JEuon nenr And 'was = also 'John
tiziug. baptizing in iinon, near
to Salim, because there
was much water there :
tov on. 'vcaTa.7ro\Xd yv t/rei" Kai irapeyivo.VTO Kai
and they came, and SaXei'ju,
were baptized. 24 For Salim, because "waters 'many were there ;
and they were coming and
John was not yet cast tj3airTiZ,ovTO. 24 ovTcw.yap yv (StfiXypivog Eig t>)v <pvXaK))v
into prison. 25 Then For not yet was3
-cast J
being baptized. into the "prison
there arosq a question ,

bet ween some of John's p6 ll

and the
^uKh'iv}gJ25 Eyi'rooin'/?rr/<7ic kicriovfia9rjTtav
disciples 'John. Arose then a question [on the part] of the disciples
.' iws about purifying.
2t> And they came un- I'lcjctvvov" [ttra 'lavCalujv n 7rtpl Kadapiapov' 26 Kai s yX6ov i[

to John, and said unto of John with [some] Jews about purification. And they came
him, Rabbi, he that l n v w
7rpbg tov 'lwavvi]v Kai si7rov' aur^i, 'Pa/3/3i," be yv pfra

was with thee beyond

Jordan, to whom thou to John and said to him, Rabbi, he who was with
barest witness, behold,
the same baptizeth, gov Tr'tpav tov 'lopSdvov, . (1> av /.ij.iapTvpyKag, 'ice oiVoc
and all men come to thee beyond the Jordan, to whom thou hast borne witness, behold he
him.. '-'7 John answered
and said, A man can ftaTTTlZyH, Kai TZaVTfC, tpXOVTCtl ITpOQ ai'TOV. 27 'A7TEKpi()l)
receive nothing, exc< pt baptizes, and all come to him. -Answered
it be given him from
heaven. 28 Ye your-
'Iii)avvr}Q Kai drrsv. Ov Svvarai dvQponroQ Xapj3di'eiv oiStv
selves bear me wit ness, 'John and said, Is *able 'a -man -
to receive nothing
that I said, I am not
the Christ; but that I tav.fri) y ciloj.iki>ov avT^ tK tov ovpavov. 28 avToLv/jeig
am sent before him. unless it bo given to him from the heaven. Ye yourselves
29 He that hath the
bride is the bride- f.ioi juapTVpelTE oti riwov, *[ii iyto
6 Yjoicrroc, ciAV on
groom : but the friend to mo bear witness thata
I said, "Am not I the Christ, but that
of the bridegroom, eiul i/j.Trpoa9ev tKtivov. 29 6
which standeth and cnrEGTaXfASi'OQ i%WJ> TTJV VVfl-
heareth him, rejoicith
3 2
sent '1 am before him. He that has the bride
greatly because of the b.St <piXoc tov vint<piov,
bridegroom's voice : <j>i]V, vvpcpiog 1(ttiV 6 ioTrjKWQ Kai
this my joy thereforo -bridegroom Ms ; who stands
but the friend of the bridegroom,
is fulfilled. He cikovwv avTov,
30 Sid ryv tov vvj.i<j>iov'
must increase, but I yopfl xaipti <pwv})v
hears him, with joy rejoices because of the voice of the bridegroom,
mutt dcrcase. 31 Ho
that cometh from a- a'vTi] ovv a P& U k P) TTETrX/'/pwrat. 30 tKEivov Set
bove is above all he
x '/

this :
then "joy 'my is fulfilled.
Him 'it -'behoves
that is of the earth is
earthly, and speakcth avZavtiv, ifie.di tXaTTOvaOai. 31' 6 avwfev IpxdfXivoQ iicdvia
of the earth: he that to increase, but me to decrease. He who from above comes, above
cometh from heaven is
above all. 32 And KavTiov iotiv. 6. ojv Ik r?jc yijg ek ryg yijg Iotiv, Kai
what he hath seen all is. He who is frorn' the earth from the earth is, and
and heard, that hetcs-
tifieth and no man Ik Tijg yijg XaXsl' 6 ik tov .ovpavov y tTraruj
receiveth his testi- from tho earth speaks. He who from the heaven comes above
mony. 33 He that hath
received his testimony ndvTiov 6<rnV>" 32 Kai n o twpaKtv Kai t}kov<tsv "rovro"
hath set to his seal aU is, and what he has seen and heard this
that God is true.
31 For he whom God fxapTVOH' Kai Tijv.fiapTVpiav.avTOV ovSeig Xa/xfidiei. 33 o
hath sent speaketh the he testifies; and his testimony no one receives. He that
words of God : for God
giveth not the Spirit Xafiiov ai'TOV ti)v fiapTvpiav lo<ppayiG(v oti 6 dXijOi)g
by. measure unto him. has received his testimony has set to his seal that God true
35 The Father loveth
the Son, and hath giv- iaTi)'. 34 ov.ydp cnrfffTEiXev 6 Oebg to. prifiaTCt tov Osnv
en all things into his Ms for he whom ;
sent 'God tho words of God
hand. 3(5 He that be- b
lievcth on the Son AaAEi" ov.ydp Ik fxsTpov SiSiacnv
6 6sbg u to irvtvpa. 35 b
ihath everlasting life: speaks ; for not by measure gives 'God the Spirit. The
and he that belicveth 7rdv~a HSwkev
,not the Son shall not irnTijp dyaTTul tov v'iov, Kai iv Ty~-xtipi-oi'-
Father loves the Son, and all things has given into his hand,
tov. 30 6 TrioTiviov sig TOV VIOV i^l %io>)i> aiwvtov v.'-'ci
He that believes on the Son has life eternal ;
and he that

'Itoonj? Tr. P 6t[TiA]. 1 'Itodi/ov l'r. r 'IovaCov <1 Jew GLTTrAW. fiXdcxv
v "' x
Kyaj ovk et/xi L.
l y
TrA. 'Iwaiiji' Tr. eln-ai' TYA. 'Pa/3/3ei T. e^raitu
iravTtov eo-nV T. l ai [lJiti a. a touto T. b 6 tfebs (read he give?) [l]'1'1t ]a.
c Si and t
HI, IV. J O H N. 249
see life but the wrath
awziBCov 'OVK.'ripfTcu
r<p v'uji %(i'iv, a\V cpyt) rov Blou of God abidoth on him.

is not subject to ihe Sou shall not see life, but the wrath of God

fikvu itt' avrov.

abides on him.
4 '& ovv tyvo) b i:vptog
on ijKovaav 01 Qapiaaloi,
When therefore 3
knew 'the -Lord that 3
heard 'the "Pharisees,
on 'lijaovg 7r\siovag fiaBrjrag 7roiel Kai j3aTrri^ei i)
that Jesus more disciples makes and baptizes than John
2 izairoiye. 'li]<7ovg avrbg ovK-lfiairritEv, aXX 01
(although indeed Jesus himself was not baptizing' but

j.iaB>jrai. avrov' 3 aQijicev rr)v lov&a'iav, Kai c'nri'iXBEv. ir&Xiv

his disciples)*, he left Judsea, and went away again
elg rt)v VaXiXaiav. 4 eSei.Se avrov ctEpxEaBai c~ia rrjg
into Galilee. Aud it was necessary for him to pass through
^auapEtagJ 5 tpxerai

ovv elg ttoXiv rijg^afiaptiag" Xeyo-

Samaria. He comes tlierefore to a city of Samaria

fikvi]V '"St^ap," 7rXi]<riov rov \ioplov

ed Sychar, near the land

'l(i)(Tl)(p Tl^.v'llp.aVTOV. 6 I'lV-Sk EKEl

toJosei^h his son. Now 3

b.ovv.'lijaovg KEKowtaKiog riig tic

odonropiag tKaBs^Ero o'vrwg
Jesus therefore,/ being wearied from the journey, sat thus
ry Tvr\yy. wpa i)v 'wati" fieri]. 7 "Ep^Erqi yvv>)
at the fountain. [The] hour was about [the] sixth. Comes a woman
Ik ri~]Q Sn/mpe('ag" avrXijcrat. vSwp. XtyEt 3cthry 6 'lijaovg,
out of Samaria to draw water. 'Says to her 'Jesus,
Aog f.ioi
7T(h''" 8 o\.yap.j.iaByrai .avrov a7reXr]Xv9ei<yav tig
Give me to drink ;
for his disciples had gone away into

ri)v rcaXiv, "iva rpO(pag ayopaaiximv. 9 AEysi 'ouv" aiirip

the city, that provisions they might buy. 'Says *therefore to "him
>/ yvin) ij "S,aj.iaptlng^ Hu)g av 'lovSruog Cjv Trap' t/.iov
'the 3
woman "Samaritan, How 3
"thou 3
"a Jew beiug
! '

ovai)g yvvaiKog ^.a/aapEiricog"
to "drink 'dost a*k, being a "woman 'Samaritan?
avyxpwvrai 'lovSaloi 2a[iapEiraig. 10 'ArrEKpiBr] '[?]o~ovg
'Jews with Samaritans. "Answered 'Jesus

Ei y$Eig rijv SwpEav roii Beov, Kai rig

If thou hadst known the gift of God, and who
250 I QANN H 2. IV.
shall thirst again :
TO v.vSaTOg.TOVTOV ^/^//<7I wdXiv 14 dg*o'.dv 7T('y
v th of^th<Twater this water will thirst again; but whsever may drink of the

that I shall give him UVTCO v v Tov.aliava'

shall never thirst; but
vciT0Q Oti
diorru) OV.fli] dcd/))<Ty* Ely
t which I will give him in no wise shall thirst for
the water that I shall
give him shall be in
O x ClOfTU) aVT(p

i >
him a well of water ^ut ^g wa t er w hich I will Rive to him shall become in him a fountain
springing up into ever-
lastinglife. 15 The
VOClTOg aWoflEl'OV Eig
,.. , >y> i, j)1]V aiitiVlOV.
- . >


womansaithuntohim, f wa ter springing up into 3 6
life eternal. Says "to him
Sir.give me this water, , , , -, _ , ,
- .

that I thirst not, Hei- >/. yVVt], KvpLE, CUQ fXOL TOVTO TO V0U>O, IVCl jX7].CL1^U)
thcr come hither to i
the 'woman, Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst
draw. 16 Jesus saith ., , >
a ' '
\ ~ '

l a * ' ~ 7<ii't -
u s- .
i, z a n
un to her, Go, call thy flt]0E 5 tf)YW//CU EvUdOE aVTKElV. lb AtyU ClpTy O \l)<TOVQ,
hu band, and come UO r come here to draw. = 4
Says to her 'Jesus,
hither. 17 The woman ,
b ~ >\/v'' n'? , ,.
17 >,
answered and said, I. lITCtyE, (pWV7]GOV TOVMV6pa.(TOV" fCrtl EA^E EVUCtOE. 17 A7TE-
thy husband and come '

have no husband. Je- Go, call here. 'An-

sus said uuto her, Thou A <
<*"" , dr\'
,. " " ? ha' > - '
hast well said, I have / 7"*"/ Ka '
*?? "Owc.fxw aj;tfpa." AyJ 3
no husband 18 for swered
: 'the -woman and said, I have not a husb/md. "Says to her
thou hast had five hus- > T \ ~ to ttevte
-tr ? y
e n
n *'r\ ^ s> > " \ '

bauds and he whom lr)(rovg, KaAwg El~ag, Onavdpa OVK.tX<^ 18

thou now hast

is not 'Jesus, Well didst thou say, A husband I have not ;

flitr hn^Tinnd in that " ^ \ t\ , * v

19 The
7a P
f r
av PnQ KCl1 VVV 0V WS-
husbands thou hast had, and now he whom thou hast is not

cefve ut
thou^arTa di4]p- d\i)B'ig ttptjKag. tovto 19 Asya ai>T$ r) yvvq,
3 s 2
prophet. 20 Our fa- husband : this truly thou hast spckcn. Says *to him 'the woman,
thers worshipped, in OTL ~ OV . B 20 tV
this mountain; and ve
.~ _ 0EwpCJ
~. ,,
r i i= .
r ? >r
&ir I perceive that a prophet "art 'thou. Our fathers in
say, that in Jerusalem

is the place where men {

rOVTif(T(^ opl 7rpOCTEKVl'1](JaV VflEig
this mountain and that in Je-
J^w with unto te?", worshipped,
, ^
ye say
Woman, believe
poao\v\lOigi.GTlV 6 TOTTOgOTVOV
nie, %CU TTpOGKVVtiV. 21 Asytl

the hour cometh, when rusalenl ig tho p ; ace where it is necessary to worship. 2
ye shall neither in this

, , , , ,, i. , , ,

mountain, nor yet at avTy O IrjGOVg, "Twai, iriortVOOV jUOt," OTI tpx rai ^P a *' r

Jerusalem, worship the 3 to ^ ier

Father. 22 Ye worship . ,
'Je <us,'
Woman, believe me, that is coming an hour when
, / ,',..',
Te know not what: we OV~
know what we wor- neither in
ship : for salvation is
of the Jews. 23 But
the hour cometh, and
iV Ttp-OpEl-TOirTlp OVTE tV lEpO(TOAVf.lOig 7rpO(JKVVr]<reT
this mountain

nor in Jerusalem

shall ye worship


.,> O XiVK-OlOClTV
what ye know not :


now is, when the true .xvt.
< />EK *>-,*>
worshippers shall wor- ?/ @<OT1)pia
ship tho Father in ship what we know ; for salvation of the Jews is.

spirit and in truth: for :

>\-v>,i . ,i , , , ,-. ,, ,

the Father seeketh 2.3 'UAA. Ep\ETai U)pCt KCti VVV EOTIV , OTE 01 a\.1]VlVOl TTpOfT-
such to worship him. But is coming- an hour arid now is, when the true wor-
24 God is a Spirit: and \ > ~ > / <
>\ n .

they that worship him KVVt]Tai TrpO(TKVVr)(TOVaiV T<}>

tuust worship him in the Father and truth
spirit and in truth.
25 The woman saith
* *

Kttl.yap O 7Tar?/p TOLOVTOUg

will worship
* '
in spirit
, r

nnto him, I know that for also the Father -such 'seeks who worship him.
C k
Kutd cS: thou a4 nwD/ia 6 OEog- tcai rovg icpoatcvvovvTag avTbv n Iv
he is come, he will tell * spirit Go.l [is], and they that worship him, in

Kal d\l]9Eta 'ot Kpo<TKVVE~lV." 25 AkyEl UVTlp i)

Baith untefher^that KVtVflCCri 3 4 5
speak nuto thee am he.
EP irit and truth must worship. Says to him 'the
27 And upon this came
y VV {^ Oloa on {.lEftai ~2 'ipxETai* o XEyo^iEvog XPWTog' otuv
'woman, I know that Messias is coming, who is called Christ when ;

m "
26 AkyEi, avTrj b'lt]-
l\dy tKElvog dvayyE\si f}fiii> TrdvTa.
comes 'he he will tell us all things. -'Says -to "her '

(jovg, 'Eyio Eifii,

6 \a\uJv goi. 27 E7ri Tovrifi
sus, I
am [
am 3
spcaking to thee.
4 3
And upon this

[ov /iiij Su/zijaei .. . . o SojCTb) ai/TiZ] L eyo) ep^o/iat Tr oi^^o-c-i LTTrA. x
+ It. ? ;

'Irjcrovi (read he says) [x]t[ti-]a.
z b crou rhi>
Stf'pxw/tat ta. 6 lt[ti-]a. avSpa a.
c avrta to him [l]a.
+ d
oV5pa oix ex> T e ^i 7rec> T. f t&> opei tovto) GI.TTrA - W
8 Trpo<7KVfeii> Set LTTrA W. h Tvvai.. Tri&rcve IHa-Teve TTiA. '
jxot LJ fioif yvi/at. a.AAd
LTTrAW. k avrbi'.T. '
7rpoo-KVCc' 6c T. m aTrajra TlrA.
n a his disciples, and mar-
icai k9av[iacrav oti fierd yvvaiKug velled that he talked
came his disciples, and wondered that with a woman with the woman: yet
Ti Ti Xa- no man said, What
tXaXei ovSsig [isvroi eIttev, Z,i]thq ; r)
seekest thou 1 or, Wny
hewas speaking ;
no one however said, What seekest thou ? or Why speakest talkest thou with her ?

X 7c } avTi)Q ;
thou with hrr ?
ovv Tr)v.v8piav.avTrjg 28 The woman then
28 'A<pt]Ktv r)
yvvr) koli dirr\X9EV eig and left her waterpot,
' 3
then 5 6 '

her waterpot 'the woman and went away went her way into the

Tt)v iroXiv, icai Xsyei rolg avOpwrroig, 29 Aevte, ISere dv9pw~ city, and saith to the
the and says to the men, Come, see a man men, 29 Come, see a
man, which told me all
navTa v '6aa Lotiv things that ever 1 did:
irov og eIttsv jioi ziroiricra' \lt\ti ovtoq
3 2 is not this the Christ ?
who told me all things whatsoever I did : perchance this 'is
30 Then they went out
6 XP 1(JT Q >
30 l'EZ,j)kBov *ovv /c
T>jg TroXeuxg, icai i]p- of the city, and came
the Christ! They went forth therefore out of the city, and came" unto him.

Xovro irpbg avrov.

unto him.
31 In the mean while
31 "Ev. s Se

t($ jXETalZv rjpwriov avruy oi jxa9t]rai, X'e- his disciples prayed


But in/ the meantime ?were ^asking 'him 'the ^disciples, say-
him, saying, Master,
v 32 But he said
yovng, Pafi(5i^ (pdye. 32 'O.Si eIttev avrolg, 'Eyu> j3pu>mv unto them, I have meat

ing, Rabbi, eat. But he said to them, I meat

to eat that ye know
tx<~o <pay{~iv rjv v/jiElgovK.oiSaTE. 33 "EXeyov 6tV oi fia9rj- not of. 33 Therefore
know *Said therefore 'tho 2 said the disciples one
have to eat which ye not. disci-
to another, Hath any
rai ifpbg dXXijXovg, Mr) avrtp (payeiv ; man brought him ought rig fjveyKBv
to one another, .'did bring him [anything] to eat? to eat ? 34 Jesus saith
pies "Anyone
unto them, My meat is
34 Asyei avrolg b'lrjaovg, 'Efibv /Spujjtia kariv'iva x 7roiai" to to do the will of him
3 4
''Says to them that sent
and to My meat is that I should do the me,
finish his work. 35 Say
OtXrjjxa tov TEfixpavTog /he, icai reXeiaxxa) avrov to Ipyov. not ye, There are vet
will of him who sent me, and should finish his work. four months, and then
A cometh harvest ? bo-
35 oi>x vfiElg XeyETE, oti eti ^TETpdfir]v6v egtiv icai 6
0Epio-[xbg hold, I say unto you.
ye 'say, that yet four months it is and the harvest Lift up your eyes, and
look on the fields for

Epx^'cii; i$o>', Xkyu> iifiTv, 'EirdpaTE rovg.b<p9aXfxovg.vfiijjv* icai they are white already
comes ? Behold, I say to you, upLift your eyes and to harvest. 36 And he
z that reapeth receiveth
0E(iaaa9E Tag ^wpag, on XEvicai elcnv irpbg 0Epi<Tfibv i)8r).
wages, and gathereth
see the fields, for white they are to harvest already. fruit unto life eternal:
a that both he that sow-
36 Kai n b 6>p('a>i' p:ia9bv Xajti/3ava, icai vvvdyEi Kap7rbv eth and he that reap-
And he that reaps a reward receives, and gathers fruit eth may rejoice to-
b gether. 37 And herein
etc w//v aiuviov' 'iva icai" oiteipwv bfiov s
X ai PV is that saying true, One
unto life that both he that sows 'together may "rejoice
eternal, soweth, and another
iv.ycip tovt(j) b Xoyog koriv 6" aXr}- reapeth. 38 I sent you
9EpioJV. 37
(cat 6
2 3 to reap that whereon
'and he that ^reaps. For in this the saying is true,
ye bestowed no labour:
other men laboured,
9ivog, oti uXXog Idriv 6 GirEtpiov, icai dXXog b 0Ep't^ujv. and ye are entered into
That 3
one 'it
is who sows, and another who reaps. their labours.
38 kyio a7rloraXa" vpiag 9EpiZ,Eiv o oi>x vptig icEicoiridKurE'
3 2
I sent you to reap on'wihich not 'ye have laboured ;

dXXoi KEKOTridtcaoiv, icai

v/xEig Eig Tov.KOTtov.avTaiv eioeXijXv-
others have laboured, and ye into their labour have en-

39 'Eic.Se Tr)g.Tr6XEwg.EKEiv7]g iroXXoi tirioTEvaav Eig avrov 39 And many of the

