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tans ADVANCED: Ctr 2 Tosa Opin UPS) Chapter 2: Topological Optimization Go to the Next Chapter Go to the Previous Chapter Go to the Table of Contents for This Manual Go to the Guides Master Index Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8 2.1 What Is Topological Optimization ? Topological optimization is a form of "shape" optimization, sometimes referred to as "layout" optimization. The goal of topological optimization is to find the best use of material for a body that is subject to either a single load or multiple load distributions. The best use of material in the case of topological optimization represents the "maximum-stiffness” design. Unlike traditional optimization (see Chapter 1), topological optimization requires neither parameters nor the explicit definition of optimization variables. The objective function (i.e. the function to be minimized) is predefined, as are the state variables (i.e., constrained dependent variables) and the design variables (j.e., independent variables to be optimized). You need only to define the structural problem (material properties, model, loads, etc.) and the percentage of material to be removed. The goal of topological optimization - the objective function - is to minimize the energy of structural compliance while satisfying a constraint on the volume (V) of the structure. Minimizing the compliance is equivalent to maximizing the global structural stiffness. This technique uses design variables (11;) that are internal psuedo-densities assigned to each finite element. These densities are plotted on the PLNSOL,TOPO command (see Section 2.2.6). For example, specifying V=60 means that 60% of the material is to be removed in a manner that maximizes the stiffness, with the given load configuration, Figure 2-1 shows a constrained and loaded rectangular area that is to be subjected to topological optimization. Figure 2-1a shows the loads and boundary conditions and Figure 2-Ib shows the "shape" results in terms of density contours. Figure 2-1 An Optimization Sample with 60% Volume Reduction ned (maatial removed) \ net 1] dmaeria kept) (@) Constraint and Load ©) Shape result contours (V6) 2.2 How to Do Topological Optimization hpihwww ansys.suba skiimliguide_55g-acviGADV.Hem v8 ‘seo ADVANCED: Chapter 2: Topological Optimization (LP19900818) The procedure for topological optimization consists of the following main steps. 1. Define the problem. 2. Select the element types. 3. Specify optimized and non-optimized regions. 4, Define and control the load cases. 5. Define and control the optimization process. 6. Review results. Details of the optimization procedure are presented below, Differences in the procedure for a "batch" versus "interactive" approach are indicated, where appropriate. 2.2.1 Define the Problem To define the problem, you simply set up the problem the same as you would for any linear, elastic structural problem, You need to define material properties (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio), select the proper element types for topological optimization, generate a finite element model, and apply load and boundary conditions for a single load case analysis or for multiple load cases. See Chapters 1 and 2 of the ANSYS Basic Analysis Procedures Guide for more information on defining the problem. 2.2.2 Select the Element Types Topological optimization supports 2-D planar, 3-D solid, and shell elements. To use this technique, your model must contain only the following element types: 2-D Solids: PLANE2 or PLANES2 3-D Solids: SOLID92 or SOLID95 Shells: SHELL93 The 2-D elements should be used for plane stress applications. 2.2.3 Specify Optimized and Non-optimized Regions Only those elements identified as type 1 (LYPE) will be subjected to topological optimization. Use this rule to control which regions of your model to optimize or not. For example, if you want to keep material near a hole or a support, you should identify those elements as type 2 or higher: ET,1,SOL1D92 ET,2,SOLID92 TVPE,1 VSEL,S,NUM,,1,2 ! The volume modeled by these elements will be MESH, ALL | optimized TYPE,2 VSEL,S,NUM,,3 | The volume modeled by these elements will not MESH, ALL | be optimized hpihwww ansys.suba skiimliguide_55g-acviGADV.Hem 28 ‘seo ADVANCED: Chapter 2: Topological Optimization (LP19900818) You can use any appropriate ANSYS select and modification command to control the type definitions for various elements. 2.2.4 Define and Control Your Load Cases You can perform topological optimization for a single load case or collectively for several load cases. The single load case situation is the simplest and is explained in Section However, to obtain a single optimization solution from several independent load cases, you must use load case write and solve capabilities. After each load case is defined, you must write that data to a file by means of the LSWRITE command. Finally, you need to solve the collection of load cases by using the LSSOLVE command. For example, the following input fragment shows how three load cases can be combined for a single topological optimization analysis. D,10,ALL,®, ,20,1 ! Define Loads and constraints for 1st load case NSEL,S,LOC,Y,@ SF, ALLSEL LSWRITE, 1 | write 1st load case DDEL, | Clear and then define 2nd load case SFDEL, NSEL,S,LOC,X,@,1 D,ALL,ALL,@ NSEL,ALL, F,212,FX LSWRITE, 2 ! write 2nd load case _ | ete. LSWRITE, 3 | Write 3rd load case _ | ete. FINISH /SOLUTION TOPDEF,1¢,3 | Define the parameters for optimization LSSOLVE,1,3,1 | Solve all three load cases prior to te | performing topological optimization. 