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Handball 6 weeks

Curriculum Aims: (Specific the
purpose of Physical education and the
which of the 4 aims this unit supports)

Engage in diverse activities,
developing transferable
skills enabling confidence

- Develop competence in
a broad range of
- Be physically active for
sustained periods
- Will participate in
competitive activities


Year 8

Resources: (Specific to the challenges reference to equipment, teaching and learning resources (eg task cards), and
ICT equipment)

Handballs, goals, cones, basketballs, tennis balls, bibs, teaching cards/ key point cards, self and peer analysis
worksheets, YouTube videos, iPads/ computer

Aims/objectives: (first statement links aims to End of Key stage Statement; second statement links to specific elements that pupils should be taught using the
language of the end of key stage statement; final statement links to specific skills whole school curriculum aims and numeracy and maths/ literacy and language to be

Through involvement in this handball unit, students will take part in physical and mental challenges working on both
individual and group skills.

Through this unit students will develop their skills in the following ways:
Curriculum aims (Aims):
Physically Build on skills already acquired whilst showing that skills can be adapted and manipulated to suit different sports
Mentally Develop tactical thinking and decision making skills in both competitive and non competitive environments
Socially Working with a variety of pupils in different situations collaboratively, in some instances in competitive
environments. Some students will work on their management skills, emerging as natural leaders taking control in some game

Reading skills will be enhanced as key point sheets will be used. Information on these sheets will be used to develop pupils skills.
Assessment of this understanding will be shown when students perform the skills, showing they have understood the language and
what is expected of them.

Health & Safety: (link to 3 categories of risk
management m ust be accompanied by a full risk assessment

Staff/ Support Staff Prepare

challenges in advance and discuss with
supporting staff
Pupils Appropriate clothing and
Build on prior learning and previous
knowledge learnt in other invasion
game modules.
Guided learning teaching style will be
adopted, equipping pupils with the
skills to performance and analyse

Inclusion Strategies: (Link to National curriculum inclusion statement categories specific to unit)

Setting suitable learning challenges:
- Regression and progression tasks for the majority of activities to aid high achieving students as well as the lower ability
- Differentiated tasks for pupils to give opportunity for success, and providing an opportunity to take on different roles.
- Non-doer task which aid both their learning and the participating students

Responding to pupils needs and overcoming potential barriers for individuals and groups of pupils:
- Effective and engaging learning environment
- A range of assessment strategies will enable all needs to be met and assessed
- A range of resources will be used to communicate key learning information and assist the lesson objectives

Outcome/Process: (Specific

learning outcomes aligned to specific

aspects being taught in the unit aims and
objectives using the language of the end of
key stage statement)

Possession and Ball Control

Learning Objectives
Skill: Students will be able to
perform both the bounce,
shoulder and side pass with
some accuracy
Knowledge: Students will be
able to explain a teaching point
for the correct technique of
each pass
Skill: Students will be able to
perform the correct technique
for each pass with consistent
Knowledge: Students will be
able to explain why each pass is
vital in a game of handball
Skill: Students will be able to
demonstrate the correct
technique for the majority of
passes, showing consistent
accuracy and a range of power
Knowledge: Will be able to
explain why each pass are used
in different situations during a
handball game

Core tasks: Weeks 1-2

(specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that phase of the unit)

Possession and Basic Ball Control

Possession and Ball Control
Ball Familiarisation - Ball Reaction and Claim
- Students are to be in threes. One as an impartial feeder, the other two students are to start
either side of the impartial feeder in their 'safe zones'.
- The feeder is to drop the ball. The other two students are to run in, compete for the ball and
wrestle it away, aiming to get it back into their safe zone.
- The feeder should drop the ball from a variety of heights, mimicking real game scenarios.
- Students are to rotate round so each has a go at feeder and competing.
1) Use a basketball. As it is a larger ball and will bounce higher, less able students will have more
chance of retrieving the ball.
2) Less able students are to start nearer to the feeder, decreasing the amount they have to travel
back to their safe zone.
1) More-able students should be encouraged to use a tennis ball. This will make it more difficult as
it is a smaller ball and requires more focus, the ball will also not bounce as high.
2) More-able students are encouraged to start further away from the feeder, having to travel
further back to their safe zone.

Ball Familiarisation- Pick Up and Go!
- Students are to be in pairs, one each side of the sports hall (see yellow crosses). A ball is to be
positioned in the middle of the pair (see grey ball), balanced on a cone if needs be.
- When the whistle goes, students are to move towards their ball, collect it and return to their
starting position without getting caught.
- Encourage students to use their bodies to get a good position before touching the ball in
order to shield the ball.
1) More-able students are to wear a bib. Shielding not only the ball but their bib as well. Their
partner is to try and take the bib instead of tagging them.
- Students are to be in threes. Two of the students are to stand next to each other and label
themselves either a rat or a rabbit. The other student is the instructor and must call one of
the animals.
- If rabbit is called, the student is to try and run away from the rat and not get tagged (vice
versa if rat is called). Once the rabbit gets tagged both students are to return to the middle
for another round.
- Students then rotate round so each student gets a turn.

