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Indian Church History

This thesis speak of the origin of Christianity in India, its development, growth, contribution to
the larger Indian Society and present challenges Christianity in India faces in their mission of
evangelization today.
1. It is the opinion of many scholars that Christianity in India is of

apostolic origin.
Apostolic Origin:

One of the oldest and the strongest tradition is the Thomas Tradition, regarding the
origin of Christianity in India.

This belief is supported by a powerful and living tradition. There are at least 4 separate
traditions on the apostolic origin of Thomas Christians.

1. The south Indian Tradition:

According to this tradition, St Thomas the apostle landed in Kodangallur in 52 CE and
preached and baptized the natives.
He converted high caste Hindus and established churches.
He then moved to Coramandal coast to preach and suffered martyrdom and was buried at
This tradition is found in the folk songs like Margam Kali and Ramban Songs.
Some written documents were burnt following the synod of Diamper.
2. The North Indian Tradition:

Evidence for the North Indian apostolate of St Thomas is found in The Acts of
Thomas which is an apocryphal book.

According to this St Thomas converted the Royal family of Gundophar. This figure
assured a certain historical value with the discovery of some coins in North India in

3. The Patristic Traditions

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Writings of the fathers of the church point to the preaching of the gospel by St Thomas in

Before th council of Nycea :

Clement of Alexandria , Eusebius , Origin (St John Chrysostom, St Ambrose, St Jerome) say that
he came to india through the existing trade routes and reached Parthia and evangelized there.
From there he went to India and converted many and was martyred there.
After the Council of Nycea:

Gregory of Nazianzus, Paulinus of Nola link St Thomas with them.

St Ephreim of Edessa has composed hymns in honour of St Thomas where he mentions

his apostolate in India.

4. Tomb of Mylapore:

East Syrian and Malabar traditions were unanimous about the apostolate of St Thomas in

The truth of the tomb of St Thomas at Mylapore.

Christianity Preached by apostle Barthalomew:

Tradition that attributes the presence of Christianity in India to the apostle Barthalomew.

He came to Kalyan region of Bombay and preached there.

After preaching Jesus Christ to Indians he left behind the gospel of Matthew in Hebrew.

It has less historical evidence or support of the traditions.

Christianity preached by merchant and missionaries of the east Syrian and Pursian Church

East Syrian merchants and missionaries came to India from the 4thn C and preached
Christianity in India.

Well known names are - Thomas of Cana -4th C, Brother Sopor and Prot( 9th -10th C).

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This view is accepted by historians and scholars but it doesnt rule out the possibility of st
Thomas coming to India.


For many centuries Indian Christianity Characterized as - Hindu in Culture Christian in

faith, oriental in worship (by Prof. Placid Podipara)
Hindu in Culture:
Thomas Christians lived in an integral part of Kerala society.
Adopted societal customs marriage customs marriage ceremonies of their fellow Hindus
Cultural practices like songs, ceremonial baths, giving sweets, system of Dowry

Christians seemed to be like noble castes.

men dressed like the Nair Caste

Women , More modestly dressed like Nair women

Hygiene and Cleanliness those of high caste Hindus.

Followed local calendar.

Built churches like Hindu Temples.

Christian in faith
Believed in Trinity
Venerated the cross
Lived Christian faith
Celebrated Christian feasts.
Liturgical seaons like advent, lent, Easter
Gave importance to Holy Spirit.

Oriental in Worship (Liturgy) :

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They did not develop their own liturgy rather received eat Syrian liturgy that is prayers
and formulas Act of worship were those of east Syrian church.

had an arch deacon

Participatory Church Palliyogams

3. Western Christianity was introduced into India from 16th Century.

Motives for discovering new sea routes was increasing commerce(activities)

1498 Vasco de-Gama first successful voyage to India.

Slowly the Portugee aquird land in India,

1510 Under viceroy Alphonso, Portugese captured Goa.

1534 Diocese of Goa was erected and the patronage was given to the king. They began to
spread Chritian faith.

1542 Francis Xavier arrived in India preached the gospel in various parts of the country,
especially in Goa and Tamil Nadu.

