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Mystery Box Quiz

Directions: Answer the following questions using your Help Sheet and the readings in
Actively Learn. Once you have completed a section, go to Mrs. Donley or Mrs. Van der Linden
for a number to unlock the mystery box.
Names: Kevin Ness and Parker Mcquade


Go to the reading and get the three questions and write their answers below!

What monomer composes all the polysaccharides mentioned? Glucose Monomers


What is the storage form of energy for plants? Starch

What is the storage form of energy for animals? Glycogen


get number


What is a fatty acid? It is a class of water in insoluble compounds that include
oils, fats, and acids.
What is a triglyceride? An ester derived from glycerol combined with three fatty
acid molecules.
Why are unsaturated fatty acids important?They are needed to keep cell
membranes healthy, and give us energy.

get number

Peptides and Protein Classification


What is a peptide bond? Is a combination of amino acids in which the amino
group of one amino acid has undergone a reaction with the carboxyl group of another amino
acid. It is also the amide bond that occurs between the amino nitrogen.
How is this different from an ester? It is different because an ester is derived from
glycerol combined with three fatty acid molecules and a peptide bond is a combination of
amino acids in which the amino group of one amino acid has undergone a reaction with the
carboxyl group of another amino acid.
You mix two amino acids together: glu and ser. If you reacted them, how many
different dipeptides would you expect to get? List them. You would expect to get two: gluser and ser-glu

Protein Classification:

A protein has the following sequence: ser-his-thr-tyr. What component of protein
structure is this? Primary
What do we call the overall three-dimensional shape of a protein? Tertiary
A protein has one subunit. Would it have a quaternary structure? No

get number


How long does it take a human cell to copy the DNA in its nucleus before it
divides? 6-8 hours.
How many new cells does your body produce every day? Billions of cells
How many hydrogen bonds form between guanine and cytosine? How many
hydrogen bonds form between adenine and thymine? Do you think this relationship helps
minimize errors? Explain your reasoning. 3 hydrogen bonds between guanine and cytosine
and 2 between adenine and thymine. Yes because they work like magnets
What steps does the cell take to speed the rate of DNA replication? It starts at
different locations.

get number

Digestion System Organs

1. List 5 organs of the digestive system. Mouth, throat, stomach, liver, pancreas.

2. Describe peristalsis and why it is important. The lining in the digestive system
that contract and tighten and help push the food through the stomach.
3. Describe the stomach and its function. the stomach is a sac -like at the end of the
esophagus. it has thick muscular walls that contract and relax. Helps break down the food
into smaller pieces.
4. In which organ of the digestive system does absorption of nutrients take place?
small intestine.
5. get number


1. What does amylase digest? it is a major saliva enzyme. breaks down

2. What does pepsin digest? chemically digests protein.
3. How is the digestive system of a worm different than a humans? worms don't
have teeth. Humans takes a lot longer to digest and is a lot more complex. worms have
Digestive System Diseases

1. Describe 2 diseases of the digestive system. Food allergies, ulcers and heartburn.
2. List three foods that cause common food allergies. milk, shellfish, nuts and
3. get number

Help Sheet for Science Test

PolysaccharidesWhat monomer composes all the polysaccharides mentioned? Glucose Monomers. What is the
storage form of energy for plants? Starch. What is the storage form of energy for animals?
What is a fatty acid? It is a class of water in insoluble compounds that include oils, fats, and
acids. What is a triglyceride? An ester derived from glycerol combined with three fatty acid
molecules. Why are unsaturated fatty acids important?They are needed to keep cell membranes
healthy, and give us energy.
What is a peptide bond? Is a combination of amino acids in which the amino group of one amino
acid has undergone a reaction with the carboxyl group of another amino acid. It is also the amide
bond that occurs between the amino nitrogen.
How is this different from an ester? It is different because an ester is derived from glycerol
combined with three fatty acid molecules and a peptide bond is a combination of amino acids in
which the amino group of one amino acid has undergone a reaction with the carboxyl group of
another amino acid.
You mix two amino acids together: glu and ser. If you reacted them, how many different
dipeptides would you expect to get? List them. You would expect to get two: glu- ser and ser-glu
Protein Classification:
A protein has the following sequence: ser-his-thr-tyr. What component of protein structure is
this? Primary
What do we call the overall three-dimensional shape of a protein? Tertiary Structure
A protein has one subunit. Would it have a quaternary structure? No
get number
How long does it take a human cell to copy the DNA in its nucleus before it divides? 6-8 hours.
How many new cells does your body produce every day? Billions of cells
How many hydrogen bonds form between guanine and cytosine? How many hydrogen bonds
form between adenine and thymine? Do you think this relationship helps minimize errors?
Explain your reasoning. 3 hydrogen bonds between guanine and cytosine and 2 between adenine
and thymine. Yes because they work like magnets
What steps does the cell take to speed the rate of DNA replication? It starts at different locations.
get number

Digestion System Organs

List 5 organs of the digestive system. Mouth, throat, stomach, liver, pancreas.
Describe peristalsis and why it is important. The lining in the digestive system that contract and
tighten and help push the food through the stomach.
Describe the stomach and its function. the stomach is a sac -like at the end of the esophagus. it
has thick muscular walls that contract and relax. Helps break down the food into smaller pieces.
In which organ of the digestive system does absorption of nutrients take place? small intestine.
What does amylase digest? it is a major saliva enzyme. breaks down carbohydrates.
What does pepsin digest? chemically digests protein.
How is the digestive system of a worm different than a humans? worms don't have teeth.
Humans takes a lot longer to digest and is a lot more complex. worms have gizzards.

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