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1 Ultrafiltration, Microfiltration, Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis in Integrated Membrane Processes Catherine Charcasset We ef de Gene es Paved, CNRS, Unlveesté By J ‘abate a Anta LL Introduetion tcmbrane science and icchnology have known an impressive growth since the early [6tle \when Loeb and Sourirajan discovered an effective method foe the preparation af asyrunetric cellulose acetate mernbranes zs permeation six without significant changes in selectivity, Pressure-driven separation techniques such as microBiltraion (MF), uliralira- ‘ion (UF), nanofilraiga (SF) and reverse osmosis(RO) have them been extensively stucod and developed in industries including desalination and wastewater treatment, biniechnol- ‘ogy and pharmacewics. chemical anc! faod inxlusties. Osher membrane processes have bbeen developed and found industrial applications such as gacseparation anal pereapacation, ‘membrane lstlLation IM), electedialysis CED), membrane biorewctor(MBRs), and rism- brane contactors. Membrane sechoology is usually eocognized forthe following: operational simplicity. low eaergetic requitements. good stability under a wide range of ‘operative conditions, higheeco-compasiility, eisy contr asd. scule-up, lige Hlenitility 1). Witt the increasing understanding and developmen of membrane techniques, it became posible to inte rate various membrane aperations in the same process with the purpose 10 ‘naprove performadce in term sof peoduct quality plant compactness. env ronmental innpact. and energy use, The concept af imegratl mesiane processes appeuns eleatly at une end grated Marae yar at Presse, Fe ‘aera Chava © 206 Aan Wiky Son Ll. Pua 2016 \d acess 2 Integeateet Membrane Sst ‘of the 1990s [1] when several applications were reported such us isbrid process NF-ED lr irestinent of pulp bleaching effluents [2], mulistages LIE, NE and RO tor removal of ‘contazinan(s from wastewater efffuents [3] ane RO-MID for seawaler desalination [4], Io the following years, it boeume more and mace obvious that ether combinations cauld have signiticam impact (3), such as MBR-RO for wastewater weatment [6]. pressure-diiven tmiembeane processes-MD for the treatment of waewaters [7], and maltistages pressure: riven membrane processes fur high-resolution se; biotechnology feeds 18 In this chapier. some general buekgrounds on membrane provesses are first recalled chuding presaue-deiven processes (MF, UF NERO), and MD, ED: and MBB. Exam- ples of membrane integrated processes arc then given such is mullistages pressure driven membrane processes and pressure-driven membrane processes assaciated te. MD, ED or MBRs. Applications concern seawater desalination, wastewater aeatment, separation biowehnolngy and food industries und chemical production. These hy brid. membrane teh fnigues are further detailed in the flowing chagters of the book ac well as orkwr integrated ‘membrane processes, Integrated membrane processes including yas and vapour separation nal catalyic membrane reacteaes are cansidered im the second rt of this bok, Another portant aspect of integrated membrane progesses concern theirassoeiation with processes ‘uber than membranes. This is also-comsidered inthe following chapters tions of faomolecules from fooxd and 1.2 Membrane Processes ‘Variqus membrane aperotions are available for a wide range of industrial applications Pressure-driven membrane processes include MF. UF, NF and RO, Other membrane anit ‘operations tnelude MD, ED and MBRs, 12d Ultrafiltration, Mictofiltratien and Nanofittestion UF isa size exclusion pressure-driven separation process which came inte use in the 1960s when Loeb ond Soarcson discovered the preparation of asyminetic celliose actie ike’ [9], UF nerubeanesipielly ave pore sizes in be rnge of 10-1000 A ond afable of retaining specs inthe mileeolar weight range of 300-1,010,000 Da Operating pressures ane usually in the minge of 0.24 bar, Typical rejected species include biomolecules, polymers and. colleidal pariickcs, as well as emulsions and micclics. UP is ound a a ner lange range of indsres such 2 food, bloieehnology and phormaceules, chemical water producti, (ME isa pressuredrven separation press similar to UP with membranes typically having nominal pore sizes on the order of @.1—1,.0 ym [9], MF applications include can- cenieatng, purifying o separating macromolecules, colloids and suspended pales Com lio AF peeing widely used, Cor exicple inthe Sod Entry for applietions Sch a8 wi, juice and beer cariBeaton, fr wastevater teatment, aed plasma spatian from blood for therapeutic and commercial uses, TNF des bork tothe 1970s when RO membranes witha relatively bigh water flux operating a relatively lowe presones were developed (10. 