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— ‘Superintendent Certification Rating Form, Revised to reflect the 2008 ISLLC Standards and aligned PIL Standards: 1 4/8/09 School of Education, Drexel University EDUC 827, 828, 829, 830: Superintendent Interns! Directions: ‘The purpose of this rating sheet is to provide feedback to the Superintendent Internship Candidate about his or her Performance with the goal of improving that performance. The evaluation items are based upon the 2008 ISLLC Leadership Standards and the PIL Standards for the Superintendent and the Certification Competencies. Rate the internship experience for the candidate on each of the items below on a I to 5 rating scale. Check the appropriate box with 5 representing Outstanding Performance through 1 indicating a Necessity for Improvement. Explain your valuation with additional comments. Check “not observed” ifthe skill was not a part of the internship experience. Outstanding Needs Performance Improvement ISLLC Standards “08 | An education leader promotes the success of every 5:4) ( 32 ke ‘student by facilitating the development, articulation, Observed {implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by al stakeholders. Standard 1: VISION | A. Collaboratvely develop & implementa shared vision and mission, By Colleet and use data to Wnty goals, assess A onganizatonal eectiveness, and promote 7 | PIL Core Standard 2 organizational learing, | tae eeaes ‘C—Create and implement plans wo achieve goals. ‘C- Promote continuous and sustainable A improvement. E_ Monitor and evaluate progress and Revie plans Comments Standard 2: School ‘An education leader promotes the success of every 5]4]/3]/2]1 ‘Not Learning CULTURE _ | stedent by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a ices School culture and instructional program conducive to ‘student learning and staff professional growth. ‘A. Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations. PIL-Corollary Standard? |B. Crate a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent ‘curricular program. C._ Create a personalized and motivating learning environment for students. 1D. Supervise instruction WRK Develop assessment and accountability systems to ‘monitor student progress. F. Develop the instructional and leadership capacity oF staff G_ Maximize time spent on quality instruction, T N TI. Promote the use of the most effective and appropriate technologies to support reaching and Superintendent Certification Rating Form, Revised to reflect the 2008 ISLLC Standards and aligned PIL Standards: 2 41809 Tearning 1. Monitor and evaluate the impact of the instructional program. I ‘Comments Standard 3: ‘An education leader promotes the success of every 5]4]/3]/2]1 T aa 4 ‘student by ensuring management of the organization, — Management operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. IL Core Sante ganda wae Ct ala students and staff. Sia ae aaa See aT eS eee KAS A ISIN Fp] ol ‘Comments Seine Sl and | ea on ont ‘A. Collect and analyze data and information pertinent 4 ee arom ‘resources. ~ families and caregivers. ~ ee ‘Comments ‘Standard 5: Integrity, | 4” education leader promotes the success of every 374 ]3]2]1 | ote Fairmess & Ethical | | Ment acting with ncriyJoress andi an mw ethical manner. Manner "A. Ensure a system of accountability for every JA student's academic and social success. Model principles of self-awareness, reflective PIL Corollary Standard 4 practice, transparency, and ethical behavior. ‘Safeguard the values of democracy, equity and A vw 1 P| diversity. ‘Consider and evaluate the potential moral and legal consequences of decision-making Promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling. sg > ‘Comments ‘Standard 6: Wider “ection Leader promotes theses of ery 57413] 2]1 | hia Contexts (politica, social, | deat by understanding, responding to an wat) | ifluencing the political, social, economic, legal and economic, legal & culturaly | Hunenring ther Superintendent Certification Rating Form, Revised to reflect the 2008 ISLLC Standards and aligned PIL Standards: 3 4/8/09 A. Advocate for children, Families, and caregivers T PIL Corollary Standard $B. Act to influence local, district, state and national desis aeing set ene | Assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging wends and iniitves in order to adapt leadership strategies, ‘Comments Drexel Competencies Ousianding Peformance __Needs Improvement | Competencies Exit Skill Level s)40372]1 [ae Organizational | Skill using resources in optimal fashion, Ability ‘Abilify to deal witha volume of papenvor and hheavy demands on one’s time. Y Comments Decisiveness. Ability to deal with a volume of paperwork and | heavy demands on one's time. 10 determine whether a short or Tong term solution is most appropriate to the | situation Demonstrais th Tenacily fo ack othe eso ote Hike eng eae fom A oahers Comments Yard mer heath vrref S prrierd peel Aijther Scores Leadership ‘Ability to recognize when a group requires energizing, facilitation, motivation and “4 empowerment Ability to interact witha group effetively and | guide them to the accomplishment ofa task ‘Comments Siress Tolerance | Ability to perform during opposition aa ‘Ability to think on one’s feet. L Comments Oral Communication [Ability to organize an oral presentation A Ability to tailor the message to the audience Ability to use effective communication skills | = Superintendent Creation Rating For, Revised tore the 2008 ISLLC Standards and signed PIL Standards: 4 ish ‘Commenis Written ‘bility to waite appropriately for different Communication | aienees- students, teachers, parents and | community ‘Comments Range of interest | Desire to actively partieipate in events Z “Ability to tolerate ambiguity and resist premature closure. xv ‘Comments Personal motivation] Evidence that work is important to personal satisfaction. “) Ability 1 be selEpolicing ‘Comments Educational Values] Possession ofa well-reasoned educational 7 philosophy. ‘Comments Please sign belo Date. ZL UYLle Miche CLLkv Date § 9/7 /Vé Superintendent Intern

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