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Amanda Fee


LESSON TOPIC: Community Responsibilities


UNIT TOPIC: Communities

Content Statement: Citizenship begins with becoming a contributing member of the
classroom community.
Indicators 6.1.P.A.3: Demonstrate appropriate behavior when collaborating with others.
Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why,
and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to
a grade 2 topic or subject area.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.2.10 By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts,
including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2-3 text
complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

PERFORMANCE OUTCOME: SWBAT explain how good communication makes an effective

Scholastic News Monkey Manners Weekly Reader
Monkey Manners Journal Write
Hook Students will be seated in a circle on the rug. The lesson will begin with a
brief game of whisper down the lane with the message as Monkeys have good
manners. Students will whisper the message to one another and the last person to
receive the message will say it aloud.
Content The majority of this lesson will be provided through the reading of the
Monkeys Take Turns article in the Money Manners in a whole-group setting. This
article tells how scientists have discovered that marmosets do not interrupt when
communicating with one another. They communicate with one another to warn
when enemies are near and when they find food. Marmosets work together to stay
safe in the rainforest.
1. Students will read the title of the article and make predictions about what
it means.
2. The whole class will read the first paragraph of the article aloud.
3. Odd-numbered students will read the second paragraph of the article

What word in this paragraph is important?

How do you know it is an important word?

What does it mean to communicate?

Why is communication important?

4. Odd-numbered students will read the third paragraph of the article aloud.
5. Girls will read the fourth paragraph of the article aloud.

What does it mean to be polite?

Is being polite part of having good manners?

Does being polite involve communication?

6. Boys will read the fifth paragraph of the article aloud.

Do you think marmosets are a community?

What is a community?

Is communication important in the marmoset community?

How do marmosets help one another in their community (give

Why is it important for marmosets to communicate?
7. The whole class will read the last paragraph aloud.
* This lesson will meet the needs of all students as questions are structured to
scaffold student thinking. Questions first begin with how basic concepts of what
communication is and being polite. Questions then extend this topic to include
ideas of how these concepts of communication are applied to the marmoset
community. The majority of students in the class are extremely sociable and will
benefit greatly from the class discussion. Students who are more hesitant will have
the opportunity to read in a group setting so they are not put on the spot. It is also
important to note that students who are visual learners will benefit from seeing the
text and pictures in front of them and students who are more auditory learners will
benefit from reading the text aloud.
Guided Practice
1. Students will watch a Speaking and Listening BrainPOP video.
2. After the video is viewed, they will be asked to turn and talk to a partner about
how the video relates to the article they read (finding both similarities and
3. After time is given, they will share with the class.
How is the video similar to the article about the monkeys we read?
4. A discussion will then ensure about how using good manners is important in a

Just as the monkeys in the article use good manners in

communicating with one another, it is important for people to use
good manners in their own communities.

Are we a community in this classroom? Why do you think so?

What are some ways we can show having good manners in our

Are we communicating with others when we use manners?

Why is it important to have good manners?

What are some ways we can show having good manners?

Independent Practice Students will complete a journal write/ drawing activity to

demonstrate their understanding that effective communication is important in
communities. This will be in the form of a worksheet that requires students to

finish the sentence, I use good manners in my classroom community by and

draw a picture to show their example.
Closure Students will be asked to briefly share examples of how they use good
manners in their classroom community from their journal write.


Monkey Manners Journal Write

Directions: Write about how you use good
manners in the classroom. Then, draw a picture
to show what you do.

I use good manners in my

classroom community by

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