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‘THIS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT (this “Contract, effective as of Fofy [,sat6, 2016 by and between THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PITTSBURGH, hereinafter referred to as ‘he "Diario," THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF THE SCHOOL. DISTRICT OF PITTSBURGH, berets refered ow the “Bows”, A Nn D DR. ANTHONY D. HAMLET, helo also reformed to 8 “De. Hare” or “Supedntendent of Schools” or “Superintendent.” ‘wrrneszra THAT: ‘WHEREAS, the Board at a duly edvertised public meeting held on _{\by_19. 2016 adopted a reoltoneppating Dr. Hamlet the Disc’ Soperntndent of School for stem of ive (5) yoarsefecive July 1, 2016 hough June 30, 20215 and WHEREAS, the Board desires to provide Superintendent with « written employment antes stag forth te texms aod condos of employment der which Supeiienden will ‘serve and which the Board and Superintendent believe will serve to improve the quality of the Disses overall edvoton prog, NOW, THEREFORE, the Board and Superintendent, for the conideation herein specified and latending ob leply Bound hry, grea llowes 1. TERM. ‘The Board employs Dr. Hamlet as Superintendent for a term of five (5) years, from July 1, 2016 hough Je 30, 2021, end De, Haslet aces employment in tht postion fr the shovesmenoned term bjt the tema and condone oie in he Conte (he “Ter”. U. NATURE.OF AGREEMENT. ‘This is an agreement for the performance of professional services as Superintendent by Dr. aaet, who shall nt be asigned to any other potion or bave his legally ranted dues reeled to othare without bi receiving peor notion in wring and roving his wen consent, For purposes of this Conc ll notations rqured ofthe Sepeiiendent 1 the ‘Board ee deemed ficient f propel delivered to the Board Presiden. Sopeinendent, wt 8 conden of conte employment, abl alnuin oghout ths Tenm, avail nd appropriate commison to act as Superintendent ax prescibed by the lava and roglatons of this CCocmonwaih of eanyvans. The Boar al cooper with Supaintndent fo manna ‘li and appropriate common. 1. SCHOOL, CODE AND SUPERINTENDENTS PERFORMANCE. Soperniodent agrees that ding the Term, he sball cary ou, in e competent and profesional mann, lof the dates prserbed fr the Office of Suprstendent bythe Public School Code of 19, as now orbereair mended or rena, V, RESIDENCE MOVING & RELOCATION, Sepernendex, na condos of ls ppoatmen nd contioed employment under ‘hia Contact, resto malatin hs pemanent residence wiin he geographical boundaries fh Diane and heer the Sperintendent must phyniallrelosebiseidney Bom Faia to Peraalvsi. To help defn the costs of moving an reoctlon expenses, th Disc ages to {he flowing: Moving Reimbsenent of up a $7,500 (1 cover packing ll howd goods in Florida; transporting said goods to Pittsburgh; as well ss storing and unpacking the goods in the ‘ow residence; Relocation Reimbursement of up o $7,500 (Wo cover temporary housing in Pnuburgh ltse-breking penalty fermlton costs in Flori, new depsimovein coin Pleiburgh, personal aut relocation, one house hunting trip, misellansous expenses with ‘uliyfeablephone, et), The parties contemplate ll payments parsant to this Section TV are “quilfied IRS relocation expenses and therfore will ot cea tex obligations othe ‘Superintendent, 'V. HOARD MEETINGS AND REGULATIONS. ‘Dr, Hamlet, as Superisandest and Boerd Member x oii, or his designes, shall have ‘he ight to and shall tend all meetings ofthe Board and ell Boer commits meetings, both ‘open and closed, and muy paripat inthe deberations ofthe Board et all uch meetings, with the following exception: closed meetings ofthe Board involving Superiniendeat’s evalustion, ‘consideration of the terms of Superintendent's employment as st forth in his Contract andlor ‘when the Board is scting sa trbunal and Superintendent is part ofthe prosacution of maller ‘befee the Board and therefore is disqualified by lw ftom participating in Bou deliberations. ‘VL. GOVERNANCE MANAGEMENT COMPACT, By this Contact, the Board and Superintendent ecknowledge their collective responsibly to gover and manage the Dist with integrity and as goed stewards of the ‘publ rust. As such, they agree to work collaboratively asa team, to abide by the following principles, end tobe held accountable for thee perfomance asa leadership team, A. Operating Prinses. |. The common purpose is to lead leering community tat i focused on helping. all adeots achieve success in reaching high educational radars. 2 That purpose will guide decisions regening Bont policy, management and opzation of the District 3, As agents ofthe ts, they wil operas acoring to the extabshd ow, ues «and elton ofthe Cormmonveath of Pernyvani and ike United Sate of America 4, Inparoming te ties, ty will demons the highest under of tical sd profesional contact, 5, Ax stewards of the public tu, they will gover aad manage the Distt expo o serve th cuent nd itr needs ofthe community. 6 Ase team, thy wll work togethr, Superintendents reponsibe for Informing the Board and recommending the Bou policies (eg, badge) and actions (2g, penenal, subject to Section VIGX6)0) below), while the Board is remonsible fr considering Superinndents vin and wpoving or dsporoving 7. Asa team, the Sepedotendent and the Board will demonstate respect foreach ce, expecially in pubic stings, both in speech and acon. Tay wil serve as models of respect cv dacour; denonste appropeste conflct resolution to the eudets, the employees of he Dist, end te commmuniy of Pitsburg, recopizing the fat ht bo conduct ofthe governance cam ws helms. B. Ralefthe Beer of choo! Drea “Th Board reognies ht help euthsty ofthe Bou liwith he collective body, ot wid individual members. Therefore, th Botrd mesahes wil work colsbraively to make nod polio cisions. Te rary wo ofthe Boed involves sx rajor ares: ‘Pisnning - The Bear shell © ® ‘Work with Superinendent and the community to esublish strategic lesion fa the Dit by oping ud emul reviewing «sro plan thet deorber to vilon, mlsion, values, prlorten stenagee, ‘eductinal standard ad mathods of esessment ‘Adopt annual budgt plan that s aligned with the District's pronties ‘and student learning objectives as deseribed in the sratapc plan. ‘Eola - The Board bal: @ © © Establish and regularly review policies that define the Boar's structure, rules of procedure, communication and decisionmaking proceset, code ‘of conduc, and other plies thet pertain tothe govemmnce function. “Establish and regulry review policies tht sate expected results in rogant to the educational nd epertional fanctons ofthe Distict. tablish and regularly review polisles that describe th relationship and

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