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The Story of

Chapter 1

I believe that education is a life-long story; that teaching is not

only a profession, but a passion. I believe that each student to
pass through my classroom is a student filled with new ideas,
excellent questions, and the potential to achieve greatness. As a
teacher, it is my job to guide my students through this crucial, at
times confusing chapter of their individual story, and encourage
them to give voice and make sense of their thoughts and
opinions, in order for them to reach this great potential.

Chapter 2
In order to reach these goals, it is important to first establish a
safe, healthy, productive learning environment where all students
feel that they can give voice to their thoughts and opinions. In
order for a student to reach out of his or her comfort zone, they
must first feel this comfort in their classroom. Therefore, every
question is a good question, and will be taken into consideration.
Each student will be treated with the equality and respect they
deserve as future leaders and caretakers of our world.

Chapter 4
I do not believe in the regurgitation of facts onto a piece of paper,
therefore my students will often be assigned projects as a form of
their assessment. As higher level students, they will be expected to
participate in reading and assignments outside of class, in order to
take part wholly in activities and discussions in the classroom. I
believe that a student should not be assessed on their ability to
correctly guess a or b, but on their ability to use the knowledge
theyve been given to collaborate and create.

Chapter 5
Finally, I believe that each day teaching is a new day to learn. I
expect, and genuinely look forward to, gaining knew knowledge
based on the questions and thoughts voiced by my students;
building relationships with, and watching my students build
relationships with others; and watching them grow with the
confidence and character I believe each one possesses. The lifelong storybook of knowledge is often one consisting of many cliffhangers, laughs and book-marked memories along the way.

Chapter 3
I believe that a childs creativity and curiosity is the gateway to
knowledge. Philosopher and educational thinker, John Dewey,
once said It is important to think about what we are thinking
about. I support the idea that each thought is one to be pondered
in order to reach a true understanding. I as a teacher will act as a
guide, encouraging my students to grasp these creative, curious
thoughts and give voice to them. I consider social interaction to
be an important part of learning; therefore group discussions will
often take place in my classroom. In these discussions, students
will be encouraged to expand their creative minds by thinking
critically about what they have learned, in order to reach a logical
conclusion. It is important for my students to form their own
opinions, but understand and be open to others, as sharing
thoughts can often lead to the creating of greatness.

Sarah Klunder: English


The students are the authorsthe story

never ends!

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