But out of that city many believed on him Samaritans of that
e city believed on him
Ttov 2la[iapEiToJv,
<5ii tov Xoyov r/)c yvvaiKog fiap- for the saying of the
of the Samaritans, because of the word of the woman tes- woman, which testis

rj\Qa.v TTr. 0av,uacJW were wondering gltttaw. p a which t. 9 + [/cai] and L,
r ^ v GLTTrAW. i St but. |_L]TTrA. ' v ovv W. *
'Paget' T. 7roojo-i.< LTrA.
TerpajUTjvos GLTTrAW. .
rjSrj (rtad already hu that reaps) T. kou G^L/TirA.
*> c 6 TTr[A]. a a7reQ-TaA.Ka have sent T.
iccu Tr[A]. Sa/zaoiTwi' T.
ficd. He told me all
"On e'lnsv irdvra.
lrco'u}(ja. 40 'tie;
that over 1 did. 40 So Tvpovar\Q, jxoi
when the Samaritans tifying, Ho told me all things whatsoever I did. YVhun
were come unto him, oiv avrov o't g avrov
i)\6ov 7rpbg Sffjuapetrrti," rjpwTiov
they besought him therefore came to him the they asked him
that he would tarry Samaritans,
with them aud he :
Kai iicel duo 41 /cat
abode there two days. fieivai Trap' avrolg' tpeivev ri/.ispag.
to abide with them, and he abode there two days. And
41 And many more be-
lieved because of his
own word 42 and said
7roXX(o.7rXeiovg erriarevaav Sid Tov.Xoycv.avrov' 42
many more believed because of his word and to tha
unto the woman, Now

we believe, not be-
yvvaiKi tXeyov, "On" ovksti did n)v cn)v XaXidv 7tkt-
cause of thy saying woman Ko we
longer because of
they said, thy saying
for we have heard Aim
ourselves, and know Ti.voj.iW avroi.ydp ciKijKoafiev, Kai oldafxev on ovrog ianv
that this is indeed the for ourselves have heard, and we know that this is
Christ, the Saviour of
the world. d\l]9CJQ 6 0~WT))p TOV KOaj.lOV, '(J ^fHOTOf."
truly the Saviour of the world, the Christ.
43 Now after two 43 Merd.St rag dvo i/f.itpag tt,ijX9ev IkhQzv, /c< cur7)\-
days ho departed But after the two days he went forth thence, and went
thence, and went into
n)v TaXCkaiav. 44 avrbg.ydp
Galilee. 44 For Jesus 6ev ]l

eig 6" 'hjaovg kfiapri'pi]-

himself testind, that away into Galilee; for -him.-^elf 'Jesus tesulied.
a prophet hath no
honour in his own GEV, oTi Trpo(py]7)]g
tv ry.iciq, Trarpidi rifu)v ovK.t%ei.
country. 45 Then when that a prophet in his own country honour has not.
he was come into Ga-
lilee, the Galileans 45 '""Ore" ovv
tjXBev elg ti)v TdXiXaiav idkZavro avrov
received him, having \Vheu therefore he came into Galilee ^received him
seen all the things that D
he did at Jerusalem at ol TaXiXaloi, irdvra twpaicoreg a'' troii}otv iv
the feast : for they 'the ^Galileans, all things having seen which he did in Je-
also went unto the
poo~oXuf.iQig ry tv eopry' Kai.avroi.ydp i)X9ov tig ri\v
feast. '

rusalem during the feast, for they also went to the

feast. f
46 HX9tv ovv b 'Ii}o-ovg n 7rdXiv p
elg t))v Kara rrjg
Came ^therefore 'Jusus again to Cana
46 So Jesus camo x
again into Cana of TaXiXaiag, ottov trroiijutv to vdwp olvov. ^kox t)v Tig
Galilee,where he made of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain
the water wine. And r u
there was a certain no- j3acri\iic6g,
ov b vibg i)<79'ivei iv Ka7repi'aovfX. 47 ovrog
bleman, whose sou was courtier, whose son was sick in Capernaum. He
sick at Capernaum.
47 Whuu he heard that ciKovaag on 'hjoovg i'jicei ri]g t/c 'Lovdaiag elg ri\v TaXt-
Jesus was come out of haviug heard that Jesus had come out of Judaea into Gali-
Judasa into Galilee, ho s
rrpog avrov, Kai ijpiora aurbv "tva Kara-

went onto him, and Xaiav, aTrTiXGev

him that he lee, went to him, and asked him that he would
would come down, Kai icicnjTai avrov rbv v\6v ijf.ieXXev.ydp diroOvi'iGKeiv.
aud heal his son for [$?) :
comedown and
ho was at the point of
heat his son; for he was about to die.
death. 48 Then said 48 elm v ovv b 'Iijuovg rrpbg avrov, 'Edv.j.u) ojptia Kai
Jesus unto him, Ex- J
Said "therefore 'Jesus to Unless and
him, signs
cept ye see signs and
wonders, ye will not r'tpara 'idijre ov.firj TrKrrtvuijre. 49 Asyei 7tpbg avrov b
believe. 4U Tho no- wonders 3 5
him 'the
ye sec in no wise will ye believe. Says ""to
bleman saith unto him,
Sir, come down ere my fiaaiXtKoe, Ki'pie, KardfirjOt rtpiv aTroQavelv rb.rraidiov.fxov.
child die. 50 Jesus come down before Mies
-courtier, Sir, 'my -little "child.
saith unto him, Go
thy way ; thy son liv- 50 Acyet avrtp b 'Iijaovg, TLooevov' b.v'iog.aov L,y.
eth. And the man be- 3
-Says to 'him 'Jesus, Go, thy son lives. And
lieved the word that v w
Jesus had spoken unto Lrriartiiati' b dvOpcoTrog r<p Xoyijj w" elrcev avnp lijcrovg,
J 3 4
him, aud ho went his belicved 'the "man the word which ''said to him 'Jesus,
way. 51 And as he was x
now going down, his Kai eTTopevero. 51 fjSij.Sk avrov. KarajSaipovrog oi.dovXoi. av~
servants met him, and and went away. Dut already as he was going down his bondmen

f h >
6 ^picrTOS LTTrA k Kai airrjXdev
a vvbich TTrA. S 2a/Ltaptrat T. [bVtj L.
u oaa whatsoever ltjA.
[l]tt. a.
6 Glttiaw. "'
cos t. o Irj(TOi"; (I'tMtl lie
came oltti-aw. v + 6 'Itjo-oD? Jesus w. i'Hi/ fi x. r
Ka'api'aov/u LTTrAW.
avrov [LjTTrA. l
Kai LLJT[TrjA. v
OV LTHA. W + 6 LTTrAW. x ai'TOU
(read the bondmen) T.
IV, V. JOH N. 253

roi>' rd4rq<ravl ahr% >d *,r4rrW "XsyovreQ" "On S. ^" 8

Thy child
W met

inquired therefore from

said unto hiin Yester-


quired he of them the
^ ^n ^ n
ti' n K(yu\|/6ooi' ttryej/.
in whicn
3 x.
.11 -
'he -got.
*Kal eJttov^ m>T<2,
And they
,,, ., .v-
said to him,
,.i,r hour
"* th
seve ? t h
the fever left
Yesterday ^.^ y3 go th(j father
"On v0"
v ^ '

iSdt'nini' dcbitKEV avruv b icvpETOC.

woav 53 knew that it was at
iv t '
.i ** i-., +v, Kncw
3ir the same hour, in the

L at the] -nour

left lum the -c',.. v.

fever. ,, i

which Jesjs said unto

^ ^
_ ^ ^

or)' 6 irarijp
iv" tKsivy ry u>oa iv y on eIttev him, Thy son liveth:
therefore 'the "father that [it was] at that hour in which "said him
j[ s^Wheheved,
abrto b 'Iijgovq, "On" b.v'ibq.aov Zy. Kal tiri<JTEv<TEv avrbq 54 This* is again the

to ''him
i/.otKia.avrov b\r].
Tliy son
54 tovto
And he "believed 'himself second miracle that
, ~ Jesus did, when he
cevrepov ai)jiEiov was come out of Ju-
drea into Galilee.
and his "house 'whole. This again a second sign-

tTroiijcrei' b 'Ii](Tovg ,
t\6<l)v ek rijq 'lovSaiag etg r>)v Ta-

Jesus, having come out of Jiukea into Ga-

k 6"
5 NFsra ravra rjv' toprn riov .
'lovSatwv, Kal ctv'tfii]
After these things was a feast of the Jews, and "went 3 up
, , < r>< > ~ . / V. After this there
I//ffof'f t
IepO(To\vfia. 2 EtTTlV.OE EV TOIC lEOGCJOAVftOiq wis a feast of the
'Jesus to Jerusalem. And there is in Jensalcm Jews: and Jesm went
, , , . n > r>> n 1<
\ U n,3 "_
' upto Jerusalem. 2 Now '

t7T( TV/ nriktyOjUl'))" htjOatOTI there is at Jerusalem

TTpopariKy KoXvjipifipa, rj
at a pool, which called in Hebrew hy the sheep market a
.n 'n
v' '

'"B^blEO-da," Trsrre
ii i'
oroaq t^oucra.
r, i

3 u; ruoraic kotekeito
' '
Hebrew tongue
is called in

Bethesd.a, five' porches having. In 'thee were lying .Bethesda, having five
^ ~n ,, -\ i ii
-v >o ' j.\ - ^~ porches. 3 In these lav
7r\)]0oq "7To\v" tuju aaVEVonvraJV, rixpAiov, x toXu}V > a great multitude of
a "multitude 'great of those who were sick, blind, lame, impotent folk, of blind,

b)puv, "hKdexofitvuiV'Trjv rov Uaroq KivrjtTiV. 4 dyysXoq in^fo^th^moVin^ox

withered, awaiting the "of 3
the 'water 'moving. "An "angel the water. 4 For an

ydpP Kard.Katpbv tari^cuvsv iv ry Ko\vrf>)9pa, Kaj Ird- TlStZ^Tin*

'for from time to time descended in the and agi- pool, tne j^,,,^ anij troubled

pctjaiv to Uwp' b olv TvpuToq tjx^aQ fierd t))v rapaxnv Jhe/firft Ifier^the
tated the water.- He who thereforo first entered after the agitation troublin of the
rov vcaroq, vyaK lyiveTO,

*$.8hTB *rtiVero
of the -well whatever "he 3
was hold -by popart."
ZTmJaT^hL of
water, 'became, whatsoever disease he
Hv.esavdowiroq Iksl rpiaKOPraoKril)' rigiri] tx
MV tv ad 5 And a cor "


t v,
3 4
But 'was 'a "certain 3 man there "thirty eight years 'being in wh"^" ^tnfirmity
ri) dfjQevtla*. 6 rovrov i$u)V b'lncrovq Karatctiutvov, Kal thirty and eight years.
3tt-~ =,; it-,i- '
on.l 6 When Jesus saw him
. .
Him seeing i,-in,r
lying, aud
lie. and knew that he
^ ^ ^

had been now a long

yt'OVq OTL 7T0\VV ljb>) %OOVOV *X f '" ^*/t aUT(p, QtXsiq
mem fW
knowing that a long "already kime
vyn)q yEvtaQai;
he has been, says

7 drrEKpiur] avTip b aovEi'iov,

rn > ~
Knp<8, ai'- thou be mado whole?
i > n
to him, Dcsircst thou ti
' "
case he
saith unto him, Wilt

well to become? "Answered 5 him 'the "infirm ['man], Sir, a 7 The impotent man
finswerc(1 him S I - "
n ,
n * t 3 '\ \ . ".

vpiOTTOV OVK.tX^, IV a OraV II

have noman, when the TapaX~>y T VCup 'paAAy

man not,' I have put water
that is troubled, to
when 3
has 4 been -agitated 'the "water he may
, , ,r . - put me iuto the pool: , ,. <

/< Eiq rijv KoAvjipij'Jpav to%o/(at tyto aXAoq rrpo but while I am com-
me into the pool but while "am -coming l another before iug, another steppeih

3 ., , ~ i. ,
~ /
v /,-, . w T down before me. 8 Je-
i , <

t^ov Ka.Tupa.ivEi. b AtyEi 3 avr(f) 4

o I>i<7ovq, hytipai, apov BUS sa t h unto him, i

me descends. "Says to him 'Jesus, 'Arise, take up lliso, take up thy bed,

VTr^irqa-av I.TTr A. z
Kal vj-y-yeiAai' T ; [)tai airriyyeiAav] TrA. Aeyofres T.
av-rou {read that his child livos) LTrrA. c d etTrof ovv there-
iopav nap' aurai' LTTrA.
fire they said TTrA. e
e\0eq LTlrAW.
ev T[Tr]. S "On LTTi'A. h + Se HOW (this)
Tr(A]. + 17
the (feast) t. k 6 ltti-aw. '
to \ey6p.ei>ov T. m Bijt9^a0a Beth-
zatha T.
n ttoAv [L]TTrA. e/cSfx'oju.eVtov to end of verse 4 [G]TTi-A. P + [icvpiov]
Of [the] Lord L I oiajOTjn-OToCi' L. r
rpiaxoi'Ta Kal Kal [LJTr) 6crco ULTTrAW.
-f 0.V-
githaw. v w t- and
tow hia (in firmity) [LjxirA. pdAy "Eyeipe LXXrAW. [/cai] L.
and walk. 9 And im- x
roi>. /cp/3/3a7-oi>".<Toi;, Kai TTEpiiraTEi. 9 Kai ?Ev9'iog"
mediately the man iy'tvEro
was made whole, and thy bed, and walk. And immediately ^became
took up his bed, and 6 Kai Kai
walked: and on the vyirjg dv9pio7rog, ypEv Tov^Kpafifiarov^'.avrov ,

*well 'tho "man, and took up his bed, and

same day wa-* the sab-
10 The Jews
7r?p(67rra" i)v.Sk adfifiarov kv tKEtvy T?j^t'ij.dpa. 10'EXevov
therefore said unto walked and it was sabbath on that 3
day. SaL"i
him that was cured, ;

It the sabbath day :

is ovv o't 'lovdaToi
t<{> TE9paTrVLitvq),'Edf3j3aT6v Lanv'
it is not lawful for 'therefore 'the -Jews to him wno had been healed, Sabbath it is, .

thee to carry thy bed.

11 He answered them,
0UK.t^8(7TlV 0*01 Cipai TOV *Kpd[3[3aTOV na . 11 b 'A7TEKpi9r)
He that made me it is not lawful for thee to take up the bed. He answered
whole, the same said T
unto me, Take up thy qvTolg, O
.7roirjcrag lie vyin, t-KEivog fioi eIttev, Apov tov
bed, and walk. 12 Then them, He who made me well, he to me said, Take up
asked they him," What x c n
man is that which said icpd[3l3aT6i> .<Jov Kai 7TEpnra.Ti. 12 HpioTrjaav ovv ai/rov,

unto thee, Take up -

thy bed and walk. They asked therefore 'him,
thy bed, and walk ? r d e
13 And he that was Tit; icrnv 6 dvOpwirog 6 eiirhtv gol, Apov TOV /cpa/3/3aroi/'
healed wist not who Who is the man who said to thee, Take up "bed
for Jesus had
It was :

conveyed himself a-
Kai TTEpiiraTEi ; 13 'O.Sk s
ovK.ydei rig iariv'
way, a multitude be- 'thy and walk? But he who had been healed knew not who it is,
ing in that place.
14 Afterward Jesus b-ydp.'h]<Jovg i^'tVEvaEv, b-)(Xov bvrog tv Tip roirtp 14 Mfrd
findeth him in the for Jesus had moved a,way,.a crowd being in the place. .After
temple, and said unto ravra evq'igkei ahrov b'h]<rovg tv rep ipoj, al eIttev avrtp,
him, Behold, thou art
made whole sin no these things -finds
'him 'Jesns in the temple, and said to him,
more, test^ a worse "id- "tva iin xf7poi>
thing come unto thee. vyu)g .'ysyovag' lhjk&ti diidpravE,
15 The man departed, Behold, well thou hast become :. 2 no 3 more 'sin, that ''not "wor-.e
and told the Jews that *tI 15 h 6 l

it was Jesus, which 5 8

y'tvqrai. 'A7n)\0er dv9poj7rog Kai dvi)y-
had made him whole. -something to thee 'happens. Went away the man and told
And therefore did on
'Irjcrovg lanv 6 -rroiijuag avrov
the Jews persecute Je- yaAfijV'
Tolg 'lovdaioig"
the Jews that Jesus it is who made him
sus, and sought to

slay him, because he

had done these things vytrj.
16 Kai did tovto tSiwKov k
'Ir^aovv oi 'lovSaHoi,"
And because of this per.^ecutod Jesus 'the 3
on the sabbath day. well. Jew3,
17 But Jesus answer- l icai k^))rovv aiirov a7roKTtlvai, u ravra iiro'iEi tv ca/3- on
ed them, My Father and him to kill, because these things he did on a sab-
worketh hitherto, and
I work. 18 Therefore 17 bSk. 'Ir]o-ovg dffEKpivaTO avroTg, 0.7rarl)p.jxov m [i

the Jews sought the bath. But Jesus answered them, My Father
more to kill him, be-
cause he not only had swg.dpn ipydZ,Erai, Kayo) tpydZ,oLiai. 18 Aid tovto "oi5v"
broken the sabbath, until now works, and. I work. Because of this therefore
but said also that God
was his Father, mak- fidXXov tZ,r]TOVv avrov oi 'lovSaloi cnroKTEi'vjii, ov liovov on
5 4
ing himself equal with the more sought him 'the "Jews 3
to kill, because not only
God. 19 Then answer-
ed Jesus and said unto eXvev to adfS^arov, dXkd Kai Trar'tpa ISiov tXsyEv tov
them. Verily, verily, I did he break the sabbath, but also 5 Father 3 his 'own 'called
say unto youThe Son
can do nothing of him- 9e6v, 'Lvov tavrbv ttolu>v Tip 0e<p. 19 dir^KpivaTO ovv 6
2 2 3
self, but what he seeth God, equal kimself 'making to God. Answered = thereforo
the Father do for :

Kai avrolg, 'A/j.yjv dtu)v X'tyio vluv, ov hvvarai


what things soever he hjaovg eTttev

3 4
doeth, these also do- 'Jesus' and said to them, Verily verily I say to you, is able
eth the Son likewise.-
6 v\6g ttoieiv d(p' Eavrov ovStv, p tdv .iiff