Inside Out
- Pupils are to be in pairs and are to start at one end of the sports hall roughly 5m apart.
- Students are to bounce pass their ball to each other working up the sports hall (see blue

Compelling / irresistible
learning: (What environments,

teaching styles, interactive opportunities,

Out of hours learning, extension /
enrichment, themes will be used to make
this unit motivating and exciting for the

A combination of guided
learning and teacher led
teaching styles will be used
to engage and enhance

Resource cards and
YouTube videos will be
used to provide students
with the information
needed to perform a
variety of skills.

Most of the learning
experiences will be taught
in a games for
understanding method to
make it realistic and
engaging for the students.
However, some drill like
activities will also be
taught to communicate
some key information.

Students will be directed to
local clubs to develop their
handball skills in an out of
hours provision.

The use of technology
throughout the unit will

crosses). When they reach the other end they are to move out wide and perform overhead
throws to their partner (see yellow crosses), over the heads of those students performing the
bounce pass in the middle.
1) Suggest to students that they should want their pass to be successful, if this is not happening
move closer together to enable more chance of success.
1) Add in one or more defenders down the middle of the court to put pressure on the pass.

- Students are to be in groups of roughly 8, starting in a square formation. One student is to
start in between two of the queues with a ball (see green cross). The first student in the cue
to their right is then to run out and receive the ball (see blue cross) before reaching the
following queue. They then pass to the next person who has run out from the next queue.
At first students are to use the shoulder pass, after a few rotations move onto the bounce
1) Students are to start their queues closer to each other so they don't have to throw the ball as
far. Focusing energy on a smaller pass, highlight the importance of successfulness.
1) Introduce defenders, start with one acting passively, putting some pressure on the player
making the pass.

Moving with the Ball

Learning Objectives

Skill: Students will be able to
dribble with their dominant
hand, with the desired
technique and some control

Endzone - Conditioned Game
Split students into 5/6. Students are allowed 3 steps with the ball (drip feed rules ready for
dribbling). They then must pass the ball to their teammate, using one of the passes learnt.
In order to score, a student has to pass the ball to their teammate in the endzone, resulting in
a successful catch.
Students are allowed to intercept the ball and attack their endzone.
1) Make end zones bigger to increase chance of success.
2) Use pink dodgeball to enable easier ball handling for less able students.
1) Decrease the size of the end zone to make it harder to score. One option is to replicate the
goal by having the end zone in the middle of the baseline.

Moving with the Ball
Ball Familiarisation Dribbling
- Each student is to have a ball, facing the teacher (who also has a ball).
- Students are to mirror the teacher and the different skills the teacher performs. These skills
are to include dribbling whilst; standing, crouching, kneeling, sitting, laying down, hopping
and bouncing both balls in sync.
1) If students are confident in doing skills with their dominant hand, encourage them to use
their non-dominant hand.

engage students.
Technology such as
YouTube and analyse apps
shall be used were

Through this unit, suitable
students will be identified
to be offered a place on the
sports leaders UK level 1
course. Students who take
leadership roles within
lessons will be highlighted.

The chance to partake in
extra curricular handball
club will be offered to the
students to enhance their

Through England Handball,
Olympic competitors will
be invited in to inspire the
students and offer high
quality skill develop

Knowledge: Students will be

able to explain the teaching
points for the correct technique
for dribbling

Skill: Students will be able to
dribble with control with their
dominant hand, whilst
attempting to dribble with their
non dominant hand in non-
competitive situations
Knowledge: Students will be
able to explain why dribbling is
important in a game of

Skill: Students will be able to
dribble with both the
dominant, and non dominant
hand, in both competitive and
non competitive situations with
Knowledge: Students will be
able to explain why being
confident in dribbling, with
different hands, is desired in a
game of handball.

- Split students into groups of 10-15 and specify an area in which each group is to work in.
- Each student (see yellow crosses) has a ball, they are to dribble the ball around whilst trying
to knock other students balls out of the area.
- If a student has their ball cleared, they are to collect their ball and dribble around the outside
of the area before joining back in (see blue crosses).
1) Use basketballs for less able students
1) Decrease the area size to increase chance to knock balls out. A non-doer can stand on one
edge of the area walking in slowing decreasing the area.