1558 Sea of Cochin was erected.

1606 Mylapore was made Bishopric, taken from the jurisdiction of Cochin.

16th Century, Portuguese missionary enterprise in India, reaped rich Harvest.

New Christian communities belonging to the Latin rite sprang up. along the coast from
Gujarat to Kerala and from Kerala to TN.

Portuguese laid a strong foundation for the growth of Christianity in India. But
the drawbacks were many too.

Quasi identification of Christianizing with westernizing.

Convert were asked to adopt Portugese proper names and surnames.

Western dress was part of conversion.

This prevented well placed Hindus from becoming Christians.

1606 Robert De Nobili a Jesuit declared himself a member of the Raja Caste.

He lived like an Indian and brought to the church a number of high caste Hindus.

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Efforts to Latinize Christians

Portuguese missionaries and priest had a sense of superiority over Thomas Christians.

Their aim to Latinize was to substitute the Chaldean Patriarchal jurisdiction with the
Portuguese Padroado jurisdiction.


This attempts at latinization resulted in the synod of Diamper on 20 June , 1599.

After this many joined Latin Church.

Jan 3, 1653 Coonan cross Oath brought division.

One of the significant developments in Indian Christianity in the 19th and 20th
centuries has been mass conversions.

19th C saw the extension of missionary movements, Mass conversions.

Backward communities like Parawas in TN

Tribals in Chotanagpur

North east states.

Dalits Andra Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar


Promoted education.

Raised social and economic states.

Reasons for the success of Mass conversions

Role of Land

Role of coloured policies CNTA, SPTA etc.

Status Factor

Freedom from societal injustice

Prophetic role of missionaries like Fr Lievans.

Absence of intellectual systems in tribals and Dalits

Differentiation and identity formation

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Protestant Christianity in India

Until 18th C, protestantalism wasnt present in India.

1706 German Lutharans arrived in India.

1. Barthalomew Ziganbalg translated the Nt into Tamil.
2. Henry Pluestine worked hard- hand in hand with Bathalomew.

1786: Anglicans arrived in India.

1793: Baptist mission in India 1792 : William Carry

Beginning of 19th century there were 500 protestant missions Alexander Duff a Scottish

1830 Missionary societies in India

Focus :

Social reforms and English Education

Naidus of South and Tribals of Bengal embraced Protestantism.

5. Encounter between Christianity and Indian cultures has been superficial although there has
emerged a significant Indian christian theology.
Bbecause of Many problems.
1. Missionary enterprise :

Implanted culture which is western and not Indian.

Colonial attitude

Cultural and religious imposition.

2. Alienation





Religious within the church , Outside the church &. in the government
3. Indian Theologians were third world theologians ..

Romes imposition on the Indian Church

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Indias dependency on Rome for economic sustenance.

4. Lack of Credibility in the Church:

Enmity between Catholics and Protestants.

Superficial: Not within tribal symbols, Not within cultural understanding, not
within my ethos so it looks artificial.

Indian Theology :

Robert de Nobili , Matteo Ricci, Amalorphavadoss, Raymando Panickar, Thomas Hahx,, IM

Fathers, Appasamy, Brama bandav Upadhyay,Wilfred, George Saurus Prabhu, Michael
Amoldoss etc with Indian mind interpreted the message of Jesus Christ for the socio
economic, cultural, political and religious reality in India.

Present Indian Christians theologians as Indian Christians have responded to the needs of the
poor, the oppressed, the women, the tribes and the laity through different ways:

Dalit Theology , Inter faith Dialogue, Ecumenism, Liberation Theology, Inculturation

5. Contemporary Indian Society poses many challenges to the Christian Churches and their
mission in India today.
Challenges : Caste ystem, Poverty,Multi Cultures,Many Religions

Our Mission Today:

Promote wholeness and holiness in human community

Shift from Royal mentality to servant mentality

Inter Religious Dialogue

Healing the wounds

Remove mutual suspicion

Remove the division between religions and celebrate the differences

Church should take public stance on vital national issues like

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HR violation
Injustice done to any section of the people.

Church should be truly Indian and Genuinely Christian.

Insert the Christian faith and gospel way of living into the culture of People.

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