20 For the Father tl (SXsTnj

loveth the Son, and 'the Son to do from himself nothing, unless anything he may see

tov irarkpa iroiovvra' 3.ydp. q dv" tKEivog ttoitj, Kairavra

the Father doing : for whatever he does, these things also
6 vibg bfxo'nx)g 7roti." 20 6. yap nan/p 0iAa tov v'iov, Kai
the Son in like
. manner does. For the Father loves the Son, and

x LTTrAW. 7 ev0O>s T. 1
+ Kai and [L"]T[Tr]A. + o-o v(read thy
bed) L. b
+ os 5e who however LTr. c $ y [L]T[Tr]A. d roy KpafifiaTOV
trov T[TrlA. e
KpdfiaTTOV L[Tr]W. aaOtvuiv was impotent T.
and T k oi 'lovSaloC rbv Kai e^jjrovi' a.VTOP
'Irjaovy LTTrA.
' 1
[/calj L. eiirev
eiTrei' T.
aTroKTeii'ai Gi[l]tti-a. to _
'Itjo-ov? (read he answered) t. ovv T. iAeyev I.
fwl. 1
[ai/J Tr, 7T01CI 6/AOlWS T.
T. 3 H IT. 255
irdvra dt'iKvvtnv avrip 3. nvrog 7roie~f Kai pEi^ova tov- shewethhim all things
2 that himself doeth
all things shews to him which "himself 'he does ;
and greater than and he will i;hew him
s a
21 greater works than
rwv' dsiZei. avr<p ipya,'iva vfielg ye may 9dVfid^TiTE. iornrep that
these *he s wiU "shew 'him 'works, that ye may wonder. "Even 3
as these,
marvel. 21 For as the
Father raiseth up the
yap 6 7rarr}p lyeipei Tovg vEKpovg Kai o
and quickeneth
wo7roi, o'vTtog Kai
'for the Father raises up the dead andquickens, thus also the dead,
them ; even so the Sou
9eXsi 22 oudi b obS'tva, quickeneth whom he
viog ovg ^mottoih. yap Trarnp KpivEi
Son whom he will quickens; for the Father judges no one, will. 22 For the Fa-
ther judgeth no man,
ftXXd r/)v' Kpiaiv irctaav SsSwkev rtp v'up, 23 "iva 7ravreg but hath committed
that all all judgment unto the
but "judgment 'all has given to the Son,
Son 23 that all men :

tov irarkpa. 6 uij.TifioJV should honour the Son,

rifxaxnv tov v'ibv icaQ<hg Ttpwaiv even as they honour
may honour the Son even as they honour the Father. He that honours not
the Father. He that
tov v'ibv ov.TijjL$ tov TtaTipa tov 7rj.iipavTa ai>Tov. 24 'Ap-qv
honoureth not the Son
the Son honours not the Father houourcth not the Fa-
who" sent him. Verily
ther which hath sent
aui)v Xtyco vfiiv, oti 6 Tov-Xbyov.fiov atcovuv, Kai 7TiaTEvu>v him. 24 Verily, verily,
I say to you, that he that my word hears, and believes I say unto you, He
' that hearethmy word,
*X t <t)j)v alojviov, Kai Elg Kpiaiv ovk and believeth on him
T(p u~ Trifi-^avTi
him who sent , \, na
has life eternal,- and into judgment "not that sent me, hath
everlasting life, and
dXXd j.itTafiifSi}KEV
Ik tov Oavctrov elg tt)v ^wtjv. shall not come into
but has passed out of death into life. condemnation but is ;

passed from death un-

25 'Aj.irfv iopa Kai vvv igtiv, to life. 25 Verily, ve-
apriv Xiyio vp7v, oti tpx eTal
you, that is coming an hour and now
Verily verily I say is, rily, I say vmlo you,
The hour is coming,
orf oi vEKpoi a.Kovo jvtul rqg <piovtjg tov v'tov tov 9eov, Kai and now is,, when the
t I]

when the dead shal 1 hear the voice of the Son of God, and dead shall hear the
y u the Son of voice of
oi aKovaavTEg Zr)aovTai. 26 waTTEp.ydp o
and they that 7rarr/p t%si God :


those having heard shall live. For even as the

hear shall live. 26 For has
w tSu)KEv Kai the Father hath life
Imi)v iv iavT(p t ovTiog r<p v't'ip* wr)v tytLV as in himself so huth he
life in so he gave also to the Son life to have ;

himself, given to the Son to

x have life in himself ;
Kai i^ovaiar eSwkev ai'Tip

iv 27 Kai Kpiaiv 27 and hath

kavTip. him
in himself, and authority gave to him also judgment authority togivenexecute
28 be-
[irj.Oav papers tovto' judgment also,
TroieXv, oti v'tog avQpunrov iariv. cause he is the Son of
to execute, because Son of man he is. Wonder not at this,
Marvel not man. 28
on ep\sTai iopa iv y izdvTEg ol iv ToXg /xv^/xdotg x a.Kov- at this for the hour :

for 3 is*coming
is ''coming 'an "hour in which all those in the tombs shall is coming, in the which
all that are in the
aovrai n Tqg.fiovijg.avTov, 29 Kai iKTvopEvaovrai, oi to. graves shall hear his
hear his voice, and shall come forth, those that voice, 29 and shall
v n
come forth they that ;

aya9d iroiqaavTEg elg dvdaraaiv wi/c, oi. 8t TatpavXa have done good, unto
to a resurrection of and those that evil the resurrection of
good practised life,
life and they that

iepa%avTc " eig avdaTaaiv Kpiaacog. 30 ov Svvafiai iyw iroiuv have done evil, unto
did to a resurrection of judgment. "Am 3 able 'I to do the resurrection of
damnation. 30, I can
air kfiavTOv ovSiv KaOwg clkovoj Kpivaj, r) Kpiaig i) of mine own self do
from myself nothing; even as I hear I judge, .and "judgment nothing : as I hear, I
judge : and my judg-
dixaia iaTiv' oti oi>-rjnD to 9kXi]pa to iuov, dXXd to ment is just ;
3 I seek not mine own

'my ''just is, because I seek not "will my, but the
z will, but the wilt of
9iXr]ua tov itip-^avTog fxs 7raTpog.^ 31 'Ertv iyu> fiapTvpw the Father which hath
will of the "who 3 sent *me 'Father, If bear witness sent me. 31 If I bear
witness of myself, my
7Toi i^iavTov, ij.papTVpia.pov ovkIotiv dXt]9r)g. 32 dXXog witness is not true.
concerning myself, my witness is not true. Another 32 There is another

a that beareth witness

iaTiv 6 papTvpiov 7rep i/xov, Kai dlSa u oti dXt]9i]g iaTiv of me and I know ;

it is who bears witness concerning me, and I know that true is that the witness which
he witne-seth of me is
i] p,apTvpia ))v uapTvpti Trepi i[iov. 33 'Ypelg dirEOTdX- true. 33 Ye sent unto
the witness which he witnes-es concerning me. Ye have
John, and he bare wit-
Kare 7rpug v lwdvvriv n
Kai fiEuapTVprjKEv 34 ness unto the truth.
Ty dXj]9Eioi' iyu
sent unto John and he has borne witness to the truth. "I

winder v w Kai tu vl<2 eSmKev

^tjfjovaLV LTTrA.
9 * a/couo-ouo-ti' TTr.
davfxa^eTe T.
TT A. * Kai LTTrA. ? 6e and [L]T[Tr]A
7raTpos (read of him who sent tnts)
Olyti-aw. a otoare
ye know x. *>
Mwdirji' Tr.
256 I Q A NN H S.
34 But I receive not Se ov avOoioTTOV rt)v jiaprvniav \afif3dvo), dXXd rav-
testimony from man -'but *not eTTCtpa :

from 'man ^witness bnt

but thuKG things I say, ^receive, these ye might be saved. 35 ineh'oc iiv -u Xv^vog 6
36 He was a burning
ret Xeyio iva vfieig (jwQij're.
and a shining light: things
I say that ye inay be saved. He was the 4 lamp
and ye were willing tcai tyaivuiv, j)9eXr]rra-e
c n
for a season to rejoice KaiojAEvoQ dyaXXtarr9ni>ai
'burning 'and J shining, and ye were willing to rejoice
in his light. 36 But I
7rpog a/pav iv rip-cpuirLavroV. 36 iyto.i'i t^w Tt)v fiaprvpiav
have greater witness 1

than that of John: for for an hour in his light. But I "have the witness
the works which the
d e
Father hath given me /<E<Zw" tov Iu>dvvov' v to. yap tpya ii
edioKkv 6 []

to finish, the same greater than John's for the works which 3 4
me 'the
works that I do, bear'
witness of me, thai Trart)p iva TeXetwaio aura, avrd.rdJpya a ZtyCo"
the Father hath sent 2 Father that I should complete them, the works themselves which I
nif. 37And the Father
himself, which hath 7T01U), /.lapTVpEl TTSpi iflOV OTl 6 TTUTYfp fie aTTSGraXicei',
sent me, hath borne do, bear witness concerning me that the Father me has sent.
witness of me. Ye
have neither heard his 37 Kai 6' ire/i^ag
fie 7rar/'/p,
irepi ^avTog

voice at any time, nor And the "who sent 'me 'Father,
has borne witness concerning himself
seen his shape. 38 And l n

ye have not his word ij.iov.

ovre <pu>vi)v.avTOV dici)ic6aTS 7rw7rore, oi're eldog
abiding in you for me. : Neither his voice have ye heard at any time, nor form
whom he hatli sent, k
him ye believe not. aurov iojpaKare. 38 Kai Tov.X6yov.av tov bi'K.e\eTe fiirovra
39 Sear 'h the scrip- 'his have ye seen. And his word ye have not abiding .

tun s for in them ye

think ye have eternal iv vfiiv,"
ov diriareiXsv iKelvog, tovti^ bfieig ov.TTKjv-vtTE.
for whom
life: and they are they in you, scnt 'he, him ye believi. not.
which testify of me.
40 And ye will not
39 l 'Epevvdr n rag ypa<pdg, vfieig Sokute iv avradc %w))v on
come to me, that ye Ye^search the scriptures, for ye think in them life

might have life. 41 I

auoviov Kai tKelvai eiaiv a'l
receive not honour i-^eiv, fiapTvpovvai rrepi
from men. 42 But I eternal to have, and they are they which bear witness concerning
know you, that ye have 40 Kai oii.9iXeTe iX9eiv jrpug fie, Iva ^wi'/v i\r]fe.
not the love of God in ifiov'
me; and ye are unwilling to come to me, that life yemayhave.
you. 43"I am come in
my Father's name, and 41 AoZav 7rapd dv6poj7ru>v ov.Xau.f3dvoj' 42 m d\X'" iyvwica
ye receive me not if :

Glory from men I receive not but I have known

another shall come in ;

own name, him ye vfidg on rr/v dydirr]v tov 9eov ovK.exere iv iavTolg. 43 iyoj
will receive. 44 How you that the love of God ye have not in yourselves. I
can ye believe, which
receive honour one of iX>iXv9a iv'Tip ovofiaTi TOV.7raTp6c.fiov, Kai ov-XapfidveTt fie'
another, and seek not have come in the name of my Father, and ye receive not me ;
the honour that Com-
eth from God only ? idv dXXog tX9>j iv Tip ovofiari to^Jcioj, iKelvov b Xi]-ipea9e. n
45 Do not think that if another should come in 3
name 'his -own, him ye will receive.
I will accuse you to
the Father 44 $6t,av p
there is
: 7Tuig 6vvao-6e.vp.eTg mo-revcai, 7rapa" dXXrfXiov
one that accuseth you, How are ye able to believe, glory 'from 5
one 6 another
even Moses, in whom
,7rapd tov fiovov iQeov

ye trust. 46 For had Xafif3dvoi'Teg, Kai ti)v cpt,av rr\v

ye believed Moses, ye 'who "receive, and the glory which [is] from the only God
would have believed
me for he wrote of ovXi]Te"iTe ; 45 fii)2oKe~iTe on tyoj KaTr]yopi](7U) vf.iwv rrpbg tov

me. 47 But if ye be- ye seek not ? Think not that i will accusj you to the
lieve not his writings,. r
how shall ye believe TraT&pa' itJTiv 6 KaTTjyopwv vfiwv, Mwcr/)f," eig ov
my words ? Father : there is [one] who accuses you, Moses, in whom
bfieig i)XTr'iKaTe. 46 ei.'ydp i7riaTeveTe Mu)G7j,
ye have hoped. For if ye believed Moses, ye would have believed

ifioi' TtepLydp ifiov tKeivog iypa-^ev. 47 Toig tKeivov

me, for concerning me he But if his

ypafifiaaiv ov.7riOTeveTe, 7ru>g Tolg.efioig.ptjfiao'iv viaTev-

writings ye believe not, how my words shall ye

oeTe ;

believe ?

c d e 'luavov f Se'cWeV has

ayaWiaOr) vai GLTTrAW. fj.tlo)V LTrA. Tr. given TTrA.
h k ev
e iyio (read noito I do) LTTi A cxeivos TTrA. Trcin-OTe oiojKoaTe LTTrAW. '

ifjuv fj.euofTa TTrA.

epa.vva.Te TTrA.
m dAAa LTTrAW. n ovk e\ere Tr)V aydirriv tov
e r *
Oeov T. \-qixtyeo-Qe LTTrA. P
nap A. 1
[tfeouj L. Mwiicrijs LTTrAW. Mtovasi
LTTrA J fytuvcrr) W.
VI. JOHN, 257
Mfra ravra 6 'Irjaovg irkpav VT. After theee
rrjg 0a\a<T(TtiC things Jesus- went
After these things went away 'Jesus over the sea over the sea of Gali-
2 Kai rjKo\ov9ei n avr(p b%Xog
lee, which is the sea of
Tr)g TaXiXaiag T)~)Q Tij3fpiddog' E 3 2, And a Tiberias.
of Galilee (of Tiberias), and followed him 'a
multitude fol-
7ro\vg, on f'aipwv" ^avrov 11
rd <y*)ptia 3, tiro'iti IttI lowed him, because
great,. because they saw of him the signs which he wrought upon they saw his miracles
which he did on them
twv doOtvovvTwv. 3 diniXOevSt tig to bpog x'b 'li]oovg, n
that were diseased.
those who were sick. And ''went 3 up 4 into 5 the 6 mountain 'Jesus,
3 And Jesus went up
into a mountain, and
feat tictl ^IkciQ)]to^
fxera Twv.piaOrjTwv.avTov 4 r\v bt tyyvg . there he sat with his
and there sat with his disciples and 3 was *near disciples. 4 And the

passover, a feast of
to Ttdaya if iopTt) twv 'lovSaiwv. 5 irrdpag ovv z 6 Irj- the Jews, was nigh.'
'the 2
feast of the 3
Jews. 5 2
Having*lifted up then 'Je- 5 When Jesus then
passover, the
lifted up his eyes, and
aovg Tovg b(j>9a\p.ovg^ Kal Qtaadptvog otl 7toXvc o^Xog saw a great company
sus [his] eyes, and having seen that a great crowd come unto him, he
& saith unto Philip,
tpxtTcu irpbg aiiTov, Xiyti trpbg YloOtv Whence shall we buy
tov^ ffriXnnrov,
is coming to him, he says to Whence bread, that these may
h eat? 6 And this he
uyopdo~optv^ apTovg 'iva (pdywaiv ovtol; 6 tXtytv said to prove him: for
shall we buy loaves that may 3 eat 'these? But this he said he himself knew what
c Philip he would do. 7
7rapdojv avTov avTog.ynp ybti t'i
tfxtXXtv Troitiv. 7 a7re- answered him, Two
trying .
him, for he what he was about to do.
kr.ew An . hundred pennyworth
n d of bread is not suffici-
KpiOr] aurtp <biXi7nrog, Aiaicoolwv brjvaplwv dproi ovk ent for that them,
swered him Philip,
For Hwo *hundred denarii 'loaves 'not every one of them may
e f take a little. 8 One of
apKovaiv avToig iva 'itiaoTog avTwv n
(3pa%v. Ti
Xaj3y. his disciples, Andrew,
"are sufficient for them that each of .them some little may receive. Simon Peter's brother,
saith unto him, 9 There
8 Asyti avT<p tig tic
Twv.fiaOr)Twv.avToi>, 'AvSptag b dbtX<pbg is a lad here, which
Says to him one of his disciples, Andrew the brother hath five barley loaves,
h and two small fishes:
"Ll^wvog UtTpov, 9 "EaTiv 7raibdpiov
&tv (Let, b" t^a 7rtvT
but what are they a-
of Simon J
Peter, *Is 'little boy 'a here, who has five
mong so many ? JO And
apTovg Kpidivovg Kal dvo iariv tig Jesus said, Make the
b-fydpia' dXXd tcivtci t'i

"loaves and two but Hhese 'what 2

are for
men sit down. Now
small fishes;
'barley there was much grass
ToaovTOvg; 10 Etrrtv-'Se" b'h]<7ovg,Uoir](jaT Tovg dvQpwTrovg in the place. So the
men sat down, in num-
so many ? And "said 'Jesus, Make the men
ber about five thou-
to recline.
Kovv 3 was
xP T0 G iroXvg
iv rip ro7r<>.
in the
*dvt7rt<rov n sand.
11 And Jesus
took the loaves and
"grass place: ;

when he had given

oiv dvbptg tov dpiQpbv w<7(" 7rtVTaKicrxiXtoi. 11 3
ol iXaj3tv thanks, he distributed
therefore the men
men, the number about
five thousand. Took to the disciples, and
the disciples to them
m Si n
Kal n ti'XapKJTr)aag biibwKtv v Toig '

Tovg apTovg b 'irjaovg,

that were set down ;
"and *the s
loaves Jesus, and having given thanks distributed to the and likewise of the
fishes as much as they
fia6r]Talg, fta9i]Tai rolg dvaKtiptvoig' bpoiwg.Kal would. 12 When they
disciples, and the disciples to those reclining ;
and in like manner were filled, he said
unto his disciples, Ga-
K twv bipapiwv 12 iog.Sk tvt7rXi]a9i](yav
baov ijOtXov. ther up the fragments
of the small fishes as much as they wished. And when they w ere filled that remain, that no-
thing be lost. 13 There-
X'tyu Tolg.paOiiTuig.avTov. 1,vvaydytTt rd Trtpiuatvaavra fore they gathered
2 3
he says to his disciples, Gather together the over and ''above them together, and fill-
ed twelve baskets with
KXdapara, 'iva pij.Ti dirbXriTai. 13 ~2vvr)yayev
the fragments of the ovv
'fragments', that nothing may be lost.
They gathered together therefore five barley loaves,
Kal i.y'ip.ioav SwStKa icocpivovg KXaop.aTwv Ik twv Tr'tvrt which remained over
and above unto them
and filled twelve hand-baskets of fragments from the five that had eaten. l4 Then
dpTU)V tCjv KpiQivoJV &

t7Ttpio-o'tvo-tv ToXg j3tj3pu>-
loaves 'barley which were over and above to those who had

rjKoXovOti Se LTTrA.
IQeupovv LTrA.
y T. *
tov/j o<j>0a.\)xov<s 6 'Irjcrovs LTTrAW. a rbv LTTrA. b
iKaOe^CTO ayopdaioixev
+ 6 T. d
should Wii buy LTTrAW. anoKpivtTai. answers T. ai/TW LTTrA. e
ti (read a little) [L]Tr[>]. e ev (read 7rcu6\ a little boy) h os LTTrAW
4 8e and [l]TTta.
aviireaav LTTrA. '
cos TTrA. m ovv therefore (took) LTTrA.
ev\api.crry\<nv (tal eScoKtv gave thanks and distributed T. tois /xa07jTous, c>! he f/.aftj-
Tai LTTrA. P inepCtjaevffay LTTiA.

^d^c^t^mir^ eaten - The men therefore
having seen what had "done
that Jesus did skid
This is o a truth that ^o "On oZtoq lariv ciXi]9aig 6 6
come into the wo rTd
15 When Jesus there-

sus .

comin o
TOV KOGflOV." 15 'lr)O0Vg
TWs is



they -Jould' come and

is into the therefore knowing that they
take him by force, to s
Epxo~9ai koi dpi? c'tl^Eiv civtov, "iva 7roir)Otocnv avr6v
make him a king he aoou t to come and seize that they may make him
departed again into a ,
mountain himself a- j3aai\sa,
TcdXlV Eig TO OpOQ aVTQQ /.wvog.
lon^ withdrew to the mountain himself alone.
king, again
16 'Qg.cL bipia KciTtBriaav oi-iiaGtjrai.avTOV inl
IS And when even ^ nQ wnen evening it became went Mown
'his -disciples to
was now come, his dis- , , , , ,

ciples went down unto T7)V UaAaGOaV, 17 KCll tj.ipCI.VTEQ EIQ y TO" TTA010V 1/pXOVTO
the sea, 17 and entered the sea, and having entered into the ship they were going
into a ship, and went , ~ n \ ' w-rr

-r > ' * - ii

over the sea toward "KiQClV TY]Q Va\aGGl]Q EIQ KaEOVClOVfl." *KCll OKOTlCt lit))
Capernaum. And it over the sea to Capernaum, And dark already

was now dark, and Je- , , ,

,, , n ,
z ,, ,
T .. - -i o " , , , ,

sns was not come to tytyOVH," KCll >OVK tXT]Xv9El TCpvg CIVTOVQ ll)OOVQ,\'18 T).TS
And 3 2 s e
them. 18 the sea it had become, and not had 'come to them 'Jesus, and the
arose by reason of a n '\ ' f \ ' a* ' u i r\ \

great wind that blew. VClACtCCra

It) lAt]An-
19 So when they had sea by a wind 'strong blowing was agitated. Having
twTn^or^irty ft kSteq ovv wc" 'era&ovQ* ^iWrawre" n TpiciKOVTa Bewpovaiv
* 3
longs, they see Jesus rowed then about 'furlongs 'twenty-five -or thirty they see

and&ing^ghunTo TOP 'tyoOVV

T?]Q 9aXda(JT]g, KCll
the ship: and they were walking .the sea,

SStofSblle TtXoiov yivofiEvoV kcii tyo&ifirioav. 20 6M Xtyu avrolg,

not afrai. 21 Then S ^'P coming, and they were frightened. But he says to them,
they willingly received
'r ~ 21 "HBeXoV OVV \a3ziv
'jg ' g/ un.thoBlloQz. CIVTOV
him into the ship: and '
^ .... ., '- ,.

I aui P"0 fear not The y were billing then to receive

immediately the ship

was at the land Whi- e e n C ]l

ther they went.

jg T0 ttXoToV, KCll
into the ghip)
immediately the ship ^
was at the land

Eig rjv inrtjyov.

to which they were going.