Truck and Trailer
- Students are to be in pairs with once handball per pair.
- One student is to dribble around in the specified area whilst the other person in the pair
shadows their movement 5m behind. When the whistle goes, the student with the ball is to
bounce pass to their pair who then dribbles around until the next whistle.
- Advance to overhead pass, then a combination of; bounce, overhead, bounce. Further
advance to pairs self regulating their passing by conditioning the game to, 3 dribbles then
students must pass.
1) Less able students are to use basketballs
1) More-able students are to use tennis balls to make it more difficult for the students, making
them focus on the ball more.

Outcome/Process cont.

(Specific learning outcomes showing

progression from weeks 1-3, linked to the
specific aspects being taught outlined in the
unit aims and objectives using the language
of the end of key stage statement)

Shooting Learning

Skill: Students will be able to
perform at least one type of
shot with the correct technique
with some accuracy, attempting
others with inconsistent
Knowledge: Students will be
able to explain the teaching
points for at least one type of

Skill: Students will be able to
demonstrate two types of shot
with accuracy, and another
with inconsistent accuracy both
in non-competitive and
competitive situations.
Knowledge: Students will be
able to explain why the
different types of shot are
useful in a game of handball, as
well as explain the teaching
points for at least two types of

Skill: Students will be able to
perform at least three types of
shot with the correct technique
and consistent accuracy in both

Core tasks: Weeks 3-4

(specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that phase of the unit, should
show progression from the previous phase)

Moving with the Ball and Attacking the Goal

Moving with the Ball
Snake Run
- Split students into 2 groups. 4 students in each group are to become posts in a snake like
formation (see blue crosses). The rest of the students are to be in a line in front of post 1.
- The first student in each group dribbles 3 times before passing to the first post, immediately
following their pass, running behind the post to receive the return pass. Once the student has
received the returned pass, they are to dribble 3 times and pass onto post 2, again receiving
the return pass. The procedure is to be replicated with posts 3 and 4. The next student in the
line goes when the student infant receives the return pass from post 1.
- Once students reach the end of the snake they are to dribble around the outside of the sports
hall, joining the back of the other queue.
1) Students are to just dribble around the posts, focusing their attention on the dribbling rather
than the passing
1) Introduce defenders to put some pressure on the dribble

Endzone - Conditioned Game
- Split students into 5/6. Students are allowed to; take 3 steps with the ball, dribble and pass
(using previous knowledge from previous lesson).
- In order to score, a student has to pass the ball to their teammate in the endzone, resulting in
a successful catch.
- Students are allowed to intercept the ball and attack their endzone.
1) Make end zones bigger to increase chance of success.
2) Use pink dodgeball to enable easier ball handling for less able students.
1) Decrease the size of the end zone to make it harder to score. One option is to replicate
the goal by having the end zone in the middle of the baseline.

Attacking the Goal

4 Goals!
- Set up 4 goals around the sports hall. Split students into 4 groups, one group per goal. At each
goal, students will work on a different handball shot.
- Within their groups, students are to work in pairs. Shooters (see yellow crosses) will stand on
the edge of the D whilst their pair (see blue crosses) will start 3m behind them. Shooters are
to receive a pass from their pair and perform the shot into the goal. Their pair is to then give
feedback to them using the analysis sheet.
- Once students have had 5 shots on one goal, move onto the next goal and type of shot.

Compelling / irresistible
learning cont.:

and competitive scenarios.

Knowledge: Students will be
able to explain when the
different types of shot would
be used in a game of handball

1) The student who is not shooting is to act as a passive defender, moving onto an active
defender, putting pressure on the shot.

Give, Go, Shoot
- Set up cones at each end of the sports hall to represent goals, students will be shooting at the
wall as the rebound is needed. Split students into four queues, one in each corner of the sports
hall. One handball starts in two of the queues (see grey circle).
The first person in the lines with a ball is to dribble straight up the sports hall, when they near the
next queue they are to pass the ball to the person in the front of the queue. They then receive a
return pass and are to shoot between the cones. The person who shoot then joins the back of the
queue in which they received the pass from. The student who provided the return pass is to
collect to rebound, pass on to the next queue and join the back of it.
Health and safety - Don't shoot if someone is near the goal area
1) Dont perform the passing part, focus on the shooting
1) Add in more handballs so students have to think about timing of the dribbling and passing, this
will also make them more under pressure
2) Add in defenders near the goal to put pressure on the shot

Shoot and Shoot Again
- Set up two sets of goals, opposite to each other in the sports hall and place a bucket of balls
in the middle.
- Split students into four queues, each in a corner of the sports hall.
- Students are to run in and collect a ball from the bucket and perform a shot into the goal.
Each goal is to be a different type of shot. Once the person in front of them in their queue has
shot the next person can go. Once a student has shot they are to join the following queue.
Potential for self assessment - Set up iPads with a video delay so students can watch their
performance back and analysis before their next go.
Task for non-doers - Select a student in which to analysis, complete an assessment sheet for each
type of shot and feedback.
1) If students struggle with grasping the ball, encourage them to use a smaller ball (such as a
tennis ball), to make gripping the ball easier
1) Add a defender at each goal to put pressure on the shot

Outcome/Process cont.

