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363 Book Review Rubric; Writer: Maureen Assessor: Dylan


Absent or Below Basic



Audience's needs are often not Shows some attention to

recognized: terms and ideas audience's needs, sometimes
need explanation and
defining necessary terms and
ideas and using audienceSLO #1: Write formally
appropriate language. Purpose
and informally, in-class
and out-of-class, for a evaluate a book) isn't clear or (to evaluate a book) may be
unclear at times, and it may not
variety of audiences and achieved.
be achieved convincingly.

Shows attention to audience's

needs, defining necessary terms
and ideas and using audienceappropriate language. Purpose (to
evaluate a book) may be implied,
but it's clear and achieved.

Omits or uses incorrectly MLAor APA-style parenthetical

citations, quotation marks, and
SLO #2: Using the
works cited list. Many citation
appropriate majors
errors. Always introduces
customary citation style, sources in the text (MLA only).
ethically cite and
Does not cite from a variety of
discipline-appropriate sources.
information from a
May be over-reliant on a single
variety of discipline- source.
appropriate sources.

A few errors in MLA- or APAstyle parenthetical citations,

quotation marks, and works
cited list. Sometimes
introduces sources in the text
(MLA only). May cite
superficially from sources. May
be over-reliant on a single

Correctly uses MLA- or APA-style

parenthetical citations, quotation
marks, and works cited list. May
have 1-2 citation errors. Usually
introduces sources in the text (MLA
only). Cites from a variety of
discipline-appropriate sources.

SLO #3: Compare,

Fails to support claims with
evaluate, synthesize,
specific evidence. Objectivity
and communicate
and a controlling idea may be
carefully, objectively,
and persuasively the
relative merits of
alternative or opposing
arguments, assumptions,
and cultural values.

Attempts to support claims with

evidence, but specificity and/or
objectivity may be lacking. A
controlling idea may be missing
or implied.

Usually supports the controlling

idea and paragraph claims with
relevant, thorough, and specific
evidence. Usually maintains

Organizational devices
(controlling idea/thesis,
headings, subheadings, topic
sentences, transitions) may be
SLO #4: Organize,
focus, and communicate absent, unrelated to the
prompt, or illogically
ones thoughts clearly
connected. Criteria may be
and effectively to
absent. Ps contain multiple
address a rhetorical
topics or are disorganized.

Organizational devices
(controlling idea or thesis,
headings, subheadings, topic
sentences, transitions) fit the
prompt, but may be vague, too
broad, or inconsistenly or
illogically linked. Criteria may
be vague, too broad, or too
narrow. Ps may not be unified.

Clear organizational devices

(thesis or controlling idea, topic
sentences, headings, transitions)
fit the prompt and tie ideas and
topics together logically. Two to
three relevant criteria are clearly
articulated and organize the text.
Paragraphs are usually unified.

Spelling, syntax, diction, or

punctuation errors impede
SLO # 5: Recognize,
readability. Language may
evaluate, and employ
reflect a gender or cultural
the features and
bias. Design does not conform
contexts of language
to the chosen publication, or a
and design that express publication may not be
and influence meaning specified. The design may be
and that demonstrate
sensitivity to gender and
cultural differences.

Spelling, syntax, diction, or

punctuation errors often
impede readability or otherwise
distract from meaning.
Language may occasionally
suggest a gender or cultural
bias. Design may not conform
to the chosen publication or
may be ineffective.

Spelling, syntax, diction, or

punctuation errors are few and do
not distract from meaning.
Language respects gender and
cultural differences. Design
conforms to the chosen publication
and is effective.

Improve ones own and

others writing skills
through the assessment
and critique of written

No effort appears to have been Some effort to unify the

Review's style and substance are
made to unify the review's
review's style and substance is usually unified. It usually appears
style and substance. It looks evident, although it is clear that as though one writer composed it.
like multiple writers pasted
multiple people composed it.
their work together.

Additional Requirements


Analyzes the authors style.

Provides a short biography of the books author, and if possible, connects the authors life to
this text in an insightful way.
Explains why this book might appeal to a particular audience.

It's broad; If you're American?

: Dylan
Shows sophisticated attention to
audience's needs, defining
necessary terms and ideas and
using audience-appropriate
language. Purpose (to evaluate a
book) is clear and achieved with

Extra comments
Evaluating the book is
implied but first couple
paragraphs seemed like
summaries not evaluation.

Consistently and correctly uses

Didn't find any errors.
quotation marks and MLA- or APAstyle in-text (parenthetical) and
end-of-text (reference list)
citations for all sources, whether
quoted directly or paraphrased.
Always introduces sources in the
text (MLA only). Cites from a
variety of discipline-appropriate
sources. Never over-reliant on a
single source.

Supports a clear controlling idea

and paragraph claims with
relevant, thorough, and specific
evidence. Maintains objectivity.

Thought evidence
supported claims well. I
believed everything she
wrote with confidence.

Clear, specific organizational

devices (thesis or controlling idea,
topic sentences, headings,
transitions) fit the prompt and tie
ideas and topics together logically
and seamlessly. Two to three
salient criteria are clearly
articulated and organize the text.
Paragraphs are unified.

Not very many transitions

between paragraphs.
Doesn't really take away
from information present.
Organization isn't hurt.

Outstanding control of language,

including effective diction and
sentence variety. Language
respects gender and cultural
differences. Design conforms to
the chosen publication and is

Easy read.

Review's style and substance are Very fluid.

unified. It appears as though one
writer composed it.

Yes, provides short biography

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