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UFOs and You

by Calvin Simmons

Everyday there are reported sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects alien or not, and alien
abductions, and there is evidence for and against it. UFO sightings have been happening for

centuries; millions have looked to the sky to see the mystery. Outer space is vast and endless,
denying the existence of aliens is just like denying there are more species of animals to discover
in the depths of the ocean. Just as those unknown creatures of the mysterious deep sea, UFOs
could be here on Earth.
The earliest recording of UFOs can be debatable. according to M.J.Stephey the earliest record
dates back to 4th century China or in the Book of Ezekiel when a vessel is said to land in
Chaldea or modern day Iraq. Some believe drawings on the side of a mountain on a remote
island depict UFOs more than 49,000 years ago.
Like saucers skipping on water was how the first well known reported UFO was
described, giving them the nickname Flying saucer. This description was given by Kenneth
Arnold, who reported seeing nine high speed objects over Mt. Rainier in Washington in 1947.
The following year the U.S. Air Force began investigating UFO sightings under the belief that
UFOs were Soviet aircrafts, others believed they were other worldly. These investigations
occurred under Project Sign. A year later Project Sign became Project Grudge, which lasted 4
years. Project Grudge then became Project Blue Book and lasted 8 years ending in 1969. Over
time Project Blue Book Collected 12,000+ reported sightings and events. These sightings or
events were classified either identified or unidentified. Identified meant it was a known
astronomical, atmospheric, or human caused. Unidentified sightings provide insufficient to
identify as a known phenomenon, unidentified accounted for six percent of all reports.
Another well known report is The Roswell Incident reported by W.W Mack Brazel on
july 4th, 1947. Brazel reported that after a thunderstorm the night before he went to check on his
sheep but instead found a crash sight of what seems to be an alien ship. The metal at the crash
sight seemed unusual, not like normal metal obviously.

UFOs also influences those in Hollywood, most celebrities even study scientology. Dan
Aykroyd acts as the Hollywood Consultant for The Mutual UFO Network,one of the oldest and
largest organization of UFO investigations in the U.S. Some famous people even report seeing
UFOs. U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich told during a 2008 Presidential debate he was with
Shirley Maclaine when a UFO flew over her house at some point in the 1980s. On the topic of
Presidency, President Jimmy Carter reported seeing a UFO over Georgia and vowed as President
to declassify any Government information on UFOs, but never did.

Many people are skeptical of UFOs and the validity of the sightings many of those people are
doctors or professors, men and women that are very intellectual. Even the believers themselves
are skeptical sometimes. A man by the name of Phil Klass was a firm believer of UFOs but had
a sudden change of heart according to Gary Posner. Some can be rationalized others seem just
too otherworldly. Here are some arguments against UFOs and their sightings.
UFOs can be a multitude of things; meteors, satellites, birds, aircrafts, lights, weather
balloons, and even Superman. Maybe not the last one but the rest fit the bill. according to Robert
T. Carroll there are no real accounts of aliens visiting Earth and that all sightings lack
consistency as if each sighting is fabricated from the mind, Nearly all sightings or reported
landings provide no physical evidence to back it up, and Just as pictures of mythical creatures
such as BigFoot or The Loch Ness Monster, tampered pictures float around claiming to be actual
It even comes psychologically, UFOs and Extraterrestrial beings are a man made concept used
by some to help understand just how vast space is. The topic of UFOs is very questionable, some
reports may have only enough information to be believable and some people just want to believe
somethings out there. When reported some sightings obviously wont make sense, like sightings

when an average person says the craft was moving at incredible speed but in actual numbers. An
example would be none other than Dan Aykroyd who reported seeing UFOs break the laws of
physics. The report states he saw high altitude, glowing magnesium discs travelling at 20,000
miles (32,190 km) an hour 100,000 feet (30,480 meters) wing to wing, edge to edge. according
to Robert Carroll. who knows how those numbers were calculated.
Many naturally occurring phenomenons can look like UFOs, things such as cloud formations,
lightning sprites, flight decorations ( Chinese paper lanterns), Flares, airplanes, weather balloons
and missile test. The most common sightings have been debunked to derived from missile test
and weather balloons even the most popular sightings such as the Roswell incident, some say the
debris found at the sight was the remnants of a crashed weather balloon.
My standing on the subject of UFOs with the given evidence and prior to the facts learned
throughout my research is that I strongly believe UFOs exist. Just as my thesis statement states
Outer space is vast and endless So there is bound to be something out there, some race that has
developed just as much or even ahead of our human race. My belief is based solely on the fact
that space is vast. Hearing sightings expanded my belief that they are here. There are many
sightings that seem so real to me that I dont think to doubt them, there are stories that have even
stubs the Government at times. Sure there facts and theories against most sightings but not all.
Sightings like the teenager that was lost in the forest looking for a town to get gas for his car.
While he was searching through the forest he was speaking to his mother on the phone. After
awhile of talking, the teen reported seeing some lights in the distance and said he would start
running towards it and hung up. Soon he was reported missing. His car was found on the road to
side of The forest he was in had, which had no town or lights anywhere close by. There was no
evidence of a kidnapping he just seemed to have vanished. Stories like that are what make me

want to belief in the Existence of UFOs. I believe if anyone heard an account like that they
would belief too.
Phil Klass
by Gary Posner,8599,1948214,00.html
Brief history of ufos
by M.J. Stephey

history of ufos
by staff
by Robert T. Carroll

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