11]. Such fow-peeiate RO imemianes were tered NT" mbrates, NF Hs prese-dven mertrane pence, involving pressures between 5 and 20 bar, used to separate ions and molecules in the Livaieation, Miesatitration, Nanofilnation and Reverse Osmesis F ‘molecular weight range of 200-204 ¢ mel-!, NF memibeanes have relatively high charge and ine typically characterized by lower rejection of monovalent ian ahsan tat of RD ier branes, ful maipiaining high rejection af divaleni ions. Applications include pretreatment befonelesalination, water treatment. foad industry, chemical processing Industry, pulp art paper industry, metal and weid recovery, et, 1.3.2 Reverse Osmosis RO became commercially viable in the 196fls when Loe:and Smurirajan discovered seyim- rielric membranes, RO is a pressune-driven process that sepurated two solutions with dlifferent concentrations across a sermi-permeable membrane (121, In RO, the pressure f= ference dp between the concentrated ssle und the diluie side is larger than a certain value that depends upon the difference of the respective concentrations and is called the exmatic pressure difference Ax. The directioa of flaw is ceverved ax observed in oxinns sal water flows from the concentrate tothe dilute side. The rate ut which waier crossecthe memtbeane is then proportional te-the pressure differential that exceesls 4. In arder to overcome the feed side osmotic pressure, fairly high feed pressure is required. In seawater desalination ivcommonly ranges fram 5S 10 70 bat. Operating pressures forthe purification of brackisly waterare lower due lo dhe lower asmotic pressure caused hy lower feed water salinity. The most commonly uses! applications of RO are desalination, brackish water andl wastewater ‘reaument and concentrating food and biotechnological preparations, 1.3.3 Membrane Distillation MD is a thermally driven: membrane process in which a hydrophobic microporous: mem= brane Separates 6 ot and cold stream of water [13] The lydeophobic nature of the shee brane prevents the passage of liquid water through the pores wile allowing the passage af ‘water vapour (Figure [1), The teroperatare difference produces a vapor pressure uracient Aqueous siletion ‘Hycraphobie mernhrane Sweep as Aguss SE sateen Nupur \ Airgan igure 1.1 Schematic diageamn Useating the prineinte of membeane dlstlation, \d acess F _Integeateet Membrane Sst ‘which causes water vapour to pass thraueh tbe membrane and eondense om the eelker sur face. The result is distillate of very high purity: MID lias been developed iato four different ‘configurations differing by the mcthod ereployed to impose the vapour pressure difference ‘eras the membrane. The permeate sideaf the membrane may consist ofa candensing fuid direct contact with the membrane. « condensing surface separated from the membrane by fp, sweeping was, ora vacttm, MD has been applied for water desahination. waste Irealment. and food processing like milk and juice concentration, biontedical applications Sach as water temoval from blood an! treatment of protein solutions [14]. In desatinatian by MD, the heated seawater is in direet contact with one side of the membrane. Salis and forganic matter stay in the feed while pare water ditiases through dhe membrane ‘Osmnotie disillation (OD) isa variant of MD for which the driving Force is difference in concentration, QD uses the hydrophobic microporous membrane t separate {370 GUC solutions having different solute concentrations: dilute snlution on one side and a hyper twoic salt solution (concentrated brine stripper) oo the-eppasite skde [3]. The hydrephobis nature of the membrane prevents penetration of the pores by agueoos solutions, creating Bir gaps within the membrane. The water vapour pressure gradical across he membrane determines a transfer of vapour across the pores from the high vapour pressure phase to the low ne, This migration of water vapour results in the concentration ofthe feed and iluion ‘of the osmotic agent solutiea. OD-can proceed at annbient temperature and isan tractive process forthe coaventratian of solutions containing thermo: sensitive eompounds svel is fruit juices and pharmaceuticals, “Membrane crystallization (MCX) [16] hus toon proposed as an exten tions, concentrated above their saturation limi by solvent evaporation through micropores hydrophobic membranes, reach a supersaturated sate in which ceystals nucleate and gran. ‘The crystallizing solution flaws along the membrane fibres. The driving force of the process isa vapour pressure gradient between bath sides of the membeane which may be activated by beating the feed solution, MCr is snsinly applied at laboratory scale for te Format crystals with well-cantealled propestios and the tatereat of bene disposal fom RO plants, 1.24 Electradialysis: “The general principle of ED is knowin since the 1040s. The