2.2.5 Define and Control the Optimization Process The topological optimization process consists of two parts: defining optimization parameters and executing topological optimization. You can run the second part, executing topological optimization, in two ways. You can carefully control and execute each iteration, or you can automatically perform many iterations. Three ANSYS commands define and execute topological optimization: TOPDEF, TOPEXE, and TOPIT The TOPDEF command defines the amount of material to be removed, the number of load cases to be treated, and a tolerance for convergence. TOPEXE executes a single iteration of optimization. TOPITER executes several iterations. Defining Optimization Parameters You first define your optimization parameters. Here you define the percentage of the original volume to be removed, the number of load cases to be treated collectively, and termination/convergence accuracy. hpihwww ansys.suba skiimliguide_55g-acviGADV.Hem a8 ‘seo ADVANCED: Chapter 2: Topological Optimization (LP19900818) Command(s) TOPDEF GUL Main Menu>Solution>-Solve-Topological opt Note-The specification details generated at this point are not saved in the ANSYS database. Therefore, if you want to perform another topological optimization after a RESUME, you need to reissue TOPDEF. Executing a Single Iteration After defining your optimization parameters, you can launch a single iteration. After execution, you can check convergence and display and/or list your current topological results. You may continue to solve and execute additional iterations until you achieve the desired result. If working interactively, choose one iteration in the Topological Optimization dialog box (ITER field). Command(s): ‘OPEXE GUI Main Menu>Solution>-Solve-Topological opt The following example demonstrates how you would execute topological optimization one iteration at atime /SOLUTION TOPDEF,25,1 ! Remove 25% of the volume and treat 1 load cases SOLVE ! Perform ist stress analyses TOPEXE | Perform Ist topological iteration FINISH /POSTL | Enter post processing PLNSOL, TOPO ! Plot topological results *GET, TOPSTAT, TOPO, ,CONV ! Get the topological convergence status ‘STATUS, TOPSTAT ! List convergence status /SOLUTION SOLVE ! Perform 2nd stress analyses TOPEXE ! Perform 2nd topological iteration FINISH /POSTL 1 ete. One of the main advantages of TOPEXE is that you can use it to devise your own iterative macros for automatic optimization looping and plotting. In Section, you will see that the TOPITER command is actually an ANSYS macro that can be used to perform several optimization iterations. Executing Several Iterations Automatically After defining your optimization parameters (see Section, you can launch several iterations to be executed automatically. After all of the iterations have run, you can check convergence and display and/or list your current topology. You may continue to solve and execute additional iterations if you want. The TOPITER command is actually an ANSYS macro and, as such, can be copied and Ipshwew ansys sta skin, Sg avGADV Hm a8 ‘seo ADVANCED: Chapter 2: Topological Optimization (LP19900818) customized (see the APDL Progr Command(s) TOPITER GUL Main Menu>Solution>-Solve-Topological opt The following example demonstrates how you would use the TOPITER macro to execute multiple iterations (in this case, 3) automatically: se | Setup, define and LSWRITE | write 1st load case _ ! Setup, define and LSWRITE | write 2nd load case se | Setup, define and LSWRITE | write 3rd load case TOPDEF , 80,3, .081 ! 80% volume reduction, 3 load cases, se 1 and .@01 convergence tolerance. JDSCALE,,OFF | Remove distortion /CONTOUR,,3 | Request 3 contours for each display TOPITER, 20,1 | Perform 26 (max.) iterations. Each se | iteration solves and plots results Each topological iteration executes a LSSOLVE command, a TOPEXE command, and a PLNSOL,TOPO display (optional) command. The optimization iteration process terminates once convergence is attained (defined on TOPDEE) or the maximum iteration numbers is achieved (defined on TOPITER) 2.2.6 Review the Results Once your topological optimization solutions are complete, pertinent results are stored on the ANSYS results file (Jobname.RST) and are available for additional POST1 processing. You can use the following postprocessing options. For more information on any of these options, see the ANSYS Commands Reference for the particular command description, or see Chapter 5 of the ANSYS Basic A ysis Procedure ide. For a nodal listing and/or plot of the pseudo densities, use the TOPO argument of the PRNSOL and PLNSOL commands, For an element-based listing/plot of pseudo densities, use the TOPO argument of the PLESOL or PRESOL commands, You can also view the results via ANSYS' tabular capabilities: ETABLE, EDENS, TOPO PLETAB, EDENS PRETAB, EDENS ESEL,S, ETAB, EDENS,0.9,1.0 EPLoT To check the most recent (i.e, the last iteration) convergence status and the energy of structural compliance, use *GET *GET,TOPCV,TOPO, ,CONV | If TOPCV = 1 (converged) hpihwww ansys.suba skiimliguide_55g-acviGADV.Hem 58 ‘seo ADVANCED: Chapter 2: Topological Optimization (LP19900818) *GET,ECOMP,TOPO, ,COMP | ECOMP = Compliance Energy *STAT 2.3 A 2-D Multiple-Load Optimization Example In this sample analysis, you will run topological optimization on a beam subjected to two load cases. 