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A Modest Proposal

For completely stopping terrorist groups from spawning in the Middle East.
Imagine a world without terrorism, approximately 33,000 people died from
terrorism in 2014, this is an 80% increase from 2013. After what happened on
September 11, 2001, with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
many Americans have been living in fear. The problem with terrorism has been rapidly
growing, and with ISIS and other terrorist groups rapidly growing and gaining power we
must put a stop to it once and for all. To put a stop to terrorism i propose we drop
nuclear bombs on the entire Middle East. By doing so the threat of Middle Eastern
terrorists will be eliminated immediately this will save U.S. money, save American lives,
and it will put old, outdated bombs from the Cold War to good use.
First off, the U.S. spends approximately $100 billion a year on counter
terrorism. This number would take a sharp decrease if we didn't have to worry about
Middle Eastern terrorists. Also, we would not have to spend any money making the
bombs because the U.S. already has an excess amount.
Second, this would save many American lives. Since 2001, the U.S. has lost over
7,00o soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan alone, this does not include the many people who
have lost their lives in other Middle Eastern countries. If we used nuclear bombs, we
would no longer have to send American troops to the Middle East to fight them and also
it would prevent future terrorist attacks in America, preventing many deaths.

Third, the U.S. has an excess amount of nuclear weapons just sitting in nuclear
silos, enough to destroy the entire world several times over. These bombs that seem to
have been a waste of money could now be put to good use. The American military is
currently refurbishing and updating all cold war era bombs, over the next 30 years the
projected cost of that is expected to be around $1 trillion. By using many of the old ones
we could lessen the cost and put the bombs to good use.

Some may disagree with this idea because many innocent people would die, but it
would also save American lives and that is what truly matters. It will allow us as a
country to stop living in the constant fear that we could be the next to fall victim to a
terrorist attack. In conclusion, terrorism is a huge threat in todays society, by carrying
out my plan it could be put to a stop within days.

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