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My performance in thefourthsemesterofundergraduatestudieswasratherpoor. Iwas

involved in a motor vehicle accident a couple weeks before the examination. The
accident left me with a multiple compound fracture in my left forearm which affected
my preparation. I mentioned in my statement that I learnt the hard way not to be
frivolous. Until that point, I had been a procrastinator and not asfocusedasIamnow.

The incident gave me focus, it gave me foresight. I understood disruptive events could
pop up at anytime and I had to be prepared. I identified what my interest was and
started making preparations towards that. Most of my productive work have been
produced after that incident. Idonotregrethavingonebadsemesterthough. Inaway,
it helped me discover a passion and gave me direction. I hope this does not hinder my

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