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Setting the Record Straight

Let me be perfectly clear. I am not a Theologian.

Nor am I educated to be one.
Heck, I'm about as stupid as they come when it
comes to all that book learning stuff (I'll leave
that stuff to General Han Solo)
I will claim that I have a sincere compassion for
Theology and Apologetics. I listen to hours
upon hours of podcasts that discuss such topics.
I read through Systematic Theology books to
pass the time, for crying out loud.
I love getting into deep discussions of the Hope
that lies within us.
Don't expect me to discuss how to be a good
person. Or how to improve on your finances. Or
how to be a better lover with your spouse.
Quite simply, I am not Dear Abby. I am a
minister of the Gospel.
It is my intention and goal to answer questions
while pointing everything to Jesus Christ. For
Scripture teaches,
Then beginning with Moses and with all the
prophets, He explained to them the things

concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. Luke

For every Old Testament picture, there is a New
Testament principle. (I.E. Abraham sacrificing
his son Issac)
I only hope that my input would be of value
here as we all learn to communicate and love
each other as we look to the Cross.
So, let's set the record straight. Jesus died so
that we may live. He conquered death so that
we would not fear it. He will return to judge the
quick and the dead and to give us a new name.
...and I will give him a white stone, and a new
name written on the stone which no one knows
but he who receives it.
Revelation 1:17
As we all dive into this new Theological Stream,
let us be kind and loving. And let consider the
words of Paul when he wrote:
For if anyone thinks he is something when he
is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 But each one must examine his own work, and
then he will have reason for boasting in regard
to himself alone, and not in regard to
another.Galatians 6:3-4

Now, that is setting the record straight.


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