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Joey Rodrigues and Peter Vanek

Chemistry E
Mrs. Alkire

If the change in temperature is greater when the water is heated with the use of the fire caught
by the food substance, then the energy content in the food substance is higher because the
heat energy is greater, since the heat energy is absorbed by the water when the fire is kept
under the test tube containing water. The formula indicates that if the change in temperature is
greater when the mass of the substances and the volume of water are constant, then the heat
energy is higher.
Background Science:
When burning food warms a known quantity of water, the amount of thermal energy given off by
the food is theoretically equal to the amount of thermal energy gained by the water. The
following is an equation that describes this idea: where Q is the amount of thermal energy, m is
the mass of the water, c is the specific heat of the water, and T is the change in temperature of
the water.
The specific heat, c, of water is:

where Q is the amount of thermal energy, m is the mass of the water, c is the specific heat of
the water, and T is the change in temperature of the water. The specific heat, c, of water.
Dependent & Independent variables:
Dependent variable in the experiment is the temperature of the ice water in the soda can. The
independent variable is the temperature of the ice water recorded with a thermometer.
1. Get and put on safety goggles.
2. Measure water (approximately 100 ml) and put in can calorimeter.
3. Measure temperature of water.
4. Get food sample and put in food holder.
5. Measure mass of food and food holder.
6. Light food on fire and put close to bottom of can.
7. Wait for food to burn completely.
8. Measure temperature of water.
9. Measure mass of remaining food
10. Empty water from can and throw away food remains.
11. Repeat steps 2-10 for remaining 2 cheetos


Ring Stand
Glass ice water
Beaker (100 mL)
Stirring rods (2)
Chips (corn chips)
Paper and Pen
Stop Watch (clock)
Soda Can

Variables to be held constant:

Dont take out thermometer until the chip is completely burnt.
Replace water in can after every trial done. (3 trials)
Safety Considerations:
1. Wear safety goggles at all times.
2. Long hair should be tied back.
3. Close-toed shoes should be worn.

Starting temp

Ending Temp

Starting weight

Ending weight

Chip 1





Chip 2





Chip 3






My results completely agree with my hypothesis that when the temperature change is greater,
the energy content is higher. My hypothesis states:If the change in temperature is greater when
the water is heated with the use of the fire caught by the food substance, then the energy
content in the food substance is higher because the heat energy is greater, since the heat
energy is absorbed by the water when the fire is kept under the test tube containing water. The
formula indicates that if the change in temperature is greater when the mass of the substances
and the volume of water are constant, then the heat energy is higher.If compared to my results, I
can vouchsafe that my hypothesis agrees with my results. For example, we experimented with
cheetos and the highest temperature change was 52 C and the lowest were 48C and 49C.
The only differences between these two were that the 52C had a larger starting mass opposed
to the others which led to agree with my hypotheses and statement. temperature change is
greater, the energy content is higher.
One possible source of error in this lab was that energy was lost to the air because the food
wasnt directly next to the can. Another area where error could have occurred was in the
measuring of the temperature because it was hard to read the thermometer and the
temperature dropped a lot when it was taken out of the can. But overall, our experiment was
reliable as the results weve received were common answers when compared to others in our
class. However our answers were all sharing different characteristics in data as everyone else'
due to the size and shape of every chip tested along with the various amount of weight each
one contained.
Our experiment is valid because we followed directions and we mimicked the experiment
exactly as the book intended to. We accurately recorded the burning process of the chip
making sure that it was accurately hoisted on top of the wine cork. Not only did we do that, but
we cleaned the can after every use, to ensure that the ash or burning of the can wont affect the
temperature or any variables in the experiment. Upon constructing the experiment our only
problem that could affect our validity, is the way the chip was placed. since the chip would move
freely slowly when burning it moved the point of flame from the can which could affect
temperature greatly and possible merely. We also had 2 chips inside our cup because peter ate
one(joking). In spite of such detour we did use a new plastic cup with new chips which you gave
us which played a role in completing this experiment.
Fixable Sources of Error:
The experiment was done with the best method possible in the lab with the provided
equipment.The accuracy could be increased by:
Use a calorimeter to insulate the test tube to prevent loss of heat energy.
Use a digital thermometer for accurate readings of temperature.
Prevent the coating on the can after each burning (clean it)
Conduct more trials.
Turn off the A/C(I thought the room was rather cold) and perform the experiment
at room temperature.
Use exactly 3 grams of food substances


1. I would describe the chip that we used as energy dense because it went up in
flames fairly quickly, and keep the burning going, while heating the water.
2. The chip we used (Frito) had the highest cal/g and this could be because of the
ingredients used in them.
3. Some aspects that could affect the cal/g is the amount of distance away the chip
was from the can, and also how long the match was held there.
4. One thing we could do is have a set standard for the distance of the chip.
5. One thing we would have to do is to make sure the chip doesn't break because
that can affect the results.

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