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Box culvert (inlet)

Assume estimated required waterway area, V = 2.0m/s

Estimated area, A = Q/V = 2.5m2
So try 1800 (wide) x 1200(height) box culvert
Design chart 27.4 with Q = 5.0 m 3/s
Q/NB = 2.78
HW/D = 1.30
HW = 1.30 X 1.2 =1.56 < 1.7m, acceptable, OK!
Check for outlet control
TW= 0.8m<1.2m
Design chart 27.9
dc = 0.92m
dc + D/2 = 0.92+1.20/2 = 1.06, already exceed tailwater depth of 0.8m
As outlined in section 27.3.3 enter design chart 27.11 with
A=1.2 x 1.8 = 2.16m2
Ke= 0.5
Draw line Q = 5m3/s and obtain H=0.45m
Fall of culvert inlet Ls=50-49=1m

= dc + D/2 + H - Ls
= 1.06+0.45-1.00=0.51m

HW(inlet) > HW(outlet), 1.56>0.51

Hydraulic radius = Area/Wetted Perimeter
R= 2.16/ 2(1.8+1.0) = 0.36m
D= 4 x 0.36= 1.44m
S= 1/90 = 0.011
From colebook whites chart, k=0.6mm (25B)(25.B4)
Vr=4.4 m/s
Qt= 2.16 x 4.4= 9.5m3/s
Q/Qr=5/9.5 = 0.526
Chart 27.7 dor B/D = 1.5
V/Vf = 1.02

V = 1.02 x 4.4 = 4.5 m/s

y/D = 0.53
y=0.53 x 1.2 = 0.64
0.64<dc =0.92m
Hence, use 1800 x 1200 as culvert box
Outlet velocity = 4.5 m/s
Headwater height of 1.5m and headwater R.L = 51.5m

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