22 T V ^CtvpiOV 6 XXog 6 J<7Tt]KU)g TTSpUV 9ct-

"2 The day following
n the morrow the crowd which stood
tha otlw* side of ttw
wneu the people-which
stood on the other side S/OWV OTl TcXoiCipiOV ClXXo OVK 1)V fKEl El.p) IV

a \cicci)g, 3 '

there was nonI other

sea - having seen that smaU "ship =other 'no was there except one
boat there, save that ^ac^yo O KCtl OTl ui)

Eig iV(8l](TaV . oi.Ua9r]TCli.aVTOV,

one whereinto his dis-
ht .

entered yh; _
his disciples,
, _ , >
and that 3 not
\ ' ,
that Jesus went not gvveig^XBev]Taig.avTOV o J.7)o~ovg eig to irXoiapiov,
with his disciples into went 4 witn ;
'Jesus into the small ship,
the boat, but that his
disciples were gone a- CtXXa
n i s Misciples

/.10V01 0l.}ia9l]Tai.aVTOV aTn]AVOV,

~^ n no -\\
,,- k^'li \~\Dr

way alone; 23 (howbeit ^ ut went away, (but other came
there came other boats
alone his disciples

from Tiberias nigh un- m 7rXoiapia n EK TlOEpiaCOg Eyyvg TOV T07TOV 07TOV ElpayOV TOV
, ,
. , ^

,, _,. ,

to the place where they >

s mall ''ships from Tiberias near the where they ate the'
did eat bread, after , ,

that the Lord had apTOV, EVXCtplCTTljaai'TOg TOV KVpiOV' Si4 OTE
~ '
cm <' T
given thanks:) 24 when bread, when therefore 'saw 'the
3 4 s
having given thanks 'the Lord ;)
the people therefore N >, ~ ,

saw that Jesus .was OxXoQ OTl ll](J0VQ OVK ECJTIV tKEl OVCE Ol./XaVlJTai.aVTOV, tVE- '
' ~. '

not there, neither his -crowd that Jesus not 'is there nor his disciples, they

shlS^aStmcto 'entered KaP avToi Eig Tel 7rXo7a" K ai fjX9ov elg ^KarrEp-
Capernaum, 'also themselves into
the ships and came to Caper-

s avrbv {read
q 6 'Irjtrous {read he had done) XTrA. r
eis tov koct^ov epxejaevos T.
["him]) LTTrA.
^evyei escapes t.
" to (read a ship) ttta. Ka^apvaou/a ltttaw.
Ka.TeAa.pei> Se avrovs rj (TKoria and darkness overtook" them t.
* y ourrw not yet lttta.
1 a b uxrel h. c araZia. T. d eikocti rrivre LTTr.
"Iijo-oGs 7rpb; axiTOv<; T. oie-yetoero TrA.
9 S saw LTTrA. h -* eKelvo eis o
elSov evep-qo-OLV oi
eyeVeTO to itAoio^ LTTrA. Trji' yf)V T.
m jrAoia '
u.a,0-r)Ta'i avrov GLTTrA. 7rAoiov ship G LTTrA. 6e but TTr[A]. r\K9ov T.

n cai GLTTrA W. ">

7rAotdpia small ships LTTrA. P Ka<papva0VjU. LTTiAAY,
Ships L.
VT. J H N. 259
25 avTQV And when
for Jesus. 25

ZriTOVVTtQ TOV 'ifjGOVV. KCll EVpOVTFQ they had found him

naum, seeking Jesus. And having- found
on the other side of him
eIttov u>Se the sea, they said unto ttots.
\kpav Trig Ba\aaGJ}Q, avr<p, t'Pa^jSi,"
when here Mm, Kabbi, when cam*
the other side of the sea, they said to him, Rabbi, est thou hither ? 26 Je-
J Kai sus ans wercd them aud
ykyovag; 26 'AnEKpidri 2
'h]GOvg eIttev, 'Ajxi)v
and said, said, Verily, verily, 1
hast thou come ? Answcred them 'Jesus Verily
say unto you, Ye seek
d}.u)v \kyu), fy]TElrk fJE, ou%
e'iSete oiifiEia, d\X' on
me, not because ye saw
the miracles, but be-
verily I say to you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw Mgus, but
cause ye did eat of the
otl tyayzrE Ik tu>v dprcov Kai ixopTCtadr)TE. 27 ipya^EoQe loaves, and were filled.
the loaves and were satisfied. Work 27 Labour not for the
because ye ate of
meat which perisheth,
fJ7) tt)v fip&Giv Ti)vi diroXkvu.kvt]v, aXKd rr\v j3pu>Giv but for that meat
not [for] the food which but [for] the food which endureth unto
everlasting life, which
ri)v jjkvovGav eig Zwi)v aiutviov, rjv 6 vibg tov dv9pu)Trov the Son of man shall
which . abides unto life eternal, which the Son of man give unto you: for him
hath God the Father
t 6 Oeog. sealed. 28 Then said
v/j1v c?wo-ei*" rovrov.ydp 6 nariip tG<ppdyiGEv
to you will give for him the Father
j sealed, [even] God. they uuto him, What
do, shall we that we
28 Elirov Trpbgavrov, Tt ^TrowvfjEv^'iva kpyaZio/xEOa
ovv might work the works
They to What
said therefore
him, do we, that we may work of God ? 29 Jesus an-
swered and said unto
rd tpya rov Qeov 29 'A7TEKpi9r) '6" 'lrjGovg icai diTEV avrolg, them, This is the work
2 and said to them, of God, that ye believe
the works of God ? Answered 'Jesus
v n
ov on him whom he hath
Tovro Igtiv to tpyov rov Qeov, 'iva 7riarEVGi)TE eig sent. 30 They said
This is the work of God, that ye should believe on him whom therefore unto him,
ovv What sign shewest
Tt oiv -xoifig thou
d7TE<jrei\si' Utivog. 30 EIttov avnp, 2 3 then, that we
scnt 'he. They said therefore to him, What then doest
may see, and believe
Kai itigtevgw/jev Got ; ri thee ? what dost thou
'iva 'iSuifJEv kpyd'Cy ; work ? 31 Our fathers
'thou sign,
that we may see and may believe thee ? what dost thou work? did eat manna in the
as it is written,
31 ol.TraTkpeg.iifiwv to \idvva tcpayov iv ry ipnj-ity, icaOwg desert;
He gave them bread
Our fathers the manna ate in the wilderness, as
from heaveu to eat.
egtlv yeypa/j./j.svov, "Aprov Ik tov ovpavov eSujkev avrolg 32 Then Jesus said un-
heaven he gave them to them, Verily, verily,
it is written, Bread out cf the
I say unto you, Moses

Qayelv. 32 EIttev oiv avrolg 6 'lr]ttovg, AfLtjV dfiijv \kyio gave you not that
to eat.
Said therefore
''to them 'Jesus, , Verily verily I say bread from heaven ;
but my Father giveth
Ov w n x
SkSwKEv n ifuv rbv^dprov Ik tov ovpa- you the true bread Mu>Gr)g
to you, 3 Not 'Moses 2
has *givcn you the bread out of the hea- from heaven. 33 For
the bread of God is he
vov' dX\' 6.7rarr)p.ixov cidwGiv vfiiv.
rov dprov sk tov ov- which cometh down
3 4 e
ven ;
but my Father gives you the Hhe hea- from heaven, and giv-
"bread out of
eth life unto the world.
33 b.ydp dprog 7 tov Qeov egtiv 6
pavov tov d\r]9iv6v. 34 Then said thoy uuto
ven -
'true. For the bread of God is he who him, Lord, evermore
give us this bread.
Kara(3aivu)v Ik tov ovpavov, Kai 35 And Jesus said unto
oj?)j/ SiSovg rtp KOGfiq).

comes down out of the heaven, and them, I am the bread

life gives to the world.
of life he that com- :

84 ~EAttov ovv irpbg avrov, KipiE, iravrorE Sbg tov eth to me shall never
They said therefore to him, Lord, always give to us hunger and he that ;

z n helieveth on me shall
aprov.rovrov. 35 EIttev dk avrolg b 'lifoovg, 'Eyw e'ijii. 6
never thirst. 36 But I
.this bread.
Said 'and "to 5 them 2
Jesus, I am the said unto you, That ye
a n b n also have seen me, and
dprog TT~jg %u>rjg' b ip\6pEvog rrpog fAE ov.firj 7TEivaGy' believe not. 37 All
bread of life he that comes : to me in no wise may hunger, that the Father giveth
Kai b ttigtevwv tig ifxk ov./jlt) c SixpT]Gy n ttwttote. 36 me shall come to me; d\V
aud him that cometh
and he that believes on me in no wise may thirst at any time. But
eIttov vfxiv on Kai kwpdKark ^s" Kai ov.ttigtevete. 37 irav
I said to you that also ye have seen me and believe not. All
o SicuJGiv P-Oi b trarnp irpbg ijxk ifai' Kai rbv px~
that gives "me 'the -Father to me shall come, and him that comes

ttol^^sv should we dV EOLTTrAW.

r 8
i "PafipeC T. StSwcni' gives to you t.
v w LTTrAW. * e&tDKev J + OT.
ni(TTevrjTe TTrA.
6 T. Ma)Vo-J)s gave LTrA.
ovv therefore t ; 8e [L]TrA. a TTrA. b Treipao-et shall L. ,0
efte hunger 6i\jn]<r<n
shall thirst ltti a. d mc [l]t.
5>G0 I QA NN H Z VI.
to ine I will in no wise e
cast out. 38 For I fievov Trpog /i" ov.fii) iKpdXw e%ia' 38 oti Karaj3tf3r]Ka
came down from hea- to me not at all will I cast out. For I have come down
ven, not to do mine tov *" s 7roiw"
own will, but the will out of the ovpavov, ov\ Li'ci ToOiX^/ia to iuoVfOKkd.
heaven, not that I should do "will nry> but
of him that sent me.
39 And this is the Fa- TO TOV 39 TOVTO.Sk iOTlV TO
ther's will which hath the Qikljfia 7rkfl4/aVTOQ /X.
will of him who sent me. And this is the
sent me, that 'of all
which he hath given 6t\i]iia tov
me should lose no-
2 4
fie ^TraTpog^ iva irav o SedwKev
will of the who sent me 'Father, that [of] all that he has given
thing, but should raise
it up again at the last pot, juj).a7roXf(TW avTOVf dXXd dvaty-lfaoj avTO 'tv"
day. 40 And this is me, I should not lose [any] of it, but should raise up it in
the will of him that k n
sent me, that every ry tawdry iffi'epq..
40 Toi'TO. ds Iotiv to OlXjjfia tov1

one which seeth the the last day. And this is the will of him who
Son, and believeth on
him, may have ever- TTEfixpavTog /tie,"
iva ttclq 6 9eii)pHuv tov vibv Kai TriCTeviov
lnsting life : and I sent me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes
will raise him up at
the last day. 41 The elg aitTOV, fyy Z,wi)v auoviov, Kai dvacri]CFto avrov '"tyw"
Jews then murmured on him, should have life eternal; and 2 will 3 raise 4 up s him 'I
at him, because he n
said, I am the bread Ty~ ioxciTy iffi'tpa. 41 'Eyoyyv^ov ol'v ol 'lov.i)a~ioi 7repi
which came down from at the last day. Were murmuring therefore the Jews about
heaven. 42 And they
said, Is not this Jesus,
ai)Tod, elirev, on
'Eyui elfit b dprog 6 Karaftdg Ik tov
the son of Joseph, him, because he said, I am the bread which came down out of the
whose father and mo-
ther we know ? how is ovpavov. tXeyov, 42 Kai
Ovx -ovr6g.laTiv 'hjaovg v'ioq
it then that he saith, heaven. And were saying, Is not this Jesus the Son
I came down from
heaven ? 43 Jesus there- 'Iw(t/;0,
oi) iffielg o'lSafiev tov var'tpa Kai n)v fiijrspa ;
fore answered and said of Joseph, of whom
we know the father and the mother ?
unto them, Murmur
7ru>g Pov" Xeyei ^ovrog, "Ori Ik tov ovpavov

not among yourselves. Karaj3e(3T)Kd',

44 No man can come
how therefore says he, Out of the heaven I have come down ?
to me, except the Fa- 43 T n s
'ATrtKpiOi] ovv 6" 'li]Oovg kuI elirev avrolg, Mij.yoyyvZeTS
ther which hath sent
ine draw him: and I
'Answered therefore 'Jesus and said to them, Murmur not
will raise him up at t
dXXi'jXiov. 44 ovcelg Hvvarai "~tX6e~iv Trpog /j.e"
lav. fir)
the last day. 45 It is with one another. No one is able to come to me unless
written in the pro-
phets, And they shall b 7raT))p 6 Trlfi^jag fie iXKvay avrov, v Kai tyw" dvaaTifo-u)
be all taught of God. the Father who sent me draw him, and I will raise up
Every man therefore
t*".At hath heard, and avTbv x Ty la\dTy iffiepa. 45 Igtiv yeypajxfikvov Iv Tolgjrpo'
hath learned of the him at the last day. It is written in the pro-
Father, cometh unto
me. 46 Not that any (prjraig, Kai taovrai irdvTeg diSaKrol v tov u 9eov. TIdg
man hath seen the Fa- phets, And they shall be all taught of God. Everyone
ther, save he which is z
of God, he hath seen ovv n 6 aKoiaag
irapd tov irarpbg
Kai fxaOiov, epxerai
the Father. 47 Verily, therefore that has heard from the Father and has learnt, comes
verily, I say unto you, a "
46 ov% tov Trarlpa h Tig ewpaKev, n el-fir/ b

He that believeth on irpog /jg

me hath everlasting to me: not that "the 5
Father 'anyone 3 has 3 seen, except he who
life. 48 I am that c n
bread of life. 49 Your Siv irapd tov 9eov, ovrog iiopaKev tov 7rarlpa. 47 dfu)v
Fathers did eat manna is from God, he has seen the Father. Verily
in the wilderness, and A n
are dead. 50 This is djj.fjv Xsyio vuiv, b iriareviov elg lue 'i\ei Zwrjv alwviov.
the bread which com- verily I say to you, He that believes on me has life eternal.
eth down from hea-
48 iy<b elfii b dprog Trjg ^ior\g. 49 ol.Trarkpeg.vfiuJv i<payov
ven, that a man may
I am the bread of life. Your Fathers ate -
TO udvva iv Ty tpijuip," Kai dirl9avov' 50 ovrog eariv b
the manna in the desert, and died. This te the

dprog b Ik tov ovpavov Karafiaii'iov, 'iva Tig t% avTOV

bread which out of heaven comes down, that anyone of it

efxe T.
f airb from LTTrA. S 7rot7jcra) T. h
7raTpd? (read of him who sent)
OLTTrAW. iv (read at the) TrA. yap for
(this) gltttaw. '
tov 7raTp6s juov of
m n p vvv now TTrA.
my father LTTrA. [e'-yu] l. -(- er in (the) lt.
Ov^i. Tr.
1 OVTOS (read Acyet Says he) [L]TrA. OVV G[L]TTrAW. 6 TTr. '
/mfTa Tr.
r w + iv in (the) GLTTrAW. ovv
* y tou GLTTrAW. l
ep-e TrA. LTTrA.
'eueTTrW. b c 6iOV Cod Ti d
GLTTrA. eaipoKcV TtJ LTTrAW. S4S /A T[TrAj.
. iv rfj epijjuco to udvva LTTrA.
VI. JOHN. 261
eat thereof, and not
<pdyg koX fii) cnroQavg. 51 iyw elfii
66 dprog
51 I am the liv- wr,
may eat and not die.' I am" the bread Hiving, which ing bread which came
tK tov ovpavov icarafiaQ' idv Tig < a
i K tovtov .down from heaven :
P y\. if any man eat of
out of the heaven came down : if anyone shall have eaten of this
this bread, he shall
tov dprov n
/cat 6 ce ov iyw live forever: and the
%>](?Ercu aig.Tov.auova. aprog
bread he shall live for ever and the bread also which bread that I will give
my flesh, which I
S(o<T(o y will give for the life
'nv dwaio* tov
^)).<ydp?,.p,ov Iot'iv,
the world. 52 The
imip rtjg
2 3
will give, myflesh is, which I will give for the of the
Jews therefore strove
Koafiov w/jjc." 52 'E/xd^ovTO oiV 1

7rpbg d\\rj\ovg ol 'Iov~ among themselves,

*world 'life. Were contending therefore with one another the Jews saying, How can this
man give us his flesh
Sa 101, \eyovTg, Svvarai k obTog rjfiiv S OVl'Cll T1]V to eat ? 53 Then 'Jesus
Uwg [i

saying, How 2
is able 'he to "'give said unto them, Verily,
verily, I say unto you,
caoica <payelv 53 Elirev o%v avTo7g o'ltjaovg, 'Afirjv Except ye eat the flesh

[ his] to eat ?
Said 2 therefore *to 5 them 'Jesus, Verily of the Son of man,
and drink his blood,
dfinv Xsyoj vj-uv, idv./ir) tpdyrjTE tvv crdpica tov v'iov ye have no life in you.
verily I say to you, Unless ye shall have eaten the flesh of the Son 54 Whoso eateth my
flesh, and drinketh my
tov dvQpiOTTOv Kal 7rir]T avTOV to atfia, ovK.tx ere Kw>)v blood, hath eternal
of man and shall have drunk his blood, ye have not life life and I will raise ;

him up at the last day.

iv eavTolg. 54 6 Tpioywv fiov ttjv crdptca, Kal tt'iviov fiov 55 For my flesh is meat
in yourselves. He that eats my flesh, and drinks my indeed, and my blood
m Kal n n is drink indeed. 56 He
to alfia, a^ei w?}i/ alwviov, iyui dvaoTtjcro} clvtov ttj that eatetli my flesh,
blood, has life eternal, and I will raise up him in the and drinketh my blood,
55 n
ioTiv (Spiomg, Kal dwelleth in me, aW I
l?Xry i/fiipa-' y).ydp.<ydp^.fiov d\?]9o>g in him. 57 As the liv-
last day for my flesh truly is food, and
ing Father hath sent
iaTiv Troaig. 56 6 me, and I live by the
TO.ciLfia.fxov d\r)9aig Tpuyuv fiov ti)v Father: so he that eat-
my blood truly is drink. He that eats my eth me, even he shall
Kal tt'ivujv fiov to alfia, iv ifiol fiivei, Kayui iv avT<p. live by me. 58 This
adpKa is that bread which
flesh and drinks my blood, in me abides, and I in him. came down from hea-
57 KaOiog d7TE0-Ti\&v fie 6 %u>v TTOTTjp, /cdyw w did ven : not as your fa-
As sent 'me 2 3
and I live because of thers did eat manna,
'the living Father, and are dead: he that
tov TraTtpa' Kal 6 rpu>yojv fie, KaKeTvog P^rjfferai" di eateth of this bread
the Father, also he that eats me, he also shall live because of shall live for ever.
59 These things said
58 otTog IdTiv 6 dpTog 6 iJk row" ovpavov KaTaj3dg' he in the synagogue,
me. This is the bread which out of the heaven came down. as he taught in Caper-
naum. 60 Many there-
ov KaOwg 'ityayov oi ixaTtpeg vfiu>v
"to fidvva," Kal dirkQa- fore of his disciples,
Not 5
as ate 'the
fathers 3
oi ''you the manna, and died when they had heard :

l this, said, This is an

vov' 6 Tpwywv tovtov tov dprov )7<Trtti" elg.Tov.aiiova. hard saying; who can
hear it ? 61 When Jesus
he that eats this bread shall live for ever.
v H knew in himself that
59 TavTa e'nrev iv cvvayioyij SiSdcKiov iv Ka7repvaoi>fi. his disciples murmur-
The.^e things he said in [the] synagogue teaching in Capernaum. ed at it, he said unto
them, Doth this offend
60 HoXAoi ovv aKovaavTEg tK Twv.fia9r]Tidi>-avTov elffov, you? 62 What and if
4 5 2 3
Many therefore having heard 'of his disciples said, ye shall see the Son
v of man ascend up
S/eAjjpoc itTTLv oirog oXdyoc'" Tig SvvaTai avrov aKoveiv, where he was before ?
Hard is this word who is able. it to hear ?;63 It is the spirit that
61 Ef'owc St 6 'li]<rovg iv iavTtp oti
yoyyvZ,ovaiv TTtpl
'Knowing 'but Jesus in himself that 'murmur Concerning
tovtov o'i.fia9r}Ta\.avTOV elrrev avrolg, Tovto vfidq oKavSa-
s 2 3
this 'his Misciples said to them, This "you 'does of-

X('?et ;
62 idv ovv 0ewpf;re tov v'iov tov dv9pio7rov dva-
fend ? . If then ye should see the Son of man asceud-

(3aivovTa O7rov i)v to -rrportpov ;

63 to -Kvtvfid ioTiv to
ing up where he was before? The Spirit it is which

f e< toC efjiov bread, he shall live T.

aprov, Crjtret. of S inrep t^s tov Koarfxov &>jjs,_tj
<JtCv T. LTTrA u '
ol 'IouSaiot 7rpbs aAArjAov? L.
0~ap ixov i)i> eyo) 6"wo"io rjfXLU
outo? T. '
+ aVToO his LTTYA. n
+ [e ]
L. ! m
dArjerjs (is) true LTTrA. /
P (JVjo-ei LTTrA. 4 <jf out of LTTrA. r LTTrA. 8
to otxi-A.
VfXVV pdvva j>je-a
" w 6
ITrA. Ka^apvaovfL LTTiAW. Aoyos OVTOS LXIiAt
232 I Q A NN H 2. VI, VII
v OVK T a & ty<3 &$&& t&
SflSnJthhifthe faoTrnovv,
quickens, the flesh profits
ovojv the pf,fia
nothing words which I
words that I speak .