2.3.1 Problem Description A loaded, elastic beam is shown in Figure 2-2. The beam is fixed along both ends and subjected to two load cases. Notice that one area of the beam is to be modeled by type 1 (TYPE) finite elements and can therefore be subjected to topological optimization. The other area, identified and modeled by type 2 elements, is not optimized. The final shape to be obtained corresponds to a 50% reduction in volume of type 1 material Figure 2-2 Beam with Two Load Cases = 1000 (Load Case 1) Type 1 elements (optenized material) _aa a a a a as hater nok optiized) F = 1000 oad Cas 2) This problem is solved by means of the ANSYS commands below. Notice that the two load cases are defined and written by the LSWRITE command, Using ANSYS selection commands and logic, type 1 and type 2 PLANER? elements are used (o represent optimized and non-optimized areas, respectively. The TOPDEF command defines a 2-load case problem and calls for a 50% volume reduction, The TOPEXE command is not explicitly used in this example. Instead, up to 12 iterations of topological optimization are selected via the TOPITER command macro. /TITLE, A 2-d, multiple-load example of topological optimization /PREP7 BLC4,0,0,3,1 ! Create solid model (3 x 1 rectangle) £T,1,82 | Use 2-4 solids. Type 1 is optimized ET, 2,82 | Type 2 is not optimized. MP, EX,1,11869 ! Linear isotropic, material MP, NUXY,1, 0.3 ESIZE,0.05 | Use a relatively fine mesh density TVPE,1 AMESH, ALL | Free, rectangular-element meshing NSEL,S,LOC,x,@,@.4 | Select region not to be optimized hpihwww ansys.suba skiimliguide_55g-acviGADV.Hem ea ‘seo ESLN TYPE, 2 EMODT, ALL ALLSEL NSEL,S,LOC,X,@ D,ALL,ALL,@ NSEL,S,LOC,X,3 D,ALL,ALL,@ FORCE = 1000 NSEL,S,LOC,X,1 NSEL,R,LOC,Y,1 F,ALL, FY, FORCE ALLSEL LSWRITE, 1 FDEL,ALL NSEL,S,LOC,X,2 NSEL,R,LOC,Y,@ F,ALL, FY, -FORCE ALLSEL ADVANCED: Chapter 2: Topological Optimization (LP19900818) Define type 2 elements Fixed at X = @ Fixed at X = 3 Value for applied load Define first load case Write first load case Define second load case LSWRITE 2 Write second load case FOEL,ALL TOPDEF , 50,2 Initialize topological opt. for 2 load cases /SHOW, topo, grph Put graphics in a file (remove if interactive) /DSCALE, ,OFF /CONTOUR, ,2 ToPITER, 12,1 Perform no more than 12 iterations FINISH 2.3.2 Problem Results The final graphical results obtained from the above commands are shown Figure 2-3, Notice these results were diverted to the top.grph file for subsequent display. If running ANSYS in an interactive mode, you should remove the /SHOW command in order to view graphical results every iteration. Figure 2-3 Final Topological Shape -- 50% Volume Reduction Density = 0 msn 2.3.3 Hints and Comments * Results are sensitive to your load configuration. Small changes to your applied loads or load distributions can lead to significant differences. * Results are sensitive to the density of the finite element mesh. In general, a very fine mesh will produce "clear" topological results. A coarse mesh will lead to "fuzzier" results. However, a larger finite element model will increase the time required to reach convergence. * Under certain circumstance, a truss-like solution will result. This will happen when you request ahigh volume reduction and a very fine finite clement mesh. A large reduction is, for example, hpihwww ansys.suba skiimliguide_55g-acviGADV.Hem 18 ‘seo ADVANCED: Chapter 2: Topological Optimization (LP19900818) 80% or more volume removed (LOPDEE command). If you have several load cases, there are many ways to combine your loads and to generate topological results. Consider, for example, what you could do with five different load cases You may choose to perform five separate topological optimization analyses, or you could perform a single optimization analysis for all five load independent cases. Also, you could combine all five loads into one load case and perform a single topological analysis. In summary, you could produce seven different topological optimization solutions: 5 independent topological solutions (1 for each load case) 1 topological solution for 5 independent load cases 1 topological solution for the combined load cases Additional results and combination of results are also possible. Results are sensitive to Poisson's ratio but not Young's modulus, However, the effects of the dependence to Poisson's ratio are usually not significant. ‘The specifications on the TOPDEF and TOPITER commands are not saved in the ANSYS database; therefore, you will need to specify your optimization goals and definitions each time you use topological optimization Go to the beginning of this chaptei hpihwww ansys.suba skiimliguide_55g-acviGADV.Hem 28

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