(Specific learning outcomes showing

progression from weeks 4-6, linked to the
specific aspects being taught outlined in the
unit aims and objectives using the language
of the end of key stage statement)

Attacking Learning

Skill: Students will be able to
use their skills, learning from
previous lessons, in competitive
situations with some
consistency and accuracy.
Knowledge: Students will show
some knowledge of tactical
awareness and be able to show
where the attacking positions in
handball usually set up in a
Skill: Students will be able to
use their skills from previous
lessons at speed, with
consistent accuracy, in
competitive environments.
Knowledge: Students will begin
to develop strategic and tactical
play by explaining the
importance of playing into
space in order to attack,
whilst explaining the roles of
some positions.
Skill: Students will be able to
use their skills from previous
lessons at speed and consistent
accuracy, in competitive
Knowledge: Students will show
strong strategic and tactical

Core tasks: Weeks 5-6

specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that phase of the unit, should
show progression from the previous phase)

Attacking and Defending up the Court

Cone Carry
- Set up two area filled with cones and split the class into two teams.
- One team has to move the red cones (see red circles) over to the blue zone and the other
team has to move the blue cones (see blue circles) over to the red zone.
1) If one team is stronger than the other, they start with more cones on their side
1) If students mobility is weak and they struggle to get low, use bigger, higher cones that are
easier to pick up

Cops and Robbers
- Split class into two teams with one goal at either end of the sports hall. At one goal have a
hoop of handballs and have one goal free.
- Robbers (see yellow crosses) are to start in the D of the free goal, the cops (see blue crosses)
are to start at the side of the court at the halfway line.
- When the whistle goes, the robbers have to go and collect one handball. The cops are not
allowed to move until robber have touched the handball.
- Robbers have to get all the handballs into their D/goal without the cops intercepting it.
Robbers can only move one handball at a time. If the cops intercept the ball they can gain
points by getting the ball back into their starting square, however, robbers can intercept it
back and attack their goal.
- If teams are more than 10+, only 6 are allowed out to attack/ defend but this has to be a
different set of students each time a new ball is active.
1) If focus is on attacking, allow more cops to defend to make it harder for the attackers
2) If the focus is on defending, allow more robbers to attack to make it harder for the defenders
1) If needed, set up with different balls as well as handballs

Half Court Game
- First let students play, see whether they discuss tactics and positions.
- Introduce positions (see yellow crosses); right/left half (RH/LH), winger (RW/LW), centre back
(CB), line player (LP).
- Attacking player are to pick what position they want to play, reminding them that it is a fluid
game (unlike netball) and they don't have restricted areas, just different roles.
- Introduce zone defense (see blue crosses), 3:2:1. Students are to practice this and design their
own zone defenses.

Score and Stay
- Set up normal handball court and split students into three equal teams.
- Two teams are to play out a point of handball (see blue and yellow crosses) until one team

awareness by taking a
leadership role within their
selected teams to encourage
Defending Learning Objectives
Skill: Students will show basic
blocking technique in both
competitive and non-competitive
scenarios with some success.
Knowledge: Students will be able
to explain some of the key points
of the block.
Skill: Students will be able to
demonstrate the block and the
tackle in both competitive
and non-competitive scenarios
with the desired technique and
some success.
Knowledge: Students will be able
to explain the key points of the
block and tackle, as well as,
explaining how the 3:2:! defence is
set up.
Skill: Students will demonstrate
both the block and tackle in
competitive and non-competitive
scenarios, with the correct
technique, and consistent success.
Knowledge: Students will be able
to explain when the block or tackle
should be used in
different situations during a game
of handball, as well as, the benefits
of the 3:2:1 formation.

scores. If a team score they are to retain possession and attack the opposite goal. If a team
gets scored on, they are to sub off, allowing the other team on (see green crosses).
- If a team intercepts the ball, the previous attacking team subs off. The intercepting team
starts back at their defending goal line, ready to attack and the team that is off comes on to
- Whilst teams are off, encourage reflection to try different defensive or attacking tactics to
ensure success next time.
- If teams are of 7+ students only allow 7 on at a time with rotating substitutes.
1) Use pink dodgeballs to make gripping the ball easier
1) Use tennis balls to make catching and intercepting the ball harder, encouraging accurate
passing and dribbling skills
Non-doer Tasks
1) Referee the game
2) Pick a student and analyse their performance
3) Team manager of a team, reflecting on the success of the team

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