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Nayef Bazzi
P.S. 1010
27 April 2016
Project Narrative
After volunteering with Green Living Science and conducting this joint project, I have
come to a number of realizations. This project exposed me to the realities of what attending a
Detroit Public School is like. It cleared misconceptions that the media misrepresents and also
showed me that Detroit schools run similarly to most other schools in the sense that they are not
completely disastrous in every aspect. Really the only problem is that they lack funds. From my
time volunteering in various schools, I can deduce that DPS teachers are among the most
dedicated in the nation, opposite to what the media says about them. Most buildings are not in as
bad condition as originally believed, likely thanks to the selfless teachers buying paint, supplies,
and other necessities for the schools. What surprised me most was that the students were not at
all as helpless as I assumed they were, as ignorant as that is for me to admit to have once thought
I did not meet a single student who was illiterate, granted I mainly attended the better schools of
the district. The students have potential they just need the resources to apply it. I appreciate that
I now have a sense of what the reality of Detroit Public Schools is because I can now educate
others and help bring awareness to the shortcomings the students and teachers are unrightfully
being made to endure.
When it comes to the group aspect of this project, I was reminded that you can never
fully place your trust in people when dividing work. In other words, be prepared to do additional
work in case a group member fails to fulfil their duties. Most of my group was on top of its game

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for the whole of the semester so our group members failures to produce work reflective of our
work ethic did not turn out a major problem because we worked together to solve the problem
immediately. Regardless, the experience was well worth the work and I have learned a great deal
and gained a greater respect for the citizens of Detroit and a new patriotism for my city that I
previously did not possess and, to be quite honest, never thought I would.
Regarding my future endeavors, I have not cut off ties with Green Living Science and
plan to continue volunteering with them throughout the rest of the school year as well as next
school year. Being able to interact with children and adults in a professional manner is so
important in this day and age, and seeing as my goal is to become a neurologist, it is incalculably
important. The enlightenment I have received working with these children is unmatchable to any
type of volunteering I have ever done and I want to further develop my relationship with the
people running this organization. It would be interesting to connect them with teachers I know
from Dearborn Public Schools to possibly integrate their agenda with schools of the suburbs.

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