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Graham Vaught
Professor Padgett
English 102
February, 29th 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: In what ways will having free college education affect our economy?
Proposed thesis: Even though the free college education system sounds pleasing to a lot of
people, there are hidden problems that will affect the economy in a negative way.
Cubberley, Fran. "The Reality of Free Community College Tuition." Journal Of College
Admission 227 (2015): 21-23. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
The central claim of this article is to show that president Obamas plans to make a two
years community college free would help people get jobs and help people attend college. The
major evidence that proves the author claim was that if congress removed the barrier of tuition
then the student would have the opportunity to go to college and have a career. The credibility of
the author is that she is vice president for enrollment management for Delaware County
Community College, the author has experience in the college enrollment system. The credibility
of the source is The Journal of College Admission with connects with over 15,000 NACAC
members that tracks the pulse of college admission. The article is bias because it doesnt
consider the bad side of the free two year community college. The timing of the article is
relevant because it was published in the spring of 2015. This article is helpful to my paper
because it gives me the facts and opinions about why a free college education would be helpful
in today society.

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David, Haney, D. P. (2015). A Better Plan for Debt-Free College: Give Money Straight to
Students. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 62(4), 28.
The central claim of this article is that Bernie Sanderss and Hillary Clintons plans for a
free education system are the wrong solution that college education system needs. The major
evidence of the article is that the author writes about how that there plans would further
federalizing higher education accountability. The credibility of the author is that the author is the
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty at Emory & Henry College, and
focused on building new programs and developing models for higher education. The source is
credible because it come from Academic Search Complete. In this article there is a little bias that
is against the proposed free college education system by Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, but
the author come up with a new plan that would eliminate some of the bad parts in their plans.
The timing of the source is relevant to my research paper because it was published in the end of
2015, when the presidential elections were getting publicity and the presidential primary were
happing. By this source being published not too long ago it make the information and the
opinions of the candidates the same.
Edwards, H. S., Altman, A., Miller, Z. J., & Thompson, M. (2015). But Can America Afford This
Approach to Solving Student Debt? Time, 186(22), 92-99.
The central claim to this article was to show multiple way from the republicans and the
democrats approaches to solve the student debt problem. The major evident was the facts and
statistics that were presented to show that there is a problem to student debt and the way to solve
it. In the article there is no evident for bias because the author write about both the view point of
republicans and democrats views. The author is highly credible because she is a correspondent at
Time magazine, and was an editor at the Washington Monthly about policy and regulation. The

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source is credible because it come from Academic Search Complete. This article is relevant to
what my inquiry topic is about because the article it shows both demarcate and republican views
are about the free college education system. The article was published in 2015 which make the
article revenant and accurate about the view of both the democrats and republican view are
currently about the topic of free college education. This article is suitable to my research paper
because it show what the republican options about the free college education.
Fraser, Max. "Student Debt And The Next Bailout." New Labor Forum (Sage Publications Inc.)
25.1 (2016): 104-107. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
The central claim of the article is to show what the issues of the student debt are and what
the government is doing to reduce the long term debts that a lot of students are facing. The major
evidence in the article is to show that there is a debt that is over $1.3 trillion which average out to
$35,000 a student. The credibility of the author is that he writes for the Federal Family Education
Loan Program which is the second highest education loans programs which would make this
very credible since it is directly from the loan company. There is little to no bias in the paper
only facts that the author presents in the paper. The timing of the article is in January 1, 2016
which would make this article very relevant to my paper. This article would be very useful to my
paper because it has a lot of information about how the student loan program is doing right now
and what the government is doing about it.
KELLY, A. P. (2015). The Cost of 'Free' College. National Review, 67(19), 39-42.
The central claim of the article is that the cost of having a free college education would
have to be through the tax payer money and therefore the government would control the
education system. The major evidence in this article is that the author uses Bernie Sanders and

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Hillary Clintons plans on how they are going to make college education free and explains how
they work and who pays for it. The bias in the article is only on the side against free college
education system because of the presentation of the facts and how the author talks about the free
college education system. The author of the article Andrew P. Kelly, is very credible because he
is a scholar in education policy studies and the director of the Center on Higher Education
Reform at the American Enterprise Institute. The source is credible because it come from
Academic Search Complete. The timing of this article is relevant to what I what to write about
and also it was written last year because of that the information is accurate , the article talks
about why having free college is bad thing to do because the government would control all of the
school systems. This is suitable to my research paper because it show the bad parts about the free
college education system and the impacts it will do.
Watson, Bryan D. "Preserving The Promise Of Higher Education: Ensuring Access To The
"American Dream" Through Student Debt Reform." University Of Florida Journal Of Law &
Public Policy 25.3 (2014): 315-330. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
The central claim of the article is to show how student loans have become increasingly more in
debt and because of this student loan, people are delaying in economic decision like getting
married, or purchasing a home until they are in a better financial situation. The major evident in
this article is that it points out that the student loan are more than 1 trillion dollars, and that
11.5% of the debt is more than 90 days delinquent or in default. The credibility of the author is
that the author writes for the University of Florida Journal of Law & Public Policy and the article
is also peered reviewed. There is bias in the article because the author points out all the good
thing about the free college education system and nothing bad about it. The timing of the article
is little irrelevant because it was published December 1, 2014, some of the facts in could have

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changed a little during the time period. This article would be suitable for my paper because is has
a lot of facts about the student loans and how the free college education system would be

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