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Crocodile Crack

Block Crack
Edge Break

Total = 86.68%

From the analysis above showing that the most of the cracks are crocodile cracks and
ravelling, we can conclude that the road pavement has been gone through a heavy
burden that the structure cannot be support. Unlike surface-level asphalt damage,
fatigue cracking is almost always caused by problems beneath the asphalt, in the
underlying layers. the main cause of crocodile cracks are when they have gone
through conditions as above:1. Excessive loading
a. Those vehicle which is not allowed to be on certain kind of road due to
the load of the vehicle has been exceeded the allowable laod for the
particular design.
2. Weak surface, base, or sub-grade
b. A weak surface and material was used in the pavement caused the
pavement cannot withstand the stress that is expected to overcome.
3. Thin surface or base
c. a thin wearing and sub-coarse will tend to easily lost its durability of
it's own when it gone through all kinds of situation such as weathering,
excessive loading and also weak surface of the pavement.

The other highest percentage of defects on the road is ravelling condition. This
condition happened due to when there is lose of bonding between the aggregate
particles and also the asphalt binder anf this will caused the coating on the dusty
aggregate, aggregate segregation, inadequate compaction during construction and
mechanical dislodging by certain types of condition and traffic that might be occur in
daily life. All these situation might caused the further failure of the pavement structure
in the future. Lack of sufficient material required during construction or during
designing calculation will also resulted to the failure of pavement structure. Ravelling
may be looks alike like a small potholes and when the ravelling condition getting
serious, it will resulted into a potholes that might cause more harm for the vehicle on
the road and endanger the life of road user.

Asphalt pavement

Crocodile Crack

Interconnecting or

distress instigated

interlaced cracking in

by sub-base

the asphalt layer. The

failure, poor

cell size can vary in size

drainage and

up to 300 mm.


Block Crack

Interconnected crack

Hot mix asphalt

that divided the

shrinkage and

pavement into


rectangular piece. The

cycling are the

block range size can

major cause of the

range from 0.1 m2 to

block cracking.

9m2 .

The asphalt binder

was unable to
expand can
contract due to
asphalt binder
aging and poor

choice of asphalt
binder in the mix
of design.
Loss of bonding
between aggregate
particles and the
asphalt binder as a
result of coating
The progressive
disintegration of the hot

mix asphalt layer

(HMA) as a result of
dislodgement of
aggregate particles.

on dusty
compaction during
construction and
dislodging by
certain types of


Respected roads was

Inadequate cleaning

loss large discrete area


of the wearing coarse

constructing the

layer, usually this failure


is conjunction with a

Inadequate tack coat

clear delineation of the

before placing

wearing coarse from the

upper layer

layer below.

Seepage of water
through asphalt
resulting in the
breaking of the
bind between
surface and layer

Adhesion of surface
binder to the tires
of vehicles
The presence of the
water in the
underlying soil
structure and the
presence of traffic
passing over the
affected area.
When the water
was introduced
into the underlying


Hole break of road

soil structure it

pavement. Pothole

will weaken the

usually accompany with

supporting soil.

crocodile crack.

After this area has

been affected
traffic flow will
break the poorly
supported asphalt
surface. Continued
traffic action will
ejects both asphalt
and the underlying
soil material to
create a hole in the

Treating the local

A portion of new hot
mix asphalt overlay an

old pavement. Normally

this is due to treating
distress in localized area

distress on the
pavement. During
the treating
process the cold
mix asphalt was
introduce to repair
the distress on the

The defects on the road pavement may caused by all kinds of possible cause such as
human error or affected by the environmental. This shows that a ideal pavement have
to be conducted to perfect and design for more as what engineer always did. A defect
road pavement may endanger the life of the road user on the road and also may harm
the vehicle on the road. Vehicle may resulted to get a tyre puncture when they pass
through potholes and edge-breaks condition. This is not an ideal condition for the road
user on the road to face it everyday. The most common defects on the road might be
crocodile cracks and might be resulted in bumpy condition for the road user and
caused discomfort condition to the road user, uneven road surface pavement may also
harm the vehicle by affecting the shock absorber to get spoiled due to too bumpy
surface on the road. An ideal road pavement might be save a lot of hassle for the road
user and the road maker, and also save the money for the road user by spoiling their
car and for the authority to resurface the road pavement or reconstruct it as the money
is not necessary to spend on a poor design by the previous designer or contractor that
construct the road.

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