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ALABAMA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 11 S. UNION STREET, MONTGOMERY ALABAMA 36130 REP. JOHNNY Mack Morrow DISTRICT NO. 18 STATE House: 934-242-7698 1893 Hicnway 28 District: 256-356-8043 RED BAY, ALABAMA 35582 Dear Governor Bentley, Donald Trump, the current front runner for the nominetion of President by the Republican Party, has described his chief rival as "Lying Ted”. He says that "Lying Ted" holds the Bible up high, then puts it down and starts lying. ‘Your actions in recent years has qualified you to have the title "Lying Alabama Governor". What lies have you told? # In 2013 you told many lies about my Local Bill or Bills (HB 116 and HB404) which I am not at liberty to discuss because of the Grand Jury Secrecy Laws. These are Local Bills for Franklin County that you vetoed in the 2013 Regular Session, You not only lied about these Bills but you said "NO" to local courtesy, a long standing tradition in the Alabama Legislature. In 2014 you ran your Campaign based on a lie: MORE JOBS, LESS GOVERNMENT, NO NEW TAXES. Only days following this successful campaign you proposed a $700 million tax increase. I am enclosing a card that should remind you of this lie, © When you combined all of the State's Law enforcement agencies into one Department you lied when you said the State would save $30 million. © You lied when you closed the Rural Driver License Offices. ‘© You lied when you closed the Rural ABC Stores. * You have lied to your family, your friends and to the Citizens of the State of Alabama about your Affair with Rebekah Caldwell Mason. You continue to lie + everyday as you make statements about this Affair * You even fired your now ex-friend because he refused to lie. + You lied about the pay raises for your Cabinet and Staff. ‘* You lied about the State Parks, # You lied about the renovation of the Governor's Mansion at Ft Morgan, © You lied about your wallet and the helicopters flight. * You lied about the Special Session last year. So now, "Lying Alabama Governor," the people in HD18 are telling me this when I ask how should I vote on your proposed $800 million Prison Bill: THE $50 MILLION ANNUAL SAVINGS IS ANOTHER LIE. The truth is that next year at this time the Alabama Legislature will be trying to come up with the $50 million needed for the debt service when the savings has not occurred! You are telling Alabama legislators that this project will be bid- which is also a lie, Your legislation calls for the use of alternative delivery methods that circumvent the competitive bid law. You are telling legislators that this is the only way this job can be completed — which is a lie! ‘The competitive bid law is in place to protect tax payers dollars and protect against coercion. Competitively bidding all public works projects is the Inw in Alabama and it provides the best price with the job completed on time and brings transparency in the use of tax payers dollars. There is no good reason to circumvent the competitive bid law. It would be irresponsible to give a blank $800 million check to a Governor who lies and cannot be trusted. ‘You have shamed yourself and the State we both love, Alabama is now a joke for late night comedians and I see no end in sight until you come clean and begin undoing alll the damage caused by your lies!! If anyone had ever told me that I would be writing a letter of this nature to the Governor of Alabama I would have quickly said "NO", I would never do that!!” Your actions have created the dysfunctional condition we now find ourselves! Things will not get better for you or our State until you take personal responsibility for your lies and deception! If anyone ever needed to tum their life around and stop lying it is you and you can start by answering the question in my letter that I sent you last week: “What were you and Rebekah Caldwell Mason doing that required that Wande's desk be moved and that the door be locked?” The people of the State of Alabama are waiting for your answer!!! Fite! Jaynny Mack Morrow House District 18

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