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March 23, 2016

Monica Islas
Reflective assignment
In this assignment I had a great experience in what health is like in terms of
labor and delivery in Mexico.
At the beginning was very difficult to find anybody in my family to know
about my birth. In the late 70s the years of were hard for my family. I talked
to one of my aunts from Oaxaca Mexico but her memory about her own son
was very dull but it was very interesting that she had her son inside of her
neighbors car rushing who also out of his kindness took her to the General
Hospital Mexico City Famous for the earthquake in 1986. The interesting part
is that in these cases such as the case of my aunt are common in Mexico;
many women are having babies either in a car or cab or on the streets
including in the entrance of the hospital and clinics, incident is at the peak.
Something is wrong here!
Vaginal Exam
While the labor women in the USA goes through vaginal exam. It appears the
nurse who care for my sisters mom labor went to an unchecked vaginal
exam. In the latent phase, Active Phase and transition Phase where the
nurse examine the vagina for dilation, effacement, station, position, and
membranes is unknown to the nurse in Mexico. The vaginal exam helps
nurses see how far the labor is ending.
New born assessment
The infant care and Apgar score is part of the assessment includes heart
rate, muscle tone, skin color respiratory efforts, reflex irritability. In this we
my baby sister had good assessment Heart rate muscle tone, respiratory
efforts reflex irritability and this last too where checked different to place the
babys bottom upside-down with a spank.
Anesthesia in the labor of my sisters baby was the same process, it was
given for contraction pain and made the baby deliverance smooth and
successful, one thing that women lived in Mexico is the extraction of the
spinal cord fluid as in the case of my cousin without notice of purpose and
consent she suffer from spinal cord pain for years.
Lab test

March 23, 2016

Blood draw from mother and PKU test was done for baby. As far as we know
several lab tests nurses take now for example screen for hepatitis, urinalysis,
MSAFP for Down syndrome, NTD, gastrochisis or another one H and H for O2
carrying ability etc.
The postpartum care of mother she was send home the next day without
baby, since baby was in incubation. The Teaching of the nurse was limited
and recommendation was to stay in bed for three days and have her
stomach wrap around an elastic bandage until the skin was back to normal.
Contemporary maternalnewborn nursing care /Ladewig, London, Davison pg 327,

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