unto you, they aro' x XoXw" tGTIV Kal 64 rd\X'" EIGIV

s *> c ak to ^ ou S rit are and life are; but there ar0
of you that believe
, ,

^ , , _ ,

J TJcei.ydp t%
Vj-toJV PX'lC TIVEQ 01 OV.7TWTi.V0V0 IV.
from the beginning yoU f For 3 knew 3from [Hhe] beginning, B8 .
,,ho believe not.
," | (
who they were that o 'h]O0VQ TIVEQ EIGIV 01 p.rj.TTlGTEVOVTEg, Kal Tig iGTIV 6
believed not, and who 'Jesus who they are who believe not, and who is he who
should betray him. , , , ~ ,
66 And he said, There-
t\ty(V, AlCl.TOVTO tlpTJKO. VfUV,
fore said I unto you, shall deliver him. And he said, Therefore have I said to you,
that no man can come , f , , >-\ n ~ > , u < t * ,
z n
nntome.exceptitwere OTl OVCEtg OVVaTCll tAVElV TTpOQ [iE eaV.flT} ~Q CEOOjXEVOV
given unto him of my that no one is able to come to me unless '
it be given
Father. 66 From that , -. , ~ , . ,,,, ,_, , . .
x , . ,,

time many of his dis- aVTlp EK TOV.TCa.TpOQ^.j.lOV." DO EfC tOVTOV D TTOAAOi C

ciples went back, and to him from_ my Father. From that ' [time] many
walked no more with a ~\ n ~ n > > ~un > / < > / < >

him. 67 Then said Je- aTOjAVOV TWV.p.aHr]TU)V.aVTOV ElQ.Ta.OTTlGWf Kai OVKETl jXET
sus unto the twelve, 4 went %way a
'of his 3 disciples back, and no more with
Will ye also go away ? > >
nn 7 t <
t ~ ' ?>

68 Then Simon Peter CIVTOV TTEplETTaTOVV.

answered him, Lord, bim walked. Said ^therefore '.tesus to the twelve,

eternal life. 69 And
W 3
* vuuQ
'are ^wishing to
go away

68 'Airier,

oiV avrtp
e el e nd
rh ,t tho u a ;r that
2 '><"" nhpogyKvpte, Trpbg r'tva ^Wo^fla; prjfzaTa farJQ
Son of the 'Simon to whom we shall words
Christ, the

aniwfrfd them, Have

not I chosen you eternal tbou hast
( "
*X*S' 69 ""JW and we

have believed
Kal iyVU)Ka,XEV
and have known ;

go ? of life

twelve and one of you g a f, i

Q X piarbg 6 Vlbg" TOV 0EOV *T0V %WVTOQ. n 70 AlTk-

that thou art the the Son 'the An-

spake oY Judas Isca- Christy ofj-God giving. ^
riot the son of Simon:
KpiBt] aVTO~ig 6 'irfffOVQ, OuK tyih VfiaQ TOVg Sti>()EKa te\%aUT)V,
should betray him!
8Wered them JeSUS 3Not l &JOn Hhe twelve ldid Choose, '

beingoneofthetwelve. Kal t%, vfiuiv eig Siaf3o\6g tOTiv ; 71

"EXeyEv.ds tov 'lovSav
and of you one a devil is ? But he spoke of Judas
~S,'ifiix)vog ^'laKapnoTtjv'

oi'Toe.yap /jeXXsv"
h"j avTOV irapa-
Simon's [son], .
Iscariote, for he was about him '

to de-

tig 'oiv" Ik riov StoStKa.


liver up, one 'being of the twelve.
m Kat" n 6 'h]covg f.icTa TavTa^
7 7Tfp(f TTctTEi iv Ty FaXt-
VII ^ ntl
J 2was 3walkin S' 'Jesus after these things in Gali-
After these
things Jesus walked in \aia ov yap y6(\ev sv tv 'lovSaia 7repiTcaTsiv, on
r e OUld lee *
not ^e
'for a
did desire in Judaa to walk,
not walk in ' becaus*
! je'
because the Jews ttyjTOVv avrbv oi 'lovdaloi uTTOKrdvai. 2 Hi'.^ kyyvg i)
sought-to kill him ^were 5
hto 'the
Jews to kill. Now was near the
Z iNOW tilP JtWS I63.SU (
i tk # - / *
of tabernacles was at
tOpTTj TU)V loiWaiiJV // OK1]V0Trr)yia. 3 UTTOV OVV Trpbg aVTOV
hand. 3 His brethren # f eaat of tne Jews t he tabernacles. 3
Said 4 therefore no 6
therefore said unto
him, Depart hence,
., x ,, -,, 'on> -
r\ -"
Kai VTTUyE Big T7]V
> >
and go into Judasa, 2
'his brethren, Remove hence, and go into Ju-
tliat thy disciples also . , ,
_ - , ..
v % ,

may seeworks Caiav, iva Kai 0L.p.attr]Tai.O0V VEwpi]CfW(TlV v Ta.tpya.aov

the a
that thou doest. 4 For daea,
there is no man that
doeth any thing in so-
that also

thy disciples may see
4 OVCEig.yap ^tV KpVTTT^)
thy works
~ v ~
7T01EI, Kai L,r)TEl

cret, and he himself thou doest ; for no one in secret anything does, and seeks
seeketh to be known _ ^ n > > <
i > > ~ r <

openly. If thou do avTog" 3tv Trappr)Gi<}. Elvai. ei TavTa TroiEig, ^avspwaov

these things, shew thy- himself in '"public Ho "be. If these things thou doest, manifest

* a
y aAAa TrW.
AeAaArjKa have spoken ltTtAW.
e'/ie t. ptov (read the Father)
d tuiv
LTTrA. b
+ OVV therefore T. c
+ ex [L]Tr[A]. ixaBriTwu avTQV a.Trrj\dov LTTrA.
h '\<T-
8 OVV OLTTrA. f 6
oiyi.05 the holy [oriel GLTTrA. 5 tov fco^xos GLTTrA.
Kanioircv (read son of Simon Iscariote) LTTrA. efieWev LTTrA. napaSiSovai avrov
, v I
<J)j/ LTrA.
m Kal T. n
ixera TaV7a nepit:TTa.Tei 6 ([6] Tr) 'Iijaovg LTTsAW,
t crow rd epya UJ 9 rt et- xpu^rw LTTrA. * avrb it h.
V<.*opt)jova-iv shall see TTrA.
VII. JOHN. 263
self to the world.
ireavTov r<p Koa/xtp. 5 OuSk.ydp oi.d^e\<poi.avrov 7riarvov 5 For neither did hia
" 2 3
thyself to the world. For neither his brethren 'believed brethren believe in
him. 6 Then Jesus
tig avrov. 6 As yet *ovv ]l

avrolg 6'Irjaovg, 'O icaipbg b i/.ibg said unto them, My

on him. 3
Says therefore Ho 5 them 'Jesus, 'Time my time is not yet come:
but your time is alway
OV7TOJ TrapEffTLV O-dt-KClipOQ 6 VflETEpOg TTavTOTi iGTlV iTOlflOg. 7 The world
not yet but "time is ready.
is come, 'your always ready.' cannot hate you; but
7 ov.dvvarai 6 Koa/xog fjiaEiv vfiag' /xiaEi, on iyw ifii.Sk
me it hateth, because
3 2
Is *unable 'the world me it hates, because I I testify of it, that the
to hate you, but
works thereof are eviL
uaprvpui 7repi avrov, on rd ipya avrov "Kovr\pd ianv. 8 Go ye up unto this
bear witness concerning that tho feast I
go not
up yet
works of it evil are. :

' '
unto this feast; for my
t_ '
8'vjitig ' '
/D -.'._-... X ."._.
avapi]TE tig Tt]V.EOpT1]V.TaVr7]V'
- ! !

time is not yet full

Ye, go ye up to this feast I come. 9 When he had not yet am
said these words unto
f3aivu) Tt\v.ioprr)v.ravrr\v , on o "icaipog ifAOg" OVTTOJ them he abode still in

going up to this feast, for time 'my not yet Galilee. 10 But when
x his brethren were gone
7T7r\?';pwrai. 9 Tavra. St
Vavrolg^ EJJ.EIVEI' BV ry up, then went he also
has been fulnlle*d. And^ these things having said to them he abode in up unto the feast, not
z openly, but as it were
TaXiXata. 10 'Qg.Sk dvk(3rjaav oiASeXfoi. avrov ror icai in secret. 11 Then the
Galilee. But when were gone up his brethren Jews sought him at then also
the feast, and said,
n a b JI
avrbg dvE(3rj eig rrjv ioprr)v, ov (pavEpiog, dXX'" W(, iv Where is'he? 12 And
he went up to the feast, not openly, but as in there was .much mur-

ovv 'lovoaioi iXJi)rovv avrov iv ry iopry, muringconcerning among tho

Kpi'TTTU). 11 Oi people him:
secret. The "therefore 'Jews we're seeking him at the feast, for some said, He is a
Kal tXeyov, Hov ianv .f.Ktivog ; 12 Kal rcoXvg c good man: others said,
aud Where is he ? And ^murmuring 'much theNay; but he deceiveth
said, 13 How- people. _

7T0t avrov iv d ro( beit no man spake n

171/" tAeyov,
him there was among the crowds. Some openly of him for fear
concerning said, of the Jews.
"On dyaOog ianv' aXXoi. e Sk tXeyov, Ov' dXXd irXavq. rbv 11

3 2
Good 'he is
said, No but he deceives the
but others ;

oxXov. 13 OvSelg fjikvToi Trafrpi]oia iXdXn 7repi airov,

crowd. No one however publicly spoke concerning him,
Sid rbv <po(3ov rwv lovSaiiov.
because of the fear of the Jews.
14 "HStj.Se rrjg toprrjg fjceaovatjg dvefir) 6" 'iqaovg
But now s of e the 'feast [Ht] being
2 3
the 'middle went up Jesus
14 Now about the
dg rb lEpov, Kal ididaaKEV. 15 %icai 3 iOavfia^ov" 01 'lovSaloi midst of the feast Je-
into the temple, and was teaching: and were 'wondering 'the 3 Jews sus went up into the
temple, and taught.
Xkyovreg, Tlu>g 2 ovrog ypdfifiara olStv, fir] fiEiia9r]Kwg ; 15 And the Jews mar-
saying, Kow this 3 one 'letters 'knows, not having learned? velled, saying, How
16 X7TEKpi6i] b avrolg '6" 'Irjaovg Kal eIttev, 'H.ifjr):6iSaxrj ovk knoweth this man let-

3 having never
Answered 3
them 'Jesus and 2
not ters, said, My poaching learned ? 16 Jesus an-
ianv ifir), dXXd rov rig
7rkfi\pavrog p,v
swered them, and said,
9iXy rb My doctrine 17 lav
is not
'is mine, but his who me.
If anyone desire
mine, but his that sent
me. 17 If any man
QiXrffia.avrov ttoieiv, yvwaErai rrEpl rrjg diSaxrjg rrorEpov
his will- to practise, he shall know concerning the teaching whether will do his will, ho
shall know of the doc-
K k rov n 6eov ianv, rj Ivw air whether it be of \a\<S 18 6 trine,
" dtp'
from God it is, or I from God,or whether I speak
myself speak. He that from
of myself. 18 He that
iavrov XaXtiv, rr]v.d6^,av.rr)v.iSiav ^r/rei* b.ds K,rjrwv rrjv speaketh of himself
himself speaks, his own glory seeks ; but he that seeks the seeketh his own glory:
but he that seekPia
6%av rov Trtfitpavrog avrov, ovrog dXt]9r)g ianv, Kai his glory that sent
glory of him that sent him, he true is, and him, the same is true,
and no unrighteous-
adiKia ev avrtp OVK.EffnV. 19 oi) l Mioar)g m dkBwKEV H ness is in him. 19 Did
u nrigh teousness in him is not.
Not 3
M0ses 'has given not Moses give you the
ovv T. T OVK UOt GTTrA. K
ravTrjv (read the feast) LTTrAW. 6/U.OS flupoc
x fie and GTTr. y auTOs he (abode) T. z
LTTrA. els riji> ioarriv, tote koX aurbs
a dAAa LTrA. b c
dfc'jSjj LTTrA. a>s T. irepi avTOu ?fv ttoA.u LTrA f)v nepl cu/tcu ',

d fie and GTW.

TifTOYAa) the Crowd T.
f 6 LTTrA. S l0avy,aoy oZu
ffoAVS T.
were therefore LTTrAW. h + k
wondering ovv therefore LTTrAW. 6 TTr. tou X. .

Mwi}0% LTTrAW. ">

efiwKSV gaV9 LTrA,
law, and yet none of viiiv tov vojxov, Kai oudrig e^v/jiwv ttoieT tov vofiov ; rt
you kccpeth the law ? and no one of
Why go ye about to you the law, you
practises the law ? Why
kill me? 20 The peo-
answered and said. jue Ki]teIte cnroKTHvai\ 20 A-rriKpidr]
6 oxXog mi d7rev,

ple me do ye seek to kill ? Answered Hhe ''crowd and

Thou hast a devil :
who goeth about to kill
Aaipoviov % t
Tl G ae Zi] T ^ a.7TOKTivai ;
21 'ATTEKpiOrj
thee? 21 Jesus an-
swered and said unto
A demon thou hast ;
who thee seeks to kill ? 'Answered
them, I have done one 6" 'h]oovg leal eIttev avroZg, Ev Epyov E7ro'ii]<ya, Kai 7ravreg
work, and ye all mar- 'Jesus and said to them, One work I did, and "all
vel. 22 Moses there-
fore gave unto you
v9avfj.dsT. 22 Sia.TOVTO
Mwcri}c" SeScokev ti)v irEpi-
n q
circumcision; (not be- 'ye wonder. Therefore Moses has given you circum-
cause it is of Hoses, r "
but of the fathers ;) rof.ri]v, oi>x
iln tK tov Mwffwf egtlv, dXX' ek tlov TrarEptov'
and ye on the sabbath cision, not that of Moses it is, but of the fathers,
day circumcise a man.
23 If a man on the Kai Ev
s n
aa/3j3dr(p ttepitejxi'ete av9pu>7rov. 23 ei ttepltojjl^v
sabbath day receive and on sabbath ye circumcise a man. If *circumcision
circumcision, that the
law of Moses should Xapfidvei ai'9pw7rog ev Gaj3f3aTip "iva /lij-XvOrj 6 v6p.og x
not be broken are ye ;
'receives 'a "man on sabbath, that may not be broken the law
angry at me, because I r
have made a man every Mw(Twc," ijioi ^oXare on oXov avOpunrov vyir) E7roir]Ga
whit whole on the of Moses, with me are ye angry because entirely a 3 rnan 'sound I made
sabbath day ? 24 Judge
not according to the ev aafifiaTcp; 2 fiy.KpivETE kut o\piv, tj)v SiKaiav aWa
appearance, but judge on sabbath? Judge not* according to sight, but righteous
righteous judgment. v n
25 Then said some of Kpiaiv KpivarE. 25 "EXejov ovv rivEg ek tlov "'Iepoco-
3 4
them of Jerusalem, Is judgmeut judge. 'Said therefore 'some "of those of 3 Jeru-
not this he, whom they n
seek to kill? 26 But, \vfiiTwv, Ovx-oi'TogAariv ov ^tovglv a7TOKTETvai; 26 Kai
lo,he speaketh boldly, salem, Is not this he whom they seek to kill? and
and they say nothing Kai ovSev
nnto him. Do the 'iSe, Trapp))ma XaXfT, avTtp XtyovGiv. firjTrorE
publicly he speaks, and nothing to him they say.
rulers know indeed lo,
that this is the very
Christ? 27 Howbeit
a\?j0ojc tyviooav ,
apxovrEg, on oi'rog egtlv
Truly 'have 6 recognized those 3
who that this is
we know this man: ''rule,

whence he is but when n

6 27 dXXd tovtov olSafiEV ttoOev egtlv'

Christ cometh, no man

*a\i]9wg xP l<y T0Q '>

truly the Christ? But this one we kixow' whence he is.

knoweth whence he is.
28 Then cried Jesus in orav
the temple as he
o.Be.xpigtoq ^py^roi," ovfeig yivwaKEi ttoQev egtlv.
Brit the Christ, whenever he may come, no one knows whence he is.
taught, saying, Ye
both know me, and ye 28 "EKpa^Ev ovv ev T(p lEpip didaGKcov 6'IrjGovg Kai XEywv,
know whence I am : 3
Cried ""therefore *in Hhe "temple 'teaching 'Jesus and saying,
and I am not come of
myself, but he that
K/i o'iSaTE. Kai olvarE tt69ev eI/j.1'
Kai air' t/navTOV ovk
sent me is true, whom Both me ye know, I am ; and ye know whence and of myself
ye know not. 29 But
I know him: for I am E\i)Xv9a, aXX' egtlv aXi)9ivbg 6 7TEpiipag ue, ov vfiEig
from him, and he hath 'I "have come, but 'he 2 who 3 sent me, whom
3 G
is true ye
sent me. 30 Then they
sought to take him: ovic.oiSare' 29 Eyil). SE olSa avrov, on Trap' avrou ei/.ii,
z n

but no man laid hands know not. But I know him, because from him I am,
on him, because his
hour was not yet come. KctKE~ivog fjLE ^clttegteiXev.
30 'EZ,i]T0vv oiv ai> TOV -Kid-
31 And many of the and he me sent. They were seeking therefore him to
people believed on him,
and said, When Christ Gai' Kai ovCtEig E7TE/3aXEV ett' avTov T))v ^npa, on ovttlo
cometh, will he do take, but no one laid upon him [his] hand, because not yet
more miracles than b
which this man eXi]Xv9ei ij.topa.avTov. 31 IloXXo(.0f ek tov o%Xov ett'lgtev-
had come his hour. But many of the crowd believed
aav li

Eig outov, Kai tXsyov, "On" 6 ^ptcrroc orav iX9y

on him, and said, The Christ, when he comes,
d e
/iJ7n" TcXEiova ar]piEla TOVTiov"
Troir)GEi u>v ovrog
5 6
*more signs than 'these 'will *he 3 do which this [man]

Kai elnev lttta. 6 TTrA. p Oavfxd&Te Sid touto. (read

ye wonder therefore.)
Sid tovto, + 6 T. Miovcrijs LTTrAW.
Mwi/cre'ws LTTrAW.
. "J s
[iv] L.
+ o T. v
KpLvere LTrA. 'IepocroAv/u.tiTa)V
T. x
dArj^uis GLTTrAW. y epxerai
he conies e. z 5e but GLTTrAW. d7re'crTaAKei> has sent t. b 'Ek tov 6\\ov oe
troXAoi eni<TTevo~av LTrA 7roAAoi Se eTrCo~Tevo~av k tov o^Aov T.
c 'Ort L-GTrA, iun
LTTrA. e rovTiav (read 5>v than, [thesej which) LTTrAW,
VII. JOHN. 205
f hath done? 32 The
7ro(Jjffi^"; %2"H.Kovaav ot $>apiaalui tov oyXow yoyyv^ovfog Pharisees heard that
s Heard 'the '^Pharisees of the crowd
did? murmuring the people murmured
7rspt avrov ravra' Kai drreareiXav Sot <vapio~aloi kcu such things
and the Pha- 3
and ing him;
Concerning- "him 'those ^things, and ''sent 'the ^Pharisees risees and the chief
ot "iva Kidaoycriv avrov. 33 dirtv priests sent officers to
apxifpeTg vrnfokrag^ 3 take him. 33 Then
5 him. Said
*the chief "priests officers; that they might take said Jesus unto them,
ovv h u
6 'lijcrovg, "En l Yet a little while am I
avro~ig fxiKp'ov xpovov^ /.leQ' i'fiiov
with you, iutd then I
"therefore 4 5
to them 'Jesus, Yet a little time with you
go unto him that sent
Kcti rbv 34 Z,i)ri]crerk fie Kai me. 34 Ye shall seek
Ei/xi, vrrdyto rrpbg 7ri[xipcn>Ta fie.
I am, and I go to him who sent me. Ye will seek me aud me, and shall not find
me: and where I
ot>x- i'P ?'? <Trk
am, thither ye cannot
Kai ottov 'V" *yu vfielg ov.8vva.crQe iXQeTv.
where -am are unable to come. come. 35 Then said
shall not find [me], and 'i ye
the Jews among them-
35 ETttov ovv ot 'Iov8cuol irpbg eavrovg, Tiov oi>rog selves, Whither will
*Said 3
tlierefore Hhe 2
Jews among themselves, Where -he he go, that we shall
not find him? will he
pXXet" 7ropevc?f9ai
on "V^ae" ovx-evpi]<JO}iev avrov ; p) elg go unto the dispersed
Ms about to go that we shall not find him? to among the Gentiles,
aud teach the Gen-
ti\v 8iaa-Kooav tiov 'EXXi)vwv fikXXei rropevecrQai, Kai tiles? 36 What wm-
the dispersion among the Greeks is he about to go, and ner of saying is this
that he Ye shall
8i8acKen> rovg "EXXrjvag 36 rig ;
ianv "oiirog 6 X6yog
ov seek me, said,
and shall not
teach the Greeks ? What is this word which find me: and where I
Kai "Ottov am, thither ye cannot
elwev, Zrfrijcrerk fie, icai ovx-vprio-ere eifii tyoj come ?
hesaid, Ye will sesk me, and shall not find [me] ;
and Where "am 'I

vfieTg ov.8vvaaQe sXQeTv ;

ye are unable to come ?

