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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Name: __Savannah Holtz

Lesson Content
What Standards (national or
state) relate to this lesson?

LAFS.3.RL.2.6: Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the character.
LAFS.3.RL.1.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain
how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

Essential Understanding
How do a characters traits, actions, and point of view affect us and the story?
Objectives- What are you

Students will be able to respond to a characters actions by identifying how they affect the story.
Students will be able to respond to a characters point of view on a topic and relate it to their own.

Address the following questions:
Why are you teaching this
Where does this lesson fit
within a larger plan?
Why are you teaching it this
Why is it important for
students to learn this concept?
Evaluation Plan- How will you
know students have mastered
your objectives?
Address the following:
What formative evidence will
you use to document student
learning during this lesson?
What summative evidence will
you collect, either during this

I am teaching this objective because it is important for students to understand the difference in their
view point on a topic and that of a character, and also how character actions and feeling affect the
This lesson fits in towards the end of the larger unit plan.
I am teaching it this way to keep students interest, level, and exploration in mind during lesson

Formative Assessment: Circulating the room while students work. Taking note of student behavior
and struggles.
Summative Assessment: The student responses from the group on the questions will be the
summative assessment for this lesson.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Name: __Savannah Holtz

lesson or in upcoming lessons?

What Content Knowledge is
necessary for a teacher to teach
this material?
What background knowledge is
necessary for a student to
successfully meet these

What misconceptions might

students have about this
Teaching Methods
(What teaching method(s) will you
use during this lesson? Examples
include guided release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture, demonstration,
partner word, etc.)
Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in
teaching this lesson? Be thorough.
Act as if you needed a substitute to
carry out the lesson for you.)

The teacher needs to know the structure of point of view, motivations, feeling, and character traits.

Point of View
Character Traits
Compare/ Contrast

There should not be any outlying misconceptions about this content since we have gone over the
concepts we will be working with in the past.
Lesson Implementation
I will partner work; After giving instructions I will break the student up into their level groups and give
them questions to complete based on their level.


Who is
(Teacher or
Students will
be responsible
and answering
the provided
While the

A big piece of this lesson is differentiation based on the level the
students are at with the material. The following are the groups within
the classroom that me and my certified teacher have created.
Iron Man
Thor (High)

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

teacher will in
charge of
students, their
struggles, and

Name: __Savannah Holtz

Using these groups I will differentiate the questions I will ask them
about the story we will be working with. The questions will be put
on individual cubes for the students of the different groups. The first
four question will be on level questions that I want all students to
understand based on the objectives. The other two will questions
based on the level of the group to either support their struggles or
enrich their understanding of the concept. Here are the three
different cubes I will provide the students based on level.
All Groups
1. How have Claras actions affected the story thus far?
a) Because she talks with the other girls about the
2. Compare your point of view to that of Claras.
a) Claras point of view is that she is being mistreated at here
job because of the conditions and not being able to go to
school; they then should compare that to their own view
3. How does Claras feeling affect how the story is building?
a) Clara feels like she is being mistreated so she wants to
4. What do you see in the illustration on pages 4-5 that supports what
the words say about the steamships destination?
a) The words talk about New York City and in the illustrations
they have the Statue of Liberty.
Below Level
1. Is the story told from a characters point of view or narrator's point

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Name: __Savannah Holtz

of view, how do you know?

a) Narrators point of view because it talks about Clara from an
outside perspective.
2. What is Claras motivations for her actions she took in the story?
a) Her motivation is that she is being mistreated at work and
wants to do something about it.
On Level
1. Predict what will happen next in the story because of Claras actions
so far.
a) Based on students ideas.
2. Describe Claras character traits and explain how they affect the
a) Strong, smart, dedicated; builds the story by creating an
atmosphere of change at her work.
Above Level
1. After reading this section of the story has your viewpoint changed
from the beginning of the story?
a. Based on student viewpoints.
2. Defend Claras point of view on her working conditions.
a. I think that Claras point of view is fair because she is being
overworked, the work conditions are bad, she cant go to

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Name: __Savannah Holtz

school, and she is not being paid enough.

I have also included the documents where I put theses question on

the different cubes as attachments for easy use at other times.

What will you do if

Meeting your students needs as

people and as learners

Student Instructions for the cubes:

1. Okay so know that we read the beginning of the story get into your
superhero groupings (level groups).
a. Direct Ironman to the front of the room for extra space needs,
Captain America to side to keep them together, Hulk in the
back for easy discussion, and Thor in the back corner to keep
them focused on each other.
2. Once you are in your group you all will be given a cube that has
some questions for you to answer with your peers.
3. One person will write the answers for your group on the sheet of
paper you have been provided.
4. Take turns rolling the cube to find the question to answer; if you get
the same question you have already answered keep rolling till you
reach a question your group has not answered.
5. If you have any questions please raise your hand and I will come to
help you.
a. Also float around the room checking in with groups on the
question they are on and their thinking verbally.
a student struggles with the content?
If I notice students are struggling with the content I will review the content either as whole group or
individual and offer further questioning to lead thinking.
a student masters the content quickly?
If I notice students are mastering the content quickly I will ask further higher order thinking questions
to challenge the students thinking.
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
By presenting the questions in a new and fun way I have tapped into my students interest in learning
through play.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Name: __Savannah Holtz

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
By having them work in small groups in a social way reflects the local communities feeling of social
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this
lesson (enrichment)?
Please see differentiation section in step-by-step.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support?
If I had a student in this situation I would include added visuals on the response cubes.
Accommodations (If needed)
(What students need specific
accommodation? List individual
students (initials), and then explain
the accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique
For this lesson I will use the fallowing materials
(What materials will you use? Why
Response Cubes
did you choose these materials?
o Paper
Include any resources you used.
o Tape
This can also include people!)
o Scissors

Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers Strike of 1909 by Michelle Markel and illustrated
by Melissa Sweet
Paper and Pencils for students

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