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120: Schnee

Problem Set #2
Due: by 11:00 p.m. on Friday, April 8.

Before you attempt any problem set make sure you have done all the relevant You Try It sections of
the text. Some of the exercises will require you to submit files that the Grade Grinder will grade
automatically. As you work on those problems (and as you attempt to get them all right), you can
submit them numerous times to just yourself (Just Me). But:
1. You can only submit them once to Instructor Too.
2. Do not forget finally (when you are ready and done) to submit them to Instructor Too and
to upload your pdf file to Canvas. (See late policy on the syllabus.)
3. Only submit one copy of each file when you submit to Instructor Too. E.g., dont
accidentally send two copies of Sentences 1.2, because you will confuse the server and
neither will get counted.
4. You must submit all of your different files together for a given problem set when you
submit to Instructor Too. Do not submit them one at a time. (When you send them to Just
Me you can do it one at a time or however your like.)
5. Use your full name in Submit (as you used it to download the software).
6. You must always do any software updates before you do your problem set.
7. When you submit them to Instructor Too, use Ian Schnee as the instructors name and as the instructors email (do NOT use my personal UW email: use my
personal email for questions and other correspondence).
8. Dont forget to also submit in the written exercises to Canvas.

The problems for PS #2:
2.1 (12 points)
Hint: Here and elsewhere you must make your written exercises easy to
grade. E.g., make a clearly numbered chart or list with 3 columns, as
below. (My Ys and Ns are just examples, not the answers.) point for
every value.
1. Y
2. N
3. Y
2.4 (20 points)
Hint: The question asks about 4 separate cases (e.g., false premises and
false conclusion). You must clearly specify the cases in your answer so it
is easy to grade. 5 points for each case.
2.8 (10 points)
2.13 (10 points)
2.15 (10 points)
2.16 (10 points)
2.18 (10 points)
3.3 (10 points)
3.5 (10 points)

Total points possible: 102 (but it will be counted out of 100)

DOUBLE CHECK: Note that this time I cant tell you exactly how many total files to submit (nor how
many of a type), because part of some of the exercises is figuring out what to submit. But I will tell you
that you need to submit (i) your written pdf to Canvas and (ii) at least NINE other files (Sentences,
Worlds, etc.)).

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