process is based oa the move tment of charged species inn electrical field: anions mae towards the anos, wale estions are attracted by the cathe [17], The movement of the ions is controlled by ion-selective Imembeancs between the anode and cathode. Anion-cxchange membranes (AEME ane pt meable (oy anions, while cations ae held back. Cation-exchange membranes (CEMs) show © oppesite behuaviewr The ED stack is divided! into several cells By AEM and CEM in an fhemating sequence (Figure 1.2). The basic unit of an ED stick consists ofa pair of diluted nd concentrated comparinents, The concentration of ionic species is reduced in ihe diluced ‘comparunenis and increased in the concentrated compartments. One major advantage of ED cannpured to RO is that « higher brioe comcentratian ean be achieved because there 10 ‘osmatic presstire lintitation. Some af the more important large seale industrial appticateons ‘of comenrional ED include brackish water desalination, waste treatment, demineralization of food products and table salt production [17]. ‘Cosventional ED can be combined with bipolar membranes in a peocess termed bipolar membrane electrolysis (BMED) [17]. Bipolar membranes are composed of Livaieation, Mevatitration, Nanoflnatinn and Reverse Osmersis 5 Concerta Diluate ance Cathok rece _Bswt ot on Feed Repeating wil Figure 1.2. Schematic diggram ilstrating the prineipleotefectrockahsi, Source: Reproduced firm Reference 3? wile perms ero Eset ection and anion-exchange layers with a 4-$ nim thick transition layer amrangedt hetween two electrodes; they are installed in alternating sevies in an electdialyss stack, Commer- cial plants ef BMED are utilized to produce acids and bases fran the corresponding salts, 1.2.8 Membrane Bioreactars MBRs have been studied from the I980s 26 alternative approaches te classical methods of inwobilizing mieroorganisiis, such as eneymes, antibodies and activated sludge. The microorganisms are suspended in solution anid corapartmentalized by a membrane in a reactor or immobilized within the membrane mairix itself, fn the frst method, the syste consists of 2 traditional stired tank reactor combined with a membrane separation uni such as UF and ME, Io the second method. the membrane aets both as & suppeet for the microorganisms and 3s a separation un Taday, membrane bioreactor systems are applied at industrial scale for water treatment such as indusirial wastewater, damestic wastewatcr and specific municipal wastewatce [18,19]. Conventional treatment of wastewater usually consiste of a three-stage process: sedimentation of solids in the feed water Followed by aerobic degradatinn af the organic matter using. activated sludge and then a second sedimentation process 1 remove the biomass, An MBR can displace the two physical separation processes by filtering the biomass through an ME oc UF membrane, MBRs peescat several advantages compared 10 activated sludge plants including their compoctacss (up lo five tintes ore compact thai conventional plants}. reduced sludge production, and highet prosiuct water quality 20]. The (wo main MBR configurations are immersed und external configurations whieh are characterized by different operating conditions (memabrane material, filtration made, shear sires, el: ). Membranes ate usually lat sheet oF hollow tires (immersed contiguration oe rmultitube (external configuration), 6 Integeateet Membrane Spstems and Paaceses 1.3. Combination of Various Membrane Processes Membrane pracesses can he istoeiated in the overall purification or production schemes in industrial applications, They often include pressute-driven membrane processes as pe Uncaument before ather purifiestion steps or 2s Final treatment, Pressure-driven membrane Processes amay be associated with ober processes such at MD. MARs and ED. Some ‘examples inthe field of wastewater fond industry and biotechnology and pharmaceutics are given in scetian 1,3, atmeat. esata LAL Prewure-Driven Separation Processes Duo to thelr diffeeemt yetention properties. pressure-deivee membrane peacesses can be associated in a cascade contigurati first step. setting, Abeculation, sand oz earridge Htrations serve 10 remove very large urticles. Then, MF ‘can be used 10 remove large compounds, such as suspersied particles, colloidal mnaterials and bacteria. The obiained suspension can be treated by UF to separate or rene macto= ‘niolecules, colloids, solutes in the molectlar weight range of 300-1,000,000 Da. NF or RO yeneral way, team be: sen that diferent membrane processes in a cascade are closely linked, The membrane ax step we reduces fouling of the membrane at siep + 1, thus increasing the permeation flux and fteducing the flux decay. Al step # + [the membeane performance depends on stops

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