37 'Ev.Se ry tcrxdry i)fiepa ry fieydXy rijg eopri)g elcm'jKei
3 J
And in the last day 'the great of the feast, stood
37 In the last day,
6'h}crovg, icai
Xsywv, 'mv rig Stipe}, epxtcrQu) that great day of the
Jesus, and cried, saying, If anyone thirst, let him come feast, Jesus stood and
cried,saying, If any
irpog fxe
icai rrivkru)' 38 6 Tricrrevtov elg ifi'e, mQwg elrrev man thirst, let him
to me and drink. He that believes on me, as said come unto me, and
drink. 38 He that be-
t) ypatyrj, Trorafioi Ik rrjg.KoiXiag.avrov pevcrovmv v8arog lieveth on me, as the
the scripture, rivers out of his belly shall flow of -water scripture hath said, out
of his belly shall flow
Z,CjvTog. 39 elrrev rrepi tov Trvevfiarog ov ^t/ieX- rivers of liviug water.
'living. But this he said concerning the Spirit which 5 were 3'J (.But this spake h
I of the Spirit, which
Xov" Xapj3dveiv o'l TTicrrevovreg'

elg avrov' ovrroj.ydp r)v they that believe on

3 4
"about 7
to "receive 'those -believing on him for nofyet was him should receive":

s ]l
on v
w ov8eTru> H ior the Holy Ghost
Trvevfia ayiov 'j 'hjaovg looutcrQi]. was not yet
given; be-
[the] "Spirit 'Holy, because Jesus not yet was glorified. cause that Jesus was
x not yet
40 tov oyXou" aKovcravreg ?rbv X6yov

ttoXXoi ovv Ik glorified.)

40 Many of the people
Many therefore out of the crowd having heard the word
therefore, when they
Obrog ecrriv dXijQwg 6 7rpO(p)']Ti]g. 41 "AXXot a 'iXeyov,
heard this saying, said,
Others Of a truth this is the
said, This is truly the prophet. said, 41 Others
b "AXXot" c 8e n said, This the Christ.
tXeyov, M/} yap 5 Iks
Ovrog ioTiv 6 XP 1<JT -

This is the Christ. "Others 'and said, "Then out of But some said, Shall
Christ come out t
pxrai 42 Hath not

Ti]g TaXiXaiag 6 %ptcrr6g ; oi'%i / ypcupi) elrrev, Galilee? 42

Galilee -the J
Christ 'comes? "Kot 10
the "scripture "said, the scripture said,
That Christ cometh of
on K tov crTTtpfiarog Aaj3i8, e n
Kai drrb Br]6Xetfi Tt\g KWfiijg the seed of David, and
that out of the seed of David, and from Bethlehem the village out of the town of
Bethlehem, where Da-
ottov e ]l l&
6 43 Sy^o^ta ovv & & tv
yv Aa/3iS, xpiGTog ipxerai;" vid was? 43 So there
where -was 'David, the Christ comes? A division therefore in was a division among
770iei does T. e oi apxiepeis virrjpiTas ot ap^tepets Kai
Kai ot <tapto-aioi virr\pira<; LTrAW ;

ot $aptO"atot T. h avrots GLTTrAW. '

\povov p.LKpbv LTTrA.
p.e LA. '
jue'AAei + me
ot/ros T. m -^jaetc (read evprj. shall find) T. n
6 Aoyos ovtos LTTrA. eKpaev T.
p n-pos ixeT. manvcravTeg having believed LTrA.
i TJu-eAAoi/ T. <xyioi

+ SeSojUeVof given L. v o LTTrAW. w ovttoj LTrA. * K TOV oxAov ovv

[some] out of the crowd therefore LTTrA. J t<2'
Aoycoi/ tovtwv these words ( tou-
Ttoi/ W) LTTrAW. *
+ [ort] A. a + [oe] and L. b ot they LTrA. c 6e T. d ovx LTrA
e AaviS GW
AaveiS LlTrA. & ep^erat 6 xpto-roi; LTrA. 8 a
e-yeVero v T<j> 6x^<{> Li'TrA.
266 I Q ANN H 2. VII, VIII.
the people because of n
44 And some of T(p ox^V Bysvero
ifitXov t avrCJv
Si' '44: Tivig.'St
him. crowd occurred because of him. But some ^desired 'of ''them
them would have ta- the
ken him; but no man mdaai avrov, dXX' ovSeig h t7r/3a\j/" irr' avrbv rag ^tlpac.
laid hands on him. to take but no one laid a
on 3
him 'hand:).
45 Then came the offi-
cers to the chief priests 45 j)\9ov ovv oi VTTTjpsTaL rrpbg rovg apxisptig Kai <&>api-
and Pharisees and
; Came therefore the officers to the chief priests and Phari-
they unto them,
Why have ye not Gaiovg' Kai elttov avroig ekeTvoi, 'Ajart" ouK.r'jyayare avrov ;
brought him ? 46 The sees, and a said 3 to ''them 'they, Why did ye not bring him ?
officers answered, Ne-
ver man spake like this 46 'A7ricpi0T)<7a.v oi virtipsrai, OvSettote ^ovtojq i\a\)](Ttv

man. 47 Then answer- 3

Answered 'the 'officers, Never thus spoke
ed them the Pharisees, l m n
Are ye also deceived? dv9p(owog u>g ovrog 6 dv9pu>7rog. ]i
47 'AirEKpi9r\oav ovvV
48 Have any of the man as this man. ' "Answered 3
rulers or of the Pha-
risees believed on him?
avrolg oi Qapiaaioi, M/) mi vuelg 7TE7rXdv)](j9e ;
48 /117
49 But this people who "them 'the 'Pharisees, also 'have been deceived?
knoweth not the law
are curseil. 50 Nicode- rig ek twv apxovTuv E7riarEv<JEV. Eig avrov. >! EK TUJV
mus saith unto them, '-Any 3 one 4 of 5 the "Vulers 'has believed on him, or Of the
(he that came to Jesus p aXV" o.oxXog.olrog
by night, being one of (papioaicov ;
49 6 pij.yivwaKutv TUV
them,) 51 Doth our law Pharisees? But this crowd, which knows not the
judge any man, before 50
it hear him, and know vofiov
7rtKaraparoi" Etaiv.
accursed are.
Ayi NtKoSrjfiog 7rpbg
what he doeth? 52 They law, Says 'Niccd^emus them,
answered and said r s '
6 fig iov i% avrm>, 51

eX9i!)V WKrbg' irpbg avrovg Mj)

unto him, Art thou
also of Galilee
? Search, (he who came
by night him, to 'one 'being of themselves,)
and look for out of
rbv dv9p(o7rov, dicovcry T 7rap'
Galilee ariseth'no pro- b.vouog.r'ipwv
s 3
unless it have heard from
53 And every
Our law 'does judge the mau,
man went unto bis avrov Kal ti ttoieI ; 52 'Atte Kpi9i]aav kcu
own house. rrpoTEpov, yi'ip
himself and known what he does ?
first, answered and They
w ElTTOv n ov n
avTip, M?) 3 Kal 2
ek Ttjg raXiXaiag el; *EpEvvr]oov
said to him, Also thou *of 'Galilee 'art ? Search
Kai ids, on ^7rpo(pr)T7]g ek ri]g TaXiXaiag^ ovK.Eyi)yEprat.

and look, hat a prophet out of Galilee has not arisen.

53 B Kai ETropev9t] EKaorog tig rbv.olKOv.avrov.
And 'went "each to his house.
VIII. Jesus went
unto the mount of 8 'Irjoovg.Si E7ropEv9r) Eig rb bpog twv tXatuiv' 2 op9pov.Si
Olives. 2 And early But Jesus went to the mount of Olives. And at dawn
in the morning, he b
came again into the
iraXiv TraptykvETO Eig to hpov, Kai wag Xabg ypxEro 7rpbg
again he came into the temple, and all the people came to
temple, and all the
people came unto him ;
avrov' Kai Ka9ioag kSiSaoKEV avrovg. 3 dyovoiv Sk oi
and he sat down, and
him; and having sat down he was teaching them. 'Bring 'and ''the
taught them. 3 And
the scribes and Phari- Kai oi QapioaZoi rrpbg avrbv yvvaiKa ev
,ypa/j.fxaTElg /xoixtia
sees brought unto him 3
scribes *and 6 the ''Pharisees to -
him a woman in
a woman taken in a- adultery
dultery : and when 4 X'tyovoiv
KaTEiXrjUfiivrjV, Kai orfjoavrEg avrrjv iv p.EO({),
they had set her in the
midst, 4 they say unto
having been taken, and having set her in [the] midst, they say
him, Master, this wo- avTtp, AlSdoKaXe, dvrr\. t) yvvrj KareiXi)<f>9ri b 7ravro0a>py"
man was taken in a- to him, Teacher, this woman was taken in the very act
dultery, in the very c
5 Now Mo3es in
fioix^vopikvq. 5 vSfiqt MdJoi)g ijplv ivETEiXaro
the law commanded committing aditltery. Now in the law Moses us commanded
us, that such should d e
be stoned : but what rag roiavrag. \i0o/3o\l<T0ai"" ov ovv ri XsyEig ;
sayest thou ? 6 This such to be stoned :
. thou therefore what sayest thou ?
they said, tempting
him, that they might 6 TovTO.dt IXsyov irEipd^ovreg avrbv "iva t^wcrfv Karr\-
have to accuse him. But this they said tempting him that they might have to ac-

h J k
epa\ev LTTiA. Ala. ri LTrAW.
ekdArfvtv ovtws LTTrA.
cos ovtos q avBpitt-
iros L[TrA]. m + XaXel speaks ^vi> TA.
T. n
[avrois] Tr. P aAAa LTTrAW.
1 XTTrA. r 6 i\8iov vvktos irpbi; avrov 1. ' *
vvkto% LTrA. l
+ Trportpov
v w elirav LTTrA.
formerly LTrA. irpunov trap' a"ToO lttta. kpavvqaov TTrA.
? tt)s TaAtAaia? 7rpo(j[>TJr>j9 LT-A.
qvk tyeCperai. does not arise LTTrA. a (cat tto-
en' avTo^oip^) W. c d
pevOrf .... apiprave (viii. 11) [o]ltttA. Mwi.cnjs W.
\i6d^(.v to
stoue w. +
ntpt avi^s concerning her w.
rm. JOHN. 207
But Jesus stooped
yopEiv avrov 6 $t.'ll]GOl>g KCtTLO.KVIpCt^, T(p PaicTuXq) down, and with la'3
cuse him. But Jesus having stooped down, with [his] finger finger wrote on the
ground, as though lie
typaQEv eig Tt\v yr\v. 7 wg.Bt e7tslievov sptoruiVTeg aurov, heard them not. 7 Sd
wrote on the ground. But as they continued asking him, when they continued
eIttev Trpug avrovg, 'O dvafidprrjTog v- asking' him, be lifted
dvaicv\pag up himself, and said
having lifted up himself he said to them, The sinless one among unto them, Ho that is
fiiov irpioTog tvv XiOov tir'
avry /3aXgra. 8 Kai ttoXiv without sin among
*the 6
stone 7
at 8
her 1 3
let -"him cast. And again you, let hi; a first cast
you 'first
a stone at ncr. H And
KCLT(i).KVi^ctg typcKpev rig rr)v yi)v. 9 oi.Se ctKovoavrtg, again he stooped down,
But they having heard, and wrot.e on the
having stooped down he wrote on the ground.
y And they
ku'i V7TO rrig ovvEiSrjaeojg tXeyxo/Javoi, iS,i)pxovro rig kciB' rig, which heard it, being
aud by the conscience being convicted, went out one by one, convicted by their own
conscience, went ouj
dpZd/xEvot 7ro tuiv TrpEafiurkpujv tiog tax ilTi0V
K(Xl ouo by one, beginning rw
beginning from the elder ones until the last and at the eldest, even unta ;
the last and Jesua :

KaT\ei(p6r) jxovog 6 'lr)Govg, Kai >} yvv>) Iv fikaip.HoTSiaa" was left alone, and the
was left alone Jesus, and the woman in [the] midst standing. woman standing in the
midst. 10 When JesUa
10 d%>aKVil/ag.St 6 'li]Govg, icai Qaa<rd[j.Evog had lifted up himself;
And 2 having 3
"up himself 'Jesus, and 2
no 3 one
'seeing and saw none but the
woman, he said unto
ir\r)v Trig yvvaiKog, eIttev avTy, H yvvi]," irov eigiv ekeivoi her, Woman, where are
but the woman, said to her, Woman, where are those those thine accusers?
h:\tli no man condemn-
Ol.KO.T1]y OOOl.GOV, ov^Eig oe KaTEKpirEV 11 'H.Se ; eIttev, ed thee? 11 She said,
thine accusers, ^no 3 one Hhee 'did 'condemn? And she said, No man, Lord. A-nd
Jesus said unto her,
OvSrig, KvpiE. EIttev.Se avrtj 6 'itiGovg, OvSe lyuj "
ge Kara-
Neither do I condemn
a s 4
No one, Sir. And said to her 'Jesus, Neither "*! thee 'do thee:
go, and shu no
iropEvov Kai

p,r]KETi dfidpravE.
condemn :
go, and, no moro sin.

12 HdXiv oiv h o 'lr]<?ovg avToTg XaX?/<TST/," Xsywr, 'Eyti

Again therefore Jesus to them spoke, saying, I
1 A
rifti to tyCJg tov
kogjjiov' 6 dico\ov9u>v Efioi ov.fxy)
am the light of the world ; he that follows mo in no wise 12 Then spake Jesus
k again unto them, Bay-
7TEpi7raTr]GEi" VKOTiq,, dXX'
ev ry eei to <j>uig Ti)g Z^>IQ- ing, I am the light of
shall walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of the life. the world: he that fol-
loweth me shall not
13 JLIttov ovv avrifi oi QapiGaioi, 2u TTEpi gecivtov walk in darkness, but
Said therefore 6 to 6 him Hhe -Pharisees, Thou concerning thyself shall have the light of
life. 13 The Pharisees
fiapTVpElg' 7j.fjapTvpia.GOv ovkIgtiv dXrjOtjg.
'AirEKpiQt] therefore said unto 14

bedrest witness ; thy witness ^Answered him, Thou bearcst re- is not true.
cord of thyself; thy
'\t]Govg Kai eIttev avTciig, lyw fiapTVpuJ irEpi Kdv
kfiavrov, record is not true.
'Jesus and said to them, Even if I bear witness concerning myself, 14 Jesus answered and
d\i]0i]g egtiv t'l.jjiapTvpia.fjiov, on olda ttoOev -q\9ov Kai said Though
I bear record
true is my witness, because I know whence I came and of yet re- myself, my
ttov virdyio' viiElg. SE
l tt
ovK-oldare ttoQev tpyoywai m icai n
ttov cord is true for I :

know not whence I come

know whence I
and whither and whither I "came,
whither I go but ye :
go; but
Kara ye cannot toll whence
vvayuj 15 v/XE~ig t>)v cdptza icpivETE' iyih oi Kpivco I
Ye come, aud whither I
I go. according to the flesh 3udge, I judge 15 Ye judge after
a n
ovdsva 16 Kai lav KpivtJ ()e
Kp'iGig j) lp.r] d\i)9rig the flesh I judge no
3 lyw, if
4 man. 16

And yet if I
no one. And if judge ''also 'I, judgment my true
judge, my judgment
EGTIV' on iinvog ovK-Ei/xi, d\X tyu> Kai 6 Trsfiypag /xe ira- is true: for I am not
is, because alone I am not, but I and the -wno sent 4 me
'Fa- alone, but I and the
Father that sent me.
Ttjp." 17 Kai ev r<p vop,ip
2 3
Sk T(p vf.iETEp(j)
ysypa7rraj," on 17 It is also written in
ther. And in law also 'your it has been written, that your law, that the
testimony of two men
dvo av9pu)Tru>v ii fxap-rvpia d\r)9i)g egtiv. 18 iyw eifii 6 is true. 18 I am one
of two men the witnoas true is. I am [one] who that bear witness of

'H yvsoj W. h at/TOis LTTrA.

< f
ovcra being W. S eA.a.A.rjcrei' 6 ([6] Tr) 'Irjcrov?
'uot i.Tr.
k should walk LTTrA W. Se but T. m r) or GTTrAYr.
waTjjp {read ho who sent me) i.
n LTTrA. P ysypa^iiivov eorii> it is
written x.
268 I Q A NNH 2. VIII.
myself, and the Father
that sent me beareth fiapTvptov irfpi ffuivrov, tcai e fiapTvpei Trepi Efiov o
witness of me. 19 Then bears witness concerning myself, and bears 'witness "concerning 'me 'the
said they unto him,
!;rir 19
fis Trarrjp. "EXsyovovv avry, egtiv 6 Hov
thy Father ? 3 who ''sent s me 2 Father.
Jesus answered, Ye They said therefore to him, Where is

neither know me, nor Trarr)p.aov ; 'Aiv^KpiBr) 16" 'Irjrrovg, O'vte oidare ovtb tov
my Father if ye had thy Father ?
: 2
Answered 'Jesus, Neither me ye know nor
known me, ye should
have known my Fa- eI Efik T
ther also. 20 These
TrciTEpa.fiov ?j8eiTe, Kair6v-7raTspa.fiov
words spake Jesus in my Father. If me ye had known, also my Father ye would have known.
the treasury, as he 20 Tavra Tap))fiara E\dXt]<7EV b 'itfaovg" tv to)
yaZ,ocpvXaKuo y
taught in the temple: These words spoke Jesus in the treasury,
andno manlaid hands
jn him for his hour 8lSa<TIC0JV EV TO) IEOOJ'
was not yet come. teaching in the temple ;
and no one took him, for not yet

iXrjXvOEt y)>TOV.
had come his hour.

21 EIkev ovv ttoXiv avToig \b 'Irjaovg," 'Eyu> vrrayui,

2 5 6
Said therefore *again to them 'Jesus, I go away,
Kal Zt)t}]Gts fie, Ktzl kv Ty.dfia^ ria.vfiGJv cnroBavElo-QE' oirov
and ye will seek me, and in your sin ye will die where ;

Then said Jesus

tyo) vTrayii) vfiEig ov.SvvaoQe eXBeTv. 22 "EXEyov oiv ol
again unto them, I go I are unable to come. *Said therefore 'the
go ye
my way, and ye shall
seek me, and shall die
'lovSaioi, Mtjti clttokteveI iavrov, otl \EyEi,"Oirov Jyoj virayoj
in your sins: whither Will he Where
"Jews, kill himself, that he says, I go
I go, ye cannot come.
22 Then said the Jews,
ifieig ov.SvvaoBe eXBeiv ;
23 Kai ^eItte'v^ avToTg, 'YuElg sk
Will he kill himself? are unable to come ? And he to them, Ye from
ye s.aid
because he saith, Whi-
ther I go, ye cannot TOJV.KCITIO EGTE, tyuj ek Tojv.avoj Elfll' VfXEig EIC TOV KOCTflOV
come. 23 Aid he said beneath are, I from above am ; Ye of 2
unto them, Ye are from
beneath I am from
above ye are of this
: 'this are,
I am not of this world. 1 said
world I am not of this

world. 24 I said there- ofiv' on aiToQavEiadE iv Taig.dfiapTiaig.vfiwv' Eav.yap

fore unto you, that ye therefore toyou that ye will die in your sins ;
for if
shall die in your sins:
for if ye believe not Hi).iri<7TEv(Tr}TE on syw el fit, diroBavEloBe-EV TctTg dfiapriaig
that I am he, ye shall ye believe not that I am [he], ye will die in sins
die in your sins. x Kat"
25 Then said they unto VflOJV. 25 'EXEyov ovvTig el ; avT<p, Su eIttev
3 2 2
him, Who art thou? 'your. They said therefore to him, Thou 'who art ? And said
Aud Jesus saith unto Kai XaXw
them, Even same avToig >u
the 'Irjvovg, T))v.ap\r)v o.ti vfiTv.
that I said unto you Ho *them 'Jesus, Altogether that which also I say to you.
from the beginning". 26 7T0\X XaXelv <ai Kpiveiv' aXX' 6
26 I have many things
irepi vfiwv
to say and to judge of Many things I have concerning you' to say and to judge; but he who
you: but he that sent a yKOvaairap' avTOV, ravra
me is true; and I speak TTtfixjjag fie aX-qBiiglaTiv, Kayo}
to the world those
sent me true is, and I what I heard from him, these things
things which I have n
Elg tov Koa/iov. 27 OvK.tyviooav otl tov rraTEpa avrolg
heard of him. 27 They Xkyoj
understood not that he
I say to the world. They knew not that the Father to them
spake to them of the tXeyev, 28 E'iirEv ovv a ai>To~ig n b'It]aovg,"OTav i'\piu-
Father. 28 Then said he 3
Said therefore *to Hhem 'Jesus, When ye shall have
spoke of.
Jesus unto them, When
ye have lifted up the (FrjTE tov vibv tov avOpioTTOv, tote yvioaeo-BE oti lyoi elfif
Son of man, then shall lifted up the Son of man, then ye shall know that I am [he'],
ye know that I am he,
and that I do nothing Kai cur' EfiavTov ttoiu) ovdsv, KCiQug iSidat.ev fie 6 dXXd
of myself; but as my and from myself I do nothing, but as taught 'me
Father hath taught b u
me, I speak these 7ra7i7p. jUOU, tcivto. \aXw. 29 Kai 6 nt/iipac fie, fier

things. 29 And he that 'my ^Father, these things I speak. And he who sent me, with
Bent me is with me :
the Father hath not EflOV EOTIV OVK.d<pr]KEV flE flOVOV
o 7raT)]p, OTI fVu; TO.
3 5 6 2
left me alone; for I do left not 'me alone 'the Father, because" I the things

q 6 GLTTrAW. r
av jJSeire LTTrA. 6 'Ir/crovs (read he spoke) OLTTrAW.
T w TOVTOV tou
'I^o-ous {read he said) LTTrAW. eAeyei/ LTTrA. kog/xov LTrA.
z AaAw LTTrA. a b
Kai LTTrAW. ?
[6] Tr. avTois LTTrA. /XOV (read the
Father) LTTrA.
c 6 nari'ip (read he left not) LTTrA
always those things
apecrra outq ttokjj iravTore 30 Tavra avTOv.XaXovvrog that please him. 30 As
pleasing to him do always. *These Hhings 'as "he spoke he spake these words,
7roXXoi kiricrrfvaav sig avrov. many beliovcd on him.
many believed on him.

