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Darryl Davis

Ms. Lucker

Senior Portfolio Job Shadow Reflection Questions

Directions: Answer the following questions about your job shadowing experience using complete
sentences. Be thorough in your answers as some of your answers may be incorporated in your senior
portfolio presentation speech and or final reflection paper.
1. Was the job shadow you completed the same career field you identified in your career
PowerPoint? If you completed the experience in another field, explain why there was a need to
change career fields. (i.e., I was not able to set up a job shadow experience in my intended career
field OR After taking a closer look at the field, I found that I was more interested in).
A1.) Yes, this was the same career field that I identified in my career PowerPoint.
2. As a result of your job shadow experience, are you still planning to pursue the same career or has
the experience led you in a new direction? Explain.
A2.) Yes, I am still pursuing to go forward with the same career field
3. During your job shadow, what skills did you observe that are needed to be proficient at this
A3.) The skills of searching for the right answer from putting everything in life and book to use as a
resource to connect it to each other. Also, calculate many things.
4. What activities and or duties did you like/dislike about the experience?
A4.) I liked that it look like a difficult job and I like a good challenge. I disliked the room he was in
which was a room full of desks. I would rather want to be in a office by myself so I can focus.
5. Do you see yourself doing this job for the duration of your working career? (i.e., 15 to 20 years in
the same field)
A5.) Yes, I can see myself doing this job for the duration of my working career.
6. Aside from academic preparation in school, what are some other things that you can do in order
to prepare for your intended career field?
A6.) Practice solving almost every optical in life to think about something that could happen and
make a Plan B for solving the thought of that something that could happen.
7. Is there any important tips and or advice you were given by your mentor concerning your career
A7.) My mentor told me to study work hard and stay focus on knowing what you need to answer
the question.

8. Considering everything you have learned, what is most invaluable lesson you have learned from
your job shadowing experience, and how will this help you to move forward in your intended
career field?
A8.) I have learned that it is a thinking, learning, and wanting to know what is going on. Its all
about your mind set for the career that you want to have it to study like you want it.

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