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Review of Part 1: Internal Analysis

1. Rhetorical triangle and appeals.

2. Compositional features
a. Distance, angle, line, scale, lighting, color
3. Dramatic features
a. Scene
b. Objects
c. Narrative


Visual Media Analysis

Part 2:
Intertextual Analysis

(meaning is transferred through

Highlighting and hiding

(what gets emphasized/

Highlighting and hiding

Intertextual Analysis
1. Identify concepts being juxtaposed and their
2. Identify qualities highlighted and hidden.
3. Identify type of transfer.

1. Identify
concepts and

2. Identify qualities
highlighted and

3: Identify Type of Transfer

1. Appropriation: highlighted qualities conferred onto target
concept; alters perception of new concept
2. Parody: deliberate exaggeration for comic effect; critiques
new or old concept
3. Reclaiming: qualities of new object transferred to old
concept; alters perception of old concept
4. Redesigning: a combination creating something distinct
from old concept(s)

highlighted qualities conferred onto new
concept; alters perception of new concept


deliberate exaggeration
for comic effect;
critiques new or old


qualities of new
object transferred to
old concept; alters
perception of old

a combination creating
something distinct from old

Appropriated, Parodied, Reclaimed, or Redesigned?

Case Study: Egyptian Queen Archetype

Case Study: Egyptian Queen Archetype

Theda Bara as Cleopatra (1917)

I was Cleopatra, I was young and an actress

When you knelt by my mattress, and asked for my hand
But I was sad you asked it, as I laid in a black dress
With my father in a casket, I had no plans
And I left the footprints, the mud stained on the carpet
And it hardened like my heart did when you left town
But I must admit it, that I would marry you in an instant
Damn your wife, I'd be your mistress just to have you around

Type of Transfer?
Cleopatra as femme fatale.
Different than Perry:
Dark, alienated
Sadness, decay
Divine yet flawed

Freewrite: analyze your image

a. triangle, appeals,
b. Composition features
c. Dramatic structure (scene, objects, character/action)
Externally (intertextually):
a. Identify concepts and contexts.
b. Identify highlighted and hidden qualities.
c. Identify type of transfer
i. Appropriation, parody, reclaim, or redesign

Talk about your image.
Point out details you noticed in the freewrite.
What type of transfer are you seeing?
Are you thinking of using this for your essay?
Where/how will you search for additional
related examples of repurposing?

Bring to class Friday:
The images/media you think you want to
write your essay about.
At least one should be old/original (like Monet)
At least one should be new/repurposed (Bansky)

Source info:
Reference info: Who created it? Where found it?
Background: Who? When? Where? Why?

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