31"EXeyv ovv 6 '\r\aovg Trpbg tovq 7reTriffTtvKOTag avrip

3 3 6 6
Said i "therefore3 'Jesus to the on "hira
"who had "believed "on bira

'lovdaiovg, 'Edv vfidg fieivriTS iv r<p Xoyq) rip ft<p, dXrj9u>g

'Jews, If ye abide in "word 'my, truly

fiaQr\Tai uov lark' 32 Kai yvuxTEcrQs ti)v d\r)9tiav, Kai i]

"disciples 'my ye are. And ye shall kuow the truth, and the
31 Then said Jesus
A n to those Jews which
dXi)9eia tXev9epw<TEi, vfiag. 33 'A7TKpi9i]aav avT(p, "Sntppa
"Seed believed on him, If ye
truth shall set free you. They answered him,
continue in my word,
'Afipacifx kff/iev, Kai ovdevi 8efiov\evica[iv ttwttot' Trwg then are ye my disci-
'Abraham's we are, and to anyone hare been under bondage never how ;
ples indeed; 32 and ye
shall know the truth,
(K<. to no one)
and the truth shall
(TV Xkyeig, "On b\ev9tpoi yevi](Te&9e ; 34 'A7re.Kpi9ij avroXg
make you free. 33 They
"thou 'sayest, Free ye shall become ? "Answered them answered him, We be
Abraham's seed, and
o" 'Iqcovg, Ajxt)v cifXTjv Xyw vfxiv, on irag o ttoiGjv
were never in bondage
'Jesus, Verily verily I say to you, that everyone that practises to any man how say-

ianv 35 b.Si SovXog est thou. Ye shall be

n)v ci/xaprtav SovXog rr)g djxapriag.
Now the bondman made
free ? 34 Jesus
sin a bondman is of sin. answered them, Verily,
verily, I.say unto you,'svu iv tij oikIo, elg.Tuv.aluJva' 6 viog /isvei dg.rov.aiaiva. Whosoever commit-
abides not in the hoase for ever ; the Son abides for ever.
teth sin is the servant
36 tav ovv 6 viog vjxag kXw9ep(x>o-y, ovrujg lXev9epoi uj- of sin. 35 And the
servant abideth not in
If therefore the Son ^ou 'shall "set free, really free ye the house for ever:6ut
ec9e. 37 olSa o~irkpf.ia 'Afipadfi tore'ondXXd the Son abideth ever.
Ztjthts fie 36 If the Son therefore
shall be. I know that "seed 'Abraham's ye are but ye seek me
shall make you free, ;

aiTOKruvai, on iv vfiiv. 38 ftyu) ye shall be free indeed,

6 Xoyog 6 ifxog ov.xwpH
"word 37 I know that ye are
to kill, 'my has no entrance in you.
because I
Abraham's seed but
9 h

o" ewpaica. rrapd r^.Trarpi.^pov XaXu>' Kai ifieig ofiv ye seek to kill me, be-,
what I have seen with my Father speak and ye therefore what cause my word hath ;
no place in you. 38 I
irapd W^.irarpi.vfiioy^ 7roiir. 39 'A7TKpi9}]oav speak that which I
ye have seen with your father do.. They answered have seen with my Fa-
v ther: and ye do that
Kai dTTov tt

aiir^o, 'O.TTarijp.i'ipwv 'Afipadp, ianv. Aiyei avrolg which ye have seen

3 6 7 8
and said to him, 0ur 'Father 'Abraham "is. Says to them with your father.
l n m 39 They answered and
6 Ei r'&Kva Tov"A(3padp I]Te, rd tpya rov.'Aj3padfi

said unto him, Abra-

Jesus, If children of Abraham ye were, the works of Abraham ham is our father.
7roitr."av " 40 vvv.Se ??/rare fxi aTTOKTilvai) dv9pu)7rov og Je^us saith unto them,
If ye were Abraham's
ye would do but now ye seek me
; to kill, a man who children, ye would do
the works of Abraham.
Tt)v dXi]9eiav vjiiv XsXdXi]Ka, i)v ijKovoa irapd rov 9eov' 40 But now ye seek to
the truth to you has spoken, which I heard from God :
kill me, a man that
tovto 'Afipadp, ovK-iwoirjaEv. 41 Troitlre rd tpya rov hath told you the
vfitig truth, which I have
this Abraham did not. Ye do the works
heard of God: this did
"EtVoV p ovv' [

i.K q oir not Abraham. 41 Ye

TraTpoc.vp.wv, avrip, 'Hpeig rropveiag do the deeds of your
of your father. They said therefore to him, We of fornication "not
father. Then said they
to him, We be not born
yyvvr)pe9a." 'iva Trarspa i-xofxev, rbvOtov. 42 ~El7rev
J of fornication we
'have been born ;
one Father we have, God. Said "therefore ;

have one Father, even

avTolg b n 'h]<Tovg, Ei 6 9tug '
Trartjp Vfiwv r)v, rjya7ra.7e.av God. 42 Jesus said
"to'them 'Jesus, If God Father of you were, ye would have loved unto them, If God
were your Father, ye
ifik' iyil).ydp Ik tov 9eov i,riX9ov Kai i)km' ovSLydp air would love me for I :

me, for I from God came forth and am come ;

for neither of proceeded forth and
v n
came from God nei- ;

ifiavrov iXi)Xv9a, d\X' tKeivog p.e dirscrTtiXev. 43 S(ari rr]v ther came I. of myself,
myself have I come, but 'sent. Why but he sent me. 43 Why
7Tp05 avTov to him LTTrA.
rt e o l[ti]. f a LTTr ; eyi) a A. e
<?yd> /xow {read
h a
the lather) i.TTrA. rjKovaaTe what ye have heard LTTrA. tov jrarpos the father

k elnav LTTrA.
[6] Tr eo-Te ye are GLTTrA.
' n av GTTrA. ein-av T. ,

eyepvr)8r}ij.ei> were uot boru LTrA.

P OVV LTTrA. 1 ovk t 0V y GLTTrA. 6 l[t. ]
+ 6 the 1. Sl.0. Ti LTrA.
270 IQANNH2. Till.
do ye not understand XaXidv on ov.ovvaaOa aKovEiv tov
nay speech ? even be- ti)v ho)v ov.ynmvKETE',
cause ye cannot hear "speech 'my do ye not know? Because ye are unable to hear
my word. 44 Ye are of
\6yov rbviuov. 44 vixElg sk w rrarpoQ tov 8iaj36Xov eote,
ymcr father the devil, Ye
and the lusts of your "word my. of [the] father ,the devil are,
father ye Mill do. He Kai 9e\ete ttoieHv. IkCivoq
was a mui rl^rer from and the rag E7ri9vfiiag T0v.7raTpbg.vpwv
the beginning, and a-
lusts of your father yc desire to do. He
bode not in the truth,
because there is no
dv6pw7roKTovog r\v air dpxrjc, KCli iV T V dXrjBsiq. Xo, 2
a murderer was from [the] beginning, and iu the truth not
truth in him. When
he spcaketh a lie, he eoTJjKEv" ovK.'ioriv a\r)9ua tv avrtp. on ora'v XaXy
speakcth of his own: 'has stood, because there is Mot truth in him. Whenever he may speak
for he is a liar, and the
father of it. 45 And TO \pEv8og, EK TOJV.lSilOV \a\si' OTl IpEVGT^g cGt'iV KCti O
because I tell you the, falsehood, from his own he speaks for a liar he is and the ;

truth, ye believe me
not. 46 Which of you TTCLTrip aVTOV 45 tyu) Sk OTi ttjv dXi]9Eiav Xsyw 7 , ov
convineeth me of sin? father of it. 3
I 'and 2
because the truth speak,
And if I say the truth,
why do ye not believe ttigtevet'e fioi. 46 t'iq t% v/.ia>v aXsyxEi jus 7rep dfjapTiag;
me ? 47 He that is of 'ye ''do believe me. Which of you convinces me concerning sin?
God heareth God's z a
poi; 47 6

words el. Ss a\r)9siav Xfyw, <?ian" ou.Triorswerfi

ye therefore
: vp.eig
2 3
hear them not, because But if truth I speak, why ye 'do not believe me? He that
j 3 are not of God.
48 Then answered the wv
K row Be ov To.- p^para tov Btov cikovW cid.TOVTO vfxtig
Jews, and said unto is of God the words of God hears therefore ye :

him, Say we not well oti ek tov 9eov ovk.egte. 48 'ATricpi9rioav

that thou art a Sama- ovkmkovete,
ritan, and hast a devil ?
hear not, because of God ye are not. Answered
49 Jesus answered, I ^ovv n oi 'lovSaloi Kai c e17tov u avTip, Ob KaXwg XtyopEv vpElg
have not a devil; but
therefore the Jews and said to him, 3 Not *well 'say we
I honour my Father,
and ye do dishonour
me. 50 And I seek not
on d
& av, Kai daipoviov lx t C j 49 'ATTEKpiBi]
a Samaritan and a demon hast? "Answered
mine own glory: there that art 'thou,
is one that seeketh and
51 Verily,
'hjffovg, 'Eyuj Sai/ioviov ovk.'<-\ijj, dXXd ti/jw TOv.TraTE pa.jj.ov,
judgeth. a demon have not but I honour
verily, I say unto you,
'Jesus, I my Father, ;

If a man keep my say- Kai 50 iyu).8s ovr)ru} Tr/v.So^av.poV

vfisig dn/id^ErE fit.
ing, he shall never see and But I
death. 52 Then said ye dishonour me. seek not my glory :

the Jews unto him, tGTiv 6 Z,nTwv Kai Kpivwv. 51 dpi)v dpi)v Xtyu ifuv, lav
Now we know that there is he who seeks and judges. Verily verily I say to you, If
thou hast a devil. A- e
braham is dead, and Tig tov Xoyoi> tov eubv" rrjprjay, 9dvaTov ov.pi) 9twpr)oy
the prophets; and thou anyone 3
word death in 'ao wise shall he see
Tny 'keep,
sayest, If a man keep n
my saying, he shall Eig-Tov.aiojva. 52jE't7rov Sovv* i>np oi 'lovtiatoi, ~Nvv
never taste of death. for ever. Said therefore 5 to s him 'the ? Jews, Now
53 Art thou greater
than our father Abra- EyVlOKapEV on
Saipoviov tx sl Q- 'Afipadfi drriBavEv Kai oi
ham, which is dead ? we know that a demon thou hast. Abraham died and tha
and the prophets are
dead whom makest irpotyriTai, Kai ov XkyEig, 'Edv Tig Tbv.X6yov.jj.ov
thou thyself ? 54 Jesus prophets, and thou sayest, If anyone my ""word 'keep,
answered, If I honour h
myself, my honour is ov.fjrj y6V(7Erat" 9avciTov lig.TOv.aiwva. 53 fjrj <jv /.isi^wv
nothing: it is my Fa- in no wise shall he taste of death for ever. -Thou 3 greater
ther that honoureth
me of whom ye say, Ei Tov.7raTpbg.r)jJwv 'Afipadp,, oc-ig aTr'tBa%>Ev ; Kai oi 7rpo-

that he is your God: art than our father Abraham, who died? and the pro-
55 yet ye have not
known him but I <piJTai o\iTt9avov' riva ueavTov 'o-jV 7roisXg ; 54 'ATTEKpi9r) 1

know him and if I phets:

died whom 3 thyself 2 thon 'makest ? !
'lr](Tovg f 'Edv tyw ^o^n^w" tfiavTov, r).S6^a.fiov ovSkv sgtiv'
*Jesus, If glorify myself, my glory nothing is j
egtiv o.TraTrjp./jov 6 So^d^ujv ue, ov vueTq XkyfTE, OTl
it is my Father who glorifies me, [of] whom ye say, that
' ~


EGTIV, 55 Kai ovK.EyvwKarE avTov, iyio.Se olSa

God your he is. And ye have not known him, but I know

w + * OVK T.
TOV the GLTTrA. 7 + [ufAt!/] to theO L. fie but GLTTrA.
r Slcl otii' GLTTrA.
ri LTrA. b
c el-rrav LTTrA. ' e
2a/i.api'rjc T. e/Jibv /XdyOV LTTrA.
clirav T. ovv LTTrA. h
S should he taste GLTTrAW. >
av (.'iai
jtouis makest thou) GLTTrA. fio^aaw shall glorify LTTrA. tjixuv our ttiaw.
272 IQANNH2. IX.
said, lam he. 10 There- avTOj E(TTIV. 'EKE7vog tXfyEV, "On tytt) Elfll.
10 "KXeyov
fore said they unto
" ,
h ^ Ke M j am [he ]. T1 sftid
him, How were thine ^ n - '

UwQ e

eyes opened? 11 He

ij V aVTM, 'ai'Eloj/Oljaai
>" %0~OV 01 0(pUaXflOl \
11 A7T-
answered and said A
therefore to hini, How were opened An- 2

man that is called Je- ,_ .

sus made clay, and an- EKpiOl] EKElVOg
u 'i . n
l \

AvUpioTTOg hEyo[lEVOg lr]<JOVQ

>r h^- 1

ointed mine eyes, and swere(j i^e and said, A man called Jesus
Eaid unto me, Go to , , , , , , , , . , , , ,

the pool of Siloam, 7T)]\oV ETTOU]<7EV KCll ETTEXpiCTEV flOV TOVg OtpdaAflOVg, Kilt EiTTEV
and wash: and I went clay made and applied to mine eyes, and said
and washed, and I re- l
o ' n <
/ )]< ,. ~uv\<
ceived sight. 12 Then. flOl, I7Tay Eig Tl)V KOAVfip^OpaV TOV ZtXiOdfJ, KCll 1't\[/ai.
said they unto him, to me, Go to the pool of Siloam and wash:

EV S e ? He Said '
uot .

a7rs\9ujv Ss Kai
having gone 'and and
vi^iEVog dvepX^a. 12
washed 1 received sight.
They said therefore

air<p, IToti evtiv tKEivog ; Atyei, OvK.oiSa.

to him,Where is he? He says, I know not.

13 "Ayovaiv avrbv Trpbg tovq $>api<jaiovg, tov ttote

4 2 3
They bring him 'to the Pharisees, who once [was]

rv(p\6v. 14 ijv.Se adf3(3arov Vote" tov 7ri]Xbv i7:o'u}aEv 6

13 They brought to Now it was sabbath when 3 the
the Pharisees him that
bUnd _ May
, -
_ , >
n , , ,..
, T , , , ,

aforetime was blind. lr](JOUg Kai aVEOJt,EV CtVTOV TOVg OCpUaAjjlOVg. lb TTKAIV OVV
14 And it was the J
Jesus and his Again tlu-refore
opened eyes.
sabbath day when , ,
, , .,
_ , -,, _, ,

Jesus made the clay, TJpwTWV CIVTOV Kai 01 QapiCTaiOl TTWg ClVtpAEyEV. O.Ct SlTTEV
and opened his eyes. asked him also the Pharisees how lie received sight. And he said
15 Then again the Pha- -r-r \ >n , r>
r '^n ' > > < -\

risees also asked him ClVTOig, lirjXoV E7TEt))]KEV t7Tt TOVg.V(pUaA/.WVg.l.tOV, KCll IVl-
how he had received to them, Clay he put on mine eyes, and ] .

his sight. He said un- , , - T , ^ , -. , ,

to them, He put clay If-a/XJJl', Km pXETTU). lb EXEyOV

, ,

OVV SK Tlx)V QctpMjaiWV TlVEg,

upon mine eyes, and I washed, and I see. Said therefore "of 3 the 'Pharisees 'some,
washed, and do see. S n _t * ~ a c~ " '
/3 3 >

16 Therefore said some Ov~Og O aVVpOJTTOg OVK.tCTTIV TtCipa TOV VSOV," OTl TO GappaTOV
of the Pharisees, This This man is not from God, for the sabbath

rau^'^Tkee^th'not ov.Tt\pH. AXXoi tXeyov, ITw Svvutoi dv9pioTrog cifjapTuXbg

the sabbath day. he does not keep. Others said, How can a man a sinner
amtha?i 8 arinn roLavTa W iia ttoihv, Kai atfapa i)v iv avTolg. 17 Asr
And a division was among them.
do such miracles?

among7h em -.^They

say unto the blind man say


_. J. _ ll
to the blind

^ X ^>
Thon 'what }
3 ,
k U
*C 1
1 TH - Vl

O + 1> (I L.- t
nnilCIJ 1'Tl
1V1 ff "^ ll111


again, What sayest g n aov 'OM "OtI TTOO-

thou ot him, that lie, w^^^^l!
TQ ^ Q (hda\aOVg
r r ', 617T6V, >

hath opened thine for he opened thine eyes? Anu he said, A pro-

eyes ? He said He is
ecftLv. 18 OvK.t-irio-TEvaav ovv oi 'lovcaloi
(hijTTjg ' 7T?p(
Jewsdfd not believe P het he is "Did not .Relieve therefore 'the Mews "
im. that
concerning him, x n
Kai dre/3\fi//sv , .'iwg.OTov
he had been blind and civtov, OTi TV^>\bg r]v iQtbvtjoav
lind, ^ im that 3
blind ijjg a wa8 an d received sight, until they called
received his sight, un- ^

til thc-y called the pa-

Tobg yoveig avTOV tov civafSXiipavTog' 19 Kai i)pwTi]<jav
rents of him that had who had received sight. And they asked
the pare nts of him
received hi3 sight. , , , , , , ^ , . ,

19 And they asked avTOvg Xsyoi'TEg, Ol'TOg EUTIV O.VlOg.VfXWV OV VfAEtg XtyETC
them, saying, Is this them saying, This 'is
your son, of whom ye say
your son, who ye say , , , _. ,_ , .

was born blind ? how OTl TVIpXog .EyEVVl)UT) ; 7TO)t; Ofl^

thini doth he now see ? that
'apn pAETTEC , 20 AirEKpiVi]-
blind he was born ? how then
now does he see? Answered
20 His parents answer- , , _ , .. .
^>-7 /-,>'- t
a n 11

ed them and said, We 0~aV aVT0ig Kai "E17T0V, OlCaf.lEV OTl OVTOg
know that this is our ''them 'his "parents and said, We know that this
son, and that he was > ... > '
n < > v > cii ?>
bom blind: 21 but by EOTIV O.VlOg.riHUJV, Kai OTl TVIpXog EyVV)}Vt]' ll ITwg.Oi VVV
what means he now is our son, and that blind he was born j
but how now

+ 5e however L.e
+ ovv then [l]t[a]. f 7)veu>x6r)Q-av LTTrA. S cot E. h /cat elnev
+ 6 (readthe man that is called) tti[a]. k
+ on TTr. tov (read Go to Si- '

m ovv therefore LTTrA. n -(-

loam) GLTTrA. [aij and Tr. elnav LTTrA. P ovv LTTrA.
7)/At'pa ill which day LTTrA. /aov eVi roils b(f>9aAnovs GLTTrAW
1 61/
' ' Oii/c 60-Tl^ 0VT0S
Oeov 6 avOpaiiros LTTrA. l
+ ovv therefore LTTrAW. v
Ti (TV TrA. "
fjveoi^ev TrA.

jji- Tui^Abs TTrA. >
^Ae.n-ei aprt LTTrA. *
+ ovv therefore LX. a avrols [LjTTrA,
einav TTrA.
f^^ ^
IX. J O N. 273

