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a ooderate apeed. Play ej.tbor afte!

togotber vitb tba tbbd ncrte of
e gbort gencrsl allcnccr
arr smou.Bt of tloe betveen eacb flgu-ro.
aocone elaerr

?1ay eecb fl'gur oace,


17a*Jl,oJe a) Lib to "'1; eyee'

/t. ,^.

$u{y t
:ry p1,tchoc. Play tbo oelodlo rbapre vltb any Lutslralg, aa la
Stuy no. 3. FecI a ooBDon e).ov nrle" (d.=e*'Z acconde), but
donrt play Lu r:nlaonl dcn't all atart tothlrr but doart etcrt
La atrlot order os Eftor anotbor cltbr. Tb's feroata Dcs!6 tb"gt
ths uotc ovrr v1ob 1t 1s plaoc !s b.ld for ru Ludaf1-a1tc nqsbcr
of yulaea, oot hovavct to e:rsccd, 6.

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