Pkk-au oiK-cttapev, h rig f,vo&v avrov rob G 6<p9akiu>i S

ho soe3 ire know not, or who opened his eyes ^is eTeSj we know not:

r>/i? C okoMa^,'
a^ C )XucWx, -him *P*?wV t 3ktehi shall
we know not ;
he of is age, Thesc worc ask, self 22 _ fe

22 Tavra sIttov oi yovelg

pt 'avroO
concerning himself

shall speak. These things -parents
ews Jews had
for J^e
ai'TOV, OTl i<bo3oi)VTO TOVQ 'loVCa'lOVQ' i]h].yap awe- agreed already, that if

his, 'because feared

01 'Iou&iToi, iva
Lf the
lav nc;
for already had agreed
be put out
together the Jews, that if anyone him should confess [to be the]
| T^erefore^d'his
ypiarov, airoovvcywyoQ yivyrai. 23 Sia rovro 01 yovelg parents, He is of age;
asl nim ,2 heu "" Because of this
put out of the synagogue he should be.
- "'
Christ, f J
gain called they the
'parents ,

, , n , / . . , ,


avrov i7roi'," f
i/Xifc/ai-M^a, n ian that was blind, avrov Sspwrj/aare'" 24 E0w-
'his said, He is of age, him 'ask. They and said unto him, s

- , n , r ,% , Give God the praise:
.. ,

vi]<jav ovv "tK.oevrepov rev avVpio7rovu og ijv rixpAog, /cat we kn 0W that this
called therefore a second time the man who was blind, and man is a sinner. 25 He
~.\?'v ~/>~<~ >/r. f*


n answered and said.
e'nrov anny, Aog Cot,av Try
' '
tffy i)/.iig oidajiev avVpio- whether ho be a sin-
said to him, Give glory to God ;
we know that -man ner or no, I know not:
- ii
\' ' >

4 , '/3 ar
ovv tKiivog
2o _ ' one thing I know, '

7rog ovrog" afxaprojXog AiriKpiVri ihat> wher eas I was

'this a sinner is. "Answered 'therefore 'he blind, now I see.
-n n ' i t t^ " 26 Then said thev to
olda, on him agnin> what did
v \ -z > < .
k ii

tariv ovK.oi.da' ev
/ea< Ei7TV," Ei a/iapraAog
he is I know not. One [thing] I know, that he to thee how open-


wv apn /SXim.

a sinner

I see.
they said to

avn$ "VaW," Ti
him again, What
told you already, and

Itto/VIv am;
did he to thee?
ir&gfjvo&v aov rovg 6<p6a\novg
how opened he thine eyes?
27 "Aire-
He an- ag a i n j -^iu ye also be ^t^w^wrt -

ri 7raXtv* h is disciples? -
8Tn n
avrolc,' El7rov
, ....
vuiv i)Sn,
,'j I told you already, and
icai ovK.y'iKovaare'
ye did not hear
v they reviled him ana
why again gai(^ Thou art his dn-

Q'CAere aKoieiv, fxij
Kai v]xeig.Q'e\ere avrov fia8i]rai yeviaQai; cjple
^qw 13

do ye wish to hear?
'also 'do 'ye wish his disciples to become?
^w that' God spake
28 ovv n avrov, Kai p elirov, 2t> q i fj.a07]ri)g n [[
unto Moses: as /or this
They bailed at 'therefore him, and said, Thou art 'disciple A" "', know not
from whence he is.
, , , .
IkeivoV miaig-de rov Mw<rtu>g io~u.ii> uaOrjrai. 29 tj^ieig o'ioa- 30The man answered il

'his, but we of Moses are disciples. We know " U said unto them, <J

AMiy hei^m is a mar-

, , x n , ?< * <

uev 'on s Mway" XeXaXjj/csv o Oeog- rovrovci ovK.oieaptv veifous thing, that ye
that to Moses 3
-has spoken but this [man] we know not know not from whence
, , , _ , , he is, and yet he hth , ,

7To0eV tOriV. 30 A7TKpiVT] aVVpwTTOg Kai ei.7TtV Ctvroig, KV opened we mine eyes.
whence he is. "Answered 'the 'man and said to them, =In 31 Now know that
, ,
G d heareth not sin-
j a r

yap roiTOJ Vavfiaarov tariv, n ers: but if any man on vfxtig ovK.oicare 7Touev
'indeed this a wonderful thing be a worshipper of is, that ye know not whence
i _. > i vi n ' God, and doeth his ot "? tSmi "
term', icai ^avsiijt.iv" fiov rovg o-pvaA/xovg. 61 on wi n, him he heareth.
i i ii < > .

he is, and he opened mine eyes. But we know that 32 Since the world be-
_< n n -. , , r >>\>>'
> .
n o T pan was it not heard <

'a^apnoAcjv o veog ovK.aKover a\\ tav rig veoaep~i]g y, that aDy man opened

sinners God does not hear ; but if anyone God-fearing be, the eyes of one that
ni\ / /
nn '
> *~ was born blind. 33 If >

Kai ro ViAr-fia avrov Ttoiy, rovrov aicovei. 6z tK.rov.aiwvog this man were no t of
and the will of him do, him he hears. *Ever God, he could do no-
' '
n ' " r " w >
j. n ^ ' ,% - v
thing. 34 They an-
ovK.yKOvcdr), on *?;voiv" rig oQUaApovg rv<p\ov4
BWe d and sai ^ unt0
*it 'was not heard that 'opened 'anyone [the] eye3 of [one] blind jjim, Thou wast alto-j

ytyivvi]iikvov. 33 ei utj t)v ovrog rrapa. 6eov ovk rj-

3 3
'having 'been born. If 'not were 'this ['man] from God ho
fivvaro rcoiCiv ovciv. el7rov" avrtjj, 'Ev 34 ArctKpi9r]oav Kai
could do nothing. They answered and said to him, In
d avrov e eavrov TTr. l tnrav LTTrA.
epconj cra/re, avrbs ( avTOs TTrA) qAi.Ki.av ex et I' TTrA '
f eTrepwrriaare T. h rbv avOpumov ck Sevrepov LTTia. ovtos o av0paj7roc L. k <cal eurev '

tiTrAW. ovv therefore (they 8aid) LTTrA.

' m ndAiv LTTrA. n ot 8c (read But they +
railed) Tr. ovy GLTTrAW. P elirav T. jaa7jTT/s el LTTrA. Mcoi/o-ftoc LTTrAW. "!

Mtovo-ei LTTrA; tAwvo-jj * tovtw

TTrA. v
+ to the (wonderful th'my) nr.
" m 6 but LTTrA. J 6 0ebs o/xapTwAwf LTrA, fjve(n iv Tr.
^o'l^eV LITr. eliravi/tttA.
274 I Q ANN H 2. IX, X,
gether born in sins,
auapriaig ov lyEvvi}dr]Q'bXoq, tcai ffi) SivfioKEtQ t'l/icir; Km
anil dost thou teach And
sins tlioit wast born wholly, and "thou 'ton chest n=>?
us? And thi -yeast hi in
out. 35 Jesus heard
t^sfiaXov avrov t;w. 35 "Hkovgev o" 'ijjffowg t^i-j3aXov on
that they had cast him him out. -Heard 'Jesus that they c.i-t
they cast
out; .ind when he hull c n
found him, he said un-
to him, Dost thou be-
avrov t%<o- icai Evpwv avrov eIttev avr<p, 2 2t> ttigteveiq
him out, and having found him said to him, Thou 'believo-c
lieve on the Son of
God ? 30 He answered Etg rbv v'ibv rov Beov ;" 36 AirEKpiBi) tKElvog
e l
eIttev^ 'Ytg
and s-iid. Who is he, on the Son of God? ^Answered 'he and said, \V!io
Lord, that I might be-
lieve on him? 37 And loTIV, KVplE, 'Iva TTlOTEVait) EIQ CLVTOV 37 EItTEV SSP CtlVfp ',
Jesus said unto him, is he, Lord, that I may believe on him? And "said to 4 hnn
Thou hast both seen
him, and it is he that b'lriaovg, Kal EwpctKctg avrov, Kal 6 XaXwv Litrd aov
talketh with thee. 'Jesus, 'Both Hhou G hast seen him, and lie who speaks with thee
3S And he said, Lord,
I believe. And lie wor- EKElvOg lOTlV. 38 '0.8k tfal, HlG-EVU), KVpiE' Kal TZpOfTEKVVI]-
shipped him. 39 And -he Ms. And he said, I believe, Lord : and he worshipped
Jesus said, For judg-
ment I am come into gev avrip. 39 Kal eLtzev o'hjtrovg, Etg Kpi/xa fyw Etg rbv
this world, that they him. And said 'Jesus, For judgment I into
which see not might
see and that they Koapov.rovrov 7]XBov, 'iva o'i
iit).j3Xs7rovrEg flXtTTwctv, Kal

which see might be this world came, that they that see not might see, and
made blind. JO And h
sornc of the Pharisees
oi l3\tirovrEg rv<p\oi ykvwvrai. 40 Kai" i]Kovnav 2tic rwv
blind might become. And "heard of 3 the
which were with him they that see
heard these words, and Vavra" oi
uEr n
Kal hi-
said unto him, Are we <&api<ya'i<i)V 10
ui>TEg avrov,
6 s
these'"thing3 'those who
blind also? 41 Jesus *Pha'risees were 'with him,
"him, and they
xaid unto them, If ye 7rov n
ivcre blind, ye should
avroj, Mi] Kal ypElg
3 2
rvtpXoi tcr/xEV ; 41 EIkev ai>ro~ig 6
have no sin but now :
said to him, Also we *Vlind 'are ? Said to them

ye say, We
see; there- El vvvJk Xe-
fore your sin rernain-
'lijirovg, rv(f>\ol ijrEy ovk.civ.e'ixete d/xapriav'
Jesus, If blind ye were, ye would not have sin ;
but now ya
"On m ovv n

yETE, flXeTTOfXEV i) afiapria bpiov fisvei.

say We see, the ^therefore 'sin of you remaiDS.

10 'A/xr/v fxr).Et(JEpxopEvog did rijg

dfir)v Xsyw v/x~iv,
X. Yerily, verily, I verily I say to you, He that
Verily enters not in by the
say unto you, He that r&v dXXd dX-
entereth not by the Bvpag Eig rf}V avXrjv 7rpof3drujv, dvaj3aivaiv
door into the sheep- door to the fold of the sheep, but mounts up. else-
but climbcth up
some other way, the Xa^oBEV, tKExvog KXiimjg
larlv Kal Xyrrrrjg' 2 b.k EiGEp-
game is a thief and a where, he a thief is. and a robber but he that en- ;

robber. 2 But he that

Sid ri)g Bvpag 7roipt)v tariv rwv Trpofidriov. 3 rovnp
entereth in by the door XopEvog
To him

is the shepherd of the

ters in by the door shepherd is of the sheep.
sheep. 3 To him the 6 Bvpwpbg dvoiyEi, Kal rd 7rpof3ara ri}g-(pcovtjg.avrov aKovti,
porter openeth and
the sheep hear

his the door-keeper opens, and the sheep his voice hoar,
voice and he calleth Kal rd.'iSia n
/caAet" Kar' ovoiia, Kal avrd.

own sheep by and his own 7rpof3ara he calls tay

sheep by name, and leads = out 'them.
name, and leadeth
fiemout. 4 And when 4 Kal n orav rd.'iSia p
he putteth forth his 7rpo/3ara" tK/3dXy E/xTTpoaOEV avruv
own sheep, he goeth And when his own. sheep he puts forth before them
before them, and the
TtopEvETac Kal rd rrpofiara avrip aKoXovBEl, oiSaaiv on
sheep follow him for he goes ; :
and the sheep him follow, because they know
they know his voice.
5 And a stranger will 5 dXXorp'toj-OE ov.jxi) ^aKoXovBijawcii',"
they not follow, but his voice. But a .stranger in no wise they should follow,
will flee from him: for
they know not the \\d <pEvot>rai air avrov' on ovK.o'tdaaiv rwv dXXorpiwv
voice of strangers. but will flee from because they know not of strangirg
6 This parable pa] e I

Jesus unto them but rriv (pojin'iv. 6 1avrr]V rr)v rrapoifxiav eJttev aiirolg b
they understood not the voice. This allegory
spoke to *them 'Jesus,
what things tin y wire'
wh ih he spake unto ovK.tynoaav riva T r)v" a eXoXei avrolg.
them. but they knew not what it was which he spoke to them.

b 6 t[t. ].
c _a d
ap6pumov of man t.
{, T
,p T [ TrA ]. e Kal tiTrev l[a],
+ and GTTrAW.
KCLi LTTrA. gh oe
Kai TTrA. and Tal'Ta T. k/Lier'

avrov 6fTS LIT' A. m n

ovv fL]TTrA. ^aJl'eT he calls I.TTrA.
e'iTrav T. zeal
TTvA. P navTa all (his OWIl) LTTrA. a.KO\ov6r)<70V(7I.V Will they tulloW LTTrAW

it miicht b Tr.
X, John. 275
Then said Jesus
7 EItw <nV s
7ra\iv avroig n b'lrjtrovg, 'Aftrjv
ap)v X'eyoi nnto them again, Ve-
*again Ho them I say
-Said therefore 'Jesus, Verily rily, verily, 1 say unto verily
you, I am the door of
itjxtv, 'on" kyw elfii rj 9vpa twv 7rpo/3(iTwv.
8 iravreg
8 All that
to you, that I am the door of the sheep. All whoever eversheep.
came before me
v dXX' are thieves and rob-
7rpo ifiov rjXQov" ic\i7rrai Eiaiv Kai Xyarai' ovK.i'jKovcrav bers : but the
before me came thieves are 'and robbers; but 3 did *not 5 hear did not hear them.
Si sjuov lav 9 I am the door by
avrwv to. 7rpo(3ara. 9 iyu eifii r) Qvpa- Tig
me if man enter

them 'the 2
sheep. I am the door: by me if anyone inhe any shall be saved,
Kai eiafXevirsTcu teal Kai and shall go in and
&i<ji\6y <Tio6i}(TETai, tZeXevoerai,
and and out, and find pasture.
enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in shall go out, 10 The thief cometh

vofirfv tvprjoei. 10 6 KXlTTTtjg ovK.ipx frai a '-J" /

r iva K ^tyv not,butfortosteal,and
comes not and to destroy: he may steal to kill,
pasture shall find. The thief except that
I am come that they
Kai Qv?y icai cnroXtay' lyo) r)X9ov 'Iva Z,u)rjv t^wo-tv, might have life, and

and may kill and may destroy : I came that life they might have, that they might have
it more abundantly.
not Trepiaabv tx uimv - 11 'Eyw el/xi 6 Troifujv 6 icaXog' 6 Ill am the good shep-
and abundantly might have [it]. I am the 2 shepherd 'good. The herd the good shep- :

herd giveth his life for

b KaXbg Tr}v.y\jvxnv.avTOV ti9i]giv VTrlp riov 7rpof3d the sheep. 12 But he
'good his life lays down for the sheep that is an hireling, :
and not the shepherd,
12 6.fXia9u)rbgJ"ck, Kai ovk.wv Troiftriv, oi> ovk whose own the sheep
but the hired servant, and who is not [the] shejjjierd, whose not are not, seeth the wolf
x i<riv n ra coming, and leaveth
7rp6f3ara iSia, Oewpei rbv Xvkov Ipxbjxevov, Kai the sheep, and fleeth:
4 2 3 the wolf and and the wolf catcheth
are the sheep 'own, sees coming,
them, and scattereth
d(ph)(nv ra 7rpo(iara Kai 0eryei' Kai b
1 3 The hire- XvKog dpirdZ,H avrd the sheep.
leaves the sheep, and flees and the
ling fleeth, because he
wolf seizes them
is an hireling, and car-
Kai ffKOp7ri'Cei irpbfiara. 13 b.Sk
7 rd
f/jodu/rbg 0a>ya" eth not for the sheep.
and scatters the sheep. Now the hired servant flees because 14 1 am the good shep-
herd, and know my
/j,Ky0(or6g tcriv, Kai ou-jUt\i.a?>r<p 7rtpi rtov 7rpo/3arwv. sheep, and am known
a hired servant he is, and is not himseli concerned about the sheep. of mine. 15 As the
14 tyw ra Father knoweth me,
b Troijxijv 0KaXi:g' Kai yivwaKU) Ifid, even so know I the Fa-
1 am the -shepherd 'good and 1 know
those that [are] mine,
ther and I lay down

KaOtog yivuxjRa my life for the sheep.

fpv." 15
Kai ynnt'(yKo^ai vtto tCjv
3 16 And other sheep I
and am known of those that [are] mine. As kriows
have, which are not of
b Trarrjp, Kayoj yu'wovcw rbv irarkpa' Kai TTjv.-^vxrjv.fxov this fold them also I :

know and must bring, and they

'me 'the 'Father, I also the Father; my life shall hear my voice;
T(0?//a inrlp tojv 7rpo/3orwr.
16 Kai dXXa 7rpoj3ara f%a, and there shall be one
I lay down for the sheep. And other sheep I have, fold, and one shep-
17 Therefore
d oukJgtiv Ik rfjg.avXrjg.ravTijg' KaKEivd */j.e

doth my Father love

which are not of this fold ;
those also 3
me l
it ^behoves me, because I lay down
b my life, that 1 might
dyayfiv, Kai rrjg-<pioviJQ-Hov aKovaovmv Kai yi>i]oeTai
fiia take it again. 18 No
to bring, and my voice they will hear ;
and there shall be one man taketh it from
c me, but 1 lay it down
dg 17 Sid.rovro
dyairq,, of myself. I have b 7rari)p

Koipvr), Tcoifn]v. /.is

flock, one shepherd. On this account
loves, power to lay it down, the Father me
and I have power to
on lyoj ti9)]ijli Trjv.\l/vxi]V.[J.ov, iva rrdXiv Xd/3w avri]V. take it again. This
because I lay down my life, that again I may take it. commandment have I
an received ofmy Father.
18 ovdeig a'ipei avrrjv air' Ifiov, dXX' lyu) Ti9r]fii avrifv 19 There was a division
No one takes it from me, but I lay down it of therefore againamong
the Jews for these
tfinvrov. tZovrriav %a> Quvai avri]v, Kai l^ovaiav t'vw
myself. Authority I have to lay down it, and authority I have
ttuXiv Xafielv avrr]V ravrijv rrjv IvtoXvv tXajiov irapd
again to take it. This commandment I received from
d u

T0v.7raTp0g.jwv. 19 2%(crpa ofivirdXiv tytvero tv rolg

my Father. A division therefore again there was among the

avTOis TrdKiv L ; 7rdAii> aurots T ; auToi? A. .* on [L]Tr[A].
r\\9ov irpb
GLTrA Se but T|Tr]. w 1 earii'
e/m.oi irpb ifxov T.
; T(i TrpofiaTa.

([toi TTpofiaTa] A) 6 Be joua#&>TOS <evyei [l.JTTrA. ywt)i>(TKovo~iv /uc ra c/ia those that [arc]
mine know me
j.ttia. a 6et LITrA. fj.e

y' }?"o'Tai TrA. fit o iraTfjp LTT;A.

& ovv LTIrA.
sayings. 20 And many 'lovSaioig Sid 20 tXeyov e
cf them said, He hath TOvg.XSyovg.TOVTOvg.
Jews on account of these words "said 'but
a devil, and is mad; ;

why hear ye him ? 7ro\Xoi t% avrujv, Aaip,6viov t\i Kai fiaivErac ri avrov
21 Others said, These
are not the words of many of them, A demon he has and is mad ; why him
him that hath a devil. ctKOVETE ; 21 "AXXoi IXgyor, Tavra rd pi'ipara ovK.'iariv
Can a devil open the do These
ye hear ? Others said, sayings are not [those]
eyes of the blind ?
SaifioviZofikvoV \ir\ Saipoviov Svvarai nxpXiov
of one possessed by a demon.
A demon
4s able of [the] blind [the]
f n
6(p9aXpovg dvoiyeiv ;
eyes to open ?
22 'Eyh'SToSe rd BiyKaivia iv Vole;

took place the feast of dedication at Jerusalem,
k 6"
tjcai" ^iifiMv 7]V 23 Kai 2Trwuirdru 'Irjcovg &v r<p ieptp
and winter it was. And was 3 walking 'Jesus in the temple

iv ry OTOCf, Vou 2oXop.u>vrog.

24 tKVKXojo-av olv avrov
in the porch of Solomon. "Encircled therefore him
22 And it was at 01 'lovcaloi, Kai 'iXeyov avrip, "Ewg ttote. Ti]V.t\jvxn v - 1)fx ^> v
Jerusalem the feast of 'the and said to him, Until when our soul
the dedication, and it
was winter. 23 And
a'ipetg; ei cv el 6 xpiarog, m ei7re" i)pXv 7rap-
Jesus walked in the holdest thou in. suspense ? If thou art the Chri

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